#⋄ * ✿ ⋄ *  PHOEBE HALLIWELL. › desires.
montenegringirl · 7 months
After years of moaning into dark sides of my soul, now i know that everything i ever wanted is someone to love me as Cole loved Phoebe. Even it went wrong for them, i felt that emotions, desire, passion, captivating energy of twin flames who are meant for eachother. Its like, same blood comes throught two separated bodies... until they emerge into one.
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ishizizzle · 1 year
I'm finishing up s4 of Charmed and the LENGTHS Phoebe and Cole's love goes through is INTENSE ITS INSANE I ended up loving them wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than I thought I would?!? And Phoebe looks like such a bad bitch at this Source Coronation girl the Source Awards 💀💀
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disneymbti · 3 months
Hello! Could I request The Halliwell sisters (Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige) from Charmed for the MBTI?
Hi there, sweetie! I really hope you like this a lot!
Prue Halliwell's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESTJ [The Executive]
ESTJ types are very high energy. They’d rather spend their time with other people than alone.
They tend to pay more attention to the details of a situation. They make decisions based on what they see right now.
Executives base their decisions on what makes sense, rather than what feels right. They listen to their head, not their heart.
They are responsible and like to plan ahead. They hold themselves accountable by making lists and following set processes and rules.
Big Three: Scorpio Sun, Cancer Moon and Capricorn Rising
Scorpio Sun: Ruled by Mars and Pluto, the Scorpio Sun is known to be intense, mysterious, and ever-evolving. 
Cancer Moon: The emotions of Cancer Moons have no limits, restraints, or depths. This is a cosmic placement that often leads to sweetness, kindness, emotional awareness and responsibility. 
Capricorn Rising: Capricorn ascendants are known for their efforts and diligence when it comes to attaining success and prosperity. 
Enneagram Type: 1w2 [The Activist]
Basic Fear: People who are type one with a two wing generally have a basic fear of being immoral and making impure choices. They avoid this by making a conscious effort to make ethical choices.
Basic Desire: They also have a natural desire to be upstanding and humane. They try to fight for the rights of those less fortunate and love being hands-on in making a difference by volunteering in their community.
Activists tend to respond to negativity by redirecting their emotions in order to gain a sense of control. In type ones with two wings, this may lead to sudden outbursts or breaking points, as they work through their emotions more externally.
Moral Alignment: True Neutral [The Balanced]
These characters believe in balance and avoid taking sides. They don’t take moral or ethical stances, but assess situations pragmatically.
Piper Halliwell's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ISFJ [The Defender]
ISFJ types need time alone to re-energize. They are self-sufficient and independent thinkers.
They are very observant and prefer to focus on the details of every situation. They listen to and follow past experience and present understandings.
Defenders prioritize the emotional needs of others. They make decisions based on what feels right, rather than what might make most logical sense.
They also prefer structure and organization, tending to follow rules and processes to an end goal. They are responsible and have a strong work ethic.
Big Three: Leo Sun, Pisces Moon and Taurus Rising
Leo Sun: The Sun rules the sign Leo, which is why Leo Suns all about ego, will, and character. They’re known to be creative, playful, and bold.
Pisces Moon: Pisces Moons are hyper-attuned to the needs and emotions of others. They're likely to predict what's on your mind before you even say it.
Taurus Rising: Those with Taurus risings exude grace and sophistication, and handle business with a sweet disposition.
Enneagram Type: 6w5 [The Guardian]
Basic Fear: Sixes with five wings are afraid of losing their guidance and stability. This is often expressed through their skepticism of the world.
Basic Desire: They have a strong desire for security, which they tend to show by protecting themselves and others. They seek close and stable relationships.
Guardians tend to defend themselves by projecting their own feelings onto others, which can often enhance their distrust of the world.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good [The Crusader]
These are characters who believe in truth, honor and order. They always strive to do the right thing, even at a great personal cost.
Phoebe Halliwell's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conversing with other people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact. 
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules, and strict rules.
Big Three: Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon and Pisces Rising
Scorpio Sun: Ruled by Mars and Pluto, the Scorpio Sun is known to be intense, mysterious, and ever-evolving. 
Sagittarius Moon: The Moon is considered to be lucky in Sagittarius, as it brings excitement, adventure, and abundance. However, those with Sagittarius Moons can be defensive at times.
Pisces Rising: The Pisces ascendant commits fully to their beliefs, and has an active imagination.
Enneagram Type: 7w6 [The Pathfinder]
Basic Fear: Sevens with a six wing have a deeply-rooted fear of missing out. They want to be trustworthy and honor commitments, but they also want to leave room to allow for last-minute opportunities.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel fulfilled and happy. They express this by searching for joy in every small thing that comes their way.
Pathfinders defend themselves by rationalizing away negative feelings. They unconsciously convince themselves that they are happy, even when they are not.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good [The Rebel]
These characters value freedom and kindness, often challenging laws and order to achieve just outcomes.
Paige Matthews' MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ENTP [The Debater]
As extroverts, ENTP types have higher levels of energy and love being around other people. They tend to avoid being alone.
They are more interested in the big picture than on specifics and details. They love solving complex problems and have a great sense of intuition. 
Debaters make decisions based on logic. They care less about what makes people happy and more about what’s right.
They dislike schedules and routine, preferring to keep their options open. They love surprise experiences and challenge the need for rules and regulations.
Big Three: Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon and Aquarius Rising
Leo Sun: The Sun rules the sign Leo, which is why Leo Suns all about ego, will, and character. They’re known to be creative, playful, and bold.
Capricorn Moon: The Capricorn Moon is reflective and contemplative, working to build a better foundation with those they care about.
Aquarius Rising: This rising sign can speak lucidly on a number of topics, using their lofty knowledge to charm crowds and solve problems alike.
Enneagram Type: 4w5 [The Free Spirit]
Basic Fear: Four wing fives fear having no impact on the world. They may be reserved, but they seek recognition and admiration.
Basic Desire: They desire their own personal identity, and may retreat within themselves to discover who they really are.
Free Spirits tend to defend themselves either by withdrawing from others or adapting characteristics of loved ones.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Evil [The Tyrant]
These characters are well-organized and disciplined, but use rules and order to serve their own sinister purposes.
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paigemathews · 4 months
if you could give prue kids (in an au where she lives), who would it be with (can be anyone dead or alive) and could you tell us a little bit about them?
Okay, so this might be a bit of a boring answer, but canonically, I think that Prue really only ever would've ended up at a place where she was comfortable having kids with Andy, if he had survived. Obviously, if she hadn't died, I think that they'd have given her another love interest, but looking at her canon love interests for more than an episode: Andy (dead), Bane (jail), Jack (...c'mon), and Justin (literally got dumped for no personality.) And while I'd love to spin up a Prue/Bane kid (not a Jack kid bc quite frankly, @phoebehalliwell has got that on lock already), I think it's gotta be Prue and Andy, assuming that they both survived.
The rest of this kind of have to go under the cut because I finished it, checked how many words it was, and went 'oooh, fuck.' In case you're wondering, the answer is over two thousand, so. I'm gonna get blocked if I just drop that on people's dashes lmao.
So, in this 'verse, I think that Prue would've actually been the first to have a child, for several reasons. Firstly, we actually do see her express a desire to have kids at a few points in the show and she doesn't seem to have as many as the same hang-ups of her sisters. Her issue seems to just be the good dad part. Secondly, she'd be the one with the longest and most stable relationship, since she and Andy have known each other for so long and were pretty much on the verge of committing to each other anyways when Andy, y'know. Got dead.
That said, I don't particularly think that it would have been an intentional pregnancy. This is kind of dependent on where we're at in the show, but I think that it'd probably end up at a point where the danger is ramping up and the Source is becoming more of a threat. I don't think that Prue would be initially willing to a) step back from the front lines of the fight b) bring a child into the consistent danger of the household and c) risk orphaning her child like she was. I can see it as a plotline where demons are constantly attacking and frazzling the sisters and we see her miss her meticulous birth control pill or something and then a few episodes later assume that it's because of stress, only to find out that, surprise! You're pregnant, and probably a bunch of dangerous stuff is happening.
But anyways, I think that Prue and Andy would go with the P tradition, because Andy seems like the type of family guy who'd be all for it and I think that Prue, having seen this kind of different continual line of her family, would be into it. (Also, I don't really see any reason why she'd be against continuing it either, tbh.)
So our firstborn daughter is Perri Christina Halliwell, and I'm now realizing the obvious connotation of that lmao. I'm just trying to look at P names that have not been taken by any of the sisters themselves or my main next gen, and Christina is actually a reference to two different female writers that my brain initially thought was the same person: Christine de Pizan, a medieval feminist writer (responsible for The Book of the City of Ladies), and Christina Rossetti, a Victorian writer whose works were often viewed through a feminist lens (at least in my class). I like the name flip thing though, so now I'm keeping it. As for the first name, I think that Perri has this almost rebellious feel to it, which fits for her.
But anyways, Perri, our firstborn witch! I think that because of the circumstances around Perri's birth, especially with Prue having lost her own mother at such a young age, she's incredibly protective over her. (God forbid if Piper or Phoebe died in this 'verse, because it'd multiple by ten.) Perri is also the first member of the next generation, so she's kind of the test child on "Training Your Magical Child 101." And the thing is, I'd genuinely argue that the sisters not being raised with their powers both endangered them as they tried to figure everything out and kept them from reaching their full potential, and I think that Prue's biggest goal is keeping Perri safe, so she goes. kinda hard on the training witch thing. And Andy kind of sides with Prue on this because he doesn't have the magic to help or protect Perri, so. It's not just Prue, but Piper and Phoebe (and Paige? idk if Paige is in this AU or not yet tbh) are also training her, so it's a little less harsh than it could be.
Perri grows up to be a powerful witch with a pretty thorough background on all of the different aspects of magic (spells, potions, powers, demons, etc.) Like her mother, she's a telekinetic witch. I think that under her mother's tutelage, her powers also actually advance relatively quickly so that she develops advanced telekinesis. Lastly, she also had this combination of levitation/limited flight in that she can lift herself and other things off the floor but can't go Superman-ing around. (Is this half because I want to imagine a scene of Perri mid-air wrecking someone's shit? Yes. I fully admit to my utilization of the Rule of Cool here.)
Beyond powers, however, she's a bit more like Phoebe or Paige than Prue as a teenager. She rebels against her parents a lot, but a lot less of the punk teenage rebel thing and more like the artsy creative checking out the art exhibit at the local rec center or whatever. She loves her parents but chafes at the protectiveness. She's very independent, vivacious, bold, etc. She's actually a lot like Prue in that tbh, very popular in high school but with a less "Student Council president, head cheerleader, straight A-student" type of vibe. She's a lot fun. I've kind of bounced between a few different job ideas for her, but I think that she'd love to work in fashion, probably as a designer. Her vibe is very much just nicely saturated colors and colorful modern art.
After Perri's birth, shit probably hits the fan at some point and we get a dark point where all seems lost, maybe a death from someone close (not Prue or Andy obviously and I hesitate to kill anyone else, so some character that they got close to in this rewrite that wasn't in canon. What do you want from me, this is about the kids not the show.) Or maybe just struggles with the Elders and trying to buck that control, especially since we'd have the Piper/Leo and Phoebe/Cole relationships at some point here. But they persevere, and there's probably been another little Halliwell kid running around this point with Perri, but this ain't about them.
Next up, we have Presley Artemisia Halliwell! Now, if you haven't seen that Tumblr post about Artemisia Gentileschi, it's metal af and I have no clue where it is, but short story: girl got a shit deal for quite awhile, including being raped then tortured to give evidence during her rapist's trial, but she was also an amazing painter that focused on women from myths, allegories, and the Bible. Okay, actually, I really gotta find that Tumblr post to explain it, gimme a second. Here it is, high key recommend reading it but trigger warnings but discussion of the previously mentioned rape and torture. Okay, but the point for the middle name: a) I think that she's a fucking cool ass painter and b) seeing as I've mentioned that something awful has happened, the element of surviving that pain and refusing to bow down, especially to a male-dominated society, for someone like Prue. And Presley is because it has this almost academic vibe about it to me, a little cold in a way. (Idk how to explain this, it's one a.m. and I've been at this for two hours, y'all.)
Now onto our second Prue/Andy daughter: Presley! At this point, they've been raising a daughter in the house, maybe even another of the sisters' kids, so there isn't as much of a strictness on her at all points. Don't get me wrong, there's still a level of protectiveness, but Peri's continuing survival has proven to Prue and Andy that magic isn't an instant death sentence. But I'd say that it's Presley's powers that shape her so fundamentally here.
Presley ends up with molecular immobilization initially, but her powers don't advance to molecular combustion. Instead, her next power is an extension of slowing down molecules to freezing them entirely (molecular inhibition, the freezing power that warlock!Piper temporarily had when the sisters were turned evil in Prue's Dark Wedding to Zile). So she ends up being able to freeze things metaphorically and literally. Over time, the molecular inhibition grows to be a bit more versatile, specifically in regards to hand gestures. I'm trying to decide if there's another logical advancement here, but I think that makes her powerful enough for now at least.
With the ability to temporarily freeze everything around her, Presley utilized it to give her time to think. She's very analytic, observant, and intelligent. Unlike her sisters, she's more quiet and introverted but has no issue interacting with people. She's just more content to observe the people around her than be as social as her sisters but is perfectly fine with other people approaching her. Like her mother, she can be a bit prideful and bossy, and Presley can sometimes assume that she knows best because of her observations and intelligent. She actually works adjacent to her dad as a forensic specialist because I knew I wanted her adjacent but not actually a cop. I'm not sure what her specialty is yet though! Her vibe is a lighter neutral Sherlock Holmes and a park on a nice day. (I know that doesn't make it sense, I am simply trying to translate the vibe in my head.)
I think that the last daughter is probably after the craziness has finally died down for the sisters so maybe after any Ultimate Battles or something. They're finally able to just live their lives how they please, with not so many demon attacks, which is when Prue has her last daughter.
Our youngest witch is Pamela Dorothea Halliwell! Dorothea is a shout-out to Prue's love of photography, specifically to Dorothea Lange. Considered one of the most influential photojournalists of the 20th century, Dorothea Lange is known for her work during the Great Depression. Pamela is actually also a shout-out to Pamela Barnes, a psychic in Supernatural! It can also be considered a shout-out to Pamela Bousquet, a Warren ancestor in one of the spinoff novels, who had telepathy.
Pamela rounds out our trio as the resident psychic. While her primary power is premonitions, she's fascinated by divination as a whole, including her powers expanding to show her the past and future, reading palms and tarot cards, and whatever else you'd count that as. Beyond just seeing the future, she also has astral projection, telepathy, empathy, and dream leaping. Her family is pretty sure that at least some of this is magic that she learned instead of naturally possessed, but neither she nor they could tell you which is her own natural power and which she gained through studying the craft. Technically, Pamela could be a threat if she was interested in fighting demons, but she's much more interested in the study of magic and her specific branch of it to wield her powers offensively. She's a threat despite not because of the way she studies.
Continuing with the psychic vibes, Pamela is best described as somewhat dreamy. She's an absolute sweetheart but can get a bit lost in her own head sometimes, which can be dangerous with her powers. Despite what you may initially think, she is voracious when it comes to learning and wants to know everything about everything. She pursues her passion with relentless abandon, which can sometimes bite her on the ass. Honestly, a lot of her dreaminess and kookiness is because of her powers, which are going to cause her some problems soon if she doesn't figure out how to not get lost in them. So of course she works in a witch shop reading palms and tarot cards, basically a more legit "The Amazing Phoebe!"
In my head, I think that Perri is about 26, Presley is about 24, and Pamela is about 21 maybe. The girls are all still in California but maybe spread out a little. Perri is probably in some more fashion-y city that I'd have to ask my sister to pick (but not tonight bc she'd kill me for waking her up at 2 a.m.) while Presley may still be in San Francisco but Pamela definitely is.
Okay, so this definitely ended up taking and being a lot longer than I thought it would be, but this was so much fun! I'm always a sucker for the next gen, and I love thinking about how it may have turned out differently with different characters, relationships, or plots. It's especially fun because there's so many possibilities in the Charmed 'verse for the kids and I'd love to spin out some of the ones that unfortunately just didn't fit for my "canon" kids. (I used to do Charmed roleplay on Tumblr and actually have a new blog that I'm probably never going to actually use, and it has the entire set up of an alternate next generation stemming from Pandora, Paige's daughter, in the Warren Witches spinoff novel. Pretty much all of Phoebe's kids were designed to utilize some of the interesting power ideas I couldn't make my canon girls get.)
But if you have any other suggestions like this, definitely drop it in my askbox! This was so much fun! (Granted, it's two a.m. and I have to be at work at 8:30 tomorrow but whatever.)
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starnightlover · 1 year
Fun things I'm manifesting
A friend group and sp from my comfort show
A wish book that will grant any desire I write in it
Remote viewing
A fairy that grants wishes
A closet that gives me any clothing item I desire
Powers like Piper Halliwell and Phoebe Halliwell
001's powers {safely ofc}
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loquentia · 10 months
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did you hear THIS WHOLE FAMILY NEEDS A SHRINK? it reminded me of PIPER HALLIWELL. rumor has it they’re from the PAST. they say they’re a WITCH, that explains why they’re loyal to THE CHARMED ONES.
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NAME. piper halliwell AGE. twenty-nine GENDER. cisgender woman PRONOUNS. she/they SEXUALITY. bisexual DATE OF BIRTH. august 7th ZODIAC. leo sun , gemini moon , virgo rising AFFILIATION. the charmed ones OCCUPATION. professional chef
FATHER. victor bennett MOTHER. patty halliwell SIBLINGS. prudence halliwell , phoebe halliwell , paige matthews BIRTH ORDER. middle child second born PARTNER. leo wyatt OTHER NOTABLE. penny halliwell (maternal grandmother)
Who is [your character]?
piper was the typical middle child , keeping the peace between her more head-strong sisters in their youth (and even into their early 20s) . there is an edge to her though , and many seemingly miss this to their own disadvantage . piper may be the perfect host , the motherly one , but she is by no means shy or a wall - flower . over the years , she has shown the most resistance to the craft , but she knows that it is her destiny . sharing an affinity for the kitchen , like her grams , piper's decision to be a professional chef was not a surprising one for any of her family .
What is their goal? Whether it’s saving the world or graduating college, short term or long term, what is your character looking for?
family . to keep her family safe , happy and (if possible) non - magical . she would love to start a family with leo , too .
When was this goal chosen? What triggered this goal? Was it an external event or internal?
since she was a little girl , she has always had a great desire to protect and nurture ( or just feed people , at least! )
Where do they go from here? This could be either your muses future plans, or it could be answered ooc with what you would like to do with your muse and their plots.
piper feels a little lost at the moment , struggling to handle the knowledge that it is her and leo's child that loses his way so badly . she needs to make the necessary but difficult choices surrounding her family , and to practice her craft .
Why did you choose the quote for your character? An explanation on why the words chosen for your application pertain to your muse. Whether it was a quote that hit you, or it defines them as characters.
piper is the funniest halliwell , idec . this quote couldn't be more accurate , really - the entire family needs therapy and if they only did this once during the show maybe things wouldn't be so bad . imagine being all - powerful magical beings and still having to deal with family drama !
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ivehurtpeople · 2 years
Plotting and Starter call. Caping only the starters at 3 each just to start.
Logan Howlett - Formal Ware (here)
Logan is far from the social butterfly of the X-Men group. Honestly, if his daughter and friends hadn't been there, he would have stayed out of it. But he wanted to be there in case something bad happened. He is currently single so he doesn't have a date and is open to leaving with someone. (He is pansexual so anyone that vibes is a go.)
(Starter count 4/3: Drogon, Diana, Jean, Kate)
Renfri Vellga - Warrior Queen (here)
Balls such as this use to be a staple to Renfri in her younger years. So hearing of the chance to attend one again filled her with excitement. Tonight she is unofficially reclaiming the role she was born for and dressing as a warrior Queen. Her lost long locks now restored by extensions. She is going solo but is ready to dance, flirt and drink the night away. Renfri is single, Bi and also open to leaving with someone.
(Starter count 1/3: Craig )
(Reply count 1/?: Yennifer, Aziraphale)
Coop Halliwell - Formal ware / Cupid (here)
Coop will be celebrating hard tonight! He is so relieved and happy to have his wife and daughters together in one spot. He will be happily going with his wife Phoebe Halliwell and looks forward to as many father / daughter dances as he can get.
(Starter count 2/3: PJ, Peyton)
(Reply count 2/?) Phoebe, Andy.)
Iroh - Dragon of the west (here)
Iroh was thrilled at the thought of this party. So much so he instantly ran out to get a costume of his favorite "mythological" being, a dragon. He is going alone and is single but wouldn't mind flirting and taking someone back to the tea shop for a late night brew.
(Starter count 4/3: Aang, Xie Lian, Mac, Zuko)
(Reply count 1/?: Toph, Aang)
Lisa Snart - Figure Skater (here)
Lisa had been indecisive to the max on her decision to go to the party. Though, after a last minute reminder that she'd try to enjoy life on a more personal level, she finally decided to go at the last minute. Not having time to put much together, she grabs one of her skating outfits, white boots and obtains a mask along the way. Although she is going alone and has a femme fatal flirty disposition while in public, she is being true to herself tonight. Relying on the safety of her mask. She is Demisexual and needs to build a strong emotional bond and trust before she goes beyond a kiss and flirting.
(Starter count 3/3: Emily, Yuri, Yuuri)
Mara Jade - Herself, A Jedi (here)
Mara wasn't overly excited but she wasn't hesitant to come either. Though she believed this was a good opportunity to officially wear her Jedi outfit and evaluate the reactions if any. She may dance with a few people between bouts of sneaking around and observing; but nothing that draws major attention to herself. However, the sith vibes in the air will increase her desire and urge for a fight. She is going alone and if anything will either leave without saying goodbye to anyone, network with other force sensitives or go find a fight somewhere.
(Starter count 3/3: Leia, Han, Vex )
Ted Tonks - Formal ware (here)
Ted is recently aware and ready to celebrate his new lease on life. While most of his dances are reserved for his wife and daughter, he's open to having dances full of silly energy with his friends. He is also hoping to possibly add even more friends to his life as well. 
(Starter count 1/3: Max B.)
(Reply count 2/?: Helga, Nymphadora, Andromeda,)
Fili - Iolaus (here)
While Fili has still not regained his memories; the true spirit of his people still runs strong within him. He is ready to party like a wild man. Though he is going alone, he does hope to spend time with those who claim to know him. While he still doesn't fully believe, he is growing to accept it more and more. Fili is also pansexual, single and also open to leaving with someone as long as they get along well.
(Starter count 3/3: Dobby, Bree, Ainsley)
Stan - A bird (here)
Even Stan without his memories isn't exactly the life of the party; yet still desires a fun time. When he read that he could come fully incognito, he was slightly excited as his anxiety faded a bit. This felt safer than just going in a regular suit where everyone can see who you are. He is going alone and will most likely leave alone. Though a bit of awkward Bi panic flirting isn't out of the question. At the end of this highly social time he will probably retreat to the quiet and peaceful haven that is his home to snuggle with his dog and bird.
(Starter count 3/3: Oliver, Leanor, Richie)
(Reply count 2/?: Bill, Bev)
Johanna - Miranda from "The Tempest" (here)
Johanna had never been to a party before, so she jumped at this chance with nervous enthusiasm. She had so much fun just picking out her costume alone that she thought she'd burst. Though she is nervous and worried about making a fool of herself; she still wants to participate in every aspect of the event that she can. It helps her feel more secure that she is attending with her father. Its the first big event she has ever attended with him since being reunited. She is single and interested in exploring and discovering herself in terms of romance. As previously she was only told who to like and who to marry. So while she wouldn't go home with anyone tonight, she is interested in gaining a foundation for a beautiful romance.
(Starter count 2/3: Neil, Myrcella)
(Reply count 2/?: Jo, Sweeney)
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derschwarzeengel · 2 years
plot: Damon, along with other incubus-like Darklighters, has been summoned against his will in order to be auctioned off to the highest bidder wanted opposite: m/f/nb; can be a witch, warlock, or mortal/human with knowledge of the Underworld connection: your muse is the one buying him for whatever purpose they desire
Damon had seen a lot, done a lot in his nearly two centuries as a Darklighter. He, along with the rest of the Underworld, had been through the crowning of Belthazor as the Source and the Charmed One Phoebe Halliwell as his Queen; the countless attacks on the Twice-Blessed Child; even that ridiculous demonic reality show Witch Wars. Not to mention the return and fall of the Triad and the Ultimate Power. He’d heard of Faustian demons who traded in souls, known for a while about the existence of a black market for trading in magical beings and items.
But an auction for his incubus-like breed of Darklighter where they were sold off to the highest bidder for their new master’s personal pleasures?
This was new.
He’d been summoned against his will, stripped of the majority of his clothing, and bound with chains alongside his fellow Darklighters being auctioned off for sale, along with a collar that inhibited their powers.
Now, on the platform, Damon flicked his gaze out over the assembled crowd, the auctioneer’s voice a meaningless jumble of words, and idly wondered who would end up being his new master. He just hoped it wasn’t a demon. A warlock, a witch, or a mortal with knowledge about the magical world he could deal with. A demon? Nope.
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cluelessteam · 1 month
I don't know if you are still accepting requests. But can you write that Chris from Charmed is dating y/n but doesn't know that Chris has magic?
If you don't like the idea, you can delete
A/N: Omg of course! You are my first-ever request! I had not been making any posts because I wasn't motivated, but since you requested it I will do it!! I hope you enjoy it!
{~Secrets in the Halliwell Manor~}
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Summary: Chris Halliwell has been keeping a life-altering secret from Y/N—he’s a witch from a powerful magical family. When he finally reveals the truth, Y/N is thrust into a world of magic, demons, and danger. Y/N must decide whether to embrace this extraordinary reality or walk away. Can their love withstand the truth, or will the secrets Chris has kept tear them apart?
Characters: Chris, Piper, Leo, Phoebe
Pairing: Chris Halliwell x GN!Y/N
Warnings: No Warnings
Word Count: 1537
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Chris Halliwell walked hand in hand with Y/N down the bustling streets of San Francisco. The early evening sun cast long shadows, and the air was filled with the sounds of distant chatter, car engines, and the occasional chirping of birds. He had been seeing Y/N for a few months now, and things had been going well—too well, perhaps. But with every date, every sweet moment, the weight of the secret he carried grew heavier on his shoulders.
“Chris, you’ve been a little quiet today,” Y/N said, glancing up at him with concern in their eyes. “Everything okay?”
Chris forced a smile, squeezing Y/N's hand a little tighter. “Yeah, just… thinking.”
“About?” Y/N prompted, not missing the flicker of hesitation in his eyes.
“Oh, you know, life, the future… where we're headed,” Chris replied, hoping the vague response would be enough. The truth was, he was always thinking about the future—literally. As a Whitelighter-witch hybrid, Chris had traveled from the future to prevent a dark fate from befalling his family. But none of that could be shared with Y/N, at least not yet.
“You’re not getting cold feet, are you?” Y/N teased, nudging him playfully with their shoulder.
Chris chuckled softly. “No, not at all. Just trying to figure out how to balance everything, you know?”
“Life can be complicated,” Y/N agreed. “But you know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
Chris stopped walking and turned to face Y/N, taking both of their hands in his. The sincerity in Y/N’s gaze made his heart ache with the desire to come clean. But how could he? How could he explain that he was a witch, that his family was one of the most powerful magical families in existence, and that he had traveled through time to save the world?
“I know,” he finally said, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on Y/N’s forehead. “I’m lucky to have you.”
Y/N smiled, standing on their tiptoes to kiss him properly. “You’re right, you are lucky,” they teased, their smile lighting up their face.
Chris laughed, the tension easing slightly. “Let’s head back to the Manor. There’s something I want to show you.”
The Halliwell Manor was as imposing as ever, with its Victorian architecture and an aura of mystery that seemed to cling to its walls. Y/N had been there a few times, but the house still held an enigmatic charm that they couldn’t quite place.
“Piper, Leo, I’m home!” Chris called as he opened the front door, leading Y/N inside.
Y/N looked around, admiring the intricate details of the house. “This place is incredible. It always feels like there’s some kind of history here.”
Chris smiled. “There’s a lot of history in this house, that’s for sure.”
Before Y/N could ask what he meant, Piper Halliwell, Chris's mother, appeared from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. She smiled warmly when she saw Y/N. “Oh, hi, Y/N! It’s so good to see you again. How have you been?”
“Hi, Piper! I’ve been good, thank you. How about you?”
“Busy, as usual,” Piper replied with a wink. “But that’s life. Are you staying for dinner?”
Chris quickly cut in before Y/N could respond. “We might have to skip dinner tonight, Mom. I wanted to show Y/N something upstairs.”
Piper raised an eyebrow, her motherly intuition telling her something was up. “Alright, but don’t take too long. You know how I feel about skipping meals.”
Chris nodded, pulling Y/N towards the stairs. “We won’t. I promise.”
As they made their way to the attic, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity. Chris had mentioned the attic before, but he had always been vague about what was up there. Now, as they climbed the stairs, Y/N felt a sense of anticipation building.
When they reached the attic door, Chris paused, looking at Y/N with a serious expression. “There’s something I need to tell you before we go in.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. “Okay…”
Chris took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words. “This might sound crazy, but you have to trust me, alright?”
Y/N nodded, their concern deepening. “Chris, you’re scaring me. What is it?”
“I’m not who you think I am,” Chris said slowly. “There’s a lot about my life that you don’t know… things I haven’t told you because I didn’t know how.”
Y/N’s mind raced, trying to piece together what he was saying. “What do you mean?”
Chris turned to the door, hesitating for just a moment before pushing it open. The attic was dimly lit, with shafts of light filtering through the windows, illuminating the dust particles in the air. In the center of the room was an old, ornate book resting on a wooden stand.
“What is this place?” Y/N asked, stepping inside, their voice barely above a whisper.
“This is where my family keeps the Book of Shadows,” Chris explained, moving towards the book. “It’s a magical tome that has been passed down through generations. It contains spells, potions, and information about demons and other supernatural beings.”
Y/N stared at him, trying to process what he was saying. “Magic…? Chris, what are you talking about?”
Chris met Y/N’s eyes, his expression earnest. “I’m a witch, Y/N. My whole family is. We protect the world from evil forces that most people don’t even know exist.”
For a moment, Y/N couldn’t speak. It was as if the world had tilted on its axis, and nothing made sense anymore. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” they finally managed to say.
Chris nodded. “I know it’s a lot to take in. But I wanted you to know the truth because… I care about you. And I can’t keep this from you anymore.”
Y/N took a step back, trying to process everything. “This is… I don’t know what to say, Chris. This is insane.”
“I know,” Chris said softly. “But it’s the truth.”
Before Y/N could respond, the door to the attic burst open, and in rushed Phoebe Halliwell, Chris’s aunt, with a worried expression on her face.
“Chris, we’ve got a problem,” Phoebe said, her eyes flickering to Y/N for a brief moment before focusing on her nephew.
“What is it?” Chris asked, immediately on alert.
“There’s a demon in the city. It’s causing havoc, and we need to deal with it before things get worse.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “A demon? Like, an actual demon?”
Phoebe glanced at Y/N, offering a sympathetic smile. “Yeah, sorry about this. Welcome to the family, I guess?”
Y/N felt like they were in a dream—a bizarre, surreal dream. “Chris, what’s going on?”
“I’ll explain everything later, I promise,” Chris said, turning back to Phoebe. “Where’s Wyatt?”
“He’s on his way,” Phoebe replied, just as a swirl of blue orbs materialized in the room, revealing Chris’s older brother, Wyatt.
Wyatt gave Y/N a quick nod. “Hey, Y/N. Sorry you had to find out this way.”
Y/N could only nod in response, their mind reeling.
“Let’s get this over with,” Chris said, determination settling in his eyes. He turned to Y/N, his voice gentle. “Stay here, okay? We’ll be back soon.”
Y/N grabbed his arm, their voice trembling. “Chris, be careful.”
Chris squeezed their hand, giving them a reassuring smile. “I will. Trust me.”
With that, the three witches left the attic, leaving Y/N alone with the Book of Shadows and a whirlwind of emotions.
Y/N paced the attic, their mind racing. Magic? Witches? Demons? It was too much to comprehend. But the more they thought about it, the more things started to make sense. The strange occurrences, the odd things Chris had said or done—it all fit together now.
After what felt like an eternity, the door to the attic creaked open, and Chris stepped inside, looking slightly disheveled but unharmed.
“Are you okay?” Y/N asked, rushing over to him.
Chris nodded, pulling Y/N into a tight embrace. “I’m fine. The demon’s gone. It’s over.”
Y/N clung to him, feeling a rush of relief. “I can’t believe any of this is real.”
Chris pulled back slightly, looking into Y/N’s eyes. “I know it’s a lot to take in. And if you need time to process everything, I understand.”
Y/N shook their head. “I don’t need time. I just need you to promise me one thing.”
“Anything,” Chris said immediately.
“Don’t keep secrets from me anymore,” Y/N said, their voice firm. “If we’re going to be together, I need to know everything.”
Chris smiled, relief flooding through him. “I promise. No more secrets.”
Y/N smiled back, feeling a sense of peace settle over them. “Good. Because I’m not going anywhere.”
Chris leaned down, capturing Y/N’s lips in a tender kiss. For the first time in a long while, he felt like everything was going to be okay.
And as they stood there, wrapped in each other’s arms, Y/N knew that no matter what.
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bramblewatchescharmed · 9 months
The thing that gets me about male Charmed fans pushing for a male version of the Charmed Ones is that, AFAIK, there wasn't as much of an obsession with the idea until Joey Falco came out on social media with his plans for a hypothetical fifth season of Charmed (2018) that would have introduced a "triquetra-verse" where one universe was that of the Halliwells', the second was the Vera/Vaughn/Dansos' universe, and the third was for a universe where the Charmed Ones were male witches . . . only they would be college frat dudebros and exist solely to prove Falco's point that men can't handle magic.
(Weird take, considering the reboot he was a writer on since season 1 and then showrunner for season 4 went out of its way to show that male witches don't exist in its universe, but okay. The only male magic users in the reboot are Whitelighters, demons, and whatever the hell Jordan is by the end of the show with his healing ability.)
Plus, if people are that desperate for male!Charmed Ones:
The original series already had this concept with the Rowe coven of warlocks, with each generation of the Rowe line becoming stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of three brothers who would inherit an evil version of the Charmed Ones' Power of Three.
Season 5 under Brad Kern changed the sex of Piper's unborn child from a daughter to a son, and to top this all off, Wyatt was born on Imbolc (a Wiccan Sabbat) + was the never-before-mentioned prophesized Twice-Blessed Child with super-powerful magic potentially greater than that of the Charmed Ones. To make things worse, Season 6 reveals that he eventually inherits Excalibur and is basically the next King Arthur.
Fanboys wanting male Charmed Ones, to me, completely undermines and misses the whole point of why the original series (and even the 2018 reboot) has the Charmed Ones being female, and why the 1998 series based its witchcraft in Wicca.
Charmed (1998) was created by Constance M. Burge, who based the lead characters of Prue, Piper, and Phoebe on herself and her two sisters. The Craft came out two years earlier in 1996 & Practical Magic was also released in 1998: Hollywood riding on the sudden wave of popularity of Wicca in the United States now that the Satanic Panic from the previous decade was over. Teenage girls and young women were very much into exploring witchcraft / Wicca as a counterculture to the dominant mainstream religion/culture of Christianity.
Through using magic and witchcraft as an allegory, Charmed was able to explore real-life issues women face through its female leads: sexual harassment, work-life balance, mistreatment in the workplace, stalking, kidnapping, domestic violence, murder, religious & gender discrimination. It didn't shy away from the fact that women can, in fact, be abusers, murderers, and sexual predators. It also was not afraid of its female leads showing sexual interest in men and pursuing their desire on their terms, something not even Buffy the Vampire Slayer did: Buffy was punished by the narrative for having consensual sex with her vampire boyfriend Angel by him losing his soul and becoming Angelus.
All this, while having powerful female leads, and still including male characters who are powerful in their own right: Leo Wyatt, Cole Turner, Darryl Morris, Andy Trudeau, Victor Bennett, Sam Wilder. Charmed (1998) has its heroines being the most powerful good witches on Earth, saving Innocents and helping other witches, while allowing for the existence of male witches (in fact, it's stated in the pilot that all warlocks were once good witches who killed another witch to steal his/her power, making Jeremy, Rex, Nicholas, and all the other male warlocks seen on-screen former male witches--at least, those who became warlocks by killing other witches to steal their powers). The first male witch explicitly identified as such that we meet is Max, a thirteen-year-old boy who inherited his power of psychokinesis from his witch mother. (Max, his father, and his mother are all Black --- this is something not even the 2018 reboot did, by the way, despite two-thirds of that show's heroines being Afro-Latina.)
I could do without a male version of the Charmed Ones, because, frankly, men are not lacking in that sort of representation in other media: John Constantine, Doctor Strange, Tony Stark/Iron Man, Marvel Comics' take on Thor and Loki. Powerful male characters with superpowers (supernatural or scientific) are a dime a dozen. The Charmed Ones themselves are undermined in the later seasons with the introduction of Wyatt, whom one of the Whitelighter Elders conspires to kill in season 6 because they are so scared of his power level: that it's too much for one person to have. More, that he's the son of a Charmed One and a Whitelighter born on a Wiccan Sabbat, and the Warren line of witches was destined to become more powerful. This is also after Brad Kern, a straight cisgender man, took over the position of showrunner and executive producer from Constance M. Burge, the woman who created the series.
Charmed does not need a male version of the Charmed Ones, and fanboys pushing for it after coming into a female-led, female-created show, in a fandom primarily dominated by women and LGBTQ+ people (both, even!) have missed the point entirely.
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mcrcki · 10 months
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Was that [ZOEY DEUTCH]? Oh no no, that was just [PJ HALLIWELL], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [CHARMED]. They are [TWENTY FIVE] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here -
pj has been here since she started college at eighteen, so over eight years now. she thought she was just coming to dc to get her journalism degree from georgetown, but has yet to make it back home to san francisco. she’s actually been enjoying her independence from her family, from the halliwell reputation. but when she’s alone at night, she can’t help but feel that familiar homesickness from her sisters and cousins.
where in your fandom is your character pulled from -
pj is pulled from the future, set after the epilogue of charmed. she was born in 2007, but is from 2025. (every year we get closer to that NOT BEING THE FUTURE)
has the magic affected your character -
nope, she has all of her memories in tact, her powers are still working. she just thinks she came here for school rather than being pulled to some alternate universe.
what is your character’s job -
pj is currently an event planner for the city and is honestly loving it. she runs her own business and is always looking for more employees or people who she can contract out with. she’s just started it up and it is her absolute baby.
other notes
a quick link to her wiki if you want to know like backstory or anything
otherwise here i am to scream about this chaotic idiot child. daughter of phoebe halliwell and coop. charmed one and cupid. she got powers from both her parents, being able to use them from before she was even six months old, beaming her mother around places. she has the powers of : beaming and remote beaming (basically teleportation and the ability to teleport objects. it’s just a pink light when it happens), sensing (being able to feel magic/supernatural beings) and high resistance (to any magical/lethal attacks). mixed with her basic witch powers (spell casting, scrying, potion making) she is one hell of a powerful witch. add on her ridiculous sense of honor and protectiveness for her family, and the hard desire to live up to her namesakes?? you get this chaos dummy.  it’s why she was assigned a whitelighter LONG before any of her other cousins ever got one, since her powers had come in so quickly and intensely, the elders had done what they could to try and help keep this next generation of witches safe. shoutout to them for having to put up with baby pj doing THE MOST and never really getting a break. so sorry buddy. her full name is prudence johnna halliwell, she’s named after her great grandmother, and her late aunt. both of them having passed but they were two of the strongest witches in their line. she struggles with fearing that she isn’t enough for them. that she is a disappointment to her family’s reputation. so she throws herself into danger, putting herself in the line of fire for her family’s safety. she’s taken on a huge role at home, being one of the leaders of the next generation of halliwells. she’s liked, since being in dc, that she doesn’t have to worry as much about that. she’s happy to have her family here again, and she wants nothing more than to keep the peaceful life that she’s used to. she is terrified that there’s a chance, with the majority of charmed ones being around, that demons will start to spawn again too. she’ll fight if she has to, but man she wishes that won’t be the case here.  she has two younger sisters, parker and peyton and she would literally do anything for them. big big protective older sister vibes. that extends to her cousins as well. they are thick as thieves, more like a group of siblings than cousins. she’s been in dc for so long, she absolutely needs a group of friends that she’s known, people she’s dated and broken up with (bc even though she’s a cupid she sucks !! at finding love for herself). though she’s doing better now, but it's still rough at times, and she’s really enjoying her life so far, even though there’s definite ups and downs.
✩ her whitelighter
please i just think this would be so fun , she was assigned a white lighter at like 4 years old this person would have been with her her whole life, constantly looking @ her like "wtf are we doing babes"
✩ best friend vibes
would love for her to have a bff to be stupid and have fun with, big party vibes but also will stay up till 3 am talking about life and just all around classic bff vibes
✩ employees
she’s a wedding planner and runs a whole company for it so feel free to come have anyone work for her!
✩ vendors she works with
anyone she could potentially contract with that works within the wedding industry (chefs/florists/venue owners/bartenders etc)
this could be v friendly or a strained relationship after a bad wedding who knows
✩ roommate (s)
really just want her to have a fun roommate that gets mad at her for not filling ice cube trays but they vibe with and have a swear jar and dance parties, come join her and mj in their fun little roomie crew !
✩ a squad to make stupid tiktoks with
girl just loves to make bad choices and absolutely wants to make dumb tiktoks all the time between astrology, witch tips, and just stupid drunk videos
✩ old college friends
she went to georgetown and has been in the city ever since freshman year so she would definitely have made plenty of friends while at school and after
✩ old tinder matches / exes
despite being a cupid, pj is literally trash at love. she thinks chad from tinder will fall in love with her because he likes dogs. just all around an idiot and has gotten her heart broken too many times, so she would definitely have her fair share of exes and flings
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aughts · 2 years
p. halliwell.
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johayna · 4 years
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paigemathews · 3 years
I can’t remember if I ever saw this somewhere, but the Seven Year Witch. Imagine if instead of Cole being the one to interact with Piper, it was Andy. Because Cole and Piper really never had that much interaction going on, he was Phoebe’s lover, Paige’s enemy, Prue’s rival, but he and Piper didn’t have any of that really going on with Cole, they didn’t interact that much, the dynamic was basically just like Prue and Paige’s with Cole, just with Piper instead. (Shout-out tho to 3 out of 4 sisters going I fucking hate you to him, at least someone can see red, share some of that with Pheebs please.)
But Andy? Andy was Piper’s childhood friend too, and we were a thousand percent robbed of seeing them interact together. Not only that, but it’d be a great different storyline to give Piper about her lack of mortal friends. Because Andy was one of their childhood friends, for her and for Prue and for Phoebe, and it quite literally got him killed. Because we never see Piper or Phoebe struggle with guilt (it wasn’t their fault, but still, c’mon) or even grief.
And imagine that it’s because Piper buried it. She realized that magic is what got Andy killed and that means that you can’t have friends as a witch. Still, Piper is someone who connects with others emotionally, she doesn’t need a ton of friends but she still needs someone outside of her sisters and husband, so she tries, but she isn’t able to open up for those friendships and the demon hunting throws enough wrenches that they eventually just. fall apart.
And then Andy shows up, reminding Piper of Prue (and her own fear of leaving her sisters like Prue did, especially with the risk of permanently breaking the Charmed Ones) and how she’s refused herself relationships after a friend’s death. (Worth noting that Piper’s endgame is Leo, who is a) introduced before Andy’s death and b) incapable of dying for majority of the show’s run)
Andy basically calls Piper out on it and we actually get to see her work through the issue, along with Andy never necessarily mentioning Prue but the implication of her is throughout the episode. And then at the very end, when Wyatt’s healing her, Andy gives Piper a gentle smile and just tells her, “Don’t come visit too soon.” and as she’s waking up, he tells her something like “Prue’s so proud of you, Piper.” 
Instead of the end scene with Cole and Drake, it’s just Andy watching the sisters at like the Manor or somewhere and he says, “They’re going to be fine.” 
And Prue appears next to him, just watching her sisters fondly. “I know. I wish I could be there for them though, especially with what’s coming.” (Gotta give some vague foreshadowing here, of course.) 
Andy takes her hand and tells her, “You were, and that helped them become who they are now. They have to take it from here though.”
Probably structured differently, but you know what I mean. Then Piper actually goes and makes friends and connect again, which a) gives us more characters and b) more emotional heartbreaking when Death Becomes Them rolls around about five episodes later and we see Piper confronted with the question of if she really can ever have friends and loved ones as a witch. (Which would probably need another episode to deal with, but tell me that would not be fucking brilliant timing to rip out Piper’s heart.)
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hightidelowmood · 2 years
I did a whole post about my favourite TV couples across all of the TV shows. Now let me break down the ultimate alpha females ~tv women who I can’t possibly get enough of.
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Faith Lehane ~ ladies and gents the ultimate alpha female and ultimate bad ass. I adored (adore) Faith Lehane so much I actually have her line ‘five by five’ tattooed on me (yes I’m one of those fans hahaha). My dedication to her character probably stems from my daddy issues but hell if I care, this character was hands down the most relatable (?relatable am I joking, how on earth is a vampire slayer relatable) to little 15 year old Nina. let me just explain ~ Back then you were either a Buffy or a Faith. You either get it or you don’t, you either rooted for her or you didn’t (especially in season 4 of Btvs and season 1 of Ats) and boy oh boy I absolutely did (and still do). I genuinely think if they had made a Faith spin off it would have done better than Buffy The Vampire Slayer 🫣 Don’t come for me!
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Hayley Marshall ~ again another alpha bad ass werewolf hybrid! I’ll be completely honest, first episode of The Originals I wasn’t convinced I would adore her and then the second episode, girl took me kicking and screaming. The writers, the casting, the acting, it was the perfect brew for me to literally hang on every single line this woman said throughout the series. I love (loved?) her so much. I don’t want to give too much away but Hayley Marshall really went to the ends of the earths for her family and pack. She’s loyal, strong willed, an alpha werewolf, bold and probably the most compassionate character. There is absolutely nothing this character hasn’t done. You want sweet, soft mother ~ she has that, you want ultimate baby daddy drama ~ she’s got that, you want a pack leader and challenge to the system ~ she’s got that.
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AN ICON, A LEGEND, THE V FIRST SPY SHOW I EVER WATCHED. The adoration I have for Sydney Bristow, I cannot describe it! It is a completely different experience watching Alias in my twenties vs when I was in my teens. Where before I wanted her to kick so much ass etc, now I genuinely desire peace for her. I think any viewer can’t help but fall heavy. Like so many of the other characters I love, she’s loyal, caring, a total bad ass, stubborn and just a good bloody person. There was a realism to this character and I really can only put it down to how excellent Jennifer Garner played Syd. I also really had so much time for her relationship with her dad, I loved hers and his character development, I loved watching her over the series trust her own ability and intuition. We watched as she learnt to trust those around her again, we watched her fall in love, her get to know her dad better, become a mother, meet her own mother and kick sooooo much ass!
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I’ll be honest, growing up I really wanted to be a Phoebe but now I definitely know I’m a Prue, through and through. I think I didn’t want to love her as much as Phoebe because I desired to be as free. However, in my big 27 I can’t help but feel drawn to her character the most. She had so much growth over the course of 3 seasons. I wish in 199 ways she never left Charmed. I think she had so much to learn, so much to feel, just so much story to tell. I love her because I see so much of myself in her, the big sister, the protector, the relied on, the pressures of being the leader and having to have my ~shit~ together. Prue started off the series as the unhappy big sis, jaded and scarred from a cheating boyfriend, working her ass off and trying to keep a much distance between herself and actually feeling something. She finished the series as a photographer, part owner in a night club with her sister and closer than ever with her sisters. By the end of the series she had conquered her fear of abandonment and completely accepted she was a witch. When I tell you Prue Halliwell is the ultimate big sis you want the tightest hug from I am not lying.
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I followed this actress because she totally conned me into cutting a short front fringe and dying my hair black not once but bloody TWICE!!!! And she didn’t disappoint because for the first time ever I become a marvel girl and it was curtesy of this whisky drinking, shit talking, angry ass private investigator, Jessica Jones. This character is the type of cool girl character you wish you were, she would both kick your ass and bring you to your knees in worship. She’s bad ass in the sense that she’s got the toughest exterior but when the right pressure is applied she melts and you’re wondering what the hell happened and when the hell did you begin to LOVE her so much. She’s the protocol you try to replicate when you want to say fuck the system, leave me alone. I don’t know how to describe the adoration I have for Jessica jones. I just think it’s her audacity, the level of fucks she does not have. I L O V E HER
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derschwarzeengel · 1 year
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Thinking about maybe making subverses for each season of Charmed, but also... ehhh, that's a lot of work.
Plus, it's fun imagining Damon just off doing his own thing while the Halliwells are busy with their own lives and magical drama, and Damon is trying his darndest not to get sucked into it.
Yeah, his superiors stationed him in San Francisco while the Source had Jeremy, Nicholas, the Triad, & Rex and Hannah scoping out the Charmed Ones, but 1) Damon doesn't necessarily have to like it; and 2) he is trying not to attract their attention because he doesn't have a death wish and has no desire to be vanquished, thanks.
Damon just takes one look at all the shenanigans going on in the magical community when Prue dies, Paige is brought in to reconstitute the Charmed Ones, Phoebe is made Queen of the Underworld, and then Wyatt is born and the Darklighter goes "...yeah, I'm not getting involved in that".
Unfortunately for him, he eventually gets involved due to his relationship with Mels a few decades later, oops.
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