#“woah there better be careful wouldn't want to get a paper cut that wouldn't be very pogchamp”
koi0boi · 5 months
what formative media irrevocably changed your speech patterns (mine's trollhunters. yeah the dreamworks cartoon. yeah I'm rewatching it just to feel something)
fucking. dsmp. I can not stop saying pogchamp it is a PROBLEM
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lookatmetv · 2 years
Episode 1 : First impression
??? : to be honest , i don't think any of them are going to get the prize 
??? : Are you talking to yourself again?
??? : can we kick him out already  
[ starting in 1...2...3 ]
[ Crystal choi and diego kang waving at the camera ]
Crystal: Hello everyone, and welcome to LookatmeTV, the reality program that we have been working on for a long time and is now here. It is a great honor for me and-
DG: Diego Kang 
Crystal: - to host this program and meet everyone on the set!
DG: As you are all aware, we have collected 10 candidates with us today to face the challenges we have set for them and to see if those challenges may spark enmity amongst them.
Crystal : Our ten candidates are now in different rooms where they must write their first impressions of any random contestant, and then we will mix the letters and everyone must guess if the letter they picked is about them or no .
[Cut to a yellow room, where Vin-jin is seated in the middle, gazing at the paper, the envelope, and the pen placed in front of him]
Vin-jin: Can I write about my first impressions of you two?
DG: We are not candidates, so no, but you are welcome to tell us if you like.
Vin-jin: you appear to be a [beep] phony [beep]. [beep] hole to me, and the same goes to her.
Crystal: We value your feedback! Please continue with the task now.
Vin-jin : none of the contestants are interesting except that blonde haired guy with glasses , he seems like one crazy [beep].
DG : stop cursing
Vin-jin : you better not be censoring the [beep] am saying 
Crystal : you heard him editors 
[ a big ‘ we don't care ‘ with red letters appeared on the screen ]
[ the camera cut to Euntae this time in a pink room writing aggressively in a paper ] 
DG : For a first impression, he has a lot to say...
Crystal : better than the previous contestant.
[Random clips of the other participants writing and thinking began to play until it was eventually time to mix the letters together and give them to the contestants]
Crystal : We are finally going to open these letters! everyone step up and choose one and read it out loud. 
DG : let's start wil eli jang 
[ eli picks up the yellow envelope from the box ]
Eli : You look like some rich creepy guy who is obsessed with taxidermy , I do hope you get voted out in the first round…
Eli : am not sure this letter is for me..
DG : who do you think it is for?
Eli : uh wouldn't it be rude-
DG : its okay no one would get offended
Crystal : are you trying to cause problems Diego?
DG : quite bold of you to assume that-
Goo : i want to read a letter next!
[ goo picks up a pink envelope from the box ]
Goo : woah thats so long
Goo : i love your blonde hair so much and you look like a prince- i don't need to read the rest this is obviously written for me.
Vin-jin : no way that letter is written for you ,you look like some hobo
Goo : excuse me
[ goo picked up the box and threw it at vin-jin ]
[vin-jin dodged and the box hit gun ]
Gun : oh for (beep) sake
[ gun started chasing after goo with the box ]
[All peacefulness has abruptly vanished]
DG : wow its been 20 minutes only
Crystal : Everyone calm down
DG : you really think thats gonna work
Crystal : DG just leave me alone
[ in the background daniel decided to pick a green envelope from the floor ]
Daniel : you are really handsome and cute ? i wonder who wrote that
Jay : ......
Daniel : oh thank you so much jay!
Crystal [ in the edge of losing her sanity ] : he didnt even talk-
[ crystal and DG got pushed by zack lee ]
Zack : move aside you are stepping on a letter
[ Zack picks up a black letter from the floor]
Zack : fight me ? who the [beep] said that
DG : stop.cursing
Crystal : anyway that's our episode for today!-
Zoe : the rest of us didn't read
Crytsal : i hope you enjoyed-
[ the letters box suddenly hit the screen and it suddenly went black ]
[ The show logo flashed on the screen and the credits started rolling]
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bi-bard · 3 years
don't want no other shade of blue but you - Seeley Booth Imagine (Bones)
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Title: don't want no other shade of blue but you
Pairing: Seeley Booth X Reader
Requested: by a reader on AO3
Word Count: 706 words
Warning(s): mentions of kidnapping and past break-up
Summary: (Aftermath of Season 4, Episode 13) Feelings are reevaluated after Booth is kidnapped by the Gravedigger.
Author's Note: This is a part two to the Booth imagine I wrote in connection to my folklore/evermore writing challenge.
Find part one here!
I looked at the mess in my lab with a sigh.
It had been a tense case. Far more tense than usual.
Seeley had been kidnapped by the Gravedigger. Hodgins and Brennan were intense because of their history with the killer, but the rest of us were also terrified.
My brain was racing.
I was hoping that it all would've ended once we knew Booth was found. He was alive and he was safe.
But it didn't.
That feeling of dread; that pit in my stomach; just wouldn't go away. It wasn't going to go away until I got to see him properly. Being told he was okay was one thing; seeing that he was okay was different.
I did the only thing I could think of.
I cleaned. I cleaned and organized and documented. Made sure every piece of evidence was safely put away, so we knew it was ready for the inevitable court case.
"(Y/n)," I looked over at Sweets, standing in the doorway of my part of the lab.
"Sweets," I nodded as a small greeting, putting a few more folders into the filing cabinet.
"How are you feeling," he asked.
"Better," I confirmed, lying through my teeth.
"You're lying to me," he called it immediately. "What's wrong?"
"I just need to know he's okay," I replied. "See it with my own eyes. And I can't do that yet."
"(Y/n)," Sweets stepped forward. "I'm gonna ask you something and I don't want you to rip my head off."
"Don't tempt me," I tried to ease the tension.
"Do you still love Booth," he asked.
I was about to deny it, but I just clenched my jaw. I couldn't.
"You do-"
"It won't work out," I cut him off. "I learned that the hard way."
"Booth isn't the same man he was then," Sweets argued. "You're scared. I understand that. But are you going to ever get over any of it without giving it a shot?"
I stayed silent again.
"Just consider it," Sweets suggested, touching my upper arm for a moment. "I have a feeling that Booth wants to try too."
"'A feeling'," I repeated.
"He told me," Sweets explained. I nodded and chuckled. "Don't tell him that I told you."
"Because he carries a gun," I asked.
"That's definitely part of it."
I laughed again, looking down.
"Thank you for that, Sweets."
"You're welcome," he replied. "I'll leave you to your cleaning."
He sent a wave over his shoulder as he left the room.
I continued my cleaning.
You probably could've eaten straight off of one of my tables and been happy with it.
I was just throwing away the pile of papers where I had written theories and equations before I scraped them and threw them to the side. Then, I heard footsteps outside my door.
I looked up to see Seeley limping toward the room.
"Seeley," I shouted, dropping the recycling bin and sprinting over to him.
"(Y/n)- woah-"
I almost knocked him over as I ran into him to hug him.
"Hey, I'm okay," he mumbled as he hugged me tightly. "I'm right here. Look at me," he moved back so he could cup the sides of my face, "I'm okay."
I let out a sigh and grinned at him, "Why aren't you in the hospital?"
"I wanted to see you," he replied. "I remembered you said that you had trouble just believing that someone you cared about was okay."
My eyebrows furrowed for a moment. How much had he taken the time to remember?
"You need to see a doctor," I muttered, brain becoming slightly foggy as I realized he was still holding my face.
He chuckled, "I will. I promise."
We both paused for a moment. A long moment.
Hesitantly, I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. His hands moved from my face to my back, pulling me closer.
I pulled away first, resting my forehead against his.
"I missed that," he mumbled. I chuckled.
"So did I."
We stood there for a few moments longer.
"Come on," I said, stepping back. "Let's get you to a hospital."
He nodded before taking my hand, "This okay?"
I looked down at our hands, "Yeah... it's perfect."
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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slasher-trasher · 3 years
Hi could u do Vincent Sinclair w a stylish S/O? Kind of like Dhaphne from Scooby Doo, stylish and cute but also reliable and has everything in their purse? Ty for reading this and I’m sos prey if it’s confusing. May I ask if you do all the slasher but in hc? Tysm have a blessed day!
A/N: thank you, its currently night time for me but thank you it means so much to me! its not confusing at all!
Warnings: bl00d, kn!fe, v!olence, d3ath,
Slasher headcannons S/O who's always stylish and has everything in there purse :D :
Michael Myers:
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-he would be very confused
-'why dress up and care so much... are you doing it for someone else'
-he would silently threaten you with a knife intill you convince him you think you look cute/handsome
-he'd be shocked but proud that you have everything whenever he needs it.
-he got a bit dirty, you'd be there with tissues or paper towels
-he'd try and get you to kill people with him, since you have everything at the right time, but then again he doesn't really want anything to happen to you,
-"do you think this outfit is cute"
-he'll never understand why you care so much, he'll just stare at you
Jason Voorhees
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-Oh dear he think you look amazing he can't describe it
-everytime you ask him how you look he would get up and bear hug you
-you'd have to try and convince him to let go, he hugs tightly
-he was amazed at your powers of having anything at the right time
-he got cut once while walking with you in the camp, and you just whipped out a pack of disinfecent and bandaids
-he seriously thought you had super powers
-his mom had to tell him you're just more prepared
-"jason, sweetie, they're more prepared and bring what you might need"
Freddy Krueger
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-He'd be interested, but unbothered about your clothes
-"who cares your only here to impress me," he'd go on and on on how he's special
-he wouldn't care what you wear to be honest, i mean have you seen him, he only wears the same clothes everday, not like his victims would care about what there killer was wearing on there last night alive
-since it's his dream realm he knows everything happening
-hes only tiny bit suprised
-'they can take anything out of there bag'
-makes you help clean up the messes he made
Vincent Sinclair
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-this boy apreciates your style
-he loves to sketch you when you're sitting still, he loves every outfit you wear
-he would put you in these specific poses to make you look good and always gives you his sketches, although he keeps some for himself to keep
-he lost a pencil one time sketching and you just gave him another one from your bag
-he tested it and he "lost" things and sure enough you gave what he was missing straghit from your bag
-he sees it as you love him so much and so connected that you know exactly what he needs
Bo Sinclair
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-"awww ya gettin' all dressed up for me" he acts better than everyone
-he'll always try and pick what you wear but you still wear what you want, no matter what he says
-"I need another r-"
-you go and pull another rag out your purse and hand it to him
-he stands there dumbfounded
-"do you just keep stuff around like this is your purse, weird"
-even though he picks on you he still loves you and adores your talent
Lester Sinclair
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-he loves you anyway
-he wouldn't care what you wear, he thinks you're cute/handsome either way, good or bad clothes
-there was one time he needed something and he didn't want to go back and get t so you pulled it out your purse and gave it to him
-he was like "woah, you just pulled it out of thin air!"
-he also thinks you have superpowers, even though his brothers tell him otherwise
Brahms Heelshire
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-he expects nothing less of you, if not more,
-as his nanny you have have to be good looking, and have some sense of style
-from the walls he loves to admire you
-after he revealed himself he would be choosing your clothes, if not be prepared for a long tantrum
-he expects you to eb prepared and have everything in your bag
-thats why he's proud of you, but still wouldn't be suprised,
-brahms is just wall rat
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kuronanox · 4 years
Childhood promises - Hisagi Shuhei
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"Shuhei wake up! It's snowing!" (Your Name) says putting on her torn up shoes while running outside. Rukongai in the winter was harsh and they were poor but it didn't mean they weren't happy.
"I'm coming!" He calls out putting on his robe and touching the white floor.
She was playing with the snow and smiling. He shyly watched. "Come on!" She yelled out and grabbed his hand.
"Ahh!" He protested and stood next to her and she smiled.
"Let's make something!"
They made a snowman and laughed as it fell apart from their poor attempt of it.
"I'm hungry (Your Name)." He says clutching his stomach.
With a worried face she walks back into their house and looks at what they had left. "Here eat this."
It was the last of their rice balls they had.
"But you won't be able to have any."
(Your Name) smiles and gives it to Shuhei anyways. "It's okay eat it."
Looking at the rice ball he broke it in half.
"Thanks." She smiles and eats it in one bite.
Shuhei zones out in the office and smiles sadly to himself. He had missed (Your Name) deeply and regret being a weak friend at the time.
He remembered he thought of her as family, they had no one. Although she was 5 years older than him (Your Name) worked hard for them.
Shuhei remember she worked at a small stall in rukongai and she made enough money for them to live enough to survive. Although they starved from time to time they were happy.
Kensei walks in with papers and places them on Shuhei desk. "Need these done by tomorrow."
"Okay Captain."
Kensei stares at Shuhei and walks out the office. He noticed that his Vice Captain had been spacing out recently but he didn't want to push any matters that were unnecessary.
"Are you okay (Your Name)?" Shuhei asks with teary eyes as he watched her wrapped a cut she got from work that day. "I'm okay thanks."
She smiles and sets down some hot soup she warmed up, although there was no rice today.
"What did you do while I was gone?"
"I played out in the fields with some friends."
"Fun, I'm glad you made it back safe."
"Actually... we were almost killed by a hollow."
"What?! Shuhei you could have gotten killed!"
He looks down and starts to cry. "I know, I'm sorry I was so scared. I couldn't do nothing. It was so big and strong. I didn't want to leave you either."
(Your Name) pulls him to an embrace like a mother would and kissed his head. "It's okay you are safe now."
"I met a Captain, and he saved my life. It made me realize that I wanna be a Shinigami when I'm older. I can take care of us and get strong!"
(Your Name) laughs and ruffle his messy hair. "Okay one day, promise me."
"I promise!"
The next morning they were rudely awakened when their door was knocked down and a group of men came in.
Shuhei eyes frighten as (Your Name) became alert and pulled him behind her.
"Your the bitch that sold us the fake metal." One said and grabbed her harshly.
"(Your Name)!" Shuhei yells and runs after her but she stops him.
"Don't come after me!"
He panics and watches as she struggles to get off the grip of the men. They were dragging her somewhere unknown.
"Leave her alone!" Shuhei screams and grabs the stick to hit the men.
Shuhei was sent flying a few feet in the air as they punched him and his nose bleed. He wanted to cry but he was losing (Your Name).
As they dragged her off Shuhei was left with one other dude as he beat Shuhei black and purple.
Lying on the floor (Your Name) was out of sight as he cried and ran to find her.
He screamed and fell to the ground.
Shuhei grips his hand in a fist as he laid in bed looking at the ceiling. He thought about (Your Name) wondering if she ever survived.
Rubbing his eyes he pushed the tears threatening to fall. She had sacrificed everything for them and he couldn't even save her that day.
The next morning Shuhei walked into the publishing office and greeted everyone with a smile. It was a new day and new opportunities waited for him.
"Me and Renji are giving some rookies a tour of Soul Society wanna join me?" Kira asks him as Shuhei had to pass. "Um nah seems kinda boring but good luck though!"
(Your Name) ended up stuck with a group of new comers like her as they toured the place, the blonde dude was kinda bland and gloomy but he showed everyone the important stuff which was the only thing that mattered.
"What squad do you wanna join?" A girl as her as she looked around amazed at the place.
"I'm not sure yet! I guess any that accepts me!"
Passing all the barracks Kira goes into the editing room. "And this is where we publish all the paper work, stories and headlines. The head of editor and chief is Lieutenant of Squad 9."
Shuhei greets everyone and smiles talking about how fun and hard working the publishers are.
(Your Name) looks at him with confusion. He didn't state his name but he looked familiar to her. "My name is Hisagi Shuhei! I can't wait to see what squad everyone joins!"
"What a minute? That's!"
"Okay everyone follow me." Kira boringly says and walks them out as she turns to find Shuhei but he was already gone talking to a few coworkers.
"I guess I'll catch up to him at another time. He's so grown now."
She smiles knowing that he successfully took care of himself. Although the scar and 69 was new.
"(Your Name)?" Shuhei calls out as she washes the rice for them that night.
"Will you ever leave me for someone else?"
She tilted her head in confusion and laughs. "What do you mean?"
"Like if a guy came and you liked him."
"No silly, we have each other."
"I promise! Trust me when you get older all the ladies will swoon for you."
"He's so hot!" A few girls giggled to themselves as they continued the tour.
By night time came they entered a dorm place for all new comers. Tomorrow was the day that they picked their squad whether they wanted to be in it or not.
(Your Name) was placed under the 6th squad, which to her seem pretty good because her Captain was a noble and everyone seemed fairly strong. Although she wasn't nearly as good as a seated officer she didn't mind working her way up.
"Abarai Fukutaicho?" She calls out one day as he turns to her. "Um? Do you know where I can talk to Shuhei?"
"Uh?? You mean like the Lieutenant from squad 9? Are y'all close like that?"
"Yes, I'm his childhood friend. We lost contact a long time ago but I just found him."
Renji was bewildered, he didn't know much about Shuhei past but it sounded a lot like him and Rukia so he couldn't reject her.
"Yeah I'll let him know."
Shuhei was in the middle of a rush when Renji walked in. "Yo! Someone was asking for you!"
"Not now! I'm kinda busy." Shuhei states skimming through the papers rangiku messed up on.
"It's (Your Name) she really wants to see you." Renji says as Shuhei drops the papers and looks up shocked. "You mean it?!"
"Yes, like she's in my squad and everything."
"Where?! Where is she!" Shuhei yells with a big smile on his face as he gets up from his desk.
"Woah woah calm down!" She's over at the fields training-" without letting Renji finish his sentence he made a run for it.
Renji smiles and scoffs. He was happy knowing that the reunion was going to be a good one.
Shuhei saw her with her sword training hard as she sweated and concentrated on her spiritual energy. "(Your Name)!" He yells out as she turns to him.
She smiles and ran towards him as they pull each other in a embrace.
"Shuhei! You're so grown now!" She says and he crushes her with his inhuman strength now. "Well you're so tiny!"
They let go as they both couldn't stop smiling. "How?" He says as she sat on the grass as he took a seat next to her.
"Remember when they took me, I managed to escape but we were so far away I couldn't find the way back home."
Shuhei groans and looks down. "If only I was strong back then, I would have saved you."
"It's fine, you were a kid. I don't blame you."
He smiles softly as she touches his face and he starts to blush. "What happen to your face?" She asks with concern.
"Don't worry, just battles and the 69 is something I got from the man that saved my life. He's actually my captain now."
She laughs and lets go. "Well you succeeded, now you can protect me from now on."
2 years later
"Why don't you tell her!" Hinamori pouts at Shuhei trying to push him into the restaurant.
"Be-because it's weird! She was like an older sister to me."
"But you like her right?" Rangiku jumps in unintentionally popping her breast out as Shuhei looks away in awkwardness.
"Better tell her before someone else beats you to it." Kira adds looking into the restaurant spotting (Your Name) dressed in a nice kimono waiting for a certain childhood friend.
"Come on! Renji even asked Kuchiki Taicho to reserve the best restaurant in Seireitei right now!" Hinamori says making Shuhei feel a bit guilty that Renji made the effort to beg his captain.
"Oh fine fine fine! I was going to do it my own pace but since everyone is telling me to."
Shuhei takes a deep breath and enters the restaurant.
"Shuhei!" She calls and waves him over.
"Sorry I'm late, how was your day?"
"It was good! I can't believe you got a place like this for us!"
Shuhei sweats a bit and drinks some water before answering. "Yeah me too."
"Ahh little Shuhei is so handsome now." (Your Name) smiles and push the messy part front of his hair away from his eyes.
He blushes and grabs her hands with his. "You've grown to a fine lady also... but you kept your promise."
"What promise?"
"Remember when we were little, I didn't want you to leave me for another man."
(Your Name) laughs and covers her mouth with her free hand and tighten her grip with his hand.
"Of course, why would I want anyone else?"
"I wouldn't want anyone else but you (Your Name)." Shuhei confesses as she drops her smile.
They had been through so much she could see a life with him and he could see a future with her. A future with laughter and happiness where they no longer starved or lived poor.
"I'm making enough money for us and I'm strong enough to protect you now. That means I'm the man I told you I wanted to be and the man you deserve to have."
She chuckles and set their hands down on the table as she rubs it softly.
"Always, I don't see why we wouldn't work out. The future tied us back together."
Shuhei grins like the child he once use to be and boldly kisses her from across the table.
"I've been waiting for this for years, our first kiss."
"And many to come." (Your Name) adds with a blush.
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Spidey Senses (pt. 4)
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: You and your friends prepare to go to a costume party, and Peter has conflicting feelings.
Word Count: 2917
Chapter 1 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 5
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Peter stayed up at night thinking about you. He couldn't explain it. You were the only one on his mind for some unexplainable reason. The hotel room was the first time in a while you two slept together, and it was different from how he remembered. It didn't feel like sleeping in the same room with a sister that he slightly remembered as a kid. It made him feel weird.
You were so warm. You had your natural smell you always had, but it smelled a lot better than he remembered. A lot more calming. He could sense your happiness at full prime, and your sad ones too. You had a lot of happy emotions earlier this day, both in the hotel room and during the fight. It was hard to describe, but spending the day with you made him feel so warm.
And you and Tony's friendship. Peter did always love your sarcastic side, and he was so proud of you for showing it to Tony. You were so awesome. He's always thought you were awesome. So why did you feel different right now?
You were weirdly a lot prettier in his mind. His spidey sense was buzzing around you. He felt happy when you laughed. The feeling was still lingering by just thinking about it. And when you had your nightmare, he felt almost in physical pain himself.
Maybe it's just your spidey senses clashing with each other. Maybe it's the puberty kicking in? It's probably nothing. He just needs to go to sleep... Anytime now...
The next morning Peter ate his breakfast in a daze. "What's wrong Peter?" Aunt May asked. You're all spaced out."
"I don't know. Just thinking."
"Uh oh." She teased as he sat down. "About what? That Liz girl?"
"No. Y/n actually." He didn't realize how misleading that came out.
"Well finally. I was wondering when you'd realize your feelings for her."
"What?! Aunt May, no! That's not what I meant at all."
"Oh." She blankly said. "Then forget everything I just said. Have a nice day at school."
Meanwhile, you woke up back in your empty apartment with no excitement. As you ate your breakfast in silence, you felt like an idiot. How could you be so rude to Tony Stark? He was being nice in his own way. What the hell is wrong with you?
Your landlord then knocked on your door, giving you a huge suitcase and telling you that it was left for you by someone named Happy. You thanked him and opened it. It was clothing. A bunch of nice, expensive looking clothing. They were weirdly your style; they weren't flashy and didn't show off any brands. There was a card as well.
Hey kid. I might've came across as a rich jerk. That's not what I meant to be. Here's a little something so you don't look homeless. You're welcome. Also, here's Happy's number. Xxx-xxx-xxxx. Don't still be mad at me. Nobody likes a petty person. And besides, you're my favorite "other kid". Keep in touch. -TS
You smiled and put on a pair of clothes, texting Happy to thank Tony and for Happy to keep you posted about Tony and him.
You then walked to Peter's, waiting on the steps as usual. You smiled when he stepped out, and to your surprise, he just began to walk straight ahead instead of saying anything. "Woah, Peter wait up. You okay?"
"Uh, yeah. Think so." He only gave you a glance.
"If you wanna talk, you know I'm all ears." You offered, and he took another glance at your beautiful smile, only making him more nervous.
"No, no it's okay. I'm okay."
"Oh." You quietly said. He was being so weird to you. Why wouldn't he look at you? "I didn't do anything, did I?"
"No!" He said too quickly.
"You can be honest with me Peter. I hope you know that." You only looked down, and he held his gaze to you for the first time today. "I'm really sorry if I did something. I just hope we can fix it so things won't be weird."
"What? No, I swear you don't need to worry. It's really not you. It's me. I'm... Going through puberty. Seeing things and people, uh, differently. Sorry if I'm being weird." His voice cracked on the word weird.
You giggled. "Oh. That's totally okay. I wonder if your spidey senses are out of wack from it."
"My what?"
"Your spidey senses. That's what I'm calling it. Aunt May calls it something else though, I just forgot what."
"No, you don't need to repeat what she calls it!"
You were genuinely curious. "Why not? Maybe it's a better name for us to—"
"I'm not letting you call it that!" He cut you off. Peter would be damned if you called your instinctive feelings your Peter Tingle. "I like spidey senses. It's cool and cute. Now what do you mean by it being out of wack?"
You figured if Aunt May's nickname for your sixth sense was truly that embarrassing for him then he wouldn't tell you, so you just dropped it.
"I was just wondering if your powers gets affected by puberty."
"How, how did you deal with puberty and your powers?"
"Oh, I started my period long before the spider bite. That could've been so sucky." He made a face, and you chuckled. "Right, no p word. Sorry."
"It's fine. Just don't want to think about it."
You sighed. "Me neither. I wish I had that option."
He smiled as his eyes drifted towards your clothes. "Did Mr. Stark get you those?"
You looked down at your outfit. "Yeah actually. I guess I didn't scare him off after all."
"I guess not." You nudged each other's arm to tease. "I have the check he made to you. I think you should take it. It could make him happy."
"Yeah, okay. Thanks Peter. You always have my back."
As he stared at your smile and sensed your happiness, he had that weird feeling in him again. What was it? It didn't matter. Peter was going to push away those feelings and focus on school, Liz, and Spiderman.
Later on that day you got a text from Happy, saying that Tony accepts your apology, and to fill in on what's going on once a week for him and Tony. You did, and you could tell he cared. He would sometimes tell you a little something about his day or week. He was indeed becoming a good friend.
A few months passed and you and Peter adjusted to your new superhero lives well together. You and Happy texted each other at least once a week, and gave Peter Happy's number out of request. Tony was given information Happy thought he should know, and Tony was secretly happy to be hearing about how well you and Peter were doing. It made him feel like he was protecting you two from a distance.
One day at lunch Flash came up to you and began to gross you out yet again. "Hey girl, what're you doing next Friday night?"
"I don't know. I might take an extra shift at work. Not everybody has a silver spoon down their throats." You had a hint of annoyance to your words.
"Are you saying you need someone like me to take care of you?"
"I'm saying I might have to work because I actually earn the things I get in life Flash."
"Well not when you're someone like me you doesn't really have to worry about working hard on things. It comes naturally." He leaned on the table and shoved away Peter's backpack that was a seat holder, causing you to throw him a dirty look.
"What were you going to ask me Flash?" You kept your voice calm.
"Just wanted to know if you were coming to my party next Friday. Y'know, maybe show up to see me."
"I would never go anywhere to see you Flash."
"C'mon, I'm rich, you got a nice body, let's make other people jealous. I can make some dreams come true. It's not like you don't need the money."
"You didn't even care that I existed until a few months ago." You glared at him. This was a proper asshole. Now you knew.
"That's because it was when you started wearing better clothes. Now that I know there's a hottie under all that nerd, I can get behind it."
"The answer is no. Leave me alone!" You said a little more forcefully. People were beginning to stare, and Flash's face became red. No one said no to him.
"Okay, what's it gonna take to get you there?" He leaned in and asked quietly.
"Is anyone from Mathletes gonna come?"
"Yeah. I invited Liz and she told some other people in the club to come."
"Then I'll only go if I can bring Ned and Peter."
He scoffed. "Yeah, I guess."
"Okay then. We'll be there." He sighed in relief. Nobody says no to him, and still haven't.
Your annoyed expression forced itself to a barely there smile when Peter and Ned walked to your table. "Why was Flash talking to you?" Ned asked.
"I guess we're going to a party next Friday." Peter looked confused while Ned couldn't be more happy.
"Oh my God We can be, like, cool now!"
"Why would you say yes to a party from Flash?" Peter asked.
"Liz will be there." Peter's body language changed. "It's a costume party, so you guys find yourselves something to wear."
"You say it like your not going." Peter said, slightly disappointed.
"I'll probably go to make an appearance and leave." You said as you stared at your school food.
"But it won't be the same without you." Peter frowned and shook his head.
"Peter's actually pretty true about that." Ned contently nodded.
"I just don't want to go there. That's it."
"Why are you short today?" Peter blankly asked. What's wrong?"
"Nothing." You said. You then got up and dumped your food in the trash. "I'm gonna go to the restroom. Bye."
As you quickly walked off, Mj spoke up from the other end of the table. "You two are idiots."
"What did we do?" Ned sceptically asked.
"It's what Flash did. It's obvious that he said something to make her feel like crap. When is he not a rich narcissist?" Peter shot up and quickly went after you by hearing that.
"He's an even bigger idiot." Mj said.
"Yeah, but he'll figure it out someday." Ned shrugged, getting up and going after you too.
You got to the bathroom and put a bunch of paper towels on the corner of the floor. You set your backpack on the floor and sat down. You take out your phone and send a text to Happy, not really knowing who else to talk to. You usually only text him to give each other check ups, rarely actually communicating back and forth.
You: What do you do when a rich asshole makes you feel like you're worth shit?
You stared at your phone and scoffed. Don't be stupid. He's busy. You put your head in your knees. Why do people still get to you? Liz has a ton of money. You wondered if she ever had anything to be ashamed about.
People only started looking at you once you started wearing the clothes Tony got you. Most weren't even revealing at all, they just looked expensive. This was a different feeling. You used to feel ugly and invisible. Now you just feel like a piece of meat. You couldn't tell which feeling was worse. You then heard a buzz.
Bestie: What's his name? I swear I can scare the living crap out of him.
You smiled. He did care. You then saw another message.
Bestie: Also watch your language
You giggled.
You: You didn't answer my question
Bestie: Sometimes you just have to be the bigger person. Once they realize who's actually better, you get both their pride and your better life.
Looks like you really did have a friend.
You: Thanks Happy
Bestie: You didn't answer my question
You grinned.
You: Just some guy at school
You: Doesn't matter
You: I feel better now
Bestie: Good
Bestie: And I don't care what you say, Tony's going to be hearing about this.
You: Ugh traitor
It was embarrassing, but it wasn't like Tony would actually do anything. It's not like he'd drop everything and fly out here. He's a busy man, he's got more to worry about than you being bullied.
"Y/n, are you in there?" Peter asked from the other side of the door.
"We came to see if you were okay." Ned chimed in. You got up and went outside, looking at them confused. "I had to convince Peter not to barge in. I think those two girls passing by think we're creeps now."
"Aww you guys looked like peepers for me?" You pulled them in for a group hug. "I'm fine now. Thanks though."
Ned then spoke up again. "Are you still gonna leave us at the party? Cause we totally understand if–"
"If you guys want me to go, I'll go." They both hugged you again.
After school you walked to Delmar's Deli-Grocery. "Hey Del."
"Llegas una hora antes prima. No te pago horas extras." He said, his back turned.
("You're an hour early cousin. I'm not paying you overtime." He said, his back turned.)
"Relax primo, I'm just gonna do some homework in the back before my shift."
As you did, Delmar called for you. "Prima, someone's here to see you."
"Who is it, Peter?" You asked as you walked out. You then saw Tony stare at you with an unreadable face. "Damnit."
"Why does he call you that?"
"Primuh– whatever. Why does he call you that?"
"It's a nickname."
"What does it mean?"
"It means cousin."
"So you two are related?"
"No, we're just that close."
"Can I call you that?"
"Can you pronounce it correctly?"
"So what's up Mr. Stark."
"I thought it was just Tony."
"I don't know. It's a little unprofessional."
"Do we only have a professional friendship?"
"Are we even friends?"
"You tell me. You stole Happy from me apparently."
"Aye, it's like a mom's new boyfriend trying to get her kid's trust." Delmar said in the back.
"Little loud back there Del." You said.
"Happy told me about this kid. Does he mess with you a lot?"
"He messes with Peter more."
"You didn't answer me."
"Yeah, maybe. Is that really why you came out here?"
He furrowed his brows. "Is that hard to believe?"
"Um, yeah?"
"I've seen a ton of bullies as Iron Man, and I take things like this seriously."
You let out a breathy chuckle. "Tony that's war fare and alien stuff. This is just highschool."
"So? I don't take kindly to people who mess with my friends."
You couldn't stop the smile from coming to your face. Did you really just make friends with some important middle aged men? The thought was laughable. "So, will that be all Mr. Stark?"
"You know I don't like that. Stop." You giggled. "You didn't tell Happy what was going on with you this week."
You shrugged. "I guess I'm going to a costume party next Friday. It's gonna be at the ass wipe's house."
"See, I can do something about that. Okay, I got a date with Pep in a few hours so I'll see you and Peter tomorrow."
"Wait what? Why?"
"Um, so you two can get into costume design and later fitting? Whoever that kid is will be jealous of your costume, and you get to wear a cute couple costume with Peter."
"Happy told me I should just be the bigger person." You teased.
"Yeah, and you will be by being the better dressed person." He smiled at you.
"I knew you had a crush on Peter." Delmar said at the counter. You gave him a dirty look. He glanced at his watch. "You're 2 minutes late. Hurry up."
"Alright, that's my cue." Tony said. "Nice clothes by the way."
"Thanks." You said cheerfully. "My friend gave them to me."
"Wow he had good taste. Well, see you tomorrow kid." And with that he left.
You went to the back and caught the apron Delmar harshly threw at you. He gave you an intense stare. "What?"
"What the hell is wrong with you? Why would you take a job like this when you're hanging around billionaires?"
"I like this job. And I'm not a gold digger. He's just really persistent and there's no point of arguing."
"I should fire you for arguing with me so much." He called out.
"Keep it up and I'll stop covering some of your shifts."
"Mmh." He rolled his eyes and you contently smiled, starting work.
Later on that night you suited up, going to Peter's apartment and crawling up to his window. You opened it and crawled on the wall, closing the window. You hopped to the floor and pulled off your mask. "Peter, we need to talk. Tony just saw me today and–"
You stared face to face with a panic looking Peter in his boxers and a surprised Ned.
Author Note: Just so everybody knows this is my own au where Peter accidentally sent the video of you two to May and had a very interesting phone call with the both of you. I totally forgot to write this and just wrote this message after I posted this chapter. Maybe I'll make a little short of that idk.
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@flawlessapollo6 @them-cute-boys @lunawndrlnd @the-greatt-perhaps @babebenhardy @sofisofi1602 @smilexcaptainx @herondalism @coni-martina @youvebeenlizzed
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go-gently-please · 6 years
cherry ~ vampire!au (part 2)
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~ pairing: human!BTS x vampire!OC
~ genre: vampire!au, smut, angst, sprinkles of fluff
~ summary: you begin to adjust to life with your seven new human blood bags, pleasantly surprised at how smoothly the transition is going. But good things never last forever, and you discover that controlling yourself is not as easy as you thought.
~ warnings: profanity, blood
~ a/n: this is kind of a filler chapter, i’ll admit. i’m not happy with it, but i’ve rewritten it so many times that i think this is as good as it’s going to get
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 (coming soon)
links in masterlist!
You couldn’t remember the last time you were this nervous, which was saying something considering the fact that you were immortal.
The boys were moving in today, and for the last few hours you’d been running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Your apartment was cleaner than it’d been in years. Windows washed, floors shined, every surface wiped clean. Not a spec of dust had survived. Everything was immaculate.
You’d spent what felt like forever preparing all the guest rooms, scrutinizing even the smallest detail. You’d even stayed up all night researching human nutrition so you’d be prepared to properly take care of them.
It was then that you realized all you had in your kitchen was coffee, alcohol, and an unnecessary amount of sweets. You’d immediately gone to the grocery store and bought enough food to feed an army, making sure the fridge was fully stocked with protein, juice, and fresh fruit.
It’d been a few days since you’d met with them at the cafe, and in the meantime you’d been trying to get to know them better.
Most of them were starving artists. That’s how they all knew each other: through art school.
Jimin and Hoseok were dancers, with Jimin studying ballet and contemporary and Hoseok working as a hip hop teacher. You should’ve guessed, they both had the body for it.
Namjoon was a freelance writer, and he made most of his money selling poems and short stories. You could already tell that he was the most intelligent and well-read out of all of them.
Taehyung was a painter. His style immediately intrigued you, colorful and youthful like his personality. You’d already bought three of his paintings. One was hanging in your living room.
Yoongi and Jungkook, the quietest of the group, were trying to make a name for themselves in the music business, Yoongi as a producer and Jungkook as a singer.
Jin was an aspiring model, working gigs here and there. His family had money, but was very conservative, and they’d cast him out after finding out that he was bisexual.
It couldn’t have been easy for them, struggling to pay the bills and stay in their one tiny apartment. Financial instability was often an unfortunate circumstance of pursuing one’s artistic passions.  
But none of that mattered anymore. Now that they were under your care, you planned on spoiling them to no end. You couldn’t help but think about how good Jimin and Yoongi would look in some Chanel, and you couldn’t wait to dress Taehyung up in Gucci.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when the doorbell rang.
You hopped up from your spot on the couch, sending your cat flying, and hurried over to the mirror hanging by the door. Fixing your hair, your eyes ran over your reflection. You were dressed more casually today, wearing a cream-colored sweater and jeans.
Staring back at you in the mirror was a mask of exhaustion. Bloodshot eyes, under eye bags, skin drained of color.
You really needed to feed. Your body was starting to deteriorate from the lack of nutrients.
You desperately hoped that your problem would be solved soon; you could practically taste their blood on your tongue, sweet and smooth like a fine wine.
After determining that your appearance was as good as it was going to get, you opened the door.
“Hello!” You were barely able to control your excitement. “Please, come in.”
They all crowded into the room, and what they saw made their jaws drop.
The space was wide and welcoming, definitely bigger than what they’d expected. Everything was sleek and white and expensive-looking.
Directly opposite them was a wall made up of entirely windows. The busy cityscape extended out before them like an ocean. They imagined how beautiful the sunrise would be through a wall of all glass.
The open floor plan allowed them to see the sitting area, kitchen, and office space all at once. The living room area was occupied by a semi-circle of couches gathered around the TV, which was three times the size of the one they used to have.
There was a large table near the glass wall that was covered in scattered papers, stacks of books, dirty coffee mugs, luxury brand lookbooks and magazines.
“Woah.” Hoseok said in awe.
“What? What is it?” You frantically looked around the room, searching for even the tiniest flaw.
Did you forget something? Did you leave out a pair of dirty underwear? Did you leave your favorite vibrator lying around?
“It’s just…your place is so nice.” Taehyung said, looking around with wide eyes.
“Yeah, it looks more like a penthouse than an apartment.” Jin added.
You bent your head to hide a smile.
“Thank you. I’m glad you like it.”
They timidly stepped further into the room, their heads swinging back and forth as they looked around. Then, a noise broke the awkward silence.
Everyone whipped around to stare at the source of the sound. Your cat had it’s head poked out from behind the couch, trying to get a peek at the new visitors.
“Who’s this?” Jimin said like he was talking to a baby, squatting down to hold his hand out to the cat.
“Oh, that’s Yuki. She doesn’t really like people, so I wouldn't—”
The cat nuzzled her head into Jimin’s palm, eyes closed, the low rumble of her purring filling up the room.
You trailed off, shocked at her reaction. Yuki wasn’t a people person. Every time you had company over, she flinched away from their touch and hid in your bedroom.
You stared in absolute disbelief as she rolled over to expose her tummy. Jimin’s ringed fingers nearly disappeared in her thick fur.
“I’m guessing you like animals, then?” You asked, chuckling.
Jimin smiled down at the cat as he scratched under her chin.
“Eh, they’re alright.” He said sarcastically.  
You suggested to go get the rest of their bags so you could help carry them up. They led you down the staircase to the lobby where a pile of luggage was waiting.
You approached the largest out of all of them, a big black suitcase, and moved to grab it.
Apparently, Yoongi had the same idea, because you both reached for the handle.
He’d gone straight for the suitcase once they’d gotten downstairs, and you wondered what was in it that was so important to him.
Your hands touched as you moved to take the bag, and Yoongi let out a soft gasp when your fingers brushed his, so quiet that you only heard it because of your attuned vampire senses.
His was so warm. You were suddenly aware of how his entire body was radiating heat, radiating his heavenly aroma. You wanted more than anything to drag your lips across his neck, trace the veins, and sink your teeth into his perfect pale skin.
Resurfacing from your daze, you focused back on his face. You realized that this was one of the first times he’d actually made eye contact with you. He was staring at you intensely, mouth slightly parted as his eyes seemed to pierce straight into the furthest, dustiest corners of your brain.
Oh no, you immediately thought. I freaked him out. He felt how cold I am. He’s probably disgusted. He’s probably horrified.
Yoongi seemed to snap out of it, breaking his gaze to look back at the suitcase.
“I’ll take this one, it’s really heavy.” He said.
You grabbed it before he could, picking it up like it weighed less than a pillow.
“I got it. You know, vampire super strength and all.” You said, picking up three more bags and carrying them with ease. You felt him staring as you walked up the stairs.
“So, there’s only five bedrooms, some of you will have to share.” You said shyly, hoping to God that they would be okay with it.
“Five?” Jin blurted out. You fiddled with the sleeves of your sweater.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. Is that going to be too much of a problem?”
“Problem?! That’s more rooms then we had in our whole house!” Jin said.
“Yeah, at our old place we had to share two bedrooms, and we had bunk beds so we would take turns sleeping on the couch because of the odd number.” Hoseok said.
You let out a breath, relieved that they weren’t upset over it.
Honestly, you felt bad for them. From what they’d told you about their lives, they were barely getting by. Jimin was still a full-time student paying off loans. Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkook found work wherever they could, and the only way Namjoon and Taehyung made money was if their work sold, which wasn’t always a guarantee.
You couldn’t help but feel like you were taking them under your wing, giving them a better life in a sense. Well, quite literally since they were about to be evicted and homeless.
“Should I give you the tour?” You asked when everything was loaded inside.
They all nodded, eager to look around the impressive space.
“So, downstairs is the living room, kitchen, music room, lounge, and first bathroom. Please make yourselves at home and do whatever you want with the TV. I have an X-box and PlayStation and you’re free to use those too.”
That made Jungkook’s head pop up, ears perked in interest.
They followed you as you ascended up the floating staircase.
“Upstairs has the five guest rooms, my study, two bathrooms (but one of them is connected to my room), and the spare room, but that door’s always locked.”
Before they could ask why, you stopped in front of a row of doors and showed them inside.
Each guest room was as beautiful as the rest of the house. Each contained two queen beds, clean sheets tucked in all neat and tidy, two walk-in closets, and all manners of shelving and cubbies to store their belongings. It was far nicer than their old bedrooms had been.
Jin and Namjoon were already picturing all their collectibles and figurines displayed on the shelves. Jungkook had already picked a designated spot to set up his gaming computer, and Yoongi was eager to lay out all his equipment.
You could tell they were excited, itching to discuss who would get each room, so you decided you would let them get settled.
“Are you guys hungry?” You asked. It was seven o’clock. Humans usually ate around this time, right?
They all nodded vigorously.
“Alright, why don’t you start unpacking while I make dinner.”
The second you were out of earshot, they burst into a fit of chatter.
“I’m rooming with Jungkook!”
“I get the biggest closet!”
“I want a room that doesn’t have to share!”
Of course, what would be considered out of earshot for a human doesn’t apply to vampires, so you heard the whole thing. You giggled at their antics as you walked down the stairs to the kitchen.
As you put the pasta on the stove to boil, your mind started to wander.
You sincerely hoped they would enjoy it here. You wanted to make your home as welcoming as possible, you wanted them to feel comfortable.
The incessant growling of your stomach interrupted your thoughts. You sighed, looking down at the your hands, the skin turning ashy in color as the veins bulged. It wouldn’t be long before your eyes started turning red. Your hair would streak gray and your lips would turn dry and cracked. You would slowly start to look more and more like a corpse until you fed.
It had to be soon. You didn’t want to scare them with your lifeless appearance.
But how were you supposed to ask? They were just starting to settle in, the atmosphere was still filled with tension. You didn’t want to make them feel pressured by asking so early, that might scare them away. No, you were going to have to wait for one of them to initiate it.
The smell of the pasta sauce simmering in the pan did nothing to curb your appetite. You could eat regular food, you could appreciate the taste, but it had no nutritional value, and it did nothing to satisfy your raging hunger, especially now.
You perked up when you heard movement in the hall. Footsteps started to patter down the staircase.
The boys all filed into the dinning area, their eyes landing on the table that was already loaded with food.
“Take a seat, boys. I’m almost finished.” You said as you drained the noodles. They all sat at the dinning room table, muttering to themselves about how quickly you had gotten everything together.
You set down the pot of steaming pasta, the scent wafting into their faces, next to the basket of rolls. They started to dig in, and you giggled at their shocked faces when you proceeded to open a wine bottle with your bare hands.
You sat there, practically chugging your wine as they ate, hoping that the alcohol would help to satiate you. How lucky they were that they could silence their hunger so easily.
“You really didn’t have to go through so much trouble for us.” Namjoon said as you topped off your first glass.
You smiled at him.
“It was my pleasure! I want to make sure you are as happy as possible here.”
Namjoon smiled back at you, and you almost melted when you saw his adorable dimples.
“Thank you. We are very grateful for your hospitality.” He said.
He was the leader figure of the group, you could tell. He always acted polite and respectful, and his intelligence seemed to ooze out of all of his mannerisms.
By the time they’d finished eating, you’d polished off two more glasses. You were getting more and more agitated. Just watching them made your stomach growl.
You could smell each of them distinctly.
Jin was mature and flavorful, complex but smooth. Yoongi was savory, musky. His blood would compliment anything. Hoseok was bold. His scent was almost overpowering. You could already tell he had the strongest taste out of them all. Namjoon was rich and alluring, he’d pair well with chocolate and fruit. Jimin was the sweet one, you were already craving him. Taehyung…oh, Taehyung. You couldn’t wait to get your hands on him. He was so decadent, he’d have no problem satisfying you. And last but not least, Jungkook. He was light and fresh, but definitely packed a punch, there was an undeniable tang in the scent his blood.
“Um, Charlie?”
You blinked, refocusing on the situation at hand. It was Jimin who had spoken.
“Are you alright? You look a little…are you feeling okay?” He was studying the way you were licking your lips over and over again, how your eyes were clouding over.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little…hungry.” You said it before you could think about how they would react.
They all looked at each other.
Shit. I shouldn’t of said that.
“Uhh…I’m gonna get started on the dishes, excuse me.” You stammered out. The chair screeched as you jumped to you feet. You started to flee to the kitchen, but one of them stopped you.
“If you’re hungry, we can help you with that.” Yoongi said.
Your head snapped around to stare at him. Was that Yoongi who had spoken? Yoongi, the one who’s only looked me in the eye once this entire time? The one who’s probably scared shitless of me?
“You’d be willing to do that?” Your mouth was already watering.
Yoongi cracked a gentle smile, and oh my god you almost pounced on him.
“That’s why we’re here, isn’t it?” He said.
Looking around, you could see that they were all staring.
You didn’t know, but they were all itching for an experience with you, for you to suck their blood and give them the high that Jimin had been talking about ever since you first drank from him.
You swallowed hard, trying to control yourself.
“Okay, just let me clear the table.”
With shaking hands, you loaded all the plates into the sink and worked to slow your breathing, which was rapid with excitement.
Finally, finally, you would be able to feed. This would be the first meal you had in days.
They were all waiting anxiously in the living room when you finished, fidgeting in their spots on the couch. You took the seat between Yoongi and Jin.
“So, who’s it gonna be?” You said, breaking the silence.
Without hesitation, Yoongi rolled up the sleeve of his white button-up and bared his wrist to you, looking right into your eyes as he did it.
Everyone, including you, was shocked at his boldness. Yoongi was quiet normally, and he’d been especially shy with you.
This showed just how eager he was.
Back when everyone was getting their bags, Yoongi had gone straight for his equipment. It was in a big black suitcase that was heavy enough to make him struggle every time he carried it.
When your hand had touched his, Yoongi remembered feeling electricity shoot through him. Your skin had been cool and incredibly smooth, he wanted nothing more than to reach out and interlace your fingers with his.
It must’ve had something to do with the natural allure that all vampires had, all those pheromones and chemicals they released that were designed to attract humans, but it was safe to say that he was successfully ensnared.
You took hold of his arm as you drew him closer.
“If you want me to stop, just say “cherry.” Okay?” You asked.
Yoongi nodded. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed the lump in his throat.
Light as a feather, your lips grazed along the inside of his wrist. You could feel his pulse pounding through his skin.
“I still need your permission, love.” You said quietly.
Yoongi’s breath was shaky as he wet his lips to speak.
“Drink from me.”
He shivered when he felt you smile against him. And then you were drawing your lips back and sinking your teeth into his skin.
The first thing he did was wince. You reached down to give his knee a reassuring squeeze.  
Then he sighed and sank back against the seat as the endorphins washed over him. Gripping him tighter, you started to draw the warm, fragrant liquid from his veins.
He was even more delicious than you had anticipated. His taste was sharp and pleasantly tart. You gripped his arm with both hands as your fangs pierced deeper.
Yoongi’s eyes were closed as his chest rapidly rose and fell. His mouth was slightly ajar as he drew in quick breaths.
You closed your eyes and moaned with your lips firmly attached to his skin. You couldn’t have asked for a better meal.
“Harder.” Yoongi muttered, eyes still squeezed shut.
You were happy to oblige. Digging your nails into his arm, you willed your fangs to grow longer, sharper.
“Ahhh…” Yoongi groaned from deep in his throat. “Ahh fuuuck…”
That’s it, sweetheart, you thought. Give in to me.
Sweat started to bead on Yoongi’s forehead. His black hair stuck to the damp skin, hanging in front of his eyes, which were still tightly closed. His unoccupied hand gripped the edge of his seat.
He sucked in a breath through his teeth when you started to sweep your tongue over his skin.
Aww, look how sensitive he is. What a sweet little thing.
Even though your jaw was clamped around his wrist, you smiled.
Yoongi shivered, letting out a wobbly sigh.
Before you could take it too far, you ripped yourself away from him.
His eyes stayed closed for a few seconds, still in a daze, before he opened them and looked at you with wide kitten eyes. His chest was heaving like he had just finished running.
“You alright, darling?” You asked, sweeping the sweaty mess of hair from his eyes.
He just nodded wordlessly.
You smiled at him and took up his wrist again. Bringing it to your lips, you licked away any remaining droplets of blood and licked at the wound so there would be no bruising left behind. It’d be a shame to mark up such a beautiful set of hands.
For the first time in several minutes, you were aware of the other boys presence in the room. They were staring at the both of you with blown-out eyes, darkened with an emotion you couldn’t name.
Jin’s ears were bright red, as well as Jungkook’s cheeks and the entirety of Hoseok’s face.
Jimin had his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. His cute plump cheeks were tinted a pretty shade of pink.
Taehyung’s mouth was hanging slightly open in slack-jawed ‘o’ position, and Namjoon was sitting there like he’d just watched one of those sex-ed videos from middle school of a woman giving birth.
Hoseok was the first one to break the silence.
“I-Is…is that enough…for you?” He asked after clearing his throat.
You turned to look at them, eyes running over their anxious faces. They wanted to know if you wanted more.
“Taehyung.” You said.
He immediately looked at you with wide, hopeful eyes.
You gestured him over, and he quickly planted himself in the seat next to you.
To everyone’s surprise, you moved to straddle him. You yanked his shirt open to expose his gorgeous collarbones, running the tip of your finger over the golden skin of his chest.
Taehyung looked up at you with an expression that could’ve easily been mistaken for fear, but in reality he was exhilarated, hanging onto your every action as he waited for your next move.
You loved this. Having seven beautiful men, all of them considered out of your league, wrapped around your finger. You felt drunk with power.
You smiled that wicked smile of yours, leaning towards him to let your breath tickle the goosebumps that had risen all over his skin.
“May I?” You asked.
He nodded furiously. You raised an eyebrow at his lack of words.
“Yes. Please, drink from me.” His low voice rumbled in his chest.
That sly grin stayed plastered to your face as you lowered yourself over his body and pressed your mouth to the juncture of his shoulder. Your lips grazed over the elegant curve so lightly that it made Taehyung shudder.
The next thing he knew, your fangs were lodged deep in his neck. He let out a deep growl that made your stomach flip.
A burst of flavor hit your tongue as you gripped his biceps, keeping him in place. One of his hands was clenched around your waist, while the other was on the small of your back, pulling you closer.
You hummed to yourself contently as you felt his luscious taste fill your mouth.
Taehyung’s deep voice was making you weak. He kept moaning and groaning in that low timbre, sending vibrations through his chest and straight into your body.
Your hand snaked its way into his hair and tugged his head to the side, giving you better access to the veins criss-crossing his throat.
“Nngh…” Taehyung squirmed underneath you.
Massaging his scalp, you increased your pace. The more stimulation humans got, the better it felt.
“Yes, yes…faster.” He mumbled.
Your hand slid out of his hair and down the side of his neck to trace the curve of his clavicle.
Once you were satisfied, you pulled away from him, licking the side of your lips. You rolled off of his legs and slouched against the couch cushions. Leaning your head back with closed eyes, you sighed deeply.
“Thank you.” You said as you felt the dull ache in your stomach fade.
The room was silent as you caught your breath.
Once you’d come down from your high, you opened your eyes and stood up, making your way over to the kitchen. You fetched two juice boxes and tossed one to Yoongi and Taehyung.
“If it starts bleeding again let me know, but you should be fine.” You said.
The two of them nodded with their lips wrapped around the thin straws. You held back the urge to chuckle at how adorable they looked, like two children following strict orders from their mother.
The burst of energy left you with a sense of newfound confidence in the whole situation.
Maybe this could really work out, you thought as you brimmed with optimism.
…I don’t have to be alone anymore.
You looked up at the group of men, all seated in your living room, every single one of them willing and eager to fulfill your every need.
You smiled to yourself. Yes, this will work. You would make it work. How hard could it be?
“Get your lazy asses out of bed and come eat breakfast!” Your voice carried through the whole apartment.
“I’m right here! Why are you shouting?!” Jimin said from his position on the barstool across from you. His hair, still wet from the shower, made him look like a blond hedgehog.
“Sorry.” You said, pushing over a bowl of oatmeal.
Bare feet padded down the stairs. Jungkook trudged into the kitchen and plopped down at the bar next to Jimin, rubbing his tired eyes.
“M’rning…” He mumbled.
“Morning.” You set out an assortment of buttered toast, eggs, fresh fruit, and yogurt with granola.
Yoongi dragged himself into the room, looking just as tired as Jungkook. He took one of the three cups of coffee that you’d already poured, and sipped it with his eyes closed.
“Why do you insist on making breakfast so early?” He whined.
“Because I have to leave early for work and I need to make sure that you all eat.” You replied as you stirred creamer into a travel mug.
“We do eat.” Taehyung insisted as he entered the room in his matching polka dot pajama set.
You looked at him through your eyebrows.
“I need to make sure you eat something that has nutritional value.”
He didn’t have an answer for that.
“Goooood morning!” Jin said cheerfully as he skipped over to the counter.
Everyone groaned simultaneously. Jin shot them a disgusted look.
“Who woke you up with a fucking suppository?” He snapped as he took the second cup of coffee.
“Charlie.” Yoongi said accusingly.
“You guys are babies. I’ve been up since four.” You said.
“You don’t sleep!” Jungkook interjected.
You puckered your lips in a defeated expression, then grabbed your to-go cup and moved towards the front door, your heels clacking loudly.
You took one last look in the mirror. Hair pulled back, pressed white button-up, tight black pants.
You grabbed your bag from its hook and tossed it over your shoulder.
“I’m leaving for work!” You called out to the boys.
They all responded with a chorus of goodbyes, wishing you a good day.
“Wait! Charlie, are you hungry?” Taehyung asked, holding out his bare wrist.
“I’ll be good for a while. Thank you, Tae.”
He flashed you a boxy grin, and you walked out into the hall and closed the door behind you.
It had been surprisingly easy getting used to their presence in your home. They were all relatively easy to get along with, despite their different personalities, and you found their company very enjoyable. Even though it'd only been two weeks, it felt like they been living with you for months.
Sucking their blood quickly familiarized you with their habits and preferences. You knew who was masochistic (Jimin, Jungkook, Yoongi) and who was sadistic (Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Hoseok). You knew who liked it rough (Hoseok, Namjoon, Yoongi) and who liked it soft (Jin, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook).
Things were looking good. There was no tension, no problems that came with the new living situation. None of the problems you'd expected to present themselves were apparent.
But good things never last.
The first incident occurred on a busy Monday afternoon. You were having a difficult day at work. Deadlines were looming, stress levels were high, and coffee was being consumed in unhealthy amounts.
“Charlie, here are those reports you wanted.” Your secretary plopped a stack of papers on your desk.
You sighed and rubbed your temples.
“Thank you, Melody.” You said, exhaustion heavy in your voice.
“Are you alright?” She put a warm hand on your shoulder.
Her scent flooded your nose. You hadn't fed in a few days, and you were starting to feel the side effects.
She was cute, with plump pink lips and warm doe eyes that screamed innocence. You may or may not have checked her out a few times.
You drew in a long, slow breath, trying to control the sudden urge to pin her against the wall and wrap your hand around that pale, delicate neck of hers.
“Yeah, I'm good. Just tired.” You said once you'd willed your fangs to stay put.
She smiled at you.
“Try not to work too hard, boss.” She gave your shoulder a comforting squeeze.
“I'll get you a cup of coffee, okay?” She said.
You nodded as you felt your tense muscles start to relax. Melody always knew what you needed.
“With cream and tw—”
“Two sugars, I know.” She grinned as she disappeared through your office door.
You sank down in your desk chair with a groan. You couldn’t wait to go home and feed.
The rest of the day crawled by at a snail’s pace. By the time you dragged yourself through the front door of your apartment, you were ready to gouge your eyes out.
Instead of the silence you were used to, you were greeted with pleasant chatter and sounds of movement. That was another good thing about the boys arrival, you always came home to company instead of solitude.
Crossing the threshold, you hung up your coat and dropped your bag.
Jungkook and Taehyung were sitting on the floor in front of the TV, locked in a fierce gaming battle. Jin was in the kitchen wreaking havoc.
“How are you so bad at this? I’m playing with my eyes closed!” Jungkook teased.
“You’ve played this before! This is my first time!” Taehyung shot back.
Jungkook poked his tongue out at him and Taehyung snatched his controller, holding it out of his reach.
“Hey! Give it back!”
Hoseok walked over to them and grabbed them both by the ear.
“Would you two stop acting like children.” He scolded, pulling them apart with a sharp tug.
“Ow! Hobi, let go!”
“He’s being a sore loser!”
“What are you two heathens up to now?” You called, gaining their attention.
At the sound of your voice, everyone perked up.
“Charlie, you’re back!” Jungkook said in delight.
You beamed at his cute bunny smile.
“Do you guys know where Jimin is?” You asked.
“Probably in his room.” Taehyung said as he focused back on the TV.
Your excitement grew with every step up the stairs. Jimin would be just what you needed, something sweet to satisfy your cravings.
You tapped softly on the door.
“Come in.”
He was sitting at his desk with his headphones in. His face lit up when he saw that it was you.
“Hey.” He said, eyes crinkling as he smiled.
“Hey.” You went inside and closed the door behind you. Jimin’s increasing heartbeat was fully detectable by your sensitive ears.
“You busy?” You asked.
“No. What do you need?” His eyes were wide and hopeful.
You looked down at the floor, fidgeting with your hands. No matter how many times you did it, you still felt slightly embarrassed to ask.
“...I’m hungry.” You said quietly.
Jimin’s cheeks bloomed in a faint blush. He shyly looked at his feet.
“Okay.” He stood up and sat on the bed, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants.
You approached him slowly, trying to build up your confidence.
Jimin gulped as you moved to sit on his lap, legs on either side of his torso. His eyes were locked on your face as you brushed his shirt collar aside.
Licking your lips, you leaned over him and pressed your mouth to the hollow of his throat. He moaned softly when your fangs penetrated.
You hummed against him when his overwhelming sweetness met your tongue. Compared to some of the other boys, with their hearty, salty flavors, Jimin was such a nice treat.
Gulp after gulp, you swallowed him down.
“Yes...oh, yes...Charlie—ah.” Jimin’s voice was high and breathy as he stuttered between gasps.
You always tried to ignore how worked up they got. Yes, you were fully aware that it felt good to humans, you were perfectly knowledgeable about the orgasmic feelings of pleasure that came with feeding, but you couldn’t help but feel that sometimes they took it too far.
You saw the way they all looked at you, you noticed just how nervous you made them, but it wasn’t uncommon for humans to become unnecessarily attached to the ones feeding on them. It came with the intimacy of the relationship. Feeding was such an intense experience, they associated the source of their pleasure with the one giving it to them: you.
It happened with a lot of vampires and their suppliers, you’d witnessed it too many times. The human would get overly attached, often initiating romantic or sexual feelings.
But it wasn’t genuine. It wasn’t real.
Vampires were predators. They were designed to lure and ensnare their prey.
The only reason any of them felt anything towards you was because you could give them what they wanted. They weren’t attracted to you, they were attracted to all the chemicals your body was expelling in order to catch your food.
That was the only reason why seven men, all incredibly out of your league, would ever be interested in you.
It was never a good idea to be romantically involved with your supplier. Every vampire knew that. It was messy, complicated, and always ended badly. Plus, how could anybody ever feel good about themselves in a relationship where one half was only in it because they were practically hypnotized?
You shifted uncomfortably as Jimin started to writhe and wriggle in ecstasy. His hands gripped your thighs on either side of him and squeezed.
“P-Please...please, more—ah, more...”
He sounded so sweet and desperate that you just couldn’t say no to him.
Obliging his request, you did something you knew he liked: you grabbed a handful of his hair and tugged.
He practically squealed.
Okay, maybe that wasn’t a good idea, you thought. Now he’s only going to get more excited.
Then something really bad happened.
You felt a very prominent, very noticeable bulge against your crotch.
Oh, shit. I shouldn’t have sat on his lap.
Jimin grabbed your waist and started to grind his hips into yours.
“Mmm mmph...” He moaned. “Mm...Jagiya.”
You froze.
You knew they were from Korea despite them speaking perfect English. Some of them had started calling you “Noona,” and when you asked Jin about it he explained that it was an honorific. When you asked him about some other words in Korean, he told you. Jagiya was one of them.
You scrambled off Jimin’s lap. He stared at you with big, confused eyes that made him look like a puppy that had just been scolded.
“What? What’s wrong?” He asked.
“Uh, nothing, I just have to...I have to do something.” You hurried towards the door and left him sitting there staring after you.
Fleeing to the safety of your bedroom, you slammed the door and leaned against it, sighing deeply with closed eyes.
What have I gotten myself into?
a/n: eh, like i said not the best chapter. it’s going to get better trust me! pretty pretty please with a cherry on top tell me what you think! what do you think will happen next? what kind of “complications” do you think our OC will encounter?
@rainbow-pandacorn @boononx @vannilacake
if you want to be tagged just let me know (✿◠‿◠)
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