#⋄ * ✿ ⋄ *  PHOEBE HALLIWELL. › writing.
paigemathews · 3 months
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the future is always changing (don't let me stop you) | a phoebe x coop fic featuring chris & coop and chris & wyatt ; posted on ao3 & ffn
in the aftermath of the 'uncle coop' revelation, coop and phoebe really need to have a discussion that coop doesn't know how to approach. luckily for him, chris is here to help! sort of. chris and love advice don't go together very well. look, chris doesn't really want to be giving advice anyway, but time travel has messed up enough today, y'know? wyatt, quit laughing at your brother.
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brionysea · 6 months
phoebe's greatest fear is losing a sister -> prue actually dies (permanent) -> phoebe's greatest fear is suddenly that she's evil, which she has to talk out with piper over paige's body (not permanent)
i see the implications and they're making me SAD
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thefreakandthehair · 2 years
this might be a little niche but, for my fellow Charmed fans out there...
Charmed!Steddie AU where Eddie is Cole and Steve is Phoebe. I mean, the Demonic Wasteland and the Upside Down? Cole trying to collect as many powers as he could to reach Phoebe and Eddie doing the same thing? accidentally absorbing too much power in a desperate pursuit to reach Steve? Phoebe finding odd signs and clues until Cole manages to amass enough power to get a message to her on the other side, but then Eddie doing the same thing but through like, the radio instead of through a television psychic like Cole did? maybe through all of that, Steve and Eddie getting the happy ending the Phoebe and Cole could've had?
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hayilaajaxz · 3 months
Chris is in the past and he's left everything and everyone behind in hopes of creating a better future. He left his cousins, the ones that remain anyways, his fiancé and most importantly, his little sister.
Melinda Halliwell has not had it easy. She practically grew up in a war zone. There was a time she could rely on her big brothers Wyatt and Chris. Then everything changed when The Source attacked.... The Source being Wyatt. Now nothing is the same and wanting to protect his only sane sibling, Chris keeps Melinda hidden from their power hunger brother.
Wyatt wants his siblings by his side, but Chris is hardheaded and Melinda... she's nowhere to be found.
That is until Chris escapes to the past. Now suddenly able to sense his sister, Wyatt seeks her out.
A portal whirls to life
The sisters and Chris gaze at the portal with apprehension and anticipation
Someone comes through the portal
"Chris, you bring your ass back through this portal right now or He's coming here" the stranger says.
Chris gets chill throughout his body, it's someone he didn't anticipate, he's miscalculated and that miscalculation will cost him.
"Melinda?" Chris says. She looks different, she's grown so much but, "What have you done?" She looks evil.
"No... the question is, what have you done?"
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tmlwattpad19 · 5 months
I Hate Writing Sometimes!
The 1:200 ratio of what I actually write vs what I brainstorm is insanely infuriating.
Like, I have so many story ideas for so many different characters for so many different fandoms, and it is so infuriating when my add/overstimulated brain crosses over from one to the other.
Like, there are soooo many.
To R: Stop being a part of so many universes, please. I beg of you! Take a damn vacation!
Melissa Schemmenti (series/imagines)
Agatha Harkness (series)
Wanda Maximoff (series)
Wanda Maximoff / Regina Mills (series)
Regina Mills (series/imagines)
Rita Castillo (imagine)
Ava Coleman (imagine)
Gloria Mendoza (series)
Olivia Benson (series/imagine)
Olivia Benson / Elliot Stabler (2 series)
Chessy (series/imagine)
Addison Montgomery (series/imagines)
Rachel Green (series)
Monica Geller (series/imagines)
Phoebe Buffay (series)
Phoebe Halliwell (series)
Piper Halliwell (series)
Prue Halliwell (series/imagine)
Spencer Hastings (series)
Veronica Hastings (series/imagines)
Natasha Romanoff (series/imagines)
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mult1aes · 15 days
@salvatoraes, stefan salvatore sent to phoebe halliwell: “ are you going to kiss me again, or do i have to do it myself? ”
phoebe loved to tease. especially when she didn't see her boyfriend as often as she would like. she knew that he had to leave sometimes, mystic falls needed its own national hero. something that saddened her because when he wasn't near her, her little witch life was boring as hell. she also knew why he didn't want her there, his brother. damon was a person she considered dangerous. when he was there when she visited, she always felt something dark, even if a little light appeared when he did something good. something she know that bother stefan. especially when she is one to believe that people can redeem themselves. thus why she appreciated the fact that he left them alone when she visited and vice versa. when she paid a little visit to bonnie and wanting to give stefan a little surprise, the witch couldn't help but put her delicate hands on his eyes and kiss his cheek tenderly when he guessed right. with a bit of teasing in her voice, she couldn't help but lean across the table as she looked at him fondly. " maybe i'm waiting for you to make the first move. "
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bloodonhissocks · 10 months
Charmed: S1 Ep. 20 - "The Power of Two"
I'm genuinely very impressed by how well-written this episode is. This is my first rewatch and it's been years, so I'm going off opinions and perspectives I had a long, long time ago.
One of the focuses of the episode was the awful relationship between Phoebe and Prue attributed to differing attitudes toward working and having a job. It's been brought up over and over again, sometimes more directly and aggressively than other times, that Phoebe doesn't work. There's an implication that she doesn't contribute financially, at least consistently, and that she isn't financially conscious either. I do agree with this attitude toward her; she's always wearing Prue's clothes (even says things like "hogging all the good clothes" when there were 3 Prue's) and making large purchases (when she takes self-defense classes and puts them on her credit card with the implication that she doesn't have to money to pay for it yet).
This aspect of Phoebe's character has always annoyed me. I definitely share a lot of Prue's attitude and reactions when Phoebe shows "irresponsibility." In this episode, Piper and Prue rapidly (and vocally) give her a to-do list before they leave the house in a hurry to do their jobs. The list was:
pick up dry cleaning
grocery shopping
shoe repair
mail letter
make ---------- payment (I couldn't make out the word bc it was blurry)
"we need lightbulbs"
talk to the gardener about the weeds
pay bills
call cable guy
cancel hair appointment
Honestly, if I were given this list, some of it would piss me off, like "pick up dry cleaning," "shoe repair," and "cancel hair appointment" (for someone else). Everything else sounds more reasonable to me bc it relates to the house and their living situation. However, Phoebe said something specific at 25:40, "Which is that I get absolutely no credit for all that I do around here. It's just assumed that I'll do it. Like, that crack that you made to Piper yesterday morning. 'Don't worry Piper, Phoebe'll do it. She's got time.'"
I rewound the episode to see exactly how it played out, what exactly they all said, and how they said it. It turns out that Piper said, "I am so behind. I didn't go shopping or pay the bills or call the cable guy or cancel my hair appointment." Phoebe responds, "Don't worry about it, sweetie. I'll do it." THIS is significant bc Phoebe replied to Piper without anyone asking her to pick up those tasks. However, Phoebe says it with a very specific tone. It was very automatic as if it wasn't the first time she's offered to do it, like it was frequent enough that it became a routine reaction (implication again of being consistently "useful" in other ways than financial!). PIPER stops in her tracks for a second and says with a frown on her face, "Are you sure?" to which Prue immediately follows up with, as Phoebe very accurately recalls later in the episode during their fight, "Yeah, I mean, you've got time, right?" and Phoebe has an extremely irritated look on her face. Prue doesn't even give her time to respond before moving on about Piper catching her flight. It's so key that Phoebe has more of a blank expression and tone when volunteering to pick up Piper's to-do list and she only reacts after Prue makes her comment.
At the start of the episode, I didn't think any of what I just said above ^^. I was completely understanding of Prue and Piper and how important it was for them to retain their jobs. The episode is set up very well with Prue's office scene following Phoebe's scene where she witnesses ghost crimes on Alcatraz. Prue is put under enormous pressure to keep her job, pressure that's been building for the whole season as she spends more time fighting the supernatural as a witch. This made me understand even more how significant it was for her to keep her job bc her and Piper's mentions about their jobs in jeopardy at the beginning of the episode relate to the upkeep of the house. I agreed that money was needed to keep the heat/water/electricity on, feed themselves (and their cat), and other basic living needs. Phoebe's call that interrupts Prue's lecture from Claire directly highlights their difference in values, goals, motivations, and aspirations. Prue highly values her job, which is why she's stressed from having to manage both parts of her life. Phoebe highly values her duty to protect the innocent and save lives as a witch, which is why she was practicing calling her premonition powers on command and was so passionate about researching the ghost of Alcatraz.
This divide between them is even further exacerbated when Prue gets home and sees the dishes in the sink and no groceries in the fridge while Phoebe is sitting in front of her laptop researching Alcatraz. Phoebe pissed me off here again bc I, too, would be frustrated as hell if I asked my housemate/sibling to go grocery shopping and I came home after work to an empty fridge without any ingredients to even cook. Phoebe mentions that there isn't enough money in the house account, pushing me even more to "Prue's side" about having a job bc I couldn't see how Phoebe could be concerned about something else when there was barely any food. I can't say for sure that they're in poverty or something, but my personal assumption is if you don't have enough for groceries, how are you feeding yourself?
Phoebe was also consistently lying about where she was, which ended up being the surface-level reason for her fight with Prue. Their fight was very captivating bc every time Phoebe said anything I could feel Prue's (and my) frustration and annoyance rising. Phoebe doesn't tell Prue the truth about where she was bc she knows Prue will blow up and she wants to save herself the drama, at which point I thought, "Girl, if you just admitted it, maybe it would help you both fight the ghost a bit better instead of pretending your friend saw everything. You are creating the drama, not Prue." Then, Phoebe says, "You're really mad at me bc, as far as you're concerned, I was slacking off yesterday, which is pretty much what I do every day, right?" I thought, "Yes!!! You literally crumpled the to-do list bc you decided it was ridiculous and then lied about where you were!!! The bills are not paid, there's no food in the fridge, and you avoided taking responsibility for what you DIDN'T do by bringing up 'We're not gonna prove Piper right by getting into a fight already, are we?' How are you not sorry for not doing all the things you said you were gonna do?"
But then Phoebe goes off on Prue, explaining how the root of all of this is Prue's animosity toward her for not having a real job. I even understood Prue's (implied) animosity. I, too, would be stressed about having to make sure I have a job to make money to "take care of my family," especially if one of my family members who lived with me didn't have a job. I would feel responsible for them and that is one of Prue's core characteristics. Phoebe's mention of Prue's underhanded comment about Phoebe having free time was the turning point where I started to understand more of Phoebe's POV. It's implied that Phoebe does all the housework such as grocery shopping, vacuuming the house, and waiting all day for the cable guy to show up. She even mutters, "I'm not even married and I'm already a housewife," after Prue and Piper leave the house. I admit that I rolled my eyes when she said that and thought, "Prue and Piper are literally carrying you financially and you can't help them out?" That was one of my many many mistakes and I realized that I was shitting on Phoebe for "not being grateful," yikes. I even downplayed and diminished the sheer amount of work that a housewife does just bc she's "not earning money."
My solidarity with Prue character isolated me from Phoebe and everything she did, everything she was passionate about, seemed childish and immature to me, and the fact that I felt that way personally speaks a lot about how realistic these characters and their relationships are (in my opinion). Phoebe's power fits so well with her emotional personality and her intrinsic desire to help in her own way. She may not pay the bills, but she cares about people outside of her immediate family and can't understand why people, for example, Prue, might prioritize their jobs and careers more than helping others. I think it's just a misunderstanding in which Prue and Phoebe live in their different worlds as a result of their different personalities, so it can be difficult to understand where the other person is coming from and how they feel.
Anyways, I already wrote so much lmao, I'll stop here. I'm ashamed of how I viewed Phoebe for so long. I made this post about 2 months ago when I first started rewatching Charmed and I believe that if I watched the first 3 episodes again after writing this post, I would most likely have a more informed opinion about some of the points I made. I feel very judgemental and I am reminded that there's always another perspective. I'm really glad that I kept going and pushed past my initial discomfort. This is a wonderful show and, again, I LOVE the writing and consistency in characterization in this episode.
I wrote this on Reddit originally, but I wanted to share it here too because I originated from Tumblr lol. It feels like coming home.
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em13grad · 3 months
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lovestuckyhatemarvel · 9 months
I forgot that Elise straight up ignores Phoebe's pleas to not have to talk to her abusive evil ex and is just like, "Okay whatever, interview him anyway." She even tries to use Phoebe's conflicted feelings about Cole against her. Like I'm not saying Charmed was perfect about its Girl Power Thing before, but damn if they didn't go super fucking gross about Phoebe during season 5.
Elise's comments about readers not needing to know Phoebe divorcing Superman also just make no sense. From the mermaid episode, it's made pretty clear none of the readers goddamn know about Phoebe and Cole's relationship at all. Otherwise Nancy Odell asking IF there's a man causing all the love in her column would just be stupid. And the worst part is that normally Elise isn't like this! Or at least I don't remember her being like that. But in this episode, for no good goddamn reason, she's a heartless asshole who's determined to exploit Phoebe's pain for views. And it's all in service to this gross, awful plot where Cole just won't fucking stop stalking Phoebe. And the show keeps acting like Phoebe not 100% hating Cole like means something other than it's very hard to move on from an abusive ex, even when they're clearly garbage for you.
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ac1nums-moved · 7 months
@hollowtissue, claire dredge sent to phoebe halliwell: cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders.
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as phoebe walked through the chilly night, she couldn't help but feel the bite of the cold wind against her skin. it was a cold night. she knew that she couldn't handle this type of weather. she was so used to the sun when she was back home in san fransisco that she didn't bring anything warm when she came here. though, she has put on a small cardigan, she couldn't help but pull it tighter around herself, trying to shield her body from the icy air. despite her efforts, the cold still managed to seep through, sending shivers down her spine. just then, claire, her ever-attentive friend, with a gentle gesture, reached out and placed her own jacket over phoebe's shoulders. the warmth of claire's jacket enveloped phoebe like a comforting embrace, instantly easing the chill that had settled into her bones. phoebe turned to look at claire, touched by her friend's thoughtfulness. " thank you, claire, " she said, eyes on her friends, who doesn't wear anything other than a sweatshirt. " aren't you going to be cold though? i don't want you to freeze to death because of me. "
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womaniz · 1 year
" no, no, no piper! you see - ha, it's such a funny story! " panic began to set in as her brain filtered through all the excuses in the book. oh, you are so dead! " like really funny : a hoot! i think you're going to get a kick out of it! " a stressed grin appeared on the youngest halliwell's face from ear to ear. it was her tell, the one give away when things were not good. " so cole, ha, you know, cole ... my boyfriend cole ... the one we like a lot cole. keep that in mind, okay? did i tell you you look so pretty? " fiddling with piper's hair, " well, he's a demon. " stress laughing as phoebe stumbled over her words, " and your hair! it feels so healthy. "
@queendom : phoebe for piper!
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vanquishedmelon · 2 months
"You have got to lay off the rhyming, Prue."
Prue Halliwell Appreciation Week 2024 - Day 2: Favourite Power/Spell
To See The Unseen Spell - Season 3, Episode 3.
In this tween time, this darkest hour We call upon the Sacred Power Three together stand alone Command the unseen to be shown In innocence we search the skies Enchanted are our newfound eyes
No matter how well Prue's spell worked, Phoebe won't stop complaining about the over-the-top rhyming. Read below the cut or on Ao3.
Author's Note: Not only do I love this spell, but I also love Phoebe's little "you have got to lay off the rhyming" line afterwards, which is the inspiration for this ficlet.
“Alright, so Piper and I will work on the potion, and Phoebe will write the spell.”
“Wait, me? Why do I have to write the spell?” In typical youngest sibling fashion, she placed her hands on her hips and frowned as she complained.
“Hey, you’re better than us at writing spells. Plus, the Book doesn’t have too much information, and you have the extra intel from your premonition.”
“Fine,” Phoebe groaned. And so she was sat at the kitchen table struggling to think of words to string together while Prue and Piper chatted away making the potion. She secretly knew that Prue was right—she was the best spell writer, but that didn’t mean she always enjoyed it. To think she hated poetry in high school and now was the one stuck rhyming words every other week. The bubbling pot on the stove was a much more exciting alternative.
“How’s that summoning spell coming along, Pheebs?” The elder sisters had fallen silent some time ago to help Phoebe work, and Prue’s voice snapped Phoebe out of her trance.
“Huh? Oh,” she glanced back down at the notepad in front of her, where a few lines were written down and a lot more were scribbled out. “I’m getting there. Just having a bit of trouble coming up with it today.”
Prue rounded the kitchen island, leaving Piper to bottle up the potions. “Do you want me to do it?”
“No, I can do it.” She snorted. “Besides, after your last spell? All that rhyming made me feel like I was on a children’s show.”
“The spell worked, didn’t it?” Prue folded her arms over her chest. It was a damn good spell! She combined three different spells to make that one and it worked perfectly! Phoebe wasn’t the only spell writing expert around here.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” Phoebe grumbled, twirling her pen between her fingers.
Prue rolled her eyes and left the kitchen. A few years ago, such an interaction between the pair would have been full of tension—Piper would have stayed off to the side simply to avoid the conflict. But Prue and Phoebe were playful in their bickering, poking fun at each other with a banter only shared between siblings. It was for that reason that Prue returned with a book, dropping it on the table in front of Phoebe.
Phoebe raised an eyebrow. “A rhyming dictionary?”
Prue tapped the book encouragingly. “Hey, don’t underestimate how valuable this thing is. It’s gotten me through a lot of spells.”
With an eyeroll, Phoebe pulled the book towards her, opening the front cover.
“I can tell.”
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illusionindelirium · 4 months
Charmed S7.E21 - Death Becomes Them
This is such a powerful episode. In a nutshell, Zankou orchestrates the death of innocents the sisters are close to and resurrects them with the help of an Alchemist to torment them into breaking their bond in an effort to steal the book.
In this episode, Zankou and the Alchemist could bring anyone back from the dead and control them. Could you imagine if they decided to bring Prue back and have her torment the girls! Zankou has spent several episodes learning about the sisters. There was even a scene where he reads Piper's diary and learns about how much grief she felt after Prue's death. He wouldn't have had to kill/revive up all those innocents, Prue would've shaken ALL OF THEM TO THEIR CORE. It would've brought up so many feelings; Phoebe's guilt for being to involved with Cole, Piper's co-dependency, Paige's comparison/inferiority complex. Instead of the crappy Season 8, this reawakened evil Prue could've been the ultimate power the sisters had to defeat. There is no way Piper would've been able to just fight past her fears and blow her up in one episode so it could've developed into such a great arc. Some quality writing and cracking open a psychology textbook or two and we would've been living!
Uggghhhh, it would've made for some great television.
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foreternitysblog · 1 month
ISO Roleplay Partners
I am 22F searching for novella partner 21+. I enjoy OOC chatter, plotting together and talking outside of the roleplay. I can play multiples but prefer to do one on one mostly. I write several paragraphs for my replies and prefer to write on discord. Aside from canon I also am looking for ships for several oc’s. Here are some canons I am searching for:
Cole Turner for my Phoebe Halliwell
Jason Dilaurentis for my Aria Montgomery
Scott McCall for my Adelina Hale
Stiles Stilinski for my Accalia Hale or my Lydia Martin
Tanjiro Kamado for my Akari Hashibira or my Kanao (aged up ofc)
Muichiro for my Kasumi (aged up ofc)
Jacob Black for my Bella Swan or my Lexi Swan
Jasper Hale for my Tilly Jacobsen
Edward Cullen for my Adrian Chance
Lucy Gray for my Coryo
Coryo for my Lucy Gray
Klaus Mikaelson for my Hayley Marshall
Jace Herondale for my Clary Fairchild (movie)
Will for my Stella (five feet apart)
Jeremy Gilbert for my Damonia Salvatore
Damon Salvatore for my Elena Gilbert
Stefan Salvatore for my Elena Gilbert
Percy Jackson for my Venus Rylan
Katniss Everdeen for my Peeta Mellark
Nick Scratch or Harvey Kinkle for my Sabrina Spellman
Caliban for my Sabrina Morningstar
Hermione Granger for my Harry Potter
Betty Cooper for my Jughead Jones
Annabeth Chase for my Percy Jackson
Clark Kent for my Lana Lang (Smallville)
Alex for my Rosie (love Rosie)
Squall for my Rinoa (FF8)
These are my currents if any catch your eyes please dm me on here and let me know!
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ironheartwriter · 1 month
I am dying to know where you got the idea for eitd!!! It's such an intriguing universe and I'm excited to learn more about it as the story continues.
Hi Harley! So I'm gonna answer this under the cut, just in case, but omg am I excited to talk about it. Potential spoilers for Even in the Dark below:
So the idea for Even in the Dark initially came from me really wanting to do a fic where Carlos was essentially a villain, but one that could be redeemed down the road. Once I got the idea that 'okay, Carlos is the villain, now what?' I had to build off of that. Fantasy books have always been my thing, whether it's when I was growing up reading, or now as an adult. I just love reading, and writing, things with fantasy elements in them, so I really wanted to find powers that I felt worked for the characters. And keep in mind, a lot of the LS characters haven't appeared yet but hopefully will later on. There's so much that I have planned out for this fic that I'm genuinely so excited for and wish I could talk more on, but I don't want to spoil too much, but for now I will talk a bit about how I came up with TK and Carlos's abilities as well.
Throughout LS TK, I feel, truly feels the weight of everything that's going on around him. He wears his heart on his shoulder, and just everything about him screamed 'empath' to me. I also kind of based his abilities off of Phoebe Halliwell's empath abilities from the show Charmed back from the early 2000's, which was one of my favorite shows.
For Carlos's abilities it was a little more complicated. I wanted to give him an ability that was tied to his emotions, and fire just sort of clicked for me, I guess? With him being seen as the villain, I really wanted him to have a strong offensive power that would potentially be used for some less than kind things, so fire in the end just felt like the right choice for him.
As far as the overarching plot point of TK being the last known empath and having been a slave most of his life, I really wanted TK to kind of be in a dark place when this fic started. Feral TK isn't something new to this fandom at all, but I wanted to give him a different reason other than 'I asked my boyfriend to marry me and it didn't end well.' This version of TK has been through it. He's been broken down again and again and he kind of knows that unless something changes, his life is going to continue on that path indefinitely, especially considering he's immortal.
There's a lot that will happen for these two in the future of this fic and honestly I'm excited to write it all out. And I know you probably didn't expect me to get all rambly about this, but truly this fic and this universe make me so so so happy and excited.
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