#“what if my dad has a Tumblr” is not as odd a prospect for me as it might be for someone with more standard parents
osterby · 1 year
Me all "hmm, that last reblog is a bit... much" and then "no wait, my dad doesn't follow my Tumblr so I don't have to worry about putting this kind of stuff on his dash when he's at work" and then "wait, my tumblr is pinned on my twitter" and then "WHAT IF MY DAD HAS A TUMBLR!"
If he does, I'm sure he knows better than to check it at work or in front of other weirdo normal people.
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squisherific · 4 years
Rain Drop Chapter 6
A/N: *yells echoingly into the void* Helloooo therrrre… Man has it been a very long time since I made a tumblr post, let alone wrote any fanfiction. To those who are unaware (which is probably everyone), I had begun a story many years ago about Juvia’s past. It was called Rain Drop, and it has 5 previous chapters up on fanfiction.net
I'm so sorry to those who had liked this story. I both can and can't believe it's been 4 years since I last updated it (and 2 years since I’ve written any fanfiction at all). To be perfectly honest, I didn't think I'd ever continue this story. But something struck me the other day. I reread this fic, and the kind reviews from readers, and I just got the itch to continue, because I really, really miss writing, and I especially missed writing about Gray and Juvia. I can't promise I'm going to end up finishing this, but this is a step in the right direction? This chapter is dedicated to everybody who's ever encouraged me to continue this fic, and to anyone still reading. If there are people still interested in this story, I can not thank you enough for your patience. This is for you. <3
Chapter 6 - A Breezy Visit
Gray felt abnormally aware of his right hand as he made his way through Magnolia, and towards the outskirts of the town. He normally didn't pay this much attention to any particular one of his appendages. He just let them do their thing, and trusted all was well. But on this particular day, his right hand was clutching onto the left hand of Juvia Lockser, and his previous faith in his hand's abilities had all but vanished, resulting in his acute awareness of every bead of sweat currently collecting between his and Juvia's linked palms. It didn't help that he felt like every person they passed on the way to their destination was taking note of their clasp-handed position, and grinning amusedly to themselves as the two mages hurried past.
Why did I grab her hand? I didn't need to do that. She could just follow me to Gildarts' house. I could let go, and carry on as if nothing happened. But would she get upset if I took my hand away? She is holding it pretty firmly, so it would probably be pretty awkward if I just stopped holding her hand back.
These were the thoughts that passed through Gray Fullbuster's mind as he decided he would continue to hold Juvia's hand, not because he enjoyed it - definitely not that- but because he wanted to be emotionally supportive towards his friend, who was going through a rough time right now. Yes, that's why he'd continue to allow his sweaty palm to press up against Juvia's soft grip. He was a very good friend, and that's all there was to it.
Juvia's voice interrupted Gray's internal dilemma.
"Do you really think it's possible Gildarts-san will know something about Juvia's parents?"
"It's worth a shot. That old guy loves to reminisce though, so if we're not careful he might go off on a tangent, and we'll be stuck there until nightfall."
"Juvia won't mind, especially if he did have the answers Juvia has been seeking! Juvia would gladly listen as long as it takes!" she said, excited at the possibility that Gildarts could provide a window into her past at last.
Gray seemed a lot less enthused at that prospect of being stuck in Gildarts' place for hours into the night. But, if it meant keeping Juvia out of harm's way, and preventing her from going off on a hunt for a possibly dangerous Jose Porla instead, he would gladly suffer through Gildarts taking a long, and winding trip down memory lane. He just hoped they weren't walking into a dead end, because Gray had no back up plan to distract Juvia from her desired mission. He had promised Master Makarov he'd keep her safe, and even without that promise, it was something he always strived to do anyway. He could not fail.
They'd reached the far edges of the town, and Gray steered them slightly passed an overgrown forested area, before entering a slight clearing with a cobbled path which led to the S-class mage’s humble cabin. They both took note of the tufts of smoke coming out of the stout chimney, signaling someone was definitely home. They smiled at each other, glad to not have traveled there in vain, and headed towards the door.
Gray knocked a few times and waited.
At first there was no answer, but then a sound of what must have been several pots and pans clattering to the floor reverberated through the open window, before the door burst open.
Standing in the doorway, looking happily expectant, was the auburn-haired, and battled-scarred S- class mage of Fairy Tail. However his expression seemed to falter, and twist into one of polite bemusement at his surprise guests' presence.
"Oh! I thought you two were Cana finally accepting her dad's invitation to a home cooked meal," he said, gesturing inside.
Gray and Juvia peered behind him as the mess that could only be classified as Gildarts' kitchen came into view. He had clearly been attempting to cook, the lit fire within his home waiting patiently for the pot, which he had filled with some mysterious gloopy substance, clearly the subject of Gildarts 'home cooked meal.'
"Nope, we haven't seen Cana today," Gray said, as Gildarts looked hopefully around them, as if Cana was about to pop out of a nearby bush at any moment, to finally fulfill her dad's wish for more bonding time. "It's just us here," Gray assured him.
Gildarts, shaking off his disappointment, finally looked back down at them, giving them both a once over, his eyes lingering on their clasped hands. He grinned.
"You two out on a date?" a playful twinkle in his eye as he observed their flustered reactions.
Gray finally did let go of Juvia's hand at this comment. "No," he said, a little too insistently.
Juvia looked crestfallen.
"Now, now, that's no way to treat a lady, Gray!" He chastised him lightly, as he smoothly brushed past Gray to usher Juvia inside. "Come in,, come in! It's Juvia, isn't it? You're good friends with Cana. I'm sure she won't be too upset if I treat you to a meal in her place. Don't be shy, there's plenty to share. Do you like wine, Juvia?"
Juvia was gently directed inside the warm cabin, a look of bewilderment coloring her features, while Gray had the door slammed in his face, leaving him standing alone outside.
That perverted old fart, Gray thought angrily. He lingered there annoyed for at least a couple of minutes, hoping one of the two would remember he was still there, before knocking on the closed door again, this time much more aggressively than when he had first arrived.
Gildarts reappeared. "Can I help you?" he asked, as if this were the first time he had met Gray, and as if Gray hadn't arrived with Juvia only a few minutes ago.
Speaking of Juvia, Gray could now see she was sitting down with a cup of tea in her hand, likely having refused the wine offer from Gildarts.
Gray ignored him, and irritatedly walked passed Gildarts into the house to join Juvia.
"How rude," Gildarts muttered none too silently to himself, as Gray pulled up a chair next to Juvia, sitting down, arms crossed and scowling.
Closing the door behind him, Gildarts sat down to join them. Apparently after he had guided Juvia inside, he had put the pot filled with the mysterious substance onto the fire, and it was now bubbling away behind them.
"So," Gildarts said after a moment. "What can I do for you. Want some love advice? I've got lots of tips," his eyebrows raised suggestively.
"Stop messing around!" Gray spat, his face reddening. "This is serious, old man! Juvia is here to ask you about her parents!"
"Her parents…" Gidarts said, sobering… He gave Juvia a thorough appraisal, and seemed to go into concentrated revelry. "Oh man, were there any blue-haired ladies…."
"NOT YOU," Gray said quickly.
Juvia blushed.
"Juvia is just trying to find information about her parents. She doesn't remember who they were. Gramps clearly seems to have known them, but he won't tell Juvia anything, so we were wondering if maybe you had met them before, and could tell her something about them, " Gray explained.
Gildarts relaxed, leaning back in his chair. "I was going to say, imagine having two daughters who both happened to end up in the same guild I was a part of. What would be the odds, right?" Gildarts laughed, but then got suddenly serious again, as his eyes fell back on Juvia. He studied her, as she looked back self-consciously.
"You know, come to think of it, you do remind me of someone," he said.
"Juvia does?" she asked, a pang of hope in her heart.
"Where are you from originally?"
"Juvia isn't sure. She was left in an orphanage in Hargeon. The most information the people running the orphanage could tell her, was that an old woman had dropped Juvia off there when Juvia was one-years old, but Juvia never did find the identity of the old woman. She doesn't know if she was a relation, or not."
Gildarts seemed to contemplate this information. "Your last name is Lockser?"
Juvia nodded.
"Hmmmm, well I can tell you I don't know anybody with that name. But you do bear a striking resemblance to an old friend of mine."
Gray didn't like the way Gildarts emphasized the word friend. "Who was this friend?"
"A former member of the magic council. She was a gorgeous girl, dark hair, piercing eyes, really feisty," he said, as his eyes glazed over, clearly having traveled back into some kind of indecent memory.
Gray and Juvia were discomfited.
"Oii! We're still here you know," Gray jolted him out of his reverie.
"Relax," he said, catching a look at their expressions. "It wasn't that type of relationship," he assured them, sighing in a good natured, but dejected sort of way. "Not for lack of trying, of course. She was my friend's girl."
"Your friend?"
"Benny. Benjamin 'Fluid' Dackser," he replied, as he grabbed the bottle of wine he had offered Juvia earlier, and took a sip.
"He was a water mage."
Juvia's eyes widened at this information.
"Yeah. So that was his nickname. Ol' Benny Flu Dackser," a sad smile crossed Gildarts' face. "Man, he was such a pain in the ass," he chuckled. "It's pretty pointless crashing apart water, you know? It just comes right back together again."
"He could turn into water? Like Juvia does?!"
"Yup, it was his specialty. Not a good match for me, as he couldn't help to remind me every time we had a friendly fight. And we were both always trying to impress Sylvi. He won her in the end, that bastard. Ah, we were so young then. Not even twenty."
"Sylvi?" Gray asked.
"Sylvia Loten. A talented ice mage."
It was Gray's turn for his eyes to widen. "Ice?"
"Not on quite the same level as your old master Ur, I'm sure, but really talented all the same. I might not have been able to do much against Benny, but she was more than a match for him. It was great watching that cocky, lovestruck fool get beaten down by her. But she must have liked his persistent approach, because they ended up married."
"Benjamin-san and Sylvia-san…" Juvia mused to herself "did they have any children?"
"I lost touch with them both after they went into politics. They never joined a guild either, as far as I know. Like I said, Sylvi was a council member, and so was Benny - youngest council members ever at that point. It all happened while I was out on a major quest. By the time I came back, years had passed, and Benny and Sylvi had…" he trailed off somberly.
"They died?" Juvia concluded, her face stricken.
"How?" Gray asked, almost afraid of the answer as he looked over at Juvia.
"Supposedly drowned," he said flatly.
"Drowned?! No way!"
Juvia agreed emphatically with Gray. "Benjamin-san was a water mage, how could he have drowned?"
"Just because you specialize in a type of magic doesn't mean you are immune to it's dangers," he explained, his mood had darkened considerably, the wine bottle's contents now severely depleted as he went on. "But again, that's just what I heard. Their bodies were found off the coast of Akane beach."
"Was the drowning an accident, or…" Gray trailed off.
"I don't know. But let's put it this way, I doubt they suffered a boating incident, and they couldn't save themselves. Doesn't make sense. Not for those two," Gildarts admitted.
"Terrible," was all Juvia could think to say as the three let a silence fall within the messy cabin, the only sound being the bubbling contents of the copper pot in the fireplace.
Juvia couldn't believe there had been another water mage. She'd never met anyone else who could use water magic other than herself. And she had been able to use it for as long as she could remember. It wasn't something she had studied to learn, which is usually the case for mages. People aren't born knowing magic. But for whatever reason, Juvia could instinctively control water, and as used to be the case, there were things she couldn't control about it as well - that constant rain that plagued her for so long. Water had literally been tied into her emotions - her very being - whether she liked it or not. It was a rare ability. A rare magic.
And yet this Benjamin Dackser was also a water mage. And he died. She couldn't imagine this skilled water mage, someone who could best Gildarts, could be drowned - and his talented ice mage wife as well. How? Why? Juvia had so many questions. The greatest of all being, could these two people have been her parents?
"Gildarts-san?" Juvia began, breaking the silence. "You said I remind you of Sylvia-san?"
"Yeah…" he said, studying her again, "the more I look at you, the more I think you look just like her. Same eyes, same pale skin, you even act a little like her. She was real regal, you know? You are very similar. Except for the hair. Her's was a very dark grey, almost black," he recalled, his voice a little slurred from the wine he had been using to dull the pain of his somber recollections.
"What color was this Benny guy's hair?" Gray asked.
Gildarts simply pointed to Juvia's hair in response.
Juvia's heart skipped a beat.
"You think they were Juvia's parents?" Gray came right out and asked what they were all currently wondering.
The question hung heavy in the air.
Juvia's fists clenched in anxiety.
Gildarts looked from Gray to Juvia, a pained expression on his face. He shook his head. "I never heard anything about them having a kid… but, there's a lot I don't know. I was gone for so long. I would think people who were on the council with them would know a lot more about anything like that. I knew them best when we were all still just a bunch of brats."
"How long were they on the council?"
"Not long. A few years, I think. And that was nearly 30 years ago now."
"Who do we know on the magic council who would talk to us?" Gray pondered. "None of them have ever exactly been the biggest fans of Fairy Tail. Plus, so many of them who might have been on the council with Benjamin and Sylvia are now…." Gray's thoughts wandered to the mass murder at the hands of the Tartarus members.
Another heavy silence fell.
"Yajima-san?" Juvia said tentatively, recalling the tiny man who ran the 8-island restaurant she once waitressed at with some of the other Fairy Tail ladies.
"Oh yeah, Gramp's friend. He's ancient, and he was on the council for ages," Gray recalled hopefully. "We could take a trip out to his restaurant in Hargeon and ask him if he knows anything more about these two."
"Let's do so," Juvia agree immediately, so grateful that Gray had suggested they go to Hargeon. This meant he intended to continue to accompany her on this quest of hers. Her heart was so burdened at the thought of possibly finding out who her parents were, only to be left with more devastating questions about their awful fate, and how she might tie into it. So, Gray's companionship served to lift that weight considerably.
"Thank you so much, Gildarts-san. You've been such a great help. Your information was truly invaluable," she said in earnest, getting up from her chair and heading towards the door. Gray followed closely behind.
"Wait! You sure you guys don't want to stay and eat? The stew is almost ready!" he pointed back towards the now overflowing muck bubbling out of his copper pot.
"That's very kind of you, Gildarts-san," Juvia eyed the stew in trepidation, "but we really have much to do if we are going to be leaving for Hargeon soon. But thank you for your hospitality, and the tea!" she added, leaving the warmly lit cabin behind her. The sun was setting as she stepped out into the clear air.
Gray was about to join her when Gildarts caught a hold of his arm and pulled him back.
"Hey!" Gray said, alarmed as Gildarts leaned close to him, his grip vice-like.
"Listen," Gildarts said, his tone uncharacteristically dire, "if Gramps didn't want to tell Juvia anything about her parents, then he likely had a damn good reason for it, and that reason was probably that he thinks there's danger involved. And if Gramps thinks looking for information on her parents is dangerous, then it probably is. I've only heard conspiracy theories about Benny and Sylvi's deaths, but if even one of them is true, Juvia could be headed into some serious trouble. I feel for her, I do. But if Benny and Sylvi were her parents, then there's nothing left to find."
Gray considered Gildarts words of warning. He looked towards Juvia, who was waiting patiently at the end of the cobbled path for him to join her. He again thought back to that night at the guild, and how hurt she was at never having known her family. "Juvia has a right to know the truth. If I can help her find at least that, then I'm going to do so," Gray said firmly. "And if there's danger, I'll protect her no matter what."
A/N: When rereading the previous chapters of this, I honestly didn't think I could continue the story no matter how much I wanted to. I genuinely didn't remember where I was going with the plot since it had been so long. But, thank goodness I had notes for future chapters saved. ;_; Otherwise this chapter would not exist right now. Anyway, if anyone is still reading, please do let me know with a review. But if everyone has abandoned this story, as I once did, then at least I can say I enjoyed writing this again. ^_^
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yumeisha · 4 years
Love In Print [Masaru] - Episode 1
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“But Mari, I don’t WANT to go read this on Wattpad, I want to stay here on Tumblr!” Listen, my friend. Let me help you. Here’s all of Episode 1! (But the rest is over here if you decide you want to read it!)
 She’s started to think of it as the summer of weddings. Like purgatory, but with more flowers.
Reiko sighs. Another Saturday, another charming garden venue. Soft, flickering tea lights float in shallow porcelain bowls. It looks like something lifted straight out of Pinterest, and it’s pretty in all the right ways, hitting every obligatory aesthetic beat. The music is loud and many of the guests are amiably drunk, swaying in slow circles on the dance floor or queuing up for one more lap around the buffet.
Alone at her table, Reiko hides behind the towering lily centerpiece, nursing a headache. She fishes her phone out of the tiny, mostly useless evening bag she’s bought to go with this dress and takes refuge in her work inbox.
She’d love to go home, but it’s too early to make her retreat. Another two hours, she coaches herself. You can make it for two more.
“Come on,” says Ren, prodding her in the shoulder. Reiko jumps half a mile and nearly drops her phone, not that her cousin notices. “We’re missing a cake opportunity,” he whines.
As usual, Ren resembles a figure pulled directly off some runway in Milan. Impeccably attired, hair artfully tousled, a Rolex gleaming from his left wrist. Reiko plucks at a tuft of fur caught on the cuff of his tuxedo.
“You know, there is such a thing as a lint roller. You have one somewhere in your apartment.”
Ren peers down at the wad of cat hair slowly drifting down to the grass beneath their table. “Lint roller? What lint roller?” And then his face lights up. “Oh! You mean that tape-on-a-stick thing from the last time you came over?”
“Yes,” Reiko answers patiently. “That tape-on-a-stick thing. You use it to make sure you aren’t leaving the house dressed in cat fluff.”
Suzu pops up behind Ren. “He likes for everyone to know that he’s more complex than he appears. An insufferable playboy and a sophisticated cat bachelor.” She loops her arm through his and makes a show of sniffing at his clothes. “Ah,” she breathes. “The smell of too much money, layered over eau de too many cats.”
“I have three. How is that too many? And why aren’t either of you interested in getting some cake? This is a wedding. You go to weddings for cake.”
“That’s definitely the primary reason for attending weddings.”
“It’s from Fujiwara’s, you know. They never do weddings anymore. You’re missing the dessert event of your lives.”
Suzu straightens his boutonniere. “You accosted the Fujiwara grannies for these people?” A low whistle. “Wow. Dad must really like them.”
Reiko follows her twin’s gaze. Their father, Ryuuki, is busy holding court at a neighboring table. He laughs raucously at someone’s cheesy anecdote and is having the most fun out of all of them. “It’s all business, I suppose,” she says, unable to keep from smiling despite how little she’s enjoying herself.
Suzu snorts. “Of course it’s all business. Isn’t it always?” To Ren, she says, “Hey, how long before we’ve done our duty for the family market stall? I still have ten pages left to write on a research paper and it’s…” She grabs his arm in order to check the time on his fancy watch. “… 9:34. With half an hour’s drive back to my apartment.”
“You can spare ten minutes to have a slice of legendary cake, Tachibana Suzuna.”
“God, okay. But it better not be weird like that sheet cake you ordered for the charity auction last month.”
“Not weird. Avant-garde.”
“Uh-huh. Also, it tasted like beets and had radioactive magenta icing. So gross.”
“You and Reiko just really have no appreciation for the finer things in life. Let’s go, the line’s only getting longer.”
“Don’t want any,” Reiko pipes up. “I’ll have a slice vicariously, through Suzu.”
“Twin powers,” Suzu concurs, initiating the special handshake they invented when they were six. Almost twenty years later, they’re still augmenting the sequence with new moves. “Anything I ate, Reiko also ate. And vice versa. Page 2, Line 21 in the Twin Manual.”
“The worst plus-ones anybody ever brought to a wedding,” complains Ren. He pours Reiko a fresh glass of water from the pitcher on the table and gives her a pat on the head, a gesture of silent sympathy.
She watches Ren and Suzu as they stop to tease Ryuuki along the way. And then she blinks back the onslaught of unwanted tears, reaches for her phone again, and taps the newest e-mail notification. Three unread messages beckon through Reiko’s blurred vision. She scans the subject lines, head bowed over the glowing screen. Slipping into the steps of a familiar dance, she starts at the bottom with the oldest message first, because that’s easier than confronting her emotions.
PRE-ORDER CAMPAIGN - SPS OMNIBUS EDITION. A reply from the manufacturer about a shipment of Star Princess Sanna enamel pins she asked about on Friday afternoon. Delayed for another two weeks. Not ideal, but better than never getting them in at all. Reiko marks it for a response later.
TENJOU DELIVERY WEDNESDAY. Timestamped a mere ten minutes ago. She isn’t the only one working on a day off. Reiko notices right away that the message has been flagged as important, which is odd. This e-mail appears, without fail, every Monday of her life. Throughout the long history of this exchange, the message has never been flagged as important. At least, not that Reiko can remember.
She almost opens it, curiosity triggered, but then she sees the subject of the next e-mail and momentarily forgets everything else.
A thrill dances through her, momentarily displacing the throbbing ache in her skull. The sounds of the reception fade away. She taps the message and it unfurls into a calendar invite. Representatives from every department at her publishing house will be expected to attend, including Reiko and the other senior marketing staff.
Most meetings are a dreary prospect, especially when scheduled for first thing on a Monday. At these quarterly gatherings, it takes hours to discuss things like sales figures and future business plans. But this one is special, because they’ll finally present the twentieth anniversary plans for DUCHESS Magazine’s most iconic franchise to date: Red Thread. The first manga she ever read all the way through, start to finish. The reason why she applied at Yumeisha in the first place, as soon as she’d graduated.
Reiko accepts the invite and adds it to her burgeoning, meticulously color-coded calendar. She can’t keep from breaking into a smile. She’s still beaming at her phone when she hears the grass crunching softly under someone’s feet and looks up to find that she is no longer alone.
The someone is tall, just about as impeccably turned out as Ren, and wearing a pair of dress shoes so highly polished that Reiko can see her reflection in them. He’s shed the jacket and rolled up the sleeves of the crisp white shirt underneath.
There is only a bowl of tealights to see him by, so it takes a moment for Reiko to recognize the man now seating himself across from her. But if the head of blond hair hadn’t given it away, the green eyes and trademark smirk would have made it very clear within the next two seconds, anyway.
She blinks at him. “Oshiro?”
“Um, hi. What are you doing here?”
He leans back into the chair and stretches his long legs under the table, instantly making himself at home. “Attending a wedding,” he replies. “Chatting with the bride’s aunties. Waiting for you to pay attention to me.”
“And sending e-mails?”
“No rest for the wicked, as they say.”
Reiko puts her phone down. “It’s weird seeing you outside of work. This is the last place I’d expect to run into you.”
“Why? Because you figured that I live at the office and camp out under my desk on days off?”
She laughs. “I mean, yeah.”
“To be fair, I’d expect the same of you.”
Well, that really is fair. Sometimes Reiko looks up from the endless loop between work and her apartment, her apartment and then work, and realizes that her entire existence can be summed up in three boring sentences or less. And then she’ll go back to her computer screen, her half empty coffee mug, the pathetic little granola bar that will have to serve as her lunch. But that’s just the way of things, isn’t it? At least she genuinely loves her job. It would be much harder to bear, otherwise.
“I’ve considered just packing myself a bag and living in my cubicle,” Reiko admits, without any real shame. In the background, the band segues into their much livelier cover of a depressing breakup anthem. Over the noise, she adds, “At least it would save me a commute.”
“So dedicated.”
She shrugs. “So lazy.”
“Anyone truly lazy wouldn’t be checking her inbox at a wedding reception,” Oshiro points out.
“Guilty as charged. Have you come to scold me for not participating in wedding activities?”
“No, I’ve come to ask you why you haven’t opened my e-mail.” He waves his own phone at her. “I checked three seconds ago. It definitely still says unread.”
“It’s flagged important and with a read receipt? Seriously?”
“Seriously. It’s high priority. Read it right now.” He angles a covert glance over her shoulder, in the direction he came from earlier. “Oh, and if you don’t mind, don’t reply until I’m back over there.”
“Wait, you want a reply, too? What am I supposed to say? You send me the same four lines every week. I have the thing memorized by now.” To prove this point, she clasps her hands behind her back and recites, “Heading to Tenjou on Wednesday. They need endcaps, window decals, sticker packs, blah blah blah, for insert-manga-title-here. I’ll stop by and grab them on my way out. Thanks. Oshiro Masaru, DUCHESS Sales, 81-4-8914-1111, extension 822.”
His demeanor shifts, now part bemusement and part blatant self-satisfaction. “Look, Tachibana, I’m beyond flattered that you hang onto my every word like this. Not surprising. I’m extremely eloquent in my digital correspondence.”
She rolls her eyes. “There it is. I knew it was coming.”
“You even know my extension by heart,” Oshiro continues blithely. “It’s like my wildest dreams coming true. But what I really need right now is for you to open that e-mail and write me a timely reply. By timely, I mean don’t hit send until I’m at my table again. And then I’ll read your response and write you back. So on, so forth, rinse and repeat, until this torture is over and we can both leave.”
“Ah.” Reiko crosses her arms. “You want a prolonged reason to be on your phone.”
“Because you don’t want to be here.”
“Also correct, but needs clarification. I don’t want to be at this wedding. I do want to be at this table with you.”
He tips his head towards his original seating arrangements. Reiko risks a covert glance and notes that Oshiro’s vacated chair is surrounded by chattering ladies ranging from middle-aged to elderly. Somehow, without ever speaking to a single one of them, Reiko can tell that they’re the problematic aunties who don’t get along with any of the other aunties. Consequently, they’ve been placed where they can ostensibly do the least damage. From the looks of it, they’re having a fabulous time.
Reiko bites her lip, smothering a surge of laughter. “Wow. How did you end up with the best seat in the house? Like, who did you offend?”
“Ha ha. I owed the groom a favor and he cashed in, majorly.” Oshiro leans forward. “They’re a nice bunch, don’t get me wrong, but if they set me up with another of their nieces, I’ll be double booked from today until Christmas.”
“You’re welcome to sit here instead,” she offers. “We have an extra chair. My dad prefers to migrate between friend groups.”
“Thanks, but I can’t just abandon my post. I wouldn’t put it past them to follow me over here, or else I’d take you up on that suggestion. I figure random texts to my brothers will seem rude, unlike important work e-mails. So play along, won’t you? And keep in mind at least one of them will be reading over my shoulder the whole time.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? What on earth do you think I’d be putting in that e-mail?”
“I’m just saying, don’t use this as an opportunity to confess your undying love or anything. Maintain professionalism and all that.”
“Gosh, what a tall order. How will I ever comply?”
“Dig deep, Tachibana. Find that inner strength.”
Reiko pulls a face. “You came all the way here just to make me do this?”
“Yes,” says Oshiro. “You’re welcome. I’ll look for your thank you note in the mail. I also like gift baskets. The ones with baked goods are okay, but no edible fruit bouquets or artisan cheeses. Nobody wants those.”
“But why me?” she persists. “Don’t you have anyone else you can trade fake work e-mails with? What about Ueda? Or your boss?”
“Hey, take it easy. I’m not used to outright rejection.”
“I’m not rejecting you, I’m just confused.”
“What’s there to be confused about? I don’t want to be here. Neither do you. Let’s help each other out.”
Neither do you. Reiko feels very, very obvious, now.
He watches her expectantly. She can tell that he’s fighting hard not to break into one of his insouciant grins. Reiko can’t decide if she wants to smack him or bask in the infectious warmth of his attention, like a deprived houseplant straining to soak up every drop of sunshine it can get.
This conflicted reaction is more embarrassing than being caught on her phone. For God’s sake, it’s just Oshiro.
Their departments — Sales for him, Marketing for her — are often flung together, which means running into him at Yumeisha is pretty normal. They take the same elevator from the lobby and frequent the same break room on the tenth floor. He stops at her desk most Wednesday afternoons, as promised in his e-mails. Once in a while, if she stays even later than usual, Reiko might see him striding ahead of her through the lobby’s sliding glass doors, crossing the street to catch the same train. They never talk much, though, unless it’s about work.
Still true, she concludes, as Oshiro stands up and pushes the chair into place, preparing to return to the Island of Matchmaking Aunties. He walks backwards away from her, hands in his pockets. “Talk soon,” he tells Reiko, smiling as if he’s guessed all her secrets. And then he’s gone, threading his way through the crowd while she stares after him, utterly bewildered.
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nvzblgrrl · 4 years
On the subject of old fics 2
The Artist Merle was my first OC focused fic (roughly from June 7 of 2012, though I apparently had started with her concept two years before that), which, besides coming out a few months after my muse for A Gentleman’s Tale sputtered out, was also Brook focused. This time because I was desirous of wish fulfillment, specifically in the area of OCxCanon.
Basically, it was my first (at least, first shared) Mary Sue fic, though ‘Mary Sue’ is a broken and for the better part of useless term, and god, this fic did not play well to the stereotype of ‘solved all the problems ever’.
Also the main character was just mostly sad. Sadder now that I’m an adult and am separated enough from the story to look at it and go ‘it takes a pretty sorry situation to make someone’s deepest and most selfish wish take the form of ‘I’d like someone to love me and treat me kindly without some form of secondary motive’’.
This fic - I don’t have the original copy anymore, unless a phantom copy happens to exist on the hard drive of one of my older junked computers - just a few sampler snippets I happened to post to my tumblr years ago and my own memory of what the general outline and series of events were... though that’s honestly enough with how short it was.
The main character was, of course, Merle; who, unlike the current design of Meryl, her updated self, had grey hair and ‘pansy’ colored eyes.
No, I don’t know what 18-year old me meant by ‘pansy’, unless there was some interesting heterochromia going on or they meant the pantone color (which is a bit more purple than the color I ended up using, so...).
That’s about the only notable difference between the two. They have roughly the same personality, powers, backstory (well, Meryl’s is better expanded), and appearance outside of those details (though Meryl has benefited from my improved skills and floofier hair).
The basic set up was that there was a largely abandoned island somewhere between Thriller Bark and Sabaody that was home to one living person, who was either able to interact with spirits or so desperately lonely that she was hallucinating the presence of a dead family member. Either prospect could have been likely with the ambience of the place (she lived in a somewhat creepy haunted mansion type place) or with her obvious isolation issues (which mirrored those I had at the time and pretty much set up half the ‘plot’).
Merle primarily had two subjects for her art work - birds and people. Usually people from Wanted Posters. The first, she decorated her home with, possibly to levels that bordered on the flat out weird (which the rewrite has been poking me to turn into Psycho or The Birds reference). The second... well, she’d bring to life to give her company, somehow being able to grant the copy free will, emotions, memories, independent consciousness, and the ability to get sick (this will be relevant) in the process.
No, 18-year old me never explained how that was supposed to work, but there was an implication in one of the surviving snippets that the last time she tried the last thing, something went terribly wrong down the way and not in a ‘oh it didn’t work’ fizzle out sort of way, because it’s noted in Merle’s internal monologue that she messed up severely with her last one, possibly by not treating her ‘Storm King’ with sufficient respect and then there being dire consequences for that.
18 year old me probably meant that to mean that the ‘Storm King’ died, but now me is like ‘oh, now that’s a villain origin story right there’.
Now, during the course of the story, she does this with a recreation of Brook, who then proceeds to have issues with a scattered/split consciousness (implied to have something to do with Ryuma/having his shadow separated, which was an odd touch that did serve to give the fic something of a timeline with regards to what happened in canon, but I’m not sure I can credit 18 year old me with thinking that far ahead) and a generic sickness that rendered the copy bedridden and insensate.
If I was writing this story again as a straight rewrite now, I would probably try to tie in Merle’s ghost-sense with her ability to bring her art to life - at least with regards to her recreations of people that are able to act without her input. It would explain why she used old Bounty pictures for reference (though her exact application of common sense in having reference pictures of dead criminals around is still suspect, regardless of one’s opinion on the competence and rightfulness of various charges the Government comes up with) because at least with those she could have a reasonable expectation of getting an independent being - all she’d have to do is give them a usable body to pilot. And then Brook’s weird between state of being would account for why the Brook copy has so many problems with memory, personality, and health.
We then get to go through the motions of hurt/comfort there, a situation that eventually reverses to the Brook copy having to take care of an insensate Merle, right as the Thousand Sunny pulls up to the island and our favorite band of weirdos asks the all important question of ‘what the hell are we doing at Spooky Island Part 2′ before Luffy tries to go exploring.
That’s... pretty close to where the story tapped out, I think. There was a bit of tension as the gang found the mansion and started trying to explore vs. Copy-Brook trying to juggle ‘avoid strangers’ with ‘take care of sick person’ and there was a bit of fluffy pseudo-romance as seen by someone who’d never been witness to an actual healthy romantic relationship faffing about, but that’s about the size of the whole thing.
The parts of this that I was able to see directly were from the same year as a Gentleman’s Tale, but I remember it (or at least parts of the concept) being older and a few mentions of it confirm those memories as being accurate.
The whole thing didn’t age that well, between the prose style and the way the relationships were framed, but I’m not surprised seeing as I had to do a lot of learning and emotional development after I got out of my dad’s house, which was long after I’d put this fic to bed for the last time.
The fact that the ‘wish fulfillment’ took the form that it did just makes me feel sympathetic to the person I was at the time of reading it, because I know that at the time, I didn’t cognitively recognize myself as being that alone and depressed. It helps me be more sympathetic to both the characters (both in and out of context of the rewrite) and myself, which I think most people will agree isn’t the easiest thing to do when you’re dealing with the memory of yourself at a time in your life that you associate with a lot of cringe-y actions.
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cubbiegirl · 5 years
Veronica Mars season 4 thoughts
Okay, I never do anything more on tumblr than post LoVe gifs but I have THOUGHTS and I need to share them, even if I’m just screaming into the void. There are some serious Veronica Mars Season 4 spoilers ahead so proceed at your own risk. And it’s long so…yeah. Perhaps the first of many, honestly.
For this to make any sense, I want to give a little bit of my background as a Marshmallow. I didn’t watch Veronica Mars when it originally aired; mostly because at that time in my life I was busy graduating from college, starting my first big grown up job, and getting married. We didn’t have cable so TV watching was limited to Netflix on discs. (Yes, on DVDs THROUGH THE MAIL. Crazy, I know.) At some point later, Amazon Prime added VM to their library and I had a free trial so I decided to watch. I love detective/PI shows (among my favorites are Magnum PI, Psych, and Republic of Doyle) so it was an instant fit. Veronica is a kickass heroine and Season 1 is literally my favorite of all time. I couldn’t get enough. So I came for the mystery. But Season 2 is not as compelling and Season 3 is…hard to watch. But I stuck around because these characters are so interesting. It’s not about the mystery anymore for me, because those are mediocre, at best. (ELECTROCUTED IN A BATHTUB. NEED I SAY MORE?!?) I’m a 36 year old stay at home mom, watching a TV show about a 17 year old girl. I get this. I don’t watch because I’m struggling in my relationships or dealing with high school drama. Or solving crimes. That’s not why this show is appealing. But I couldn’t get enough of the these characters. Needless to say, I was a fan of the good parts of the movie and I enjoyed many parts of the books as well. I was BEYOND THRILLED at the prospect of Season 4. More Veronica? More Logan? More Neptune? Real recognition for my favorite show, saved by the best fandom in existence? YES PLEASE.
I’m the first to admit that I don’t have a degree in film studies or literature. But I like a good story, I read a lot, and write a little. I’m not an expert by any means and I freely admit I’m not objective about it. I love Logan Echolls and in most ways, he is more admirable than Veronica when it comes to dealing with trauma and being a successful adult. Having admitted my bias, I think this is more than me being upset about the death of my favorite character. I really wish this was just a post of me analyzing the things I liked and didn’t like about the newest season. Maybe I will get into that at some point, I don’t know. All of that—the OCC moments, the inconsistencies, Veronica’s troubling attitudes—was overshadowed by a choice that legitimately doesn’t fit, doesn’t make sense to me. It’s not just that I’m upset and I didn’t like it. I know I’m not objective but Logan’s death did not add to the plot line in any fashion and I ABSOLUTELY HATE the way it was handled. More on that in a second. Here’s where I’m struggling most, though. It doesn’t fit the message.
Maybe I’m just dumb, but Season 4 was different than I expected. (Vast understatement, I know.) With all this emphasis on “mature content” and “Veronica’s healthy sex life,” I was prepared to be shocked. (I wasn’t.) Rob Thomas spoke at length about the story arc and Veronica’s big choice for the season. He talked about how she was going to have to choose between settling down/marriage/family versus her career, a choice many men face. (Side note: what man has to choose that?!? They can very easily have it all. There’s absolutely no gender reversal here at all.) But as I watched, that’s not what I saw happening. I saw Veronica having to choose between letting people in, trusting people, and staying stagnant, closed off. She made a new friend in Nicole—and lost her because she didn’t trust her. She didn’t want to upset the status quo in her life by marrying Logan. So we see her struggle with all this, see her wrestle with all the trauma in her background and her issues and how it affects her relationships. This tension is beautiful and I loved it! By choosing to marry Logan, Veronica is saying that she is learning and is willing to let him in further. This shows character growth!
And then what happens with his death? “Neptune” once again proves to Veronica that she can’t control her circumstances and she’s just a victim. She’s right to keep herself closed off because she doesn’t deserve happiness and will never find it. I think it’s odd that KB wants this message out there for her young girls but I’ve often thought that while she plays Veronica amazingly well, she maybe doesn’t see her the same way I do.
Do I believe that Veronica could overcome the pain of losing Logan? Yes, I do. BECAUSE SHE’S DONE IT BEFORE. This story has already been told. It’s unnecessary to repeat in her character development. We know Veronica can survive it—we spent years watching that and how it shaped her. It’s fascinating but her character doesn’t need more trauma to be interesting. Her marshmallow center is what makes Veronica a lovable character and without that, she’s no longer compelling to me. What we need to see is how she lives in the trauma and grows through it. Based on her weird reactions to things (angry sex, poor social skills) it’s safe to say that she’s STILL not dealing well with her high school trauma. She told us earlier in the season that if anything happened to Logan or her dad, she would “put her head in the oven.” I’m glad that’s not how she responds but…how does she deal???
Which leads to my next big complaint. We don’t see any of that. (NOT THAT WE NEED TO BECAUSE IT’S ALREADY BEEN DONE BEFORE.) It honestly might have been inspiring if we saw Veronica—absolutely crushed by the death of her husband of 5 minutes—pulling herself out of the rubble and rebuilding. (Side note: could his death have been more tropey??? Don’t tell me, Rob Thomas, that you’re ready to write a grown up show when, OMG, you use more cliches in 8 episodes than the previous 64 high school soap opera ones combined. I guess we can be thankful Logan doesn’t have a baby while in a coma.) We don’t see Logan’s death, we don’t see his grave, we have no finality in this, but more importantly, we don’t see Veronica grieve at all. We flash forward a year, she’s talking about how “Spring Break is dead” but she doesn’t talk about Logan at all. She fills us (and her therapist) in on all that’s happened in Neptune since but she’s wearing bright colors, listening to poppy music, the sun is shining, and she’s driving her happy red car along the scenic coast out of Neptune. I’m glad that she’s okay but it’s not inspiring because it’s not allowed to be.
I really really really didn’t like the emotional pacing of Logan’s death, either, but that’s a rant for another time. I just can’t believe that Rob Thomas thinks anyone wants to watch this version of Veronica without anyone in her life calling on her crap. No one is here for the mysteries. They aren’t that great. (Yes, there was a small twist to this one but the killer was who I guessed after the first episode.) And if RT can’t figure out how to write a married couple with tension he needs to hire someone who can. I’m sorry that it was just “too hard” for him to figure out. I sincerely hope his gamble fails. What an utter betrayal of the people who literally brought his show back from the grave. And please don’t tell me that this is what I “need.” You’ve insulted me enough already.
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cubbiegirl1723 · 5 years
Veronica Mars Season 4 Thoughts
Beware, spoilers ahead! Stop reading this if you don’t want to know!
Okay, I never do anything more on tumblr than post LoVe gifs but I have THOUGHTS and I need to share them, even if I’m just screaming into the void. There are some serious Veronica Mars Season 4 spoilers ahead so proceed at your own risk. And it’s long so...yeah. Perhaps the first of many, honestly.
For this to make any sense, I want to give a little bit of my background as a Marshmallow. I didn’t watch Veronica Mars when it originally aired; mostly because at that time in my life I was busy graduating from college, starting my first big grown up job, and getting married. We didn’t have cable so TV watching was limited to Netflix on discs. (Yes, on DVDs THROUGH THE MAIL. Crazy, I know.) At some point later, Amazon Prime added VM to their library and I had a free trial so I decided to watch. I love detective/PI shows (among my favorites are Magnum PI, Psych, and Republic of Doyle) so it was an instant fit. Veronica is a kickass heroine and Season 1 is literally my favorite of all time. I couldn’t get enough. So I came for the mystery. But Season 2 is not as compelling and Season 3 is...hard to watch. But I stuck around because these characters are so interesting. It’s not about the mystery anymore for me, because those are mediocre, at best. (ELECTROCUTED IN A BATHTUB. NEED I SAY MORE?!?)  I’m a 36 year old stay at home mom, watching a TV show about a 17 year old girl. I get this. I don’t watch because I’m struggling in my relationships or dealing with high school drama. Or solving crimes. That’s not why this show is appealing. But I couldn’t get enough of the these characters. Needless to say, I was a fan of the good parts of the movie and I enjoyed many parts of the books as well. I was BEYOND THRILLED at the prospect of Season 4. More Veronica? More Logan? More Neptune? Real recognition for my favorite show, saved by the best fandom in existence? YES PLEASE. 
I’m the first to admit that I don’t have a degree in film studies or literature. But I like a good story, I read a lot, and write a little. I’m not an expert by any means and I freely admit I’m not objective about it. I love Logan Echolls and in most ways, he is more admirable than Veronica when it comes to dealing with trauma and being a successful adult. Having admitted my bias, I think this is more than me being upset about the death of my favorite character. I really wish this was just a post of me analyzing the things I liked and didn’t like about the newest season. Maybe I will get into that at some point, I don’t know. All of that—the OCC moments, the inconsistencies, Veronica’s troubling attitudes—was overshadowed by a choice that legitimately doesn’t fit, doesn’t make sense to me. It’s not just that I’m upset and I didn’t like it. I know I’m not objective but Logan’s death did not add to the plot line in any fashion and I ABSOLUTELY HATE the way it was handled. More on that in a second. Here’s where I’m struggling most, though. It doesn’t fit the message. 
Maybe I’m just dumb, but Season 4 was different than I expected. (Vast understatement, I know.) With all this emphasis on “mature content” and “Veronica’s healthy sex life,” I was prepared to be shocked. (I wasn’t.) Rob Thomas spoke at length about the story arc and Veronica’s big choice for the season. He talked about how she was going to have to choose between settling down/marriage/family versus her career, a choice many men face. (Side note: what man has to choose that?!? They can very easily have it all. There’s absolutely no gender reversal here at all.) But as I watched, that’s not what I saw happening. I saw Veronica having to choose between letting people in, trusting people, and staying stagnant, closed off. She made a new friend in Nicole—and lost her because she didn’t trust her. She didn’t want to upset the status quo in her life by marrying Logan. So we see her struggle with all this, see her wrestle with all the trauma in her background and her issues and how it affects her relationships. This tension is beautiful and I loved it! By choosing to marry Logan, Veronica is saying that she is learning and is willing to let him in further. This shows character growth! 
And then what happens with his death? “Neptune” once again proves to Veronica that she can’t control her circumstances and she’s just a victim. She’s right to keep herself closed off because she doesn’t deserve happiness and will never find it. I think it’s odd that KB wants this message out there for her young girls but I’ve often thought that while she plays Veronica amazingly well, she maybe doesn’t see her the same way I do.
Do I believe that Veronica could overcome the pain of losing Logan? Yes, I do. BECAUSE SHE’S DONE IT BEFORE. This story has already been told. It’s unnecessary to repeat in her character development. We know Veronica can survive it—we spent years watching that and how it shaped her. It’s fascinating but her character doesn’t need more trauma to be interesting. Her marshmallow center is what makes Veronica a lovable character and without that, she’s no longer compelling to me. What we need to see is how she lives in the trauma and grows through it. Based on her weird reactions to things (angry sex, poor social skills) it’s safe to say that she’s STILL not dealing well with her high school trauma. She told us earlier in the season that if anything happened to Logan or her dad, she would “put her head in the oven.” I’m glad that’s not how she responds but...how does she deal???
Which leads to my next big complaint. We don’t see any of that. (NOT THAT WE NEED TO BECAUSE IT’S ALREADY BEEN DONE BEFORE.) It honestly might have been inspiring if we saw Veronica—absolutely crushed by the death of her husband of 5 minutes—pulling herself out of the rubble and rebuilding. (Side note: could his death have been more tropey??? Don’t tell me, Rob Thomas, that you’re ready to write a grown up show when, OMG, you use more cliches in 8 episodes than the previous 64 high school soap opera ones combined. I guess we can be thankful Logan doesn’t have a baby while in a coma.) We don’t see Logan’s death, we don’t see his grave, we have no finality in this, but more importantly, we don’t see Veronica grieve at all. We flash forward a year, she’s talking about how “Spring Break is dead” but she doesn’t talk about Logan at all. She fills us (and her therapist) in on all that’s happened in Neptune since but she’s wearing bright colors, listening to poppy music, the sun is shining, and she’s driving her happy red car along the scenic coast out of Neptune. I’m glad that she’s okay but it’s not inspiring because it’s not allowed to be.
I really really really didn’t like the emotional pacing of Logan’s death, either, but that’s a rant for another time. I just can’t believe that Rob Thomas thinks anyone wants to watch this version of Veronica without anyone in her life calling on her crap. No one is here for the mysteries. They aren’t that great. (Yes, there was a small twist to this one but the killer was who I guessed after the first episode.) And if RT can’t figure out how to write a married couple with tension he needs to hire someone who can. I’m sorry that it was just “too hard” for him to figure out. I sincerely hope his gamble fails. What an utter betrayal of the people who literally brought his show back from the grave. And please don’t tell me that this is what I “need.” You’ve insulted me enough already. 
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papi-priest · 7 years
Killer Avenue;
||My first time writing for the SOA fandom. My first time putting up my fanfiction on Tumblr in general. So here you go, enjoy. *Note that I am kinda doing my own thing when it comes to the storyline and what not. Thanks, and once again enjoy|| •you can also find all my stories on quotev.com my username is Coltofcarrie• PROLOGUE; Jax didn't know why Unser had called him down to the sheriff's station. When Unser hand anything about anything he would go to his mother, Gemma, or possibly even Clay. Seeing as he was technically on Samcro's pay roll. Yet Unser had called him, told him specifically to come by, not let his family know.  And that in itself had the blonde a little worried. So after dropping Able off at TM with his mom, he let her know he had to go grab something and he'd be right back. She had no questions for him, at least she didn't speak of them. Gemma did give him a look though,  one he knew to well, like she was suspicious. As soon as he stepped into the building his baby blues found Unser chatting with a few of his deputies.  Almost like he felt his stare, the older man looked up. He subtly sent his men away, and headed towards Jax. "There's something for you in cell C. I'll tell you this, I was just as surprised as you will be.." Jax was even more confused by Unser's cryptic sentence. He raised an eyebrow, the sheriff just shook his head and pointed him in the right direction. Sighing, Jax shoved his hands into the pockets of his baggy jeans and decided to just go with it. He made his way towards the back of the building where the cells were. His vision became more clearer when he walked towards cell C. It wasn't empty. Not at all. His eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Like he was in the desert and was witnessing his first mirage.   "Holy shit!!!" Hearing his voice, Adrianna's head snapped up from being between her knees. He brown eyes landed on the prodigal son. Her older brother Jax. She slowly stood up from the ground and walked closer to the bars, her slim fingers finding themselves around the cool metal. "The black sheep returns to Charming...what a plot twist." She teased, tilting her head to the side. Jax took in her appearance. Her dark brown hair pushed out of her face and tied up into a messy bun at the top of her head. Her facial features could slice open any man's heart. She was taller now, taller than he had expected her to be when they grew up. But one thing that remained the same were those big brown doe eyes. Those still got to him. He still couldn't believe what he was seeing.  Adrianna had left 5 and a half years ago, right after graduating highschool she escaped as she liked to  all it. Went to college from what he remembered from the letters she would send. That was another thing, she barely remained in contact with anyone. Sending about 1 letter every 6 months to let the family know she was still alive. That she found a piece of everyone in her daily life some how or some way. But she never came home. Never visited. Not on holidays. Not for any reason. It was as if she was just some fairytale some days.  "How? Why?" He questioned.  Adrianna sighed as she stared at her big brother, she leaned the side of her head against one of the bars, ready to finally be out of the cell. Unser slowly crept up on the kids, feeling the awkward tension in the atmosphere. "Picked her up in a rag tag bar causing trouble. Could you believe that? Didn't think it was her I was seeing..but she had that look in her eye. One just like Gemma." "I wasn't causing trouble!" She demanded. "I just don't put up with classless men....the pool stuck was just there by chance..." Jax looked between the two, his confusion only getting worse.  "The other two got away" Unser continued.  "Other two?"Jax questioned,  now focusing on his sister.  "Stilettos are hard to run in. You can't blame a girl..." Sighing Unser shook his head. "No charges are being fild so you can take her home whenever you'd like.....good to see you again kid." Leaving the siblings alone, Adrianna huffed in frustration. "Okay delinquent, take me home." Jax snorted, rolling his eyes. "Says the one behind the bars." He confirmed. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and stepped forward, his eyes searching hers. Letting out a small laugh, he placed his forehead against hers.  "Let's get you home." ------- Motorcycles lined one of the outside walls of Teller-Morrow that evening. Though it was dead silent as they drove into the parkinglot, Adrianna could only imagine the kind of ruckus that was going on inside. It had been 6 years since she had even seen the place. Seen the people. What did they all look like now? Aging? Was Bobby still wise? Chibbs still funny? Would her mother smile when she saw her? Gemma Teller-Morrow was a tough woman. Hard to understand. She loved fiercely and her throne as the queen of, well everything, was something she held dear to her. Almost as much as her children.  Adrianna buried her face into her brothers back as he pulled up next to the other bikes to park. He had yet to question her more about the previous jail situation, something she was grateful for, the whole ride had pretty much been silent.  "You're not getting out of this one you know? Sooner or later mom's gonna find out you were in the town's jail. Sooner or later. Just not from me." He stated looking over his shoulder his baby sister. He gave her a small smile. Yeah he was beyond pissed at the way she left and do easily stayed away. But he was happy that she was here. That she was safe and in one piece. "Come on, you look hungry " Adrianna gave Jax a pat on the shoulder before climbing off the bike and taking in a deep breath. It literally was now or never. She had never in a million years ever dreamed of coming back to Charming. But life doesn't always work out the way you want it to. Things can go your way all the time. That was just the way things went.  Jax led the way, his sibling falling in toe. Her stomach felt like it had bubbles in it. Her chest felt tight and somehow heavy. She shouldn't have been nervous. The only reason for nerves was because she had done something wrong. In the back of her mind did she know she was in the wrong to leave? Maybe. But she would never admit her wrongs, just like her mama. Jax opened the door, stepping inside first. The whole gang was here, relaxing around the club house. Even Kozik and Happy were around, getting ready to join the Samcro team down in Charming permanently. His eyes quickly landed on his mom, who had laid down his son Able who slept soundlessly wrapped in a blanket on the couch.  "Where you been boy?" Clay called out, the others finally noticing him. The president of the club found it odd that his step-son had randomly vanished earlier, not giving anyone any information. "Ayy Jackie-boy, ya take some time to put on fancy dresses. Opie said he saw you a few days ago playing with some lipstick." Chibbs spoke, trying to lighten whatever mood Clay was about to start. Adrianna listened on from just outside the door, still behind Jax.  'Now or never' "Well he sure as hell ain't borrowing any of my lipstick. They're​ expensive, and we all know that the prince of Charming has trashy taste.." Adrianna spoke up, stepping into the club house for the first time in years. She looked around it, deliberately skipping all the faces looking at her. "No fucking way! Where you been doll?!" Tigs questioned as he abandoned his beer and headed towards the girl, he quickly scooped her up in his arms. For the first time in a while, Adri let out a laugh. Which caught her brothers attention.  She had seemed different when he first saw her. He just didn't know how. Hearing her laugh made him grin.  "Put 'er down, stop hoggin'" Chibbs swooped her into his hold as soon as Tigs let go. The others swarmed around her, Bobby, Opie, Piney. She smiled at them, genuinely, glad to see their faces.  "Your mother is going to flip her shit when she lays eyes on you.." Clay spoke in all the commotion, stepping in front of Adrianna as the little crowd split up a bit. "Our little college grad." He stated, motioning with his large hand for her to come hug him. Taking a deep breath, the dark haired beauty gave him a smile as well, though not nearly as genuine. Though Clay Morrow helped raise her, he could not compare to her real dad. He never would. Through out her life, Adrianna always thought Clay was a little fishy.  She just wanted to see her mom. |Happy's POV| It wasn't often that the clubhouse wasn't jumping, or at least full of some sweetbutts. But it a Tuesday afternoon, things were a bit slow. Not that the Tacoma Killer was really complaining. He was still exhausted from their last ride, the knuckles on his right hand still a little bruised.  So here he was sitting at the bar with Kozik, both of them nursing their favorite beers. For the passed hour, Happy had been tuning in and out of his surroundings. Only bearing witness to when Juice tripped over something and flew across the room. He was ordering around the prospect about another drink when he heard cheering behind him. He slowly turned his head over his shoulder to take a glance, that's when he saw her. She had to be the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes on. Everything about her was perfection. But it wasn't something out of the fairy tales. It wasn't something romantic that could be written in a book. No it was something more powerful than that. A desire. She was so caught up with all the other members that she had no possible way of knowing....but from the moment that she had stepped foot into TM, she was his. Only his. He watched on as the other members of the Sons hugged and kissed her, smiling ear to ear. "Come meet the other members," Tigs told her, taking her back into his arms. Happy completely turned around, noticing that Kozik was doing as exactly as him, staring. As she got closer, happy subconsciously licked his lips.  "Now this is Juice, right there behind the bar...you need a drink, he got you."The​ curly haired man said, pointing out to a tanned skin man with a mohawk who gave her a little wave. "Then we got Kozik right here.." Tigs didn't give him enough time to respond before he turned Adrianna towards the last Son.  "And this right here, is Happy." They stared at each other for a moment, not really saying much. Happy picked up his beer and brought it to his lips. He grunted in response to his name bring revealed. Not wanting to give her too much attention.  "Happy huh?" Adrianna mumbled pulling herself away from Tigs. "How cute.." she stated looking away and at all the mugshots hanging on the wall. Kozik busted out laughing at the look of horror on Happy's face. "How cute..." He mimicked. Happy snarled at his Tacoma charter brother before standing up and glaring at the woman in front of him. She definitely needed to be taught a lesson. And he sure as hell was willing to give it to her. He gripped the bottle of his beer tightly, eyes turning into slits. His mind quickly wandered to having the brunette bent over his knees receiving the spankings she deserved for disrespecting him. Tigs tried to stop whatever was about to come out of the Killa's mouth, but he was far too late.  "Listen here little girl," he started, an unpleased look settling on his face. "You're about to learn a lesson real quick! I'm gonna pl-" "YOU'VE GOT TO BE SHITTING ME.  IS THAT MY LITTLE GIRL?!"  That particular voice shut him up real quick. Her little girl? Shit. Adrianna turned around, finding her mother standing in the doorway of the clubhouse. Her sunglasses pushed to the top of her head. She looked the same, almost. Minus the light blond streaks in her brown locks. Adrianna gave her mom a sad smile, "Hi mommy..." She said softly, as the two crossed the room towards each other. Wrapped up in a hug, Adrianna sighed contently, giving her mom a small squeeze. "You know what this means don't you?" Clay spoke out, seeing how happy his old lady looked. "We gotta throw a party tonight!!" The rest of the Sons cheered in agreement. Ready to drink and fuck the night away, then again, weren't they always. Pulling back from her mother, Adrianna gave her a look. Hoping that she would disagree with Clay. She was in no mood to party, especially not with the Sons. She might have been know as the princess of SAMCRO, but she was far from the lifestyle. She got out. Well at least she thought she had. Yet here she was again. Back where it all started.  Back in the shithole.  "Let me pick up some food, I'll head to the store with Juice...wouldn't want my baby girl to party on an empty stomach." Gemma smiled, a smile all to familiar. She was glad to have her daughter back. But she had so many questions. So many. But she supposed that they could wait till another time.  For now.  ----- The party had been in full swing for about 2 hours now. Empty bottles had called creveces home, and all the crow eaters collective smells seemed to blend with the odor of smelly sweaty bikers. At first Adrianna had enjoyed her time trying to reconnect with everyone. But it didn't take long for her to feel out of place once again. So she found herself sitting on the arm of a leather chair in the corner, drink in hand.  "You don't look like you are having fun..." Nursing her drink, her hazel eyes found some guy standing in front of her. He had a kut on, and shaggy brown hair, but Adrianna had never seen him before not that she would really know anyone.  "Tacoma charter..." He stated practically reading her mind. Nodding her head to acknowledge him, she continued to drink from her bottle. Not really entertaining him. Ignoring her demeanor, he stood directly in front of her. "So, where are you from? They don't really have that good looking crow eaters here, so you obviously came from some where else...not that I mind..." Her eyes widened. This guy was serious wasn't he? How did he even get invited let alone make the journey across the club to conversate with her? "Go away....." She mumbled. His eyes went dark as a look crossed his face, one of disgust. "You dumb bitch...you are what I want tonight!" He grabbed her by the arm and yanked her up, hard. Pulling her close to him. "So be a good little girl and get on your knees.. now!" Jax was sitting with Opie and Chibbs, tossing Chex mix into his mouth. Out of the corner of his eye he could see sudden movement.  "Ayy looks like Jared is getting angry again.." Chibbs mumbled and a shot.  "Tell me again why we give him alcohol??" Jax laughed and looked over, his laughter shutting down. That dumb bastard had his little sister in a tight grip.  "Son of a bitch! I'm gonna kill him!" Pure venom in his voice. He stood up, Opie and Chibbs mirroring his actions. Before Jax could even step away from the table he noticed one of his brothers storming over towards his sister.  Adrianna glared up at the dope infront of her. Fire in her eyes. Her Ruby red lips parted to spit venom, but she never got the chance.  "Let go of her or else I'll be getting another smiley face tattoo." The voice was cold, dark...and though she only heard it one time earlier that day she knew exactly who it was.  Happy. Jared let go of her arm but didn't step back. He took in Happy's frame and smiled. "Happy...brother. You gotta wait your turn...unless you're down to share. Just no crossing swords." That was the 2nd strike.  "My old lady doesn't like small dick, now get away from her!" It just came to him, not even thinking. Adrianna's eyes widened but she took the chance to step closer Happy who instinctively wrapped his arms around her. Jared looked like he had seen a ghost that or he was in the process of shitting himself. By now more than just Jax had noticed what was going on, the music had been cut.  Clay stumbled out of the room they called church, to see what was going on, his old lady coming up behind him.  It was a sight to see, her little girl wrapped protectively in the arms of the Tacoma Killer. She tilted her head. A smirk on her lipstick smudged lips.  "Listen Happy, I didn't know man. I mean you of all people, having an old lady.... everyone would be talking about it...besides she looked more than a little willing." A growl erupted from his chest, Happy wanted nothing more then to murder this dude and see the life vanish from his eyes. Slowly.  Adrianna bit her bottom lip, her face burried in Happy's chest. She wrapped her own arms around him and hugged him tightly and that's when she felt it. His gun. She took a deep breath and swiftly grabbed it, turning around and cocked it mid movement and aimed it Jared's forehead. All that could be heard was Gemma's gasp.  "Get...the fuck..out..." Adrianna breathed, her hand steady. "Or in five seconds your brain matter will ruin my fucking party!" Happy had never been so turned on in his life. He slowly licked his lips absorbing every inch of the Princess of SAMCRO from behind. 'God damn.' He thought.  "Hey! Hey! Hey!" Jax interupted, coming over and gently wrapping his hand around his sister's wrist. "You are not a killer....I think you've had enough to drink" he said softly easing the gun out of her hand. Adrianna sighed and let him take the piece, she looked down at the floor for a moment.  "Thank you Jax! She is fucking crazy!" Jared added. Jax nodded his head at him before he glared and punched him full force in the face, not even bothering to watch him fall. Adrianna sighed and turned walking off not wanting to bother with the commotion any more. She walked towards the rooms in the back and looked for her big brothers room.  Which one would it be? "You can lay down in mine if you need a break."  Happy came up behind her, still on protective mode. Adrianna raised an eyebrow watching him open the door to a room. She debated on whether or not this was a good idea. "I promise little girl, no funny shit." She gave him a small smile before walking into the room he opened up. "How kind....killer.." The way his nickname rolled off her tongue caused something to awaked inside him. He tried to remind himself that she was the daughter of Gemma. Practically his 2nd mom. But those thoughts were faint. Barely even there. Adrianna slowly strutted into his room. It was surprisingly clean, and smelled good. She slipped out of her shoes and walked towards the bed. "I literally put a gun to someone's head....my first 24 hours here and I pulled out a gun..." She mumbled crawling onto the bed. She took a deep breath and sat in the middle of Happy's bed. Her legs folded underneath her. "Thank you...you stepped in and saved me...my hero." She teased.  Happy stared at her expressionless. He could tell she had a few drinks by the way her eyes were hooded and her face was flushed. He slid off his kut and walked over to the bed.  "Or, from what I have heard, my killer...." She continued looking up at him, watching each subtle movement.  "Lay down little girl and be quiet." Grinning at him she rolled her eyes and laid back. "if it was any other time I would tell you to suck a dick..." She whispered her eyes slowly closing.   Happy stared at her laying form. She was so beautiful, something he didn't deserve. And yet he was hooked on her already. He pulled a blanket over her and headed over towards the door not giving into what he wanted. He hit the lights and went to step out.  "Hey don't I get a good night kiss?!! That's no way to treat your old lady!!" Happy chuckled and shook his head. "Go to sleep little girl, don't make me come back in there." He threatened before closing the door all the way.  Adrianna smirked, and rolled over onto her stomach her thoughts jumbled until one thought popped into her mind. Happy. "Ahh fuck..."
151 notes · View notes
orionsangel86 · 8 years
10 Positive Things in 2016
I was tagged by the lovely @randomdestielfangirl. 
Thank you for tagging me! I have been asked to list 10 positive things that happened in 2016. I feel like this could be extremely therapeutic since 2016 was such a terrible year overall so I’ll give it a go.
On New Years Eve 2016 my mum on a whim decided to play some online slot machines. (she rarely does this and certainly doesn’t advocate gambling). She won the Jackpot. More money than a lot of people make in a year. She cried. We cried. We can now afford to take my severely disabled dad on a 2 week cruise holiday with two carers (it is extremely expensive to take a person in his condition on holiday but this has given us the means. A new years blessing if I have ever seen one.
My dad survived against all the odds. In May 2016 my dad caught pneumonia really badly. He was in intensive care for 10 weeks and on a ventilator for a long period of that time. 3 doctors told us he wouldn’t make it. He did. Because my dad is basically on Dean Winchester terms with Death nowadays and always seems to come back.
I finally moved out of my parent’s house. It was one of my big goals of 2016 and whilst it hasn’t always been easy (dealing with housemates and money issues aside) it’s been very nice to have the freedom and not deal with the damn commuter trains.
I got a new job with a better salary and better prospects. Its complex and challenging but very good. It’s a massive career step in the right direction.
I turned 30 and held a party for my friends and family. It was a blinding success and no one can stop talking about it and I am very proud of that fact. Go me and my apparently epic party planning skills.
I made two new friends this year, my friend that I met on the New Years Day pub crawl at the start of the year and my housemate. Both very lovely people.
I FINALLY got to see my all-time favourite band Muse play live at the O2. They were amazing. As expected.
I spent a wonderful week away with one of my best friends in Tenerife.
I had afternoon tea at the Ritz with my mum. Which was pretty fucking spectacular let me tell you.
I established myself on tumblr (I joined in October 2015) and got to know some very lovely people on here and feel like I’m part of a little meta community who I love. This has been a happy place for me when things get tough and I am really happy to be a part of it.
Looking back, yes, 2016 has been awful for the greater world, and honestly for my family its been pretty shitty as well considering. Its always the way that we focus more on the negatives than the positives. My dad’s condition is worse at the end of 2016 than it was at the start, and his cancer is back, but its small and manageable and his doctors are extremely confident. He didn’t think he would survive to see 2017, and yet he did. He’s a fighter. My whole family are fighters. Its what we’ve been doing for 4 years and its what we will keep on doing. Looking back though, there have been some really great moments. So I can honestly say that 2016 has been good, in a way. Sometimes. Lets hope 2017 is even better.
I’m tagging @elizabethrobertajones, @mittensmorgul, @godshipsit, @awed-frog, @coconutice22, @grey2510, @rosewhipped22 and anyone else who wants to do this.
11 notes · View notes
Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?
"Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?
Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
A quick question about car insurance?
now that I have your attention I have a serious question I need help with. Right now i'm 24, and I will be 25 in a few months. Like many young people I have been paying high car insurance rates, and have been looking forward to the quarter life insurance break. The only problem is that within the last year I've racked up 3 points on my drivers license due to an accident and a speeding ticket. Does this ruin my chances for getting a break, or will my break be less significant?""
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I live in New Jersey, Plan on buying a 2012 mazdaspeed3. I am 18, which of course will make my policy higher. Currently, my car insurance runs around 300/mo on my parents policy. I cannot join their policy with the new car as it will be registered to me. The following are the rates ive been quoted Progressive - 6 month policy, $5,000 + $1,200 due at start-up Cure - 6 month policy, 6,200 + 1100 due at start-up Liberty Mutural - 6 month - 5200 + 1500 start plymouth rock - 6 month - 2,2009 + 679 start Why are these all so expensive? and why do they only offer me 6 month policies? thanks in advance!""
How much does will my insurance pay? My car was totalled?
My car was in a serious accident, and is irrepairable. The insurance company is coming down in a day or two to check out the car. I was no at fault, police are still looking for the guy at fault. However, my car is done. Will my insurance company give me the value of replacing a car like that, like if I were to buy one again, or would they give me the book value?""
My car insurance in RI?
I have car insurance in Rhode Island and my son lives with me. When I went to lower my coverage I found that my son had been included in the policy as a driver. I do not let him drive my car at all and they said that since he is licensed and living with me he is automatically included in the policy. This sounded to me as so much hogwash and I hope that someone can fill me in on this weird rule.
Bicycle insurance?
i bought a new bike yesterday from JJB and i just called in JJB today to find out if they do bike insurance and the lady told me that they dont! where can i get bike insurance from?
I have geico auto insurance .I moved to another state and got cheaper insurance.Do i need to provide geico wi?
new insurance company name and info or are they just supposed to cancel my policy .
I live in PA...I never had car insurance but I'm buying my first car. I can't get a car insurance quote so...
how can I drive the car off the lot if I don't have insurance? I'm lost...can somebody help me solve this problem? Thank you.
Car insurance on your parents policy?
my family currently has 4 cars on Geico insurance. Im 16 years old and when i got my license, the cost of our insurace rose to $1200 more a year. Now, im looking to buy my own car but my dad claims buying another car will raise it to $1800. Can someone explain this to me please? Does your insurance raise everytime you buy a new car? And is the fact that we have 4 cars making my share of the insurance cost more?""
Is health care in the US affordable to everyone?
If not, then why is so many people opposed to free universal health care like in France, UK, etc? How many of you can pay $100 doctor visits or (god forbid) $500,000 surgeries, not counting expensive prescriptions?""
Help with car insurance?
It's my 17th birthday tomorrow, I am going to use the money I get for drivin lessons. But what I want to know is; Would I get insured on a range rover sport at my age and how much would it cost? This is the car I really want but I don't know if I'd get insured for it. I don't mind waiting, but if I can drive one now thatd be great! Thanks :)""
How will this speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I got a speeding ticket. The insurance is under my fathers name. Will the insurance price go up because of MY speeding ticket?
What is a good and cheep health insurance?
i only need it for a month i'm 19 years old and in good health. oh i live in florid
Can a cancer survivor get Life Insurance?
I am a cancer survivor, one time it was stage 3 and recently stage 1. Two different cancer. I am considered cancer free and healthy. I worry for my children and do not want them to be left alone w/o money in the future. Their dad left us during my first cancer diagnosis for another woman. He rarely contacts his kids, I do not know if he will be there for them in the furutre.""
What are the prospects of providing more Californians with health insurance in the future?
Considering we are producing more and more people without health insurance than other states, despite the fact that we paying the highest state taxes""
How do I purchase life insurance?
I'd like to purchase a life insurance policy, but have no financial savvy past Google. How do I go about this? What are the pitfalls? Do I need an agent? Any recommended companies? (It would have to be rated at least A- or better by A.M. Best). I'm a twenty-one year old unmarried non-smoking student. I'm in good physical health, though there's some family history of heart disease. No dangerous activities. (It must look odd for me to be checking into this at my age. It's a long story, but rest assured I don't plan on dying anytime soon.) I'd like an affordable policy with a payout of 105,000$ or a little over. Simplicity and good customer service would be nice of course. I'm pretty busy with school as it is. Finally: term or whole? I understand most people think term is the way to go, but considering my youth and good health would I be better off with something permanent? I know I'm going to want to be insured until my eventual (assumedly far-off) demise. Thanks for your time.""
Should High School Dropouts & Others w/o Insurance be forced to Join the Military ...?
... and to serve their country in exchange for taxpayers taking care of them? Hasn't America forced a lot of citizens to join the military (with good results) over the past 230 ...show more
No insurance on used car?
i bought a used car on a Wednesday the guy i bought the car from only gave me a bill of sale had no registration on the car. i left with the car i got pulled over for speeding 72 on 55 it was a stick shift and i didnt really think i was going that fast and that same day and i had no insurance on the car the cop gave me the ticket for speeding and for no proof of insurance and he let me go. then i sold the car 2 days later on friday to make a quick buck out of it. my question is if i sold the car can i still get fined for the no insurance if i don't have the car any more. hopefully the judge waves it and just fines me for the speeding i live in california
What is the cheapest car insurance for a teenager and how much does it cost?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a teenager and how much does it cost?
Does anyone know where I can find good affordable health insurance?
Does anyone know where I can find good affordable health insurance?
Can anyone tell me Obama's discount rate for Health Insurance?
He states healthcare will be affordable for everyone? What %age discount will we get? How much will insurance be (per month) for those battling chronic diseases that cost in the tens of thousand of $ each month? Do you think those people denied, due to preexisting health conditions, will be able to afford insurance now?""
Can I cancel my motorcycle insurance?
Do I have to have insurance on my motorcycle (in IL) during the winter when I don't even ride it? Can't I just cancel it for the Winter and then start it up again in the Spring?
Car insurance help?
i live in northern california and moving to southern california this summer or fall for school. my car insurance is titled under my parents. do i need to tell insurance company( i have liberty mutual) that i'm moving to so cal? because southern california car insurance is really expensive and i dont' know if my parents can afford it. plus, i'll probably go back and forth whenever i'm on break ( thanksgiving, christmas... ) any advise please?""
How much for car insurance?
Im 19 and have two tickets.. One for no licence nd the other for failure to yeald..how much would it be??
Insurance violation 16028 (a)?
I was riding my friends motorcycle today. I got pulled over for doing 75 in a 65. My friend does have insurance on the motorcycle but there was no insurance paperwork on the motorcycle. I got written up for no insurance, the cop said as long as the bike does have insurance the court should drop it. My question is, do I need to be insured on the bike or does just the bike need insurance since I was just riding it that day?""
Pregnant and losing insurance?
I recently got laid off and don't want to use COBRA because of the high cost. I am only 31 so I don't think I can apply for Medical or Medicaid. I also know that I cannot get new insurance because I am already pregnant. Does anyone know how to get State-Funded insurance or at least assistance from the state? I live in California.
Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?
Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?
If an insurance company estimated the damage on my car at $800 and I later find out it is way more can I go ba?
My car got hit, their insurance company sent me to a mechanic shop to get an estimate, they said $823 and the insurance sent me the check. I just took the car to the dealership and they said the damage was $3100, can I go back to the insurance and ask for the difference?""
How much is the car insurance of 17 years old?
how much is the car insurance of 17 years old here in virginia beach?
How much should a motorcycle insurance cost?
A little about me: -age 23 -driving licence for both cars and bikes since 2008 (European version) -have no previous claims or penalties -I do drive cars for the company I'm working for -the bike is a 600, 2013 model -I'll buy a security device soon -was thinking of having a 150 pounds voluntary excess""
Do i need liabilty insurance?
I valet cars for extra cash. Do i need liabilty insurance by law?
17 years old how to get cheap car insurance?
I found a car i had my lieance for 3 months, the insurance is for 2400 how can i get cheaper insurance the insurance will be on my name or if i put it on my dad name how would i be able to drive the car.""
What do you think is the best health insurance company in southern california?
i need to purchase individual coverage.
How to get your Life insuance license in California?
So people told me to take online courses to get pre-license, and then I have to take an exam outside in order to get my license for health and life insurance. That sounds like a long time and very expensive. Can I buy a book to study on my own, then go straight to take the exam outside? Or getting pre-licensed is required before I can take the actual exam.""
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Does it cost more to insure a car with no airbags?
I was thinking of buying a 1986 mustang gt, which has no airbags, would that affect the cost? I was going to put aftermarket Sparco front seats with 4 point safety harnesses in for safety, also would that decrease the insurance rate since I'd be making it safer? Or is it just dependent on car, age, etc.""
How to get health insurance?
I am an 18 year-old independent, (due to marriage) diabetic. I can't get approved for health insurance because you have to be 19 and I won't be 19 for two months. I don't have enough medical supplies to last for two months or more. Medicaid denied me and none of the clinics in my area help with Type 1 diabetes. My parent's don't have health insurance at the moment, so they can't add me. I am not a full-time college student either. I work full-time, but the insurance through my work are too expensive. How can I get health insurance immediately?""
How can I lower my car insurance?
I have a 2010 Chevy cobalt LT. I pay $420 a month for insurance! I understand I'm 21, and it's a sports car. But I've been driving for 5 years, I've never got in a crash nor gotten any tickets. Why could this be? I know lots of younger people with much more expensive cars but they don't pay nearly as much.""
What is the difference between a high and low deductible?
Hello everyone! I really need your help! Im a 19 years old female student. I work part time and i earn at least $800 a month. Im currently looking for health insurance but im really frustrated because i dont know the difference between a high and low deductible. What if the deductilbe is $5000?? I just need a health insurance that covers doctors visits, like the dermatoligist and exams like mammography.""
""How much is this going to cost me? In IL was driving with no insurance, license & got into a car accident?""
I did however get insurance right after the accident, so my proof of coverage began the date I got my ticket. I did not have a drivers license because I was waiting for my certificate. I got my birth certificate and am taking my test tomorrow. My court date is monday. How much will I have to pay?""
Is Aviva a good car insurance what is a good car insurance company for a first driver ?
Aviva is the company that gave me a cheap car insurance quote. I would like to know if Aviva is actually a decent company to go with? I am a first time driver they gave me a quote for 501 per month.
How much will car insurance cost if I decide to buy a 2000-02 Chevy Corvette?
I have a clean driving record; I have never been in an accident, no tickets, no nothing. I'm not saying its true but I heard from a friend that it cost about $500 a month for car insurance for the vette?""
Insurance on a crashed car?
Today someone crashed into my car, anyway both cars have minor damage but they're trying to say it was my fault and claiming on their insurance etc. etc. Anyway, i was just wondering if the price of insurance increases for a driver who has crashed, how long does it go up for and if they don't insure the car during that time (i may be at uni) Will the increased charges be saved for until they next insure the car?""
Will doctors be required to accept health insurance?
Under the new health care law, everyone will be required to get health insurance, will doctors also be required to accept health insurance?""
Is it normal for an insurance company to need you SS#?
Im 18 and on my own and ive never had to get insurance before. And the best insurance company ive found is asking me for my SS#. Is this normal, not only for a quote, but to buy the insurance also. And do i have to go to the agency directly to actually activate the insurance or can i do it over the phone like their tellin me?.....""
Anyone know a good Renters Insurance Company ?
Live in an Apartment and I would like to purchase some Renters insurance to cover any damages that may happen. I want to make sure it's a good legit company and not some rinky dinky place. Thanks ahead of time for all your answers.
Is getting the minimum coverage car insurance a good idea?
I constantly see those commercials that say get the minimum required car insurance. And i'm wondering is that really a good idea, and what does that really even cover when you get into an accident?""
Would a 1972 Monte Carlo be expensive to insure?
Someone said it may be expensive to insure this kind of car. Could he be referring to just this one particular car or all muscle cars from the early 70's? keep in mind i am 18 years old if that makes any difference.
Health insurance question?
me and my boyfriend are planning to move to california soon. we're moving when we're 18. i was wondering if his parents health insurance would still cover him when he moves. he has Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO.
Hello, I was in a car accident 3 weeks ago today in Massachusetts but live in NH. The other guy swerved in my lane on the highway, although their were no witnesses and we still have no word on who was at fault. I was driving my boyfriends car which was no insured, although I have comprehensive coverage on mine. My insurance (gieco) will pay a $1000 pf my medical and have put a claim in for my boyfriends car. I was wondering if anyone knew if they would cover his car? As it looks like the guy who swerved in my lane doesnt have insurance either, as NH doesn't require car insurance. If anyone knows if it possible please let me know. An adjuster has already considered it a total loss. Thanks!""
Is affordable (not free) health care a right or a privilege?
There are many constituancies in this debate not the least of which is individual health responsibility. That said the costs are driven in large part by greed. Insurance, hospitals, doctors, drug companies, lawyers, restaurants and the food industry and fraudsters all have a dog in this fight. If affordable health care is believed to be a right (I believe it is) then all of these constituants need to come together. Al Tennessee""
How much is your car insurance?
Just wondering. Mine's coming to 700!!
Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?
Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?
Auto insurance on lease vs purchase ?
is there usually a big difference on auto insurance when financing a new car vs leasing one? thanks guys :)
What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old with cheap insurance?
Im nearly 17 and am looking for a car, of autotrader or something? Preferably cheap and cheap on insurance? Thanks""
How much is automobile commercial insurance?
Vehicle insurance
Can I put car insurance in someone else name when financing a car?
Im gonna be financing a 04 mustang soon. Thanks.
Fast cars with low insurance costs?
id like 0-60 inunder 6 seconds but low(ish) insurance rates for someone under 21. New, used, whatever.""
Homework / car insurance question?
I have to do a budget for the next 5 years of my life and im lost on how to get the car insurance part figured out. I have to figure out hom much i would be paying for car insurance if i was to buy a car in the future? can someone please help, i'm so lost. and plz dont just give me a website to go to, plz explain it a little. thanks""
How much will my car insurance cost (please read) !?
im 18 years old,i just got my license, and i drive a 1984 toyota camry 4 door how much do you think the car insurance will cost ?""
How do young teens without insurance afford child birth?
I am just curious. My old ex GF had 3 kids before age 21. One of which ended up needed urgent care after birth and died in the hospital a few days later. So the hospital stays were definitely not cheap. She has no insurance, no parents have insurance either and arent in her life at all. I am curious as to how she ended up paying for all this? My guess is that she is in serious credit card debt for all this but I wanted to know how this is possible? Any opinions?""
Cheapest car insurance for a teen in florida ?
Im currently 17 years old; Im getting my driver license next week. I have a 1995 Nissan Sentra and I wanted to know what would be the cheapest insurance in Florida. I was thinking of getting my PIP only, but my price ranges are 0-250 a month. I also have a 20 year brother who had his drivers license since he was 17 years old and I was thinking if I can out his name as the head of the car insurance and add me as a secondary driver but I dont if it will be cheaper ??? If you know of an insurance that provides more than a PIP for my price range please let me know ??? If the insurance will not be cheaper under my brothers name, !!""
How much is the car insurance here in london? im 18 years old holding a provisional driving license?
How much is the car insurance here in london? im 18 years old holding a provisional driving license?
My first car.. What is the best and cheap on insurance?
im saving up for a car, but this will be the first car i buy. Does anyone know what car is relatively smart, and cheap on insurance for a UK full license? thank you""
How do I know what value to put on my home insurance?
I have a flat in London that I want to insure. The flat is 64 metres squared and is 100 years old. The market value is about 200,000 to 210,000. A similar flat, in my town, in the North is valued at about 100 000 One would assume that the insurable value would be less for than the market value in London. My question is for what value should I insure the flat in London?""
""Got a dui in ny, how much will car insurance go up?""
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
Just curious.......How many of you have no health insurance but.......?
.......have cell phones, satellite TV, Wii's and games, smoke or drink. Since the average cost of a family plan is about $3600.00 per year, just wondering if you realized you could buy your own health insurance with the money you spend on these things. I am curious why luxuries would be more important to you than getting health insurance.""
Insurance stuff?
I have a first insurance right now, and medicaid as a second insurance. My husband still has a job but his contract is being taken over by another company, will medicaid cover the bills until i get his new insurance started?""
What is the cheapest health insurance for low income people?
my kids father had a stroke two days ago and i am trying to help him find health insurance. he is having a hard time getting any insurance because he is unemployed and receives unemployment payments but they won't see him at the clinic because he has too many assets. He owns a trailer and has two cars. If any one can help i really would appreciate it. He also has high blood pressure, high colesterol, and diabetes. He had a stroke because he couldn't afford to buy his medications for his high blood pressure and colesterol.please help . i dont want anything bad to happen to him.""
I dont get what to do about car insurance?
Im 16, and ive had my permit since last august, and im gonna go for my license. I lived with my dad, but i have been living with my mom for a while. Im probably going to go on my dads insurance. But, can i drive my moms cars. So my questions are 1. Can I drive my moms cars when if i am on my dads insurance, is there a policy where I can drive other peoples cars? 2. Can I go on my dads insurance if I dont live with him? 3. Im not on any insurance now, I drive with my parents. They are on the insurance and their cars are covered, so do I already have to be covered with just a permit. 4. Im going to use my moms car for the driving test, do I have to be on insurance by then? I know they check for proof of insurance but i dont know if im supposed to be on it. My parents are divorced and I live in illinois and they have different insurance companies.""
What is the best health insurance and life insurance policies to go with?
I am recently out of the military and need to purchase an individual health ins policy. However, I am not sure which ones are the best. I am a student, do they offer any good student policies? Also, is the SGLI to VGLI conversion a good change to make? If not, which is better term or whole life insurance policies?""
B Average for Car insurance?
I'm a 16 year old male who just got my license. I'm looking for car insurance, and was read about student discounts that said you need a B average. I have As and Bs, but I have a C in German, will this make me unable to get the discount?""
""Car insurance rates are through the roof and I don't know why, help!?""
I need help with car insurance, I'm having some problems. Okay, I'm a 21 year old single, never married, male and I got my driver's license when I was 18 in March 2008. Now, I know my car insurance rates are high because I'm young and a guy, but here's the problem. I see people who are about my same age who have been driving for the same amount of time as and have no accidents, violations, or tickets like me. My car insurance rates are ridiculously high, I mean insanely high, even compared to others my age. My younger brother even, he's had his license for a year, he's 19, and had 3 speeding tickets and still pays less than me. On average for my car insurance rates, getting quotes online range from about $1500 all the way up to $2500 for 6 months! I used old vehicles, new vehicles, safe vehicles, unsafe vehicles, every kind of car/truck you could imagine and my projected rates are still through the roof. For example, for full coverage with the minimum amounts and highest deductibles, my insurance on a 2010 Mazda 3 would be about $1800-$2300 for 6 months. However, I also got a quote for a 1997 Ford Escort and the same exact coverage is still $1200-$1300. I don't get why my rates are so much higher. A coworker of mine is 21 years old, not married, no tickets, and has had his license since 18 like me, and he has a 2007 Mazda 6 and he only pays about $170 a month, which translates to about ~$1050 for 6 months. I put in my information including SSN on the same company's web site that he uses (Geico) and my insurance rates are about $1700 for 6 months. So my question is why are my insurance rates so high? I have no tickets, no moving violations, no accidents, nothing, and yet insurance rates are so high. I figure SOMETHING has to be on my driving record, but I can't imagine what. How can get a copy of or look at my driving record? I just want to know why my rates are so much higher than other people, male or female, who are about my age and have been driving for about the same amount of time and yet I still pay 2x or 3x as much as me. Please help me out! =)""
""How much on average would insurance cost for my 150cc motorcycle? 23 years old, 100% clean driving record.?""
Live in michigan and if it makes any difference, i would be driving it under 20 miles per day.""
""I will b learning to ride a bike soon, if i get a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance it will cost me?""
I will b learning to ride a bike soon, if i get a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance it will cost me?""
What's the insurance costs on a 1989-95 nissan 240sx?
I'm sixteen & mostly going to end up getting this car & was wondering how much it would cost out of curiosity
Non-owner car insurance?
Where can I get non-owner liability car insurance for myself? I am 18 years old and my dad wants me to get this insurance because I don't own a car, I just drive my parents cars. I can find it on any insurance websites. Links would be nice =]""
Will alloy wheels effect my insurance and in what ways?
I'm 18 and just bought my first car, (Vauxhall Corsa). It came with wheel trims, and ideally I want alloy wheels: but if it's going to put a lot on my insurance then it might not be worth it. They would be after-market alloys, and the same size as the current wheels. I'm currently paying 2,000 for my car insurance: how much would somebody estimate the new wheels increasing my insurance. Many thanks!""
Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?
Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?
Is this a reputable health insurance company?
Does esurance.com list reputable companies or do they list just any company? It looks like I have found a really good deal for student indemnity insurance from a company called Time. Does anyone know if this is a good company?
""If i borrow my friend's car for a road trip, what about insurance?
i have insurance for my car and my friend has insurance for her car. if i borrow her car for a few weeks (out of state road trip) do i need to get extra insurance?
Can someone take out a life insurance policy on a mentally retarded person who didn't know what he was signing
This person was mentally retarded (52) and died of brain cancer. HIs brother (an attorney) took out an insurance policy for the 52 year old. The 52 year old did not really know what he was signing. The amount of the policy is unknown. Is this insurance fraud?
Affordable health insurance? My husband's work does not pay for mine nor our son's insurace so we pay out of?
pocket. We have Aetna right now but they just keep jacking our prices up. My husband has not been to the doctor at all this year and they have raised his prices too. Does anyone know of a good health insurance plan that is affordable please?? Thank you!
How will the Affordable Care Act impact part-time and full-time employees?
So I get that employees working 30+ hours, and where there are 50+ employees, have to be offered health insurance, lest the company get a fine, but I'm not sure how that will work ...show more""
Who are the top ten largest life insurance companies in the US today?
Who are the top ten largest life insurance companies in the US today?
Do anyone reccomend Geico Insurance over Allstate?
Do anyone reccomend Geico Insurance over Allstate?
Need help with health/dental insurance!?
I have been on my dads insurance that is provided for by his job. I was married last year and my husband was AGR so we received TRICARE. He has since finished active duty and we are no longer insured. My dad never took me off his insurance (mainly bc he forgot) but can I still use it?? My main concern is that it would be under my maiden name. We will be enrolling in another form of TRICARE but I will not be able to use it until after the first of March. I am in a lot of pain with my wisdom teeth and need them out desperately. I am not aware of the laws and regulations for this matter and would never want to do something illegal or fraudulent. Thanks!
How much is my car payment and insurance?
Hey, everyone else is asking the same 2 stupid questions, now it's my turn!""
Which is the cheapest and best ( best value) auto insurance in the US?
Why is car insurance so expensive in the U.K.?
I often see U.K citizens complaining about how expensive car insurance is. I understand that many factors make up the cost of car insurance, but is there anything in particular that makes it so expensive? In the U.S. I'm rated as a single female under 25, no tickets or accidents, driving a 2010 Ford F100 pickup truck. My car insurance runs about $1600 a year (roughly 1000 GBP). Also, just curious. If I lived in England, just a close ballpark guess, what would I pay using that criteria""
How to make car insurance as cheap possible?
i don't even wanna pay it but if i can get a reasonable price i will pay it. its just ridicoulus how much it costs ( i got no spell check by the way)
What is a good health insurance for an individual?
My dad lost his job 6 months ago, his new job doesn't have benefits. What is a good health insurance that will be cheap enough for a young college student that is affordable? (I ...show more""
Do Police Officers have to pay for their police car & insurance?
Im wondering if police officers have to pay for the police car they use, and if they have to pay for the insurance, or is it covered by the police department? and do they receive gas money or you have to pay for it out of your own pocket?""
Teens: how much is your car insurance a month?
Teens: how much is your car insurance a month?
What is the process to buy insurance for a new car?
When and how do you buy insurance for a new car? Say I buy a car today and drive it out the dealership. Do I need to have insurance all set up before buying this car? Let's say I go get a quote from an insurance website and proceed to buy a package. Do they have to mail something to me, like a card or a certificate or something? Or can I just write down my policy number or print a receipt? Because I'm wondering, if it's the former, then what do I do between the time I drive the car out the dealership and the time it takes for the insurance mail to arrive? Thanks!""
Health insurance deductible?
Okay, so I don't fully understand how insurance works and I can't seem to get an answer to my question. My health insurance deductible, do I get it back? As in after exhausting it through appointments/hospital visits/ect. Do my monthly payments go back towards that? Is it gone for good? I haven't even been able to get someone from the company on the phone to answer me!! Please help. Thank you!""
Low income insurance for a 24 years old student who live in VA?
I am a full time student who live in VA. I am looking for some low income health insurance for myself. Currently, I got some illness and I really need to see the doctor; however, I dont have any health insurance. Is anyone know any health insurance would be providing for a person like me? My family is low income family. Is any way I can get a health insurance from the government? Thank you!""
USAA insurance for motorcycles?
Does anyone know what motorcycle insurance through USAA would cost for a female beginner between the ages of 18-24? first bike (let's say a Buell Blast, if the type of motorcycle matters), never had any accidents or speeding tickets, and passed all the safety courses, etc. I'd look it up myself, but for some reason the website isn't letting me look at the motorcycle section right now. Thanks in advance.""
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old male driver with 2001 audi a6 in a major city?
Around how much would insurance cost for a 17 year old boy in a metropolitan city. car is a 2001 audi a6, with a clean record.""
Cost of 49cc moped insurance?
I'm 15 and looking into getting a moped. I know you have to register the moped and take a premit test to legally drive it but do you need insurance for a moped in iowa? Ive got a 4.0 and i also heard that if you get good grades it would be even lower insurance costs. How much would it cost for insurance if the moped is a 2010 and has less than 1000 miles on it?
What insurance plans are available in hawaii?
What insurance plans are available in Hawaii?
How much would it be to insure a 17 year old on a Nissan Navara Pick Up Truck?
'JUST OUT OF INTEREST' I have always wanted a Nissan Navara Pick up truck and i turn 17 in october, its unlikely i will be driving till next year! i was just wondering an insurance estimate on, say, an 08 plate? Im not fussed weather it is 'expensive' i know it wont be cheap and the companies are unlikely to insure me on them but i was just wondering about a price. Its hard for me to go on insurance websites as i do not have a license and know any information. I have herd they are in Group 11 insurance.. Also are they classed as a Van/Car/ Etc? Would just like an average quote please! don't want answers with 'depends on this, this or this'.. Thanks very much!""
No health insurance? need prenatal care and sonograms?
i don't have any health insurance and have become pregnant, what do i need to do until my health insurance can kick in or until i can have the baby then get affordable health ...show more""
Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?
Which car insurance company is cheapest on international licence in uk?
0 notes
car insurance quotes online louisville ky
"car insurance quotes online louisville ky
car insurance quotes online louisville ky
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Is it a fact, that if you buy a red car, you will be paying more on your car insurance?""
My sister told me that when she had a red car, she had to pay more for insurance because of the color. Is this true? if so, that's just retartded.""
When will my car insurance go down?
Had a wreck in January first one I've ever been in I'm 28 my ex was driving and hit ice totalled my car, my insurance jumped to 190 from 120 how long until it goes down?""
Car insurance?
how much would it cost to insure a car. if the driver was sixteen. it wouldnt be a fast car. so how much for third party insurance. and how much to get my car insured
Temporary Car insurance fuddles? Re: excess on the owners policy?
Hi, I was looking to either rent a car for a day or borrow my sisters, now ive found a site on tempcover willing to insure me for something like 30 - 40 odd quid but the trouble is it said something about excess being in & around the 400 - 500 mark.... It also said this is the excess the car's owner has to pay.... I'm pretty certain i'll not be borrowing anyones car if its going to cost them that much - even if I offer to pay it (which I wouldnt by the way, im not an idiot lol) But does anyone know if this is like a one-off or if they mean that this is what my sisters excess will amount to once ive been put on one day insurance on her vehicle? Just im not 100% if they mean that by being insured for 1 day im gonna just basically destroy her policy for the next year lol? Sorry I know this is a bit confusing but thats why im asking ya see,, it confuses me too..... I suppose im hoping an insurance expert is out there somewhere reading this and just dying to lend their expertise...... Thanks guys!x! :) Ps: Shes agreed to lend me the car as long as im insured & dont crash it lol....""
Where can I get cheap health insurance in NYC as an individual with a relatively low deductible & low premium?
Is that even possible? My reasoning is this: I am 26 and I am self-employed. I am basically just looking for a bare bones plan that will have the lowest premium possible and I actually care more about emergency care than doctors visits. You see, I don't get sick often and don't plan to go to the doctor a whole lot...I just want something in case of an accident and the whole low premium w/ high deductibles thing won't help me...I'll be stuck with a sky high bill to pay off if I stay in the hospital. I'd rather have emergency coverage and simply pay out of pocket for a doctor if I have to. Is there a plan out there in NY that fits this? Anyone know? HELP! I make too much money to qualify for Healthy NY or another low income program..but not enough to reasonably afford a normal healthcare plan when factoring in rent and student loans. (If this isn't a reason for universal healthcare in the US, I don't know what is)""
How much is an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II ?
I would like to know how much per month an oldtimer insurance for a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow II or Spirit would cost about per month? I am 21 years old, self employed. Does someone know ?""
Would insurance be high on a 1999 pontiac firebird ws6 v8?
I am 19 years old and am currently paying about $130.00 a month for insurance. I am looking in to buying the car listed above, how much more would I be paying on insurance? I do believe it is considered a sport, but its a 1999. Maybe age makes a difference? I am curently driving a truck.""
Beach Buggy Insurance at 18?
Ok so me and my dad have been working on this unfinished beach buggy project (now almost done maybe a month more). I'am a male student that has just finished my second year of college and have had my licence a little over a year (got my licence at 17 to get it out the way) I have never owned a car/been insured on a car and was wondering what sort of prices it would cost to get insured on a beach buggy at my age, the initial plan was for me to get something like a corsa when im 19 and try get insured on the buggy when im like 21. would anyone even insure a VW beach buggy on an 18 year old without no claims bonus? and if so how much do you think im looking at (if some answers seem reasonable i might call adrian flux to see if i can get a quote""
Would a grand prix GTP be unusualy expensive to insure?
the grand prix GTP is a 240 horse supercharged v6 with 280ftlbs of torque. how much would it cost to insure (like a lot, a little, average, that kind of thing; i know you would get mad if i tried to ask for a number)? what about the same question with a grand an GT (175 horse V6) and a grand am se1(170 horse V6) ok, as a seperate question, what if i told you i was a new driver, as i cant say the age on here... >:( that gets good grades and has no claims or anything... im guessing tens of thousands per month lol... Thanks!""
How can I get public health insurance in California?
I am a healthy thirty year old male in Marin County, but I've been rejected for health insurance twice now due to a reconstruced knee. What can I do?""
Car insurance help help????????
I will be getting my car insurance in May. I'll be 18 and I have two tickets one rolling fail to stop. One leavening a seen of a accident. I have a 99 s10 blazer 4 wheel drive. Blue I live in mn and in Winsted MN im male two. Can some one just tell me how much it would be. I will be livening at home 2 Dont give me a link just say like a number how much you think it would be. I cant ask the company's cuz im not 18
Why are the big insurance companies so much cheaper?
I am getting off my parents auto insurance and getting my own. The Quote from the agent my parents use who is local to the area was nearly two hundred dollars more per year than the quote i got from progressive. Is there a reason to use a local company? he tried to sell me on customer service but i only deal with my insurance company maybe once or twice a year so i'm not sure that its worth $200 to me. Is there a reason to use a local company?
""Will defensive driving reduce your insurance rates? If so, by how much?
I pay 190.00 a month to farmer's group for car insurance. How much less will it be if I take defensive driving?
US Citizens/California residents: what is the best health insurance provider?
I am looking for a new provider. What do you recommend? It would need to cover only my husband and I. Thanks!
What happens if I get cancer with no insurance?
It's just a hypothetical, I don't have cancer and I do have Catastrophic Insurance but I know that would not cover chemo etc but as far as I'm concerned, I would probably have to kill myself in the case that this happened, which I'm preparing myself for the possibility. No insurance carrier will cover me with real insurance because I;m taking meds for high BP and cholesterol, both are in check""
Does taking DUI class help reduce insurance rate?
I'm working on getting a driver license and wondering whether my prospective insurance rate will be lowered (even just a tad) if I take some DUI classes. I'm 19 and abiding in Georgia.
Best Health insurance for a young mom and college student?
I'm looking to find a health insurance suitable for me, a young mother (20) and college student. I did have Medicaid but they're saying I make too much and I'm only allowed to make 188 a month.. O_0 So I decided to just stop wasting my time and invest into my own insurance. My fiance said maybe I can get on his after we get married but Idk about that. What are some good affordable Health insurance for someone like me?""
Can I get insured on a car for a day?
I have a driving licence, and I'm 17 years old. I want to buy a car a little after my 18th bday. Is there a way I can get affordable 1 day insurance just so I can drive the car ...show more""
Does the insurance company have to pay for this?
ok so i was involved in an accidents 6 months ago because this person ran a red light and hit me... i dislocated my elbow and have been in physical therapy since... last time i went to therapy they told me i have 8 more visits left because my health insurance is gonna be maxed out..... and they told me they dont bill car insurance companys..... soo i call the car insurance company and they told me they cant pay for any bills until the settlement is done, but the therapy said they cant wait that long soo i dont know what to do..... i need more than 8 visits""
What is the ball park annual cost of running a standard used car including all expenses and repairs?
Including registration, tax, insurance, maintenance, repairs, oil changes and cost of buying a used car what is the ball park annual cost on a standard size and model vehicle""
How much does Ensure cost?
I'm striving to gain weight and I was wondering how much Ensure costs? I'm thinking Ensure Plus in packs or as a single purchase. Please name stores that sell it too. Thank you!
What is the best car insurance company? out there?
I'm with all state but is there any insurance company better than all state?
""Would you shop for insurance online? If not, why?
Will having an insurance makes a difference to our lives?
What's the average price for teenage insurance?
my parents are making me pay for my insurance over the summer, but they won't tell me how much it is until then. can someone tell me the average price or something? i drive a 2000 mazda b truck (similar to a ford ranger). i just need a rough estimate. thanks!""
Car insurance queries?
A good friend of mine had an accident in another friends car. It was his fault but his insurance company have said his insurance does not cover him as the vehicle he was driving is classed as a car derived van. The insurance company state that the policy only covers third party cover for other motor cars and claim a car derived van is a commercial vehicle. Even though its not used as a commerical vehicle, The vehicle in question is a Peugeot partner 600 and its v5 doc claims calls it a car derived van and it falls in the PLG class. Is this right what the insurance company are saying ?""
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car insurance quotes online louisville ky
What is the best choice for a college student with no health insurance?
I am a 20 year old (21 in December) who is a sophomore in college. I have absolutely no form of insurance-health, dental, etc.- and I have been wondering what is the best choice for me? I know this is a problem and I need to get some, but I am clueless. What companies are best? What should I be looking for? What do I need/not need? HELP!""
How can I verify if the car I'm driving has insurance?
I do have the VIN# and car info, but there was no insurance papers in car. I also don't have a contact number on the car's owner""
High performance car insurance?
Basically this is really annoying me. Me and my dad aren't really bothered about the monthly cost of my insurance on a Mazda RX8. I'm 18 years old, but nobody will insure me? Seems fair? Wrong. My friend, who's dad is an investment banker has just got a factory build Audi R8 quatro V10. He's also 18, but I don't understand how he has even got a quote let alone full cover. He tells me hes insured in his name but his dad won't tell him how much it costs. Now, obviously their family is greatly richer than mine, but still, my family can afford the insurance, just like his family can. Why do they insure him and not me? When his car is classed as a super car, and mine is in the sports car class. We have both have just recently passed our tests if that helps.""
2 door sports car insurance costs?
I've been seriously looking into purchasing a 06 Hyundai Tiburon or an 04 Nissan 350z. I'm 18, and everytime I mention it to my parents, they ALWAYS bring up the fact that we ...show more""
How much would car insurance and Tax cost?
Im 17 and I have a decent amount of money saved up and im interested in buying a 2nd hand car for around 1000 euro but i have no idea how much the tax and insurance is going to cost and how often you have to pay it, so if anyone can help me it would be great. thx u.""
Why did Democrats call their health insurance scheme the Affordable Care Act?
When in reality its making it more expensive for the middle class?
Car Insurance for Young Drivers; How much do you pay? (UK)?
I'm planning on getting a car later this year just after I've passed my test (I'm 17). I just want a small, cheap car- something like a Ford Ka or an old Vauxhall Corsa. I just wondered if anyone's got a good cheap deal cos it looks like it's going to cost me loads.""
Why is my insurance quote 10 times higher than last year?
So, i got my motorcycle license last summer and bought a 2003 Kawasaki ZX6R for $5000. My insurance from Progressive was $1700 for the year (full coverage). I rode it for two months before it got stolen. In those two months i got one ticket for straddling lanes. Once the bike got stolen i got all my money back. Now, I'm looking to get the same bike again. I just called Progressive and they want $6056 per year for full coverage!!!! And if i were to buy a brand new 2007 model it would be $10000!! So, $6056 for a $5000 bike? And $10000 for a $9000 bike? What gives? One ticket and the theft did this? I don't get it. What are my options?""
Whats the best car i can get for around 3000 to 3500? london?
im 18 so one cheap on insurance. I want a fast, reliable car.""
Medical Insurance with an existing condition?
My mother is working two jobs, one of which she continues to work at because of the medical insurance. My mother is ready to slow her life down and give up her job that is providing med insurance. My mother is diabetic, and it is improbable she can be accepted for regular insurance with her condition. How can she get what she wants; stay covered permanently, and leave the job where she is getting coverage now? She lives in California.""
Do you have health insurance?
If so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
""I need a lot of dental work done and I don't have money for insurance, is there any programs or something I can sign up for?""
I was robbed at a job and got a tooth broke in half and I admit I never took care of my teeth as well as I should have, between our new baby and our bills I can't really afford Insurance or financing. i really just need a second chance, i feel like it holds me back from getting promoted and making a good first impression and id really like a better smile all around. is there any programs or something I can sign up for? I'd prefer for it to not be at the tax payers expense but I'm not above it. I live in california if that matters, thank you""
First time driver getting insurance quotes for  4.5k is this average?
Hi I've tried a few online companies for my husband he passed today and is trying to get insurance for a 1.1 Peugeot 206 2002 plate. He's 25 and this Is his first year with a driving licence but 4.5k seems unreasonable for 3rd party fire and theft or am I justnout of touch anyone willing to share there quotes so I can get an idea if these quotes are average?
Cheapest motorcycle insurance?
I'm looking forward to getting a motorcycle and I was wondering what's the cheapest insurance you can get. I'm not looking for companies at the moment, I just want to know what's the cheapest plan for almost any insurance company. .""
What is a good health insurance? I need help please!?
I just turned 18 and am looking for cheap health insurances that cover well! I'm trying to get on social security disability, because I'm really sick all the time. I'm actually in the hospital right now on my phone!! But until they approve me I need good health insurance! PLEASE!! There's this $5.00 a day health insurance, is that alot????? I just don't know any comparison. Thanks.""
What kind of life insurance do I need for my mom?
My mom is already in life insurance but I want to know what kind of life insurance that is affordable to pay for by the month. We are not expecting her to die anytime soon but we want to be prepared?
Cheap car insurance?
i am trying to find car insurance that is cheap. i have tried geico and progressive and all the major ones. does anyone know of some off the wall cheapies?
Is it true that the color of your car influences your insurance rate.?
Is it true that the color of your car influences your insurance rate.?
Does having a nissan 350z as your first car and a new driver added gonna make the insurance go up?
their are 3 drivers in my family and the insurance is like 200 i think would the bill go way up if a new driver is driving a 350z?
How to reduce payments for young car driver insurance ?
how to minimize it ?
Car insurance__________________?
How much do you pay for car insurance? (in a year), mine is going to expire in november (november, 30) when I am supposed to go to the agency to renew it? Can I go for example on november 1st?""
What is the average cost of car insurance?
What is the average cost of car insurance?
What would happen if I stopped paying my car insurance ?
I have full coverage auto insurance. Times are really tough for me right now and thinking about not paying my insurance. I have full coverage bc I took out a loan. Could my loan office find out too and lose my car? I'm stressing very much.
Where can I find affordable health insurance for me and my family?
How can I find affordable heatlh insurance for me and my family? We are currently unemployed with no health insurance.
Car insurance help!!?
ok, im trying to get the cheapest insurance possible. i am 18, i have over a 3.5 in high school, i took drivers ed, and i have never had any problems with the law. oh and if it matters i live in oregon so which car insurance company will be the least expensive?""
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car insurance quotes online louisville ky
Proof Of Car Insurance?
I never owned a car, nor have I need to car insurance. I see I need Proof Of Insurance, How can I bypass proof of insurance when registering/buying a car from a dealership, etc?""
Insurance on 04 STi.?
I am 17 year olds. I have Driver's ed, safety ed courses, and good grades. How much would insurance cost for me?""
I'm looking for affordable health insurance.?
I'm 31 and I have a pre-existing condition (open heart surgery 2004). I take coumadin daily and get my blood checked every month at Jacksonville Heart Center. I'm looking to take another job with much better pay. The only problem is they don't offer health insurance yet. I've been quoted at $180-$190 a month that do accept pre-existing conditions. Is there anyone cheaper that is not just some fly by night company?
Which is the best renters insurance company in the cincy area?
Which is the best renters insurance company in the cincy area?
What insurance rates do u all pay?
Just wondered what u all pay as i pay alot so does anyone else. Age -20 Sex -Male Car -Focus 2.0litre No mods Convictions-16 Month ban 3 years ago 1500 Anually
""Best insurance for my small business? im 25, non registered business 0-10 jobs per week.?""
Best insurance for my small business? im 25, non registered business 0-10 jobs per week.?""
Health Insurance?
anybody got any good advice am looking for health insurance my husband retires soon and we will need to get our own Health insurance. looked at blue cross and health partners but it so expensive anyone no anyone more affordable ty for any info.
""Car accident, neither driver has insurance?""
Was in a car accident yesterday. The other driver was completly at fault. He gave me insurance info, but has just informed me he was dropped due to lack of payment or something. I also have no insurance. YES, I KNOW ITS ILLEGAL TO DRIVE WITHOUT INSURANCE. IF THATS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY MOVE PAST MY QUESTION!! What am I suppose to do? Do I need to try and get a lawyer and sue? My car was totalled,my hip is in a lot of pain, so is my bfs shoulder n back. The other driver is fine and had very minimal damage. Im at a loss, any advice would be.greatly appreciated""
""Why is it that despite public and private health insurance programs, some US citizens are without any coverage?
health insurance
just wondering. my mom has a trailblazer and my dad has a lumina. they already have full coverage. my question is do they have to add my the insurance or since i have my drivers lisence i can start driving. my mom said that im already insured because it already has full coverage is that true or does she have to add me or what???
What's a good homeowners insurance in California?
A friend of mine just bought a home for the first time. She wants to know if there's any recommended insurance for homes in California.. particularly Fresno, CA if anybody is familiar with any. Thanks in advance. Any suggestions or direction will do.""
Can someone help me figure out how to get car insurance?? Very confused :(?
This is my first time ever getting a car loan, making payments & getting insurance by myself & so far it's been frustrating & confusing!! If anyone could help steer me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated! --I'm originally from Arkansas. I moved to North Dakota with my man, got a job & started vehicle hunting. One of my friends up here, also from AR, had a truck close to getting on the repo list because he couldn't make payments anymore. This truck is registered in AR. So, I got a loan & bought his truck from him. I got this loan Oct 4th, a month ago. All I'm trying to do is register this truck, pay sales tax & get insurance. I understand I'm not ever getting the title but my bank will & when I explained that the title hadn't been sent to my bank yet, the dmv lady said I couldn't even get temporary tags?? Can I get insurance with the truck not being registered yet?? If it's not officially mine bc the title hasn't been sent to my bank. ???""
Nice cars with out the insurance?
first off what is the difference between a normal cars insurance and a luxurery car like a ferrari.second, i have $100,000 and im looking for a nice fast car, but i dont want to buy a ferrari or sumthing cuz of the insurance is a lot higher i heard. i was even thinking about buying a 2009 ford f150 and souping it up with rims and everything but i'd rather a car thats really nice. does anybody have any ideas for a nice fast car with normal insurance?""
""If a deer hits me, how fast can insurance get me a rental car?""
I have a 97 Ram 4x4, full coverage at geico (I'm on my parents insurance), $500 deductible. How fast can insurance get me a rental if one hits me, will it raise my rates, (I work 3-11:30 PM, and travel mainly back roads since there aren't many other ways to get home if it helps). I've been driving for 6 months.""
Car insurance helP?
I am going to turn 18 in february and am used to paying for my own stuff since i was 14.... i would like an estimate of monthly car insurance.. i'm a good student... and cost of registration and how often to I have to get it inspected? Any help would be appreciated
What should I do regarding my auto insurance situation?
I hit my dad's expedition with my Dodge Ram and caused about 1500 dollars in damage to my Ram, as estimated for parts and labor by a collision center, I hit the expedition's hitch which caused damage to me but barely a few scratches on the expedition. The expedition doesn't run, and is not even registered or insured. My dad is aware of the situation and has no interest in fixing his car and will not report me to the insurance or police. We have and still are on good terms. I have liability insurance, so it will not cover damage to my vehicle. My insurance policy expires in two weeks. What if I update my insurance with collision and comprehensive coverage that will cover my vehicle. Then I report that I hit an object and have them pay for it. Would this be cheaper in the short and/or long run than paying to fix out of pocket? Is such action above illegal, unethical, and/or against policy? I live in California and have Progressive insurance.""
Is insurance higher on certain cars?
Is insurance higher on certain cars like 2doors and red cars
What is the cheapest insurance company for georgia drivers under 18?
What is the cheapest insurance company for georgia drivers under 18?
Insurance cost for drivers under 21?
For Car and Motorcycle. Don't need exact numbers, just a rough estimate.""
Why has car insurance gone up?
I insured a VW Polo about 3 months ago. I got a good quote of 41 a month. We moved house to better neighborhood, and I can now lock my car in the garage overnight. Also the car is now less in use as I have access to a newer car which I use for commuting etc. The polo is for when the family really needs to make two different journeys at the same time. A spare car if you will. Now my cheapest quote is 85 / month!!! WTF? Why has car insurance skyrocketed in 3 months?""
Cheapest company to insure young new drivers in England? and also cheapest cars?
This time its not for me, its for my boyfriend, he's 19 and really big and broad so he wouldnt fit in something like a saxo or 106 unfortunately :( Also first time driver looking for cheap old shitty car! Quinn used to be cheapest but now quote has gone up at least 1,000!! Probably would prefer to pay monthly and am looking for third party fire and theft. Hopefully would have legal cover I have been looking for ages but since i'm not 17 yet, me getting a car instead of him is out of the question although i know it would be cheaper Thanks! :)""
Need help finding helath insurance?
Looking to find a new health insurance policy, one that covers more, like office visits, lab testing, and prescription drugs. I'm 22 female from mn, employed full time, none smoker. Whats a good company?""
""California insurance agent icensing question: there are four categories: Life, Fire & Casuality, ....?""
Personal Lines, and Bail. What does a Personal Lines Broker-Agent do/sell? I think the Life agent can sell health insurance and life? Fire sounds like fire insurance (duh) but that Personal Lines throws me. Any help?""
Insurance Rates?
Does anybody know approximately how different insurance rates would be between a sports car like a mustang as compared to a convertible like a sebring? Im a 19 year old in a highly populated area(long island)...Im not sure if it matters but i have been driving two years and have never been in an accident.
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car insurance quotes online louisville ky
What is a good place to get auto insurance?
Are there any sites similar to travel sites where i can compare the best rates available to me
""How much will it cost to me, to be added to a friends car insurance. UK only please.?
Am going to start driving lessons in a few weeks and want to have practise on the roads between lessons. How much will it cost me to be added to a friends car insurance. We are both over 25 and she has held her license for over 15 years. She has a Matiz is that's any help!
Opinions on insurance plans please?
I would appreciate any opinions on health insurance. Blue Cross /Blue shield as compared to an HMO plan for example. The positive and negative of each. Thanks!!!
Car insurance for LHD car ?
Hi there, I want to buy 2001-2004 year freelander (left hand drive), then drive to my country and insure it. I need insurance what would cover for two months on UK roads. Do you know any insurance company what would offer as cheap as possible and the possibility to cancel my insurance after 2 months ? Regards, Ed""
What should i do with my insurance to test drive cars?
I am looking at a car tomorrow that i will more than likely buy. My insurance is comprehensive but says the driving of other cars extension is not included for any driver named on the policy I have phoned my insurance company Diamond and the guy said it would cost me 17.50 to insure the car for a day third party. I undestand that third party means if i bump someone my insurance pays for their damage but not for mine. If i decide to buy the car should i be getting fully comprehensive for the day?
Is there a way to find out someones insurance company only with their name and address?
i also have a license plate number. is there a website i can go to that i just type in someones name and their insurance company pops up?
Cars cheap on the insurance?
I will be buying a car soon and need advice on which ones are cheap on the insurance for the first couple of years. I like the Toyota Yaris and kind of had my heart set on one of those. Is this cheap?
Cheapest young driver car insurance?
Hi, I will be driving soon and know insurance is very expensive for young, new drivers. Does anyone know of any cheap insurance companies OR techniques of how to get cheap car insurance? Thanks.""
Should I buy a new car on interest free with free insurance or a second-hand car?
I have not owned a car in the UK, so have only had a full UK driver's licence for 4 years, although have driven in NZ for 14 years. Therefore, my insurance quotes have been in the region of 2 K. Was thinking of getting a new car to circumvent the hassle of looking for a second hand car and also to bring down my insurance the following year. Monthly repayments on a new car would be 200 on a 10 K car, or 3500 upfront for a second-hand car. Can someone give me a proper financial assessment and also the pros and cons of a second-hand and new car? Cheers!""
What's the purpose of insurance?
What's the purpose of insurance?
Job offer buyout insurance?
I just got a job offer for 40,000 with 75% benefits paid. Ill be living at home with my parents and im covered under their health insurance until im 26. Can I ask them to not pay for insurance and give me a higher salary instead? Has anyone heard of this happening? Thanks""
How much would a health insurance company charge to insure a 55yr. man with colitis?
How much would a health insurance company charge to insure a 55yr. man with colitis?
Scooter insurance/plates/registration. How much?
Im moving to portland maine and my work is going to be only a few miles away, i have a jeep but i wana get a scooter for the lower gas milage and i always wanted a bike of some sorts. so how much am i looking at to buy a scooter insurance and everything else that is needed to start off? im thinking i probly gota get plates registration and insurance, anything else? also if anyone can post some cool scooters that would be nice, i want something thats prity fast and almost like a ninja bike. anyways thanks for the help guys =D ps. I know scooters arnt fast, i just want one that is a little faster than average.""
""What are some large health insurance companies, I am 23 and need to buy health insurance for the 1st time?""
Are there any good affordable plans, any recommendations will help, thank you""
""With regards to auto insurance, what does having a deductable mean?""
For example, if I have a $500 deductable, what exactly does that mean when claiming from insurance?""
Whats the different between Car Insurance and Breakdown Cover?
Thought It should be normally include in the Car Insurance.
When buying a car what detirmines how cheap insurance will be?
I am currently Looking for a new car and am trying to get the best rate for insurance as possible what features add to or detract from insurance costs thank you
Should I get $500 deductible or $250 on car insurance?
does it make sense to get higher deductible to save premium or is that a scam? clubny2007 coming soon
If I take out home/car insurance?
But don't declare a conviction for violence from 20yrs ago (when asked do you have any convictions ) would the insurance be void or if I declare would the quote shoot up
I need to find out what company offers affordable....PRIVATE INSURANCE...?
I am looking to buy private insurance for a short term. Does anyone know of insurance companies in Utah that offer affordable, decent health insurance for families?""
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
Cheap motorcycle insurance?
I am an 18 year old male in southern CA and I wanna know what is the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 2006 yamaha r6 (crotch rocket) and where can i find it?
How cheap would my insurance rates be?
A friend on mine had recent gotten a 99 Civic 2 dr and his insurance is 80$ a month. If i get a 94 Civic with 4drs, how much cheaper would it be going to the same insurance company, having a older year, and it not being a sports car? We are both 17. Also, How much do you think my rates would be for a 21 year old owning both a 95 Civic and a 2001 Corvette? Its kind of late to call the insurance company now so i want an opinion. =D Thanks""
Why is michigan car insurance so high?
I am a 21 year old female with no little credit but I have no bad credit. I rent an apartment and pay all my bills on time. I have a 2004 monte carlo ss that I paid 3500 for. This is ...show more
How come I went on geico for an insurance quote and it said 2000 and people say their's is 75 bucks per year?
Im 18, NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken riders safety course, any way to lower my insurance?""
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car insurance quotes online louisville ky
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