#josiah trelawny imagine
emmcfrxst · 4 months
I gotta ask you about Trelawny..because I love him imagine him with a musician wife because he’s a magician and all
oh that is SO cute omg :( he has SO many pet names for you and they’re all so wholesome because he really truly adores you with his entire being 😭 expect lots of “dearest”, “beloved”, “sweetest”, “my darling”, “precious”, “my love” and A LOT of hand/wrist kisses. he loves to rub his thumbs over the back of your hands. he’s always the perfect gentleman who offers you his arm when you walk together and he WILL lift you up and over puddles so his beloved doesn’t dirty their clothes </3
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outlaw-apologist · 2 years
The Gang Catching Feelings For You (RDR2)
The gang catching feelings for you! (Mostly GN) Characters: Arthur, Charles, Trelawny, Hosea, Micah Warnings: Micah’s story contains mentions of gender Note: This one was written for @onceuponadie sorry it took me forever to bang this out. :’) AO3 Version Arthur At first you thought you might be annoying Arthur. He always seemed really awkward when you tried to help out or when you stopped him to make sure his satchel was filled with new supplies before he left camp. Arthur becomes stiff when you’re around. Half of the time he could hardly hold eye contact. It made you feel bad. You were only trying to make his tasks easier. Everyone always had such huge expectations of Arthur. No one cared if there was enough stew leftover for him when he returned to camp, or if the supplies were rationed out to him. You took notice of this quickly, their behavior was beyond you. The man doing the most work for the gang should be supported.
“Thank ya’ kindly.” He usually responded whenever he caught you in the act, tipping his hat down to cover his eyes. It wasn’t in a rude way… just… awkward. It was hard to decode exactly how he felt about it and you assumed he’d speak up if he wanted you to stop and so you kept on doing your thing. You hadn’t seen Arthur in a few days. According to Hosea he went out hunting to replenish the camp’s food supply. Not something unusual. The day was lovely, naturally you decided you wanted to get away from the gang for awhile – in need of some serious space and fresh air – and help out by bringing something in. Fishing sounded nice! Not so close by, as you didn’t want anyone bothering you. You took your horse to a beautiful area you had heard so much about. Cumberland Falls. What you didn’t expect was to see a familiar outlaw fussing with his horse near the bank of the Dakota River. You slowed your horse to a walk, heading his way. Arthur’s voice carried was over the water in the cold spring breeze. “You’re alright girl. Just let me take a look at it. Easy now-” “Is she alright?” You called out. Arthur’s head snapped up and he gave a shrug. “Got ambushed by some O’Driscoll boys. Shot her leg pretty good. Hope she don’t go lame on me.” You could hear the upset in Arthur’s voice even as he tried to act casual. He had a close bond with his horse, something you had always admired. Dismounting your own, you rummaged through your satchel while approaching him. “Here- this might help until we can get her looked at.” You gently pushed a bottle of horse tonic into his palm. Arthur was slow to take it, interlocking your fingers together as he wrapped his much larger hand around the glass bottle. His eyes were on yours, gaze electric and intense. “Thank you.” His voice wasn’t shy this time. He wasn’t turning away from you as he usually did. “You look exhausted.” Your words were gentle, not meaning any offense. “Take my horse, I’ll lead yours so you can rest.” “That’s really not necessary-” Arthur trailed off as you took the reigns from him. He could tell there was no room for argument here. With a small grunt he turned to give his horse the tonic. In truth, Arthur was feeling pretty upset about his horse. Maybe it was the stress of everything. The weight of Backwater on his shoulders. His mind was racing yet, calm, at the same time. How was that possible? He didn’t know. The only other time he felt that way was with Mary. But you? Your actions were so genuine. It made him feel… better. Unexpectedly this was hard for him to accept. Why was someone treating him with so much empathy? Maybe you pitied him, an old man that had no value outside of stealing and shooting for dollars. However, he thinks he understands now. It wasn’t pity. Pity doesn’t make someone manifest from thin air when he wishes they were there. And yeah, it probably was coincidence this time, but damn did it feel natural. It felt… right… As if you two were being drawn to each other like magnets. You see him for who he is and you accept him no questions asked. “Somehow… You always know where to find me when I need you. What would I do without you?” “I guess we’ll never know.” Arthur’s stomach fluttered with butterflies when you flashed him that brilliant smile of yours. Maybe it was time for him to move on and find love again. ___ Charles You liked Charles. Being around him was peaceful. He, like you, enjoys the serenity that comes with nature; and so you two were often found in proximity of each other working on your respective crafts or doing a quiet activity while taking in the day. You didn’t know much about each other. He was a quiet man and you… well, you tried not to talk about yourself unless asked. Over time you observed things about him. It was hard not to. Charles is a dedicated man. Always would his brow furrow when concentrating on his work. He would give a little grunt of victory whenever something came out particularly good that he was proud of. You noticed he would stop to admire a beautiful feather on the ground, or an interesting rock. If animals wondered by your hang-out Charles would put down his work to watch them with a small smile. Fondness for Charles began to grow in your heart. You had feelings for Charles first. You never said or did anything to convey this, of course. It was hard to tell how Charles felt about you and… You know he wouldn’t be unkind towards you if he knew, but you didn’t think he’d feel the same way. Instead you carried on as normal. As time went on this became a little difficult. Every time someone in camp had something to say about him, you were either defending Charles or singing his praises. Not obnoxiously so, but enough to make a few of the gang members suspicious. Despite an odd look here and there, no one said a word. Not even Charles himself. Charles too had wondered at times what your words would mean when you would tell Bill to shut up because Charles was the best hunter they had. Or when you would threaten Micah’s life whenever it looked like he was about to say a slur. It couldn’t be- right? Charles knew he made himself too boring and unassuming… You were probably just being a good friend. “Hey Charles.” You greeted, sitting beside him by the fire in front of Shady Bell. “I know this really isn’t your thing but I have a lead in Saint Denis and I… Well, I need a husband so I can get into this party.” You flashed a shy but goofy grin. “Find someone else.” You blinked in surprise. You knew it probably wasn’t personal but his cold reaction did sting a little. “C’mon.” You gently nudged him. “It’s not really my thing. I don’t think I can help you.” “I know, but I need someone who’ll keep their head. I don’t trust the others not to ruin it.” Charles turned to study your face. You didn’t usually go on jobs like this, nor did you normally ask for help. The mission must have been worth it. “Alright, let’s go.” Charles looked stunning. Trelawny called in a favor from someone in the city and was able to pull together extravagant outfits for the both of you. Charles tied his hair back and… damn did the man clean up well. It was unnatural seeing him this way. It didn’t suit him at all, you loved his usual look more than anything. But hey- you could admire Prince Charles for one evening. Heads turned as you both walked into the small garden party. It wasn’t anything over the top. Mostly it was rich women chatting together. You had met them previously and pretended you were married to a rich man in an attempt to gain access into their society. It worked… A little too well. They were eager to meet your husband. Charles was certainly not who they had expected. “Oh-” One of the women’s faces fell. Judgment danced in their eyes. “You’re married to…” Her mouth opened and closed. Immediately you spoke up before something unsavory was said. “This is my darling husband Charles Wilson.” “Mr. Wilson” A younger woman extended her hand for Charles to kiss. “Y/N tells us you’re quite the talented agricultural tycoon.” “Is that so?” Charles shot you an amused look. “I try to be humble but in plain terms, you can say that.” “How wonderful it is a man of your stature could be so… influential.” “Oh come now Mrs. Jones. I’d love to hear all about it. Our husbands aren’t half as interesting.” A third lady giggled. You gave Charles an apologetic look. You hated leaving him here but the thousands of dollars worth of jewelry weren’t going to steal its self. “I’m afraid, ladies, I feel a bit ill today. May I excuse myself?” “Of course, dear. We’ll keep your husband company. The powder room is upstairs to your left.” You slipped in and out easy enough. The jewelry wasn’t hard to find. Upon returning you rejoined everyone. Charles did look a bit bored and you could only imagine what these women were saying to your sweet handsome husband. “Thank you.” You turned to Charles as you both left for the night.  He had an arm wrapped around you, supporting his ‘ill’ partner. “I know they were terrible and I feel bad for dragging you into this.” “Not at all. I’m used to it. It doesn’t help that I’m not exactly husband material.” Charles tried to make fun of himself to lighten the mood but it only made you feel heavier. “Don’t say that.” You squeezed his shoulder. “That’s not true at all.” Maybe it was the drinks you had at the party, but suddenly you just couldn’t keep it in anymore. “Charles you are one of the gentlest people I’ve ever met. You’re compassionate and considerate. You’re so appreciative of everything around you. You don’t speak much but when you do you’re so damn articulate. I could listen to you talk for days and days and still be in awe of how brilliant your mind is. You’re just…” You ran your fingers through your hair while sucking in a sobering breath.  “So beautiful. And handsome, but that’s a story for another time.” A nervous laugh erupted from your lips. You probably went too far this time. “It’s an honor being seen next to you.” Thick awkward silence blanked the evening for the longest time. How could he respond to something like that? It sounded…. It sounded as though you genuinely liked him? “You really mean that?” Charles’ voice was filled with doubt. You were probably only saying those things because you felt bad for putting him in such a position. Though, it was nice to hear someone point out good things about his character and not just what he was useful for. No one had ever said anything like that to him before. It made his heart skip a beat. “I do.” Charles hummed with happiness. He believed you. “I’ll be your husband again. Maybe not for a party of rich white people, but we make a pretty couple. I’m sure we can find a way.” His gaze met yours fondly. Maybe one day being your husband won’t be an act but a reality. ___ Micah “There you are dead-weight.” You could have groan as the voice of none other than Micah Bell reached your ears. You were having a nice afternoon reading in the trees not far from camp. Ever since the gang left Colter Micah’s been on your back – for whatever reason – and it was getting on your last nerve. Dead-weight was his new favorite thing to call you. If it wasn’t that then it was probably ‘piglet’. You eat Pearson’s stew at camp around him one time and he was enraged because you ‘didn’t do enough to earn it’. He wasn’t every creative. It wasn’t that you didn’t pull your weight, because you did. You’re a real hard worker. But you also value your alone time and Micah… Well, he caught onto that real quick. Every damn time you wandered off for a moment to yourself he managed to find you one way or another. You were at the end of your rope. “Shouldn’t you be makin’ yourself useful? Go make money on your back or somethin’ like the other girls.” You looked up at him over your book while he scoffed at you. All you could do was snort in amusement. “Maybe you should go make money on your back, Micah. Though, I can’t imagine anyone would want to fuck your grimey unwashed ass.” Micah’s face twisted up in both confusion and rage. How dare you insinuate something so… Queer? So disgusting? He didn’t know what to say and you watched as he struggled to come up with a response. “I bring in the money, I don’t wash the clothes.” “And what money have you brought in?” Your voice was calm and measured. “Only Arthur and I’ve been bringing in the big bucks.” “I’ve been out workin’ real jobs that’ll bring in more than you and cowpoke have scrounged up in weeks.” You simply shut your book. “Sure you are, shit-ass.” Oh- a huge smile crossed your face. That’s what you’ll call him for now on.   Micah seemed to catch on, realization flashing across his face. He suddenly threw his head back with a hearty laugh. Never had he thought you’d return his energy. Not many people did. Arthur probably would but that man was beat into the ground and no fun in his opinion. But you? Hilarious! “I like that. I’ll remember that next time.” He loved it. He picked on you because he wanted to stare at your ass while you work around camp. He didn’t like it when his entertainment left his sight. To be honest Micah didn’t think anything would develop between the two of you. He considered you just as pathetic as Molly… But now… Maybe you did have a bite to you. An inkling of suspicion crept into your thoughts when you caught the joy in his eyes. Oh god- this was just the beginning. Micah was going to have his fun. ___ Josiah Josiah couldn’t help himself. He had to flirt with everything and anything he found beautiful. You were no exception. He didn’t expect anything to come of it. Nothing ever did. You laughed at his magic tricks and scolded him whenever you and Arthur had to get him out of trouble. You were just… Ordinary in his life. Like anyone else. You liked Josiah well enough. The two of you would talk about a show you’ve seen or a book you’ve read. However, you found yourself drawn to him as if there were a magnetic field pulling you in. Whenever Josiah would pop back up or walk into camp you seemed to jump up and greet him before anyone else could. Immediately you’d ask him how he was or where he’s been. Josiah thought it was amusing the first few times. You must have felt bad because no one else really cares if he’s there or not. “What’ve you been up to Mr. Trelawny?” You ask every time, leaning forward with an interested smile. He enjoyed you humoring him. “Well my dear, you see, there were these wolves-” always would he reply with some fabricated story with half-truths. You didn’t seem to mind. When Josiah had his face smashed in by bounty hunters in Rhodes the sting of embarrassment was greater than the pain. All because of you. It felt almost humiliating, letting you see him that way. Half expecting you to scold him or roll your eyes like usual, he was shocked as you gently took his chin and turned his head so you could examine him. “Does it hurt?” “Don’t worry about me, dear friend.” “You didn’t answer the question.” You pursed your lips in frustration. Josiah ran a hand through his hair. He squirmed under your concerned gaze, not used to gentle eyes being turned his way. It was weird. Truly strange. You carefully wiped the blood from his face and for once Josiah remained silent. Had you genuinely cared for him this whole time? His heart fluttered… Maybe… It’s silly to think, in his mind, but just maybe… He could start caring for you in the same way. ___ Hosea You follow Hosea around like a puppy at times. If a job had to be done, you were right there with Arthur to company him.  Fishing? Your pole would be out with bait on the hook or you’d sit beside him with a book in hand. You simply wanted to enjoy peace of his presence as he fished. It wasn’t annoying by any means. You’re not loud or presumptuous about it and it seemed as if you always knew exactly when he needed alone time or when he wanted space. Hosea enjoyed it. His boys were all grown and doing their own thing. Everyone now saw him as an old man. For awhile he did jobs on his own. Seeing who’s house he could slip into to make their pockets hurt. Now? He had a partner in crime who always understood his vision. It was fantastic! You two swap books when you’re done reading them and talk in length about philosophy. There was a certain deepness to your relationship. At first, Hosea saw you as a kindred spirit. You were someone who matched him like a puzzle piece. He spilled all of his heartaches to you as well as his hopes and dreams. Bessie was a big one. He’d speak of her when the gang was huddled around the fire at times. But there were things he couldn’t tell anyone. Not even Dutch who understood the loss of a woman he loved. When Hosea gave in, letting the emotions and memories of his dearly departed beloved spill from his lips like knocked over ink, you listened carefully. Offering empathy in ways Hosea didn’t even know he needed. In return he listened to your own heavy thoughts, offering his arms to cry in when needed. The whole gang knew about you and Hosea before you and Hosea figured it out for yourselves. “I think we should also bring Y/N to the party.” Hosea proposed in the midst of hashing out details from the mayor of Saint Denis. “Of course you do.” Ditch rolled his eyes, causing Hosea to cross his arms offensively. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “C’mon, look at’cha. I haven’t seen you like this in a long time, Hosea. Just ask them out already.” Hosea’s moth opened in protest but no words escaped. It took several seconds for Dutch’s words to properly click. All he could do was lean back against his chair. “You don’t think it’s too late for me?” His old friend shot him a weary smile. “It’s never too late for love.” For once Dutch was right. Hosea hummed to himself, conjuring a picture of the two of you together as an official couple. It did feel right. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
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bombshelllblonde · 1 year
in honor of my recent disney trip:
rdr2 walt disney world modern au headcanons
(this accidentally got posted to my lesbian sex account so if you saw that…no you didn’t 🤠🥸)
-dutch is mad that the trip got booked in the first place. he is not a large crowd disney guy. he’s a “i need to sit with my back against the wall and plan our escape route” man. he is very angry that weapons are not allowed. it’s too expensive and he’s mad that they used the camp funds to pay for it.
-hosea is the disney dad. backpack full of snacks, sunscreen, cooling rags, the handheld fans that spray water, the batteries to replace the old ones in the handheld fans. you need tylenol? he’s got it. you’re lost and need to find the way to tomorrowland? he’s got the disney magic experience app up and ready for you. he has the itinerary written out perfectly and everyone has a copy. he has all the routes mapped out and he bought one of those “disneys best kept secrets” books. he used dutch’s credit card
-charles only ever wants to be in animal kingdom. he has the best luck with all of the animals; his calm presence always brings out everyone from their hiding spots. he knows all the fun facts about the animals and all the little kids think he works there, so he answers everyone’s questions. some disney parents want to give him a cast member compliment/shout out on the app but he just shrugs and says he doesn’t work there
-arthur is the head counter. he didn’t really want to go because he thought it was silly, but he is the one who is watching out for everyone. he assigned everyone a number in his head and he’s making sure they are all accounted for. when jack gets tired he throws him up onto his shoulders, and always has a cold water bottle available for any of the girls when they get too hot or thirsty
-john is all for the lightening lanes and scouring the app for the best rides. he forgets to add other people until abigail reminds him, but basically he has been booking himself on the big rides like tron, rockin roller coaster, tower of terror, etc. when he mentioned that he got the rides, arthur asked how many people he got them for and john only said he got a lightening lane for himself. abigail took his phone and john wasn’t allowed to use the app anymore
-javier is enamored with the princesses. he sees them all and isn’t creepy about them, but he thinks they’re all beautiful. jack isn’t interested in meeting the princesses at all so javier just sees them from afar and waves. he did walk by jasmine and he spoke spanish to her and made her swoon a little.
-in all the parks they have cooling stations where it’s just a giant machine that blows out cold misty water to cool down children. bill commandeered it. cast members have kicked him out but he manages to sneak back after shift change
-sean has been making sure that he takes jack to meet all the characters. he says he really wanted jack to meet timone from lion king, but in all honestly he and kieran made a bet to see if sean talked enough smack if timone would punch him in the face or not
-trelawny cries every time at the happily ever after fireworks in magic kingdom. he gets so many emotions and feels overwhelming joy at even the small parades (no i’m not projecting my own feelings onto trelawny rn 🙃)
-gaston flirts with ms grimshaw and it actually makes her blush. dutch feels rage and jealously almost immediately
“oh dutch he’s just playing a character!”
“susan, i don’t like the way he is speaking to you!!”
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the-kcm-muggleborn · 6 months
Can someone explain to me ...
Why Dutch didn't send someone to get the infamous Blackwater money.
(and some of the things from their old camp like Jack's book or Dutchs pipe that was a request mission, btw)
Send someone like, Oh, I dont know, JOSIAH TRELAWNY? Who already went back to Blackwater TWICE to save Sean, and what's the most bizzare is that apparently the money is hidden somewhere, and Trelawny is not being associated with their gang (not then yet at least) so Dutch could simply point him into the direction of the money and see if its even possible to get it back. But noo that money is simply gone and retrieved in the epilogue
I swear I am starting to doubt the intelligence of the entire gang since they have someone on their tail all the time and all the mistakes they've made. It's crazy to me
So can anybody explain this to me?
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mx-pastelwriting · 5 months
RDR2 HC - Running away together & what would it take
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RDR2 x GN! Reader
Summary: Running away together & what would it take for them to.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Established Relationship, Running away, Some Happy Endings
Characters: Dutch van der Linde, Arthur Morgan, Javier Escuella, Charles Smith, Bill Williamson, Hosea Matthews, John Marston, Josiah Trelawny
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Dutch van der Linde
- A hard task in itself, prying Dutch away from his power over the gang, it's an almost impossible task. Though echoing Hosea's words to lie low would earn you some time in having a voice over Micah's, he would consider it.
- Nightly talks cuddled up in his arms, imagining life away from the one you have aloud; he entertains it, but not without saying some doubtful scenarios. Having to change your ways, almost manipulating him into taking that life as a real thing.
- Never leaving his side, hearing every thought, not giving Micah a chance to talk to him in private, in turn driving you crazy. Doing anything for that good life, leaving your intentions to change just to get your Dutch safe.
- Every day drained you; all that work had finally caught up to you. Slowly, you lost faith as the gang came into more trouble, making you come to a realization. You made your choice.
- A night of loving Dutch one more time, cuddled up into his arms, then having to leave them. Leaving him in a deep sleep with a final kiss. Taking your horse he had gotten for you a long time ago and what little clothes you had left from all the years of running. Finally leaving in the cold night, not daring to look back.
A year had gone by, and still you dreamt about that day and its many outcomes, but all you could do was smile at the memory of his messed hair loving him for that final night. Telling yourself over and over that it spared the both of you, there was no use to keep trying. Leaving to build your own life, living out your dream that you tried so hard to convince Dutch of so many times.
He would have loved it, just the two of you; he just couldn't see it. Getting up from your bed, dressing up for the day, and having to live off of the small land you fought to get months after. Making your way to the kitchen, readying breakfast before your day of work, but a knock interrupts you from the task.
Grabbing your old weapon, hoping it still worked, then walking slowly to the door, pointing the weapon from your hip. Upon opening the door, your mind and body went blank. Dutch was standing at your front door, looking like shit. "Dear," he says, voice cracking. Even after all this time, he charmed his way into your heart, igniting your love again.
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Arthur Morgan
- You both have always talked about that kind of life and what it would be like, but it always ended as a joke and never as something to look forward to. Until you really thought about it, hearing Hosea's story of him and his wife fed into your dream.
- Bring it up to Arthur one night, making sure he took it seriously, not knowing what to say, only he couldn't leave the gang just like that. Over time, you pushed the matter, and he always listened but never said anything.
- Being with the gang for a long time, you watched it change as Dutch came into more trouble. Finally, it hit a breaking point when Arthur went missing from the meeting with Colm O'Driscoll. The camp had to calm you down, but it didn't stop the tears every night, fighting your mind to just leave, but it turned to worry that if he'd come back, you needed to be there for him.
- After days of the gang searching, you finally spotted Arthur's house with him on top, thinking you had just gone crazy. Hearing his groans of pain, you ran to him, crying aloud, causing the camp to spring into action, with some having to hold you back so the rest could work.
- After an hour of working on him finally letting you see him, never leaving his side as you waited for him to wake. Hosea brought you something to eat every day, knowing what you had been going through.
Snapping from your exhausted state as a groan came from Arthur, watching as he stirred from his rest. Tears once again spilled from your eyes while grabbing his hand and placing it to your cheek. Waking fully, he whispered your name, running a hand through his hair earning a hum from him as he rested his eyes once again.
"I thought you were dead," you whispered, kissing his hand earning another hum. "Okay," he whispered weakly, making you look at him meeting his blue-green eyes. Taking a minute for you to understand, you nodded, "Tonight." You responded, getting only a weak nod back. Quickly getting up to then plant a kiss on his lips before preparing your leave.
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Javier Escuella
- Being so loyal to Dutch, as soon as you'd bring that idea of life up, he'd tell you of the time he tried to find that kind of life, with it ending with Dutch saving him, in turn needing to repay Dutch with his life. A life for a life.
- Still, of course, you stayed with him, but it didn't stop you from trying. From mentioning small things, such as telling him to look at the homesteads as you passed them or talking to couples who owned their land, hearing the stories of home life making sure Javier was near you to hear.
- Wishing aloud to love him behind closed doors, but he brought up the suggestion of a hotel quickly you shot it down with wishes of loving him in your own home. Unknown to you, it wasn't till the end that he would change his mind.
- Seeing as he buddied up with Micah breaking your heart, seeing what Micah did to Dutch, there would be no way he would sink his claws into your Javier. Realizing it even more after hearing Arthur's words confirming your Javiers changed, solidifying your thoughts. Having to do the only thing that was left.
- Grabbing a bag, you started to stuff your things into it. Hearing footsteps come closer, you didn't look up, knowing who it was. When asking what you were doing, you told him you were leaving him. Shocked, he begged, but you gave it to him in the end, giving him an ultimatum. You or Dutch.
Pain washed over his face. He looked to the floor, hoping it would have the answer, but you continued packing. "Amor," he begged, but you kept your back to him as much as it pained you. "I can't do this, Javi," you say, tears stinging the brim of your eyes. "Tell me," he says, putting a hand on yours.
"All of this, you hate Micah. What changed?" You asked, making him look away, but you brought his face back softly with your hand. Cupping his face, "I know you see it. He's not well. I'm not going to stick around anymore, Javi," you say, turning to zip up your bag.
"It's your choice," you say before grabbing a few more things. "I can't," he says weakly. "Okay," saying your final words before walking to the horses, putting your things onto yours before hopping onto your horse.
Taking a last look at the camp, not caring who chose to look. Hearing as the horse next to you stirred, looking to see Javier hop on his with his belongings behind him. Smiling at each other, you turned away from camp, taking off quickly to start your new life.
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Charles Smith
- Having been in the gang for a small amount of time, he had never shut down the idea, though never did he start to make plans on it. Figuring it was from his friendships with Arthur and John or him just settling in having run with him before the gang, you were of course thankful for them taking you both in, but shaking off the idea was never going to happen.
- Taking long rides on the days he got off, hugging his waist while resting your head on his back, talking about many things: camp gossip, your past travels, the future. Sometimes passing by a homestead watching as the people worked away at their land, imagining out loud how that would be, it would be better than always running.
- He loved you dearly; it pained him whenever leaving you to do a job with the gang, but you hated it more when he came to you from a watch stumbling on his tired feet to then crashing into your arms falling asleep before he could even mumble, "I love you.".
- Making his choice after the bank job that had gone wrong, having to bury Hosea and Lenny's bodies, the both of you talked about the decision ending with a kiss and the start of packing your things. Though quickly interrupted by the law, causing you to run once again, making you both stick around the gang a little longer.
- Knowing it put the both of you in more danger, he tried to make it quick by using the gang to help the tribe, only meeting them once by going with him, you understood. Finally, the day came telling only Arthur and John and those closest to you, getting hugs and wishes of luck to your new life.
Waking to the cooing of birds wrapped in the warmth of Charles's arms, hearing him snore softly, kissing his scared cheek, waking him from his slumber earning a smile. Looking at you with tired brown eyes, taking a moment to admire your well-rested faces.
Wiggling out of his arms with an objection as he tightened them, making you both laugh before you headed off to the kitchen in your homestead, but not without getting dressed first from the night before. Having been years since that day, leading to a new life, though the past caught up a year later, causing Charles to go with John just to make Dutch and Micah pay for all those years ago.
Of course, coming back to you with a bullet in the shoulder and a promise to never leave you again, from John's home, you both made it up to Canada, living out your dream of a homestead. Ending your reminisce on the past as Charles wraps his arms around you once more, kissing your neck softly while you readied the morning drinks.
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Bill Williamson
- It had never been an idea to the both of you from all the years you ran with the gang until going into town. Seeing how a couple talked about their lives after getting that first taste of that kind of life, you never looked back.
- Not telling Bill at first, wanting him away from Dutch a bit before springing it upon him after one of your hotel nights away, he entertained your thoughts, though laughing at some parts until he realized you were serious.
- His first feeling was anger at how he could never do that to Dutch, but you argued that Dutch doesn't control your lives. Finally, he calmed down, telling you he looked up to Dutch. Knowing how he wanted the limelight that Arthur and John had, you convinced him that even if it was painful to say and hear, he would never be them. His obsession can't control him.
- Even though he listened with understanding, even agreeing, he told you the time wasn't right. Giving your understanding back to his reasoning, you stayed with him. But things didn't stay still for forever.
- The bank job had gone wrong with the law running you out of Shady Bell, feeling as if it was years before you got Bill back in your arms after hearing tales of him on Guarma. Having enough, you started to pack your things, causing Bill to freak. Hearing none of it, you gave him a choice. Hoping he would pick the right one.
Standing in front of your horse, holding your bag tightly, "I've hit the end, Bill; I-I can't. I can't stay up every night hoping you're alive; it's not fair to me or you." You choked through your words, causing a scene for the whole camp to see, but you didn't care; you were done.
Seeing his hesitant look back at Dutch, who watched on calmly, you had your answer. His continuous seek for approval from Dutch would never stop, and you weren't going to be around to watch it kill him or you.
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Hosea Matthews
- Having left before he would hear the idea once again, not shooting it down immediately though ending your talk with how his story ended, right back where he started.
- As time went on, his coughs had gotten worse, as well as his attitude towards it, helping with his cough fits earned a hand wave and a choked-out "I'm fine." But you kept pushing, knowing if it was the end for him, it should be anywhere but running with the gang.
- Bringing it up more, he entertained it a bit more, but other reasons would always pop up after, trying to understand you let it go after every talk. As the gang settled into Shady Bell slowly, you noticed that he became even worse; he barely came to bed, but when he did stumble in, smelling of booze, giving you a slurred "I love you" before snoring away.
- Not waiting for his final say any longer, you slowly packed your things over the days, making sure both of your horses were ready to go in the night. Thankfully, you met a couple who knew of a cabin not too far away at a cheap price. Saving up quickly, you bought the cabin, leaving it to wait for you. Taking note of when the watch shifts change and when the camp dies down for the night.
- Finally, you made your move. As Hosea stumbled into being his familiar drunk self, you went into action, calling his horse over by the back door quietly loading on what little you had left. Then, waking Hosea leading him to the horse with false words, finally, you were ready with Hosea in a drunken sleep on your back, fleeing into the dark swamp.
Riding through the night, keeping Hosea on the horse, with luck, you made it through the swamp and into the forest on your way to the cabin. Not knowing how long this would last not even sure if this was a new life. "Just enough for you to rest," you whispered into the cold night air.
Making it to the cabin, using all your strength to get him in the cabin, laying him on the bed, tucking him. Going back out, taking your things from his and your horses, then letting them rest in the small stable for the next few days.
Waking into the morning still hearing Hosea's snores with his warm arms around you. Slowly, you get up, readying his medicine, hoping he'll understand your actions. Being all for him in the end.
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John Marston
- Having entertained the idea only came up two times. The first was for one of Hosea's cons, having you and John play as a married couple that lived on a farm just for another couple who actually lived on a farm to come along to buy into Hosea's con.
- As years went on, seeing how the gang dwindled, thankful for not taking your John, but not without a scare and a promise to stay with you. Getting out of the snow, helping John to Horseshoe Overlook, fighting to keep him down, and resting. John made a joke about you being his spouse and having a little farm. That was the second time.
- John wasn't the only one with that joke; being protective over him, Hosea started to joke about how the con act ended long ago, but you were still acting the part.
- Finally, John was ready for jobs again, so you loosened your protection, though you weren't afraid to give it to Dutch if he came back with so much as a small scratch. Furthering that joke in the camp led you two to talk. John agreed to the possibility, but it was different in his mind. You saw it coming sooner than him.
- Sadly, it wasn't until the very end you could live out that idea. The gang fell apart, pushing you both towards Strawberry, but not without making a rule for yourself. Never to live that life again. It was easier said than done. John helped the framer, and you fled, leaving your John behind.
Reading the letter over again as the carriage hit every bump on the road, making your impatience worse. Finally stopping, not wanting to look out the window, needing to see him up close, you hurried out.
Standing there face-to-face with your John, having been gone for so many months, your eyes stinging as you wrapped your arms tightly around him. "It's over," he whispered into your ear, making the threatening tears spill, tightening your hold, not wanting to let him go again.
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Josiah Trelawny
- Living that dream already in Saint Denis, but unbeknownst to you, Josiah had dealings with a gang. Hearing the name of the gang from officers around town yet not thinking anything of them. Not even questioning his absence at home as his "office work" makes him travel a lot.
- Loving the stories of his travels made you susceptible to listening for things, but never did you think you'd hear about your husband from an officer's mouth on the street. Then the next day, another questioned you on your doorstep, being very hostile and pushing past you just to find nothing, but before leaving, accusing you of dealing with the "Van Der Linde Gang.".
- Hearing nothing from your Josiah in the few passing days got you worried—maybe you didn't know the man you married. Though finally, you saw him as he crawled up the stairs of your Saint Denis home, the sight brought you to tears.
- The damage to him was heartbreaking. He groaned and hissed through his teeth as you cleaned up his bloody wounds, then bandaged them up. Saying nothing, you let the silence fall with his story quickly following, but you didn't let him finish.
- Saying the name of the gang, seeing how his face turned pale. Telling him of what transpired days before, hit you hard speaking of what you knew out loud to him. Starting with a sigh, he told you everything with a voice filled with shame.
"Stop," you said, interrupting his explanation, doing as you said, looking to you. Not being able to handle the sight of him knowing every cut or possible broken bone was because of his deals with the gang. You started to question whether the life you built was even real; was the love you got from him even real?
"Love," he pleaded, placing a hand on yours looking into the eyes you fell in love with so many times. Still, you held your ground. "No more J," you say, making him look down watching as he nodded. Slowly, you wrapped your arms around his upper back and shoulders, hugging him as he sat in your home, where he belonged.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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nthspecialll · 2 months
Red dead characters as horses, based not on vibes but personality.
Firstly, I am an equestrian of twelve years I know that a horse's breed doesn't fully determine it's personality and you can find any horse of any breed with any personality, but this is based on stereotypes, my own personal experience and well... Google. Again, this is not by vibes, but personality so reflect a little from horse to person.
Arthur Morgan - American Quarter Horse
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No matter if it is a show pony or a workhorse you are looking for, the American Quarter Horse got you. It is known for being easy to handle but reliable no matter the job given. It is a good all-around horse and can handle anything from beginner lessons to high-level competitions.
Hosea Matthews - Norwegian Fjord Horse
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Very sweet and docile-looking horse but make no mistake, this beast has more opinion, sass and stubbornness than you would ever imagine. Intelligent in the way that it is fully aware of the people around it and knows when it is time to play tricks and run corners and when it is time to play it sweet. The second you dare underestimate it it will remind you that it is in fact stronger than what you might expect.
Dutch Van Der Linde - The Andalusian
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A horse breed known widely for being elegant and fancy but unlike many other hot blooded (reactive) horses, tends not to get hurt as easily, coming out fine from situations where the other hot blooded might have gotten wounded in. Although known for being smart, attentive and sensible, they can easily become too much to handle if handled wrongly.
John Marston - The Arabian
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Now I know some people are gonna be like "no that doesn't fit at all!" but hold on, just listen, hear me out. Although generally known for being hot-headed, hard to control and stupid, they are actually quite intelligent, have a high endurance and are well aware of their surroundings. With dense and strong bone structure they are quite resilient to much, however they do tend to get wounded in their own hot-headedness... (John I am looking at you strolling up to Fort Mercer and getting fkn shot on sight, tf you thought was gonna happen?)
Javier Escuella - American Mustang
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A wild horse known for its stubborn spirit and the lengths it will go to for freedom. It takes a long time trusting, however once having earned its heart it is the most loyal you can find. It is also a highly adaptable horse.
Bill Williamson - Irish Cob/Gypsy Vanner (Same breed, different name)
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Lazy, hard to get moving and often seen as bad, the last choice or a breed that wouldn't hold up in bigger competitions, however is actually quite good and does any job well. They are eager to please (Bill to Dutch) and can also grow a beard!
Till Jackson - The Shetland Pony
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Small and very adorable looking to a point one thinks they are harmless, and while they can be very sweet, they are going to throw you the second you least expect it. They will not let their short stature and cute appearance be a disadvantage to them but instead use it against others. (Knew one that bit the taller horse's stomach and became the damn leader of that herd)
Charles Smith - The Friesian
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Often seen as scary and frightening looking due to their tough exterior, however they are very kind-hearted and highly intelligent. They are loyal and well-mannered, very reliable and makes a good companion.
Kieran Duffy - The Haflinger
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A very gentle and generally curious fella. Known for being very friendly and people-oriented. If you spend any time around them you will also often find out that they are quite silly, however make no mistake, they are still horses and thus will always be dangerous.
Josiah Trelawny - Pryor Mountain Mustang
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An endangered form of Mustang that are known for elegance and athleticism and while could easily make for a great show pony there is a few problems. They are not very reliable as they are quite skittish and tend to flee as well as be quite hard to tame and tie down.
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scarfacemarston · 11 months
Van der Linde Costumes Year 3!
Despite the editing sucking - Please, please, please, "like" and reblog. It would help me so much. You'd think it's just copying and pasting photos, but I did a lot of thinking, finding the right pic and editing. Arthur - Jim Hopper from Stranger Things:
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John - Clint Eastwood's Cowboy:
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Dutch - Jay Gatsby:
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Molly - Daisy:
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Hosea- Oppenheimer:
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Abigail - Vampire: Very first year of trying something sexier.
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Jack- Indiana Jones:
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Charles - Hippie: He is ALWAYS comfortable. First year was comfty piraty. Then was comfty Jedi and now it's comfty hippie. Imagine he has a sunflower crown here!
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Sadie - Gladiator:
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Javier- Starlord because of the jacket and the music:
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Lenny as Sam Wilson as Captain America:
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Mary-Beth - Wanted Barbie, but Karen beat her, so she's Daphne:
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Kieran - Which means he's Shaggy:
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Tilly - Shuri:
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Josiah Trelawny- P.T. Barnum The Greatest Showman:
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Susan Grimshaw - Old West Madam:
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Micah Bell - Jason Vorhees:
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Bill - Beer Can:
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Reverend Swanson - Templar:
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Uncle - Santa Clause:
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Pearson - Toga Guy:
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Bonuses: Marston Baby - Cat:
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Rufus - Lion:
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verdemoun · 3 months
You mentioned before about Trelawny accidentally creating alternate universes so what are some examples of those? I can imagine one where they’re hybrids with their associated animals (I associate animals with most of the gang but I haven’t finished yet and I would love to talk about it) or an au where Hosea didn’t die or one where he was the leader or an au where Kieran survived and was more relevant during the later missions and things like that
Shout out to the Strange Man who is the same sort of pseudo-immortal trickster god as Trelawney and is entirely aware of how many times he has fucked up the rdr timeline. Trelawney is like his annoying little brother he turns up to stare at him in silent disappointment as Trelawney realizes how bad he has fucked up. The Strange Man has much more of a code about not interfering with timelines and prefers just being an omnipotent vague god-like figure who turns up around interesting people. This includes lecturing Trelawney about how stupid he is.
some of my fav Trelawney fucked up aus:
stopped Dutch and Hosea from picking up Arthur or ever forming a gang, believing everyone in the gang would have a better chance on their own. accidentally lead to AU where low honor Arthur was the leader of the Morgan Gang, and low honor Kieran is the leader of the O'Driscolls due to Colm being killed by Arthur.
Dutch dying in 1899 due to meddling somehow resulted in undead nightmare AU. rocks up in 1911 expecting to see John Marston living happily uncontacted by the bureau because the gang fell apart naturally and instead there's zombies everywhere and The Strange Man is waiting for him because Josiah Trelawney is in trouble.
Straight up told John he was from the future and what would happen if he went after Micah, which lead to the bureau contacting Micah to hunt down the rest of the gang AU after Micah killed Dutch over the Blackwater money. Micah, being evil, wiped out the entire Marston family.
Attempted to save everyone's lives in a rdr2 time loop style knowing when they were meant to die and doing small things like shouting at Sean to duck, keeping an eye on Kieran at the party, talking them out of the Saint Denis bank job. Butterfly effect resulted in others dying seemingly in their place eg. Molly getting taken by O'Driscolls and tortured to death, Javier being fatally shot, Jack being killed by Bronte because the gang couldn't pay him. Ended in Hosea being shot in the place of Grimshaw, which while Dutch immediately turned and killed Micah in revenge still drove him as insane with grief.
Trelawney thinking he was slick and telling Micah to work with Strauss for a cut of the debt money, resulting in Micah getting TB instead of Arthur. However, because Micah is generally grosser and in camp far more often it spreads through most of the VDL gang and they drop in the following months.
Good ending AU where the gang actually made it to Tahiti, Arthur didn't have TB, everyone was alive and happy farming mangoes and it was perfect but in being such a massive part of the VDL gang to ensure everything went perfect Trelawney forgot to meet his wife and then undid the timeline just to have her and his precious children back.
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youngdutchishot · 21 days
you’ve interested me in vanderlawny again please go on sir
I forgot of this, honestly.
Thinking of them though and if I never see Trelawny as Dutch's sugar daddy I might just die/sil. Can't see them as anything else!! Talk of them however, Josiah's definitely a romantic type. So.. They'd probably click off pretty okay.
Dutch is a hopeless romantic. Like. Grossly romantic. You wince when he acts affectionate, but his partner's more than likely flattered and showered in love. So. He's doing something right for once, I guess. Josiah and him would be that couple, if out in the open( which I highly doubt and will get to in a moment), that'd you get second-hand embarrassment from.
They're so lovey-dovey that it will make you envious. Your day will be ruined if you see them. And that could be positive or negative, or both.
Now, I personally think they'd keep their relationship secretive. I mean, it was the 1880s for crying out loud. I doubt they could be open even if they had wanted to be. And yes, plastering that internalized homophobia onto Dutch. He screams it and I take no criticism.. And I get the feeling Josiah wouldn't really care? If his partner's uncomfortable with others knowing than he's more than happy to accommodate. He too canonically lives two lives so he could do that with ease.
I don't know. I like to explore their relationship. Josiah would seem direct, doesn't really sugarcoat. And have you heard him in that cut scene of Micah and him? How he talks?? He'd definitely fluster Dutch with that. Cannot imagine what he sounds when flirting. In my wildest dreams, he showers Dutch and is a disgusting flirty cunt. It's always the well adjusted fuckers in a suit & tie too!! And c'mon now, it's Dutch, of course he loves the affection. So yeah, they'd mostly work pretty well.
I'd get into the angsty aspect of it but I'm not really down for the depressing side of that right now. So, maybe another time.
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softrozene · 1 year
Miss Me
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peppercet asked: Josiah Trelawny getting his face cleaned up by reader when he comes to the camp after that one mission where he gets kidnapped by bounty hunters? Subtle fluff?? They’re not in a relationship, but it’s just a really tender moment 🥺🥺🥺 I’m in love with Josiah rn I cant get enough of him!! Thank you :} 💕💕💕 
rdr2 masterlist
I am in a soft mood right now so I do hope I made it the right amount of fluff! I hope you like it Hon!
Originally published on September 17, 2020
Josiah Trelawny x Reader (Gender Neutral/Nonbinary)
Warnings: fluff, hints of past violence from that mission
Words: ~900
You felt a little bit worried. Only a little. Or that is what you kept telling yourself. It must have been obvious because Miss Grimshaw finally came over with that stern look on her face that she usually gives one of her girls.
“Standing around diddle-daddling is not going to make those fools come back faster. I know you are worried about them but do not neglect your chores,” She says.
You nod your head and Miss Grimshaw gives you a reassuring smile before walking off. You huff at the worrying thoughts that come back as you settle on helping Mr. Pearson out (and making sure Sadie does not murder him). Your mind stays focused on the man you are worrying about. Arthur and Charles should have been back with him now and every moment longer the more your nerves feel like they are on fire.
The said man is Josiah Trelawny- A rather mischievous yet elegant man (in your opinion). He has been nothing but kind to you so of course, you are worrying for him like crazy. Your relationship is a bit of an odd one as you are close but not that close to the man who always leaves. You enjoy each other’s company and you always loved to hear about his own adventures away from the gang.
He probably enjoyed the pure kindness radiating off of you as you soaked up his every word and not once gave him shit for leaving as the others do. Or that is what you at least like to imagine he thinks. You have not spoken about how he feels towards you but since he always makes sure to visit with a souvenir you assumed he at least has a good opinion about you.
As you chop up some vegetables and ignore Mr. Pearson and Sadie slowly getting louder, you take notice of Abigail standing up rather fast beside the fire camp and you realize why. Charles has brought back a badly beaten up Josiah. Your heart feels like it stops upon seeing blood and you nearly cut off your finger as you hastily put the knife down.
You feel for your gun as you rush over to them. Charles leans the battered man by a tree near the horses per his request. He smiles upon seeing your worried expression and lazily lifts his hand.
“It does not feel as bad as it looks. I promise,” Josiah says with a chuckle, but he ends up coughing and the pained emotion crosses his face.
What a terrible liar despite being one of the best. You and Charles quickly gather supplies to clean him up as he explains what has happened that led up to this. Your eyes widen and your blood feels like it boils at the thought of stupid bounty hunters roughing up the gentle man.
“Thank you, Charles. Next time you see Arthur tell him I am grateful that you both saved Josiah’s life,” You say sincerely prompting the man to nod his head and pat your back as you take the supplies from him.
You hurry back to Josiah who sounds like he is wheezing, and you huff at him. You quickly dunk the rag you got into the small bucket of water and begin to gently wipe away at the blood and dirt on his face. He says nothing as he examines your worried face and your eyes fall upon seeing the bruises that were hiding underneath the dirt.
“Nothing but only time can heal I’m afraid. I said before it is not too bad,” Josiah states trying to cheer you up.
It does not work as you reach for a new rag and douse it a bit with alcohol. He flinches when the stinging arises from you touching him with it before he actually laughs. It leaves you dumbfounded.
“Nothing is funny about this. I was genuinely worried about you!” You mumble as you keep a gentle touch while wiping at the open wounds.
You will not be able to wrap them so you deem them done, all he needs to do is make sure they stay clean. You stay sitting beside Josiah and he nods his head acknowledging your words.
“I meant no offense when I laughed. I just realized you really are the only person who would miss me if I left for good… I- Thank you (Name), for always welcoming me back with open arms and genuine kindness. You have no idea what it means for a foolish man like me,” He mumbles as he reaches for your hand.
Sleep is calling for him and you smile as you squeeze his hand. You whisper, “Of course, Josiah. I would miss you like crazy. Where else would I get my favorite magician stories?”
He laughs at that and lets his eyes close. “Yes. I best get some rest so I can bring you some more glorious tales fit for royalty to hear,” Josiah mumbles.
He feels safe with someone as kind and loving as you. Out of everyone here you are the one who would hold no doubts about him. Unlike Arthur and Charles who were out to find him in case he would sell out the gang but he would never even think of it- The lot of you he finds entertaining but you and your genuine nature hold a special place in his heart.
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clonesupport · 2 years
Saudade's Affair
josiah trelawny x f!reader - chapter 10
Masterlist (x)
word count: +2.2k
warnings: nothing ^^
a/n: just a little soft something🤧
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You stir awake, the light was barely shining through the tent leaving you to guess it was rather early in the morning. The camp was quiet, no one was awake at this hour confirming your suspicion. Your eyes come back to focus groggily on the man holding you, his face peaceful as he slept. This was the first time you woke up beside him, there was something surely special about seeing him this way, you wondered if he thought the same waking up next to you last time.
Your mind wanders, back to the events that happened the morning you left him. Your heart sinks at the memories though you quickly distract yourself with the warmth of the now. The feeling of Trelawny's arms around your form, the heat of his chest as it rises and falls in time with his soft breath. You shift your head up to observe him in his slumber, his features more relaxed than you could ever imagine them being. You never noticed how long his lashes were until they fluttered opened sleepily, his eyes lazily focusing on you before a groggy smile pulls at his lips.
Josiah couldn't help but smile. Against all odds, you were still in his arms. He's hoping this isn't a dream to see you look back up at him in your shared bed, "I thought you'd have left by now." He jokes, his words slipping mindlessly past his lips. You rest your head back down onto his chest, you yourself too lazy and tired to move let alone leave and too early to argue.
"I can leave if you want me to." You tease, jokingly threatening him, you can feel his arm around you tighten slightly.
"No! No… That's not..." His voice barely above a hushed panic as he holds you closer to him in fear at you really would get up and leave, though your soft chuckles puts him at ease.
"Go back to sleep." You say without looking back up at him, nuzzling your head against him, gently trailing your fingertips over his shoulder. 
As you close your eyes once more, Trelawny keeps his locked on you, admiring the way you looked so tranquil resting against him like this, peacefully dozing off. 'You look very cute sleepy.' The comment ran through his head, dancing on his tongue to escape him though he keeps it to himself, leaving you to rest. He smiles gently, eyes softening as he squeezes you slightly to convince himself you’re really there. His heart blooms with a new found warmth as he’s satisfied that this is not a dream, that he finally has you in his arms again.
Laying his head back down, he closes his eyes. His smile rests faintly on his lips as he drifts to sleep, happy he is in this very moment with you.
The next time Trelawny wakes up you’re gone. He notices your absence instantly, the ghost of the warmth and weight that was once you beside him. Perhaps you really were never there, maybe he imagined all of it.
He lifts himself up slightly, enough to look around your tent as he searches for any trace of you though he found none that told him you’d been here recently. He’s disappointed though not surprised, he did half expect you to leave, perhaps he jinxed himself. As a matter of fact he entirely expected you to never talk to him again after that day you left him at his caravan. He’s disappointed in himself, it was foolish of him for thinking you would stay with him after that, let alone until morning.
His arm is still outstretched, almost waiting for you to reappear next to him in his reach so he can hold you close once more and never let you go. Dropping himself back down on the bed gently, he sighs, resting his other forearm over his eyes, cursing himself for possibly being such a love struck fool.
He marinates in his thoughts, sifting through memories as he thinks himself stupid when you walk into the tent with two fresh bowls of strew, one for the each of you. The flapping of the canvas causes Trelawny’s ears to perk up, almost making him jump up in hopes of seeing you. Before he could curse himself once more for thinking so hopelessly his heart skips a beat as his eyes land on you, bowls of stew in hand as you approach the cot. You look just like you did in his arms moments ago, proving that you really were there. His heart flutters as he slowly sits up in the cot.
“Sorry, did I wake you? I brought us some food, thought you’d be hungry. You didn’t eat last night.” You say sheepishly as you stood before him. Trelawny’s chest warms at your endearing gesture, how you cared for his well-being. He’s caught in his head, simply relieved to see you as the thought of you possibly disturbing him flies past his head. He couldn’t pay any mind to anything else in the moment, nothing but the fact that you were standing right before him, that you hadn’t actually left him, that perhaps he still had a chance.
“Oh no, you didn’t wake me. I didn’t even notice you leave.” His smile is genuine like he hasn’t seen you in weeks even if he’s been with you all night. The happiness he felt seeped out of him as if he couldn’t control himself. You move to sit down next to him on the edge of the cot, handing him a bowl of the stew. “Thank you, my dear.” Trelawny says softly, a tone he so rarely used. He seemed to speak so gently with solely you, voice velvety soft only around you when the two of you were alone.
You blush, nodding in acknowledgment before the two of you begin to eat, “So, where have you been?” You asked avoiding his eyes. You almost didn’t want to know the answer, knowing full well you’ll get some half assed lie just like every time before. 
“Oh, nowhere and everywhere.” He replies nonchalantly, however he catches himself knowing that’s not the answer you were looking for. He glances to you, catching the disappointment in your eyes as you try to hide it from him. He clears his throat before correcting himself, “I’ve been around Rhodes mostly, staying in that caravan I’ve been renting. Although looks like I won’t be going back there now will I.” He smirks softly at you, trying to lighten the mood a tad. Your soft giggle rewards him as he smiles more proudly, glad to help lessen your malcontent state.
“Been doing some digging around as usual, talking to people, getting information about things here and there. Nothing too different form the usual.” He adds on as you eat, listening to him as he takes a couple bites between his words. “And then those bounty hunters arrived, took me, interrogated me and well…” He motions to the cuts and bruises on his face as your brows furrowed subtly at the reminder. Trelawny looks down at his mostly eaten stew as his features soften, “The only good thing coming out of all this is that I was able to you again.” He says honestly, catching you a bit by surprise.
He places his bowl on your makeshift nightstand before grabbing a hold of your hand, bring his other hand to clasp gently over your smaller one as he brushes the top of your knuckles like he did the first day you’d met, soothing and familiar. “I’ve missed you my dear, gravely.” He says deeply, catching your eyes with his as he spoke, “I know you don’t like the way I work, but I promise I will tell you the truth from now on.” He squeezes your hand with his, the other coming up to brush your cheek with his thumb. “I want to make it right between us, I want us to have something special. I know we can.” He purses his lips into a hopeful smile, hoping you’ll say yes, hoping you won’t turn him away again.
Trelawny’s hand lingers on your cheek, trailing down your neck gently, almost afraid of moving it any further as for maybe you’ll swat him away. You sit still as he watches the unreadable melancholic longing in your eyes. He wonders if it’s a longing for him perhaps? Though he doesn’t want to misread anything, nor does he want to push you away too soon.
“I understand if you still don’t want to approach the topic, or perhaps even still being interested in this.” He gestures between the two of you as he drops the hand from your jaw. He slightly loosens the hold on your hand in thought.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you look down at your hand in his smiling, squeezing his this time as you place your bowl aside on the cot, “you really think I’d hate you forever?” You chuckle softly as you watch him look at you in a subtle baffled wonder. “I may not like your choice in career and I may not like it when you lie to me, though I can’t say much considering I live with a gang of outlaws. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t missed you too, that I don’t want to give this a chance.” Your gaze glances to the side as you feel a blush creep up your neck from your admittance, “God have I missed you, have I thought about you, wondered if you were ok. Hoping you weren’t getting yourself into trouble.” You paused on the last note, your expression dropping remembering the way you found him as your hands cupped his.
Trelawny catches the fall in your mood, feeling guilty for making you worry let alone having you find him in a rather unpleasant state just the previous day.
“You know, I never wanted to leave.” You looks down at your joined hands, unable to look him in the eyes for too long, afraid you’ll get intimidated and shy away from speaking how you truly feel. Something about his gaze made your blood tingle beneath your skin, your heart jump within your ribcage. It was hard not to hide. 
He watches you with intent, wanting to hear everything you have to say, wanting to continue listening to your voice. 
“It’s been a nightmare without you, but I was too stubborn in my choices. I wouldn’t have been able to find you let alone get myself to go back to that caravan, though I suppose I don’t have to worry about finding the courage anymore, fate crossed our paths once more for us.” You glance back at him sheepishly. He gives you a gentle, kind smile.
“I understand. I know I haven’t always told you everything, or much truth for that matter, but I meant it when I said I’ll change that for you. I find myself willing and wanting to do anything for you, my dear.” 
You smile at his words. God you hoped he was telling the truth, just this once, because with the way he was looking at you, talking to you, holding you? There was no way you’d be able to turn back now.
You move to sit closer to him, leaning into him as you kiss him. The moment your lips touch his, it feels as though the wind is knocked from your lungs like you’ve been starved of him for far too long as you kissed him deeply. You rest your hands against him as you savour this feeling. It’s stronger than last night’s kiss, more desperate, craving for one more taste. 
Trelawny presses into you, so desperately wanting more, not wanting you to leave him. Not wanting you to disappear. His hand reaches to caress your neck, his other hand moving to find purchase on your waist. Your hands slide up to rest against his chest, bunching his shirt in your fists. You missed this, you’ve missed him.
You pull away before your kiss can escalate. As much as your current state of mind wanted to push things along, a part of you knew you were still worried to do anything you might regret later, even if in truth you’d never regret anything you do with him. He rests his forehead against yours “I can’t begin to tell you how much I’ve missed this, my love.” He chances the new nickname. 
The endearment term catches you off guard, shocking you a split second. He notices you shock and panics a bit, ready to apologize before your beautiful smile graces your face and you chuckle. “Me too.” You say simply, leaning back in to peck his lips before you stand up, grabbing your bowls. Josiah is about to get up and follow you when he feels a sharp jab of pain in his side, he’d almost forgotten the beating he took just 12 hours ago. You notice his stifled groan of discomfort, gently pushing him back down by the shoulder. His hand comes up to cup your elbow as you did so, as if wanting to savour any little bit of touch from you he can get.
“Rest,” you tell him in a hushed tone, “you need it.” You begin to walk out of the tent, you arm slowly sliding from Trelawny’s grasp before your hands touch, then fingers, then you slip just out of his reach as you exit the tent.
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outlaw-apologist · 1 year
Soulmates (Josiah Trelawny x Reader)
Requested by @ladylexib I’m SO sorry it took so long ❤️ Pairing: Josiah x F!Reader Summary: With rain comes feelings. Not all feelings are bad. Rain brings life, hope, and even romance. Walking through Saint Denis hand in hand, you can’t help but to notice how handsome Josiah looks. Pure fluff!!! Read on AO3 The rainy afternoon bathed Saint Denis in a dreary yet poetic light. As you walked through the quiet streets with Josiah you couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of peace and tranquility with your beloved. The rain pattered softly against the umbrella that Josiah held above you both. You walked hand in hand, Josiah's much larger hand engulfing yours fondly as you two take in the sights and sounds of the city.
Josiah was dressed impeccably, as always, in a finely tailored suit that fit him like a glove. You couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as you walked beside him, feeling as if you’re the luckiest woman in the world to be seen with such a dashing lover. He was so tall and handsome… Not to mention he was always sweet on you. You caught him sneaking glances until finally your eyes lock and Josiah’s lips give way to a smile. “Sorry for staring, my dear. You just look so ethereal.” His flattery was not foreign to you and yet somehow he still managed to make you blush.
As you rounded a corner, you came upon a beautiful ancient weeping willow tree towering over the buildings in the older part of the city. Its long branches drooped towards the ground, spinning droplets of water down its leaves. Josiah stopped and looked up at the tree, a look of wonder crossing his face. He always seemed to appreciate the willows, you noticed.
"My dear, have you ever seen anything so beautiful?" He asked, gesturing towards the tree.
You smiled at him, feeling your heart swell with affection. Hair fell into Josiah’s face as he marveled, an uncommon sight for such a well put together man. "Not since I met you, Josiah," You replied, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. You couldn’t help yourself when he looked so delicious.
Josiah blushed and quickly looked away. He hadn’t expected such a response pouring from your sweet lips and he suddenly felt flustered. His eyes scanned the surrounding area to make sure nobody had seen your display of affection. But you could tell he was quite pleased. “I say, you beat me to it! That’s exactly what I was about to say to you.”
“I thought so!” You giggled, your dress swaying as you gave a cute little bounce in excitement. It was hard to pull one over on Josiah given his cunning personality. It felt like a victory.
As you continued your walk, you talked and laughed and shared stories, enjoying each other's company in a way that only true soulmates can. At least, that’s what Josiah always says to you whilst you lay in his arms at night. “We’re two souls cut from the same cloth fabric. You and me, my love. Soulmates.”
Eventually you talk about your hopes and dreams for the future. What you wish your relationship with him brings and about the adventures you want to have together. About the life you want to build with him. He wraps a secure arm around you while listening intently, the rain still falling softly around you making the lights of Saint Denis blurry at a distance.
As the sun began to set and the rain began to slow, Josiah turned to you and cradled your face in his hands with much love and care. "My dear," he said softly, his eyes dancing with adoration. "I cannot imagine a life without you. You are the light of my world, the joy in my heart, and the reason I wake up every morning with a smile on my face. I love you more than words can express."
You felt tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you looked into his gaze, feeling the overwhelming love and devotion that radiated from the man in front of you. You leaned in and kissed him deeply, pouring all of your passion and affection that had been building between you for so long into the kiss.
In that moment you knew that you had found your forever with Josiah. The rain continued to fall bringing with it the chill of night, but you didn't care. You were lost in the moment, lost in the love that you shared with the man who has always been your soulmate.
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oblongblockofsteel · 2 years
It's the small things. Josiah Trelawny/Arthur Morgan
Just a few thoughts I had about their relationship.
• Arthur never stops being amazed by Trelawny's magic, no matter how many times he sees it, his heart jumps a little. Trelawny loves this, but keeps his magic minimum so as to make it extra special for Arthur.
• Trelawny loves Arthur's arms the most. Being a fiercely independent creature, he finds comfort in knowing that in Arthur's arms, he finds a sense of belonging and safety. The only real place he does so. Arthur loves holding Trelawny, the only time the magician truly relaxes is when he's wrapped up in his arms. Otherwise, his mind is running a mile a minute.
• Arthur can draw almost anything from memory. Although he likes to use references, if pushed he can easily draw and sketch anything to a tee. When Josiah leaves for long stretches, his book quickly becomes fill up with the man's faces and expressions. When he returns, Arthur hides the book which Josiah inevitably finds and eagerly makes up for lost time.
• Josiah loves to sing. Cornish ballads are some of his favourites, but he rarely does so. It's the only part of himself he's actually a little shy of. Only when he's with Arthur, alone and secure, will he hum those merry old tunes he can still remember from his younger years. Arthur loves Josiah's singing to the point of yearning. It makes him hum in his heart; he wishes others could hear it too, but never presses the issue.
• They don't argue much, usually they have spits and spats over small things, but outright arguing is rare. Arthur likes to listen, and Josiah is quick to see problems. But when they do argue its biting and cruel. Josiah knows where to strike hard with his tongue and Arthur knows where to strike with his fists. They each come out worse for wear, but they make up quickly, too desperate for each other's forgiveness to do otherwise.
• Josiah kissed Arthur first. It came as a damned shock, and Arthur too uncertain of his own worth, had quickly dismissed it as a joke, hurting Josiah in the process. It took a second kiss, hard and fierce under a sprig of mistletoe to convince him Josiah really meant it. Since then, Arthur carries a sprig with him wherever he goes.
• Josiah suffers from Insomnia. He calls it his 'mania' a time where he often comes up with some of his best ideas. But eventually the sleeplessness starts to bite own on his soul, and he struggles to focus, to think, to even be polite. When that happens, Arthur will take him to a tent, and hold him, talking about this and that and anything he can think of until Josiah finally succumbs to sleep.
• Arthur suffers from nightmares. Some of the worst hours have been spent locked in unbridled terror by his own imagination. No matter what he does, the ghastly images and fears catch up to him in his dreams. Like a wolf stalking him at the edge of his vision. He's screamed and thrown punches in the dead of night, caught in a trap of terror. But no matter what happens during them, at the end he always finds Josiah: hovering close, concerned, kind and ready to listen should he need it.
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tre1awny · 2 years
“ i’m miserable. been a tough few days.”
can john see the way josiah contemplates agreeing with him?      why, yes, mr. marston, you do look certifiably miserable! but that would be unkind, and more to the point, they’re all miserable-looking at the moment. josiah turns his face away before john ever gets the chance to wonder what could’ve come out of his mouth off-the-cuff. there’d been the shootout, of course, the loss of poor sean. then, the fire of braithwaite manor had burned for days, and he’d wondered in shock and awe at the smoke from his caravan for a grand total of ten minutes before realizing what might’ve occurred.
he doesn’t think he’s ever saddled gwydion so quickly, hoping — however naively — to circumvent the inevitable, stow the lawmen, get information to someone. in the days to follow he’d mourned his own responsibility in telling dutch and the rest of that silly little feud, perhaps encouraging them in his own small way to get involved, offering them discrete details and information. the truth, josiah knows, is that if he hadn’t, someone else would’ve beaten him to it. that’s just the way these things go, with the van der linde gang.
john’s own son, lost, well, that’s... there are no words for it, are there? there have been moments like these where he’d like to offer comfort, in the past with any one of them, but that’s the real trouble with living two lives and wearing two faces. ( or a hundred, depending on the day. )  no one can know of trelawny’s own sons, and john marston has made such a show of his own struggle in trying to bond with jack. trelawny, of course, has never been there to witness it. but he’s heard things — he’s only ever survived this life because of how well he listens.
he reaches out, wordless, to place a firm hand on john’s shoulder, and to offer him his unlit cigarette. it’s not much, hardly a kindness at all, but the things he’d like to say are things that john has either already thought, or heard, or been told before... or they give up more about himself than he’d like to ever share. perhaps john will be able to construe his shared worry through touch alone. the contact ends as quickly as it’d begun, as josiah draws back with a firm nod, mouth pressed into a hard line. in the firelight, john’s scars make him look like an entirely man.
❝ yes, i can imagine that the circumstances you’re facing now seem quite difficult, by comparison to what we’ve been struck with in the past. ❞ and isn’t that the understatement of the slowly-encroaching new century?   ❝ even so, i have no doubts that jack will be found and returned to us unharmed. angelo bronte... ❞ well, trelawny has his doubts about the man himself, but saint denis is a strange place, full of odd cruelties and kindnesses in turn.  ❝ if there’s anything i can do for you, john — anything — you’ll know where to find me. ❞ except john won’t, and in some ways, that’s the point.
— @w0lfbite   /    ask meme.
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Worry | Josiah Trelawny x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: oh my gosh, i just recently came across your blog and it’s amazing, its like my holy grail - your writing is so great and i treasure the mlm content so much.
and if you’re still doing the prompt list, could i request "It looks good on you" with trelawny?
summary: you and Josiah are always together, and although he knows you've got the skills to handle yourself, he can't help but to worry - especially when you get hurt.
tws: gun mentions, injury
Even though your loyalties did lie with Arthur Morgan, you were still just as guilty as Josiah when it came to running off, and usually, you went with him, although sometimes you went off on your own; you would always come back to the gang, though, you would always end up sitting with Hosea at the fire or going for a ride with Lenny or telling Arthur about all the animals you had seen while he drew them in his journal or helping Charles to make different kinds of arrows. But you were never far from Josiah, not once, and when you stayed at camp together, you shared the same tent; when you were off on your little wanders, you always shared the same space, and it wasn't rare for you to use your relationship as a romantic couple during your little scams, either.
You and Josiah, practically inseparable in every sense of the word. And the entire gang knew it, too. They knew that if they wanted to speak to you, they'd have to suffer Trelawny as well; they knew that, and it was just a fact that nobody really thought twice about - nobody really seemed to mind. Nobody batter an eye, it had always been like that, it wouldn't change; but even when you went out with the guys, usually Charles or Lenny, and you came back covered in blood and dirt and fuck knew what else, it was always Josiah who pushed everyone aside so that he could make sure you were alright.
It was one of those times when you and Josiah were staying at camp for a while, and Charles and Lenny had asked for your assistance with a robbery, which you were more than happy to do; but when the homeowner turned out to actually be there, a fight had broken out, and you had caught your arm, resulting in your sleeve ripping and a particularly nasty cut across your skin. Charles had patched it up, which you thanked him profusely for, but when you got back to camp and Josiah saw, he was immediately at your side.
"Are you alright? How bad is it? What-"
"I patched the wound up," Charles told him, holding by the shoulders while you got down from your horse. "(y/n) will be fine."
"Yeah, Charles ought to be a doctor," you joked softly. "I'm fine, though. Honestly."
Josiah frowned, offering you his arm so that you could walk with him. "Are you sure? I can take you to a surgeon or-"
"Josiah," you grumbled, shaking your head. "I'm alright. It's not that deep, Charles took a look at it. It's not that bad."
He didn't quite believe you, but he trusted Charles and he trusted Charles' opinion on the matter, so he dropped the subject as he walked you back to your shared tent; he was tender as he helped you to undo your shirt and to shrug it off.
"Wear this," he said gently, pressing one of his soft waistcoats into your hands. "You don't want to suffocate the wound once it scabs over."
You pulled it on, but didn't bother to do it up, and when you caught Josiah looking at your chest, you raised a brow. "What?"
"Nothing, just..." he shrugged, licking his lips and daring to smile. "It looks good on you. You look very handsome."
Josiah was still very much careful with you as he sat down next to you, pulling out a little cigarette card from his pocket and showing it to you; he had picked it up when you hadn't been looking, and he knew that you would appreciate it more than he did. It was a little bent, but the little picture of a bullsnake on it was still so clear; he smiled when you took it from him.
"Where'd you get this?"
"I simply acquired it," he told you. "I thought you would like it, so I kept it in my pocket until you got back."
You rested your head on his shoulder after you stuffed the card into your pocket, sighing softly as you grumbled, daring to press a quick kiss to his neck that has him blushing and stuttering. "You can be so damn adorable sometimes, Josiah."
Slowly and with great caution, he put his arm around your shoulders, careful not to touch the wound on your arm as he ran his hand up and down your bicep. "Are you sure you're alright?"
"Very," you chuckled. "You don't need to worry."
"It's hard not to," he admitted quietly. "I know you're very skilled with that revolver of yours, but it's hard not to worry."
"I know," you hummed. "But I had Charles and Lenny with me - you know the three of us make a damn good team."
"And that's what worries me most," he confessed. "If the three of you got into more trouble than you could handle... what would I do?"
"Probably get Hosea to give us all an earful about being more careful."
"Yes, more than likely."
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - do not just leave a "like", REBLOG IT. you may also leave feedback in the form of asks, tags, etc which is greatly appreciated, but you SHOULD reblog it regardless.
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from the van der linde boys, with love 💌
vde 2021 m.list
status: complete
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|| rdr vde (ladies) | batboys vde | bnha vde ||
|| rdr tag | other m.lists | my ao3 | my main blog ||
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♡ it’s exactly what it sounds like lol. just cute/heartfelt letters from the boys to their sweethearts.
♡ these, like p. much everything i write these days, are written with a gender neutral reader.
♡ all fills are poc friendly!
♡ there’s nothing particularly spicy in these, but as i stated above, this is an 18+ blog so if minors (i.e. anyone that’s not at this exact moment 18 or above) could steer clear that’d be great.
♡ links under the cut so as not to clutter up your dash/blog.
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|| arthur morgan
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yours in every way imaginable || wc: ~600
i love you, ____, so damn much, and that’s every day of, well forever. baby, you’ve got me—from now until the end of my days—so do with me what you will.
he doesn’t know how he got you, but he’s damn sure gonna do everything in his power to keep you…
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|| bill williamson
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with love from your man || wc: 200~
i love you more than i ever thought it was possible to love anyone, you truly are my better half. i don’t know what else to say besides that, but then again i don’t think there really is anything else to be said.
sometimes he thinks that he loves you more than what even he knows…
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|| charles smith
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with love from your man || wc: 300
you’re a gift to me, love, a treasure most precious and rare…
even when he doesn’t say it you know how much he loves you, how much he cares…
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|| dutch van der linde
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loving you more than you can ever fully know || wc: ~400
thank you for giving this to me, sweetheart, this promise of a hundred thousand beautiful tomorrows.
the depth of his love can only ever be matched by the grandiose way in which he shows it…
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|| hosea matthews
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loving you, now and forever || wc: ~400
you have breathed life back into constricted lungs, ____, have given me a renewed sense of purpose. if loving you is what i am now meant for it is a commission that i gladly accept and i’ll consider the whole of my days well spent.
he’s more than content to spend his life loving you…
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|| javier escuella
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loving all of you with all of me || wc: ~500
if you’ve ever thought you saw me pinching myself, you probably did, haha. a little ridiculous, maybe, but can you blame me when everyday with you feels like some sort of waking dream? i don’t think so, i don’t think so at all…
loving you is like a dream, one that he never wants to wake from…
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|| john marston
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yours || wc: ~500
if you’ve ever thought you saw me pinching myself, you probably did, haha. a little ridiculous, maybe, but can you blame me when everyday with you feels like some sort of waking dream? i don’t think so, i don’t think so at all…
his love for you is simple and honest, plain and true…
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|| josiah trelawny
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ever your partner in love, life, and crime || wc: 500~
you’re a hard person to escape, weaving your webs as beautifully as you have, not that i would ever want to be free of you.
in you he’s found not just his equal, but the other half of his heart.
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|| kieran duffy
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loving you so very, very much || wc: 500~
having the honor of calling you my own… it still feels like a dream, honestly, but if i am indeed asleep then i never want to wake.
having you in his arms is better than anything he could ever dream up…
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|| leopold strauss
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yours, truly || wc: ~700
…one thing that is fixed and forever true is my love for you. even eons after this day, when all has been reduced to ash and rubble, and we ourselves returned to cosmic matter this one fact will never change. even if i have been robbed of every sense i have, my sentience stripped away, i know that i would know this—that i would know you—because you’re a part of me, ____.
when it comes to words he oftentimes finds himself at a loss, but for you he will try…
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|| lenny summers
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forever yours || wc: 800~
i am fully convinced that the day i met you your presence touched me in some profound way, altered me in a way i can’t quite explain, and i could not be happier.
you’ve changed me, ____—irrevocably and for the better, and i can’t help but to love you just that little bit more for it.
for him life is all about the ebb and flow of change, but you’re the one constant he wants to hold on to…
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|| orville swanson
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loving you from the very depths of my soul || wc: 500~
____, my dearest, most precious love… being with you has shown me that i can feel deeply without being completely overwhelmed by my desires, that i can want—and more importantly, have—as much of you and this love we share as i want without shame, that it is okay to be selfish when it comes to you, to us…
there is no iniquity to be found in loving you this deeply and fully, of this he’s sure…
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|| sean macguire
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yours forever and ever etc. || wc: 500~
i’m used to the ebb and flow of life; both things and people have a tendency to come and go like the tide, leaving behind very few constants, but you… you… you’re something exceptional, always have been from the very start.
he may hate the day, but he loves the hell outta you…
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|| simon pearson
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your most devoted lover || wc: 500~
i just cannot seem to help the swell of feelings i get whenever i so much as think about you, love. with you everything seems to come easier. my laughter and smiles, contentment and peace, just—everything.
though he finds most people’s reactions to the holiday to be a bit much, that won’t stop him from spoiling his lover…
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|| uncle
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yours, always and forever || wc: 300~
you’re as sharp as you are sweet, proud and beautiful and one of the most giving souls i’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing… you’re so much more than what i ever expected to get out of this life, and certainly a sight more than what i deserve.
there’s no sweeter a story than the one you’re writing together…
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© notepadsandtealeaves, 2021 || Please do not repost, translate, or otherwise alter or distribute my works without my express permission. And for the love of god keep it away from Youtube and TikTok lol…
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