#⋄ * ✿ ⋄ *  PHOEBE HALLIWELL. › headcanons.
mugiwara-lucy · 1 year
I love how this confirms Buffy is just a television show in the Charmed Universe 🤣
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ac1nums-moved · 7 months
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i just think she ..... phoebe halliwell can step on me everyday.
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paigemathews · 1 year
I’m sick and it sucks, so have some headcanons about how Charmed characters react when they’re sick!
Prue Halliwell - will not quit working unless she is actively dying, and even then. She’ll take meds and soup when Piper shoves it at her, but will not actually rest. When someone else is sick though, she is hardcore bossing them to go back to bed and quit getting up. She’s an absolute hypocrite.
Piper Halliwell - initially, she’ll try to ignore it and keep going until someone tells her to rest. As soon as someone else has it under control, she will be happily retire to her bed and be a (mostly) model patient. The key is someone else actually has to have it under control because otherwise Mom Mode activates and she has to do something (as Phoebe and Paige discovered when they burnt dinner and had Piper cooking while she coughed every other breath). When anyone else is sick, however, she is The nurse. Soups, popsicles, hair pets, the whole nine yards.
Phoebe Halliwell - look, Pheebs was the youngest for a long time. She is absolutely whining the entire time and making it known that everything about being sick sucks. She is not trying to be annoying, but like. It sucks and it has to be known. When other people are sick, she like. tries? But Piper made homemade chicken noodle soup and Phoebe dumped some Campbell’s in a bowl, so. She’s great at the entertaining you while sick though, she has all of the movies to watch and gossip to catch you up on.
Paige Matthews - at first glance, you’d think she’s like Phoebe with the being terrible at being sick thing. And she is! But she tends to isolate herself more and hole up in a corner of her bed because it’s been a while since there’s been someone who could take care of her. Eventually, she starts learning how to let other people take care of her but it Is a Journey. On the flip side, she kinda just. left others alone when they were sick, but after having Piper take care of her when she was sick, she left meals on Piper’s nightstand with things like orange juice. She’s still not great at being comforting with the person though.
Leo Wyatt - in theory, a perfect patient. In practice, “I’m a doctor, I know what I’m doing.” Which? For other people? Sure, Leo’s a great caretaker. When it’s himself though? Baby, lie down please. The only one who can really wrangle him is Piper, mostly bc she doesn’t feel bad yelling at him to go back to bed. He isn’t trying to be a bad patient, but he spent like sixty years never getting sick and now he’s been brought down by the cold four-year-old Melinda’s class spread. (Piper teases him one time “Betcha regret becoming mortal now, huh?” And Leo, with a fever and has already thrown up once today, looks at her with adoring eyes and says, “To be with you? Never.”)
Andy Trudeau - a lot like Prue in that he hates resting. He’ll be working on a case while Darryl makes pointed comments about rest and sick days and not getting your partner sick. Eventually, however, he’ll actually take the sick day and rest (always in-between cases or when it’s time to go into field though). He’s a great caretaker though, not the superhuman type like Piper but just. good.
Darryl Morris - finally, someone who is a good patient! He’ll take the sick day and go home to his family. If it’s more than a few days though, he starts getting bored and will start going over case files. He always sheepishly puts them back once Sheila catches him and just gives him a deadpan look. He just hates the boredom part of being sick where you can’t really do anything. He’s a good caretaker though, but you will be getting your soup and gatorade at random times due to whenever he comes in.
Cole Turner - this man’s first cold was when he was over a century and he made it v clear that he thought he was cursed. Once they figured out that he just had a cold, Piper nearly did curse him. The mighty Belthazor brought down low by a couple of germs. It’d almost be funny if he didn’t nearly exhaust even Leo’s near limitless patience. On the flipside, he.... also has no idea how to caretake but he does try! He goes a little overboard tho and just provides unnecessarily dramatic solutions. (If things had went differently, he probably would have kidnapped a nurse to wait on Phoebe hand and foot during Queen of the Underworld arc while Phoebe went, what? no, I don’t need- COLE!)
Henry Mitchell - he denies that he’s sick and basically powers through it. Like Paige, he didn’t have anyone to care for him when he was sick but I also headcanon that he was. a bit worse off than Paige (who had Glen and his family and the mentioned exactly once Aunt Julie and Uncle Dave to turn to if she needed it, even if she wouldn’t choose to) so he didn’t really have much of a choice. He gets even grumpier when he’s sick though. Eventually, he also learns how to take it easy and let others care for him but he. struggles with it a lot. On the flipside, he’s a surprisingly good caretaker. It’s because he just does what he wishes he had someone there to do for him, which leads him pretty well. (I am also now imaging Henry with a sick teenage parolee and like. It’s cute. I can’t provide specifics but it’s really cute.)
Coop Halliwell - okay, based on how I indicated that Whitelighters and demons can’t get sick, I don’t think that I can make an argument for Cupids getting sick. So he doesn’t get sick, I guess. (Lucky him! Can’t relate.) He’s a really good caretaker though, especially with the comforting side. He’ll sing the girls to sleep and make toast and be really freaking sweet that no one can even be snarky about how he doesn’t get sick. (Piper tries once when she and the kids are sick while Leo is at some Magic School thing but then Coop and Phoebe come by and Phoebe is entertaining the kids while Coop makes lunch and cleans up the house so that Piper doesn’t have to worry about it and like. this is really good chicken noodle soup so she can’t say much.)
Chris Halliwell - literally, no one finds out that he’s sick unless he fucking passes out because he’s a dumbass who lived in a world where sickness was weakness and weakness meant dying so he just hides it until he physically can’t anymore. No one has a good time when this happens. It takes... awhile. for them to get through to him that he can tell them when he’s sick and they’ll help. He still doesn’t really like it and still struggles to share that info, but. it starts getting a little better and then he dies and it doesn’t matter anymore. Similarly, his response to others being sick is rooted in his time. He doesn’t particularly know how to handle it in the past, so he just. lets the others take over while he keeps a watch over the Manor, in case anyone tries anything while someone is down sick.
Billie Jenkins - she’s the type of person to insist that she won’t get sick and is brought down in the next chapter. She hates it and she grumbles but besides the whining, she’s actually a decent patient. She’ll take her meds and eat the soup and lie in bed, but just. lots of complaining. On the flip side, she’s. not exactly a stellar caretaker. She’s like twenty years old; they’re not exactly known for their caretaking ability and Billie is a lot of things, but a Mom Friend™ she is not.
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derschwarzeengel · 10 months
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*grumbles* I should not be surprised by the queerphobia that pops up in the Reddit section of the Charmed fandom, because Reddit, and yet...
Some people are surprisingly resistant to the headcanon/fanon that any of the next-gen Halliwell kids are not heterosexual. Or the fanon that Phoebe is bisexual/pansexual.
Tell me y'all are queerphobic without telling me you're queerphobic.
Specifically, some people really don't like the headcanon/fanon that Wyatt Halliwell is gay or see where it comes from, even though a lot of us have merely pointed out that 1) Wes Ramsey played a gay man in the film Latter Days where his character seduces a young Mormon man; 2) adult!good!Wyatt looks a lot like a twink; and 3) fandom headcanoning Wyatt as gay/bi harms absolutely nobody since his sexuality is not stated nor shown in canon due to adult!Wyatt getting so little screentime.
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storiesofthenight · 2 years
introducing test muses
Each of these muses is open for crossovers, feel free to send in things for them such as memes, questions or headcanon prompts. 
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Phoebe Halliwell, youngest of the three sisters (until they find their half-sister Paige), she has power of premonition, empathy and levitation. 
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EJ Caswell, son of rich parents. He loves singing, acting and water polo. He can have tendencies to be controlling and jealous, this stemming from his insecurities created by the pressure of his father’s expectations.
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Gina Porter, lover of dance, singing and thus, musicals. She travels a lot due to her mother’s job and it leaves her with walls build around her that keep people away. However, she is warm and caring once you get to know her. Also likes to learn things through youtube videos, such as knitting and baking cupcakes.
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Rhaenyra Targaryan, daughter to Vicerys and heir to the Iron Throne. She loves her dragons, loves adventure and doesn’t want to settle for the regular duties of a princess, time however will help her with her sense of duty. [will be canon divergent!]
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hcxwoods · 9 months
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⋆ alycia debnam carey, 125, cis woman, she/her — did you see princess avalon hexwood walking down main street ? the tabloids say that the witch is known to be caring and melancholic, but who knows if that’s true. the history teacher at astralis academy seems to fit the vibe of the ancient family grimoire, containing spells and annotations passed down through generations of the hexwood family; the tranquility of kindling a candle and indulging in a soothing bath. ⁑
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full name: avalon hexwood nickname: ava title: princess avalon hexwood species: witch age: 125 years old date of birth: july 13th, 1898 zodiac sign: cancer gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her sexuality: bisexual occupation: history teacher at the astralis academy powers: healing, hex cast, curse break, general spellcasting
mother: queen tba hexwood, 500+ father: unknown sister: tba hexwood, 125+, older sister sister: tba hexwood, 125-, younger sister
mbti: isfj-t (the defender) moral alignment: chaotic good temperament: phlegmatic parallels: vivienne jones (the ex hex), piper halliwell (charmed)
wanted connections / plots
sisters: the hexwood family is highly inspired by the charmed sisters. in this scenario, avalon is piper, the middle daughter. we need an older one to be our prue, and a younger one to be our phoebe. the three would have great powers, that are even greater when they work together. a headcanon of mine is that the three of them have names that begin with the letter a, like avalon has. also, their mother, the queen, remained unwed and each one of the princesses is the result of different relationships, which can make the fc choice a bit more lax since they should be at least half white.
ex: loosely based on the ex hex book, consists of a failed relationship several decades ago. it could have happened for various reasons, like the difference because of species (maybe he was a malakim, or a fae, etc), or if he's a witch too, maybe it could be because of a family thing, i'm up to deciding it together tbh. but now they need to work together for the sake of the city. they could hate each other for real, or it could still be lingering feelings, really i'm open to almost anything. i just need to develop this angsty plot!!!
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phoebehalliwell · 6 months
which branch of the family is each next gen closest to outside of their own?
like example being chris is closest to maybe his siblings (only for an example) but of the cousins and his aunts/uncles respectively
like he might be closer to parker but overall closer to paige/henry/kat/tam/henry's unit (or majority of five) does that make sense
if they were going to absorbed into a different branch. which would it be is what I'm saying (I think. now I'm unsure)
ooh okay kk
wyatt is probably closest with mitchell gang and honestly henry jr is probably doing a lot of heavy lifting in this as wyatt and henry are basically the only two to study magic But wyatt and tamora are the only one with healing powers and the wyatt and kat both like weird looking art (headcanon that paige was really the one to drag kids to art museums and really helped foster wyatt's love of art)
chris is with the cupitches & co honestly mainly bc of paige bc let's not forget paige did watch him die so she gets the same overprotective quality leo gets whereas phoebe trusts him a lil bit more, so to speak. next gen + relationships with phoebe and paige! chris still is really close with henry jr (he's like wyatt minus the i'm coming with you which is great for chris) and he's close with kat bc they're both black sheep. but as a trio chris does really like all of the cupitches he kind of views them as little sisters they're like melinda lites bc melinda still has empathy and won't dunk on him mercilessly (she's still call him out on his bullshit, but in a constructive way) whereas the cupitches will draggg him for not having a bedframe and never really having a girlfriend and for having pathetic lil outfits. chris likes pj bc she's a skilled witch and very competent charmed one, which he respects. he likes parker bc honestly she's really fucking funny and a good sparring partner. he likes peyton bc she's quiet (like, the only quiet one in the family) and they both are telekinetics with interests in tech/coding/etc so there's opportunity to bond there
rest under the cut!!
melinda is closest with the cupitches & co bc not only are they all very close in age but also phoebe was kind of her main trainer seeing as she's an empath and that is a notoriously hard gift to control. she is still v close with henry tam and kat but her bond with phoebe really is the deciding factor
kat is closest with cupitches & co bc she is both a hopeless romantic and a fashion fiend. she is still close with mellie and obvi with chris and piper as well bc piper trained her but she does kind of have beef with leo bc leo respectfully will snitch to paige sometimes who has a bad (well, bad in kat's opinion) of freaking out when her children get mortally wounded
tamora is closer with halliwell household bc first off, someone needs to snitch to mom when kat gets gravely injured and she doesn't want it to be her, secondly she has always been incredibly uncomfortable with her power (of molecular combustion) and piper has really helped her get a hold on it. she thinks kat and chris can be overdramatic sometimes (most times) but she's close with wyatt bc they again both have the healing factor and the fear of the immense and deadly power just constantly coursing thru them (really no one else has insta kill it is very difficult for almost anyone else to accidently murder someone) and she's close with mellie bc mellie is kind and not loud. she likes the cupitches and she has fun helping them put together outfits (that she would never wear bc she does Not want that kind of attention on her) but they are just so love oriented and like. tamora just. is not that she's not both her and peyton have a lot of fun playing dating sims but she is so so so scared of dating and just would prefer not to talk about it. also does not like combat training (something the cupitches frequently engage in) bc she is very scared of injuring someone
henry jr & cupitches & co easily. for starters he's closer in age to them and then secondly they involve him in a lot piper and leo get really concerned about him bc he's mortal he and wyatt are close he and chris are close hell even he and mellie are close but he just hangs out with pj and parker like all the time they even insist that he does partner sparring with them and they di use their magic against him in fights (something he insists on bc it's not like evil will hold back just bc he's mortal) so yeah. cupitches.
pj is probably closest with the mitchell gang probably with henry as the deciding factor she and henry are also in the same year at school. she's still v close with melinda and close with chris she's not as close with wyatt just bc of their age delta and they don't have so super much in common but they will def gossip about anything and everything at family get togethers so it's not like she dislikes him it's just that she's much closer with his sister you know? she also likes yapping with kat about love and with tamora about clothes so those are all pluses
parker is a tough call actually. i'm gonna say the halliwell household with the deciding factors being she really likes kicking it with mellie bc psychic girlies need to stick together and chris is spiritually her annoying old brother. she loves the mitchells too obvi esp henry i would say the deciding factor is just sometimes it gets under her skin how tam and kat kind of complain about their powers. like kat does not consider herself all that powerful and of course tamora is a lil scared of her power and parker would never say anything to their faces but like. they have active powers. and she kind of doesn't. but she really doesn't want to bitch about it bc no one likes a whiner and besides she can kick ass regardless but like. she would Like an offensive power
peyton is also gonna be halliwell household she is really close with tamora probably the closest with her tbh and she does like henry but i think she connects the most with mellie and wyatt re: wanting to be a person first and a witch second and then also she really likes piper bc piper will always teach her how to cook (peyton's more of a baker in general but loves being in the kitchen regardless)
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kissofthemuses · 2 years
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FULL NAME: Melinda Halliwell
SPECIES: half-witch, half-whitelighter
FANDOM: Charmed (1998)
FACECLAIM: Kaylee Bryant
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 19
BIRTHDATE: January 13
HAIR: brown
EYES: brown
HEIGHT: 5'3"
BROTHERS: Wyatt, Chris
AUNTS: Phoebe, Paige
UNCLES: Cooper, Henry
COUSINS: PJ, Peyton, Tamora, Kat, Henry Jr.
MBTI: ENFP-T "The Campaigner"
ALIGNMENT: lawful good
POSITIVES: family-orientated, loving, driven,
NEGATIVES: self-righteous, stubborn, emotional
POWERS: Telekinetic orbing, remote orbing, hovering, high magic resistance, spell casting, potion brewing, scrying, mediumship
When Piper and her sisters visited the future,  Piper meets her and Leo's only child: a daughter named Melinda.
When Piper first became pregnant, the family assumed that the child would be a girl as was the rest of the Halliwell clan and Piper prepared to name her Prudence Melinda, in honor of her late older sister, Prue, and her ancestor, Melinda Warren. However, the child turned out to be a boy, Wyatt.
After her second child was also revealed to be a boy, Chris, eventually Piper became pregnant with her third and last child, finally a girl, a little after the Charmed Ones' last Battle.
Melinda came into her powers about a year after her birth. Her mother was cooking in the kitchen whilst holding Melinda when the baby "conjured" a couple of potion bottles above her mother's soup, causing the soup to create vines that attacked her as well as her mother. Melinda enjoyed the spectacle, but Piper, after unsuccessfully trying to cut the vines, had to call in the help of her two sons Wyatt and Chris to help her.
The Elders hoped to alter the prophecy of the Twice-Blessed. That the firstborn children of the family would inherit the Power of Three. Making Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda an even more powerful force for good than the Charmed Ones.
Being that Leo was mortal when Melinda was conceived, everyone was shocked to discover that she miraculously had the power of telekinetic orbing. Leo goes to The Heavens with Paige to question The Elders. There, they are approached by newly appointed Elder, Kyle Brody, who informs them that since Leo was a Whitelighter for so long, his magical abilities became ingrained within his DNA despite his being mortal, passing those genes onto Melinda. The Elders decided to interfere and caused these whitelighter powers to manifest in Melinda so as to alter the prophecy of the Twice-Blessed Child.
They wanted to make Chris and Melinda twice blessed like Wyatt, which would allow the three first born Halliwell children to inherit a more potent Power of Three so that in the future they would be a greater force of good than the Charmed Ones. However, the Angels of Destiny realized the errors of tampering with people's lives after understanding that was the entire reason why Neena, the first witch, decided to bring about the apocalypse. As a result of this, the Angels of Destiny absolved Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda's statuses as twice blessed, making Melinda a normal Whitelighter-Witch. Melinda still retains her power of telekinetic orbing because once a witch receives an active power it becomes an attachment such as an arm or a leg and wouldn't be right to just remove.
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paigemathews · 4 years
Okay, so actually, let’s talk about Prue, and honestly, Piper and Pheebs, after the whole Abbey “stalker” situation goes down, because now I want to.
Prue is a lot more jumpy for the next few weeks. She starts locking the front door consistently again, but makes sure that her dark room and the basement is always locked. Only her, Piper, and Phoebe have a key. She struggles with trusting new and old friends for awhile, but she’s working past it right until her death. Beforehand, she’d looked into protection spells, but never cast them. Paige found her notes after her death and worked on casting them. Prue never wore the top that Abbey stole again. It took her two weeks to buy another mirror to replace the ones that were smashed.
Piper thoroughly vets every employee she hires for the next year and keeps a heavy on them, especially when it comes to her sisters. It makes hiring a little harder, but she gradually eases up as the club’s staff solidifies. She takes to checking the doors and windows at night, which continues even when the kids are teenagers. It made sneaking out a lot harder for Mel.
Phoebe spends the next semester and a half studying forensic psychology intensely. Her adviser recommends that she look into concentrating on it or picking up a criminal justice minor to work with police, because of her interest with stalkers. Phoebe doesn’t take another forensic psych class after that semester ends. She never leaves the house without making sure the front door is locked again.
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agirlinthegalaxy · 4 years
Headcanon: Patty and Penny both realized that Patty was going to die in That 70′s Episode. Patty looked surprised when Phoebe said that she would miss her and Penny was choking up during the second version of the spell. More than that though, they figured out that Patty dies before Penny. They figured out that Penny’s death was recent for the girls because of their lack of powers, but comparing Phoebe’s (the youngest) reactions to Prue and Piper’s, she had a more obvious reaction than her sisters’, indicating that her relationship with Patty was a lot different to Prue and Piper’s.
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thisfakereality · 6 years
Headcanon: Chris went back to his future when he died kill me that hurt (because as he was being born, he couldn't be dying and being born at the same time? So tye universe was fixing itself) and subtly changed into who he would have been had Wyatt never gone bad/P3 never dying but with his memories from the past. My favorite part; he came back, yada yada yada, and then he told Wyatt everything and basically, "so, yeah, i totally saved your ass," and is using that over his Big Bro's head till dEATh. Wow still hurts okay.
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charmed-autistic · 6 years
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Charmed Bicons
Phoebe and Maggie - Bisexual Icons
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deviousspleen · 6 years
Charmed headcanons.
Let’s be honest, if Cole and Phoebe had their malefic baby, it would have been Kai Parker.
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aughts · 2 years
p. halliwell.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 months
Out of curiosity, (code: I want to drag someone into alt next gen hyperfixation hell with me and you are like the og alt next gen Charmed blogger, y'know?) do you have any thoughts on what kids of the following pairings would end up like? Piper/Coop, Paige/Andy, Prue/Drake, or Phoebe/Simon Marks? (110% fine if you don't wanna dream up some new kiddos, I'm just currently spinning around in circles yelling about alt next gen potential and it's been a minute since someone forcibly threw an alternative next gen thing at you, I think?)
wait omg awwwww 💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞 also yayyy fun okay okay
so i got to piper & coop and paige & andy. there's 1k words about it under the cut ❤️❤️❤️ but the long and the short of it is
juliet halliwell (temporal manipulation, beaming, sensing love)
esme halliwell (photokinesis, electrokinesis, pyrokinesis, beaming, sensing love)
venus halliwell (empathy, beaming, sensing love
clementine trudeau (empathy, premonition, orbing, telekinetic orbing)
sienna trudeau (orbing, telekineis, telekinetic orbing, healing)
ruby garcia trudeau (nyehehehehehehe)
piper/coop i think would def have three kids and i feel like would maybe be named after different iconic lovers? like coop is obvi a cupid and piper canonically loves rom coms and i think also romance novels so like. i think maybe in a world where we scrap the richard intro episode which was obvs a romeo and juliet allusion and instead create an episode where the pain shared by romeo juliet and everyone else in their families so on and so forth creates a Curse the lover's curse where whenever a feud akin to that form romeo and juliet are essentially reborn, destined to fall in love, and, ultimately, die (thus triggering the end of the feud). so these two spirits just keep getting born over and over again and they keep kind of unlocking the memories blah blah blah and idk maybe coop finds them bc love is his deal and they all save the day the point is we're naming the baby juliet. why tho? like. if she's really just a one off person we helped. i mean, yes, also, juliet of romeo and juliet, but, still, only a person we met once. so let's say that in this au they were witches. or maybe just juliet was. so she cast magic that caught coop or tco's radar. and idk maybe we're very worried about piper's baby. and there's a side plot about that. something bad has happened / is happening idk. and juliet after breaking the curse is thanking piper. then! we are attacked by piper's b plot! juliet saves piper. uses her final words to thank her bc now the curse is broken and i can finally move on instead of being reborn into this cursed life. also, i'm healing ur baby. or i'm seeing into the future about her or something. then idk she turns into butterflies whoosh magical death. and piper's trying to name her firstborn she's holding her and then a little butterfly lands on the baby's nose and the baby cooes as if in recognition BOOM welcome juliet halliwell. her power's included temporal manipulation (she can slow time down "to slip in between the heartbeats" as we see cupid do in heartbreak city and she can freeze time (kind of) like her mama. she cannot move backwards in time (yet)). she can also beam and sense love. the next daughter will be from the plot from piper's favorite book she read as a child that she and coop will get sucked into for an episode (maybe one where they're experience love troubles) and it will help reconnect piper with the concept of love and the first story that really had her wishing to be in love and will help coop understand piper's point of view. the next daughter will be named esme halliwell, after the name of the main charcter in that story. she has fire/lightning/light powers, fire as displayed by p russell (and phoebe) in the line and lightning by the evil enchantress who i do headcanon as a distant ancestor of theirs bc of the whole. you know. paige. is her. thing. and then light powers we sometimes see them do. idk. she can also beam and sense love. the third daughter is gonna conincide with an astrological episode where some demon is trying to warp some astral aligning for evil but the charmed ones stop them and save the day!! look at how beautiful. what's that one star rising so brightly right there? oh, it's venus. meet venus halliwell is an empath (with the empath extension pack ability to impact other people's moods by touching them / being close enough to them) who through that power also unlocks deflection and mimicry. can also beam and sense love.
paige/andy it's not gonna be as detailed as the pipercoop one lol. [a/n: as it turns out i was lying :3] this will be the base text we're using. first born we're going to do an episode tensions have been building between paige and andy because of paige's issues with motherhood and what it means to be a mom and maybe it's a muses episode or a trapped in a painting episode the point is there's something artsy paige is trapped in and she has to create something to get herself out of there meanwhile andy is on the outside fighting to get her out and realizing that they are always stronger together and their fight is stupid blah blah blah. paige makes. a painting. she has to find The Color that is the key to getting her out. it's the color that she uses painting one of her first moments with andy (a paige/henry knockoff) their first stakeout, which is also somewhat tied to a bet. they've been waiting in the car for hours, it's sunset now and the sky is tinged orange and andy's peeled her some baby oranges bc she's complaining about being hungry so on and so forth. paige is freed. andy sees her painting. and the daughter is named clementine trudeau. empathy, premonitions, orbing, telekinetic orbing (but really only on things in her line of sight. maybe we do a color theme for this one. their next daughter is named sienna trudeau. i can't reasonably tell you why so we'll say she pulled a chris and came back from the future, giving her her name. powers are. telekinesis. orbing. telekinetic orbing. welcome back, chris halliwell. except sienna can also heal. the third daughter will be an adopted witch that paige and andy found when she was young and idk on the run kind of a la tyler michaels. she's maybe seven or so when they find her, clem's maybe three and sienna's one. plotline plotline, we take her in. she becomes a part of the family quickly and clem and sienna view her as her older sister almost immediately lol. meet ruby garcia. first name color last name i'm stealing from jerry garcia bc my parents were just at a grateful dead show or whatever call it an homage (jerry was not there, he is dead. rip.) ruby might add trudeau onto her last name as well. tbd. anyways, as it turns out, she is a demon witch (omg!!) powers are. fireballs energy balls telekinesis and flaming. i am actually going to make her zankou's daughter. just for funsies.
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reiignonme-moving · 2 years
                  A  COURT  OF  THORNS  &  ROSES.
AELIS   (  OC / Illyrian / Anya Chalotra fc / pansexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. QIANNA   (  Daughter of Tarquin OC / High Fae / Angel Coulby fc / pansexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. RHYSAND   (  Canon / High Fae / Regé-Jean Page fc / bisexual  ). TAMLIN  (  Canon / High Fae / Austin Butler fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                A  SONG  OF  ICE  &  FIRE.
AEGON I TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Travis Fimmel fc / straight  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. AEGON III TARGARYEN   ( Canon / Human / Toby Regbo fc / straight ). AEMMA VELARYON   (  Twin of Lucerys OC / Human / Caitlin Stasey fc / bisexual  ). CASSANA ESTERMONT   (  Canon / Human / Poppy Drayton & Lara Pulver fc / straight  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. CASSANDRA BARATHEON   (  Canon / Human / Laura Berlin fc / bisexual  ). CERSEI LANNISTER   (  Canon / Human / Lena Headey fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. DAEMON TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Matt Smith fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. DAENAERA VELARYON   (  Canon / Human / Yasemin Allen fc / pansexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. DAENERYS TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Emilia Clarke fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. DOREAH   (  Canon / Human / Kylie Bunbury fc / bisexual  ). DREAMFYRE   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Jing Tian fc / lesbian  ). ELLARIA SAND   (  Canon / Human / Melike İpek Yalova fc / bisexual  ). JON SNOW   (  Canon / Human / Kit Harington fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. SARA SNOW   (  Canon / Human / Katherine Langford fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. SANSA STARK   (  Canon / Human / Charlotte Hope fc / bisexual  ). SARELLA SAND   (  Canon /  Human / Jessica Parker Kennedy fc / bisexual  ). SEASMOKE   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Wang Haoxuan fc / pansexual  ). SHAENA TARGARYEN   (  Semi-canon / Human / Freya Mavor fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. SILVERWING   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Elle Fanning fc / straight  ). VERMITHOR   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Ruairí O’Connor fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. VISENYA TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Katheryn Winnick fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. VISERION   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Jamie Campbell Bower fc / bisexual  ). VHAGAR   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Gaia Weiss fc / straight  ).
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ANTHONY BRIDGERTON   (  Canon / Human / Jonathan Bailey fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. DAPHNE BRIDGERTON   (  Canon / Human / Phoebe Dynevor fc / straight  ).
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BILLIE JENKINS   (  Canon / Witch / Ashley Benson fc / bisexual  ). WYATT HALLIWELL   (  Canon / Witch-Whitelighter / Chris Zylka fc / bisexual  ).
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             CRIMINAL MINDS.
EMILY PRENTISS   (  Canon / Human / Paget Brewster fc / pansexual   ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                CHRONICLES  OF  NARNIA.
CASPIAN X   (  Canon / Human / François Arnaud fc / straight  ).
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CLARK KENT   (  Canon / Kryptonian / Henry Cavill fc / straight  ). CONNOR KENT  (  Canon / Kryptonian/Human hybrid / Robbie Amnell fc / bisexual  ). BARRY ALLEN   (  Headcanon based / Metahuman / Alberto Rosende fc / straight  ).       ABOUT PAGE. RAVEN ROTH   (  Canon / Human-Demon hybrid / Camila Mendes fc / demisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. RICK FLAG   (  Canon / Human / Joel Kinnaman fc / straight  ). WALLY WEST   (  Canon / Metahuman / KJ Apa fc / bisexual  ). ZATANNA ZATARA   (  Canon / Human/Homo Magi / Samantha Logan fc / bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP.
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MALEFICENT   (  Canon / Fey / Angelina Jolie fc / pansexual  ).
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                DISNEY  DESCENDANTS.
ADELINE   (  Daughter of Aurora & Philip / Human / Adelaide Kane fc / straight  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. ANEXANDER CASTILLON   (  Son of Anastasia Tremaine / Human / Alexander Vlahos fc / bisexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. BEATRIX   (  Daughter of Aurora & Philip / Human / Eloise Smyth fc / bisexual  ). KATJA OF ARENDELLE   (  Daughter of Anna & Kristoff / Human / Tamzin Merchant fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. TRUEFER BELL   (  Daughter of Tinkerbell / Fairy / Perrie Edwards fc / pansexual  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                DOWNTON ABBEY.
ALICE CRAWLEY   (  Younger sister of Matthew / Human / Anya Taylor-Joy fc / straight  ). THOMAS BARROW   (  Canon / Human / Rob James-Collier fc / gay  ).
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                HARRY POTTER.
ASTORIA GREENGRASS   (  Canon / Witch / Alexandra Park fc / bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. BELLATRIX BLACK   (  Canon / Witch / Adelaide Kane & Eva Green fc / bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. BILL WEASLEY   (  Canon / Wizard / Joseph Morgan fc / bisexual  ). SALAZAR SLYTHERIN   (  Canon / Wizard / Luke Evans fc / straight  ).       TAG DROP. SUSAN BONES   (  Canon / Witch / Holland Roden fc / lesbian  ). VICTOIRE WEASLEY   (  Canon / Witch / Dove Cameron fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                LARA CROFT.
LARA CROFT   (  Canon / Human / Chloe Bennet fc / bisexual  ).
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ADRAN   (  OC / Eternal / Ricky Whittle fc / bisexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. AHURA BOLTAGON   (  Canon / Inhuman / Sam Claflin fc / pansexual  ).   TAG DROP. AJAK   (  Canon  /  Eternal  /  Salma Hayek fc  /  bisexual  ). ANGELINA VON STRUCKER   (  OC  /  Mutant  /  Sarah Jeffrey fc  /  lesbian  ). BEN PARKER (  Canon  /  Human  /  Hugh Dancy fc  /  bisexual  ). BOBBI MORSE   (  Canon  /  Mutated human  /  Claire Holt fc  /  straight  ).       STARTER CALL. BOBBY DA COSTA   (  Canon  /  Mutant  /  Henry Zaga fc  /  straight  ). BUCKY BARNES   (  Canon / Human / Sebastian Stan fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. CAROL DANVERS   (  Canon / Human/Kree / Brie Larson fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. CLINT BARTON   (  Canon / Human / Luke Mitchell fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. KIRA LEON   (  OC Black Widow  /  Human  /  Sofia Carson fc  /  pansexual ). LOGAN HOWLETT   (  Canon  /  Mutant  /  Hugh Jackman fc  /  bisexual  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. PRISHA CHAKRABARTI   (  OC / Mutant / Deepika Padukone fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. STEPHEN STRANGE   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Benedict Cumberbatch fc  /  straight  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. STEVE ROGERS   (  Canon  /  Mutated human  /  Chris Evans fc  /  bisexual  ). SUSAN STORM   (  Canon  /  Mutated human  /  Yael Grobglas fc  /  bisexual  ). THENA   (  Canon  /  Eternal  /  Angelina Jolie fc  /  pansexual  ). TONY STARK   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Robert Downey Jr fc  /  bisexual  ). VANESSA CARLYSLE    (  Canon / Mutant / Morena Baccarin fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. WANDA MAXIMOFF   (  Canon  /  Mutant/mutated human/witch  /  Elizabeth Olsen fc  /  bisexual  ).       TAG DROP.
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                MARVEL  NEXT  GENERATION.
ANNIE SUMMERS   (  OC Jean x Scott daughter / Mutant / Kat McNamara fc / lesbian  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. BILLY MAXIMOFF   (  Canon / Mutant/witch / Josh Hutcherson & Jamie Dornan fc / gay  ). TOMMY MAXIMOFF   (  Canon  /  Mutant  /  Grant Gustin & Channing Tatum fc  /  bisexual   ).       STARTER CALL. VALERIA RICHARDS   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Skyler Samuels & Rachael Taylor fc  /  lesbian   ). VIKTOR BARNES   (  OC Natasha x Bucky son  /  Human  /  Brandon Flynn & Nathaniel Buzolic fc  /  straight  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP.
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APHRODITE   (  Greek Mythology / Goddess / Diane Kruger fc / pansexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. ARTEMIS   (  Greek Mythology / Goddess / Marie Avgeropoulos fc / pansexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. VALI LOKISON   (  Norse Mythology  /  God  /  Freddy Carter & Adam Driver fc  /  gay  ).
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               ORIGINAL  CHARACTER.
ADELAIDE WEATHERINGTON   (  Journalist / Human / Amanda Seyfried fc / lesbian  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. ALYA GLENN   (  Baker  /  Elemental witch  /  Alisha Wainwright fc  /  pansexual  ). ARTHUR FITZ-CLARENCE   (  Duke of Oxford  /  Human  /  Tom Hughes fc  /  pansexual  ). AVA DE ENVIE   (  Owner of adult entertainment business / Succubus / Hayley Atwell fc pansexual  ).   TAG DROP. CALLEIGH DAVENPORT   (  Dancer / Human / Taylor Swift fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. ELIZABETH DURANT   (  College professor  /  Human  /  Carla Gugino fc  /  straight  ). JACK PRICE   (  Bounty Hunter  /  Human  /  John Krasinski fc  /  straight  ). JUPITER GRAY   (  Lawyer / Vampire / Gina Torres fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. PIPER LOPEZ   (  Secretary / Human / Ana de Armas fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. SARA MEYER   (  Housewife  /  Human  /  Charisma Carpenter fc  /  bisexual  ). SAVANNAH DAVIS   (  Freelance Photographer  /  Shapeshifter  /  Laura Vandervoort fc  /  straight  ). SERENITY VALENTINE   (  Bounty Hunter  /  Human  /  Megan Fox fc  /  pansexual  ).       STARTER CALL. SHAW RAWSON   (  Security guard / Alpha Werewolf / Shemar Moore fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. VEPAR   (  Grand Duchess of Hell / Demon / Katrina Law fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. ZAHRA LENNOX   (  Bail Bondsman  /  Human  /  Vanessa Morgan fc  /  bisexual  ).
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               PEAKY BLINDERS.
TOMMY SHELBY   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Cillian Murphy fc  /  straight  ).
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              PERIOD  DRAMA.
ANNE BOLEYN   (  Tudor Era / Queen Consort of England / Natalie Dormer fc / bisexual   ).   ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. RICHARD III   (  Wars of the Roses era / King of England / Aneurin Barnard fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. ROBERT BRUCE   (  War of Scottish Independence era  /  King of Scots  /  Chris Pine fc  /  straight  ).
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CAROLINE PENVENEN   (  Canon  /  Lady of Killewarren  /  Gabriella Wilde fc  /  straight  ). ROSS POLDARK   (  Canon  /  Master of Nampara House  /  Aidan Turner fc  /  straight  ).      ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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              SHADOW  &  BONE.
GENERAL KIRIGAN   (  Canon  /  Grisha  /  Ben Barnes fc  /  straight  ).   STARTER CALL.
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               SHERLOCK  HOLMES.
SHERLOCK HOLMES   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Matthew Goode fc  /  straight  ).
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               SONS  OF  ANARCHY.
JAX TELLER   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Charlie Hunnam fc  /  straight  ).
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               STAR  WARS.
AHSOKA TANO   (  Canon  /  Togruta Jedi  /  Logan Browning & Rosario Dawson fc  /  bisexual   ). ANAKIN SKYWALKER   (  Canon  /  Human Jedi  /  Hayden Christensen fc  /  bisexual   ). BEN SOLO ( Alternate  /  Human Jedi  /  Matthew Daddario fc  /  straight   ). PADMÉ AMIDALA   (  Canon / Human / Natalie Portman fc / pansexual  ). QI’RA   (  Canon / Human / Emilia Clarke fc / bisexual   ).   STARTER CALL. REY OF JAKKU   (  Canon / Human Jedi / Daisy Ridley fc / bisexual  ).     ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. SOLA LARS   (  OC daughter of Beru & Owen  /  Human  /  Jenna Coleman fc  /  bisexual ).
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              STRANGER THINGS.
APRIL HARRINGTON   (  Older sister of Steve  /  Human /  Dakota Johnson & Jennifer Love Hewitt fc  /  lesbian   ). AMBER HAWKE   (  OC  /  Human  /  Taissa Farmiga & Mandy Moore fc  /  straight   ). BRIAN HAMMOND   (  OC son of Benny / Human / Jeremy Allen White & Taylor Kitsch fc  / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. EDDIE MUNSON   ( Canon  /  Human /  Joseph Quinn & Garrett Hedlund fc  /  bisexual   ). STEVE HARRINGTON   ( Canon  /  Human /  Joe Keery & Sebastian Stan fc  /  bisexual   ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. THEA BUCKLEY   (  Cousin of Robin  /  Human /  Billie Lourd & Jes Macallan fc  /  straight   ). TIMOTHY HAWKE   (  OC  /  Human /  Timothée Chalamet & John Francis Daley fc  /  gay   ).
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ALEXANDER MILTON   (  OC Anna x Dean son  /  Nephilim  /  Chris Wood fc  /  bisexual  ).
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ALEXA BRUCE   (  OC / Witch / Emma Dumont fc / lesbian  ).   TAG DROP. BONNIE BENNETT (  Canon  /  Witch  /  Kat Graham fc  /  pansexual  ). DAVINA CLAIRE   (  Canon  /  Witch  /  Danielle Campbell fc  /  bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. KLAUS MIKAELSON   (  Canon  /  Original hybrid  /  Joseph Morgan fc  /  straight  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. KOL MIKAELSON   (  Canon  /  Original vampire  /  Nathaniel Buzolic fc  /  pansexual  ). MATTHEW MIKAELSON   (  Canon ( son of Freya & Mathias )  /  Witch  /  Cody Christian fc  /  bisexual  ). OLIVIA KENNER   (  Sister of Jackson OC / Evolved Werewolf / Willa Holland fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP.
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BYRON WILLIAMS   (  OC  /  Human  /  Jensen Ackles fc  /  pansexual  ).
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            COMING SOON.
KALLIAS  (  ACoTaR  ),   BELLA SWAN  (  Twilight  ),   CHARLIE WEASLEY  (  Harry Potter  ),   DAERRA TARGARYEN  (  A Song of Ice and Fire  ),   OBI-WAN KENOBI  (  Star Wars  ).
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