#…. and then like a week later it was in fact revealed to be a lie
oflgtfol · 2 years
in hindsight the way voltron basically laid down and rolled over and imploded was fucking hilarious. what a batshit experience that show was
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r3starttt · 4 months
Read this or DNI
virgin!reader x ellie williams
summary: you thought the love you felt for ellie was in a platonic way, but maybe deep inside you the answer was already there, just waiting for it to be revealed, in a dream that Ellie is willing to help you with.
warnings: smut, virginity loss, pet names (pretty girl, babe, baby, good girl), first kiss, corruption, thigh riding.
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It’s been aproximately ten years since you first met her, Ellie Williams, your best friend and the person your whole family adores probably as much as they adore you. The only one that knows everything about you, the one that brings your true self, the one that’s seen almost everything.
You’ve been friends since forever, best friends. The type to have sleepovers, to hug and hold hands, cuddle and be all the time together, do everything together. And of course people said things and thought things about it, about how close you were and how best friends don’t to that, but the answer you two gave was always “we’re like family” and it was credible, enough.
It wasn’t a lie though, or so you thought since it was her idea to give the answer. She’d come up with most of the plans, most responses, most of everything. Not because you never suggested anything but because she’s way more stubborn than you are and there’s no way she let you take the big decisions, there’s also no way at all that she takes no as a response and you’re the biggest people pleaser she’s ever known.
And again, it’s been years of friendship, years of seeing each other in all type of ways for many different reasons. Years of what seemed like endless nights of talking nonstop, or days even. Months when there was no school or job or anything to do but be with each other all the time unless Ellie had plans with other girls “friends” that she’ll end up bragging about later. So you knew everything about each other, you’d tell everything detailed, you trusted each other.
And she’d always assure you that everything she did with or for you was for the better, same applied for her, in different ways of course. She’s never been problematic or mean or anything like that, but she was the one to make you smoke and drink for the first time in your life. And you, you only made her listen to your boring music for hours or have the cute and boring plans as she calls them. But at the end of the day, is all fair, you both do what’s best for each other based on your different needs.
That’s why you love her so much, and until this week you’ve thought it was pure platonic love, the one that you feel for your family, and she’s family. But she changed everything, everyone said it’ll eventually happen, and you always, always prayed to god that It didn’t, you failed.
Ellie spoke for hours about this new girl she’d just met, something casual as usual, but apparently it stocked to you because later that day you had a dream about it. And it doesn’t really bother you to have a dream like that, not even because she’s in it, because it doesn’t mean anything right? But it felt too good and too real to forget or ignore or let go. And the more you think about it, the more you keep feeling like it might actually mean something.
Because she was in fact hot, attractive in all possible ways, and she’s not just hot but also pretty, delicate in her way. She’s smart and sweet and knows you incredibly good, and she’s always supportive. And she shows she cares about you, even when she’s all awkward and shy about it she’d do anything to let you know she cares about you as much as you care about her.
And there’s nothing else that you love more than that, and now probably nobody else that can make you feel it, you won’t let anyone else try to fill that space. It’s just not the same even if you tried. It’s not Ellie.
So now that you’re currently at her house in her bed, cuddling, you’ve been thinking about this while situation, how to address it without being awkward for you and without being too explicit as well.
She doesn’t mind it, she knows you’ve had thoughts like this about girls before, but you’ve never done anything romantic with anyone before. Not even kissed anyone or hold hands, nothing. Not because you’re innocent or afraid but because you haven’t found someone worth your first experiences.
“What’re you thinking ‘bout?” you can feel her hands rubbing circles on your back as she speaks, suddenly stopping and letting go of her phone, making you groan. You’ve been watching random shit in her phone for hours, trying to keep her busy from reading you. “Nothing” your hands move unconsciously tighter around her, pressing the side of her stomach and making you feel the small laugh that your very fake ‘nothing’ had elicited in her.
“You’ve been zoning out, I thought you wanted to sleep but you’re clearly not tired, so” she let go of you, slowly readjusting herself on the bed so that she could properly rest her back on the headboard “what is it? Mhm?”
“It’s something sex related, you know it’s all awkward f’ me el” you shifted your eyes towards her half leaded ones, furrowing at her corky smile “see? you’re already laughing at me and I-“ your voices overlapped, making you stop talking first “You gotta find yourself a boy or girl or whatever. If you keep hoping for the one worth your body then you’re gonna fucking lose your mind” little does she know, you thought, laughing at her comment and motioning your hand as in a silent ‘forget it’
“I mean it” Ellie spoke again, clearly determined to make you speak “It’s your fault, maybe if you stopped telling me every detail of all the girls you ‘relieve stress’ with then I would keep being an innocent girl” you positioned your hands together, as if you were praying. Now sitting in front of her.
You stopped the moment she hit your arm, rolling your eyes “You have no innocence in your body, you’ve always been a fucking mess, specially with people” before you could say anything about it she spoke again “Tell me, you know I don’t care” she shrugged her shoulders, making a small pout. She looked particularly pretty today.
“Did you do something today? y’ look different” Ellie rolled her eyes, letting out a exaggerated groan “eyeliner maybe, now stop avoiding and tell me about whatever wet dream you had now” yup, there she was, best friend that knows everything. And the stupid friend that besides being people pleaser knows shit about lying.
“I fucking hate you” a pillow thrown by you made her open her eyes again, chuckling at how obvious you were. “remember what you told me the weekend? I dreamt about it… but you were there and it felt wrong” you mumbled the last words, audible enough for Ellie to understand. She didn’t care, neither did you, well, you tried not to care much. But your body reacted before your mind would let you do anything so you felt already sweating and practically burning. And again, she knew and she noticed, but didn’t care.
“Why? didn’t I fuck you good enough? I’m not worth your body either?” Ellie’s characteristic sheepish smile formed on her face as she got closer to you, leaning on her elbows and tilting her head, mocking you. “I’m not gonna give you details, I’m just saying I feel wrong… it doesn’t mean anything but-“ “it means something, don’t be a pussy and accept you might feel like fucking your best friend”
Hearing the words out loud was less frightening than you would expect, maybe it was Ellie’s voice but the idea wasn’t as disgusting as you felt it was. Not wrong either.
“Stop it, alright? you know I would never” her eyes felt like they were piercing your body, like they could read your mind, like she could eat you alive any moment. And the closer she moved to you the more stupid you felt “Ellie, please” you tried pushing her away once she was practically on top of you, she was playing of course, and she would stop. “You seem to like it, tell me what you dreamt of, Mhm?” Or maybe she meant it this time.
You weren’t sure what to do or say, she’s never played like this with you, and you’ve never even kissed anyone. Yet before you could try anything she laughed. Her hands were pressed on top of yours, sinking in the mattress along your bodies. And her face was so close to yours her mocking laugh brushed your cheeks. You were craving her now.
She let go of you, resting her body against the headboard again and shifting her eyes towards the sides of the bed, looking for an empty space on the wooden tables to place her phone. “Come here” her hands patted her lap, spreading her legs to make some space for you.
And so you did, crawling to her lap and sitting comfortably on it, positioning your legs in between hers. Ellie’s hands slowly cupped your face “I’m doing my job as a friend, this doesn’t count if you don’t want it too, yeah?” a small laugh brushed her lips, mocking your noticeable lost eyes that were wandering all over her face, from her eyes to her lips as she spoke.
She’d made a mess out of you already, without even touching you. But her tenderness, her voice, her body, the way she felt snd smell, everything had a specific effect on you that had been hiding for a long while. It was like drinking for the first time.
Her lips pressed on yours, it was a tender kiss, sweet and gentle. It didn’t last long “it’s okay, it’s only natural baby” her hands moved from your face to your thighs, caressing every inch of them in the most delicate way ever. Nothing you could ever imagine on your own.
So you kissed her again, now with an idea of what to do but letting her guide your every moves. Her tongue eventually got involved as well, dancing with yours and filling your mouth with the most delicious motions ever. Again, nothing you could ever imagine in your own.
You could feel the heat and wetness increase in between your legs, ashamed for getting like this so fast but too focused on Ellie’s body to actually care. She purposely lifted the leg you were sitting on, shaking it the moment she felt her knee against your cunt. “You can move… it’s alright” she mumbled in between kisses, leading your waist with her hands so you could grind on her.
You knew what she liked, based on everything she’d told you before, so you did what you could, moaning on her mouth as she liked it, and letting her guide you as well. You added pressure on your own, riding her leg practically, gently jumping on it whenever you felt like you needed more.
“Yeah, just like that baby. You’re doing so good” her hands tucked your dress on your panties, right above your waist so you could move freely. Then she pushed you closer, making you rest your head on her neck. And you took the chance to do something you’ve dreamt of, tasting it and leaving marks on it along wet kisses that kept making her as wet as you.
You could hear her small whines in your ear every time your kisses an grinding combined, she could cum just by your touch, and so could you. But what was the fun in that?
“What did you dream?” her hands moved back to your ass, guiding it over her thigh, slowly. “Uhm…f-fuck” you couldn’t speak properly, too focused on the sensation “your fingers” you managed to say. It was pathetic for both, to be enjoying this so much. It didn’t feel right, but it didn’t count right?
“That all?” you shocked your head, feeling a knot of pleasure forming on your stomach and your legs getting weaker at every movement Ellie guide your body to do. “I was…on my knees” too shy to say the words out loud you gulped, hoping she’d understand “yeah? what happened first?” The grip on you tightened the moment she noticed you getting closer to your climax, making every move painfully slower “Y-Your fingers… please”
“What a good girl, already begging” her hands grabbed your waist, tight enough to make you stop “take it off, I need to see you whole or I won’t do anything” she gripped your dress as she spoke, pulling the hem of it. You hesitated before doing it, this was new for you, and for the first time ever you felt genuinely innocent with her, so dumb and ashamed of yourself.
Her lips took you out of trance, pressing them on your temple and murmuring something in between “it’s okay” kiss “you can” kiss “trust me” kiss “please baby, just let me see you” and now her eyes were in front of yours, she knew how to use the puppy eyes. You nodded, feeling Ellie’s hands slowly move to the back of your dress, unsipping it.
You stood on your knees, in between Ellie’s legs. You could feel your dress loosening as you heard the zip lowering down your body until it stopped at your lower back. You helped Ellie remove it, raising your arms so she could finally take it off, revealing your bare chest immediately, accompanied by your panties, that were removed as well.
Being completely naked in front of Ellie felt right, it didn’t count, this whole experience. But how you wish it did. The way her excitement is revealed by her eyes, wandering all over you and taking note of every mole, mark, anything that’s in your body and it’s usually unnoticed. Her eyes, her freckles, her hair, her touch and voice, all so gentle yet so hungry. She’s starving already, and you adore that.
Her breathing became erratic as how inviting you looked, she needed to touch you, to hear you and savour you whole.
Ellie tapped the sides of your waist, pushing you carefully and somehow not breaking eye contact. She need you but couldn’t get you as she wanted in her current position, so once she got you sitting in front of her, patiently waiting, she started to take her clothes off.
Being at her house, with you, she wasn’t wearing more than a hoodie she’s probably been wearing for days already. and her usual pair of boxers, already drenched under some black shorts. Ellie was quickly, motioning her hand once she finished so you could sit on her lap again.
You obeyed, sitting on her and waiting for her to instruct your movements again. Both her index and middle finger brushed your lips. You looked at her, furrowing your brows a little “open” Ellie murmured, opening her own mouth as well.
She slowly introduced them inside your mouth, unconsciously smiling at the pretty image in front of her. You took them in, brushing them with your tongue and covering them with your saliva. They moved in and out of your mouth, slowly. “good girl”
Her free hand was resting on your thigh, making small circles near your hip bone with her thumb. You wanted to move, you needed it, but the fear of making a mistake was bigger, it wouldn’t count though, but something inside you felt like it might.
Her fingers came out of your mouth, you noticed the string of saliva connecting them with your lips, letting out your tongue one las time to cut it. “You’re being so good f’ me baby” her voice came out slightly husky, breathing brushing your lips as she spoke.
Her hand trailed down your body until it came to your clit, massaging it painfully slowly and making you sigh in pleasure. She started slow, making small circles on it as her mouth kept occupied by your hardened nipples, her eyes kept fixated on you as she did her every move.
You tried pressing yourself on her, delicately coordinating your body to her motions and rubbing yourself against her fingers.
Her fingers stopped moving on your clit suddenly, moving now up and down your folds until she decided to finally let you have what you wanted, teasing your arousal by pressing the tip of her fingers right above it.
“Ellie…” you whimpered, desperately pressing yourself again her fingers. A ‘pop’ made you look down, realizing how badly she’d been covering both of your breasts with saliva “what baby?” her chin pressed in between them, looking straight into your eyes “I need you, I want you to fuck me” you begged, tightening your fists besides each side of your body, fully desperate “please”
“So pretty…asking for me” Ellie nodded, bringing your face closer to her as her fingers made their way inside you, motioning in and out of your aching cunt. She started slow and gentle, caressing your back until she heard those pretty moans you let out, and her name in small whimpers.
So she did it faster. And you did your job too, riding her fingers at some point eventually, the way they curved inside you, her knuckles hitting the outside of your cunt whenever she did it too hard and how deliciously she kept on rubbing your clit with her thumb. It was impossible for you to keep immobile.
“El, fuck…gonna cum” her smile widened, moving her face to your neck and leaving a tail of wet kisses on it, she murmured a ‘yeah?’ to which you nodded desperately, both increasing its movements until the pleasure became overwhelming, making you press you whole weight on Ellie as you got to your climax. Covering her whole hand in your juices.
“You made a mess pretty girl, mind me helping?” her fingers kept on moving some seconds after you came, abruptly removing them, eliciting a small whimper out of your lips.
You could feel your inner thighs covered in wet, she tried cleaning some of it with the rest of your thighs before moving her hand up your face again. You already knew what to do, licking them and flavoring your own taste.
She moved her face closer to yours as well, removing her fingers out of your mouth once you licked your juices off and pressing her lips on yours one last time “gotta clean you, yeah? you did good, just rest babe”
reblogs are very much welcomed <3
Check this !!! FREE PALESTINE
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Domestic Dream: Love Beyond the Shadows
Bayverse!Donatello x reader
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My Domestic Dream with Raphael quickly became one of my top posts, so I thought why not make one for each of our favorite boys? So I now present to you; Domestic Dream Donatello Edition!💜
Warnings: Spelling.
The soft glow of city lights reflected off the damp walls of the sewers as Donatello made his way up the ladder towards the manhole cover leading to the surface. But tonight was different. Tonight, he would step out of the shadows and into the unfamiliar world above, a world that belonged to you and your family.
It had been planned for a long time now. Donatello was going to meet your family. Your mother had been asking you for months now; when were they going to meet this Donatello you had been speaking so much of?
At first Donnie was actually supposed to have met your family last week. The whole thing was planned. He would be there with you in your apartment when your family came over, and navigate through whatever reactions they would throw at him. But crime never slept, so when Leonardo called him an hour before your family was about to arrive, telling him that police chef Vincent had requested their service for an emergency, he had to leave. He had apologized to you several times, but you weren’t mad at him. You had been honest with our parents, and told them that he worked with the police and was called in for an emergency. You weren’t lying, that was literally what happened.
But your parents were now even more interested in meeting your mysterious cop boyfriend, pressing you even harder to find a date they could meet him. That would be exactly a week later at their place. Donatello couldn’t lie; it terrified him. He had already found the thought of meeting your family at your place scary enough, but the thought of going to their place was making him nauseous. At your place he at least felt a little comfortable. To him it was a second home, where he had spent several days and nights. Your parents' place was screaming danger at the poor tech genius.
Emerging from the manhole, Donatello found himself in a quiet alley where you stood, waiting patiently. The dim light revealed the warmth in your eyes as you smiled at him, reassuring the nervous turtle with just a glance. Donnie wasn’t sure if his knees felt weak because of the horrible feeling in his guts, or the fact that you were wearing his favorite dress. You greeted him with a warm smile, before standing on your toe tips to meet his lips in a small peck.
"Ready, Donnie?" you asked, reaching for his hand, feeling it shake ever so slightly in yours. He nodded, squeezing it gently, drawing strength from your touch. He couldn’t believe it. He had fought ninjas and aliens, yet the thought of meeting his girlfriend’s parents made him shake in terror.
Together, hand in hand, you made your way towards the fire escape that led to your family's apartment. As you approached the window to your parent’s living room, Donatello felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead.
Upon entering through the window, your family was already gathered in the living room. The initial shock on their faces was evident, as Donnie followed you through the window, especially from your little sister who gasped and pointed.
"(Y/N), who... what is that?" she whispered to you. Donnie was trying hard to read her expression. Was she scared of him? No, it didn’t seem like it. She just looked, well, shocked.
"That's Donatello," you said, smiling at her, tugging Donnie’s hand closer to you. “My boyfriend. The one I told you about”.
“That is your cop boyfriend?”, your mother asked, looking cautiously at the purple clad turtle in her living room. At that moment Donnie wished he was smaller and didn’t take up so much space. His volume only made it easier to look at him.
“Well, he isn’t exactly a cop, but he does work with the NYPD”.
“Oh”, your father said, taken aback, positively? Donnie did not expect that. “Well, what do you do, Donatello?”
“W- well, me and my brothers provided the NYPD with help, t- typically in situations h- humans can’t handle t- themselves”. Fuck! Why did he stammer like that, and in front of (Y/N)’s parents of all?
“Wait! Were you part of that special task force that took care of the alien invasion?”, your father asked, lighting up like a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.
“Uh, yeah. T- that was me and my brothers”. And with that the questions started flying from your mother, father and sister, all wanting to know the strangest of things, each with an interested smile on their faces.. Your big brother, however, had a scowl on his face, eyeing Donatello suspiciously. He still hasn't said a word to Donnie, causing the tall mutant turtle to wonder if he did something.
As the evening went on and the dinner was eaten, Donatello grew slightly more comfortable with your parents, enjoying a light conversation and small talk with them over the table. Your brother however, remained silent, watching Donnie with conscious eyes. Then finally, while you were talking with your parents about work, Donnie finally gathered up the courage to talk to your brother.
Donatello cleared his throat, stepping forward. "I understand I might look a bit... different, but I assure you, I mean no harm. I care about your sister a lot."
Your brother stared at him for a moment. “I’ll have to see that before I believe it”. And with that, your brother went to play with your sister on the carpet.
But over time, Donatello's genuine nature began to shine through. He helped your little sister with her homework, impressing her with his vast knowledge. Especially when it came to math. Your sister almost couldn’t believe that your boyfriend was a genius. Your heart felt warm as you watched the man you loved teach your little sister how to do her homework. And you also noticed how your brother would be standing in the doorway, watching the three of you.
Days turned into weeks, and Donatello became a regular part of your family's routine. Movie nights, dinners, and even the occasional game of charades—your family embraced him wholeheartedly. Love had triumphed over initial fear, and Donatello found himself not just a friend but an integral part of a human family who saw him for who he truly was. A kind hearted, smart guy that saw opportunities where most people didn’t. Even your brother couldn’t deny it. Not after he overheard the two of you talk about how your sister’s grades had gotten up, ever since Donnie started helping her. Neither did he miss the many times Donnie would help out your parents with various tech problems. Was their TV not working? He fixed it while your father brought in a six pack of beer for them to drink afterwards. Was your mother having trouble with her phone? He fixed that right after dinner, and even gave it the extra features she asked for. And your brother especially did not miss the time he saw Donnie stare at you instead of the movie the family had gathered to see. He did really care for you. Even your brother could see it. Donatello loved you. With that realization, your brother asked to talk to Donnie privately.
"I owe you an apology,  Donatello," your brother admitted, his gruff exterior softening. "I misjudged you, and I can see now that you genuinely care about my sister and the rest of us."
Donatello nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "I appreciate that. I really do. All I want is to protect and care for the people I love, and that includes your sister and all the people she love".
“I’m really glad to hear that”, your brother said. “I wanted to hear if you would watch the game with me this weekend. I think it is about time I get to know my sister’s boyfriend”.
“I would really like that”, Donnie said with a growing smile.
As the days turned into months, Donatello's bond with your family strengthened. Your big brother, once skeptical, became one of Donatello's closest allies. Game night became a regular thing between the two of them, and so did hours of video games online every so often. You’ll never forget the day Donnie came home from that first game night with the biggest smile on his face. He took your face in his and gave you a long deep kiss, before holding you close in a tight hug.
“Thank you”, he had told you. “I only thought these kinds of things happened in dreams”.
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actual-changeling · 4 months
I might just have had one too many daiquiris but am I tearing up thinking about how for aziraphale and Crowley both, those four years of freedom were more than likely the happiest years of their time on earth, and that Aziraphale left that all and neither of them believe that they will get any more?? That that was all??? I need to go to the seaside for my health ngl
I think about that CONSTANTLY.
Also the fact that Crowley was hoping things between them would finally change, that they'd finally get somewhere, just to be disappointed day after day after day when everything stayed exactly the same.
Sure, they could hang out more, sure, they were both more relaxed, more open with each other—but six thousand years and one apocalypse later, and he still hadn't gotten so much as a hug from Aziraphale.
Crowley was living in his car, depressed, still hypervigilant because you cannot just stop, no matter how badly you want to, but the bookshop was safe.
Aziraphale was safe.
Then Gabriel showed up and the second Aziraphale had to choose between Crowley or his horrible ex-boss that tried to burn him alive, he chose heaven over him. Again. Destroying any semblance of safety Crowley had.
Because four years of not-really-pretending mean absolutely nothing when you are still the second choice. When it takes one week of chaos to reveal that not only will the person you love choose heaven over you, they don't even love you but the person that died so you could be free.
The person that no longer exists and can never exist again.
One week—and everything you thought you knew is torn apart.
Aziraphale took his safety, the bookshop, his car, did not listen to a single word he said, never took his fears seriously, called him silly for being afraid of the person that was probably directly involved in his fall, and THEN revealed that he STILL thinks he is evil and needs to become an angel again to be loved and return to the people that broke him.
Four years of something a little better than before, something that turned out to have been completely different from what he thought it was.
That was his reward—a hopeful, terrified lie that fell apart in the face of honesty.
...I will join you in the seaside. We're all deeply unwell.
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hallecarey1 · 1 year
His Touch | Bucky Barnes
Summary: As Bucky is suffering because he can't reassure you that he is returning home, you were suffering because you didn't know if Bucky would come home to you. After returning, he shows that you will never lose him, and you connect in a way that proves nothing eases suffering like human touch.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Swearing and Smut (18+)
Author's note: This was my first attempt at writing smut, and to be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about it.
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Flashes of Bucky's bloody corpse flooded your mind while you did nothing but sit and worry about him. The thought of Steve or Fury knocking on your door to inform you that Bucky died during the mission had kept you pacing in front of it restlessly.
Despite Fury's warning that the mission would be challenging, you were confident that Bucky would return home a few days later. But when the days grew into weeks and there were no updates, you began to worry that he would never return to you. 
Bucky knows he needs to return to you because you've told him several times in the middle of the night, with tears running down your cheeks and his arms around your waist, that you simply can't live without him. It was his promise to you just before boarding the Quinjet two weeks ago.
There hasn't been any word from anyone regarding his whereabouts, and the fact that he's been missing for two weeks brings back flashbacks of Bucky at Hydra. You were horrified as the thought of Bucky being kidnapped by Hydra struck yet another emotional nerve. You drank from the whisky bottle, hoping that the burn of the alcohol down your throat would ease your thoughts and stop the memories of your captivity with the Soldat. 
When you entered Bucky's room, you had changed into clean pajamas, your damp hair clinging to the shirt. Bucky's scent hit you as his red henley draped over your tiny frame, evoking a sense of protection and comfort. You crawled into his bed and grabbed a book to keep yourself occupied until you got an update on Bucky. 
You yawn as you lie in bed, taking in the soft pillow and comfortable mattress. You felt the full impact of tiredness from the many days and nights you had not slept as you turned a new page in your book. Bucky's scent drifting from his bed and shirt, as well as the warmth of his bed, lulled you to sleep.
Within hours of you falling asleep, the compound's elevator opened to reveal a bloodied and bruised Bucky. Bucky dashed to his room after Dr.Cho patched up his wounds so he could finally sleep and hold you in his arms. 
He stumbled onto the floor, which he shared with Steve and Sam, and carefully opened the door to his room with the goal not to wake you up. As he entered his room and saw you curled into a ball with his red henley draped over your tiny frame and his dog tags around your neck, he couldn't control his arousal. He approached you and removed the book from your sleeping figure, which he placed on the bedside table.
The spark of desire he felt when he saw you wearing his henley and dog tags sprang from a need to show everyone that you were his, as well as a possessive desire to keep outsiders and newcomers from touching what was his. Bucky was kindling that deep longing in him, but he controlled it because, no matter how much he wanted to stake his claim on you, he just needed to feel you. Feeling your touch reassures him that he is not an unlovable monster.
Your deep sleep is disturbed by a cool touch on your head and the sensation of lips brushing on your cheek. When you open your eyes, you see Bucky hovering over you, his stubbled face smiling, and his metal hand running through your hair.
"Bucky?" you question sleepily as you rub your eyes, your awoken state making it difficult to tell whether Bucky is real or a hallucination.
"Hi, doll. I’m sorry for being late." He apologizes and leans in close, kissing you on both cheeks, nose, and forehead before softly pulling away with a kiss on your lips.
As you look into each other's eyes, he lightly caresses the softness of your cheek with his cold fingers. You put one hand on Bucky's cheek and the other securely in his dark hair, luring him into a passionate kiss."I thought you left me," you muttered against his lips, a faint whimper escaping your lips. Because he had been missing for so long, you were terrified.
Because Steve had known him for a long time and appeared completely calm and confident in Bucky's safety, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents labeled you an attention seeker when they saw you freaking out about the possibility of Bucky being captured and taken by Hydra again, believing you were overreacting and being dramatic.
It made your blood boil. It didn't matter that Steve had known Bucky for longer than you had; what was meant to be important was that Bucky had been sent on a mission and had not communicated with anyone, despite the fact that he was supposed to return to the base two weeks ago.
Yes, Steve had known Bucky for much longer than you, but you had spent three years in HYDRA together. You built a bond during your stay there. You connected in ways no one could fathom, a bond that kept you both alive while retaining your humanity. 
Bucky, even as the Winter Soldier, never hurt you and made sure no one else touched what was his. Similarly, when they brainwashed you and changed you into the Phoenix, you became assassins who protected one another no matter what happened on the mission.
"I'd never leave you," he says as he presses his lips to yours and kisses you passionately. It wasn't his intention to inform you, but there was a brief moment during his mission when he was afraid he wouldn't see you again.
This mission had been particularly difficult for him. Everything was going according to plan as he removed Hydra agents from left to right until he felt a searing prick in his neck and everything went black. During that time, the agents bound him to a chair and tortured him in the hopes of eliciting information from him. When he realized the promise he made to you would be broken, he was filled with fear and sorrow. He was convinced he would never see you again. But it wasn't until a hydra doctor appeared, clutching a red book with a black star on the cover, that everything became clear.
Bucky's face lit up with a little grin when he noticed the red book. The Winter Soldier was the deadliest murdering machine ever devised. He would gladly offer him to them if they wanted him. Everything seemed to be going according to plan until the trigger words were said. The Winter Soldier was vehemently opposed to cooperating. The gaze he fired at them horrified them. He was simply there to protect you, and when he learned you weren't there, all hell broke loose. He destroyed the Hydra base in less than five minutes and followed the trail in his mind that led to you. Once the Winter Soldier had gotten the Quinjet in the sky, he relinquished control. 
Present Time: 
When he felt your cold fingers caress his cheekbones, he smiled against your lips and breathed heavily as he pulled away from the kiss. As Bucky drags your body down the bed, you squeal in surprise, and a mischievous gleam appears in his cerulean eyes as he slides his body between your legs.
You're still laughing as he kisses you more, but it fades quickly when his hands squeeze your hips and drag your body lower so he's laying on top of you. His hand on your hip went gently upward, going under his shirt and resting firmly on your lower back. He pushed your body closer to his, groans escaping you both from the sensation of his bulge pressing against your covered core. 
As the kiss intensifies, the friction of his thick erection against your core causes a wet patch on your underwear. You release a gasp when the coldness of his metal hand reaches the heated flesh above your underwear, his lips caressing your neck as he sneaks his hand under your shorts and rubs your clad core.
The ache between your thighs pushes you to clench your thighs around Bucky's hand, and his hungry eyes meeting yours only adds to the heat blazing in your core. When his fingers graze your clit, you groan as your panties are dragged against your throbbing clit, begging to feel his touch and remove the barrier that keeps you from feeling completely satisfied.
As he slips his hand under your pantyhose and brushes his metal fingers against the soft, shaved skin on your mound, you shiver. "Please, I need you," you gasped, tilting your head back as he pressed his lips against yours, moaning as he rubbed your clit with his wet, juice-soaked fingers.
"I got you, baby," he said softly in your ear, gasping as he pushed a finger inside your tight pussy. His palm brushed your clit as he curled his fingers. Bucky lifted his head, his gaze fixed on yours. He watched as your lips opened and your face distorted in delight. "Are you ready for another pretty girl?"
You exhale, feeling his smirk on your neck as he softly pushes another finger inside your tight pussy. "I missed you so much. Please fuck me. I need you." As his palm presses harder against your clit, you sob.
Bucky was hovering over you, breathing heavily, as you reached up and grabbed the front of his shirt, drawing him in closer. With slow, open-mouth kisses over your neck, he nipped at your collarbone. "Not yet, no. I need to taste you," he says, slipping his hand out of your shorts and withdrawing his lips away from your neck. He puts his wet fingers in his mouth and groans softly at the taste of you, peering right into your eyes
"You taste so good, baby," he says, adjusting his Henley to rest against your ribcage, leaving sloppy kisses from your underboob to your navel. A pleased feeling spreads throughout your body as Bucky's actions continue downward. 
While you hold his gaze, Bucky's lips slide down to your pussy, tugging your underwear aside as he leaves a gentle kiss on your clit, you gasp your hand reaching down to run your fingers through his hair. 
He kisses your thigh and bites the delicate flesh before hooking his thumbs into your underwear waistband and dragging them down your smooth legs before resting on his knees. "Spread your legs for me, baby." His low, velvety voice sent shivers down your spine, and you sheepishly agreed. 
"Shit, doll. So wet for me." He let out a choked grunt before palming his large erection through his tactical pants, forcing you to whine. When he gripped your thighs strongly, your shaking hands gripped the sheets tightly, his eyes fixed on yours as he swiped a finger over your wet folds, making your breathing increase. 
"Bucky," you moaned as his tongue flattened against your core, his warm tongue gliding across your virgin sex. You let out a loud groan as his tongue slid between your folds and circled the tip of his tongue around your clit.
"Tastes so fuckin' good." Bucky sighs, pulling your lips apart with his thumb and finger. You tugged harder on Bucky's hair as you felt his warm tongue plunge into your cunt, the sensation of Bucky moaning into your cunt had your toes curling. 
Bringing his hand up your body, he grasped your breast, softly twisting your nipple. Your lips parted and your eyelids closed as you felt the coldness of his hand. You buck up into his mouth as he sucks the sensitive bundle of nerves between his lips that has you spewing his name out between gasps, your head dropping back onto the pillow. "Bucky." You moan, sensing your approach.
Bucky pulled away just as you were going to cum. His lips had met yours as your hand moved over his suit, unbuckling and unstrapping it. He hurls his vest across the room, leaving him bare-chested. As you smooth over the scarred skin on his shoulder, you press a soft kiss to it and the ones around it, making him tremble above you.
"I want to feel you cum around my cock," he murmured, unbuckling his belt and tossing it on the ground, his pants and boxers landing on top. Your attention shifted from the planes of his strong chest to the trail of dark hair at his navel, which led to his big and erect cock. As you moved your hand down his chest to his cock, you could see beads of pre-cum seeping from his tip. “Doll.” His hips jerked up as you wrapped your hand around his thick cock.
Adding a pleasing pressure as you jerked him off, Bucky's hand removed yours swiping his thumb over the pre-cum seeping from his tip. “You look so hot when you wear my clothes.” He praised, running his thumb over your bottom lip before slipping it into your mouth. You complied, sucking his pre-cum off his thumb, Bucky groaned as he felt you moaning around his digit.
"That was so hot, baby." Pulling his thumb out, dragging your bottom lip down, saliva coating it. He intertwined his cold metal hand with yours and placed it next to your head.“I love you,олукa.” He looked you in the eyes and caressed your cheek with his warm palm, causing your eyelids to close for a fraction of a second before opening and gazing into his cobalt eyes.
"I love you, too, Bucky." Your love for him was visible in your eyes, and when he looked into them, all he saw was happiness and love. Bucky hovers over you, lines his tip up to your entrance, then softly and carefully pushes himself into you, inch by inch, until he's completely sheathed. When your tight walls stretched around his thick member, you winced into the kiss as it burned.
His warm hand went under your thigh and grasped it as he thrust his hips forward, kissing your collarbone with his lips. Bucky growled as you tighten your grip on him as he thrust toward you. "Bucky. " You whimpered, your free hand grasping the hair on the back of his neck.
Bucky reached down and rubbed his fingers hard across your sensitive clit. You could feel the tension in your gut loosening as you rested your forehead against his and locked your gaze with his. "I'm gonna cum, Bucky." Bucky drove into you faster and harder, and you moaned, your eyes shutting.
"Come on, baby," he moaned, slamming himself into you at a rapid rate, his metal hand encircling your throat. "Cum on my dick, doll." Bucky's grasp on your throat intensified, causing you to cry out. The cold from his metal fingers around your throat snapped the coil in your stomach, core tightening from the satisfaction of your release.
Bucky reached his own peak as your walls tightened around him. "Fuck, doll," he mumbled into your ear as he released into you. A shiver goes through his body as he continues to thrust into you, working both of you through your high.
"Fuck, baby," he whispers as he pulls his cock out of you.  He reaches down to your delicate cunt with two fingers, seeing his cum drip out, and pushes it back into you. He placed his fingers soaked in his cum and your release into your mouth, and you could feel your legs trembling from your previous climax. 
"As hot as that was, I think we should get cleaned up and get ready for bed." Bucky chuckles as he pulls you to the end of the bed. Bucky enters the bathroom and returns with a wet washcloth. He opens your legs and begins wiping up the cum dripping between your legs, but you gasp as the wet towel brushes across your sensitive core.
"I'm sorry, baby. Did I go too rough?" Bucky stares at you with sadness in his eyes as he tosses the wet washcloth into the dirty laundry hamper.
“No. You did everything perfectly, just a little sensitive." You wrap your arms over his shoulders and run your fingers through his hair. Bucky leans towards you, sighing as your fingers run through his hair.
"How about you take a shower while I get dressed and change the bed sheets?" You suggest to Bucky, knowing he had a difficult mission.
“A shower sounds great.” Bucky nods
“Ok. Go take a shower; when you're done, everything will be ready for bed." You kiss his forehead before watching him walk into the bathroom.
You put on a clean pair of underwear, shorts, and one of Bucky's t-shirts before removing the bed sheets and comforter and replacing them with new ones on the bed. Just as you finish placing the comforter on the bed, the bathroom door opens to see Bucky in only his boxers.
Before you both crawl into bed, you exchange an affectionate smile.Bucky sat with his back against the headboard, looking for anything to watch on TV, and you sat next to him, drawing the blanket up to your chin and resting your head on his chest before he laid his arm over your shoulders.
"I thought I'd lost you." you trembled.
"You'll never lose me, baby," he whispered as he glanced at you, but Bucky observed tears pouring down your cheeks as he connected his sight to yours. Bucky moved you to sit on his lap. "Shh, baby. It's okay, I'm here." Bucky cupped his hands around your face, brushing away tears with his thumbs. 
You buried your face in his neck as sobs took over your body, Bucky tightening his arms around you, doing his best to console you. "I was afraid I'd never see you again," you say as you pull him closer.
Bucky drew you away and wiped your tears with his head against yours. "I'm so sorry to have scared you, sweetheart. I discovered an abandoned cabin to stay in, but I couldn't communicate with anyone."He said this as you drew back to assess him for injuries.
"I love you so much, Bucky," Your eyes flood up with emotions as you convey your feelings for him. "I love you, too, baby." leaning forward to give you a gentle kiss on the lips.
"Til the end of the line, doll." He kissed the top of your head. You wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his chest. While fiddling with your hair, he kissed your head. You raise your hand up to your mouth, intertwined with his metal one, and kiss his hand softly.
“We need that touch from the one we love, almost as much as we need air to breathe. But I never understood the importance of touch, until the day I met Bucky Barnes. He saved me. In every way that a person can be saved.”
Translation: голубка - Dove
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smooth-perceval · 10 months
“My love, my life”
“If I had someone like you”
Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Max Corner
Summary: [Max and reader crossed the line in their 3 year friendship, resulting in 2 positive pregnancy test. And 1 baby on the way.]
Max makes amends for his wrong ways, reader forgives him, Max’s declares some very crazy things- however reader has something crazier that he doesn’t take too kindly.
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, soft max, angry max, fake relationship, mentions of J.Verstappen, Google translate, NO PROOF READ!! , maybe reader being a dick?
Key: Y/N (Your name) Y/N/N (Your Nickname)
Word count: 4,137
Inspo: It hurts me- Elvis Presley (Song)
A/N: So a month later and we have this, please enjoy! I need to get me a Max. I’m sorry it’s terrible I just had such readers block- and yeah there’s no excuse for it being bad.
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Well of course Max and Kelly was the talk of the weekend. Some pleased they was back together, others not so much… myself included- mine was out of pure jealousy.
I avoided Max like the plague, hid in the most random spots to avoid any contact with him-
The second most spoke about during the weekend was me and Lando, people pining us together. I love Lando dearly, and he loves me- but strictly platonic, even the thought of anything more makes me cringe.
Every so often he would bring the conversation up of moving back to London. And I would just brush it under the carpet, I wouldn’t lie and say I haven’t look at the odd apartments near home, or even considered moving back in with mum and dad, it just seems kind of the best thing for me and the baby- I have nobody at home expect Lando, and used to be Max…
“Y/N?” Glancing up like a deer in headlights I turned my head to Lando confused-
“Sorry, did you say something…” with and apologetic smile, I nervously picked at the pleats in my dress, looking back down at my lap.
“I said we’re about ten minutes away from your mum and dads”
“Oh- I can’t wait to see them.” Sighing I rested my head back in a bliss.
“Me neither it’s been a while-” laughing a little Lando turned a corner onto a familiar street. My childhood home standing bright and proud.
“Is it weird I’m nervous to see them again…”
“Of course not.”
Humming, Lando pulled up at the side of the road. And as if both thinking the same thing we glanced around at the many cars parked around nearby.
“Well if they’re throwing you a surprise welcome home party. It’s not much of a surprise.” In unison we both glanced at each other breaking out into a fit of giggles.
“Let’s go act surprised” rolling my eyes playfully we both got out the car creeping up the drive and knocking the door.
And within seconds it swung open revealing my mum, dad rushing down the hall in a hurry.
“There’s our little girl!” Smiling wide, I stepped indoors embracing them both tight.
“I have missed you both so much.” And just like that relief washes all over me, the calmness your parents can bring is a different kind. And I cannot wait to be able to give the same to my baby.
“And Lando! It’s been a minute!” Turning in their arms, reaching out and dragging him in.
“Your daughter has kept me miles away.” Another round of laughter rang out.
“Not the fact you’ve been playing cars all around the world kid” patting his back my dad swung his car over his shoulders dragging down the hall and out into the garden.
Mum turned around back to me smiling wide. “How’s the baby?” Her hands come up clutching my stomach.
“Oh well- they’re fine, a few more weeks and we should know the gender!” My face hurt from smiling so much. “Is dad okay?”
“Yes, honey- you know what his like he won’t tell you how excited he is.” Nodding my head as she waved it off.
“Come your dad got the barbecue out!”
“This is his way of showing his love? Cause he knows I love a barbecue-”Stepping out onto the patio, a loud cheer erupted, glancing up I laughed covering my face, and praying I looked surprised- I mean it still was a surprise the amount of family and friends here.
“Welcome home darling!” One at a time each family and friend greeted me some still doing their rounds on Lando.
Mum was right the barbecue was going, dad and my two uncles standing around it chatting, all three nursing a beer.
Truthfully I was in a bliss. I felt at ease- like once again the world was lifted off my shoulders- I could breathe without a care in the world.
That’s when it was decided for me… moving back home would benefit us. I had family here. The baby’s family is here- Max has no say in the baby’s choice all the time his playing stupid hot and cold- who have I really got back in Monaco? Just Lando now- just him and that’s the scary party, because even at times there’s no Lando.
“Y/N/N!!” Turning around to my mothers call, she gestured me over, excusing myself through the crowd I took her hand as she pulled me the last length.
“I think this is the first time his ever been late.”
“Who?” Looking up at the back door, on the patio, there he stood as always. Making the most grandest of entrances. Always, always showing up unexpectedly- And once again popping that little balloon of happiness.
“Why is he here?” All the colour drained from my face, replaced with a bright red- rage fuelling within me- with a hint of sadness and embarrassment.
“He is your friend right? Or do we class him family how long you’ve known each other- I know you see him more often than us lot but still.”
Creeping down the steps my dad was quick to greet him along with other family members, Lando giving him a curt nod of acknowledgment, then turning his head to me in shock. Mouthing a quick “you ok?”
“Max, how are you honey?” Pulling him into an embrace, his eyes landed on mine.
“I’m okay, how have you been?” Rubbing her shoulders they both pulled away from on another.
Taking him in- he looked rough, his eyes were dull, complimented with nice bags underneath clearly from a lack of sleep, he still tried and made himself look presentable his hair styled back, though a loose strand fell out onto his forehead- yet he wore it well. His smile didn’t really quite reach his eyes like he was holding back or had no energy to do so- and yet despite seeming so frazzled he looked so good. And I hate that.
“I’m good! I’m going to be a grandmother! As you know-” giggling happily turning back towards me, her hand reaching up to my arm in a comforting way.
“I know- I’m very excited!” Smiling shyly he rubbed his forearm, taking a quick glance at me again.
“I’m thinking it’s going to be a girl.” She started rubbing my belly once again, my eyes were only focused on Max, I couldn’t get any words out. “You know what I’m like Max, some say I’m a witch for how correct I am with these things!”
“Either way, longs their healthy right”
“Either way, I think you and Lando would force them into racing!” Nudging his arm Max laughed a little.
“Well they’ve got Verstappen blood, I doubt we would have to force them that much.”
My eyes grew wide as I stared at Max, before looking at my mum. Then back at Max. Then back to mum.
“Verstappen blood?” Confused my mum glanced between us both, all three of us looking at one another in turns.
“Why your bl-” pausing- her finger pointed at us both, her eyes growing wider by the second, a gasp falling from her.
“Your the fath-”
“Shhhhh!” Cutting her off, I waved my hands infront of her.
“You haven’t told your parents…?” Mumbling quietly max lowered his head slightly.
“Have you told yours?” Now back glaring at Max. He slowly nodded his head.
“That’s what I’ve been needing to talk to you about.” Sheepishly he looked down at the small gift bag in his hands. Taking a deep breath, trying to calm myself I turned back to my mother holding her hands.
“Mum please- don’t tell anyone okay. Not until I’m ready…”
“What about your father?”
“I’ll tell him later. I promise…” Pausing I looked back at Max. “You.” Jabbing my finger into his chest. “Indoors now.” Picking my dress up slightly I hurried indoors trying not to draw so much attention, or give off that I’m absolutely raging inside-
Once in the kitchen, I looked back at max standing over the other side of the table who was wearing a small genuine smile.
“That wasn’t funny at all Max. So wipe that smile off your face”
“Just happy to see you again…” he placed the gift bag onto the table.
“Cut the crap. And just talk.”
Raising his hands in defence he pulled a chair out for me to sit before sitting down himself.
“How have you been?”
I think if looks could kill, Max would’ve been killed roughly 33 times.
“How have I been?”
“You know, in general… the pregnancy- how’s the baby been?” The tension grew as his sentences become frantic and rushed.
Kinda cute him being nervou- No Y/N his not cute. His a dick.
Clearing his throat he put his hands up once again in surrender.
“I’ve wanted to talk to you since, well after we was at yours…” raising his eyebrows, trying to hint at the last night we shared. Staring at him for a few moments, I then slid into the chair he pulled out, finally accepting the conversation. Truthfully a part of me just wanted to be in his presence, is it bad of me for enjoying being the centre of his attention… maybe.
“Then why didn’t you?” Crossing my arms over my chest I leant back into the chair.
“Well- so as I said, I told my parents… my mum was-” my heart skipped a beat or two, praying that the response was all good- kinda hoping they was excited it’ll make this whole thing easier- “There’s no words I think she cried for about an hour, she like jumped on me!” Chuckling a little at the memory a smile still playing on his lips. “My dad however… not so much.” And just like that the smile was gone, and my heart dropped- one out of two.
“He said a baby out of wedlock wasn’t something he wanted of me, told me to keep it a secret… kinda filled my head with crap and made me believe I shouldn’t do this… or I couldn’t do this like, be a dad- and that’s where Kelly comes into this.”
I hated her name rolling of his tongue, I would’ve rather had a drop of poison. The jealousy churned my stomach.
“It’s fake- all of it with us… I mean I know it’s fake, I think she is getting a little to comfortable.” Fiddling with his hand infront of him he looked up at me.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner… my dad had told me I needed to cut contact with you… that it’ll be easier- that way, just like move on and I kinda believed him- I thought I wasn’t good enough to be a dad, yet being around my nephews- makes me want a baby even more, and that’s when I realised the mistake I made… if you don’t forgive me I understand, I wouldn’t either. But I really hope you can find it in your heart somewhere to… or even just let me be apart of our baby’s life- I want to be a dad, so fucking much, I feel like it’s meant for me” truthfully he tugged at my heart strings, maybe it’s the hormones… but could I really forgive him that easy? Life’s been hell-
“Why didn’t you just call?…”
“Someone blocked you and I couldn’t figure out how to undo the block!!” Frustrated he pulled his phone out. And as angry as I once was- nothing could beat the smile slowly forming at his stupidity. Who doesn’t know how to unblock someone?!
“Please show me how it’s been driving me insane- I even searched up online but I couldn’t figure it out!” sliding his phone across the table. I looked up at him taking in his face once again... and just like always he was again forgiven.
“You swear you want this Max?” Biting my lips I picked at my dress once again, praying he says the words I want to hear.
Looking up from his phone, scrambling his hands over the table he quickly reached over holding onto my hand with both of his.
“More than anything in the world. I promise” his eyes spoke of pure genuine.
“This is the last time I forgive you. I swear on this Max- the last time” Squeezing his hand I stood up from the table making my way back to the garden.
“Y/N? The gift-” Max was following behind holding the bag out. Glancing down at it then back up at him I took it gingerly.
Pulling out a wrapped box from inside the bag, a small ribbon tied around in both pink and blue. Max took the bag placing it onto the table before taking the box from my hands holding it for me to pull the lid off.
Inside was a beautiful crystal set, of three bears- engrave on them was my name on one, max name on another and the baby bear still empty.
“Once we have a name I can go get it engraved on there-”
“Thank you Max.” Gulping, I felt my cheeks warm- how can something like three little bears make me well up so quickly. Closing the box back up I took it from his hands hugging it close to my chest. “It’s beautiful- thank you.”
“I think your beautiful…” his hand reached up brushing a strand of hair out my face…
“I’m sorry for everything.”
“We will see-” stepping back from his touch squeezing the box a little tighter.
“Also get Lando to look at your phone, I’m sure you both need a catch-up.” Smiling a little, reaching out and rubbing his arm gently, he nodded in response.
“I’ll prove myself- honest.” Stepping around me he headed out into garden, possibly going to find Lando.
Placing the box on the table I took a few deep breaths. One parent happy another not- my mum just found out who the dad is, my father doesn’t have a clue… Max is back, and his not technically single-
And me- I want to scream, I so wanted ti hate Max, but how can I? I don’t think I ever can hate him that’s the truth.
“Darling, you okay?” Turning around there my mum stood in the doorway smiling softly. And that was all that was needed for me to let the tears go.
“No-” I felt my lip start to tremble as she rushed in shutting the door behind her.
“Oh honey, sit down-” smiling sadly I took a seat once again, my mum pulling a chair around and in front of me.
“Talk to me-”
Taking a few deep breaths, I straightened my back, “where do I start-” we both giggled leaning into each other.
“You and Max? That’s a start-”
“Well if you mean what happened, we was both drunk mum, it really was a mistake- that happened twice” looking around awkwardly avoiding her wide eyes, “Max has been a bit difficult, his been a bit of a no show- and then after the second night we spent together- he completely cut me out, and seeing him today has been the first time in a while and well… as you know I didn’t want to see him.” Pausing I looked back at mum, “but I’m glad you did now because I found out the truth- his dads not happy were having a baby out of marriage. His mums happy- but his dad has basically forced a relationship onto him and told him to basically leave me and this baby- and Max believed it at first and he is saying now he realises that he wants to be a dad.” Huffing out a breath, I smiled finally wiping my face.
“And ontop of it all- I don’t know what to do- but I got this thing to figure out and it’s either for the better or, it’s failed, you know…”
“Well, that’s a lot to take in…” smiling she brushed my hair out my face, just like Max done not longer than five minutes ago. “Well, I’m pleased to know who the dad is, I’m glad it’s someone like Max even though his been acting silly… he is a sweet boy. And he deserves this family you are both creating.” Squeezing my hand reassuringly she continued. “But make it his last chance-”
“Mum- I don’t know if the other problem is going to ruin that whole family dynamic.”
“Honey, your a family for a reason, families are there for each other no matter what.” Standing up she rubbed my shoulders.
“Did you want to talk about your other problem?”
“No no, I think we have sort of covered it…” waving her off I stood up also.
“We better head out honey, hopefully everyone will start leaving-”
Smiling at each other, we linked arms heading back out into the garden.
And as if summoned Max was at my side, staying true to his word of proving himself.
“I got you a drink.” Holding the glass out to me, i accepted it smiling a little. “Thank you-”
My mum leant through and gave Max a tight hug whispering in his ear- whatever she said made him smile, a cute shy smile-
“Thank you.” Pulling back from each other, mum excusing herself.
“Did you want any food?” Both looking over at the barbecue, my stomach churned.
“No I feel like being sick…” laughing a little I sipped at my drink trying to hold down any sickness.
“Need me to get you anything?-” wide eyes he rubbed my shoulder gently. “Max, relax- your making me feel even more sick with all the questions.” Smiling a little, I moved past him going to sit down.
And within seconds him and Lando was both sitting down either side of me.
“So when you telling your dad?”
“What?” Looking over at Lando then over to Max.
“Well Max said your parents didn’t know and now your mum knows so when you telling your dad.
“Later.” Looking over at my dad I sighed, waving my hand infront of my face.
“You okay?” Max asked once again.
“I’m fine- just a little hot.” Max started waving his hand also in front of me.
“Why don’t we go indoors?”
“I’m fine.” Drinking my drink once again it was now Lando’s turn to pipe in.
“If you feel hot maybe we should sit in the shade?”
“I need 5 minutes.” Standing up I rushed off away from them both. And straight to my dad.
“You want some food darling?” My dad smiled at me hand resting on my arm.
There was bare to none food left, everyone had got there quickly. And just as quickly I shook my head.
“Dad can everyone go now-” swallowing I looked around at everyone- I don’t know when but at some point it got too much. The heat, the sickness, the problem. All of it.
“Err, sure honey.” His head darted around as he found a spot to put his beer down, and one by one, people started migrating out, giving me waves from a distance and a smile.
I was grateful, my dad really served- I felt guilty ending the day short but I just wanted a moments peace… and once everyone was gone and everywhere was cleaned up.
Well I say everyone gone- Max and Lando both defused leaving, sitting back down on the outside furniture and engaging in more conversation.
With them distracted I went down into the garden a little more, sitting at the little table and chair there. Under a tree with a lovely breeze blowing through and calming me. I was at peace.
My hand subconsciously rested onto my stomach, and the thought of knowing my baby was there, calmed me even more.
“Hey…” awaking me I glanced over my should at Max.
“Can I sit?” Nodding over the chair, I nodded along clearing my throat.
“Sorry about kicking everyone out early.”
“Why you apologising?” Tutting and shaking his head, he sat down across the small rounded table.
“Just feel bad…”
“Don’t even begin to feel bad-”
“I already do-” laughing a little I leant towards the table, or more towards Max… the table definitely the table.
“How you feeling now?”
“A lot better…” pausing I looked down at my hands, fiddling with them.
“I need to speak to you about something…” looking back up at Max, his eyes were already on me as he nodded.
“I need to tell you something too-” smiling a little, I nodded my head.
“Okay well I’ll start-“
“Y/N I love you, not just as a friend or best friend- I think I genuinely love you.” I watched as he swallowed hard, my heart pounded, begging to be released and handed to him to look after.
“I’m moving back here-” I don’t know why- I could’ve said I love you back or, thank you- but no I chose to potentially ruin any moment we was about to have, his face hadn’t changed- I had no idea if he even heard me- he was like frozen in place.
“So let me get this straight. I tell you I love you- And your telling me you’re going to move across country, take my baby with you, and be hours away from me? When I’m trying to make emends for the things I’ve done.”
Nodding my head slowly, I chewed at my bottom lip.
“Right- so.” He paused turning away looking across the garden.
“Are you doing this out of spite of what I’ve done?”
“What? You seriously think it’s like that-”
“It’s how it seems.”
“No Max it’s not. Your never in Monaco, who is to say you’ll get 5 minutes when I go into labour or when the baby is here? My family are here at least I’ll have someone while your gone- do you understand that.”
Getting up from my chair I moved to stand in front of him, catching his attention.
“I have people here always… your never around. And you don’t realise how terrified I am to do this Max… I’m basically doing this alone and I’m so scared.” Once again the tears built up, rolling down my cheeks.
“I’m scared, what if I don’t know how to be a mum? And our baby won’t exactly have a dad around permanently- his in different countries all year round never home- what if this baby doesn’t feel loved enough Max? I’m so scared that this baby won’t realise how much it’s loved by us- it’s okay saying it but they need to be shown it-” letting out a sigh of relief, looking down at him I quickly wiped my face.
“So don’t judge me for helping our baby.” Max’s hands were covering his mouth, rubbing his face slowly, seeming like his staring past me. “I just feel like, every time I get close I’m really falling backwards…”
“Exactly how I’ve been feeling with you-” sniffling I wiped my face once again, Max finally sat up straight looking up at me.
“Let me help- atleast…” Max hands reached up taking mine and slowly pulling me closer, and like the sheep I was I followed along, now standing between his legs.
“I got it all covered…” lying through my teeth, Max already knowing- shaking his head. His hands slid to my hips, guiding me to perch onto his leg.
“Just let me take care of you-” it was like being in a trace, the way I just followed whatever Max done. “I’m okay…” it was like another comfort blanket, I curled up on top of Max, his arms around me securely, I knew he was still annoyed the heavy breathing gave it away. “Please stop fighting me… I want to try and accept this some way-”
“Okay…” sighing I closed my eyes, now finally accepting peace.
“I love you too max… always have.” Pausing once again, I leaned back looking up at him, “But you aren’t mine to have exactly…”
“Don’t- go there, I need to get my whole situation sorted, I just wish like-”
“Like what?”
“If I had someone like you- life would be a lot easier.”
“In a prefect world” laughing a little I rested my head back onto his chest. “I’m sorry”
“What did I tell you about apologising?”
“Not to do it…”
“Then don’t. It makes sense you being here, our baby ne-”
“Your baby?” Sitting up I turned around Max head basically snapped as he looked over.
And there stood dad.
“Well, I beat you to telling your parents.” Max mumbled guiding me off his lap, both standing in front of dad who stood there with two teas in hand. And a face like pure thunder…
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A/N: Okay, sooooo Max is forgiven once again!!! How we feeling about the reader back in the UK? Orrrrr do we have a moment we’re the reader if about to leave and Max changes her mind? Keeps her in Monaco? Hmmm, anyways I hope you enjoyed a sorry it’s been so long!
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Birthday Gifts
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AN: So Alpha Nomad Steve won the birthday ficlet poll. Enjoy the fluff, which also means that this set of stories is officially a series now. Find Need You Now and Surprise, Surprise here.
Beta’d at speed by @indyluckycharlie
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and banner by me
Master list
Series Master list
Summary: It’s Steve’s birthday and you have the perfect gift all ready
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Relationship: Alpha! Nomad Steve and Omega! Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
CW: Breeding Kink, Fluff, Explicit Sexual Content, Lots of kissing, Non-graphic descriptions of pregnancy, labour and delivery.
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28th June
“Steve, I’m as big as a house!”
Your Alpha wrapped his arms around you from behind and nuzzled into your neck and the slightly scarred flesh to be found there.
“A sexy house.”
You playfully slapped his arm and let out an equally playful cry.
“Hey! I’m not gonna disagree with you. That would be dangerous to my health.”
You couldn’t help it. You giggled. Which had probably been his intention.
“Big, strong Captain America, scared of a pregnant Omega?”
He rubbed his bearded face against your neck again, inhaling your scent.
“Only because you’re my Omega.”  
You turned in his arms, your large baby bump - a bump that you now knew did hold twins - getting in your way. Luckily Steve knew what you wanted and ducked his head down to kiss you.
Although you had a few weeks until your due date, the fact that you were carrying twins meant they were probably going to show up sooner, rather than later. But it was Steve’s birthday in a week, and you hoped they’d wait until afterwards - you’d hate to miss his birthday by being in hospital.
Once the shock of being reunited and the reveal of your pregnancy had worn off, Steve had revelled in your situation. His Alpha hindbrain preened at the fact that his Omega was pregnant, and if he’d had voracious appetites before, your rounding belly just made him insatiable. 
When you were too tired to do anything, he just asked you to lie naked in front of him and he’d jack off, praising you, looking at you, covering your bump with his spend, before cleaning you up, and kissing you until you fell asleep in his arms.
However, when you did have the energy, he liked to perch you on top of him, so you could control the depth and speed. His broad hands held your hips, helping you move - grind - until you came. There’d still be the praises though, the electric gaze, and the aftercare.
Steve deepened the kiss, and then suddenly he lifted you up into his arms. You squeaked and clung onto him, and he let out a low growl in response that went straight to your core. You were glad you weren’t feeling tired today.
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July 1st
Your hands held onto the headboard, curling your fingers into the wood as you swivelled your hips.
“Alpha!” You whined as you neared your peak.
“I know, ‘Mega. You can do it, baby. Look so beautiful when you cum. I’ll be right there with you.”
Steve’s right hand dropped from your hip and his thumb delved between your folds, searching out your slick bud and rubbing tight circles over it. The tension in your body snapped like a rubber band and you threw your head back, keening as you trembled above him. His hips thrust up gently under you and you could feel his engorged knot brushing your entrance, and you wished you could take him deep enough to feel it inside you. He groaned with you as you rode out the waves of pleasure, filling you to the brim with his cum. 
As you drew in ragged breaths, your arms shook under the exertion of holding yourself up. Sensing your weariness, Steve helped manoeuvre you so you were lying on your side on the bed. He pressed a kiss to your sweaty brow before darting to the bathroom and coming back with a wet washcloth. He wiped down your face and chest, before gently cleaning you between your legs.
You smiled up at him.
“I must look a complete mess.”
He dropped another kiss on you, this time to your lips and shook his head.
“Nope. I meant what I said - you look beautiful. I don’t think I could want you more, and then I remember that once the babies are here you’ll be a certified MILF.”
You grabbed your pillow and threw it at him, but he easily avoided it.
He dropped down, facing you, tangling your legs together and dropping an arm over your thickened waist.
“Only for you, Omega. Only for you.”
He kissed you again, deeply this time, and stroked your hair until you fell asleep.
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July 4th
You groaned, and rolled over, an outstretched hand reaching for your phone to check the time. The screen lit up, bathing your face in its glow and mocking you with its answer.
You let out another groan and shifted, trying to get comfortable. It was Steve’s birthday today and you were determined it was going to be a good one. If only this damn backache would calm down. You closed your eyes and willed your body to relax, which is of course when the twins decided to start up a kicking war with each other, with you caught in the crossfire.
You rubbed your palm over your bump, trying to calm them.
“Quit it, you two.” You kept your voice low, but having an Alpha with enhanced senses means that it didn’t matter how quiet you were. A hair covered arm, corded with muscle came over your bump and pulled you close to the human furnace connected to it.
“They causing you problems, ‘mega?” His voice was roughened from sleep as he pressed his lips to your mating scar.
“Just waltzing around in there.” You suddenly winced and rubbed your hand over your belly again. “Okay, that was a little hard. I’ll be having words with them when they come out. Let’s try and go back to sleep, so we can enjoy your birthday later on.”
You turned your head over your shoulder to give Steve a brief kiss, and then snuggled back against him, pulling the comforter up and hoping the heat from his body would soothe your back ache.
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You woke up a few hours later as the sun started to rise, golden rays finding the gap between the curtains of Steve’s - your - compound apartment. Your back was still killing you and the twins were obviously headbutting your bladder. You were glad that your last scan showed both were head down, but sometimes you couldn’t make it 10 minutes between toilet visits. 
You carefully pulled yourself from bed, noting that the time was only 4:33. At some point Steve had rolled away from you, and the comforter was tangled around his legs. The early morning sun lit up the hairs on his body with a golden sheen and you smiled to yourself, before waddling off to the bathroom at the insistence of your unborn children. By the time you’d finished and washed up, despite still being tired, you were too awake to go back to bed.
You slowly made your way from the bedroom to the small living room cum kitchen of Steve’s compound apartment. You got yourself a glass of water and took two tylenol, hoping to ease your backache. You then moved towards the TV, snagging the throw from the back of the sofa and rolling your birthing ball out from the wall with your foot. Settling down on the bouncy rubber, the throw draped around your shoulders, you switched on the TV, making sure the volume was down low, and started to channel hop. There was bound to be some kind of mind-numbing rubbish on that you could while away the hours with. Then you’d have a nice nap.
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At 7am you were resigned to the fact that you weren’t getting a nap, and you had a sinking feeling that all your plans for today were getting put on hold. 
Normally, Steve would have been up an hour ago, to get in his morning run, but he’d agreed to forego the alarm this morning, accepting your suggestion that he have a lie in. Theoretically you should still be there with him, ready to help him out when awoke, but it appeared that the universe, and your twins, had other plans.
You were walking laps of your living room and trying not to accept the fact that your backache and slight twinges had morphed into the early stages of labour when a painful tightening of your womb caused you to moan out loud. Before the sensation had even fully passed, Steve was by your side, an arm around your back and the other holding your hand. There was a look of panic on his sleepy face.
“Are you okay, baby? What’s going on?”
You raised an eyebrow and swayed from side to side, the movement helping to ease your discomfort.
“Steven Grant Rogers, I’m 35 weeks pregnant with twins. What do you think is happening?”
He looked at you and you looked at him, watching as the realisation hit him. The panic on his face didn’t lessen any. In fact, it seemed to get more intense.
“They’re coming? Now? We need to get you to the med facility!” He dropped your hand and ran back to the bedroom, still talking. You rolled your eyes and restarted your perambulations.
“We need your bag, and the pups’ bag. And my bag. I need to call Buck. And Sam. And Tony…”
He reappeared, hopping on one foot as he tried to pull his sweatpants up the other leg.
“Should I carry you? Or do you want to walk? Maybe we could do both? Oh, and you have to remember to breathe, and…”
“Steve. Alpha. Please shut up.” 
He came to a grinding halt, watching you as you walked around him.
“It’s not that time yet, Steve. I spoke to the doctor about this last week. I need to wait until the contractions are regularly 2-3 minutes apart or until my waters break, whichever happens first. We’ve probably got hours to go yet. Now, relax, will you? Make your phone calls and get the bags near the door, but as the med facility is only on the other side of the compound, I don’t think we need to worry about getting there.”
Steve shook himself from his panicked stupor and moved back to your side, taking your hand and joining you in your circuit of the room.
“How are you so calm, Omega?”
You stopped and tugged on his hand to make him bend down so you could press your lips to his.
“Because I’m built for this, and because I will have the best Alpha by my side, supporting me. And let’s face it, if I’m squeezing your hands later, I’m not going to hurt you.”
The mental image made him laugh and he kissed you back.
“Bring it on, baby. Do your worst.”
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“I’m never letting you and your knot near me ever again, Rogers! Aaaahhhh!”
You were on your hands and knees on the bed in the medical facility. One of Steve’s hands was trapped under yours - you weren’t letting him go anywhere! - and you were swaying back and forth as another contraction washed through you. 
There was a midwife - Penny, a calming Beta - standing at the end of the bed, keeping an eye on proceedings, although to your mind she’d spent longer placating Steve’s fears than helping you through labour.
“I’m sorry, Omega. But you’re doing so well. And it will all be worth it when the pups are here. It won’t be long now.” He turned and looked behind you, towards Penny. “Will it?”
“No, in fact, Twin A is almost ready to be here, their head is starting to crown.” You turned your own head to look at her and she smiled at you.  “So with this next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can, okay. And Mr Rogers, I need you to hold up that water bottle so Mama can take sips when she wants.”
It was a good thing your mate was a military man, because he didn’t hesitate, and just did what had been asked of him. You didn’t have long to appreciate it, however, as your next contraction hit.
“Here we go,” Penny said, brightly. “Give me a nice big push…
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“What time is it, Steve?” You were exhausted, your eyes heavy and your blinks getting longer and longer. Your Alpha turned away from the window, where he was watching the fireworks explode across the sky. In his arms was a wrapped bundle with a scrunched up nose. An almost matching bundle was in the bassinet next to you. 
Sarah and Joseph, after Steve’s parents.
“Just after 10pm. You should get some rest, Omega mine. I can’t believe how well you did. You made it look easy.”
You gave out a little snort.
“I can assure you, it wasn’t. And I’ll get some rest in a moment. But I need you to come here.” You held out your hand, beckoning him over. With baby Sarah in his arms, he perched on the edge of your bed, the biggest smile you’d ever seen on his face. You pushed yourself up and pulled him into a kiss.
“Happy Birthday, Steve. I hope you liked your presents.”
“The best presents I could ever wish for, Omega. Thank you.”
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @marvelstarker-mha98 @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel
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r2d2lover · 1 year
5 Galleons Pt. 2
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Pairing: Fred Wealey x Reader
Rating: E
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: Fluff and angst with smut in this part, slight praise kink, blowjobs, unprotected sex, PIV sex, Fred bets that he can bed you by the end of the week. Cheesy Amortentia bit. Honestly was just a brain dump of a Fred scenario I've been wanting to write.
The Hufflepuff Princess becomes the focus of Fred Weasley’s newest dare.
This is posted on Tumblr combining Chapters 1+2 and Chapters 3+4 for easy reading.
Fred cursed the moment the game ended, watching all the flags around the Quidditch Pitch turn yellow in Hufflepuff's favor. McLaggen was nowhere as good of a player as Ron was, even though Fred would rather die than admit that to his own brother. It was obvious after this embarrassing game that ended 60-320. He watched McLaggen miss each Hufflepuff Bludger because he was too busy telling the rest of the team how to play. However, Fred was equally distracted, watching you zip around as Seeker as you weaved between the other players in pursuit of the Golden Snitch. He had a whole plan about how he was going to lead you back to his room under the watchful eye of McLaggen. Now in the locker room, he refrained himself for punching him out for costing Gryffindor the game and instead looked forward to relishing in being 5 galleons cheaper the next day. Fred just had to get creative. He swore he caught you staring at him while he was redoing the laces to his uniform pants before the game started, but you looked away before he could acknowledge you from across the Pitch.
Luckily, Harry kept the post-game talk brief, but Fred found it easy to slip out at the last minute to take a shower and change into clean clothes for the Hufflepuff party. He expected very little of the experience, just looking forward to seeing their famed Seeker. He descended the spiral staircase that lead to the Hufflepuff common room, sighing at the fact that it was in the basement. Earlier that day, Fred had grabbed a first year Hufflepuff and coerced him into giving Fred the common room password by offering him a free Skiving Snackbox. Fred was determined to walk into the common room unscathed and with a proud look on his face for her. He loved watching her melt into an uncharacteristically nervous mess around him. She was even changing him a little bit. Fred recalled the other day in Potions when he told her that her perfume was the only thing he could smell in the Amortentia. It wasn't a complete lie; he also smelled a faint scent of old books and grassy leather. He thought it was probably because the first time he met the Hufflepuff Princess was during a Quidditch practice in their first year and he spent the rest of his years trying to uncover her secrets. When Fred finally reached the unsuspecting barrels that hid the Hufflepuff common room, he reached the middle barrel and gave it a careful five knocks. The wall dissolved, revealing loud music and even louder cheers. Fred smiled to himself before entering the Hufflepuff common room, ready to see her.
You've taken a sip from something your best friend brewed, trusting her because she was the Potions professor's favorite. "It's not alcohol," she had promised, giving you a large mug of the liquid. It sure felt like Firewhiskey, giving the same warming feeling. However, instead of hiccuping or feeling sleepy like you usually did after taking sips of Firewhiskey, you felt on top of the world. It didn't help that the entire common room was chanting your name because of your winning save. Nothing could ground you in that moment, not even Fred, who sauntered through the common room doors untouched by vinegar. He immediately spotted you because you decided to stand on the middle table waving at people, a reckless thing that your friend was surely going to tease you about later. Fred could barely hide his amusement as he made his way to he table, offering you a helping hand down. 
"Is this what you're like to the Hufflepuffs? Maybe I should beg for a house transfer," Fred leaned in close, moving your hair to the side. "And you let your hair down."
"It's out of pity," You bit your lip, fixated on the way Fred was showing off his forearms in his rolled up uniform shirt. "That game was absolutely terrible for Gryffindor. Here, take a sip of this."
You offered Fred the cup you were drinking from, which he took gladly. You lead him to a couch and he refused to give you your cup back. A second year Hufflepuff quickly gave you a new cup and you laughed. You could get used to this. Other people from your house came by to comment on how good the game was to Fred, who just laughed and blamed McLaggen for costing Gryffindor their spot in the finale. Others gave you raised eyebrows at Fred's arm that was thrown across your shoulders, which you didn't even notice at first. Whatever liquid your best friend had made was truly working its magic. You decided to interrogate Fred on his newfound obsession with you.
"So what's with the sudden attention?" You tilted your head back to make eye contact with Fred. He had that same amused face from earlier.
"What do you mean?" But you could tell from his eyes he knew exactly what you were talking about.
"Our entire time at Hogwarts, you've barely talked to me, but now you show interest. What are you playing at?" You squinted at him, hoping that Fred would crack. He simply took another sip of your drink coolly and shrugged.
"I'm not playing at anything. I just didn't know how to get the mighty Hufflepuff Princess to fall," You rolled at your eyes at his fixed grin. Then he dropped his voice to a whisper. "From Quidditch practice our first year, I've always wondered what it is that makes you tick."
You flinched when Fred placed a hand on your exposed thigh. You didn't realize how far your skirt was riding up. He squeezed lightly, laughing at how your stuttering again. You took a deep breath and moved his hand back to his own lap.
"That's such a lie. Everyone knows you were pining after Angelina Johnson since our first year," You said mockingly, regrettably out of your drink. You decided the let the liquid settle instead of getting more, already feeling extroverted and talkative. 
"Hm. Do I sense jealousy?" Fred tilted your chin to look at him and your chest felt tight. You kept eye contact with him until you made the fatal mistake of dropping your gaze to his lips. With a swift movement that you could barely process, your lips touched his. You were emboldened by the potion. Fred quickly set down his cup, using his now free hand to cup your face. You heard an excited hum come from Fred, who pulled you into a deeper kiss. It was hungry. Desperate, even. He tasted just like the potion you both had been drinking, laced with a metallic tinge that came from an injury he sustained earlier in the Qudditch game.
"I'm jealous of nothing," You murmured against his lips, breaking the kiss. Your heart was undoubtedly racing. It felt like the entire common room went silent and still. After the kiss, you felt like the entire common room was watching you, heightening your nerves. Fred grabbed your shaking hands, pulling it around his neck. This time, he leaned in for a kiss and you unconsciously tangled your fingers into the back of his hair. The rest of the world melted away into Fred's lips. You secretly liked that he knew what he was doing, biting at your bottom lip for entrance. 
"Somewhere," You said breathlessly between kisses. "More private."
Fred obliged quickly, letting you lead him up to your private prefect quarters.
"Who knew you were so naughty?" Fred teased as you fumbled with the keys to your room. You were the obvious choice for prefect since you've started Hogwarts and you worked towards the title for the added responsibility, but the best perk by far was your own room. Fred didn't waste time once you were able to open your door. He pinned you against the wall immediately, kissing you deeper than he did in the common room. He slid a hand between your waist, untucking your shirt from your skirt with finesse so that he could feel your curves. You were still a little tense, feeling inadequate against Fred's knowledgable hand movements. You had only done this once before with an older Ravenclaw from your Arithmancy class late last year, so luckily he was gone before the rest of the school could find out about your escapade. This time, there was no hiding from the way that you hungrily dragged Fred up the prefect stairs. You didn't care if it was out of character for you. You were having dirty thoughts about this weekend ever since Fred made his bet and said he could only smell your perfume in the Amortentia. Your fingers quickly worked to unbutton his white uniform top, earning a smile from Fred against your kiss. You rid him of his shirt and he tried to do the same for you, but you were in a sweater vest. 
Fred groaned when you started undoing his belt, fingers grazing the top of his boxers. "Take off something," Fred pleaded, breaking the kiss so that he could watch you undress. You popped your sweater vest over your head and starting undoing your button down.
"Merlin, are you trying to kill me?" He sat back on his elbows on your bed, absolutely reeling from the fact that you had forgone a bra.
"I forgot to put one on after the game," You said softly, stepping out of your skirt. You met Fred at your bed, giving him a kiss before taking his pants all the way off. You pushed his legs all the way on to the bed, climbing in between his thighs. Fred watched bewitched at the sight of you about to go down on him. You gave him a smirk before reaching down to his hard cock, giving it a few pumps while leaning up to kiss him. He groaned in satisfaction and could barely contain himself when you kissed down his neck to his naval, finally placing a kiss on his sensitive head. You made sure to look up at him before you grazed your tongue along his shaft, making him jump a bit. You proceeded taking his length into your mouth, hollowing out your cheeks and letting your tongue loosen.
"If only they could see you now," Fred said breathlessly, bunching your hair up out of your face. "The perfect Hufflepuff Princess in all- Fuck- All her glory. You look so pretty with your mouth around my cock."
You moaned at his praise and decided that you needed release of your own, but your moaning only encouraged Fred to push your head down deeper, giving a satisfying moan himself. You came off Fred with a pop, choking from the lack of air. Fred, his hand still in your hair, pulled you up for a kiss before flipping you on your back.
"Tell me if you want to stop," Fred whispered, dragging his nose across your cheek. You cherished his caring tone, his usual flirty playboy persona melting into the air around the two of you,
"Fred, I... I want- Fuck... No. I need you," You begged, dragging your hands down his chest. He grinned, tracing two fingers across your folds, sighing happily from how wet you were.
"Oh, I can tell. I just like listening to you beg," Fred smirked, teasing your entrance. You squirmed at the thought of relief just seconds away.
"Please," You slurred, pulling on his hair so that he would lean down to kiss you. You cursed his patience, but finally he leaned in with a thrust that made your back arch. "Oh my God." 
Your whimpering only encouraged Fred's rhythmic thrusts. You could barely let out the words faster, harder before he met your demands. Your release built up faster as he continued to comment on how beautiful you looked under him. Fred's arms were planted strongly at the sides of your head, with a steady gaze on your pleasure.
"You take me so well. Look at me. I want you to look at me while you cum," Your eyes had drifted shut in order to fully feel Fred's unforgiving stretching of your entrance, but he used a free hand to grab your face to make sure you were looking at him. He leaned back slightly, changing the angle that he was fucking you at, hitting a different spot that made you moan so loud you forgot that there was a party happening downstairs. Fred used his other hand to reach down between your legs, rubbing slowly and softly, sending you into a frenzy. You could barely breathe and you surrendered any reservations about being quiet as you came around his cock. Fred groaned, dropping his body onto yours, burying his face into the crook of your neck and placing kisses on the sensitive skin.
"Fred," You choked out, winded from your orgasm. "I want you to fill me up."
Fred let out a string of curses at your vulgarness and with a thrust that was deeper than the others, he came in you and collapsed besides you, a panting and sweaty mess. He leaned up on one elbow, relishing in how messy you looked because of him. 
"Here, I'll clean you up," Fred said delicately, rushing over to your washbasin with one of your facecloths. He offered you your clothes back, but you simply rolled over and enjoyed the moment. Fred climbed into bed with you, surprising you when he pulled you into his chest. He continued to comment on how beautiful you were as he stroked your hair, lulling you to sleep.
。゚★: *.✦ .* :★.
You woke up, hazy from the light filtering through your curtains. You jolted awake when you realized that you weren't wearing any clothes except for a button down that was way too big for you. Fred was gone, but left a soft dent in your bed that told you that he had left rather recently. Checking the time, you saw that breakfast wouldn't open for another hour, but you decided that it was probably best to check on the state of the common room after last night. You changed into a new set of clothes, kicking aside the haphazardly strewn garments from last night into a pile that you would deal with later. You realized with a frown that Fred had only left his shirt and not a note or anything of the sort. 
When you descended the stairs, you wish you weren't chosen as prefect. The rest of the house seemed to have had a night like yours, your fellow housemates asleep on any flat surface possible. You slowly made your rounds to wake people up so that they could go back to their rooms just in case Professor Sprout wanted to make a surprise Saturday visit. Afterwards, you basked in the stillness of the room, choosing to skip breakfast in favor of a leftover pumpkin pasty that someone had stolen a tray of from the kitchen next door. You cringed at the thought of having to talk to Fred now. What could you possibly say? Hopefully he'd find something witty to say first, diffusing the tension. You shook your head and leaned back into the couch deciding to put these thoughts in the same pile of clothes on your floor to worry about later.
Once it reached nightfall, you realized you successfully but accidentally avoided Fred and any other suspecting gossip from the school. You spent the day preoccupied with following your best friend around Hogsmeade, who was in pursuit of various potion ingredients and details of last night. You kept her at bay by telling her that you'd reveal everything once you returned to your rooms for the night because you were worried about any eavesdroppers. By the time you returned for dinner, you were exhausted. The minute you took the side of the table that faced the Gryffindors, you felt silly for putting this much effort in hopes of simply catching a glimpse of Fred. You noticed that he was sitting at a different part of the table with most of the Quidditch team instead of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. It also looked like he was getting a lecture from George, but his new seat was mostly blocked by the Slytherins that sat in front of them.
Halfway through dinner, the twins and Cormac McLaggen left the Great Hall with devious looks on their faces. Your best friend spent the next few minutes persuading you into following them so you could talk to Fred. With a sigh, you went out the same double doors that Fred cornered you in just a few days ago and began to look for Fred. He couldn't have gone back to his room. This would be the most inefficient way to get there. You rounded the corner before stopping dead in your tracks and ducking behind a pillar. The twins and McLaggen stood in the middle of the cloister, laughing hysterically.
"Alright, pay up," Fred laughed, holding his hand out towards McLaggen, who groaned before digging into the pocket of his robes.
"What if I don't believe you? George?" McLaggen pressed, bouncing a pouch of coins in his hands. George held up his hands in defense.
"That was a solo adventure for Fred. Though through twin ESP, I can assure you he's not lying," George laughed, giving his brother a pat on the shoulder. You were incredibly confused, mind racing with possibilities about what they were talking about. It was the same feeling as when Fred kissed you, but much more sinister.
You felt like you were going to be sick.
"It really wasn't as much of a challenge as you thought, McLaggen, I think I'm just simply better than you. It was easy. She's all soft under that uppity exterior," Fred gloated. "She folded within minutes." Fred had on a look that you could only describe as a leer and was brought back to reality when George smacked him on the chest and told him that he shouldn't be talking about girls like that. With that, you were stunned, barely able to process the entire conversation. Really, it felt like you had been casted with Petrificus Totalus and you forgot how to breathe. You watched McLaggen curse under his breath and hand over five galleons to Fred.
With each clink of the coin, you felt your face get hotter and eyes get wetter. You softly cast the Disillusionment charm over yourself so that you could run back to your room undetected, tears falling without remorse. You only made it to the mermaid fountain in Central Hall before collapsing, forgetting to breathe after leaving the walkway. You cursed yourself for stopping here out of all places, refusing to look at the library. You were relieved that the study period for the night hadn't started yet, but there was a greater sense of loneliness in the usually bustling hall now more than ever. You desperately tried to put yourself together, not wanting anyone - but mostly your fellow housemates - to see you like this. You decided to salvage any reputation you had left by quickly drying your tears and finding solitude in your room.
"C'mon, you've never skipped class. I don't think Professor Flitwick will give you detention but I also don't think you want to find out," Your best friend coaxed you out of bed. All you could do was turn in your bed so that you would face the wall instead of her.
"No. Fred is in that class," You said dejectedly, knowing that she was right. Flitwick was your favorite teacher and you his favorite student, but you couldn't bear the thought of looking at Fred after what happened on Saturday. You were grateful that there were no prefect duties to attend to at all yesterday, deciding that the best course of action was to lock yourself in your room all day and "get a head start on the next week." Your best friend slipped you some food that she nabbed from the Great Hall and fortunately, did not press any further. You told her yesterday that nothing happened between you and Fred. You've never felt more embarrassed in your life and saying the words out loud would only mean that it were true. With a great sigh, you ripped off your blankets and decided to get ready for the day, unable to come up with a good excuse for missing Charms.
You played nervously with the end of your braid while walking to the Charms classroom, wishing you had did another hairstyle. It was soothing for you to do up your hair, but in your distracted state, the intricate design was lost and you just felt messy. You still managed to get to Charms class a little early, hoping to ask the professor a question you encountered in your studies last night. You also hoped that this meant you could get a seat in the front of the class quickly.
You were surprised to have spotted Fred sitting uncharacteristically by the wall in front of class and all you could hear above the sound of your heart pounding in your ears was the clinking of the Galleons. Before you could decide to give up on classes for the day and run back to your room, Fred waved at you and got up quickly to meet you. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, warding off any feelings of crying. 
"Hey, I missed you this weekend," Fred grinned, which only made you clutch your books harder. His expression turned quizzical when he realized you refused to meet his gaze.
"How unfortunate," Your said softly, voice shaking. It wasn't in your nature to ignore him and honestly you didn't know how without appearing rude. Ha. How could you worry about being rude to Fred Weasley when the only reason he was talking to you was to try to win some cheap bet with his friends. Your anxiety immediately turned into a sour anger when you realized this, trying to move around Fred into the classroom. He grabbed you by the waist and swiftly pinned you to the wall, just like he did the night before, making you yelp.
"What? That bad? I thought you had a rather good time," Fred said cheekily, clearly not understanding the issue. You decided to look the beast in the eye, which was a fatal mistake. Every emotion that you kept bottled up over the weekend threatened to spill out 
"I think it's best if we just get along with our lives, okay?" You said, hoping that you were giving him an out from the whole situation. You literally bit your tongue in order to avoid saying anything else. Fred looked at you bewilderedly and released his hand around your waist, causing you to bolt towards the classroom.
"Hey, wait! Wait, what's wrong?" Fred grabbed you by the arm before you could really get anywhere and you could barely hold back your tears from his sincerely concerned voice. Determined not to cry in front of him, you took another deep breath. You couldn't believe you were in this situation, frustrated above all. Fred couldn't possibly be concerned about you. You were just a game to him. A mere five galleons. The churning in your stomach and tears welling in your eyes dispelled itself as word vomit.
"Look I know, okay? I know why you started talking to me. I know why you made that silly... bet with me," You spit, yanking your arm out of his grasp. "I tried to go talk to you on Saturday night after dinner and I saw it all. You, George, McLaggen. The whole thing. You know what, fuck you, Fred. You don't have to deal with my 'uppity exterior' anymore, okay? I don't want you to. You're a slag. I don't ever want to talk to you again."
At this point, the hallway was filling up with students on their way to class, so many of your classmates definitely saw you shove Fred in the chest so hard that he stumbled backwards into the wall. Surprisingly, you didn't cry at all, but instead, your mouth stayed with a sour taste that you thought would resolve itself if you gave Fred a piece of your mind. Leaving him stunned, you wiped a little bit of blood off your mouth from biting your lip so hard and ducked into the Charms classroom.
Much to your mortification, your best friend and the rest of the Hufflepuff table was buzzing about your confrontation with Fred. The lunch break never felt so long. People congratulated you for showing him up without caring about the reason why. This time, you sat in your usual seat with your back to the Gryffindor tables. Your best friend couldn't contain her curiosity and set aside her courtesy from before, demanding to know what happened to warrant such a reaction. You promised her that you would tell her later. Luckily, you had a free period during this time and could hide from all the whispers in the hall. If you had to hear "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" one more time, you were going to hex somebody. You decided to leave the Great Hall early, feeling increasingly uncomfortable with the amount of attention you were receiving.You barely made it passed the second set of doors to the Great Hall when someone called your name. You turned around, knowing exactly who it was.
"Fred, it hasn't even been six hours. I meant it when I said I don't ever want to speak to you again," You kept walking forward, refusing to give him the satisfaction. Fred quickly moved in front of you, physically stopping you between himself and the house points hourglasses.
"Well, you're not doing a very good job at it," Fred retorted humorously. Maybe you should just hex him, you thought. "Okay, bad joke. Look, I want to explain myself. You deserve an explanation."
"I- Whatever, make it quick," You thought that if you let him say what he wanted, he would leave you alone afterwards. "You've embarrassed me enough."
"It really wasn't my intention. I... I sincerely apologize for treating you the way I did. It was a sleazy thing to do. I wasn't thinking and I let my pride get before knowing you. I- I'm sorry," Fred looked at you with such a definitiveness that it sent a shiver down your spine. You cursed your softhearted nature. You couldn't just forgive him like this. You folded your arms because looking at his vulnerability made you want to pull him into a hug.
"I think the worst part is I believed you. I believed that you actually liked me. I can't even look at you without feeling humiliated. Did you fake that whole show in potions too?," You said as coolly as possible. 
"Actually like you? I... Look, I- I do. I actually do like you. Ever since that day I met you on the Quidditch Pitch. I've been an ass but that part is real. I didn't do the bet to make a point, but because I actually wanted to. I really did smell your perfume that day in the Amortentia. You drive me crazy. I-"
"Please don't say 'actually' or 'really' again. They're starting not to sound like words," You joked gently. Fred laughed in relief and cupped the side of your face, softly stroking your cheek.
"Are you still mad at me?" Fred pulled you in a little bit closer, easing you into a hug.
"Just a little bit. But you can make it up to me later," You said, happily inhaling his cologne. 
"Oh, later?" Fred pulled away to give you his signature goofy grin, only for you to smack his chest and say something not-so clever about his dirty mind.
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symphonybracket · 7 months
YouTube links: Mahler 2, Tchaikovsky 6
Mahler 2
Have you ever wanted to feel like you're going to shake apart into a billion pieces if someone so much as looks at you. That's how I feel after listening to this beast. This symphony changed my life for real. It's famous for it's ending and for good reason!! It truly feels like your soul is getting blown up and steamrolled. Listening to it live was like getting peeled by god. It calls for 10 horns which is how you know it's going to fuck severely. It comes in 5 movements: good lord oh my god, hehe teehee, oh so that's why they call it the death shriek, crying on the floor for 5 minutes, and I Have Died. The part known as the "Death Shriek" is shown below! And if you're interested in learning more about the symphony, here's my favorite analysis website!
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It's an everything in the universe piece and when I sang in the choir for it I think I actually ascended to a higher plane of existence for 15 minutes
I came across (imo) a good video giving a summarised background of Mahler 2, it’s called ‘Gustav Mahler - Symphony No. 2: Explained in 3 Minutes’ by orchestra of the music makers on YouTube
There is also a piano arrangement!
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Tchaikovsky 6
Everyone bangs on about the 4th movement but it's the 3rd movement that really hits
tchaik 6 is what i would listen to if i had an hour to live
the 5/4 movement of the tchaik lives rent free in my mind and i think about it every day
It’s beyond gorgeous. The melodies soar, the orchestra swells, and you just need to lie down for a while after listening to it. It’s Romanticism at its zenith. You want to weep and sigh, and it’s impossible to listen to it without literally feeling something.
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Symphony No. 6, titled “Pathétique”, was Tchaikovsky’s final symphony. It is an intensely emotional piece, and to many scholars demonstrates the emotional turmoil that characterized much of Tchaikovsky’s life. He died about a week after its premiere, a fact which leads many scholars to debate about whether the content of the piece itself reflects the possibility that he may have committed suicide. The title itself is often translated to mean “impassioned suffering”, although this was most likely a later addition by Modest and not actually part of Tchaikovsky’s vision. Given these facts, many scholars interpret this piece to be about death and suffering. However, this piece can also be seen to represent life and all its contrasting moments. This interpretation is more holistic and inclusive of all of the moments captured in this piece, and also serves to break down the common narrative of Tchaikovsky as a tragic figure.
More comments about Tchaikovsky 6 below the cut (length warning):
Scholarship surrounding Tchaikovsky’s music tends to focus heavily on the ways his confliction over his homoerotic desires appears in his writing. However, his personal letters reveal a much more balanced understanding of himself that goes beyond the common narrative. In one letter written to Modest describing a new relationship with another man, he writes: “I awoke today with a feeling of unknown happiness and with a complete absence of that emotional sobriety that used to make me repent in the morning for having gone too far the day before.” Many of the letters he wrote regarding his relationships demonstrate no shame and no anguish beyond what can be expected of a man living in a homophobic society. It is important to take this information into account when listening to a piece such as this one that has been discussed so frequently, and to understand it beyond the turmoil and strife that it is seen to represent. Like many of Tchaikovsky’s works, this symphony displays a range of human emotions. It is not only representative of tragedy and “impassioned suffering”; it is a depiction of what it is like to live. It is also interesting to note that this piece is used as a signifier of queer desire in the novel "Maurice" by E.M. Forster, a novel also notable for its radical portrayal of a queer man who gets a happy ending. Much to think about there.
The first movement begins with a lone bassoon soloist playing a plaintive minor melody, which later comes back in the strings. As the movement progresses, it grows in intensity and texture. More instruments are added, and the music becomes more frantic, building and building towards the dramatic trumpet fanfare. Throughout this piece, Tchaikovsky continues to make significant use of contrasting dynamics and melodies, reflecting the emotions he hopes to convey through the music. Dramatic, tumultuous sections are interspersed with pastoral woodwind melodies, and the angry brass fanfares give way to a quiet ending.
The second movement is reminiscent of a waltz, and uses the strings and woodwinds more than the brass to achieve its floating melodies. The dynamics ebb and flow to build tension, but this movement never reaches the same levels of anguish that the previous movement does. Tchaikovsky makes use of pizzicato in the strings to convey a lighter, more cheerful mood, and features the upper woodwinds prominently. He also repeats themes frequently, giving the audience something familiar to listen out for as the movement progresses.
The third movement begins with frantic energy in the strings and woodwinds. As more instruments join the rush of music, the underlying eight note accompaniment does not let up, continuing the vivacious beginning through the whole movement. Instruments pass the melodies between each other and engage in conversations across the orchestra. Like the first movement, the brass play a prominent role in creating dramatic climaxes in the music, as well as supporting the march-like conclusion. Conductor Myung-Whun Chung describes the deceptively dramatic ending as, “one of the greatest, most thrilling, but most empty of victories in musical history,” observing that this movement has the energetic finality of a final movement. The reversal of having the true finale be a slower movement represents a shift away from the “Beethovian model of light over darkness” common in most other symphonies of this time period.
As mentioned before, ending on a movement with a slow tempo was a significant shift away from the standard of the time. This innovation inspired many other future composers to use the same technique, most notably Mahler in his Ninth Symphony. The quiet beginning builds up towards a chaotic rush of fast runs throughout the orchestra, only to stop abruptly and continue in halting, cautious bursts of melody. The movement continues with this cycle of rushing up to a climax and backing away as the movement progresses. Tchaikovsky highlights the horns in this movement, giving them both angry, blaring notes which cut through the string melodies and the flowing, lyrical lines that are passed throughout the orchestra. As the piece ends, the instruments fall away until all that is left are steady repeated notes in the basses, bringing this lament of a movement to an understated close.
137 notes · View notes
Quiet My Fears (With The Touch Of Your Hand) Ch. 3
Steve Harrington x f!reader
Description: Dramatic reveals are revealed, dramatically (or, you and Steve tell the gang about Baby Harrington and it does not go well).
Warnings: language, food mentions, everyone is angry all of the time
Word Count: 7965
Previous Chapter! - Next Chapter!
My Masterlist! - Series Masterlist!
Notes: I'm so sorry this took as long as it did! I've been going through it lately but through the power of boygenius I was actually able to finish this bit the other day! Please enjoy and also no one is allowed to be mad at me lol
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Steve Harrington was going to be a dad.
The funny thing that came along with that was that Steve was actually going to have to tell people.
He imagined that there were many couples who would be very excited about this prospect. There were lots of young men out there who had mothers begging them for grandchildren. His hadn’t quite gotten there yet.
You had told him that you wanted to put off telling people for as long as you could. He entirely understood why; times had changed quite a bit since his mother’s day, but still, being an unwed mother in Smalltown, USA was relatively frowned upon. Honestly, considering just how gossipy the population of Hawkins tended to be, Steve was surprised the front desk ladies at your doctor’s office hadn’t already spread the news like wildfire, HIPAA be damned; golden boy Steve Harrington and his childhood best friend, having a baby out of wedlock? That was some front page stuff, right there. 
Married or not, though, it was going to have to happen sooner rather than later. In a few weeks time, it was going to start getting very difficult to hide. You were going to begin showing any moment now, and as Spring started to settle in, it brought its warmer temperatures with it. You could only hide behind your winter coat and thick sweaters for so long. 
And not just your bump; your friends were beginning to pick up on the fact that there was something going on.
“Steve!” Robin barked before tossing a wadded up ball of old receipts at him. It hit him square between the eyebrows. “Stop moping and do your job, please?”
“I’m not moping,” Steve defended (he absolutely was), before turning back to the pile of returns he was supposed to be sorting through.
“Fuck off, yeah you are,” Eddie very helpfully added.
“See, this is why I don’t like it when you hang around here,” Steve said, pointing a pen toward Eddie. “You two always gang up on me!”
“Why do you think I’m here at all?” Eddie quipped back with a smirk. 
“Because you don’t have anywhere better to go?” Robin supplied.
“That, too.”
“Either way, I’m not moping,” Steve assured. “I’m fine.”
“That’s a fucking lie if I’ve ever heard one,” Eddie said over the click of the markdown gun, as he emptied its bright orange stickers down that back of his arm. Steve couldn’t help but notice that he had set the price to ‘WAS $4.20, NOW $0.69’.
“Stop that,” Robin huffed as she whipped the tool out of Eddie’s hands. “Steve, I can practically see the rain cloud floating over your head.”
“Oh, my god!” Steve didn’t really want to snap at his friends, but he did it anyway. “Nothing is wrong! I am fine, everything is fine!”
Eddie and Robin just stared at Steve like a pair of deer in headlights from across the counter. They both knew how easily frustrated Steve could become, and they’d be the first to admit that sometimes they can poke at him a bit too hard, but an outburst this quickly had been unexpected. Neither said anything, and Steve just sighed.
After a moment of awkward silence, Eddie spoke up once again. 
“Lady problems?”
“Get out!” both Steve and Robin exclaimed, in unison.
“I thought you guys liked me.” Eddie feigned offense.
“You do not work here!” Robin said as she grabbed onto his shoulders and shoved him toward the door. “And Keith’ll get pissed if he finds out you were here and didn’t spend any money, so go home.”
“Fine,” Eddie relented from the entryway. “Hey, I’ll see you guys on Saturday, right?”
“Of course!”
“Probably not.”
“You claim nothing is wrong,” Eddie said, pointing to Steve. “And yet, in the same breath, turn down free beer?”
“I love you both!”
The bell above the door rang as Eddie walked out, and Steve was left in Robin’s concerned gaze. 
“Y’know, Eddie does kind of have a point,” Robin said after a moment. Nine times out of ten, Robin was able to coax Steve out of his quiet and get him to talk about whatever it was that was eating at him, a fact that Steve was highly aware of. 
“No, he doesn’t,” Steve barked back. If this conversation didn’t end in the next two minutes, he would jump off the roof. 
“You haven’t hung out with any of us in weeks!” Robin exclaimed “Weeks, Steve!”
“I’ve been busy,” Steve lied.
“Busy with what?” she inquired. “Do you have another job I don’t know about, or something?”
“I’m allowed to do things without you around. You know that, right?” It was meaner than he needed to be.
“Oh, god, this isn’t about your lover, is it?” Robin drawled with a scowl.
“You know her name, and you don’t have to say it like that,” Steve responded.
“You two got back together, didn’t you?”
She hadn’t quite gotten it head on, but it was probably as close as she was going to get.
“I knew it!” Robin looked like she was going to explode. “I fucking knew it!”
“Please don’t turn this into a thing,” Steve pleaded.
“Me turn it into a thing?!” She was mad now. “You two are the ones turning it into a thing! You cannot keep sneaking around like this, it cannot possibly be healthy!”
“We’re-” Steve huffed out a breath. This tightrope he was walking across seemed to be growing more and more thin. “Working on it.”
“Can you work on it a little bit faster, please?” Robin asked as she punched out. “You two are so fucking weird about each other. Split, or make it official, just do something, because I hate having to keep this secret for you, it’s exhausting!”
“We sort of already did. I think,” Steve confided. Partial truth is better than no truth, right?
“Make it official.”
“Oh, thank god,” Robin sighed, tossing herself across the counter, all dramatics. “I can finally quit having to cover for you.”
“Don’t say anything yet.” Steve was quick with his damage control. “We, uh, we wanna do it. Ourselves. Figure it’ll probably go over a little bit smoother that way, y’know?”
“Fine, but if you don’t tell everyone soon, I’m going to,” Robin said. “Don’t think I’m the only one who’s noticed something off with you lately.”
“What? What does that mean?”
“Everyone is worried about you, Steve,  it’s not just me,” she explained. “Dustin was about two seconds away from showing up at your house after you bailed on us last week.”
Steve didn’t know that. It sent a lightning bolt of regret through his chest.
“The faster you two can get your shit together, the better. I’ve been happily cleaning up this mess for you, but I’m starting to get fucking tired of it, Steve.” Robin looked at her watch. “I was off ten minutes ago.”
She was out the door before Steve could even think up an apology.
Steve and Robin didn’t get into fights often, but he absolutely hated it every time they did. Even silly little arguments left him wracked with guilt sometimes, but proper, go-for-the-throat type fights made feel sick. 
Pair that with the fact that he was making Dustin worry, and Steve felt about ready to hurl. 
God, this was difficult. Stupidly difficult. Maybe, if he asked nicely, you’d agree to just run away with him so he didn’t have to deal with any of it. 
If he could just pluck up the courage to tell his parents, that would at least be a start. They were the difficult ones, the conversation he was dreading more than any of them, and the wild anxiety ate away at him for the rest of his shift. By the time seven o’clock rolled around and he was finally able to go home, it was entirely all-encompassing.
Fuck it. It had to get done either way, right?
The drive from Family Video to his parents house, no longer than ten minutes, felt as though it stretched across half an eternity. The vicious anxiety ate away at his stomach as he drove, and with each turn, each mile crossed, it only increased. Maybe he should just turn around. Maybe he should go home to you, and his parents could just figure it out on their own. He was sure his dad would love that.
Steve pulled into the driveway and was very close to losing what little nerve he had. He turned off the ignition, this is a bad idea. He got out of the car, this is a bad idea. He walked up to the front door and let himself in, this is a bad idea.  
He could hear the commotion of his mother making dinner in the kitchen. Something was sizzling; popping and crackling with the smell of onions and garlic, of bell peppers and roasting meat. 
Steve had lots of reasons to be jealous of other peoples’ parents, but at least his knew how to cook.
“Steve!” his mother exclaimed once he walked into her view. One hand was occupied by a wooden spoon stirring a pan of vegetables, the other holding a frosty glass of white wine. “I didn’t know whether or not to expect you.”
“You barely even live here anymore,” his father chided from where he was sitting at the counter. His suit coat was off and he had a matching wine glass sitting on the table in front of him. Nine times out of ten, Steve’s parents were able to be amicable with one another. At this point, they acted more like roommates than husband and wife, but at least they were roommates that were able to stand being in the same room as one another. Usually. “Didn’t think I’d get to see you before I left.”
“Sit down! Have a drink,” his mother insisted. She pulled another wine glass out of the cabinet and the bottle out of the fridge. 
“Oh, no, I’m alright,” Steve said as he sat down. His mother poured him the glass anyway.
He was about to ruin a perfectly good dinner, Steve thought to himself. His mother probably poured over it all day. The roast that just got pulled out of the oven was probably expensive. 
“So, what’s been going on with Steve these days?” his father asked him. 
Now or never.
“I actually wanted to, uh,” Steve stuttered out. “I wanted to talk to you guys.”
“You didn’t crash your car, did you?” his father said, only half joking.
“No, the car’s fine.”
“Is this about that girl?” his mother asked as she turned the stove down to low, mischief painting her voice.
“Girl? What girl?” His father pointed his gaze over to Meredith. 
“He met a girl,” she responded. She seemed almost giddy with excitement.
“Finally,” his father said. He said it like it was a joke, though it didn’t feel all that well meaning to Steve. 
“Oh, tell me it’s Giada’s daughter from down the street,” his mother said. “Have you seen their kitchen? I’d never have to host another Thanksgiving ever again.”
“No, it’s not- no.” Steve wasn’t even sure he knew who Giada was, let alone her daughter. 
“Well, at least give us a name, Steve,” his mother said. “Is she cute?”
When Steve said your name, he felt almost like he was condemning you. Like just uttering it strapped you to him, so now you’d both be falling from grace. 
“The one who grew up across the street?” his father asked, as if you hadn’t known him your whole life.
“Oh, that’s just too sweet!,” his mother exclaimed. “It’s like a movie, ugh! I’ll have to give her mother a call, she’s going to be thrilled!”
Good luck with that, Steve thought to himself. She won’t even answer the calls from her own daughter.  
“Took you long enough,” his father said, leaning back in his barstool, lackadaisical. 
“What?” Steve responded. He was wildly unimpressed by his father’s haughty attitude.
“You two have been making googly eyes at each other since you were eight,” he explained. “Frankly, I didn’t think you had the balls to do anything about it.”
“Ron,” his mother chastised at the choice of words.
“What? Obviously, I was wrong.” Ron pointed his gaze back to his son. “Y’know, I think she could be a good influence on you. Steady job, good work ethic. She’s a bit of an oddball, though, but I guess with a father like her’s, could you really blame her?”
Leave it to Ronald Harrington to judge other peoples’ parenting skills while simultaneously insulting his son’s girlfriend. 
“Don’t be rude,” Meredith said. Her back was now turned to the two men, arms elbow deep in the sink. “Such a shame her parents moved away, though. I couldn’t imagine going that far without bringing your daughter with you. Is she still living on the south side?”
“That’s not the safest area in town,” she commented. “Did you hear about that house fire down that way? The woman on the news said that it might have been arson. Arson!” 
“It’s alright,” he placated. “Not as bad as it used to be, at least.” 
“I still don’t know if I like the idea of a girl like her living all by herself in an area like that,” she said. 
“You’ll have to invite her over for dinner once I get back,” his father said, entirely oblivious to the topic of conversation between his wife and son.
There was a moment of silence between the three of them. His mom took a sip of her wine and stuck the meat with a cooking thermometer, his dad refilled his own glass, and Steve felt his stomach do a backflip. This was going poorly.
“If there’s something else you have to tell us, you might as well just rip the bandaid off quick.” His father hit the nail on the head, that was for sure. He paused for a moment before making the kind of poorly timed, borderline insulting joke only someone like his father could. 
“God, she’s not pregnant, is she?”
Steve went rigid, and he kept his gaze trained on the swirls in the marble countertop. He didn’t say anything, he couldn’t bring himself to, so he just left his parents to piece his silence together on their own.
“Steve,” his mother demanded. She had a carving fork gripped tight in her white knuckled fist, planted hard against the edge of the countertop. Steve was pretty sure she was about to stab him with it. He couldn’t look either of them in the eye.
“I’m sorry,” he managed to squeak out. He could feel tears beginning to well up in his eyes. 
“Goddamn it, Steven!” his father exclaimed, slamming his hand onto the counter. It made the glasses rattle. “This has to be some kind of joke!”
“I’m sorry!” Steve said, louder this time. “Fuck, I didn’t-”
“Didn’t what?” his father asked. “You didn’t mean to? You didn’t think it would actually happen?”
“I don’t know,” Steve responded. He suddenly felt very small, confronted by his father’s booming voice.
His mother stood silent in her spot on the opposite side of the kitchen island, but there were definitely tears running down her cheeks, and anger radiating off of her in horrible waves that Steve wasn’t used to. 
“No, you don’t, because you weren’t thinking at all, were you?” His father fumed. He was standing now, towering over Steve despite the fact that the two of them were almost the same in height. “For Christ’s sake, Steven!”
“I’m sorry.”
“You’ll have to marry her-”
“We already talked about that. She said she wants to wait,” Steve explained quickly.
“No. No, this is not a question of want, Steven. I don’t care about what you want, you’ve forfeited that right! You both have!” his father spat back. 
“I’m not gonna force her to marry me against her will, dad, I’m not evil!” He shouldn’t have said it that way, he knew that. But god, he was mad, and a low blow like that was just as satisfying as he thought it would be. 
At least this hadn’t happened when he was 16. He would have been well and truly fucked if this had happened when he was 16. 
“You know what? Maybe this is just the thing you need,” his father snapped.
“What?” Steve asked, confused.
“A big mistake for you to finally learn a thing or two.”
Steve wasn’t particularly fond of his father’s use of the word ‘mistake’.
“I leave for Santa Monica tomorrow morning. I’ll be back in a week,” his father stated. “I want you out of my house before then.”
“Ronald,” Meredith broke her silence, exclaiming from behind the tears. Steve knew she wouldn’t explode the way his father was doing, but she really looked like she wanted to.
“No! We have been defending him and making excuses for years, Meredith. Years! If he wants to go play house with his little girlfriend, that’s fine by me, but he’s not gonna do it under my roof.” He doubled down and turned his gaze back to where Steve was sitting. “I think it's a damn good time for him to learn that his actions come with consequences.”
The older man turned away at that and pulled his keys off of the hook on the wall.
“Where are you going?” Meredith called after him. He didn’t bother with an answer, only walked out and slammed the door behind him. 
Steve was left alone with his mother, which was simultaneously much better and far worse. 
“We were already planning for me to move in with her,” Steve said. If his father had stuck around for a minute longer, he would have been able to explain that to him, too. “She needed a roommate anyway.”
His mother scoffed and shook her head.
“Look, I know that-”
“You make it incredibly difficult for me to be on your side sometimes, Steven,” his mother interrupted.
“I know,” Steve agreed. He did know. 
“I wish I could say that I thought your father was being irrational, but I don’t know if I can,” she sighed. “For once, I think he and I might be on the same page.”
“You are?” Steve asked. His father’s vitriolic anger hadn’t come as a surprise, he’d been expecting it, but he thought his mother would be at least a little bit understanding. She always had been before. Steve guessed that this was different, though. 
“You’re not going to be able to live in that apartment forever, Steven,” she said.
“I know that.”
“And you’ll definitely need a better job. I highly doubt your father’s previous offer still stands, by the way.”
“I know.”
“Do you?” she asked him. Her voice had a bite to it that he had never been on the receiving end of before. “You’ve been saying ‘I know’ for years now, Steve. You know you need to grow up, you know you’ll have to move out someday, you know you have to do something with your life, yet you have never made any actual effort to do anything about it!”
“Mom, that’s not true-”
“If you want to start making big, adult choices like this, you’re going to have to start acting like one. Clearly, you’re not a child anymore.” 
His mother untied her apron and tossed it onto the counter before leaving the kitchen, heels clicking on the tile.
Steve’s whole family had been waiting for that thing; that final, fatal event that would break the Hawkins Harringtons for good. Aunts, uncles, cousins, all piecing together whatever bits of gossip they could, knew that the string that tied Steve to his parents was being pulled thinner and thinner and thinner. His mother could only do so much mending for him, and everyone had spent the last few years waiting with bated breath for that string to snap, for Steve to lose his footing. Once it did, he would plummet.
Steve was now standing alone in his childhood home, scissors in hand. 
Steve didn’t know what to do, so he stood up and turned off the stove. He pulled out a tupperware container and boxed up the vegetables. He wrapped the meat in foil and left it out on the counter, because it needed to cool before it could be put away, or else it would screw with the temperature inside the refrigerator. He found a stopper and closed the bottle of wine, placing it in the fridge before gathering the three glasses. His was still full, and he wanted to chug it, but thought better of it and poured it down the drain. He cleaned all of the dishes, dried them, and put them away. He turned off the oven, and wiped down all of the countertops, and neatly hung the towel to dry. He turned off the lights, making sure to leave the one above the stove on as a nightlight. 
Truly, there wasn’t much left of his personal belongings that he really cared about that he hadn’t already taken to your apartment. Most of what he needed was already there. He could grab the rest of it when his mother wasn’t home; the rest of his clothes, important documents, that kind of thing. What all do you even need to bring with you when you're being forced out of your childhood home, anyway? 
Later. This was something he could deal with later.
So he left. Unsurprisingly, his father’s car was nowhere to be seen. He wanted to keep talking to his mom, to explain himself, to apologize, to say anything, but he knew it would just make it worse than it already was, so he just got into his car and pulled away instead.
He did need a better job. He’d been needing a better job for a while now, actually, but he definitely needed a better job now. And his mother was right, there was no way he would be able to work for his dad after that. 
He wished he was able to explain to his parents that hey, funny story, due to atrocities he won’t be explaining right now, the government actually gave him a frankly absurd amount of money a few years ago, and he’d be alright for a while. It wouldn’t last forever, but it was enough to keep the pair of you afloat, especially with yours, too. You had used a bit of it on rent right after your parents had left, but Steve’s money sat mostly untouched in a bank account his family didn’t know he had. 
See, the thing about government hush money is that you can’t just go out and spend it on something wild, because then people are going to ask where it came from. Believe him, if he had been able to go out and buy some fancy sports car or a bunch of designer clothes, he would have. His father would have told him to buy a nice watch and invest the rest of it (Steve wasn’t entirely sure what that actually meant, or how to even go about doing it). He was just grateful to have it right now.
He could put a down payment on a house for you and him. That seemed like something a responsible adult would do with it, right?
Steve pulled up to your building and was shocked with how well he’d held it together up until this point, because he felt like he was going to explode. When he got to your floor and walked into your apartment, you were sitting on the floor between the sofa and the coffee table, textbooks and paper spread before you. The sound of him walking in pulled you away from your schoolwork and when you turned to look at Steve, you were clearly upset.
“You told me you were off more than an hour ago!” you said as you wiggled out from behind the table and stood up. “I was starting to get really worried, Steve, where were you?”
“I, uhm,” Steve started. He felt his voice crack, the sting of tears beginning to well in his eyes. He had to keep his shit together, for your sake.
“Did something happen?” you asked him. You brought your hands up to the sides of his face, and there went any chance of him keeping it together. 
“I told my parents,” he confessed. He was not going to cry in front of you. He wasn’t.
“What?” you questioned. You sounded a little bit hurt that he did it without asking you, but mostly just horribly concerned. “I thought we agreed to wait.”
“We did, but it was eating away at me, and I just couldn’t sit on it anymore, and-” The floodgates broke and Steve’s words were cut off by a strained sob. 
“Oh, Stevie.” You pulled him into a hug and Steve wanted nothing more than for these stupid tears to just dry up, but it felt like weeks and weeks of pent up worry and fear were being pulled to the surface, and he didn’t have it in him to try and stop any of it. He was supposed to be the strong one for you, but Jesus Christ, that was difficult. “It was bad?”
“Well, they kicked me out,” Steve said.
“Which, I mean, my dad’s right. I barely even live there anymore, so I guess it doesn’t really even matter,” he rambled out, wiping his nose on his sleeve like a child.
“Yes, it does,” you assured him.
“And I’m pretty sure that this is my mother's worst nightmare, so I don’t know why I didn’t expect her to be pissed.”
“I’m sorry,” you said. You pulled Steve towards the couch and carefully lowered onto the cushions, your grasp on his wrists bringing him down to your side. 
“And Robin and I got into a fight, too.”
“You didn’t tell her, did you?” you questioned.
“No, but I think if I don’t do it soon, she might disown me,” he admits. 
“She’s not going to disown you,” you protested. “She’d never do that.”
“My parents just did,” Steve lamented. “My mother just did. Who’s to say Robin isn’t next, huh?”
Steve would never, ever be able to make his father proud, because his father would never, ever let him even get close. He had known that for a long time, and maybe there was a part of him that was relieved by that. He knew that it was an entirely unattainable goal, so he never really bothered to reach for it. His mother, oh so cruelly, always made sure Steve knew that he could do great things. Why did she have to go and do that? Steve knew his mother held him to a high bar, he just hadn’t ever considered the possibility that he wouldn’t be able to jump high enough.
So maybe that’s why it hurt so badly when you curled into him that night when he finally crawled into bed. Maybe that’s why he called into work the next day, even though he knew it would probably make Robin totally freak out. Maybe that’s why he waited until he saw his mother’s car leave the driveway before going into his - what used to be his- house to box up the last of his things.
Maybe that’s why he missed the Hawkins Police Department truck parked outside of your apartment building when he was bringing groceries inside a handful of days later. 
“I’m back!” he called into your apartment after releasing the wildly heavy grocery bags onto the kitchen counter. Making more than one trip is for suckers. “They didn’t have any pineapple juice, so I just got a pineapple, figured it can’t be too hard to just-”
Steve cut himself off when he looked up from the paper bags to see more than just you sitting in the living room; Joyce was sitting on your left with an arm wrapped protectively over your shoulders, Robin on your right with her legs pulled up underneath her and a tissue box in her lap, and Hopper was propped up on the arm of the couch. You were in the middle of the array, in tears. 
“Hello,” Steve nervously greeted, eyes wide as frisbees and blood running cold.
There was absolutely no universe in which this went well.
Robin’s expression, which had clearly been soft and sympathetic before Steve had interrupted them, quickly changed into anger. She shot up from the couch, earning her a disapproving tut from Joyce and making you wince away from her. It took her three wide stomps to cross the small space and grab onto Steve’s wrist with more strength than he knew she had in her.
“Ow, Robin!” Steve complained as she dragged him out into the hallway. She slammed the door hard behind her and it made Steve jump.
“What the fuck, Steve!” she demanded.
“I mean, seriously, what the fuck!” Steve could already hear the noise complaints from the neighbors as she chastised him. “You lied to me!”
“I-” didn’t, is what he wanted to say, but he knew better than that. “I’m sorry.”
“How long have you two been back together then?” she questioned. Steve really didn’t want to admit it. “How long?”
“Six months,” he replied, sheepishly.
“Six months?!” Robin shrieked in disbelief. “Jesus Christ, you really did lie to me!”
“Robin,” Steve said, hushed and ashamed and really fucking mad at himself.
“For half a year! You lied to me for half a year!”
“I’m sorry!”
“She had to turn down her job offer from the school,” Robin barked. 
“I know that.”
“The job that she’s been talking about for, oh I don’t know, six months? Probably more than that, actually!”
“I know, Robin, alright?” Steve assured her and crossed his arms across his chest. “You think I don’t? I am highly aware of that!”
“And, I’m sorry, but you’re far from the King of Responsibility!” Robin said. 
“What does that mean?!” Steve questioned, a tint of frustration layered over his words. 
“I’m just saying, you aren’t exactly known for your maturity,” she spat.
“You think we wouldn’t be able to take care of-”
“She can. I know she can.  She’s more than capable of doing whatever the hell she puts her mind to, but you?” Anger and resentment dripped from her mouth with each word. “You, I’m honestly not sure. If you were more willing to lie to my face for six months than you were to just tell me the fucking truth, I’m sorry, but that’s really winning you any responsible adult points, is it?”
Tears pricked behind Steve’s eyes. He wanted to yell, to scream at the top of his lungs that, no, Robin, you’re wrong, I can do this!, but he really wasn’t sure if it was true. If his closest friend, one of the people he trusted most in the whole world, really thought that he wouldn’t be able to do this, then maybe she’s right, right?
The apartment door next to Steve slowly creeped open.
“Everything alright out here?” Hopper asked, carefully planting himself just slightly between Steve and Robin. 
Robin lost her vitriol like a tea kettle after the burner got turned off, leaving her with no more steam to fuel what she needed to say. 
“I’m waiting out in the car,” she muttered as she whizzed past Steve and turned down the stairwell. The two men in the hall listened to her descending footsteps. Once they heard the front door open and slam back shut, Jim broke through the quiet.
“Robin wanted me to check up on you after you called out,” Jim explained. “She was worried you were mad at her, after your fight.”
“Right,” Steve said.
“So, imagine my surprise when your mom answers the door, only to tell me that you don’t live there anymore,” the older man said. “She wouldn’t tell me why, just gave me an address and shut the door.”
“Look, if you’re here to give me another angry dad talk, then you don’t have to bother. Mine did a pretty damn good job all on his own,” Steve asserted. 
“I’m not here to be angry.” Steve could tell that Hopper was choosing his words very, very carefully.
“Oh, that’s unlike you,” Steve commented, arms still crossed and eyes on the floor.
“Don’t be shitty!” Jim snapped. Steve withered.
“Sorry,” he muttered, still not able to look the man in the eyes. Jim just sighed.
“Do you have a plan, Steve?” he asked. 
“Yes. No,” Steve replied. “I don’t know. She seems to have one.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“I’m just not sure if I fit in it,” Steve confessed.
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” Jim huffed. “Maybe you do need another angry dad talk!”
“What do you want me to say?” Steve interrogated. “That everything is under control and totally normal? I have no idea what’s going to happen! None! And, honestly? I’m fucking terrified, Hopper!” 
“I have to be good at this. I have to! Because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I’m not, but I am so terrified that I won’t be able to, and I’m going to let her down, and I can’t do that!” It all came out as some sort of paranoia fueled stream of consciousness. “I’d rather die than be anything like my dad, but what if it’s just in my blood? Like, I’m just predestined to turn out just as shitty as him!”
“You definitely won’t,” Jim said, as if it were just a simple fact. “I can assure you, there are very few people on this earth as shitty as your father, and you are not one of them.”
Jim wasn’t overly fond of Ronald Harrington; he was an all-around asshole to most people he met.
“Look, as much as I hate to admit it, you two aren’t kids anymore,” Hop said. “You’re grownups, you two are smart. You can make your own choices. If this is the choice you two wanna make, then make it.”
“You’re making it sound so simple,” Steve snarked.  
“It kind of is,” the chief replied. 
“Really? Because this feels like the least simple thing that’s ever happened to me,” Steve said. “You’re really not mad?”
“Well, I’m not thrilled,” Hopper grumbled. “But, like I said. You two are grownups. You can do whatever the hell you want.”
The pair stood in silence for a moment. Steve knew that Hop was more than likely lying about how mad he was, though he had been preparing himself for Jim to completely lose it on him. He probably would have deserved it. 
“Does it ever get less terrifying?” Steve asked, genuinely wanting to know.
“That’s reassuring.”
“And it’s not just the fun parts,” Jim added.
“I know,” Steve responded.
“It’s more than just tiny socks and decorating the nursery.”
“I know that.” 
“Just makin’ sure.” Jim was far from happy, but he gave Steve a nod and a pat on the back, which was as close to congratulations as he was going to get. “I know the kids give you a hard time, but you’re smart, and so is she. You two know what you’re doing.”
“Thank you.”
“She’s really, really scared, Steve,” Hopper said. There was something in his voice; a silent question of  ‘do you really know what it is you’re getting yourself into?’
“I know,” Steve replied.
“You don’t get to panic now, alright?” Jim told him. “And you don’t get to change your mind.”
“I won’t. I promise,” Steve said; ‘I do know, and I want all of it.’ “I would never do that to her. Never.”
The pair went back inside, and you seemed to be in slightly better spirits now, even if you still had a sea of tears in your eyes. Both you and Joyce turned to face the two men with questions in your eyes, and Jim’s small nod seemed to be enough of an answer for Joyce to shoot off of the couch to envelop Steve in a tight hug. 
“I have lots of baby things I can bring by for you two,” she gushed after pulling away.
“You don’t have to do that,” you said to her, but she was having none of it.
“Don’t worry about it,” Joyce assured. “It’s all just collecting dust anyway.”
Which left Dustin, who in a lot of ways, Steve was the most worried about. He could take the anger from the grownups. Hell, he could take it from Robin, but Dustin, he was less sure about. 
In true Henderson fashion, he found out about Baby Harrington a few days later, entirely by mistake.
“I still don’t understand why they kicked you out in the first place,” Dustin stated from his spot on the living room floor of your (Steve’s!) apartment. He was digging through a pile of old clothes Steve decided he no longer needed. He had a lot of things, he’d realized while moving in, and he really only wanted a few of them, needed even less. He would donate whatever went unclaimed, but Dustin wanted first dibs for himself. 
“Because they’re assholes,” Steve responded. 
“Okay, yeah, fair, but hasn’t Robin been begging you to get a place with her for, like, a year?” 
“It’s not like I was able to really take my time apartment hunting.”
“I still feel like crashing on Robin’s couch for a while would’ve made more sense than moving in here,” Dustin supplied. Steve rolled his eyes.
“I needed an apartment, she needed a roommate, that’s it. Alright?” Steve loved Dustin like a little brother, but good lord, he could be obnoxious sometimes. “Now pick out what you want so I can clean this shit up.”
Dustin finished his haul, though he grumbled about how Steve was rushing him the whole time, and gathered the previously neatly folded clothes into a messy pile.
“I didn’t think of how I was gonna get any of this stuff out to the car.” Dustin, at not- quite- eighteen years old, had finally gotten his drivers license. ‘Thank god,’ Steve had remarked, ‘that I don’t have to be your fucking chauffeur anymore.’ That sentiment only lasted a little while, though, as it quickly became clear that a drivers license meant that Dustin could come and bother Steve whenever he wanted to. And he wanted to all the time. “Will you help me carry it all out?”
“No, I won’t, because there are more trash bags in the cabinet under the sink.” Steve pointed towards the small kitchen. Dustin got up off the floor, going into the kitchen and checking in seemingly every cupboard you had.
“I said under the sink, dude!” Steve heard the squeaky cabinet hinges open and shut, the rustle of the plastic trash bag.
“Steve?” Dustin called after a moment. The apartment was small, and the only real thing separating the kitchen and living room was a few feet of counter and the floor switching from tile to carpet.
“What?” Steve responded, not bothering to look up from the clothes he was shoveling back into their own trash bag. 
“What’s this?” Dustin asked him. When Steve finally looked up at him, he was pointing towards something on the fridge, and it took Steve a second to realize that what Dustin was referring to was the ultrasound pictures that he’d forgotten to take down.
Well, shit.
Steve rocketed towards the fridge to put them away, but Dustin was faster and grabbed them before he could. The damage was already done.
“Dustin, please give me that,” Steve asked. 
“This has her last name on it,” the younger boy observed. 
“Put it down, alright? You weren’t supposed to see it in the first place, so just-”
“Is she fucking pregnant?” Dustin demanded. 
“Dustin, please.” 
“I didn’t think she was dating anyone, though?” the boy thought out loud. “Oh, my god, I wonder if it’s someone we know!”
Oh, it definitely is.
“Dude, c’mon, please just give me the picture.” Remember what Steve said about Dustin being obnoxious?
“Wait, why are you moving in with her if she’s pregnant?” Dustin inquired. “I’m pretty sure that extra bedroom is gonna be pretty occupied in nine months.”
“It’s closer to six, actually,” Steve clarified, and Dustin’s eyes widened. “But that isn’t the point, can you please just-”
“Steve?” the boy asked, tone shifting away from curiosity into something Steve found much more concerning.
“Yeah?” Steve sighed.
“Why did you move in with her?” he asked again, although the way he spoke the words made Steve think Dustin probably already had it figured out. 
“Why do you think?” was all Steve could come up with to say.
“Oh, my god.”
“Oh, my god!”
“You cannot tell anyone, okay? This is totally top secret,” Steve begged.
“Did you-? You two-!” Dustin stuttered out. “Oh, my god!”
Dustin was about to start hyperventilating and Steve was doing his best to keep that from happening, pulling the glossy image out of Dustin’s hand as if it were made of precious porcelain, when the sound of keys jingling in the door distracted them. Both boys fell into bitter silence as you opened the door and took in the sight in front of you; a very frazzled Steve and a very distressed Dustin.
“Hi?” you greeted. “What’s going-”
“You’re fucking pregant?” Dustin exclaimed.
“What?” you spat out in response. Steve could tell that your mind was working a mile a minute to come up with a way to cover for yourself. “I-I don’t, uhm-”
“I left the sonogram on the fridge by mistake,” Steve confessed. He felt awful. “I’m sorry, it didn’t even cross my mind.”
“Oh,” you replied. You hadn’t moved from your spot in the entryway, hadn’t put down your bag or taken off your coat. You just stayed frozen.
“Oh, I have so many feelings!” Dustin wheezed, leaning forward. “Oh, my god!”
“Yeah, you’ve mentioned him.”
“You’re having a fucking baby?” Dustin asked you.
“Yes,” you timidly responded, slowly placing your work bag onto the side of the couch.
“With Steve?!”
“Yes,” you said again.
“That Steve?” Dustin pointed a thumb over his shoulder to where Steve was hovering behind him. “Steve Harrington? Our Steve?”
You nodded. “That Steve.”
“Holy shit,” the boy breathed out.
“Please don’t be mad,” Steve requested.
“What? Mad, why would I be mad?” he asked. “Who’s mad?”
“Well, so far, everyone,” Steve explained.
“Wait, is this why Robin’s not talking to you?” Dustin asked.
“Robin’s not talking to you?” you piped up, concern dripping from your words. 
Steve hadn’t mentioned that part to you yet. 
Robin had been giving Steve total radio silence ever since she had found out. Even at work, she was refusing to say a single word to him. She went and hid in the bathroom anytime Steve tried to say anything at all, and she had even recruited Keith to be her disinterested, detached middle man and relay VHS-related messages if she really needed to. 
To say the least, she really hadn’t taken it all that well.
“Later?” he said to you, silently begging you to table this conversation for a time when you didn’t have a very upset teenager in your kitchen.
Sticky silence fell over the three of you, sealing to Steve’s skin and filling his lungs up in a way he hated. Dustin was the one who peeled through it first. 
“Are you actually having a baby?” The question was directed to Steve this time. Dustin was wildly expressive, he always had been, and he looked very, very overwhelmed. Steve felt about the same. He just nodded, and it took a second for Dustin to properly process the news.
“Gimme the picture again!” Dustin insisted. 
“No, dude! We only have a few and-”
“Excuse me, it’s my nephew, I think I get to see the picture if I want to!”
The tension dissolved as soon as the words came out of Dustin’s mouth. Steve had been so, so worried that he’d be mad, madder than Robin was. 
“Hah! See, Dustin thinks it’s a boy, too!” Steve exclaimed to you. Reservation made way for excitement. Like Dustin said, it’s his nephew.
“Oh, god, please don’t start with this again,” you said, smiling despite the faux exasperation in your voice.
“You think it’s a girl?” Dustin asked.
“I think,” you say as you shuck off your coat and lean against the counter, across from the boys, “that Steve is going to get his hopes up about it being a boy, and then be disappointed if it isn’t.”
“Not possible,” Steve clarified with a smile. “Besides, you don’t have to worry about it because I’m right, and it’s gonna be a boy.”
Dustin didn’t end up leaving until a good few hours later, when Steve noticed how your eyes kept fluttering shut as you leaned against his shoulder. He had to manhandle the boy out the door; he had a seemingly unending vault of questions (“you guys have been sleeping together this whole time?!”), but you were totally wiped. 
You really just wanted to just go to bed, but Steve insisted you ate something first, and a mug of soup later, you were practically dead on your feet. He cleaned up any dinner mess (canned soup doesn’t really result in any mess, but he’d be damned if you had to put your own dishes into the dishwasher), and sent you off to get ready for an early turn in. 
He’d just put the pot away when you summoned him into the bathroom.
“You alright?” Steve asked, leaning against the doorframe. You were standing in front of the sink in your pajamas. He could smell your mouthwash.
“Come look.”
Steve took a step into the bathroom to sidle up next to you as you pulled the bottom edge of your too-big t-shirt up. Your fingers ever so gently ghosted over your stomach.
“That wasn’t there before,” you asked, tilting your head back against the crook of Steve’s arm to look up at him. “Was it?”
Steve was entranced by your reflection in the mirror, by the way the swell of your tummy absolutely gave you away. 
“I don’t know.” Steve spoke just barely above a whisper, the way he would have if he was standing in a church. You felt like an angel beneath his arm. “I don’t think so.”
“I feel like I would have noticed it if it was,” you said, eyes glued to the mirror just as Steve’s were. 
“Definitely would’ve noticed,” Steve quietly gushed. “You officially have a baby bump.”
Realistically, you still had a couple more weeks before anyone else would actually be able to see it. Still small enough to hide behind your clothes, but absolutely, undoubtedly there. 
You hummed, and Steve noticed the way you were trying to hide your smile.
“You’re allowed to be happy about it, you know,” Steve reminded you. Your eyes caught his again, and your small, shy smile grew just a little bit bigger as you pulled his hand away from your hip and placed it firmly against the slope of your tummy. He felt his breath hitch, like the action of touching you was breaking some sort of cardinal law, but he stroked his thumb up and down, up and down across your skin, and you flattened yourself as deeply into his chest as you possibly could. He pressed a kiss to your temple, lingering in the scent of you for as long as he could allow himself to.
His hand stayed glued to you for the remainder of the evening.
Tiny Little Taglist: @sheisjoeschateau @hazydespair @damon-loves-pie @pariahsparadise @anislabonis-love @e509 @alexa4040 @starsforviolet @hoesbloated @luvlexi-darling
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dtupdates-archive · 7 months
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♡—DREAM posted on Twitter. Transcript under the cut.
“-stuff from last year-
Thousands of likes on this is crazy. Using a 10 second clip to purposefully spread misinformation and lie is so disgustingly vile. I did not “admit to doing horrible things”, at all, literally the exact opposite happened. Here’s summarized context for those that want to see what was actually said;
“No one was groomed. She lied about taking legal action, she lied about providing more proof later, and lied about almost everything that was shared. It’s been over a year since she said she would provide proof. I have and will be releasing the Snapchat data, Instagram logs, twitter history, and timeline, which proves by a matter of fact that she deleted certain messages, lied and hid context, and that she never provided these easily obtainable logs because they contradicted some of her own words.
I primarily used Snapchat as a messaging platform before I revealed my face because I was hiding what I looked like and everything else about my life IRL. I had many people from online games & content creation on it, and used it for everything, so I didn’t look at Snapchat as a big deal. I changed my mind on that before this even happened and made a private Snapchat for close friends.
Her story contradicts itself many times. with her saying that we planned a local meet up, while I was faceless and would literally leave the state just to go to the dentist, and hadn’t shown my face to even my best friends yet. with her liking and replying to tweets of mine and defending me from criticism, only a week before she posted about how horrible I was. with her not posting a single screenshot, video, log, or ANY BIT of evidence of anything that she claimed, other than that we had friendly conversation. With her DMing me from her IRL Instagram, with no fan posts and only her real life info, deleting posts, and actively hiding that she was currently a big parasocial fan.
On top of that, she had something in her bio insinuating that she was an adult, so I had no reason to even think about her age. Nothing inappropriate happened so I wasn’t looking into whether she was 17.9, 18, or 30. It doesn’t even matter if she wasn’t an adult, because we were just having short friendly conversation, she wasn’t groomed, and we weren’t even friends. I even (provably) tried deleting her from my Instagram inbox multiple times but Instagram doesn’t let you unless you block someone.
I did not reply in detail publicly (besides denying the accusation immediately) at first, due to waiting on her claim that she was taking legal action & providing more proof, and advice from a lawyer. She never did either. I did not lash out publicly in frustration, because I had to be very careful and think about how my response could impact future victims willingness to come forward against an abuser. I’ll be going into more organized detail later in a video on one of my channels, with far more than this, and just uploading all of everything for anyone to go through. but there’s a lot to say and it’s a delicate thing to talk about in general.””
114 notes · View notes
dirtysvthoughts · 10 months
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pairing: producer/regular! jihoon x stripper! reader
word count: 2.1k
general tags/warnings: smut, pwp, power play between jihoon and reader, female! reader, some sexy lil foreplay, jihoon is an ass man and pussy devourer, teasing, jihoon reveals his abs/chest, couch sex, full nudity (for both jihoon and reader), pet names (baby, honey, etc.)
notes: i may have indulged myself a little cause jihoon has been wrecking my bias list a little TOO hard lately 😵‍💫 the end gets to be pure filth simply cause i was in my horny feelings 💔 need him so bad
playlist songs: tonight - jimmy brown, sweet the kid, lust - hoody and elo, on me (prod. kang yujeong) - haeil
taglist: @im-gemmy @enhacolor @hooniewnderland @svtup @kawaiikels @weeevrse @diorsfxck @kyexvly @woozarts @ifuckcheol @marsstarxhwa @haoxiaoba (if your user is crossed out that means i can no longer tag you,, if you would like to be added to the taglist, let me know by commenting under this post!)
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you normally don’t do house calls. it’s an unspoken, spoken rule for strippers that you rarely go to a client’s home for work.
and with this particular regular of yours, he doesn’t normally allow outsiders in his private space.
but tonight was different. he contacted you earlier in the day if you could come over to the universe factory, his personal studio, trying to keep it cool when the reality was he needed you. desperately.
“i’ve been working on these tracks, these demos for multiple artists, it’s been a lot, and,” he sighs clicking on his mouse, moving things around on his screen. “i think it would help me a lot if you were here. besides, it’s been way too long…”
“aww, hoon!” you cutely admire, already packing your travel bag with your pleasers and settling on an outfit. “well lucky for you, i’m not working at illusion tonight, so i can stay for as long as we both want. not gonna lie, i missed you too hoon, especially after the last time. i missed your hands rubbing all over my waist, mmmm kissing my neck..” you tease him, trying to rile something out of him.
you smile to yourself when you hear him hiss over the phone. “don’t make me come and i haven’t even seen you yet,” he groans, now a little annoyed that you gave him flashbacks to a few weeks ago. you giggle proudly, your voice continuing to melt his ears, “make sure you keep it up for me then okay? i’ll see you soon, baby!”
before jihoon can utter another word, you hang up the phone and toss it on your bed, loving the fact that you got to keep him on the edge of his seat. you knew he would get you for hanging up on him, hoping it would lead to getting fucked in every position in every corner of the universe factory.
jihoon sets the mood in his space, ceiling lights dim, multiple-colored galaxy lights spread across the big room. in a corner stands a tall, silver chrome pole and across from it a black cushion accent chair with an armrest. he sprays down your pole to clean it, wiping it down with a cloth, soft r&b music (all music he’s been working on) lowly playing in the background.
jihoon made sure beforehand that his studio is clean, any food or trash completely taken out. as he makes sure everything is perfect, his phone dings with two messages.
sage: hey honey, i’m inside the building, ground floor
sage: let me up whenever you’re ready 🤍
without hesitation, he heads down to the elevator to the ground floor. a few minutes later, he exits the elevator to find you, scrolling through your phone - your crop top and gym pants already having him wanting to take you down. he calls your name and you look up with a smile on your face when you see it’s him.
“hey beautiful,” he says built arms wrapping around your waist. he donned his usual wear, an oversized shirt and shorts, this time wearing a white tee and black shorts. his long back hair fell over his eyes, giving him a more mysterious, even sexier look. you can’t help yourself as your mouth melts into his kiss, he tilts your chin up to get more access, feeling your body up.
you nearly mouth into his mouth, but you catch yourself realizing that you two were still in an open space where anyone could easily walk by and even spy. you gently pull away from him, brushing some of his hair out of his face.
“hey, baby - i really missed you,” you muse, your panties pathetically starting to get wet. right now you had to be the one in charge, whatever jihoon could do to you, that would be for later.
“i missed you too,” he takes his hand out and you grab ahold of it, as he walks you to the elevator. “you look even prettier today.”
“thanks,” you say, admiring how attentive he was. as the doors close, it’s a struggle for you both to keep your hands to yourself, but you soon get to jihoon’s floor quicker than you think. he exits first and you follow right after him, only a few feet away from the universe factory.
he punches in a code on the keypad and it makes a little melody as it unlocks. he motions for you to come in first, shutting the down once you’ve entered, door automatically locking behind you two.
“go get changed honey, ’ill be waiting for you,” he smirks at you, going to his desktop, pulling up something on the screen. you playfully roll your eyes as you unzip your bag and take out your clothes, walking towards the bathroom.
you check yourself out in the mirror, mentally thanking yourself for making the right decision on your outfit. you settled on a very short white bra top (to where the lines of your breasts could be seen) and barely there jean shorts, the cute ones that left most of your booty out, but still left that area covered. you paired it with your black thigh highs, deciding to be a bit bolder and wearing eight inch heels.
once you’re completely convinced, you step out of the bathroom door, walking towards jihoon, who now was sitting on the black chair across from the pole. he doesn’t notice you coming out, but he does notice you when you start to roam your hands across his shoulders and his chest, attempting to give him a massage.
“mmmm, my jihoonie has been working so hard lately,” you kiss the temple of his forehead as your continue your motions. “so tense that i can feel it just touching you.. let me help you relax honey, don’t worry about anything tonight.” he easily gives into you, and now without having to worry about anyone watching or listening, he groans out loud and it goes straight to your core.
as he tilts his head back, trying to immerse himself into you, you take the chance and gingerly sit in his lap, teasing him by slowing moving your hips and grinding down on him, instrumental beats that he’s made playing in the background. jihoon’s hands tighten their grip on the armrest, and you can feel him starting to get harder through his shorts. you chuckle to yourself, purposefully moving harder.
“so you did keep that dick up for me!” you sweetly kiss his forehead, and then his lips. “you can’t even resist the thought of me, can you baby?”
as the music continues to play, you roll your hips in rhythm to the slow beats, jihoon admiring your confidence, eyes never leaving each other’s. you bounce your ass on his lap, jihoon clearly enjoying the movement, nodding his head, hands gripping your waist as your shake your ass, spanking your right cheek in response.
“love seeing that ass shake for me,” jihoon smacks the opposite side, smirking as your face contorts in pleasure.
“should i turn around then? let you see it from the back?” you bite down on your lips again, playfully questioning him. you turn around, making sure your ass is poking out, jihoon groaning at how good your backside looks up close and personal.
“damnnn, baby,” he draws out, palming your behind. “you may need to wear these shorts more often, lookin so damn sexy dancing on me,” he pulls you flush against his back, groping your breasts feverishly.
“sh-shit, hoon!” you continue to moan out, going insane at how he was touching you. jihoon set himself apart from your other regulars, knowing just where to touch you at just the right moments. you don’t know if he knew this already, but his fingertips doting across your skin always sent chills down your spine. you turn back around to face him and kiss jihoon’s neck, head resting on his shoulders, leaving a few hickies along the way.
your hands trail down jihoon’s shirt, and you’re shocked by what you can feel. “h-hoon? your chest, holy fuck?” he can’t help but smirk at your expression as you bring the hem of his shirt up, revealing a peek of his lower abs, defined and absolutely delicious.
“you wanna see more honey?” jihoon slyly says, guiding your fingers to his abs, letting you feel him up. “god yes!” you whine out, feeling the heat course through your body. without anymore hesitation, you take off his shirt and he helps you get it over his head and you toss it across the room.
you maneuver off his lap and go down to your knees, face inches away from jihoon’s crotch. you slowly bring your head up and kiss your away up his chest, every now and then, your tongue traveling over his sculpted abs.
“oh, jihoon…,” you swoon coming up momentarily and then continuing your actions. “you taste so good honey, i can’t wait to get the rest of you in my mouth later, can’t wait to swallow every last drop of you..”
before you can go any further and pull down his shorts, he grabs your wrist and pulls you back on his lap, shoving his mouth into yours. your hips grind into his, trying to feel the friction of your bodies, panties long soaked through. jihoon’s tries to match your energy, bucking your hips up, his thrusts making you crave for more.
jihoon holds your legs by your thighs and hoists you up as he stands, walking as quickly as he can without losing his balance - both of your mouths still dancing with each other’s. once he feels his legs hit the edge of the couch, he nearly crashes his back into the piece of furniture, rotating your bodies to where you were underneath him.
before he lays you down, jihoon takes off your crop top, leaving the both of you shirtless. you whimper as the cold surface hits your back, body to body - chest to chest. “fuck, jihoon! o-oh, jihoon,” you call out, pulling down his shorts, and revealing his boxers- a wet spot visible from how much pre-cum was leaking.
“a whole wet spot and we haven’t even gotten inside each other yet.. you really are down bad for me hoon,” you chuckle, but it quickly turns into a whine when he puts his finger in your mouth and you quickly suck on the digits.
“you talk about me, but what about you honey?” he scoffs, taking his fingers from your mouth to the button of your shorts, unzipping and dragging them down your legs, clearly enjoying the fact that you wore nothing underneath. “one touch from me and you’re a whimpering, needy mess, just like you are now,” jihoon hums, taking off the waistband of boxers. “just my needy little honey who’s always ready for me..”
“fuck, c’mon jihoon, put it in me already,” you say getting impatient, tapping his forearms. “for someone who’s generally quiet, you sure have been talking a lot tonight.. why don’t you put that mouth to good use and eat me out huh?”
before he can protest, you shove his head down to your set of lower lips, high-pitched pornographic moans leaving your mouth. you knew he was gonna get you back in a split second, this fight for dominance something you always enjoyed.
he starts sucking your clit at normal pace, but jihoon makes sure you can feel every inch of his tongue in your special place. as he alternates between sucking and licking, you grip the nape of his hair tighter, causing him to groan into your pussy, making the sensations in your stomach coil.
but just when you feel yourself getting used to the speed of jihoon’s mouth, he goes faster - your juices covering his lips and chin. you practically buck into his mouth at this point, trying to do whatever to chase this fantastic high, this wave that was about to crash over you.
“j-ji-jihoon, jihoon, jihoon!! FUCK!” you scream, calling out his name like it was the only thing you knew. you convulse on his couch, orgasm spreading through the fabric, dripping down your legs, and most importantly covering his lips, your taste encapsulating his thoughts as he swallows every last bit he can.
you still breathe heavily as he comes up from your legs, groaning as you miss the intimate contact. but you quickly get your wish fulfilled when jihoon gently starts to push his tip in, gasping at how such a small move had a vice grip on your body.
“h-hoon, f-fuck, i-” you start to speak but he puts a finger over your lips, hushing you for a moment.
“mmm, don’t say anything honey, just let me fuck you right tonight.. you deserve it all baby, let me return the favor.”
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bayofwolves · 20 days
Rereading Wild Born
Decided to continue doing these! I made a post for Hunted first, but now it's time to go back and recap my reread of Wild Born from a few weeks ago. These won't be full analyses, rather just details that I find interesting or missed when I was younger. I'm rereading the whole series to gather information for my rewrite and fourth arc, so you may see some commentary on how I plan to change certain plot points.
Let's get into it!
If you've ever wondered what the tasseled thing on Abeke's waist in all her book cover appearances is, I'm quite sure it's a sort of a bag that she can store small items in.
The inside cover graphic depicts an arrow going through Uraza's body. I think that's a really neat touch, especially considering things that happen Later On.
Abeke drinks the Nectar of Ninani on her eleventh nameday, not birthday as Conor does. Do Niloans celebrate the day their parents named them, instead of the day on which they were born? Very interesting.
Abeke's Rain Dancer abilities are never explored. A real shame, especially since Uraza is the only member of the Fallen to not have a special power (Briggan has prophecy, Jhi has healing, Essix has uncanny insight). Uraza having weather-related powers would tie in nicely with Abeke's Rain Dancer role.
Zerif is wearing Euran clothing when he meets Abeke and her family, meaning that he was probably searching for Conor and Briggan in Eura prior to this. Obviously, he was unsuccessful.
Interestingly, Zerif knows Abeke's name without being told. We can gather from this that Yumaris's prophecy revealed the names of the four summoners. If true, this gives the Conquerors a stark advantage over the Greencloaks in the race to claim them. From their behaviour in the previous chapter, it appears Tarik and Isilla knew Briggan would be summoned that day, but did not know which of the three children would call him. (However, this is contradicted in a later chapter, when Tarik reveals they know Abeke's name thanks to Lenori.)
Meilin's mother, who died in childbirth, had a spirit animal who we know nothing about. Are they still alive? How did they handle the death of their human companion? Did Meilin ever interact with them at all? You'd think this would be an important thing to expand upon. The lack of information about Meilin's mom in general is criminal. (Same goes for Abeke's mother and Conor's entire family.)
Rollan is a full year older than the other three protagonists. His coming birthday, which would have occurred during this book, goes unmentioned, though.
Abeke claims Shane is 12, but he is said to have just turned 13 in The Book of Shane: Venom. Either the authors made a mistake, or Shane lied about his age for unknown reasons. In my rewrite, I stick with the two year age gap that Venom gives them.
I'm not sure if it was intended this way, but the fact that the pretend assassin goes for Shane in particular could be a hint at his true identity. There's another one of these instances in a later chapter: when Shane and Abeke walk up to a pair of guards, they bow to Shane before letting them through.
Tarik is described as "grim" and "the sort of stranger Rollan would have avoided on the streets of Concorba". For some reason I've always remembered him looking kind and open, rather than intimidating. But I like this better.
Whale-towed ships are unique to Erdas. So are the rockback whales themselves -- our first (of a few) species that only exists on Erdas! There's another one that's introduced in this book, Lenori's rainbow ibis.
Zerif speaks as if he hails from Stetriol -- a lie, since Shane places him as a foreigner when he first meets him. I quite like how mysterious he is. Any background he gives for himself is either untrue or too vague to decipher.
If Zerif and General Gar are to be believed, the early Greencloaks carried out a genocide in Stetriol after the First Devourer War. "Women, children -- the Greencloaks tried to wipe out all life on Stetriol, as if the common people were responsible for what the Devourer had done... The Greencloaks were ashamed of their actions and tried to hide the fact that Stetriol ever existed... They removed it from the histories and maps. But not all the people in Stetriol perished." Why isn't this talked about, like ever??!
Drina is actually mentioned in this book by Zerif! Abeke forgets about her, though, because in Rise and Fall she's surprised to learn that Shane has a sister. An opinion I alone hold is that Drina should have been involved in the series prior to Rise and Fall. It would have been the perfect opportunity for her to come along with Gar and Yumaris to recruit Abeke. (Spoilers: this happens in my rewrite.)
Meilin's classism and racism jumps out on practically every page. She constantly judges Rollan, Conor and later Abeke based on their lower social standings and calls the far west of Amaya (dominated by native tribes) "uncivilized". I will say, her character growth as the series progresses is astounding.
Long ago, the Four Fallen and the Devourer were prophesied to return. "The Devourer has returned. As promised," Tarik says to Barlow and Monte. I would like to know more about this prophecy. Who gave it? Tellun, maybe? Or did Feliandor himself, moments before his death, tell his enemies he'd be back someday?
Abeke doesn't know the names of all the Conquerors she went with to find Arax's talisman, which I feel is unrealistic. Abeke would care about that sort of thing, and it's not even a big group. But more than this, I wish this author worked to flesh the Conquerors out more, to humanize them, to have Abeke see them as friends past just Shane. It would have made her decision to switch sides hold more weight.
Shane breaks his leg in the final battle, thanks to Rollan. I bet he loves to tell that tale. Maybe that's why Shane doesn't show up in Hunted -- he was bedridden for a few months! /s
Plot hole: Barlow is buried in Tarik's cloak, but that same cloak (which is described as tattered and worn, presumably from years of use) passes to Rollan in Rise and Fall.
You can take or renew your vows at any Greencloak stronghold, apparently. I used to think that could only be done at Greenhaven.
Gerathon's prison is just a massive mound of earth. For some reason, as a child I pictured her being imprisoned in a giant cage deep in some creepy underground system of passages, like a sewer.
We never find out who the guy who freed Gerathon is. My best guess is Zerif. Who do y'all think it was?
Wild Born is as good an introductory book as ever, I'd say. Some have called it boring, but I found it enjoyable. Our protagonists are wonderful and I hope nothing horrible ever befalls them. (Spoilers...) Abeke's chapters with the Conquerors were the most interesting to me, but I'm heavily biased. A lot of missed opportunities for character development here, but don't worry, we'll get that in the coming books. I wish the worldbuilding was better -- but to be fair, these books aren't very long. There's only so much room to talk about each land's geography and history and religion.
Excited to rediscover what the future holds for our protagonists!
This is part of an ongoing series.
Wild Born | Hunted | Blood Ties | Fire and Ice | Against the Tide | Rise and Fall | The Evertree
Immortal Guardians | Broken Ground | The Return | The Burning Tide
Heart of the Land | The Wildcat's Claw | Stormspeaker | The Dragon's Eye
Tales of the Great Beasts | The Book of Shane | Tales of the Fallen Beasts
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
into the aurora - chapter thirty-one (ot8)
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chapter thirty-one: the nights before christmas 
chapter summary: the holidays are hard, and you finally tell yunho why.
special note: well, we're finally here, in the home stretch of this fic. some things will be revealed this chapter, and i hope you feel like i handled these topics with grace and care. as always, thank you for reading. warnings: discussion of anxiety and depression, past trauma, minor character death (in the past), discussion of grief/loss, allusion to a physical injury but not described in detail, a lot of hurt and a lot of comfort. be warned, this one is a bit of a pain train.
pairings: ot8 x reader
genre: fluff, angst, romance, ateez ensemble x reader, polyamory, non-idol!reader, fem!reader, smut
word count: 7.1K
(previous chapter) (next chapter) | AO3 | masterlist
please see the end of the post for more notes~
This time of year is almost always impossible. A few weeks before the holidays it always hits, the first whispers of Christmas music, the sparkling lights wrapped around lamp posts. Like a rushing wave it feels like no time has passed at all, like you’re still waking up to find everything has changed, your father’s voice crystal clear in your head. 
You’ve always been able to get through the anniversary of the event itself without too much trouble since it happened in November before the explosion of holiday glitter and cheer, and you always ensure you are busy, intentionally over-scheduled to the point of physical exhaustion. Doing your best to ensure you don't have a single second to think through the things knotting together in your gut. It’s always the holidays though that snaps time back like a rubber band and twists the knife, the inevitable slowdown of work and social life as everyone else pivots to family obligations. A welcome vacation for them and a painful reminder for you. 
It’s always easier to slip away into yourself for the duration of Christmas and the new year when you live alone. It’s a lot easier to ignore the fact that the holidays are continuing for yet another year when you close yourself inside your tiny undecorated apartment. When you moved into the dorms, it hadn’t occurred to you that this would be a problem, but the boys just love the holidays. The apartment is covered in tinsel, a large tree glittering by the window, Jongho humming carols, little touches of red and green everywhere your eyes land. 
When they first start to talk about their holiday plans, you find convenient excuses to skirt around what you’ll be doing. Their break means that they are all traveling home the weekend before Christmas to spend the holiday with their families, something that deep down you are happy for. They need the break, they’ve earned it, but the closer the weekend comes the talk of holidays and families is incessant. It’s grating, and you can feel yourself closing in, stepping back, folding yourself down small and tight to keep it away. You just need to hold out a few more days and then you can finally be alone and let this wash over you. 
Two days before the mass exodus of the dorms, for the first time in your relationship, you tell your boyfriends a real lie. It leaves your mouth so easily – Yes, you were going home, of course. You would see your family; you just weren’t leaving until the evening after they all left. No, of course, they don’t have to worry about you.
You turn the conversation quickly back to them- what had they bought for their siblings? Their parents? Knots turn in your stomach as you listen, but you’re so practiced at smiling along while people talk about things like this. After dinner you excuse yourself, feigning a headache, and slip away to bury yourself under the covers. 
Hours later, when the boys have all gone to bed, you are still lying awake staring at the ceiling. Your mind plays over your last Christmas, your last real Christmas, and you try to shake the feeling off but can’t quite escape it. Frustrated, you pull yourself out of bed and slide open your door. The dorm is quiet, a light still on upstairs but no real movement to indicate anyone is still up and about. You move across the room and gently slide open the glass door that leads to the balcony. The chill hits you instantly, your arms erupting with goosebumps, but you don’t mind it, the cold is a welcome distraction.  
You watch the city for a while, the steady sounds of cars and people creating a comforting din of white noise around you. After a while, you settle back into one of the chairs and tuck your legs tight to your chest, wrapping your arms around yourself and leaning your temple against your knees, eyes closed, softly listening to the city, and trying not to think about things, to cry. 
It’s not clear how long you stay like this, but the sound of the sliding glass door breaks your concentration, and your head snaps up. Yunho stands in the doorway, dressed in a pair of thick gray sweatpants and a long-sleeved black shirt. 
“What are you doing out here?” He asks quietly, stepping out and sliding the door shut behind him, “it’s two in the morning… and it’s freezing out here,” He shivers, throwing a glance out over the balcony at the starkly cold winter night.
“Sorry,” you say automatically, unwrapping your arms, “did I wake you?” 
“No, no,” he shakes his head, “I was up late on my computer, I came out for some water and saw you,” 
“Ah,” you nod, but there’s nothing else to say. 
“What’s going on?” He is still standing, watching you, expecting you to get up and come inside with him but you don’t, “couldn’t sleep?” 
“Something like that,” you admit and run your hands over your face, swiping at your tired eyes, “it’s fine, you should go to bed and get some rest.” 
A look passes over his features, and he pulls the other chair over to yours and plops down in it, crossing his long legs at the ankles and clasping his hands to rest in his lap, “Something’s up,” he says simply, nodding towards you, “you can talk to me, you know.” 
“I know that,” you answer quickly, “it’s nothing you can help with though,” 
“Mm,” he squints his eyes at you, “I don’t think you’ve had the benefit of my emotional assistance before. I’m quite the advice giver,” 
A smile tugs at the corner of your mouth, and normally you would banter back with him, but it’s not that kind of night and so you just shake your head gently, “I know, but I’m okay really, it’s not something I need advice on.”
He leans forwards, pulling his legs in and leaning his elbows on his knees, angling towards you. “Okay, so you don’t need advice. How about a friend?” 
His warm brown eyes stay on you, his face soft and empathetic, and a deep pang echoes through your chest. You swallow tightly and consider it, the thoughts lodged in your throat and threatening to spill out. You pause just long enough for him to continue, “Something’s been bugging you for days and you’re not yourself. If you’re stressed or if something’s bothering you, you can talk to me or just vent if you need to.” 
He turns one of his hands over, palm open and slightly extended towards you, a careful invitation. You reach out without hesitation, letting his large, warm hand close over yours. You turn the thoughts over in your mind and finally say, “I really don’t like Christmas.” 
“What?” his brow furrows instantly, not at all what he was expecting you to say. “How do you not like Christmas?” 
You look down, that sentence your least favorite every time you tried to explain why the holidays just weren’t for you anymore. “It's a hard time of year for me,” you admit, “there’s something I haven’t told you.” 
The words have an immediately sobering effect, and you feel Yunho’s hand still, his opposite one coming to close over the back side of your yours, “Okay,” 
“It’s not a fun story,” you confess. 
He scoots forwards, dragging his chair a little closer and strokes your forearm comfortingly before simply holding your hand in his. “That’s okay, you can tell me if you want to.” 
You nod and look up, meeting his eyes, “I know I said I was going home for Christmas, but I lied.” 
You watch as Yunho’s lips close, and he nods for you to continue, not wanting to interrupt. 
“I haven’t seen my family in a long time,” you shift, clearing your throat a little, always hating this part. “I didn’t want you all to worry about me, or try to make things better, but this time of year just isn’t good for me anymore. I don’t usually like to talk about it,” you murmur, “and most of the year I don’t think about it anymore, but the holidays are hard.” 
“I’m sorry,” he says, his voice warm and low. 
“There’s nothing to be sorry for,” you shake your head, “you didn’t do anything.” 
“I’m still sorry,” he rests a hand on your knee, thumb massaging comforting circles, “why haven’t you seen them? Can I ask that?” 
You nod and grip his hand a little tighter, “Yeah,”
He waits for you to speak again, nodding once and squeezing you a little tighter to let you know he’s here, he’s listening. 
“Four years ago, there was an accident,” you take a deep breath and look down, you can’t seem to look at him for this part, but you hear his steady breath, and you can feel his gaze on you. “I was seventeen when it happened. I was driving home with my mom and my brother, and we were hit by a drunk driver. They hit the left side of the car head on at a high speed, and I don’t remember much except for waking up in the hospital, but they were both on the left side, my mom driving and my brother behind her. They said it was instantaneous for both of them,” you swallow and unconsciously your hands form light, tense fists, “but I’m not sure if that’s just something that they say.” 
“y/n,” his voice is soft, “I can’t imagine,” 
You’re so grateful he doesn’t say he’s sorry this time. People always say they’re sorry. 
You exhale and say the last part as quickly as you can to get the story out there and over with, “After that my father fell apart, he started drinking and I don’t think he ever stopped. It wasn’t a good place for me anymore, and as soon as I was done with high school I left. I haven’t been home since,”
“Sweetheart,” his voice is soft and gentle. 
“Anyways,” you clear your throat and look out over the edge of the balcony to the city below, “the accident happened in late November, so this time of year is always the hardest.” 
“Come here,” he pulls your hand lightly, leaning back and reaching out for you, gesturing for you to come closer to him. 
“I’m okay,” you shake your head, “I’ve cried plenty and I don’t need you to make it better, it's just one of those things. It’s just the one time of year that I can’t really ignore it.” 
“I’m not trying to make you cry,” He tugs your hand again, “I just want to be close to you, can I be close to you?” 
You feel your shoulders relax. The last partner you told expected you to cry, shocked when you couldn’t and always looked at you like he was waiting for it to happen, looking for confirmation of how he thought you should feel about it. Yunho’s face is calm, collected, with no expectation behind his eyes. You take his hands and let him pull you gently towards him until you’re in his lap and he pulls you in close so that his chin rests on top of your head and his arms curl all the way around you. You sit sideways, your legs carefully maneuvered over the arm of the chair, and your cheek against the warmth of his chest. His heart thuds steadily against you. 
Yunho’s hand runs across your hair, his lips against your hairline, and when his voice comes again you can hear the crackle in it, “You were hurt?” 
You nod against him. 
“The scar on your back,” he surmises, his hand ghosting down your spine. 
“How bad was it?” He asks. 
“Yunho,” you breathe, “don’t, I’m okay now,” 
“I just,” he exhales against you, “I just want to know.” 
You sigh and tell him. “I had a fractured spine,” his hands tighten around you, “and broke my leg, and some cuts and bruises. It took a while before I was out of the hospital, but I’m okay now.” 
It’s unspoken that you could have died too. It’s unspoken that you might have never made it here, that they might have never met you. Time stretches on, and though the air is cold, Yunho’s arms stay wrapped around you and you barely feel it. He kisses your head, and quietly he murmurs, “Tell me about your brother,” 
The emotions well up instantly, a weight pressing in on your chest. A vision of your brother’s face appears in your mind, but the sound of his voice, his laugh, are too far away now and you can’t quite conjure them in your mind. You don’t cry, but it doesn’t hurt any less. “He was two years younger,” you say, “and he was a pain in my ass, but he always helped my mom with dinner and was diligent in school. He was so funny, he used to make me laugh until my sides hurt,” 
Yunho nods against the top of your head and you continue, “He wanted to go to school for literature, and he was good at soccer. He was almost sixteen, and he hadn’t had his first girlfriend yet, but I know he had a crush on this girl from his class. Nari. I think he might have asked her out once, but whenever I teased him about it, he would just go beet red in the face. He liked dogs. He was taller than me by the time he was thirteen, and he really loved American music. He wanted to learn guitar. He wanted to do a lot of things,” 
“I think I would have liked him,” he says softly. 
“You would have,” you tighten your hand against his chest, “he would have liked you too, eventually. He was always suspicious of the boys I was around though,” 
“Smart,” Yunho nudges you softly and you can feel him smiling. 
“He was,” 
“What was his name?” Yunho asks. 
“Tae Hyun,” you murmur, the feeling of his name on your tongue foreign after so many years, “his name was Tae Hyun.” 
“Tae Hyun,” Yunho repeats, committing it to memory. 
“Thank you,” you murmur, closing your eyes and leaning against him. 
“For what?” he smooths his hand down your back again. 
“For asking about him,” you say quietly, “it’s been a long time since I thought about those things.” 
“Thank you for telling me,” He says, the timber of his voice vibrating against your cheek. He kisses you again and shifts, “we should go in. It’s too cold out here and you need to try and sleep,” 
“Okay,” your eyes open and you move to get up, but Yunho’s arms stay locked around you, stopping you from going anywhere. When you meet his eyes, you can see that he had been fighting back tears. You don’t acknowledge it, but after a moment he releases you and you climb off him, rubbing your sweatshirt sleeves across your face and exhaling into the cold night air. He’s on his feet a moment later, his hand once again warm on your back as he draws you inside and quietly takes you back to your bed. 
You don’t talk, but he tucks you back into bed, adding an extra blanket over you, before pulling your bedroom door closed and sliding under the covers with you. He reaches for you and pulls you into his chest, your back fitted tightly against him. He drops a warm kiss against your bare shoulder and tucks his knees up to mold against the back of your legs. His palm rests open against your chest, fingers brushing your collar bones, thumb softly grazing against your skin in a lulling pattern. 
For a moment you think he has fallen asleep behind you, but his voice whispers through the darkness sometime later. “I don’t think you should be alone this weekend,” 
You shake your head softly, “I’m okay, I know what I’m doing,”
He curls himself closer, “I want you to come home with me,” he says. 
“I can’t do that,” you protest, “I can’t intrude on your family,” 
“You can,” he pushes back, “trust me.” 
“Yunho,” you sigh and turn your head to see him over your shoulder, “I don’t know if I can do it, be around your family like that when I’m,” 
“You’d rather sit here alone?” He asks softly, cutting off your thought, “I don’t think I can leave knowing you’ll just be here by yourself, I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it,” 
“Yun,” you sigh, head against his shoulder, “I’ll be okay, I promise.” 
“Please,” he laces his fingers with yours, “please just come home with me. We don’t have to talk about it or think about it, I just don’t want you to be alone.” 
In bed like this, with his warm body around you, the tension in you starts to unravel. You don’t expect him to let this go, he’s always determined about whatever he’s set his mind to, and you can feel that he’s set his mind on this. “What would your family think?” you ask quietly. 
Yunho sighs behind you, dropping his lips against your head, “You’re a friend,” he says, “a friend who needed a place for the holidays. My mother would be thrilled to have another woman around to talk to. Trust me,” 
You turn the idea over in your mind before you say, “I don’t want anyone else to know,” 
“The members?” he asks, surprise evident in his voice. 
“I wouldn’t mind them knowing I’m with you, obviously,” you start, “but it would open a lot of questions about why I’m not going home, and I don’t want anyone else to know yet. I don’t want to talk about it. Everyone would want to try and help, and I’d give it five seconds before someone offers to stay back at the dorms with me. I just don’t want to,” 
Yunho interrupts softly, “You don’t want two days of pity and everyone walking on eggshells.” 
“Yes,” you exhale against him, “I’ll tell them after Christmas, but it’s hard enough that you know.” 
“I won’t make it hard,” he murmurs, “you can talk about it or not talk about it, whatever you want. In the morning things go back to normal, and we’ll just be the last to leave on Sunday. No one has to know.” 
“Okay,” you nod against him, “I’ll come,” 
He sighs deep, exhaling the breath he had been holding. “I know I’m being selfish,” he says, “but I just wouldn’t be able to leave you, I know myself well enough,” 
“It’s okay,” you soothe, “I’ll come with you, but for now let’s just be here. Let’s just sleep,” 
He nods against you and cuddles you closer, wrapping the blankets tight. You fall asleep quickly, his steady breathing behind you guiding you into rest. In the morning you wake tangled together, finding each other under the covers in the early morning light. Without speaking you move together unconsciously, bodies connecting in comfort, his hand over your mouth to stifle your pants and moans as the rest of the house moves around just outside the doors. 
For two days, Yunho doesn’t mention it. He barely talks about the holidays and keeps you pleasantly distracted with movies, work, and making meals, and when talk of the impending family trips arise, he smoothly diverts the topic away before the attention can land on you. 
No one would notice what he’s doing, but you do. 
By the time you’re packed and ready to leave on Sunday, there’s nothing left to do but say goodbye to the boys one by one as they leave for their respective family homes. In the end, you’re left alone in the dorms, the setting sun filtering in through the wide windows. 
Yunho takes his spot next to you on the couch and rests the back of his hand on your knee, palm up and open in offering and you slip your hand in his. “Are you ready?” He asks you quietly. 
“Yeah,” you squeeze his fingers, “your family knows I’m coming, right?” 
“Mhm,” he nods. 
“What did you tell them?” You shift to look at him. 
“I spoke to my mother,” he says, “I told her I was bringing a friend that didn’t have family around this year for the holidays.” 
It was just ambiguous enough to avoid pity, but you hoped they would also pick up on the fact that they shouldn’t ask. You hoped Yunho was clear enough on that. With a sigh you lean against his shoulder, “She’s okay with it?” 
“She’s happy to have you,” Yunho smiles, cupping your cheek to bring you forward for a soft kiss. 
You nod against him before pulling away and tucking your hair behind your ears, “Okay, when do we leave then? Is one of your managers going to circle back to get us?” 
Yunho laughs and shakes his head, “No, baby, I’m driving,”
“You’re driving?” 
“I can drive,” he rolls his eyes, “you know this.” 
“I know it, but I’ve never actually seen it,” you clarify, “I didn’t know your managers would be okay with it.” 
He shrugs, “I live the farthest, and I explained the situation.” 
“That I’m coming home with you?” 
“Yeah,” he squeezes your knee and then hops off the couch, “they just asked that I be discreet and leave after dark to avoid being photographed. It’s not a problem.” 
You glance outside at the now set sun and darkening sky, “It’s a long drive, I can take a shift if you need me to.” 
He smiles and shakes his head, “Four hours isn’t bad, don’t worry.” 
It takes you another twenty minutes to gather up everything, Yunho carting it all to the car despite your protests and offers to help, but soon you’re buckled into the passenger seat and pulling your hoodie up over your head. Yunho’s concealed well with a cap, a mask, and hoodie pulled up, and as you drive through Seoul you keep things casual and distant. Cameras could photograph you both through the front windshield while you were in the city, so it was just safer to keep a little formality and stay concealed. 
As you finally pull away from Seoul, the highway opening up on your way south, Yunho tosses his hat in the back and slips off his mask, relaxing into his seat and dropping a hand off the wheel to rest on your thigh. You drive quietly and slip in and out of sleep on the way there, the radio quietly playing in the background. By the time you arrive it’s late, and though the city of Gwangju is awake and glittering with Christmas lights and decorated trees, Yunho’s sure his family is asleep by now, so you slip into their apartment quietly using his spare key. 
He’s right, but in the low light you can see how large the space is. Yunho creeps further in, and when he looks down the long hallway he smiles, “My brother’s up,” he whispers. 
“Oh,” you’re not exactly sure what you should do, so you stand in the entryway and wait as Yunho heads down the hall. 
You take a few steps further inside and peek around the corner, and you can see Yunho heading back already, a younger boy the spitting image of him tucked under his arm. 
“y/n,” Yunho says quietly when they meet you in the entry, “this is my brother, Gunho.” 
“Hi,” you whisper and Gunho waves, but twists to look at his brother. 
“So, I guess she’s not sleeping with you in your room?” 
“What?” Yunho’s brow furrows. 
“Mom said your friend could sleep in your room,” Gunho has a pleased smile, “but I think if she knew you were bringing home a girl, she wouldn’t have said that.” 
“Yunho!” your eyes widen, “You didn’t tell her?” 
“Not in so many words,” Yunho smiles at you, shrugging slightly. 
“Oh my god,” 
“I thought you weren’t allowed to have girlfriends,” Gunho observes.
“Don’t,” Yunho groans, “it’s not like that, she’s my friend,” 
“Okay,” Gunho smiles and turns back to you, “it’s nice to meet you, Yunho’s friend, not girlfriend.” 
Yunho pushes him by the shoulder and sighs, before picking up your suitcase, “Come on, you can sleep in my room and I’ll take the couch,” 
You follow him back, waving goodnight to Gunho, and Yunho clicks the light on in what is clearly his childhood bedroom. He’s lived in Seoul since he was a young teen, and most of that time with his grandparents anyways, so this space is like a little time capsule, and you grin at him. “Oh my god, look at you!” You snap up a picture on his dresser immediately, and in the photo of the two boys in their backward caps you can identify Yunho instantly. 
He rubs the back of his neck, a little sheepish all of a sudden now that standing in a place, he hasn’t added a decoration to since he was thirteen. “Well, this is me,” 
“Mhm, I can tell,” you smile at him, teasing. 
“Mm,” he chuckles and with a quick glance down the hall to make sure Gunho has gone to bed he leans in for a quick kiss, “I should let you get some sleep,” 
“Okay,” you give him a fast peck back and he smiles, “Good night, Yunho.” 
“Night, baby,” he murmurs. 
He leaves you alone, shutting the door tight behind him, and you’re alone, surrounded by little pieces of his past. It feels a little like you’ve been brought home to meet your boyfriend’s parents, something so shockingly normal in the midst of what is anything but a normal relationship. You’re nervous about meeting them, but there’s nothing left to do now but sleep. 
In the morning you wake and reacclimate to the new space, and you hear the sound of voices down the hall. You’re not sure if you’ve slept too late or not, but either way you’re desperate to not be rude or inconsiderate the first time you meet Yunho’s parents, and you pull yourself out of bed to get dressed quickly and brush out your hair. At the door, with your hand on the handle, you hear it. 
“He brought a girl home,” Gunho is clearly just teasing his older brother, but your stomach tightens. 
“I was getting to that,” Yunho sighs. 
“You did what?” His mother’s voice isn’t angry, but you can hear the confusion in her tone, and you lean forwards to listen more closely, not wanting to interrupt this moment and make it more tense. 
“The friend I told you about,” Yunho reminds her, “I set her up in my room and I slept on the couch.”
“Jeong Yunho,” his mother scolds and you wince, “did you bring your girlfriend home for Christmas and not even tell me about it?” 
“Not girlfriend,” he clarifies, and you know he hates lying to his family, but this isn’t easily explained to anyone let alone his parents, “but she’s here. Eomma, please.” 
“Not girlfriend, but you’re spending Christmas with her?” His mother asks, a little disbelief in her voice. 
“It’s not like that,” he says, and you can practically picture the face he’s making.  
“Were you careful?” She says and you don’t know what she means until Yunho jumps in. 
“Nobody took our picture,” he groans, “God, you’re as bad as Hongjoong.” 
“You have to be careful with your career,” she answers immediately. 
He’s exasperated, a tone you’ve never heard from him, “I know that, I promise I know, but she’s my friend and I couldn’t just leave her alone at Christmas.” 
There’s a pause and his mother’s voice is almost too low to catch but you do, “Why is she alone? She doesn’t have a family?” 
“Not anymore,” Yunho says softly, and your stomach clenches, “and it’s not something she likes to talk about, okay? So please, no jokes,” you can practically picture him staring down Gunho, “and don’t pry.” 
“Oh,” you hear his mother’s tone softening, realizing what his words must mean, “alright then, let’s meet her.” 
“I’ll see if she’s up,” Yunho says, and you wait until the sound of his footsteps are close enough to the door before you open it. He looks surprised, but smiles widely, “Hey,” 
“Everything okay?” You ask, your voice low. 
“Of course,” he nods, “it’s nothing but her worrying over me. Don’t be nervous,” He pushes you forwards with his hands gently at your back and ushers you into the living room, hand dropping away as you round the corner together. 
His mother is small, only an inch or two taller than you, and beautiful. She’s small and fine, with long black hair twisted into a neat bun and despite how intimidated you are and the conversation you overheard, her eyes are soft and kind, like her son’s. A man stands up from the table behind her and you realize his father is here too, just a quieter presence. Both Yunho and Gunho have at least six inches on him which makes for a charming picture. 
“Eomma, Appa,” Yunho says affectionately, “this is my friend, y/n.” 
They’re overwhelmingly kind, and before you know it Yunho’s mother is smiling at you, “I have baby pictures,” she says, and the rest of the morning is spent pouring over old albums. By the time you’re done you think you know the name of every cousin in Yunho’s family tree and a story to go along with it. 
The plan is that you and Yunho will stay with them through the twenty-seventh, driving back that night so that Yunho and the rest of the boys can pick up their schedules on the twenty-eighth. He and his family celebrate in small ways, you come to find out, the holiday just another excuse for him to get away from idol life and see his loved ones. It’s less tinsel and cheer than you expected, and you’re grateful to not be surrounded by it. 
If you had stayed at the dorms, you’d probably be halfway through your second round of takeout and watching an endless stream of sappy dramas to keep your mind off things. It was what you always did, and it always worked, but you’d be lying if you said this isn’t better. By the end of the night on Christmas Eve, you’re cooking with his mother, and Yunho was right when he said she wouldn’t mind a woman around to talk to. Without the obvious pressure of being brought home as the girlfriend, you avoid the scrutiny of being a potential wife and things are more relaxed than you could have hoped. 
It’s Christmas day when someone finally asks you, the curiosity getting the better of his mother while Yunho’s occupied elsewhere, playing video games with Gunho. She’s made you tea, honey chrysanthemum, and you see the moment in her eyes across the table when she decides she’s going to say it. 
“Your family,” she says, her tone much softer than a moment ago, “they’ve passed on?” 
Your fingers tighten on the delicate teacup, your stomach flipping with sudden discomfort, and you nod, “My mother and brother, yes.” 
“Four years ago,” you sip your tea, glancing away from her empathetic gaze. 
“And you father?” she prompts you. 
You take a deep breath and lift your eyes, “I don’t see him anymore. I know how that sounds,” you shift in your seat, “but he drinks and he’s not himself anymore.” 
She nods and sips her own tea, and you wait for some kind of judgment or rebuke, but she simply meets your eyes and nods again, “Someday he may come back to you,” 
Heat rushes to your face instantly at her words, hot tears pricking your eyes and you swallow hard to try and keep them at bay. It’s so clear to you now where Yunho gets his kindness, his overwhelming openness and lack of conceit. She rests her hand gently on top of yours and you can barely breathe, a flash of Yunho and his faceless future wife being embraced by her flits in your mind’s eye, and tight jealousy knots suddenly in your throat.
“Come on,” she says, standing suddenly and waving for you, “I want to show you something.” 
You blink the tears away and follow her down the hall, past Gunho’s room where he and Yunho are currently sprawled out on the floor, their eyes locked to the game on the television screen. She takes you to a den, a small sitting room with warm lighting and wide windows and kneels in front of a small wooden table covered in white candles. 
She’s quiet for a moment before she sparks a match from the box on the table and lights six candles. Extending her hand, she holds out the box of matches and nods, “If you’d like to light two for them.” 
“Oh,” you’re a little unsure, suddenly feeling out of place. 
She smiles at you kindly, “You don’t have to pray, it’s just to remember.” 
You look at the six burning candles in a line and wonder who she’s lit hers for, but today is hard enough without dredging up more pain, and you get the sense that she means the remembrance just for you. Accepting the box, you kneel next to her and quietly select two candles to light and strike the match. You’re not a praying person, but the whisper of their names in your head feels like enough. The first candle sparks and catches, and so does the second, and Yunho’s mother plucks the match from your fingers to shake it out as you start to cry – a sudden overwhelming wave as you watch the little lights flicker. 
She rests her hand on your arm softly and keeps it there, a steady presence saying nothing, but giving you everything. With the dam broken, it floods from you and you sink lower, covering your face with your hands and letting her single touch anchor you. 
You inhale sharply and you’re trying to recover yourself when you hear his voice behind you both. 
“Eomma,” Yunho sounds upset immediately, knowing within a moment from your place in front of the memorial candles that she must have said something, “I asked you not to,”
His tone makes the tears come quicker, and you swipe at your eyes, his mother squeezing your shoulder softly. “It’s just a candle,” she tells Yunho. 
“It isn’t,” he insists. 
It’s probably the wrong decision, but you make it anyways, getting up off the floor quickly and wrapping your arms around his middle, tucking you face into his chest and shutting your eyes, “It’s okay,” you interrupt him, “it’s really okay,” 
Yunho’s arms settle around you, one of his large hands cradling the back of your head as he looks down at you in his arms, “You’re upset,” he protests, so defensive of you. 
“That’s okay,” you sniff back tears and regulate your breathing against the steady thump of his heart. 
He strokes your hair softly. Buried in his chest you don’t see the look his mother gives him or the knowing hand she lays on his arm, but when you finally ease back down, you realize he’s rocking you slowly and humming quietly in the middle of his family home. 
You pull back and look around you quickly, the room empty except for you and Yunho, and you blush red, “I’m so sorry,” you tell him, swiping at your eyes, “I don’t know what came over me.” 
“y/n,” he smiles a little, “it’s fine, you don’t have to worry.” 
You sigh, a deep exhale, “Thank you,” 
“It’s all right,” he soothes you again, cupping your cheek, “and I should be apologizing to you, I asked her not to pry into your life,” 
“No, it’s,” you search for the right words, struggling to articulate what her quiet reverence for your family and your pain had meant to you. You turn into his palm and press a kiss there, “I think I needed it,” 
“Oh,” his eyes widen a little, “yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you murmur, “it doesn’t hurt to remember them like it used to, especially here.” 
“Come here,” he tugs you back into his arms and squeezes you tight, exhaling a deep sigh, “I’m so glad you came home with me,” 
“Me too,”
If his mother has made any assumptions about the way her son held you in the den, she doesn’t acknowledge it. It’s as if the conversation between you and the candles and your crying are fully forgotten, leaving you to return to things like helping with dinner and getting dragged into a game of FIFA with Yunho and his brother. It’s easy with them, light, and you feel like a weight has dropped off your chest now that you’ve acknowledged your family. 
After dinner, Yunho’s parents feign exhaustion and tell you and Yunho that they’re turning in early, but you don’t miss how his father points out a bottle of sparkling wine in the fridge and reminds Yunho quietly that his bedroom and theirs share a wall. 
Yunho’s ears run scarlet, but his parents have disappeared down the hall before he can muster up a response. You pour two glasses of wine while he recovers and you watch him, thoroughly amused by the panic across his face at his parents even acknowledging sex. 
“I don’t know what I expected, but that wasn’t it,” he manages. 
“I keep expecting your parents to give me the third degree,” you hand him a glass of wine and take a sip of your own, “they clearly think there’s something going on between us.”
“That’s probably because there is,” he smiles. 
“Mm,” you lean against the kitchen counter, taking another sip. 
“I feel like they left us on a date,” he chuckles. 
“I think that’s the idea,” 
Yunho thinks about it for a moment, and then hands the glass of wine back to you, “Give me a couple of minutes,” he asks, grinning suddenly. 
“Okay?” You watch him disappear around the corner and when he returns, he has your coats slung over his arm. 
“Are we going somewhere?” You ask.
“Just outside,” he shakes his head, “but it’s freezing out there, so put this on,” 
He helps you shrug into your long coat before pulling his own on and takes you outside on the large patio balcony. It’s softly lit with warm white lights, and though the air is cold, you don’t really mind. 
“It smells like snow,” you sigh, leaning on the balcony’s edge and looking over the city. 
“Yeah,” he exhales a large fog of warm breath and stands next to you, leaning on the balcony by your side. 
“Yunho,” you turn towards him, sipping your sparkling wine, “if we were a normal couple, where would we be right now?” 
He smiles, and you study his profile as he looks out the city, “I don’t know,” he says honestly, “I’ve never dated normally or had a Christmas date.” 
“Pretend then,” you nudge him with your shoulder. 
“Hmm,” he sighs, leaning into your arm and looking down at you, “I could take you to Mudeungsan,” 
“Is it pretty?” You ask him, having only ever heard about the national park, but never visiting. 
“It’s cold,” he laughs, “but it’s worth it. It’s beautiful, especially when it snows.” 
“What else?” 
He overlooks the city again and thinks a moment, exclaiming when he figures it out and claps his hands, “There’s this terrible little restaurant not far from my old trainee academy,” 
“Terrible?” You raise a brow. 
“I mean the food isn’t,” he groans thinking about it, “the food is so good, I miss it. It’s just the smallest place, and it’s only open on random weeknights, I have no idea how it stays open.”
“Okay,” you laugh, “so a mountain walk, and some delicious food at a place with weird atmosphere, I like it.” 
You sip your drinks quietly for a minute, just enjoying being together in a quiet moment without your guards up. Yunho sets his now empty glass aside and sighs, “There’s so many things here I’d like to show you,” 
“Yeah?” You ask, shivering slightly in the cold night air. 
“Yeah,” he says, stepping behind you and moving close to your back, pressing you both together so that he can wrap his coat around you both, cocooning you in his radiating warmth. He drops a kiss on your head and continues, “I have so many memories here,” 
You lean against him, resting your head against his chest, “Tell me about them,” you whisper into the air. 
He holds you close, folding your cold hands in his to keep the remaining chill away, and tells you about his home. He tells you stories of his family, his childhood friends, and his early trainee days – the way he practiced singing and got accepted into a program without his family knowing, proving to them that he could. You sink into his memories and try hard to stop thinking about your own, just for a little while. 
When the cold gets to be too much you go inside, cheeks warm from the alcohol, and he takes you quietly to bed. The house is silent, and you barely fit on his childhood mattress together, Yunho’s feet hanging over the end and your legs tangled together. You wouldn’t dare try to do anything more than kiss, holding each other warmly in the icy evening under the blanket, but you need him here and he stays. 
Yunho doesn’t ask what happened with his mother earlier, he doesn’t push for you to unlock your feelings further, he just stays, holding you without a word when a fresh wave of tears washes over you. He stays until you’re sleeping, waiting for your fitful twitches to settle and your expression to clear, before he slips out and returns to his post on the couch, wishing desperately he could have stayed. 
additional notes: i understand that for some, i may be crossing a bit of a line including yunho's family in this. i have taken a lot of time to only include details that he himself has shared publicly (such as his brother's name) just for authenticity, but i did not make any attempt to find out more information that isn't publicly available. things like his mother's disposition, father's height, description of their apartment, etc. are all fabrications and like always, this is a work of fiction and in no way meant to represent yunho, his family, or ateez in a real way.
i also have made an assumption that yunho may have grown up catholic, given that we know his baptismal name is stefano. while i don't discuss catholicism directly, the scene lighting candles is an allusion to that and to the catholic practice of candle lighting for lost loved ones, though i know this practice does exist in other christian denominations and non-christian religions and cultures. to be perfectly clear, to my knowledge yunho nor his family have never self-identified with any faith publicly, i only know that he has a baptismal name.
as always, i appreciate your continued support on this fic and i hope that you enjoyed this chapter. if you have experienced the loss of a parent or a sibling, please know that you are not alone, and my DMs are always open.
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venusizz · 1 year
Ominis Gaunt x reader
Hello I want to add that this is my first fanfic. I would appreciate feedback if you want to give of course. Feel free to ask, enjoy!
The Shadows of Love ♡
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Summary: Y/n, a Slytherin student at Hogwarts, who befriends Ominis Gaunt. As they grow closer, their relationship becomes romantic, but their happiness is threatened by Ominis's jealous best friend, Sebastian.
Y/n had just started her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As soon as she arrived, she noticed that everyone was giving her strange looks. It was probably because of her family's reputation and the fact that she was sorted into Slytherin. She wasn't bothered by it, though, and went about her day as usual.
As the weeks went by, y/n started to notice a few things. One, that she was being talked about behind her back. Two, that there was a boy in her year who seemed to be watching her every move. She later found out that his name was Ominis Gaunt. Despite being born into a family of dark wizards, Ominis was different from his family members. He didn't like the dark arts and had a deep distrust towards them. He was also blind, which made him rely on his wand to navigate around.
One day, y/n was walking in the Hogwarts library when she felt someone bump into her. She turned around to see Ominis standing there, looking embarrassed.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you," he said.
"It's okay," y/n replied with a smile.
"I'm Ominis Gaunt. We're in the same year," he introduced himself.
"I know who you are," y/n said, teasingly. "You're the blind boy who everyone talks about."
Ominis chuckled. "That's me. The blind boy."
Y/n sat down at the table and started to read a book. Ominis sat down next to her and they started talking about the book. They talked about other things too, and before they knew it, hours had passed.
Over the next few weeks, y/n and Ominis became good friends. They spent a lot of time together, talking and exploring the Hogwarts grounds. Ominis was always there to help y/n when she needed it, and y/n was there for him too.
One day, as they were walking through the Hogwarts gardens, Ominis took y/n's hand and looked into her eyes.
"Y/n, there's something I need to tell you," he said, his voice serious.
"What is it?" y/n asked, worried.
"I think I'm starting to have feelings for you," Ominis admitted.
Y/n's heart skipped a beat. She had always liked Ominis, but she never thought he would feel the same way about her.
"I think I have feelings for you too," y/n said, blushing.
From that moment on, y/n and Ominis were more than just friends. They would sneak away to secret corners of Hogwarts to kiss and hold each other, always making sure that no one would see them. Ominis was very protective of y/n and would get jealous if he saw other boys trying to get her attention.
One day, as they were walking back to their dormitory, they saw Sebastian Sallow, Ominis's best friend, standing in the hallway, looking at them with a strange expression.
"What's wrong, Sebastian?" Ominis asked, worried.
Sebastian looked at y/n and then back at Ominis. "Nothing. I just noticed that you and y/n have been spending a lot of time together lately," he said, his voice strained.
Ominis looked at y/n, and she could see the worry in his eyes. "We're just friends, Sebastian," Ominis said, trying to sound casual.
Sebastian nodded, but y/n could see that he wasn't convinced. From that moment on, Sebastian started to act strange around y/n. He would try to catch her alone, asking her about Ominis and her relationship with him. y/n was careful not to reveal too much, but Sebastian's jealousy was becoming more and more apparent.
One day, y/n was walking down a deserted corridor when Sebastian appeared out of nowhere. "I know about you and Ominis," he said, his voice cold and accusatory.
Y/n's heart skipped a beat. "I don't know what you're talking about," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady.
"Don't lie to me," Sebastian hissed. "I've seen the way you two look at each other, the way you touch each other when you think no one is looking. I thought Ominis was my best friend, but he's been sneaking around with you behind my back."
"Sebastian, it's not like that," y/n protested. "We just-"
"Save it," Sebastian interrupted. "I don't want to hear your excuses. I trusted you, y/n, and you betrayed me. Ominis may have power, but he's not going to be able to protect you from me."
Y/n took a step back, her heart racing. "Sebastian, please don't do anything stupid," she pleaded.
Sebastian's eyes narrowed. "You think I'm stupid?" he snarled. "You think you can just waltz in here and steal my best friend? Well, you're wrong. You're both going to pay for what you've done."
With that, Sebastian raised his wand and pointed it at y/n. She knew she had to act fast. She raised her own wand and yelled, "Expelliarmus!"
There was a bright flash of light as the two spells collided, and for a moment, y/n wasn't sure who had won. But then she saw Sebastian's wand flying out of his hand and clattering to the ground.
Sebastian looked stunned. "You... you disarmed me," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/n took a step forward, her wand still pointed at him. "Sebastian, please, we can work this out. We don't have to fight."
Sebastian shook his head. "No, it's too late for that. You made your choice, and now you have to live with the consequences."
With that, he turned and fled down the corridor, leaving y/n standing there, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew that things were only going to get worse from here on out."
She had heard the stories of how jealous people could get over love, and she knew that Sebastian's jealousy would only grow stronger with time.
As weeks passed, Sebastian's behavior towards y/n became more aggressive. He would make snide comments about her and Ominis, and try to undermine their relationship at any opportunity he got. He would purposely try to get closer to y/n, and even flirt with her in front of Ominis.
Ominis noticed this change in Sebastian's behavior and it only fueled his protective nature towards y/n. He made it clear to Sebastian that he was not going to let anyone come between him and her.
One day, during a potions class, Sebastian made a remark about y/n's family and the elder wand. Ominis lost his temper and threatened Sebastian with his wand, causing a scene in the classroom.
The incident resulted in Ominis being sent to the headmaster's office, where he was given a stern warning about his behavior. He was told that any more incidents like this and he would face severe consequences.
From that day on, Ominis tried to control his temper and keep a low profile. He and y/n would still meet in secret, but their relationship became strained due to the constant fear of being caught.
As the school year came to an end, y/n and Ominis knew that they had to make a decision about their future. They could either continue their relationship in secret or end it altogether. They both knew that they couldn't keep hiding forever, but the thought of going public with their relationship was daunting.
It wasn't until the final day of term that they made their decision. They were walking together towards the Hogwarts Express when Sebastian appeared in front of them, blocking their path.
"Listen, Ominis," Sebastian said, his voice laced with anger. "I know about you and y/n. And I'm not going to let you get away with it."
Ominis stepped forward, his wand at the ready. "You can't stop us, Sebastian. We love each other."
Sebastian sneered. "Love? You don't know the first thing about love, Ominis. You don’t know what you are getting into."
Y/n stepped forward, her wand at the ready as well. "We know exactly what we're getting into, Sebastian. And we don't need your approval to be happy."
Sebastian looked at them both, his face contorted with rage. "Fine. Have it your way. But you'll regret this, Ominis. You'll regret it."
And with that, he stormed off, leaving y/n and Ominis alone on the platform.
They looked at each other, their eyes filled with determination. They knew that their love was worth fighting for, and they were willing to face any challenges that lay ahead.
Together, they boarded the Hogwarts Express, ready to face the future as a united front."
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dumbawesomev69 · 2 months
Arc Giga
Dorm living room
Team rwby were waiting with worried expressions as Ruby was pacing back and forth, yang was leaning against the wall tapping her foot impatient while crossing her arms, blake while being the quiet one she sat in silence but her bow twitch every minute looking around waiting for something to happen and Weiss finally spoke her mind.
Weiss: Oh for the brother's sake! What's taking them so long it's been three hours!
Blake: two hours.
Weiss: whatever! They should be here by now!
Suddenly the door opened revealing their sister team however one of the members wasn't with them.
Team rwby gather around them asking questions about one person. "How's jaune!?"
Pyrrha: he's fine, they managed to sedate him and move him to the basement and lock the entrance.
Lie ren: They also contacted his sister who notified their parents, said they'll send the medicine for jaune but won't be here until a few weeks is for now jaune is on his own.
You may be wondering what is going on well let me explain you see our favorite lovable blonde boy jaune is a faunus but not just any faunus but a prehistoric one called a dino faunus thought to be extinct or fairy tales.
But jaune is one, a Giganotosaurus meaning he's much larger than other faunus on the size of an elephant faunus (just to give you an idea he dwarfs over yatsuhashi and elm) however he's not only he's a rare he's also an apex on like an alpha, apex's are extremely more powerful and aggressive. For jaune case he gets it from his great, great, great, great, great, gre-uh skip a generation, great-grandmother who had a rage semblance when she takes enough damage she goes crazy and it didn't help for the fact that she was a dino faunus but a Brachiosaurus.
Because of that jaune developed a rage mode where he will lose control and hurt/kill everything especially when he was a kid occasional he'll wander in the forest and will be later found surrounded by destroy trees, dead grim or the occasional bandits of course he managed to control it however like many faunus it's that time of year... Mating season where many find a mate but for jaune that's a difference because being an apex means that many faunus are afraid of him whether they are alphas or other small carnivores.
Plus jaune never thought about having kids yet but because of that jaune went through the season so many times he became extremely aggressive towards everyone and everything plus his rage Jaune with a walking bomb.
Team rwby and team npr were all saddened as Ruby spoke up. "There's got to be a way to help him."
Pyrrha: the only way to help him if he takes his special suppressed pills or mate with him but the second option is extremely dangerous his father explained it but his mother seem to encourage it.
Yang: Still we got to do some or poor vomit boy will stay like this forever!
Both teams were interrupted when they heard a mighty roar that shook the build, making Blake shake in fear as they all immediately knew who it was as Nora looked down whispering to herself. "Don't worry, Fearless leader We will think of something."
Late at night
Pyrrha was laying in bed as she turned over to an empty bed where jaune used to sleep but now he's sleeping in the basement as the shattered moonlight shines through the window the Spartan champion made a decision.
Sneaking out of bed carefully not to wake her two teammates up before grabbing a flashlight and head off towards the main school walking down the halls towards the basement as the door was tightly secured until Pyrrha used her semblance to unlock the door.
She opened the door slowly making loud creaking before heading down but closed the door behind her not wanting anything to see or panic. As she walks down the stairs she couldn't help but felt an odd chill run down her spine but ignore it as she makes it down the stairs.
She carefully moves around trying to find jaune, she starts to sweat in fear but thankfully there is a warm breeze to calm down. "Wait a minute, how can there be a breeze when there are no windows or any opening for air to come in unless..."
Pyrrha slowly turns around spotting two glowing eyes as she shines the light revealing shirtless jaune arc as he lets out a roar making Pyrrha screams as he launches at her. She avoided his attack as she wished to bring her shield as jaune swings at her Pyrrha again avoided it however she didn't see his large tail.
It hit her, sending her flying against the wall thankfully her Aura protected her but it still hurt as she tried to stand up but jaune pin her down as he kneel down to her growling next to her ear as he whispers in a deep voice.
Pyrrha did as he told her and submitted to him as a wide grin covered his face as he lifted his hand off of her and started its way down and before she knew her half pajamas were torn off as jaune chuckles as he started rubbing her pussy.
"Wow Pyrrha already wet just from me touching you, well that small fight got me thirsty."
Jaune moves down lowering his hand and opens his mouth revealing his razor sharp teeth before closing around Pyrrha crotch area and started sucking.
Pyrrha moans feeling his mouth muscles working and his tongue enters inside her feeling near her womb as Pyrrha couldn't hold it in and cum to which jaune drank all of it as he removed his mouths licking his lips as he removed his boxers revealing a tape down cup.
He ripped off making growl in pain letting loose his large dick as Pyrrha stared in complete shock as her face turned red as jaune grabbing it with one pointing it down as he uses his other hand to tear the rest of Pyrrha clothes and slowly but firmly shove it in her making Pyrrha to scream in pain.
Tears form around Pyrrha's eyes as they started streaming down but suddenly jaune started licking her face as she saw his eyes weren't glowing anymore. "Don't worry Pyrrha I got you."
Jaune spoke in his normal voice making Pyrrha smile as they didn't move for a while until she gave him the go to move. He started thrusting as he held on to her with one hand as the other played with her breast before he lends in and started sucking them care not or bite them with his teeth.
Pyrrha: Oh jaune~ go easy on them.
Jaune: I can't help it, they are so good I can't wait for them to give milk~.
Before Pyrrha can reply jaune stood up as he started thrusting even hard as he wraps his arms around her and her legs slamming deeper inside her as she moans louder feeling womb completely filled with jaune.
Jaune: I'm going to come and I won't stop filling you until you're pregnant with my kids.
Pyrrha: Then do it! Make me a mother!
With a few more thrust jaune release years of not mating finally was xom out as screams in pleasure as her stomach expanded, tongue sticking out, eyes widen as jaune roar as he held onto her not letting go until his seed spit out.
He carefully pulled Pyrrha off and a wave of his seed poured out as he lay her against the wall smirking. "Team rwby who wants to go first?"
Up on the stairs was team rwby naked as they stood their faces red they made their way down each bowing down. "We're ready for you."
It wasn't long as Ruby was moaning as jaune held her head down, ass up and slamming down on her as Ruby moaned. "Yes! Jaune fuck me! Make me your slut!" Jaune once more came filling Ruby womb with his hot seed.
Yang was on all fours as jaune mounted her, grabbing her hair pulling it as he slapped her ass. "You like this uh you blonde bitch!"
Yang moans out. "Yes! I do when you do it! Now make me a mommy too!" Jaune pulled harder as he thrusts even harder until coming inside. "Oh yeah it's so warm!" Yang moans out as jaune chuckles.
Blake was getting mating press as jaune used his tongue to mind fuck her. "This is so FUCKEN kinky!" Blake moans out as jaune pulls his tongue back. "Oh this is just the beginning." He started thrusting faster as Blake started meowing before letting out the loudest nya ever as jaune seed filled her up. "I'm going to have so many kittens!" Jaune roared out as he said. "I like to see how that monkey fucker reacts when he finds out, his crush is getting breed by me!"
Finally it was Weiss turn as jaune sat back as she started pushing herself onto him which was cute. "Weiss you sure you got this." Weiss pouted. "Of course, it's just hard to put your thing inside me." Jaune smiles as he decides to help her by grabbing one of her legs and pulling which causes her to fall on top of jaune's dick immediately tears start forming but jaune calms her down by grabbing her cheek and rubbing it. "It's alright snow queen, you're fine."
Weiss smiles, after sometime she starts moving which as jaune moans he asks. "bet Neptune wasn't as big as I am." Weiss blush. "Actually we never did it nor kiss even." Jaune smirks as he pulls Weiss in for a deep French kiss shoving his tongue down her throat making her gag before he pulls back. "Well now it's time for me to make sure that blue hair mother fucker don't get near you nor try to claim you." Jaune grabbed a hold of Weiss and started thrusting crazy as he saw Weiss small stomach bulges out as weiss face was distorted as Jaune continued before releasing filling the ice queen small womb with his Apex seed.
By the time jaune finished breed Pyrrha and team rwby he was still hard as the girls started licking his dick and sucking his balls before jaune carried them to his dorm living room where he placed them down when he heard glass shattering.
He looks to find ren standing in the kitchen frozen in fear as jaune moves over to her towering over her shaking body before rubbing her cheek. "Ren don't worry I won't hurt you." He then tore off her pajamas and picked her up then kissing her ramming his tongue down her throat.
Ren moans as she feels his tongue taking over her mouth before jaune pulls back leaving a trail of saliva as he places her on the kitchen table opening her legs. "So wet guess I won't need to warm you up anymore." With one motion he inserted himself inside of her as he starts thrusting.
Ren's eyes widened as she looked to see her bulging stomach as jaune held her sides and started moving faster making her moan as she wrapped her legs around him not letting go as he got even faster. "Jaune, oh fuck s..she's asleep in the room I want you to go ravage once your done with me."
Jaune smirks as he leads down to her. "Good idea for that I'll make sure that when you give birth, I'll impregnate you again first." Ren smiles. "Yes master please do." With a few more thrust jaune release filling ren up before slowly pulling out letting his seed pour out of her as jaune clean up the broken glass and headed towards the dorm room where he saw Nora sleeping peacefully.
He approached quietly as he got to her bed he saw she had his pumpkin Pete custom-made sweater holding it tightly which made jaune smiles as he started rubbing her ass. Nora moans a bit as jaune removes her underwear and spreads her cheeks as he shoves it in again making her moan as jaune feed until he stops as jaune slowly mount her whispering her to waking her.
"Nora wake up". Nora opened slowly when she saw jaune which got her confused. "Jaune-jaune? Is this a dream?" Jaune smirks. "Let's see." Without warning he ram straight inside her not only waking her up but causing her to moan loudly as jaune wrap a arm around her neck holding her in place before thrusting with no mercy.
Nora gritted her teeth as jaune held onto her as he was ramming her nonstop. "God Nora your pussy is so tight and warm!" Nora just moans as jaune slaps her ass. "God I can't wait for you to be pregnant with my kids I wonder if your milk will taste like pancakes and syrup." Nora continued to moan until jaune roared out as he came releasing his seed inside her making Nora to moan louder.
Jaune let's go as Nora then pushed him onto his back where she looked at him straight in the eyes before slamming herself onto him. "Fearless master I'm not done yet, in fact we are not done yet." Jaune looked towards the doorway, finding the others standing there ready for another to which he smiles.
"well then, let's get busy~"
To be continued
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