#… and basim for some reason
teecupangel · 6 months
What if the assassins ended up in Far Cry 5?
It would be so chaotic if this was the whole ‘canon Assassins gets booted into Far Cry 5’. Those poor ‘kids’ wouldn’t have the time to actually get used to present day tech because Project at Eden’s Gate would be all over them so for this one, we’ll go for modern day versions of the Assassins getting thrown into Far Cry 5.
Now, the next problem would be how this would work considering the Brotherhood would prefer to send in a small group for missions (if it isn’t a solo mission) so if we consider the Assassins of the main game alone (not counting Chronicles, movie and other forms of media), we’re still left with 9 Assassins.
And, because it’s me, we’re adding Desmond into this so that would be 10 Assassins traveling into Hope County during the whole… cult thing.
So we’ll make this a bit… easier for us.
It’s meant to be a simple search and retrieve operation. William Miles got a tip that his runaway son was in Hope County. That was the official mission brief.
The unofficial mission brief is that the tip said Desmond Miles is part of the cult ‘Project at Eden’s Gate’ which complicated things.
It was meant to be a secret mission under Edward Kenway with Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton being his ‘field agents’ but someone tattled (it was Basim, Basim definitely tattled) and Bayek heard about the mission, taking his apprentices, Arno, Jacob and Evie with them because Bayek believed they’re too close to Desmond Miles to look at this objectively.
If Desmond Miles is part of the cult then the cult would be dangerous even for Master Assassins such as them.
Not to mention, Desmond Miles was their childhood friend and Edward Kenway’s godchild so they were pretty much compromised from the start.
Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton are ordered to secure their escape route while Bayek’s team find Desmond Miles. Edward and Basim stay in their ‘mission control’ van.
They’d picked the time the cops are taking Joseph Seed in custody so that people were focused on another thing and Bayek and his team are deep into the compound looking for Desmond Miles when Ezio contacts them.
“We found Desmond!”
“Ezio, I told you three to stay put and secure our exit.”
“He’s with the cops! Desmond’s- shit! Desmond!”
By the time Bayek and his team return to the van, they find Edward Kenway knocked out. When he comes to, he tells them Basim knocked him out for some reason and Basim has gone MIA.
The three Assassins are not responding to their comms and they fear the worst.
But Edward did know what Ezio was trying to tell them before everything went to shit.
Desmond wasn’t part of Joseph Seed’s cult.
He was the junior deputy that had cuffed Joseph Seed.
Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton recognized him when he went inside the chopper with Joseph Seed. By that point, it was too late and they watched in horror as the cultists sacrificed themselves to bring down the helicopter.
The last thing Edward heard is that they’re on their way to find Desmond.
Unorganized Notes:
Sooooo… there’s three (four if you count Basim) main POVs in this one. Desmond taking over the role of the Junior Deputy main character of Far Cry 5, Altaïr-Ezio-Ratonhnhaké:ton team’s POV of trying to find Desmond, always a step behind him, and Bayek-Arno-Evie-Jacob-Edward trying to find Desmond and the other three.
The cult being named Project at Eden’s Gate is too much to pass so the cult is related to the Isus in some way. To be more exact: the plant Bliss which the drug is derived from is actually an Isu experimental plant that is meant to ‘copy’ the powers of the Apple. It was developed during the Human-Isu war as a way to control the remaining human slaves and make them into cannon fodders who would do everything for the Isus. It was never finished but the cult managed to harvest and use it for their benefit.
This means that Bliss barely works on Desmond. Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton also has higher than normal resistance to it. The rest though? Yeah, good luck.
Joseph Seed is very much interested in Desmond. He does not say why though. He does call Desmond ‘angel’ more than once, pinging Desmond’s ‘uncle bad touch’ radar. Faith though calls him ‘an angel shackled in a mortal body’ which… might hint on what Joseph actually meant.
Basim didn’t necessarily betray them. He is, unfortunately, Loki’s Sage and he knows more than he’s letting on. To be more exact, his objective is the complete eradication of the Bliss plant. Or, as he called it, “a grieving wife’s final punishment”. It’s later revealed that Bliss was engineered to have ‘Isu’ DNA. To be more exact, the Isu DNAs of Nari and Váli. Basim is actually heavily affected by Bliss and it’s hinted that he actually got hit by it (airborne?) at some point and his actions are done while under the influence of Bliss (which is… a nightmare to him)
(I got sidetracked into making the Isu related plot. Anyway, the main point in this one is the Assassins have their work cut out for them just trying to find Desmond who doesn’t even know they’re looking for him. Oh, and each of them have a specific Fangs for Hire. Desmond gets Boomer, The Altaïr Ezio Ratonhnhaké:ton team gets Cheeseburger. The Bayek Arno Jacob Evie Edward team gets Peaches)
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demigoddessqueens · 8 months
I confess that I stalk your page daily, patiently awaiting your wonderful AC writing.
Can I please have some guilty pleasure headcanons for my favorite babies Connor, Arno, Basim and Altair?
aww anon 🙈 thank you so much! 💞😆
here on masterlist 9
A/n - they’re my faves too 👀
He absolutely does not feel guilty about anything especially if it’s spending time with you. Any of the other novices who demand your attention are met with a pointed stare as work can wait, but this is your time with him
Loves to just sleep-in with you. And it works out perfectly because good luck trying to get out of his tight, warm embrace when you’re snuggled so perfectly close to him
It may be a “guilty pleasure” for him, but on the other hand sometimes he feels guilty he’s taking up all your time. But you don’t mind it at all. Spending tons of time in the Cafe, or sneaking away (frequently) just to have time to each other
Absolutely has a penchant for casually touching you; be it a shoulder brush, interlinking your fingers with each other, hand on your waist or the small of your back, and almost always holding onto your hand for no reason
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frenchoravocadotoast · 8 months
Love your writing and your blog!! 💞
It’s a little bit ways out 😆 but how do you think modern!era Basim would celebrate Valentine’s with his s/o?
Thank you so much queen!! <3
Modern!Basim Ibn Ishaq - Valentine's Day headcanons
Basim Ibn Ishaq x GN!Reader
Word count: 615
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He’s a romantic at heart, so he loves having a good reason to shower you with affection (not that he needs a reason to begin with).
Valentine’s Day with Basim is kind of like any other day, since he’s always trying to woo you. The only difference is that this time he has an excuse to buy you more things than usual.
He’s the type of person who tries to look cool and scoffs when he sees Valentine’s Day merch in every shop, but gives in and buys lots of stuff anyway.
Basim, with 5 bouquets of flowers: “I’m a victim of consumerism.”
I hope you like sweets because he’s going to buy you lots of those. You could go into hibernation and live off of candy if you pleased.
“That box of chocolates you got me was really good.”
“Would you like more?”
“I’m good–”
“Here’s 10 more.”
Truth be told, he enjoys spending time together more than exchanging gifts. Breakfast in bed, a picnic with homemade food and stargazing are some of his personal favorites (you’ll have him wrapped around your finger if you do all three on the same day) (he’ll be all yours for the night).
Yes, he gets changed for the sake of your date (thank God). He ditches those cargo pants and wolf shirt in favor of a more formal attire.
He also cancels all plans for the day. Valentine’s Day is all about you two, and being so sickeningly sweet to each other that Shaun gags at the sight of you. Basim presses kisses on your nape whenever he can, and the Brit can’t help but retch like a cat trying to hairball.
“Step back I think I’m gonna vomit–”
Basim is kind of quiet, so you fill the silence. You’re at a picnic, ranting about one of your interests again when you hear the shutter of a camera, and see Basim pointing his phone at you. He’s snapping pictures of you when you’re not looking and adding them to his folder.
“Apologies, songbird. What were you saying?”
(it’s all pictures of you sleeping, working, or dancing. You try to get him to erase the more embarrassing photos, but he says they hold a special place in his heart)
Speaking of photos, he keeps his favorite in his wallet. It’s a Polaroid photo of you snuggled up on the couch as you read. He shows it off to anyone who is willing –or unwilling– to listen.
For the love of God, don’t take him to an art gallery. He’s an art critic with incredibly high standards and will not hold back.
“Is this what people call art these days?”
“It’s just a banana taped to a wall.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
“Sir, please stop ripping the artwork.”
Gives you lots of pet names throughout the day. He usually calls you “my dear”, but when February 14th rolls around, he goes all out. You’re his dear, but also his beloved, his sweetheart, his soul.
He’s always touching you – a hand on your lower back, your fingers laced together, his knuckles caressing your face... He’s like a leech for the next 24 hours.
You spend the evening baking some muffins and watching a movie. You’re sprawled out on the couch, limbs tangled together; and eventually, you become more invested in his touch than whatever bank the characters in the film are trying to rob. Things grow steamy as you kiss in the privacy of your own apartment, with no Abstergo agents barging through your door, and it’s difficult to hold yourself back when you feel his smirk against your lips.
You decide how to end the date. He won’t complain either way👀
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 11 months
Just finished grinding Assassin's Creed Mirage! WOOHOO! ୧⁠(⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠ ⁠Д⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠ ⁠)⁠୨
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I think it's a deffo wonderful game and a refreshment after the RPG trilogy (it does have RPG elements to it, but still), and it also have some things that are lacking. It reminds me of the good 'ol days, but deffo not on par with the good 'ol days.
Here're some of my thoughts and reviews!
🕌 Sleepy's Assassin's Creed Mirage Review 🗡️
(Spoiler Warning ⚠️ Including the ending ⚠️)
Disclaimer, this is just my personal opinion. You may agree and disagree. I’m just gonna talk a lot because I LOVE Assassin’s Creed with all my heart. Here goes.
(+) Basim Ibn Ishaq, the handsome man that you are… HOLY SHIT (yes I’m adding him as the first plus point of this game what of it). Man's fine AF. 
(+) Baghdad’s really beautiful, nuff said. The color palette is PERFECT - displays the warmth of the atmosphere really well, but also just enough greens and many starking hues of flowers. 
(+) The waters and environment textures are CRISPY.  The detailed patterns on the clothes, the engravings and the state of the arts is really cool. I haven’t really looked a lot into the 800’ Baghdad arts, but I can see lots of good details and art styles. SHOUT OUT TO THE ARTISTS!!
GAMEPLAY - Now here’s what I have a lot to comment on.
(+) Stealth -> I think they did quite good with the stealth. One of the many complaints that I saw on the previous RPG trilogy games was the fact that the main characters/players had no reason to be stealthy, because they can just barge in and defeat the enemies easily. Ubi has marketed the game to be more stealth focused and intentionally made Basim a less of a fighter (make sense, since he came from a thief background, unlike Bayek, Kassandra, and Eivor who are actual trained warriors since they’re kids). However, this brings me to the first lacking point.
(-) Combat -> The combat feels janky. I feel like I’m really fucked up in combat situations if I don’t upgrade my sword and dagger. Like I get it, Basim is not meant to be much of a fighter, but in the beginning parts (or… even the middle parts of the game, let’s be real), I feel like combat is HELL. I forgot the Youtuber who said it, but he said something along the lines of “I’m an assassin, I want to feel like an assassin and want to feel like a badass and can take down many enemies with ease.” And that actually rings true with me. When I’m in combat and countless soldiers are fighting or following me (and I don’t have the smoke bomb with the forgetting effect), I’m most certainly FUCKED. 
(+) The fighting style is cool though, it's stylish and the finishing moves are sick af. It could deffo use some work. 
(-+) Parkour/Movements - It’s alright. It’s most certainly better than the previous RPG trilogy, but it’s definitely not Unity or Syndicate. Sometimes Basim can do something that I didn’t want and I’ve lost count on how many times I got caught and died just from a mis-movement. I literally don’t understand why they don’t use the Unity parkours and combat styles. Unity’s parkour is smooth, swift, and stylish. It feels GOOD. 
(+) Stealing - I’m a loot goblin in games, and believe me, I think I’ve spent like hours just stealing from the entire population of Baghdad that by the end of the game I’m probably richer than the Taxmaster and the whole entire Abbasid Caliphate. It’s fun, it’s easy, but it can sometimes be hard enough to miss. I just hope there’s more variety/difficulty in the stealings in different places – Like maybe in the Round City the diamond thingy is much smaller, or in like for stealing merchants (who has particular fashion/silhouette or have wallets/pouches with different colors) can be harder to steal from but have more rewards and money. 
(-+) Map - OKAY. I love the fact that Mirage has a significantly smaller map than that of Odyssey and Valhalla. It’s focused and it’s much more centered. HOWEVER. For a game this caliber, and with this good of a graphic? It’s much too small and it’s too divided between two parts. Hear me out – The graphics are really cool, but I feel like the map is too divided between – either a densely populated city, or just barren lands of desert. I think the map could be much much bigger with much more collectibles and much more variety in the terrains. Like, for example in Black Flag (The S tier game. Argue with a wall), there’re more than one major city, while in Mirage the map is so very centered (Yes I get it it’s the Round City), but I’d love it if there’s another major city that we can travel to, like Damascus, for instace. + I love the Tales of Baghdad. MORE TALES OF BAGHDAD PLEASE. 
STORY - nOW THIS… I never liked the stories post - Origins and here's why : 
(-) LET 👏 THE ACTORS 👏 DO 👏 MOTION 👏 CAPTURE 👏 - My biggest complaint for the RPG game styles is always about the facial and motion animation. The cutscenes feel DEAD. The eyes are DEAD. I almost can't feel anything. Ubi is rich af, why not use facial capturing? AC3 was the first AC game to use motion capture, and holy shit… it's one of my fave games. Yes. All games, not only AC series. The emotion in their faces, the gestures, the small glances, the little movements - they all decide every character's personality. The reason why I love every AC since AC3-ACOrigins is because the actors pour all their voices, faces, even body movements into the interactions between characters, because they make the stories feel alive. Let the actors be actors. I can rant more but this is already a long post so I'll stop. MOTION 👏 CAPTURE 👏.
(+) I love Basim's origin story. Dude's a 17 year old street thief who got a bit over his head and ended up becoming a fugitive because he killed the fucking caliph himself. That was crazy HAHAHAH anyway even though I think the beginning felt a bit rushed I love it. I just wish they could milk it more.
(+) I love the side characters! Especially Ali (I think he's hot 👉👈 and he's the absolute freedom fighter). Anyway, even though they don’t really do much, they all feel alive and do lots of things (except Roshan prolly HAHAHAH but there's a reason I guess)
(+) Roshan. Mentor and reminds me of Al-Mualim. I particularly love the fact that after all that wise words throughout the game, she literally threatened Basim if he actually went to the underground temple. And when she showed up covered in blood??? And THE TWIST AT THE END??? "Roshan bint La-Ahad". SHE'S ALTAIR'S ANCESTOR. THAT FUCKING SHOCKED ME YOOOO. She's just amazing. 
(-) Pacing - I feel like this is because they’re speeding things up (which is a good thing), the pacing is pretty standard in the beginning, but the ending is a bit too high of a rollercoaster mount. The ending went from 0-100 real quick. I feel like we need a more of a climbing storyline. This is why I kind of don’t agree with the ‘centering’ storyline instead of a linear story. Centering styles of story has no climb in the intensity, and because of that we can’t feel the character developments because he’s supposed to stay the same even though we’ve killed like 3 bosses already. And then when all the underlings are dead, finally the boss racks up Basim’s curiosity super duper high that it becomes too sudden.
(-) Weak Villains - The villains since Origins are always hidden and unknown, unlike the previous games where the Templars are literally KNOWN by the people. I want more villains like Haytham tbh, where he literally doesn’t care about the precusor sites and only wants stability in his reign as a Grandmaster. Or if the villains do care about the Pieces of Eden or have a prior interest of the First Civ, at least let them have an actual personality and character, let them be a menace and a threat since the beginning of the game instead of being the NPC’s we kill to finish the game. Let them challenge our beliefs as an Assassin/Hidden Ones. Let the villains actually have an impact to the main storyline. Imagine in the end Basim and Qabiha really went to the underground temple together, and got confronted by Roshan. That’s where the conflict in Basim climaxed! Imagine the emotion! The drama~! 
(+) How the stories interlinked with Valhalla. Basim is a sage, and host of Loki who sought revenge to Odin (who wronged him). So I don't think Basim nor Loki are evil per se. They're just gray. Now the stories aren't just about Templars vs Assassin, it's more focused towards the First Civilization. It's a bit hard to keep up but it's nothing a bit of reading/looking up some lore videos wouldn't solve.
We need more outfits! The outfits are far too few for us to choose from! 
Wonderful and mystifying music. Nuff said. Brendan Angelides and Layth Sidiq nailed it. One Republic and Mishaal Tamer’s “Mirage” in on repeat on my Spotify right now.
I love gear chests hunting and all the collectibles. I just wish the map is bigger and there’re more collectibles T_T I’M A LOOT GOBLIN OKAY.
I learn history of Baghdad LFG. I play largely for the stories and not the gameplays, so if there’s a codex entry or any new historical sites I always read it. Learning history doesn’t hurt! 
How I can really relate to the real world. I live in Indonesia where 90% of the people is Muslim (I’m a Christian), so when I here familiar words like Alhamdullilah, Assalam’ualaikum and Wa’alaikumsalam, or see the people praying, the Adzan sounds throughout the city, the people praying towards the Ka’bah, it kinda feels like home! Just hope that they add more funny shit to it though, like “Yaallah Basim! Istighfar!” Or “WALLAHI.” Or more Arabic sayings so we can immerse more to the world.
MAKE BASIM DO THE 5 PRAYERS (maybe when we pass time or after a big mission we come back to him finishing a prayer).
FINAL VERDICT - 7.8/10 -> It’s a focused game, and it really did come back to some of the original elements of AC before the RPG trilogy. It’s not too long and casuals can play it without feeling like we have to grind like Odyssey or Valhalla. Deffo would recommend playing it!
Once again, BRING BACK MOTION CAPTURE ‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️
If you did play it gimme some thoughts in the comments! Thank you for reading! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
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pomellon · 9 months
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Finished the sketch!
This is the scene where Hytham sees Basim in his dragon form for the first time, due to Basim getting hit with a poison that forcefully makes him shift and go berserk. Some lil au lore about shifting:
They're in their saurian (humanoid) forms for most of this au since shifting is not an easy thing. Saurian bodies need time to stockpile both energy and material to safely turn. If they haven't had enough time to build these up between shifts it can result in grave injuries (this is the reason Malik ends up losing his arm in this setting), or even death. Even turning dragon and then back to saurian too soon can lead to complications or death due to the amount of strain their bodies go through when shifting
Because of this they stay in their dragon forms as long as they're able and use shifting sparingly once they're back to saurian, often only to take on other saurian dragons or beasts, or for travel.
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 7 months
saw your requests are open. If its not ignore this .
can u do AC Valhalla hytham x reader ? Maybe reader is evior sibling? And hytham is falling for them but is shy to confess . They fall in love and basim is like :
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Amongst hidden ruins
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I am so sorry for the long wait I was havig life and death situation with uni I didn't consider that would be there but I hope I can make it up to you by offering a 3 part slow burn?? Ya girl is trying I promise🙈🙉🙊
Pairing: Hytham x reader
Genre: fluff, awkward fluff, idiots in love
Warnings: none, except if you count me not knowing what im doing???
Note: Shy Hytham is canon to me, let he be nervous and giddy with his crush🤌❤️. Also, Basim with his wolf dad energy 100% supports his adopted son like "i teach you how to be an assassin, now i teach you how to rizz, boy" and Eivor finally can live through what Sigurd needed to, aka being the older sibling and they will quickly find out why Siggy has eyebags lmfaoo
Here's part 2
Being related to the leaders of the Raven Clan was not easy. Especially when it came to two battle-hardened brothers. From the dawn of your life, you had to have someone by your side to keep you from being "hurt." First came the cautionary orders of your father Styrbjörn, which you cannot remember unless it is from Tekla's evening stories. Taking in and raising a newborn baby with two troublemaker squirrels aged a lot on your fathers, even during the early winters of your lives. Then, as you were growing, Prince Sigurd's sense of duty began to surface, and who else could he begin directing, rebuking, and protecting than his youngest sibling. Most of your childhood thus consisted of tramping in your eldest brother's heels, holding his hand, and obeying when he forbade you something. And just when you thought your troubled years would cease to exist as you grew up, Eivor's pestration began.
"I'm just saying it doesn't hurt to call Randvi next time. More eyes see more, more blades cut more." Eivor continued as he dodged those who came across him, trying to catch up with you, who was trying to get rid of his brother with wide steps. You rolled your eyes grumbling as you picked up a bucket from the riverbank, heading towards the stables.
"Eivor, last time, I just went riding for an hour. To the neighboring fields. If you climbed up the top of the Longhouse you would have seen it!" You patted it over your shoulder as you trampled up the path of the settlement.
"Yes, but Tove reported that Saxon bandits are passing nearby lately and-" "Eivor, I don't need a nanny! I can defend myself. I might as well show you how good I am." You raised your voice a little harder than you wanted as you spun back, defiantly shouting into his face. Eivor backed up with wide open eyes, raising his arms to the surrender. 
"Hey, hey, you have no reason to yell at your brother, little one. I just want the best for you." Eivor's voice sounded suspiciously metallic, sarcastic. You knew he was almost certainly  taking your words half-heartedly.
"And if you want any good for yourself, you'd better shut your mouth before I stuff it with Gunnar's footcloth!" Your fingers and fists almost turned white from the effort you used to hold the bucket close to your chest – you had to concentrate very hard not to hit your brother's head with it.
"You talk like you have a chance to beat me." Eivor chuckled to himself in a pitiful grin.
"Listen here, you smartass, Sigurd entrusted you with the leadership of the Clan, not that some blister-headed—"
"I think it will be enough of spreading curses for today. Otherwise, Valka won't be able to make enough talismans for all of us if you keep going like this." In your big arguments, you didn't even notice that Randvi walked next to you. She looked at the two of you with a raised eyebrow. "Maybe a retreat would be good.”
"But Randvi, don't you hear that Eivor runs to me at the slightest crack of a stick to see if I'm still alive? Can't you see that even though I've had the same training as him in our childhood, he acts like I'm a defenseless baby? " You turned to Randvi in desperation, not even paying attention to the water, whether it would stay in your bucket or not.
Your sister in law looked back at you with a pursed mouth. Please, be the more mature one. Reflected in her gaze.
Why do you always have to take the shortcut, for the sake of peace?
You nodded with an annoyed sigh.
"Alright." You grunted in agreement turning back to Eivor, but your flaming stare could have almost scorched him. "Next time I'll tell someone to come with me when I leave home. Okay?"
Eivor's face softened, his eyes sparkling with joy as he grinned in satisfaction.
"Perfect, little sister." He almost sang it as he straightened his back and walked off as if he had done his job well.
"I'll drown him in Tekla's beer one day, you'll see." You fumed at Randvi as you watched with narrowed eyes your brother’s leave.
Randvi laughed hearing this, and patted your shoulder. "Don't be so angry with him, he really only wants good for you." She said apologetically, voice full with kindness.
"His desire for good crushes me. He suffocates me with his fear. No one could live that way." You answered defiantly, speaking from your heart. When will the moment finally come when you can live your life for yourself and no one else?
You sighed dejectedly, then lifted the wooden bucket to your side again. "..I'd better reload this." You muttered, then waved goodbye to Randvi and turned back towards the water.
It seemed to be a long day ahead of you. 
That night you felt like all the joy had been drained from you. Despite the feast, time passed grimly. Despite the music, singing and celebration, you couldn't cheer up - the meat felt tasteless in your mouth.
Since what happened in the morning, you didn't even want to see your brother, specifically for that reason you went to the other side of the longhouse, where you won't even accidentally come under Eivor's watchful eye.
You wondered what you should do to make your brother's overbearing subside.
"Is this seat up to take?" A question came to you behind your back. At first it crossed your mind that it could just be Eivor, that he can't even leave you alone while eating, but then you realized that the voice asking the question sounded much softer than your brother's thunderous one. 
You turned around and found yourself facing Hytham's slender figure. ​He wore his usual white caftan, but now the hood did not cover his lush brown curls. In the darkness, the light of the fire showed a deep brown iris of warm honey, his skin golden from the dancing embers.
It was as if the summer night itself was standing before you.
"For you I am gladly saying yes." You smiled with relief, motioning for him to take the seat beside you.
With a chuckle Hytham took a seat beside you and as he was settling, his shoulder and elbow rubbed against yours.
"Oh, sorry!" He gasped in fright, immediately pulling away from you, offering a decent distance.
"Ah, don't even  worry about it." You waved it away, turning to him. "And what's new in the office? Have you found anything recently with… Eivor, that would advance your research?" You asked, leaning on your elbows.
Hytham shone a timid smile towards you, shaking his head.
"I'm afraid I can't give you exciting news, there haven't been any new leads for weeks. Eivor has been too busy lately, taking care of the clan's affairs with the surrounding allies, to be thinking about that right now."
Pursing your lips, you pondered; your attention falling on the beer mug in your hand, you didn't even have time to notice the warm, longing look with which Hytham stole a glance at you. 
You couldn't notice it - but Basim did; from across, beside the fire. 
"And if I helped instead of Eivor? Trust me, I'm just as good at tracking as he is!" It came out of your mouth suddenly. The thought that you could finally break away from the prohibitions of your brother, from the small life of the settlement, had an invigorating effect on your soul.
"Uh…well…I don't know." Hytham was suddenly speechless, fidgeting shyly, glancing around the hall. "I don't think your brother would be happy if I took you."
"Eivor would only be happy if I was sitting on the shelf in his room until Ragnarök." You rolled your eyes, poking at your brother in annoyance. "Please Hytham! I promise I'll be of use to you!" Leaning closer to him, you betted your eyelashes so sweetly, gazing up at him in the hope that his heart softens for your request. 
But Hytham's heart no longer needed cunning tricks to seduce him.
An indescribable force has drawn him to you since his arrival in the North. The man stood mesmerized by your beauty and as the months went by, as he got to know your pure soul, bright mind, and sharp tongue more and more, he grew a great passion for your person.
Young fierce love or it was a heart-wrenching, bittersweet yearning;  he didn't know yet – Hytham was only certain of this: that your nearness filled him with hope and happiness.
And that was enough for him.
"I— I can  Basim when he might not need my help, and if he releases me, we can go…if you really want to, of course." He agreed with a warm smile on his face.
Sheepishness filled you under his penetrating gaze –  your heart pounded, and slowly the heat of the fire seemed cold compared to the warmth of your skin, as you could only look at your mug while blushing.
When did the young man from the far east start to interest you? When did you notice his charming smile and delightful gaze? How many times have you melted by his eloquence, gentle speech, patience or care? Why did you feel you could never tell Hytham this, because of Eivor? That your brother would definitely stand in your way, even if only for a spark of happiness.
Perhaps better at rest; to live unchanged; as in shame and regret.
"So be it, Hytham." You agreed, now in a much more subdued tone. "If you have come to an agreement with Basim, please tell me immediately!" You promised him as he bowed in agreement.
Maybe you were given a chance for a way out after all. Maybe you'll finally manage to break free from your brother's wings. Maybe if you start on this unknown path, you can find yourself in someone else's arms.
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alastorqueen · 8 months
You Are Enough
Ok, so I was playing AC Mirage in the middle of last night for the second time. I enjoyed the game for what it was, despite some nitpicks. It nestled right in with the og games. While playing, this idea popped into my head so I decided to write this little drabble. We all have our moments when we feel like we have to work hard to prove something to people before focusing on improving ourselves. Hopefully this can lift up someone who understands because I certainly do. Enjoy.
The story is a Basim x reader using the female pronouns instead of y/n. But feel free to use whatever you prefer.
Basim gasped for breath as he rose up from his sleep. Another nightmare. Nothing new, all the same. He gazed up at the ceiling for a brief moment and began to control his breathing. After looking around the darkened room, he was preparing to lay back down to fall back asleep, until he heard a faint noise downstairs. It wasn't quite loud, but just enough to be heard.
Curious, he lifted the covers off of him and stepped out of bed to go check the source of the noise. As he descended down the stairs, he peered around to see a faint light glowing with a female silhouette near it. Her back was turned and Basim was so quiet she didn't hear anything as she was attentively focused working on something.
Basim softly called out her name. She snapped her head to face him and smiled. She was a bit startled because she was not aware of his presence or how long he was standing there, but paid it no mind.
"Basim, I thought you were asleep." She said. He shrugged. "Well I was, but..." He paused, not feeling like addressing the matter why he was awake. So he focused on her reasoning instead. "Still working on that project I see."
"Uh-huh." She replied dismissively. Basim knew about this. She's been working all afternoon, and for whatever reason had a habit of doing projects well into the day without the consideration of rest. Once before when she completed something after many days working on it, the sheer fatigue was so evident in her face she looked as if she might collapse. He can see it now when she turned to face him in that brief moment. Dark circles formed around her eyes, the weary yet determined expressions.
Basim didn't want to intrude on her and tell her that she should take a break. Perhaps she was just a hard-worker and that was part of the regime. But now, he knows he needs to say something.
"You really should rest. You are going to work yourself into exhaustion." He said with genuine concern, stepping closer to her.
She glanced quickly at him before turning to her duties. "I-I know I just want to get this done first."
Allah, she even sounds tired. Basim thought.
"You can get this done another day." He suggested, reaching out to rub her shoulder. She looked like she was in pain being hunched over for however long she was sitting there.
Basim did not understand what happened in that moment when she suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked down at the table, only to begin sobbing.
He called her name again and turned her shoulder towards him so she could face him. He took her chin gently in his hand to raise her face up. "What's the matter?" She closed her eyes and shook her head.
"Talk to me habibi, tell me what's wrong."
She rolled her eyes trying to avoid more tears from falling, which failed. She still refused to look at Basim, even when she faced him. She felt embarrassed crying to him over this. But why?
"It's just that," she hesitated. "I feel like I'm not doing enough, like no matter how much I try it's never enough."
Oh. Now it all makes sense.
"What has happened to you in this place we have to call life, that makes you feel this way about yourself?" He asked tenderly. Her shoulders sagged when Basim started to massage them, patiently awaiting her answer.
"I see others work very little or about the same and they gain so much. It's like no one gives me a chance to prove myself, to show what I am capable of. This is why I work so hard, stay up late, compromise my well-being."
Basim stared at her with eyes of compassion and understanding. He knows what that feels like. He himself has endured it many times within the Brotherhood of the Hidden Ones. Even now, he still struggles with those moments of inadequacy. But he didn't want to focus on himself, he's going to tell her what he had to learn.
"Look at me." He said firmly, yet kindly enough for her to raise her tearful eyes at him. "You cannot waste your time trying to find worth from others before you find it within yourself. You have to realize that you are enough. Otherwise if you keep trying to seek everyone else's approval and they don't see it, neither will you. Embrace all that you are. Your flaws, your talents, your weaknesses, your strengths. That is what makes you who you are, no one else. That is what makes you more than enough, habibi."
He cupped her face in his hands, gazing intently into her eyes because he wants her to hear this clearly and concisely.
"You are enough."
As she stared into his honey brown eyes, she knew he meant everything he said. This was not about just making her feel better, she had to see her worth first before seeking anyone's validation. Risking her own self-care was not necessary for this.
"Thank you, Basim." She said ever so softly, still reeling from his words.
He gave her a small, yet sweet smile before leaning closer to place a kiss on her forehead. "Now come to bed, rest your body."
She nodded. Then after placing her equipment neatly on the table, she covered the small flame to blow out the lamp, and stood up with Basim to head upstairs.
"I will never forget your words Basim." She said. "But I sometimes do tend to fall back into my habits."
"It happens to all of us." Basim admitted. "But when you do, make sure my words come to mind."
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Star-Crossed | Basim x OC | Part 4
As strange things happen at the House of Wisdom, Nashira begins to wonder what Basim has been up to the last four years…and what he’s up to now.
Nashira was never one to hold her tongue.
Perhaps being raised by her father had something to do with that.
Khalid ibn Mohammed was many things: a respected astronomer, a loving father, and above all else, a spirited debater. She’d seen him confidently share his theories and findings to rooms filled with the world's most celebrated scholars from Baghdad to Greece to Timbuktu. She’d also seen the many lengthy instances where he was asked to defend such findings, which he always did, with ample evidence to boot.
Anytime Nashira wanted something, she and her father had a little game where she’d have to defend her reasons as to why she should have it, while Khalid would argue against it. In fact, such a game is how she got Halah.
“A cat will keep the mice away,” A young Nashira stated.
“They are a big responsibility azizati” he’d say.
“I’m very responsible,” She persisted, “I study very hard, and I complete my chores without being asked.”
Khalid raised a brow, pointing to her study area, “Then why is your desk still a mess?”
“Because if it was clean, Baba, I wouldn't have any way to show you how responsible I am.”
Khalid let out a roar of a laugh. He could not argue with that logic. The next day he presented his daughter with a fluffy white cat.
She never held back in any conversation, especially an intellectual one. She’d learned the art of having tact, but that tact could only do so much in the face of outright foolishness. It was no surprise then when she openly criticized the House of Wisdom’s head scholar, Fazil Fahim.
The man was a charlatan, at least Nashira thought so. He spoke of people who came before, how they would come again one day, how his so-called “great work” proved as much.
Nashira read his research, she attended his lectures, and saw absolutely no basis for this claim. Fazil Fahim had no place as first scholar of the House of Wisdom if intended to spout the musings of a fool. Worse yet, he was spending an unthinkable amount of money on a pointless dig sight out in the wilderness. That part angered Nashira the most.
“To make such claims without any solid evidence is moronic!” Nashira exclaimed after one of his symposiums, “I expect better from a man as intelligent as Fazil Fahim, especially when he is the head scholar of the House of Wisdom. With the money he spends on that dig site, we could fund stipends for more scholars and pay school fees for students who cannot afford it otherwise. A terrible waste!”
What Nashira had not considered was that unlike her father, who was understanding and encouraged her to speak freely around him, other men did not take such talk as well from a woman.
Lately, she swore someone was following her. Around the House of Wisdom, around the markets, outside her home. She couldn’t explain it but she felt a presence near her at all times, starting around the time she made the comment about Fazil.
Perhaps it was him following her around? To confront her on what she said? If that were the case he knew where her observatory was. Nothing stopped him from simply strolling right in and giving her a piece of his mind.
Nashira sighed, drumming her fingers on the open book in front of her. After some contemplation, she let her thoughts drift to where she tried so hard no to let them go.
Could it be Basim?
Her mind filled with the image of his round eyes, his dark brows, his full bottom lip he bit when he was nervous….
She let out a frustrated huff, “Stop it Nashira….” She made herself clear the last time they spoke. That was all in the past. She was married to Omar and he was a good husband to her. This was just her wishful thinking again. The residuals of reckless teenaged passion.
She glanced at the open window. Why did she even bother keeping it open anymore when the only person who ever used it was him?
Nashira walked over to it, taking hold of the window panes and froze. Keeping it open just a little bit wouldn’t hurt? Right? It was quite hot today and the draft would be nice.
She dropped her arms by her side with a heavy sigh, resigning to her desk as she gazed at the window she was too cowardly to close.
Halah jumped into her lap, meowing at her.
She let out a laugh, “You’re right Halah, I need to forget about Basim,” She petted the cat, “Especially before Omar comes back…he’ll notice something is wrong with me and I wouldn’t have the heart to be honest as to why…”
The cat purred into her hand.
Suddenly, Basim leaped through the window. It wasn't in his usual way, he barreled his way in like he was in a rush, or rather a panic.
She gasped, “Basim?”
She paused upon seeing his expression. Basim looked distraught, “You need to get out of here. Now.” He walked over and grabbed her by the arm.
She resisted, “Excuse me? You can’t just barge in here and demand I go anywhere with you, not without an explanation!” She barked at him, and he backed a little in response.
Suddenly the doors of the observator burst open, revealing a group of heavily armed guards. Many of them holding weapons that seemed too coarse for a building full of scholars.
Nashira let out a scream, “What in the world?” She muttered under her breath. The guards drew their swords, filling the entrance. Basim stepped in front of her and Halah, a deadly look in eyes. It didn’t seem to match the face of the sweet boy she used to know, but she considered herself lucky to not be on the receiving end of it.
The biggest guard pointed his sword directly at Nashira, “There she is. Get her!” He ordered.
Basim drew his scimitar from his hilt, a deadly focus growing on his face, “Nashira, Halah, stay behind me.”
Basim panted, returning his scimitar to its hilt on his side. Around them lay the dead bodies of the assailants. Taking them out was light work, though he hated making a mess of the observatory.
Nashira stood in place clutching Halah, whose fur stood on ends. They both trembled after witnessing such carnage.
He walked over to her, “Are you alright?” He asked. His voice sounded gently and sweet, a total contrast to the ferocity he displayed in the earlier fight.
Nashira nodded slowly, eyes still focusing on the bodies in front of her. She had never seen so much blood before. She shivered thinking how It would have been her blood had Basim not arrived in time.
He sighed with relief, “Now you see why I need you to come with me?” He asked.
Nashira let out a shaky breath, “Why on earth would these men try to kill me?” She asked, clutching Halah tightly against her.
Basim stepped towards her, “Many people in The House of Wisdom have been going missing, some of them have even been killed. I decided to look into this and spoke with a man who said someone by the name of Al Rabisu was targeting scholars getting involved with a mysterious dig site out in the wilderness. Your name came up and I rushed over here.”
He let out a sigh, “I am just glad I wasn’t too late.” He said just above a whisper.
Nashira swallowed hard, “Me too.” She thought for a moment, “Who is this Al Rabisu?”
“That is what I am trying to find out,” Basim said, “Think, is there anyone you could have angered in the last few days? Anyone at all?”
Nashira thought for a moment, “Well…I may have said some critical things about Fazil Fazim?” She bit her lip nervously. Looking back on it, maybe openly criticizing the most powerful man in the House of Wisdom was a bad idea.
Basim’s eyes widened, “The head scholar?”
She nodded.
He exhaled, “Well I can’t say I’m surprised you'd do something like that.” He said, placing his hands on his hips. This pointed to motive for Fazim in regards to Nashira’s criticism, and further connected him to the order. Still, he needed to be absolutely sure before acting.
She frowned, “I know I said some harsh things, but what would killing me do? I don’t understand.” Nashira asked.
“I have my suspicions as to what Al Rabisu is up to, but first I need to get you somewhere safe.” Basim explained.
Nashira furrowed her brows as Basim guided her towards the window, “Basim what are you-” She was cut off by Basim blindfolding her.
She yelped when he picked her up. She tightened her hold on Halah as Basim carried them both out of the window. To where, she had no idea.
Nashira sat in a strange room holding Halah in her arms, listening to the muffled voices below. Basim had been speaking with a hooded gray haired woman for some time now. Most of it sounded like her reprimanding him.
“What do you think you’re doing bringing an outsider here?” An older woman with a raspy voice asked angrily.
“I know, Master Roshan, but she was in danger. This was the only place I knew that would be safe.” He pleaded.
Roshan huffed, “You know the rules. No compromising the brotherhood.”
“She won’t,” He added, “I trust her with my life. We’ll keep her here as soon as I can figure out who’s behind the mask in the House of Wisdom.”
Nashira felt a sense of relief hearing him vouch for her to stay. She definitely didn’t feel safe enough to go home, especially with her husband gone.
Downstairs, Roshan didn’t budge, instead crossing her arms and hardening her stare.
Basim pressed his hands together, “Please master,” He lowered his voice, leaning in a bit, “This is important for the success of my mission.”
His mentor raised a brow, “Is all this important for your mission, or is she important to you?” she asked at full volume.
Basim opened his mouth to negate that, but couldn’t.
Nashira listened intently to the conversation, feeling her face growing red at what Roshan insinuated. She quickly shook the feeling away.
“That’s in the past.” she insisted to herself. She kept listening.
Roshan let out a deep sigh, “Alright. But make haste on finding out the truth behind Al Rabisu and this dig site. We do not have time to waste.”
Nashira let out a sigh of relief and heard footsteps walking up the stairs. She quickly busied herself, making it seem like she hadn’t been listening to that conversation.
Basim entered the space looking indignant after the harsh talking-to he just received, but quickly fixed his face once he saw Nashira.
“You can stay here as long as you need.” He said, “It is safe here.”
She sighed in relief, “Thank you, Basim…I really appreciate what you’re doing for me.”
He gave her a soft smile, “Of course, ya sayidati.”
She let Halah jump down from her arms, smiling when she saw her snuggle up against Basim’s boot, “If I might ask, where exactly am I?”
Basim let out a deep sigh, “I’m afraid I cannot tell you.”
Nashira raised a brow at him, but continued with her questions, “Then, can I ask what you are going to do now?” She hesitated, “Do you intend to…fix this issue the way you did in my observatory?”
Basim crossed his arms, “I will do what needs to be done to ensure your safety.”
She made an irritable noise at that, and Basim tried not to laugh. She hated not knowing things.
“What is with all these secrets? He’s never been this secretive…” she thought to herself, no doubt her face showing how irritated she was.
Basim gently patted her shoulder, “Try to relax while I’m gone.”
She rolled her eyes, “Easier said than done. You’re not the one with a target on their back.”
“True.” He shrugged, “At least not today.”
Basim turned around before he could see the look of wide eyed shock on Nashira’s face. Just what on earth does he do for a living?!
The steely look in his face returned as he glanced behind him, “I must go now. If you need anything, Master Roshan and Tabid will help you. I’ll be back soon.” He turned to leave the room, headed for the House of Wisdom to continue his investigation.
Just as Basim was about to turn the corner, he heard her voice behind him.
“Be careful.”
She said it softly, nearly a whisper. He smiled to himself, then turned just enough to nod at her, and left.
When he disappeared from her sight, Nashira let out a long breath, trying to shake off the feeling in her chest. She thought back to the fight that broke out in her observatory. As scary as the situation was, Basim skillfully subdued her attackers with ease.
If she hadn’t already known him, she’d swear he was a hero from an epic tale that leaped off the page and into real life. He could protect anyone from anything, no longer the defenseless boy from the streets she once knew. This Basim was a different beast entirely.
She shook her head when she realized she was thinking about him for too long, “Stop it Nashira!” she said to herself.
Her eyes drifted to Halah, who sat on the floor and looked up at her, tilting her head.
Nashira shrugged, “What?”
Halah simply meowed, walking toward one of the cushions on the floor to take a nap.
Nashira knew she was supposed to stay in the room and out of the way of everyone else in the bureau, but her curiosity couldn’t stay away. It had been at least a day since Basim brought her here, and the only fresh air she got in that time was from the small enclosed courtyard just outside the bureau. She crept out of the room Basim left her in and made her way down the hall.
There weren’t many people at all in the bureau. The few people there were too occupied with their own studies to notice her. Or rather, she suspected, they did notice her and decided she was such a non threat they didn’t have to acknowledge her presence. She figured that was for the best all things considered.
She made her way down the stairs, taking note of her surroundings: there was a desk, a bookshelf filled with reference books and maps of the city hanging on the walls. Near the door was a board with several papers pinned to it.
Nashira got close to the desk in an attempt to read the papers on it, having to strain her eyes just to make out a few letters at a time.
“What are you doing?”
She whipped her head around at the sound of the raspy voice from earlier. There stood the woman in similar robes to Basim, only she had a red sash instead of the blue one he wore. Her hood was up, unlike the other hidden ones in the bureau, and Nashira could only make out the bottom half of her face. She must have been the woman Basim was speaking with earlier, Master Roshan.
“Nothing,” she sputtered, “I was just-“
“You were just looking at confidential documents?” Roshon finished for her as she stalked up to Nashira, towering over the younger woman.
“My apologies, I didn’t know they were confidential, they were out in the open,” Nashira clarified, “I don’t even have my magnifying glass on me so I could hardly read any of it.”
“A likely story,” said Roshan, “Or a clever lie.”
Nashira frowned, “I am no liar. And unlike you and Basim I do not keep secrets either.” She crossed her arms.
Roshan hummed, “Then perhaps you’re not so clever after all.”
Nahsira scoffed in response.
Roshan examined the woman in front of her. She didn’t peg this woman as a member of the order, but she could never be too careful. By the looks of her, she had zero fighting prowess about her. She was young, about twenty if she had to guess, olive skinned, shaped like a pear with a soft tummy, and lacking in muscle. Nashira didn’t possess any weapons on her person and definitely dressed like a woman could afford to hire people to fight for her judging by her elegant robes and jewlery.
It was clear she wasn’t a threat, at least not physically.
No doubt she was beautiful enough to compel the hearts of men and women around her. Men like Basim, who despite having grown from the scared boy he was when Roshan first met him, was still a man. A young one at that, making him an easy target for seduction.
She decided she wouldn’t let up until she had a better understanding of who this young woman was and what she was doing with her student.
Roshon narrowed her eyes, “Who are you?”
“Nashira bint Khalid ibn Mohammed.” She answered quickly, “I’m an astronomer at the House of Wisdom.”
“A woman astronomer,” Roshan thought, not hiding her intrigue in her face, “Being a woman in your position must make you quite vulnerable. Especially to men with fragile egos in the House of Wisdom I imagine.” She said aloud.
Nashira sighed, “Perhaps…I’ve been made quite aware of that recently…”
Roshan tilted her head. Clearly she was intelligent considering she was a scholar. Though intelligence does little to help naïveté it seems. Any woman in a lower class knew a man’s ego was a threat, as Roshan herself was well aware. However women of higher class lived in a world sheltered by the men around them. Those women had the protection of their well to do male relatives and whoever served them. Perhaps the events leading to Nashira staying here were a rude awakening on that fact.
Roshan continued, “How do you know Basim?”
Nashira rubbed her hand up and down her arm, “We were…friends.” She said, trying to keep her gaze locked on Roshan but couldn’t help but to shift her eyes to the ground.
“Friends?” Roshan raised a brow, sensing she was withholding information. Still, her hesitation to answer her questions regarding Basim did not seem to come from a place of deception, at least not with the goal of deceiving Roshan in this very moment.
Nashira shifted her eyes from the floor to Roshan’s, “Perhaps more than that.”
Now it was coming together for Roshan. Like his friend Nehal, she was just another piece of the past Basim had to reckon with, “I see…And are you still more than that?”
“No.” Nashira answered quickly.
“Why not?”
The young woman shrugged her shoulders, “He disappeared,” she looked Roshon up and down, “I suspect you know the rest.”
“The rest?”
Nashira rolled her eyes, “The parts I don’t know…or aren’t allowed to know it seems.”
Roshan clasped her hands behind her back, “Basim took an oath, to leave his past behind him and walk our path. To walk the shadows and serve the light.” She held Nashia’s gaze, “He has no room for anything else. I’m sure you understand Nashira.”
Nashira nodded. So then this was the reason he stayed away so long. This oath of his to leave his past behind, her included. After all the time they spent together, had he really intended to forget about her just like that? It took her years to make peace with his sudden disappearance. Was it really so easy for him? If he wasn’t required to come back to Baghdad, would he have even bothered seeking her out at all?
She swallowed hard. Why did the thought of that upset her so much?
Her somber expression didn’t go unnoticed by Roshan, “I do not say this to be cruel. I just do not want you to get you to get your hopes up.”
She met Roshan’s gaze with her own, “That will not be a problem. What we had is in the past.”
“Is it?” The hidden one tilted her head.
“It is.” Nashira answered sternly, “And once this is all over and I can go back to my observatory and we can forget all about this.”
Roshon paused for a moment, then let out a sigh. This woman was smart, but a terrible liar.
“Very well.” She said, turning on her heel toward the door, “I enjoyed our chat, Nashira bint Khalid.” She put her hand on the doorknob, “there are some books on the shelf behind you. I suggest you read those to keep your boredom at bay.”
Without another word she walked out the bureau, leaving a stunned Nashira behind.
Nashira held her gaze on the door, letting her feelings sink into her. Despite the presence of others in the office, she suddenly felt more confused and alone than ever.
What path did Basim walk that led him so far from her?
Hours later, Basim walked into the upstairs room, startling both Nashira and Halah out of their sleep.
Sleeping on the floor was not her preferred method, but at least the Hidden One’s hideout was mostly quiet, save for the sound of footsteps. She stretched her sore muscles and Halah followed suit.
Nashira noticed Basim seemed…off? Like he had grown weary since she last saw him hours ago. She wondered what made him so.
Given what happened at the observatory, perhaps it was best if she didn’t know any details.
“It’s done,” He said, “Come morning you’ll be able to return to the House of Wisdom with no danger.”
She let out a sigh of relief, “That is good to hear,” She relaxed her shoulders, “So, was it Fazil Fahim then?”
Basim figured she’d find out he was dead anyway once she returned to the House of Wisdom. so he nodded.
She raised a brow, “Are you going to tell me what was going on with all those disappearances?” She asked.
He sighed, “I cannot reveal-”
“Right, more secrets.” She rolled her eyes, getting a bit fed up with all this secrecy.
“Trust me Nashira,” Basim put a hand over his heart, “If I could tell you, you’d be the first to know.”
Her eyes soften, remembering her conversation with Roshan earlier about Basim’s oath, “It’s fine. Thank you ya sadiqi.” She smiled warmly at him, showing her sincere thanks.
Basim felt a warmth spread in his chest seeing her smile at him, “I can escort you home if you’d like? So you do not have to stay in…here.” He gestured around the room, beautiful but quite small and simple compared to the observatory.
She grinned, “I’d love that.”
Basim marveled at the estate in front of him.
Nashira’s home was beautifully decorated with sun, moon and star designs etching the walls and arches. The private courtyard he stepped into was filled with a lush garden and a fountain where the moon’s reflection shone in the water.
“This house is beautiful.” Basim touched the etchings in the archways. His own father would be speechless if he saw this place.
Nashira smiled, “Thank you.” She took a seat on the edge of the fountain, “Omar is always away with the merchant caravans so he figured he’d have the house built to suit my tastes.”
Basim clasped his hands behind his back, “That is good. You deserve a gorgeous home.” His eyes softened at her.
She smiled back, and then looked up at the sky. A skwak rang out, catching her attention. Moments later an eagle flew down onto Basim’s outstretched arm.
“You’ve been flying all day,” he fed the bird a snack, “Do you ever tire?”
Nashira tilted her head as Basim brought the creature closer to her, “This is Enkidu, my animal companion.”
The bird was beautiful, and quite alert, seeming to take notice of the woman in front of him. She carefully reached out a hand to pet the top of Enkidu’s head.
The bird clicked with delight at the action.
“It’s very nice to meet you Enkidu.” Nashira smiled at the creature.
Basim let out a chuckle, “I can tell he likes you.”
Nashira blew the bird a few kisses, not noticing her cat stalking up the winged creature. With one swipe of the paw, Halah hissed at the bird, causing it to fly back in the sky with a loud screech.
“Bad Halah!” Nashira picked up the cat, placing it in her lap, “you mustn’t hiss at our friend Enkidu.” She sent an apologetic glance at Basim.
He chuckled again, “Enkidu is a lot tougher than he seems.”
Nashira let Halah jump out of her lap. She patted a spot next to her on the fountain, “Please, sit with me.”
Without hesitation, Basim did as she asked. Stars filled the night above them, twinkling up above Nashira’s courtyard garden.
He sighed, “This reminds me of those times we’d sit on the roofs in Anbar.” He said, gazing above them.
Nashira smiled fondly, “Yeah, it does.”
A silence hung over them for some time.
She looked at Basim, taking in his new choice of dress. He wore a hood now, though it was down at the moment. His clothing was simple and plain, like a peasant or monk’s clothing. The only thing that stood out was the bright sash, and if you looked closely, you could see an array of thinly veiled weapons all over his person.
She gave him a long look, raising an eyebrow at him. Slowly the corner her mouth raised up in a smirk.
He noticed her gaze, “What?”
Nashira let out a small laugh, “I couldn’t help but notice how you choose the dress lately : hoods, concealed weapons…or should I say hidden? Much like those elusive hooded liberators you used to talk about all the time. What were they called?” She tapped her cheek with her finger as she circled around him, “The Hidden-”
Basim covered her mouth to stop her from talking.
His face turned serious, “Do not mention them, ever, understood?” He said in a hushed tone.
She nodded.
He took his hand away and she smacked him hard on the shoulder, “And stop shushing me!”
Basim grunted out a laugh at the smack and rubbed his shoulder, feigning pain. Nashira nearly hit him again but he caught her hand before she could.
“Nice try.” He smirked. He and Nashira laughed for a moment before realizing how close to each other they were, and that Basim currently held her hand in his. They both thought back to the times they used to play these kinds of games together in the observatory.
They were so close to each other. Close enough to feel each other's breaths on their noses.
He let go, clearing his throat and she tucked some hair back into her head scarf.
Nashira let out a little laugh, “To be honest I wouldn’t have figured it out had I not spoken to Master Roshan.” She mentioned.
Basim’s eyes widened, “You spoke with Roshan?”
She nodded, “She may have caught me looking at some confidential documents while you were away.”
Basim blinked, “I am surprised you lived to tell the tale.”
“As am I.” Nashira thought for a moment and then laughed, “I am surprised you took out those mercenaries so easily. I wouldn’t have expected that from you.”
Basim raised a brow, “What do you mean?”
“Well thieves aren’t exactly known for fighting.” She shrugged, “You were more so the ‘avoid a fight and run away as fast as you can’ type.”
“Hey now, I used to put up a good fight back then!” He protested.
She chuckled, “You certainly gave them what for…from the ground.” She winked.
Basim huffed in annoyance and rolled his eyes as she laughed thinking about all the times she saw Basim scrambling from the guards in the House of Wisdom.
She fidgeted with her hands in her lap, “I know I was a bit…harsh the night you returned to Baghdad,” She almost whispered, “I still stand by what I said, but, It is good to have you back. I missed having a friend to talk to.”
Basim smiled softly at the word friend. They had started out as friends, and he cherished that friendship just as much, if not more, than their romance for he would have never known he loved her without it. The love he had for Nashira never left, but perhaps it could change.
“I am glad to be back too. Even more so knowing we can still be friends.”
After a moment, she cleared her throat, “Roshan mentioned the reason you hadn’t come back to Baghdad was because of your Hidden One’s training.”
Basim nodded, “That is true. I needed to train hard and remain focused to reach my goal,” he explained, “and in order to do that I needed to take an oath to leave my old life behind.”
It grew quiet between them. He realized what he implied when he saw Nashira frown. Her face remained still, thought he swore he could see the slightest bend in her eye brow like something bothered her.
“Hold on, I didn’t mean- “
“No, do not apologize, I understand.” She assured him, “I’m happy for you. Becoming a Hidden One has always been your dream. Don’t apologize for following that path.” She gave him a small smile.
“You were my dream too.” He wanted to tell her, but remembered how she shut him down when they first reconnected.
Nashira couldn’t help but notice how tired Basim’s eyes looked. The dark circles pooled under them, growing darker since the last time.
“You are happy right? You look so weary,” She said.
Basim didn’t look at her, “I’m fine,” he lied. After killing Fazil Fahim, he saw another vision of the jinni. What used to only haunt him in his sleep now tormented him in his wake as well. He lacked the answers as to why, but it always happened when he slayed one of his targets.
Nashira placed a hand on his shoulder, “Are you sure?” Her eyes grew more concerned as she tried to get him to look at her but he wouldn't. He couldn’t.
Instead he asked her, “Are you happy Nashira?”
Nashira removed her hand from his shoulder. She looked far ahead of her, gazing at the beautiful archway of her home, built for her by a devoted husband who loved her.
“I should be…” She muttered out loud.
Basim looked her way, seeing the forlorn look in her eyes as she stared ahead of her. What did she mean? She had to be happy, right? She had her observatory, this house, a kind and wealthy husband, everything she’d need to live a secure and comfortable life. What was missing from it?
He brought his gaze back up towards the stars. If this was how things were meant to be, how could she be unhappy? How could he be expected to let what they had go if he knew she was unhappy with this life?
He shook his head. No, no, he couldn’t think like that. He was harping on feelings from the past, not focusing on the reality of the present.
He stood up, “I have to go. Master Roshan is expecting me.”
He needed to go. He couldn’t stay a moment longer or he’d say something he’d regret and ruin any chance of them being friends.
Nashira opened her mouth to say something, to tell him to come back, tell him to stay with her, even for just a moment longer.
Instead, all she said was “Goodnight, Basim.”
Basim swallowed hard, “Goodnight, Nashira.” He disappeared into the night.
The sun was shining high over Baghdad as Basim leaped across the rooftops to get to the House of Wisdom. Weeks had passed since he assassinated Fazil Fahim and by the looks of things, the House of Wisdom was bouncing back from corruption.
No signs of burning books, people freely walking about, freely discussing their findings and philosophies amongst themselves and their students.
He smiled to himself. It was nice to see the results of his work for once.
He made it to the ledge just above the window into Nashira’s observatory. He grabbed a hold of it and swung himself into the building, landing effortlessly on the floor.
As he stood, he dusted himself off, “Nashira, I have some work for you from Master Rosha-“
He stopped talking when he saw not only Nashira’s wide eyes staring back at him, but about 10 other pairs of eyes as well. All them were young girls, anywhere from thirteen to sixteen years old. They sat together at their desks as Nashira stood in the front with a board showing complicated math equations.
She cleared her throat, “Basim, this is my class.” She turned to her class, “Class, this is my old friend Basim. What do we say to our guests?”
“Assalamu alaikum.” They said in unison.
Basim put a hand to his heart, bowing his head, “Walaikum Assalam. My apologies for interrupting your class, children.” He said, “Perhaps I should come back later.”
One of the younger girls perked up, “Ustadah, why does he dress like a peasant?” She asked
“Fatima!” Nashira used a warning tone in her voice, the kind Basim recognized as the one her father used to let her know she was crossing a boundary.
Basim shook his head, “It is fine ya sayidati,” Basim looked at Fatima, “That is a fine question, young lady. When I was not much older than you, I grew up in Anbar, one of the poorer districts in Baghdad. Because of this, I saw many people and children like yourself go without the things they need and treated poorly by others, myself included,” he explained, clasping his hands behind his back as he spoke, “My clothes are a reminder of the oath I made to help those less fortunate.”
Most of that was true, though the simple answer was that the clothes concealed his identity. These girls didn’t need to know for what reason though.
He continued, “Like all of you, I spent a lot of time in this very room learning as much as I could, thanks to your teacher.” He said, looking over at Nashira.
Nashira smiled softly at him and he returned the gesture. This action did not go unnoticed by her students, who unfortunately for her were growing more and more observant everyday.
One of the girls raised her hand and Nashira called on her, “Yes, Reem?”
Reem smirked, “Is he the reason you tell us not to talk to boys from Anbar?” She teased.
Nashira clapped her hands, “Class dismissed!” She said, completely side tracking that question.
Immediately the girls scurried from their desks and out the doors to the rest of the House of Wisdom, carrying their books with them, breaking off into smaller groups to chat and giggle amongst themselves, stealing glances at their teacher and this mysterious bearded man from Anbar.
When all the students were out of the room, Nashira slowly turned around to face Basim, cringing when she saw his hands on his hips and a cheeky expression on his face.
“And what’s wrong with boys from Anbar?” He asked with a playful tone.
“Nothing! Nothing,” Nashira giggled, “I just wanted to make sure my girls know to look out for their-”
“Sticky fingers?” Basim answered, holding up both hands and wiggling his fingers.
“No,” Nashira pointed to her mouth, “Their slick tongues.” She said before they both burst out into a laugh.
Basim chuckled, “Do your students know what a bad influence you were on me?” He asked.
In their youth, Nashira often dragged him along to parts of the library they weren’t allowed in, or would convince him to use his “sticky fingers” to swipe books about topics her father wouldn’t allow her to read. If they ever got caught, Nashira would distract the guards and stewards so Basim could sneak away with their bounty.
Nashira smirked, “You were a worst one.”
At some point in the middle of their banter they had migrated very close to each other, leaving only a few inches of space between them. They cleared their throats and put more space between them.
“So, what did you come by for?” Nashira asked.
He grinned, “Isn’t it obvious? I’ve come to see my good friend.”
Nashira cracked a smile, only to scoff when he crouched down to pick up the fluffy white cat.
“Halah!” He said in a joyous tone, holding up the chubby cat who purred from the attention.
Nashira thumped his forehead with her finger, “You interrupted my class for that?”
Basim shook his head with a laugh, letting Halah jump out of his arms, “Master Roshan needs to know which stars to follow to get to these locations.” He handed her a parchment with Roshan’s request on it.
Nashira read the parchment. Many of the locations extended out of Baghdad, into areas like Greece, Constantinople, even the Norse lands, “Why does she need to go here?” She asked.
Basim shrugged his shoulders, “I can not tell you what I don't know.”
Nashira tilted her head, “You mean you didn’t ask?” That was so unlike the Basim she knew, who like her, was always nosy to fault. Though it seemed this Basim didn’t question his master on anything.
Basim shook his head.
She rolled her eyes, “More secrets.” She placed the parchment on the table, “Very well, I’ll figure it out in a few hours. Right now I need to go.”
Basim looked confused, “Go where?”
“To Anbar,” She explained, filling a bag with books, “One of my students, Maha, hasn’t been coming to class lately because her mother is sick and she has to watch her younger siblings. So I’m going over there to teach her in her home.”
“Really,” Basim hummed thoughtfully, “I never thought someone from Anbar could afford such a class.”
“Of course she can’t afford it. That’s why I don’t charge her, or any of my students for that matter.” Nashira clarified as she continued packing, “Maha is too bright for me to let her fall through the cracks.”
Basim wasn’t sure what he felt just then, but he found himself smiling at her while she wasn’t looking. He suddenly remembered how she said teaching was how she wanted to better the world around her. It was nice to see her following that call to purpose.
“It is a good thing you are doing, ya sayidati,” he said, “Though I wish we had more time to share a snack of dates and tea.”
Nashira smirked, “Consider yourself lucky. Since you are so eager to spend time with Halah, you can cat sit while I’m gone.” She winked at him, before heading out of the observatory.
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firerwolf · 1 year
I’m about half way through The Golden City and I’m enjoying the book so far. It’s certainly a good book if you’re a fan of Hytham or political plots. There are a few things that I’ve noticed which the book established that seem pretty important. Assuming the book is fully canon and approved of by Ubisoft then it is very informative.
First thing is that the book still doesn’t really tell you anything about Hytham’s history. Who he was before the Hidden Ones has been completely absent in the book meaning that I don’t think Ubisoft had any actual history for him. It’s sad to think his codex entry was really as little as it feels they cared about him.
Second is that his and Basim’s relationship was very different. In the book Basim is not the completely absent man he is in Valhalla. He is in the shadows but he is always there, he does teach Hytham, and he seems to genuinely care if Hytham feels offended or questioned by him. I’d say that Basim feels a little Loki like but as though having not found Sigurd that there is still some of the man who we’d meet in Mirage. It does give a good explanation of why it is that Hytham would have had some faith in Basim and been accepting of his absence.
Third, Hytham would be a fantastic father. In the book he states that after his first kill he gave up on being a father despite wanting to be one. He basically claims that he doesn’t feel like he can bring a child into the violent world he lives in. I wonder if living with the vikings and age would change that. The vikings exist in a world of violence and they still can have children and take care of them. Because in the book Hytham has to take care of a child and he is just good with the kid. He’s kind and caring and the kid really likes him.
Fourth, Hytham was a very skilled fighter and assassin who was likely to make Master. The book makes it very clear that Hytham is a skilled fighter, starting off the book with a sparring match between him and Basim where he can hold his own. Hytham is also smart, being skilled with words, memory, and is very observant. He is shown to not be as good as Basim but that simply means he’s not a master, not that he isn’t skilled. It represents exactly how bad the injury he received was and how frustrating it must be for him to be unable to fight as he did before. He had a future as a master and in an instance it was taken away. It also sort of makes the moment in Vahalla make less sense because it seems like a sloppy assassination attempt but Hytham is skilled. It does highlight the fact that the actual action is never addressed in the game or Hytham giving an end to his arc and makes it more annoying to me in retrospect.
Fifth, Hytham’s big weakness is that he gets emotionally involved. With several characters and the boy the main cause of fault for Hytham is that he lets his emotions take part in his decisions and it can sometimes be a fault. This makes it make a little more sense that Hytham is suspicious of Eivor who he feels Basim is making the same mistakes he was. Basim is being chummy with vikings and it seems like he’s blinded by his friendship with them and it makes Hytham’s attitude make more sense. And their blades are hidden making his objectives on that matter also make more sense. So far the book has done well in making the Hytham and Basim we meet at the start of Valhalla make more sense. Also the show of his abilities coupled with Sword of the White Horse which showed that people easily become loyal and protective of him they do lead to a good basis for assuming that Hytham was the first Mentor of the English brotherhood.
Sixth, it really makes me again wish that they weren’t making a game about Basim but instead were making one about Hytham. You could get the exactly same stealth heavy and limited story but you have more reason with Hytham. Basim is Loki, which means that him being limited doesn’t really make sense when we’ve seen what he should be able to do. Hytham is just a man. An injured man who is limited in what he can physically do. Him learning to be an effective assassin with his limitations would have allowed for player progression and skills, would have forced more reliance on stealth as Hytham couldn’t be in prolonged combat, and building a brand new branch to the brotherhood is an interesting story. It also would have worked better to actually give a Hidden One story to England and Valhalla.
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marcusrobertobaq · 9 months
Would Basim sell his shit and also some Assassin's info to Abstergo for personal reasons in modern day?
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teecupangel · 2 years
Submitted by the wonderful @fanworldbuildingfun:
What a lovely bunch of chill Desmond ideas… Would be a shame if someone just... Spilled some anxiety on it
But really, we always presume that Desmond will be able to slip beneath the notice of Assassins and/or Templars whenever he ends up in the past. And fair, we have a reason for it – if he managed to do it in present time, with so many more things to avoid, past should be a no brainer, right?
But consider also this: in present time, the only person we have who is noted to be able to use Eagle vision for any meaningful length of time, is Desmond himself. Other than that, an argument can be made for Clay (which we can’t exactly prove, with his death). Gavin Banks was taxed by its use. Templars were entirely shameful with their 3.5 seconds. Point is – it feels like the Purge took out a lot of proficient Eagle Vision users. And that, should have played well into Desmond’s ability to stay hidden.
If Desmond falls into any time where Assassins have more or less stable presence, it means a higher concentration of people with Eagle Vision
So imagine Desmond trying to go incognito, but utterly failing as the has oodles of Novices and Assassin’s flocking in his general vicinity. Because something way too shiny and gold suddenly appeared in their territory. Wherever Desmond goes, there is always a blue shadow somewhere in the corner of his eyes
Meanwhile Assassins, at witnessing the bright gold in their territory for the first time:
“Is it a target?”
“Is it a treasure? Please be treasure”
“What’s so important?”
“Dear God / Allah / Gods I’m blinded. BLINDED!”
Que trying to drag Desmond to the nearest Bureau / Safe house and find out how to stop him to be so shiny because it’s distracting their operations.
Teecup addition:
I mean, if you say it like that, my first thought will be the Levantine Brotherhood.
Of course, Ezio's recruits could count too and the Hidden Ones during Basim's time would probably count as well. (unless they're ones who prefer having an actual Eagle be their 'sight')
But just imagine...
Desmond not understanding why all these Assassins always seem to find him?
Was he that bad in hiding?
Did something give him away?
So he keeps running away and they keep chasing him.
It's an endless cycle...
Altaïr chased him all over Jerusalem and finally caught him by jumping on him, accidentally breaking the wooden ceiling below them.
Later that day, Malik sees Altaïr dragging Desmond by his hood, both of them drenched in the food they had fallen into.
He just... plops Desmond in front of Malik and tell him that this is his problem now.
Before leaving, food drenched robes and all.
Malik stares at Desmond with a frown.
And Desmond just sheepishly grins at him.
Altaïr drops Desmond into the Jerusalem bureau, making it Malik's problem, so he stops lighting up the city like a goddamn lighthouse that all Assassins want to check out because they're all magpies for shiny gold.
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artschoolglasses · 2 years
Thoughts on Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s final update under the cut.
(Because obviously I assume some people don’t want spoilers. but I also need to say something.)
So, spoilers for the update. As well as the game as a whole. You’ve been warned.
This is just going to be a random point-form all over the place sort of rambling rant from me. So, here goes. But I need to get this off my chest.
- First off, way too short. For them to talk about this final update for months and  for it to just end up being... a few poorly written cut scenes, some with characters Eivor really wasn’t close with at all, and then for other characters she was incredibly close with to not even show up? Oof.
- Super sorry to any Randivor shippers by the way. That’s rough, buddy.😬
- Also, the cut scenes really contradicted not only the main storyline and Eivor’s character growth, but also each other? She tells Harald she doesn’t want to go to Iceland because she doesn’t want to walk down well-worn roads, but at the same time... ends up returning to the exact same spot in Vinland that she and others have already been to? Doesn’t make sense.
- And it also doesn’t make sense she’d leave at all. We knew she’d end up in Vinland somehow. Fine. That had to happen. But with the reason being she had to “find herself”? Again, doesn't make sense. The whole point of the end of the main game was her realising the glory and power Odin promised her meant nothing in comparison to her found family. A found family she spent the entire game helping, protecting, caring for. To just... leave? In the middle of the night? With only Valka to notice? And a vague mention of Randvi? (Again, sorry Randivor shippers. Ouch.) It just took none of her own growth as a character into account.
- Honestly, it would have made more sense for her to be forced to leave England for some reason. Because there’s no way she’d just leave everything willingly like that. Seems like the writers knew she had to leave but didn’t really know how they were going to make her do that. So just pushed an excuse for her to go that didn’t really work. At all.
- Then the whole Odin thing. So they’re just... buddy buddy and chatting again? Really? After that super dramatic ending? And apparently she wants to learn from him? To what end? She just fucks off to Vinland and talks to the guy in her head as her only company and learns from him... to pass none of that on to anyone? Feels like a pointless way for her to end her days.
- And, sorry to people who actually like Basim, but I am not one of them. (Him standing over Eivor’s grave at the end of the main game and taunting her really put the last nail in the coffin for me. Not a fan.) So having so much Basim in this last update? Almost as much if not more focus on him than Eivor? Infuriating. Really, it made the whole thing feel like an advertisement for Assassin’s Creed Mirage. 
- Which, even though I liked the Roshan surprise, again, feels like an advertisement for Mirage. Maybe would have felt less like that if the focus of the last chapter hadn’t been so much on Basim and the Roshan quest was just a nice surprise they added on. But that’s not the case. Basim was heavily present in the last chapter. So again, feels like an AC Mirage advertisement. Using Eivor’s last chapter, the end of her story, to advertise Basim’s game. Cheap, Ubisoft. Super cheap.
- And, yeah. The new armour is tacky.
Anyways. If you made it through all that, have a cookie. And feel free to rant in the replies. I’m sure I'm not the only one who needs to get things off their chest after witnessing that.😅
EDIT: Wait! Let me just add, Hytham is precious and I love him. That was the only part of this I applaud. Being a mentor to a bunch of the villagers in Ravensthorpe was perfect and I would not change that at all. That man deserves the world.🥹
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frenchoravocadotoast · 6 months
Take me back to Constantinople
Hytham (AC: Valhalla) x GN!Reader
Word count: 2704
A/N: I finished reading The Golden City a few days ago and I'm inconsolable :] Have some more Hytham content! (because I fell down a rabbit hole)
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Had Hytham been told that he would challenge the tenets of the creed again, he would have vehemently denied it.
Constantinople had already been a tedious enough task to complete, and with his feelings involved, the young man swore to never get attached again. The life of an assassin was always on the run, never stable. He wasn’t meant to stay anywhere.
But then they met Sigurd. He and Basim traveled to Norway with him, then to England – and then Kjotve happened, and now Hytham had to stew in his disappointment as he healed from broken bones. His journey of travels ended here. At least he had the bureau to keep himself busy, as well as the lavish dinners to keep him fed and entertained. He liked it when there were get-togethers in Ravensthorpe. 
Like the one from a couple of days ago.
The assassin didn’t know what the reason for the celebration was – not that the vikings needed any. As long as they were promised food and booze at the banquet, they would gladly pillage and conquer any village they were asked to. Hytham had to admit that their logic was pretty efficient, if not a little too simple. But with Eivor, it was different. Her loyalties lay with her own virtues, a moral compass that luckily aligned with Hytham’s; and thus, she would willingly carry out any task that the Hidden One needed of her, even without the promise of a full belly and a drunken tongue.
She’d done a lot for him and his creed, and he couldn’t bring himself to say no to her when she insisted that he attend the celebration. She knew Hytham tended to overwork himself. There was paperwork to finish, new feathers to stock – hell, even the bureau itself was a mess. If Basim were to return with Sigurd now, and find the bureau looking like a rabid drengr had rummaged through it, Hytham would probably have to spend the rest of the month cleaning up the place rather than working up the ranks. 
He pursed his lips, not amused by the idea, but he tried his best to focus on the moment regardless. The clan members had come to form a circle, swaying to the tune of the music, and clasped their hands together as they stomped their right feet in unison. Hytham could feel the tremor under his own feet, and the laughing of the people echoed all over the room, pulling a smile at his lips too.
For a group of drunkards, they danced with great passion and expertise. Practice, Hytham shrugged. It definitely wasn’t their first night drinking and pissing mead, and dancing until their feet hurt. The circle spun faster and faster as the music enhanced. The dancers paired up to twirl and jump, and through the motion blur of faces and twirling dresses, Hytham saw it. Well, he wasn’t quite sure he’d seen it, but the smile looked familiar enough – and as the dancers continued to spin, his eyes settled on you.
He was right, then. You had indeed joined the circle. But your steps were calculated, and you lacked the drunken sway of the vikings who could barely keep themselves upright. Your smile shone bright, and your eyes crinkled under its pull as you switched partners with a woman. Her cheeks matched the tone of her ginger hair, and you somehow managed to avoid getting splashed by her drink, horn in hand.
Hytham’s eyes softened. It was moments like this that made him feel at ease, with no fear of an uncertain future or the haunting of a dark past. Everyone in this room had their fair share of demons, even the children – but they somehow possessed the power to forget about everything for the night, swinging and swaying to the music as the smoke from the bonfire fed off of each chant.
But there was something about you in particular that fascinated Hytham. Perhaps it was the way you carried yourself. The way you spoke, your presence. Maybe it was just the way you looked at him last week, when he’d taught you how to use his throwing knives. He was fixing your posture, and perhaps you’d noticed that he lingered close for too long, because Hytham caught you looking at him on numerous occasions since then. 
There was something there, he mused. A potion brewing quietly, and you were both none the wiser. Even now, the mere memory made Hytham’s fingers twitch as he watched you disappear on the other side of the circle.
“You’re staring.”
He stiffened, not wanting to give the woman the satisfaction of his reaction. 
“I’m just watching them dance.”
Eivor huffed out a laugh, dragging a wooden stool and plopping down next to him. From the corner of his eye, Hytham could see the blade of her ax glimmering under the candlelight.
“Basim was right, you’re awfully transparent.”
Hytham met her eyes, slightly offended. “He said that?”
“You can’t deny it if it’s true,” the blonde shrugged, nodding in your presumed direction. “Why don’t you ask them for a dance?”
Immediately, the assassin clammed up. It must have been an amusing sight to Eivor; a trained killer with a blade strapped to their arm, refusing to approach a person of their interest. When he and Eivor first met, Hytham had gone into detail about the imperative need to separate one’s feelings from their work – to allow such a thing could greatly compromise both his life and his creed. But it was a blurry line for the likes of him, a game that tested their loyalty to the brotherhood. The young eagle knew that line had been tested before, trespassed by his peers and predecessors. It hadn’t ended well for them – after all, the life of an assassin was short. It was built on sacrifice rather than yearning, that was the true purpose of a Hidden One. But now, Hytham knew he was once again at the mercy of his own heart – and what would that make of him?
Human, the little voice in his head said. It sounded an awful lot like Basim, and the acolyte was sure he could almost hear the older man’s trademark smirk. He must have trespassed that line too, at some point in his life; and Hytham couldn’t blame him. He was almost tempted to do it for the second time, too – perhaps he was spending too much time around the man. 
Hytham gave the viking woman a tentative smile. “You know I’m injured. I shouldn’t be dancing anyway.”
Eivor cocked an eyebrow, like she’d been expecting him to say that. 
“I thought it was your ribs that were broken, not your feet.”
Hytham frowned, frustrated; not because of her insistence, but rather because of her ability to read him like a book. Unlike his mentor, Hytham lacked the talent to keep secrets, and he was seemingly obvious to everyone except for himself.
“I don’t know how to dance,” he tried again.
“And they do?” Eivor laughed, looking at a drunk man who tripped and dragged his dancing partner down with him. Hytham could smell the alcohol on their breath from his seat.
“They’re too drunk to care.”
“I know you mean well, Eivor,” he softened his tone, shaking his head. “But I believe I should sit this one out. My ribs have been hurting again, and I wouldn’t want to aggravate them.”
It was a lie, and Eivor knew. Nevertheless, without questioning him, the woman sighed and stood up with great effort. She squeezed his shoulder in one last attempt to encourage him, but Hytham only patted her arm. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, or that he lacked the confidence to do so – but Hytham felt like he’d be intruding if he were to approach you now. You gleamed and danced amongst the other dancers, stepping over the bodies of the people who had succumbed to a drunken sleep. You moved with the kind of expertise he would almost envy if he weren’t a skilled fighter himself. 
Someday, he told himself. Someday, he would try to talk to you again. Not now, when you seemed to be in your own world. Hytham was content with just watching for now.
»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««
That day came sooner than Hytham expected.
The scenario was oddly familiar. As per your request, you were in the training yard once more, graced by the presence of a slumped dummy. The assassin didn’t stray too far from you, observing your posture as you readied another throw. 
“Remember to aim for a pulse point.”
Hytham muttered, not keen on interrupting your focus. You were deeply concentrated, he could tell. Your gloved fingers gripped the dagger tightly, readjusting your hold, before you pivoted and hurled the weapon at the humanoid sack. The blade hissed through the air and past the target, and the scowl on your face darkened.
“Damn it.”
The assassin smiled in amusement. Throwing knives were cheeky little bastards – they seemed to have a mind of their own and strayed wherever they pleased. And the wind today didn’t seem to be working in your favor, either. These weren’t the best conditions to be training; but for the two of you, spare time was just as slippery as the flying blades. The second you could find time to spend together, you’d take it.
So Hytham respected your choice to continue training. It was a good enough excuse to spend time with you, at least until he ran out of knives.
He drew another one from his belt, nodding at you. “That’s alright. Try again.”
You took the dagger from him, and perhaps your impatience was starting to get to you, because just a few seconds later, the knife was cutting through the air again. This time though, it embedded itself into the crotch area of the dummy, and true to its humanoid appearance, it slumped over as if it were in pain. Hytham let out an incredulous laugh, warily eyeing the dummy.
“Wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that.”
You grinned in triumph, satisfied that this one had struck the target. “But this would still work, right?”
“I suppose it would,” he hummed, instinctively handing you another knife. It was the last from his belt, and Hytham was relieved to know that he would soon be retreating back into the warmth of the bureau. He propped up the dummy before joining your side again. “Try one last time. Here, I’ll help you.”
Your posture was better than last time, but it still needed fixing. The man waited for you to curl the knife up to your opposite shoulder, before leaning closer to hover at your eye level. Gauging the distance by moving into your space was unnecessary, he knew you were capable enough to do so on your own. You knew you didn’t need him either. And yet, Hytham relished the side glance you gave him, one that lingered on his face longer than he’d expected. He fought back a smile as he reached to lift up your crooked arm.
“Focus on the target and take your time,” he reprimanded you playfully. You ripped your eyes away from him, and Hytham swore he could feel the heat emanating from your cheeks. “Your arm should be fully outstretched in a straight line. Aiming too high or too low will miss the target entirely, and you’ll quickly lose range advantage.”
He let go of your elbow when he was satisfied enough. Your eyes were trained on the dummy, unblinking, and the leather of your gloves groaned when you tightened the grip on the knife. Your voice was a soft mutter, but Hytham heard it. 
“You know, you sound a lot like Basim.”
The man gave you the ghost of a smile. It seemed the little voice in his head was starting to seep into his voice now, too.
“Well, he is my mentor,” a pause, and Hytham was tempted to speak again despite your focus. He added quietly. “Would you prefer his tutoring?”
“No. I would much rather enjoy your company.”
“And I yours.”
Another pause, and then, you flung the knife again. It cut through the air with a hiss, glinting for just a second before it sank into the neck of the dummy, and the stray strands of straw fluttered down at the stab. Hytham grinned as your eyes widened, and drew back to look at you properly.
“Good job,” he winked, promptly walking back to the mannequin to retrieve his knives. “Remind me to never get on your bad side again.”
“So this is how you do it?” you asked, and Hytham’s smile softened at the awe in your eyes. “I’ve seen you fling daggers from greater distances with just the flick of a wrist.”
The man shrugged, at a loss for words. He was never good at taking compliments, especially when they were this genuine. “It’s a matter of practice,” was all he said instead. He nodded at the bureau just as you joined his side.
“In that case, I’ll have to whisk you away more often. I need you to teach me how to do that.”
Hytham repressed a grin, but he couldn’t hide the blush on his cheeks.
“You know I won’t complain.”
»» ──────ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ────── ««
Complain? No, he could never.
Hytham didn’t know what it was that pulled him towards you. Other than his feelings, of course. Was it the way the fireplace of the bureau cast shadows on your face? The depth of your eyes, perhaps? The tender caress of your lips against his? Too many questions ran about in his mind, and no answer was valid enough to satisfy him.
There was one thing that did satisfy him, though; and he knew right then and there that he was doomed. The kiss started off with a peck –Hytham wasn’t sure who had leaned in first–; but then came a second one, and then another one, which turned into a lingering kiss. He felt the heat of your sigh, the gentle nudge of your nose, the caress of your lashes against his skin. The blood in his ears was roaring at your touch.
If this was how training ended every time, then Hytham wouldn’t have minded teaching you more often.
You had somehow found your way to the shelves. His body pressed you against them, caging you in his embrace as your hands cradled his face; and here, hidden away from any witnesses, your lips came to create a dance and language of their own. Hytham pulled back, desperate to relieve the burn in his chest but not leaning too far either. Your breaths intermingled once more as his finger skimmed over your cheek, and he whispered.
“I’m starting to think training was just an excuse.”
He felt you smile against his skin, like he had caught you in a lie. Perhaps he had, judging from the glint in your eyes.
“It wasn’t, at least not in the beginning,” you paused, interrupted by him as he surged forward to catch your lips again. Your words etched onto his skin as you whispered through the kiss. “But then you refused to dance with me at the celebration, and I had to come up with a new idea.”
Hytham stilled, and your smile widened at his reaction. He glanced between your eyes, trying to read you like he’d been trained to do in his novice years. It was so obvious now that he looked more carefully – maybe he was too distracted by his feelings in the past to even notice what you were plotting. That seemed to be a recurring problem for Hytham. His cheeks grew warm again, but his small smile said he was impressed.
“I was set up.” 
“Took you long enough.”
“You’re devious,” his words were teasing, but the assassin felt his eyes soften the more he looked at you. Your arms around his neck had never felt so welcoming. “Perhaps we should make a Hidden One out of you.”
“Only if you continue teaching me how to use the knives.”
Hytham grinned, whispering against your lips. “Deal.”
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fanworldbuildingfun · 2 years
I’m 35% into Valhalla and I need to vent a bit I have such a... Love/hate thing for this game???  I mean. From the “Mythology set” it would be my second-favorite, after Origins
(Which is an undisputed leader for the perfect mix of lovely world, lovely protagonists, and heart wrenching story which - most importantly - ties in to the Assassin lore)
Valhalla gets #2 after Origins for a very simple reason: while I may have issues with Eivor (not the writing; I find them pretty fleshed out, but for the moments when story decides to sod your dialogue choices and defaults to prideful hothead), I did not click with Kassandra, whom I decided to start Odyssey with. A little over 15% in, and I switched to Valhalla. I fully intend to see if Alexious would click better, after I’m done with Valhalla
(and just to clarify: I’m playing the “Let the Animus decide” option for Valhalla, co Eivor is female in main parts of game)
Now. One thing I have to mention: I’m a completionist and I’m easily sidetracked by non-mainline quests. Which means that, while I’m doing main plot quests in power level order and I’m only on Oxenefordscire Arc right now, I have a lever 5 settlement and 200 power for Eivor. Which means, I am at this point invested in the role playing aspect of game
And had a lot of time to tinker Eivor to my preferences Now, the thing I am having issues with: I have, as I mentioned, a love/hate situation for Eivor. I*like* how I got them acting at this point, and am managing to rock, more or less, the Hidden One aesthetic and behaviors now. Which yeah, comes with its own issues since you can’t really join the Brotherhood Point is, my Eivor isn’t going in guns blazing. They also aren’t going to get into your face and will consider other options if it’s beneficial for the situation. Even if it doesn’t exactly go with the “Dane” attitude to the problem Which makes the moments where the game goes more linear a problem Case in point, the start of Oxenefordscire. And the dialogue with Sigurd and Basim hit me right into the face. Because my Eivor isn’t going to toss accusations straight at Basim after seeing them act so odd. Not after having spent time running errands with Haytham and exploring old bureaus. The more likely option they’d entertain would be that someone got to both of them But instead, you have Eivor going all “Odin and Loki” in this situation - without any obvious reason?? I mean it would make sense if you play Eivor as the more aggressive type, but I did not. This kind of defeats the purpose for giving us the option to tune Eivor’s behavior - and in a scenario where, subjectively, Sigurd is the one acting more sus than Basim!  (Subjectively because, at this point, one can either see Sigurd as being influenced by sus Basim who has Agenda OR, as Sigurd being unreasonable and Basim appeasing him to avoid confrontation) Anyway. I’m hoping there will be some shifts further on because this has been frustrating me something awful Moreso than Dag being forced as a critic on Eivor while I’m busy running Eivor around and securing us alliances, and making exactly zero claims at being a Jarl (And I did get a bit spoiled beforehand, so with how the entire Dag situation is supposed to play out? I feel like I’ll be feeling all “sod it, I quit, peace out” by the end but without actual ability to do it. Would have been lovely if there was an option to at least have a talk where you seriously consider joining Hidden Ones but alas) ...This is going to get frustrating won’t it. RPG but not quite. I’d say they should have kept RPG elements at Origins level - at least when it comes to dialogue / personality. Call me spoiled but my basis for good RPG dialogue-pick comes from Bioware’s Star Wars games / Dragon Age series. And those won’t fit into Assassin’s Creed, unless we are talking Alternate Universe / Modern Time line game
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sonnygirl99 · 5 months
One shot - worthy of a man ( hytham ×female eivor)
📍hi there, a note before you start :
English is not my first language & this was written for fun. SOOOOOoo, I'd appreciate ignoring any mistakes.
"Am I not worthy of being a man?"
Hytham confronts all of sudden, eyes as sharp as a hidden blade.
" Huh? By Odin's beard hytham, Who would say such things?.."
Eivor replies in her usual smooth voice, not understanding what the man meant
A moment of silence passes between the two, the hidden one's bureau was quiet in the early morning hours, so quiet that one was able to hear the birds tweeting's peacefully outside .
A Lott of warriors babbled with laughter while heading to the river's shore, a scent of fresh baked bread spread in the air, announcing the start of a new day for the raven clan .
Eivor here had just returned from lundon last night full of valuable resources about the order of ancients, so technically when she awoke this morning, first thing she had in mind was to visit hytham. she knew this was supposed to be his own mission yet depending on his condition, he couldn't have gone to lundon.
Before the day eivor departed , she saw the sorrow gleaming in his eyes as if he was a lad being told that he wasn't able to use his own dagger anymore, hytham was so much of an innocent sweetling if she would say so, he sure can be selfish sometimes or even a big headed fool like that time when he was showing her how to do the leap of faith, how did he think that he can just do it carelessly with such injury? Foolish, he was, but with a good heart.
she couldn't help but to be gentle towards the man, whenever she saw him she would smile joyfully , tease him . Oh, how she loved teasing him! He would just smile at her even if it annoys him at Times ,she even makes herself comfortable enough to beat him on the shoulder or to pat on his head gently as some any other kid in her clan, they were really good friends.
Here she is, standing...tall&proud as ever. her icy orbs looking at his ...smiling & joking with joy, He admired every bit of her, a strong woman she was,one who cares about her people as much as she cares about herself.
when they first met, he did not understand what basim saw in her that made her worthy of a hidden blade.
a selfish Dane , he thought her to be.
This impression increased as she boldly refused to wear their sacred weapon correctly. However, when he betrayed her and tried to kill her long-lasting enemy, the killer of her parents. she should've been angry, furious... but yet she looked him deep in the eye and said, " I forgive you,hytham. "It was only then that he realised that all this time, he was the only selfish being.
And yet, the way he saw her look at other men,how she took care when speaking to them, even his mentor Basim. , but when it comes to him for some reason, he finds that she smiles softly , touches him .. as if he wasn't an assassin....a murderer! as if he wasn't a grown man who was capable of many things , she treated him as some child, and it did hurt , for he always showed her how much capability he had , he was clever! No, really! His former mentors always told him that! Doesn't she like clever men? And so it was today that after her return from Lundun , he stole the chance to speak about his feelings.
"Well," he took a deep breath. " it seems like you think of me as a child, eivor.."
with a raised brow and a tilted head , she looked as if she's solving a puzzle of some kind ,eivor Wolf kissed was perplexed
." I'm afraid that I do not follow ?"
" What I mean is to stop patting my head like that , I am really am a grown man, you know." He spoke very calmly compared to his inner mind.
It finally seemed to click.
" So our young eagle here desperately wants to be an adult?"
Or not.She immediately starts joking about his words , a smile on her lips.
Haytham sighed helplessly , putting whatever scroll he's currently carrying down on a table.
"Oi ! What's wrong, my friend? Did anything bad happen ? You seem a bit out of place today."
Eivor wondered, yet she decided it was better for her to go on joking .
"Am I required to prove it ?, perhaps for you to understand me? because I can show you."
He said , stepping a bit closer so he could reach her arm, a sober look on his face.
"Fine then . go on and show me, young eagle."She replied, chin as high as ever
It happened so fast ,the man suddenly sweeps her by the waist, pulling her closer to him.
her  body bumped into his , which obviously did put her off guard only to make her hold into hytham's nick like there was no tomorrow. Eivor gasped softly, He was too close, so close that she clearly saw her own self reflected in those crystal eyes, she can even smell his unique scent of clean jasmine stemming from his own skin
Hytham's breathing grows heavy along with his cheeks getting redder & redder, yet he shows no sense of hesitation, but keeps his gaze focused on her instead, Seeing her face expression, his lips twitched slowly. the smile of Loki ,she thought.
Eivor didn't feel like letting go, there was something about him,something that made her feel as if everyone else didn't matter at that moment, nothing mattered at all as long as she stayed between his arms .
Adjusting his grip, hytham lowers his head, reaching her right side . Her heart skipped a beat as she felt his own breath tickling her right ear before he uttered gently, " You see ? I am a man capable of many things, wolf-kissed~"
Chills ran through her spines, is he going to take things further?
But no , for he scans her face for the last time, before Letting go, his hands drifting away slowly.
leaving her, stunned.
" I.., I think that I have to go. "
How was his heart still pounding in place? He had no idea. ,but He can not be the only one getting his heart to scream loudly whenever she's around anymore . She's bond to know. She has to.
You know, perhaps this was a bad idea...
Hytham thought as seeing her face being that close.
I..I have to let go ,that's enough , she may hate me for that.
But look, Her eyes are of beauty....her skin so soft...
" I.., I think that I have to go ..."
She backs away slowly towards the door behind her , still holding his gaze though , with the same stunned expression,
her ears a reddish flame.
Seeming to be sick of it all, the woman turns her back on him as to leave , silent.
Goodness have I sinned to be looked at with such face?
You Foolish man , foolish hytham .
" w..wait!"
Oh He's the one trembling now
Her boots stopped on the wooden floor , her back still turned , the sound of singing birds still tweeting from the outside.
"forgive me eivor, forget that it even happened, I did not intend to—"
But then , He swore of catching a glimpse of somewhat a smile forming down her cheeks.
"No, for you just proved to me that you are a man of many things , hytham,"
"And that young eagles become eagles after all."
And with that she takes leave, not only leaving the bureau but also leaving the hidden one amazed.
Later on that day when the sun sank deep into the horizon , announcing its farewell for the day.
eivor wolf kissed layed on her huge bed in the darkness , it's feather tickling her face.
keen to take a warrior's rest, but full of thoughts skimming into her head, the soft touch of hytham flashed through Eivor's memory ,along with those warm eyes of his, the sweet tone of gilt that reached her ears, "forgive me " he had said.
Again, she couldn't help but feel a smile forcing its way into her lips .
You surprised me today , young eagle.
& strangely I find myself looking  forward for somewhat other surprises of yours, so be sure to let that eagle rise inside of you to become one yourself, young one.
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merelyplxyers · 1 year
@assfcrdays Arthur wasn't usually the type to micromanage - not unless he had reason to be. Sure, he had full trust in his staff's abilities; after all, he was picky with who he hired for the hotel, and he took pride in how every part of the etablishment ran smoothly to ensure the guests' satisfaction. However, sometimes an occasion arose that required him personally to ensure particularly special service was provided when necessary. Basim was a client that required such special attention. After all, the hotel wasn't hosting royalty every day. Arthur had ensured to prepare for any request the guest may have, communicating the requirements for the room as well as he possibly could before the man even had arrived. And now that Basim was here, Arthur took it as his personal mission to fulfil the guest's every desire. "I hope everything has been to your liking so far, Your... Majesty?" Mentally scolding himself for not being certain about the appropriate titles, the hotelier showed no sign of that as he kneeled between the other's legs, looking up at him with a subtle smile. He was going to provide full service, and that meant nearly nothing was off the table. Eager to show just how important the client's satisfaction was to him, Arthur carefully gripped at Basim's pants, pulling them down, until the man's cock sprang free from its confines. Truly worthy of a royal, Arthur noted mentally, humming with arousal as he leaned in and traced the length of the shaft with his tongue, paying close attention to what brought pleasure to the prince and how he could be of the most impressive service.
Basim loved travelling. Seeing other places, learning about different cultures and making friends were some of his favourite past times. And thanks to his more than generous trust fund, he could travel in style. This particular hotel had been recommended to him by a former lover he met in Zürich. And after telling his PA to arrange his next stay there, a part of him had half expected that his very long and extremely detailed list of requirements would not be met. Like the fact that he didn't want a normal couch, preferring a lower seating area with lots of pillows, or the fact he demanded art pieces to be replaced with islamic art. But from the moment he left the limousine to enter the place he knew that albeit this was not his usual place, people were not only respectful and kind, but even the smallest detail on his requirements list was not just fulfilled, it was exceeded by a long shot. And all thanks to Arthur Pence, who seemed to not only read the requirements but anticipated what else he could desire and provided before Basim could even realize that wish had settled in his bones. The suite was a real masterpiece, and he had felt right at home from the moment he walked in, feeling a calm wash over him that he usually only knew in one of the paradise gardens of his palace. And now that he had settled in and another kind of appetite had taken over, Arthur yet again was so eager to provide, even if it meant going down on his knees and sucking dick. "It is, Mr. Pence", he said, looking down at the ravishingly beautiful man between his legs, leaning back against soft pillows that had been chosen for his seating area. One of his hands was resting on his thick thigh, the other on the backrest, half hard dick revealed to the other. Basim let out a harsh breath between gritted teeth, not having fucked in over 24 hours putting him more on edge than usual.
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"And behind these walls and while choking on my dick, I am Basim for you"
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