#∅ astral project
astro-pioneer · 8 months
I applaud everyone who writes in docs first then transfers over to tumblr I tried it and could not write for the life of me
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caitmayart · 4 months
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THE MALL HAS BEEN REVEALED!!! Honestly this was one of my favorite backgrounds to work on, and the amount of silly shit I was able (and encouraged!) to include is ridiculous ♥ Love this show!
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tia-222 · 5 months
Arlinski Method to enter the void state effortlessly ♡
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Hiii my loves, today I would like to introduce you guys to a great time transposing method that was developed back in the 1980's to travel through different realities, but the fun part is we are gonna use it for the void state. It's super fun and easy method and hardly even spoke about in our community. The reason I want to share this method because I absolutely love methods that were developed in the 19's, the methods were practical and easy. The fun part is it takes about 10 minutes, ready to enter the void state? 🖤
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What is the Arlinski method :
The transposing method is taking your consciousness,and body at times to another place or the void state. You can do this while walking, sitting it laying down. There's no hazards attached to this method. You need no guide. You are control of every single thing. Do what you want with this method, you are unlimited. Transposing is like dreaming, but this is another dimensional experience all together. You will have no fears or beliefs, just command yourself to be in the void and you will.
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How to do the Arlinski method :
1. Find a comfortable quiet place, where you can either lay on your back or side. You can even do this before bed or in the morning <3.
2. As you laying down, slow down and relax your body TOTALLY. To help, tell yourself " relax, relax , relax, ". Let go of everything and de - tense all muscle's.
A simple technique to do this goes like this : tighten all your muscles, hold it, release it all slowly and relax.
3. Remember you are not clearing out all your thoughts, but watching them come and go. Your thought process will naturally begin to slow down.
4. Begin to slow your body down. Don't strain yourself in this doing this. Don't push this breathing, keep it relaxed. Slow down your breathing, Taking less air, each time your breathe. Slowing your breathing will help relax your body and slow it's function. As your breathing slows, it will obtain a certain rhyme and you will begin to experience vibration because your body will start to synchronise. Among these experiences, you will ringing in your eyes, your body will start to tingle, these just symptoms that you avoid ignore because you body is starting to separate it's consciousness. You will feel a shift in vibrations and you will feel a wave come over you as you reach full body synchronisation. You will feel a detached feeling from your body or even a floating feeling. This is you and your body syncing together. They are ready to be directed by you and your place of choosing. You are pilot, the navigator giving your mind instructions to take you to your desired place. You can repeat the word " void , void' . And your mind will instantly take you there.
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Summary of the Arlinski method :
♡ Relaxation: Start by relaxing your mind and body. Find a comfortable, quiet space where you won't be disturbed.
♡ Breathing Control: Gradually slow down your breathing. Take deep, slow breaths, making sure not to strain or create tension.
♡ Body Synchronization: As you continue to slow your breath, your body will begin to synchronize. You might experience vibrations or sensations in your body, similar to ringing in your ears.
♡ High Vibration: Your body will reach a high-frequency vibration state, signifying the beginning of the transposing process.
♡ Transposing Phase: During this phase, you can guide your consciousness to any place or time you desire. Your mind will act as a navigator, and you provide clear instructions. Repeat " void , void, " and you'll be there Instantly.
Enjoy the Experience: Once you've arrived at your chosen reality, you can interact with it and enjoy the experience.
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rosieandthemoon · 9 months
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light as a feather
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voidprincess-1111 · 2 months
Hello, lovely people of Tumblr. I'm sure you're tired of seeing one challenge after another, and at this point you're tired of trying and giving up. But not anymore!
I was away for a few weeks now because I was focusing on learning the law properly. If you have followed me for a while, then you'd know I was pretty obsessed with void for months!
While I was away focusing on learning the law, I came across this post and decided to give it a try. This seemed like a promising method because it is similar to the phase method, but a lot less complicated. It gave me huge success in my very first try.
I wanted to attempt void through Lucid dreaming (which is evident if you see my previous posts) but the reddit post changed my mind and made everything a lot more simpler. This method is based on Astral projection, and as the diagram represents - it is much closer to void. Also, it is easier to have an AP compared to LD.
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void-dude · 1 year
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(Not canon to the AU but still fun)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (posts aren’t chronological with events in the AU)
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389 · 10 months
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"The Astral Body" 16x20 Oil on Panel 2019 Mark Rogers
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mademoisellevixen · 11 months
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Hello once again mortals. I have been quite inactive here on Tumblr but I am back with another blog. I have recently stumbled upon @gorgeouslypink ‘s most recent post which talks about commanding your mind to wake up in a ‘mind awake, body asleep’ state. Her research and method reminded me of a book that I have read about recently called ‘The Phase’ by Michael Raduga.
It is a proven technique and many came back to report their success with this method. Why this works so well is because you could dip into the half-asleep state, which is the golden ratio to experience all kinds of phenomenon such as manifestating, shifting, experiencing hypnagogia and even entering the void state. If you suck at meditating or simply have ADHD like me, this method is definitely a go-to.
₊‧ ༒ . . ݁٬ ࣪ ، 🕸️ ₊ ˖  ་
Reasons to why you should try this method
As I have said earlier on, this method is ADHD friendly. If you aren’t able to focus on a blank space for a long period of time, this method will be your best friend. I am more of a “step-by-step” kind of lady since I can’t, for the life of me, follow something so blindly.
This is method is also, in my opinion, one of the fastest ways I could get into the ‘mind awake, body asleep’ state with the least amount of effort. No matter what your goal is here, whether to shift, enter the void etc. this would be a go-to. I managed to astral project in a span of two days, just by using this method.
₊‧ ༒ . . ݁٬ ࣪ ، 🕸️ ₊ ˖  ་
How do we get into the golden state?
@gorgeouslypink have already explained it in one of her posts which I linked up on my blog, since it has already been summarised out. There is another post on it on Reddit as well which explains the method perfectly. I am way too lazy to re-explain so you can just refer to the links above.
You can try to affirm this very words as you fall asleep, memorising how it looks like behind the darkness of your eyelids:
“When I see this, I will remain completely still, with my eyes closed.”
Affirm as much as you think is sufficient for you before drifting asleep.
₊‧ ༒ . . ݁٬ ࣪ ، 🕸️ ₊ ˖  ་
Ending notes + tweaks
So in conclusion, try this sucker out and quit complaining about not getting what you desire for. This method is super simple that you could master it within a week of trying and I am not kidding lmao. Try to get the basis right first (waking up without moving your body nor opening you eyes) and you are good to go.
If you are not able to carry out the ‘Wake back to Bed’ technique for this method, I would suggest that you were to try it out with an alarm clock which switches off automatically after a few seconds of ringing. But I would highly recommend the original method since you are relying on your natural awakenings.
That’s it for now, mortals. Shoot me some questions if needed. Until we meet again.
~Vixen ⭑
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ailithnight · 11 months
DP x DC Prompt/Plotbunny #6
After days? weeks? months? years? in this mercy-forsaken lab, Danny finds himself slipping; his core straining under the weight of what he's been subjected to. In a last ditch effort to save his fracturing soul, his brain simply stops processing the pain and allows his mind to escape into a waking dream.
Danny knows it's a dream. If he thinks about it; he can still hear, see, feel the scientists at work. He doesn't think about it; instead embraces whatever false world his mind decides to concoct for him.
Several states away, a young boy opens his eyes to the inside of a strange pod in an abandoned lab. Though he cannot see it yet, a strange metal tag dangles from his ear, stamped on one side with the word 'CADMUS' and on the other with 'R-13'.
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astro-pioneer · 8 months
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Also CA saying that Shane's winter outfit is JojaMart's finest garbs was so funny next time, Shane lovers...next time
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ef-1 · 11 months
Red Bull plucking Rocky (Seb's race engineer, the guy that helped Seb to 4 back to back championships at RB) out of his mysterious high ranking dwellings in the factory, giving him an AT uniform and sending him into Daniel's garage to "keep an eye out on Daniel" literally WHAT ARE THEY COOKING
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tia-222 · 4 months
An instant technique for the void state 𖤐⭒๋࣭
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So if you looking to bypass the relaxation stage and end up straight into the void state, then I got you <3. I found this technique on shiftyourreality on reddit and while reading some comments, I saw a quite few number of people astral projected on their first try, I MEAN FIRST TRY COME ON!! This method is easy and does not require anything like meditating whatsoever.
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Instructions for this technique :
☯︎ Set an intention. Before falling asleep, say something like "when I wake up, I will remember not to move or open my eyes ". Now this will remind your subconscious what you're doing, because when we wake up sometimes we fall back asleep😭 or forget what we're trying to do. If you remember the technique, you can skip this step <3
☯︎ The second you find yourself awake, before moving or opening your eyes, immediately start affirming for the void state. And you'll enter it instantly.
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Why does this technique work?
" This method allows you to skip sleep paralysis and the vibrational state and move straight to the exit. You exit your body before you realize your body is paralyzed. " So basically it helps you skip all the needed steps to relax or enter sleep paralysis. "
This technique basically wakes up your energy body/astral body which is your consciousness, instead of meditating to reach deeper consciousness, just wake your energy body up and direct it into the void state by affirming.
I know this technique is short and simple, byeee because entering the void state is meant to be simple and easy. A lot of people succeeded with this on their first and second try and so will you!!!
𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑𖤐⭒๋࣭
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666candies · 10 months
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Spirit Body Consciousness by Byron Tik
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We can not handle another Jarthur divorce with John's new projecting power the next fight is straight up about to turn into the closest thing they can get to domestic abuse
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shootingstarwritings · 5 months
Body Surfing Lesson
“’Body surfing,’ is an important skill to learn as fledgling body possessors,” Gerald spoke to the hidden camera, putting on his teacher persona as best he could considering the ciscumstances. “Normally, it takes a lot of mana for us to take over other people, but the body surfing technique involves taking over multiple people over the course of a single day, using their own mana as a sort of ‘surfboard,’ to ride the waves of mana that flow inside of us all.” He inwardly cringed as he spoke, his current body very clearly unfitting for his lesson.
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Gerald had no idea who had come up with such awful terminology, but it was far too late to change that. The small yet tight-knit community the possessors in the area had formed needed to have a sense of unity. Too much innocent blood had been shed for shame to hold Gerald back. ‘Far too many of you have been lost for me to get cold feet now,’ he thought to himself. Taking a deep breath, he continued his explanation for the future viewers.
“I’ve already spent quite a lot of my own mana to possess this young man,” Gerald forced his host to say. What was his name again…? He focused, face visibly tightening before his eyes widened in realization. “Jerry! Huh, it’s so close to my name.” He winced and made a mental note to himself to delete that part of the video. “It was difficult, y’know,” he said, pacing around in Jerry’s underwear with very little shame. He couldn’t help but strut, already enjoying the tight muscle in this youthful form. “I had to float into his cute little butt to take him over.”
Gerald grinned and slapped Jerry’s butt, enjoying the slight jiggling. He thought back earlier today as he launched into a story of how he had taken Jerry over for his class.
Gerald’s misty form had crawled through the apartment building’s pipes, searching for a nice and hot host that would catch people’s eyes while he tried to educate them. Then, he found Jerry exiting the shower and clad in just a pair of new-age briefs. Gerald stared at it in confusion, unsure if this is really what the young ones were really wearing. ‘Am I getting old?’ Gerald had briefly mused before launching himself towards Jerry’s ass.
“AH! Woah, ahhh…!” Jerry collapsed on his stomach, ass facing the ceiling as Gerald’s essence took him over. “Ah, pl-please… help…!” gasped Jerry, his hips thrusting on their own as he lost consciousness.
“Mmm, nice…” Gerald muttered as he sat up. He rubbed his stomach and then his bare, youthful legs. “It’s been a while since I was someone so young. And so hairless,” he chuckled.
“And that’s what happened,” he finished for his class. “It was lucky that this young man enjoys filming so much. Now I’ve got a nice and high-quality camera for this lesson rather than some janky phone.” It truly had been serendipity for him. Gerald giggled as he sat cross-legged in front of the camera, enjoying just how his borrowed form felt so exposed and yet so confident in his near-nudity. “So, I’ve got a dilemma. I want to move on and yet I’m pretty much exhausted my mana supplies—the essence of the soul. Say I even got into the trouble and I have to evacuate for whatever reason. What could I do in this situation?”
Gerald waited a quick second before continuing, “If you don’t know, that’s fine. This technique’s quite advanced. Not even some of our more veteran community members have even mastered it. Yours truly, however,” Gerald paused to place a hand on his chest, making sure to lightly tweak a nipple, “is well-versed enough in the arts to enlighten you.”
It wasn’t a secret nor difficult to figure out the theoretical part, but it was a challenge to divert the flow of energy instead of letting it be lost to entropy. It was similar to having a rush of anger and trying to convert the energy of that anger to something productive. In other words, it was turning anger to passion, turning sadness to compassion, and turning joy to kindness. The emotion behind it was just as important, if not more so, than the actual intention. 
‘Easier said than done,’ Gerald thought. ‘Honestly, I’d have to do a one-on-one with all of these new possessors for them to even get proficient at it. However, just imparting the knowledge would be enough… for now, at least.’
“Now, I have invited my host’s friend to come over soon. Before he arrives, I’m going to start masturbating my host’s body and preparing my mana.” One of the ways that mana flowed was through bodily fluids, with semen being one of the most potent ones. The emotions surrounding a climax allows a large flow of magic to surge through and even be present in the semen that one shoots at that moment of peak pleasure. “I won’t use my own mana,” summarized Gerald, “but instead use this young man’s mana from his own climax to possess his friend, Mike.”
Gerald was about to continue, but bit his lower lip as he heard the faintest knock from the front door. Then, Mike’s voice called out to be let in.
Grinning, Gerald placed a finger to his lips and winked at the camera. “Let the show begin.” It wasn’t difficult to begin jacking off in this youth’s body. Even stroke felt like a lightning strike and even gasp was just fuel to Gerald’s fiery lust--now reborn in this young vessel… for the time.
“C-C’mon in,” Gerald forced Jerry to say. He had left the apartment’s front door unlocked on purpose. With any luck, Mike would get curious and explore the lustful noises straight to Jerry’s room. “Door’s unlocked.” Everything was falling into place. Gerald had seen a few pictures of Mike. He was a cute ginger with a good body that used to play hockey in high school. Though his sports days were behind him, Mike still regularly went to the gym to keep a nice form. “Mmm…!” The thought of taking over another young hunk, one with fiery curly hair that was so much like his own during his teenage years, almost made Gerald cum on the spot.
“Hurry up…!” Gerald hissed. Just how much more did his thick cock need to finally cum. It was such a tease--to be on the verge of cumming but not getting there quite yet. “You stupid fucking himbo, fucking cum already!” Although he was on the verge of running out of time, Gerald couldn’t help but find the verbal abuse arousing as well. “Cum for me, boy. Lemme feel that stallion cock of yours burst all over your hairless, himbo body…”
“Jerry? That you? What’re you doing…?” Gerald could hear Mike’s approaching footfalls, and that only made the whole situation more erotic. Before losing his body, Mike would see his best friend cum all over himself like a shameless exhibitionist. And then, Gerald would do the same thing to Mike. Forget the class or keeping the peace, Gerald could only think of hopping between men and turning each of them into cum-obsessed cocksuckers.
“Hrrngh! Oh god…!” 
Yes… it was approaching. All Gerald needed to really turn this body on as he cranked the cock was a bit of foreplay. His core was beginning to tense, and he could feel himself rush past the point of no return.
Right at the precise moment, the door opened. “Jerry, what the fuck?!” Mike cried out as he saw his best friend beating his meat without a lick of shame.
Grining, Gerald forced Jerry to shout, “I’m fucking cumming…!” as torrents of cum shot high into the air in Mike’s direction.
‘Now, give me your body, boy.’
Riding that climatic wave, Gerald used the large pool mana that Jerry’s young body was shooting to propel his soul forward. Even though all of his own energy was spent, he felt rejuvenated, as though he was 20 years younger, as Jerry came. However, just like a normal wave crashing into the sea, it would not last forever. The energy could not be stored, only spent in that very moment; but that small burst in power was all Gerald needed as he dove into Mike’s body.
“Oomph!” Mike huffed as the force of Gerald diving into his body was enough to knock him off balance. He fell backwards and hit the ground, body convulsing as an invisible, unknowable force began to take him over. “Wh-What the fuck…?!” was all he could say as a cold and numb sensation spread from the tips of his fingers and toes into his core. “H-Help… ohh… please don’t…” Mike reached a trembling arm towards the doorknob, his fingers twitching as they tried to find anything to grab onto.
By the time Mike’s fingers gripped the brass knob, Gerald was already in control. “Mmm… delicious.” Something that Gerald noticed from certain bodies was that they somehow had some kind of spiritual ‘flavor.’ Mike reminded him of strawberries in a shortcake somehow. He licked his lips and chuckled at the light bristle of Mike’s bushy and manly beard. “Trying to be a real man, boy?”
Gerald forced Mike to sit up and then lie on his stomach. “Just a young man trying to be a big boy,” he chuckled as he positioned Mike’s ass high in the air, wiggling his hips the whole time. “But then a real man like Gerald took over my body. All with my best friend’s spunk as a springboard. God, what kinda friend--what kinda man--am I for letting that happen?”
A horrible idea suddenly crossed Gerald’s mind. Crawling back into Jerry’s room, Gerald opened Mike’s mouth and began to suck the remaining cum off of Jerry’s still twitching cock. “God, Mike, you’re so virile. I’m so glad you’re this cumslut’s friend,” said Gerald. Then he realized that he was still supposed to be explaining a lesson. 
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Grabbing the camera, Gerald focused it on Mike’s face and began to speak. “Well, did you see that? I was all out of mana, but masturbating with a man’s other body, I was able to use his energy to possess this hunk of meat.” To illustrate his point, Gerald stripped most of Mike’s clothes until he was down to his boxer briefs. “See? And--” he stopped as he heard the front door open.
“Jerry? You home? What’d I tell you about leaving the front door unlocked?”
Jerry’s father. A tall and broad-shouldered man that, from what Gerald could tell from Jerry’s memory, wasn’t particularly fond of Mike due to his… ‘lifestyle.’ Was it due to something repressed? Mike certainly seemed to think so, but Gerald couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation. Taking a look around and seeing the scene before him, Gerald began to internally panic--twisting Mike’s generally nonchalant expression into a stressed grimace.
‘Shit. His son’s unconscious, covered in cum,  and his best friend’s stripped down to his underwear.  If I saw this scene I’d think Mike was trying to date-rape my son! Don’t think I’ll be able to simply laugh off this little excursion. But… the only way to get out of this would be…’
Gerald had never attempted a double possession, with or without an explosive orgasm catapult. Was it a good thing that the camera was still recording? He wasn’t sure anymore. To be frank, he wasn’t sure of anything anymore. Loud, boisterous footfalls continued to ring in his ears.
Even in times of danger, Gerald knew he could rely on his libido to get him out. Throwing Mike’s underwear away, no longer caring about maintaining any sense of professionalism, Gerald got to work. Using what was left of Jerry’s cum as makeshift lube, he began to explore Mike’s tasty body with horned-up haste.
“The hell’s that, Jerry? Got a girl over?” Jerry’s father called out again. Gerald couldn’t help but giggle in-betweens his moans. If only he knew.
Mike’s gruff voice contrasted so wonderfully with his high-pitched and needy groans. His back arched and his toes curled as Gerald continued to beat his dick. The other hand freely explored the nice pelt of orange hair that coated Mike’s body.
‘What I wouldn’t give to just have a day with this guy,’ thought Gerald. A few tweeks of the nipples and he could already feel an orgasm building up. Just a few more minute and vigorous strokes and he’d be home free. “C’mon, cum for me…! Just a bit more.”
Jerry’s door flew open for the second time that day, and this time Jerry’s father roared in horror at the scene before him. “MIKE! What the fuck are you doing?! Jerry?!”
‘An audience,’ Gerald thought, smirking at the older man. ‘And not a bad looker either.’
“Hey, daddy-o,” Gerald forced Mike to say. He thrust into his grip, gyrating his hips as though to show off what his body could do to Jerry’s father. “Like the show? Have a seat, I can do so much for you if you want. I don’t mind some audience participation.” To emphasize his own point, Gerald raised a hand with a bit of pre-cum and slowly licked it off--savoring the sweet flavor.
Jerry’s father, mouth slightly agape and expression somewhere between horror and arousal, just stared at Gerald abusing Mike’s body. “Y-You’re sick,” he finally said, eyes glued to Mike’s swinging cock as it twitched. “What did you do to Jerry…?”
“Same thing I’m gonna do to you, daddy!” Gerald cried out in glee as Mike’s abused cock shot the first few rounds of semen. He bit his bottom lip, moans just barely muffled, as Mike’s hips naturally thrust with each shot. As the orgasm reached its end, Mike’s body began to tremble and grow limp as Gerald shot himself out. He rushed through the air and quickly dove right into Jerry’s father through his large chest.
“Hurugh! Ohh, what the fuck…?!” Unlike Mike, Jerry’s father remained standing even after Gerald dive bombed into his chest. However, despite his stronger will, he was unable to stop the tidal wave that crashed over his body. His broad arms gripped the door frame for support as his knees bent from the pressure. 
The invasive presence washed over him, filling him up slowly. It wasn’t unlike the first time his ex-wife had pegged him. The fear that came from being filled for the first time was matched only by the pleasure that followed. Just the thought of that night made his cargo shorts tighten. He knew that he should’ve been afraid and even outraged, but his body betrayed him in favor of the invasive presence. “M-More, please fuck me more…!” he whispered as his grip on the door frame tightened. Sweat dripped from his body as his soul let the tides carry him to a blissful and erotic rest.
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“And that class,” Gerald forced his host to say, “is how you use your host to your advantage. Now, this is a more advanced technique, so don’t worry if you find it tricky at first.” Bill, Jerry’s father, was far more comfortable to Gerald than Jerry or Mike. The beefy look and authoritative voice also helped Gerald really get into the persona of a professor. It was like putting on a custom before getting into character. “But, as you can see from my improvised lesson plan, it’s possible to even chain multiple possessions in just one day! Really beats having to wait for the refractory period to end, huh?” He chuckled in Bill’s deep baritone, hands on his stomach as he felt Bill’s stolen body jiggle and quake with life. This was more like it.
And with the lesson done, Gerald now had plenty of time on his own to get familiar with Bill. Maybe Jerry and Mike would like to get involved as well…
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one-time-i-dreamt · 6 months
I had the ability to astral project and I was using it to hug people from across the world.
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