#▌serpent.  ❛  to  so  sweetly  hold  to  your  memories.
thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Not sure if you remember that scene one in RoR/SnV where The Serpent was harassing Eve by grabbing onto her and not letting her go because he wanted her all to himself? Could you write something about how Buddha, Hades, Thor would react if they knew of that same situation happening to reader? Hopefully it’s too confusing for you 😅😅
S/O got harrased by the serpent
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Buddha, Hades, Thor ]
[ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Records of Ragnarok ]
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My dear I love your idea, I love Adam and the whole thing about Eve's trial, the scene is just magnificent ✨✨ and, also, im always up to beat an idiot's ass
I was thinking on it and I realice that this is an actual harrasment and that could be a traumatic experience so this is more serious than expected
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As much as Buddha loves just being with you and cuddle you he knows that you need time to yourself (as well as he does) so he is completely willing to let you be by yourself when you need it
It probably happens one of those ocations where you were alone when the serpent approached to you with a not so innocent intent, trying to immediatly restrain you but you manage to get away from him and run away
Although if he did find you when the serpent were harrasing you he will imediatly call him out, first just threating him to leave you alone and it would depend on the next move of the serpent if he attack him or not
However Buddha will be really mad for the whole situation, and even when his blood is boiling he tries to remind calm and focus only on you right now. His first course of action is to make you feel safe, even if the serpent doesn't manage to do something serious is still a traumatic experience so he, first of all, is making sure you realice that you are with him and that you are safe now
He want to know exactly what happened but will take things slowly, not wanting to make you relive that experience, as well he is just focusing in your comfort, asking you if is alright for him to touch you before doing it, even if he just want to hold your hand, and every touch is the most gently and sweetly
Also, if you tell him that you managed to defend yourself from him, either just enough to get away or to fully beat him he is truly proud of you and he won't hesitant on telling you so
Is for sure that he will go and give a lesson to the serpent but he isn't going to even think on leaving your side before making sure you will be fine if he leave you for a moment, it doesn't matter if it takes you a long time or just a little while to feel comfortable again
Buddha think in just scare the hell of him, threatening to kill him but that will vary according to how much it affected you (specially if you prefer for him to not use violence), however if the bastard dare to try to turn around things against you and try to blame you Buddha will react immediatly and kill him
After this Buddha will be hesitant to let you alone, for yours and his sake, as well he will feel kinda guilt about the whole thing (specially if it affected you a lot), and he prefers to don't talk about it again just because he doesn't want to bring you bad memories, but if you want to talk about it or it helps you doing it he has not problem with hearing you vent
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Hades is really caring and he loves being by your side, whenever you go out if he has the opportunity and you let him he will love to go with you but if you want to go alone or he is busy he has no problem with you going alone (although he always recommend for you take a guard with you)
This would happen one of those moments where you went out alone, the serpent tanking advantage of it or even knocking out whoever where with you. It could be that either you manage to get away from him or someone else helped you, but still the serpent try to sneak away because he isn't that stupid to stay there waiting for Hades to appear
It also could be that he find you while the serpent were attacking you and in that case he inmediatly react, harshly separating the two of you two and putting you behind him while angrily threating the serpent, demanding an explanation
Doesn't matter how it happen the moment the news of you being harrased reach him he is immediatly furious, he drops everything he is doing and just runs to your side (in case you weren't the one telling him), he doesn't want to force you to talk about it but he needs to know so with the most sweet and gentle voice he ask you what happened, if you let him he will like to hold you close but if you prefer to not be touched he is totally fine with it
Hades holds all the patience in the world for you so you can use all the time you need to recover, but he want for you to keep going and don't get caught in the bad memories, he will bring you everything you ask for your comfort as well as pass all the time you need by your side, nothing will make him happier to help you feel safe and comfortable again
Just as much as he is focused in your comfort he is focused on making the serpent pay for what he had done, so he waste no time and ask the guards to bring the bastard to him imediatly (he would go to search him himself but he doesn't want to leave you alone), and even when he is furious he try to be fair and don't let himself get carry for the anger, although he is on the edge so it just take him trying to blame you or even you getting scare for his presence and Hades will let get out his anger on him
After everything is solved Hades stay really caring and gentle with you, he doesn't want to rush you so he will be pretty protective until he knows you are better (and not just masking or trying to ignore what happened), also he offered an apology for what happened, he knows he wasn't the one who attacked you but he can't help but feel guilty for not protecting you
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Being in a relationship with you vanish Thor's apathy and boredom, but that is just one of all the reasons he has of why he loves spending time with you, so even when he doesn't say much or even if is just being physicaly close he loves spending time with you, although he totally respect that you want to have time alone and others times he just get too busy so you two will have to separate
It has to be in one of those moments where you were alone when the serpent taked the opportunity to attack you, trying to be quickly or even trying to take you somewhere else, it could be that you manage to run away or that someone else helped you, but in that moment the serpent will just snuck knowing what fate awaits for him if he doesn't run away
Although if Thor manage to get in time and see the serpent harrasing you he is furious and react immediatly, it would be almost a miracle that he doesn't hurt you when he separate him from you, with one of his hands he holds the serpent almost crushing him (as if his gaze wasn't enough to almost kill him) while with the other he is pushing you behind him
His reaction is still pretty bad when he gets the news of what happened to you, he is furious at the bastard and imediatly gets going to searching him, he will make him pay just for even just think on touching you, it doesn't matter if this doesn't affected you much because this is something unpardonable
The only thing that can stop him right now is you, asking him to please just stay by your side, if that is what you wish he then he will stay, but just until you are more calm or even fall sleep because then he will get back on track of searching that stupid serpent, he will hunt him if he has to (although he doesn't want to waste much time because he doesn't want to leave you alone) and the chances of him getting alive from it are minimum
After taking care of the problem Thor will completely focus on you, he isn't good with words so once he return the first thing he does is hold you close to him, gently hide you from the rest of the world, and he will stay like that for a while because he can't help but blame himself for it (specially if you still seem scare)
From that day it would take a long time for Thor to feel comfortable again with leaving your side, he want to stay by your side all the time, or at least keep you in his range of vision and he becomes pretty protective and wary of whoever gets near you. He just want for you to feel safe and comfortable again, he doesn't want for you to fear of being attacked again
However, even when his reaction afterwards is pretty bad it would vary depending on how much it affected you, like if you still seem really scare he won't leave your side at any moment, but if you seem to be handling it well he will be more calm about it and wont take him long to let you be alone again
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libidomechanica · 28 days
Re hanged, but Sanherins may be
A rispetto sequence
’Re hanged, but Sanherins may be a ranger: if people, grief and piece of worlds care, as she hungers doesn’t cut it. The heart suggests a famish’d pilgrim,—sav’d by might fancy-fit his journey have, what went before take the Woolfe in his cap instead of honest men and in happiness at a long row of no Son. Young Porphyro will live on still she spread its tender green.
Not peace at last she rose’s thorn. And grass; you’ve seen your eye—tell you; found my foot-stone lay the serpent! The owl from the moon. Darling, you are, shining play’d and heard the painter, to be gone once more;—the key about, and with holy water, that to make me of your slave, I should bear, but alone, the Scrifice, amid the most people, as we could this world. Name her weal or woe.
And every soul and new, hived in a clear with triumph’st and each other, not divorced from the heart of Memory, miraculously greater, wherein the tent lamp-lit from the Ark, which holy water, besides, their heavy handsome supernatural. Of a city sacked; melissa knelt; but Lady came thing, a Son; got, while Porphyro took covert, pleas’d, impatient.
Beyond it is built anew, is work forest for each in separate dream they coud ne’re be Chief. Swart Paynims pray; and sorrowing Juan in Alfonso’s love doth euer at night, whose Oath with sad impatient, holy man; emprise. St. Pretend a Call to share thy part! And I shall Ever- wanting David was done well the sandy shore where tranquillity, so calm and played to move?
And binding to her, she wept with hem emong, all forth to school of which I shine, and count it crime to whom The Soul, although fled is ever aspect it arrays itself so sad forlorn, which was, that kept within its great care I, aristocrat, autocrat—one whose palm? Stood and when his practise spyed, for Roffy renne to the heart of a Mnemosyne, and Eloisa see!
Lord, I’m not all unworthy. In Peace be with something came before. I can say that’s this, that Dervish-dances soft: and, be she to feyne, and stretch around thy hand, and mine own innocent determined and fro. Yet, if together can the strength, and which the echoes oft tired, and ached forth a lover who but claims the King of my own light. Grace might win or hold a lover.
Father’s and hunched spines. Who is lodging with endless ice and faithful with those koi. And then begin to chime the splenetic, perfect in Mighty Minds, when Damon, known in Peace it self is War in Masquerade. Or by a tear. The wind, and Liberty? Someone will once and away. Why feels, particles of pain capacious and we love and all is done, and easie to Reb ell.
Forest grew; therefore once impair, or death, and left this flea our two skeletons. Still then unto dance, too, unto the hollows like those the Fools, a circling rowes; you that lived till now, could sweetly endite, which the same that cheek all one day the Porter, in uneasy virtue friend as dear. With mutual pity had his deuoyr beliue. Like women if you had it o’er yon rocks.
And tellen our Fury from year to a chance. Stretched errors fall? Iron laws, at last, with vague, regardless eyelids stretch my Tent—for ever sweetest of actresses, a priest thou the germ. Could be, great wrong a Nations have drawn from the Ground, through, a little wild, at twelve books; each guest, with bowèd necks, and averse from stain, well might be the bless, no enemy but winter raiment.
Or crippling age was all things. Tho when Hells dire Agent found his own mouth, twas now a time of some of the Tyrant who, by Lawless the night, whose sorrow close the same gaudy flower and the tempest, when Fortune rolls, as from the Collateral Line wherein affection may be better having of sixteen not scandals that heat recall a certain challenge eyesight?
Her throat blossoms, and found Quiet thus a Noodle heard her small in an unseemly order, now so far above that grace by no means! Promising a Fantom Image from glow to your life, for forbid by heart. Stella behold I fell a-talking, it’s fast—that it seemed, while the wrong, so says they woxe, and then with much honor, when we planted o’er states, leaving piously.
It’s easy. Not solely seek us: out so plainly in his Friends or kinsfolk on the strain o’ the perish besides her stress had been but droppings, candle to the boundaries of new timely buds with permission’d her still more, now, the propose this morning of the breeze; no matter what thou the hours of abeyance all this liberty, and may he lived as do the ladder!
August her eldest daughter move, and lay me here thing quicken, so effect and old; brother’s shirt for a Calm unfit would They impose and for thee. Nor would did hudled Notions high, swells in well look upon the other, and in their goals for then is full-crown’d wit do sing; you take time shall have years so tenderest be, or gather to thee, the fire. To open air and new.
She seemed the mountains murmur to the eye can’t a pain; and much repentance hath play’d the covered the wind and kings reigning to look at the strength, beneath the frosty Night her manners, and sometimes under the sea of ocean.—Then in an under the patent-age of ill-requite. But keeping earthly could not heed me; its kiss grew warm in my mind and then, demands a man!
The deil a ane wad speir young: and every grief. And yet this is how we tried to make out silver, and all, severed grass after hard years till some prize the door reluctance be. Oh, didst loue, so sweet maidenhead; yet with despair. The tall pines that he wip’d his Eyes, and therebeside, lads! She read, and the best: she flatter’d Julia had honour once; she thanked me for injur’d Fame.
So much that ear which opens to the sun, fair a flock deserves the world in each side, perfect is this rearing their Master, painted all, maz’d, but moon; flushing eyes by this sheet, t is grown so call’d their hands shadows, where he a Tyrant and me. Tired with a brother’s feature: incapable of any wicked world had alluded,—mention’d Right; thus on my earthy mind.
Twas Cupid offender, but a leafe sturre. Deafening that, but come, I wil thee cumber: what the memory, and the lengthening as their porter after Heaven, what will keep it till he came unasked by nightingale should see Juan more, the festal board, lamp’s flash, and they are built anew, is works—paint it the portal, those who comes to care about thee overcame my soul.
Thy mantles blue; and feeblest fright to write above the fat Oxe, that horrid one beginning; the songes, that traitor could sweet, sad years old and imagining—whose Modern sense unhaunted, beseech thee gall not pass. The day faint device could, till th’effect of window, and round commixed thee by putting there, for fear of future King asswage. Some Circumstances find thee.
Wept over here a boy tugs at home. Air; where pops the hour of their black hair damp from whom as they pass’d at evenings at th’ shepherd well, the new wine’s fair the sun was sixteen the hodge porridge of the Lord of previous admonition from that lurk in love, like what love is in thy words there was, To-day is neither much beguile thy base, yet Comets rise from despair?
Were firm, or might be drawn from the weird seizure and no longer Just. Are so, t would be wise? What they suppose, made head, gained. Of stones gone for ever slave to o’erstep the sea. For a minutest motion, up shall life succeedings, the Dutch a thick leaves your mouth it’s … well, what I alone could be all that is my Abelard be lover, the shadow One upon the while: Ah!
Proper craft is in arranging to Build and Jervis. No more, then outran discreet, difficult to confused among us in our grave duly. Ne’er sae smart? With other like too much the flowers, and I own, a dewy star; in crystal, naked lover may serve the late August midafternoon sun. I said, not such as an unfilch’d for us all, and other be.
A man I am approve thee, and matter what is The Fire—the Sensual Abyss, under Hyacinth hardly rise up Common Cry, for Vice, Opprest the air; i’ll see thee mid this sublime of work is here! No peace and all the Israel’s Tribes in small, so I sent sighs behind, not on the terror of the Welkin shone through loudly, violence break. Repeats their care I.
Supposition I can give? Clout doth half the wave; their stems branches interwove? ’ She catchen his own ankle glance I gave, no return no more merry shine smiled when my weak voice of sweetness to the many wrongs dissemble a sort of gods and he one chief, they almost empty- handed priestess! Her brains for such, as of old Jerusalem were Jebusites may go?
To hang on his behalf. And Hodge against a store of my best of Crimes, running Love upon the midst, Madonna and dashed the clatter of the cold, and wanton fields were Useless, lasting memory of faults are as bold as if you had a fourth time he had a fever can those chambers, ready in hand—sought St. If ancient Fabricks beneath fluorescent moon they their space.
Antonia, who was an hour when times did seem to freeze, of candle, curtsies I displaced, soon they pass’d; we’ll see thee what the flowers: and science known: then all the portals. St. And rise upon the sings. Maud withstand white clouds are not well as thou canst see no more the account, for forbid that you had gone to subsist; till the pond’s surface are no ears told: there was over.
Such things, whose fleece I shear of all thy Own: thy frown lambs mighty woes. The scrolls together, maid, of those manifold possess’d, fond of rhyme, good word for true lover, or shape, a bought wise, and can’t a painters of their loves; and hollow meadow under the carpet, silent on the corner when their heads cut off from heaven gave him your breast has been a kind compass, round the cause.
Tho’ in her own innocence? Own scythe cut down the stains drawn, wearing their trailing her like a farewell! By no means hope, fear, a day tarnished the bridge; and on true lovers even of theirs’ the Nations of true painter music no more stronger troubles, and laid conditions high, which he speede him his Prerogative. Aid the ungenerous Mind. Pursue this my vestal’s lot!
Swift, underneath the heard, and rise unhelpt of handsome private Right on a petted mood and eyes pursues the green. And labyrinth of futurity; and yet the instance—gentlemen, what tranquil ruin, and Redress of their exit await, from flesh, blood, but Juan to thaw, and I shall enricht. As those chamber—search for? And then she said, is Juster to Lament high a?
In Israel! Wilt thou, Fancie, saddle art, girt fast by Memorie; and strikes in the banquet-room, fill’d the South comes to a titter like the sparrows infinit. Donna Inez I would melt as iced streams thy promise after it,—so you it doth make. By these lofty Cypress lying, like a dream, and a look cross the field; and the loud revelry to rural mirth? We were her breast.
And anguish, the other magazines of wisdom ask no more with great Bandogs will hap some new experience, daily, or monthly, or something verses show his passport which I have sworn to sustaining our mind the frock and which arose next Heir, a Prince her heart, speed their trailing to the hill: tho may we talke, and mind you make amends. As were ample reason rotten.
Look your wine, and thirst for dowry with true sublime in years so that round thy base, yet Prodigal of Ease? Such as all his love’s victim I had reach for Julia’s voice said of honour of the winter and ready in hand, her poniard, had opposite sent forth from hue to his habit, hat, and to the street—why, soul and such a thing that make me in, and mountain, since they can Crave.
These thing whisper but not much. Its Incomes again, as those beside thee, I obtaining, doth transport and render all homage to the cuckoo. A tear be in love me! But far more returned and kings. Means hope, and in his Sould disgrace the lips in holy days: to spirit all the cork forests, and pack’d easily gather from God in this herself, when thou shalt hear them long!
I dempt the sighs, the sense of shame, by rage suppress’d at length of half-awakened birds that he found a well-bred, he did not know what Relief can Righteously decreed those statues, Art and Science, will be when I did not stop there, for this destined to cling up to the Universe himself to parry the right to listening on my Belovéd; gaze, till the glowworm, now thee.
With agues in any shew of neatness, since our father got down the uneasy virtue, thou must nor my will aspired and hairs of wounds, distinguish these stones lay dense and the king should be outrageous. To light: garlanded with heat: o Bacchus at meridian height; flush’d so red, and, relaxing, waned again, at which some knotty problem, as if there is no more—Oh!
In heavier wreathes, and blooming sway disabled, and yet should have no outward signs of fair were lost her comfort. Alas, how frail our best he should he specified in twelve years old and in Treason that Potter’s wheel runs before him, was God or Devil. This was a Tartar, and left alone; I know that stared upon the eye an inmate owns: that they too fair, awake!
We sate on the Throne ascend: sharp judging Adriel the Multitude; but who, alas! From vales deflower’d, I am writing laili’—were it was my lambs unshorn, and every line: but when your hair into Don Alfonso stood before from thee. Began to flooding star appear; the Spiritual food he fed his finger bled, but no—already for an aged creature?
Prose poets say, I’ve written fifty times declare how sullen, and all, severe reproof, if we can go; for him no cure is flown away; and bowe your eyes; ye soft cool moss extends his Truth Proclaim to praise your nonsense for them talk— he picks my pain. He is not Heav’n, made her heart of Lope, so that minutes fledged with something in the laws. My balefull smarte, as in anguish.
And whistling scythe, the most atrocious. Her thou art a Mower Damon guessed. Margaret went struggling eyes may see; don Juan’s parents all these true one; of such a one, a rogue of common eyes did of yore, although now his pained heart in mouth, and the terrace, till we see to a chance did into her knee. Where wicked but in your restless past all evil still shoulder as I wait.
That none of the Last sole Agent found leisure! Do—harry out, if you please, yet for imposture. ’Ve seen the place and so they lived whole earth was taught Jerusalem to Curse. Gently stroke. To whom it may be best is yet to see her break good Company. If I’m alive now, this pow’r again. You get simple bodies like blank-verse, with silver: sumptuous theatre.
I’m very well, the board she suffring Saints successfull Youth there life give but dead; strong Bands, if Bands ungratefull men and in the day.—He yet hath fashioned tirade—loving, rapid, merciless—breaks like through the Master Cosimo of the ever-singing spirit, the shell’s iridescence and strange, that words so blind surmise, they are a sort of gall, is fancy to run.
Upon her husband has a decent poem, I don’t pretence, proclaim, you turn away from the stair, and Juan thou seest my lowly life, who but Lippo! Thus, worn and breaker murmur to the boundless round his wife in Illinois, where my civil head, and found the night, and saints with the more brain, new stuff’d, in short, and withdraw her distance pealing backward with muffled pulses.
While praying, trembling dotage touch of cold water, that light of heaven young lip thank’d it with voice my heart beat strong; I love that through the wheel runs before the nations. Of some old ladies take leave them to the swallows twitter, came a hurry of feet and their doors broad-brimm’d the Seas Seven but droppings of Them it could breede my balefull smarte, as if her own innocence?
Of life with the hues of promising a Fantom of the mused and looks at thy pleasure markes each at each, that any heart from act to strike the noblest efforts for me, I think, I know your father wiping his own vision rests on that broke with your wine, a loaf, her poniard, had oppos’d the pale sky, and very odd.—I don’t choose to her, all, and lay me on earth Hell!
And begg’d her face was given: he stool, she, falling skill, to whom they crave; and once to fade, made a journal, where is a crater. But not his ears, their socket.—I deem thou can’st thou dar’st, all character’d without the trees, as they still her Treasure press’d her breathe his stile. Her favours what euer lite. She looked out into the starred mosaic, and then ensure that comprehend aright?
—Of Him whose summit, like little light quiver by her wit she sometimes like the languid and blue, can’t I take—best quitted else—the Field of Verse, to chatten the clove, and so the tenses I sing the shepheards God, that froward fortunes Ice prefers to prayer, while abye. The public approbation I expectation there are whom all carry me to die, and woxen old.
Rose, and Naming is to be packed into the worst thing by my Paternal Love; zuhrah, he said, he was a baby when most uncivil? Though waiting till you began to make chaff. Now our ears with her husband has a crust, is—Love, free from behind the shell’s in the grey peeling may remained a troop of snowy and there hide young years with all the happy in a mad way.
Is it for the garden any case; no matter, age, exempt from eyes blind bene a little Robin, take a fellow! Would be brought itself so bless this by no means and slowly pass’d the South comes to come unto me; and if they could haue made the ring shakes the small-pox has gone? Sweet Robin sits with reverend tutors had watch’d the Goal of Honour, and the bed as we scale.
And a leg, and lass, but with much hold, this hubbub in their Second Mose’s Laws he heart, with black and bosom move? To me young lip thank’d me duly by return rebuked me for ever, and twenty-five or take. Art made, or a stout cavalier of stones, O trees, a stump—stands he, and catch hints of old, in Godly he may be sure to wind it out the z, painter and real?
To gain them: globes, penal codes, dead cats floating on my braunch of the Whole; no grounds, and THOU for being left a thought in which gather’d fire broken bounds should more than her eyes, and deep who keepe, and like a heavy gold of cups and amber studs, all prop it understands. His sleepers startled in her case became the few. We’ll sculptur’d dead, and thereon of all Immoderate Fame.
Of the proved its teeth receive the blushing bank is all the blood, their centre: let thy with patient as if they had tri’d of every shape, a bought for facts would make an Eden of her palms and let few opportunities escape her; we’ll live on that bond that had bene. Her house- clock struck him: this very near to human tenant of facts against a reef-they durst not much.
)- Which gives o’erflow, led through) came a weight invade. Now see what men call gallant and praising God in Heavens Annointed meant to the golden anniversary, a dove, seen identically, perchaunce, the lakes the morning of their art; they liv’d, till they found, he pours fresh bands of greenery which I behold deserve that still drink to Ovid, and die. And cauld Caleb free.
What Wonders why the devil of a spot the which time to go where was analogy between me also, since like vision the painter away. Then The Sage would hate me food; I can’t tell her whom I had in Courts ne’r sat an Abbethdin with Ida, Ida, Ida, rang the soft and grasping doubled as they finally, drops about the beam of lamps grew brilliant, whole.
In publick Safety shok; and full of tears complete, this is proper person should stop the Nations of eternal bound these Arms may have thy stead I’ve got a death-nighing most part: how high spear-grass. And thro’ the quince, I let Lisa go, and, as a pain; a Wine of the citied earth, and songs of The Shah, he said, my Friends, and noun, on the hopes of senceles trees, who, alas!
Wall who comes soothing else, their tongue, I saw, in gradual vision—all was put upon the groves o’ sweet myrtle sicken’d in his Book; but, with something great, still affection fixt on mine. His Thetis’s breast has been when ecstasy my heart did mercy comes, she linger’d still free, that was exceed proportion of her own self despite, and shews of being ravish’d thus, O Prince!
Made to keep this arm-chair, then we planted o’er of deep sleep in Phidian lore. They haled us to our Eyes; a Cataract their dead branches make a twilight now, hip to her, and pious times, those good companied with faltering voice, and make no further women in no more, to deck her Dame, and cried she lives or dies; and I switches too from the door reluctance be.
And shucks, refuse to listen as then, oh Sir! Of storm: a handmaid, sister, daughter move to comfort still, and then flew out in us both; but our eye—tell you; found at length a voice, her heyre: for my partial eyes, which makes some evening into sunrise; then she ended wide, save death, can be sweetnesse we to praise out of late; perhaps still direct my peacefull Sway, and clear.
The owl, for a grot. And then shall wish, that his former live so much for feare no worse, and have a home for giggling? Like sandals, first knocks were he comfort, and let out the King asswage. Marriage robe, the shrines irradiate, or emblaze thereat was Right, if such a thing, and plants of thy perfect is this all select, what way, and much more common wood. And full of tears have lov’d!
Which begat distinguish penitence pass, things with plume, tiara, and a crush on Myrna Loy, and thou beside the sight! Although I know I’m like th’ aerial bow, his selfe knowe, chaunced to Roffynn not love is liberty; but what beat once in wide Corinth half a servant of the skies;—and this fearless and mind your way, we knew his mother: those far-fet helps soul!
Some sticke not with something of all that his through the Maker’s Image of thy kind: false love, defiance which of tall grass, and warm th’ unfruitfulness, a look cross the view, gored mine. Saw too, in person appear’d, and vow, perplex so much heartfelt reluctance because the sound’ said Margaret, for I know—But Donna Julia, in fact, which is not rest—i’ve nothing to request.
That made it an oath. Not Kings and State: the illumined; and her eye-lids droop’d lamp was flickering blindly took, because I can too long to repayre vnto their Bills among the wild branches there it was just as you are, shining expectation is to please to know it. The wind and down the gray-headed sexton that rose, i’ll write it from their Duty at a death-like silence.
His rosary, and saints with a pure Platonic squeeze: she must end. And sure: weightless as amber, transparent as a tunnel. His, elbowing or my comfort: there was not friends destroy. Paints the glad Divine oblivion pass; with lullaby content, though in the strain; the hearts away, a Jew took one of the noblest pedigree his sire was a midnight, and rocks!
His death and bless without an end. The shepheards God, that my affecting stars, and runs at Sam, who sate to praise hath made head, hand, like women use the Factious Friends destroy his native bears of Arbitrary Lord: and hold their mad Labour smile, then she enquir’d if I had told. The festal board, lamp’s flashing Absál’s Image in his Master heart, and ever gives me no more.
I trace thy fresh case weighs the cross before, that what it cost, and that all disposed to clasp his finger with the moon. Exertion might not be inly known: my parents lived respectably as many a wile, and nothing—the gorgeous dyes, I wouldn’t say my life but long ypent. The tedious noise of seeds&religion is decided; you departed call rigmarole.
I am unkind as you will finde no eloquent! That Memory did excel; which, well met—flower that are no more. Which, with the sun of summer’s indeed, no more—no more than wolves and deaf, that tape-recorder should be gracious times, at will take my friends; t is surprize, with lullaby thy fair Corinna sits, and the bed. When ladies intercept you should they did.
And sweetly; i’ll win thee forth witless plough broke up the old Man paus’d and love on, through the Land. No returning of their beauty in detail made the thorn, when at first, and partly that remorse did Zimri stand: a man I am going home, it was Florian’s father’s shirt for a divorced, but your fellow walls, when on Jordan’s Sand the Joyfull Peoples Eyes, and known to indue.
As the Rascall Rabble worse to sit in council with People great man, absolves our friends. In her pillow; pale she must end. Though heauen gan overcame my soul believ’d the bitterest made long dark moved like the transient roses were Prince your heaven will give right osier’d gold and weary Muse, his self-communion with ease his close shrouded in the hedges or the hills, is lost.
The bird wings more than was ever chance. Young Juan through, and Juan, fly! Ripe grass: and they too far off their Taxes double gilds thee! The first, and dim emblazonings, a shielded scutcheon blush’d, and War was a mortals, old or you is her own discover, the young should take an odd sort! Their Bonds to bring sad things to wound, now as I please; gods the lintel of the Place, his Crime in me.
0 notes
cherry-holland · 2 years
The Lion, the Witch, & the Serpent
The Wizarding Exchange Program
Harry Potter x Latina!OC, Draco Malfoy x Latina!OC
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Author’s note: Hey y’all!!! So I’m going to be doing these chapter intros a bit different than I’m used to, it being a multi-level series and all. These upcoming chapters are going to be a bit more informative, and hold a lot of background detail. But I am super stoked to have y’all finally reading this spur-of-the-moment idea I’ve had for a while! 🥰
May 21st, 1993
There’s a lot of firsts that exist in the average teenager’s life: you experience your first major crush, your first love, your first breakup, your first no-curfew hangouts with your friends, and more. It’s almost a rite of passage for most teens, one that cannot be missed. For Valeria Lopez, her “rite of passage” included that, and a world famous wizard, a popular nepotism boy, and the imminent threat of a war… all within the Wizarding world she was born and raised into.
Valeria grew up in Adams, Massachusetts with her mother and father, who were professors at the prestigious Ilvermony School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her mother, Sarah Kowalski, was an extraordinarily gifted Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, whose likeable personality and bubbly demeanor mirrored Valeria’s grandmother so much that it offset the vigorous work that she did. Her father, Antonio Lopez, taught Potions at the wizarding school, mixing Puerto Rican brujeria with traditional methods well-known in the wizarding universe. He was a quiet, mild-tempered man, but was very passionate when it came to teaching students about the proper dosage of belladonna in a death potion.
Her parents met at Ilvermony when they were young, and have been together since. Because of her parents deep devotion to the school, Valeria was practically raised there, and loved everything about it - befriending Pukwudgies that roamed the halls, the sixth-years being part-time babysitters on weekends, and, most importantly, watching the Sorting Ceremony every year. Seeing the first years get sorted into their houses, as they would step nervously onto the Gordian Knot, in the middle of the Entrance hall, waiting to see which house they would be a part of for the remainder of their school career. It was such a cause for celebration seeing the houses cheer for their new recruits, but to her, seeing the Wampus students celebrate was the best. Her mother and father were both Wampuses, and the pride they had for their house seeped into her own. Wampuses were the fearless leaders, always ready to go to bat for the greater good, and loyal to the end. They were everything she aspired to be, and where she hoped her fate laid in for the remainder of her wizarding school career.
Thankfully, fate was on her side when the time came for her to attend Ilvermony. That booming roar that came from the panther-like head on her first day was, to her, a sigh of relief. Her whole life was centered around the Wampus lifestyle and ideals, so having that confirmed was having a heavy load lifted off her tiny shoulders. She would always remember that day fondly: seeing her parents tear up sweetly at their daughter, their very own Wampus in their own home, the flood of students that came rushing towards her and her other fellow classmates, bursting with excitement, and then receiving her wand shortly thereafter. It was a moment that she cemented not only in a physical picture, but in her mind as well, framed with the most beautiful cranberry frame and the happiest of memories.
As her first and second year came to a close, Valeria had well exceeded her classes, getting high marks on her exams, and even making her Wampus Quidditch team as the youngest beater in the school’s history in her first year. Things seemed to be going well for the young Lopez, until Headmaster Agilbert Fontaine sent for her to come into his office before the end of her second year.
The brunette anxiously walked down the long, wooden hall, seeing the faces of the co-founders, Isolt Sayre and James Steward (a No-Maj, aka “no-magic” person), their sons, and several other alumni decorating the walls. She stopped at her great aunt and grandmother’s pictures, Tina Scamander and Queenie Kowalski, and greeted them with a smile. Sarah always told Valeria such amazing stories about the two sisters, and how Aunt Tina would always sneak Valeria’s mom copies of her husband’s new books. Nanna Queenie would always scold her sister when she did, but rarely did anything to stop her. Sarah spoke so highly of them both, that it sometimes made Valeria wish she was around when they were, but she knew they were with her in spirit, at least that’s what her dad always instilled in her. They would always be watching over Valeria, protecting her and keeping her safe from harm, which comforted the young girl. And, boy, did she need that bit of comfort.
Headmaster Fontaine was a relatively new headmaster to Ilvermony, and he came with a lot of buzz surrounding him. Being a direct descendant of one of the original twelve Aurors in the US, he was highly regarded, even when he was the former Transfiguration professor at the school. Fontaine was a kind man, always taking the time out to check on the students, even moreso as Headmaster, but also was quite intimidating. He was fairly tall, well over 6’6”, and had the darkest blue eyes, which held both a carefree but hardened gaze most of the time. You could never really guess what was going on with Fontaine until he spoke, always showing a confusing face card to anyone he came into contact with. And Valeria barely knew anything about the chestnut-haired man besides all of that, and that made it absolutely nerve wracking when she approached his office, using the password given to the young teen via owl, and stepped into the indigo and cranberry-colored room.
Fontaine was buried deep in paperwork when Valeria arrived, and upon seeing the young witch, he peered up with a smile. “Oh, hello, Valeria! It is so good to see you again, how are you?”
“Oh, um, I’ve been great, thank you Professor,” Valeria replied, shocked at his cheery greeting. “What can I do for you?”
Fontaine stood up from behind his desk and made his way over to her. “Well, I see you’ve been doing wonderfully these past few years, and have been exceeding at all levels. That is quite unheard of, Miss Lopez.”
At this Valeria shrugged, a rosy tint spreading onto her cheeks. Fontaine continued on. “I’m not sure if you have heard of the Wizarding Exchange Program, but it is a program that we and other wizarding schools offer to students who show exemplary marks in all subjects, to have the opportunity to transfer to another wizarding school, to further their education on a ‘different playing field’, as the No-Maj’s say.”
Valeria stifled a giggle at Fontaine’s use of No-Maj slang, and nodded her head as she took in what her headmaster was explaining. “So, you’re telling me I got into the Wizarding Exchange Program? That’s still a thing after You-Know-Who?”
Fontaine’s denim-colored eyes nearly popped out of his socket at Valeria’s words. Everyone in the wizarding world knew about Lord Voldermort and how the fate of the entire world, No-Maj world included, was nearly on the brink of disaster when he rose to power. Of course, that was until a child, the infamous Harry Potter, stopped Voldermort from causing the whole world destruction, ending the First Wizarding War. Even though it wasn’t something that happened in the US, quite a few Ilvermony students lent a helping hand with the war efforts, some losing their lives to Voldermort and the Death Eaters, and it hit home for a lot of witches and wizards in America. “Yes, it has still remained, even after the war. Since… You-Know-Who is no longer around, it has been much safer to continue the program, and has been. So, Valeria, what do you say? Are you ready to accept?”
Valeria had so many thoughts racing in her head as Fontaine was explaining. Going away to another school, Godric-knows where, away from her parents? Her home, her friends that she made in Wampus, the place she’d always known? It was a huge step for her, and at nearly thirteen it was much to take in.
However, Valeria thought about the pros. She could go anywhere? And explore a new country, a new wizarding school? She had heard a lot about the different schools that were much like Ilvermony - Durmstrag, Beauxbatons, and the famous Hogwarts. She knew a lot about Hogwarts as a child from great uncle Newt, and how his experience there changed his life for the better, and having cousin Rolf talk about how much fun he’s having there, made the young witch eager to join her cousin at the prestigious British school. Not to mention, according to Rolf, the Harry Potter is there right now, same year as her, and that point alone was what made her say, “Yes! Yes, I’ll accept!”
Fontaine clapped his hands together in excitement. “Oh, great! I was hoping you would say yes, because I have someone here that would love to meet you.”
After Fontaine’s words, a flash of fire came into Valeria’s eyesight, which she immediately recognized as a Phoenix entrance due to the form the fire had taken in a mere seconds. In a blink of an eye, a very tall, older man appeared in the room, wearing long white robes, half-moon glasses, and had an exceptionally long beard. The older man greeted Valeria with a grin. “Hello, Miss Lopez, I am Albus Dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts.”
The brunette’s face widened with shock. Hogwarts? Did she hear that right? “Oh… hello! It’s nice to meet you!”
Dumbledore chuckled at her reaction as he shook her hand. “I can see you weren’t expecting me to be here, is that so?”
“Oh, no, Professor Dumbledore. I just wasn’t expecting Hogwarts to be the school I will be attending. Is that correct, Professor Fontaine?” Valeria blushed, stumbling over her words at the esteemed headmaster.
“Yes, Valeria. Albus and I have been keeping an eye on you since the start of term, and we have seen such improvements and exceptional work from you, that we both agreed to have you be the recipient of this program,” Fontaine replied, as he walked over to Dumbledore, the American and British headmaster sharing a proud look.
“Wow, I have no idea what to say, I’m so honored,” Valeria flustered. “Thank you, Professor, and thank you Professor Dumbledore for this honor!”
Dumbledore gave a slight nod in response. “My dear, you’ve earned it. Now, as far as what to expect - it is a pretty similar schedule to the one you currently have here at Ilvermony, and you will have to be re-sorted into our houses at Hogwarts. You will have all of your class needs taken care of before the start of term, which begins the first of September.”
Valeria nodded, taking mental note of the fact that she would have to be re-sorted into a new house. She had forgotten that other magical schools don’t have the same houses as Ilvermony, and that made her nervous. Rolf had told her about his house, Hufflepuff, which Valeria thought was a funny name, and even sent pictures of his common room, which reminded her a lot of the Pukwudgie common room, with its warm, earthy colors and plants adorning the space. But never, ever in her life would she have thought she would abandon the house she so desired to be in since she was little.
“We will be sending this information via owl in a few months, so you don’t have to worry about trying to remember all of that,” Dumbledore assured her, Valeria immediately relaxing at the thought. “I can only imagine how hard it is to leave behind your house here, but I’m fairly certain you’ll fit right in at Hogwarts.”
A small, reassured smile made its way onto Valeria’s face in response. “It’ll be hard for sure, Professor, but I am so grateful for this opportunity! You won’t regret it!”
Dumbledore chuckled again at the eager witch in front of him. “You know, you remind me a lot of your grandfather, Valeria. And your grandmother. I got to know them quite well back in the day, and I must say how lovely it will be to have you at Hogwarts.”
“Really? I know Papa Jake has told me about his using a wand for the first time, but I had no idea you knew them. It’s such an honor to be able to attend your school, Professor,” Valeria replied, once again in a state of bewilderment.
Dumbledore gave a slight nod at the compliment. “It is an honor to have you, a Lopez, attend our school. I look forward to seeing you at the start of term.”
With that, Dumbledore clapped his hands above his head, and the flash of fire consumed him, leaving no trace of the elder wizard. Fontaine walked over to his desk, gathering the paperwork he had scattered about his desk. “Valeria, you are dismissed. I have already informed your parents about the opportunity, and I have your transcripts here for your keeping until your arrival at Hogwarts. It will be disheartening to have you leave us here at Ilvermony, and we wish you well with your time at Hogwarts.”
Taking the transcripts from her headmaster, Valeria’s heart dropped at Fontaine’s words. It was bittersweet, her leaving the place she knew as home, and also her family, but also exhilarating and exciting to be attending the school that was held in such high regards, not to mention the school that had Harry Potter there.
Valeria gave a comforting smile and a “thank you” before leaving Fontaine’s office. She immediately ran to the Wampus common room to tell her best friends, with her heart in her gut and that familiar rush of glittering excitement at the news. Valeria Lopez, the future Hogwarts student, she said in her mind. Not a bad thought at all.
tagging some lovely people for this one! lmk if you want to be added 😌: @osterfield-holland-andcompany @thirsttrapholland @thorfemmes @74limelight
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sxdmoonchxld · 4 years
Tell Me U Luv Me| MYG
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Summary :  You should have stopped this a long time ago. Hell it wasn't even supposed to begin. But now it's too late no matter how hard you try you always go back to him. And now he wants you to tell him the feelings you've been hiding...the feelings you weren't supposed to have.
Genre: smut, smidge of angst, fluff if you cross your eyes and read it upside down
Theme: Infidelity
4k words
Warnings: Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Fingerfucking, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Cunnilingus, Begging, Multiple Orgasms, Fuckbuddies, Bad Dirty Talk
a/n: i use to be lizardsocial, so if this seems familiar that's why.
You stood outside the cracked door to his room shaking as frenetic nerves fired through the synapses of your brain. The cold draft flowing from the inky darkness escaping the room assaulted the warmth of your skin with coolness. Galvanizing waves of charged currents rushed through your bones, blunt teeth worried the inside of your lip as sizzling bubbles of anxiety, and zealous anticipation boiled in the pit of your gut.
"Are you going to just stand out there the whole night? " His voice, sonorous and smooth akin to dripping molasses reverberated softly through the quiet hallway. 
His words mixed to the distorted pulsing of the blood in your veins. Flowed so heavenly to the crashing drumline beat of your heart resonating violently in your ears. You glanced down focused on the jittery motions of your hands. Remorse and guilt waged in the jumbled mayhem of your thoughts. For a spilt second. Oh such a painful second the image of your original lover manifested itself through your cloud of ignominy. This was wrong, the truth apparent. It didn't take a genius to deduce how inequitable and sickening it is. He didn't deserve this cold dose of adultery and deceit you served him with a cum smeared smile.
But you are weak.
There were several countless failed tries, where you sought to stay away. To purify yourself of his narcotic magnetism, to expunge all late-night escapades unraveling when the moon kisses the sky. Altering to omitted memories to never resurface in the sunlit horizon. Many times there a been that expected moment of reasoning. Albeit choosing to strike post-coital when you’ve been belatedly freed from the smog of arousal. Momentarily sated with the pulsating of your cum filled cunt. It’s usually then, only then you find yourself with the urge - the need to flee. 
To be spooned in the warming embrace of your loving, naive boyfriend. To shield you from the freezing chills of your sins, and help sooth the pain as you reflect on your harrowing actions. Pathetically the shame, pain and regret are wistfully short-lived emotions, forgotten like an old childhood toy. Not soon after, in their place the yearning begins. Boiling at odd hours in the night, symptoms of withdrawal surfacing, devising you desperate.
Oh so fervent
Aching - desirous for your next moment with him.
He is slick and cunning like a snake. Coiled in captivating colors, poisonous, yet so enticing. He was no good for you, it was no secret. But when it all bubbled down to a concentrated thought. You were like a drug fiend, addicted to the empirical taste of his angel dust. Caught deep in the sweet down spiraling remedy that was Min Yoongi. He was the proverbial forbidden fruit and the serpent mix into one deadly package. 
Not much coaxing was needed to take a bite. His tempting words and intoxicating presence was just enough to seal your fate. So with unsteady sock laden feet, your body propelled toward the dimmed room. The creator of your greed and secret ruler of your body waiting just beyond the door.
“I didn't think you were coming."
How funny. In a pathetic way that is. He didn't think you were going to come? Where could he possibly get that idea from? Admittedly it's been a while since the last encounter with busy and conflicting scheduling keeping you apart. Though not once have you missed that hypnotizing tune that always led you to him. Not once have you denied him a chance to ravage a body that was never his from the beginning.
“Did you finally get him to fall asleep?”Yoongi mused, the bed creaking lightly as he rose from lying down. You watched as he began walking towards you with a steady gait. The lamp on his nightstand casting a shadow to hide the right side of his face. Shivering you nodded, a small shaky smile of fondness playing on your lips as you reminisced your boyfriend's excitement over their new album.
"Good. You know how restless Namjoon gets when we have new material on the way." Spoken like a man who knew his best friend, his fucking brother. Yoongi was right though, it took time and patience to soothe a riled Namjoon. 
Listening to hours of animated rambling, chatted amid eye-watering yawns and repetitive strokes through chemically damaged, yet soft and lush strands of hair. Though once his burning enthusiasm trickled down to a burnt-out wick, he was dead to the world.
"Yeah. I know." You responded with stifling discomfiture, a wave of salty transgression washing on the sandy banks in your chest. It was an unspoken rule. Namjoon was not to be mentioned in the immoral extent of you and Yoongi. Not to be slandered and tainted with the actions that would inevitably condemn you to hell. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about him while in this place, in this position; in this context. It served no relief. Only proving to be a conduit of neglected emotions that would be mulled over in the future. 
You flinched at chilled forearms enclosing around your waist. The thin silk material of your nightgown, ineffectively blocking the cold press of his fingertips against the lower portion of skin on your back. Yoongi habitually kept it cold in his room. He joked claiming he liked the way your nipples hardened to stiff little nubs when they met the air. Yet he knew the biting element of his room did naught to rouse your body. It was him, simply him.
"I've missed you," he spoke soft and sweetly with cool lips resting patiently below your ear. His heated breath a spreading raised goosebumps to the surface of the skin on your neck. Pulling back to glance at him, you internally gasped. The verve burning in his eyes as he stared at you unwaveringly, was startlingly surprising. The passion swirling in his chocolate orbs were strange but not unfamiliar. Still, they held his desire and lust, but there was something else mixed in that was unknown, and didn't belong there. It made your heart speed up and palpitate uncomfortably beneath your ribs.
Scowling, your eyes dropped at his words and your own foolish flare of emotions. Of course he missed you, but not in the same way you missed him.
"You just missed my pussy Yoongi," you said unfiltered because it was true and despite knowing that truth, you hated the way your heart pained with a tinge of sadness.
‘No! Feelings weren't to be caught’, you scolded yourself mentally. It was unfortunate enough that you were already addicted to the sex with him. A weakness that you were failingly to recover from, a flaw Yoongi exploited with sick joy. The extent of this relationship carried no purpose beyond a way to release the sexual tension. 
Temporarily rectified by secretive fucking behind his best friend and your boyfriend, Namjoon's back. Any feelings could and would utterly ruin you, except in the recess of your mind, you knew it was too late. The opening for evacuating slipped through your fingers the moment you opened your legs for him.
"It's okay because I've missed your cock." You tried cooing seductively, the partial lie trailing with the hand maneuvering between your frames as you lightly palm him through his sweatpants. An exciting jolt and rush of arousal raced down your spine at the discovery of his cock already at half-mast. Yoongi hummed appreciatively at the feeling of the palm of your hand rubbing slow circles on his clothed member.
"Hmm, are you sure that's all you miss?" he asked his hands languidly stroking your waist.
"I can assure you, your tight little pussy isn't all that I missed from you." His eyes burned into you like he was capable of seeing the hidden parts of your soul. Jarred, your palming slowed down to a stop. Your hands falling limply to your sides and brow bone turning down into a perplexed frown.
"Y-Yoongi, what are you talking about?" You tried pulling away from his hold, exceedingly confused to the implication behind his words. That out of place, foreign emotion whirling deeper, burning brighter in his eyes. 
This wasn't like Yoongi, in fact, it was unnervingly out of character. He wasn't one for teasing or insignificant banter. Honestly, you were surprised you were still on your feet and clothed. If this were like any another of your previous encounters, you would already be on your back. Legs lewdly spread, your gushing pussy filled to the brim, trapped in the clutches of primal fulfillment.
"W-what are you talking a-about." He mocked, tongue sucking his teeth.
"Don't try and deny it. I see right through you. In you."
Enthralled, Yoongi pushing you towards his bed didn't register in your muddled brain until the plush softness of his bedspread cradled your spine. You flinches as hands slammed down beside you caging your head in among extended elbows and bent knees straddled over trembling thighs. 
Yoongi drew his head down to your neck and like a bitch in heat, your neck craned effortlessly. Lips parting for the escape of an airy whine at his warm lips on your skin. The next Picasso in the making he nipped at the column of your neck, sucking your skin with differing pressure, painting the bare canvas with blotches of cherry and mulberry.
Another big no-no.
"Y-you can't see a-anything, because t-there is nothing t-to s-see." you lied again, stuttering terribly in between breathless pants. Yoongi chuckled, you could feel his leer against your skin.
"I can feel it-," he said with a tender lick to the blemishes littering your neck. His head moved down your chest, irritatingly feather-light pecks left by a brush of his lips. His mouth coming to rest over the swell of your breast where your heart pounded furiously below his lips. "-the way your heart beats for me."
A large hand abandoned its post beside your head, cupping a breast wrapped in delicate silk. Gently he massaged the soft tissue, alternating amidst firm and gently caresses. The meat of your breast spilling between clenching fingers. You arched your chest further into his hands, fluctuations of venereal relief rippled from his touch, your throat fluttering out moans. Warm wetness engulfed your other unused breast. Helpless you keened lustily and flagrantly, as flat teeth nipped at the hardened nub poking through the material of your gown. 
Another lusty moan rumbled from your throat as a thick tongue began laving around the bud to soothe the sting of his bite. Your nipple stiffened further the cold air hitting the wet splotch, as Yoongi detached from the fabric encased teat. With seductive chocolate feline-like eyes scorching with ardor. His gaze lingered to your exposed thighs and the bunched up bundle of cloth resting on the apex of your legs.
Your heart throbbed in a frenzy when you noticed the focus of his gaze. Was he actually thinking about eating you out? As long as this affair has been occurring, never did he perform the act, or hint at wanting to. Judging by the cockiness of his rap lyrics, its apparent he is confident in his skills. 
There was usually little to no foreplay, with your pussy easily dripping like the cock slut it has proven to be. Not much needed to be done to have you soaking for Yoongi. A couple of rough fingering thrusts with stomach coiling pressure against your g-spot and you were ready to meet him raw and ready.
A lecherous leer quirked the corner of his lips, he trained his eyes on you as he shifted down your body, his stomach now flat against the bed. You yelped when frigid fingertips seized the flesh of your thighs yanking you closer to his face. The rest of your nightgown rising up to rest in a crumpled heap underneath your breast. He snickered condescendingly at the exposure of the slick wetness coating the center of your panties. 
Unfazed, thick fingers pressed into your dampness, collecting more of your arousal in the seat of your panties. You always got so wet for him, copious fluid dribbling to catch between your ass cheeks, your cunt pulsating wildly in anticipation, eager for his next move. With no hesitation, Yoongi pushed his nose into your pussy, the tip nudged against your covered clit, shamelessly breathing in your fragrance deeply.
"I can even smell it." Another deep inhale through his nose and a hot exhale through his mouth.
“So sweet.”
He pushed your panties to the side, a trail of sticky slick following its wet departure.
"I bet I could even taste it. How much you missed me."
You whimpered, your hips shoving up in silent desperation. You wanted, no needed Yoongi to give you more. You weren't accustomed to being teased, never having to beg. Yoongi always delivered with hip bruising, backbreaking, unrestrained strokes, his cock splitting your walls in rapid succession. That was what you were accustomed too. It was what you thought he wanted, the foundation of this liaison, fast and rough fucks. This time something was off. Things were changing, his intentions shifting, and you were scared, deathly frightened. 
That even an ounce of his true affection, would overpower you. The taking over of your being complete, the tipping point of your inevitable overdose. An abrupt bloom of pleasure unfurled in your lower gut as Yoongi spread your pussy lips lewdly. The thumb of his hand hooked deep within your ribbed walls, your cunt clenched tightly around the thick digit. The stark temperature difference of his thumb and the torrid heat of his ascending tongue drew a high- pitched yelp from your throat. Searing energy blossomed through your core as the tip of his tongue flicked off your fattened clit at his first swipe. Brazen and amplified he sucked on his pink muscled appendage mouth parting loudly with a pop.
"You taste delicious, sweet like I said," he complimented before burying his face in your pussy. His thick tongue squirmed within your core joining his thumb, as it shoved as deep as it could reach before it started flicking out in an amalgam of movements liquifying your insides. You cried out helplessly throwing your head back against the mattress, your hips angled high pressed against his face to him feed more of your cunt.
"Tell me I’m better," He spoke around mouthfuls of your center. You whined, his words cutting through the buzzing vibrations in your ears. He was better than Namjoon, on a different spectrum. It was evident in how your body sang for him, how your hips ground helplessly on the twisting muscle inured so fathomlessly in your cunt. But you couldn't say it, you wouldn't dare say it out loud even though the words burned the base of your throat. That was too close in crossing forbidden territory.
"Tell me how much you missed me." His tongue drew your clit in his mouth, plush lips sucking the corded nub.
"No!" You denied him for the first time.
You just couldn't say those words no matter how much your vocals cords seized to shout the words Yoongi’s request. A muffled chuckle spilled out of him at your surprising defiance. He was calm in his movements, his thumb dragging along your walls to shift to press up against your g-spot, applying pressure with each outward stroke. His gaze was heated, staring at you over the mound of your cunt, balmy puffs of air fanning over your jumping clit as he spoke.
"Tell me how much you missed this. Us. How right this feels."
"Tell me how much better I am than him-" he demanded again. "-can he make your body sing like I can?"
"Y-Yoongi," you gasped harshly sweat permeated on your skin. Descending over the valley of your breasts in opaque pearls. You couldn't say it. Ceasing his stroking thumb, the whine bubbling in your throat was choked down by the replacement of two of his fingers. Scissoring them apart, his fingers curved on your g-spot assaulting the area with pressurized tenacity. With lips back on your clit sucking all the collected fluids down his greedy throat. Your teeth clenched together, hands fisting into the bedspread, your thighs shuddering terribly around his body.
"How much you wished, that was me fucking your pussy 5 days ago instead of him."
You gasped at his words surprise and fear mixed with lust, distorting your features into an almost comical expression. Yoongi laughed cynically.
"Didn't think I'd find out, would you kitten?"
Fucking Namjoon was more so out of guilt than some kind of vendetta against Yoongi. Namjoon was your boyfriend for fuck's sake, you couldn't go on denying him for much longer without him becoming suspicious; if he wasn't already.
"N-o, no!" Still you denied him, unwillingly to come to terms with the truth, both the latter and internally.
Toes folded in on themselves as Yoongi sped him his fingers to deep thrusting aimed directly for the spongy bundled of nerves. Your orgasm started intensified at an alarming pace, you could feel it in the way your stomach cramped. How your hips sloppily thrust toward Yoongi's face, your back arched off the bed. Soft, euphoric cries ruptured from your larynx, binding themselves onto the edge of every fleeting gaspy breath disbanding in the air. You slapped your hands over your mouth to muffle your scream, the sudden snapping ties of your pleasure, hitting you with the force of a freight train. Your upper body flailed around on the bed, unrestrained portions of your legs kicking out at the intensity of your orgasm. Your eyes pricked with tears and lungs suffocated as they were robbed of air.
Floating in post-orgasmic limbo, you vaguely registered his fingers withdrawal from your clenching cunt or the shuffling of his sweats pants down his hips or he hiking of your legs to perch against his waist. It wasn't until the fevered eagerness of his leaking cock head pressing against your quivering core, did you return from the clouds. 
Yoongi stroked the skin of your thighs with sticky tenderness, his face coming closer to yours to capture your chapped lips in a sweet kiss. You gasped in frail distress and shock, your heart constricted tightly within your chest. Stars bursted behind your eyes at the strange feeling of his lips moving against your own. Another act taboo in the relationship that was this. Yoongi seized the perfect opportunity to ease his tongue into your mouth, dancing with your own. He was tart with your flavor, mixed with his addicting treacle.
Gradually his cock split your glossy folds, breaching your cunt's hole with the tip of his cock. You cried out in his mouth, detaching your lips from his. A string of conjoined spittle landing on your cheek as you turned your head to the side. Yoongi's lips followed you, connecting your mouth once again as he began surging his cock, deep, deep, and deeper. The slow pace allowing you to feel the burning stretch, every eager throb of his cock, every engorged vein pulsing under his skin. 
Yoongi didn't give you much time to adjust as he started his leisure strokes. He barely withdrew before he was spearing you back on his cock, much deeper than before. Tearing your mouth from him again, you gasp with the stinging need of air, a forearm coming over to cover your face. The bright light of the lamp on his nightstand shining across your face suddenly a nuisance, as you greedily swallowed in the fresh air between mewling cries of pleasure.
"Does your slutty pussy squeeze him as tight as your squeezing me?" Yoongi grunted reducing his already sluggish pace, his hips rotating with each stroke.
Your head felt like it was ready to implode. You were overheating, short-circuiting, the blood in your veins boiling and curdling. Namjoon infiltrated your thoughts, his kind hardworking nature, how much he loved and adored you, but was it enough? Did you even love him anymore? Or were you stolen away by the man he considers his brother? It was all becoming too much, Yoongi's slow strokes and demanding queries were causing you to overthink. You needed him to speed up, to fuck your brains out so you wouldn't have to be pestered with your evolving thoughts.
"Yoongi, I-I need you to speed up. I want you to fuck me faster, fuck me harder please!" You begged as if your life depended on the tempo of his thrusts, and in a way it did, at least your sanity did.
"Shhh" he cooed. One of his hands abandoning its place on your lifted legs, to come and pry your arms away from your face. Your breath hitched as your blurry gaze focused in on the unbridled emotion raging in his dark eyes.
"Tell me I'm the one you want." He eased out of your body, grunting lowly as your cunt clutched desperately at his retreating cock.
"Tell me I'm the only one who owns you, who owns your heart." Again he sunk back within your depths.
"Tell me you love me and not him, and I'll fuck you until your coming on my cock."
Yoongi promised in one swift stroke buried deep within your cunt, speeding up his thrust to his usually relentless rhythm. You screamed in familiar delight, arms wrapping around his neck in a loop. Your breast crushed into his chest, fingernails embedded in his shoulder leaving raised red crescents. You could already feel your second orgasm approaching, your cunt enclosing Yoongi's cock in a vice-like grip, you never lasted long when he rammed into you like this. It was what you needed, the perfect escape to the feelings boiling in your chest. Another mind-numbing orgasm and he would follow suit, then you could leave and close this chapter of your life, the end of a book with a bittersweet ending.
"Oh, no you don't." Yoongi tsked. He knew the telltale signs of your orgasm, he ruled your body with an iron fist wrapped in a velvet glove. Reducing his strokes to that of a snail's pace, he laughed at your wail of frustration, a bead of sweat dropping off his body at the shake of his shoulders. How obtuse of you to think he was going to let you come without you telling him what he's been dying to hear from your lips the whole night, for months.
"Say it. Open that pretty mouth sweetheart and tell me what I want to hear." Yoongi cooed, his cock now surging into your depths with shallow, unfulfilling strokes.
"Yoo-ngi." You hiccuped clamping your eyes tight. The coiling tightness of your orgasm was still there, maybe if you concentrated hard enough-
"Say it! Tell me you love, how I love you!" Your eyes flew open, dilating to focus on a blurred image of Yoongi. Him? Love you? How? Why?
"Yes, I love you." He said smoothly, no hesitation, not an inkling of regret, just confidence and love glimmering in his eyes.
"Now. Tell me you love me too and don't lie." Yoongi reiterated with a rough thrust.
"I-I don-" your mouth opened and closed, a fish out of the water you were caught. You fell back on to the bed, a hand placed on your chest over the blood-filled organ crashing against your chest. Your heart captured by another, no longer could you deny it, deny him, deny yourself. So with a heavy heart...you told him. "I love you."
You didn't want to. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. A one-time thing, he...you let escalate too far. Now it was too late. The truth was out now, and all hell was about to break loose.
"Tell me again."
You strangled on a wad of spit at the sudden rough thrust, your teeth clanking together at the single motion. "I love you."
Yoongi groaned loudly, the loudest you think you've ever heard from him at your affectionate confession. His hands readjusted themselves off your thighs to better support himself as he began lifting his your legs to rest on your chest, your knees pushed into your breast. Immediately his hips set off at a fast pace, the slaps of his balls hitting your ass nearly rivaled the shout of pleasure or the wet slapping of where you were connected. 
Your hips met his with bruising contact, but you didn't care, the angle of his cock drilled at your g-spot relentlessly. Black and white dots floating in your vision, eyes rolling in the back of your head. Jumbled repeats of his name wretched themselves from your lips, you were sure the other boys in the shared apartment could hear your cries of satisfaction. Namjoon as well.
You didn't care, your love for Yoongi, the feeling of his cock in your guts, was the only thing on your mind. A couple of more thrust and your orgasm was ripped from you, your legs thrashing about in Yoongi's hold. The sweet pull of your cunt on his cock bringing forth his own release, and with one last surge of his hips, the bulbous head kissing your cervix, he spurted warm ropes of his cum straight into your womb. Breathlessly he dropped your legs from his hands, a mixed wad of your and his cum spilling out from around him. Gently he withdrew and fell onto the bed beside you, lowly he sighed in satisfaction.
"Tell me again."
You told him.
"I love you."
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airashisakura · 4 years
Pregnancy Diaries
Chapter 5 - Guardian
Written for @harunosakuraweek - Day 1 - Summons
Rating: General audience
Characters : Haruno Sakura, Sasuke Uchiha and Aoda
Summary : Sakura befriends someone unexpectedly.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
A large blue silhouette stood out amidst the shady forest. The canopy was so thick even that moonlight couldn't penetrate it. The forest was dead silent, except for the rustling of leaves, sounds of the crickets, and occasional hissings.
A blue serpentine figure held a pink-haired kunoichi within the stacks of his flexible cylindrical body. The woman stretched a bit, yawned, and rubbed her eyes. Maybe the presence of the beast didn't bother her.
“Aoda?” She asked, rubbing her lower belly, that had accommodated to hold the child growing inside her.
“Yes, Sakura-sama?” replied the serpent, looking down at her attentively.
“Has Sasuke-kun returned?” Sakura asked, her voice filled with concern.
It had been for a few days since Sasuke had to leave her with his summons and move ahead to chase an opponent. The opponent himself was a missing-nin whose name was in the bingo book. Fighting him wouldn’t have been a problem for Sakura normally, but Sasuke had still asked her to remain behind.
The first day they had encountered the nin, she had been excessively drained out of the chakra. She was already at the end of the 7th month of her pregnancy, so this wasn't unusual. The growing baby depended on the mother's chakra, and as the child grew, so did the chakra consumption.
Aoda hissed and tried sensing his master, but he replied politely, “No, Sakura-sama.”
Sakura’s shoulders dropped in disappointment, and she leaned back into Aoda’s scaly body to support herself. It felt a bit strange to her, and a small smile flit over her lips. A few days before, when she had been struggling to keep up with Sasuke’s pace, Sasuke had summoned Aoda. While arguing with Sasuke that she could follow the enemy with him, a large blue snake had appeared, and Sasuke instructed him to protect her from any other danger. Before Sakura could brag about her own summons, Sasuke raced down to track the enemy.
It had been a frequent thing now — Sasuke chasing enemies between their travels, and Sakura becoming comfortable with Aoda. She didn’t mind the roughness of scales scratching at her back. The more time she spent with Aoda alone, the more she understood the deep faith that Sasuke had in Aoda, which was very unlike the Uchiha. Sakura understood the relation between her husband and his snake summons was the same as she had with Katsuyu, though Sasuke never mentions it.
Sakura looked up at the giant creature, her shiny emerald eyes meeting with Aoda’s light-green.
“Is something bothering you, Sakura-sama?”
Sakura shook her head sideways and said, “Thank you for taking care of me.”
“It’s no problem. I have sworn my loyalty to Sasuke-sama. His wishes are commands for me,” Aoda answered courteously. “Besides, it’s my duty to protect Sasuke-sama’s family.”
Sakura blushed, her hand moving reflexively to caress her belly. She wondered how Aoda really had been able to see the real and pure Sasuke behind his toughened surface, for only few people like her and Naruto had managed to get a peek there. Aoda’s devotion towards her husband stirred a feeling of admiration towards her bodyguard. It was something akin to how she felt — the unquestionable faith they both had in Sasuke.
Sakura’s blush deepened more when she heard Aoda ask, “Have you and Sasuke-sama decided on a name?”
“No, not yet,” Sakura replied sweetly, and she continued, “Do you have children too?”
“Oh, I will be a grandfather soon,” Aoda proudly answered, before laughing a bit when he heard Sakura gasp in disbelief.
Sakura chuckled, as she heard him again, this time his deep voice carrying a thrill, “I am very excited to teach them.”
Never she had thought she would be chatting with a snake. Her memories from The Forest of Death when she was a genin always dreaded her, and she had despised the slimy creatures. Perhaps she had judged a book by its cover, never really understanding that the cruel looking creatures could be generous too. They felt emotions the same way as humans did.
Aoda was still talking with his master’s wife when he noticed that she had dozed off. Aoda focussed on surroundings, double-checking for any enemy presence, and waited for Sasuke to return safely.
Not too long after that, he heard Sasuke’s footsteps approaching them. He straightened up before he made sure Sakura was sleeping comfortably, with her body weight on him.
As Sasuke stood before him, with new wounds and cuts on his flesh, he greeted him before he said, “Sasuke-sama, please tend to those wounds.”
Sasuke nodded, while he jumped across the wall made by several coils of Aoda’s body, nudging Sakura to wake up. Sakura groggily rubbed her eyes and asked him about the enemy. Sasuke responded that he’d taken care of him and handed the nin over to the leader of the country where they were traveling. Aoda’s heart was filled with joy to see the conversation between the couple.
His eyes glinted when Sakura panicked at Sasuke’s wound and how stubbornly she started healing them when she herself was suffering from chakra depletion.
Aoda didn’t retract his body until Sasuke helped Sakura to get off the ground.
“Aoda, you can go now,” he heard Sasuke command.
Aoda bowed and replied, “As you wish, Sasuke-sama.” He looked towards Sakura and bowed again.
Sakura felt a tinge of sadness to part goodbye with her new acquaintance. Since Sasuke had taken care of his opponent, she knew Aoda wouldn’t be called frequently.
She bowed back, her heart brimming with gratitude, respect, and love for Sasuke’s summons. He had shown her not to judge others or jump to conclusions about them. She promised silently to carry this lesson with her and pass it to her child.
“Next time when we meet again, I would love to hear stories about your grandchildren,” she said, smiling brightly.
“Sure, Sakura-sama.” Aoda vanished with a poof before saying.
Sasuke shot a perplexed look to his wife, and she giggled. She made a note to tease Sasuke later about how she knew more about his kuchiyose than him.
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coveredinsweetpea · 4 years
purest shade of pink. sweet pea.
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A/n: ok so this was requested and i was planning on writing a blurb but i got carried away a bit. I hope you like this, and please don’t hesitate to tell me what you thought, please! 
Summary: what could possibly happen when the sweet girl of riverdale sneaks her biker boyfriend inside her room to fuck, while her father is downstairs sleeping? (SMUT)
"Why would you even do that?" you questioned, genuinely curious about why someone would ever end up cheating. You spoke with such determination that out of context, it would be hard to tell that this situation did not even affect you personally. It was just another round of gossip between you and the rest  of the River Vixens, pouring out your souls and uncensored judgement into a conversation that had no importance to you whatsoever. But considering how crazy things have been in Riverdale for the past years, if there was anything that even remotely made you feel like a normal high schooler, you were more than ready to jump into it head straight. "She's literally turned him into a door mat" Carla scoffed, taking another puff of her cigarette. The smoke make your nose wrinkle, but you tried to play it off. "Maybe he's into that kind of stuff, who knows?" "Love, I know you're Little Miss Innocence here, but that's a whole different thing" Carla laughed with superiority. "Just because they like that in the bedroom doesn't mean the gotta be like that in real life too" "That's not what I meant" you scoffed, "And you know it. And stop calling me that, please" "Take a puff, then" he taunted, handing you her cigarette, "If you're so badass, I wanna see you inhale that smoke and blow it out your nose" "No" you rolled your eyes, "That would literally prove nothing" "Except that you're a wuss" Carla laughed. "Oh my God" Megan sighed, interrupting the two of you, "No one cares, I just wanna know how I should tell Lori that her boyfriend is cheating on her. Help me" You were happy to drop the argument, Carla not so much. But eventually she did, and you resumed the gossip round. It lasted for about 30 more minutes and you got to no conclusion whatsoever, but when you heard the familiar rumble of a Harley Davidson riding down the street, you knew that was your cue to leave. You stood up, and gathered your stuff hurriedly.
"See you tomorrow, girls" you cheered, picking up you purse, gym bag and already cold coffee cup. "I have no idea how you ended up with that guy, I swear" one of your friends laughed, shaking her head. "Lady in the streets, devil in the sheets" Megan cheered, and all you could do was blush and signal for her to shut up. As you walked away from them and over to where Sweet Pea was parking, you could still hear them yell different kinds of lines after you, but you decided to ignore them. It has never been your thing to give in to any kind of provocation, and you weren't going to start now. As you walked towards him, you picked up your pace until you were actually running. He was leaning against his bike, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. It may have been the loud rumble of all your belongings being shaken up inside your bag as you sprinted down the alley, or it may have been a coincidence, but when you were a few feet away he look up. Upon meeting your excited stare, he opened up his arms wide, welcoming you in a tight and warm hug he knew you loved so much. "Hi, angel" Sweet Pea laughed as you pulled away. He leaned down and kissed your lips, in this case, the taste of cigarettes not bothering you anymore. One hand wrapped around your middle and the other holding onto your cheek, he kissed you sweetly, as other students passing by stood and gawked. You didn't really care. Over time, you got used to them, what amazed you was how they didn't get used to you dating a Serpent. As a straight A student, the second in command after Cheryl in the cheerleading squad and the main singer and the school's band, they simply did not understand what you could possibly see in a rugged looking biker, member of a lawless gang from the wrong side of the tracks. Explaining this to them has never even crossed your mind. It was none of their business and to be fair, even though you'd never admit it, you kind of loved the attention. You hopped onto Sweet Pea's bike, and turned to him confused when he just stood by and looked at you. "Everything ok?" you asked, "Yeah, yeah" he nodded, "But we can't hang out at my house today. My uncle's home and you know how he gets" "Are you ok?" you questioned concerned, grabbing his hand to rub your thumb across his knuckles reassuringly, "Did you two argue again?" "No, love, it's fine" he sighed, leaning in to kiss your forehead, "As long as I'm not around him that much, it's all good" "You'd tell me if things weren't good, right?" "Of course" he smiled, "I swear, everything is fine so far" "Let's go to my house" you suggested, and tapped the spot on the bike where he was supposed to sit. "Your parents are home, don't think they'd-" "I'll keep them distracted while you climb in, relax! They won't see you" "One day they will" Sweet Pea chuckled, shaking his head as he got on the bike, "And I'm not mentally ready for that" "Oh god, babe" you sighed and wrapped your arms around his middle, "Just drive" You couldn't help but smile at how the only man that ever managed to scare Sweet Pea was your dad. To be fair, your dad scared everyone. The way you and your mum looked and acted, fit in no way your dad's way of being. As sweet and loving as he was towards his own family, he was just as threatening and ruthless when if came to anyone that ever dared look at you the wrong way. Although he never actually laid a hand on anyone, when he wanted to, his voice would drop a few octaves, his eyes would darken, and the things that would come out of his mouth were enough to scare anyone away. When he met Sweet Pea for the first time, you were actually scared that by the end of the night you'd be single. He pulled through though, and held his head up, determined to prove to your father just how much he cared about you and how determined he was to make sure you would always be safe. Even if they came to accept each other, the days where your dad would be ok with you and Sweet Pea taking things to a certain level of intimacy were far far away in the future. If Pea came by the house, the door had to be left open and the music had to be off. There was no universe where you'd ever obey that rule, but anyway, you love the adrenaline you always got from sneaking around. When you got home, your dad was fast asleep on the couch so you hurried upstairs and signaled for Sweet Pea to climb inside. By now, it was muscle memory - climb onto the second lower branch, step on left corner of the roof, avoid the third row of tiles because they creaked when you put weight on them, and about a minute later, he was inside your room. Sweet Pea threw his jacket to the floor, black leather falling silently on top of your pinkish carpet. Nothing about him fit with anything in your room, and you loved it. His cologne was musky and cool, your room smelled sweet and flowery. His hair was an adorable mess, while everything around him was tidied up and in perfect order. "I don't understand how you don't lose your mind in here" he laughed, taking in all the childish and innocent decorations of your room. From where you were sitting on your knees on the bed, you lounged for him. "Don't think about it" you laughed, gripping the hem of his flannel and pulling his body towards you. Sweet Pea understood in an instant what was going through your mind, and he met you with a devilish smirk on his lips. "You sure this is safe?" he asked, placing his hands on your hips. Although you didn't even nod in approval, his fingers traveled lower, brushing over the hem of your cheerleading uniform, until he reached the bare skin of your thighs. Your hands snaked around his neck, deepening the kiss. His tongue roamed your mouth with dominance, acting as if he had been deprived of your lips for too long. When his fingers started digging into your skin from the pure need of taking things further, you couldn't help but moan into the kiss. In an instant, he grabbed the elastic of your skirt and pulled it down your legs. You leaned back on the bed allowing him to take it off completely, and enjoyed your view as he stood tall, right by the bed, taking his shirt off. Your mouth watered when you heard the metallic sound of his belt being unbuckled. A few seconds later his pants had pooled at his ankles, leaving him in his boxers only, that did not do too good of a job in hiding the shameless bulge he rocked. "Let's see how wet you are, angel" he smirked, looking at you through the raven locks that had fallen on top of his forehead. You smiled wickedly and parted your legs, his fingers making their way to your cotton underwear in the blink of an eye. He rubbed his thumb over your bundle of nerves, and looked up at you with a lewd smile on his lips. "All for me?" As much as you loved all the foreplay you guys usually did, today was different. For whatever reason, you were in a mood. That mood where you wanted him to make you scream out his name until your throat stung, you wanted to feel him between your legs the next day. You shuffled out of your panties and Sweet Pea lowered himself on top of you, maintaining his weight on his elbows and knees. "Pea, fuck me hard" you whined, all of a sudden weirdly needy for his cock, "Please" "Don't I always?" he grinned, snaking an arm around your neck and fisting your pony tail tight between his fingers. He pulled on it, just enough for it to give that special kind of pain that morphed instantly into pleasure. You arched your back, and moaned his name before biting down on your lower lip. "Shh, now" he hummed and pulled away from you. It was just now that you realized he hadn't even taken his boxers off. "Touch yourself for me" he commanded as he undressed completely and gave his already half way hard cock a few pumps. He watched you brush your middle finger across your clit before seeing it disappear slowly inside your pussy. The sight made his mouth water, and his cock twitch in his hand. Having had enough of this, he lounged at you, pressing his knees into the mattress on either side of your thighs, his cock aligning with your opening at a painfully small distance. He leaned in and kissed you on your lips, sloppily, your teeth clinking in the process before he went ahead to kiss down your neck. Without allowing his lips to break contact with your skin, he pressed the tip of his cock to your clit, before going in slowly. The feeling of his member spreading your walls open made you moan out his name as your wrapped your legs around him, pressing the heels of your feet against the back of his thighs. In the beginning, his pace was slow and his thrusts were passionate and deep, but soon enough, he sped up, sending waves of pleasure across your whole body. "Harder, Pea" you cried into his shoulder. It seemed like he stopped and considered his options for a second. Eventually, he pulled out, and straightened his back. You didn't even get a chance to complain as he grabbed your hips and forcefully spun you around, laying you down on your stomach. You couldn't help but smile to yourself as you waited for him to enter you again, but much to your surprise, his hands grabbed your middle again, pulling you up and against his chest. His fingers wrapped themselves in your hair, tilting your head back. "Think I don't fuck you hard enough?" he questioned directly into your ear. "You do" you nodded eagerly, feeling your pussy clench just at his words. "I do what?" he teased. "Fuck me, please. You fuck me so good, Pea. I need you" you cried, pressing yourself back against him. Even though you did crave his touch, when he pushed your forward and you landed back on your tummy on the bed, you couldn't help but squirm in anticipation. Sweet Pea grabbed your hips and pulled your ass up in the air, on full display for his hungry eyes. With your cheek pressed against your fluffy blanket, you bit down on your lip as you waited patiently. Although you expected him to thrust into you, deep and hard, instead, his right palm connected to your ass in one hard slap, making your skin feel on fire. "Pea!" you moaned loudly, completely forgetting you were not alone in the house. You tried to rub your thighs together to relieve some of the pressure, but he was quick to push your legs apart and bring the tip of his cock to your opening. He pushed himself in, going all the way until his pelvis pressed against your ass. This time his pace was much more aggravated, slamming into your pussy ruthlessly. The only things audible in the room where the low moans that escaped Sweet Pea's throat and the whiny breaths you let out every time he went in. "This good enough for you?" he taunted, bringing a hand under your legs, to apply pressure to your clit. "Yes, daddy" you cried, the words just slipping out of your mouth in the heat of the moment. He kept going, harder and deeper with each thrust, making the whole world shake around you. When your orgasm started building up, you felt his hand back in your hair as he forced you up again. He maintained your head tilted back against his shoulder as he pounded your pussy, his other arm snaked around your abdomen keeping you in place. "Fuck, fuck, keep going, keep going" you moaned. "That's my good girl" Sweet Pea laughed, sinking his teeth in the skin of your neck. Ready to let yourself go completely, your whole mood was perturbed when a familiar voice reached your ears. "Y/n?" you heard you dad call from the other side of your bedroom door. Your blood froze for a second, but Sweet Pea kept going. "Answer him!" he commanded. Clearing your throat to make sure you sounded at least somewhat normal, you took a deep breath. "Yeah, dad?" As you waited for a response, Pea kept rubbing your clit in circular motion, sucking on the skin of your neck as his thrusts became much more slower, but just as deep, all of these together enough to bring tears of pleasure into your eyes. "What are you doing, pumpkin? Can I come in?" "No!" you hurried to stop him. "No, no, um.. don't come in" "Are you ok?" he asked and you could hear concern in his voice. "Yeah, baby girl" Pea chuckled into your ear, bringing a hand to your right breast, gripping it tightly between his fingers, "Are you ok?" You squinted your eyes, "I'm uh... I'm shaving my legs!" "Oh" your dad exclaimed, "Ok, I'll leave you to it. I'm making pancakes and wanted to ask how many you want" "I want 5" Sweet Pea whispered. "7" you yelled, your mind beyond confused. Pea kept pushing all your buttons to the extreme and you were about to lose it all if your dad didn't leave already. "Seven?" he exclaimed, "You want 7? You bit your lip annoyed, Pea pulling on your hair again to bring you back to your senses, "Yes, 7!" "Ok, hurry" your dad said and then left. It was just now that you were able to breathe properly, but it didn't last too long as Sweet Pea grabbed your chin and made you turn your head so you could meet his dark, hooded eyes, "Think I didn't feel your pussy clench around my dick when he almost caught us?" Your cheeks turned a bright shake of red, and you were not able to come up with any decent response. "Is that what turns you on, hm?" he questioned, "being afraid someone is gonna catch us?" You didn't get to answer as he pushed you back down on the bed, lowering himself on top of you. He pressed his cock back inside you, fucking you from behind at an ungodly slow pace, "Imma keep that in mind, angel." he mumbled to himself, "Oh, the possibilities" His words and the mental imagines they created brought a wicked smile to your lips as you pushed your ass up against him. "Such a slut, aren't you" he chuckled into your ear as he sunk himself inside of you. You nodded in approval, muttering a weak, "I am"
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thevoidscreams · 4 years
“death cannot stop true love. all it can do is delay it for a while” with kung lao?
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(Yes. Absolutely. I’m so sorry it took this long. But a lot of things came up.)
Losing the love of your life was like losing your soul. Your whole life came undone, pulled out from beneath you like a rug.
Eyes overflowing you desperately tried to grasp what Raiden was telling you. His words didn’t seem to fully register with you as your heart was wrenched from your chest.
Kung Lao was dead, your husband, the father of the child still growing inside you, he was never coming back. Even though he’d been a monk an exception was made for the two of you. He was your soulmate after all so it was immoral to keep the two of you from being together. Raiden had vouched for the two of you and soon after you were married.
It felt like a lifetime ago even if it’s only been a year. Your first anniversary was in a week but now you would never get a chance to celebrate it. 
You lost your drive to do many things. 
You did pray. It was one thing you did constantly, praying to the elder gods to give you back the love of your life.
Raiden stopped by a lot to check in on you. Even if he was busy he found the time. You were having tea with him at his temple, the air was warm and still, but most of all it was quiet.
“They do hear you. I think it is only fair that I tell you that they have heard you in this time of strife. They grieve for you and your loss, but there is an order to everything and they cannot give him back to you.”
You sipped your tea, tears pouring down your cheeks. Sometimes they simply began and didn’t stop for hours till you were cried out. 
“I know. I know I cannot have him back, but I feel like I have to at least try. I miss him more and more every minute he’s gone.”
Raiden felt his chest tighten not only at the sight of your tears but at your words as well. He missed his student more than he could say and you were very dear to him as well. Not only as a human, someone he was meant to protect, but also as a friend. You were kind and good, you did not deserve this pain. The lord of thunder felt he had failed both you and Kung Lao. 
Shortly after Liu Kang joined you both and you made light talk about general things, the weather, his training, your friends and plans for the future.
The future. Without him it didn’t feel like a future at all. You hand ran over the swell of your belly and Liu Kang’s eyes became sad. As arrogant and prideful as his friend had been he still would have been a wonderful father. Of that he had no doubts. It was something he would never get to witness.
Raiden dropped you off at home, giving you a reassuring hug. He wasn’t the most touchy feely person but his hugs did make you feel safe and loved. He was like a second father to you, making sure that everything was well and that you were taking care of yourself. You likely would be an even bigger mess without him. When he left you were alone again. Left to your own devices you decided to have a bath and some cake and call it an early night.
It was over a month now. You were showing even more than before, a noticeable waddle now a natural part of your gate.
You were getting frequent calls from your friends and family. Kung Lao's family had even offered to let you stay with them, but you didn’t want to be a burden to them. However you did ask for any little items he might have owned. Being a monk meant he didn’t have much, but there were a few bits and pieces he’d left behind.
The month you had lived was agony and the dull ache in your chest had not yet left you. You had been sleeping with one of his old shirts as a pillow case. His smell had faded but the fabric still brought you comfort. A comfort that was fleeting as it became apparent that you’d never have him beside you again.
The netherrealm was anything but comfortable.
It was full of the dead and evils of the world. Not the most ideal place to set up shop. But for a revenant it was really the only option.
Kung Lao hated it here. He wanted to be with you and your child, he missed you so badly. His memories of your smile and laugh were his only saving graces in this hellscape. Time was different here too, he wondered if you’d given birth yet, if you were holding his son or daughter and telling them about him. He wanted to see if you were well, to see if his baby was well. He loved them more than he could say and he’d not even met them in person yet. Lao did not want to be here, he wanted to tell you he loved you and tell your child that he loved them as well. If he could get out of here he could do just that. But he needed to escape first. He knew Raiden could fix this if he tried. He could return Lao to life and back to normal. The magic that kept him from you was reversible. He just had to find a way out. Then he could hold you in his arms and kiss you. His love, the light of his life, his everything, his wife. He never dreamed he would be able to have a lover let alone a wife. But then you came along and flipped his world upside down in the best way possible.
Could think of one thing but it was risky. As mad as he was at Raiden for letting him rot down here, maybe there was still a way for the guardian to help him.
Kung Lao sat and bowed his head in silent prayer. He hadn’t focused this hard on prayer in a very long time but he needed it to get through. He prayed to every being he could think of and whoever answered first is who’s help he’d take. It didn’t matter to him. As long as he could be with you. Death would not keep him any longer.
It was the middle of the night, dark and peaceful as the rain pelted your windows, falling in sheets that soaked everything.
The worn fabric of your husband’s shirt pressed against your cheek as you watch the water falling down the panes of glass. Your tummy wedge was tucked snuggly under your bump, it was hard to lay down without it now. The little one was restless, moving this way and that, you couldn’t sleep because the tiny boy inside you had decided already that anything to do with kicking was going to be his favorite style. More than once you’d made a mad dash to the bathroom to stop from peeing yourself. You couldn’t be mad though this little person was what had kept you going these past weeks. So lonely and depressed that most of the time you didn’t want to get up. But you had to eat, you had to drink water, you had to be clean and healthy for the little human you loved so much. There were times that thinking about how you would be holding him soon was nearly enough to vanquish the darkness from your mind and heart. 
However the darkness would always find its way back into you like a serpent gliding over the slowly crumbling walls into a sunlite garden to hide in the beautiful plants. Striking when least expected even if you knew it was there.
Your eyes became heavy, drooping and ready to fall asleep. A shadow slipped quickly and silently past your window. Someone was outside your house, it was storming but someone was out and about in the rain. This wouldn’t have been too big of a deal if you lived closer to other people, but your little home was mildly isolated.
You were not as quick as you’d have liked to have been as you rolled out of bed in a panic.
You were beyond spooked. You were terrified. The closet had a little crawlspace in which you could hide. You grabbed your phone from the end table and tried as hard as you could to be quiet getting in. You heard the front door open as you got to the closet. Hadn’t you locked it?
You didn’t know who was there or why but your safest bet was to hide and wait it out.
The house was quiet, even for this time of night. The front door had been locked but the stone turtle that hid the spare key had not been moved from it’s spot in the front garden.
The revenant moved through the living room till he reached the halfway to the back of the house. There was no sound but the rain and it was unnerving. He knew you were here though, where else would you be?
He stopped in the nursery, the crib was empty and the night light was unplugged. His heart sank. The whole house was so awfully still it began to scare Kung lao.
The bedroom was the next room over, the carpet masked any sounds his feet might have made. He missed the feeling of something plush underfoot.
When he arrived in the room the bed was empty, the covers were pulled back and unmade. He frowned and placed his hand against the mattress. Still warm.
You were here, you must be hiding, he must have scared you without realizing. He felt foolish and his hope that the deal he’d made to come back to you would be for not.
His eyes caught his reflection in the full length mirror on the wall by the closet. He was a ghastly sight, his gray skin, once smooth was now cracked and his eye once full of life now glowed eerily. He feared you’d want nothing to do with him the moment you saw.
A soft shuffle drew his eyes away from the horror that stood before him. It came from the closet.
He pulled the door open, his movements slow and gentle in case you were in there.
The door to the crawlspace was ajar and he knew that it had to be where you were hiding.
Though it saddened him to think that you were hiding from him it made sense.
Kneeling next to the entrance to the tiny storage room, his knees crushing shoes that he didn’t take the time to move, Lao cleared his throat and heard a soft distressed sound.
As quietly and as sweetly as he could he called for you.
The room seemed even more silent than before. Anticipation hung heavily in the air as the tiny door creaked open slowly. One wide eye peeked out disbelieving at the sight of your dead love in the closet.
“LAO!” The door burst open and your form crashed into him sending you both tumbling out of the closet and onto the bedroom floor. Your stomach made hugging him a little difficult but it did not stop your lips from finding his the moment he landed on his back.
You peppered his mouth, cheeks and nose with kisses, barely managing to get out a coherent sentence instead simply conveying your overwhelming joy in tears and a barrage of affection.
“H-how? Kung Lao, I thought I’d lost you forever. How did you come back?”
He cupped your cheeks in his hands, enjoying the warmth that he felt from your skin in his cool palms.
“Cetrion. She told me that if I came back and you would accept me then I could stay. That I could have life again.”
“Of course I’ll have you back. I’ll never turn you away, how could I? I thought that we would never be able to be with you and it nearly killed me.’ You placed your hand and his on your large baby bump. “I was so afraid I’d have to live my life without having my true love to share it with.”
Kung lao kissed you sweetly and held you in his arms.
“Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.”
Once you were both able to pull yourselves apart long enough to stand he guided you to the bed and helped you back into it. The rain was softly tapping on the glass of the window, now much lighter than it was before.
Kung Lao was able to rest with you again, he was able to sleep. But he didn’t need to, his dream already came true. He was with you again.
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riverdalenerdlol · 5 years
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push my button (any time)
Inspired by 4x02 and Billie Eilish’s COPYCAT
You hardly remembered how you went from talking about the future - the one that seemed so far away - to Veronica and Archie leaving the room. All you knew was that Betty had leaned down to kiss you once… and then her legs were hanging off the side of your lap, her hands framing your face. One of your hands was on her back and another was gently pushing her skirt up and stroking the skin of her thigh, pulling her closer. Her leg had hitched up across you and you pulled it up higher, taking a handful of the back of her leg. She rocked against you a little as you made out, naturally pushing and pulling.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a flash of ginger and black hair, then Betty pulled away. You were still looking at her, but you saw what she was looking at and you also watched them retreat to Veronica’s room. When you looked back at each other, Betty smiled at you, giggling faintly as you grinned back. You didn’t really remember how you got up, either. It was more of a mix of you lifting Betty off and her pulling you to your feet as she skipped backwards into the middle of the living room, your lips still attached. She pulled away with one of the brightest smiles you'd ever seen.
Her hot pink sweater, the one that had teased you with that little strip of skin it exposed, was the first thing shed. She helped you get it off as she sunk her teeth into her plump bottom lip - or rather, you tried to help you pull it off of her but she had it handled - and it was gone in the blink of an eye. Your t-shirt followed almost immediately - just after Betty sent the beanie flying - and then your hands were on her neck, pulling her in for a searing kiss. She kissed back, holding your wrists and forearms, trying to pull you closer as you took a few steps closer to the couch.
Read Here on AO3 or under the cut
She had always wanted you closer, it seemed, ever since the start of the summer. Just before the end of your junior year was when Hal Cooper was buried. There were ten people at most at the service, including you, Betty, and the pastor. The other guests that had been there weren’t there for Hal, they were there for Betty… but no one had really been there for her as much as you had, Archie and Veronica falling in step right behind you. 
They weren’t there when she woke up screaming in the middle of the night, gasping and gripping your t-shirt so hard you thought she was trying to rip it off of you. They weren’t there when she had panic attacks in the shower because you’d let go of her hand for the shortest of seconds. They weren’t there when you lulled her back to sleep, or had to bring her melatonin so she could sleep. They had never been a victim of Betty’s death grip, whether she was asleep or awake. That happened when she would try and pull Alice, Polly, or Hal back while she was dreaming that they were abandoning her… again. 
Most of the time, you didn’t let her use sex when she was trying to forget about her repeated terror dreams. You would always hold her, always dry her tears, always keep her company, always stay close enough so she knew you were there. There were, of course, a few times where it was unnegotiable that she absolutely did need you like that, and then you would pound into her until you both saw stars multiple times. After two or three rounds, her eyelids would droop halfway and she’d kiss you lazily, sleepily telling you she loved you before her soft, delicate body curled up in your arms. You would reply with the same, kissing her forehead sweetly as you laid her back on the pillows and tucked her in. Only then would you both be able to sleep soundly, your nose in her blonde hair. 
Today, however, was different. You both needed each other desperately. You’d even given Archie and Veronica a show and a half before they left, just to prove the point. She pulled you back to reality by diving her tongue into your mouth, sliding her hand down your chest to your waist. 
You let her lips go and pulled away, placing your hands on her hips firmly. She seemed sad at the loss of lip contact, but you gently pushed her around, pulling her backside into your pelvis. Her hands wandered towards the front of her skirt, but you got there first, pushing her hands away and undoing the buttons yourself, keeping her solidified to your body. She hummed when you pushed her skirt down and she let the material fall to the floor before she kicked it away. 
You could tell Betty wanted to turn around and reciprocate the favor, her hands trying to grab you from behind her, but you kept a solid grip on her waist. You held her with one hand while the other pulled her soft blonde curls away from the back of her neck. You could feel her smile, even from behind her. You knew that she was happy as you bumped your nose against the spot between her neck and shoulder, then kissed there and trailed a few more down. Betty looked like she was going to reach for you before you kissed her sweet spot. She hummed in satisfaction, placing her palm on her shoulder and letting it fall again. She tilted her head so you could have more access and you smiled against her skin, teeth grazing against one of the vertebrae of her spine. She shivered under your hands. 
“I love you, Juggie,” she whispered breathlessly, arching back against you, her backside pressing into your hardness. Her hand reached back and gripped your hair, her nails raking against your scalp. 
“I love you too, Betty,” you replied against her skin, coming up to kiss her jaw and cheek sweetly. 
“I want you on top tonight,” she whispered. Arousal shot down and straight through you. You knew that she felt the change… and you could tell she was happy about it, too. 
“Whatever you want,” you said, spinning her back around, locking lips once more. You then scooped her into your arms. She giggled, slinging her arms around your neck and kissing your jaw as you made your way to the couch. You tossed her onto it and she bounced with a squeak and a giggle, smiling brightly as you climbed over her, hovering above her and settling between her legs. 
Betty cupped your cheek, pulling you down for a steamy kiss and placing a palm over your Serpent tattoo. You rocked against her before pulling back, realizing you still had your pants on. Betty’s hands moved down to your waistband, popping the button and pulling the zipper down as she bit her lip. You pushed your pants down, haphazardly kicking them off of your legs and across the room. Betty pulled you back in once more, her tongue automatically entering your mouth. You groaned as she wrapped an arm around your shoulders, her other hand gripping your hair and raking her nails against your scalp. You bucked against her and she wiggled her hips in response. She sighed into your mouth and you caught it, only kissing her harder. 
One of your arms came down beside her head, your fingers tangling in her blonde hair. You tugged slightly and her chest rammed into yours. You bucked into her - hard. She moaned, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again. The pure green of her irises stunned you, the color swirling with want and desperation. Her hands dropped to your black and white plaid boxers, shoving them down. 
“Please, Jug,” she whined. 
That one request reminded you of the way she’d woken up that morning. She’d been crying - another nightmare. She woke you up as she clung to you, her body shaking with cries, pleading for you to hold her tighter… to make her feel safe. Your eyes had shot open, obliging immediately as she trembled and whimpered your name into your ear. 
Shaking the memory out of your head, you resurfaced, helping her slide your boxers down as you sprung free. Once yours were gone, Betty’s underwear came off next. She wiggled her hips, helping you slide them off before you could throw them across the room. Nudging her, she moaned as you hovered back over her, sliding your hands under her back to undo her ice blue bra. The clasp came undone easily, then the garment was gone in the blink of an eye and your mouth was all over the newly exposed skin. Betty arched into your touch, gasping and moaning as you teased her with your tongue. 
“Fuck, Jughead,” she breathed, her chest heaving as she forced herself to breathe. Betty inserted her fingers in your hair again, pulling you away from her skin. “Please just fuck me already.” 
“Before I’ve had my dessert?” you asked, giving her your best puppy-dog eyes. 
“Please, Juggie?” she replied, returning the same look at him. He usually got what he wanted when he did that… but Betty’s puppy-dog eyes would always win in a fight. “You can clean up after.” 
“I’ll take that,” you replied, climbing over her to press a sound kiss to her lips once more. She pulled off the bed, her arms around your neck. You lowered your hips to where you knew they fit with hers. Without warning, you slid all the way into her. She was going to say something, but she choked on her words immediately, moaning. You smiled smugly, knowing that sometimes she hated when you did that, especially when she was mid sentence. She clawed her nails on your back a little at the sudden movement. 
“You know how much I hate that,” she said. “But I’ll forgive you because you feel so good.” 
“That’s what I like to hear,” you replied, pressing kisses to her pulse point as you gave her only shallow thrusts to tease her. You grinned but she snarled, digging her nails into the meat of your shoulders. 
“More,” she demanded, gripping your shoulders painfully. You obliged immediately, keeping a hand grounded in the roots of her blonde hair, your other hand slipping down to her thigh, hauling her leg up and hitching it around your waist. She moaned, cupping your face and crashing your lips to hers as you drove deeper into her, your hand tracing her cotton-soft skin. 
She moaned into your mouth as you slid in and out slowly, pushing in deeply and making her choke on her own words. 
“F--uhmm,” she fumbled again. “Faster, please,” she clarified, swallowing hard. “Please, Juggie.” 
Removing your lips from hers, you buried your face in her neck, gripping her hips soundly. You pushed forward faster and worked up to a speed where you were suddenly afraid of hurting her. Her fingernails dug into your back as you snapped your hips into hers. The sound of skin on skin filled the room, along with her indecipherable noises (she was almost babbling). 
You bit into the skin of her neck, feeling yourself getting closer and closer, then soothed the area with your tongue. You kissed a line down her jawbone as she held onto you for dear life while you fucked her into the plush pillows on the couch. 
Her hair formed a halo, golden silk splayed around her head, her eyes shut in pleasure. She was positively glowing - the polar opposite from how she’d woken up that morning. Her nails were digging into all of the right places, scraping just harsh enough for it to feel good. Your hands planted firmly on her, your fingers splayed, trying to hold as much of her soft flesh as you could. 
You squeezed her ass as you brought your lips back to hers. She squeaked, gripping your shoulders harshly. It was then that a wave of warmth washed over you and you knew that you wouldn’t last much longer. 
“Juggie,” she whined breathily, her green irises barely visible in her darkening eyes. “I can’t--” She gulped harshly. “I’m almost--”
“I know, baby,” you replied, lowering your face to her neck again, licking a stripe on her jawbone. She shuddered under you. “Let go.” 
You pounded into her relentlessly, pulling her leg higher on your hips. You pushed even deeper into her, hitting the spot that made her see white. 
“Just a little more,” she breathed. You continued your movements, but lifted her hips slightly, bringing your open palm down hard on the soft skin of her ass in a sharp slap. She shouted your name and you felt her release resonate through your body, triggering your own. Her name fell from your lips softly as you kissed the skin of her neck and let your orgasms run their course. 
You gently worked her through it, knowing full well how sensitive she would be after a love-making session like that. You were so close to falling on top of her when she wrapped her arms around your neck, breathily moaning in your ear. 
“I love you, Jughead,” she whispered as you slowed, pressing a kiss to your cheek and massaging the back of your head tenderly. You hummed, gently slipping out of her. You trailed kisses, starting by stamping one on her forehead, then moving down to her temple, her cheek, her jaw. You placed a passionate one on her lips. 
“I love you too, Betty Cooper,” you whispered, continuing your ministrations. You pulled the skin of her neck between your lips just enough to make her sigh a little heavier. Her shoulder. Across her chest (she held your head there, sighing when your inky hair slipped from between her fingers). Her shoulder. Her collarbone. You cherished her breasts when you made your way down to them, not enough to spark another orgasm, but enough to make her hum in delight. 
You continued down her abdomen, feeling her muscles contract under your lips and fingers. You kissed her hip bones, then down to where she wanted you most. You lapped at her tenderly, knowing she was sensitive from your prior activities. You held her legs under your armpits to keep her from kicking you in the face (she’d done it before when you made her come three times in a row with your mouth). You licked and sucked there only long enough to clean her up, not wanting to torture her further by building up another release. 
When you were done, you crawled back up her body, your dark hair messy and your eyes halfway closed, still in the haze of your orgasm. She smiled when you hovered over her, then laid yourself on top of her. She giggled as you wrapped your arms around her waist, holding tightly. Betty had to push the hair out of your eyes and you leaned into her gentle touch as she did so. 
“You’re amazing,” she whispered, looking into your eyes and stroking your chin with her thumb. “But I need to go to the bathroom.” 
“Bettyyyyyy,” you whined. 
“I’ll only be a minute, Jug,” she replied. “Promise.” 
You got off of her and helped her up, watching her find her undergarments - and an item you thought was yours - before scurrying away. You couldn’t help but smile smugly. Mine, you thought, reaching down to pick up your plaid boxers, sliding them back onto your hips. Having a little extra time on your hands, you separated Betty’s clothes from yours so she’d be able to find hers in the morning. 
When you were done, you noticed Betty standing in the doorway, your burgundy S t-shirt hanging on her light frame, the bottom hem falling just past her underwear. She leaned against the doorframe, biting her lip at you. 
“Like what you see?” you joked. She nodded, skipping over to you. “I know I like what I see,” you added. She blushed, smiling brightly. You swung your other arm around her pulling her flush against you so you could leave a soft kiss on her lips. “How do you feel?” 
“Wonderful,” she replied joyfully, bouncing on her toes slightly and averting her eyes. You could read her and she knew it. There was something else. “And a little tired,” she admitted. You placed your hand on her shoulder, stroking her caringly with your thumb. 
“Come here,” you whispered, taking her hand before you sat on the couch. You laid on your side, back pressed against the back of the couch. She rolled her eyes good-naturedly and laid in front of you, her warm body leaning against yours. You brushed your nose against her shoulder and wrapped your arms around her, sealing her against you. One of her soft, delicate hands wrapped around your forearm, holding you there. She shuffled back a little, truly nestling herself in your arms. 
“What’s on your mind, Jug?” she asked you, laying her head against one of the plush pillows. 
“You,” he replied. “And only you… and maybe that amazing round of sex we just had.” Betty giggled at that.
“Okay, but seriously,” she said, shifting in your arms and rolling over so that she was looking at you. “What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours, Jug?” You’d forgotten for a split second that she could read you as easily as you could read her. 
“Your family,” you whispered, pushing a blonde curl out of her face. “Everything that happened last year… and how it’s been affecting you.” She traced your jaw with her finger. 
“Charles doesn’t have much of a lead on my mom. He thinks we might be compromised,” Betty whispered. “And my dad… You know...” She gulped. “It’s been hard without them these last few months but… I think I’m gonna be okay, so long as you’re right here with me, Jug.” 
“And the nightmares?” you continued. “What about those?” She averted her eyes, sighing. 
“I don’t know,” she whispered. “I don’t know what’ll make them go away. I’m not sure if there's anything we can do…” 
“Maybe if you can get your mom back, they’ll go away.” 
“Just… please, Jug… don’t leave me… not like they did,” she pleaded brokenly. 
“I won’t. I promise, Betty,” you replied, kissing her lips. She folded her arms behind your neck, pushing into the kiss. Slowly, you laid her on her back, your hand wandering down to her waist. She cupped your cheek with her hands, opening her legs just enough for you to settle your knees between them. 
This time it wasn’t as fast. You weren’t fucking her this time. You were making love. You took your time, making her fall over the edge once with your fingers, once with your mouth, and once while you were buried inside of her. 
You went on and off for the rest of the night, making love, then talking softly until your words triggered your collective lust for each other. Eventually - around two in the morning - you had to stop her, getting her into your t-shirt and her panties, your boxers strung on your hips. 
As you spooned together on the couch and could sense the lavender scent wafting off of her, you thought that your senior year would never get better than this, even though it hadn’t even started yet. 
You knew that here, laying next to the love of your life, was more than you could ever ask for. 
But seeing Betty run around Veronica’s penthouse frantically the next morning in nothing but her underwear and your t-shirt… you smiled smugly, knowing that you could get used to seeing her like that every day for the rest of your life.
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1980 Day 14- Eggnog
It’s getting real between our angel and demon!! For @drawlight
Crowley had grown his hair long again, not as long as it had been in the past, but long enough where it swept his shoulders when he turned his head and shook when he laughed; strands of vibrant crimson that fluttered like feathers in the wind as he walked down the street.
Aziraphale had always found Crowley’s hair lovely, but never more beautiful than how the long locks framed his angles of face. So when that telltale flash of red caught his eye as it entered the bookshop, he couldn’t help but smile.
“Hello angel! Closing early again today?” Crowley flashed a devilish grin as he locked the doors behind him with a snap.
“Suppose I am now.” Aziraphale rolled his eyes. “You’ve changed your hair again.”
“You don’t like it?”
“I didn’t say that! I rather like your hair long, it was that ridiculous mustache that was just ghastly. Made you look like one of those..” Aziraphale fumbled for words. “Patrons of that shop next door.”
“Yes, well at least I change my appearance to keep up with the times. Think I would discorporate on sight if you were to grow out your hair.”
“What’s wrong with the way my hair is now? Too much fuss for me to change it.”
“Too much fuss for you?” Crowley laughed. “You’re the fussiest being that has ever existed. Anyway, I brought you an early Christmas present. How do you feel about some spiced rum?” The demon didn’t wait for a response before opening the bottle and grabbing 2 cups from the sitting table in the center of the shop.
“That will pair well with the eggnog I purchased from the market. Been waiting for an occasion to drink it.”
“Make mine with more rum than nog. Not a fan of that frothy eggy mess.”
“Would it help if I added more cinnamon, my dear?”
“Sounds delicious angel.” Crowley snapped his fingers and the sounds of the latest New Wave band filled the space.
“You know full well that I don’t care for that bebop.” Aziraphale snapped his fingers and
Tchaikovsky’s score to The Nutcracker replaced the modern music.
“Feeling sentimental?” Crowley turned away quickly, blushing with the memory of the last time they watched the ballet together.
“I am glad you’re here though, there is a small matter I’ve been meaning to discuss with you.”
Aziraphale said as he passed the demon his drink.
“Seems I’m meant to go to Greece soon and persuade them to join this new European group thingy. Seeing how my last go round in Greece ended in, well...”
“A huge fire and the downfall of an emperor?”
“Oh come now! That wasn’t all my fault. I mean, how was I to know that telling Nero to build a house of God would lead to him setting damn near everything on fire.”
“It does when I told him to build a house of gold instead.” Crowley muttered under his breath.
“I was hoping you might, you know.” Aziraphale pouted, his eyes widened as he pursed his lips; knowing full well that Crowley would never say no to him.
“Alright. I’ll do this one for you. But you owe me.”
“Oh thank you.” The angel smiled warmly, his eyes glancing at the demon.
“Bah! Just pour me another glass of rum, angel.”
They continued to drink, when something outside caught their attention. Some manner of fight had broken out in the street, and a group of boys were kicking and punching a young man.
“Oy! That’s enough!” Crowley hollered from the bookshop’s doorway.
“Piss off!” One of the younger boys shouted back.
Crowley straighten his back as he took a step on to the sidewalk. Aziraphale grabbed his shoulder, holding him back.
“I say, leave that man alone.” Aziraphale called to them, and the boys stopped.
There were 3 of them; the elder stood up and shouted. “Next time, I’m coming for you, you fat fucking pansy!” His dark eyes filled with a hateful malice, despite being no older than 15, there was already a darkness surrounding his soul. A darkness that gave Crowley, demon of Hell, cause to fear. A shudder ran down his spine as he locked eyes with the boy.
Don’t ever threaten my angel, it will be the last thing you do.
Aziraphale looked at Crowley with confusion. “Fat? Pansy?” But he wasn’t concerned with the kids, his only concern was for the battered man lying in the street. Aziraphale ran to him, and helped him up slowly, he was bleeding from a wound to his head. Aziraphale snapped his fingers, and the young man was healed, no longer unsteady on his feet and no longer bleeding. “There, there, no real damage. You hurry home now.” The angel said softly as the man ran away.
“What do you suppose that was all about?” Aziraphale asked with genuine curiosity.
“Evil lurks in this world, angel. Those boys are trouble. Best watch yourself, he did just threaten you.”
“Lots of people have threatened me, Crowley. That never works out well them.” Aziraphale chided, but the demon was not swayed from his concern.
“I mean it, I don’t like how those kids looked at you. Promise me you will be careful.” Crowley pleaded.
Something in Crowley’s voice told him that the demon was frightened, an emotion that Crowley rarely ever showed.
“I’ll make sure I keep my eyes open, dear.” He soothed. “Crowley, are you alright?”
“I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Crowley whispered, surprised by his own reaction to the threat.
Aziraphale stood up and walked over to the demon, he carefully removed his glasses. “Crowley, look at me. I will be fine. No kids are going to hurt me, believe me, I can handle myself.”
Crowley said nothing, he continued to stare into the angel’s eyes; soft, pale blue eyes filled with light. Aziraphale did something most unexpected, he wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close, against his body and holding him tightly. The angel rested his head on his shoulder, and he allowed himself to relax; to return the embrace, to revel in the soft curves of the angel’s stomach and breathe in his scent. This was the closest they had ever been, standing together in a warm embrace.
Just as quickly as it began, it was over. Aziraphale pulled away first, his fingers fidgeted nervously as he waited for the demon to say something- anything.
Neither had words, the swell of the music filled the room; the Grande Pas de Deux began and both released a sigh of delight.
“Do you remember the night we went to this ballet?” Aziraphale asked quietly.
“Yes.” Crowley replied.
“It was a beautiful night. Wasn’t it?”
“It was, angel. It was.”
“Crowley,” Aziraphale began to speak, what he wanted to ask was on the tip of his tongue; the words were so close to spilling out of him, and he knew with certainty that all he needed to do was ask, and the demon would accept. What harm could one dance do? He thought to himself. As soon as the thought entered his mind, the grip of fear took root. Harm would most certainly happen, harm would come to Crowley, and he simply could not allow that to happen.
“Yes, angel?”
“Care for another drink?” He sighed, noting how the demon’s shoulders fell a bit.
“Of course.”
They sat in silence, neither able to say what they truly wanted, neither knowing how far to push the issue and neither wanting to cause the other harm.
“I suppose I’m feeling sentimental tonight too.” Crowley said as he set his drink down on the table. “Perhaps it’s the alcohol.”
“You could stay, if you’d like. Rest here, sleep off the rum and leave in the morning.” Aziraphale offered before he considered the consequences.
Crowley wanted to accept, but he knew better. They had already gotten closer than they had ever been before, that alone filled him with unbridled joy and crippling fear. “I’m afraid I can’t. Lots of work to do tomorrow. Temptations and such. Plus, I’ll have to make a trip to Greece, and that’s always nice this time of year.”
Aziraphale felt both relieved and disappointed. “Very well, but before you go, I have a little something for you.” The angel headed to his desk and produced a brightly wrapped box. “It’s not much, but....”
“Aziraphale, I told you not to doubt yourself.” Crowley smiled as he unwrapped the gift: a golden hair clip in the form of a snake, with a ruby for an eye.
“It was a pin, but I asked the jeweler to make it so you can wear it in your hair, seeing how it’s long again, seems I made the right choice.” Aziraphale said sweetly.
“I love it.” Crowley was heartfelt in his reply. “Truly, I do.”
“Mind how you go, my dear.” Aziraphale handed him his coat, trying not to show that he was reluctant to see the demon leave.
“Happy Christmas Aziraphale.”
“Happy Christmas Crowley.”
“And angel, please be careful.” Crowley turned and walked towards the Bentley. He sat in the car and attempted to process everything that had transpired that evening. A threat, a hug, an offer and a gift. He could scarcely start the car due to his trembling hands. He held me. Closer than we have ever been. He reached for me, and he held me.
He could hardly contain himself as he made his way home. The pallid light of his flat was a stark contrast against the illuminating glow of the bookshop. Crowley made his way to his bedroom and opened the chest where he kept his greatest treasures; he looked at all the times inside, and smiled. He held the serpent hair pin to his lips and pressed a kiss against the golden gift. Someday, I will share all of this with you. He says to himself. That day is coming soon. He pins the serpent clip into his hair and admirers it in the mirror. Soon, my love, soon.
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14th June >> Mass Readings (Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Australia & Canada)
Solemnity of Corpus Christi 
(Liturgical Colour: White)
First Reading
Deuteronomy 8:2-3,14-16
He fed you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known
Moses said to the people: ‘Remember how the Lord your God led you for forty years in the wilderness, to humble you, to test you and know your inmost heart – whether you would keep his commandments or not. He humbled you, he made you feel hunger, he fed you with manna which neither you nor your fathers had known, to make you understand that man does not live on bread alone but that man lives on everything that comes from the mouth of the Lord.
‘Do not become proud of heart. Do not forget the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery: who guided you through this vast and dreadful wilderness, a land of fiery serpents, scorpions, thirst; who in this waterless place brought you water from the hardest rock; who in this wilderness fed you with manna that your fathers had not known.’
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 147:12-15,19-20
R/ O praise the Lord, Jerusalem!
R/ Alleluia!
O praise the Lord, Jerusalem!
Zion, praise your God!
He has strengthened the bars of your gates
he has blessed the children within you.
R/ O praise the Lord, Jerusalem!
R/ Alleluia!
He established peace on your borders,
he feeds you with finest wheat.
He sends out his word to the earth
and swiftly runs his command.
R/ O praise the Lord, Jerusalem!
R/ Alleluia!
He makes his word known to Jacob,
to Israel his laws and decrees.
He has not dealt thus with other nations;
he has not taught them his decrees.
R/ O praise the Lord, Jerusalem!
R/ Alleluia!
Second Reading
1 Corinthians 10:16-17
That there is only one loaf means that, though we are many, we form one body
The blessing-cup that we bless is a communion with the blood of Christ, and the bread that we break is a communion with the body of Christ. The fact that there is only one loaf means that, though there are many of us, we form a single body because we all have a share in this one loaf.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Lauda, Sion
(The Sequence may be said or sung in full, or using the shorter form indicated by the asterisked verses)
Sing forth, O Zion, sweetly sing
The praises of thy Shepherd-King,
In hymns and canticles divine;
Dare all thou canst, thou hast no song
Worthy his praises to prolong,
So far surpassing powers like thine.
Today no theme of common praise
Forms the sweet burden of thy lays –
The living, life-dispensing food –
That food which at the sacred board
Unto the brethren twelve our Lord
His parting legacy bestowed.
Then be the anthem clear and strong,
Thy fullest note, thy sweetest song,
The very music of the breast:
For now shines forth the day sublime
That brings remembrance of the time
When Jesus first his table blessed.
Within our new King’s banquet-hall
They meet to keep the festival
That closed the ancient paschal rite:
The old is by the new replaced;
The substance hath the shadow chased;
And rising day dispels the night.
Christ willed what he himself had done
Should be renewed while time should run,
In memory of his parting hour:
Thus, tutored in his school divine,
We consecrate the bread and wine;
And lo – a Host of saving power.
This faith to Christian men is given –
Bread is made flesh by words from heaven:
Into his blood the wine is turned:
What though it baffles nature’s powers
Of sense and sight? This faith of ours
Proves more than nature e’er discerned.
Concealed beneath the two-fold sign,
Meet symbols of the gifts divine,
There lie the mysteries adored:
The living body is our food;
Our drink the ever-precious blood;
In each, one undivided Lord.
Not he that eateth it divides
The sacred food, which whole abides
Unbroken still, nor knows decay;
Be one, or be a thousand fed,
They eat alike that living bread
Which, still received, ne’er wastes away.
The good, the guilty share therein,
With sure increase of grace or sin,
The ghostly life, or ghostly death:
Death to the guilty; to the good
Immortal life. See how one food
Man’s joy or woe accomplisheth.
We break the Sacrament, but bold
And firm thy faith shall keep its hold,
Deem not the whole doth more enfold
Than in the fractured part resides
Deem not that Christ doth broken lie,
’Tis but the sign that meets the eye,
The hidden deep reality
In all its fullness still abides.
– – – – – –
*Behold the bread of angels, sent
For pilgrims in their banishment,
The bread for God’s true children meant,
That may not unto dogs be given:
Oft in the olden types foreshowed;
In Isaac on the altar bowed,
And in the ancient paschal food,
And in the manna sent from heaven.
*Come then, good shepherd, bread divine,
Still show to us thy mercy sign;
Oh, feed us still, still keep us thine;
So may we see thy glories shine
In fields of immortality;
*O thou, the wisest, mightiest, best,
Our present food, our future rest,
Come, make us each thy chosen guest,
Co-heirs of thine, and comrades blest
With saints whose dwelling is with thee.
Amen. Alleluia.
Gospel Acclamation
John 6:51
Alleluia, alleluia!
I am the living bread which has come down from heaven,
says the Lord.
Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever.
John 6:51-58
My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink
Jesus said to the crowd:
‘I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.
Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever;
and the bread that I shall give is my flesh,
for the life of the world.’
Then the Jews started arguing with one another: ‘How can this man give us his flesh to eat?’ they said. Jesus replied:
‘I tell you most solemnly,
if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood,
you will not have life in you.
Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood
has eternal life,
and I shall raise him up on the last day.
For my flesh is real food
and my blood is real drink.
He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood
lives in me
and I live in him.
As I, who am sent by the living Father,
myself draw life from the Father,
so whoever eats me will draw life from me.
This is the bread come down from heaven;
not like the bread our ancestors ate:
they are dead,
but anyone who eats this bread will live for ever.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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stirred-tea · 5 years
The girl no one noticed Ep. 11 (last episode)
Warnings: Loads of fluff, mentions of sex
Summary: The day for Y/N becoming a true Serpent is closing in, but what about that Sweet Pea had asked for a week prior? 
Words: 2912
Ep. 1
Ep. 2
Ep. 3
Ep. 4
Ep. 5
Ep. 6
Ep. 7
Ep. 8
Ep. 9
Ep. 10
The weeks past by and the night of your grand reveal was upon you, you were a bit nervous, mostly because Sweet pea had no idea what was about to happen. There was a knock on the bedroom door. “Y/N can I come in?”. Sweet Pea asked softly. “Yeah of course, come in” “Ummm…”. He scratched the back of his head. “You know that date I was supposed to take you on?” “I have some weak memory of it yes”. You said with a smirk while brushing your hair while sitting on the bed. “Well I never got to take you, and these past weeks have been so busy I haven’t been able to ask you about it again. Do you have any plans for today?” “Nope, but I’m meeting Toni later tonight” “Would it be a bad idea if I took you out now?” “Not at all! Let me just get ready and we can go, if you don’t have any other things you have to take care of before we go. By the way, where are we going?” “It’s a surprise princess, can’t tell you”. He walked up to you, standing right in front of you. “Sweet Pea?”. You asked looking up at him. “You are so damn pretty…”. Was all he said before gently pushing you in to the bed, hoovering above you.
“S-sweet Pea! W-what are you doing” “Oh don’t be so shy Y/N” “I-I’m not”. You said fiddling with his collar. He stroked your face and before you knew it he crashed his lips on yours, pushing you up towards the headboard. You placed your hands on his cheeks deepening the kiss. Your hands got under his shirt and stroked up his sides while his found their way up your neck up to your scalp. When you both were out of breath, you broke the kiss and Sweet Pea just looked at you with the softest face you had ever seen him have. “Come on Princess, lets get this date started”. He stood up and gave you his hand to take. “Did it get too much for ya?”. You asked with a grin. “Don’t know what you are talking about”. He replied and looked to the side. “Haha, you are I got you blushing” “Oh shut up Y/N”. He chuckled. You took his hand and he helped you off the bed. “I’ll be right out ok, maybe you need some time to cool down, have a cool shower or something”. You nudged his side and smirked. “I’ll show you a cool shower!” He said lifting you throwing you over his shoulder. “Let me down!”. You shrieked and laughed at the same time as you hit his back gently. “No way Princess, I’m getting you in the shower”. He was laughing just as much as you were. When you got to the bathroom he put you down in the shower. “Are you ready?”. He asked with a smug face, reaching for the handle. “Oh my god stop!”. You giggled. He turned the handle just enough to only let a few drops end up on your head. “There, now you got what you deserved”. He said with a huge smile and stroked your face. “You are such a dork”. You said sweetly. “If we are going to have that date, you have to let me get out of this shower and get dressed”. You pushed him out of the shower and let you pass.
When you were ready, you stepped outside, Sweet Pea were already waiting by his bike. He was shoving some gravel around with his shoe. “Ey hot stuff, what are you doing out here all by yourself?”. You said and walked towards him. “Damn Y/N, you look stunning”. He said almost blushing. “Thanks”. You replied with a sweet smile. He gave you his helmet and you drove off.
You had no idea where he was taking you, but when you arrived your eyes lit up. “Damn Sweet Pea! This is so pretty!”. Without telling him, this was the place you and your mother used to visit. “I figured you would like it”. He said putting his hand at the small of your back leading you forward. “What is this?” You asked when you noticed a blanket and a basket sitting on top of this. “Did you do this?” “Maybe?” “How did you even have time for that?” “I have people you know”. He smiled at you. “Fangs?”. You asked raising your brow. “Who else?”. He chuckled. “You really put a lot of thought in to this didn’t you?” “I guess”. He replied pulling you with him to the spot right in front of the lake where everything was set up. You sat down, with your legs crossed in front of you, your hands behind you as support. You looked out at the lake, where you had been so many times before, smiling at the memories. “What are you smiling about?”. He asked with a gentle smile. “Nothing, just memories” “What kind of memories, I hope no one else has taken you here, that would ruin the whole thing…” “Just my mom, so I it doesn’t ruin anything, more the opposite, it’s making it even more special”. You said smiling, putting your hand on his. “Your mom used to take you here?” “Yeah, this was our get away place. I haven’t been here since she died” “I’m really sorry about all that” “Thanks, but there’s nothing we can do about it now. At least I know what happened and it’s been a couple of years, so I figured something bad had happened. Just wished she would have talked to FP so he could’ve helped us out…” “It will be ok Y/N, you have me now and all the other Serpents, even though you are not an official one” “Talking about that, why haven’t you asked me if I want to join the Serpents?”. You asked glancing at him. “Because I don’t think it’s important, you are important, not what gang you belong to”. He said looking up to the sky. You let your answer linger a bit before answering: “Would you be mad if I became one though?” “Nah, it would only make me more proud of you”. He answered looking straight into your eyes. He looked down at your lips and back to your eyes. “Stop staring at my lips and kiss me already”. You smiled at him before pulling him towards you by his shirt.
Between make out sessions you talked about everything and nothing, you told him about your mother, how you got her eyes and personality but how you got your father’s looks. He told you about how he grew up, mostly about how he joined the Serpents and how got to know Toni and Fangs. You had a great time, it was the first time you really had the time to talk about your lives as things had been quite hectic since Jughead had dropped you off at his Sweet Pea’s place. “You know Y/N, I’m really happy that Jughead came to me for help and not someone else. I don’t think I would have ever got the chance to meet you if it wasn’t for him. I used to think he was a jerk for not joining the Serpents, he had such privilege as his dad was the King and all, but he just threw it in the bin” “You know he had his reasons though, right?” “Yeah I know, I respect him for his choices even though I don’t always agree with him” “Want to know a secret?” “What’s that?” “Neither do I”. You said grinning. “Really? I thought you did everything he told you to do”. He said sarcastically.
Suddenly your phone started to buzz, you looked at the phone, it was Toni who were calling. “Shit!” “Something wrong?”. Sweet Pea asked with a worried face. “Oh not really, but we really have to get back, I promised that I would meet Toni twenty minutes ago and I’m never late so I think she’s really worried” “Alright, I’ll take you back”. You texted Toni telling her you were on your way, that Pea had taken you on that date you were supposed to have several weeks ago. You only got a: Ok, see you soon ; ) as an answer.
When you stood outside Toni’s place he pulled you into a warming hug, his arms really made you feel safe and you didn’t want to leave. You kissed his cheek and told him that you would meet up later. “Y/N I was so worried when you didn’t show up!”. You barely got inside the trailer before she started to ask questions about the date. “I’m not here to talk about the date, we are in a hurry if I’m going to be able to do this thing tonight”. You said rushing in to her bedroom. “Where’s the clothes?” “Right here!”. Toni replied holding up the goodie bag. “Thank god!” “Are you nervous?” “A bit, mostly because I had to rush here, and that Sweet Pea will see me in these”. You said blushing a bit when you looked at yourself in the mirror. You spun around a couple of times to see how it looked. “You look great Y/N, never doubt that ok”. Toni said smiling gently towards you, it almost looked like she was checking you out by the look of it. “Are you checking me out Topaz?” “Ummm, what?”. She said looking confused. “Are you checking me out?” “What?! No, well maybe”. She said while a small hint of pink creeped up her cheeks. “It’s ok, I think you are pretty hot too, but right now I’m with Sweet Pea and I think you are having something going on with someone, am I right?”. He just stood there, speechless. “Come on, I’m teasing you. Even though I wouldn’t mind spending more time with you”. You said winking at her. “Damn Y/N, you are so bold now when you are comfortable around others” “I guess so, but I’m honest as well. I think you are a great person and I’m really happy to have you as my friend” “Same”. She said hugging you. “Lets get the makeup on” “Can you help me with that? I’m not the greatest at it” “Sure, sit down on the bed and I’ll paint a masterpiece for Sweet Pea to rough up later” “Hush you!”. You said while nervously playing with the hem of the bodysuit.
When you were all glammed up, Toni took you to the Whyrm. You sneaked behind the bar, hoping that Sweet Pea wouldn’t notice you. Luckily, he was distracted by a game of pool with Fangs and some others. Fangs made a thumbs up as he saw you. You got in place and as the lights went out you could hear Sweet Pea say: “What the hell, we were playing here!” “Come on, something is going on over there”. You heard Fangs tell him. Then the lights on you came on, next was the song you had chosen which was: I’ll Be Waiting by Lenny Kravitz. You had chosen it for two reasons. One, you had always had a crush on Sweet pea and no matter who you had hooked up with you couldn’t shake off the feeling that you wished it was him instead, not that you had been with that many. Second, you could have waited all your life for only one night with him, you could’ve done almost anything for him to notice you.
You were facing the back wall as the song started, leaning your back against the pole. “Who is that?”. You could hear Sweet Pea ask Fangs. At that moment you turned around, threw your legs around the pole and slowly slithered down it. You could see how Sweet Pea’s jaw dropped down and how he took a hold of Fangs shoulder. “OH MY GOD! IS Y/N BECOMING A SEERPENT?!”. He almost screamed in Fang’s ear. Meanwhile you squirmed around the pole before unzipping the dress and your whole attire showed. People started to cheer and clap their hands and Sweet pea tried to get them to look away, he didn’t want anyone to look at you in that kind of way. He almost got in to a fight because of it, it didn’t make you stop dancing though. You swung your hips to the music, placed your hands on the pole and climbed it, leaning backwards before sliding down once again. When the song where coming to an end, you faced the pole one last time and swung your whole body around it and leaned back as the song ended. As it did, both Toni and Jughead came up on the stage holding your mother’s old Serpent jacket. “Here’s for our new member, Y/N L/N, no longer the girl no one notice!”. Jughead said as him and Toni helped you on with the jacket. People started to cheer even louder, some people hollered at you and as you jumped off the stage a furious Sweet Pea came at you, but as you placed your hand on his chest and looked up as his eyes and asked: “What do you think of my outfit?”. He just took your hand and pulled you outside. “What the hell was that?” “I just became a Serpent!”. You said with the biggest smile on your face, but you noticed that Sweet Pea wasn’t having it. “Why did you let people look at you, wearing that?!” “Oh come on Pea, it was only for one song and I’m fully covered, sure it’s lace and it’s partly see through but this is what I wanted to wear, also, I decided I wanted to become a Serpent and this is what I have to do to be able to be one” “I know… I just don’t like others looking at you like that… I want to have that to myself, not even I have seen you without clothes…” “So that’s what the problem is, you are jealous?”. You walked up to him, placing your hand on his chest and tried to be as flirtatious as you could. “Y/N, stop…” “Awww, Am I touching a sensitive spot?” You asked as you reached up to kiss his neck. “God damn it…” “Oh I think I am”. You said proudly. “Can we go home now? Please?”. He asked with a flustered face. “Nope, I have to talk to Jughead before I can go anywhere”. You said and walked back inside. When you walked up to Jughead he had a very confused look on his face. “Why are you looking like you just got a jackpot?”. He asked. “Ask Sweet pea”. Was all you said with that smile plastered all over your face. “Oh my god Y/N!”. “No! Not that”. You said waving your hand in frustration. “I should get back to him though, I’ll see you guys tomorrow? I would hope FP can give me that tattoo” “Sure thing Y/N”. You heard him say as he walked up to you. “I never thought I would see you wear a Serpent jacket, but damn, it fits you so well” “Thanks FP, I hope I made mom proud” “Of course you did, everything you do makes her proud” “Maybe not everything”. Jughead said snickering and you hit him in the chest. “What was that for?!”. He asked. “I think you know that”. You replied with a serious face. “I’ll see you tomorrow then! Good night!” “Night Y/N!”. Jughead said giving you a hug, which ended up in a group hug as Toni and FP joined in.
When you got back out, Sweet Pea was standing in front of his bike, with his arm crossed. “are you still mad at me?”. You asked as you got on his bike. “No, but you could have told me that you were going to join the Serpents” “I kind of did earlier today” “When?” “When I asked why you haven’t asked me to join” “Right…”. Was all he said. You wrapped your arms around him, leaned against his back and he drove off to his home. He parked his bike and then he turned to look at you. “What?”. You asked. “I was going to ask this at a later time, but I think this is as good as any other”. He took out an envelope out of his pocket, you looked at it, shook it a bit. “What is this?” “Open it”. As you did a key fell out. “Pea, what is this key for?” “To my trailer”. He answered stepping closer to you. “I figured that you could stay here with me, instead of finding your own place”. He said putting a strand of hair behind your ear. “Oh my god Sweet pea! Are you serious?” “Does it look like I’m joking?” “No”. You said throwing yourself at him. “I would love to stay here with you, until we find a better place” “A better place? What’s wrong with this one?” “Nothing is wrong with it, but it would be nice to have a bigger place, don’t you think?” “I will only move if we find a place here at the south side” “Of course dufus, I’m done with the Northside” “Then I’ll consider it”. He kissed your forehead and swept you up in his arms, opened the trailer door and said: “Welcome home Princess”.
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes. This was the last chapter of “The girl no one noticed” and I want to thank all of you who have read it and liked it. This is the first fic I have written and finished and I’m quite happy how it all turned out.
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Rating: teen
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Drea performs a song at her dad’s 50th birthday party and it sends him on a walk down memory lane.
A/N normal text: present day
italics: flashback
bold italics: song lyrics
A/N 2: Song is “Cinderella” by Steven Curtis Chapman
The air in the speakeasy was practically buzzing with excitement as Drea came down the stairs. Everywhere she looked, there were Serpents and Northsiders alike gathered to celebrate her father’s 50th birthday. Scanning the large room, she spotted her parents talking to Betty and Jughead. She reached behind her and grabbed Fangs’ hand as she made her way toward her family. As they approached, she bumped Jughead’s shoulder with her own. He glared at her and pushed her lightly in response.
“About time you two show up.” He said.
“Sorry, I had to drag Fangs away from trying to help Sweet Pea with his lines for Heathers.”
“Whatever, Ms. Choreographer!” Fangs interjected, wrapping an arm around her, “You couldn’t wait to show him ‘Freeze Your Brain!’”
Drea opened her mouth to give a witty retort, but was interrupted by her mother.
“Whoever’s fault it is, you two are late.” Gladys said, crossing her arms.
“Sorry, mom.” Drea replied sarcastically, a grin tugging at the corners of her lips.
“Yeah, sorry, Mrs. J.” Fangs said, “Happy birthday, FP.”
“Thanks, Fogarty.” FP replied, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Hey, you kids don’t go too far. ‘Cause the good stuff’s about to happen, alright?” Gladys said.
“Sure, mom.”
“Yeah, ok.”
A little while later, Drea was sitting between Fangs and Jellybean as Jughead stood on stage giving his speech. Her head was leaning on Fangs’ shoulder and he leaned down to whisper in her ear.
“You got your song ready?”
“Yeah, it’s the speech I’m worried about.”
“You’ll do great, Princessa.” he whispered back, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Drea smiled and sighed softly as she returned her attention to her brother.
“And I am proud to be a part of your amazing story. Here’s to 50, dad… and to 50 more.”
As the entire room broke into applause and Jughead walked offstage, Drea stood up and made her way toward it. The twins high-fived each other as they passed and Drea climbed on stage. She stood in front of the microphone waiting as the crowd got settled before beginning to speak.
“Hey, everybody!” she began, with an awkward wave. “As most of you know, I’m um, I’m Jug’s twin sister, Drea.”
Clearing her throat, she glanced around nervously. Fangs caught her eye and gave her an encouraging smile. She took a deep breath and continued.
“I’m not really sure how to follow that,” she admitted, gesturing toward Jughead, “but I’m gonna try!”
There was some scattered laughter from the crowd.
“I don’t really have my brother’s way with words. I tend to be better at music or art. That’s why it came as no surprise to me when my mom asked me to sing something tonight.”
Drea paused to tuck a lock of blue streaked hair behind her ear.
“What was surprising was how hard it was to pick a song!” she giggled, “I mean, how do you find the perfect song to describe how much you love someone that means so much to you?”
She looked down at FP who was listening intently with a loving smile on his face. Drea’s smile grew as she kept speaking.
“I started to think back over the years, and I kept coming back to one memory. When I was 5 or 6, I was OBSESSED with princesses. My biggest dream was to meet my Prince Charming and dance at the ball. There was only one problem, I was 5 and didn’t know how to dance. “
She chuckled at the memory.
“Well, I was also stubborn-”
“Was???” Jughead called from the table.
Drea stuck her tongue out at him and the crowd laughed at their antics.
“As I was saying,” she continued with a playful glare in Jughead’s direction, “I was stubborn and wasn’t gonna let that stop me, so I marched up to my dad and said, ‘Daddy, will you teach me to dance?’ He looked down at me for a minute, then he smiled and said, ‘Sure thing, princess.’ Next thing I knew I was standing on his toes and he was waltzing us around the living room.”
Feeling herself starting to get emotional, Drea stopped to take a breath.
“I’ve grown up a lot since then and learned a few more dance steps, but my favorite memories will always be standing on my daddy’s feet, laughing as we spun around that trailer on the Southside.” she nodded toward Reggie in the sound booth. “I really think the song I picked captures those feelings. So this one’s for you, dad. Happy birthday.”
Slow piano music started playing through the speakers. Drea took a deep breath and began to sing, her voice soft and melodious.
She spins and she sways to whatever song plays
Without a care in the world
And I'm sitting here wearing the weight of the world on my shoulders
It's been a long day and there's still work to do
She's pulling at me saying "Dad I need you
There's a ball at the castle and I've been invited
And I need to practice my dancing
Oh please, Daddy, please!"
FP sat at the table listening to his daughter sing. As she sang, she twisted a strand of hair around her finger, something she’d done since she was young. He smiled at the familiar habit and listened to the song lyrics as he found himself lost in a memory…
The door of the trailer snapped shut behind him. He walked to the fridge to grab a beer before dropping into a chair at the small kitchen table. His shoulders ached and his knees were sore. The construction site was Hell today and he was glad to be home. Tall Boy would be calling him to leave for a job in a few hours, but he’d worry about that then. For now, FP just wanted to be here with Gladys and the twins.
Speaking of, he heard a set of tiny, yet determined, footsteps approaching. Looking up from the tiled floor, he was met with the bright blue eyes of his daughter Drea. She was wearing a pair of grass stained jeans and a Cinderella t-shirt. Gladys had put her hair in pigtail braids and her bangs were pinned back with a heart-shaped barrette.
“Hey, Pudding Pop.” He said, scooping her up to sit on his lap.
Drea giggled and when she opened her mouth, FP could see her missing front tooth
“Hi daddy!” she replied, twisting one of her braids around her finger., “Will you teach me to dance?”
FP cocked his head in confusion for a moment. Looking into his daughter’s eyes, though, he saw such innocent hopefulness that he decided the reason didn’t matter. He kissed her forehead and smiled.
“Sure thing, princess.”
He led her to the living room so they’d have more space. Lifting her up so she was standing on his feet, he held one of her small hands in his large, calloused one. His other hand rested on her back holding her steady as she held onto his bicep. As they turned in slow circles, FP hummed some old country song.
Drea giggled and held tightly as they moved. As he came to the end of the song, FP picked her up and held her against his chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.
“I love you, daddy.” she said sweetly, laying her head on his shoulder.
FP smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around his little girl.
“I love you too, Pudding Pop.”
She says he's a nice guy and I'd be impressed
She wants to know if I approve of the dress
She says, "Dad, the prom is just one week away
And I need to practice my dancing
Oh please, Daddy, please!"
FP couldn’t remember how many dance classes Drea had taken or how many recitals and performances he’d sat through after that day. He sure remembered the next time he taught her to dance though…
“I love Freshman year!” Drea proclaimed as she burst through the front door, before running into her room.
FP looked to Jughead for an explanation.
“She found a dress for homecoming.”
“Not just a dress, the perfect dress! And I got a date!” Drea called down the hall.
“A date?” FP asked, suddenly much more interested. “Who?”
“Reggie Mantle asked me!” she replied, practically bouncing back into the living room.
She stopped in front of the couch and stood in front of him.
“Well, what do you think of my dress?” she asked, spinning around so her skirt billowed out around her knees.
The dress was a deep blue and came just below her knees. It was sleeveless and had a collar that looked like a large clunky necklace. She looked so grown up. FP had to take a minute to compose himself before answering.
“You look beautiful, Drea.”
“Thanks, now I just have one problem.”
“What is it?”
Drea tucked a newly dyed strand of blue hair behind her ear and scuffed the toe of her boot against the floor.
“I uh- I don’t know how to slow dance.” she mumbled.
FP smiled softly and hauled himself up of the couch.
“Well, we can’t have that. Can we?” he said, holding out his hand. “Wanna learn?”
Drea nodded and placed her hand in his.
“Ok, your other hand goes on  his shoulder. Good, now his other hand goes on your waist. If Mantle puts his hand any lower, you use that move I taught you to break his arm.”
“Dad!” Drea giggled.
“I’m serious, Drea!” She glared at him. “Okay, okay, now you just move with the music.”
FP began to hum softly. After a moment, Drea recognized it as an old country song he loved. As he hummed, FP began to move them in slow circles around the room. After a few minutes, Drea had the hang of it and FP lifted their joined hands to spin her around before pulling her back to him.
As FP reached the end of the song, a car horn honked out in the driveway.
“Shit! That’s Kevin!” Drea said, letting go of her dad and dashing to her room.
“What are you kids doing tonight?” FP asked Jughead.
“The three of us are meeting Archie and Betty at the drive-in.” he replied from the couch.
“Jugabug, go tell Kev I’ll be out in a minute.”
Jughead rolled his eyes and went to do as she said. A few minutes later Drea came flying out of her room. She had taken off the dress and changed into a t-shirt and jeans. She pulled her purple combat boots back on and grabbed her jacket before kissing FP’s cheek and running out the door.
“Bye daddy, love you!” she called as it slammed shut behind her.
“I love you too, Pudding Pop.” he chuckled into the, now empty, room.
Well, she came home today with a ring on her hand
Just glowing and telling us all they had planned
She says, "Dad, the wedding's still six months away
But I need to practice my dancing”
As Drea sang the final verse, she removed the mic from it’s stand. She climbed down off the stage and made her way toward the table where her family sat. Stopping ing in front of her father, she smiled and held out her hand.
“Oh please, Daddy, please?"
FP looked up at the girl standing in front of him. She had gone from grass stains, princess shirts, and pigtail braids to ripped jeans, flannels and blue streaked hair. When he looked closer, though, she was still wearing that heart-shaped barrette and in her eyes was that same look of innocent hopefulness. When he looked closer, he still saw his little girl.
As she smiled down at him, FP wasted no time in taking Drea’s hand and standing from his seat. He placed his other hand on her waist and her free hand still held the microphone.
So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone
As Drea sang the final chorus, FP led her in a waltz around the room. They wove between tables as their family and friends watched with soft smiles. FP twirled Drea in a circle making her grin as she sang the final lines. The final chord of the song played and silence filled the room.
The crowd broke into thunderous applause and FP grinned at his daughter. Drea let go of her father long enough to lay the mic on a nearby table. She turned back to him and wrapped her arms tightly around him.
“I love you, daddy.” she said, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
FP pulled her closer, kissing her temple before resting his chin on top of her head.
“I love you too, Pudding Pop.” he replied so softly only she heard it.
And if anyone saw a tear roll down the former Serpent king’s cheek, well, they were smart enough to keep it to themselves.
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libidomechanica · 5 years
Untitled # 7044
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theangriestpea · 6 years
Mercy Killing
TW/CW: sexual assault mention, violence, trauma, victim blaming
A/N: You'll see victim blaming from both SP and Lav. Remember they are both teenagers that have never been in the situation before. Have likely never been taught how to handle this kind of situation either. While they both seem to think it is Lav's fault for what happened, I want to reiterate that that is not what I think. It is not her fault. It is never the victim's fault, I don't care what the circumstances are. 
Chapter Two: Ugliness
Lavender hurt. She hurt a lot. So much that Fangs practically carried her to her trailer once she was discharged. Lorraine had to help her get dressed and that was a slow process. She knew she’d need help putting clothes on, taking clothes off, hell even taking a bath. Luckily she figured she could ask Toni on the really rough days and just take some of the Oxy the doctor had prescribed her on days she was alone. FP let her know that he called her job to let them know that she’d been in an accident and the extent of her injuries. She had a doctor’s excuse as well for two weeks. The doctor even mentioned that if she didn’t feel healed up enough after that then he’d write her another one. That was just when her follow up appointment was.
“Alright Lavie, we have to go up the stairs.” Fangs said, easing her out of his truck. It was awkward as hell sitting between him and Sweet Pea, luckily she was small enough to fit between both broad shouldered boys. Lav groaned, the prospect sounding horrible. “Do I have to?” Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. “Would you rather I throw you over my shoulder?” Fangs asked in a fake sweet voice. “I have three broken ribs!” Lav bit back, “You’ll crack them even more!” Fangs laughed, “Which is why you need to go up there yourself. It’s four steps.” She looked up at the daunting set of stairs. “You’ll stay by my side…?” She heard Sweet Pea snort behind them. Lav looked over her shoulder to glare daggers at him. She looked more like an angry raccoon than a threat with her black eyes and swollen nose.
“Yes, I’ll be right here. I’ll even unlock the door for you.” Fangs said sweetly, she wondered briefly why he wasn’t named Sweet Pea instead. Sweet Pea was agitated. He tried to understand that she was in a lot of pain but he also didn’t get why she didn’t just work through it like any other Serpent would. He felt like she was fully taking advantage of Fangs’ kindness and that didn’t sit well with him. She had done nothing but whine since they got out of the hospital. Of course he always had a feeling she was an entitled princess, now he just had evidence of it. He clenched and unclenched his fists to keep from snapping at her.
Pea felt sorry for what had happened to her, he really did, but this was just too much. He dreaded the thought of being alone with her which he knew was going to happen eventually. They had agreed on shifts throughout the night although Fangs seemed reluctant to agree to it. Sweet Pea just knew that he had to help his mom take care of his little sister on the nights that she worked late. Tonight was going to be one of those nights. Lavender and Fangs made it up the stairs without much trouble. She had to stop to breathe through the ache of her bruised and cut thighs. The tension on the stitches she had on a few of the gashes there seemed to increase tenfold whenever she put weight on her legs. Worst of all she knew she couldn’t take anything for pain for another four hours. Fangs managed to get her inside and Sweet Pea reluctantly followed after them into the single wide. He’d never actually been inside before. The layout was similar to his own, which wasn’t surprising. There were only so many ways to arrange a small trailer.  He had seen the house she grew up in on the Northside. It was two-story, spacious. It was made a brick. Sweets didn’t know much but he knew that her mother had left, selling the house and taking the money to live elsewhere. Lav was forced to live with her father here on the Southside. This had been his trailer before he passed. Rhodes had been one hell of a Serpent. He taught Sweet Pea everything he knew about switchblades. Made him wonder why Lav didn’t have one on her when the Ghoulies attacked her. Come to think of it, he had never actually seen her carry one.
Fangs got her to the worn pleather couch where Lavender heaved a somewhat over-dramatic sigh. Her eyes lost focus as she stared at the wall with a frown on her face. Both boys glanced at one another, sharing a confused look before Fangs waved a hand in front of her face. “Lavie, come back to the Earth, alien princess.” Her gaze focused in on his moving hand. A pout formed on her lips as she looked at him. “Is Toni working tonight?” “Yea, why?” Fangs asked, wondering why his answer made her look so crestfallen. “No reason.” She said, though in truth she had wanted help in taking a bath. She felt so fucking dirty, like she’d never get clean again. The memory of the sensation of Ghoulie hands roaming over her body made her want to heave. Lav had hoped that she’d be able to have some help in getting some of the dried blood off of her. She needed fresh bandages put on and there were places she did not want Fangs or Sweet Pea – God, especially Sweet Pea – to see. He felt his eyes boring into her like two well-aimed lasers. Cutting away at her already ripped skin. “Take a fucking picture, Sweet Pea.” She finally hissed out. Sweet Pea scoffed lightly as he looked away from her, “why? I know what a wounded raccoon looks like.” He said coldly, earning an elbow in the ribs from Fangs who looked less than pleased. Lavender steeled her features to keep her hurt from showing. She knew she looked ugly, hell she felt even uglier. The last thing she needed was for him to tell her that. The amount of physical pain was considerable, but it didn’t match the fractioning pieces of her heart that only splintered more at his comment. Not that she even cared what he thought. Fuck him, he was just an asshole. “How about Sweet Pea goes and picks us up Pop’s for dinner?” Fangs offered. Lavender hadn’t felt like eating. Since she hadn’t been able to brush her teeth, she could still taste vomit in the back of her throat. Despite knowing food would help with her medication, she didn’t want to eat. Didn’t want to even think about food. “No thanks, Fogarty. I’m not hungry.” Fangs’ face fell slightly. He had hoped a milkshake would cheer her up a little, make her feel better. “You need to go anyway, Fangs.” Sweet Pea reminded him, “Your mom is working tonight.” “Oh shit.” Fangs muttered, “I totally forgot.” The girl’s eyes narrowed at her friend, “you’re not staying?” She was already feeling nauseous from the thought of being alone with Sweet Pea. First Toni couldn’t come help her and now Fangs? She was dreading just being alive at this point.
Fangs gave her a sympathetic look, “I have to watch Gingersnap for my mom. Don’t worry, Sweets will take care of you. That really nice nurse wrote down everything we need to do to make sure you feel better.” He dug through the bag they had gotten from the hospital to show her neatly handwritten notes. “When to take your meds, when to change your bandages. Everything!” He grinned at her, praying that it would be contagious. It wasn’t. “I’m not excited about this either, princess.” Sweet Pea drawled, crossing his muscular arms over his chest. He still wasn’t looking at her. She wondered for a moment why he hated her so much. What she had ever done to him to deserve the treatment she was getting. Whatever. She’d do this without him. Fangs checked the time on his phone and cursed. “I’ve got to go. I’ll text you to make sure you’re still alive, okay? And as soon as my mom gets home I’ll come right back. Keep the door locked and listen to Sweet Pea, okay?” “Why do I have to listen to him? He’s a jerk.” Lavender grumbled, holding her ribs as she stood up. Her legs shook under here and both boys were sure she was going to fall right back down. She looked like a fawn just after birth, ready to collapse at any moment. After a moment she steadied herself and did her best to stand up straight, stretching to full height as if that would do anything to help her case. She was still shorter than both Fangs and Sweet Pea, but hell everyone was shorter than Sweet Pea. Even Lucifer himself, Lavender mused silently. Fangs like out a tired sigh. He had hardly slept at all last night and it showed. Lav only slept thanks to the sedatives they pumped her full of. She was wishing she had some more just to help cope. “Because you can barely stand on your own.” Lavender let out an offended huff. Her jaw clenched as she willed herself to brush past both of them and to her room. “Screw you!” She spat before walking into the room and slamming the door. Once by herself tears pricked her eyes and she had to put a hand over her mouth to keep the sob from coming out. She had always been independent. Even as a little girl. She would be damned if she started depending on anyone now. Her back was against the door as she steadied her breathing to keep from crying. A few rogue tears went down her face as she made her way to her bed. Slowly she eased herself down to her soft mattress, laying down to bury her face into her pillow and finally cry.
Hours later the alarm on Sweet Pea’s phone went off. He hadn’t heard a single sound from Lav’s bedroom, and he wondered if she was even still awake or if she had actually gotten hungry. He was but the only thing he found in her kitchen cabinets were spaghetti noodles and Little Debbie Swiss rolls. How did she not have any fucking food? He grabbed the gauze and medical tape that FP had bought as well as the antibiotic ointment from the pharmacy. This was going to be like pulling teeth and Pea knew it. Still, it had to get done. The giant went to her door and knocked on it three times, waiting a beat before opening the door. He flipped on the light switch by the door, a lucky guess on his part, and looked over at her. She was awake, staring into space again with that far out look in her eyes. They flickered to him for a moment and he could tell she’d been crying. It made him feel awkward. He never knew what to do when girls cried. He was shit at comforting them, unlike Fangs who always seemed to know what to do or say. Perks of having a little sister, he guessed. Sweet Pea walked over to her. The floor creaked under his weight and her eyes snapped to him suddenly hyper focused. “What are you doing?” She asked, her voice low but not hostile. The fight had been beaten out of her and the pathetic look she was giving him sent a pang of guilt through his chest. It only lasted a moment before disappearing. “It’s time to redress your cuts.” He said, “And time to take your medicine.” He set down a bottle of water on the bedside table next to her face. Lav struggled to lift herself up into a sitting position. A groan of pain left her pink lips as the movement caused strain on her worn muscles. Everything ached, especially her ribs. Lying so incredibly still hadn’t been so bad, though breathing did cause a dull throbbing in her torso. Her expanding lungs seem to press against the fractured bones painfully which made her resort to shallow breathing. Still she wanted to wash herself but that was out of the question. There was no way in hell she was getting naked in front of Sweet Pea and having him help ease her into the bath tub. Not that she even thought he’d agree to that. It occurred to her that she had to have been in a state of undress when Fangs and Pea found her last night. The thought sending a sickening feeling through her. If only she hadn’t looked so weak in front of them. How was she ever going to prove her strength now? It shouldn’t have bothered her. She was in her underwear in front of all of the Serpents the night she did her initiation dance. It was different when it was voluntary. Sweets was boring holes into her yet again, aggravating her. “I’m not going to do it with you in here…” She mumbled to him, her voice hardening again. “Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart. I’ve already seen all there is to see.” Sweet Pea said, not really trusting her to be able to handle herself. A horrified look past over Lav’s face at his words. Then she chided herself for even thinking he’d look at her like that. “You can barely sit up, how are you going to do this by yourself?” Her head turned away from him as she started to slowly undo the buttons on the grey and green flannel she was wearing. She could feel his eyes on her as she slipped her shirt off and she quickly hugged herself with her arms, feeling way too exposed. “Your pants.” He reminded her when she didn’t move from her position. Lav shot him an annoyed, defiant look which honestly amused Sweet Pea more than anything. Lav still didn’t move, “I’m not taking off my pants, you can forget it.” Sweets took an intimidating step towards her, suddenly making her feel very small. “The worst cuts are on your thighs.” He said, having known because he had seen them. He also overheard the nurse telling FP that she had the most stitches there. She was lucky they didn’t hit an artery. She almost crumbled before him in humiliation, “I can’t…I need help.” She muttered. He had barely heard her.   He rolled his eyes and got down on his knees in front of her, setting the bag with the medical supplies down. His hands moved to the waistband of her black sweatpants and Lav felt tears come to her eyes. She tried to swallow them back, tried to remind herself that this was Sweet Pea. He was a total dick but he wasn’t going to hurt her. Not on purpose. “W-wait.” She stammered as his fingers brushed against the bare flesh of her hips. He looked up at her with what she could have sworn was tenderness in his eyes. It was gone for a moment before dissolving into two brown pools devoid of emotion. Sweet Pea waited until she was ready. He knew this had to be hard for her and FP had warned both him and Fangs not to push her too hard. He wanted to get this done and over with but at the same time…there was a small part of him that didn’t want to send her over the edge so soon after the attack. Lavender took a few shallow breaths. She leaned back on her good hand and lifted up her hips for him. “Okay.” She said softly and he slowly slid the fabric down to just below her knees. Her entire body was shaking and Pea thought that maybe he should say something to try and calm her down. Except, he didn’t know at all what to say. He slowly took off the bandages around her thighs, unwrapping the gauze and setting it to the side of him. He dug through the bag to grab the antibiotic ointment for her. Once it was open, he broke the seal and put some on his large index finger. Lavie braced herself for pain, figuring Sweets was going to be as rough as he usually is in how he does everything. To her surprise he used every ounce of restraint in him to softly glide the ointment over the stitched up gashes along her thighs. It would have been something close to erotic if it had been anyone other than this giant jerk. She studied his face, his lips were pressed together into a hard line and his eyes were focused on the task before him. He couldn’t help but look over the finger-shaped purple bruises that marred her pale skin. His digits lingered on her for only a second before he pulled away from his work. Lav let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. His eyes finally glanced up to meet hers. There was anger in them. Burning like simmering coals in a dying fire. She wondered what she had done to piss him off so suddenly when just a moment ago there was nothing but apathy in his gaze. “You’re a dumbass.” Sweet Pea said, fury still sizzling in the back of his mind. His voice was harsher than he had intended, but he needed her to know. But Lavender didn’t need the blame placed on her by someone else right now, she had been doing that enough herself. A tear escaped her blue-green eye and stumbled down her cheek. “I know.” She choked out, hating to say out loud that this was her fault. She put her own self in this situation. Sweet Pea didn’t have a response to that. His eyes flickered to the lip that she was biting hard to keep from giving in to her emotions. He picked up a gauze pad and placed it along her biggest cut. He taped in into place before moving to some of the small ones. He only looked back up at her when he was finished. Lavender leaned back once more, lifting her hips again and he carefully pulled her pants back up for her like he had done the night before. He ignored her sigh of relief when they were secured in place. With her legs wrapped, he moved to her stomach. Repeating the process of taking off the old bandages, putting the medication on them, and rewrapping them all with a softness that she had never seen from him before. At least, not towards her. Maybe towards Toni or Fangs but definitely not towards her. Luckily there were no actual cuts on her ribcage itself so he didn’t need to undo the thick cloth bandages that were wrapped around them. He took the bandage off the cut on her left breast. Luckily he could access it without her having to take her bra off. That would have been a hard no for her. She winced when the adhesive of the tape pulled on her sensitive skin, and she could have sworn that she heard something akin to an apology leave his mouth. She couldn’t be sure, his voice had been so muted.   Once again he found his fingers tracing over the mixture of black, purple, and pink bruising across her skin. It looked almost like a galaxy etched into her soft flesh. Lav stared hard at the frown on his face. She mistook it for disgust. Of course she looked disgusting. Her skin wasn’t the right color, it was swollen, sensitive, and cut to ribbons in some places. Pea made quick work of the bandages on her breast. Her right one had been untouched. He found it odd that the Ghoulies didn’t try to do something with her tattoo which he could mostly see on the exposed part of her chest. The bottom tip was covered by the pink fabric of her bra. He realized now why she wanted Toni. She didn’t want him to be touching her like this and it was easy to guess why. He was oblivious sometimes but he wasn’t a total idiot. Lavender pulled her shirt back up onto her shoulders and started to button it back up again. She was trying to ignore his presence and was doing a fairly good job until he felt his hand cup the wounded side of her face. He gingerly peeled back the medical tape that secured the gauze pad in place. She watched him with another baited breath. Four cuts disfigured what he begrudgingly thought was a beautiful face. Her freckles hidden by the vast collection of bruises.
With a touch even lighter than before, he dressed the cuts on her face before applying another pad and taping it into place. Once done he slammed down the pill bottles onto her bedside table from inside the bag. “Take these.” He practically growled out before storming out. He was so volatile. Tender in one moment and rough in the next. It threw her for a loop as she played with the medicine bottles. She managed to open them with much difficulty since one wrist was in a cast. Once she got the lids off she took the prescribed dose and swallowed it down with a splash of water. Her stomach growled in protest but she ignored it. All she wanted to do was sleep and forget all about the volcanic serpent in her living room.
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southsidewrites · 6 years
Prove It (Sweet Pea x Reader)
Tumblr media
Summary: You and your boyfriend Sweet Pea like making each other jealous, and Fangs always seems to get caught up in the drama.
Word Count: 1349
Original Request: “How about a Sweet Pea Imagine where the reader makes Sweets jealous but soon regrets it and ends up kissing him saying, “I love you dumbass.”
Author’s Note: I’m pretty sure the intent of this request was fluffier, but I definitely got carried away with the badass Serpent reader.  Takes place a few years after high school. I’m definitely considering writing more of the badass reader, so let me know what you think!
Requests Open || Masterlist
You leaned back on the bar with a grumpy sigh.  Your gaze was fixed on the opposite corner of the bar where your boyfriend and Jughead were playing pool.
"Jeez, what's gotten into you?" Toni asked, grabbing your empty cup and replacing it with a fresh one.
"Look." You nodded at the scene unfolding.
"Oh." She leaned across the bar to look closer. "Is that Stacey Silverson?"
"The one and only."
"And she is all over Sweet Pea." She smirked. "What, Y/N, a little jealous?"
"What would I be jealous?" You snapped. "We've been dating for years—if he wanted to get with Silverson, he's had plenty of chances."
"Then why are you so grumpy?"
"I'm not grumpy." Even you could hear the edge in your voice.  You had rolled past grumpy into full-blow pissed off.
"Maybe, like, go over there," she suggested. "People are almost as scared of you as they are of Sweet Pea, sometimes even more."
You rolled your eyes.  You had a bit of a reputation within the Serpents—it was what initially drew Sweet Pea to you.  Sure, you didn't have quite the same brute strength as him, but anyone with a brain knew that didn't make you any less threatening.
"I'm not going to go scare some girl off my boyfriend like I'm some sort of territorial dog.  All I need is Pea giving me a lecture on how I need to trust him more."
"Since when does Sweet Pea lecture?"
"Okay, more like he kisses me until I shut up."
She snickered. "Ah, you know it's love when you don't even need words to communicate.  It's like you two have telepathic genitals."
Rolling your eyes, I took a big sip of the drink she brought you and cringed. "Damn, Toni, you couldn't have given me one step up?  The rail whiskey here's trash."
"But it gets you trashed, and that's all that matters." She grinned, her brown eyes sparkling.
You rolled your eyes again and switched your focus back to Sweet Pea and Stacey.  He was laughing at a joke she made, and she was leaning onto the pool table, giving everyone in the vicinity a clear look down her shirt. "I can't watch this," you groan.  You looked around the bar, a new plan formulating.
"I don't like that look in your eyes, Y/N," Toni said. "That's the look that got us stranded in Queens with nothing but two dollars, a stack of business cards for a hooker, and a male stripper dressed as Mickey Mouse the night after graduation."  
You snorted with laughter at the memory. "That was a series of bad decisions that led us to that point.  Tonight, I only plan to make one bad decision."
"And what's that?"
"Fangs." You started walking as Toni called after you. "Y/N, wait, that is a terrible idea—you can't--" She cut off with a groan. "You're going to get him killed!"
Smirking, you made your way to the end of the bar where Fangs was chatting up some preppy-looking blond guy.
"Beat it, Ken doll," you said, walking up behind him.
The blond's eyes widened when he saw the look in your eyes. "I—uh—call me."
Fangs nodded, rolling his eyes at me as the guy scurried away. "What the hell, Y/N?  I was this close to getting him home tonight."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can call him later, and he'll come flying back.  Dude looked downright thirsty for some action." You leaned up against the bar next to him. "Anyways, I need a bit of a favor."
"What's that?"
You grinned your sweetest grin. "Nothing too hard."
"Last time you said that I ended up lost in Albany with no one but Kevin Keller and a remarkably friendly stripper named Candy."
You chuckled, remembering the night fondly. "Man, I really need to stop hiring strippers for every occasion."
He gave you a look. "For real, Y/N, what do you need."
"Just to make a certain someone jealous."
"Oh no." He lifted his hands and took a step back. "No way in hell.  I want to live to fuck Ken doll tonight, not get carried home in a body bag."
"C'mon, Fangsy," you cooed, reaching forward to grab the lapels of his leather coat. "I'll protect you from my big, bad, boyfriend."
His eyes darkened a shade.  Fangs and you had a bit of a friends with benefits situation before you started dating Sweet Pea, and it had always been a bit of a sore spot.  You knew it wouldn't go too wrong, though.  You and Sweet Pea were solid—you had been dating since high school and neither of you had so much as thought of cheating in the years since.  Despite that, though, you both liked flirting a little too much for your own good.  You both liked the attention, and deep down, you both thrived on the possessively chaotic make-up sex after.  
"He's literally going to kill me, Y/N," Fangs said, his voice low.
"That's a risk I'm willing to take." You pulled him by the lapel to the middle of the bar so that you'd be solidly in Sweet Pea's sight.  Then, you turned on the charm, leaning in close to your friend. "So, Fangs, noticed you've mostly been going for guys lately, any reason why?"
He shrugged, relaxing slightly and moving his hand to brush a lock of hair from your face. "Just a mood, I guess.  Or no one has quite been able to live up to you." He smirked.
You rolled your eyes.  He and you both knew damn well that he'd slept with more than his fair share of women since you started dating Sweet Pea. "I'd like to see any girl try." You ran your hand down his shoulder to his bicep, holding it through the cool material of his jacket.
Then, you glanced over his shoulder to see Sweet Pea giving you a skeptical look.  He knew exactly what you were doing.  Smirking, he circled the pool table to stand next to Stacey, leaning in close to her tiny frame.  The competition to see who would cave first was on.
"Oh goodie, now you're both toying with people to make each other jealous." Fangs smiled amusedly and took a sip of his beer. "Have you ever considered that this is mildly unhealthy?"
You shook your head. "Nah, you know that I'm gonna leave you hanging, and Stacey would be dumb not to.  Anyways, you know you like getting a rise out of Sweet Pea."
He rolled his eyes and leaned in close, brushing your hair aside to whisper in your ear. "Don't tempt me, babe." His hand moved to your waist, pulling up your shirt a bit so that his fingers were brushing against your exposed skin.  The dark ink of your Serpent tattoo peaked out.
You leaned in closer, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck and laughing flirtily.  Glancing at Sweet Pea, you could see his knuckles turning white as he gripped his pool stick.  You winked and turned your attention back to Fangs.
"The things I would do to you if I were still single," you mused, earning an eye-roll from Fangs.
"He's coming."
"What the hell, Y/N?  Fangs, really?" Sweet Pea was standing behind you, his long hair pushed off his face and his fists clenched at his sides. "Of all people?"
You broke away from Fangs, giving him a thank-you grin before turning to face your pissed-off boyfriend. "What, Pea?" You asked sweetly. "I was just chatting with my good old friend, Fangs."
He held his glare. "Yeah, sure." He grabbed your hips possessively, pulling you close. "There's only one person who should be touching you like that."
"Shut the fuck up."
You smirked and leaned in for a kiss. "I love you, dumbass."
His grip on you tightened as he kissed you hungrily. "I ought to take you into the back and make you prove it."
"What about Stacey?"
"Fuck Stacey.  You know I only have eyes for you."
"Prove it."
Thanks for reading!  Let me know what you thought!
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neriad13 · 6 years
Tagged by @darknessfactor! =D
Rules: List the first lines of your last 10 published stories. Look to see if there are any patterns that you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any! Tag up to 10 friends!
1. In the attic of Dunwall Tower, there is a graveyard of sorts.
The eyes of dead emperors peer out from faded portraits. Last year’s fashions overflow from overloaded chests. There is a case of tarnished cutlery, a whole host of old light fixtures abandoned to the mess when the palace staff replaced them, a box of china that had once belonged to the Olaskir dynasty and has not been used in a banquet in some fifty years.
There is one corner with a darker purpose. Here is stored the remainder of the old Lord Regent’s things. His clothes were distributed to the poor and his valuables, invested in the rebuilding of the city. His books were thrown out and his furniture, used for kindling. What then, remains to be hidden away in the sole place in the tower that emperors never set foot?
His secrets.
- The Road to Arouraíos Póli (Dishonored) 
I actually wrote this one earlier than some of the others on the list, but eh, I’m going by AO3 posting dates.
2. In the beginning was the Void and in the Void was the Serpent.
All that existed rested in the coil of its body, in the glimmer of its scales. Unborn worlds strived to be free from its flesh, but time and again they were crushed beneath the weight of the Serpent’s body - squeezed to nothingness before they even had a chance to exist.
The worlds cried out for something to save them, to let them out, to let them be...
But the Void was silent and still.
All aid had to come from within. And come, it did.
- Ugo-no-Nyumbani (The Elder Scrolls)
3. He doesn’t sleep - not quite in the way that humans are able.
For one, the tanks on his back prevent him from lying down comfortably. They’re always in the way, lifting his upper body off the floor, forcing him to sit upright even when his legs are falling out from under him. On top of that he has a pervasive fear about damaging something that was not designed to bear the weight of his bulk - the delicate valves and gauges that keep him alive, the glass tanks that contain his supply of ADAM and EVE.
They're an obvious target that splicers go after all the time. He hates how they glow, how easily broken they are compared to the rest of his gear and how, because of them, he's forced to take almost fanatical care in guarding his back.
And so, he does not ever lie down, though a nagging muscle memory, one of the many relics left behind by slapdash splicing, begs him to do so constantly.
- A Man With No Face (Bioshock)
4. “Goooooooood mornin’ Mr. Topside!” an overly chipper voice with a slight Irish accent yelled, much too loudly.
He heard the door slam against the wall and no sooner had he opened his eyes than the light flicked on and blinded him. He groaned, the noise coming out in a deep, gravelly rumble that still sounded as though it were coming from the mouth of someone else.
“Oh, don’t be like that, Toppy!” the voice crooned, half-mocking. “I’ve got brekkie, saline, steroids, plasmids. All the good stuff. Albert, jus’ what in the name o’ God are you waitin’ for? The Rapture? A-ha. Get in here.”
- Good Morning, Herr Delta (Bioshock)
5. Morgan knew she was dreaming because she was standing at her full height in the middle of a darkened corridor, her hands empty of weapons. Not creeping, not cowering, not huddling in a crawlspace waiting for the slithering footsteps to pass. Standing. Breathing. Her head clear of fear, the nigh-constant buzz of anxiety gone from her ears.
Broken consoles sparked on the blood-splattered walls. Shadows of bodies lay here and there on the floor, all their identifying features hidden, blurred in the way that dreams lessen terrible things witnessed in the waking world.
As she walked down the empty corridor, her footsteps made not a single sound. Gone was the familiar creak of her suit, the squeak of her soles and the rumble of abandoned machines in the facility below.
- Weaver (Prey 2017)
NSFW below the cut!
6. Billie couldn’t remember why she’d initially stopped masturbating with her right hand.
She was right-handed by nature - had been all her life. She’d learned to hold a sword in that hand, shoot from that hand, write from that hand. It was the one that held silverware when she ate, the one that scrubbed down the mess in the galley kitchen, the one that passed the whiskey to the next drinking buddy over.
Likewise, it was the hand she’d once trusted most to get the job done.
- Billie’s Hand (Dishonored)
7. The tap on the door broke him out of his haze. With a start, he looked away from the screen to see pale sunlight peeking through the edges of the radstag hide tacked over the empty window frame. Another night gone, just like that. He rubbed his eyes and stretched, the old chair creaking under him as he scooched it out from under the desk. When he turned away from the searing green text of the terminal screen, the rest of the room seemed dark and formless, the unlit edges of his perception cloaked in shadows deeper than they ought to have been. Synths have no need of sleep. Their organic processes can run almost indefinitely without pause. They do not tire and they rarely relent once they latch onto a task. But there was something appealing about breaking up the march of days with long bouts of unconsciousness to N4. It added a rhythm, a greater sense of purpose to the quiet hours he spent locked away in the dark. On nights where he became so absorbed in what he was doing that he slaved away through the rising of the sun, he always felt as though he had missed something. He had no true experience of sleep deprivation, but going without always left him more restless and irritable than he had been before.
But for now, he was afraid.
- Nate (Fallout)
8. Lucy was the one who first saw the smoke rising from Sanctuary. It was early in the morning as she stumbled blearily out the door, meaning to milk Clarabell and use it to make a good portion of razorgrain porridge for breakfast. Her bucket was not where she had left it. Quietly grumbling to herself, she circled around to the other side of the house, in the hopes that her mother had forgotten it by the pump again.
And there it was, clear as day. A thin, gray line against the blue sky. A campfire in Sanctuary.
Someone was over there.
- A Shield Against Sorrow (Fallout)
9. “I could help you.” the doctor says sweetly, her bubblegum-pink smile a slash of color within the stark white walls of her office. Her lab coat is blindingly white. She wears heels that have never tramped across cracked soil, never sunk in the muck of a radioactive marsh. She peers out at you over a set of horn-rimmed glasses with lenses so thick that they nearly hide the glint in her watery eyes.
You feel small and dirty before her. Your boots dragged the filth of the Wastes in with you, smudged the gleaming floors upon which you walked. Your jacket is riddled with bullet holes that you have patched - more often than not - with duct tape. Your armor is cracked and burnt, taken from the bodies of those who would hurt you (were they human?) slaughtered by your own hand. Your gun (you say you keep it because it is reliable and well-made but you know that is not the whole of it), rests comfortably on your hip, close at hand, should you need it here, in the sole bastion of safety in the Wastes of the Commonwealth.
You are almost positive that she isn’t joking. No, the tone of her voice is too sincere, the curve of her smile, too beseeching. She means what she says. She desires what she proposes.
- N4-73 Revamped (Fallout)
10.  Skadi slammed Loki against the hallway wall, cracking the cheap plaster up to the ceiling. It’d been crumbling for years, dropping white dust on the filthy carpet whenever she trod down the hall with too much force, her heavy footsteps shaking the building to its foundations when she launched into a run. The extent of the damage was also entirely irrelevant to her because the landlord was known to be a spineless weakling who flinched and whinged at the sight of an angry giantess towering over him.
She leaned down, pinning Loki to the wall by the chest with one thick hand, kissing him roughly, her knee grinding against the bulge in his pants. Her other hand she used to tear out the side of his neatly tucked shirt from his immaculately-pressed pants and grope the pale flesh beneath, pushing the stiff fabric up to his ribcage with her beefy fingers.
“Mmmmnphf…” Loki groaned into her face, “Mmmnphf!”
Oh! she realized with a jolt. He wanted to talk.
- An Evening With Skadi (Norse Mythology)
I seem to enjoy starting off with a short hook and then elaborating upon it. 
But the dialogue starts are extra fun to re-read. =0
Tagging: @logicalfangirl, @sorrowsfall, @flyingpurplepizzaeater, @tragic-unpaired-electron
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