#i was like 15-16 for all this it has permanently changed me as a person
oflgtfol · 2 years
in hindsight the way voltron basically laid down and rolled over and imploded was fucking hilarious. what a batshit experience that show was
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sinner-sunflower · 3 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 12/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
Fun fact:
I was supposed to include Heaven in this. The og plot was like Heaven was already friendly with them- like Luci's siblings, and they were supposed to be in the meeting back in chapter 4 and 5.
The argument would have been that Heaven is bound to help because Roo won't stop at Hell and it will eventually reach Heaven, making it their problem too.
But obviously I had a change of plans and I think this plot would be better.
A plot fit for a possible sequel, one might say.
Apologies for the shortness of the chapter but thank you still for the constant support! Your likes, reblogs, and comments are the things that give me inspiration to do this every day!
The good news is the problem has not reached any of the upper rings in his absence. The bad news? Sloth is almost devoured.
Overgrown roots have enveloped the main city's buildings, he can't even see the Goetia territory anymore. The blood-red flowers are still spewing black miasma and he can feel it slightly burn his skin.
Lucifer thinks that this is what real Hell looks like.
This means that everyone is just exerting enough power to keep it at bay but not enough to fully stop it. Lucifer was right in his decision to look for Goodie. Speaking of Goodie- the embodiment of good barely reacts. If she's being burned by the mist, she's doing a pretty good job of not showing it.
Goodie: Oh my. What trouble you are causing, Roo.
A fucking understatement but Lucifer won't argue. This is trouble, but a million times worse.
Lucifer: Let's go.
At one corner of Sloth, the Sins and the other higher powers of Hell have just finished another round of the sealing ritual. They've been going at it a month straight, there is no end in sight, and they are exhausted. Even Alastor is mostly drained as he is leaning a lot on his cane.
Beelzebub: Fuck! I knew this wasn't going to be easy but what the fuck?!
Someone scoffs.
Vox: Maybe if our dear king is here this would be over. Like, where the fuck is he huh??
Leviathan: Don't forget who you are speaking to, filthy sinner!
Vox: Oh boohoo. If we're all gonna die anyway, why should I be afraid of you? Should've known that absentee of a ruler left us all to rot after damning us here in the first place-
Vox suddenly finds a giant hand wrapped around his throat. It took him a few seconds of reconfiguration before he clearly saw who the fuck-
Vox: Fuckin- gah! Alastor!
Alastor has transformed into a taller, lankier, and more sinister of himself. Eyes turned into radio dials, face, and body adorned with glowing green stitches like a puppet whose master has on a string.
Alastor: Shouldn't frivolous televisions come with a silent setting?
Vox: Fuck! Off!
Alastor: Hahaha! What is the matter, Vox? You seem to have developed the illusion that you are the strongest person in the room. Shall I remind you of what came about your moth friend?
Velvette: You better let him go, old man!
Velvette yelled to back up Vox. She flinches as Alastor turns his head in her direction with a sickening snap of his neck.
Not wanting to back off, she was about to argue more when Carmila stepped in.
Carmila: Velvette! Cease this at once. Do you and the Vees have no self-preservation??
Velvette: Well- I- Vox's right and you lot know it! Great Lucifer called us all here, basically threatened us to help him fix a mess he caused, then fucks off to God knows where leaving us to practically kill ourselves for a mess, again, HE CAUSED!
The Sins and Goetia's have now transformed into their more monstrous forms at hearing the disrespect the lowly sinner said about their King.
Velvette and Vox are saved from near-permanent death by a commanding voice.
Lucifer: Kneel.
Everyone's bodies acted on their own. Their knees bled from the sudden contact on the ground.
None of them could move- try as they might. Their air became heavier, plus with the miasma, a lot of them were gasping for air. Nothing is coming in. They can't breathe. They can't-
They look up to see the King of Hell and an unknown woman. Unknown to most but the Sins very much recognize her as indicated by the widening of their eyes.
Satan: Goodie!
The woman giggles and waves cheerfully as if there wasn't a looming threat in the air.
Goodie: My, my. What big mouths you have~
What to look forward to in Part 13:
Some talks and reprimanding.
Another round of ritual.
The situation becomes worse.
Lucifer and Goodie's solution.
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archivalofsins · 3 months
Lope: Ah, another pain. What are these two twins? Well difficult pairs are hard to come by now a days. Maybe they could work well together? Hopefully it's not a case of like repelling like.
Lope's Commencement
Daniel Prisoner 001
002 - Mirelle Apte
Place of Birth: London, England
Date of Birth: 09/15/2007
Age: 16
Ethnicity: Indian
She has a proper demeanor befitting of her prisoner colour. Directly underneath that is an aggressively forward woman. Lacking patience, she started investigating our facility as soon as she could. A trait that would be more desirable if she were a guard. Any wannabe guards should follow her example. Information doesn’t just come to a person, sometimes you need to search for it.
The guards those cottontails pick are rather unthinkinking to take a turn of phrase from one of my superiors. They couldn’t follow a lead even if they slapped a GPS in some of their hands. Atrocious. Ah sorry I got distracted...
Since she is not a guard her behavior is very frustrating. Incidentally, she also appears to be scheming with Milko- a pain in the making. Make sure they don't cause too much trouble.
Prisoner Color: #280137
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Permanent record Apte has a history of good attendance and is a B grade student. However, with enough application of effort, we expect her to progress up to an A grade average. Apte is attentive in class. However, she doesn't participate much and is prone to verbal altercations when interacting with peers.
Dear Mirelle Apte,
Your application for our foreign exchange program has been accepted. This is a pivotal step in pursuing higher education for you. This will not only expand your educational prowess but your social aptitude as well. Our staff will be there to aid you during every step of this monumental process.
Make sure to pull up your information online and check that you are committed to this by changing your status to such. We can't wait to have you here in Wisconsin for the remainder of your sophomore and junior year.
To all parents and students,
It has come to our faculty's attention that some students have been putting up fliers around the school with vulgar language and a student's personal contact information on it. The students responsible can consider this their first and final warning to stop. Harassment of any kind is not allowed on this premises.
These fliers and the messages on them do not reflect any of our students' character or the mannerisms our school wishes to foster. If this does not cease immediately, we may need to reexamine the privileges given to our students in order to properly reflect the sort of people they feel inclined to be at this moment.
There are many events that have yet to transpire this school semester. With those in mind really reflect on the individuals you wish to be and the sort of school year you wish to have.
Vice Principal XXXXX
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Dear students and parents,
As a result of the continued vandalism. Sophomore class b will be excluded from further school functions until the vandalizer is found or comes forward. That is all. The behavior exhibited by sophomore class b along with the harassment of any student will not be tolerated.
Vice principal XXXXX
Lope: Ah, for those interested. I'm a jackrabbit not a cottontail. Please don't mistake me for one of the higher ups. They wouldn't like it and I'd definitely hate it. Sorry to burst the cute little image of me you undoubtedly had in your head.
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daniel-profeta · 1 year
top 10 songs of all time?
Changes everyday, but in no particular order some of my more consistent favorites are:
The front bottoms - Twin Sized Mattress
Car Seat headrest - Kimochi Warui *so many options here, but to pick one from this band...*
Tool - Lateralus
The Mountain Goats - Best Ever Death Metal Band Out of Denton
Phoebe Bridgers - I Know the End
Elliott Smith - King's Crossing
AJJ - People II The Reckoning
At this point I started to think harder about the songs that have meant the most to me throughout my life and as I've gotten older. For example, I like a lot of Bright Eyes songs more than First day, but that song has had way more impact on me. I play it all the time, the lyrics are permanently imprinted in my mind, and to me it's one of the most beautiful and vulnerable love songs ever written. With that in mind more and more "important" songs started coming to mind.
8. Alex G - Forever 9. Bright Eyes - First Day of My Life 10. Johnny Hobo - New Mexico Song
Now I have ten, that was easy.
I remembered that one Demarco song that makes me cry everytime I hear it. Got to include that. How many times have I listened to the Glow pt 2 during the summer? How could I leave off something from Porcupine Tree, the band that I once considered my favorite band of all time? So I kept going, through names and bands that I collect like emotional trophies, not wanting to leave anything out. They all mean so much, it's honestly pathetic. I used to hyperfixate on things like Zelda and Star Wars, then I found this shit and my brain chemistry has been altered ever since.
11. Mac Demarco - Moonlight on the River 12. Mitski - Texas Reznikoff 13. The Microphones - I Want the Wind to Blow 14. Pigeon Pit - Nights like These 15. Radiohead - Exit Music 16. The Crane Wives - Never Love an Anchor
Funny how quickly a song can feel like home. That Crane Wives song technically shouldn't even be here, I only heard it for the first time a few weeks ago. Yet maybe listening to it 30 times since qualifies it for consideration. Phoebe Bridgers has a lyric in one of her songs about wishing she had written something instead of the original artist, but she can't cause they said it first. So instead she'll learn their song and sing until the feverish inspired feeling fades away in a voyeuristic catharsis.
I think about that line constantly. Also quickly want to mention here that I'm more of an album guy. I try to listen to full records to try an experience the full piece of art the creator made. So while no song off The Downward Spiral is on my list of favorite songs, that was and is one of the most impactful albums to me as a teenager.
17. Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere but not Here 18. XTC - Dear God 19. Wilco _ I am trying to break your heart 20. NIN - Burn 21. Lucy Dacus - Night Shift 22. Haley Heynderickx - Oom Sha La La 23. Swans - New Mind
Swans was hard, because there were a few songs that meant a lot to me. But ultimately there wasn't one more visceral or frankly more evil sounding than New Mind. Love the themes, love the singing style, love the backing yells, love the industrial outro, love the faint organ, love everything about that damn song.
The list kept getting longer, and for each song I was writing a paragraph to explain my choice lol. After the first like 15 I decided to stop doing that for the sake of your eyes and for risk of sounding redundant. But a major thing I love about some of these songs are how inspirational they are. Twin Sized Mattress, Denton Metal Band, Story of an Artist, they all paint a picture of the type of person I want to be. The type of art I will always support. The thing I hope to one day inspire in other people.
When you punish a person for dreaming their dream don't expect them to thank or forgive you. The best ever death metal band out of Denton, will in time both outpace and outlive you.
Those words could honestly save someone's life, it's crazy.
24. A Perfect Circle - Three Libras 25. Deftones - Rosemary 26. Frank Ocean - Ivy 27. November Suite - The Tower 28. Daniel Johnston - Story of an Artist 29. Sloppy Jane - Jesus and Your Living Room Floor 30. Big Thief - Not 31. Tyler the Creator - Boredom 32. Duster - The Landing 33. The Velvet Underground - Sunday Morning 34. The Voidz - Human Sadness 35 - 108. System of a Down - (every song) 109. Death Grips - Beware
Okay, threw these and now dozens more names are crowding my brain, and this incredibly pretentious post must come to an end. Long story short, I only have one song left to share, but each of these song has a very personal connection to me. Certain ones (like that tool song) actually changed the way I look at the world and helped me through dark periods of my life.
Many of them inspire me, some of them are just beautiful in a broken and real sorta way, and all of them feel human. The art represents something bigger than itself and the ambition knows no bounds. These songs changed my world for the better, and if you read this you are now obligated to listen to all of them.
I could ramble about music till the end of time:)
finally 110. 100 Gecs - Money Machine
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becoming queer
read about this project on my website
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view on my website (srsly check it out i figured out how to make the cursor trail sparkles)
when i started this project i was planning to write about gender, but i was surprised to find that most of what i've written about has been the platonic/romantic binary and how it doesn't make sense to me. there's also a theme here about not fitting into labels & the pressure to find the "right" one(s). (and i want to be clear that at this time i don't really like to use labels & don't want suggestions) but most importantly, there's a theme of love-your-friends-and-stop-worrying-about-being-too-gay. highly recommend
full text below:
Monday, March 29, 2010 So yesterday I found out what "lesbian" means I don't understand how girls think guys are "hot". I don't think girls are "hot" either. 5/10/11 part of me has already accepted the idea that I don't like boys and I kinda like girls part of me insists I'm not attracted to either but I don't think that part is right I might be asexual though September 2011 "it's fine if you're asexual I'm just against lesbians but I'd still be your friend if you were one" 11/17/2013 3:08 PM what qualifies love from love if gender is out of the question? [separate, undated entry] And then suddenly I started liking this other girl and now I like the two of them equally one is like anti-gay have no interest in ever having a boyfriend..... I don't think I get crushes on either boys or girls (if someone would define "crush" for me that might be helpful.) Fears 11/16/13 why do I have to fit under a label what if it's wrong? what if this is all in my head and I really am straight and I just haven't found "the right one" yet? 2/16/14 there is no coming out for me me without my definitive label 3/24/2014 2:04 PM It's hard for me to Find an identity When I don't quite fall Into your straightened categories We all know I am not male, But I am not a "woman" I am just I The artist, architect of words 7/7/2014 2:07 PM just because you know my secret on a legal document does not give you the right to change my identity 7 May 2014 Without the gender binary, or the belief that there are only two genders, gender becomes a very abstract concept and is difficult to define. 8 December 2014 I have been completely fascinated with gender socially constructed March 17th, 2015 what is romantic love? do I love this person romantically or platonically? maybe I was just too scared to be a lesbian, Now I'm like, I'm asexual but I just do not know what romantic love is and that is why I think I might be quoiromantic. What is in between? i don't know what my romantic orientation is because i am not romantically or platonically attracted to people but somewhere in the middle for a lot of people and what do i do 15 December, 2016 And if gender is permanent, how do we explain people whose gender changes throughout life? September 10th, 2016 you once said that you didn't think anyone would ever love you and i almost said that i already did September 12th, 2016 why can't everyone just be polyamorous? October 18th, 2016 11:11pm # internalized homophobia being Out. i'm not out. i love girls, okay? being misgendered constantly. it's so exhausting. i don't have the energy to have the gender 101 talk every. single. time. no one fucking cares about my special snowflake gender i think some people think i do it intentionally to make my life harder. i just want to be myself and i have so much dysphoria December 4th, 2016 i think i could be polyamorous March 4th, 2017 and i stopped saying 'no romo' because i still have so much internalized homophobia April 22nd, 2018 it's not just a level of how much I love someone but also how emotionally connected to them I feel, and how much I want to spend time with them.. and how much I trust them I don't know if I can categorize this as romance but I definitely want it to be equivalent in importance to a romantic relationship, and I just feel like too many people think my experience isn't real June 13th, 2019 I feel like I'm starting to understand a reality where I don't need to assign everyone into two categories because they are just social constructs I feel romantic toward my friends because I love them, but that doesn't mean that we're going to be Married and Monogamous I don't know if I am also polyamorous or if I only think I'm polyamorous because I feel so disconnected, experiencing the world this way, but I think it opens a door to a whole new world to allow myself to fully love my friends
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wileyfern · 1 year
sims tag
i got tagged by @akitasimblr & @wastelandwhisperer ❤️
1. What’s your favourite sims death? death by flies!
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? maxis mix! I like alpha-y clothes but mm hairs
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? nope
4. Do you use move objects? it’s permanently turned on in my game thanks mccc
5. Favorite mod? oof this is hard i like the health, eye care, and dental mods those add some fun little gameplay things
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? i got get to work, cool kitchen, and dine out all at the same time
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? LIVing idk why lol i think it’s aLIVE but i say the opposite
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? you want me to choose!? Ugh idk Ce is one of my fav ocs
9. Have you made a simself? I do kinda 1 & 2
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? loaded question lol. geek, clumsy, animal enthusiast, loves the outdoors, and outgoing
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? ooo the red is nice but the new neutral dusty white swatch is my fav
12. Favorite EA hair? i literally dont know 😭
13. Favorite life stage? i play with YA the most but probably infants or toddlers
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? i mean i mostly do gameplay but i will be in the mood to build from time to time its only residential tho i cant make a community lot at all
15. Are you a CC creator? i have made a few recolors for personal use but thats really it. ive made conversions too but nothing ive released or plan too unless i get more free time
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? lol yeah i have simblr friends ive been SUPER inactive tho lol
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) 3 is probably my fav but i really do enjoy 4. 2 will always amazing that’s how i got introduced and i will always love it
18. Do you have any sims merch? not that i can think of
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? nope
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I USED TO USE ALPHA HAIR. thats all thats how its changed. i went really mm after the alpha hair and now ive been more mix the last few years
21. What’s your Origin ID? oh um wileyfern i think i dont actually know
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? lol uhh too many
23. How long have you had a simblr? 2017?? maybe 16. it was active in spurts when i first started
24. How do you edit your pictures? RESHADE, lol that does all the work. oil paint, smart sharpen, and increase/decrease brightness when needed
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? at this point i dont even know. horseys please ❤️ just more worlds actually thats what i want
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? island living, cottage living, uhh idk i like a lot of them
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fixomnia-scribble · 2 years
Criminal Minds: Evolution (aka Season 16) is off to an incredible start. Spoilers and pics below the cut. Messer and the team have pulled off the tricky balance between taking us back to familiar places and faces, and finding new energy as well as new problems to contend with in new ways.
Below be spoilers.
Firstly, this is a welcome-back to the characters, not a plot analysis. I’m intrigued by the idea of a season-long arc, and I think it’s an interesting concept: how pandemic life may have altered crimes that depend on predator access to people out in public.
One comment I’ve seen online, about the psychological game the killers are playing, is: “Isn’t it horribly ableist to show the choice between permanent disability and death this way?” And this is my response, as a non-disabled person: I think the point was to make the viewer think that. I think the point was to make people think, hang on, would I actually pick death over permanent paralysis? Wouldn’t there be plenty to fight for and ways to live? But this is just me.
Let me just get the predictable out of the way: everyone is back, if only name-dropped a couple of times, and they look amazeballs. Age and experience are cool, network people. So far there’s no word on whether Gubler and Henney will sign on for future episodes, but they are clearly missed and not forgotten, while on supposed secret assignments.
Prentiss is the new Strauss, dealing with the budget-bleating Dep Dir Bailey, a spindly, grinning 30-year-old with his eye on a top job. He probably hasn’t been in the field since Academy, has no respect for Prentiss and has no idea what hell he is in for.
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Lewis is her usual powerhouse self, still relatively fresh in her mental outlook compared to the long-time agents who have gone though bitterness and back together. She’s also dating a lady powerhouse at DoJ, thereby becoming CM’s first canonically queer BAU agent. The world does not end, and Prentiss’ response is that it’s nice to have someone so happy in the office - and that Tara’s going to get so much shit from the team - simply for making such a catch, and dating someone over at DoJ.
(Note: thanks to the eagle-eyed forum spotters who noted Tara’s plaid jacket and closeup of her nice short manicure as a little extra bi-coding. Whether it was intentional or not, you’re right, that’s hilarious!)
Which brings me to the next point: there is cussing! A lot of it! Because this is on streaming, not cable! Rossi and Prentiss, predictably, get to drop all the bombs, some of them fairly large. Not only is it disarmingly natural, but it feels like a relief. Of course these two have been cussing all the way through - we’re just now getting to sit at the big kids’ table and hear it.
Here’s hoping we get to hear Prentiss cussing in multiple languages.
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Rossi is having a Truly Awful Year. Having re-married his third wife at the end of S 15, he’s been grieving (or trying not to) since her death from an undisclosed illness a year ago. He’s living in a basic commuter hotel to avoid rattling around his mansion alone, living on room service, a landslide of case notes, a couple changes of clothes, Alka-Seltzer and eyedrops and microwaved pasta (!) He’s abrasive and snappish and obsessed with the case, and the higher-ups are noticing.
Each member of the BAU tries to reach him, clearly not for the first time.
Prentiss’ intervention scene just slew me. She threw everything she had into it, all her affection and hard-earned wisdom and shared grief, and he quietly handed it all back with “You’re a better person than me, Emily. And I’m okay with that.”
(Confession: even with Rossi in the depths of grief, Shipper!Me is still jumping around going is it finally time for these two?? I have headcanoned them as being friends with extended benefits for years, whenever both are fancy-free and in the same city. They get each other on a very deep level and they’re friends, first and foremost. They could light a fire and yammer about old-school sci-fi writers all night, or shut up and hit the sheets together to forget a bad case.
The last scene in which they’re obviously and appreciatively checking each other out and cracking jokes about not getting laid is not helping.)
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Alvez is doing his best largely a solo agent, since the team have been split up into single SSA units rather than partners. He consults with JJ regularly, and she backs him up in dealing with Rossi’s outbursts. We get less insight into his inner life than the others, but it’s clear he’s concerned about the team, and is trying to bring in enough solves to prove their worth.
Penelope! Is! Back! She’s living her best damn life, and has new firm boundary skills. As always, she has a lot going on - her Anglophile Baking Club, and mentoring small genius security network coders on the super-secure young adult chat site she developed, for starters. The look on her face when Alvez knocks on her door is priceless, as is their banter, picked up without a pause from S15. (I may have replayed, “Take your carbs and exit, sir”, a few times.)
Garcia’s turn at Getting Through to Rossi is magic. Whether she had the right words or whether it was just the right time makes no difference - it was a gorgeous scene. The power of Garcia is highest when she is just herself, not trying to offer well-known words of advice. She manages to deliver a sound waking-up as well as a shift in perspective. And clearly he hadn’t let anyone hug him in a long time. Clingy Rossi is rather sweet, but don’t tell him that.
In contrast, the lighting as Rossi leads Garcia back to her old lair is like returning to Kansas before the tornado. I hoped for a moment that her decorations would still be up, but as we enter, we see tidy piles of boxes, a rank of dark monitors on the grey walls, and a starkly clean desk. But as she logs in, each monitor pops awake in determined pastels, and we see her retrieve the pink post-it note that she’d left for the next incumbent of the room - not knowing it would be her. We don’t see what she wrote, and we never will, and that’s as it should be. It’s a wrench seeing her step back into the darkness of her old life, but it’s also a triumph. She’s still got it, and it’s on her terms now.
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Lastly, but far from least, JJ quietly shines in these opening episodes as a stalwart, seasoned profiler, nearing the top of her current skill set and about ready for a bump up the ladder. She’s been emotionally anchoring the team while trying to work harder than ever to ensure their future as a unit, and it’s telling on her. She and Will hardly see each other, Henry has his first girlfriend, and she’s missing them all. But she’s resourceful as ever, and Will is his rock-solid self. They’ll find ways to make their schedules, um, meld together. On the kitchen counter if need be.
(If Rossi retires and he and Prentiss get together and JJ steps up as the new Hotch and maybe gets to stay in DC more, and if they get the jet back along with Reid and Simmons...)
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kasarawolf · 11 months
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9. Chapter 1 has quite a bit of info dumping. This is because the story takes place 20 years after Future Trunks defeated the androids, so it’s been awhile since the end of that storyline in Z~!
10. Bulma is in her early 70’s in the story! Trunks would be around 40, but due to being in Conton City for various amounts of time, he has aged much slower.
11. Much larger species, like Dragons and Dinosaurs, are extinct in Future Trunks/Kota’s timeline. This is because when the Androids were ravaging the Earth, the planet couldn’t sustain such massive creatures and they eventually all died out. RIP.
12. Conton City is “the Future,” timeline, Future Trunks Timeline is “Present” and the Original Timeline (Where Goku and co reside) is the “Past.” These 3 branches make up “The Main Timeline.” More info about this will be added to my Guide Book once I draw up all the necessary pics!
13. History is not recorded in the Crack of Time. So anything that happens in there is permanent. This is due to Time not existing there. So no redo's or changing history in there!
14. Conton’s history is one long big scroll with no breaks in it, due to it being “the Future” so the Future is always being written upon!
15. Kota is Demisexual. (Even though it’s never said openly in story) I never saw him as someone that would actively date/chase/crush on someone right from the get go in his creation 14 years ago. It wasn’t until Xenoverse 2’s release is when I realllyyy started to think about a potential partner for him. His 3 possible love interests, were my oc's, Gigen, Tomata and an un-named girl (who is STILL in the story, just not named yet lol) However, right from the start, they never really meshed well with him and were quickly dropped. But he could not be forever single, because parts of his character wanted that connection with someone. And thennnn Fu was introduced in 2018 and his personality meshed well with Kota’s, and I was like “oh yup. There he is! Freakin finally the quest for your Significant other is over,” and the rest is history~ and who doesn’t love a “Hero” and “Villain” characters, secretly dating on the side. Just me? Oh. Alrighty then ^_^;
16. There are real world references in the story! Mostly to make it easier to write. Though some things, have off brands/non copyrighted stuff for them made up. Other World references mostly come from Kota, Sakana or TWIG. This is because Sakana, the previous Hero, is from “Other World.” And since Sakana is Kota’s mom, well, no need to explain that xD
17. How the story is written info! A lot of the characters can be unreliable narrators when telling the story. Since the story is told mostly in Kota’s POV and his POV is just all over the place (and then by arc two, Fu’s is incorporated in as well) Sooo yeaahh, good luck with figuring what’s true and what’s not xD (Unless another character confirms the other characters beliefs, which does happen lol) The whole story however, is written in 3rd person.
18. More writing facts. I intentionally gave some lines in the story double meanings. 2 examples (Spoilers removed from both)
EX. 1 Who's thoughts are they? Kota's? Fu's?? BOTH???
Though some thoughts may seem like they are written to be attached to a certain character (very intentional) It never specifies who's thought's we are seeing, (With saying Kota thinks or Fu thinks) during this set scene. Mostly all up to your interpretation as the reader.
EX.2 Is he talking about someone else being alright? Or himself?
This one is one of those "double meanings" segments. Again, mostly up to the interpretation of the reader!
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Aman Sahni
It was 24th Oct 2014, I was in gym and doing my exercises. While returning back to my house, I felt there is something wrong near my stomach, thought that might be some muscle stiffness due to my exercises, it kept me hurting for 48 hours. Went to a doctor he suggested ultrasound, but that came normal and I was diagnosed with muscle stiffness but pain was still on. Same night it was intense, I didn’t know what to do. I went to Fortis, Gurgaon in emergency and got all tests done and then finally I was diagnosed with Acute Pancreatitis. This was the first time I came to know about this disease Pancreatitis. Doctor said it generally happens due to alcohol and gallstones, but my case was not fitting into any of the group no gallstones no history of alcohol too. He said it might be idiopathic. Anyhow, I was discharged in a confused state after 3 days of treatment. But it again came to me on 30 Nov 2014, some told me it can be recurring in nature. Now, I went through MRCP, EUS and all other blood tests, MRCP showed some inflammation in head of pancreas and EUS also showed some changes of Acute Pancreatitis. Again after 3 days of initial treatment, I was discharged with some gas tablets along with painkillers. I was doing good, thought it was a bad past which has passed and good times are back but was wrong. I got an attack again on April 16, 2015 and that too with intense pain. Again went through blood tests with repeat EUS and dynamic MRI. This time EUS showed microlithiasis. I thought atleast now I have a reason for the disease. But doctors ruled that out too, they said microlithiasis can be or cannot be the cause for my pancreatitis. 3 days hospitalization and discharged with same medicines. I had another attack on 15 May 2015, now it became matter of concern for me as it was coming too frequently. Visited all possible doctors including big notches of Medicity, AIIMS, Fortis but with the same answer ‘No cure, time will guide, hold on!’ I spent tons of hours on internet searching treatment for pancreatitis all over the world. I read many blogs and comments on many websites to find out the permanent cure for problem. But I could not find even a single person, doctor or hospital saying that they have overcome this problem. My search landed me to www.ayurvedapancreatitisclinc.com. Not wasting much time, I went there on June 1 for the treatment. In-patient treatment helped me to learn good eating habits and lifestyle. Facilities here are with AC rooms, 24 hour availability of treating vaidyas. All vaidyas here were very helpful and caring to patients even in midnight and early hours. I completed 400 days of Ayurvedic treatment under the guidance of Vaidya Balendu and felt great. No attacks till date which were frequent before taking Ayurvedic therapy. Even all my blood test are normal which were elevated before, I have regained my health and confidence, what else needed. Vaidya Ji's treatment is based on the concept of mineral formulation. And all the patients who want to take this treatment must keep in mind that medicine is only a part of the treatment. If one wants to be cured he must check his dietary habits and lifestyle along with medicine. Do not waste your time and effort here and there and suffer with other treatments like stents, surgery, any others. I strongly recommend this treatment for Chronic Pancreatitis no matter what stage it is.
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