#“well I’ll go fuck myself I guess!” “ bye.” “*goes 10 feet before turning around like the girl with the pearl earring* bye… *does it again*”
nazumichi · 2 years
michiru calling out marie at the festival for breaking their deal, and marie instantly defending herself through the means of dramatic wailing and taking fake offence is an act I bet she uses on rare occasions and all the time. marie is a master of psychological manipulation (no she isn’t, she’s smiling the whole time, which sort of makes her seem less genuine. for some reason).
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illmaticreid · 4 years
We Fell in Love in October
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DESCRIPTION: Noah is in college studying film and has been a very boring freshman thus far. Her roommate demands that she goes to a party with her and this is where she meets an extremely bold Matthew. 
A/N: I just started rewatching Criminal Minds & have slowly become obsessed with mgg again so I needed to make a fanfic. please be kind I am extremely rusty lol!! if you have any requests or ideas for me please don’t be afraid to message me. thank you for reading <3
Warnings: smut, alcohol, drugs, very light degradation 
Word Count: 3,065
"Are you going out with us tonight?" My roommate, Ellie, asked me. It had been 3 weeks since school had started and I have realized that Ellie is one of those girls who went to college just to party. She asked me every weekend if I wanted to go out with her and her friends, I always said no.
Ellie was a really sweet girl and I felt bad when I had to tell her, "No, I have some studying to do. Sorry." She laughed in my face, knowing I was lying to her because I used the same excuse every weekend.
"You go to class and immediately come back to our dorm or you go to the library. I am sure you studied enough this week. It's okay to have fun for one night!" Ellie told me as she was putting on her makeup for the night. She always wore winged eyeliner and long fake eyelashes without ever looking ridiculous or overdone somehow. I stared at her for a couple of seconds before telling her that I would go with her.
She got up from her seat insisting that she could do my makeup and hair. I agreed and let her have fun because I knew she would do a good job and it would be fun to actually look good for once. She offered to let me borrow one of her outfits but I declined because I already had an idea of what I wanted to wear. I put on black ripped jeans with a lace bodysuit for a shirt and some heels that I was probably going to regret wearing within the hour.
I grabbed a leather jacket because it can get pretty chilly in New York at night. I looked in the mirror one more time and I felt confident. I felt excited for the first time in a long time. I felt like myself.
 Ellie squealed when she saw my outfit, which I'm assuming means she approved. "You look so amazing! This is a nice change of scenery from your cardigans that you're always wearing."
"Hey! I love my cardigans," I said to her jokingly. We both laughed before she told me the uber would be here in a minute. We walked out of our dorm room and outside the building right as our ride arrived.
The drive was only about 10 minutes, as we were only going to one of a friends house that lived a couple of blocks away. I was praying that it wasn't a frat party, and I was relieved when we pulled up to some apartments made for upperclassmen that didn't live in dorms.
As soon as we walked in Ellie made me greet a bunch of her friends that I had never seen before. NYU was a big campus, I would never know any of these people even if they were in my classes.
This is what I get for waiting three weeks to go to a college party. Everyone here has already started to bond and make relationships with others. I was a little angry at myself for trying to be this innocent good girl and stay in and just study.
That is not me what so ever, and I am surprised I even lasted that long. In high school, I went to as many parties as possible and I always had a boy wrapped around my finger.
I tried to just focus on my studies and my number one goal was supposed to be school. It was honestly getting exhausting because I needed to let loose.
Ellie pulled me out of my thoughts as she introduced me to someone named Elio that somehow recognized me from our Foreign Film class.
"You look very familiar but I don't remember seeing you in class every. I'm sorry!" I told him, feeling bad because I genuinely don't know if I have ever seen him.
Ellie told me she was going to grab herself a drink while I 'mingled' with Elio. Her words, not mine. She walked away and I almost panicked at the thought of being alone at a party where I know nobody.
"That's okay, I'll just have to sit next to you on Tuesday." He said while smiling at me which made me blush. If I had seen him before, I don't know why I never tried to talk to him sooner because he was very attractive. I was suddenly not worried about Ellie at all and figured I could be perfectly alone with him. I was just about to tell him that I would love it if he sat next to me when one of his friends interrupted our conversation.
"Hey, Matthew! This is Noah, she is Ellie's friend. She is in our Foreign Film class." Elio said as I put out my hand to shake Matthew's hand. My stomach felt like it just dropped to my feet. How have I never seen this person in my class?
He was beautiful.. his dark brown eyes stared at me and neither of us said anything. I know the class that we are all supposedly in is huge, but how could I miss both of these extremely good looking men. I guess this is what happens when all you do is keep your head down and sit in the front row every single class.
"Hi, Noah, nice to meet you." He said, not taking his eyes off of me. All of me. He looked me up down very slowly and if it was anyone else, I probably would have been offended. Embarrassingly enough, I let it slide because I was doing the same thing to him.
"Um... N-Nice to meet you, too" I stuttered out embarrassingly. God, I  could barely form a coherent sentence around him. We all just kind of stared at each other for a couple of seconds. Good Job Noah! You made everyone uncomfortable with your stupid plain reply.
He broke the silence again by saying, "I was just about to ask Elio if he wanted to go smoke. Would you like to join us?" He pulled a little bag of green out his pocket and a smile formed on my face. I told him yes very easily because I was not much of a drinker and I definitely preferred to smoke. I don't know if I would be able to make it through the night without being at least a little high.
The three of us walked outside and passed a joint around for a little bit. At first, we all just talked about remedial stuff that no one actually cared about. I stayed quiet for the most part, only speaking when I was spoken to.
After about fifteen minutes, Elio walked back inside because it was getting cold. I didn't know whether to be happy or nervous being alone with Matthew. I was a confident person, and almost no one made me nervous. Matthew made me extremely nervous though, in more ways than one. When I looked him in the eyes, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.
"Are you studying film, as well?" I asked him, trying to make things a little less awkward. "I don't think that's what you wanna talk about, Noah" He replied. He moved his chair closer to mine and put his hand on my knee giving it a soft squeeze. My mouth fell open and I felt a heartbeat between my legs.
"What do you want me to talk about then?" I asked him, trying to play his game. He turned towards me and smiled, "I am very attracted to you." The butterflies in my stomach were very strong and were almost making me sick.
Oh, God. I have never met someone so bold before. No one ever talks to me like this, and if they do it takes them months to finally say something worth my while. I've known Matthew for maybe 20 minutes, and somehow he is already the most honest person I've ever met.
"What?" I replied, trying to understand what just came out of his mouth.
"I can tell you feel the same way. Why don't we just cut to the chase? Do you want to go to my apartment?" He asked, and I had to squeeze my legs shut because of how turned on I was.
How do I respond to that? I usually am not the type of girl to let someone fuck on the first date but we weren't even on a date and I was seriously considering it.
He was right, I was very attracted to him.  How did he know that though? I was barely speaking to him. My eyes had been all over him from the second I met him, and usually that is a telltale sign that someone is into you. I guess I was not as slick as I thought.
My thoughts came to an end as I realized I had just been staring at him again, not answering his question.
I took the last hit of the joint before putting it out in the ashtray. "Yes," I told him. I wanted nothing more than to go back to his apartment. Sober me would probably not have done this, but high me definitely would.
He got up and took my hand as I followed behind him. Ellie looked at me confused as she saw me leaving. I just waved bye to her and gave her a wink. She gave me a thumbs up and smiled as we walked out of the door.
He told me he lived in this building, we just had to take an elevator up to another floor. The elevator ride made me slightly anxious, wondering if I made the wrong decision. He could take me back to his apartment and murder me for all I know. For some reason, I trusted him. I wasn't afraid of him at all. It felt like I had known him for years and things just came naturally around him.
As soon as we got into his apartment he pushed me against the wall roughly and I barely got a gasp out before his mouth was on mine. He grabbed my hips and pulled them towards him as we continued to kiss. I put my hands on his chest and threw his jacket off.
I tried to start unbuttoning his shirt but he bent down to grab the back of my legs and lift me up. He started walking back to his room and threw me on his bed. He took my jacket off of me and threw it on the floor while his tongue attacked my neck. We were both undressing each other much slower than I would have liked. I was left in just my bodysuit that was practically lingerie.
"Fuck," he said as he stared me down. He was taking too long to do anything with me so I took off the rest of my clothing by myself and I took off his boxers as well.
"Let me know if I am being too rough," he told me sweetly as he started kissing my boobs. I laughed before telling him, "the rougher the better." He looked up at me and I swear his dick got 10x harder. His hand traveled down my body and started massing my clit as another finger slipped into me.
I moaned loudly and I knew I wasn't going to last long. "Just fuck me already please," I begged him.
"Someone's eager," he said as he kept pumping his fingers into me and I let out another loud moan. He took his fingers out of me and I let out a small cry, wanting more. Seconds later, I felt his tongue on me and I could have died right there. I looked down at him and made eye contact with him and I felt things I've never felt before. He was intoxicating.
"Fuck, Matthew. You're gonna make me come," I told him and that just fueled him even more. He licked up my slit and started sucking on my clit. I felt my stomach being wound up, completely embarrassed that someone I just met could make me come in less than ten minutes.
"Come for me, baby," He said and put a finger back in me, stroking my g-spot all while his tongue was still flicking against me. His words sent me over the edge and I came. Hard. I moaned so loudly, his name falling from my lips.
He kept going and I had to push his head away from me because I was so overstimulated. He lifted his head up, his chin soaking wet and I felt my cheeks get even more red than they already were.
He came up to me and stuck his fingers in my mouth, letting me taste myself. My eyes opened wide, shocked at how dirty this man was. He reached into his nightstand and grabbed a condom and quickly rolled it down himself.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked me. I was a little doubtful that he actually cared about my feelings on whether we should be having sex or not, but he seemed genuine. The look in his eyes told me he was being serious and wanted to make sure that I was okay with everything.
"Yes, I am sure," I told him but I don't think he believed me, he stared at me for a minute. I reached my head up to his so I could kiss him and reassure him that I wanted nothing more than for him to just completely wreck me. He gave me a toothy grin before slamming into me.
He stretched me out completely and I was not ready at all, but I can only blame myself considering I was the one that told him the rougher the better. He was slow at first, aggravatingly slow. He picked up his pace very quickly. Sweat dripping down his forehead and landing right between my boobs. He lifted his hand up to my neck and took hold of it. I smiled as he choked me and let out a little moan.
He gave me this possessive look that just turned me on even more. My back arched off of the back, trying to get as close to him as I possibly could. His headboard was slamming against the wall with every thrust. That combined with the loud moans surely pissed his neighbors off. He pulled out of me completely, and I almost complained but I didn't get the chance to because his next words completely threw me for a loop.
"Get on your hands and knees," He told me very aggressively. I complied quickly with a smile on my face. I put my ass in the air and my face was basically buried in his bed. He grabbed onto my hips so tightly that there would be marks in the morning and started thrusting back into me.
"Spank me," I said, full of confidence. I knew he wasn't going to without me telling him to, so I made a move that benefited both of us. I felt a hand come down harshly onto my ass and it stung in the best way possible. We both moaned at the same time.
"Harder," I said to him, surprising myself. Where was this coming from? I never talk like this during sex. Matthew just brought something out of me.
"Is that a challenge, Noah?" He said and I could hear the smirk in his tone.
"Of course it is, Matthew," I responded. Another loud smack came down onto my ass that was so much harder than the first and took my breath away. He grabbed onto my hair and twirled it around his fist before lifting me up to him.
"Are you being a brat?" he whispered into my ear. Fuck, he was so hot. Of course, I was being a brat, I wanted him to ruin me.
"Always," I said to him, sweetly with a tinge of sarcasm in my voice. He let my hair go and continued to fuck me very hard while spanking me even harder.
The light banter made the sex that much better. I would definitely not be able to sit down tomorrow. My stomach was being wound up again and I was on the brink of another orgasm. His heavy breathing and quiet moans were music to my ears.
I've had sex plenty of times but no one had ever made me come. Let alone twice in one night. It's like he could read my mind because right then, he reached around to rub my clit and I felt my self come undone again.
I let out loud moans, chanting his name. He came quickly after me and emptied himself into the condom. Matthew sat there for a second and I felt him softly twitching inside of me. He pulled the condom off of him and threw it in his trash bin before collapsing next to me.
"Who would have known you were such a dirty girl." Matthew teased before giving me another kiss. I laid down onto my back and he walked over to his bathroom and grabbed a warm rag. He gently wiped me down and I winced a little from the heat.
"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you or anything, right?" He asked with a look of concern on his face. How cute. He thinks he could hurt me.
"No, I am okay," I told him honestly. He gave me a pair of underwear and a big t-shirt. I gave him a confused look because I planned on going home.
"I want you to stay, Noah. It's almost 2 am, there's no sense in leaving this late. Please." Matthew said, unknowingly giving me puppy dog eyes. I could never say no to those beautiful chocolate eyes. I took the clothes he gave me and went to the bathroom to change. When I walked out, he was laying in his bed in just his underwear. I laid down next to him and cuddled his chest.
He kissed the top of my head and whispered, "Goodnight." I fell asleep in his arms and I swear it was the best sleep I've had in years.
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13-reasons-ideas · 5 years
Finding Peace in Another Part 9
TW this chapter contains discussion of parental death and suicide. suicide not mentioned until after the cut. 
A/N: This chapter is very personal to me and it is where we learn just what prompted the move to Crestmont. I hope you enjoy. As always, feedback is appreciated. 
The next morning was far less eventful than the previous one. No surprise visitors, no almost revelations about a dead brother. Just us spending the morning together getting ready. I met him at school, and we shared a quick kiss before going to meet our friends. Monty met up with the boys and I spent some time with Alex and Clay before class. Alex and Clay were arguing about some comic book I had never heard of, but they tried to make me feel included in the conversation. I zoned out after a few minutes, thinking about what would happen if they found out about Montgomery and I. I know that Alex and Monty haven’t exactly had the best history. Alex had told me about the fights they got in and I was very aware of how Montgomery handled his emotions. Which, to put it bluntly, was essentially just to hit things until he felt better. “Hello? Becca? Earth to Rebecca?” I heard Clay call tapping me on the shoulder.
“Huh? What sorry?” I said, absentmindedly.
“I was just asking about what you did last night.” He said, looking at me strangely.
“Oh. Sorry, I just stayed in, had pizza and watched a movie. Just a me night.” I lied smoothly.
“Nice, what movie?” Alex asked.
“The Notebook.” I told him, picking my favourite sappy film. They both made a face and muttered something about chick flicks. We had walked to my locker, where I heard Bryce comment on the scratches on Montgomery’s back he saw yesterday before practice.
“No wonder you were so tired at practice yesterday. You were probably up most of the night. Who’s the lucky girl?” he asked, pushing Montgomery’s shoulder. I blushed into my locker and heard Alex make a sound of disgust at their discussion.
“Fuck you Standall, grownups are talking. No one you know. It doesn’t really matter. It was fun though. Ill probably see her again.” He said, trying to hide that it was me as we agreed. Bryce seemed surprised that he didn’t want to go into detail and even more surprised that he wanted to see the girl again. I heard Alex mutter something akin to ‘charming’ as Clay just stood there, looking very uncomfortable. I waved bye to my friends as Zach and I walked to class. I felt someone’s eyes on me as I walked away and felt a text, checking it I saw it was from Monty ‘I’ll definitely be seeing you again. By the way, you look hot today.’ I smiled as I put my phone away, feeling heat creep to my cheeks. Zach saw my blush and grinned at me.
“sssoooo… who’s the lucky guy? Or the lucky girl? I don’t judge.” He said in a singsong voice. I felt my blush grow deeper and laughed.
“It’s a guy. We um… we aren’t really telling anyone yet. We want to keep it to ourselves for a while. I am happy though. Happier than I’ve been in a long time.” Zach nodded in understanding.
“I get that, I’ve been there. Just make sure he doesn’t make you keep it a secret forever.” He told me as he sat in his seat. After class ended, I bid Zach goodbye and told him I would see him at lunch. I saw Tony in English and told him about what Montgomery and I decided last night.
“That’s good. I’m glad you’re happy. Just let him know if he hurts you, ill have to hurt him.” He told me seriously.
“You and about 12 other people Tony. Ill let him know though.”
By the time lunch came, I was ready to go home and go back to bed. Monty and I need to start sleeping together through the night, rather than talk for hours on end, only sleeping for a few hours a night. Walking over to our table, I saw Zach already there. “Hey Zach.” I mumbled, sleepily.
“Hey Becca. You look exhausted.” His voice sounding concerned. I sat down and put my head on his shoulder.
“I am. I haven’t really been sleeping much the past few weeks. Did you have plans after school?” I asked him, stifling a yawn.
“No I don’t think so. Why? Did you want me to come by and chill?” I nodded and made a sound of agreement, closing my eyes. “Okay, ill text my mom after lunch and let her know I’m going to your place.” I nodded again. “Did you want to nap?” he asked kindly. I nodded again. “I’ll tell the guys to be quiet then. I’ll wake you after lunch Becca.” I nodded off a bit, sleeping lightly until I felt serval pairs of eyes on me and heard whispers. 
“She’s so cute when she sleeps.” 
“Wonder what she’s been doing to need to nap at lunch.” 
“Awe, her nose twitched.” 
They all sound like new parents watching their baby. “Quit staring please. It’s creepy.” I mumbled, opening my eyes and turning to Zach. “How long was I out?” 
“About 10 minutes. Feel better?” 
“Yeah. I should make it through the rest of the day. Don’t know if I’ll make it through a few episodes of our show though, so only expect an episode tonight.” 
“That’s fine. Did you want to reschedule?” 
“No no, it’s okay. I’ll make a cup of coffee when we get to my place or something.” I felt Montgomery’s eyes bore into me but ignored it. He knows Zach and I are just friends so it’s not like he has anything to worry about. Turning my attention to Scott and Bryce, “also, no. I’m not cute when I sleep. And what I’ve been doing is none of your damn business.” I told them matter of factly, but still smiling. They laughed and rolled their eyes. 
     The rest of the day went a little smoother than this morning. I was more awake and alert. There was less fog in my brain. Zach and I agreed in Peer that he would spend the night, so he was going to run home for clothes and grab some food from Rosie’s on the way to my house for us. I texted Monty to let him know, as a courtesy. ‘Hey, just so you know, Zach is going to spend the night at my place. We might end up drinking and I don’t want him driving home then.’ He responded a few minutes later ‘okay, thanks for letting me know.’ Sneaking a look around to make sure Ms. Bradley wasn’t looking, I texted him back. ‘He has to run home and grab some clothes after class. So I could hang around school for a few minutes, if you wanted....’ He texted me back almost immediately. ‘Meet me at my locker after class. Have to get my fill of you in before the weekend.’ As the bell rang, I gathered my stuff quickly and waved to Zach before all but running out of class towards Montgomery’s locker. I saw him standing there, leaning against his locker looking for me, though to anyone passing by it would just look like he was scanning the crowd. Spotting me, he jerked his head towards the exit, signalling for me to meet him out there and get away from the people. I walked to the door and exited the building, finding myself in an empty alcove. A few minutes later I heard the door open and Monty came through. He closed the gap in four steps, leaning down to cup my face as he kissed me. Because we were in public and at risk of being caught at any time, we kept the kissing brief and talked for another few minutes. 
“So, this girl you’re spending your nights with... I hear she’s pretty great.” I teased him. 
“Yeah. She’s smart, and funny, and wild in bed. I barely have to touch her and she’s putty in my hands.” He teased back, winking at me. “And she does this thing when she’s reading, if she’s really into the book. Her brows furrow and she starts mouthing the words as she reads. It’s adorable.” He went on, laughing at my blushing face. My phone alerted me to a text message. It was from Zach telling me he was leaving his place with his clothes for tomorrow.
“Shit, I have to go. Zach is leaving his place and I don’t want to make him wait outside.” 
“Okay, text me when you get home.” 
“I will.” Tell him, pecking him on the cheek. “Bye babe.” 
“Bye baby, have a fun night.” He says, turning his head to kiss me goodbye. It’s a brief kiss but enough to get us through until Monday. 
     Rushing to my car, I drive home hoping to beat Zach there. I manage to beat him by five minutes and am looking for a wine glass when I hear his knock on the door. When I open the door, Zach is standing there with a bag of food in one hand and a coffee for me in the other. I lead him inside and he sets the food down on the island, handing me my coffee as I take a long drink. I savour the burn as it goes down. He puts his bag down and unpacks dinner as I pour myself a glass of wine. “Did you want a drink? There’s beer in the fridge or wine or pop.” I offer him.
“I’ll take a beer yeah.” Handing him a bottle and the bottle opener, he opens it before we make our way to the couch to start our show. We sit down and enjoy dinner together as we watch our show, laughing until it’s over. Pouring another glass of wine and grabbing another beer for Zach, he asks me “tell me about mystery man? You were awfully red this morning when you were texting him. I know you aren’t telling people, but I know you want to spill.” 
“Well, without giving too much away, I guess I can tell you some things.” I said, pulling my legs under me, holding my glass of wine. Zach leaned back on the couch waiting for me to continue. “He’s tall. Not as tall as you, but tall enough for me. He’s smarter than he lets on and he cares more than he wants people to think, but also short tempered. Looking at me you wouldn’t expect me to go for his type.” I heard Zach gasp and I held a breath. 
“Is it Cyrus? Because that would be cool. He’s kind of funny.” His thought made me laugh. 
“No! It’s not Cyrus I swear to you. He doesn’t strike me as the ‘hide your girlfriend’ type. More, carry a girl on his shoulders so everyone knows she’s his. Anyway, this guy. He has rough edges but once you get passed that outer shell, he’s a big softy. Never repeat that to him when we decide to tell people. It was very unexpected. After the year and a half I’ve had, the last thing was looking for was a relationship. After my mom died I kind of... I didn’t know how to handle it. And just when I got back on my feet...” I trailed off, unsure if I wanted to continue and let Zach in. 
“When my dad died, I was lost. My friends were out of town so Hannah and I started hanging out. I went to a lot of movies to fill the time. I had to step up and be the man of the house. I’m 17, that’s not what I want. I want to be a kid. So I get it. You lose someone close to you and your world flips 180 degrees. You have to learn how to breathe and live again.” He told me, sympathetically grasping my hand. I got up to grab myself another glass of wine and got him another beer. 
“If you want to hear the rest, I’m going to need another drink.” He nodded in understanding as I sat down handing him the cold beer. I took a long drink from my glass before continuing. “After my mom died, my dad started going on more business trips and working later- I think he wanted to avoid coming home to a house without his wife. It left a lot of time for my brother Jake and I to take care of each other. I guess he had more going on than I thought he did. I remember it was the middle of the night when my dad called me and asked if I had heard from Jake. I hadn’t seen him since that morning, but that wasn’t unusual. We both ran in different circles so sometimes we didn’t see each other for a day or two. There was something in my dad’s voice that made me worry. I called his best friend and asked if they had seen him. They said no. Later that day my dad came back from his business trip early. We spent the next three days looking for him. The police were involved and took a lead on the search.” I paused, feeling tears in my eyes as I took another drink. “And then on Saturday I came home and my dad told me he was dead. It was obvious he killed himself. Losing my mom was child’s play compared to that. That week was one of the hardest weeks of my life. My dad had already been considering accepting a promotion but that was the thing that pushed him to taking it. A few weeks later, he told me we would be moving here. His work was able to fast track the permits and everything so it was a fast move. And here we are.” I said sadly, finishing my story. I didn’t feel better talking about it. Zach squeezed my hand and pulled me towards his chest. We sat in silence for a while before he turned on an episode of Family Guy and we watched it, laughing sadly and drinking until we started to feel better. Around 1:30 we decided to call it a night and bid each other goodnight. He went to the guest room and I went to my bedroom. I must have woken him at some point in the night crying because when I woke up, my eyes were burning, and his arm was around me. 
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mychemicalimagines · 6 years
The One Where Rooster Got The Girl
Summary: Colt dated Melissa Roth after him and Abby broke up, he shows up and dumps her leaving her pregnant without knowing. He comes back and finds out about the baby he lost and that she married to Rooster..How will this change everything.
Roosters full name is Jameson Bennett, so when Melissa talks about James, she’s talking about him.
Gifs are not mine.
Warnings: Talks of baby’s death and cussing.
Sorry there isn’t much Lovey in this. I just wanted to put this out here quickly and over the very emotional moments. If you have any concerns or comments, please comment or message me.
If you like it please leave feedback through messages, my ask box or the comment section(:
Tags: @thorman-barnes s @supernova1737 @hurricaneharleyhusky
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I sit in the passengers seat of Beau’s truck. Just listening to the radio with Drake, the Bennett’s dog, in my lap. I look over at Beau.
“Do you think Rooster took a look at the tractor?” I ask. He smiles over at me.
“It’s Rooster, of course not.” he answers. I laugh as we pull in the drive way.
We went to the local Tractor Supply to grab more fencing for around the yard. Some of the lines are about to break. I get out of the truck after Beau parks and he lets Drake out on his side. We walk up the porch and I sit down. I can’t stand wearing my work boots around the house. I feel like i’m going to track something through the house. Beau kisses my head and goes to the door.
“Rooster you home?” Beau yells inside.
“Yes sir!” Rooster yells back. “Living room!”
I laugh quietly, “Got him trained.”
Beau winks at me and goes inside.
“I thought you were going to take a look at that tractor and try and see-“Beau gets cut off.
“Check it out. Colts home,” Rooster says loud enough so I can hear him.
“What the hell are you going here? I thought you were in Canada playing amatures football?” Beau asks. I decide to take my boots off slowly. I don’t want to see Colt right now.
“Semi-Pro. I was playing for the Saskatoon Cold. It’s like Maimi Heat, but you know. cold” Colt clarifies. I roll my eyes. We knew that.
“Yeah we know. We also heard you got arrested for flashing Shani Twain while you were up there,” Beau says. I can tell he was smirking.
When it hit our local paper, he put it on the fridge to show his perfect Colt wasn’t so perfect. I dated Colt for 2 years about 7 years ago. He only came to town to see me and one time years ago he stopped by for a try out close to town and came over to talk for a bit, we had sex, then as he was leaving he broke up with me. “We just want different things right now” he said. Then drove away in Roosters truck. If it wasn’t for that night, I wouldnt be where i am now. I smile to myself. I stand up and walk in the front door, closing the screen door quietly.
“I remember last time you stopped by. Said you were done with football. You wanted to start helping around here. How long ago was that, Rooster? About 6 years?” Beau asks Rooster.
“Yes sir. It was on my birthday. We picked Melissa up and was supposed to go to dinner, but you guys fought the whole time. Hey I got ten bucks anyone here knows how old I am.” Rooster says sitting forward in his chair. He looks over to the door when I move my arms. He smiles, and I put 3 fingers up on my right hand, 5 on my left hand. I smile when he winks at me and pats his pocket meaning I’ll get the money later.
“Then you snuck out of here in the middle of the night. Took your brothers truck. Went and dumped your beautiful girlfriend. You left the damn gate open!” Beau snaps, then he notices me standing near the table making his frown weaken. He hates being angry in front of me.
“Okay that wasn’t my fault! Rooster was chasing me yelling ‘that’s my truck.’And so I thought he was gonna close it” Colt tries to explain. He has only thought of himself his entire existence. He didn’t see the point that he dumped me and stole his brothers truck. It’s always someone else’s fault.
“Our cows were all over town. After you dumped Mel, she found one standing in the Sizzler parking lot, just staring at a picture of a rib-eye.”Beau says.
“I’m 35,” Rooster says trying to defuse the tension. I take off my jacket and lay it on the kitchen island, then i lean on it. I gotta see how this conversation ends. Colt sighs and puts his foot on the table.
Beau looks down, “what the fuck is on your feet?” I can’t see but I can see the humerus look on Roosters face.
“They’re boots,” Colt says in a duh voice.
“Those are not boots,” Beau says.
“They’re Uggs,” Colt says. I cover my mouth to keep from laughing. What guy wears Uggs? Rooster would never wear my boots. “That’s Australian for boots” Colt says.
“They’re ladies shoes. I just bought some for Mel for her birthday” Beau says. It’s true I wear them to Maggie’s all the time. They’re so comfy.
“Okay that’s the forth time you guys brought up Melissa. Quit it, we broke up years ago. She was nothing but a rebound after Abby! I never liked her! I pityed her! She ended up being a whore anyway.” Colt says putting his foot down from the table angrily.
“Hey!” Rooster says, “Don’t you dare say anything bad about her.”
“Why not? I know she cheated on me!” Colt says and Beau cuts him off.
“She had everything going for her and you had to fuck it up!” Beau says.
“How? So what, i dumped her big deal! She wanted me back, wouldn’t stop calling me. I had to change my damn number” Colt says.
“She kept calling you to tell you she was pregnant!” Rooster snaps.
Colt looks at him, “what?”
“She was pregnant Colt, that was the only reason she was calling you,” Beau says.
“How do we know it’s mine? She slept around-“ Colt starts. Before I could say anything, Rooster stops him.
“She slept with 2 guys in her life time. Dad took a test and it came back that the baby and dad were 100% related. The kid was yours.”
“If she was pregnant the kid would be about 5 now, right? Where is it? Did she take it and leave?” Colt says smartassly throwing out his hands.
“Jameson Beau Bennett was born October 13th at 11:58 pm” I say, finally letting Colt know I was in the room. He quickly turns around. He gets a shocked look on his face. I guess he noticed my transformation.
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“Why didn’t you tell me?” Colt asks walking over.
“Oh you mean the thousands of calls that you ignored?” I say still leaning on the island.
“Could have left a voice mail.” He says.
“Oh right,” i put my fingers to my ears acting like i’m on a phone, “Hey Colt I’m pregnant. Don’t worry Mr.Football Star, James and Beau are helping me, and James is raising it as his own bye,” I say acting like I left a voice mail.
“Wait Rooster raised him?” Colt asks turning around, “Where is Jameson? Wait you even named him after Rooster? What the fuck?”
I push off the island and walk up to Colt. Being 5’3” isn’t good when you’re trying to be intimidating.
“Because James was more of a father to Jay than you would ever be,” I say in a stern voice.
“I didn’t get a choice!” Colt snaps at me. I glare and Rooster runs around Colt and pulls me back knowing I’d do something i’d regret.
“I called you all the fucking time! I gave you a choice, either answer the fucking phone or not learn about your child!” I snap trying to pull away from Rooster but he holds me still.
“Where is he then? I’ll let him know who his father is!” Colt says looking around.
“Jameson passed away October 14th at 1:03 am,” Beau says walking over to Rooster and I.
“What?” Colt whispers. “how?”
“He didn’t get enough oxygen through his umbilical cord, so when she went into premature labor they noticed his lungs weren’t developed enough to survive,” Rooster answers for me because i start tearing up.
“I’m sorry Mel, I didn’t know-“ he starts.
“Because you didn’t want to know! If you would have answered your damn phone you would have known!” I snap. Rooster wraps his arms around me lovingly and Colt glares a bit.
“What you guys dating now?” He asks.
“Nope,” Rooster says.
“Then why are you holding her like that?” He asks smartly.
“Next week we’ll be married 3 years,” Rooster smirks.
“Married?!” Colts yells.
“Yeah,” I say questioning.
“First you try and steal my kid, then you marry my ex?” Colt asks, ”What the fuck?”
“I love her Colt, get over it” Rooster says.
“You don’t love, you fuck and release,” Colt glares at Rooster.
“Drop it Colt, you weren’t here to see how much James helped me! He made sure i was healthy enough to grow Jay. When i gave birth and Jay passed away I wanted to die! James helped me through it all. He helped me realize that this was a bump in the road called life. I can’t let this control me. I won’t forget Jay but I had to move on. I fell in love with him for all of that.” I say wiping the tears from my eyes.
Colt looks down then back up at me, “What can I do?”
“Nothing, everything was paid for. We had him cremated,” I pull my necklace from my shirt. He sees a small locket. “We have some of his ashes on us at all times, so he’s always with us.” I say.
Colt looks over Rooster and as he pulls out his chain Colt stops him and points to his tattoo on his forearm,”You got tattoos too?”
Jameson Beau
10-13-10 10-14-10
Rest Easy Angel, Fly High
with his footprints.
“Mel and I got matching ones,” he says.
“Who signed the birth certificate,” Colt asks.
“I did,” Rooster says. “I was gonna raise him, he might not have been my actual son but I was gonna raise him as such.”
“He was my son!” Colt yells.
“Colt, shut up. He was pretty much Roosters son! He took her to all the appointments. Made sure she took all her medication, felt the first kick. Loved him since the moment Mel told him she was pregnant. We never questioned her on if it was yours or not. We did the test because we knew you’d ask that!” Beau snaps.
“It’s okay Beau, I’m done with this conversation. Colt, James is right. You weren’t there to sign it. He wasn’t using me as a rebound as you said you were doing before. James actually loves me for me, if you can’t accept that, oh fucking well” I wipe my eyes as I tear more.
Rooster looks at Colt, “I love her and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
Colt looks down and goes to speak but i put my hand up to silence him, “I’m going to see Carla, she’s pregnant.”
I turn to Rooster and stand on my tip toes and softly capture his lips with mine into a passionate kiss. He deepens the kiss by putting his hand on my neck.
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Colt coughs falsely causing us to pull away and I roll my eyes and I press my lips to his quickly. I walk to the kitchen and grab my jacket and walk out the door. Great just what I need on a day like this.
I know this kinda sucked and i’m sorry. Thanks for reading!
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pcktsprgrl · 7 years
Becca The Slayer Part 3
Part 1   Part 2 
Fandom: The Freshman/The Sophomore
Pairings: Becca X MC(Trish)
Title: Folie à deux pt 3
Rating: Mature/ NSFW  Possible triggers ahead!!
Publish Date: 3/10/18
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.
Author’s Notes: Been saving this for Becca Appreciation day, hosted by @not-so-freshman. For those who haven’t read the first two they are linked in the top. 
"I should've seen! You never wanted to meet for lunch. Your skin was always cold. Your cold...." she hesitates and bites her bottom lip and I can't force my eyes to not look at them. "...lips.." she finishes staring at my lips. She lets me go and backs away I straighten and try to fix my shirt and tie when the heel of her boot catches me in the temple sending me across the room and into another wall cracking the plaster. I cough and laugh.
"Thats my girl." I remark with a smirk as I'm picking myself up again. "Well come on then, kitten. Don't go soft on me now!" I edge her on.
She snatches me around the shirt collar and cocks her arm back to punch me and I stand there limply unblinking at her. Suddenly her lips are on mine and I'm standing there in shock.
Her hands slide under my jacket and suit jacket pushing them off my shoulders. I take her bottom lip between my teeth and bite down on it then kiss her roughly and she groans into my mouth. Her fingers work at my tie and yank it from around my neck then start on the buttons of my shirt. Growling in frustration she just yanks and sends buttons flying everywhere. We break the kiss and she looks at me breathless, her cheeks flush. She hesitates a moment then bites down hard on my collar bone. I growl and her fingers start working on my belt, I grab her arms and push her arms length away before grabbing the hem of her shirt and yanking it over her head. If I thought she was a work of art before. I take in her porcelin skin, the way her breasts curve in her bra, the way they move as her breath comes heavy and thick. I capture her lips again hungry and seering as I shove her back against another wall, yanking her pants partway down. I kneel before her as I'm working her boots, pants and panties off and she smirks down at me. I smirk back evilly and in one swift motion I am standing and yanking her off her feet so her legs are on my shoulders. She yelps in surprise at first and I flick my tongue out teasingly. She pushes her hips forward and I smirk again making my tongue flat against her and running inside her folds. She grabs fistfuls of my hair as I bury my face in her pushing my tongue inside and she pushes her hips frantically against me. I grab her hips hard and hum against her as my tongue dances within her.
"TRISH! FUCK!" she thrusts against my face and I match her rhythm with my tongue until she goes slack against the wall, panting for her breath. I lick lazy and slow and I bite the inside of her thigh causing her to jerk her hips forward involuntarily.
~~~ As we lay together in the pile of rubble and destruction that was once the house I breathe in deep taking the scent of her perfume, shampoo, and the remainder of her arousal. She lays quietly making circles with her finger tips on my stomach. "I better go." I speak softly and she glances up with sleepy eyes at me. "The sun will rise soon." I explain further and her eyes snap open and widen slightly. "Right, I uh.." She starts but her voice trails off. We dress in silence, I grab my shirt and examine it frowning.
"Guess there's no fixing that." I smirk and she worries at her bottom lip. I just smile at her and pull my jacket and trench coat on buttoning it up.
I spin to leave without another word placing my fedora on my head. She sighs defeated and I turn to place my fedora on her head and kiss her cheek before turning. “Goodnight kitten.” I murmur as I walk through one of the holes in the wall. ~~
I tried to avoid her after that knowing full well where this was going to land us. But one night I found myself out walking and heard a scuffle coming from up ahead. I stood watching her as she dusted two vamps taking on the third she kicks him into a nearby tree then performs a stunning back kick using the heel of her boot to pierce his chest as he turns to dust.
"Those things should come with a warning." I smirk at her.
She whirls on me then frowns and puts her hands on her hips. "Oh so you are alive then? Here I thought you must've fell down, bumped your head, then woke up feeling a little dusty." she gesters around her emphatically.
"I uh..no.. no dusty." I glance at my feet.
She scoffs. "Want me to help you with that?"
"Go ahead then." I shrug and she screams in frustration.
"Anyway, I came to inform you I'll be leaving town. I need some fresh meat and all." I try to play it off but when she looks at me there are tears in her eyes, I swallow thickly.
She quickly schools her features and crosses her arms. "Fine, bye." with that she spins on her heels and stomps off into the night.
I sigh and trudge back to my apartment. Sometime around sunrise a frantic knocking wakes me up and I jump to my feet. I know it's her, I can just feel it.
With a sigh I open the door. She stomps in and throws the hat I had placed on her head onto the table. Then stops looking around my place.
"No boxes.. No crates...It certainly doesn't look like you're leaving." she scoffs and turns to me, her mouth hanging open momentarily. I look down at myself and realize I'm only in my boxers and a tank top.
"Is that all you came for?" I say trying to usher her back out the door gently.
"You're not really leaving town are you?"
I stand there a moment then sigh closing the door. "Yes, of course, I.. uh.. sometime...I'm almost certain." She scoffs and rolls her eyes, "Then.. why?"
"This can't work! You're a.." "a child I know." she finishes my sentence and her shoulders slump involuntarily.
"a HUMAN!" I shout then cringe at my own voice. "You need someone who can take you out to those lunches you seem to be fond of.." I laugh at that but she just stands there biting her lip.
"We could have midnight, lunches?" she offers hopefully. I scoff at her and march to my refrigerator pulling out a pint of blood. I transform and start slurping it loudly letting it run down my chin and onto my shirt.
"You.. you're drinking that?" Her eyes widen and she steps back involuntarily.
"Hello? Vampire remember? Or did you forget in all the destruction.."
She scoffs again. "I just meant you're not feeding off humans." I sit the pint down and appraise her thoughtfully.
"No, Not since.." I stop trying to collect my thoughts. "You thought I was killing...and you still wanted to.." She just nods at me and I stare blinking at her. "and you stopped when.." I nod. "yes when we first started uh whatever this is.."
she frowns. "Guess it doesn't matter since you're leaving." she whispers dejectedly.
"Well I might stick around, y'know for a while.."
I didn't even realize we were both moving until we were standing a breath away from each other. She was staring into my eyes so intensely and I reached my hand out to caress her cheek softly. She pressed her lips against mine soft and gentle not fevered like all the other times we had kissed.
We pulled apart and she grimaced but tried to hide it with a smile and I couldn't help but laugh.
"I almost forgot." I start as I wipe at some of the blood that still remains on her lips from my pathetic display earlier. She crinkles her nose.
"I guess its an acquired taste." I add with a laugh. "I better go.." she whispers and kisses me softly again.
"Stay" I request softly and she quirks an eyebrow at me.
"I mean..to..sleep?" I add, and she laughs again. "Not like I'd try anything else, no way! There's going to be a whole lot of midnight lunches in your future before I even..” I stop when I catch myself rambling and she just smiles brightly at me. “I have class.” she sighs “but I'll see you tonight?” she asks hopeful running her fingers down my arm and taking my hand in hers. “Tonight.” I whisper back as I squeeze her hand gently. She turns to leave but grabs the hat on her way out placing it on her head. All I can do is stare after her.
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sky-casino · 7 years
Take My Hand
Genre: Fluff, Angst, runaway!jaehyun  Pairing: Jaeyun x Reader Word Count: 6,429 Warning/s: Verbal and physical abuse from family
 You were having the worst night of your life when you found a mysterious and cute runaway boy sitting beside you.
Thursday night. You were in your room studying very hard for your college entrance exams next week, the usual. A few minutes later, you started to hear the yells of your heavily drunk and alcoholic father from downstairs. The usual too. This happened every night which caused you to lose focus. But tonight, you had enough of it and stormed down to confront your father.    
"You come home like this every single night. Can't you do anything better than get drunk? I'm so tired of this! I'm studying upstairs and then I hear you yelling non-sense stuff!"
"Shut the fuck up! You're the reason this family has no money! All our money goes to your stupid tuition fee." He retorted.
You stood there frozen and extremely hurt until he continued, "Make sure you get a scholarship from a far away university so we won't have to spend a single cent and see your face anymore. You understand?"
With that, your tears started to fall. Your stepmother just watched the whole scene, didn't even bother to defend you or stop your father from spitting the painful words. Why would she? She didn't like you living with them.
You ran out of the house to go to your favorite pavilion all the way up the street. As you ran, the wind dried your tears but fresh ones kept on falling. 
You never considered your life good or happy. Your biological mother left you and your father early this year for another man. Just like you, she was tired of seeing your dad in a drunken state every night. Your life wasn't improving and so your mom decided to leave. She wrote you a short message that you saw on your desk the next morning: I'm sorry. You were so mad at her for not taking you with her but then again, you were pretty sure that the man didn't want you to live with them, similar to your current stepmother.
The hardships motivated you to study hard in order to get into a good university far from home. You wanted out from this shitty town and dysfunctional family, if you could even call it that. You and your father wanted the same thing but hearing him tell you that he wasn't willing to spend money on you and see your face anymore was literally a stab in the heart.
You arrived at the pavilion panting and crying. It was very quiet and peaceful. It was dimly lit but got a good overlooking view of the city below. The dazzling city lights and silence always calmed you down.
You were so focused on crying that you failed to realize that you were not alone in the pavilion.
"You okay?" A boy asked you. 
You quickly jumped and let out a short scream before focusing your vision on the boy who sat beside you. 
The street light illuminated his face and you could see his wide eyes, probably shocked from your reaction. But you could also see his lips that were trying to hold back from laughing. You realized that you probably looked stupid with the way you jumped and screamed. A strong wave of embarrassment washed over you and you cleared your throat in an attempt to compose yourself. You continued to look at him as you made your way back to the bench and you realized how handsome this stranger was.
He waited for you to be comfortable again before he talked.
"Are you okay? You're crying." He said with a smile and a worried look on his face.
You were surprised to see that someone, a stranger, was genuinely concerned about you. Your own parents couldn't even be bothered about you.
"Honestly? Nope. I'm not." You replied. For some reason, your gut feeling told you to open up to this guy. Maybe because there's a high chance that you wouldn't see him again anyway. You had nothing to lose.
"May I know why?" 
"Well, my mom left me with my alcoholic dad who hates me so fucking much that unlike normal fathers, he despises spending money for his child's education. He also married a whore he just met at some bar out there who, guess what, also hates me." You said non-chalantly with matching hand gestures.
The boy's mouth was slightly open for a few seconds until he let out a chuckle.
"You find my tragic life funny?" 
"No, no. It's not that. Definitely not that. It just amuses me that you told your sad life story in a.. what should I call it.. a chill manner?" He said as he lifted both of his brows at you with a shy smile. He looked totally cute so you decided to forgive him.
"Oh. Okay, if you say so." You replied as you shifted your eyes from him and on to the city lights below. 
There was a moment of awkward silence until you noticed his large and full backpack.
"You just.. moved here?"
"Yep. Temporarily." He replied with a smirk.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm a runaway." He said with the same smirk before yawning and stretching out his arms above him, obviously tired and sleepy.
"A runaway?"
"Yup. I left my hometown and now I move from one city to another and then I stay there for a month. I think this is my fourth city? Yeah, it is." 
"But why?"
"Why what? Why I left my hometown? Because I'd rather learn about the world through travels and encounters with people than staying in four-walled classrooms to listen to boring lectures. " He said with a shrug of his shoulders.
"How do you decide which city to go next?" 
"By feel? Whatever my gut feel says. No detailed plan whatsoever. Wherever my feet take me."
"As simple as that?"
This guy might be the strangest and most interesting person you've ever met.
"It's super late already. Don't you need to go home?" He asked as he looked at his watch.
"Don't worry. No one's looking for me. But yes, I gotta rest. Have to wake up early tomorrow because I'm a student and I need to place myself in four-walled classrooms to listen to boring lectures." You said the last part with air quotation marks which earned you a laughter from him.
"You're funny."
"You're strange."
He just nodded his head in reply to your statement before picking up his bag and swinging the straps into his shoulders.
"Bye. Good night." You said.
"Good night." He replied with a smile, showing off his lovely dimples once again.
You stood up as he did and slowly turned your back to him and walked out of the pavilion. 
"Jaehyun." He suddenly said, causing you to turn around. "My name is Jaehyun." 
"Y/N." You replied with a smile as shy as his.
It was afternoon of the next day and you were walking home from school. Your mind was filled with the memories from last night's encounter with Jaehyun. How he looked like, the sound of his voice, his smile and dimples, everything he told you. A part of you thought that it might just be a dream. After a terrible fight with your father that brought you to tears, you suddenly met a handsome boy at your favorite pavilion? It sounded too good to be true but it was, after all, true. 
True because it had been exactly twenty-four hours since you headed to the pavilion and you found yourself on your way there again when you saw a head of familiar black hair. You couldn't focus on your homework as you kept asking yourself whether you'd see Jaehyun again or not. In order to put your mind at peace, you went to the pavilion to see if he'd be there. And he was. Prayer answered.
"Hey." You greeted Jaehyun.
"There you are." He replied, giving you a can of soda with the same flavor as the one he's drinking.
"Thanks." He only had two cans all in all which made you wonder whether he really bought one for you.
"I have a proposal for you." He said.
"What?" You asked as you sat down next to him.
"You told me about your family problem last night. I don't think I can 100% help you with that but, I want to at least take your mind off it even just for a while." 
"What? There's no need for that, Jaehyun. I'm fine, don't wo-"
"Let me do this. Please." He told you with pleading eyes. You couldn't refuse.
"Okay. But how?"
"I'll hire you as my personal tour guide! You'll bring me to all the tourist spots here like famous restaurants, malls, coffee shops, museums. Don't worry, you won't have to spend a single cent. All expenses will be on me. I know you're only free during weekends and maybe a few afternoons after school? What do you think?" 
You didn't reply in a timely manner as you just sat there with a blank face and slightly wide eyes. You couldn't believe, once again, that a stranger was genuinely concerned about you and truly wanted to make you feel better.
"Great! Tomorrow is a Saturday. We can start tomorrow?"
"Sure. You're lucky I don't have homework." You said with a laugh. The two of you exchanged numbers and agreed to meet at ten in the morning of the next day.
"What did you do today?" You asked.
"Just slept. I was so tired yesterday and slept late. I had to re-energize. You?"
"Damn I envy you so much! I had exams the whole day. But because of that our teachers didn't give us homework for the weekend."
"Do you think you did well?"
"Of course. I always do. I mean, I always have to do well.  I wanna get a scholarship from the number one university." 
"Isn't that far from here?"
"Yes, it is. Which is one of the reasons why I want to study there. I wanna move out of here. I don't care if I would have to live in a dormitory during my entire college life. I just want to leave this place."
"You're just like me. Someone who wants to leave her hometown." He smirked at you before taking a sip from his soda can.
"Yeah. I think I am. I just hope that like you, I'll be able to do it one day."
10:08 AM
That's the time on your lockscreen as you ran all the way up to the pavilion.
"I'm so sorry, I'm late!" You yelled at Jaehyun the moment you arrived.
"It's fine. Take it easy." He chuckled. "So, where can we have breakfast?"
"I know the best place for that." 
You took the bus with him to get into the heart of the city. It was buzzing with people, as expected of a Saturday morning. You lead the way to a medium-sized eatery.
"This restaurant specializes in breakfast meals. Very popular." You informed Jaehyun upon entering.
"Yeah.. obviously." He said as he marveled at the sight of the busy eatery. Plenty of waitresses walking here and there to serve a huge number of tables.
You picked a table and a lady gave you two menu books right away. 
"They all look so yummy." Jaehyun said.
"They are all yummy. My favorite is this one, kimchi-wrapped luncheon meat with eggs and hash browns." You said as you showed him the picture of the said meal.
"That looks so good, Y/N! I wanna try!"
"Okay!" You signaled to the waitress and ordered two sets of the said meal.
"Is today's itinerary planned or spontaneous?" He asked before drinking his orange juice.
"Totally planned. I'm not good at being spontaneous." You replied, laughing embarrassingly as you fiddled with your fork.
"That's fine. We could save more time if it's planned."
Your orders arrived and Jaehyun instantly indulged himself.
"I love this. I love this, Y/N. You have good taste." He said as he dramatically nodded his head.
"Of course, Jaehyun." You replied in a very sassy manner.
You spent around half an hour in the restaurant and now, you were about to ride the bus again.
"Where to next?"
"Vintage bookstore at one of the less populated spots of the city!" You said with much enthusiasm that showed how much you love the place.
"I love it already." Jaehyun replied with wide eyes.
"You love reading too?"
"Yes! I especially love mystery. You?"
"Poetry and slice of life. I love inspirational pieces."
"You're a deep person." Jaehyun said in almost a whisper as he smiled and nodded his head at you, making your heart flutter and your eyes look away shyly.
You got off the bus and walked into these narrow alleys that form something akin to a maze to get to the vintage and mysterious bookstore.
"They sell secondhand, hard-to-find, and vintage books. They also have cute stationery and school supplies, most of which are made with recycled paper." You informed Jaehyun as you walked through the alleys.
"Wow, this store is very unique." 
"It is! I make sure to go there at least twice a month. Oh, here it is!" You said as you stopped right in front of the brick-walled shop.
"Holy shit. It literally looks like it's from Harry Potter." Jaehyun said in amazement.
"Well, the owner is an avid fan. He was inspired. Let's go!"
You went straight to the stationery and supplies section while Jaehyun looked at every shelf, looking for some books to buy.
Later, you heard him yell excitedly which made you snap your neck to his direction.
"Why? Found something good?" You asked as you approached him.
"Great, Y/N. Something great! It's a copy of my favorite author's first novel! Agatha Christie's The Mysterious Affairs at Styles!" He exclaimed. The book looked very old but still readable.
Both of you went to the counter to pay for your respective items. As you were about to hand the cashier your payment, Jaehyun stopped you.
"Remember what I said? You won't spend a single cent. I'll pay for it."
"What? No! I'll use my own mon-"
"Y/N please, just listen to me. Okay?" Jaehyun said with a warm smile.
"Alright. Thank you." 
"I'm hungry again." You said with a pout as you got out of the store.
"Now that you said it, same. I'm starving." Jaehyun replied after he giggled about his book. 
"I know a place and it's just near!"
A few minutes later, the two of you were eating ramyeon and kimbap at the small restaurant around the block.
"Out of all the cities I've been to, this one is the only one that has a vintage bookstore. Lovely." 
"Thank you."
It was already three in the afternoon when you finished eating.
"Now, we'll head to the mall. You can buy some clothes or anything you want? Need?"
You arrived after an hour of riding the bus.
"Back to the buzzing of people." Jaehyun said with a smirk as you entered the mall.
Jaehyun insisted to buy anything you tried on and so you ended up with a new dress and a pair of shorts. On the other hand, he bought himself new jeans and jackets.
You were surprised to see that it was already dark when you got out of the building, not realizing that a couple of hours have already passed.
"I want to have dinner at the pavilion." Jaehyun said out of the blue.
You got off the bus at the station nearest to your house and went straight to the pizza parlor close to the pavilion where Jaehyun bought take-out pizza for the two of you.
"Damn, we ate so much today!" You said as you continued to munch on a slice of pepperoni pizza.
"Are you on a diet?"
"Do you regret it?"
"Of course not!" You replied as you took an extra large bite, bringing Jaehyun to laughter.
"That was good. So good." He said as he finished his portion.
"Did.. did you enjoy today?" You asked nervously.
"Y/N, is that even a legit question? I absolutely did!" He replied with a hearty laugh. Those dimples would be the death of you.
"Okay, I can finally be relieved. I'm glad you enjoyed." You said as your shoulders slumped down and your breath exhaled. 
"You know, I've always traveled alone. For some reason, I liked that better. So I was a bit worried how today would turn out. But wow, making you my personal tourist guide was a great decision. I don't regret it. You did a good job!" He said as he gave you thumbs up.
You were speechless as you felt your cheeks burning up.
"Th-thanks, Jaehyun." You said as you looked away.
"It's a bit late. Want me to walk you home?"
"I'd love that. But I'd rather not let my father see you." You replied with frustration.
"I understand. Take care, okay? Text me when you get home."
"I will. Take care too."
"Bye! See you! Can't wait for next Saturday!" He yelled as the distance between the two of you got farther and farther.
"Alright!" You laughed.
You cautiously entered your home but fortunately, your dad and stepmom already fell asleep while watching the television.
You sent Jaehyun a goodnight text and he replied with the same greeting. It was a good night indeed as you dozed off with a smile on your face .
Four days after the Saturday adventure with Jaehyun, you were on your way out of the school grounds when you saw him leaning against a tree that stood across your school gate. He was waiting for you. 
"Hey! What are you doing here?" You said after he smiled and waved at you.
"Can we go somewhere? I'm bored." He said with a pout. Undeniably cute.
"Let's go!" 
Ten minutes of walking later, you and Jaehyun were now inside your favorite bubble tea store.
"Me and my friends love this place. It's our stress reliever. Their Vanilla bubble tea is great, my favorite. What do you want?" You said as you were looking at the menu.
"Hmm.. Chocolate. I guess?"
After your orders were handed to you, you went to a table in the corner.
"How's school?"
"Pretty tough lately. Lessons are a bit more complicated. Waiting for the results of the college entrance exams is making me anxious too. They will be out first week of next month, roughly two more weeks to go." You replied before taking a sip. 
"I'm.. I'm not bothering you with this whole tour guide thing, am I?" Jaehyun asked with his brows furrowed, obviously concerned that he might be causing inconvenience.
"What? Not at all! Thanks to you I now have a good school-life balance. Don't worry, you're not distracting me or anything like that. But unfortunately, I'm not available this coming Saturday. Gotta meet with my group mates to work on our project."
"Oh, okay. No problem. By the way, before I forget. I passed by the library earlier after lunch. They organize workshops there?"
"Oh, the workshops. Yes, they have weekend sessions for different stuff like writing, sketching, knitting. I'm not sure what they have for this month-"
"Painting!" Jaehyun exclaimed as he lightly slammed his hand on the table. You were taken aback.
"Geez, what was that for-"
"I'll attend the rest of the painting sessions!" He said excitedly. He was being such a child right at this moment.
"Okay, Mister Runaway. You can do whatever you want."
"Can you please bring me to the library next Saturday morning?"
"Huh? You said you passed by there today, which means you know how to get there. Why do I need to take y-"
"Pretty please, Y/N. You don't have to attend the workshop itself. Just take me there then you can go wherever you want. We'll just meet again in the evening after it's done so we can have dinner together. Deal?" Jaehyun asked with a cheeky smile as he stuck out his hand for you to shake.
"I have a handful of homework to do. I'll work on them at the library while you whisk your paintbrush away, Picasso." You said as you shook his hand.
"Cheers to another fruitful weekend for the both of us." Jaehyun said, raising his glass of bubble tea.
"Cheers!" You played along with his antics.
 On Saturday of the next week, you made sure to arrive early at the pavilion to make up for the fact that you were late during your first meet-up with Jaehyun. When you got there, you were proud of yourself to see that you arrived earlier than him. 
A few seconds after you sat down, you saw him a few meters away, helping an old lady open her shop for the day. 
"Thank you. You're such a handsome young man. I don't think you're a familiar face from here, though?" The old lady told Jaehyun after he helped her.
"No worries, grandma. Yes, I'm not from here."
"Oh, alright. Take care and thank you again!" 
"You're welcome! Take care too!" Jaehyun replied with a bow before running to the pavilion.
"That's so sweet of you." You said with a warm smile.
"That's nothing." He ruffled his bangs as he looked down on the ground, a habit of his when he's embarrassed or shy. 
"Anyway, I arrived earlier than you this time!" You exclaimed as you jumped from your seat.
"Uhmm, actually no, you did not. I've been here since twenty minutes ago. But I had nothing to do while waiting so I decided to help grandma." 
"What?! Geez, why do you arrive so early all the time?" You whined as the two of you walked out of the pavilion.
"I'm an early bird, that's why." He said with a wink as he flashed his dimples on you . You were pretty sure your heart did a little quick flip. You looked away to hide the blush forming on your cheeks.
"What do you do when you're not with me? I'm just curious." You asked in an attempt to change the topic.
"I observe people. I go to different coffee shops, restaurants, or just stay in public parks the whole day to watch people. Sometimes I just walk aimlessly. Also, I've already chatted and had some drinks with a few guys who live in the same apartment. One of them is this Japanese guy, his name is Yuta. He came all the way from Osaka, Japan. He's here to get soccer training, said his dream is to become a professional. Then there's another foreigner, Winwin, he's from China. He's temporarily here with his fellow Chinese traditional dancers. They're here for a Korean tour of their dance recitals. You know, this is what I love about being a free runaway. I get to encounter different people from different walks of life. Don't you find it interesting?" He asked you the question while giving your elbow a little nudge, obviously caused by his excitement. You could see in his eyes that he was so happy and having the time of his life.
"It's really interesting, Jaehyun. I actually envy you because you have all these freedom, courage, the money." You let out a sigh.
"Don't worry, Y/N. At least you have a clear goal for yourself. You know what you want to do and women like that are strong and have a bright future. I believe in you." He said with a smile before holding up his right fist, initiating a fist bump with you. You obliged which caused laughter from both of you.
After half an hour bus ride, the two of you were now in the library, just outside the workshop room Jaehyun would be staying at for the next eight hours.
"Okay. I'll just be in the main library to work on my assignments and papers. You can find me there when you're done. But if you can't, just text me and I'll come back. Got it?"
"Yes, mom." Jaehyun chuckled.
"Ugh, shut up."
"Why? You sounded like a mom back there."
"Whatever. Go inside now."
"See? You sound like-"
"Shut up and just go inside!" You yelled as you playfully smacked his shoulder.
You headed to the main hall and easily found a good seat. Your city's library were never heavily occupied and you were thankful for that, it was spacious and quiet enough for you to concentrate on your tasks. 
You were not even halfway through your paper when your friend, Seulgi, suddenly sat across from you.
"Oh my god, you scared me." 
"You're here to study too? I'm working on History paper. We can do it toge-"
"Actually I'm not." Your friend interrupted you.
"I'm just here because I saw you enter the building with a cute guy. I'm so intrigued!" Seulgi squealed.
"Uhm. Okay, Seulgi. Listen, we're not a couple-"
"Tell me about him! You never said you're seeing someone!"
"I just said, we're not a couple. Really. We're not."
"What? Well, that's so disappointing!" Seulgi said with a frown. "But still! Tell me about him! Where and when did you meet?"
"I met at him at the pavilion one night three weeks ago?"
"That is so romantic."
"I swear to god if you don't shut up-"
"Okay, go ahead!"
"That's it. One thing you need to know about him, and he's super proud of this, is that he's a runaway." You said with an amused tone.
"Runaway? Those... misfits who leave their hometowns and just go wherever and do whatever they want?"
"Uhm, he's not a misfit. He's actually nice. But yes, he left his hometown and has been traveling through different cities these past couple of months. He made me his personal tour guide and we've been to the antique bookshop, the mall, and our favorite bubble tea store." You replied excitedly. However, you noticed that Seulgi stayed silent with uncertainty on her face, "What's wrong?"
"Well then, it's actually good that you're not a couple." She said with a blank face.
"If he's a runaway, then he'll just suddenly leave and disappear. You said he's been moving from one city to another, right? Then our city is just a name in his itinerary, if he even has one."
It was now your turn to stay silent.
"Y/N, you're my friend and I don't want you to get heartbroken. You know that. But, with this guy? There's a big chance you might. So promise me you won't fall for him." Seulgi said as he raised her pinky finger. You didn't say anything so she went on, "I saw you earlier with him and I could say that you like him. It was obvious. You were trying so hard to hide it but it's obvious."
"What? No, I don't!"
"Don't deny it, Y/N. I've been noticing how happy you were recently and I've always guessed it's because of a guy. I was right. But please, do yourself a favor, Y/N. Don't fall for a guy who's on vacation. You'll just get hurt. But don't worry, it's not yet too late." Seulgi advised with a pitiful smile. 
You thought about it for a few seconds until you raised your own pinky finger and intertwined it with hers, sealing your promise to not fall for the guy who's on vacation, to not fall for Jaehyun.
Seulgi left right after as she had some errands to do, leaving you by yourself. All the papers, books, and work to be done right in front of you on the table long forgotten as your mind has started to get occupied with everything Jaehyun: his handsome face, his bright smile, his cute dimples, his contagious laugh, his caramel-like voice, and the fact that he's a runaway who would leave by the end of the month, next week. Actually, you've already thought about everything Seulgi said. But hearing it from another person made you realize the impact of the impending pain in case you really fall for Jaehyun. The moment you realized that you were starting to have feelings for him was the same moment you started to feel fear. Fear because it's not like he would stay for you, right? He would leave you and the city and move on with his journey.
You retrieved your phone from your bag and texted him.
"Sorry. I can't stay. Dad told me to go home."
Leaving him and lying to him made you feel horrible. Jaehyun has been nothing but kind to you. But you wanted to save yourself from the heartbreak, as Seulgi said, it's not yet too late. You could still dodge the bullet and you had to start as soon as possible, by leaving him in this building.
You got his reply almost an hour after, most likely because cellphones were strictly prohibited during the workshop.
"Aww, too bad! I was so excited to show you my painting while we have dinner :( But it's okay. We have next time. Take care and I hope your dad is not mad :)" 
You felt like crying. He's so genuine and kind. Everything you could ask for. You read "We have next time." again and again because you were uncertain about it. You knew that the more spend time with him, the easier and faster you'd fall. 
You spent the new week as cautiously as you could. It was Jaehyun's last week in your city and you wished that it would pass by smoothly without bumping into him. You avoided going to the pavilion and anywhere else outside your home. Wake up, go to school, study, go home, study, sleep. That was your daily routine.
Until he showed up, of course. As expected from a streetsmart runaway.
"Y/N!" Jaehyun called out to you the moment you stepped down from the bus on your way home.
"J-Jaehyun?" You asked, surprised.
"Yep. That's me. How are you? You haven't answered to any of my calls and texts. I was worried." Concern was so apparent on his face and guilt struck you once again.
"Oh.. Sorry. I was just busy. What were you doing there in the bus station?"
"I was waiting for you." He replied with a sheepish smile, focusing his gaze on his footsteps.
"What? But why-"
"Because you weren't answering to my calls and texts. Couldn't contact you. So I thought maybe I should just show up right in front of you." He giggled.
"Yeah. Like you did that night in the pavilion." You barely whispered but he still heard you.
"Yeah. Like I did that night!" He continued laughing while all you could think about was the huge possibility that he would suddenly disappear just like how he suddenly showed up.
"You said you just stay in a city for a month. That means you're leaving tomorrow, right?"
"Hmm.." Jaehyun hummed as he showed his dimples while thinking. "Nope." He continued.
"What?" You suddenly stopped in your tracks to face him.
"I said nope. I'm not leaving tomorrow. Or anytime soon."
"But why? You decided to break your rule? Don't know which city to visit next?"
"None of the above, Y/N." He said with a mischievous smile.
"Then why?" You were happy and relieved to hear that Jaehyun wouldn't leave yet, but you were also extremely anxious and impatient to know why.
"Nothing complicated for a reason." He declared, putting his hands in the pockets of his sweater as he slightly squirmed on his feet. "I just.. fell in love with the place, with the people, with you." He looked at you as the last word slipped from his lips.
You didn't quite catch on, you were a bit slow. There was a short moment of awkward silence caught between the two of you until you finally understood what he just said.
You took a few steps back. "I.. I don't know what to say, Jaehyun. Should I believe you? You're a runaway who just comes and goes-"
"Not this time, Y/N. Not this time." Jaehyun persuaded you, stepping forward and gently holding your arms to prevent you from moving away further. "I know that based on my routine, yes I'm supposed to leave tomorrow. And yes, I'm a runaway who comes and goes but for some reason, I don't want to now. There's some energy that keeps me here, that makes me want to stay even one more day. Then another day, then another one. And every night as I lay in my bed in the dark, I keep thinking what that energy is. Till I realized that it's you. That energy is you, it's always been you. You're like a strong magnet that attracts me so fucking much." 
By the time Jaehyun ended his confession, his grip on your arms was slightly tighter and his breath was running out. While you on the other hand had your own breath caught up in your lungs, overwhelmed with everything you just heard.
"You're not leaving because of me? Is that what you're saying?"
"Yes, Y/N. I'm not leaving without you." He replied with a cheeky smile as he let go of your arms.
"What do you mean?"
"You said you want to leave, right? We'll leave together!" He said excitedly. A minute ago he was being serious and hot and now he's back to his cute self.
You looked uncertain and so Jaehyun decided to go on.
"Let's wait for the results of the entrance exams and then when we find out that you passed, let's move to the city as soon as we can. Don't worry about where we'll live, I already know a place. I'll take care of everything." 
"What if I don't get accepted to the university?"
"I know you will." He replied confidently with a warm dimpled smile.
"How do you know that.. Wait. You already know a place in the city where we can live?"
"Yup. Actually, I'm from there. I've never told anyone I met on my journey where I came from, but I just told you." He laughed.
"Really? But is it alright for you to return there next month? You might want to travel more."
"Nope. For now I'm good already. I can travel again anyway. But when that time comes, I won't be alone anymore. I'll take you with me, even just for a few weekends when you're not busy with university." 
You were very much amazed by Jaehyun. It seemed that he already had everything planned out for the two of you, even though you have yet to give him a "Yes". You looked down on the ground to avoid his gaze and to process what's happening.
"I understand if you're hesitant or if you want to say no. We've only known each other for a month so maybe I haven't gained your full trust. But I just want you to know that I won't harm you in any way. I'm not even doing this for myself. I'm doing this for you."
"What do you mean by that?" You looked up at him, eyes glistening with tears.
"I want to save you. Save you from your abusive father. Save you from that disastrous home, if you can even call it one. The first time we met that night in the pavilion, we were complete strangers to each other but you opened up to me and after hearing what you said, I knew that I had to do something to help. Do something more than just making you my personal tour guide. Definitely something more than that. I can't just leave you. My conscience wouldn't be able to take it." He delivered the last sentence as he gently turned your left arm around to show the small purple bruise you were hiding.
"How did you know?"
"I saw it as you were going down the bus earlier. Your dad is a fucking horrible person." He hissed, gritting his teeth.
"Calm down. It's nothing. It doesn't hurt anymore." You said as you took back your arm and forced a smile.
"Please come with me. Please? You don't have to continue living like this. I can help you have a better life. A secure life without any form of abuse." He said as he wiped your tears and held your face.
You looked into his eyes and there you saw honesty that showed he meant everything he's been telling you. "You know, I intentionally avoided you this past week. It's not true that I was busy. I ignored your calls and texts on purpose." 
Jaehyun blinked twice and furrowed his brows in confusion, obviously taken aback.
"I told my friend about you and she advised that it would be best for me if I stop myself from completely falling for you so I could save myself from the heartbreak caused by falling for someone who would eventually leave. She told me not to fall for a guy who's on vacation." You said before you pursed your lips tightly in order to stop more tears from falling.
Jaehyun slowly removed his hands from your face but not his gaze and you feared that he would take back all his promises.
"I understand your friend's concern and that you're afraid of getting your heart broken by me. But as I already said, I'm not leaving without you. You don't have to be afraid of anything."
You breathed out a sigh of relief before he continued, "So, will you come with me?" 
"Yes, Jaehyun. I'll go with you." You finally declared.
"Oh my god, really?! Thank you. Thank you so much, Y/N. I'm so happy you have no idea." He said, exhaling the breath he unconsciously held in his throat as he placed his forehead against yours.
"I'm the one who should say thank you, Jaehyun. Really. So, you're now my knight in shining armor?" You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you.
"Nope. Not in shining armor. After those months of being a runaway and fending for myself, you think my armor is still shiny? I'm battle-hardened, sweetheart." He said before leaving a kiss on your lips. 
You held hands as the two of you walked, asking each other where to go for dinner. For the first time in ever, love and a sense of security was felt in your heart.
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engagedtobefree · 7 years
Phase 2: The First Conversation
Well, it happened. Definitely not the way I had pictured it, but it happened. If you ever have an embarrassing moment, don’t you fret. Just come back to this post and I can guarantee you will feel so much better about yourself. I wrote these every day of the week, so they are my thoughts exactly for that day. I’m already tired of waiting till the weekend and writing out the whole week at once lol. I wanted to leave them as-is so they’re my true thoughts..
Monday - So i got to say both hi and bye to Scott on Monday. I know i sound like the biggest dork but hey, whatever, progress is progress. I had some anxiety all day, which I think was an aftereffect from my other job on Sunday, which was just a rough day and I ended up staying an hour and a half late. I’m also doing a coffee detox, so I’m sure that’s effecting me somehow (besides me being really fucking tired). 
So first “interaction” is I have to send an email, and one of the group emails I have to CC has Scott in it. I’m pretty sure this is the first email he’s ever received from me, but it’s not directly to him. Within the hour he sends an email out that has my group email CC’d. I’m pretty sure that’s also the first email I received ever from him. I stare adoringly at his bad punctuation and grammar several times throughout the day.
Before I get ready to leave work, I always use the bathroom. When I round the corner, Scott is coming out of the men’s room. He’s chewing on his coffee stirrer as usual and he has a little smirk and says, “Hey, Dana, what’s up?” and I reply softly, “Hey, Scott”. He is looking at me and makes eye contact. I look back at him and make eye contact for a split second but I get really nervous around him sometimes, so I break it off. I cannot explain how badly I want to just have a freaking conversation with him. I honestly do feel like a freaking 12 year old girl who can’t talk to her crush. Idk wtf is wrong with me lol. I’m generally usually at ease around guys and can talk to anyone who I have an interest in. But with Scott I go back and forth between nervous/shy and incredibly confident. Like, no in between. And I’m always wondering who is going to make the first move and how we’re ever gonna get into a conversation. Like he seems super easygoing, but he seems to get nervous around me too sometimes, but I really just want him to come up and talk to me about literally anything. He could tell me he had cheerios for breakfast and guaranteed I will take that and run a fucking mile with it.
So when I leave, I put my stuff in the car and get in and start it, but because it’s sleeting outside, ice is stuck to my windows, and the windshield wipers aren’t helping. I didn’t warm my car up so I get out to scrape the ice. As I’m halfway done the back window, someone comes out of the door. It takes me a second to look up, but when I do, it’s Scott and he’s looking at me. I wave and say, “Bye, Scott.” to which he just waves back, but doesn’t say anything. I continue scraping but then look back over at him with a little smile, and he’s still watching me and moving very slowly to get in his car. When I’m done, I open my car door and glance back at his, and then get in. As I pull out, he does so only a second or two after me. He trails behind me a bit though all the way to the highway, and I wonder if he’s just driving safe or doing it because he doesn’t want to make me uncomfortable. Or maybe he’s uncomfortable. Say what?? Hi, anxiety. I begin to wonder if I freaked him out, like if he thought I was waiting till he came out or something. I genuinely had to clean the ice off of my car, and any other time his car is already started yet I still leave. But of course my mind races like crazy. I had anxiety in general all day, like sometimes it gets so bad at work that I think I’m going to get fired for absolutely no reason. I will literally just start to think that, even though I have been told several times how well I’m doing and how happy they are to have me there. I cannot even explain how hard I work at controlling my anxiety and making it better through practicing daily healthy habits, but still it persists. It makes me want to bang my head against the wall and cry sometimes. 
Tuesday - So Monday I made a promise to myself to try and not run into Scott or even look at him for 2 days. I know that it can’t always be helped, but I was not going to walk past his office and I was going to leave work exactly on time, this way I wouldn’t cross paths with him. So I was also hoping I wouldn’t have to go into the warehouse at all either. But then later on Monday night, I kept thinking how I just want him to fucking talk to me already. I want to be sure i can look at him and hold eye contact and not second guess his mixed ass signals. 
So Tuesday, I go over to the printer and who is just walking in but Scott. I smile big at him and say “Hey, Scott.” and add on “How are you doing?”, which we both say at pretty much the same time. I stand in my cubicle doorway and turn, but he’s already walking toward his office 
So 5 -10 minutes later I go and make some tea, and in those minutes Scott apparently went to the men’s room. He walks by me with a little smirk and we sideways glance at each other. He’s so close to me and I’m glad I wore my best perfume today (Gorgeous by Victoria’s Secret).
Later in the day I take an order to the warehouse, and on the way back I glance in Scott’s office, but he’s busy looking at something. About half an hour later I take another order out, and when I come back in i take my chance and look at Scott with a little smile. He’s turned around and facing the doorway and laughing, but all 3 guys are looking at me as I walk in, not just Scott. I quickly look away and am so embarrassed. I don’t want Chris or Steve to know I’m interested in Scott, and I’m hoping they were blissfully oblivious to my intentions. I wonder if Scott was facing the door on purpose though, cuz when I first walked past their office it was quiet, and I was only in the warehouse literally 2 minutes. It’s a possibility he saw me enter. But it’s maybe only the second time I’ve seen him smile with his teeth and it was so cute. 
As I leave for the day, Scott is already in his car. I just give a little wave and he waves back. I left a minute late, and I’m kicking myself for it. He must have left EXACTLY at 4:45. If yesterday I made a pact with myself to not do anything (fail) and to leave on time (fail) and then to do something (sorta succeed), today I make a pact to leave exactly on time every single day going forward. And to also walk super slow and take my good ol’ time getting in my car. Since Scott comes in last, he leaves last; Chris and Steve leave before 4:45. I need to take full advantage of Scott being the last to leave. All I freaking want is to leave and for him to be right behind me and then stop me for a conversation. I can only take these “hey, what’s up"s and giving each other the eye for so long (3 weeks, apparently - I’m not very patient lol). I am so ready to just talk to the damn guy and flirt with him and go on a date (or 2 or 3 or 4 etc if all goes well).
Oh, and I was behind him the whole time on the highway. I was in the left lane first, but then he got over in the left lane too. I tried to keep a healthy distance between us, but no car got in front of me the whole time before I had to get off my exit. I don’t know if he noticed me behind him lol.
Wednesday/Today - So in the morning I’m over at the printer again, and surprise again Scott is behind me! He says “Hey, Dana”, but is just looking around everywhere but at me. I say “Hey, Scott”, but it gets stuck in my throat and I have to cough afterwards.
This man, ugh. He literally stared me down Monday as he was leaving, but then other times he just doesn’t look at me at all. I guess I’m pretty much the same way though lol. I start to wonder if Monday maybe he was thinking about coming over and talking to me. But then my thoughts kind of shift and I start to think maybe he doesn’t have an interest in me, that I’m just some younger girl giving him attention. Heyo, look who’s about to be proven wrong.
So I’m at Joyce’s cubicle talking, and I turn around to Scott at the coffee machine. This is it, I think. Sure enough, it is. We greet each other, and this time, instead of leaving it at “what’s up?” he turns his whole body toward me, ready for a conversation. I literally could not believe it was happening. I stand nervously in my cubicle doorway, beaming from literally every pore in my body because I am so elated. I ask him how his day’s going and he tells me it’s okay, just another day. I asked “Are you guys busy?” and he says “It’s on and off, ya know, it comes in spurts.” And I say “Yeah, that’s how this whole week has been for me”. He casually says “yeah, it’s only Wednesday though” and what do I say?? WHAT DO I SAY???? I’ll tell you what I said. I said “Well, I guess that’s why they call it humpday, it’s the hump to get over in the week haha”. Of all the freaking things I could have said, that is what came out of my mouth. His expression doesn’t change, but oh wow, does the flame of embarrassment come to life in my body. As I do when I get nervous, I keep talking. So I say “Uh, what time is it anyway, 2:00?”. I turn to look at my computer, as if I can actually see the tiny time in the corner from 5 feet away, and then I spin back around. Basically, I spin in a full circle. Good job, Dana. He had been looking at me, but then looks at his watch. I think afterwards I should have complimented his watch, but I was also not close enough to really mean it lol. He says “yeah, it’s 5 of”. I say something after this, but I honestly cannot tell you what I say because at this point the fire of embarrassment inside of me is more like an inferno. I can feel my heart rate has gone way up, and I am getting clammy. I’m pretty much borderline panic attack right now lol. My brain is screaming at me. I go into my cubicle and he turns back to the coffee machine.
If you thought the fun stopped there, think again, my friend. So I go into the cubicle with the filing boxes, and this damned chair is in the way. There had been 2, and I moved the other one previously, which Scott saw. So I’m rolling this other one out and I’m right where Scott is, and I stop to let this guy Dan go by. (Completely unrelated, but Dan and I are the only vegetarians here and our names are one letter off. I find this funny. Okay, continue.) I tell Dan to go by me and I say “I moved this chair out like 2 weeks ago, and someone keeps putting it back in there”. It’s not the whole truth, but hey, Scott is smiling, and not just his normal closed-mouth smile, but showing teeth. He’s still facing the coffee machine, but oh, it makes me so happy I put a smile on his face. So this part, this was good. The next part, ughh. So, I’m going through the filing boxes, and I take a bunch down, but then I realize, there is no way I’m going to be able to stack them back up. I hurt my back over a month ago and still have not been able to heal it, despite a long period of rest. It’s back to hurting pretty bad again, and I know that I really shouldn’t lift anything too heavy. I can stack the boxes one on top of the other still, but stacking them up 4 high is definitely not realistic. When it comes time, I enter Scott’s office. Keep in mind I am still in panic mode, at least 45 minutes later (thanks, anxiety). I’m in the doorway, asking if I can have help lifting the boxes since I hurt my back. Scott and Steve are in the office, and I’m trying to look at Scott, but don’t want to make it obvious, so I have to look at Steve too. I sound awkward af and I keep pulling my lips in. Scott and Steve keep looking awkwardly at each other, like “okay, who’s gonna get up and help her”. Scott sort of starts to get up, but Steve is right next to the door, so he gets up. Scott almost sits back down, but then follows Steve.
So Steve is unclear as to which boxes he needs to be lifting and where. In his defense there are a lot of boxes, but I feel it’s pretty obvious the ones in the hallway have to be moved lol. I turn red trying to point it out to him because Scott is right there, and as Steve goes to finally pick up a box Scott goes for it too and says “Here, you need help, dude?”, just joking with him. It was only 2 boxes, so Steve moves both, but then Scott says afterwards, “You got it?” and Steve tells him to shut up. Steve says to me”If you ever need help, just ask us” and I say “Thanks. Yeah, I was able to take them down, but I couldn’t lift them back up that high.” I was disappointed I couldn’t just get Scott, and I hope he doesn’t think I was playing damsel in distress, because I honestly wasn’t. He walks in and out of his office like twice and when I look at him, he’s not looking at me but he’s smirking. I have no idea how any of our interactions came off to him. 
As I leave for the day, I leave at exactly 4:45, and I walk so slowly that it disgusts me (I am high-energy on the go at pretty much all times). I pause for a few seconds before slowly pushing open the one door. Then I painfully make my way just as slowly to my car, put my bags in, and wait. Dan comes walking out, but no Scott. I close my door, and start to put my gloves on (I always do this after I’m outside for some reason). Scott then comes out as I’m putting on my second glove. I look up and say “Bye, Scott!”. All he gives me is a quick glance and a “See ya”. I feel disheartened. I read into every little thing, and he always, always, ALWAYS says my name. Even though Monday he didn’t say anything and just waved, but shit, I’d rather have that. I look at him as he’s at his car, but he doesn’t look up at all. Dan pulls out, then me, then maybe 15 seconds behind me, Scott.
So my thoughts on today are very mixed. Now with some perspective, what I said was probably not damaging enough for Scott to lose interest. at least, that’s what I’m hoping. He had a little smile on his face the whole time we talked, and he looked a little nervous too. Also, we made eye contact, which was awesome, even though there was like 8 feet in between us. I made him smile too, so bonus points. He also kept lingering at the coffee machine and was stocking it, which no one does except Joyce. He stocked it with the tea I love, since I drank it all since I’m doing my coffee detox lol. I could have restocked it myself, but meh. I’m hoping he’s not put-off by the small talk, as everyone has to start somewhere. I can only hope he found my embarrassing self cute and endearing, and not off-putting. I am also hoping that this is what has finally broke the ice. I’m hoping now that when I see him I can now initiate conversation. Here’s to hoping. Also, still hoping we cross paths outside. It would be nice if he would just ask me out so that we could get to know each other that way. It’s so hard finding something to talk about at work since we don’t have any reason to interact. I could always ask him his weekend plans or how his weekend was, but that would specifically require me to talk to him on a Monday or Friday, which is no guarantee. I’m so happy he initiated talking to me, as it means he does truly have (or had LOL) an interest in me. It also means he was ready to go beyond the “hey what’s up”s as well, which I never would have guessed, because it seemed like he was okay with staying there. I hope he surprises me some more and talks to me again. :) We shall see. I’m still someowhat embarrassed and have no idea what he thinks, but there’s always tomorrow and Friday for me to try again. And then even days after those too. Here’s to me hopefully redeeming myself.
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theopennotebook · 7 years
Skins FanFic
Chapter 4: Maxxie’s Turn (Maxxie POV) 
I woke up wrapped in Finn’s arms pleasantly surprised not to have a headache. The sun was streaming through his opened curtains, it was probably late morning. I rolled over and admired the arches of his cheekbones, ran my fingers over his square jawline and smiled to myself as my touch caused him to stir… I could hear my phone vibrating from somewhere on the floor beneath the clothes that lay haphazardly all over it. I wriggled my way out of his grasp and began to rummage through the piles until I found my phone under Finn’s pants. I sat on the edge of the bed and checked my text messages. The first was from Auntie: 
FR: Auntie xo
Saturday 8:30am
Good morning my sweet niece. I see that you and Zye are already gone. I hope you two slept alright. Behave yourselves today girls. Haha! I will talk to you two later. I am leaving for work in about an hour. Xo P.S. Maxine, call your mother.
To: Auntie xo
Saturday 11:45am
Hi Auntie. Sorry for not getting back to you earlier. We are at a friend of mine’s house and my phone was upstairs. We slept wonderfully thanks. I think we’re going to go get a bit of shopping done. Could you e-transfer Zye some money please? We forgot our wallets at home. Thanks, Auntie! I’ll call my mother later this evening if I remember.
I looked over at Finn. Still sound asleep. On to my next message then. It was from Zye. 
FR: Zye-Zye
Saturday 8:45am
Maxx where are you?! Mom is probably already awake! I’m going to be in so much trouble when she realizes we aren’t home! I don’t know why I let you talk me into these shenanigans! I swear if I’m going down I’m taking you with me!
FR: Zye-Zye
Saturday 8:46
Mom just texted me! What do I do?!
FR: Zye-Zye
Saturday 8:48am
Maxxie, I’m still at Cook’s house, he’s making me breakfast. Are you up yet? Are you okay? I’m okay, don’t worry. Cook is a lot nicer than I thought. How’s Finn? What time do you want to head home? Mom is texting me, what do I do?!
FR: Zye-Zye
Saturday 9:00am
FR: Zye-Zye
Saturday 9:30am
Okay. seriously. Wake the fuck up. You’re making me swear. You know I never swear.
I chuckled at my cousin’s innocence.
To: Zye-Zye
Saturday 11:56am
Good morning crazy. Control your rage Zye-Zye. I’m just going to freshen up and then I’ll come get you. Don’t worry about Auntie, I already dealt with it. I’ll see you soon.
FR: Zye-Zye
Saturday 11:57am
I hate you … but that was a great night! Let’s do it again tonight! Wait until I tell you what happened with Cook!
To: Zye-Zye Saturday 11:58am
Take it easy party-animal. I can’t wait! See you soon.
And last but not least I had a text from… Freddie…
FR: Freddie
Saturday 10:00am
Hey Maxxie, I had a great time with you last night. Are you busy today? There’s something I need to talk to you about.
I locked my phone, set it on the dresser and headed for the bathroom. I needed to wash the shame off of my face…
I let the steam from the running tap fill the bathroom. I sat on the floor with my back to the bathtub. Flash memories of Freddie pinning me up against the cool brick of the wall in the alleyway beside the club, his body pressed against mine, his lips on my neck… his hands up my dress…. All over my body…. One of them sliding into my tights… beneath my underwear…
I jumped as someone knocked on the door.
“Maxxie, are you in there?” I heard Jack call from the other side of the door. 
“Ya, sorry Jack I’ll be out in a second,” I said frantically turning off the water and opening the door.
“Good morning,” Jack said with a smile.
“Hey, Jack,” I said pushing past him and going to retrieve my phone and shoes from Finn’s room. Jack followed me.
“Looks like you and Finn had some fun before he passed out last night.”
“What do you mean?”
“Have you looked in the mirror yet today Maxxie?”
Slowly, I turned to face Finn’s full-length mirror. My neck and chest were covered with an unsightly number of hickies. I was guessing based on what happened last night that there were definitely more than I could see. A wave of shame washed over me.
“Maxxie?” Jack’s voice was tainted with concern.
“It’s nothing,” I said, trying to act natural. “He just knows that I hate hickies, that’s all,” I said gesturing towards Finn, trying to make a joke out of the situation.
“I guess the pills made him a bit crazy,” Jack said chuckling uneasily. “I’ll grab you a sweater and a scarf to cover those up.”
“Thanks, Jack,” I said feigning a smile.
“Are you staying for breakfast?” Jack called from his room.
“No, I have to go get Zye.”
“Can I come? She and I kind of hit it off last night… she seems like a great girl… do you think she might be interested in me?”
“Um… she and I have some girl bonding to do… maybe next time?” I lied.
“Oh, come on Maxxie…” He said handing me a sweater and a scarf. “Wait, what do you mean pick her up? Where did she end up last night?”
“Oh, just at one of my friend’s houses. Why?” 
“Oh, no reason… I mean I saw her with Cook at one point so I was just curious…”
“Oh…” I just wanted the conversation to be over.
“So why can’t I come?”
“Next time Jack-Jack. Say bye to Finn for me?”
“Yeah, I’ll tell him to text you when he wakes up.”
“Thanks, Jack. I’ll see you later.” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek as I walked down the hall of their flat and to the door.
I had just gotten in the elevator when I felt my phone vibrate in my hand.
FR: Freddie
Saturday 12:30pm 
Hey Maxxie, did you get my message earlier?
To: Freddie
Saturday 12:31pm
Hey Freddie. Yeah, I did. I’m just leaving Finn’s flat. What’s up?
FR: Freddie
Saturday 12:31pm
I’m at the park behind the college. Can you meet me for a minute?
To: Freddie
Saturday 12:32pm
Yeah, okay.
FR: Freddie
Saturday 12:32pm
Cool. See you soon, yeah? 
To: Freddie
Saturday 12:33pm
Yeah. See you soon 
I don’t know why I agreed to meet Freddie… especially after what happened last night. Finn would be crushed if he ever found out… but there was just something about Freddie… something I couldn’t resist… 
I found my feet leading me to the park without me having to tell them where to go. Soon enough I could see Freddie sitting on a park bench. I snuck up behind him and let my fingers run along the back of his neck before coming around the bench and sitting beside him.
“Hello, Maxxie.” He said smiling at me.
“Hi, Freddie. What’s up? Your text sounded serious.” I asked sliding a little bit closer to him.
“Nothing, I just needed to see you…”
“What about Effie?” I asked, rubbing my hand on his chest as I moved even closer. 
“Well… After you and I… Effie came back to the club to try to make up with me, but we started fighting again ten minutes after she left so I told her I was sick of her games and I walked away…” Freddie moved my hand. I maintained my proximity to him anyway, hoping that he was just playing hard to get.
“So, you guys have broken up again?” I asked sliding impossibly closer.
“It’s complicated… that’s why I asked you to meet me…”
“Freddie, last night was great… but I’m with Finn…” I said, playing coy. A fling could be fun, and as long as Finn didn’t find out, then who was I really hurting?
“I know, I know… That’s not why I called you here.”
“What?” I slid away from him, the atmosphere around us shifting.
“I mean last night with you was great and all, I mean, lots of fun yeah? But… something else happened last night…”
“Oh, really Freddie? What? You fingered another girl too?”
“No…no… what happened with you was great Maxxie. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sad to see you go when Finn got sick. I mean I would have fucked you right then and there and dealt with my guilty conscience later… you know you’re walking boner bait. …but I had another connection with someone last night…an emotional connection.”
“Who Freddie? Because it sounds to me like it wasn’t Effie.” I snarled, a rage beginning to burn inside me. “Do I know her?”
Freddie looked out to the fields, he grew distant.
“Freddie. Who is she?”
I stood from the bench, not wanting to be remotely close to him.
“You mean my cousin?” I spat at him.
“Yes, that Zye.”
“Was this revelation before or after you decided it would be a good idea to cover me in hickies and finger me in an alley?”
“Don’t be like that Maxx…” He stood to face me.
“Before or after Freddie?!”
“I’ve had feelings for her since I first saw her at school… but I didn’t think she felt the same way until last night…” He ran his hands uneasily through his shaggy brown hair.
“Did you hook up with her?”
“But you wanted to!”
“We were dancing and then Effie showed up.”
“So, you ditched her for Effie? Good luck trying to get her back. My cousin can be quite impressionable Freddie…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He said facing me. His gaze was a mixture of confusion, anger and …fear…
“I mean that Zye will believe anything I tell her about you because I’m her cousin. Blood goes deeper than any feeling she may or may not have had for you.” I got in his face, close enough to feel his shallow breaths on my face.
“Oh, come on Maxxie. Don’t be this way. I don’t even know why you’re mad. You said it yourself. You’re with Finn! Yeah, we had fun, but when it comes down to it, it shouldn’t have happened at all!”
“Yeah, I am with Finn. But it still doesn’t mean I’m going to let you fuck around with my cousin.”
“Have you always been such a sore loser?” He asked as I turned to walk away.
I turned and shot him an icy glare before pacing away. That bastard deserved whatever was coming his way…
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jimlingss · 8 years
Words: 12k Genre: Extreme fluff for all you bitter people out there (me being included) Read the sequel drabble: here Read more at Service Series 
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Are YOU lonely? Need someone to cuddle at night? Do you want love?
If you said ‘yes’ to any of the questions previously mentioned then we have a service for you!
Don’t be alone for this Valentine’s Day!
Come Rent a Boyfriend!™
(terms and conditions may apply. we are not responsible for any emotional or sentimental damages. please take caution with rent-a-boyfriend).
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“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” His voice blares over the phone and you move away, wincing.
“What the fuck Hoseok? Do you even know what time it is over here?” You groan, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Honestly? No.” He laughs. “The time zones over here are pretty different. What? It’s like nine am?”
“Yes. Fuck.” You moan, scratching your bedhead. “I wanted to sleep in.”
“But it’s your birthday!” He whines.
“Exactly. I’ve been busting my ass at work these past few days. Just let me sleep.” You sigh. “Even when you’re half across the ocean, you’re still annoying me.”
“I just feel bad that you’re spending your birthday alone.”
“Who said I’m spending it alone?”
“Well...what are your plans then?”
Netflix. Wine. In your pajamas on the couch all day. “None of your business.” You sharply answer and he giggles.
“Are you planning to just order pizza and catch up on some TV?”
“Hey!” You shout defensively. “What’s wrong with that?”
“Nothing.” You can practically envision his wide grin. “It’s just I got you a birthday gift. It should be arriving any second now.”
“Wha-” Right on cue, the doorbell rings and you groan. “Give me a second!” You shout, staggering to your feet and pulling a cardigan over your pajamas. “What the hell did you get me Hoseok?” You mutter and he only laughs in response.
The moment you open the door, you’re met with a taller, blonde boy standing in front of you. He’s looking at you expectantly, suppressing a huge smile with lips upturned. Without a doubt, he’s cute; dashing to say the least and outwardly handsome, even a blind person would agree. But you were too tired to ogle him for long and you were already popping your head out the doorway, darting your eyes around. Where was the package?
“Hello.” The delivery man grins and you look back at him, wondering why he was wearing a fancy, black suit.
“Hi…” You grumble out with your sleepy voice. “Do you have something for me?”
“Have something for you…?” He tilts his head, a bit confused. “Oh! Should I have gotten you flowers?”
“I’ll keep a mental note to get you flowers next time.” He beams at you. “What kind of flowers do you like?”
“Wait….” Your frown deepens and your temples begin pulsing. Hoseok giggles on the phone. “I’m going to have to call you back.” You mumble, quickly hanging up. The stranger blinks with a charming smile. “Who are you?”
“Oh!” He jumps. “I haven’t introduced myself at all, huh? I deeply apologize! My name is Kim Taehyung!”
“And I’m your boyfriend!”
You freeze, hand still on your doorknob and mouth drawing open. Maybe this is some sort of dream; you’ve been single for so long, so your subconscious drew up some kind of fantasy of a cute stranger appearing at your doorstep, calling himself your boyfriend. That must be it. There’s no other way.
You’re gawking at him dumbfounded, words repeating slowly in your head as the gears begin to crank in your brain.
‘I’m your boyfriend!’
The last time you checked, you didn’t have a boyfriend.
He grins, looking more adorable than ever at your confusion.
Are YOU lonely? Need someone to cuddle at night? Are your parents or family members pestering you? Have aunts that won’t leave you alone? Are you going to a wedding without a plus one? Do you have someone you need to show off to? Have someone who won’t leave you alone?
If you said ‘yes’ to any of the questions previously mentioned then we have a service for you!
We tailor everyone’s preferences to match perfectly! 100% of the time! 10/10 rated by all customers! Call 1-800-boy-date today! That’s 1800-boy-date! Don’t waste any tim-
You reach for the remote, shutting off the television before the commercial can even finish. The flashes and neon lights of the advertisement still burn to the back of your eyes.
“Do you get it now?” Taehyung’s eyes twinkle as he grins at you.
You’re baffled, not knowing how to cope when everything was unravelling so quickly in your hands. “Uhhhhh……” He waits patiently for your response, sitting on the edge of your couch. “Just...give me a second. I need to make a phone call…”
You grab your phone off the table, beginning to retreat backwards into your bedroom. “Okay.” He quips with the tilt of his head.
You bolt to your room, shutting the door.
“What the hell Hoseok?” You immediately speak the moment the call goes through.
He laughs over the phone. “I guess he came?”
“Yeah, he showed up all right. The fuck is all this? What were you thinking?! Are you insane?!”
“Hey, hey, loosen up, will you? I thought it was a fun idea. You know it’ll help you relax and chill out. You’re always stressed out anyways.”
You sigh, ruffling your bird’s nest hair. “It’s as sketchy as hell.”
“No it’s not.” He whines in a half grumble. “My cousin used it during her sister’s wedding. They’re legit! You don’t have to worry about your house getting robbed or anything like that.”
“I even personally picked out the guy for you!” Hoseok adds on and your frown only deepens, especially when you’re trying to untangle the knots in your hair.
“What? What did you even say?”
“Well...I requested a fun-loving guy that’s energetic and cute. Your type right?”
“Hoseok. That’s my fucking opposite type.” You run a hand over your face in exasperation. “You know I like chill people! Mellow and not exhausting to be around!”
He laughs again and if he wasn’t across the ocean, you probably would’ve tried strangling him. “At least he’s cute right? I mean, they sent me a bunch of pictures and I picked him.” You groan. “Hey, just think of it as getting a massage or paying for a simple service to just wind down at the end of the day...like an escort?”
“...I’m going to kill you when you come back here.”
“That’s in two months Y/N~”
“I fucking hate you and your shit and the shit you put me through.”
“Trust me, this is good. Have I ever, ever made you do something that wasn’t good?”
“You made me fucking hike up that mountain.”
“And it was fun! Right? …...Aside from the part where you broke your ankle...but everything turned out fine!”
You sigh. “I’m leaving. He’s still waiting.”
“Don’t leave your new boyfriend waiting Y/N~ Bye!”
“Bye bitch.” You hang up a minute later, finally getting yourself up from your unmade bed to the door.
Maybe he’s right, you begin to think to yourself. Your life hadn’t been that exciting in the past few months, especially in the romance area and maybe this is what you needed all along. Maybe a pretend boyfriend will be good practice to somehow reel you into the right path again.
You’re nodding to yourself, walking back into your living room. But the moment you turn your head, he’s still waiting and sitting on the edge of your couch with a huge grin, like a puppy.
That’s when you realize….
You can’t do this.
What kind of person has a fake boyfriend to play pretend?! This is a human life, not the sims game! It’s not like you were even lonely in the first place! You don’t need a man to be happy! Fuck Hoseok and what he thinks is good for you or fun. He can go eat your dirty socks.
“Get out.” You hitch your thumb at your main door.
Taehyung’s eyes widen and his lips fall. He leans forward, blinking once. “W-what?”
“Go away. I don’t need your service. Thanks but no thanks.” You cross your arms. “I’m not interested.”
“W-wait..hold on.”
You eject the cd of the commercial, slapping it into his hands while dragging his arm up and to the door. “D-do you still not understand how this works?”
“Oh. I understand all right. Please leave.” You open the door, ready to shove him out, but he still stands at the doorway, foot blocking so that you can’t slam it in his face.
“Wait! Wait! Your friend already prepaid an entire month!?!!” He’s looking more confused as ever, desperate and shocked.
A fucking month? Holy sh-
“You gotta be kidding me.” You raise your hand to your forehead. “NO! Just get out!”
“Did I do something wrong?!”
The both of you are struggling at the door, you trying to push him out but him trying to push inside. “No! You didn’t do anything wrong! It’s just too fucking weird!”
“I literally can’t go! It’s already prepaid! I’m going to get yelled at and get fired!”
“Can’t you just return his deposit?!”
“No we can’t!”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know why! It’s just policy!”
“Then take the money!” You shout bitterly, still struggling.
“I can’t leave in good moral conscience!” He grits his teeth and finally wins when you take a step back, too exhausted and the door crashes against the wall. You glare at him, huffing tiredly, and he’s breathless too. “I’ll treat..you...well…” He manages. “It’s just...for a...month.”
You’re defeated.
‘It’s a fun idea.’
‘It’ll help you relax.’
‘Think of it as a service.’ ‘Think of it as a service.’ ‘Think of it as a service.’
Hoseok’s voice rings over and over and over inside your head. You scream, whipping your arms to get rid of his chirpy laughter. Maybe you really do have a few loose screws inside your head. Maybe you’re really just losing it.
You stare at Taehyung for a long time, breathing heavily with tired eyes.
“I said fine!” You scream, not believing what was falling from your lips.
His eyes twinkle and he grins. “So I can be your boyfriend?”
“What the fuck did I just get myself into?” You mutter under your breath. You nod before you can take anything back. “Yes. Yes you can.”
The stranger, Taehyung takes your hands suddenly, spinning you in a circle while he giggles. “This is going to be great! You won’t regret it!”
You sigh tiredly.
You really better not regret this.
He clears his throat. “So to recap…” You lean your chin in your hand, elbow to your kitchen counter. “We’re going to do everything that is romantic but no physically touching aside from hugs or cuddles, no kisses and nothing sexual or else the contract is nullified?”
Taehyung nods a bit too enthusiastically. For a moment you think he might break his own neck. “Yup! We’ll go on dates and I’ll give you texts and calls too!”
“Uh huh…Great.”
“Do you have any preferences?” He bats his lashes eagerly.
You frown. “...preferences?”
“Dating preferences!” He smiles. “Do you like the caring type? The bad boy type? The cold type? Where do you want to go on dates? Do you like being pampered with gifts?”
“No. No.” You wave your hand exhaustingly. “Anything’s fine. Just be yourself.”
He tilts his head, a slight knot between his brows. “...be myself?”
“Yeah. Just be yourself.”
It seems to take a few seconds before the request registers in his head, as if he’s never heard it before in his career. “Okay…” He nods to himself with pouted lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow then!” He smiles perfectly with a nod.
“Our first date! A dinner date!”
“Okay.” You sigh. “Sounds good.”
“I’ll pick you up at six!” You nod slightly when he’s at the doorway, flashing one big smile. “See you tomorrow Y/N!”
“Bye Taehyung.”
“Uh huh. Bye.” You finally shut the door, sliding down the surface and wondering what the hell you just got yourself into.
You just got a boyfriend, that’s what.
It’s a Friday night when you’re lying on your couch, thankful that the weekend is finally here. You’ve poured yourself a glass of wine, watching netflix with half-lidded eyes, dozing off slowly. You’re about to give it to the seduction of sleep, catch up on the many hours that you’ve missed for work but then your phone violently vibrates on the table (scaring the shit out of you).
Unknown number: I’ll be there in ten minutes! ~^.^~
“What the f-” You frown, rubbing your eyes. It only takes you a second before you’re suddenly wide awake again. “Oh my god.”
You rush to your bathroom, looking at the mess of makeup that was still on your face from the workday. You’re absolutely frantic, running to your closet to pull out clothes but that’s when it hits you….who cares?
It’s not like this was an actual date. It’s not like you have an actual boyfriend.
He was probably going to take you out to a burger joint anyways.
You sigh tiredly, slowing down and taking more of your time. You throw a sweater on top of your pajama top, swapping sweatpants for comfortable leggings instead, like the true lazy lifestyle you live. Then you wipe off all your makeup, splashing your face with cold water. The rest of the time, you sit back down on the couch to finish the episode that you were watching, downing the rest of the wine in your glass.
As promised, he arrives….in a fucking suit. “Good evening Y/N!” He exclaims with a grin and you nod reluctantly.
“Hey.” You look at the bouquet of red roses in his hands. “Is that for me?”
He looks down for a moment before meeting your eyes again, handing it to you. “Oh! Yes they are! They reminded me of you because they are so beautiful. And speaking of which, you do look lovely today.”
Was this guy serious? You looked like you were ready to walk to the convenience store and straight back home. “....thanks. Want to come in?”
He smiles as he steps inside your abode, watching as you place the flowers on the counter of your kitchen. “I’ve made dinner reservations at seven.”
“Sounds good.” You sigh. “You should’ve texted me when you got here though. You didn’t need to come all the way up.”
“It’s no big deal. I really don’t mind at all. I’d do anything for you.”
You turn on your heel, glaring at him. “Are you always this perfect?”
“Nevermind.” You huff out, waving your hand. “We should get going though, right? You said the reservations were at seven?”
“Oh yes!” He practically jumps.
You usher him out of the house, locking up before the both of you head down the elevators. Like the gentleman he acts like, he opens the car door for you and guides you in. As he drives, you lean to look out the window.
“So...where are we going?”
“To a restaurant.” He smiles, sitting upright while still looking out the road.
“Uh huh…”
“How was your day today?” He asks eagerly.
“Tiring.” You add. “People can be hard to deal with.” He hums in agreement. “How was yours?”
“Me? It was good. It’s even better now that I’m with you.”
You frown at him, scoffing. “Are you being serious? You barely know me.”
He scoffs...or at least that’s what you think he did because then he suddenly turns it into a cough a second later after realizing how unchivalrous the action was. “I mean...I don’t need to know you to know what a wonderful person you are. Don’t worry though. I will get to know you well.”
He adds. “You’re my girlfriend after all.”
You’re about to object but in a way….you guess you were his girlfriend. He was technically your boyfriend.
You arrive at the restaurant soon after, Taehyung quickly exiting the car and making his way around to open your door, despite your protests. He even opens the doors of the restaurant for you and the waitress leads you to the table according to the reservations.
You’re baffled and this time - it’s not because of him.
“Taehyung.” You whisper, lowering the menu from your face. “What the hell.”
“What’s wrong?” He frowns with worry.
“You didn’t tell me that it was a fancy restaurant!” You dart your eyes around at the luxurious tables, windows draped with red curtains, the soft chandelier lights and the people dressed like it’s their wedding. The waiters and waitresses are quiet, dressed in white and sauntering around with trays in one hand. It’s the type of restaurant that people would propose at and it’s as if you were thrown into a James Bond movie.
He laughs. “Where did you think we were going to go?”
You’re still gaping at him. “I don’t know. A fast food restaurant? Somewhere to grab fries and a burger?”
His mouth is still drawn into a huge grin, one of amusement. “Why would I do that?”
“The prices here are outrageous!” You point to the steaks on the menu, costing more than two hours of your pay.
“It’s our first date. I’m not just going to bring you anywhere.” He winks and you roll your eyes. “I need to impress you.”
“And I’m so under dressed.” You look down at your leggings and sweater, your pajama shirt peeking out at the bottom. Your hair is barely put together and your face is completely bare. You can’t help but feel inferior and self-conscious to the beautiful women who strut to their seats, gown sweeping the floor.
“You look beautiful, don’t worry.” He smiles gently.
Before you can respond in curses, the waiter returns with a huge smile, looking like a stiff mannequin. “Here is your sparkling cider.” He pours it in both your glasses. “Are you ready to order?”
Taehyung looks at you and you nod. “I’ll take the chicken marsala.” It’s the cheapest thing on the menu yet it still hurts when you look at the price.
He looks over to Taehyung. “I’ll have the roasted rack of lamb.”
“Okay.” He happily takes both your menus. “I’ll get that going for you two. Please do call me if you would like anything more.”
You watch as the waiter leaves before you turn to Taehyung. You stare at him emotionlessly, and he stares back with enthusiasm. “What’s wrong?”
“From now on, don’t be cheesy.” You tell him, unfolding your napkin to sit on your lap. “I hate cheesy lines.”
He nods with thought. “Okay.”
“Just be natural. Be yourself.”
The both of you enjoy dinner in somewhat silence, broken by Taehyung’s nosy questions and charming one liners. You both talk about your likes and dislikes in between mouthfuls before you’re both finished. When the cheque comes, he insists that he pays and you two sit around arguing for a bit.
“I’m a working grown lady! I can pay for my own food! I probably make even more money than you!”
“It doesn’t matter! Just let me.”
“I don’t need your courtesy!”
“Don’t worry about it!”
You finally give up, and he pays, somewhat of a distraught expression on his face despite his words.
As Taehyung drives you home, you talk about Hoseok and how annoying he is even when you met him back in high school. He goes on a long rant about how dogs are better than cats and then you talk about your hobbies (netflix and wine obviously). You contemplate for a moment that it was actually a nice change of pace for once.
“You want to come in?” You ask when you’re both standing in front of your door.
“No I’m okay.” He grins. “It’s the first date so…”
You scoff with a smile. “Suit yourself.” He shifts from one foot to the other and you’re both lingering awkwardly. “Well…” You clear your throat. “I enjoyed myself today.”
His eyes widen, twinkling. “Really?!”
“Yeah...I did actually.” You admit in a smaller voice, more to yourself than him.
“That’s good.” His lips widen even more. “I’m glad. So we’ll do this again?”
“Well…” You hum out. “I’ll think about it.”
“We have a month together left…” He reminds you.
“I’ll think about it.” You repeat back and he laughs.
“I’ll text you. Goodnight Y/N.” Without a moment to think, he leans down and pecks your cheek with his soft lips, only for a mere split-second.
You’re shocked, taken back but before you can say anything, he turns and walks down the hallway. You laugh to yourself, finally entering your abode.
Maybe a boyfriend wasn’t so bad after all.
Taehyung texts you several times through your work day. He says good morning, if you’ve eaten lunch yet, what you were doing and a good night every single day. He even goes forth and sends selfies of himself in bed with bed hair to a picture of him drinking his morning coffee to even a dog on the street.
When you don’t respond, message after message, he calls.
“What do you want?” You draw out tiredly.
“You didn’t respond to my texts!” He whines. “I was worried! Are you busy?”
You sigh tiredly, exaggeratedly so that he can hear. “Taehyung.”
“Don’t text me unless you need to.”
There’s a long drawn out silence. “Am I being too clingy for you?”
“Yes.” You immediately feel guilt, beginning to retrace your words. “I don’t mind. It’s nice actually…..” You admit. “but just less, please. A little less.”
“Okay.” You can already imagine him smiling.
“I have to get back to work now…”
“Let’s go on a date tonight!”
“Date?” You frown.
“Are you busy?”
You contemplate if you should answer ‘yes’. You were tired, wanting to catch up on more tv and hit the sack earlier but you couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty if you lied to him. Whether you wanted to admit it or not, you did enjoy yourself last time. “....no. I’m not busy.”
“Great! I’ll pick you up at eight! Let’s go to the movies! So pick which one you want! Bye Y/N!” He hangs up before you can say otherwise.
You sigh yet again.
“Your boyfriend?” A co-worker beside you chirps up in interest. She was probably eavesdropping but you don’t particularly mind, it’s not like you haven’t done it before yourself and work was going dreadfully slow today.
You manage a stiff smile and a nod. “Something like that…”
He picks you up from your apartment again but this time you’re already outside, so he doesn’t have to make the trip all the way to your door. Seeing you out, he profusely apologizes and asks if you were waiting for long but you answer him with a cold glare and your hand holding your phone, showing the time.
7:50 pm.
He was already ten minutes early.
“You don’t need to apologize. I wanted to wait out here.”
He nods, taking back at how you weren’t receiving all of his bullshit today.
You were just tired, from work and him. He was a bit...no he was too much.
“Are you serious?” You look at him when the both of you are in the car, a bouquet of flowers in your lap.
“Don’t you like flowers?”
“I don’t need them every single time! That’s too much!”
There’s a small, mischievous smile that appears on his lips for a split-second before it disappears. He clears his throat, becoming serious again. “Should I get you chocolates instead? Do you like jewelry?”
“No! No. I don’t want gifts. I don’t need anything.”
He bolts his head over at you with a frown, staring at you in horror.
You were completely different from all his other ‘girlfriend’ clients before who wanted him to act a certain way, give them immense affection and shower them with endless gifts. You were odd. Very odd.
Has there ever been someone like you?
“WATCH THE ROAD!” You shout, pointing out the windshield, and he breaks out of his trance, slightly swerving the car when he regains focus again. “Are you trying to kill us?!”
“Sorry.” He mumbles.
“There’s no sorries when I’m dead.” You pout, crossing your arms. “Thanks so much boyfriend.”
He laughs, genuinely this time and a bit obnoxiously too, ringing in your ears. It’s different from his polite one. You like it better. A lot better.
“So what do you want to watch?” You ask him as the both of you stare at the screen flashing movie titles.
He glances at you. “You can pick.”
“It really doesn’t matter to me.” You huff out. “Hurry up and pick one.”
He hums for a really long moment. “Marley and me?”
“Oh...it’s an old film. Guess they’re replaying it?” You turn to him. “Are you sure?”
He frowns. “Why, do you not want to? We can change it if you want! We can watch whatever! Do you want to see something else instead?”
“Calm down.” You put out your hands. “I’m fine with anything.”
“Okay.” He smiles. “I like dogs anyways.”
“Oh...this movie’s going to be so great for you then.” You smirk, already having an idea what was going to happen. You hadn’t ever sat down and watched the film before but you had an idea of how it ended.
Nonetheless, you bought the tickets this time and the both of you sat down smack dab in the middle of the theater.
You thought he was going to pull some greasy moves like throwing an arm over your seat to slowly and smoothly pull you in or hold your hand or at least whisper seductively into your ear but not at all. He’s transfixed the entire time, eyes glued to the screen and hand burying inside the bag of popcorn to stuff his mouth barbarically. He’s transfixed the entire time, like a child incredibly invested in the movie. It’s like he forgot you were even there.
Not that you particularly mind, if anything you liked it better that way. He wasn’t trying to act as your perfect boyfriend but instead, genuinely enjoying himself.
You find yourself glancing over and smiling several times.
“What...the hell was that?” Taehyung chokes out, still sobbing. His eyes are completely swollen red, saliva escaping his mouth and snot dripping down from his nose. You can’t help but laugh a bit, only quickly covering it up as a cough when he shoots you a glare.
As you exit the theater, people are shooting you odd looks. “Taehyung….people are going to think that I bullied you.” You lean over to him, whispering as he’s choking back his wails, still weeping.
“Is that all you care about?” He croaks out at you.
You smile widely at him, taking his arm. “I’m just saying that you should calm down. Are you okay?”
“I don’t know.” He answers honestly, sniffling back.
“Will you be okay?”
The both of you decide to take a walk at the small park from across the street since the night weather was rather nice and Taehyung was in no condition to drive.
You both walk for a bit before settling down on a bench together. He’s no longer crying, only cheeks and the tip of his nose tinted rouge, largely from the cool air. He glances at you once he notices you're staring and his eyes almost immediately light up.
“Oh!” Taehyung begins peeling off his jacket. “You must be cold.”
You laugh, stopping his hands. “Calm down kid. I’m not cold. I have a thicker jacket than you do.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
He smiles sheepishly, shrugging his jacket back on and zipping it all the way up. The both of you bask in the silence, cars zooming past, trees rustling and the distant music of the movie theater seeping into the air. Taehyung’s presence seems to comfort you and that only puts you more on edge, alarming you even further.
“So…..how many clients do you have?”
He turns to you, looking taken back. “Clients?”
“Girlfriends.” You add. “People like me.”
“Uhhhhhhh……………………” He frowns in disbelief, almost as if you had uttered it in parseltongue.
You smile, tilting your head. “I’m just curious that’s all. You don’t have to look so afraid. If it’s too personal, you don’t need to answer.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “It’s just that...no one’s ever asked.” No one, especially the clients themselves, want to know how many people he’s seeing aside from them. If anything, they’ve all avoided the topic like the black plague. He shifts, inhaling a breath. “Probably thirty clients?”
“Thirty? Wow.” You jut out your bottom lip in thought, nodding.
“Thirty to forty. Some of them are only a one time thing like to a wedding.” He glances at you to catch any signs of jealousy but you’re a brick wall, showing no emotion but amusement. “I’ve been working there for about a year so it’s an average amount.”
There’s a thought that churns inside your head, making you feel turmoil and unease. You know you shouldn’t ask, that you really don’t want to know but you can’t shake off the question. It lingers and attaches to you. Just ask! Just ask him! Ask him and you’ll know!
“Other than me, are you working for any clients right now?” You stare deep into his eyes, trying to sound light.
There was no reason for you to feel jealous. It was illogical. This was his job after all, he was a boyfriend to countless girls before and you were just one of many. But the past never mattered, you wanted to know right now. While he went on dates with you, did he call someone else afterwards? Did he hold hands with another girl after texting and calling you? You wanted to know if you were the only one. Right. Now.
Taehyung smiles, lifting his hand to show his fingers. “Two.” Is all he says. “Two other clients and you.”
“Ah. I see.”
You can’t answer much, instead ripping your gaze off of him to stare at the lightpost.
You don’t have a reason to be jealous.
So what?
You’ve been on only two dates after all.
He wasn’t really your boyfriend.
Two other girls?
Why doesn’t it even matter?
Somehow you can’t help but feel nauseated. Taehyung is too close for comfort and it feels like he’s suffocating you, smothering you. You suddenly feel disgusted with him, with yourself; anxiety and insecurities swirling in the pits of your stomach. You aren’t good enough for someone like him, for anyone for that matter; you couldn't even get yourself a real boyfriend. And at that same time, you can’t help but feel lied to. All the affections and one liners Taehyung ever spared was because it was his job, not because he genuinely meant it.
You’re on the verge of tears, wanting to burst like a pressurized capsule. You want to demand answers to why you aren’t good enough to slapping him - one or the other, maybe both for good measure.
“Are you okay?” He asks after five minutes of silence.
You bolt your head to him, about to open your mouth to call it off completely but then suddenly his eyes shoot past you, widening in horror. “We need to leave.” He tugs on your arm, making you stand next to him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Taehyung answers quickly, pulling you along and almost jogging. “We just need to leave. Now.”
You glance behind yourself to see what’s wrong and you catch a woman, jogging behind you two. “Taehyung! Taehyung!” She shouts tiredly, looking haggard and desperate.
“I think she’s calling for you?” You huff out. “Who is she?”
“Taehyung! Tae..hyung..” The strange lady falters, falling to the ground in a sob.
You turn around once more, stopping in your tracks. “Wait. Wait!”
But he’s relentless and after one second, sparing a glance filled with pity, he continues pulling you along. The both of you trudge down the street all the way to his car. “Wait Taehyung! Who was that?”
“She’s an old client.” He huffs out. “I have a restraining order on her.”
“Wait what? An old client? A restraining order?” Your voice moves up several pitches, eyes almost bulging out.
He ruffles his hair tiredly. “We only went out on four dates and that was it, but then she kept on following me around once the contract had expired.” He manages a smile. “Sorry. I hope that it didn’t ruin our date.”
“No...no..” You shift your hand away from his.
You can’t help but feel sorry for the girl. She was in a rugged mess, crying and chasing after him, only to collapse on the ground. All he did was shoot her a pitiful look and then leave. You can’t help but think - what if that was you? What if it will be you?
After everything, will he just look at you in disdain? Will he act like you’re strangers, that the time you spent together was nothing when it meant so much to you?
“What’s wrong?” He asks with a frown at your prolonged silence.
“I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
“I’m just going to go home….don’t call me again.” You turn to leave but he grabs your arm.
“Y/N. You’re not making any sense. I thought we went over this.” He pleads, half frustrated and the other half just desperate.
You turn to him, burrowing eyes deep into his skin. “I don’t care about the deposit okay?! I don’t care about the one month!”
“Why are you acting like this?!” He asks, matching your loud tone. “I thought we were having a good time! Was it because of that old client? I already apologized for that Y/N!”
“No, that’s not it!”
“What is it then?” He sighs out frustratedly but then quickly covers it with a strained smile, voice lowering to a normal pitch again. “Our first argument isn’t scheduled for two more weeks Y/N. Don’t be like this. I’m sorry, okay?”
“No! No! This is the exact reason why I can’t do this anymore!” You shove his hand off. “I don’t want some fake ass boyfriend or fake ass cheesy lines! I don’t want a whirlwind romance or to be showered in gifts or compliments! I don’t want to go on perfect dates! I don’t want someone who treats me perfectly or someone who is perfect! I want something real!” You’re rambling, face rising with red and your lips tumble before you can process remotely anything that you’re saying.
“I want the real you! I want you Taehyung!”
He’s absolutely stunned, flabbergasted. His hand drops to his side.
You’re huffing breaths, chest heaving as you gasp for air after your angry tangent. “Y/N..”
“Nope.” You turn on your heel, stomping away. “Bye Taehyung.”
“Wait!” He calls after you. “How are you getting home?”
“Taxi! Bus! I don’t care. You shouldn’t either!” You shout back.
He watches as you tread away, people shooting you odd looks, and he can’t help but grin. He’s never been screamed at by one of his clients. He’s never been told to stop being the perfect boyfriend when it was his job to be. You’re definitely one in a million.
He can’t help but love it.
Three days pass without a word from Taehyung and life returns to normal, to you on the couch with netflix and wine, a shirt that reads ‘who needs men anyways’.
The flowers he got you have longed been trashed and thrown into the dumpster. You’re tempted to delete his contact but you keep it anyways, for reasons that you just can’t bring yourself to delete him completely. In those nights where you can’t sleep, you find yourself going to the messages, only to see that he hasn’t texted or said anything at all.
It’s not that you’re disappointed or anything. You are the one who told him to screw off and never call again. You can’t even blame him.
You’re probably as crazy as that other lady who chased him down the street.
Three days pass and on the fourth day, there’s a knock at your door.
You grunt out tiredly, wondering if it was the pizza guy but you can’t even recall if you even ordered pizza. The wine is really making you tipsy.
Setting down the glass, you pause your episode and tread to the door as the bell rings a second time. “I’m coming! Jeez.”
And when you open it, you’re met with a tall blonde boy, smiling and leaning against the doorframe. This time he’s not wearing a suit but just a hoodie with some light stains and black sweatpants. You’ll admit he looks good. He could probably be a homeless bum and still look good.
“What do you want Taehyung?” You scowl at him.
He crosses his arms with still a smug smile on his lips. “Don’t worry, I’m not here to apologize or to give you flowers.”
“Damn straight.”
“It’s just that…” I really couldn’t stop thinking about you, that’s what. But he’ll never say it out loud, afraid you’ll slam the door in his face from the cheesy line that’s all too genuine this time around. “I enjoyed myself particularly.”
You lift an eyebrow. “I’m serious!” He retorts with some rambunctious laughter. “And I thought you were having a good time too. I wanted to ask if you wanted to give it one more shot.”
“No thanks.” You swing the door closed but he catches it.
“I won’t be fake this time. I swear on my parent’s grave...they’re not even dead yet, I would get killed if they heard what I was saying right now.” He smiles.
“Why should I?”
“Because you want to get to know the real me right? You don’t want a fake perfect boyfriend, so I’ll give you just that.” He slyly adds, moving his brows up and down. “You’ll get to know the genuine Kim Taehyung.” He pounds his chest with his fist and you can’t help but roll your eyes with a small smile.
Since when were you so weak to him? You can’t even put up a fight if you wanted to.
“Please Y/N.” He juts out his bottom lip, widening his eyes cutely.
“You better make this damn worth my time Kim.” You flash him a dirty look, and he bursts out into a huge, wide grin. It’s infectious and within a few seconds, you’re smiling too despite wanting to keep a front.
“Where…” You peer out the window. “...the hell are we going Taehyung?”
It’s pitch black outside apart from the headlights of the car. The road is bumpy and uneven, making the car jump slightly. You pass trees and trees, heading to some desolate area at the outskirts of the city. For a moment, you wonder if he’s going to kill you.
You glance at him. His profile is soft with a gentle smile, hints of mischief lingering in the way he tries to repress it. “Oh~” You nod your head, making a sound of recognition as the puzzle pieces fall into place. “So this is the real you, huh? Your real intentions?”
He frowns. “What?”
“Me. You. Alone. You won’t tell me where you’re going, and we’re driving to some desolate dark area, huh?” You sigh out disappointedly. “The car’s not really ideal for getting down and dirty…..but at least I’m glad you’re being honest with your intentions now.”
“No! No!” His cheeks burn, and he glances at you once more before focusing back on the road. “God no! We’re not doing that kind of thing! Who do you think I am?!”
You laugh. “Then where are we going?”
“Farmer’s market.”
Sure enough, it’s not a lie when you see lights in the distance. There are several white canopy tents in a large cluster. Music plays, bass shaking the grassy field that it’s on. Strings of fairy lights hang between the walkways and around the poles.
“Have you ever been here?” He asks, watching your amazed reaction with a swell of pride.
You shake your head. “Why is it so far out?”
He shrugs. “Closer to the farms I guess.” The both of you walk out of the parking lot towards the mini festival, the scent of churros and sweet treats already marking the air. “Actually they have it in the morning too but I never go.”
You stare at him. “I’m not a morning person.” He adds with playfulness.
“Then why did you send me all those ‘good morning’ texts so early?”
“I had to set an alarm for that.” He rolls his eyes exaggeratedly. “Do you know how exhausted I was? I couldn’t even see the bright screen and I had to read it over four times to make sure there weren’t any spelling mistakes.”
“Oh~” You coo at him with pouted lips. “Our Taehyungie suffers so much. Having to send good morning texts when he’s sleepy.”
He laughs with you, reaching up to squeeze your nose before he throws an arm around your shoulder. You flash him a dirty look at the close contact, but he smiles and you turn away, letting him have his way this time.
Despite being far away, the market is bustling with a good crowd of people. The live music thumps loudly, ground shaking when you get closer to the stage but you and Taehyung don’t watch for long. Instead, you weave between the tents, looking at all the produce and goods.
“You know...” Taehyung speaks up as the both of you are looking at the stands of fruit. “My grandmother’s best friend owns a strawberry farm. Some summers I used to work there and wow...it is actually so much work. Do you know how hard it is to crouch down and pick each strawberry one by one? My back was aching when I came home and I made my siblings massage my back.”
“It was hard work but then I got to eat free strawberries, and we made lots of jam. I ate jam for the rest of the year in my sandwiches.” He laughs, reminiscent in thought but after a second, he looks at you. You’re staring at him inquisitively and quietly with a small smile.
“Sorry...am I talking too much?”
“No.” You shake your head. “I like it. I like when you talk about yourself and your family.”
He can’t help but grin at that and when the both of you turn to keep walking, he grabs your hand. You immediately look down at the way he intertwines his fingers into yours. “Taehyung. What did I say about forced affection? I don’t need things like that.” You frown, stopping and he swallows hard.
“It’s genuine though...I really do want to hold your hand…” His voice trails off softer and softer, embarrassed, and he looks down to the ground. “Why? Does it seem forced?”
“I just wanted to hold your hand………”
You immediately feel a wave of guilt but you’re just on edge more than usual, trying to protect yourself. You’re afraid that he’s going to get too close and hurt you without having an inch of remorse. It’s his job. But you wonder if he even realizes what he does to you.
Taehyung lets go of your hand, mumbling an apology and walking ahead. But before he gets too far, you run up to him and catch his hand within yours. He immediately shoots his head up, trying to meet your eyes but you’re staring at something ahead, avoiding his impenetrable gaze. “You don’t need to apologize. I’m just a bit tense but….Iwanttoholdyourhandtoo.” You cough out the last part, a bit too embarrassed as your cheeks heat up like lava pools flush under your skin.
Taehyung grins, tightening his grip on yours and swinging your arm back and forth.
“Do you want some?” You point with your free hand to a booth, selling beer from a keg. “Oh wait. You can’t. You have to drive us back.” You grimace.
“Don’t worry. I can’t drink beer anyways.”
“Or coffee. It’s too bitter.” He sticks out his tongue in disgust. “I like sweet things.” He leans on you, shifting his weight. “Sweet things like you.”
You scoff, pushing him off. “I hate cheesy lines.”
“But that’s just part of who I am. Actually!” He defends himself, his bottom lip jutting out and you can’t help but laugh, rolling your eyes in the process.
“Then what do you like? Aside from sweet things.”
He hums, contemplating deeply. “I like meat.” His eyes twinkle brightly.
Following his words, the both of you order hot dogs on sticks, dipped in a honey mustard. It’s delicious and you two are fixed to the side of the stand, ordering more and more as you finish each skewer. The old lady is ecstatic with bursting cheeks as she compliments your eating skills and hands you more.
Taehyung giggles in the middle of a mouthful as he watches you hold nine empty sticks in your hand. You swat your other hand at him and when you become too full, he keeps going.
“You two are making me nauseous.” The old lady quips slyly with a snicker. “How long have you been dating this lovely girl, young man? Thinking about dropping the big question anytime soon? By the looks of it, you two are perfect for each other.”
You almost choke. “Oh. We’re no-”
Taehyung’s boisterous laughter interrupts you. “Thank you, I’d like to think so myself.” He winks at you. “Don’t give her any hints though! I want to keep her on her toes.”
The old lady falls into a fit of laughter, cheeks red, and she covers her mouth with her hand. “Don’t let her get away.”
“I wouldn’t for the life of me.”
The old lady laughs again and then turns back to her grill when someone approaches to order. You shoot Taehyung a dirty look but he grins. “What? Am I wrong? I am your boyfriend.”
You scoff, not allowing the smile to show when it creeps up your face.
By the time you come back from the washroom, he’s standing in front of the stage playing music, watching intently with tight lips in a straight line. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh.” He snaps out of his daze, looking at you with a smile. “I was just listening.”
“That seriously?”
His smile widens. “I used to play saxophone when I was still in school.” You tilt your head in interest. “I was just thinking that they were pretty good.”
“Were you any good?”
“I was the best in class!” He puffs out his chest and you roll your eyes. “I’m being serious! I was the best!”
It feels like you’ve reached a milestone, a turning point. It’s as if you’ve broken a barrier or toppled a brick wall with your bare hands. The bubble of fake facade and perfection bursted in front of your eyes to show someone more or less human like you but even more beautiful with the flaws. You’ve learnt he eats a ton, he loves music, he loves family, and he has a soft spot for all animals. Yet, he is also quite childish and enthusiastic, liking pranks and making mischief.
There’s not a lot that you don’t know about him and not quite enough to say anything at all but at the same time, a feeling swells inside your rib cage, even as you watch him stare at stuffed animals blankly with snot almost dripping from his nose.
You know you want to know more.
“Why are you staring?” He asks you and you finally snap out of it.
“Oh. What? Sorry. What were you saying?” You blink.
He leans in, close; so close that your foreheads are almost touching and you can feel his breath on your lips. “Am I that handsome?”
You scoff, pushing him away and he laughs. “You’re cute.” You tease sarcastically.
“I’ll take that!” He quips with a grin and you roll your eyes.
You turn your head to the stand of plush animals, all lined up next to each other. You catch a bear sitting at the center, the same shade as Taehyung’s soft, yellow hair with a huge smile and round eyes, big and cute. “Hey doesn’t this look like you?” You hold it up for him to see but as he lays eyes on it, he frowns.
“No.” He points to a large, ferocious lion hanging off the canopy. “That looks more like me.” Then he redirects his finger to a huge rhinoceros. “Or that.”
“But this is so cute.” You shake the bear in your hand that’s small enough to sit on your palm.
“If this is a ploy for me to get it for you then I’m not doing it.” He purses his lips. “I spent all my money already.”
You scoff, setting it down. “Fine.”
“This looks like you.” He holds up a similar bear in size.
“But it’s frowning!” You whine out to him in disbelief.
He laughs. “No. It only looks like it’s frowning. Anyways, it reminds me of you.”
The bear’s lips are made in an inverse v, holding a broken heart that covers its body, reading ‘I hate love’.
“You. are. cruel.” You huff out, walking away from him.
“It’s a joke!” He calls after you in the middle of a fit of laughter.
Taehyung drives you back home and you tell him that you’ll think about the date and if they’ll be another one or not, much to his dismay. But with your slipping smile and a fleeting goodbye, he already has an idea of what you’ll say. And he isn’t wrong as he watches you enter your building and a few minutes later, his phone lights up with a text.
My Y/N: You did decently today.
My Y/N: I’ll allow a next time.
Taehyung can only grin widely and especially doesn’t tell you how he drives back to the market, running to the stand before it closes; purchasing the two bears that look like you and him.  
He places on his desk at home, staring and marveling at it as the both sit side by side.
The next date is a picnic one, courtesy of your choosing and the both of you gobble sandwiches and hot dogs while taking turns telling stories. He reminisces about his best friend Jimin and how the two got in loads of trouble together back during the school days; that he was a pushover until he started working out at the gym with Jungkook and now the two threaten to beat Taehyung up all the time. He talks about almost getting arrested for lighting a trash can on fire during college because of a dare but with a few simple apologies and his charm, they let him go with a warning. That’s when he realized he had a pretty good way with words.
You talk about your family, about Hoseok and how he was engaged to your best friend and for the longest time, they hated each other and you had to stand in the middle of it all. Then they suddenly developed crushes and you had to walk back and forth, like a peasant matchmaker; helping them out without revealing the other’s intention since you weren’t one to break promises and didn’t want to be held accountable for any mistakes.
The picnic ends when there’s a storm swirling in the sky and the both of you gather your things and duck out to a convenience store, drenched and laughing.
The next few times, you’re too lazy to go out so you invite him over and the both of you begin a new tv show. Unexpectedly, it is gripping. It’s suspenseful and half the times, you’re on the edge of your seat in jitters. You both scream together, laugh at the screen or shout curses simultaneously.
There are quick breaks in between episodes where Taehyung runs to the bathroom to relieve himself and you take out your wine, usually saved for your own down times but for one reason or another, you don’t mind sharing with him.
The both of you binge episode after episode until it’s midnight and you’ve both dozed off on the couch. “Fuck. What time is it?” You finally peel your eyes open.
“Taehyung. Taehyung.” You shake him with half open eyes and a rough voice.
“Wha-” He jolts, suddenly awake too.
“It’s one in the morning. Don’t you have to leave?” You ask him, reaching over to shut off the tv.
“I’ll just stay here.” He mumbles.
“What?” You frown, turning back to him, but he’s already passed out on the couch.
The first night Taehyung ever stays over, the both of you are drunk on wine and passed on the couch, heads on different ends and legs tangled together.
“How was your day today?” He mumbles out tiredly one night.
You’re sitting in between his legs, how you got there - you don’t even know. You don’t even question anymore how close he’s gotten or how close you’ve gotten to him. It’s as if all the warning signs and stop signs have fallen every inch he gets closer until the sirens of danger have become muted under his laughter you’ve grown to cherish so much.
“It was fine.” You yawn. “You seem pretty tired though.”
“Not as tired as you.” He smiles.
The both of you continue to watch, it’s become your show with him now. When a new episode’s released and you’re just dying to watch it, you hold back until he comes over. Or sometimes you text him that you’re going to start - only for him to call immediately and tell you that it was not okay and that you needed to wait for him.
But the day was long and so was his. Soon after, you’re dozing off on his chest which snaps him out of his own lull for a moment, and he smiles sheepishly. He lays you down beside him on the couch and pulls you closer so you won’t fall off. Unconsciously, you snuggle into him, and he nuzzles you, falling into his own sleep.
You’re defeated.
How is it possible that he’s instantly cuter than you without even trying or batting a single eyelash?
Taehyung is dressed in blue shorts and a simple white sweater, completely blending in with the kindergarten class that’s also peering out the fence. “Taehyung. Don’t climb it.” You scold, and he immediately darts his head around, pouting like you just destroyed his dreams.
You wonder if he’s really a six-year old or not.
You had put in extra effort in today’s date, for no important reasons really….but you were dressed in one of your summer floral dresses with knee-high leggings and you wondered with the way you were both dressed, so youthfully, if strangers thought you were still high school students.
Taehyung walks back to where you’re standing, grinning once more at the kids as they hop away with their teachers. He redirects his gaze onto you but fixes it on your lips. Time draws out and you frown. “Is there something on my mouth?” You raise your hand, but he quickly catches it before you can ruin what he’s so fixated on.
“No.” He quips with a huge smile. “It’s pretty, that’s all.”
“Did you wear lipstick?” He leans in close with a shit eating grin and you push him away but his feet are rooted solid to the ground. He doesn’t even flinch.
You roll your eyes. “No I didn’t.”
It’s a lie. You did.
You step back and he steps forward. “It looks like you did though…” He hums out. “Did you want to look pretty for me?”
“You’re so full of yourself, aren’t you?”
“I’m the one who should be angry.” He says in a matter-of-fact tone, narrowing his eyes into you. “Do you know how much I want to kiss you right now?”
Your heart feels like it’s leaped up to your throat and you’re stunned, eyes growing wide. Your mouth fills with cotton and you can’t speak, cheeks staining the same shade as the flamingo’s feathers. “But that would be against the rules.” He grimaces with a sigh, admiring your flushed appearance instead.
“S-shut up.” You force your lips into a frown when the smile creeps up.
You won’t fall prey to his stupid one liners.
“What are they doing?” A little boy, up to your knee in height asks and points to you two. He holds a girl’s hand, the both of them wearing the same blue and white outfits. The both of them stare at you curiously with rosy cheeks and big eyes.
“Mae! Jeha! Let’s go!” A taller woman leading a bunch of kids calls, and they take off running.
You huff out, finally gaining composure again after being freed from Taehyung’s unwavering gaze. “C’mon let’s go.” You grab his hand, intertwining your fingers with his and dragging him away.
Today’s date was Taehyung’s idea when you both sat empty in your apartment, waiting for the next episode of your show. There was nothing to do, nothing you wanted to do since you were so emotionally damaged. But he finally managed to convince himself and drag you off from the couch to have a proper date and do something outside for once.
His idea was the zoo.
Twice in a day, you wonder if he really is a six-year-old.
It’s not like the zoo was a bad idea but it’s not much of a date when he keeps letting go of your hand to run to the enclosure and mimic whatever noises the animal he’s staring at makes. He growls at the lions, wails at the elephants, chirps to the birds and screams at the mandrill monkeys.
The train of children that you pass by again giggles.
The zookeeper politely asks him to keep it down.
You facepalm.
“What the hell is that?” You harshly whisper out when Taehyung pulls out a baggie of sliced bread.
He grins mischievously and the grizzly bear in interest or perhaps with a whiff of the snack begins trudging over. “It’s okay. I googled this before I came here.”
“You’re going to get us kicked out!” You chide, getting closer to him to hide the ziplock when some people walk past.
“I’m not going to actually feed him.” He gives you a look. “I just want to lure him to our side.”
“So he can kill us for the food?!”
“He’s not going to kill us.” Taehyung smiles in an attempt to be reassuring. “There’s like two layers of fencing.”
Your jaw drops completely. You deadpan. “Why are you like this?”
“Oh! He’s here!” Taehyung points to the bear that’s right next to you, only a few meters away and you immediately take a step back, only for him to grab your arm. “It’s okay.”
“No Taehyung it is not fucking okay. We’re going to die or get kicked out and I don-”
You don’t get to finish when he suddenly turns around, and he pulls out his phone, quickly snapping a photo of you two with the bear in the background. He taps a hundred times and falling prey to his will, you turn and smile at the last photo he snaps. The bear after a moment walks away and you’re scowling at Taehyung. “What the hell?”
“I realized that we never got to take a photo together before.” He hums out, scrolling through. “I’m going to make one of them my wallpaper.” You scoff but you can’t help leaning over to look too.
“Hey...that’s a pretty good one.” You point to the one where the both of you are smiling.
“Nah.” He scrolls to the top and finds the one where your mouth is wide open, yelling at him with a huge knot between your brows. “I like this one.”
“You’re the only one that looks good!!” You complain, smacking his arm.
“Hey.” He sets it as his lockscreen. “The bear looks good too.”
“I hate you.” You stick out your tongue, stomping away.
“Y/N! I’m just joking! You look average!”
“Shut up Taehyung!”
You can feel your entire body shaking from the blaring music, your ear drums threatening to burst with every dropped beat. The place is dark, only lit by the blue hued back lights of the bar, the neon signs lining the wall and the multi colored strobe lights, flashing down at the dance floor. It reeks of sweat and alcohol from the crowded tangled bodies, intoxicated and grinding down on each other without a second look.
It’s not your favourite place in the world, to say the least.
The last time you’ve ever been to a place like this was when your friends dragged you out back in your (not so) wild college days. You remember Hoseok drawing a crowd’s attention with his dancing and your other friends taking enough shots to pass out onto the floor in their own puke.
But when Taehyung begged you and whined to go, wanting to show off what he called his ‘killer dance moves’, you gave in.
You’ll admit...he’s good.
Well...most of the time.
Though his movements were smooth, and he flowed to the rhythm with ease, flashing you seductive eyes in the meanwhile, he also spun around dramatically. He whipped his arms around, hollering and you broke out into a hysterical laughter, which only urged him further. It definitely drove all the girls who had their eyes on him away, almost tripping on their heels as they ran in the opposite direction.
Taehyung spun you around and the both of you moved from the waltz to the tango.
It was the most time you’ve ever had fun in a club. Ever.
After what seemed to be like two hours, the both of you ordered some drinks while taking a break and it only took two glasses for him to begin getting oddly jittery.
He didn’t want to leave you alone, especially not in a place like this where drunk creeps ran rampant but after you saw his legs shaking and asked him what was wrong, he couldn’t deny what his body needed. He sprinted off to the bathroom as fast as he could to take a much-needed leak.
“Fancy drink you got there.” A heavy voice suddenly chimes beside you. He’s a bigger man, lifting an eyebrow at your wine glass.
You weren’t a big fan of any other drinks aside from wine. Unfortunately for you, the bar wasn’t that great with its selection and your drink had a slight bad aftertaste.
“Thanks.” You look away, glancing around for Taehyung.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“No thanks.”
“Aw c’mon honey, you don’t have to be such a hardass.” He smirks and you send him a sharp glare. “What’s your name?”
“None of your business.”
“Nice to meet you none-of-your-business.” He cocks his head over to his side, scanning you from top to bottom in your black dress. He doesn’t seem to take a hint and it only makes you angrier. “You can call me Bang ‘cause I’d love to bang you tonight.”
You twist your face up in disgust, not even trying to hide how put off you are. “Screw off.”
“Aw...don’t be like that baby.” He steps forward.
You lean into him, boring your eyes straight into his, and he’s taken back. “Get closer to me and I will break your arms, do you hear me? I’ll make sure you’ll get arrested for sexual harassment.”   
The man is baffled, frowning with steam practically coming out from his ears. He clenches his jaw and opens his mouth to go off but then there’s suddenly a hand around your shoulders and a low voice that growls out. “Who the hell are you?”
“Who are you?!” The man screams.
“I’m her boyfriend.” Taehyung declares without his eyes wavering, clenching his teeth and his eyes bulging with anger.
“He’s my boyfriend.” You say in a matter-of-fact tone.
The man glances at you, then back to Taehyung and back to you again. It’s as if the both of you are some scary power couple, either in the mafia or in fury from sexual frustration (none of which are true...maybe only a little of the latter). He doesn’t say anything more and quickly turns, running in the opposite direction, afraid that the both of you will drag him out in the alley to give him a beating of a lifetime.
“Are you okay?” Taehyung grabs your shoulders, turning you to him.
“Yeah..yeah I’m okay.” You nod, heart beating in your stomach. “I had it handled, you know.”
He smiles. “But I am your boyfriend, it’s the least I can do.”
Maybe it’s the alcohol or the sudden tense atmosphere, but you can’t help the words that slip through your lips. “Are you though?” He blinks once, frowning. You sigh, pushing his hands off of you. “Are you really my boyfriend Taehyung?”
You sigh, wondering if you should apologize or not. You didn’t mean to say it or see the distressed expression tracing each of his features. But it’s the truth and there’s no point in retracting when the words have been heard. “Don’t say things like that….it makes me…” want you.
You smile, taking his hand and standing. “C’mon, let’s dance.”
They say that love and hate have no boundaries, that they’re often blended together, child’s play to step to the other side. Someone you love can quickly become someone you despise with all your heart and vise versa. They are two polar opposites with strong emotions; emotions that drive a person to do things that are not always convenient.  
You don’t know if you love Taehyung or you hate him.
On one hand, you love everything about him. The way he teases you, whines when you’re not close enough and grabs you in a tight hug enough to suffocate you, the way he grins so brightly sometimes when he stares like he’s so proud to have you; how he listened and opened up to you, making you falling deeper and deeper. How only he has that effect, able to glance at you from across the room and send your heart off on a sprint until your breath is drawn from your lips completely.
You love hi-
On the other side, you can’t love him.
He’s not yours and will never be yours. You hate how he has that effect on you. You wonder if he knows, if he’s been playing with you this entire time, altering himself to become your perfect fantasy without you even realizing. You wonder if he knows and the moment the month is up, he’ll leave you in the dust and cut off all contact. Are you just another client? Has everything only been fabricated in your mind? Was it all one-sided?
You hate him because you love him.
The both of you are lying on a blanket, on the cement of your rooftop building. It’s a flat roof that you two snuck up to, to watch the stars that spill over the sky. The longer you stare, the more the darkness uncovers; the more your eyes can see the twinkling lights, delving deeper and deeper. The longer you stare, the more beautiful it becomes.
“How many days are left?”
“What do you mean?”
“The one month. The one month that you’ve been my boyfriend for.”
“Y/N…” He turns to you with a scrunch between his brows.
You turn your head staring back at him. He looks even more beautiful bathing in the moonlight, blonde strands reflecting off the beams and skin smooth along the slope of his nose. Your gaze falls to his lips and when he notices, his falls to yours.
Your heartbeat pounds inside your ears, painfully as it squeezes tight, wrapping around your lungs. “Do you even love me?” You choke out in a whisper.
He looks at you once more, drawing his eyes into your orbs and suddenly you’re too afraid of what he’ll say. You’re too afraid of your broken fantasy and how he’ll step away from you, that you’ll lose everything you’ve created with him.
In an instant, you pull him in for a kiss, silencing his words.
He immediately reciprocates.
He’s leaning up with his elbow, his other hand on the back of your neck, pulling you closer and you’re on your knees, leaning downwards over his body with fistfuls of his shirt.
You don’t know how long the both of you go at it for, mouth on mouth, breathing into the kiss and the both of you each too afraid to pull away. He pulls you closer as his arm loses strength, and he falls back, the both of you still connected as he prompts you to part your lips wider. He wastes no time in exploring, ravishing you with a muffled whimper. He tastes of lemon curd and birthday cake, sweet and a little too overwhelming.
You love him.
You love him so painfully so that in the pull of desperation, with the wave of feelings crashing down on your shoulders, your tears can’t help but trickle out.
You’re the first to pull away, both your lips swollen and your lungs burning for air. He’s gasping and finally sits up, staring at you with a look you don’t understand. You don’t want to understand.
“It’s over.” You manage with a croak. “I kissed you. The contract is over. Don’t contact me again.”
“Wa..it!...Y/N!” He stands up after you but the door is slammed shut and you’re gone.
Ten days pass.
After that night and knocking on your door, begging to talk to you, he doesn’t come again. Just like you said, he doesn’t call or text and it’s as if his existence has completely been wiped. It’s as if the memories have completely been pure imagination or a lucid dream. There are only a few traces of him left, physically showing that he was in your life and that you weren’t just going crazy.
You throw the blanket that he used to borrow when he came over into the washer, completely ridding his scent. The second wine glass that you own, bought for him and his lips, is tucked in a box away. The movie tickets that you had kept when you went with him are pressed deep between forgotten books on your shelf.
You don’t have the heart to throw anything away.
Ten days pass and everything reverts to normal, as violently fast as ripping off a bandaid but it stings and it stings; and it stings more because it happened so fast, normal came too quickly.
“Are you okay? You haven’t been returning any of my calls.” Hoseok’s voice encloses marks of concern.
“Sorry.” You mumble.
“Are you still sleeping?” You hum in response. “Isn’t it like noon? Don’t you have work?”
“I took the day off.” Your voice barely manages to croak out.
“What’s wrong Y/N?” When Hoseok doesn’t hear an answer, there’s a long silence. “Was it the rent-a-boyfriend thing? How did it go? Badly?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“If there’s something wrong, you can tell me.”
“I know.”
Just then the doorbell rings and you grumble, wondering if it was the delivery guy here with the pizza you had ordered in bed. You lug yourself upwards, head spinning with the bird nest of your hair but you don’t give a single damn anymore. “I’ll talk to you later okay, Hoseok?”
“Feel better Y/N.”
“See you.” You hang up the phone, throwing it onto the bed before the doorbell rings again. “I’m coming.” You shout with a groggy voice while scratching your itchy head before reaching the door.
The minute you open it, wood swinging on hinges, you’re met with a taller, blonde boy standing in front of you. He’s dressed in a black suit, fitted from top to bottom. He wears a small smile on his lips, eyes softening with tenderness despite the mess you look like. Your heart squeezes again, feeling like it’s rising to your throat and you lose strength to shut the door, wanting to savour the moment. You’re afraid that it’s the last moment.
“What are you doing here Taehyung?” Your voice comes out in a weak whisper.
He holds a bouquet of flowers in his hands, raising it but you can’t take them. “What the hell?”
“I know you don’t like flowers or maybe you do, but they’re genuine this time.” He lowers his hands. After a second, he sighs. “I got fired.”
“What?” You frown.
“I got fired from my job.” He says simply.
“And you came here to tell me that?!” You practically shout at him. “You want me to compensate for you?”
He smiles. “Yes.”
‘What the fuck Taehyung? Go away.” You swing the door shut but he catches it.
“Wait listen!”
“What do you want?!”
“I got fired because I told them I was in love with my client.”
He connects his eyes with yours, lips in a straight line, voice heavy with sincerity. He swallows hard, lips turning into a soft smile as he steps forward into your home. “I got fired because I told them that I wanted to have you as a real girlfriend. I got fired because I told them I kissed you. I told them I didn’t want to be anyone else’s boyfriend.”
“I told them, I think I’ve found the person I want to marry.”
“And you want me to compensate?” You murmur out, looking up at him while your heart leaps inside your rib cage, pattering like raindrops when they fall from the heavens and onto the Earth’s ground.
He grins, lips drawing up in a box. “I want you to compensate.”
“Please Y/N, will you do me the honours of-”
“Wait.” You put your hands out before he wraps his arms around you. “Are you proposing to me?”
“No!” His mouth drops. “If I was proposing to you, do you really think I’d do it in the middle of your apartment?!”
“I’m not complaining or anything but you just went off on wanting to marry me and then you-”
“I want you to be my girlfriend. I want to date you.” He wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close. “And we’ll see how it goes before I marry you.” He quips but you still swat a hand to his arm. “I still have to meet your parents, and we have to talk about how many kids we want because I know I want like five of them and if you aren’t down then-”
You pull him in for a kiss, silencing him, and he grins against your lips. “I better not have to rent you again.” You mumble.
“I’m not for rent anymore.” He kisses you again and again. “I’m yours.”
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