#“how to control my limbs if I regenerate as a dog?”
timebones · 10 months
in fairness to the Not-Doctor, “things will magically disappear if I just ignore them hard enough” is a pretty reasonable conclusion to draw when Real!Doctor is having That conversation in the other room
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psiimaid · 1 year
he gets my. blood rishing. andn my fingers clench you have no idea how much i nneed need to have him so babdly iiiiiiii pleas eplase please i need to feel his pulse and overactivd heart and hear his cries and screams and hopeless sobs. and whimpers and nasal whines and begging and watch him kickk and writhe when i crack himm open and struggle whhen i pin him dwon i need him so so sos sosnsosnso badly please plames please pleade god if you’re listening i’m on my knees i need The Psiioniic from Homestuck in a size i can squeeze and crackall his fragile bone s and crush him until his gaspeing erratic breathes cease and a model that regenerates well i say model but i need him to be the only one ever ever ever i need him special one of a kind and shaki ng and eyes wet and he’s sossososo scared i need him to be real with warm flesh and wiggling toes and to look at me with with sentience behind his blank eyes and i need him to know and i want him i need him i need him to be piss his pants terrifyied of me but also kind of love me do you follow but it’s okay i don’t care as long as i have him please i need him pinned to my desk like jesus on the cross open and awake with tears streaming down his face while i spend half an hour unraveling his small intestine and puncturing each of his vital organs also maybe taste him a little please i want to feel him burst under my teeth i want to slam his skull split opn on hard concrete but it’s okay bc i’ll clena him up and make sure he smells nice and clean and bundle him up in a suffocating ball of blankets so i can can wrap around him at night and squeeze him with my whole body and i want to be able to take him wit me anywhere should i desire to do so and have himas my stress ball i watch his eyes bulge when a clamp down and hsi huge heaving breaths and twitches when i ease off only for me to crush him harder plelaepleasepleasepleaseplease i need this i need him clamped open w his teeth gritted but absolutely unable to control himself when i sprinkle salt into his open chest cavity i want to peel the muscles from his limbs like string cheese and tie him into knots hang him upside down until he passes out then revive him and do it again i want to shave him bare and shivering i i need him to feel ashamed like a dog i need to break him down again and again and again i want to pump his full of air seal his lips shut and slam my fist onto his stomach i need all this and everything i’ve ever said about him before i need this so bad you don’t understand PLEASEpleasepleaslpels please god his absence is the source of the emptiness i feel i can ignore it mostly but now i can’t help thinking about it every day and it’s so saddening that i’ll never be able to have this i’ll never be able to sear him against a burning hit frying pan i’ll never be able carve pretty designs into his skin i’ll never be able to rip him open or crush him with the force if a trash compactor i’ve never wanted anything more than this please please please either have him delivered to my door neatly packaged by tuesday or else remove this longing from my bones
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I will ask! Do you have any headcanons about Steve's serum? What it did to him, how he dealt with it, unexpected results, good or annoying things about it? That sort of thing.
It's funny you asked that because literally 3 days ago I was writing a long, winding, partly scientific post about the serum, that tumblr graciously ate up and I never saw it again. A travesty. I plan to rewrite it though.
That post focused on the popular headcanon that Steve's default temperature is higher than the norm, and that he's basically a portable space heater lol!
In short, there is some scientific basis for that, since chemical reactions in organisms are mostly controlled by enzymes and enzymes work the fastest around 40 °C. I think it's plausible Steve's brain would program his default temperature to be higher, because in order for faster healing and metabolism his body HAS to work in that optimal area, or maybe even more effectively than that!
As for what the serum did to him, I think it made his cells replicate like crazy, and embedded itself in his DNA/genetic code so that his body could replicate and produce it on its own.
One of my random headcanons is that Steve's neurons/brain cells can replicate, which is something a normal human's brain cells cannot do. Not sure if he could regenerate stuff like entire limbs, but I guess he could restore his sight or hearing if he lost it?
Some things that might be annoying - the enhanced senses that pick up on so much stuff at all times! I think it would be easy for Steve to experience sensory overload, especially in crowded or loud places. He might smell and taste much more strongly than a normal person. His pain receptors are more sensitive. Maybe he sees colors that a normal human eye cannot, but he doesn't even know because he has no frame of reference. Oh, reminds me, I like the headcanon that he was color blind before receiving the serum, so after he gets it, he just thinks that's what the colors look like for everyone.
And another annoying thing, his hair and nails grow like crazy! He has to trim them like, constantly. Now, does Steve cut his hair himself, or does he have a specialized Shield barber? Someone is employed at Shield for the sole purpose of styling Captain America's hair. I like to think he has an overenthusiastic barber who treats him like a show dog. But at least he gets a nice hair cut, lol.
I think I could come up with more stuff, and I'm sure I have a lot more lodged somewhere in my brain, but these are the things that came to mind first :D
Ask me about Steve or the MCU!
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bichlordstories · 3 years
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17: Turning Point
You were going to kill Todoroki when you find him.
Fucking running off and making you follow after him... what the hell does he think he's doing?
Just 30 minutes ago, you, Endeavour, and Todoroki were on patrol when the attacks began. There was screaming left and right, filling the air along with inhuman sounds that belonged to these mutant beasts with brains showing.
Fires and explosions went off and there were pro heroes dealing with these abominations that seemed unkillable
Endeavour was the first to react and quickly burned the thing to a crisp and you were quick to follow his lead.
Once activating your quirk, you punched one of the monsters to the ground and started beating it up, tearing it's limbs off.
The thing slowly regenerated, which brought you frustration.
You bit into it's brain out of rage and pulled its chunks out as it screamed at you.
"Blood God. Move."
You recognized the voice as Endeavour's and slowly got up. You hesitantly looked at the writhing beast beneath you before moving out of the way for Endeavour to burn it.
"You did quite the number on it." He said before fire left his fist.
The man let out a grunt as he roasted the thing alive before turning to you.
"I need you to go after my son and make sure he doesn't get into trouble. Is that understood." He said and proceeded to tell you where to find him.
You grew confused and infuriated when you realized that Todoroki was gone.
What the fuck is he doing? There are villains to fight here!
You had a moment of clarity and spat the brain bits out of your mouth.
"Yes sir."
Before he could respond, another monster came into view and tackled the man. Endeavour shot fire into its face, making it lose its control over the situation.
And thus here you were, trying to find the stupid bicolored brat.
You nearly passed an alleyway before a noise and a flash of yellow and orange caught your eye.
There he was, fighting a deranged looking ninja and... and the greenette brat. For some reason, when the man licked his blade, Todoroki fell to the ground, laying on the ground.
Just as the man was about to strike the bicolored moron, you leapt into action, quite literally.
Your body rammed the man, making him tumble back and rip up his clothes from the pavement. He was caught in a daze before shaking it off and searching for who was responsible.
"...All Might?" The man said breathlessly before narrowing his eyes.
"...no... you're not All Might."
You ignored this as your brain was registering who this man was. You knew he was familiar, no one can forget someone with his ugly mug. You heard of his ideas and his rants about society a few times before. Everyone has.
You especially heard of what he did to a pro hero by the name of Ingenium.
"So... you're the hero killer: Stain."
The crazed man slowly stood up held his sword out, pointing at you.
"You... you're the fake that nearly killed the bicolored one." He spat.
You simply ignored this and looked past him to see Deku, Iida, and a man in a Native American themed costume. Midoriya locked eyes with you and immediately yelled to you in desperation.
"Don't let him lick your blood, His quirk will paralyze you!"
Stain shifted in front of you to block your view from the greenette, which you were thankful for.
"So you've come to save your fake hero friends..." he said.
"They're not my friends." You stated.
"Hm... doesn't really matter anyways..." he said before shooting forward.
He was fast, you wouldn't lie, but you were also quick on your feet.
You ducked down really low and grabbed his feet, which took him by surprise, and pulled them out from under him.
You didn't hesitate to drag him and spin around the ground before making him go airborne for a quick second and having him make impact with the wall. Hard.
He should have passed out. Should have. But he didn't.
This infuriated you more as you quickly went to grab his face, only for him to lift his sword up just as quickly.
He left a shallow cut on your shoulder, to which you quickly grabbed the blade and pulled it away from him. You weren't about to leave the blade with him since it caught a bit of your blood.
You backed away from the slightly dazed man, who slowly walked towards you.
"You dare... take my blade... you damn fake."
"You dare take my blood, you murderer." You said back to him in a mocking tone, holding his blade in your now bloodied hand.
The man smirked, narrowing his eyes at you as he started walking forward.
"Heh... you're skillful and intelligent... I'll give you that."
He lifted his bloody hand up and licked it, which confused you for a moment before you fell limp.
The sword that you once held clattered to the ground along with your body. Stain approached you slowly like a predator ready to strike.
"...it's a shame your quirk makes you bleed out naturally."
He picked up the blade and pulled out another before standing over you.
"Any last words, fake?" Stain said while placing his two blades on both sides of your neck.
"...of all the things..."
The man's nasty smile fell and he cocked his head to the left in confusion.
"What was that?"
"Of all the things to go after... you chose fakes that still did their jobs of saving lives...? You... you could have used your skills... your fighting experience to kill pedophiles... rapists... human traffickers..." you glared daggers into the now expressionless man's eyes.
"You could have taken the hero's jobs and still make a god damn statement about how unreliable fakes are... but instead you chose to target corrupt politicians, people with shitty fucking opinions over... over actual murderers." You spat out a bit of your blood as your quirk was still activated.
"There are people you could have saved that the frauds failed to do, but instead you go after a bunch of stupid kids who wear their hearts on their sleeves, one of which had his older brother sent to the damn hospital because of you." Your voice cracked as you grew both fearful and angry each second.
This man was going to kill you, you realized. He was going to kill you, and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
Everyone else was paralyzed including you.
Oh god.
You were going to die.
You never even got to save anyone and become a hero.
Fresh blood and tears trailed down your cheeks more and more, staining your (h/c) hair.
The man still stared down at you with no emotions on his face. His smile was long gone, replaced with a slight frown.
Just then, a flash of green knocked the man away from you, which caused one of the blades to leave a shallow cut into your neck.
You couldn't move your head, only your eyes and mouth, but you knew who it was.
The greenette held up against the man while the rest of you laid there paralyzed.
Soon, the ingenium kid, Iida, got back control over his body and joined the battle.
You were paralyzed both physically and mentally.
You almost died. You were about to be decapitated.
You were still in danger, after all, he isn't in cuffs yet.
But you were staring your death in the eyes.
In all of your 16 years of life, you had never been faced with something as severe as your own death.
You seen death before, you do visit the hospital and you have gotten to meet patients with terminal Illnesses.
But never have you battled your own death.
Is this what helplessness is like?
You didn't like it.
Not one bit...
You stayed laying there until someone came to pick you up.
"...No..." you croaked out, not realizing that it was the ingenium kid.
"(L/n)-san, I'm here to help." Iida said while giving you up into a piggyback ride.
"...Stain." You said, growing weaker as your quirk slowly deactivated itself.
"We took care of him..."
You could have sworn you saw tears collect in the kid's eyes.
"You all did..."
You couldn't hold onto consciousness any longer and slipped into darkness.
You woke up to the smells and sounds of a hospital, finding odd comfort in the familiar environment.
A formal voice was talking in the background followed by a woof. You didn't open your eyes but instead listened to what he was saying.
It took you a couple minutes to realize that he was talking about the legality that was the battle against Stain. A whole bunch of junk about how todoroki, Iida, and the greenette brat should be punished for initiating a fight against the villain.
"...they're the only one who was given permission by a pro hero to help keep you out of trouble and did what they were told."
It was obvious he was referring to you.
After chewing them out more in a professional way, the mutt finally told them that they have an option to pretend it was Endeavour who took out the hero killer and avoid punishment.
Although reluctant, they were forced to agree.
The police chief muttered his thanks to the kids and then left.
"...is he gone yet?" You said out loud, wincing at your dry throat and the scratchiness in your voice.
Your eyes were closed the entire time, so you didn't see the dog-headed man leave.
You heard a bit of gasping near you and some shuffling.
"You're awake!"
That annoying voice. That damn annoying voice you hate so much is talking to you.
There was a moment of silence, which made the three boys believe they were just hearing things before you spoke.
"...I believe I should give credit where credit is due..."
While you refused to open your eyes while saying this, you could still hear everything around you.
"You saved my life... Deku... and I... appreciate this second chance at life and shall cherish it..."
You could feel the shock radiating off the greenette. Tch. So obvious.
"...but don't think that for a second that I'll be picking daisies with you. I still fucking hate your guts." You said.
"Eh? How is that being appreciative???" Iida asked in a bewildered tone.
You didn't answer, which made the blue haired gentleman start making chopping motions with his broken arm before yelping when it let out a crack and pop.
Old habits die hard, aye? Iida couldn't help but try to scold Mc, which didn't work out for him since he just made his arm worse.
Looks like Mc is slowly gonna respect Izuku... until they find out about All Might being their secret dad.
And when they learn that Midoriya knew before them.
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thenixkat · 3 years
More aliens from the Animorphs knock off project. Do note that the Aran are originally from my Aranverse/On Silver Thread project. ANd the Sobrik-Ra are based on my first Indrim design b4 I made those guys racist space ponies for Drako Frajo.
Big fucking spiders
8 limbs= 6 legs + 2 arms. 6 eyes= 2 large primary forward facing+ 2 secondary eyes on the front corners of the head + 2 secondary eyes on the back corners of the head.
Secondary eyes are good for seeing light/darkness, motion, and shapes. Primary eyes do all that but also fine details, colors, and depth perception. The only blind spot they have is right bedding them since their butts block part of their hind vision.
A diverse and cultured people. The smallest of their kind are dog-sized while the largest are car-sized.  
Come in dozens of colors. And even more patterns. Much like real spiders. They’re separated into 8 races based on body type, hunting strategy, and culture.
Their homeworld is in the middle of a massive apocalypse b/c the male moon (the smaller of their two moons) orbit has changed causing a decent chunk of the land that the nomadic tribes live on to become desert causing famine, disease, and strife over the remaining resources.
The nomadic tribes are the ones enslaved/colonized by the femoro who promised them a steady supply of food and fancy space weapons to wage war with the settled tribes for remaining resources
Have a thing for the number 8. Describe themselves as 8 races descended from their ancestor hero-god Aransi.
Think that mammal-like creatures are actually kind of gross b/c it reminds them of the pest animals on their planet. They fear and respect reptilian creatures as the most dangerous creatures on their planet and many of their gods are giant bird and lizard-like creatures. They think amphibian-like creatures are adorable b/c they remind them of their world’s version of cats and dogs.
Are predatory, eat mostly ‘meat’. Can and do supplement their diet with pollen and nectar/honeydew. Are generally social, tho how social varies with their race.
Taste with their feet and hear with their hair. Are functionally deaf when wearing full-body space suits.
Communicate via hissing, sign language, and dance. Have a ‘written’ language made from knitted silk sheets/scrolls that are read like braille.
Do have access to magic. Electricity-based magic which most use to fly or start fires or power electronics. This makes them partially resistant to the femoros ability to control minds.
Are perfectly fine with cannibalism for many different reasons.
Can spin silk from the spinnerettes on their hands and abdomen
Bug lizards. If scyther was a digimon
Native to a planet where most of the surface is covered in grasses as long as the ocean is deep. Specifically live in the upper layers of grass where there’s plenty of light and open sky
Have 3 hornlike crystalline eyes. A pheasant-like beak with grinding teeth in the back of their mouth. A long mobile neck. Humanlike torso. Arms somewhere between pterosaur wings and bladed mantis forelegs with thumbless clawed hands. Parrot/woodpecker legs. Tail somewhere between gecko and insect abdomen full of fat/should be full of fat if they’re eating properly. Tough skin made up of chitinous overlapping scales that get spikey over their hips and shoulders and feathery on their back. Can change color depending on their mood, their default is pinkish-orange along their belly side and greener along their topside. They are pale and dull when stressed and more vibrant and lush when happy and dark-colored when content.
They cannot blink and have very good depth perception. And excellent hearing.
Their arm blades are used to cut grass, defend themselves, assist in climbing and gliding.
Are very lightweight for their size, but still very strong. And can leap/brachiate at breakneck speeds.
Their babies cling to their backs by clutching the feathery scales.
Make buildings and clothing from woven grass.
Don’t naturally read or write, do not technically pass the mirror cognition test, have difficulty conceptualizing numbers past 10.
Have a deep oral tradition that stretches unbroken covering over 10 thousand years, most are multilingual and know at least four languages at the conversational level, can accurately memorize the faces and names of hundreds of individuals as well as the social and familial relationships of those people, can navigate solely via the stars even on different planets, can memorize the effects and properties od just as many plants and quickly deduce the properties of newly encountered plants
Herbivores, supplement their diet of grass, epiphytes, fruits, seeds, and fungi with insects and scavenging fresh carcasses and bones.
Relatively peaceful and polite and their primary defense is flight, but they are fully capable of throwing hands and will do so brutally if flight is not an option.
Can heal and regenerate very quickly
Have notably short lifespans, are elderly when they hit their 20s and most don’t make it to 30.
Technically their blades can be disabled the same way that lobster claws and crocodilian mouth can. The opening muscles for their blades are rather weak while the ones for closing are very strong. So duct tape wrapped around their forearms can keep them from using their blades. They can however still slap the shit out of things with their clawed hands.
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 14
Fighty fighty fight time!
For the record, I chat with a coworker about shows every now and then, I’ve gotten him watching RWBY and update him on my Brotherhood progress. He was quite happy to hear that I’d gotten to Greed, and the implications thereof. I had been under the assumption that all the Goths were working together, but Greed is clearly working on his own plans independent of the main group. That accounts for the main Goths (Lust, Gluttony, Envy) and our immortality-seeker (Greed), which leaves Sloth, Wrath, and Pride unaccounted for. Looking forward to how they’re represented! Episode 14 - “Those Who Lurk Underground” Huh, same intro. We’re definitely past the midpoint (14/26), does Brotherhood not change? Hey, it’s Central! Overhead shot like when Mr. Freeze was casting a city-wide TC. Roy’s walking through a hallway as a bunch of Shadowy Officers gossip. Roy finds their skepticism amusing. Time to talk with the boss… only Fuhrer Bradley’s away? “Inspecting the South”? But that’s where the Elrics went. Maybe I’m being suspicious, but that’s an awfully big coincidence right after Bradley pushed to keep the Philosopher’s Stone experiments suppressed. In the sewers now, Dolcetto’s leading the Chimeras with Al in tow. Sudden sniffing (man that place has to stink even worse for Dog-Man), and they tense up, Roa just says it feels like old times. Ayup, there’s the eyepatch. Bradley’s outside the Devil’s Nest, not looking too happy. “What an interesting discovery for such a routine inspection.” Oh, oh my. Looks like Bradley’s in fighting mode, and he brought Armstrong and some mooks with him. I knew Greed was gonna get stomped by Izumi, this is overkill. [Bradley]: “Move in!” Ed and Izumi are facing off against Armored-Greed now. Who starts laughing at “a housewife and a hotheaded brat.” Yeah, let’s see how funny you find it after oh come ON! Don’t you run away you coward, we’re just getting to the good part. Bleh, what a time for Izumi’s internal injuries to act up.
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Ok good the troops are here. Medic for the lady! Back to Al, who’s struggling against Martel. Worm your way to freedom, buddy! Aw, but Greed just showed up. Still love his smarmy attitude and how he nonchalantly says things have gotten “a little out of hand”, but you’re still holding my boy Alphonse. [Bradley]: “I can’t let you do that.” Ooooh! Was disappointed when Greed split and Izumi keeled over, but maybe we’ll get a good fight scene this episode after all! The Fuhrer is here, swords already drawn. Bradley starts monologuing about how it sucks getting old. Body stops moving the way you want it to, so he’d rather get this over quickly and go home. Greed just laughs and says he should retire- goodbye armor hand! Fight fight fight! Looks like Greed’s hand is regenerating, but nowhere near fast enough to take on Bradley who’s beating him like a pinata. Elsewhere Roa is going hand-to-hand with The Mighty Armstrong (who shed his shirt offscreen, of course). Or rather, hammer-to-hand. Actually, make that majestic statue-to-hand since Armstrong morphed the hammer into something far more fetching. [The Mighty Armstrong]: “Behold! *sparkle sparkle* You have just had the rare pleasure of witnessing the famous Armstrong statuary technique!” Gasp! Roa, how dare you simply throw away such a piece of art! The uncultured barbarian Hulks out to the point that even a direct Armstrong punch to the face doesn’t stop him. This one might take two. The Gun Mooks are dealing with the rest of the Chimeras as Ed and Izumi are taken to safety, per the direct orders of Bradley. So confirmation that Bradley knew there were at least Human-Chimeras there, if they’re carrying out prior orders. But how did he know? Oh dear, Armstrong is still facing Ogre-Roa, slammed into the wall. And may Leto smite you for the damage to Armstrong’s temple by scraping his face against the wall! Trading punches, The Mighty Armstrong commends his adversary, and in his mercy offers Roa a chance to surrender. But Roa oh come on you Mooks! I know you’re following Bradley’s orders but just wait a second and you might get a prisoner to question! Or just shoot the guy whatever. Until sudden rescue from Dolcetto, he cuts a pipe and the Chimera’s make their escape in the steam. Back to Greed, who’s pulled a Deadpool and regrown his hand. Punching, he knocks Bradley’s eyepatch off? But immediately gets sworded through the neck. [Bradley, with a scarred white eye]: “I understand why you’d think you have an advantage over a man like me since I possess neither your impenetrable Ultimate Shield, nor an Ultimate Spear that can pierce any substance. But I’ll tell you a secret. Do you know how I managed to distinguish myself amongst the storms of bullets on the battlefield time after time, to rise to my current position?” [Greed, who’s been better]: “Y-You’re…” Wait Wait wait wait His eye, his scarred eye, the one the eyepatch was covering Uruboros, his pupil is the uruboros symbol WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Bradley’s a Goth?! One of the Homunculi? Ok ok hold up, let’s recount. We’ve got the Main Goths (Lust, Gluttony, Envy) and Greed on his lonesome. Greed knew of the others in that they “didn’t talk anymore” but not that they had access to Soul Armors like Al. And he didn’t recognize Bradley, so no connection there. But Bradley knew enough to come hunting Greed when the Elric Brothers got close, so the jury’s still out on him working with the Main Goths ala the Lab and coverup. Which implies that he’s connected to Hughes’ death but that’s a whole ‘nother thing, we’ll come back to that. So Bradley’s a Goth/Homunculi, possibly connected to the Main Goths pending confirmation, separate from Greed and seeking to kill him for unspecified reasons. So if we’re sticking to the Seven Deadly Sins naming theme, which is he? Sloth? Maybe a play on his super-speed power, but all the others have powers connected to their ability rather than in spite of it. Wrath? Again, generally calm attitude but maybe it’s a mask and he certainly gets angry when our characters haven’t been around to see it like here and against Mr. Freeze. And oh my Leto if he actually is Wrath I am going to scream, I was calling this asshole Fuhrer Fury just based on the eyepatch. If “Fuhrer Fury” was Wrath all along I’m done, I’m just done. That leaves Pride, which I can see as being the top dog of the Military, ties into his speech just then about distinguishing himself. So minor ironic support for Sloth, combat ability supports Wrath (uuuuuugh!), and status supports Pride. [Bradley]: “I may not have the protection of your Ultimate Shield, but I clearly see your weakness with my Ultimate Eye.”
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The Goth of Undetermined Name withdraws his swords, and Greed collapses to the ground. [Bradley]: “Now then, Greed. How many times am I going to have to kill you before you stay dead?” Ok, creepy shot of Bradley’s Uroborus eye glowing in a shadowed face. Far away from the Reveal, Martel’s keeping Al put, wondering where Greed is. Footsteps? Hey, Greed’s coming back looking a bit worse for wear. Bradley let him go? Nope, just led him along with a sword through the neck. Jeez, just finish him off already, don’t drag it out. Oh, Al’s keeping Martel from getting out, saying that Bradley will kill her. Trying to protect your captor? Bradley says he’s killed Greed 15 times now, wonders how many more it’ll take. But don’t fret Greed, help has arrived! In the form of severely wounded Dolcetto and Roa. Huh. Despite them being kidnappers and failing to appreciate fine art, I can respect their loyalty to their boss. Misplaced and bound to get them killed, but still. Respect. And even before they go to die against Bradley, they tell Al to protect her. Cue heartwrenching screaming as she pleads for Al to let her out to help her friends. And Bradley cuts them down. [Greed]: “Whoa, that was a little excessive. Killing me is one thing, but they’re not coming back.” [Bradley]: “Pitying the lost lives of your pawns? Pathetic.” [Greed]: “Excuse me? Are you senile? Did you forget who I am, old man? I’m the living incarnation of greed. Those weren’t my friends, Bradley, they were my possessions! Money! Women! Henchmen! They’re all possessions! So killing my henchmen is the same as stealing from me! And I don’t let people take what’s mine!” Ok, you’re still overall a bad guy and I want you to lose, but damn if that wasn’t one of the most Slytherin things I’ve ever heard. It’d be better if you saw your henchmen as, you know, actual people. But still, that is an excellent way to phrase the Slytherin ideal of self-interest.
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[Bradley]: “Greed… you grow more pathetic by the second!” The Fuhrer unleashes on Greed now, a lovely fluid fightscene until Bradley stabs Greed again and tells him to stay put, he’ll be right back. Guuuuh, I’m getting shivers of seeing this man who just slaughtered the Chimeras walking towards Al with sword drawn, even as he calmly asks if Al’s been hurt and if he can help him at all. And then Martel uses her control of the armor to grab Bradley by the throat. Oh. Oh jeez. Al was pleading for Martel to stop, Martel was screaming for Bradley to die… and Bradley just put a sword right down through the armor. There was *shunk* noise… and then blood started gushing out of Al’s armor. That’s… that’s a thing. Guh blood’s splashed onto the sigil in the armor, that if anything is Al’s physical form that is him wait what? Blood-triggered flashback? Al’s getting his memory back! He did meet Truth like Ed, went through the gate and saw things as his body was torn apart, right at the end he saw Mama Elric? But Truth is smiling that creepy smile and Ed’s grabbing onto his own body what is… Oh god. The viewpoint is looking at young Ed from inside a Transmutation Circle. The Transmutation Circle. And a blackened limb is reaching out. … Al snaps out of it to the sound of Ed’s voice. He asks if Al’s ok, Al asks if Ed’s ok. He’s covered in blood- Ed’s been opened up. The body’s been removed, but the blood is still there. [Al sobbing]: “I couldn’t save her.” Ed tries to tell Al it wasn’t his fault. But this isn’t something you can just brush off with a “Let’s go home, ‘kay?” Bradley’s walking up, saying that he needs to ask them both some questions before they can leave. He asks if they’d known Greed before. And if they traded any information with him. Ed says no, and the military was never mentioned. But I thought when Greed talked about Human Chimeras- [Bradley]: “That isn’t my concern. Let me be more specific.” The Fuhrer has an awful lot scowling armed guys behind him. [Bradley]: “If you arranged a deal or shared any knowledge with him… Then I’ll execute both of you right now.” Ed still insists nothing was said. Now Bradley’s pressing about his metal limbs and any connection to Al’s armored body… before he chuckles about Ed being an honest kid and leaves, telling Ed to take care of his younger brother. ...what’s your game, Bradley? Why are you doing all of this? At the butcher shop, Izumi’s in bed while Bradley visits her in his dress blues. Offering protection? Wait a minute, he’s seriously trying to recruit Izumi as a State Alchemist while she’s bedridden from internal injuries. Ah, so it’s “protection” he’s offering. When Izumi doesn’t bite he just says he’ll be back (quick zoom to his eyepatch), “perhaps you’ll have had a change of heart.” Outside, Ed’s cleaning Al’s breastplate and chatting with Armstrong, saying that Greed had a Uroboros tattoo. Like the Goths at the lab, that he told Armstrong and Hughes- Oh come on! This episode has been brutal enough, do not add “tell the Elrics about Hughes’ murder” to the mix! No, I think Armstrong understands that’d be too much for now. He just tells Ed to not do anything rash, and leaves. Now that they’re alone, Al tells Ed that his memories of Truth are back. A brief lighthearted moment when he imitates their “weird” teasing, but nothing about how to get their bodies back. Ed says that it wasn’t a bust, reminds Al about how there was unrest in the military about the Stone and that Bradley said he was looking into it. [Ed]: “Well Greed was obviously connected to them somehow. But if so… why’d the Fuhrer slaughter everyone? If he was trying to figure out what they’re up to, why didn’t he catch them and make them talk?” There’s only one answer to that: he didn’t want them to talk. He wanted what they knew to die with them. The Elrics don’t seem to have caught onto this yet, I guess not knowing that Bradley is a Goth like we know leaves it murkier. They don’t know, so they’re going to get closer. We return to Central, travel through some pipes, and hear a familiar voice. [Lust]: “Welcome back, Fuhrer. How was your inspection of the South?” Oh crap. Fuhrer’s saying that both “Fullmetal’s younger brother” and “their teacher” are candidates for human sacrifice. The leader of the Military is working for the Goths? At best I was hoping he was another independent Homunculi like Greed was, but this? This is bad. Not to mention that Izumi has a target painted on her back now, since apparently Bradley can see those who have met Truth with his Ultimate Eye. Oh, and he’s brought a present, a wayward Goth. Greed wakes up to see that “the gang’s all here”. Are all the Goths present at this little meeting? Confirmation that it’s Lust who has the Ultimate Spear technique in the form of her Fingers of Doom. Gluttony (still trying out diets) and Envy (“Please! For the last time, get a new outfit!”) are there too. Sloth is namedropped, Lust says he’s being kept working. Which brings Greed to the “new addition”, Bradley. [Bradley]: “I am Wrath the Furious.” Leto DAMN IT, he really was Fuhrer Fury. Come on! To the humans, he’s the leader of Amestris (holy crap did we finally get the name of this country?), but in truth he was created by Father for the plan. Greed is shocked at the idea of a Homunculus that can grow older. “Can”? Bit of teasing between Greed and Envy who does NOT like being called ugly- [Father]: “Stop your nonsense. Both of you.” Oho, the aforementioned Father, maker of the Goths! Methinks we finally get to meet the Big Bad of the show! Father chides the kids to act better- beard beard beard beard beard WHAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT!!!?!?!!? I know that facial hair! Is that- Are you- Father is Papa Elric?! [FATHER]: “You are both my son and you are a piece of my soul. So why would you betray your loving father?” Greed just says he was being true to his nature, he didn’t want to spend his life working for Father. And when asked to come back, he refuses. Father takes this… not well. As in, he sloooowly dips Greed into molten metal. Greed goes out yelling that he’ll see his siblings in Hell and he’ll give Pops a stomachache. Lots of pipes later, Father downs a toast to The Promised Day… and their undying loyalty. “Talk about cheesy” indeed. After this little family reunion, Bradley/Wrath is taking a walk when a voice called [Selim] calls out “Father!”. Right, Bradley did say in the first episode that he’d have a story for “his boy”. But how does this work, being a Homunculus and all? Tied into how it’s unusual that he can age? We end with charming little family chatter, [Bradley’s Wife] (yes, that is her official subtitle name) worrying about his age, and Selim getting all excited to hear about The Fullmetal Alchemist and saying that he wants to become a State Alchemist to help out his father one day. [Bradley]: “You never know, Selim. Maybe you will help me out someday.” Credits. ...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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callsignbaphomet · 5 years
Asani and the impact on the land: chinipaka and juapaka
{Ok so for reference’s sake this was sitting in my notes for a long time and I was slowly adding in more information until I felt it was complete enough. This is just part one since Asani had an enormous impact on the land they slithered into and made their home in. The other parts will involve flora and the earth itself, magic and even Sanaa’s people the Nyota tribe. There’s even a part on Asani themself but I’m still fleshing things out with them as the Nyota see him as a threat but another tribe sees her as a benevolent goddess that the Nyota was trying to destroy.
*They, he, she. None of my Makers have a gender or even view it the same as people see it. Hell, hardly any of them have names safe for a few, Asani, being one of them. The name was given to him by the Nyota people and he just accepted it. To the other tribe they appear as a goddess named Chausiku. So no pronoun for these beings is wrong.}
Once Asani, at the time nameless, arrived on Earth, specifically the continent of Africa, they walked the land looking for a place to hide from the sun's gaze. They hid so they'd never have to look at the sun ever again. This was not due to any weaknesses but out of sheer arrogance and shame. Having lost a battle with dozens of Makers and exiled they felt humiliated and angry. Once they found shelter within a cave they swore vengeance and that they would grow powerful enough to destroy the sun and the day time and would usher in a world of eternal night where the stars and the moon would never be outshun.
To regenerate power Asani went into a cave and dug. They dug for months until the cold of the deep Earth made them feel at ease, until the darkness was so thick that the stars in their head could shine bright once again. Before their sleep they crafted an animal taking inspiration from the animals that called the land their home.
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The chinipaka are cat like in appearance. They're active during the night and sleep during the day but they might venture out during the day if there is a heavy storm that they can sense will last hours if not all day long as they avoid the sun like their creator does. Many people use sightings of these creatures during the day as a way to tell how the weather will be for the day. An adult chinipaka can be between 20-25 inches tall and weigh anywhere between 30 to 40 pounds. They're incredibly noisy making sounds that resemble a bad mix between meowing and a roar and have been known to chirp loudly. Their fur is a dark gray blue while the fur around their necks is black. The three thin limbs protruding from their manes are feelers. The tip of these 3 feelers has a bioluminescent bright blue glow which activates when in use. The chinipaka are completely blind and use these feelers to "see" which is when they glow indicating that they are tracking prey or checking their enviroment. Their sense of smell is second only to a werewolf's, their slim bodies are flexible and agile thanks to their hypermobility though the creatures don't suffer any of the negative side effects that humans with hypermobility might. This flexibility means they can contort their bodies in unsettling ways and can squeeze into any area they so choose. They make their homes in caves or in underground tunnels they dig. If one is brought out into the sunlight it'll desperately try to dig and bury itself until dusk. Their fur is soft but their manes are even softer, the Nyota people use their fur and manes to craft clothing though the manes along with the three feelers are exclusively used by warriors. After death the tip of the feelers will continuously glow though not as intensely, no one is sure why. Chinipakas have eyes though they remain closed as they have no need of them. They have been observed opening them to reveal strange eyes that lack any irises or pupils. They open their eyes rarely but when they do the creatures turn stoic and stiff and refrain from making any sounds. What is actually happening is that Asani is looking through their eyes using them as a type of mobile security camera which is why they were created in the first place. However, this was only theorized by the Nyota people (was proven correct). The cat like creatures have a life expectancy of 18 years. They grow rapidly; at 4 months a chinipaka is fully grown and mature enough to breed which they do a lot of with litters being anywhere between 16 and 20. With a gestation period of a month that means they reproduce impossibly fast so people have to cull their numbers and at times it's almost impossible to keep the population in control. Aside from overpopulation and Asani's use of them the creatures are pests. They're omnivores and will eat anything and everything. They'll target cattle as well as crops and have been known to ravage entire fields overnight though thankfully they only feed once a month but they feed a lot in that one night. They don't have a taste for human and non-human flesh but they will and have been known to attack unprovoked. Despite their size a lone chinipaka can be formidable and can and have killed grown people. Their claws and fangs are deadly but a pack is a dangerous threat. Aside from claws and fangs their saliva will turn into an acidic concoction that's full of toxins and bacteria when they attack. The saliva enters the victim through the injuries caused by their claws and fangs and can kill a full grown healthy human adult in 2 to 3 hours. Aside from using their fur people use the oils from these creatures' fat. The oils have dozens of medicinal properties and is used to cure the venomous saliva. The hard bones are sturdy enough to be used as tools while their saliva is used as potent poison. Their eyes and blood have magical properties and are used in abundance by arcanists.
Sub-species of the chinipaka: Juapaka
As people have always been people they'll find some way to pet any animal (I just called myself out lol), supernatural or not. The chinipaka are no exception to this rule. Enter the juapaka. This is a sub-species of the chinipaka. This sub-species occured after people domesticated several chinipakas, through generations the creatures changed due to their life style. Juapakas are still mostly active at night but can be seen roaming about in the middle of the day. These are also completely blind but unlike their close relatives they have no eyes. Another difference is that they also rely heavily on hearing, not just their feelers. Their fur is a shiny dark brown while the mane is still black. However, the fur on their body is a tad coarse and the mane isn't as soft and silky as their wild relatives. The juapakas are sturdy, have a relatively strong bite, are fast runners though not anywhere near as flexible as the chinipaka. These also lack any lethal bacteria in their saliva which makes them an appealing pet though they're mostly used as a type of "guard dog". Juapakas and chinipakas DO NOT GET ALONG so juapakas will alert humans and non-humans when chinipakas are around. They can also sense Asani's presence and when they're influencing the land or is trying to do something. But just like their cousins the critters become very active when there's some astronomical event happening (lunar eclipse, shooting star showers, comets and so forth). They mature and breed exactly as their cousins so people keeping them as pets or working pets need to monitor them or else they get overrun very easily. They eat as much as chinipakas which is a major downside to keeping one. However there are still people who are suspicious of the creatures and would prefer not to keep them as pets. This is more of a personal thing but people usually respect someone's wishes not to be near the animals.
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fox-guardian · 5 years
My Underdeveloped Story
So this post is mainly for context regarding my Dreamscape story and the characters in it. I'll probably make posts about it so I just wanted to give context for stuff. There is basically no plot aside from a rough idea for the very beginning, so this is just the setting and characters.
Time period: Modern day
Places: Earth (somewhere in Arizona) and the Dreamscape (pretty much only Feveren)
(I've introduced some of them before, but I'll just give some quick descriptions here.)
Species: Human
Race: Mixed, but mostly East Asian
Gender: Male, he/him
Sexuality: Straight....?
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Birthday: Nov 14
Age: 28
Occupation: Office job at his brother's company.
Interests: Dabbled in genetic engineering in his late teens-early 20s, his true passion is designing fashion and dreams of having celebrities wear his clothes. He loves pie. His favorite colors are mauves and pinks. Though he wears blue all the time because bAcksTorY. He also becomes fascinated with Feverenian culture.
Relationships: Romantic? None. Ever. Except for a 1st grade sweetheart but that's it. Platonic? He has a brother named Aaron that owns a company that Frederic works at (not too major of a character), he basically adopted a girl named Anne but they're more like best friend roommates, has a giant dog named Mutt, talks to his parents a fair amount, and befriends the "Feverenian Crew" as I shall call them I guess. He's also friends with some co-workers but he's not too close.
Major Flaws: Highly secretive and not trusting, pretty paranoid (he has a modified security system with cameras and put a tracker on Mutt and Anne but they're both aware of it so it ain't that bad) he's an insomniac, he is very insecure about his appearance and his physical "flaws" (i.e. dark circles, a few moles here and there, his "puffy, sunburnt looking" cheeks, etc.) and he has trouble completely being himself (He was bullied throughout his life and hides certain aspects to reduce said bullying. Like wearing blue instead of pink to look less "gay" but keeping his flamboyant personality and some of his mannerisms because that's too much work to change. His changes became to consistent for him to change for fear of ridicule. He wears pink on Wednesdays tho. Y'all know why.) He is very protective of Anne and doesn't like having her with boyfriends for fear of her getting hurt, and fear of losing her as a companion. He has a fear/delusion deep down that the people around him don't really care about him, and fake it to get something out of spending time with him.
Species: Human
Race: White
Gender: Female, she/her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Birthday: Oct 12
Age: 17
Occupation: Student, no job yet
Interests: Drawing, video games, doing dumb stuff with her friends, memes, puns, etc. Her favorite color is purple.
Relationships: Romantic? Heheh maybe. Platonic? Frederic is her guardian, they're besties, she has a group of friends at school, her two best school friends are Dennis and America, Mutt is BFF (best furry friend), she is very close with Osiris (heheheh) and alright with the rest of the Fev Crew, especially Rose.
Major Flaws: I guess her being a double amputee is one. Her legs were surgically removed from just below the knee due to an infection and she now has several sets of prosthetic limbs that Frederic made for her. Not too much of a flaw though, she isn't too disadvantaged by it. She doesn't tell Frederic too many of her problems because she knows he deals with a lot and she almost feels responsible for him at times when he gets in an emotionally bad place, so she also has a weight on her shoulders of supporting him while not wanting to drag him down with her issues. (Wow what a run-on) She's very mature and feels that she needs to be in order to "prove" to Frederic that she can be out on her own.
Species: Feverenian Royal
Race: Royal I guess lol
Gender: Male, he/him
Sexuality: Low-key Bi
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Birthday: Oct 30
Age: Actual Years? 34. Royal Years? 26.
Occupation: King of Feveren and Royal Executioner
Interests: Alcohol (he's not an alcoholic he just wants to open a distillery one day), anime/manga, torture methods (yeah that's dark, but he's the executioner and that's how it be in Feveren) His favorite color is red, he likes his steak rare as heck.
Magical Abilities: Fire element, he can breathe fire, control fire, turn his hair into fire, go into a fiery rage, etc. He's also immortal in the sense that he can at least regenerate from any wound. If he got blown to bits or incinerated by lasers he would just shwoop back into place. Whether or not he lives forever is yet to be known.
Relationships: Romantic? 5 ex-girlfriends, one current crush. Platonic? He considers Victor to be his best friend, he and his sister Rose are pretty close, he's very close to Frederic and Anne, Mutt loves him, he's on good terms with most of the Palace Staff, and he does not like Osiris.
Major Flaws: Starts off pretty arrogant and lazy. He's pretty casual, he has the power and luxury of a King, but lives as a casual peasant (Meaning he dresses and behaves casually for someone of his status. He wears suits, but they aren't very fancy, and he often engages in casual conversation making crude jokes and chatting with the staff. He still has and wants all the luxuries of Royalty though, like people bowing at his feet and all that power-trippy stuff.) He's an idiot. Very oblivious, not very bright in most areas, and not the wisest either. Sort of a brat.
This is only 3/7 characters but this is raking forever to save an what not so here these babs are for now hnnnngh.
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jeuneoiseau · 6 years
Over the course of the last two weeks, I have:
1) Begun new vitamin supplements to combat depression and anxiety
2) witnessed a tragic death of a stranger
3) scheduled and cancelled an appointment for a wisdom tooth extraction
4) cried in the face of a near stranger in a bathroom and felt beautiful because of it
5) seen my mother through surgery for the removal of half of her thyroid
6) missed my train
7) pet a dog
8) walked through bryant park in the snow at night
9) felt entirely hopeless
10) felt immeasurably hopeful
These patterns and obstacles have been particularly tricky to sift through and come out feeling strong, but the truth of the matter is: the feelings that have followed each of these events have followed me for most of my life.
If you consider yourself “a feeler” I ask you to raise a hand.
Then you know how deep a small thing can cut. And how great a big thing can change you.
I have always thought about life in both the simplest and grandest of terms. Always drawn to nature, to the things that made breathing easy. I notice that even now, I follow the patterns I wish I followed more when I was younger. To stow away and regenerate the immensity of knowing how sacred life is. I couldn’t turn off my music before bed so I would hide my walkman under my sheets and let the sounds consume me. I wondered why God didn’t speak to me audibly- wondered if he was even listening at all. Felt so guilty that I almost puked. Told my dad, and felt free.
I saw the stranger crossing the road in pouring rain, in the dark, in the middle of ongoing traffic. I heard her body get rammed by the car, saw her fly in the air. Spent an hour and a half in the police station, giving detail after detail of what I witnessed- laid in bed at night shivering at the repeating thought.
I avoided the thought of my mother being cut open because I knew that if I let it sink in I would lose grasp of everything I am attempting to control. But one day before the day of her appointment and the house of cards in my stomach had given way and my core felt void of grit- that at any given moment I could regurgitate the kings and queens and spades and show and tell what I’ve really got going for me- paper cuts and soggy cards. A kingdom for the weary.
But mom came home and with a long scar at the bottom of her neck told me she was thankful.
I am a sound minded person who sometimes drives with her eyes closed on the highway. Wondering what it would be like for me to just...not be. I’m a heavy hearted worshiper, who has flown across the country to pursue the heart of a supernatural Wonder, laid face down on the floor in glory-tears. I’ve flung my limbs so far and hard it’s a wonder I’m still intact.
I have lived in this paradox- of feeling as though I have loved so hard that if I died I would be satisfied, and wishing that love did not hurt so deeply, that The Cutting (the loving) would end.
I have tasted and seen that Love is good. I grew up thinking I knew. But in a moment of hitting almost rock bottom, my 19 year old soul blew a gasket and reset the entire generator so that everything appeared so bright, one might wonder if the sun had rolled in closer to the earth and things began slowly bursting into wonderful little glows of flame- everywhere I looked, every place I walked.
God is real. He...She speaks ever so often. Listening, loving, teaching, restoring.
This heart of mine has been under works, and I never want it to subside.
Do you know what it is to feel alive?
I revisit redemption every morning I lift my head- or rather, she visits me. Telling me my shame is gone, wiping my slate clean. Giving me space to feel and grow, to be solemn or joyful or nothing at all. True Love is not earned, it does not leave us wondering, it is not an appearance or a show. True Love is a calling, and it comes through with Hope. And Hope...is the thing with feathers. (Emily Dickinson). Julie means youthful spirit, Ellen means light, Vogel means bird. And while this bird’s wings are familiar with flight, there is time set aside for molting...shedding...feeling the feathers fall and be replaced anew. We are better equipped for life in the sky. All you hopeful, all you torn, lift your weary head and see the Light that has come for you and me. Life is a beautiful mess of a time. I’m finding truth and love from mine. Perhaps you will come along for the flight. Just like me, it is Free.
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lilietsblog · 6 years
so I finished the game yesterday all on my lonesome without internet
why yes I am perfectly fine and not emotionally compromised in the slightest
enjoy my screaming
IT'S GHOST TRICKING TIME which is to say it's ghost tricking time without internet so I'm doing this in wordpad tumblr really needs an 'import rtf' function >_>
SO from what I remember, when last we left off I was about to try to figure out how the fuck a knitted cap and a helmet are going to help me stop a bullet LET'S DIVE RIGHT BACK INTO THIS FOLKS
I still love how Sissel just ignores the dog's little 'WHATS A HOSTAGE O NO' instead of digging into explaining it
oh thank god the game DOES remember ive read this text before
...oh, I forgot how I did this the last time O WELL
all right, so I remember swiveling the lamp and dropping the hard hat, then when the knitted cap is over here I can swap it with the book and get it on the hook but how did I get the knitted cap over here
aha, he looked away for a moment, the helmet part is done what the fuck do i do now
AHA okay, so now i very quickly cart the ladder back and forth, I think I remember this
fuck, he noticed me, okay don't swivel the lamp while he's watching, swivel it while he's still looking away
I gotta note the 'I don't know why you're wearing my face' part HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
fuck, nope, I can't swivel the lamp back at that moment because he notices it clattering and turns right around FUCK OKAY LET'S TRY TO DO IT WITH THE LAMP THERE
ugh, if only I could do shit during the cutscene while he rolls away >_>
haha, and the knitted hat still hit Cabanela with enough velocity to knock him over I love this and I particularly love his dramatic leg up in the air he doesn't evne know what's happening he just aims to be the most dramatic possible at all times and it's really helping us out <3
'i love knitted hats... so warm, and most of all, so SOFT' <3 <3 <3
oh yeah Cabanela's still got broken bones all over I kind of forgot about that
oh ok, looks less like broken and more like just really fucking bruised, becuase in that movement he's put pressure on all limb bones and nothing bent out of shape, so that's good
lmao and Cabanela's just like 'BUT IF I WAS KILLED IN THAT EXPLOSION THE SITUATION WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER' I I don't think it would necessarily work out that way, considering how much difficulty our protagonist was having saving just the professor :x
oh hey we've got our next source of information! should be quite a wellspring if Sissel remembers everything he should ask
yeeep Cabanela you FUCKED UP
oh, the gun :x
aha, those cases, okay
and Cabanela was doing the thing because of Jowd that makes sense -_- kind of
yep, that one little snag kind of puts a question mark on the whole thing alright, that almost makes sense? kind of? makes Cabanela kind of a selfish butt doing this for his own obsession rather than for personally Jowd but makes sense
ok, the bringing him to justice minister to buy time thing actually does make a lot of sense it wasn't A LOT of time that he bought but it was just enough and that's what counts
oh hey, this guy used to have the job that the blue fake stole? (and yeah sounds like blue guys are just foreigners -_- bc they couldnt find spies that didnt stand out visually or anything)
hum not a scratch, huh regenerating dead body, okay
oh come ON Sissel don't be surprised now that part was obvious from the moment he said the corpse disappeared the meteorite's radiation, okay, quite interesting :D
"it was like a meteorite had struck me on the head" so, has that been a cause of death today yet, because if it hasn't, this looks like foreshadowing -_-
hum, so the gun would have been loaded because he controlled Kamila, which she then wouldn't have a clear memory of makes sense
arrest her to keep her safe, that actually makes perfect sense IF ONLY IT HAD WORKED LMAO no wonder pigeon guy roasted him for that in the deleted timeline XD
"while he was at it" <3 <3 <3
awwww pigeon guy was friends with him too <3
hee right on top of his striped jumpsuit honestly he looked less escaped-from-prison-ish in the paint-splattered robe thing XD
a present, huh?
awww see Sissel you don't feel lonely and that's what counts
ALRIGHT THEN :D LET'S FUCKING GO :D AND, UH, DO SOMETHING, I GUESS I love how out of proportion Sissel's powers are rewind time, talk to dead people... and move small objects a little
so, uh, Sissel, are you sure there's answers for YOU over there or did you just get into habit of telling this to yourself to feel better
okay well how the fuck did Jowd infiltrate a fucking SUBMARINE like, I just want to know the physics of how this happened?
omfg the bullet had a radio transmitter well, I have a newfound respect for Cabanela, I gotta admit like I already respected him but I just figured he shot the guy out of a desperate 'can't do anything else might as well try this' urge to do SOMETHING but nope he had a plan (which would have worked even with him dead)
wow, and he actually gave the thing to Jowd beforehand n i c e
wow, okay, that's stealthy
aha, and he can totally leave his body and wander around freely I think that was already confirmed but it's nice to know for even surer
wow, okay, what the fuck re: that thing reaching up from below that definitely looked like... something else for a moment there 0.0
aand okay the meteorite is possible to extract from his body I wonder if evil!Sissel actually knew that... or if that actually did anything to him :D
okay, what the FUCK and how many more people are dead now
the phone is ringing, how convenient :D
ooohkay this is tricky
so, why the fuck were there baseball and basketball balls hanging in nets under the ceiling on a submarine ... ... you know what I don't want to know
wait, Kamila can't hear him? oh, right, over the phone ghosts communicate by close range telepathy
aaand this makes the FIFTH time Lynne's dead tonight! or is it sixth? did i lose track somewhere?
'i wonder what happened THIS TIME' yep lmao
no actually 'i dont remember what happened after that' sounds like evil!Sissel to me, personally
but do you know what this wheel does Sissel are you sure turning it is a good idea
"I just sort of blacked out, the next thing I knew, I was dead" <3 <3 <3
"now it's all making even less sense than before" AND THAT'S SAYING *SOMETHING*
but actually okay yea this does kind of sound like an explosion that killed Lynne and knocked Kamila out
aaand nope I was absolutely correct )=
can this guy only puppet one body at a time? couldn't he have just possessed Lynne and had her slit her own throat or shoot herself or hang herself or something? that sounds a lot more productive than having a little girl fight her I mean, even if he only can puppet one body at a time, puppetting Lynne would have been a lot more productive overall, is there a reason he can't?...
or does he just love to do things in the most convoluted and roundabout manner typical to villains everywhere -_-
"nobody ever calls the dead" ARGUABLE a number of phone calls has been made this night specifically for the purpose of putting our!Sissel on the line
aand okay :D looks like the blue assholes saved Lynne just in time, sort of ...for a certain definition of 'saved'
so anyway this guy said something like 'you cannot possibly comprehend my suffering' so it would be funny if he was just a random dumbass that a bad thing hapened to one (1) time, which granted also killed him, but all the misery since then has been of his own making and he's put every single person involved in the events through worse just over the course of tonight, and simply has no sense of scale, perspective or proportion I think that would be great if the story went there XD EDITOR'S NOTE IN RETROSPECT: the story didn't go there and that was not fucking okay (it's dead women in the fridge again!)
and Sissel can't understand revenge as a concept SOUL TWINSIES WITH ME OR WHAT
lmao Lynne is starting to get touchy about how many times she's needed rescue lately XD
OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE WHY CAN'T I REACH FOR ANYTHING YET also, interesting to note that in the 4 minutes ago past, neither Lynne nor Kamila have a core looks like Sissel's interaction with this realm is limited after all, and not only by phones there's v interesting existential fuckery going on here, of the exact sort I ABSOLUTELY LOVE
oh THERE we go 'nobody ever calls the dead' ARGUABLE again and I love Lynne's signature instant-snap-into-hands-over-head animation + pose Good Reflexes
hum, a random mechanic, alright
oh hon that's a, um, what's the opposite of exaggeration I know this word in Russian >_> over...littlification? that 'restless ghosts onboard' THAT'S ONE WAY TO PUT THAT
lmao that was one odd fate change
alright, found the temsik fragment capsule, I see yay unexpectedly strong wastebucket lids (seriously, that's a whole freaking basketball, there's a reason the nets worked like that lmao)
alright, just watching the cutscene for now, that's fair this guy sure looks like he's going to abandon his entire crew and blow up the sub or something
alright, and we're left in the capsule rather than the fragment which apparently did not have a core of its own for some reason
yeah exactly thanks Sissel! how the FUCK did it get here also I love that the characters DO pay attention to the wellbeing of innocent rats in this game <3
well, you COULD just try to get it to blow up earlier, in the water you'd be stuck but you'd be heroes, or something well, Lynne would go back to her body, Sissel would be stuck :D oh, and the rat would die, that's the bad news
YEAH LET'S SAVE THE RATTIE FIRST if this time the rat is going to be in the way rather than helping, well, I REALLY DO RESPECT THAT LET'S SAVE THE RAT
alright, after some trial and error I DID manage to get both weights in the same position (mostly by luck) and throw off the rat NOW TO SAFETY
yusss caring about rats ftw <3
that's what missiles do, huh they're unstoppable i dont know who it is i hear there but Missile is great yes
well, whatever this is, our!Sissel just turned it on maybe it's pumps to remove water!... not that they'll do much against an unplugged breach but
aha, okay, won't move for long
this movement through a machine's gears feels like the purest expression of the game's premise since the junkyard tricks at the very beginning <3
the way Kamila's speech kinda fades in from white? that worries me
god but I love this game's animation. this little one of Lynne hoisting Kamila up on her back? it feels, like, PERFECTLY balanced with their weights and Lynne's strength and everything <3 <3 <3
oh my god Lynne why couldn't you just... be able to swim not that it would help much with Kamila unconscious but
oh my god Lynne is literally right here why do I still have trouble moving around freely???
oh, found it!
wow, she's climbing one-handed while carrying Kamila, that's some serious upper body strength <3
yeeep okay WOW
ARE YOU BOTH GOING TO DIE NOW OR WHAT okay, no, just fall, and not even in the water that's good news
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LYNNE THIS IS NOT A POSE YOU WANT TO BE IN RIGHT NOW unless you're actually holding yourself against that shit in the background with your left hand and I just can't see it I guess
...nope, she was holding her chin LYNNE NO
okay, the fan thing makes sense
now to swap around a bunch of broken pipes so they don't get in lynne's way, got it
aand I fucking lost but at least I got Sissel in position -_-
alright, now with one pipe turned off it actually works out easily it just... took me really long to realize I'd need Sissel for this one -_-
Lynne honey but have you considered: you have no fucking clue what's behind that door although presumably submarine has only been breached in one place and it's this room?
holy shit with the hook Sissel managed to hoist the combined weight of Lynne and Kamila now THAT's a nifty trick
aww, someone's saving us!!!
someone who commented on unstoppable missiles earlier, perhaps?
right, the truth... that's still relevant. while on a sinking submarine. yep
haha sinking submaries i have just been playing oxenfree haha
oh wow that's an improvised mechanism made out of garbage sticking in a close range telekinetic field nifty shit
oh oh okay that explains absolutely nothing evil!Sissel is not evil now, or what?
lmao this is getting more confusing, but like... in a very satisfying way <3
evil!Sissel still seems to have SOME amount of powers, at least, though possibly not the manipulating humans ones? but this amount of telekinesis is still incredible
so okay our Sissel's name possibly IS Sissel, but this dude's isn't I'm more confused than ever before I doubt there are three of them, so...
ahh, Lynne making Kamila more comfortable <3 <3 <3 and again, animation is fucking excellent. just, the timing of everything? it's better than 90% of all 3D animation I've ever seen in games
power and time, okay, got it so the dawn deadline IS real, just not for him wait, possibly not for Sissel and Missile, either?
I see he still fell in his signature ridiculous pose it's less funny now, overall
ah, okay, so the time effect is different too it seems to have been the same for Sissel and Missile though? is this a personality powers deal?
I love that Missile is perfectly comfortable with weird shit because as a dog, that's about the amount of understanding he has of his everyday surroundings, too <3
oh, hum so the moment this guy actually 'died' is the moment that blue guy took out the fragment?
wipe out everybody, huh
okay, so the shooting is as we knew, kind of
the first shot missed the mark, huh? quite curious, quite curious stray bullets are known to be deadly :D
alright, so that's a conversation that mostly confirmed what we already knew we have a new ally though, sort of
aand Lynne's empathy saves the day -_- like I said earlier, this guy's feelings aren't like... unique or anything, he just sucks at theory of mind
Kamila!!! so hey kiddo this guy in front of you is the guy who killed your mom
anyway, I'm still pretty sure Sissel hadn't yet introduced himself to you when you started calling him "Sissy" so there's that lead
and Kamila makes herself comfortable <3 I love this Little Lady so much <3
alright, torpedo room, that works
swap  the switches to get them unstuck!!!
so I'm going to guess everyone there died, too, and Sissel's going to have to prevent that, too that makes perfect sense
that 'understand exactly how he feels' thing our!Sissel and evil!Sissel are really fucking different in this particular respect :D
awww and the girls convince the doggo <3 <3 <3
so, does Kamila know about the dawn deadline for all ghosts, or
oh thank god I didn't need to control that hop this game really has a policy of not having a permaloss option <3
Yomiel, huh so that's his name
alright, and 'Sissel' is an alias ...I'm just going to keep using it for the protag, just to make things slightly less confusing
ah, so this guy had access to national secrets, and that's how he did the singer thing
and he was proven innocent offscreen <3 <3 <3 stylish
stylish animation, nice
didn't help anybody? did you ever try? because our!Sissel sure figured that shit out quickly
welp, the blue guys are assholes but then, they were also kind of dealing with an asshole I can imagine why they didn't think he was reliable to deal with :x
awww, I like the leaflet guy so much <3 <3 <3
I love how Jowd's like 'well, I'm dead, are you happy now' and Sissel's like 'so anyway about that' FUCK death not tonight, not when Sissel's here <3 <3 <3
alright, and this guy's a robot that still doesn't quite he's pretty human-like >_> I am not a fan of the blue guy in charge is all I'm saying also lmao I nicknamed this one 'iron man dracula' i didn't mean it that way but
ah, remote-controlled, alright that 'farewell' was odd then
'your country's use of technology is just plain off' I LOVE THIS
could there have been two pieces of meteorite in this guy's body? okay, nope still!
...okay, no, his 'death' would actually be before the control room was launched, not all those years ago STILL THIS IS THE -EXACT- THING
alright anyway this is plenty of buildup WHO THE FUCK IS OUR PROTAGONIST it's funny how so far absolutely 0 of what we've seen has pointed to that I have plenty of odd thoughts in my mind ofc 'that guy from another point of time' being the prime one as a homestuck, the possibility of there being multiple ghosts of the same person doesn't faze me in the slightest in fact it seems like an intuitive conclusion BUT THEIR PERSONALITY SURE IS DIFFERENT
anyway, :D :D :D
Final Chapter
...aha! so it counted ten years ago after all! dang :D
aha, I see that mascot thing I see baby Lynne!!!
I note how for someone threatening to shoot the kid, Yomiel's gun sure is pointing in the wrong direction AND he's holding out the kid to the side, not between himself and Jowd SOMEONE sucks at hostage taking lmao
a kitty, huh
and then a meteorite, okay
I note the lamp
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Yomiel is thinking 'so maybe I'll die in another way and all this will have not happened, that's a better outcome anyway' isn't he god his faces are Sissel faces and look this game knows EXACTLY what it's doing with its visuals exactly one facial exression of Yomiel's has not matched Sissel's I doubt it's because of lazy artists
alright, so a good plan would be swapping the mascot and the lamp
but seriously, WOW Yomiel sucks at taking hostages this game's animation is always stellar and brilliant, there's NO fucking coincidence there he was absolutely not willing in any way to put baby Lynne in actual danger, even if he pretended he did and it worked on Jowd
anyway how the fuck do we get to the lamp
'we can talk about all this later' ARGUABLE TBH the entire, like, THING is going to change oh man is everyone going to go back to their bodies 10 years ago with their new memories because that's fucking hardcore was Kamila even BORN yet
okay sounds like I missed my chance let's try that again
ghhhh okay I think I have figured this sequence out even though I have to rewind again 1) rock the basket 2) jump into nozzle to launch the potato 3) Sissel jumps into the potato and then from the potato to the central nozzle 4) Missile jumps into the potato 5) launch the potato x2
okay, Mino fell into the fountain, not that I know how this can help because AGAIN, Missile can't reach Mino from the lantern :x and Sissel can't do absolutely fucking anything
annd the finale is a cutscene alas
alright, let's try that again...
hum we didn't get a FATE CHANGE registered after dropping Mino might this mean we have to do something right in the process?
are we going to kill everyone by dropping Mino on them instead XD
trick time, huh Sissel still can't reach anywhere Missile can swap two identical lanterns, not that this does anything he can talk to Sissel, for what THAT's worth
aha, the lantern dropped, Missile can move around now, that's good
Sissel still can't do shit though
well, that's the detective's LEG, not... anything else or anything
oh man, yeah... YOUNG JOWD IS A DUMBASS man, even Yomiel isn't aiming at him anymore, he's like 'hey dude are you okay' so the theory that Sissel is alternate!Yomiel is really gaining steam in my head not that it wasn't the primary one all along but
anyway sweet potato?
BOO YAH um or not
awwwwww and finally the trauma of remembering your death is brought up!!!! Sissel cares <3 <3 <3 (and Yomiel doesn't at the moment NOT THAT I CAN'T UNDERSTAND THAT IN CONTEXT) (then again I'd understand it if Sissel didn't either but he's the purest being in existence so)
awwww Yomiel is finally going to contribute!!!
omfg lmao "Make it spray as if your life depended on it!" "Uh, I'm dead though" Yomiel is winning ALL the sensitivity awards tonight <3 <3 <3
I I think that Yomiel hasn't done anything yet oh, okay, we're still winning time
holy FUCK Yomiel that was definitely a thing you just did
dear Young Jowd, Yomiel is the one who saved her. Not gods
awwww and he gave baby Lynne a detective's badge <3 <3 <3 he's so good with children <3
so, can Yomiel be alive please :x ALRIGHT, HE IS THAT WORKS
wait wait wait is is Sissel the kitty is that why he has no idea how guns work or anything else like that that that is truly fucking incredible f y'all's i AND I GUESS IT FITS WITH HIM AND MISSILE JUST GOING AROUND SAVING PEOPLE TOGETHER LIKE A BADASS DUO AND IT FITS WITH HIM GETTING KILLED BY LYNNE'S FIRST SHOT ON ACCIDENT I HONESTLY CONSIDERED A RAT OPTION FOR LIKE A SPLIT SECOND THERE
god jesus fucking christ this this fucking game i just im howling this this definitely is a thing that just happened it owned me so hard im so fucking owned right now
yep hes the cat he's Yomiel's cat
aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww there's a good reason he had identity confusion in all this they WERE confusable as one being for a while
'her' huh?
oh man wow THIS particular part of the story sucks
so Sissel was a girl's name all along? okay
but also, FUCK no wonder he went bonkers specifically about being unable to die
'his powers couldnt help anybody' more like they couldn't help ONE SPECIFIC PERSON
so that bag is a kitty carrier huh and Lynne's miss accidentally killed the kitty
anyway Yomiel that's what you get for playing with guns they're deadly weapons and result in death you're fucking welcome
so anyway who the fuck is Ray
but anyway kitty Sissel saved everyone...
okay but hold on hold on hold on I didn't quite get the implications about the fiancee the first time around WHAT THE FUCK CAPCOM i was just recently thinking how fucked up it was that I remembered the last name of Polly Jenkins, just because of how much her brief story shook me
and uh I think is that also the implication here because that's not fucking okay
anyway so did Yomiel die as the result of that or nay bc that looked fucking deadly if not instantaneously so
god but this ffucking game
this fucking... game
oh Missile I'm pretty sure YOU are going to see HIM alright lmao wasn't Jowd taking him home
but also damn the original events of these ten years, as remembered by - a dog and a cat - Detective Jowd and Kamila (but not Alma, who never was brought back to life directly) - Lynne - Cabanela - the medical examiner - the minister of justice AND NO-ONE ELSE ...wait, no ALSO THE GUY FROM THE FUCKING PARK ...yep that's a thing we're doing
so another important thing is that the rock star kid is going to be okay and the curry guy, too nothing bad happened to them in this timeline, right?
(right now my bet's on 'a rat')
oh, Sissel also killed two people tonight, that happened
lmao and in this version of evens Missile died in the presence of Temsik
omfg and Ray is alternate!Missile this is fucking amazing <3
lmao his ghost aged and lost its powers?
also the dawn deadline was a lie he just wanted to get Sissel's butt moving I FUCKING KNEW IT
I love how Sissel's just "I DID WHAT" even though he's been doing that all evening this time around too
yup doggie's a fucking liar the only real time limit is the lifetime they would have had if they were alive huh damn
but seriously I called that before I started this section of the liveblog even if I think I never actually made that post 'what are the odds Ray is a fucking liar' I don't think I ever wrote that I kept getting distracted but yep I fucking called this
anyway one participant of the events who definitely wasn't born yet 10 years ago is indeed Missile 0.0 how's that... gonna work...
but I do love that just... the justice minister, of all people, is also going to be in possession of those 10 years
'nice to meet you' OH BOY OH BOY I GET HOW IT WORKS NOW I THINK ...uh, I'm not sure how Lynne knew to flee from the junkyard then, but either way it looks like they're only getting back their memories at the PRESENT and that's why Kamila didn't fUCKING KNOW AND REMEMBER WHAT THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH DOING THAT JUST NOW
oh, nevermind, it's not that yet :D but it really does sound like it's going to :D right... about... dawn? :D
aww Jowd actually carries toy badges with him everywhere <3 <3 <3 'child handling tools'
still a kitten, huh yeah, that whole Temsik thing :D
aww, and here's her, all alive and everything
(at dawn) (it's fucking coming that's my headcanon and you can't beat it) (a bunch of people are going to become really fucking traumatized tonight)
hey!!! Missile!!! Cabanela brought him, huh
so, what's up with Yomiel, anyway
that guy's imitating Cabanela lmao
Memry <3 <3 <3
very best customer, huh
hah, and these two
.............................................yup. they died
'the indescretions of a minister perhaps?' I LOVE THIS FUCKING LADY I LOVE HER I LOVE HER
ah, these two what deal is it this time
the little rock sinter guy!!! yeah!!!!
hi medical examiner guy <3 guess you're not doing medicine after all huh
oh man oh man Yomiel :D hey are talking about Yomiel :D
lmao he's the painter this time even the robe sits the same
YUP YUP THIS IS IT lmao that crane i sure do remember it well it murdered two people tonight <3 <3 <3 kitty <3 <3 <3
aw yeah! in that picture with Missile!!!
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metrocatstudios · 7 years
may edit this later as time goes on. here’s some notes on Chester & shit
- he’s 7ft tall. maybe 7 & 1/2in max. probably 180-200lbs? His ribbon “ears” are around 2ft(?) from base to end; they reach just past his chin when they droop. has to hunch over in my basement & in my car.
- those ribbon “ears” arent actual listening ears, they just show his emotions & can radar pretty much like dog/cat ears. they still work even when the top of his head is removed (he’s a gift box).
- often puts a blanket & small stimming objects in his head.
- yeah he’s tall & kinda big tho he can’t deadlift a car for shit. although the CupBros weight like nothing to him. he can’t lift me for longer than a few seconds!
- he’s autistic, like i am, tho more quiet, nervous, reserved. loves to read. tries to get out more & talk to ppl, even if he’s socially awkward. wants to go to parties & hang out with friends.
- voice? i wanna say along the lines of something soft like Shawn Murphy (The Good Doctor), Adam Young (Owl City), Michael Cera.
- prefers quiet classical, acoustic guitar/soft vocals. not a huge fan of jazz or high-paced music (like happy hardcore). has thunderstorm anxiety.
- loves & wants to meet ppl who have one eye/stutters like he does. it makes him feel less lonely & better about himself! knew Grim Matchstick since childhood (guessing they went to school together & became friends).
- a childhood incident caused him to lose his left eye & it also caused his slight stutter. he was bullied at school for it.
- because of his bullying, he tries very hard to defend himself & other ppl. it doesnt always work. he will always try tho.
- Asexual definitely; the very idea of sex freaks him out & he isnt sexually attracted to anyone. Romance: I’d say he’s a pan/gray-romantic? maybe it’s fluid??? maybe he likes everyone?? i dont know; tho he shows a preference towards men/nonbinary ppl. (this may change idk)
- im shipping him with Mugman (mostly for romance/relationship practice, since i *rarely* do romance stuff. it’s been out of my comfort zone & im trying to break it a bit). im open to shipping him with other OCs tho!
- he’s always open for hugs, cuddles (especially if youre good friends) & cheek smooches. a kiss on the lips? well.... :3
- he’s in his late 20s-early 30s.
- wears a chest binder. its a pressure stim for him.
- “Butt” Ribbons: those ribbons are just above the base of the spine/pelvis. they dont protrude from the tail bone or his butt. Chester can control them just like his regular arms & more. Imagine them like octopus tentacles or a snake body; wavy, contorting, boneless, can morph the ends into hands sorta, constrict. at rest, they reach the bottom of his feet; not sure how far they can stretch (probably 10ft?) they’d feel like a slightly rougher ribbon texture. they also regenerate back to full size in a week; there arent any pain receptors in them.
- pretty good at stick spinning. this helped him relearn spacial awareness after losing his eye. although he’s not a fighter, he can probably defend himself in a fight with it. uses all 4 hand-limbs. probably learned from a sensei or self taught.
- hes a feminist. fuck you.
i’ll add more later
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shanny-tired · 7 years
The Power of a Druid (Roleplaying it of course!)
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Time for a bit of my flair on druid magic. There is a hell of a lot to cover so I may section this off into other parts or something, who knows really. Moreso writing this because I felt inspired to rather than to just ‘inform’ people on how they should roleplay things. We all have different interpretations and understandings and whatnot. If this makes you angered, then you missed the point!
First thing to note about druid magic is that it relies on a connection to a realm separate but connected to Azeroth: The Emerald Dream. The deeper the connection, the stronger the druid essentially. There are two sides to a druid’s magic: The Nature, and the Arcane. This is where the prospect of Balance and balance druids come into play because while Arcane magic can be considered unnatural, it is a part of the natural law just like most other magic. When you use your abilities as a druid, you tap into the Dream’s latent energies and manifest them into the natural world. From mending, to shapeshifting, to cleansing poison, to beckoning a swarm of faeries, and even creating balls of solar wrath. Abilities like moonfire, starfire, and starsurges are reliant on the arcane.
Something else to keep in mind that a druid’s power waxes and wanes dependent on their location and area. For example, a druid may feel a distance within themselves were they in a heavily industrialized area, yet at peace or empowered by being in areas brimming with nature like the various groves scattered upon Azeroth, Val’sharah, and even Elwynn or Eversong Forest. Some druid abilities even rely on location. As an example, do not expect to manifest roots in the midst of a desert, or a swarm of faeries and insects in the coldest regions on the realm. A druid’s power is situational and environmental as it is dependent on their connection to The Dream.
Shapeshifting is likely the most dangerous part of the druid practice. When you shapeshift you call upon the blessing (or blessings) of the Wild Gods. Depending on your affiliation, it can be quite a few different patrons: Ursoc and Ursol, Goldrinn, Ashamane, Aviana, Aesinna - all possible patrons of the many who could grant you their blessing. This so called blessing allows you to assume a magical form of the beasts within the Emerald Dream. Stormcrows, bears, nightsabers, mountain lions, panthers, bats, sentinel owls - all possibilities.
I digress. Shapeshifting is the manifestation of the instinct and primal ability. The Dream is not only peaceful and harmonious with life, but also its more wrathful aspects. Shapeshifting is reliant on allowing those aspects to channel into you and essentially manifest themselves into you. In that change you no longer are you natural form. You become the beast, and the beast does not like to be controlled. It becomes a battle between your mind, and the beast’s mind. Be you a bear, feline, bird, or even moonkin. 
The battle can be won and more often than not, but the beast is a manifestation of yourself and the beast inside you-- inside us all. If you are a proud, determined, stubborn creature like Shanaris, expect the beast to be worse than that. Expect the beast to want control and fight tooth and claw to allow their mind to overpower yours-- seduce it to be one with it. A loose comparison would be the corrupting nature of Fel magic, but instead of being parasitic, it is twistedly symbiotic. The symbiosis takes what you know, and what the beast known and melds it into one. In that time it is either you in control, or the beast.
Winning the battle then allows you to not only understand the beast and all its capabilities, but also the magical aspects as well. Moonkin and their strange ability to empower both natural and arcane magic. A Druid in control of their bear form can dull pain, harden fur, and even cause said fur to bristle to a point of being dangerous to have any form of impact. A druid who knows their form is dangerous, but a druid who masters it only becomes moreso. 
Healing and Restoration
The restorative and healing power of druid magic is not as dangerous as shapeshifting, but can still hold dangers and consequences. Druid of the Grove, patrons to Aessina, focus upon the more delicate weaving of nature magic and by that extension, healing. This portion will focus more upon the healing and life-giving rather than the weaving and beckoning of nature’s laws.
First and most important thing to note is that druid magic does not work on the completely dead or undead. Due to the lack of living cells within the necromantic body, druid healing will have little or no effect on a Death Knight, Forsaken, or any other form of undead creature.
Now, with that out of the way, time to explain how druid healing and restoration works! Everything about the healing, has to do with potential and life. An acorn has an extreme amount of potential; growing from a simple seed to a giant oak n a manner of years. The way of a druid is to expedite that process, but just like matter, the magic cannot be simply created. Restoration needs a prior existing life energy in order to flow through another entity. The world around you would be a catalyst for the magic to take activate. With that done, the magic then flows into another living being. Living means anything biotic from a tree, to grass, to a dog, to a person, and even to the floorboards made of wood. Despite being severed and sanded, they are still alive and can be provoked to bend and grow once more. 
All druid healing, growth, and nature manipulation is the simple acceleration of natural processes. A laceration would clot, scab, and close in a matter of seconds or minutes. A scar would be left in its wake, but druid’s more skilled in the art of healing have the capability to even rid scars from the body due to the rapid speed of regeneration. A broken bone would heal back into place so long as the deformed limb is placed in the proper position prior to healing. BUrn wounds and amputations could be healed and forgotten entirely so long as a fresh wound is created, and the natural healing process is not too far along. 
However... there is a catch. The brain is a logical organ, and not many minds have the capacity to comprehend the impossibility of magic. As such, the wounds may still feel as if they are there or what I like to call ‘ghost pains’. Soreness, an inability to move, it is all due to the brain taking time to register that the wound is no longer there, and there should no longer be any pain. That process can take minutes, to hours, to days. It all depends on the wound, and the patient’s mental fortitude.
There are ways to dull the pain, however. Just as a druid can accelerate processes, they also have the capacity to slow them down. A more sinister druid could slow one’s heart rate and brain function to such a point that the patient may seem dead, or perhaps die entirely due to a lack of heartbeat for too long. A hateful druid could target the sickness within your body, and agitate the bacteria to grow at an unnatural rate, causing your wounds to fester and illness to reach such an extremity that it proves fatal. Cancer cells within each and every body, can be provoked to rapid growth, essentially destroying the living organism. More benevolent druids and slow the rate at which pain registers, and even dull the nerves so that the wounds feel more like simple accidents (think morphine, or painkillers). On the other side of the spectrum, a druid well practiced in the restorative totem can elicit hypersensitivity upon the patient, or victim. Be it pain, pleasure, ticklishness, or whatever other kind of sensation can be felt.
The last thing to keep in mind when healing is that once again, the magic is not something to be created out of thin air. When a druid heals, it takes from the life energy all around Azeroth, and more specifically their general surroundings. A druid would have a much easier time healing someone in the middle of Val’sharah rather than inside Ironforge. Keep that in mind the next time attempting to heal someone with a severed leg in the middle of Stormwind or Orgimmar!
Life-Bending and Creation
Sounds Avatar-esque, doesn’t it? Well it should, because it sort of is! Life bending is what I choose to call a druid’s more...involved actions with nature. The spells known as Faerie Swarm, Entangling Roots, Cyclone, Typhoon, and others are different forms of Life-Bending. Life-Bending involves calling nature to your aid, in whatever way, shape, or form that may be. These powers can be spontaneous spells that manifest from the energy around you, or the calling of allies and nature’s wrath. More powerful, experienced, or practiced druids can summon roots or vines from their person with so much as a cast, and preparation. While it may seem to come from nothing, more likely than not it beckons from a druid’s clothing more likely than not, or perhaps a pre-collected items like twigs, pieces of roots, or thorns. If I recall correctly, in one of the Stormrage books, Malfurion threw severed thorns at his target, and forced them to grow in mid air, creating sharp, deadly projectiles. 
A druid has the potential to call for the beasts of nature for assistance. This includes insects! Yes, insects! Despite how gross bugs are to a lot of us, many of them are a part of the natural world. After all, if a druid really dislikes their opponent, nothing says ‘hate’ like a swarm of biting, poisonous insects gnawing away at their flesh! Aside from bugs, an avian creature could likely assist a druid in scouting or sending a message to allies. Canines, Felines, Bears, and other mammals could assist a druid with tracking, hunting, and perhaps even care for another orphaned creature. Aquatic animals could assist in leading to pockets of air, or help a drowning friend in need. (Like aquaman!)
Of course, we must keep in mind that these animals are alive, free creatures that do not heed orders well, especially from sentient bipeds. While they would be likely to happily assist a druid, other beasts and creatures have the choice to reject your call to aid. This is why fauna is always a more absolute choice. A plant would likely love nothing more than to grow as much as it can, and welcomes a chance to grow further.
Some more unique druids, skilled or otherwise, have the ability to create life from what seems to be nothing. A flower, an insect, the smaller the creation, the easier. Something like roots, vines, or branches would take considerably more power. These things do not appear from nowhere. As said before, the magic does not rely on creation from nothing. These powers rely on momentarily causing the Emerald Dream to heed your magic, and assist you in your endeavors. The pure, unrefined life energy in the hands of a druid who understands the Dream, can take from that world, and place it into our own.
As an example, my druid Shanaris, during a fit of adrenaline and fury, was able to create large, piercing branches from her staff during an event where she and her party were surrounded by ghouls. The expedition of energy and focus however, caused her to collapse shortly after. While the energy came from another source, it still had to flow through Shanaris in order to understand what needed to be created in that time of crisis. Meaning, if the desired creation is small, then it will expend a small amount of mental and physical energy. If the desire is for something great, then the creation will sap you of whatever copious amounts of Life energy is required to create it. 
Give and take, there is never truly a creation from nothing. All energy and power comes from something.
Make it this far? Cool! This about sums up my perspective on a druid’s abilities. I would have written on the other section of ‘Balance’, but I didn’t want to make this post more lengthy than it already was. A druid has the potential to be so much more than a grower of medicinal depressants or feline warrior lady. If you choose to roleplay that, it is perfectly fine! You have the right to do what you want after all, as that is the purpose of free will. I simply wished to share that there is so much more to druids than tree-hugging, life loving hippies. Shanaris always states one thing to everyone and everyone who questions or insults her craft, as it is the one thing she is truly passionate about.
“Never underestimate a druid. Our ally is the world.”
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no-warrior-here · 7 years
     ... I'm trash and can't stop myself, so I'm gonna ramble some thoughts about the possible Prey AU/concept/plot/whatever the heck this is. I'll put it under a cut though, because 1, it's probably gonna get long, and 2, this is going to contain major spoilers about the end of Prey 2017. So, if you don't want spoilers, don't look below the cut!
     I'll start off by stating that this takes place in the ‘real world,’ rather than the simulation, so there's tons of world building to do there. Most likely something like the simulation happened once(it was stated to be based on Morgan Yu’s memories, after all), but probably not exactly like that. Or, that's what I'm assuming, anyways. I'm also undecided on if I want this to be an AU for Gregor or Denny, since either one could be really interesting; I have more muse for Gregor tho so I'll stick to him for now. Maybe I'll change my mind later, who knows.
     - Long story short, in this AU, the real Gregor died, probably a long while ago. This AU instead focuses on an experimental typhon hybrid created sometime after the success of the first one. However, this time a full set of false memories have been given to the experiment to give ‘it’ more humanity. In an effort to create a typhon which could learn to be even more human through immersion, they used the memories of a child... I think you see where we’re going here.
     - This typhon hybrid was put through extensive empathy testing all the same, which was highly successful. However, much to the researchers’ astonishment, the specimen was even more human-like than they anticipated... Not only was the hybrid completely unaware that it was not Gregor Reid, it rapidly demonstrated the ability to vocalize and understand speech, experience emotion, and recognize human expressions. Much to their dismay, it also displayed a remarkable and mildly frustrating talent for sarcasm.
     - However, the hybrid exhibited a great deal of distress upon discovering the truth... While not violent, it became vocally hostile and irritable, insisting it was ‘not a monster’ and that it ‘just wanted to go home.’ The typhon also demonstrated the ability to change its appearance similar to a mimic, adopting the same features as the person it believed itself to be.
     - Upon finally accepting that this is the reality, this typhon soon became suspicious and paranoid, unsure that anything it knew was in fact real. ‘If you can just give me whatever memories you want, simulate my experiences in a lab, how do I know you didn't change anything? How do I know what's true, when I can't even trust my own memory? Maybe the typhon aren't as bad as they seemed. How would I know, when I've never even seen one myself?’ Reluctantly the researchers introduced their experiment to an actual mimic, which changed his tune quite abruptly. ‘... Okay. I guess they really are pretty bad. Fine. What do you need me to do?’
     - The experiment underwent many tests to determine its mental capacity, morality, and physical capabilities. Although small and wiry by comparison, the typhon seemed to have most abilities of an etheric phantom, along with the possibility of learning more typhon powers over time. For example, after witnessing a voltaic phantom utilizing electricity, the young hybrid was able to reproduce that talent with moderate success.
     - Furthermore, the hybrid, now dubbed ‘Project Gamma,’ demonstrated the intellect and overall demeanor of a child-- more specifically, the very child his memories were copied from. Gamma was not only fully sentient, but highly emotional, with a great deal of compassion, curiosity, and a keen sense of self-awareness. However, his desire for self-preservation-- the only trait typhon typically do share with humans-- seemed to be either greatly inhibited, or entirely absent. He exhibited very little care for his own well-being, and seemed almost eager to throw himself into situations he believed would lead to his demise. When questioned about this, he merely said, “I have nothing. I’ll never be human, will I? I have no family, no friends, no real identity, even. What am I living for to begin with? To be your science project? A pet? An attack dog? A weapon? That’s not what I will ever want to live for.”
     - Finally, one last test was put in place... Having determined that Gamma was harmless to humans, the researchers decided it was time to give their experiment something worth fighting for. It was a great risk, but what other option was there? The hybrid had no will to fight, no will to live. Perhaps if he saw what he was protecting, things would be different. Instructing their creation to maintain his human guise at all times... Gamma was given the chance to live among the human refugees, his true identity kept secret from all but the highest security officers.
     - In terms of abilities, Gamma is pretty well-rounded; physical mimicry/camouflage and shapeshifting are what come most naturally to him, though he quickly picks up many other typhon abilities as well. He frequently learns from example, but some powers give him a great deal of difficulty. Telepathy is his weakest skill, though he doesn't really want that power anyway. After learning it, he only uses this power enough to locate and identify nearby life forms, feeling it would be invasive to do anything more than that.
     - Gamma can ‘communicate’ with other typhon, though this is quite limited and he doesn't really like it. They don't necessarily ‘speak,’ but he can pick up vague impressions of what they're thinking. Mostly this is limited to flashes of emotion and very brief thoughts he can translate into words, since the typhon have no true language of their own. However, most typhon don't like him much either, recognizing there is something ‘wrong’ about him. Weaker typhon may obey if he orders them to do something, but stronger ones such as Weavers or Telepaths will try to order him around instead.
     - Due to his mimicry ability, Gamma appears human most frequently, assuming the guise of Gregor Reid. He generally goes by the same name as well, seeing them as one and the same. Gamma can still use his various psychic typhon skills in this form, though some may not be as effective, and shapeshifting in any way will reveal his true form. As such, Gamma will not use his powers at all around humans, terrified of what would happen if they figured out what he is.
     - As a typhon, Gamma looks very similar to a Phantom, but smaller and more humanoid. His body type is in fact very similar in overall shape to Gregor's, albeit made of twisted dark tendrils, with glowing white blotches for a mouth and eyes. In truth, he was engineered in a lab from the beginning, originating from Mimic and Phantom material to create a synthetic typhon with a very human-like physiology. Also note that technically, his glowing ‘mouth’ is an eye itself; Gamma simply reshapes it (unconsciously) as a method of conveying facial expressions.
     - Gamma does not require most human necessities of life, such as air or water. He can survive completely unharmed even in a complete vacuum, and resists many forms of physical damage. He can also regenerate limbs or heal injuries by consuming any form of biological matter. To replenish his psychic abilities and maintain the human guise, Gamma does require quite a bit of fuel. When living among humans he will usually just go with regular food, since it does the job well enough and helps him ‘fit in.’ It's also noteworthy that poisons and contaminants which would harm or even kill a human typically won't affect him at all. As long as it is organic matter, he can metabolize it without incident.
     - Eventually, Gamma can learn some powers of a technopath, with severe limitations. He cannot control computers from a distance with his mind, but through directly ‘connecting’ himself to a computer or device via tendrils, Gamma can hack into and control most machines. It’s not instantaneous though, and once he is out of physical contact, his influence is cut off.
     - Gregor’s family is in fact still alive, just on a different ship. If they were to meet Gamma, his cover would be blown for good; they know for a fact that their son is dead, so who would that make this? However, he does plan to return to them one day, and insist that he narrowly survived, hiding the truth. To Gamma, he really is Gregor. The concept of leaving his family behind forever is unthinkable.
     - Gamma is still pretty much the same as Gregor was, personality-wise. However, he tends to be a bit more anxious and worrisome, constantly fretting over whether people will see through his disguise, and whether he can even trust himself. He is terrified that one day, the original typhon will overwrite and overwhelm him, and he’ll become a homicidal monster like the rest. These fears are strengthened by persistent nightmares in which he hears the others of his kind calling, urging him to kill.
     - Despite those constant instincts, Gamma would never harm a human. In most cases he would not even defend himself, seeing their lives as worth more than his own. The only exception would be when more lives are at stake; Gamma will do all in his power to protect others, even if it means having to restrain or knock out another human to do it. He’s not squeamish at all about taking out other typhon, though.
     - Since typhon are so drastically different from humans in terms of biological function and physiology, Gamma experiences certain feelings very differently from how he recalls in his human memories. He doesn't have a sense of taste in quite the same way; nothing tastes ‘bad’ to him except for inorganic matter, and he typically doesn't experience hunger, either. Instead, Gamma will start displaying signs of fatigue, lack of focus, and occasionally aggression. However, he entirely lacks a sense of smell, particularly since typhon have no need to breathe. Gamma’s senses of touch and hearing are slightly heightened, though not by much. Eyesight is the only sense which seems to be wholly unchanged.
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d-clarence · 7 years
'Til the End of the Line: A Samurai Jack Fanfiction
As a disclaimer, the following has no correlation with my previous work. This is how I see the ending battle from another point of view and circumstance. I got some inspiration from a Superhero movie I just re-watched.
- — -
The war was over, but at the same time, it was not.
Aku was dead, slain by the Samurai wielding his magic sword who stepped forth to oppose him. Before the final blow was struck, he summoned his newest toy, his latest minion, his own daughter, Ashi, to try to strike him down.
But he was too late.
If only he kept her by his side rather than using her to lead Aku’s fearsome horde of drones and monsters against Jack’s own cobbled together army of rebels, dissidents, and the inspired, events may have panned out differently. His own hubris led to the eternal demon’s own downfall. He was cut down til the sword pierced his blackened heart, erasing him from existence.
The war was over, but at the same time, it was not.
Aku’s minions turned and fled when the news hit, turning them into easy targets for Jack’s rebel alliance. A new dawn emerged from the ashes of oppression. Freedom for all, regardless of their race, culture, or nationality. The news will reach across the lands, the stars, and the eons to come. They will remember how it took one man to inspire and lead countless individuals to stand strong and stand together against a seemingly immortal tyrant. They will never forget him til the day they died.
But his war wasn’t over yet.
He still had one more life to save. And she was the one who saved his multiple times before. He did likewise for her, too. They both came to admire, respect, and even find love in one another despite either of them not knowing what the feeling meant. They grew closer and closer, until Aku turned her into one of his monsters, using her to his advantage. The Samurai even gave up at the prospect of mercy killing her, even at her request. He couldn’t. He was lucky the Scotsman’s new army saved him and recovered the sword in time before the black demon tried something horrible on Jack.
The fearsome tower fortress crumbled at the loss of it’s master, and was soon to fall. It was just him and her inside now.
“Ashi!” cried Jack. “You can fight it now! Aku is no longer controlling you!”
She still remained in her Corrupted form, blank, white eyes, glowing with Aku’s fire, still fixated on Jack’s death. She lunged at him at a ferocious speed, seeking to end his life. He blocked and dodged her attacks with ease, being careful not to cause her any harm.
It was the most desperate fight in Jack’s life. Nothing else, not even finding a way home mattered this time. Too many innocents have died under Jack, and he wasn’t just about to add another name to that list. Not. One. More. 
 The Samurai swung his sword to deflect a whip-like backhand, but wound up cutting off Ashi’s forearm instead. His heart sunk. 
 “Aah! Jack!” screamed Ashi. Her face tore through the darkness as her arm regenerated the lost limb in a split second. The tower crumbled some more. 
“Ashi!” “I… I can’t control it! Aku’s… still… there!” 
 “You can still make it out of this! Fight, Ashi! Fight!” The darkness seeped around her face again. 
“Please… Kill me…” and she was gone once more, and the fighting resumed.
The night before the final fight began, Jack stood outside his army’s camp gazing at the night sky before him. While his men sharpened their swords, loaded their rifles, and prayed to whatever deity that was listening, Jack’s preparation was not yet even underway. He couldn’t even rest. He just stood there, gi waving in the wind, sheathed sword clutched in his hand.
“How am I going to save her now?” He wondered. 
While in his thoughts, his closest ally and friend, the Scotsman, appeared in his ghostly self behind him. “Whatcha doing, laddie?” he inquired. 
 “Waiting…” replied Jack, his gaze at the sky unfaltering. 
 “Waiting for what? Ya know what must be done. Just get it ova’ with and hope ‘er spirit will be at peace.” 
 “But she’s just another innocent.” 
 “Innocent?!!” exclaimed the Scotsman. “Are ye mad?!! She’s pure evil now! She cut through 17 of my daughters tryin’ to reach ya!” 
 Jack closed his eyes, bowed his head in sorrow, and said, “No. She’s lost her way.” 
 “Hahahaha!!! And ye know what dat’s like, eh?” 
 “I don’t want to talk about this anymore…” his face cringed as he spoke. 
Realizing his humor wasn’t going to help, the Scotsman tried his attempt​ at reason once more. He places his hand on his friend’s shoulder and said, “Ye know she’ll be there.” 
 “I know.” 
 “Look, whoever the lass used to be, the she-dog she is now, I don’t think she’s the kind you save, but the kind ya stop.” 
 Jack only gave silence, then answered, “I don’t know if I can do that.” 
 “Well, she may not be even able to give you a choice. She doesn’t know you anymore.” 
Jack turned to face his friend and calmly spoke, “She will.” 
Seeing the daybreak over the horizon, Jack knew it was time and gave the order. “Gear up. It’s time.” 
 Rocks and rubble fell from the ceiling as the foundation shook. The towering stone pillars carved into flames fell apart onto one another as the former couple fought the last fight in this war. 
 “Ashi! You’re being misguided! I’ve seen it! I have been under his influence myself!“ 
Her only response was another flurry of kicks and punches that Jack dodged. 
“When I gave up, you showed me the truth! You made me see there’s so much more to me than I knew existed! You made me way more than what I was!” 
 Still no response, only more fighting. 
 “The hope you gave me saved my life!” He knew he had to change something in what he was doing, and so he dropped his sword at his feet. 
 “I’m not going to fight you. I love you.” his tears fell. 
She tackled him as the tower shook some more. It was not going to take anymore. She straddled him, grabbed his sword, and prepared to drive it down upon her former love.
 “The decisions you make… and the actions that follow… are a reflection of who you really are…” Jack closed his eyes and was ready for whatever comes. 
Nothing happened. She just stayed there in his lap. Thinking. Wondering. Her grip on the sacred blade wavered. The fire on her eyes extinguished, her pupils returned. Tears flowed down her face to her blackened body. 
Then it hit them. 
 The pillar they battled on collapsed from the fall of another and they went through the wall, sending the pair and a mountain of rocky debris outside. Jack fell as Ashi grabbed on to a large piece of rock. 
 “… Jack…” 
He was hit in the head with a stray piece of rock and was losing consciousness. She launched herself from her position towards Jack. She must save him. Before his vision went dark, he faintly saw a shadowy hand reach out and grab his. 
All went black. 
Rain and thunder reverberated throughout. Ashi carried Jack and his sword through The empty battlefield. Aku’s remaining forces were pushed back far away by the rebels. When she reached the edge of the crater where Aku’s fortress stood, she took in the sight before her. 
The war was over, but at the same time, it was not. 
The black demon’s lair lies a smoldering stump and pile of black and red rubble. Scattered pockets of fighting continued. Gunfire, sword clashing, and explosions filled the air and the scene beyond. The storm raged on. She looked down at Jack, whom she laid carefully to the ground and returned his sword back in its sheath. His gi was torn, blood-stained, and muddy in several places. He was unconscious, fast asleep. Ashi looked at her reflection in the puddle of water that formed next to her. A change was occurring. No longer did her body carry the demon-like contours and shape of Aku. The antlers returned to her natural hairstyle. Her limbs and body returned to normal despite still carrying the black essence of her father. He was gone, gone for good, but his taint still lies within her blood. She was somehow able to speak, but lacked a mouth. She was free, but caged at the same time. 
 She needed to run now. Too many have been slain by her hands in her unwilling service to her father. That makes her a wanted criminal and she will be hunted down as one. At least her father’s “gifts” of enhanced speed, stamina, and strength will aid her here. Wherever she went she didn’t care, as long as it was far from where she was. Would anyone ever come to forgive her? Would Jack? 
Jack awoke, feeling at peace for some reason. He opened his eyes to behold a marvelous sight. He was no longer hurt, his gi was in pristine condition. The sword remained secure on his waist. 
There he lay in a hilly meadow, surrounded by fog. He then stood to witness flowers of many colors filled the landscape as cherry blossom petals filled the calm wind. The fog cleared to reveal a sight that put him to tears instantly.  His home. 
The Empire as it was, peaceful and just, its people happy and military proud. A voice called to him from behind. A very familiar voice. 
“My son…” he echoed. 
Jack turned to see his mother and father standing before him in all awe and glory. He ran to them and gave them both a big hug, crying tears of joy. 
He stopped to face them to ask, “Is… Is this real?” 
His mother spoke first. “No, I’m afraid. We have come to you in spirit to offer you our gratitude.” 
The Samurai’s heart sank as his smile dropped to a frown.
“Do not sorrow for us, my son.” assured his father.
“But… I never came back home to save you all.” he sadly confided. “All the ways home were destroyed.”
“Aku’s victories are not your defeats.” spake his father. He smiled as he placed his hand on his shoulder. “None have fought more bravely than you have.”
His mother chimed in. “You have won many victories, even to the defeat of Aku in the present, securing the future. Your allies and friends have sent their blessing and are forever grateful.”
“Each blessing is a stone to fortify the future and beyond.” His father taught. “And for that, we are eternally grateful.”
“I… understand.” said Jack. “But I’ll never see you again.”
His mother calmly reassured him, saying, “My son, we will be forever here with you.”
“Here, in your heart,” his father pointed to his chest. “Where we and your ancestors will continue to guide and support you, wherever and whenever you go.”
“Now we send you back into your world my beloved son,” Jack fought back tears as his mother confided to him. “For there is… one more life… you have to save…”
“The one you know as Ashi,” Jack’s eyes snapped open at her name. “We know of your love for her, and her mutual feelings for you. This innocent is the last who carries a part of Aku within her. You have to find her, then cleanse her soul of this infection.”
“But how, father? My attacks only harm and endanger her life further.” inquired Jack. He needed to know another way.
To which his parents smiled and said, “You will know when the time comes.”
His father wrapped his arm around his shoulders as his mother cupped his face as the surroundings slowly turned to light. “And remember, with our last thoughts to you in this plane, we love you…”
“I love you, too. All of you.” and with those last words, Jack’s vision went white, and the feelings with it. 
Jack awoke again, this time in what he perceived to be some kind of hospital. Everything ached. His head hurt. Left arm was in a sling. All he heard at first was the beeping from the machines that monitored his health. As his vision cleared, he realized he wasn’t alone. 
A few of the Daughters of the Scotsman stood guard over Jack as their father glowed a soft blue and floated in place, facing a window to Jack’s left, overseeing the recovery efforts. Flora and another sister of hers were on the couch to the right of Jack trying to find something good to watch on the holographic TV. 
She stopped at a news channel covering their victory of a lifetime. “Ey, dad! Take a look at this!” hollered Flora. 
He only turned his head and cocked his eyebrow to the news that aired. Little did they know Jack was awake watching with them, too. 
The news anchor continued, “… and authorities from around the world and beyond have seized all remaining assets from our former Shogun of Sorrows, Aku. The Interstellar Road to Recovery Summit led by Queen Mira of Andaluvia will speak in a few moments concerning their efforts.“ 
The camera cuts to a live feed from Andaluvia with Queen Mira on the throne, next to others from the Recovery Summit, addressing the crowd of reporters before her. She was still in her blue armor, damaged from her fight against Aku’s forces, but she was as proud as ever, despite her graying hair. She then stood up and gave her opening speech, addressing the reporters and her people. "Time and time again, we were forced to look to an evil, maniacal tyrant to solve all of our problems and we just paid whatever price was asked of us. In doing so, we lost sight of who we all really are and who we can be, the best version of ourselves!” she continued on, reflecting on her noble service. “A leader must be one who can serve his or her subjects well, not a dictator to enslave us! As a people, as a world, as a galaxy and beyond, we have now been given a second chance. We must never forget what we learned, for the cost of that knowledge has been very high indeed.” She fought back tears as she concluded. “None of us know what the future holds, but we will make it together, with full recognition of all that has been lost, and all that we have found again!!!" 
The crowds cheered in approval, Flora and the others rose their fists in admiration, and Jack gave his nod and smile as well. 
The Queen then looked straight into the camera lens again, as if looking at Samurai Jack. "And now, we must pay our utmost respects to the Samurai known as Jack, who gave it all and more to make this monumental day possible. I would be pleased to hear from him again. Were it not for our… previous engagement together… I would have never rethought my life back home, where I should have been there helping my people against Aku’s tyranny. Jack, if you are watching this, I offer you my thanks. If we ever meet again, I owe you a beer.” She smiled as the crowd chuckled.
The broadcast switched back to the news anchor who reported, “In other news today, the last of Aku’s minions, known only as the alias, Ashi, also part of the heretical Cult of Aku remains at large.” Jack’s eyes widened at this report. “She is accused of murdering several individuals of note who fought against Aku, and has attempted to murder the hero, Samurai Jack. Any information leading to her death or capture will be granted a substantial reward. She is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous.”
“A-a-Ashi…” Jack weakly spoke. Everyone in the room took notice.
“Whoa whoa whoa,” exclaimed Flora. “We got a live one ‘ere!”
“Of course he’s alive!” the Scotsman chastised. “I been through a lot with this man, he ain’t dyin’ anytime soon!”
“Ashi. That is not true about Ashi!” yelled Jack. “She’s the one who saved my life! I helped her break through!”
“Since when does the news get anythin’ right?!!” exclaimed Flora.
“No, wait a sec.” the Scotsman doubted. “How do ya know for sure?”
“You know me, Scotsman,” replied Jack. “She was able to break free of Aku’s curse! She wouldn’t have pulled me out of the rubble if otherwise!”
Still suspicious of Ashi’s intent, he eventually relented his antagonism for her because he trusted his friend above all else. “Alright, alright. we need to contact the authorities b’fore they put a bullet in ‘er head.”
“I’ll get a message out,” offered another of his daughters. He nodded and out the door she went.
“So how do ya plan on stopping her, eh?” the Scotsman asked.
“I do not know yet, but I have to reach her!” Jack hoped. “She thinks the world is after her now. That there is no way to return as the woman I loved!”
The news from Jack surprised them all in more ways than one.
“All right, all right, don’t get all mushy on us now.”
Jack stood from his hospital bed, casting aside his arm-sling. His injuries recovered enough for him to walk. He donned his gi, repaired and cleaned for him, with his sword.
Two of Jack’s militiamen came through with the daughter of the Scotsman.
“Sir, while we may doubt the validity of your claims, you have our trust that you can somehow save Ashi.” commented the soldier.
“With respect, do you even know how to save her?” asked the other. “The only thing in existence that can harm anything of Aku is that sword and that may wind up killing her.”
“No.” replied Jack. “It always seems bad at first, but then I find a way.”
“Alrighty, my friend!” The Scotsman said with glee. “Where do we start?”
The war was over, but at the same time, it was not.
As Jack and his allies assembled for a rescue mission, he still had to figure out what his parents meant by “You will know when the time comes.” 
He always found a way, always did.
“I’m coming for you Ashi, my love. I’m coming."
Author’s Notes:
Alrighty then, this idea came as a result of re-watching my favorite movie, Captain America: Winter Soldier. The ending (SPOILER ALERT) goes like this;
The day was won, and Cap’s allies took down Hydra, at the cost of their organization, SHIELD. There was only one thing to take care of. Bucky the Winter Soldier. Cap and him Duke it out in a heavily damaged warship and there isn’t much time before it crashes. Cap hopes that he can somehow get through to him, despite his former best friend being brainwashed by Hydra as an assassin they used for decades. When it seemed Bucky would kill Cap, the latter muttered their childhood saying that got him to stop and reconsider, saving Captain Roger’s life in the process.
Many of you have probably noticed I borrowed dialogue from Episodes XCV (Jack and the Puffball Vision) and XCVII (the Seppuku scene) for Jack’s dialogue with the Scotsman and Ashi, respectively. I’ll leave you to guess what quote I used from XCIV. Dialogue from the Aku Infection episode was used here, too. The news speech by Princess(now Queen) Mira is from the ending to Crysis 3.
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eyedelater · 7 years
well i have my physics final tomorrow so naturally i’m consuming anime and manga out of stress instead of studying
so here’s a post about the first five episodes of ajin
i read a good amount of the manga a good while ago but i stopped paying attention to it for a while. like, a long while. but let’s do some catching up
first impressions: the soundtrack is quite good, and the OP is also quite good. the 3dness of the animation, or rather, the CGIness? is somewhat strange but well done and i do like cel shading
i don't remember much about the manga except that protagonist finds out he's an ajin in a society with a fear-based bias against ajin, the protag is kind of an unlikeable asshole, the mad scientist guy is way too into torture and generally a fucked up person, the guy who wears the newsboy cap and always squints is also a very fucked up person and likes video games, and i think the mad scientist's lady assistant may have been the one sympathetic character in the whole thing but i'm not entirely sure.
professor exposition here made the ultimate teacher mistake of saying "this won't be on the exam" BEFORE the lecture. you gotta do your lectures and then at the end of the last lecture before an exam, you give them a list of things that will be on the exam and they know not to study the things that aren't on the list, while still having been unable to ignore those non-exam topics the first time around
"the first ajin was discovered in africa" shows a map of the entire continent of africa. so they don't even know the country? it had to be somewhere there was a war going on with U.S. involvement at that time, right? can't narrow it down further than a continent?
i remember that nagai was a dick to kai, who was trying to be a good friend
this sound of ajin healing up, it sounds like if you play a dripping dribbling sound backward and maybe corrupt it
so nagai uses boku pronouns. being such an asshole, he struck me as an ore in retrospect
right, see?? kai is worried about kei right away! but if i remember correctly, kei is gonna snub the fuck out of him before long. though he has been snubbing him lightly for a while now
a) dumbass cop saying "ajin secured" when he has certainly not secured the ajin b) kai's flying dropkick to a police officer holy shit
RIGHT i knew there was some distinguishing feature about the head area, but not exactly the face, on the mad scientist guy, and it's HIS GLASSES with a silly bend in them. i had glasses with a bend in them when i was like 10
the soundtrack again strikes me as quite good, although this ED is a little too uhh... well i kinda love the animations of the ED actually, but the song is sappy and ballady and i'm very much not into that, why do 90% of anime EDs have to be a sappy ballad? like OPM, the ending was such a laughingstock of an inappropriately sappy ballad, what’s with that
that was all for episode 1.
now for episode 2.
in the flashback, they flash back to the teacher saying "they're deceased humans." did he say that the first time? i thought he said like "of course they're not humans." maybe i wasn't listening closely enough the first time
we saw the police earlier. i forgot this is a story with police characters, thereby increasing its similarity to both death note and tokyo ghoul. ajin is like tokyo ghoul, and tokyo ghoul is like parasyte, but ajin isn't like parasyte.
tosaki says "tosaki" exactly like "tozaki" even though i think i remember this is a running joke. why is it a running joke? perhaps there’s a pun i should investigate
ah, i get it now, i was just thinking "it's so silly that a tranquilizer can stop an ajin, because that means the only reason anyone would have to fear an ajin is if they were using regular old weapons, it's such an obviously exploitable weakness" but then i realized that that's where the black ghost comes in, for catching tranquilizer shots out of the air, right? i think i remember that happening at some point. maybe?
hmm this cgi aesthetic they've created isn't bad, honestly... i keep thinking about how it must have saved them lots of money in their budget compared to hand-drawn animation, you know? though obviously there are limitations in flexibility as a result, but it's not like this is an anime where anyone makes really cartoonish faces or anything, probably
this fits perfectly in the "there's some humanoid creature that everyone hates and i, the protagonist, grew up human but now partly or fully belong to that other group" genre, along with snk, tokyo ghoul, and parasyte, among many others i’m sure
shimomura izumi, that's her name. right.
can these guys in the van see the black ghost or not? it absolutely looks like they can see the black ghost. that guy cowered away from it. and i forgot, the ghost thing is like... like a stand...? like a really dumb stand that does things silently instead of with yelling fervor, and you have to train it like a dog, but like a really dumb deadly dog, and they come hang out with you and make you an ajin if you're like "sure would be nice to not die, ever."
episode 3 now
so tanaka-kun is the one who was being tortured in that ajin experiment video
has someone already done a joke about how the curly spring form of the ghost is similar to the arms in the new nintendo game Arms
tosaki calls hat guy "man with a hat"?? wait i call him that too but he does have a name, what is it
why is kai the best friend ever
bike guy's knife looks like a vegetable peeler
with kei's hard reset, kei grasps the brutal logicality of being an ajin and kai grasps the brutal logicality of kei being an ajin
right, hat man is satou. that's confusing because there's a satou in heroaca as well and he's not evil or immortal or hat-wearing
2396 people got lost in the mountains LAST YEAR??? 294 people died of being lost in the mountains LAST YEAR???????????? how does this compare to real world statistics? he's not talking about worldwide, right? even worldwide, that number is way too high, isn't it? and how specific a statistic is that, for mountains in general, worldwide???
well, i say "why is kai the best friend ever," but tbh it seems pretty clear he loves kei, unless he busts out some shocking ulterior motive later on
when eriko says it's disgusting that kei is an ajin, i'd say that's because she wasn't especially fond of her brother in the first place. (probably bc he wasn't very good to her, but still). and i do remember enough to know that shimomura is an ajin, so she kept an exceptionally straight face while eriko's words cut right through her
kuroi yuurei, huh. i was wondering what the exact words were for the black ghost, and it's just literally "black ghost." might be a tiny bit disappointing
i definitely forgot shimomura dies so early on. whose ghost is the one with three claws like that? they do have some distinguishing features once in a while, right, these ghosts?
time for episode 4.
ajins would sure have an easier time posing as a human if they could stop their body from spitting out obviously lethal quantities of blood every time they bleed to death
right, that’s a distinguishing feature, shimomura’s ghost has a blade for a head or some shit
nakamura shinya. thanatosis? not thanatopsis. anyway humans don’t have a playing-dead reflex like that. opossums do, though.
i love how eriko doesn't give a shit about kei unless kai is involved
eriko calls kei "kuzui." strikes me as meaning, like, "scum." i'll have to double check that
i forgot about kai's smiley face earring(s). i feel like they were very much focused on in the manga, but in the anime, they don’t really stand out
tosaki sure answers his phone a lot
episode 5
if only kei could control his ghost enough to just, like, bat away any researchers who try to plunge a knife into him, but NOT KILL THEM. that tanaka apparition made it seem like killing them is the only option, but clearly the black ghost can interact with things in a non-killing way, so just whack em
doesn't it seem like it would be a pain to clean blood off of those soundproof walls in the room where they're doing things that cause blood to spatter?
oh, right, it's ogura. all i remember is that he smokes a cigarette and acted like a cool guy even tho he's old.
"nagai" means "long" (probably/definitely with different kanji than his name), but i'm prety well able to ignore that and not think of him as being Long or anything. however. "tosaki" sounds too similar to "tosaka," which refers to a rooster's crest. so i keep associating tosaki with a rooster. yeah
so killing oneself resets the sedatives' effects? i want to say "i don't think that's how it works" but regenerating limbs and such from thin air isn't how it works either...
i’ll watch some more some other time
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talllife · 7 years
Taller people are at increased risk of injury. On this page, I explain why this is the case, focusing in on back injuries in particular. I also discuss some exercises, activities, spine sparing strategies, and ergonomics adaptations that can help in the prevention and recovery from back injuries.
Much of this section of Tall Life draws on the work of the world renowned spine researcher, Stuart McGill, whom I had the good fortune of meeting while I was struggling with back pain of my own. If you want to learn from the expert himself, I suggest starting with his latest book, Back Mechanic.1
Please note that the content of this page and website in general is not intended as medical advice and is for information purposes only. For more than that, please refer to the medical professionals mentioned and literature cited. This is stated in more detail on the website disclaimer.
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  Tall People Back Pain and Back Problems Contents
Use this table of contents to jump to the sections that interest you most. For instance, if you don’t care why tall people have a higher risk of back pain and back problems, then it would be best to skip the first section.
Why Tall People Have a Higher Risk of Back Pain Spine Stabilizing Exercises Posture Correcting Exercises Activities Spine Sparing Strategies Ergonomics References
Why Tall People Have a Higher Risk of Back Pain and Back Problems
Barbados Joe Walcott, the 5′1″ former world welterweight boxing champion, was well known for entering into matches against significantly larger opponents. His rather famous reasoning was that, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall,” and he figured a smaller fighter could take advantage of this. For anyone other than Barbados Joe Walcott, this would probably be a bad bet. But, he was right that a larger person experiences more force when they hit the ground.
But shouldn’t our taller bodies be better suited to larger forces? They are, but not proportionally so. This is because the taller body, despite being absolutely stronger, is relatively weaker, as per the Sqaure-Cube Law.
Another issue often pointed out is that our larger bodies have longer levers. To better appreciate this concept, let’s consider the wrench analogy. As we all know, it’s hard to get a nut off a bolt by hand. This is why we have wrenches. And for the tightest nuts, we have extra-long wrenches. This is because a longer wrench can apply more torque (rotational force) to the nut. But while large torque is great for unscrewing a nut, too much can break it. Similarly, taller people’s longer limbs apply more torque to the joints. And as with forces, our larger joints are better at accepting larger torques, but not proportionally so, as per the square-cube law. The result is an increased risk of injury.
Another issue tall people face is that a thicker body experiences more stress when bent or twisted a given angle. You can verify this yourself by bending two different size wooden dowels, noting that the thicker one breaks at a lesser angle.
And yet one more issue is our slower reflexes that result from longer nerves,2–14 as this makes it harder to avoid injurious situations. All of these issues, and perhaps more, increase our risk of injury.
But if size is such an issue, then how is it that larger species get by? Shouldn’t giraffes be constantly suffering from sore necks? The answer is that larger species have had millions of years to adapt for their great size, such as by becoming relatively more big boned. Their legs also tend to be stacked closer to vertical, including when running, and this decreases torques on their joints.5 More generally, they move conservatively and plan far ahead in order to compensate for their slower reflexes.6 Tall people have not benefited from this same extent of evolutionary adaptation for our size, and this, rather than our size alone, is the deeper reason why we’re more likely to become injured.
Many studies confirm that we’re at greater risk for injuries, including to the ankle, knee, hip, back, neck, shoulder, and wrist.7–20 Studies of injury rates in various sports also routinely find tall athletes are at greater risk.8,17–19 And the injuries that afflict the elderly are also more common in tall people, such as hip fractures.20
I’ve injured all but one of the joints I mentioned above. My worst injury by far was to my back. Back injuries can come on suddenly, or gradually as was the case for me. I figure poor posture has a lot to do with it, or more specifically, a deviation from neutral spine posture. This is more likely to occur for tall people both due to ill-fitting manufactured objects and lesser relative strength. But what is it that’s so disastrous about deviating from neutral spine posture in the first place?
A deviation from neutral spine posture corresponds with a bending of the spine. The main problem with a bent spine, Stuart McGill explains, is that uneven pressure is applied to the discs.21 This is particularly problematic for loads that are large (car accident), applied over longer durations (desk work), or applied cyclically (vibrating machinery or sports). Uneven pressure in these instances pushes the gel-like contents of the disc away from center, encouraging a departure from the disc. The simplest way to visualize this is as the squishing of a jelly donut. Sometimes the result is called a herniated disc. I have several discs in my own spine that have been damaged similarly.
Another way discs can become altered is by a loss of water content, which results in a decrease in thickness. This happens naturally over the course of the day as gravity compresses the discs. This is why we tend to be shorter in the evening than in the morning. I actually once bought a car in the evening only to find out the next morning that it was too small for me!
As we age, the discs can lose some of their ability to remain hydrated, and this results in a more permanent reduction in stature. Besides with age though, desiccation can also result from stress, which in theory tall people are more subject too. Once again, many of my discs have been damaged in this way.
As I know from experience, disc damage can cause immense pain. This may come directly from the damaged disc or from the pressure herniations put on sensitive nerves outside the disc. Pain in turn causes tightness, putting more stress on the discs. The resulting injury loop can lead to chronic pain.
Though there’s some evidence that discs can regenerate,22,23 this healing is nowhere near as speedy as for broken bones. One doctor actually told me mine would probably never heal. The fact I wish he’d have told me, though, is that herniated discs and the like are often asymptomatic,24 meaning there are lots of people walking around with them without even knowing it. It would follow then that herniations may become asymptomatic with time. Knowing this early on would have saved me a lot of grief.
To give the discs a chance to become asymptomatic, we must avoid injuring them further. So in this case, prevention and recovery are pretty much the same thing. The key for both is maintaining good posture. This can be aided with exercises, activities, spine sparing strategies, and ergonomic modifications, as explained in the following sections.
Spine Stabilizing Exercises for Tall People Back Pain and Back Problems
When my back first started getting bad, I jumped to the conclusion that this was a sign of weakness. So I hit the gym and started lifting some heavy weights. Similarly, I was told I had to improve my flexibility, so I began working my way up to being able to touch my toes with straight legs, and so on.
As it turns out, I was doing myself more harm than good; I later learned from Stuart McGill that neither high static back strength nor mobility are associated with lower risk of back injury, and can actually have the opposite effect. Instead, it’s good muscle endurance and control that’s important. For further appreciation of this notion, consider that low force tasks extended over long durations, such as standing, or tasks requiring proficient control, such as picking a pencil up off the ground, often lead to injury.
Muscle endurance and control are thus important for maintaining a stable spine, where a given posture, usually the neutral posture, is maintained. This ability can be improved with exercises that challenge endurance and control, such as Stuart McGill’s Big Three Stabilizing Exercises.21 I briefly explain these below. Before attempting these, it’s best to consult a physiotherapist or similar.
Cat-Camel: This first exercise isn’t for increasing stability but rather for increasing the viscosity in the spine, among other benefits, and thus useful for preparing for stabilizing exercises. McGill recommends moving between these two postures approximately five to eight times, integrating movement throughout the entire spine.
#1 Curl-up: With the hands supporting the neutral curvature of the low back and one knee flexed, the head and shoulders are slightly raised from the floor. A possible routine could include three sets with six, four, and then two reps that last ten seconds each, alternating which knee is flexed.
#2 Side Bridge: Support the body weight by the feet and forearm. The less advanced version is done with the knees on the ground. The same rep/set pattern as for the curl-up can be used.
#3 Bird Dog: One arm and one leg, on opposite sides of the body, are raised. The same rep/set pattern as the curl-up can be used.
Posture Correcting Exercises for Tall People Back Pain and Back Problems
A former coach of mine once mentioned to me that I looked strong from in front but weak from behind. What he was noticing was that my chest muscles were overpowering my upper back muscles, causing my shoulders to round forward.
Some years later, I learned that what I was experiencing was part of a fairly common pattern of muscle imbalances known as the crossed syndromes.25,26 They’re called crossed because tight and weak compensations literally cross the body, cascading along its length in an alternating pattern. In the spine, visually, the tight regions are curved inwards while the weak and elongated regions are curved outwards, both contributing to an accentuation of the spine’s natural curvatures.
There are two characteristics of the crossed syndromes that warrant pointing out in the context of tall stature. The first is that the resulting distorted posture relies more on passive support from musculoskeletal tissues, thereby decreasing muscular effort. The second is that they decrease overall stature. Taller peoples’ diminished relative strength and relatively short artificial environment may provide increased incentive for us to adopt the distorted posture, and thereby initiate the syndromes.
Besides the crossed syndromes, there are many other ways posture can become distorted. The good news though is that regularly performed exercises can provide some compensation for the issues leading to postural distortions. The basic idea is to stretch the tight muscles and strengthen the weakened muscles. A physiotherapist or similar can help determine if your posture is distorted and prescribe exercises to correct it.
Activities for Tall People Back Pain and Back Problems
When my back first got bad, I got a lot of suggestions for various activities I could do that might help. Perhaps the most common was to do yoga, for which the benefits for back pain sufferers are well known.27,28
Many yoga poses help build muscle endurance and control and correct common postural distortions. Particularly beneficial are the poses that emphasize neutral spine posture. And beyond the mechanical aspects, there are other reasons why yoga may be helpful for back pain sufferers, including the cultivation of mindfulness.29,30
I’d like to note, though, that Stuart McGill has expressed concern over the yoga poses that twist and bend the spine considerably, such as those below. He explains that this isn’t necessary for building a robust back, and can actually increase the risk of injury. Yet, as McGill demonstrated in a recent yoga workshop I attended, some of these poses can be done more moderately or modified for the individual, which happens to be a central theme in yoga.
I think yoga is particularly great for tall people given it presents an opportunity to improve relative strength, which we tend to lack. The flip side though is that we need to be careful with the poses that require high relative strength. Our other characteristics that warrant caution include lesser flexibility, more numerous injuries, and thicker spine that won’t twist nor bend as readily. Nevertheless, I’ve been practicing yoga with moderation myself for some seven years now and am certain that it has helped me enormously. See the Yoga for Tall People page for more.
The next most common recommendation I got was to take up swimming. This seemed like a great idea to me, particularly because tall people, like 6′4″ Michael Phelps, make great swimmers. As with yoga though, swimming is a varied activity, so different strokes for different folks. The Phelps style butterfly, for example, will probably not be helpful to those suffering from back injuries. Breast stroke and front crawl, on the other hand, may be better. But even these require some extent of twisting and extending of the spine as breaths are taken. The solution I came across is to use a swim snorkel. This negates coming up for air, thereby facilitating a neutral posture along the entire length of the spine. See Swimming Strokes for Bad Backs and Necks for more on this topic.
When swimming is vigorous, it yields cardiovascular benefits, which can be beneficial for back pain sufferers.31 This is likely because of a hypoalgesic effect32; endorphins are released which decrease pain much like morphine does. Extended exercise can also trigger the release of endocannabinoids which can give a euphoric feeling commonly known as runner’s high,33 helping the body to relax. I’ve found cycling to be an even better form of low impact cardiovascular exercise. McGill does point out though that competitive road cycling can encourage too much spine flexion.
Walking, though somewhat less than cycling and swimming, also has cardiovascular benefits. Interestingly, McGill has found a brisk pace—and for tall people this will be particularly fast—better for the back than a stroll. A decent arm swing and looking straight ahead also help. More walking can be interjected into daily life by parking at the far side of the lot, taking the stairs, and my personal favorite, getting a dog.
Food can also have an influence on injury recovery and prevention, including on the body’s inflammation response. Sufficient consumption of Omega-3s in particular has been recognized as important.34
A final concept I’d like to mention is moderation. A routine, whether for an athlete of any level or for an individual recovering from an injury, lies on an inverted U-shaped curve, where the optimum has neither too much rest nor too much training.21 By finding this golden mean, as Aristotle once called it, optimum physique can be achieved.
Spine Sparing Strategies for Tall People Back Pain and Back Problems
Young people, my former self included, tend not to be all that careful with their backs. For instance, I remember my total disregard for spine posture when lifting things, despite my wiser elders advising me to keep a straight back. I did eventually learn, but the hard way, and at great cost to my spine. Perhaps if I’d read it in a book such as this, it might have played out differently. Below are a variety of spine sparing strategies.
Maintain a neutral spine posture: Neutral spine posture is particularly important when under load, especially prolonged static and cyclical loads.
Use the lower extremities for getting low: The squat, hip hinge, lunge, and golfer’s lift are all robust postures for getting low.
Minimize torque arms: By lifting close to the body and pushing and pulling through the center of the spine, torque acting on the spine is minimized. When pulling low door handles, for example, torque can be reduced via a slight lunge.
Contract core muscles before lifting heavy loads: Though this increases the load on the spine, it ensures the neutral posture is maintained, which tends to be more critical.
Use aids: Use lifting tools such as hoists, dollies, and furniture straps. Protective clothing can also help as it encourages holding the load closer to the body, thereby reducing torques. Knee pads are particularly helpful for us as they encourage getting low via kneeling rather than flexing the spine.
Use mechanical advantage: When lifting a log, for example, use leverage by lifting one side at a time. Better yet, have a second person lift the other side as is common in such tasks as moving a couch.
Avoid prolonged static postures: Even low stresses, when maintained for long periods such as for desk work, can lead to injury. So it’s best to regularly get up and move.
Avoid bending and lifting early in the morning and after sitting: The discs are most hydrated after waking, and this leads to a stiff spine. Sitting tends to have the opposite effect, but only on one side of the spine. It’s best to delay bending and strenuous activity after both waking and sitting.
Ergonomics for Tall People Back Pain
Another factor that needs addressing is the poor ergonomics that result from ill-fitting objects. This is such an enormous problem for tall people that I have devoted an entire section of this website to it: Ergonomics. Some featured articles are below. For me, addressing my ergonomics in the kitchen, in my car, and at my desk had the greatest benefit for my back pain and back problems.  
Ergonomics Featured Posts
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Tall People Back Pain and Back Problems References
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Tall People Back Pain and Back Problems Taller people are at increased risk of injury. On this page, I explain why this is the case, focusing in on back injuries in particular.
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