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bittersweetresilience · 11 months
miraculous masterpost 🦚
sentitwin soulmate au (Félix and Adrien are soulmates. Amélie and Emilie used to be just as close. Ongoing.) ghost félix au (Félix just wanted it to stop hurting. Ongoing.) sentitwin omori au (Adrien wakes up. Emilie is home. Ongoing.)
never been in love (Félix comes to terms with being aromantic.) metempsychosis (Félix is in a time loop.) i've drowned and dreamt this (Adrien has a problem.) no one listens to the dead (Félix and Adrien switch places.) oh, no, not again (For Félix, time travel is a dangerous thing.) band-aid (Adrien helps Félix through a panic attack.) for what we've done (During Emotion, Marinette chooses differently.) garden of dreams (Adrien takes care of Félix when he dissociates.) i want to hold the hand inside you (Félix gives Marinette his ring.) loose leaves (Marinette shares a morning with Félix and Kagami.) come alive when the light dies (Ladybug remembers Patte de Velours in the Burrow.) in certain light, i can plainly see (Félix lets Marinette kiss his hand.) handle with care (Félix takes Adrien to meet his horse.) aftertaste (Ladybug brings Adrien to a picnic date.)
better left unsaid (Snake Noir visits Félix after Réplique.) brave, truthful, and unselfish (Five times Félix lied to Adrien.) ephialtes / reverie (Félix survives the night of the Diamonds' Dance.) sleep (Runaway Chat Noir and Félix have a conversation.)
and a couple others i haven't made posts for which you can find here!
why félix makes me insane why i read félix as aromantic why félix would go by his father's last name random félix defenses in my stash timeline of félix events
félix and flairmidable as pandora's myth félix as a classical or method actor sentitwin sun and moon symbolism
sentitwin soulmate au meta / more / more
every scene where the miraculous theme song plays in minor definitely not every scene where in the rain plays
parallels between marinette, adrien, gabriel, and émilie parallels between exaltation and chat blanc parallels between gabemilie and feligami
french history and gabriel's color palette plikki at the end of the world
adrien agreste and borderline personality disorder
félix fathom amélie graham de vanily felinette / more / more philosophy / more the whiteness of the whale hearth and thirteen paris special chat blanc twins / more feligami ladyvelours team is a four letter word
how far we've come / miraculous ladybug i could fight on a wall / ladynoir emperor's new clothes / félix fathom i can't decide / félix fathom end credits / felinette this side of paradise / ladrien savior / ladyblanc tightrope / djwifi are you bored yet? / kuro neko way down we go / félix fathom
émilie agreste kitty section
sentitwins felinette / more / more / more feligami / more félix fathom the wish
fic recs
félix sentitwins feligami ladynoir
miraculous frozen au miraculous infinity train au
murder at the graham de vanily dinner party birds of a feather
as time goes by podfic
thirteen poem félix poem
in the rain a capella
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girlatrocity · 5 months
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it's never over, she's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever
inspo credits to "Veil" by @/_K0TTERl_
ochako ver
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hamsternamedmarinette · 2 months
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Hello everyone, here is a comic. I drew this the way I draw all of my comics: with one person (me) and with a punchline planned from the start. Any other way to draw a comic would be very silly and would require me to tag people like @buggachat and @ladybeug if they were somehow in any way involved in the comic making process. Which they weren't. I drew this solo and by myself.
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the-vengeful-demon · 5 months
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kvothes · 8 months
louise glück was an tremendous poet in her own life and also taught, advised, and nurtured uncountable other poets. her picking richard siken’s crush for the yale younger poets prize is a well known fact, but she selected a number of other poets for publication during her tenure as the contest judge that i think are worth knowing.
peter streckfus, cuckoo (2003)
richard siken, crush (2004)
jay hopler, green squall (2005)
jessica fisher, frail-craft (2006)
fady joudah, the earth in the attic (2007)
arda collins, it is daylight (2008)
ken chen, juvenilia (2009)
katherine larson, radial symmetry (2010)
poetry is a community! read her—and also read the poets she wanted to promote.
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l0nelywitchversion · 7 months
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disappointeddyke · 8 months
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dyke bod
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crowleyanthonys · 1 month
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"In the background Crowley and Aziraphale met on the tops of buses, and in art galleries, and at concerts, compared notes, and smiled."
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, published May 10, 1990
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Okay so we all saw Alloplush's animatic of Alastor and Lucifer singing the Masochism Tango, right?
I have to say that this is my favorite part of this animatic!
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Look how fucking ecstatic Alastor looks being with Lucifer as he brings them back into a dance...
And Lucifer's very soft smile and slight blush at Alastor, they look so damn HAPPY being in each other's presence like I- 🫠
Edit: Oh, and I forgot to mention Alastor's EAAAARRRSS 😭
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carpisuns · 1 year
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you are an artist and your heart is your masterpiece
and i’ll keep it safe
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tragedy-machine · 9 days
Listen, listen, listen, imagine Charles making a grand romantic gesture to confess to Edwin, he makes it really special, VERY obviously romantic
They're talking, they're bantering, and eventually, Charles sees his chance and tells Edwin, "I love you"
Edwin blushes and naturally says it back
And Charles is super happy, like "Yes! I finally did it, we're finally dating!" ...meanwhile, Edwin did not get that it was a date and a romantic confession
So we see them go about their days and solve cases while Charles thinks they're together and assumes Edwin is too shy to kiss him, but he's waiting for an opportunity to do it one day because he really wants to, but he can be patient for Edwin
And Edwin is just like, "Charles’s been more affectionate with his touch recently, I don't know what that's about, but it's nice"
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tuba-david · 2 months
Odysseus in Just A Man: how could i hurt you?
Odysseus in Monster:
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swearphil · 3 months
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smoosie · 4 months
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Thought it would be nice to have ALL the parts for the South Downs Cottage series in ONE post ;)
+ bonus sketch under the cut
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whollyjoly · 2 months
i want the whole SEASON of bucktommy
i want buck being wooed - flowers and being taken out and a little protective hand on the small of his back
i want to hear all the soft ways tommy can say evan and the look on buck's face when he does
i want to see them at tommy's karaoke trivia place because holy shit buck would love it (and didnt oliver say that we're getting buck singing this season cause uhhhhh)
i love that this is such a fling, such a happy thing for buck - he is finally feeling that puzzle piece click into place and it is freeing
and i cant wait to see all the small ways we see that play out!!!
let buck be happy challenge 2k24!!!!
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esperastra · 9 months
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- Can I ask you a personal question? - No. - Can I anyway? - Yes.
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