#i feel kinda iffy tagging everyone
teecupangel · 6 months
What if the assassins ended up in Far Cry 5?
It would be so chaotic if this was the whole ‘canon Assassins gets booted into Far Cry 5’. Those poor ‘kids’ wouldn’t have the time to actually get used to present day tech because Project at Eden’s Gate would be all over them so for this one, we’ll go for modern day versions of the Assassins getting thrown into Far Cry 5.
Now, the next problem would be how this would work considering the Brotherhood would prefer to send in a small group for missions (if it isn’t a solo mission) so if we consider the Assassins of the main game alone (not counting Chronicles, movie and other forms of media), we’re still left with 9 Assassins.
And, because it’s me, we’re adding Desmond into this so that would be 10 Assassins traveling into Hope County during the whole… cult thing.
So we’ll make this a bit… easier for us.
It’s meant to be a simple search and retrieve operation. William Miles got a tip that his runaway son was in Hope County. That was the official mission brief.
The unofficial mission brief is that the tip said Desmond Miles is part of the cult ‘Project at Eden’s Gate’ which complicated things.
It was meant to be a secret mission under Edward Kenway with Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton being his ‘field agents’ but someone tattled (it was Basim, Basim definitely tattled) and Bayek heard about the mission, taking his apprentices, Arno, Jacob and Evie with them because Bayek believed they’re too close to Desmond Miles to look at this objectively.
If Desmond Miles is part of the cult then the cult would be dangerous even for Master Assassins such as them.
Not to mention, Desmond Miles was their childhood friend and Edward Kenway’s godchild so they were pretty much compromised from the start.
Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton are ordered to secure their escape route while Bayek’s team find Desmond Miles. Edward and Basim stay in their ‘mission control’ van.
They’d picked the time the cops are taking Joseph Seed in custody so that people were focused on another thing and Bayek and his team are deep into the compound looking for Desmond Miles when Ezio contacts them.
“We found Desmond!”
“Ezio, I told you three to stay put and secure our exit.”
“He’s with the cops! Desmond’s- shit! Desmond!”
By the time Bayek and his team return to the van, they find Edward Kenway knocked out. When he comes to, he tells them Basim knocked him out for some reason and Basim has gone MIA.
The three Assassins are not responding to their comms and they fear the worst.
But Edward did know what Ezio was trying to tell them before everything went to shit.
Desmond wasn’t part of Joseph Seed’s cult.
He was the junior deputy that had cuffed Joseph Seed.
Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton recognized him when he went inside the chopper with Joseph Seed. By that point, it was too late and they watched in horror as the cultists sacrificed themselves to bring down the helicopter.
The last thing Edward heard is that they’re on their way to find Desmond.
Unorganized Notes:
Sooooo… there’s three (four if you count Basim) main POVs in this one. Desmond taking over the role of the Junior Deputy main character of Far Cry 5, Altaïr-Ezio-Ratonhnhaké:ton team’s POV of trying to find Desmond, always a step behind him, and Bayek-Arno-Evie-Jacob-Edward trying to find Desmond and the other three.
The cult being named Project at Eden’s Gate is too much to pass so the cult is related to the Isus in some way. To be more exact: the plant Bliss which the drug is derived from is actually an Isu experimental plant that is meant to ‘copy’ the powers of the Apple. It was developed during the Human-Isu war as a way to control the remaining human slaves and make them into cannon fodders who would do everything for the Isus. It was never finished but the cult managed to harvest and use it for their benefit.
This means that Bliss barely works on Desmond. Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton also has higher than normal resistance to it. The rest though? Yeah, good luck.
Joseph Seed is very much interested in Desmond. He does not say why though. He does call Desmond ‘angel’ more than once, pinging Desmond’s ‘uncle bad touch’ radar. Faith though calls him ‘an angel shackled in a mortal body’ which… might hint on what Joseph actually meant.
Basim didn’t necessarily betray them. He is, unfortunately, Loki’s Sage and he knows more than he’s letting on. To be more exact, his objective is the complete eradication of the Bliss plant. Or, as he called it, “a grieving wife’s final punishment”. It’s later revealed that Bliss was engineered to have ‘Isu’ DNA. To be more exact, the Isu DNAs of Nari and Váli. Basim is actually heavily affected by Bliss and it’s hinted that he actually got hit by it (airborne?) at some point and his actions are done while under the influence of Bliss (which is… a nightmare to him)
(I got sidetracked into making the Isu related plot. Anyway, the main point in this one is the Assassins have their work cut out for them just trying to find Desmond who doesn’t even know they’re looking for him. Oh, and each of them have a specific Fangs for Hire. Desmond gets Boomer, The Altaïr Ezio Ratonhnhaké:ton team gets Cheeseburger. The Bayek Arno Jacob Evie Edward team gets Peaches)
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a-bright-comet · 3 months
Jade Shadows Thoughts
(NOTICE: I have edited this post after a few days and many lovely replies and tags giving me more insight and opinions, overall my view of this quest has gotten a lot more positive, thank you all <3) okaaayyyy I am utterly rattled rn lmao also made the mistake of looking at tumblr after doing the quest and as expected it seems to be a 50/50 of hating or loving it. so here are my personal thoughts, I am a little scared but talk seems to be civil thankfully. I can definitely agree on the sentiment that this quest needed more time, cause let's be honest the people hating this quest wouldn't be jumping to the things they're jumping to if Jade herself got more screen-time before the big drop, warframe's style has always been vague and never 100% straight-forward and I think that unfortunately hurt it a bit this time, as what they didn't show came off wrong to many people and while I sorta see why I disagree on some parts. I also feel like the quest kinda got a bit *too* hyped both by DE and the fanbase's theories, way too short, it deserved and needed to be a bit longer for it's special narrative. Jade kinda got a weird spot, both being the main focus alongside Stalker but also hardly explored. But let's be honest, most of the negativity is caused by this outside-circumstance alone. Now, what I absolutely disagree with is people insisting that DE was trying to say "bodily autonomy bad" or that Stalker didn't care about her and only the child, thing is I thought it was pretty fucking clear that she *wanted* the child in what little was shown and she was going to die no matter the outcome (thanks to the orokin to absolutely no one's surprise) and Stalker in his guilt for all she's done for him wanted to make sure that he at least kept this one promise to Her, cause She wanted it. she still had bodily autonomy in the fact She wanted this, she wanted the child no matter what. and she wanted stalker to protect her and the kid. And he did, like a true loving partner. DE has a long track record of being very autonomy-positive. A point they make time and time again is that ripping it away is *bad* and horrifying, the quest is a bittersweet tragedy, not a horror. Honestly there would be 0 issue if DE had given us a Jade-only quest before this one, I personally would've preferred it as well, she's cool as hell she deserves it. who knows maybe DE will see all of this and make prequel quests? we can only hope. I do not want to assume the worst of anyone or anything cause that's a miserable existence. Look I personally enjoyed the quest and get the feeling whoever wrote it did it out of some personal experience or sorrow, that's at least the vibe I got. It's a tragedy, but her choice was seen till the end, many women choose to still have a child despite knowing they won't make it, many also don't, that's why choice is important. and she did, she chose her child that she was having while likely forcibly infested and turned into a warframe. (also remember there are women on the team who likely looked at this.) there are some other iffy parts of the quest, (really should've been the drifter instead of the operator if they were gonna do that, but that's personal discomfort.) but overall I enjoyed it and open to explore the implications of a born-warframe-child and Stalker healing as they both grow together. These are my thoughts, and I can understand why people like or dislike this quest, but I think it's fine and just ended up in a very unfortunate spot due to outside circumstances beyond it's control. (sorry if any of this comes off as aggressive it is not my intention despite how riled I am by some folk online, I disagree with you but I do not hate you, I don't even know you.)
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Her choice, His promise, Their light.
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Thank you for reading my first ever text post about something I care about, not sure I'll be doing this again any time soon out of anxiety lol (Edit: and thanks to everyone responding to this post wonderfully, ya'll are great and have lessened my anxiety and have made me appreciate this quest more <3)
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hello!! i'd love to see either a sheepgender or a raccoonboygender! whichever you want or feel more motivated to do ^^
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Sheepgender was requested by @t0mmy-loser! Sorry this also took me a literal year mate! I tried doing both but Raccoonboy kept fucking me over… I am STILL going too fast for my friend and Alt ID guy, so those will be added later!
Sheepgender is a gender that, from what I can find, is a gender related to sheep or a connection to sheep! No clue who coined it, I've looked literally everywhere but the best credits I can find are @pupyzu who coined Sheeptix and @xeno-aligned, who coined Lambgender- this variant of the flag, by Transfeminine on Deviantart, was clearly inspired by the Lambgender flag after all. Guys I have ADHD, I don't have the attention span for research hunts like this lol. If you have any further info PLEASE find a way to tell me.
This Magical Kid has a Sacrificial Lamb Theme! They use They/He Pronouns and Lamb/Lambs/Lambself, Baa/Baas/Baaself, Fluff/Fluffs/Fluffself, Wool/Wools/Woolself, Sheep/Sheeps/Sheepself, and Sheer/Sheers/Sheerself Neopronouns!
Their name is Bo, after Bo-Peep! He can clone other people- this is a reference to the first cloned animal being a sheep! These clones share Bo's consciousness, but are a bit more timid and prone to fleeing.
Baas Magical Kid Weapon is a hunting horn made to look like a ram's horn! The horn will rally everyone who hears it to Bo's cause, increasing their strength, bravery, and stamina!
A useless fact about Bo is that, while he was raised Christian by his heavily Christian father, he is Jewish because his mother (who divorced his father) is Jewish! He's therefore kinda iffy with his Magical Kid Weapon because MAN is it similar to a Shofar, which he ABSOLUTELY should not be playing.
(A.N.: I AM NOT JEWISH!! I really hope I'm not wrong with any of the tidbits about Bo's backstory!)
The Magical Kid Project is a project wherein I steadily turn Pride Flags into Magical Kids! Requests are open through my inbox! Commission info is under the #commissions tag, I have a deal on Magical Kid Portraits!
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maochira · 11 months
hey mao! i hope you’ve been doing well with school starting back up 😅 i have been feeling kinda iffy with everything about myself lately sooo i was wondering if you could maybe write smthing angsty like fem!lesbian reader who is scared to come out to anyone but character because she feels like society would judge her? preferably isagi, yukimiya, reo, ness, and theo? thanks ml🩶
-🦦anon !
I'm sorry this took me so long to actually start writing 😭😭 I hope you're doing better now!!
Masterlist - (new) taglist sign-up
Tags: fem!lesbian!reader, this didn't turn out angsty like in the request but more of a comfort thing instead
Isagi understands why you're afraid to out yourself to anyone but him. Sometimes he encourages you to come out to some of your other friends as well, because he just can't stand seeing how you constantly have to hide a part of yourself from the world.
Yukimiya makes sure to always remind you that he will alway provide a safe space to be yourself. When you're with him, you can just forget about the outside world and possible judgement from other people, because it's always safe to be your true self with your best friend.
Reo hates how you have to hide yourself from everyone but him, so he buys you things to subtly express yourself. Little items like stickers and keychains that have colours similar to the lesbian pride flag, but not obvious enough to out yourself to everyone.
Ness tries to encourage you to be yourself openly, but sometimes that comes off as him putting pressure on you to come out to other people. That only results in you isolating yourself even from Ness, which he always regrets and tries to make up for it again. He just hates that you can't be your true self, but he doesn't want to force you to come out either.
Theo doesn't fully understand what you're so afraid of, but he doesn't question it much to avoid making you uncomfortable. If you want to talk to him about it, he will listen anytime. He's not great at giving advice or comforting with words, but he tries to let you know he will always provide a safe space where you can be yourself.
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finniestoncrane · 4 months
As someone who likes degrading you have been a saving grace. My friends joke that I just wanna be abused in bed because of how mean I want them to be and I find it hilarious due to personal stuff. But honestly, whenever I see content with degrading in it - it's either someone like "you're a slut, bad whore" or just straight up non-con and I'm 1 step away from Calling the fictional police on a fanfic character. Which no offense or shame to anyone who enjoys that stuff - it's not for me but it's more so the fact I can never find a middle ground. The "nicer" stuff is too tame but the untamed stuff is just a lot of is kinks I don't enjoy.
Ik, make the content you wanna see in life but damn, it's hard. But your writing and I've seen a few others on here who are kinda like buried treasure. I am like "FINALLY!!!" because even if they have kinks or tropes I'm iffy about the majority of the think is fucking fantastic and makes everything worth it. It's just so rare to find people who still approach degrading with the same...ig finesse as they do with other kinks. Because I like to think a lot of fanfics writers probably know about all the rules of kink & BDSM and have a mature view set on sex but I still find degrading kinks just don't have that kind of polish yet.
It's either light brat taming and spanking with some nasty words or "oh you like degrading? Let me just ruin your mental state and go bonkers" and I'm just here like hhh. Sorry this is coming off so ranty - but yes, you do a great way to showing that middle ground that I've been desperately searching for and it's so perfect. Just- it's truely a treasure in my cove. - 🫖 (I'm so sorry if that was just so ranty or felt like I was judging others or trying to put them down, I'm grateful for all the writers out there)
ANON i am so sorry it took me so long to get to this, i just didn't have the capacity to respond coherently because this is such a kind and sweet thing to say and it means so much to me!!
i feel like maybe this is down to the fact that i'm incredibly kinky in theory but my body and my sensory issues prevent a lot of what i think is hot on paper coming into play. so i like to learn and read and explore and research and study, and i feel very grateful that there's other fic writers, and kink knowledgeable people who share their information for people like me, which means i've read a lot of different takes on a lot of different kinks lol
i'm pretty vigorous with tagging too, and i see some people not be quite as stringent with it, which is fine because there are no laws, but if something is going to veer into noncon or dubcon even under the guise of another kink or adjacent to another kink, then it supercedes it and it gets added to the list!! and i don't think that was ranty at all, i love hearing what people like and how they prefer things to be!! and there's never judgement in expressing your opinion! i like the whole gamut, i'll take playful degradation, i'll take middling degradation and i'll take noncon/dubcon/cnc but not everything is for everyone!!
ANYWAY i won't ramble, but yeah if you ever want something super specific in a request or a "if i can please have this but absolutely NONE OF THIS OTHER THING THANKS" then i am completely ok with that!! u-u 💚💚💚
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I finally finished I See You, Sundrop! by @shirajellyfish
Slight spoily warning!
It is 1:14 in the morning as I write this (editing about a day later) and I have my first day of my senior year of high school tomorrow, but I just had to get all of my thoughts out while they were fresh.
I have never, never hyperfixated on a fanfic so hard. I've never read 400k+ words of a single fic in under a week. Somehow I managed to do that and have time to draw fanart (something I'm pretty sure I've only done once before for a fic, actually) and do my irl life shit.
How, you may ask? By continuously staying up into the wee hours of the morning :D (like 4-6am type shit, don't recommend it even if I think it was personally worth it).
I think I was so hyperfixated on the fic that I honestly didn't absorb the emotions like I should have? I felt things, surprise, excitement, a Sense of Impending Doom (/hj), but I don't think I really felt them.
I was probably a little more dissociated while reading than I usually am lol. I was so absorbed that some things barely registered. I am 100% going to have to re-read everything.
At one point I worried the fic wouldn't have a happy ending. Doesn't have the "angst with a happy ending" tag afaik and it got much worse before it got better. Saw a comment on one of the end notes and was reassured thankfully TvT. I'm very happy everyone is ok.
Love how the after ending note basically boiled down to "everyone is fine and Felix finally got some sleep" lol.
This fic was just. So good. Riley is such a dynamic character, so awesome and so cool. I really want to headcanon them as autistic (some of their behaviors just. They just. It's hard to explain, but if you're autistic too I bet you probably felt it, just a lil. They got the vibes /hj) but I know some authors can be kinda iffy about people headcanoning their OCs (which I get).
It was really cool to see an honest to goodness nonbinary character, a full character and not a self insert or y/n (no shade, I love y/n stories too). It was just cool to see a complete OC, and I love that it was all platonic, even if Sundrop did catch a little bit of feelings.
Honestly I relate so much to that, as someone who gains and loses crushes pretty fast. I'm happy it stayed platonic though and Sunny wasn't hurt or stuck pining or something silly. Plus his absolute embarrassment and mortification at his slip up was pretty funny. Might try to draw it, if I have any left over motivation (the bottom of this post sure is interesting hint hint).
Update as I'm editing this about a day later: I can't stop thinking about this fic. It was just so good! I already want to re-read it but I know I should give it at least a little time so I don't burn myself out. This fic was probably the best story I've ever read. Period. Even better than the published books I've read.
Honestly without spoiling any more than I already have, read it. If you like the DCA, read it. If you like cool nonbinary characters and great platonic relationships, read it. If you like a plot that sneaks up on you before hitting you in the feels like a truck, read. It. Do it. It's sososo worth it, I promise you.
If anyone has some good fics to read (completed preferred but actively updated ones work too) PLEASE FEED ME. Now that I'm done with ISYS I am desperate for more DCA fics. I've read so many and I n e e d m o r e.
Bonus fanart to celebrate my completion I guess(?), embarrassed Sun boy!
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I guess I just really like drawing embarrassed boyos. Sorry if it looks weird, I've never drawn a pose like this before :P
Shira if you're reading this, thank you. Your fic was just fantastic. Also thank you for helping me get out of my art block! I had it for the whole month of ArtFight (sadge) but I'm so happy to have some motivation again. Thank you.
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slut4thebroken · 11 months
Hey same anon that was talking abt your speech👋
Im not saying its your fault that people pick on you, its definitely not your fault that they're assholes. However you said your tone was the main issue for this and I still think that that is something that's controllable. Again not saying this like it excuses them cuz it doesn't but im saying while adhd isn't something you can control, things like tone can be controlled.
And I wasn't saying all this so that you could accommodate for people, I was coming from the perspective that you could accommodate for yourself. Like this whole situation with the mean classmates, im a firm believer in saying something so they dont feel like they can continue to display their bad behaviors. (Side note: I understand masking is telling you to basically copy these people but the people you're copying are rude so im not blaming you)
But my advice wasn't that you mask. I have a husband who suffers the same as you and he used to mask with me and pretty much everyone in his life. I understand masking isn't ideal and I understand that you guys think about every little social interaction. My advice was to be comfortable with yourself but also look more inward and think that maybe you are rude during those interactions. Obviously I don't follow you around everywhere so idk how these things go. But from what I've seen from my husband is being comfortable with yourself and communicating things thru does wonders for both parties to understand each other and being comfortable with yourself id say limits the masking.
Also I figured id give you an explanation on why I thought you were rude since you were confused. I understand you were self hating in the moment but things that came off as rude and like you resent people were things like your tags when you said "so they should know by now that I cant fucking control it and thats how I talk" (which I totally understand this my husband was a jerk when we met too. The issue socially is probably youre too literal. Its not an easy fix but it is fixable from experience but saying things like "I can't control it" is very limiting towards yourself.) The reason this is rude is bc its rude to you obvi but also in your mind it seems like you kind of subconsciously expect people to just tolerate these things when they are not normal to "normal people" (you can educate me on the correct term btw cuz I honestly hate saying normal ppl I just can't think of what the correct term is called at the moment, im not hating)
You also made assumptions that people immediately get annoyed with you or think you're annoying and there was something you said abt people not feeling the same as you abt certain things you like. 1. Making assumptions abt how people feel abt you is always iffy cuz you just came up with that answer yourself you didn't ask them. It kinda shows how you view people or what you think they think which is most likely not the case. 2. For the not liking similar things, im not sure if these people don't have similar interests with you at all or what but a lot of times in life its not gonna be common to find someone with the same amount of interest in something as you do. Not saying its impossible tho I just wouldn't put that pressure on people. Them being fake however is a different thing but I wouldn't know if they were being fake with you or not. There's a lot of gaps with this because we don't know each other but im not trying to be mean or hateful and im not saying all this like its definite, you could take it or leave it. But I hope there's no hard feelings i just 1. Mainly wasnt okay with how you were talking to yourself but 2. I also did think you were being a bit rude to just people in general cuz ive been there myself. Obviously were different people and im not saying our situations are similar at all but how I took it was that while you hate these things abt yourself, you were also blaming people for things that are (whether we agree or not) in your control. But I could be totally wrong and thats okay.
I hope this didn't come off as rude tho cuz I dont intend for it to be but if it was im sorry. Its not often but sometimes I see things I have the full intention of just being helpful but I end up being the opposite. I do genuinely hope that these issues don't continue to bother you up mentally tho. (Also sorry that these have all been lengthy).
Please enlighten me on how that’s controlable. If you were talking nicely to other people, just trying to engage in conversation and be a good friend, and people constantly said that to you, what would you do? If you’re already consciously trying to sound nice. What else is there to do?
And I was comfortable with myself. My parents stopped saying I have an attitude when I was just talking a long time ago, none of my long term friends have ever made it seem like something that was a huge problem, even my ex understood that I literally just sound like that. But now I’m constantly reevaluating every interaction, trying to figure out if I actually sounded rude or if I just thought I did, or if maybe they reacted a certain way because my tone didn’t match what I was trying to say. And I’m fucking tired. I don’t know what else I should do when I’m already intentionally trying to not sound rude other than just not fucking talk at all lmao which I just realized that I’ve lowkey started doing.
And I am too literal… that’s why I don’t pick up on things like I mentioned in my original post. There’s nothing I can do to train myself to not be literal so I’m not exactly sure how I would fix that. The term is neurotypical and I’m not saying they should tolerate it but when I quite literally apologize and correct my tone immediately after saying something that could be seen as rude, I personally think it’s a dick move to continue to be mean about it rather than just say “thanks for the apology. Good to know.” And I appreciate when people tell me that something I said sounded off because then we can fix the miscommunication and also I don’t want anyone to think I don’t like them because of that one interaction. But after having this conversation (“wtf. You don’t have to be so mean about it.” “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to be mean. I meant it like this__.”) so many times, I don’t understand why they would continue to respond like that. Some people have started saying stuff along the lines of “lmao girl that did not sound how you wanted it to” and I apologize again every time.
As for the making assumptions part, clearly you don’t know what it’s like to just be able to tell that someone doesn’t like you lol. I’ve delt with that my whole life (as have most neurodivergent people), I’m rarely wrong about that stuff for myself personally. And I understand that people have different interests… that’s not what I was saying. What I was saying was I don’t like how I’ll get excited about something and start talking about it cause I get riled up and then I realize that I’m talking a lot and that they don’t care. I’m not good at stopping that before it starts and the only reason I put that in the original post is because I literally did it earlier that day lmao.
It did come off as rude and it actually really hurt my feelings. In the future, maybe ask if someone wants help rather than giving unsolicited advice about a situation you barely know anything about. Never in my original post did I ask for advice, I was literally just venting after having a really rough day. And while I appreciate that it was your intention to help, you should just be more thoughtful moving forward.
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opossumanon · 3 months
Me :3
Hello!!! On most of my blogs I'd share my name cuz it's common but this is my secret blog so putting my name on here could help some people find it, which wouldn't be the end of the world ig but then it wouldn't be a secret blog anymore, so yall can just call me Opossum Anon, Opossum, Possum, etc. Literally whatever the fuck works go for it I don't care.
My pronouns are mainly He/They. I'm iffy on she cuz 90% of the time I hate when it's used on me but the other 10% of the time it actually feels kinda neat. Not sure what that's about.
I've been out (as trans) for nearly 5 years now, and I spent most of that time identifying as a binary trans man. It's only recently (at the time of this post) that I've realized that I'm actually a fagdyke: A faggot and a dyke, a gay man and a lesbian, a butch and a twink, all at the same time. I still feel attachment to the label of trans man, but not in a binary way like before. If you have some questions about this feel free to send me asks and I'll try to explain it because I like teaching people things. If you're personally upset by how I identify for some reason then I suggest using the block button now.
Other things about me:
I may be punk???? I like some punk music, mainly queercore. Some artists I like include X-Ray Spex, Tribe 8, and The Oozes. Please don't quiz me on these bands I haven't listened to all their songs yet and I don't get nosy about the lives of the artists I like. I also believe in stuff like community, abolishing the police, getting rid of billionaires, hating bigots because I love minorities over loving minorities because I hate bigots, capitalism is a system which rewards selfishness and directly opposes creativity, housing and food are rights that EVERYONE deserves, death penalty does more harm than good, etc.
I'm autistic and have adhd. I yap about it a lot.
I'm aroacepec!!! It's neat :> (I also yap about this)
"Contradictory" labels are fun and define queerness, yall rule enforcers are just weird and trying to replicate heteronormativity but with a rainbow slapped on top of it
Queer isn't a slur. I also say fag(got), dyke, and tranny sometimes cuz I believe that anyone in the queer community can use them because we're unique in that a faggot can be mistaken for a dyke, a dyke can be mistaken for a faggot, both can be mistaken as trannies, and a tranny can be mistaken for either one.
Minding your own business is such a healthy and happy mindset to have, it's definitely one of the reasons my depression is cured and my skin is clear, highly recommend it.
I live in the Southwestern United States and I like to drive through my home city while listening to my cd collection in my 10-year-old car.
No sending nsfw stuff to me please! Me liking a post about nsfw topics =/= Me flirting with you
Bigots go away
Just don't be a dick in general I guess?
My tagging system (Not that I remember to use it very much):
"insert thumbs up emoji" - I am not a part of this group and I don't have anything to say and/or the op doesn't want me to say anything so I'm giving a vague and quiet show of support with my reblog
"putting you on blast" - Has nothing to do with me whatsoever but I think it's neat (Usually used for pictures and drawings and stuff)
"my life is your problem now" - Personal stuff
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artbykays · 2 years
Some sad HCs I had for redacted listeners
- when Milo bridged with Sweetheart, they definitely felt a power drainage. I think that his core definitely took a bit so that he could shift. But SH won’t tell him that cause they know that he’d freak out and blame himself. I like to think it just took them a while to recharge.
- since Milo has iffy feelings about the department cause of his dad, sweetheart sometimes wonders if Milo just sees a repeat. This makes them push themselves harder to prove to Milo things are different
- when Milo talked about how cool Sweetheart was cause they can phase through walls and stay invisible cause it’s rare, I think SH worked their ass off so hard. So him just kinda passing it off as rare luck kinda hurts them cause they put in a lot of hours, days and weeks of training for it
- sometimes Angel feels like they are holding David back cause they are unpowered. He always says “mine and Ash’s mate are unpowered” and it makes them feel like they are a burden. Always having to be protected.
- also along with that, they also don’t feel as special as everyone. Sure they fit with Babe but, it’s just them two.
- sometimes when David says things like “are you stupid” and shit like that, sometimes it actually hurts. Even if it’s a joke, they are sometimes fed up with being the “dumb” one in the relationship.
- like I’ve said, they never felt like they belonged. Moving states and packs had to be hard. So they weren’t close to David, Ash and Milo etc.. So when David tells them that they are family and he loves them, Darlin’ feels like he’s only saying that because he’s the alpha.
- even though they know that David knows they are back and the whole Quinn situation and was upset, a weight feels lifted off their shoulders.
- feels useless when it comes to Sam or the pack talking about the inversion. They were outside. I see them in their wolf form running into that ward over and over until Babe tells them to stop. But they are part of the pack yet wasn’t inside with them or Sam.
- I think would have been the most scared to see Ash shift compared to Angel who was calm/nervous. I mean seeing your sweet partner just shift out of no where, and being scared cause now he’s a giant wolf. They didn’t mean to hurt him by being scared, it’s just a big plot twist.
- also I think Babe is the type to feel the emotions/energy in a room. Similar to like Calum, but human. So seeing Asher injured or the pack hurting emotionally, they absorb it but they are the happy go lucky friend/mate so they will take that energy so their loved ones don’t have to.
- probably didn’t want Asher to leave for anymore jobs after the inversion. They get he’s the beta and has to be there also cause it’s his job, but doesn’t like the idea of him doing big events. Also definitely pushes the idea of letting them tag along.
- I know we all agree vampire Lovely would think Vincent doesn’t like their eyes anymore since that’s one of the biggest things he compliments on. So they try on colored contacts that matched their old eye color but I think contacts mess with vampire eyes, or like irritates them more so they can’t keep them in long.
- when Vincent kept apologizing and blaming himself for the situation with Adam, Lovely feels more guilt/pain because everyday they were together he always apologized and they feel like that’s all he can think about now in their relationship
- lovely misses the power they used to have. Sure they still have some of it, but they miss that feeling of electricity running through them. It reminds them of when they were alive and now it just feels like a tingle or numbness.
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ravennightbirt · 2 years
Timetravel, Endless Laws and BAMF Hob also a Sandman ending fix it!
I’d like to apologise to @redmalkin in advance because this is the third time in less than a week that I’m tagging them…and I’m not a 100% sure they are appreciating it considering the last time…
Soo about that Rules of the Endless post…( because my brain is a one show pony at the moment!)
Can you imagining the plot of the Kindly Ones happening? And all of the Endless siblings are just standing there watching as their brother is reborn into Daniel.
And everyone is silent and shocked with the exemption of Desire who is fucking pissed! (I’m also on my let Desire be a bit feral FOR their Brother train) and they are screaming and raging and demanding their siblings to DO something! Because it’s DREAM!
Their brother. THEIRS!
And Death/Destiny go: The rules!?
And Desire is like FUCK THE DAMN RULES! I am endless I AM what everyone on this planet wants and they do NOT want this! (Me pointing POINTEDLY towards the overture)
And Death is ready to argue, because it’s already to late, At which point Hob just goes: Who made the rules? Because (explanation added by this post)
At which point ALL of them realise that not only do they have NO clue but also fuck he is right!
More importantly though WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING AROUND US?!
Because the Dreaming has stopped moving. Daniel has stopped becoming Dream and time as a Whole feels kinda iffy!
(Which is were @redmalkin Time!Hob Au comes in, because I love that so much)
And Hob upon getting told what is happening to him just smiles. Because the man was a mercenary, a killer, a slave trader (I’m gonna call it what it is!) and more importantly he is Dreams husband. Prince consort of the Dreaming. He will not loose his husband! (Also Daniel is a CHILD GOD DAMN IT! DadHob going absolutely NOT!) he has NO chill and Desire is absolutely behind him.
So he goes to Time and makes the man a Deal:
Either you send us ALL with our memories INTACT back in time to save Dream. No other stipulation, no games or I am going to absorb all of your power into me and do it myself erasing you from existence FOREVER in ALL realities!
Like I said no chill! Time agrees because he KNOWS Hob will makes good on this.
And sends them back.
And then wibbbly wobbly timey whimey shenanigans where the Endless siblings learn to break the rules snd get out from under their parents thumb. Hob taking care of the Dreaming because FUCK THIS, but they can not free dream because…time magic bullshit (I want angst ok?!)
But them also making sure that no matter what Dream will NOT die.
Festuring Destruction who majorly confused, because??? (Hob said ALL of them so…)
Desire who is still in love with Unity but does is properly this time and also takes care of their kid/grandchildren (I love Rose and Jet sue me! I also want absolutely feral Desire going after Jets foster dad before anything happens at all because HELL NA!
Johanna Constantine who would like to strangle her ancestress and Matthew who is only there because Hob said so.
Anyway…if you wanna know more just ask!
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i dont normally talk too much about my personal life on here apart from in the tags but today has brought me a lot of hope and i just kinda wanna share it
so im not close to my dads side of the family. i dont speak to him because he was an abusive fuckhead, and when i stopped talking to him, it basically broke my connection to the rest of them. i havent spoken to most of them in over seven years.
about a month ago, my aunt died. me, my brother and mom were iffy about whether wed be welcome at the funeral and wake because she was my dads sister.
i was also a bit iffy about going because in that seven years, ive come out as trans. and so everyone at that funeral know me as my deadname. they remember me as a little girl, and it does not help that i do not pass at all. i dont look like a dude at all.
and a lot of that family are middle aged and up, and the uk has a lot of transphobia, so logically, i assumed that thered be at least one transphobe there. so ive spent the past few weeks trying to prepare myself to be misgendered and insulted.
but that didnt happen.
everyone, including people ive never met, called me kai and used the correct pronouns. no one made any comments or asked any stupid questions; they just accepted me and got on with it. the most i got was my uncle asking how to pronounce kai.
the only transphobia came from my dad because again, fuckhead. i was prepared for it and honestly i didnt even care myself, but everyone else did.
every time he misgendered me or called me by my deadname, he was corrected almost entirely by people who werent me.
and everyone who did was angry, and they were angry for me.
and im fucking crying as i type this because i feel so loved and supported and cared for. i spent weeks preparing to shrug off the bigotry, grit my teeth and get through it. and instead, people i havent spoken to in years stood beside me and supported me. they didnt let my dad get away with misgendering me even though i was willing to myself. and i dont even know how to articulate just how much that means to me.
i think sometimes we all need a reminder that there are good people in this world and that the world isnt a cold uncaring place, and this was it for me.
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1, 3 and 8 for any fandom you're currently really into
Tbh I'm not really super into any fandoms at the moment I'm just hopping around various interests as a treat so I'm just kinda gonna with whatever fandom I think I have a good answer
1.the character everyone gets wrong
The answer is Komaeda Nagito but that's ONLY because no 2 people actually 100% fully agree on Komaeda Nagito. Every single person has their own perception of Komaeda as a character and while some bits might overlap there's almost always one aspect that someone won't agree with. And arguable this is true of any character from everything ever but I have never this phenomenon than with Komaeda. No one is right about Komaeda because every single person, myself included, just fully believe in out own vision of him and I think that's almost beautiful, you know?
3.screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Okay so like there's this post I've seen in the Gakkou Gurashi!/School-Live tag about how it's unrealistic that the manga ends with all 4 main girls still alive and a happy ending which like is media illiterate to what the series is going for. Like School-Live is most known for the anime's shocking twist of a first episode revealing that the "moe slice of life comedy" is actually a zombie apocalypse story the the main character Yuki is just hallucinating a happier life to fucking cope (tm). But what the rest of the series is about isn't horror or shock-value, it's about 4 girls coping during a shitty situation and doing their best to not just survive but to live. And that's why it's important that they live in the end and that the world improves, they were able to live and thrive as best they can because they had each other and man that thematic cohesion and that feeling of caring for your loved ones no matter what is SO much more important than gritty "realism" (which who's to say what would be realistic in a zombie story anyway, zombies aren't fucking real).
8.common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Gen saying he's like a dad to amame but then actually having romantic feelings for her is not fucking incest people. Sometimes people try to justify their romantic feelings as something else because they don't want it be romantic for whatever reason (denial or feeling it would be unrequited). I've literally had people around my age say I'm a mom friend and even some cases call me mom and that doesn't actually make me their parent you know? On a related note just because Gen has a deep voice and is built like a tank doesn't necessarily mean he's that much older than amame? I know his age is a mystery which I get how it can make people iffy but if ota can be like 24 and look 12 and lien can look 30 at 22 then looks aren't indicative of age in aitsf/aini.
Thanks for the ask :)
Send me some more "choose violence" asks
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iron-galliant · 2 years
Popping in as well regarding the whole SL and DCA thing, and honestly, the op really does not like the DCA fandom as a whole it seems (poked through their talking tag out of curiosity). Like I get being annoyed that the general fnaf tag has a lot of content regarding them, but blocking tags exist for a reason. It's possible to curate your space, and complaining about it often doesn't exactly do you any good and just ends up making you more miserable.
I'll acknowledge that yeah there's been some yikes content created of them, just like any fandom has, some stemming from folks that either don't know better or others that would probably get thrown out by a majority of the fandom. But even then that content is a minority, and fandoms all have their small segments of people that create and post iffy content, doesn't mean the entire fandom enjoys/does that.
Some of their points do make me wonder if they actually fully looked into the story and its content and how some stuff is handled. A majority of the stuff in it stems from the virus, which is infecting everyone. And some of the stuff they brought up was simply memes that weren't meant to be serious and just shitposty.
Maybe it's just because the DCA and content around them is a huge comfort for me and skews my view on stuff, but OP's whole post just rubs me the wrong way. Calling someone a weirdo and ableist in public without contacting the person first to have a discussion just isn't a good move. Even if they couldn't message via tumblr, asks do exist and can be utilized if you're respectful.
Anyways, don't feel like you need to respond to this especially if it'd be stressful or anything like that, I just wanted to share my thoughts!
Tumblr didnt register my reply the first time but what it boiled down to is yeah you're right, and I really hate being lumped into a group like that as someone WITH a disassociative disorder like. Dude if you have it then you should know better than anyone that people are not their mental illnesses
I do have Autism and the DCA is a huge comfort character for me, I think that they didnt read the fic and theyre probably upset the most popular fnaf thing isnt for their character? And I get that but you can always block the tag
Also calling people names is kinda uncalled for. Go outside and feel some sunshine, dont make a callout post full of lies for attention
Ill probably block them after today and go back to reading fics and writing mine in peace tbh? Im not too big on getting involved in drama but this one genuinely upset me since the DCA fandom is really nice to people
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browneyes-issac · 2 years
Update about me under the cut.. 💞
Hellos everyone.
So I know last week I said I was planning on getting back to reading throughout the week.. But I ended up not..
The reason is was I think Monday my fandom I was in before I got into this one ( I'm still a little active, but not major any more) was doing a lil photo edit contest and I love doing them, so I did it. As the evening went on, I saw them posting all these other edits and not mine. I actually took time on putting effects on it and you could tell on the ones being posted it was just a filter pretty much that they put on it..
I already have been iffy with going back to the fandom full time because I have felt like for a while that I don't matter that much.. ( it's a group of tiktokers btw, lol) Because I have never been able to donate during their lives like others can, even though they said that even if you can't donate they love the support...
I've always struggled with feeling like I'm a bother or just plain invisible in groups of people... Idk why, I just always have.. So on Monday when the mods that run the official fan page for them didn't post mine, it kinda sent me back into my shell.
And I have been doing really good with not caring about the kind of stuff and just putting stuff out for me and not caring about what the reactions are to it. Which is thanks to this amazing fandom. You all have been such angels to me and everything. But that crap with the edits just sent me, cause they even liked the post of mine.. So I just barley touched my phone this week when I got home from work besides to talk to a few people..
But. ☝ I work this weekend and am off Monday since I work thanksgiving ( which is my normal Thursday off) so my plan is to read on my breaks and when I get home. Then Monday will be iffy but still gonna do it. I'm going over to my aunts to start helping with thanksgiving stuff. But will for sure get some reading done when I get home that day. I was off today, but I slept all day. 😆🙈 it was too cold and I guess I just wanted to sleep the day away..
I apologize for being away again and for the longgg ramble. But I needed to get it out and I feel safe on here talking about it. 💞
I love you all!! Hope youve been well!! 😘
I've read through the summaries and seen the new updates on my tagged ones, I can't waittt!! 😍👀
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teddybearworld · 1 year
I am developmentally delayed. I know mental age is much more complicated and an iffy subject than most people understand, but to get a message across easily, i always say, in my brain, im about 12.
This applies to adls and iadls
But it also applies to my maturity level and how I view myself and the world. I am a pre teen forever and im stuck. I have this adult body and have lived 26 years, but I've been 12 for over half my life.
I do not like the idea of age dysp0r1a (im mispelling so this does not end up in the tag. Sorry to screen readers). I do not see any developmentally delayed people on those tags or communities. I can sympathize with those who have had trauma, since I know it can stunt brain development, but everyone else is kinda a slap to the face.
Im a kid forever. I want to do kid things. Go to kid events and parties and activities but I can't bc im a tall adult woman and people will find me weird or creepy. That's really saddening. It makes me so so so so sad and angry. Its cuz my brain is stopped growing. Not for anything else. It's a NEUROLOGICAL aka PHYSICSL issue I have...i dont think anyone without a brain issue can relate to that feeling. I wouldn't even label it as dysphoria.
Im rambling and I don't know how to properly write out my feelings...
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 2 years
~Introduction Post~
I have a sideblog for everything I reblog: @if-loki-was-a-fox-reblogs This blog is just for original my posts
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My name is Loki/Lokie (ref-ing Norse Mythology, not MCU) They/them (and sometimes others) Queer, Neurodivergent, Deeply AroAce ♠ Not a minor I also have a pronouns page, but it's all a bit wishy washy so
Fandom + Art + Personal Blog
The Magnus Archives
Life Series
Hermitcraft (casually, not caught up)
Dream SMP (occasionally, historically)
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Asks are always welcome! sharing headcanons, just a friendly hello, questions and comments, whatever
Art requests and suggestions are also chill, if you're not demanding or rude ofc (heads up that romance/suggestive can be a bit iffy for me tho)
You can use my art with credit (like for pfps, fan edits, header images, web weaves, and general other stuff, preferably with an @. You can also dm/send an ask to me to double check)
You can also reference, study, take inspiration from, expand upon, etc.. my art, posts, headcanons, and other creations (use your own judgement on whether you credit me or not for any of that)
Do not just flat out repost my art to other sites, or use it to train AI, or other such things, w/o my explicit informed consent (if you're unsure if something counts, just send an ask or dm for clarification)
I don't like discourse and drama. I'm really just here to play with fictional characters like dolls, don't bring serious and stressful stuff to me unless I request it
Do let me know if something I'm doing is insensitive tho, I aspire to make everyone feel comfortable and such, but I am a chronically online, kinda sheltered, adolescent, abled, white person so like, I only know so much and am relatively privileged in a lot of ways
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Tags I use:
My art tags: #my art, #my mcyt art, #my tma art, #my digital art, #my sketchbook art, #my pixel art, #my mspaint art. And barely used these days, as I'm not very active in the fandom anymore: #my dsmp art
My general organization tags: #just me rambling, #me rambling about blorbos, #me answering asks (+ #thanks [name]! for individual askers), #me doing ask games, #me doing drawing requests (#me doing art requests for older stuff) (These tags and more are all at the bottom of this post as well)
Tag filtering: #just complaining about stuff is my general negativity tag, but I also tag "discourse" fairly liberally, "[character/fandom] neg" and/or "[character/fandom] crit", and "cw [thing]". If you have specific CWs you'd like me to tag, just send me an ask or DM or something and I'll try to remember to tag for it going forward. Also feel free to tell me if I missed, misused, misspelled, etc any tags on my posts
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Hope you enjoy your stay! Thanks for taking the extra time to read (or at least skim :P) my pinned post!
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