#⋄ * ✿ ⋄ *  PHOEBE HALLIWELL. › study.
wyrdhearth · 9 months
phoebe has such a strong sense of personality –– she comes across the kind of person who isn't afraid of anything, because why should she be afraid of herself? her confidence comes from a place of total security with herself. where she is insecure is with her personal dynamics, her place in the world. where does she fit in? where does she belong?
when she then finds out she's a witch, it answers that question for her. it explains why she's not like her sisters, and gives her something to bond with them with, to be a real part of a family together. in short phoebe doesn't fear her powers because they haven't disrupted her life like they have for prue or piper. if anything, they've enriched her life, which was lacking of meaning.
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worstdroughts · 1 month
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[ DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL ] i just saw that PHOEBE HALLIWELL arrived in mystic, ct ! they're TWENTY-FOUR and a CANON character from CHARMED. however, you might want to check first because while they've been here ONE YEAR they DO NOT BELIEVE they have been here their whole lives. make sure to make them feel right at home.
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phoebehalliwell · 6 months
which branch of the family is each next gen closest to outside of their own?
like example being chris is closest to maybe his siblings (only for an example) but of the cousins and his aunts/uncles respectively
like he might be closer to parker but overall closer to paige/henry/kat/tam/henry's unit (or majority of five) does that make sense
if they were going to absorbed into a different branch. which would it be is what I'm saying (I think. now I'm unsure)
ooh okay kk
wyatt is probably closest with mitchell gang and honestly henry jr is probably doing a lot of heavy lifting in this as wyatt and henry are basically the only two to study magic But wyatt and tamora are the only one with healing powers and the wyatt and kat both like weird looking art (headcanon that paige was really the one to drag kids to art museums and really helped foster wyatt's love of art)
chris is with the cupitches & co honestly mainly bc of paige bc let's not forget paige did watch him die so she gets the same overprotective quality leo gets whereas phoebe trusts him a lil bit more, so to speak. next gen + relationships with phoebe and paige! chris still is really close with henry jr (he's like wyatt minus the i'm coming with you which is great for chris) and he's close with kat bc they're both black sheep. but as a trio chris does really like all of the cupitches he kind of views them as little sisters they're like melinda lites bc melinda still has empathy and won't dunk on him mercilessly (she's still call him out on his bullshit, but in a constructive way) whereas the cupitches will draggg him for not having a bedframe and never really having a girlfriend and for having pathetic lil outfits. chris likes pj bc she's a skilled witch and very competent charmed one, which he respects. he likes parker bc honestly she's really fucking funny and a good sparring partner. he likes peyton bc she's quiet (like, the only quiet one in the family) and they both are telekinetics with interests in tech/coding/etc so there's opportunity to bond there
rest under the cut!!
melinda is closest with the cupitches & co bc not only are they all very close in age but also phoebe was kind of her main trainer seeing as she's an empath and that is a notoriously hard gift to control. she is still v close with henry tam and kat but her bond with phoebe really is the deciding factor
kat is closest with cupitches & co bc she is both a hopeless romantic and a fashion fiend. she is still close with mellie and obvi with chris and piper as well bc piper trained her but she does kind of have beef with leo bc leo respectfully will snitch to paige sometimes who has a bad (well, bad in kat's opinion) of freaking out when her children get mortally wounded
tamora is closer with halliwell household bc first off, someone needs to snitch to mom when kat gets gravely injured and she doesn't want it to be her, secondly she has always been incredibly uncomfortable with her power (of molecular combustion) and piper has really helped her get a hold on it. she thinks kat and chris can be overdramatic sometimes (most times) but she's close with wyatt bc they again both have the healing factor and the fear of the immense and deadly power just constantly coursing thru them (really no one else has insta kill it is very difficult for almost anyone else to accidently murder someone) and she's close with mellie bc mellie is kind and not loud. she likes the cupitches and she has fun helping them put together outfits (that she would never wear bc she does Not want that kind of attention on her) but they are just so love oriented and like. tamora just. is not that she's not both her and peyton have a lot of fun playing dating sims but she is so so so scared of dating and just would prefer not to talk about it. also does not like combat training (something the cupitches frequently engage in) bc she is very scared of injuring someone
henry jr & cupitches & co easily. for starters he's closer in age to them and then secondly they involve him in a lot piper and leo get really concerned about him bc he's mortal he and wyatt are close he and chris are close hell even he and mellie are close but he just hangs out with pj and parker like all the time they even insist that he does partner sparring with them and they di use their magic against him in fights (something he insists on bc it's not like evil will hold back just bc he's mortal) so yeah. cupitches.
pj is probably closest with the mitchell gang probably with henry as the deciding factor she and henry are also in the same year at school. she's still v close with melinda and close with chris she's not as close with wyatt just bc of their age delta and they don't have so super much in common but they will def gossip about anything and everything at family get togethers so it's not like she dislikes him it's just that she's much closer with his sister you know? she also likes yapping with kat about love and with tamora about clothes so those are all pluses
parker is a tough call actually. i'm gonna say the halliwell household with the deciding factors being she really likes kicking it with mellie bc psychic girlies need to stick together and chris is spiritually her annoying old brother. she loves the mitchells too obvi esp henry i would say the deciding factor is just sometimes it gets under her skin how tam and kat kind of complain about their powers. like kat does not consider herself all that powerful and of course tamora is a lil scared of her power and parker would never say anything to their faces but like. they have active powers. and she kind of doesn't. but she really doesn't want to bitch about it bc no one likes a whiner and besides she can kick ass regardless but like. she would Like an offensive power
peyton is also gonna be halliwell household she is really close with tamora probably the closest with her tbh and she does like henry but i think she connects the most with mellie and wyatt re: wanting to be a person first and a witch second and then also she really likes piper bc piper will always teach her how to cook (peyton's more of a baker in general but loves being in the kitchen regardless)
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paigemathews · 7 months
Because I really want to know how that would go and how they would both react:
piper re-meeting bianca in the future
Pairing: Piper Halliwell & Bianca Atwood
Background Pairing: Chris Halliwell / Bianca Atwood
Notes: I realized like halfway through that this wasn't really what you'd asked for, but I kind of committed at that point, so I hope that it's alright anyways!
"You don't trust me."
Piper paused, hand hovering over the boiling pot. She hadn't heard Bianca come in, which probably wasn't too surprising. She dropped the herb in the pot and turned towards the younger woman.
Bianca leaned against the doorway, arms crossed and expression inhumanely calm. Clad in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt Piper recognized as her son's, she looked like she was mortal. Two days ago, Piper had watched her slaughter half a demonic coven bleeding and powerless with only an athame.
"No," Piper admitted. "I don't."
Shifting forward, Bianca crossed the room to lean against the counter. Her tone was casual even though her words were not. "I saved your life. And your sisters'."
She couldn't deny that. It was rare for demons to get the drop on them anymore, but she and her sisters had expected two or three demons when they orbed down into the Underworld. Confronted with a demonic coven, they'd been caught off-guard until Paige was shot, and they were unable to escape themselves without leaving their sister. Neither she nor Phoebe could bear to leave their youngest sister in demonic hands. They'd been in the midst of strategizing a way to escape, Paige half-conscious between them, when their rescue arrived.
Bianca had been the one to discover the demons. Without her, the odds of their children finding them before it'd been too late for Paige, and likely her and Phoebe, was next to none. Bianca's part in the rescue seemed to erase the rest of their children's doubt about her, along with Phoebe and Paige's.
"You did."
Bianca was not the first demon to have saved her life. She was not the first demon to cross paths (and metaphorical swords) with a Halliwell, only to fall in love and switch sides. She was not the first demon that painstakingly earned their family's trust, until she was considered above reproach and suspicion.
Cole Turner had done the same thing, and had manipulated Phoebe into becoming the Queen of the Underworld and nearly killing Paige. One instance of questionable advice (of which most days Piper tried to forget, because it was weird to think of her ex-brother-in-law as an incorporeal spirit in their house) did not equal forgiveness by a long shot.
She had nearly lost her sisters. She refused to risk losing her son to the same trick.
Bianca studied her face for a moment before unexpectedly smiling. "Good."
"Good?" Piper repeated. She'd already had two separate hushed arguments with Phoebe and Paige about trusting Bianca. Was this some trick to try to discredit her to her family? (Some nights, she still felt the nauseous pit of guilt in her stomach for how Cole manipulated them against Paige. She always stopped by her youngest sister's office at Magic School the next day with lunch and time to talk.)
Bianca shrugged and pushed herself away from the counter. "Good. I'm a Phoenix, Piper. I'd be more worried if someone didn't worry about that. I lo- care about Chris and I have no intention of hurting him, or any of you, but that doesn't change that I'm a Phoenix. It's..." She hesitated before finishing, "Reassuring that you're wary of that and looking out for them."
Her piece said, Bianca nodded at her and disappeared in a shimmer, leaving Piper with her potion and her thoughts.
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verdantflamingo · 1 year
Couples and "almost" couples that the writers wiped the floor with at one point.
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Show: Charmed
Couple: Phoebe and Cole
Plot: Phoebe and Cole fell in love despite a somewhat dubious beginning, when Cole was actually a half-demon sent to kill her and her sisters. Their love brought out Cole's human side and the two got married, and for a while it really seemed like these two were going to be the second ultimate couple. Only no. Cole became the new source of evil, manipulating Phoebe into becoming the evil queen by his side, she eventually broke free from his grasp and along with her sisters, defeated Cole. Cole then later tried to win Phoebe's heart back, but that never happened. Until today, I didn't know there was such a thing as a 9th and 10th season in comic book form, but in it, Phoebe and Cole finally reconcile after years, Cole saves the life of Phoebe's husband Coop, and his body is possessed by his own father. The End.
Rating: They deserved better.
Opinion: without a doubt one of the most dynamic or rather the most dynamic relationship in Charmed. I've always liked Phoebe the best of the Halliwell sisters, though I suppose a lot of that was due to her looks and her dark potential. And Cole was interesting from beginning to end. It was interesting to watch their relationship from the beginning to the very bittersweet ending, but I wasn't the only one who felt wronged after the ending that the two didn't get a future together. They were passionate and in love and were determined to go to great lengths to protect the other. Their relationship is very much defined by the good and evil that runs through both of them, but they fought it, both of them. For a long time, it seemed like they were supposed to represent the fairy tale "love always wins." But no. In the end, Cole ended up trapped somewhere between worlds. Phoebe wasn't treating him very well towards the end, and we fans had to put up with a hastily conjured Coop at the end who had no chance to compete with a relationship built over several seasons with maybe five episodes.
I personally don't mind if the "couple" end up separated at the end, but we didn't get any adequate replacement, and what the writers spent so many seasons building up came to nothing. So many twists and turns, Cole is good, then bad, then good again, then bad again, then maybe good, and Cole is alive, dead again… And alive, and death… Yeah, a little toxic relationship… I think if she didn't end up with Cole, she should have ended up with Jason Dean, he was the boss. They met sometime in season five with enough room to build a relationship. Cupid wasn't bad, but he just came so late.
Best: Unfortunately, it's been years since I watched the show, so I don't remember much. But I do remember Cole fighting with himself not to hurt Phoebe, really trying to make it work, but he wasn't lucky or strong. I appreciate the moment when Phoebe realizes that for all her love for Cole, they won't have their happy ending.
Worst: Season 5. While it had some good moments, like Phoebe the Mermaid, it was also the season that completely buried those two.
Trivia: I appreciate that in one episode, Phoebe learns that her true love's name begins with the letter C. At that point, it's obviously supposed to be Cole. It's nice that the writers remembered this moment and named her new man with a C.
PS: If you also feel that some couple/ maybe couple has been wronged, feel free to follow up on my post!
PSS: This "project" is not based on any deep study, it is just a short summary of opinions that I feel compelled to share.
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theonesnotchosen · 1 year
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Prudence Johanna (PJ) Halliwell
Phoebe and Coop’s oldest daughter is named after the oldest Halliwell sister, Prue. PJ was given her nickname by her grams and takes the namesake very seriously. PJ is a Cupid-Witch hybrid and has the magical abilities to beam and remote beam, mediumship and the basic witch abilities of spell casting, rituals, scrying and potion making.
PJ takes her witchy heritage very seriously, studying her craft as much as possible, to make herself as strong as she can against the demons that come for her family.
PJ is very family orientated, keeping tabs not only on her sisters but also her cousins, sometimes that spills over into bossiness. PJ prefers her magical life over her mortal one having spent most of her education at magic school, she finds it hard to relate to mortals and their problems when she has demons to worry about.
Henri & PJ
PJ and Henri are best friends, even though Henri is a mortal and PJ finds it difficult to relate to mortals, however they both share a sense of loyalty and responsibility to their family. PJ felt responsible for Henri’s safety and their bond developed into their teenage years. Henri’s severe social anxiety hone PJ’s big sister instincts and Henri feels that PJ is the only one who truly understands her.
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mult1aes-moved · 1 month
@feytold, abraham van helsing sent to phoebe halliwell: ❝ i think we should quit while we’re ahead. ❞
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phoebe arched an eyebrow, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. abraham's suggestion was unexpected, given the intensity of their current situation. she studied him for a moment, trying to gauge whether his hesitation was rooted in fear or strategy. “ quit while we’re ahead? ” phoebe echoed, her tone contemplative but with a hint of defiance. “ i didn’t take you for someone who would back down so easily. ” she's heard of him. she read the book when her sister aren't around. she know he never backs down, so, she's so surprised to heard those words coming from him. she took a step closer, her gaze unwavering. “ are you saying we should stop now, or are you just thinking this through strategically? because i have to say, i’m not one to walk away from a fight when we’re so close to turning the tide. ”
her fingers traced the edge of her weapon, a sign of her readiness to keep going if needed. “ i get it—sometimes it’s smarter to step back and regroup. but if we’ve got the upper hand, shouldn’t we capitalize on it? i’ve faced enough challenges to know that opportunity doesn’t always come knocking twice. ” phoebe's eyes softened as she added, “ but if you’re worried about us pushing our luck too far, i’m willing to listen. we’re a team, after all. you're the lead. so, if you’ve got a plan or if you think it’s time to pull back, let me know. i trust your judgment, but i also trust our ability to see this through. ” she smiled, her confidence evident. “ just remember, sometimes the best way to ensure victory is to stay in the fight. but i’m ready to follow your lead if you think we should take a different approach. ”
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hasvision · 4 years
maya vie is bisexual, christy jenkins is a lesbian, phoebe halliwell is pansexual
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studyinspospospo · 6 years
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Phoebe from Charmed studying psychology in her room
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kc-s-e · 6 years
study moods for the halliwell sisters
prue halliwell : being the leader of a study group, not very organised but trying your best, preferring the coffee shop to study at, surrounded by friends and loved ones, highlighting what you think is important, writing down something the minute you think about it, blasting study music which leads to procrastination, studying in bed, browsing stacks of books, watching a movie during a study break and never going back to your studies
piper halliwell: quiet and self contained, the actual leader of a study group, always carrying snacks around with you, using a whiteboard instead of paper, preferring the library and it's solitude, being strict with yourself, having a study rewards system set up, using natural light, trying to do everything at once, wanting time to slow down, having a college plan when you're six, nerve induced ramblings, having a study mascot, being the mother of a group
phoebe halliwell: smarter than you first appear, under your breath comments in class, sarcastic quips along the sides of your notes which help you remember them, rude mnemonics, studying in your bedroom, more work done at home than at school, pressed flowers, cravings for coffee, stealing your friend's food, having your own organisation system that only works for you, messy desk, misplacing your binder on the first day of school
paige halliwell: the one with the actually really good ideas, deserving a medal for even showing up somewhere, leaving your revision to the latest minute, preferring extracurriculars to school subjects, studying outside, highlighting everything so that it looks pretty, iced tea, getting distracted way too easily, running out of ink in your pen and using it as an excuse not to study, kicking off your shoes, always smelling really nice
- KC
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wyrdhearth · 9 months
thinking about how phoebe is sort of the inverse of prue in that where prue is afraid to give love in fear of losing someone, phoebe has almost too much love to give. since she'd lost her mom at a very young age, she had so much love that was still stored inside her, that now has nowhere else to go. her fear isn't losing love and hurting because of it, it's not having anyone to give it too. it's why her biggest fear is losing her sisters, because then who does she have? who can she love? and who can love her?
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aughts · 2 years
p. halliwell.
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oneofthecharmedones · 2 years
Phoebe Turner née Halliwell 🔮
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Phoebe Halliwell is the youngest of the Halliwell sisters until Prue's death and is therefore Prue's and Piper's little sister and Paige's big sister, to whom she has a particularly close bond. With no money and no job, she initially returns from New York to San Francisco, to her house and to her sisters. In the beginning she is known as the young, rebellious sister who often causes chaos and doesn't know what she wants to do with her life. Which quickly changes when she accidentally activates the Book of Shadows and her witch powers and the destiny of the Charmed Ones. Unlike her older sisters, she quickly adapts to her life as a witch. In order to get rid of the feeling of being a failure in the family, she begins studying and taking up martial arts, which also makes her more self-confident and stronger. When Paige enters her life, forming the new power of three, Phoebe, otherwise very carefree, rebellious, and humorous, becomes more serious, introducing her to life as a witch and becoming her middle sister, responsible, and engaging. Besides, the young witch is very sensitive and humorous. She later finds her place in the Bay Mirror under her own column 'Ask Phoebe' to help people and becomes very successful. Initially, she only possesses passive magic powers that allow her to see the future as well as the past with the help of visions. Through her empathy and column, she gains the power of empathy, allowing her to sense her opponent's emotions and levitate, as well as throw firepits in combat. Of the sisters, she is the sensitive and possesses a dark side that makes her more vulnerable to dark magic and attacks. Phoebe's biggest fear is losing her family, which is why she cares a lot about them, always has an open ear for her loved ones and sometimes exaggerates when it comes to caring for them. She is the proud aunt of Wyatt, Chris, Melinda and Valerio, with whom she also has a deep bond from the beginning and is proudly married to Cole, with whom she repeatedly proves herself against evil and they have two wonderful daughters together who are she idolizes Eleanore and Aurora.
⸺ Relationshipstatus : married to Cole Turner , @ademonsdiary i love you and i will always love you. Nothing and no one will ever change that and if we stand against all the forces of this world, you and i will stay. I love you husband. Forever, you and our daughters. ♥️
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The power of three will set us free 🌠
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
okay okay okay So patricia is the eldest sister she's very much like her mother (and let's be real, her father) in the sense that she's a perfectionist she's a fiercely hard worker and once she sinks her teeth into something she won't let go. she's def the bossy oldest sister and sets a high bar for the younger siblings to follow. her career goals are atm something involved in local politics, so she is going / has gone to law school in order to fulfill that career her narratives very often align w the academia aesthetic bc the girl loves earth tones and caffeine. she's a good witch and she does hone her craft but it's still something she views as quite separate from her quote unquote "real" life (kind of piper esqe in that regard) (aesthetic here!)
penelope is second eldest and is the resident grunge child kind of a la a young phoebe or paige dark hair sick jackets black eyeliner and rock n roll But unlike them her hobbies are not crime and alcoholism she is actually (studying to be) a molecular scientist. she is interested in the bridge between magic and science, what makes witches witches vs mortals mortals and so on and so forth, loves to toe that line and push what can and cannot exist within the laws of reality (aesthetic here!)
and then the youngest is philippa (the name actually comes from andys side of the family) and while penelope might look like the black sheep of the family philippa actually is she's either in community college or just not going to college and she's an artist (her preferred medium is painting). she works at a witch shop and has always had you know decent work ethic just like her ma and pa but she just operates kind of different from everyone else and wants to follow her own path (aesthetic here!)
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laufire · 3 years
Prue Halliwell
OTP for them: Prue x magic at the end of the day.
BROTP for them: her sisters, especially Phoebe. And Paige, even if just in my head. I think if that could've happened somehow, it might've become my favourite sister dynamic.
Other ships: I did like her with Andy and with Bane (and for a hot second could lowkey ship her with Cole ngl xD), but I wouldn't call those otps, so.
What kind of fic I’d write about them: that post that goes around proposing white lighter!Prue makes some points (she would've been very um. Unruly for the Elders lmao).
A favorite canon moment: I love the episode where a demon passes his empath powers to her, and she defeats him using her astral form. Also the episode where she triest to fight Death :(
Color that reminds me of them: sunset orange.
Song that reminds me of them: mm... I was just listening to Hole's "Celebrity Skins" and some parts could fit lol. "I'm all I wanna be, a walking study In demonology [...] My name is might have been, my name is never was, my name's forgotten" :)))
A headcanon about them: she would have loved smartphones :(
A random AU I think up on the spot for them: well, there's the white lighter option lol.
Anything else: other than Paige, the other character I'd be curious for her to meet is s6 Chris. It could be great imo. Hmm. Should I see if there's some interesting-looking aus out there...
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comiiical · 3 years
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Porter Russell
Runs “Russells” with his brother. He’s a doctorated architect and a CEO of a realtor company in the west coast.
Descendant of P. Russell, Phoebe Halliwell’s past life. His ancestor as abandoned by her when she was days old, taking her pregnancy in secret from all the family and the world around her, afraid of her warlock boyfriend’s possible actions against the baby. Laater on, she would be killed by her own cousins and the whole lineage of souls cursed until Phoebe Halliwell broke the curse. Her great grandmother would then be raised by mortals and unaware of her magic, learning by herself until her familiar brought her to the first whitelighter that that line of the family saw. 
Porter is the older half brother of Penn, his mother, P Russell descendant, was in an open relationship with Porter’s father before his demise, leaving Penn’s father to raise him. Never a problem as he had enough time to grow with his father and the experience of both felt... good. His interest in construction and buildings came at a very young age when first studying the Halliwell Manor as part of San Francisco oldest buildings and the nexus that it has, it was then when he found the connection to the family.
Porter has telekinesis ( deviation, advances telekinesis, shockwave generation, levitation, flight, force field generation, though projection, removal and mind displacement, astral projection), pyrokinesis ( fire throwing, fire generation, heat generation, heat throwing, divination), blinking and power mimicry. Through mimicry he’s copied and gained immunity to premonition, phasing, possession and glamouring. He’s immune to telepathic powers due to his mimicry, but he cannot mimic these as he doesn’t feel it on himself first. Once a power it’s experience, it can be mimiced or released but while inside, he is immune to it.
Despite the abandonment, his great great grandmother ended up in a good family and benefited her in a good way. Like Penny Halliwell, lived off of investments as she had her mother’s premonition power. 
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Penn Russell
Runs “Russells” with his brother. He’s an interior designer and realtor.
Penn’s father was the one that raised them both for the rest of their parents lives (who are still very much alive). Unlike Porter’s father, who is a mortal, Penn’s was the depowered descendant of the egyptian demon Jeric, and while they were aware that it could bring consequences to their child, they never feared him to become bad. Told of the true nature of his ancestry, both Russell’s and Jeric, Penn thupght himself lucky that he had never given proofs of such behavior. But it was Jeric’s creativity in magic and spells what probably most permeated into his persona: and as a creative person, even from a young age, he built and built. He lives in the west coast with his brother close enough and works from his home office in the very building they built for a big businessman, with the best sights of the beach.
Telekinesis ( deviation, advanced telekinesis, levitation, telekinetic dusting ), premonition, molecular manipulation ( immobilization, acceleration, dispersion, inhibition, gelidfication, solidification, combustion, subatomic combustion (Like Jubilee)), aerokinesis ( gust generation ), atmokinesis, sand manipulation (mummification, dusting, dust manipulation, dust and sand construct creation) and power replication are his powers. Through power replication he replicated Resurrection (and destroyed the avatar that owned it), size manipulation, energy sparks, and mental shielding.
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