#▲  muse ╎ jack pearson!
frazzledsoul · 4 months
I know in many ways they are fundamentally very, very different people, but there's something about the way Jack Pearson was in his early 80s era, the way he was so ebullient, gregarious, happy, optimistic, devoted to his wife and family, in love with his life and the way he was living it, that makes me ache for a Jess Mariano that we saw only briefly in the revival. It's all a trade-off, I guess: Jack worked a job he didn't like so he could have the family life he desperately wanted, while Jess got the career and the creative life and the community he didn't even let himself dream of as a kid and we don't know much about his private life as an adult. I just would have liked to have seen someone love and appreciate him as much as Jack was loved.
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allzelemonz · 1 year
For You: Micah Bell X Male Reader X Kieran Duffy
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Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘sir’, ‘mister’, ‘feller’, ‘boy’, ‘man’. Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence, References to Sex Warnings: Micah Bell is his own warning, Micah is an asshole, Kieran is repressed and shy, Kieran is injured, Micah actually likes his horse, Micah is injured, Baylock is injured, they’re all fine it’s okay, crime, death Summary: Kieran watches you from a distance, but things get bad when Micah notices and even worse when a job goes bad.
Every morning, despite not having slept, Micah wanders out from his tent and finds a place to sharpen his knife. Every morning you join him and he gets distracted with running his hands anywhere you’ll let him. Every morning Arthur tells you both to go somewhere private or to cut it out all together. Every morning, despite having a hundred other things to do, Kieran watches this all play out.
He moreso watches you. He tries to ignore Micah. After this routine you disappear to earn money or bring back food and Kieran won’t see you until it’s dark and Micah is pulling you along to your tent. Sometimes he’ll hear noises if he lingers around, noises he would give anything to be the cause of. Then the day resets and Kieran goes to tend to the horses with the sun rises. He waits and waits, finding a small amount of happiness when Micah starts sharpening his knife because he knows it means you’ll be awake soon.
A few others wake up in the meantime. Bill wanders to Pearson for coffee, Jack runs around after his parents brush him off in favor of a few extra moments of sleep. All the while, Kieran brushes The Count who is only behaving now that Dutch is awake as well. As Kieran moves on to the next horse, he sees you walking to Micah. Your hair has half-heartedly been smoothed out from a night that sounded quite long from what Kieran could hear. Your sleeping clothes show more of your arms, less of a sleeve to help fight the heat, and your muscles flex as you bend your arm to pull Micah in for a kiss. Kieran looks away for a few seconds and stares at the flank of the horse he’s brushing. Then he looks back. Micah has his hand in your hair and you have your fingers hooked into his gun belt, both pulling the other closer. Kieran’s heart picks up just a little when Micah’s other hand slightly lifts your shirt and the young man sees skin of yours that he’s never seen before.
This is when Arthur usually comes along. Sometimes it’s John, but today there’s no one stopping the two of you. Instead it’s him, it’s Kieran that distracts Micah because he’s been caught staring. Micah says something to you and you cup his cheek and kiss him again before walking off to Pearson’s. Micah, however, has his sights fixed on Kieran. In the few seconds it takes for Micah to cross the camp, Kieran can only imagine what the cruelest member of the Van Der Linde gang will do to him. He’s seen what he does to people he’s supposed to trust, he’s seen what the nicer members of the gang do to him. Would he skin him? String him up? Drown him in the river? Hogtie him and drag him along on a horse ride?
Surely Micah isn’t as bad as an O’Driscoll, all of whom Kieran has seen do those things when far less provoked.
When Micah reaches the edge of camp he stops and leans against a tree, his arms above his head to hold him up. Kieran tries to focus on the horse in front of him, brushing off the dirt. It takes a few seconds for him to realize it’s Baylock he’s brushing, Micah’s horse. Micah’s horse that is just like his owner. A rock and a hard place.
“I’ve had just about enough of you, O’Driscoll.” Micah muses, leaning his head back against the tree.
Kieran has frozen in place, the brush resting solidly against Baylock’s flank. He hasn’t been here long, but he’s seen how well this horse listens to his owner. Like they can read each other’s minds.
“I-Is there something I can do for ya, mister?” Kieran asks, resuming his brushing.
Kieran doesn’t have time to react before Micah has come around and essentially pinned him between him and Baylock. Kieran drops the brush and raises his hands, his back resting against a horse that may very well kick him if Micah’s in a bad enough mood.
“You can quit your staring.” Micah clears his throat. “Plenty a’ fellas to stare at around here.” He makes a gesture towards the camp and leans closer to Kieran. “Keep your eyes off a’ mine.”
Kieran nods and quickly has his neck allows. “Yes, yes, sir. I will. I didn’t mean nothing by it, mister. It won’t happen again.”
Micah chuckles as Kieran recoils against Baylock. “Oh, it will. And when it does, I’ll make sure you find your way off that cliff, cowpoke.”
Kieran’s eyes follow Micah’s gesture to the cliff a few yards away. The overlook is a long fall. If he’s lucky, he might live for a few seconds with a mangled body. Micah is stronger than him, he knows that. He might be able to put up a fight, but the man is just plain scary and Kieran would rather appease him than deal with the fallout.
“Got it.” Kieran’s breath is shaky as he speaks and the intense gaze from Micah makes it impossible to look anywhere but at the threatening cliff.
Micah takes some pleasure in the shaky voice Kieran speaks with, a smile spreads over his face. “Just keep to yourself, O’Driscoll.”
Kieran falls back as Micah falsely steps towards him, faking an attack. As if knowing what his owner wants, Baylock shakes his head and steps on Kieran as he walks away to graze by Brown Jack. Kieran clutches his stomach where Baylock stepped on him, a bad bruise clearly forming under his shirt. Micah chuckles in a dark way that makes Kieran half-wish it was Colm staring down at him. Then the gunslinger walks away, humming a light tune, as if nothing had happened. He sits with you by the campfire, taking a bowl of stew and settling in while Kieran is left clutching his bruise and hoping nothing is broken.
Dutch, in all his wisdom, has a plan. He always has a plan, but none as questionable as this. A valuable stagecoach, passing south of Valentine on the way to Saint Denis. A job that can easily be done with two men. However, Dutch is a teacher. You and Micah are supposed to teach the youngest of the gang, Lenny, and the newest of the gang, Kieran, how to rob a stagecoach properly. Teaching the inexperienced turns this job from easy to complicated. Of course, it’s you that must break the news. If Dutch wants to use Micah, he pairs him with you for obvious reasons, but it’s you that always gets the details of his plan and has to relay them. This annoys Micah. The job will annoy him more.
“Dutch is making us do what?”
“You heard me, Micah!” You shout, grabbing your hat from its usual place. “Dutch’s order. That’s the only reasoning you need.”
“But the O’Driscoll and the-”
“They could use the experience, that’s what Dutch said and that’s the end of it.”
Micah stops you, grabbing your arm. “Why not Arthur?” He clears his throat. “John, Bill, anyone!”
“He said we’re going, so we’re going.” You pull your arm from his grip. “Those kids need all the experience they can get.”
Micah follows you out of the tent and to the cluster of horses on the edge of camp. Kieran stands next to Branwen, patting him with a smile on his face. Lenny is looking over his gun and perks up when you get close, only to lose some enthusiasm when he sees Micah behind you.
“Let’s get this over with.” Micah says, pulling himself up onto Baylock.
You follow his lead, getting on your horse as well. Before you broke the news to Micah, you got Kieran and Lenny together and told them everything they needed to know. Dutch wants this to be a learning job, you’re not one to disappoint the boss.
“So how much are we expecting from this?” Lenny asks over the loud gallop of the horses.
“A hundred, maybe two.” You answer. “They’re ‘rich bastards’ is all Dutch said.”
“And why couldn’t we do this ourselves?” Micah asks, annoyed as ever.
“They gotta learn somehow, Micah.” You say, eyes now scanning for the ridge Dutch told you about.
“Hey, I know how to rob a stage!” Lenny says. “I bet Kieran does too.”
“I’m sure you can, boys.” You slow down, the others follow suit. “But this is about doing things right.”
Micah chuckles. “Now I see why Dutch wanted us.”
You point up to the ridge above the road, a perfect spot for sharpshooting. “Lenny, you’re up there. Make sure you only take shots you have to. We don’t need the law on us right now. You signal us when you see it coming”
“Got it.” Lenny nods, riding off to the ridge.
“Micah, you’re leading. You know what that means.” You say and Micah nods with a satisfied grin on his face. “Kieran, we’re covering him. Rifles out and we stick to the sides of the road.”
Kieran nods. “Yes, sir.”
“Well, at least I know I’ll be covered from one side.” Micah chuckles as he rides off to his position.
Kieran’s dejected look makes you sigh. “Come on, kid.”
You lead Kieran to his position and make sure he has his rifle ready. Lenny’s right, he must have done this before. He did run with the O’Driscolls, they probably brought him along a few times. He seems more confident here, where Micah can’t see him. Most people don’t actually let Micah get to them, but Kieran seems really shaken by him. As long as it doesn’t screw up the job, the gang, then it’s his problem to deal with. You take your place on the other side of the road, rifle in hand and eyes fixed on Micah in his position. Something, everything, about Micah in action is one of the best sights in the world. Seeing him beforehand makes you a bit impatient. In a few minutes he’ll be doing what he does best and a few minutes after that you’ll be back at camp, pulling him to your tent and staring at that arrogant face that always makes you feel things you probably shouldn’t.
A faint light in the distance, up on the ridge, tells you that the target is coming. Also, that Lenny is doing the most basic part of his job. The others look like they’ve seen it, guns at the ready. The stagecoach rattles down the path, passing in between you and Kieran before Micah makes himself known. The driver pulls a gun, but Micah’s much faster. You move closer, making sure you have eyes on Micah to cover him as he leaves Baylock and approaches the door. Just as Micah gets the passengers out, you catch the signal light in the corner of your eye. From around the bend in the road you can see the faint outline of riders in the dark.
“We got company!” You shout.
Lenny’s shots ring through the air and you all follow them with your own. Micah scrambles for the take, shooting a lockbox open and shoving everything into his pockets. There are more riders than you’ve ever seen on a job like this. Lenny’s taken down four, you shot at least five, Kieran’s got a couple, but they’re still coming.
“I got it!” Micah shouts. “Let’s get outta here, boys!”
You pull at the reins of your horse, turning them around. With one last look up at the ridge, seeing Lenny getting back on his horse, you urge your horse forward. Everything comes to a stop when Micah falls off of Baylock a few feet ahead of you. You stop in place. Micah isn’t moving, Baylock is running off. Shit. You jump off your horse and give them a signal to run, they’ll probably follow Baylock and get to camp or find you once the noise is died down. Baylock has never left Micah like that before, he’s spooked more than ever.
“Kieran!” You shout as you start shooting again.
He crosses the road and stops behind you, shooting as well. Lenny’s probably far away by now, circling back to camp.
“Check on Micah.” You order.
“You’re gonna get yourself shot, mister.” Kieran says as he jumps down and takes another shot.
“Just get Micah!”
Kieran crouches and tries to rouse Micah. “He’s knocked out, I-I can’t get him up.”
“Shit!” You fire again, hitting the lead rider in the head.
There are four left. Four riders. You can handle four riders.
As if Hell has decided to come early, more riders come around the bend. The law, stupid little blue coats and all. Four riders turn into twenty. Twenty riders you can’t handle. You look back at Micah, out cold on the ground, and Kieran, still trying to wake him up.
“Take Micah and go.” You order.
“What?” Kieran asks. “Mister, I can’t leave ya here-”
“Kieran, go.” You yell. “I’ll find the horses and get back to camp. Tell Dutch what happened if I’m not back by morning.”
“I-I, I can’t-”
“Kieran!” You groan. “If you wanna make anyone in this gang trust you, do what I tell you. Go!”
He looks scared out of his mind. Anyone would be in a situation like this. But Kieran pulls himself together and helps you get Micah on the back of his horse. They’re gone in the time it takes the law to get to the stagecoach and you’ve disappeared into the trees by the time they reach the spot in the grass that’s covered in blood.
Your heart pounds as you run through the trees. Your rifle is pressed close to your chest and every step starts to burn once you see them. Baylock is on the ground and your horse is circling him, bouncing around nervously. You run to them and calm your horse, pulling them away from Baylock. When you get close to the always moody horse you can see the bullet wound. He’s been hit in the leg, his eyes are wide, he’s more scared than you’ve ever seen him. Carefully, you touch his back and slide your hand down to the injured leg. Baylock doesn’t respond aside from the occasional twitch of his tail. In the dark you have to feel around for the wound, it’s a clean shot. There’s no bullet, just a hole through the poor thing’s leg.
You mutter to yourself, reassuring your confidence as you catch your breath. You can’t leave him here, camp isn’t far, the lawmen aren’t either. You grab Baylock’s reins and urge him up. When he walks with you, he limps badly. You sling your rifle over your shoulder and grab your horses reins with your other hand, leading them both through the next set of trees towards camp. You’re gonna get away. The Van Der Linde gang is going to call this a success if it kills you.
Baylock is a strong horse. Anything that deals with Micah on a regular basis has to be strong. An immense compliment to both the horse and yourself. You need it as you trudge through the trees and duck deeper into the woods as lawmen patrol the roads. The familiar set of trees is a welcome sight and the call from Javier asking who’s there is even better. Your answer prompts some exclamation in Spanish before he yells for Dutch. It’s only been a few hours, the sun is just starting to rise, but everyone rushes out to meet you in various stages of sleepiness.
“You had us worried, boy!” Arthur says with a smile on his face as he takes your horse’s reins from you.
“What the hell happened out there?” Dutch asks, making his way through the crowd.
“First, Baylock’s injured.” You say, patting the horse’s back. “Where’s Strauss?”
“Here, here.” Strauss says, pushing his way past Abigail and John. “The O’Driscoll boy told me to prepare for the worst.”
The Austrian hands you horse medicine and lets you feed it to Baylock before he takes the reins to look over the wound. Once Baylock is safe you feel the exhaustion hit you. It was a long walk back and everyone has endless questions. Away from the crowd, lingering by your tent, is Kieran. He holds his hand together, messing with them nervously.
“Let’s all let the man rest!” Dutch finally declares over the chatter. “I’m sure we’ll get great retellings once everyone’s rested.”
Lenny lingers behind with a guilty look. “Mister, I woulda come back if I knew things got that bad.”
You wave him off. “We told you to get outta there, kid. You did good.”
He smiles. “You okay, sir?”
“Fine, Lenny. You should get some rest.”
As Lenny walks away there is only the clatter of things being knocked aside to warn you. Micah wraps his arms around you before you can even see him. He smells like blood and whiskey, but he’s never hugged you so tight and you can only return the much needed gesture. Then he pulls away from you and fixes his stare deep into your eyes.
“Never do that again, cowboy.” He grips your shoulders so hard it hurts a little. “Don’t you ever split us up like that.”
“I didn’t have a lot of options, Micah.” You say.
His hands fall down to rest on your gun belt, pulling you closer to him. “You coula left the O’Driscoll.”
Over Micah’s shoulder you can see him. Kieran is frozen by your tent, holding Micah’s bloody clothes and some empty medicine and whiskey bottles. Micah will never acknowledge that Kieran helped save his life, but you give a smile and you will never forget. You don’t know what you’d do without Micah. If he had been shot on that job, if he died from whatever injury he suffered from falling off of Baylock, you don’t know what you’d do. You’ll thank Kieran at some point, once Micah isn’t there to mess it up. Kieran didn’t do it for Micah or for Dutch or the gang. He saved Micah for you. Even if the man terrifies him, even if he is what stands in his way, Kieran will save him a hundred more times to see you happy.
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amused-bouche · 1 month
Tagged by: @regnismemorias
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it
Muse: Calder
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John Crichton (Farscape): 90%
Jamie Fraser (Outlander): 90%
Michael Lee (The Wire): 89%
Will Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean): 89%
Jack Pearson (This Is Us): 89%
Jackson 'Jax' Teller (Sons of Anarchy): 89%
Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride): 89%
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undrcssed · 1 year
A masterlist of muses that I have played throughout the years, that I am always willing to play. I do need to go over some of the FC's and probably make some changes since this list is YEARS old. But I will do that and update it!!
Abigail ‘Abbi’ Abrams FC: Victoria Justice 
Addison Smollen FC: Kendall Jenner 
Allison ‘Alli’ Ortiz FC: Madison Beer 
Amelia ‘Mia’ Abrams FC: Torrey Devitto
Ana Flores FC: Camila Mendes
Angelina Rose FC: Clemence Posey
Apollo Kona FC: Roman Reigns
Augusta ‘Gwen’ Porter FC: Hailey Baldwin
Avery Smollen FC: Kylie Jenner
Bailey Allwood FC: Katherine Langford
Bethany DuPont-Hunter FC: Rachel Bilson / FC: Crystal Reed
Benjamin DuPont FC: Theo James
Blaise Zabini FC: Keith Powers
Bleau St. Claire FC: Val Mercado
Braelyn Carter FC: Alycia Debnam Carey 
Caleb Kyriakos FC: Tom Austen
Callie Haverford FC: Gigi Hadid
Cameron Bartell FC: Natalia Dyer
Cathleen ‘Rey’ Murphy FC: Paige / Saraya Jade Bevis
Chasity Dean FC: Troian Bellisario
Clara Spencer FC: Alexis Ren
Connor O’Brien FC: Cody Saintgnue
Cooper Brozene FC: Joel Kinnaman
Cyrus Morgan FC: Scott Speedman
Daphne Greengrass FC: Pia Mia
Darya Smirnov FC: Taylor Hill
Davina Pace FC: Carmella Rose
Dawson St. James FC: Finn Wittrock
Dean Munroe FC: Jake Gyllenhaal
Demi O’Connor FC: Jessica Lowndes
Destiny Savvin FC: Eiza Gonzalez / FC: Salma Hayek
Dev Ambrogino FC: Nathan Parsons
Diya Gupta FC: Naomi Scott
Dorian Porter FC: Justin Hartley
Dylan Boyer FC: Olivia Wilde / FC: Odeya Rush
Eden Hunter FC: Danielle Campbell
Elizabeth Rush FC: Hayley Atwell
Evelyn Perez FC:  Bruna Marquezine
Genivive ‘Ginny’ Kennedy FC:  Alicia Vikander
Gracie Abernathy FC: Nicola Peltz
Harleen Quinzel FC: Margot Robbie
Hudson O’Connor FC: Charlie Hunnam
Hunter Munroe FC: Kit Harington
Irina Savvin FC: Claire Holt
Isabella Martinez FC: Naya Rivera  Christian Serratos
Isobel Garcia FC: Jackie Cruz
Ivy Hartley FC: Maggie Duran
Jack Collins FC: Tom Holland
Jalessa Myers FC: Jade Thirlwall
Jayden Munroe FC: Leigh Anne Pinnock
Jayson Hunter FC: Dominic Sherwood
Jennifer Martinez FC: Diane Guerrero 
Joanna ‘Joey’ Martell FC: Marie Avgeropoulos
Judith Grimes FC: Daisy Ridley 
Karina Smirnov FC: Irina Shayk / FC: India Eisley
Katherine ‘Katy’ Abernathy FC: Katie Stevens
Katya Ambrogino FC: Ariel Winter
Keith Newman FC: Travis Mills
Kimber Rhodes FC: Karla Souza
Layla Abernathy FC: Emily Kinney / FC: Candice Swanepoel
Leah Douglas FC: Nathalie Emmanuel / FC: Amandla Stenberg
Lee McBride FC: Dan Stevens
Lilliana ‘Lily’ Rey FC: Bella Thorne Luca Hollestelle
Lorelei Ambrose FC: Imogen Poots
Maddox Young FC: Amadeus Sarafini
Madison Nolan FC: Ashley Greene
Makenna Dean FC: Shelley Hennig
Mateo Fiore FC: Theo Rossi
Matheus Silva FC: Chay Suede
Matty Dodson FC: Cody Christian
Maximus ‘Mac’ Porter FC: Austin Butler
Melanie Rhee FC: Lauren Cohan
Mickey Wolfe FC: Troye Sivan
Natalia ‘Talia’ Smallwood FC: Emily Ratajkowski
Nate Ballard FC: Randy Orton
Nikolai Savvin FC: Joseph Morgan
Paige Stabler FC: Madison Davenport
Pansy Parkinson FC: Nona Komatsu
Parker Mercer FC: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Phoenix Dattolo FC: Avan Jogia
Piper Romero FC: Maia Mitchell / FC: Giza Lagarce
Priyah Jacobs FC: Alysha Nett
Psyche FC: Sophie Turner
Rami Armand FC: Zayn Malik
Reagan Powers FC: Allison Williams
Rhea Lockhart FC: Julianne Hough
Richard Thorne FC: Jon Hamm
Rose Granger-Weasley FC: Madelaine Petsch
Ryan O'Brien FC: Cam Gigandet
Samantha ‘Sammie’ Barker FC: Arden Cho
Sergei Savvin FC: Max Riemelt
Sierra Tsu FC: Dichen Lachman
Stella La’ei Kona FC: Nikki Reed
Sunshine ‘Sunny’ Jacobs FC: Dove Cameron 
Sydney Pearson FC: Zendaya 
Tanya Dash FC: Khole Kardashian Bree Kish
Teegan O'Brien FC: Lili Reinhart
Titus Kona FC: Jason Momoa
Tobias Graves FC: Travis Fimmel
Trent Lancaster FC: Andrew Lincoln
Valentino De Luca FC: Dominic Cooper
Veda Patil FC: Priyanka Chopra
Wyatt Cahill FC: Ryan Guzman
Xavier Waters FC: Don Benjamin
Zion Waters FC: Ricky Whittle
Zoe DiMarco FC: Bex Taylor-Klaus / FC: Ruby Rose / FC: Ash Stymest
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mastcrmiind · 2 years
post event starter call !!
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life has been a whole lot messy while the event has been going on & my drafts/inbox are all a hot mess, so i will be starting over post event with fresh threads for everyone. i’m gonna cap it at 3 per muse for my sanity for now :) comment below for starters!
rebekah mikaelson | tvd/to | claire holt | aware (altered memories) (3/3) elijah, eric, hope belle french | ouat | emilie de ravin | aware (altered memories)  (0/3) lexie grey | greys anatomy | chyler leigh | newly aware  (3/3) jack, jo, jester jack pearson | this is us | martin henderson | aware  (1/3) kate, cleo sertori | h2o | phoebe tonkin | aware  (1/3) rikki, lady lola flemming narcisse | reign | anna popplewell | aware  (2/3) kenna, mary rosalie hale | twilight | camila mendes | aware  (2/3) emmett, alice simon basset - duke of hastings | bridgerton | rege-jean page | aware  (2/3) anthony, daphne melissa glaser | the secret circle | jessica parker kennedy | unaware  (2/3) faye, lexi donna sheridan | mamma mia | lily james | aware  (0/3) anne wheeler | the greatest showman | zendaya | aware  (1/3) abby phoebe fisher | the last summer | maia mitchell | aware  (2/3) lee, arya spencer hastings | pll | troian bellisario | unaware  (2/3) mona, hanna bonnie bennett | tvd | kat graham | aware  (3/3) enzo, elena, hope matilda wormwood | matilda | kaylee bryant | aware  (0/3)
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rawbutprecious · 6 months
Muse List Updated
I have updated my muse list. I am currently making a character page for them. I have made quite a few as request only. They will probably get their own section on the muse page, but will not be the primary. To read my updated list, pleae visit here: https://rawbutprecious.tumblr.com/muses
Under the cut are the characters that are request only (I will gladly play them and want to, but they are not my primary focus):
Being Human  
George Sands
Josh Levison 
Nora Sergeant 
Code Black  
Rox Valenzuela
Dr. Mario Savetti 
Dr. Angus Leighton
Dr. Mike Leighton 
Game of Silence  
Gil Harris
Santana Lopez
Brittany S. Pierce
Blaine Anderson
Hank Dolworth
Britt Pollack
The Big Bang Theory  
Amy Farrah Flower
The Night Shift  
Dr. TC Callahan                   
Dr. Jordan Alexander
Michael Ragosa
This is Us
Kate Pearson 
Beth Pearson
Deja (playing her only as an adult character)
Rebecca Pearson 
William Hill
Randall Pearson
Spider Man
Mary Jane Watson
Pitch Perfect
Chloe Benji
Aaron Pittman
Miles Matheson
Charlie Matheson 
Marvelous Mrs. Maisel  *
Midge Maisel 
Gilmore Girls 
Emily Gilmore
Liz Danes
Paris Geller
Harry Potter 
Molly Weasley 
Linnea Amery (OC, Audrey Tautou) 
Luna Lovegood 
Pandora Lovegood (FC Saoirse Ronan) 
Nymphadora Tonks 
Jacob Kowalski 
Hunger Games  
Lord of the Rings
Samwise Gamgee
Meriadoc Brandybuck
Once Upon a Time
Robin Mills/Margot West
Belle French-Gold *
David Nolan/Prince Charming
Ruby Lucas
Wyatt Logan
The Resident
Dr. AJ Austen 
Nic Nevin
Dr. Mina Okafor 
Kate Austen
Charlie Pace
Daniel Faraday
MISC Euridice (Hadestown) The Baker’s Wife (Into the Woods) Jenna (Waitress)
Juliet Burke (Lost)
Dr. Leyla Shinwari  (New Amsterdam)
Brody Davis (Roswell)
Deanna Troy   (Star Trek)
Qui-gon Jinn  (Star Wars)
Todd Wright (So Help me Todd)
Castiel  (Supernatural)
Dr. Conrad Hawkins (The Resident)
Dr. TC Callahan  (The Night Shift)
Rufus Carlin  (Timeless) 
Adam (FC Joseph Gordon-Levitt) (Roswell)
Alice Longbottom (FC Mia Wasikowska)   (Harry Potter)
Dr. Gregory House (House)
Effie Trinket (Hunger Games)
Luke Danes (Gilmore Girls)
Dr. Iggy Frome  (Gilmore Girls) Dr. Lauren Bloom (New Amsterdam)
Alice ‘Tilly’ Jones (Once Upon a Time)
Gideon  (Once Upon a Time)
Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold (Once Upon a Time)
Max Evans (Roswell)
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Padme Amadala  (Star Wars)
Robin Mills/Margot West (Once Upon a Time)
Cinna (Hunger Games)
Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
Jack Pearson (This is Us)
Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time)
0 notes
hiddenwashington · 6 months
@mastcrmiind said : as im preparing to come off of hiatus i have decided i need to drop quite a few muses to help myself/because i've lost muse so could i please drop -- anastasia tremaine, brittany s. pierce, celeste kipper, diego, jack dawson, jessica stanley, mika yasuda, missy cooper, primrose everdeen, princess audrey, rebecca pearson, robin hood-mills/margot west, ruby lucas, tatia
anastasia tremaine , brittany s pierce , a hunger games oc , diego , jack dawson , jessica stanley , mika yasuda , missy cooper , primrose everdeen , princess audrey , rebecca pearson , robin hood-mills , ruby lucas , & tatia are now reopened for applications , please do not unfollow as this is a mumu.
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grahamstoney · 2 years
MUSE President Defends Heteronormative Gender Stereotypes In Upcoming Production of Guys & Dolls, Saying “It’s Hilarious”
New Post has been published on https://grahamstoney.com/shows/muse-president-defends-heteronormative-gender-stereotypes-in-upcoming-production-of-guys-dolls-saying-its-hilarious
MUSE President Defends Heteronormative Gender Stereotypes In Upcoming Production of Guys & Dolls, Saying “It’s Hilarious”
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Sydney University Musical Theatre Ensemble (MUSE) president Daniel Baykitch has responded to criticism that the society’s upcoming 2022 production of Guys and Dolls employs heteronormative gender stereotypes by stating, “Yeah. But it’s hilarious.”
The production team has brushed off criticism for casting leading roles Nathan Detroit (Oscar Seifried), Miss Adelaide (Claudia Redolfi), Sky Masterson (Tavis Bancroft), and Miss Sarah Brown (Belinda Thomas) based purely on talent and ability demonstrated during the audition process, without any apparent concern for increasing non-binary gender diversity.
Other major characters such as Nicely-nicely Johnson (Louis Vinciguerra), Benny Southstreet (Jesse Donaldson-Jarrett), Rusty Charlie (Kieren Gregory) and Big Jule (Graham Stoney) also appear to have been awarded based on merit without any attempt to address historical injustices that occurred long before any of them were born.
“It’s a musical comedy classic,” said Producer Gayathri Kathir, adding that they were just trying to put on a fun show for everyone and didn’t think gender would be such an issue for a comedy about how the two traditional genders traditionally related in the 1950s.
Director William Rogut pointed out that several cast members who did not identify as male were nevertheless cast in roles traditionally played by men, including Harry The Horse (Georgia Togher) and General Cartwright (Maggie Hartsuyker). “They’re doing a brilliant job of it too,” he said, while adding that casting Avide Avernathie (Andrew Smallbone) was obviously anti-ageist, as if this were somehow sufficient to satisfy the modern woke agenda.
Assistant director Daniel Sirmai highlighted the integrity of the casting process saying, “This is the best cast MUSE has assembled for any production of Guys and Dolls all year!”
When it was pointed out to choreographer Sophie Highmore that the Hotbox dancers (Lisa Kanatli, Johanna Kleinert, Paris Freed, Georgia Simic, and Caitlin Whiter) are all beautiful stereotypical cis females, she responded, “Yes, and their dancing is amazing!”
Musical director Kevin Wang pointed out that the show has arguably the best score of any Broadway musical. “That’s why I wanted to do it,” he said, adding that the rich dissonant harmonies of the crap shooter songs contrasting with the consonance of the mission tunes has stood the test of time.
Assistant musical director Rachael Pearson agreed, pointing to the lack of gender dysphoria in the show’s beautiful melodies.
Costume designer Caroline Xie said that the use of traditional heteronormative 1950’s costume styling is actually a positive thing, because it avoids confusing the audience and prevents characters being misgendered. “Nobody likes being misgendered,” she added.
Ensemble members Jack Fahd, Bonnie Fitzgerald, and Alice Kotowicz dismissed the controversy by saying that the rehearsals were so much fun that the show is bound to be a hit, while the actor playing Lt. Brannigan (John Vrionis) simply said, “I never saw crap shooters spend so much time in a Mission!”
Nevertheless, critics suggested that the inclusion of only two traditional genders and the focus on heterosexual attraction in the original 1930’s story by Damon Runyon, 1950 script by Frank Loesser and book by Jo Swerling and Abe Burrows displayed a distinct lack of cultural foresight. The fact that the show is hugely entertaining in the way it deals with universal themes of love, loss, and redemption, and its parallels to Shakespeare’s classic Romeo and Juliet is no excuse.
Socialist Alliance have criticised MUSE for employing a capitalistic monopoly by charging money for tickets and making them available though only one vendor. “We’ve got to fund the show somehow, and at only $40 for adults or $35 for students the tickets are a bargain,” said MUSE secretary India Wilson adding, “At only $28 a ticket, I’m sure the socialists would love to make a group booking. That’s way cheaper than overthrowing the government.”
Gender diversity advocates have suggested that the best way to protest Guys and Dolls’ egregious assault on modern thinking is to buy all the tickets and stack the seats with your friends having robust ego integrity, to avoid any snowflakes being triggered by the show’s patriarchal suggestion that whatever a man does, “The guy’s only doing it for some doll.”
Whether MUSE will get away with this offensive act simply by putting on a show that’s hilarious and hugely entertaining remains to be seen. Find out for yourself by going along.
MUSE at USYD presents: Guys and Dolls 12th – 15th October 2022 ARA Darling Quarter Theatre Buy your tickets here. Let your friends know by RSVP on Facebook.
GUYS AND DOLLS A Musical Fable of Broadway Based on a story and characters of Damon Runyon Music and lyrics by Frank Loesser Book by Abe Burrows and Jo Swerling Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia). All performance materials supplied by Hal Leonard Australia
Note: All the quotes in this article are made up. The people cited are all real, but they never actually said them. The show is also real, and the cast really are amazing. Go see it.
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sxperflxity · 5 years
          // @thebookofmuses liked for a starter.
“Rebeca, I’m fine, really. It’s just a little cough,” Jack whispers, the heartbeat monitor beeping calmly while his wife looks at him with a frown, fingers running through his hair lightly. “Nothing’s going to go wrong. We’re in the hospital, the kids are alright -- even though our house burned, we’re fine.” Jack says, voice low.
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lovepersists2 · 5 years
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@wildtruths​ sent:  ❛ It’s fine. You’re not even that blurry. ❜ ( @ jack from jess )
“yeah?”   eyebrows rise,  and he sits for a moment  ---  pondering.  deep in thought.   “that’s kinda funny,  i didn’t think people were s’posed to be even a little bit blurry.”   with his words,  jack’s hands extend,  each firmly gripping one of jess’ shoulders.  it’s then that he finds himself far more serious than he’d been a moment prior,   “hey  ---  c’mon,  sit down and tell me what happened,”
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the good place   |   accepting!
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storiescrafted2 · 6 years
(paraphrased) jo/hn mul/aney quotes for each of my main muses bc of who i am as a person.
addison montgomery bc this is just......  painful tbh:   “anyone who’s seen me naked and met my parents needs to die,” 
b’elanna torres:   “oh, well thanks for asking.  you know how i’m full of rage?” 
charlotte king:   “i keep things bottled up and i don’t drink,”
chloe decker:   “you know those days where you’re like ‘this might as well happen,’?  adult life is already so goddamn weird,” 
cj cregg:   “i don’t know why it’s a big deal,  but i like that i’m six feet tall,” 
emily prentiss:  “that’s why the MURDER POLICE are here!”
jack pearson:   “i keep my emotions right here, and then one day i’ll die,” 
jed bartlet:   “i got home that night and i went up to my dad and I was like ‘hey!  i’m gonna be a democrat!’ and without looking up at me,  he just said 'you have the moral backbone of a chocolate éclair.’”
katrina cornwell:   “the bar is SO MUCH lower than i’d EVER imagined!” 
lorelai gilmore:   “i was in connecticut recently,  doing white people stuff.” 
mellie grant:   “[she’s] a smooth and fantastic hillbilly who should be emperor of the united states of america,” 
peggy carter:   “she does not give a shit what anyone thinks of her in any situation,” 
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spaceraiseda · 6 years
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mlmxreader · 3 years
Magic | Josiah Trelawny x GN!reader
request: Kisses that trail from their jaw to their shoulder. With anyone from RDR2. 👉👈 - anonymous
summary: after a long time of waiting, the man you love finally returns to your side.
warnings: swearing, smoking, snakes?
Opening one eye, you grumbled as you dared to stretch, limbs stiff from a poor night's sleep, sighing heavily as you dared to sit up, opening your tent as you let out a loud yawn; Arthur and Hosea were sat at the table talking, Sadie was discussing something with Charles, Lenny was reading to little Jack, Abigail was helping Tilly with her hair, Mary-Beth was helping Karen with hers, John was bickering with Sean. It all seemed normal, or at least, as normal as it could be.
You grabbed your coat, tugging it on as you made your way outside and shivered, tugging on your boots quickly; mid Winter air getting to you far more than it should have, you made your way around to the back of your tent, lighting up a cigarette as you huffed and puffed small balls of smoke.
You missed him already. He had only been gone a week, you had known him to disappear for far longer. Yet you still missed him. Hoping he would be fine, that he would come back in one piece, that his silver tongue would get him out of trouble.
You got dressed after a quick smoke, and headed out to the hill where you so often met him when he was on his way back; hunched forward in the saddle for so long your lower back ached, watching the clouds drift by without a care.
You perked up, smiling when you saw him approaching; his hat a little covered in dust but no more so than what would be expected, you waved him over, and got your horse to fall into step beside his.
"You're back," you smiled. "How was it?"
"It wasn't awful," Josiah admitted.
"That bad?" You frowned. "You wanna stop and rest? I can make up a fire and-"
He reached his arm out and let it fall to your thigh as he smiled. "I appreciate the offer, but perhaps when we get back to camp."
It was magical to be with him again, to know he was at your side and safe at last, to know that the one you loved was finally with you again and that you would be trapped in his merciful, magical, touch once more the second that you reached camp.
"I made Arthur walk away from me yesterday," you told him, a fond smile on your face.
"He found a snake," you started, "nothing massive, just a little garter snake, so I asked Pearson for some fish, and fed it - Arthur wasn't happy."
"I can imagine," Josiah laughed softly. "But you did always have a soft spot for those scaled beasts."
"I just think they're nice," you shrugged. "You should be thankful to them, anyway - it's because of you pulling that little garter from your hat that we even met."
"Yes, that is very true," he mused. But the grogginess of being kept up all night travelling was getting to him, and he could feel exhaustion in his bones tugging harshly. He was regretting not taking up the offer to stop and rest.
"We're not far from camp," you reassured. "Maybe an hour out?"
"Not too bad," he commented, nonchalant despite his growing exhaustion. "You know, dearest, it might be a good idea to see if there's anyone in the area who has a snake problem."
"Why's that?" You quirked a brow as you looked at him.
"Well, you're awfully fond of those animals," Josiah started, "and you're very good with them - it might be a good way to make a quick buck or two."
"Maybe," you hummed, the idea was certainly good, and you didn't doubt that one or two farmers in the state would appreciate someone removing a few reptiles here and there. "You know of anybody?"
"A rancher near Strawberry told me he had a snake problem," he smiled. "It seems they keep spooking the work horses and the cattle, as well as getting into the house... no doubt he'd pay well if you relocated them."
"I'll speak to Hosea about it," you smiled back. "See if he has any pillowcases and shit lying around that I can borrow - as well as if he could borrow one of the stages."
"Splendid!" He almost beamed. "And would you like me to tag along, too?"
"Always," you tapped his thigh gently. "I wouldn't even think of doing a job like that without you."
Long conversation with saying both too much and too little took up the rest of the ride back home, occasionally stopping to find a little snake, just to hold it up and show it to the ever-interested Josiah, explaining what a beauty it was and what it would be eating and what species it was; he liked that you were so interested in those small predators and you were keen to share your knowledge of them with him. He always remarked about how you would be such an amazing sanctuary owner if there was time and money for it and any chance of getting out of the outlaw life.
By the time you had gotten to camp and hitched up the horses, you were more thankful to finally be in the privacy of your own tent; close enough to camp that you could see just about everybody, but also just far enough to have some privacy - and fuck, were you grateful to have some privacy with Josiah.
You sat at the edge of the bed, kicking off your boots and placing your hat on the makeshift bedside table, daring to dress down to just your shirt and trousers before running a hand down your face to try and get rid of the yawn bubbling in the back of your throat; Josiah was quick to follow, leaving his hat just outside the closed tent, weighed down by a few rocks, just so everybody would know not to disturb you both.
He folded his blazer and his vest, and put them on the trunk you kept your clothes in, then kicked off his shoes and undid his necktie, gently laying it beside your hat.
He sat down beside you at last, resting his head on your shoulder, and humming softly; his marriage had very much ended by the time he had met you, although he and his spouse still remained on very good terms, and he always told you if he was going to see his children for the day. He never thought you would understand, and yet here you were, looking at him no differently, and still treating him the very same.
You never went, as something always came up; usually Arthur asking you to accompany him on a hunting trip, or Lenny sharing a job with you. You told yourself there would be time, though, one day, there would be time.
"You seem exhausted, love," you said gently, pushing him back a little so that you could gently rake your fingers through his hair. Sleek with product. "Why don't you get some rest?"
"Not right now," Josiah muttered, shaking his head. "I want to spend time with you, (y/n), to make up for what we lost."
"It can wait," you told him honestly. "Right now you just have to rest."
Slowly, Josiah moved to kiss your jaw, making you grumble as you moved to let him sit on your lap, your hands at his waist as he placed his on your chest; his lips were soft, and his kisses were magical, the slight tickle of his moustache making you smile and bite back a chuckle.
He started to trail down, kissing your neck softly, so sweet that it made honey sour, but he didn't stop there; he didn't even need to look as he unbuttoned your shirt enough to push it over your shoulder, keeping the trail going until he reached the fabric. He trailed back again.
"I take it you missed me," you mused, one hand running up from his waist to tangle in the hair at the back of his head.
"Oh, very much," he murmured against your skin, once again trailing kisses from your jaw to your shoulder. He never once bit down, ever the gentleman, he always waited for your permission to do that. "I thought about you every night I was away..."
"I thought about you, too," you whispered, gently bringing him up enough that you could lean up to kiss his jaw in return. "I couldn't wait for you to get back... fuck, I missed you."
Josiah didn't seem to mind as you copied what he had done, unbuttoning his shirt and exposing his shoulder so that you could leave a trail from his jaw to his shoulder; although he was a magician, he could never deny that your kisses, your touches, were real magic.
"May I?" He gently tapped your neck, asking for your permission.
"Of course," you whispered, placing the sweetest of kisses to his throat before sighing contently. "But, before you do..."
"You ain't gonna leave again, are you?"
"Not for a while," Josiah promised. "That, I can guarantee."
With that, he gently laid you down on the bed, positioning himself so that you were both comfortable, and he started to work on marking your neck; he never really saw much point in leaving marks on a lover, but the little noises that escaped your throat, so magical and so splendid, made him want to leave them time and time again.
The way you whispered his name was more magical than any trick he could ever do, and so long as you liked it, he would continue to do it.
All he ever wanted was a little bit of magic, and all you ever wanted, was the magic of his touch, his kiss.
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buffytardis · 7 years
Aww-aww! How sweet was 5x04 of “Brooklyn 99″? ^_^ Awesome job there, Jake, awesome job. I’m still smiling & I am not Amy. :p Smart, great and unexpected way. Well done.
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mastcrmiind · 2 years
HONESTY HOUR ; now accepting
please specify which muse the question is for when sending !!
rebekah mikaelson, belle french, lexie grey, jack pearson, cleo sertori, lady lola flemming narcisse, rosalie hale, simon basset, duke of hastings, santana lopez, melody triton, melissa glaser, blossom utonium, donna sheridan, anne wheeler
also, as always give this post a ♡ for some questions back at ya !!
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rawbutprecious · 5 years
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