#▲❨ My beloved Shadow Lord ❩ verse
5eraphim · 1 year
Thinking about Medic fucking up his captive s/o so bad that they develop psychotic delusions of him being a god.. (Medic would probably just enable it because he loves the idea of his darling worshipping him and obeying everything he says <3)
YOUR MINDDDDD!!! This was so fun to write, thank you so much for the request \(^o^)/
(I didn't know if you were expecting a oneshot or headcanons, but I really wanted to write something lewd about this, hope that works for you! Reader is kept gender neutral here ✌️)
Summary: Reader suffers visions of lust for the divine, a secret kept hidden for some time now. But the darker the confession the more painful the penance, especially when Medic is the enforcer. And while atonement is necessary for salvation, the guilt always remains.
Character: Medic 🕊️ (Team Fortress 2)
Rating: X (MINORS DNI!)
Content Warnings: Heirophilia, priest kink, guilt tripping, BLASPHEMY, yandere, mind break, blood, needles (Or whatever the hell you want to call the vita saw), abuse of power, handjob
Word Count: 5k
(Song Inspo- Cirice, Ghost)
"Call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you shall honour me." (Psalm 50:15)
"The Lord favors those who fear him, Those who wait for His faithfulness." (Psalms 147:11)
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Breaking the room's silence, you heard a heavy wooden door creak open, sending a shiver down your spine. All day dark storm clouds covered any sunlight which might've peaked through the glass windows of your homemade chapel domicile, but even without sunset, you knew it must've been hours into the night. And for hours, you knelt on the lightly padded kneeler in front of the makeshift stone table you called your alter. The chapel was humble, hardly more expansive than a garage, but constructed with the utmost reverence to your Holiness. The small space allowed for little more than the altar, a pew, a few kneelers, a foldable wall to serve as your confessional booth, a bookshelf that held all your precious scriptures, and some candles to adorn the place, as well as to provide the only source of light in the room. Once, you kept a bed to rest on behind the pew, but now you slept on the bench, using nothing more than a towel for a pillow and a single sheet as a blanket. It was uncomfortable, but you would endure any discomfort to prove to your divine one that you needed nothing but this to get by.
There was a numb ache in your knees from remaining in this position for so long, becoming harder and harder to ignore the longer you forced yourself to stay in this position. Some candles around the altar burnt themselves out long ago, casting angular twisting shadows along the walls surrounding you. But despite how the serpentine darkness unnerved you, causing you to jump every now and then at an odd flickering shape just out of the corner of your eye, you dared not move. The only sound in the room, save for the steady pattering of rain outside, were the verses of scripture you resited again, and again, and again, murmuring under your breath. At the same time, you nervously fiddled with the beads of your rosary. You tried your best to focus all your energy on praying the rosary, but your mind was restless, and no force of will was enough to distract you from the guilt gnawing away at your conscience.
It was agony to endure this guilt, and you prayed desperately to see your Holy Guardian return soon, though upon hearing his arrival, you were far from comforted. Your vespers halted when the heavy wooden door creaked open, causing you to instinctively look over your shoulder behind you. Your beloved Father was finally home. "Are you still up, my Child?"
You swallowed nervously, unable to formulate any words. All day you dreaded the moment your Holy Father would return home, and now here he was, several paces away. Then, for just a moment, he stood at the door as you watched him remove his glasses to try and wipe away the raindrops. You watched him walk forward, withdrawing his damp overcoat, which fluttered like bird's wings behind him as he ran a hand through his wet hair to push away some of the water. Medic wasn't precisely drenched, but you couldn't help but notice how his damp clothing clung to his body, his broad athletic build clearly visible, even in the low lighting. You were so momentarily distracted by this you completely forgot he asked you a question until he stood almost directly behind you.
"You look unwell, little one. How long have you been here praying?" "I am unsure, Father." The concern in his eyes only worsened the suffocating guilt inside you.
"Sit with me then. Tell me what is troubling you." Medic watched as you attempted to pull yourself up. Still, the tension and numbness in your body were too great, and you stumbled a little, catching yourself on the high part of the kneeler, almost dropping your rosary in the process, which you quickly stuffed into your pocket. While still clearly concerned, Medic smiled gently, using his own hands to help hold you steady as he gently pulled you to your feet. You couldn't help but flush slightly, feeling his strong hands against your shoulders and back, aiding you to walk to the nearby pew. Time must've really escaped you, as standing upright and walking aggravated the ache in your knees. You held onto his hands for balance as you gingerly sat down, your legs trembling slightly, threatening to slacken at any minute. He sat beside you, causing you to unconsciously scoot away a little closer to the corner of the bench, and you bit your lip nervously, feeling your knees touching as he turned to face you slightly. The guilt you tried so hard to keep at bay all day now felt all-consuming. Still, despite the anxiety written across your face, Medic smiled, his eyes gentle and loving. It took all your strength not to wince when you felt his hands around your own. His gloves did nothing to downplay the intimacy of the moment.
"Tell me your troubles, Child. Open up to me, and I will listen." It was too hard to look him in the eye, to see the compassionate affection exhibited by your Savior, which you knew you didn't deserve. But, if you wanted to do the right thing, you knew it was time, to tell the truth.
"Heavenly Lord, I fear I have- um, I find myself troubled by certain, um… These awful visions in the night. Deep while I am sleeping. I see things I don't want to see and think things I don't want to. I feel this awful burning in the night, but when I awaken again, I can't- well, I can't describe it, but I feel so ashamed."
He squeezed your hands a little, causing you to briefly meet his eye, now colored by curiosity, before looking back down. You wanted so badly not to have to tell him what you saw, hoping naively simply confessing to the visions would be enough, but you could tell he wouldn't be content with that. "Oh? And what do you see?"
"I don't want to say… It's embarrassing, and I feel wrong thinking about it now." He leaned a little closer, his voice still gentle but with a definite edge.
"I can see that, but my Child, how can I absolve you of a sin you can't even confess? Am I not your salvation incarnate?" Your head jolted straight up, eyes wide.
"Yes, you are, my Lord! You are my light, my life- I would never doubt this!" Although he remained unconvinced, he could tell you were hiding something, and you weren't about to get out of this until he knew what it was.
"And do you doubt there is a sin so severe I can not absolve you of?" Chewing your lower lip nervously, you shook your head no slightly. Looking at his hands around yours as you spoke in a frail, unsteady voice.
"I see you, my Lord. But, I also see us together, but not as we should be." He said nothing, waiting for you to continue.
"I see us, or rather, I see you over me… I don't know how to describe it, though-"
Medic interrupted in a firm voice. "Tell me the truth." Your shame brought you nearly to tears.
"I see your body over mine- over my naked body… I see your hands stroking my skin and your mouth against my neck and shoulders. A-and everywhere you touch me, I burn, and it hurts, but I can't stop wanting more! We're on the altar bed, and-" Your breath hitched when you felt his fingers moving against your hands as though trying to urge you on, clearly sensing how bad you wanted out. And you couldn't help but fluster and stammer at this smallest, seemingly innocent, caring act.
"I know this is wrong- I don't want to think like this, I swear! But once these- these awful dreams start, I cannot stop them! And all I am so blinded by the image of my body against yours, as we- As we become one, my Lord."
Getting those final words out took so much effort, but now it is over. You told Medic everything.
Your heart wrenched as you saw his expression form into one of an almost pitiful disappointment. "I always feared it would come to this…." He trailed off. He pulled his hands away from yours as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He removed his glasses with one hand, rubbing his eyes tiredly with the other. Medic looked as though he somehow saw this coming, like he was privy to something you were utterly blind to. You pulled your hands back to your own lap as your fingers fidgeted restlessly. Nothing hurt more than letting down your Lord; sitting with this feeling only amplified your considerable guilt. Finally, you forced yourself to look him in the eye. He was already disappointed. You didn't want him to think you were more pathetic than you already felt.
"My Lord, I'm telling you the truth- These awful dreams, these visions disrupting my sleep at night, I can't understand where they come from. I don't mean to offend you; I just-" Your gaze dropped from Medic's face to your hands wringing anxiously in your lap. You no longer had the strength to look him in the eye, summoning all your resolve to force yourself not to cry. After all, what right did you have acting so pitifully before him? You were the sinner after all, yet here you were, cowering before your Lord. Weak, feeble, in need of his mercy and guidance.
"I suppose this isn't entirely your fault… I always knew this was coming. Perhaps I didn't expect this so soon, is all." You snuck a peek up at his face, and to your surprise, he didn't look disappointed as you feared, but something different you couldn't understand entirely. Still, you felt too unworthy to look upon his face much longer, bowing your head a little, facing your lap, trying not to think about how despite the situation, you felt so warm sitting so close to your Holiness, knees only barely connecting.
"Please, Father, I don't understand what you mean." He shifted his weight away from you slightly, leaning against the back of the pew, sighing through his nose, contemplating his following words carefully.
"I thought I noticed how your eyes seemed to follow my hands as I guided you in prayer. Or how some evenings you wouldn't follow my eyes, somewhat- distracted by my lips. Yes, I've always known how the human mind can be swayed by thoughts of lust and decadence… But maybe I was wrong for thinking you were strong enough to resist such… carnal impulses. You were all too aware of the tears prickling in the corners of your eyes.
"But I told you- I never asked for this! You know I'm not to blame here!" All in an instant, you felt a cold shiver run up your spine as you watched all former warmth and kindness vanish from his face all at once as he stared you down with his icy cold, narrowed blue eyes. "You think this absolves you of anything, sinner?" You were about to speak to try and defend yourself, but he cut you off before you got the chance.
"You are nothing but full of pride and arrogance if you think you're somehow holy for merely wishing your sins away! I never thought you were so foolish, so childish, but it would appear I was all wrong about you-"
"Don't say that, please, my Lord, I didn't- I mean no offense, you must believe me! I need you now more than ever! I'm so confused. Please tell me how I can atone for all of this!"
Your hands were clasped tightly as you begged the Medic to show you mercy. You didn't mean to offend him or cast doubt upon your devotion, but you were terrified. You desperately grabbed onto his hands, tears beginning to fall, your breathing erratic. You couldn't think clearly. You were too desperate to somehow prove to him you were worthy. But he continued to look at you coolly, his blue eyes harsh and stern. It was impossible to hold eye contact. Your mind was so wracked with guilt for what you'd done. Thankfully he spoke next in a more level voice.
"Tell me, my Child, and I want to hear the truth. When you think of these dreams, have you been touching yourself as well?" Instantly on the defensive, your face heated as you try to explain yourself.
"No! No- I haven't! I wouldn't do that to you- I wouldn't dare!" He looked at you skeptically, his lips pressed firmly together in a straight line. You could feel fresh tears sliding down your face. "My Lord, you must believe me! I'm sorry I was so greedy- I'm sorry I dreamt such perverse things while you were gone, but you know I wouldn't go so far!"
Unfortunately, he appeared to remain unconvinced. Medic softly petted the top of your head with a gloved hand, he didn't seem convinced, but at least his anger appeared quelled. Once again, you felt so overcome by the shame of your own actions you buried your face in his chest, momentarily forgetting your sense of restraint, unable to think of anything but doing whatever you needed in the name of forgiveness. Murmuring apologies and pleas for mercy between sobs, no doubt streaking tears into his vestments. Over and over in your head, you screamed at yourself. "Why did I have to lose control like that?" "How could I be so weak!"
"Please, my heavenly Father, I would rather die than betray you! I love you more than anything! But, just please, please, please tell me you believe me!"
He waited for you to quiet down a touch before he responded. "I wish I could have my Child. But you've disobeyed me." The moment these words left his lips, your heart sunk like a rock, as you felt frozen in place, unable to believe what was happening. It was like you'd just felt the air knocked from your lungs. You felt Medic's hand continuing to pet the top of your head.
"My dearest child, I'm afraid if you want me to believe you are faithful and to believe you are pure, you must pay." With your head still pressed against his body, your voice mumbled but still understandable, "Heavenly Father, whatever I must do to prove my faith, I will. Without fear and without any doubt." Medic's hand drifted from the back of your head to the side of your face to guide your head up to meet him at eye level.
"You'll do anything?" Without missing a beat, you answered. "Anything."
Medic nodded. "There is a way. I can absolve you of all your sins, but only for a price. If you truly wish to purify yourself of such… carnal thoughts of yours, all your distractions leading you from Holiness. I can forgive you of your perversions and restore your devotion to your Father. But, this will cost you." You could tell he was testing you, but there was no threat of pain dire enough to sway you now.
"My life is yours, My Lord. Do to me whatever it takes to make me pure again." He studied your face briefly, trying to tell if there was any final hesitation, but you were resolute. "All you need to do is obey. Follow my word, and have faith. Believe that I am your God and your Savior."
"I can." And with that, he nodded, rising. "Kneel at the pulpit for me. I'll join you there in just a moment." Eagerly your rose. Whatever ache you felt earlier was forgotten entirely. Kneeling once again before the altar reminded you of your cause. You were to live and serve your Divine Lord; if he wanted you to prove it, then you would. But when you saw the Medic returning, you couldn't help but shudder, all too aware of the fear you tried so hard to silence.
Medic held a kind of insidious instrument in his hand you'd never seen before. Your eye instantly draws to the wicked sharp tip, the awful needle easily the length of your forearm over a shorter yet wicked sharp blade. The hollow bulb at the back of the device made the thing look like some kind of mechanical mosquito, and you were about to be its prey. Your mouth went dry, and you felt dizzy just looking at the thing. Still, you forced yourself to remain as still as a statue, turning your gaze from the device to Medic.
"The price you must pay for your penance will be a blood price." The closer he walked, or rather, the closer the weapon got, the more sinister it appeared. If looking at it was terrifying, the idea of it going inside of you was even worse, but deep down, you knew this was what you deserved, and you brought this on yourself. So no matter how terrifying the punishment, you had no one to blame but yourself. Medic drew close enough to stand right behind you. With his free hand, he held yours, turning it upright, before using his fingers to try and find a vein in your upper arm, right above your elbow.
Goosebumps prickled all across your body when you felt the tip of the needle make contact with your arm. You could feel yourself breathing a bit heavier, your knuckles going while as you gripped the edge of the kneeler with your free arm, your other palm disappearing as you closed your hand into a tight fist.
"Now focus on me, think of only me. Let your God guide you back to the light, it will hurt, but only for a moment, and you'll be restored once it's over. Do you accept your penance?"
It will only hurt more if you watch, you reasoned with yourself, so with your eyes squeezed as tight as possible, you spoke. "I accept." While the initial pick of the needle's tip against your skin terrified you, the feeling of the needle digging into your flesh hurt all the more. The sting was far, far worse than any needle before. It was impossible to keep from wincing or to hold in your yelp of pain as you felt the needle burrow in deeper.
"Steady now. I need you still. If you move too much, we'll have to start all over."
You let go of your grip on the kneeling, biting down on your own knuckle to keep from screaming. If only you had something to hold onto in the hand being drained, but you had nothing but your own fist to tense down on.
"Now I'm going to pull blood. This is going to hurt. Just remember this is for your own good."
It was almost impossible to talk, but through grit teeth, you tried anyway. "Thank you, my Holy Father." And without another word, you felt Medic begin to drain your blood.
He was right. It hurt. The unbearable tension you felt from your teeth and skull all the way down to your curled toes burned like hell. It was hard to hear anything over your heavy breathing and the occasional whine of pain, but that was for the best. The idea of listening to this awful thing as it sucked your life away sounded far worse. How long has it been like this? How much longer would he keep you here? You had no idea, but it was becoming harder and harder to stay still by the second, and you were afraid you wouldn't last much longer.
You wanted to look at the altar, to remind yourself why you were doing all this, to think of anything to distract from the pain, but it was impossible to open your eyes. But instead, you swore you could feel a numbness in your fingertips and in your toes. Your head felt so heavy and tense, and you found yourself wondering, if only for a second, if Medic was done with you all together and if this was your last moment before death.
Then, just as soon as it started, you felt Medic pressing down over where he injected the needle before pulling out in one decisive strike. This was far worse than the insertion, the pain white hot, causing you to arch your back, your head falling back as you screamed in agony. The ache was terrible enough, but the nausea was just as miserable. When you felt Medic's hands leave your body, you slipped forward, panting, your upper body clinging to the top of the kneeler for dear life. It felt like the room was spinning or like the floor was about to give out at any second. The pain you felt before in this spot felt like a joke compared to what you felt now.
"Blessed are you, my Child. You have come to me with your sins, and I send you forth, cleansed and pure again. You have put yourself at the mercy of the divine, and you have been granted forgiveness."
"I don't feel so good…." You were still slumped over the kneeler. It was impossible to think of anything but the pain. You weren't even proud of yourself for withstanding it. All you wanted was to fall asleep. To wake up to a new day and to pretend none of this happened. Medic must've put the device away as you could now feel both his hands rubbing little circles against your back. You didn't want to think about what he wanted to do with your blood, the terrible needle was gone now, and that was all that mattered.
"Without sin, salvation is empty. You hurt now, but take comfort knowing the pain you feel is all your sin and weakness leaving your body."
You tried to nod, but you were too weak to remain upright. Your head began to bob forward as your body went limp. Fortunately, Medic immediately caught you, keeping you from falling directly to the ground. You didn't even know how you were still awake, but you felt like a rag doll, limp and no longer in control of your body. You could feel Medic supporting your total weight, guiding you back to the pew, laying you down, your head resting on his lap. You felt so terribly cold, curling up into a ball on your side. You were about to give in to the drowsiness all together, but only in turning your head to the side did you notice the straining fabric of Medic's trousers. "You did well for your Savior. Would you allow me to reward you for faith?"
For a second, you considered if this was a trick if Medic were baiting you, giving you one last test of the night. After all, actually seeing your Holy Lord in such a state after dreaming about him for so long, it all felt too good to be true. But to your surprise, when you turned your gaze upward to look Medic in the eye, you noticed how wide his pupils were, the flush or arousal on his cheeks, the teasing half-smile. You realized just as likely as this was a test to see if you really could fight back against your lust. Perhaps this was another test of your loyalty? It was impossible to tell, and you felt a familiar confused fear resurfacing.
"My God, I'm honored, but I fear I am unworthy…." Fortunately, he wasn't offended by your hesitation.
"To indulge in the sins of the flesh would be a mortal sin for any other, but you must know- I am no man. I am your Divine. To service me is an act of Holiness. Allow me to guide your hands." Your mind was caught in a whirlwind of exhaustion and desire, it was impossible to think clearly, but you were helpless to feel the need burning inside you. It was weak, and you didn't have the strength to give in together, but you were ready to take the opportunity while you could. The unstoppable desire to serve and to give everything you had to your Master.
He looked at you with eyes glimmering, shining with love and the faintest smile, "Sweet lamb, your desires are only unholy when you indulge in secret, away from me. But now that I am here to bless and guide you- If it is my mortal vessel you are so taken by, show me your devotion." You knew he was right, and you wanted to give in. You wanted to trust and have faith, but you couldn't help but hesitate. It was almost impossible to remember life before Medic, but you were confident you weren't nearly experienced enough to please him as he deserved. The idea of being put on the spot, of your Lord coming to you of all people for something like this? The opportunity filled you equally with anxiety as ecstasy.
"You are my salvation. My sole purpose for living is to worship and serve you. I owe you everything I have. To indulge myself like this- I don't understand how I could be worthy. I adore you, but am I enough?" Your words had no effect on him. If anything only spurred him on.
"Don't be so shy, my little saint. You've done so well to prove to me your devotion, and now I want you to show it. Take my hand." And with that final command, you obeyed.
You dumbly felt your head repositioned on Medic's lap as he undid his pants, pulling his undergarments down with them enough to comfortably free himself from the restrictive fabric. If you weren't feeling half-dead, you might've had the shame to look away, but now, all you could do was take in the sight before you. You felt like an outside observer, out of body and entirely at the whims of another, but still, you couldn't deny it felt good. Better than good. You were somehow flushed and tingly inside, feeling so pure and yet filled with lust, a sensation you'd never known before, as though your entire life had built up to this moment. All in the service of your God.
Medic was already quite hard, and you watched intently as he took your hand. His glove already pulled off, and you couldn't help but shudder at the skin-to-skin contact. With your hand open, he licked along the length of your index finger before he closed his lips around the digit. You never realized how many sensitive nerves were in your hand until you felt his mouth around your fingers. His skilled tongue wrapped around your fingers, coating each one with a bit of saliva. You felt his cheeks sucking in as he sucked a little harder, the lewd noises making the moment feel all the more erotic.
After he had his fun with this, you felt the chilly draft against the now wet flesh. Though for only a moment as your hand was pulled down to make contact with his warm flesh. He sharply breathed in through grit teeth, using his hand to tightly wrap yours against the shaft before applying a little friction. Even in your current state of mind, you could feel the tension in his body, and you felt so honored and privileged to witness your Holy Master consumed with lust. He was more beautiful than any man, angel, or devil you'd ever dreamed of.
It was hard to keep up, but you did your best to use your slick fingers to massage the flesh beneath his tight hold. You felt a holy kind of pride as you watched his brow scrunch, a breathy moan amid his panting, knowing you were doing so well to honor your God like no one else. Then, despite the vertigo, you forced your head to move, to use what little strength you had left to connect your lips to the wet head of his cock, and to kiss your Master, tongue out, ready to merge. It felt like your lips only connected with his anatomy for a moment before you felt him reach his climax. His breathy moaning and thrusting against you put all your initial erotic dreams to shame. You couldn't believe your Lord allowed you to see him like this, more charming than ever before. Even in your haze, you could feel the warmth of his body against yours.
When you rolled onto your back to lay on the bench more comfortably, you felt as though you could still feel his vitality, the essence within you. You were too numb to sense if any of the mess landed on you, but you were vaguely aware of the sensation of him rubbing around his lap and maybe even on you with a cloth to collect what he could of the mess. You wrapped your arms around yourself, sighing with bliss. With a gentle touch, Medic caressed the side of your face with his four fingers before you felt his thumb tap against your slightly parted lips.
"Swallow. This is the salvation you've awaited."
Your eyes were already shut, and you were thankful his touch was so gentle as he pushed the cum stuck to his finger into your mouth, which you happily allowed to pass your lips as you suckled. Then, finally, he pulled his finger out, running his thumb over your lips, trailing your saliva over them as he stroked the side of your face. But moments before you nodded off, you whispered, "My Lord, will you promise to pray for me? Will you pray I will one day be worthy to receive your grace? That we can become one?"
You weren't even sure if he heard your final words, everything was going black, and your mind was lost in the haze. Before slipping away into oblivion, your last memories were the lethargy possessing your body, his fingers in your hair, a salty aftertaste on your tongue, and the pattering of rain, sounding further and further away.
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slxthserenade · 17 days
My youth teachers have often spoken of Abraham. A great figure, a servant worthy of being immortalised down in the lines of the Holy Word. Thursday church, I listened and lowered my head once prayer time had come.
My grandmother often recounted to me the tale of Abraham. Admirable, valiant, God-loving Abraham. Curled up closer into the thin sheets of my grandparents’ bed, I listened and sang along with her the hymns of prayer.
My mother has always loved the story of Abraham. How enduring and faithful of a man he was, never once relenting in his trust in the Lord. The Lord’s closest friend. Morning gathering of our family, she smiled at the open page of Genesis. Seated beside her, curled up into the hard cushions of our living room, I lowered my eyes onto the Word and continued to read.
My father has always preached the life of Abraham. The man tested by God, with a faith so unshakable that he was was willing to give all he had to the Almighty if He were to ask. All he had. All he had, even his own progeny. Sunday church in a small village, Abraham stood upon a low pulpit and announced the time for prayer into a faulty microphone. Between my uncle and my mother, seated in the middle of a rusty wooden bench, I lowered my face in prayer. Had their eyes not been closed in devotion, they would’ve seen the tremble in my hands.
Saturday nights. My father lays awake, writing verses down into a white sheet, preparing to preach on the pulpit tomorrow morning. He only ever needed the verses, never notes or anything of the like. His words have always flown as smoothly as a running river— not a wink of hesitation for those who are filled with the Holy Spirit, for they are the spokesmen of God himself.
‘Abraham chained Isaac to a sacrificial altar, raised the knife against his son without a shadow of hesitance. For his God. For his God’s test. Would you do the same ?’ My voice didn’t sound like my own.
Not a word had flown from his lips. Only a breath. “God knows. God knows exactly how to test His servants. God wouldn’t give them a test too difficult. He knows best what’s in our hearts. God is merciful. Only God knows my devotion to Him.” An uncharacteristic, broken litany, a shaky, unfamiliar stream of words is all I received from my father.
Indeed, a broken, whispered litany is all the lamb-eyed Isaac received when climbing the mountain alongside his father. A broken, tearful litany is all that his father had uttered when the knife grazed Isaac’s chest. A broken litany muttered with closed, fear-stricken eyes, a prayer from a servant to his God, never between father and so-called beloved son, a broken litany to the Sun above. Salvation, salvation and mercy, he begs. Heaven has granted you salvation, father. But your sickly progeny lays yet still, impaled to the earth through a single, festering butcher’s knife. After all, who ever wonders how the unknowing lamb ached, when the blade plunged into its angel-stained wool ? Salvation, my Lord, he yells again. And not a single prayer for my pains, not a single apology, not a single ‘I love you’, not a single—
‘What do you say to joining me tomorrow on the pulpit ? Remember your verses ?’
Of course I recall, I had them memorised by heart, Genesis 22:2. Tomorrow I would join him on Mount Moriah. Had Abraham’s eyes not returned to the open book of Genesis and to his white sheet of paper, he would’ve seen the tremble of my chest.
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mihrsuri · 1 year
“I know that you will tell me it is up to Elizabeth whether to accept my suit but, I would ask for your blessing, as her father for I know it would mean the world to Bess. She loves you so very dearly.”
Robert had been nervous coming to find The Duke of Essex but now, looking into Thomas Cromwells glad eyes he has never been gladder that he did so. The Duke had had to live in the shadows, to never be a father to the world to all of his children (it could still drive Elizabeth to great anger, this need for secrecy and the insults one of her fathers must endure)
“You have it, Lord Dudley, for whatever it means. I know you will make her happy and that is what matters - you will make each other happy.”
“It means the world Your Grace. And if I might be permitted, as we will soon be family in truth, I would call you my father in law.”
It makes Robert sick to think that the Duke had been prepared to bear yet more disapproval. He has been determined not to give it to him, ever since Elizabeth had told him when they were children - perhaps it had taken him time to fully understand, but now he cannot imagine doing so.
“I would be honoured. Though please, Lord Dudley, let me teach you somewhat more of the sword - perhaps less showy than you favour!”
-So @theladyelizabeth I kept thinking about how in my OT3 Verse Robert totally went to ask all three of Elizabeth’s parents for their blessing and this happened!
(An alternate history in which Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII and Thomas (Frain) Cromwell are in a secret triad marriage from 1536, have eight children, Anne is always a beloved Queen and their oldest son marries Mihrimah Sultan and they bring in a truly progressive by modern standards golden world, minus colonialism and empire because it’s my wish fulfilment au)
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💔 - Tarhos @ Haru
This was different from the usual clientele. Most of the time it felt as though the Guardia Compagnia was just a group of ruffians meant to haress and horrify the rural farmers into submission or burn down a home because a child stole a tossed away apple that had touched a lord's lips. As if that made it into gold. No no, this was for something else - the defense of a nearby city from an enemy mercenary group....paid enemies but nonetheless, it was odd though. Haru noticed how Tarhos seemed...tense with this sort of thing, perhaps he wasn't used to being on the defensive side and the idea of saving thousands of innocent people was all too bizarre. Either way he had been locked away with the other women, the safest place was down below where they could be executed before having any of their pride dashed away upon the city's possible loss.
Haruko though, naturally, had slithered his way out and was making his way through the castle to peer outside - his worst nightmares painting themselves to life in the flames and shadows below. Screams of misery and torment mixed with the ashes that rose above into the black abyss above. Even the stars were blackened out by the smog and he couldn't see his beloved below, he could barely see anyone through all of the mayhem. The maiden pulled back when he saw the barricade snap, skidding backwards into the stone wall with a horrified gasp - as though the air had been sucked from his lungs entirely. Had...Had they lost? He had no idea what was happening and when a horn sounded through the screams he found himself rushing down the steps, nearly tripping over his feet as he arrived in the main hall.
Thunderous stomps boomed throughout the corridors just beyond the threshhold of two oak doors, and the maiden pulled Tarhos' dagger from under his linens - he would not let himself be taken. Obsidian eyes darkened in determination when the doors finally did push their way open and a few knights shuffled in; tired, exhausted men who held the compagnia's banner. The maiden's gaze was transfixed on them until he saw a figure enter the throne room as though the man could have led all of the armies. Only then did the sudden cries of retreat from outside bleed into his mind and the realization dawned upon him; he saw with effervescent clarity when the knight, His Knight, removed his helmet to make his way over to his wife. His voice rang within the halls,
"The battle is over. We have won."
The dozens of eyes watching them both seemed to mean little to the Old Hound as he pushed through the various men to behold the majesty of his love; divine and clean from the slaughter and butchery right outside of the walls. Blood, sweat and grime meant nothing to Haru as he met his beloved halfway, falling completely into his embrace and kiss - relief washing over him as he held his husband. A few more kisses smudged across his cheeks as the adrenaline began to wane into pain and safety.
"Come...my love, I'll see to those wounds."
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thelordslight · 1 year
remember when i said i’d post more ic stuff ?
yeah , same . but listen , i was working on mel’s hotd verse ( details below cut for those of you on mobile or who are just curious and don’t wanna dig through my blog ) . how are we feeling about it , besties ? does it work ?
melisandre, a shadowbinder from asshai and red priestess of r'hllor, has crossed the narrow sea to learn what she can of the prophecy that foretells the return of her lord's most beloved, azor ahai, the prince that was promised. during her travels throughout westeros, she has met and offered her counsel to many —- some green, some black, some neither, and some in between. perhaps your muse can be counted among them. it has oft been said in the whisperings of the lords and ladies of westeros, particularly those who supported aegon ii's claim to the throne, that melisandre herself was the one who put it in the late king viserys's head to name rhaenyra his heir. some believe that she bewitched him in one way or another, but none can say whether it was with potions and poultices or even if it was only her beauty and the red gem upon her throat that forced him to take leave of his senses. there are few who know the truth of it. when the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, azor ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone. at some point, melisandre's focus began to wane and turn like the moon on the tides to driftmark, and it was there that she stayed for a long while as a guest of house velaryon and its lady, for one reason or another (partner determinant). through to the dance of the dragons’ conclusion, melisandre lingered in westeros but seemed to waver like a shadow cast by one of her red lord's blessed flames after the battle of rook's rest. no one knows why, but many have speculated that she seemed to be grieving some great loss. it was only after the deaths of rhaena and baela targaryen in later years that she left westeros and sailed back east.
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queerprayers · 2 years
please pray im strong enough to make it through the night
Thank you for requesting a prayer, beloved—that to me shows an immense amount of strength and gives me hope that you desire life, even if you can't see that right now. I can't hope to understand your specific pain, but I know what it is to not believe the morning will come. I encourage you to reach out to a helpline/medical professional if you're thinking about harming yourself—it's saved me many times. Crisis Text Line is a great resource in the US/UK/Canada/Ireland, and many countries have suicide hotlines. Prayers are world-changing, and action, too, is a kind of prayer. I always say we should believe in miracles, but not depend on them. Or perhaps we can say sometimes we get up and accomplish the miracle ourselves.
If I'm getting the wrong idea and you're experiencing another kind of pain, I wish you strength through whatever illness or danger you're going through, and pray for the morning to find you safe.
Some verses that have kept me company on dark nights:
[Eliljah] went a day's journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. "I have had enough, LORD," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors." Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.The angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.” So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God. (1 Kings 19:4-8)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)
I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done. (Psalm 118:17)
I have set before you life and death . . . Now choose life. (Deuteronomy 30:19)
. . . because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death (Luke 1:78-79)
The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. (Romans 13:12)
all of Psalm 102
Perhaps, like Elijah, you will rest and eat and drink, and in time you will be ready to trust in the morning. The journey may be too much for you right now, but it will be there for you when you are ready. You just have to keep yourself alive, even in the wilderness.
<3 Johanna
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deiscension · 2 years
▐ 「 DEISCENSION. 」 —  semi-selective / sporadically active / mutuals-only
featuring shi qingxuan from tian guan ci fu. written by lain (they/them, 21+). pfp by shishileo (x) ; header by meru90 (x). currently on semi-hiatus!
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﹄ her personality was like the wind; fair and free, going wherever it pleases. 
a study on how living in eternal sunshine blinds you to the shadows; on the wonders of a world too big for your hands to hold; on a life that will never be worth the prices paid; on how to fall without grace and find a way to stand again.
personals do not interact! carrd linked above.
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you do not have to be familiar with either tgcf or genpact to interact. i have various verses available and will happily discuss how to best interact if you’re unsure!
and then there’s the usual: i won’t tolerate ooc bigotry of any kind. if your blog promotes ped0philia, nonc0n, hom0phobia, and/or transph0bia, it’s an insta-block. there’s a difference between having fiction which contains these topics vs using them for a shock factor; what i look for is the understanding that your fictional scenarios are someone else’s nonfictional experiences. 
this blog is semi canon-divergent in some aspects. none of my muses are cishet. please be respectful of this, especially in regards to shi qingxuan as their gender nonconformity is extremely important to their characterization. while sexuality and shipping are not the goal of this blog, i appreciate and expect respect for this regardless.
fair warning for possibly triggering content: each of the featured muses are heavily associated with death, isolation, mourning, and war. xie lian in particular has a deep and messy history with war, disease, isolation, imprisonment, child death, extreme violence, suicide attempts/ideation, psychological and physical torment, and layered trauma. shi qingxuan’s gender identity and her struggle with being taken seriously is something that’s bound to come up, as i’m not keen on shying away from that aspect of her characterization. i will give a head’s up if any of this is going to become relevant to the thread, but please be aware these themes are present and very much at play. 
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﹄ muses. shi qingxuan is the main muse. xie lian and zhongli are request-only. 
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﹄ shi qingxuan. lady wind master / the young lord who pours wine. ( VERSES )
genderfluid, transfemme (she/they/he) | ~400, give or take | bisexual | boundless and free
lord wind master is boundlessly talented, lord wind master is funny and carefree, lord wind master is kind and righteous, lord wind master is aged sweet sixteen. truer words have certainly never been spoken of a god such as shi qingxuan before (with the exception of being aged sweet sixteen-- but that’s about capturing the spirit of things, of course)! a kind, generous, and righteous soul, shi qingxuan is known to many and beloved by all. or something like that. maybe not exactly like that. her peers flock to her in times of fair weather, but it can’t be said they would be so quick to stick by her side. but that’s alright; she has a sensible older brother, an unflappable best friend, and all the luck in the world to keep her from going astray. that’s not to say she doesn’t try to handle her own affairs. she makes every effort possible to earn the awe and worship placed at her feet by her worshippers. it’s just, well... lady wind master has a long way to go with truly understanding what it means to have a fate as wondrous as hers.
*note: i default to writing sqx before the black water arc as well as with using she/her. if you’d like to interact with her as she is during and after black water arc, just let me know!
﹄ xie lian. the god pleasing crown-prince / laughingstock of the three realms
transmasc | 800+ | homosexual | thrice-ascended, twice-cursed
a down-to-earth, good-humored young man who collects scraps and claims to be a traveling cultivator. quite knowledgeable on the preternatural and well-learned in most other areas of life, he’s easy to get along with and even easier to receive help from. often seen in simple white robes and a bamboo hat, he’s the perfect picture of humble modesty.... er, perhaps a bit too humble, actually; it’s quite easy to tell he’s not got a penny to his name. nevertheless, he’s rich in spiritual power- ah, no, that’s not right either. he is quite lacking in that department as well. and he has no family name, nor does he belong to any particular shrine or territory.... what does he have, then? compassion. good sensibilities. an open heart. tenacity. patience. stories; lots and lots of stories. everything that makes someone a reasonably good person--but that doesn’t do much in the way of making your way in the world, and it also doesn’t mean he’s always been a good person. but he’s a god, right? so what’s he good for, then? you could ask him to his face and he’d just laugh and say, “Well, I’m trying to figure that out myself! Would you care to join me for a while?”
﹄ zhongli. lord of geo / consultant at the wangsheng funeral parlor
masc nonbinary | 6,000+ | bisexual (taken by @frczenwaters​ kaeya) | god of contracts
an even-tempered and well-learned man appearing to be in his late 30′s to early 40′s, zhongli is the amicable but ever elusive consultant of liyue’s wangsheng funeral parlor. his manners, presentation, knowledge, and hospitality are impeccable.... his financial literacy? not so much. but where there’s lack of material riches there is a wellspring of stories and information to be told on a tongue as golden as the eyes that gaze out lovingly, yearningly, upon the shimmering seaside harbor. as solid as stone and severe as the mountains, zhongli is never one to break his promises. his vow to remember and care for liyue have stood the test of time-- a lonesome, solitary test that he has long tired of. he seeks the company of his people now, the experience of companionship that he has only had the fleeting and bittersweet taste of far too few times in his long life. perhaps not the most emotionally well-rounded person-- but a heart of stone is a heart nonetheless. 
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meadowlarkx · 2 years
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I love you all @sparklingdali @imakemywings
1.) finrod dwarf bf
My first silm fic!!! This has been lingering for months at the border of "nearly done" since I wrote most of it in a surge of desperate inspiration. Basically, Finrod romance oneshot-ish with a semi-OC dwarven craftsman who made the Nauglamír. This is actually my saddest finrod fic tbh despite being the one WITHOUT torture and dubcon, because it's canon compliant (imo) and Finrod is hopeful and brilliant and a little vain. :')
Those lit-up eyes softened. "Truly, your craftsmanship impresses me. I have never before been the warden of a thing so fine, nor so beautiful. I will treasure it, wonder-smith, as I have treasured your abode within these walls."
He always found the right words. It was for that open appreciation that the Khazâd so readily labored for him.
dwarf bf really has it bad for this guy
most dubious thing in this fic--i chose a Petty-dwarves narrative before learning about alternate (to me) versions Tolkien had (where Finrod is worse or has direct interaction with Mîm) but this is what I'm probably going to stick to because I like:
It was oddly fitting, Nargothrond, the seat of Felakgundu's power. The caverns' first inhabitants were criminals and outlaws, those Khazâd who had left or been driven forth in the early years. Zirak was a scholar as well as a craftsman, and he knew how those dwarves had met their end—on Elvish arrows in the days before the newcomers had made their way from the Sea. In the months they'd spent in the workshop, the Elf lord had spoken glimmers of the shadow that lay in his own past.
It has a hold on me still, Felakgundu said, after the first and only time Zirak had witnessed a waking dream. If he hadn't known Elves better, he would have thought Felakgundu a little abashed. A moment before, those light eyes had stared at nothing, unseeing and stricken. But I am stronger. And I will build strength in goodness here, no matter how evil the foundation it lies on.
Also they hook up <3
2.) westworld
Well.... having written a fucked up Bohun & Bohun/Helena Westworld AU fic for Ogniem i mieczem... I keep wanting to write a Jan (/OT3) one to keep it company. You know I have plenty of wretched ideas for that boy in this verse. Another villainous Jeremi (I wish I could say I was sorrier). Most of this one is actually in a notebook rn instead of the "westworld"-titled doc:
"What happens with the guests doesn't matter." Jan cocks his head, uncomprehending. The words are blank. Jeremi smiles. "What you do is in my service." Jan glows. "Thank you, my prince." Were there ever sweeter words?
3.) potop ot3 drama
My fav Sienkiewicz WIP at the moment tbh and HOPEFULLY one day I go back to it. This is my attempt at a Kmicic/Wołodyjowski fic because by God, we deserve one. Eventual OT3 with Oleńka I think thus the title. The premise (my beloved silly premise) is this: It's the Kmicic-as-wild-partisan-leader era. Michał is sent a bit earlier to give him his commission. Michał and Kmicic hook up before Michał learns who Kmicic is and that his hot one night stand is the famous, kind of mad partisan leader he's supposed to consider for the officer's commission. Then dramatic shenanigans ensue with Hovansky (the Russian commander who has a price on Kmicic's head) and eventually Oleńka.
“So,” Kmicic echoed, tugging at his collar. Michał had barely met him, and yet the uneasy expression still seemed uncomfortable on that bold, brash face; Kmicic remedied it with a grin that didn’t touch his wild eyes for all its bravery. “The first sabre of the Commonwealth—” “Don’t, God,” Michał mumbled, and Kmicic didn’t. “So you remember. It was a mistake unworthy of either of us. You must know that.”
Kmicic’s eyes flashed and he jumped to his feet, casting the empty glass down so it shattered. “Unworthy—”
Radziwiłł’s commission felt like fire against Michał’s breast, investing him with the strength he needed to respond—to stand in a flash and to grab Kmicic’s forearm over the table as he reached for his sabre, holding hard enough to bruise. He spoke lowly, the words hissed in the sudden closeness. “You must know that.”
Kmicic’s lip curled. His Polish was slightly accented now, as if touched by scorn. Michał could smell the sweet mead on his breath. “Say it again. I’d kill any other man who said that to me. I’d challenge you here and now.” He’d moved to ty.
Well, again.
“You would lose,” Michał said, with as little inflection as a stone. He released him, and Kmicic staggered.
Michał returned to his seat at the bench and picked up a leg of fowl. The tavern girls, flocked to the far corner of the room, visibly exhaled and began to file out towards the kitchen.
Kmicic stood before him, slim chest heaving, eyes the color of steel. He looked as if he were about to strike something.
“Sit down,” Michał said. He’d moved to ty too.
Kmicic sat.
Michał swore softly. “Don’t misunderstand me, sir. But put it out of your mind.”
“You needn’t have any fear on that account!” Kmicic downed another glass and took up the pitcher. Michał looked on with something like concern.
it's not my fault this is MAYBE the most fun Kmicic era
Michał’s mustache twitched. “If there were requisitions, signed orders—”
“May I ask you a question, your grace?” Soroka interrupted, voice low and hard. “What kind of men did your grace expect to find? In Smolensk, there’s none left like you describe. They died, your grace. Thanks be to God, Pan Kmicic hasn’t, and so they flock to him for the blood. For the fires and food, and the hope of jewels off boyars’ caps. Because this ragged part of God’s earth is the only place the courts won’t hound them—for murder and rape and Devil knows what else.”
Michał was silent. Soroka looked away, as if ashamed to speak so freely. Wołodyjowski had never heard the older man say so many words together at once.
“Besides his great boldness, there is no other reason, so if it please your grace, don’t tell my lord how to manage his men until you’ve tried it.”
“I will try it, Soroka,” Michał responded evenly, the leather of his sabre’s hilt warm under his hand. “And I’ll manage your lord too.”
one day. One day. i will finish enough of this to at least post what i've got and contribute my fandom taxes to the Potop tag because god we need more fic with this extremely canon ship
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yeslordmyking · 2 years
June, 19 (Evening) Devotion
“My Beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies. Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, turn, my Beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether.”
Song of Solomon 2:16, 17
Surely if there be a happy verse in the Bible it is this—“My Beloved is mine, and I am his.” So peaceful, so full of assurance, so overrunning with happiness and contentment is it, that it might well have been written by the same hand which penned the twenty-third Psalm. Yet though the prospect is exceeding fair and lovely—earth cannot show its superior—it is not entirely a sunlit landscape. There is a cloud in the sky which casts a shadow over the scene. Listen, “Until the day break, and the shadows flee away.”
There is a word, too, about the “mountains of Bether,” or, “the mountains of division,” and to our love, anything like division is bitterness. Beloved, this may be your present state of mind; you do not doubt your salvation; you know that Christ is yours, but you are not feasting with him. You understand your vital interest in him, so that you have no shadow of a doubt of your being his, and of his being yours, but still his left hand is not under your head, nor doth his right hand embrace you. A shade of sadness is cast over your heart, perhaps by affliction, certainly by the temporary absence of your Lord, so even while exclaiming, “I am his,” you are forced to take to your knees, and to pray, “Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, turn, my Beloved.”
“Where is he?” asks the soul. And the answer comes, “He feedeth among the lilies.” If we would find Christ, we must get into communion with his people, we must come to the ordinances with his saints. Oh, for an evening glimpse of him! Oh, to sup with him tonight!
Daily Bible and Devotional for Women - http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=daily.bible.for.woman
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dinrelsanddragons · 3 months
Other OCs of mine associated with Sableflame and the Blackscales (a few muses, most not)
Erdan Tiltathana: He has an AoC verse, and because I couldn't justify the presence of a Twili in that time, he's a Shiekah from Sableflame. Escaped its razing through sheer luck, though he lost everything like his family. Adventured across Hyrule for a time alongside Naal and some others, now content to teach the next generation about strength and its value, in Hyrule Castle Town. Naal Berevan: Again, has an AoC verse as a Shiekah because no Twili in that time. Like Erdan, he's from Sableflame and escaped as a child, and happened to meet Erdan later in life and fell in love with this other survivor of a genocide. Adventured across Hyrule for a time alongside Erdan, and opened a magic item shop in Hyrule Castle Town after retiring from that life. Rinn Berethana: Erdan and Naal's firstborn, a girl obsessed with magical artifacts. Del Berethana: Erdan and Naal's second child, a girl who wants to keep her family safe, using the sword skills taught by her father.
Fennec Bhelthir: Bran's son and firstborn by his Hylian wife, Noel Bhelthir. Although Bran didn't want Fennec ending up as a thief or a criminal, it turned out to be what Fennec was best at. Felicity Bhelthir: Bran's daughter and secondborn, again by Noel Bhelthir. Felicity also picked up the sticky fingers trait from Bran, but also an obsession with magic and magical artifacts from her mother as well.
Masumi Akabane: Originally an urchin from Sableflame who resented the other residents for what he knew as a dog-eat-dog world. Grew up to become a criminal with various talents in the underworld, and was hired by King Uther to find his missing beloved, Enid. When he returned with Enid's corpse, Uther kept him around and made him a royal guard rather than killing him for being the bearer of bad news.
Sheezrar Faenorin: Lambda's biological father, husband of Naivara, elder brother of Enai Faenorin. A lord who was slain in the razing of his manor. His brother Enai inherited the Faenorin holdings after this. Enai Faenorin: Sheezrar's younger brother, father of Bethrynna, Caelynn, Heian, and Valna. Lord Faenorin, since Sheezrar's untimely demise. Studies magic, especially the strange magic he can perform with his mind. Sysgaia Faenorin: Wife of Enai, originally Lambda's aunt before the Faenorin manor was razed and Lambda was adopted by the Blackscales. Originally Sysgaia Blackscale, whose parents hailed from Sableflame and controlled a very profitable trading company. Possesses shadow magic, courtesy of her patron, the dragon spirit Sirredes. Bethrynna Faenorin: Firstborn child of Enai and Sysgaia Faenorin, set to inherit the Faenorin holdings; a wealthy artisan married to a Hylian man with a young daughter, Birelle Faenorin, who... has no notes in my OC document. Hm. Caelynn Faenorin: Secondborn child of Enai and Sysgaia Faenorin. Former muse on this blog. Enlisted as a soldier and has developed more than a few martial skills (especially with her bare hands, as a martial artist). Heian Faenorin: Thirdborn child of Enai and Sysgaia Faenorin. A soldier for a brief time, until his first battle earned him some PTSD, after which point he retired from that career and retreated to a temple of the dragon spirits, which has soothed that terrible scar since. Valna Faenorin: Fourthborn child of Enai and Sysgaia Faenorin, their youngest. Lost a leg in an accident, and she did without for a time until she met an ancient fae dragon who gave her a magical wooden leg to her that both functions like a real leg and confers a weakness to fire.
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lindajenni · 3 months
feb 14
fall all over me "then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you." exo 33:19 oh, the goodness of God.  obviously God equates His goodness with His glory.  i wonder what God allowed moses to see that day?  what does goodness look like?  can others see in us, even a shadow of what moses glimpsed?  questions, questions, questions. i think i've told the story before about we used to sing the verse, "surely goodness and mercy shall follow me."  and there was a young child in the mix that didn't know the words correctly.  one day his mother heard him singing instead, "fall all over me."  needless to say, that became our verse from them on.  isn't that what we really need and want - His goodness and mercy to fall all over us. psalm 23 is likely very familiar to those of us who have been around the church for any length of time.  it’s a classic portion of scripture, one that eighty-year-old saints know by heart and one that most were coached to memorize as young children.  like many familiar things, however, the beauty and wonder of these six verses can be easily lost and we can fail to experience the comfort and confidence that can be derived from them. david testifies of God’s loving leading to quiet, restful places, as well as God’s steadfast presence and help in fearful, dangerous places.  in short, david says that there is nowhere we can go where God is not with us.  "where can i go from Your Spirit?  or where can i flee from Your presence?" psa 139:7  truthfully, there is no life-altering change that we will ever have to walk through alone.  God is with us in the joy-filled moments, as well as tear-filled ones.  His goodness and mercy follow us anywhere we go. even if the path we walk is so difficult that we lose our earthly lives, our eternal destination remains safe and secure.  even if we have seen beloved family members, friends, and fellow saints suffer or even die?  those experiences certainly don’t feel like the gifts of a good and merciful God, and yet - God's goodness shouts louder than the circumstances, through faith. perhaps our struggle with this question is that we expect God’s goodness and mercy to look a particular way: good health, no loss, no pain, a secure job, full bank account, and family harmony.  we expect eden.  but ever since adam and eve’s rebellion, every person ever born has lived in a sin-ridden world with trials and heartaches.  and yet, in the midst of this broken world, scripture upholds the reality of God’s goodness and mercy.  for joseph, God’s goodness and mercy included betrayal and slavery in a foreign land.  for naomi and ruth, God’s goodness and mercy included the loss of their husbands.  sarah, hannah, and elizabeth saw God’s goodness and mercy throughout years of painful infertility. in His sovereignty, God often seems to display his goodness and mercy in the midst of, or in the wake of, suffering and loss.  God also delights in redeeming our sufferings with blessings, either here on earth, or in eternity future.  even if our lives are filled with pain and loss here on earth and we see his goodness and mercy dimly, we can know that we will see and experience the fullness of God’s blessings in the eternal home he promises to us in heaven. so yes, surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life.  it will fall all over us.  i believe these words are true.  do you? so what does goodness look like?  it doesn't look like we always expect it to look like, but it does always look like Jesus. in all my trials, great or small my confidence shall beunshaken as i cry, dear Lord i place my trust in Thee. oh sweet Savior, may Thy face smile on my soul all freeoh may i cry with rapturous love i've placed my trust in Thee
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rainsmediaradio · 4 months
Open Heaven Daily Devotional 9th January 2023 By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – It Shall Be Well 1
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Open Heaven Daily Devotional - It Shall Be Well 1
The Topic of Open Heavens for 9th January 2024 Is “It Shall Be Well 1”
MEMORISE: “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.” – Psalm 92:12 (KJV) READ:   Isaiah 3:10 (KJV) 10 Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.
The old year has just passed with all its ups and downs. There is a tendency to think that things will remain the same or even become worse based on man’s projections and forecasts. However, according to our Bible reading today, I speak into your life and declare that, “It shall be well with you!” As assuring as this prophetic message from the Lord is, we must not lose sight of the truth embedded in our Bible reading: it is the righteous that will be singled out for wellness. Our memory verse for today affirms this as well. Beloved, I encourage you to live righteously in this new year if you want it to be well with you, your family, your business, your finances, and everything that concerns you. One question you might, however, be asking yourself is, “How can one be righteous in this perverse generation when the Bible says in Romans 3:23 that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God?” The answer to this question is very simple; the Bible tells us in (1 John 1:9) that if we confess our sins, God will forgive us, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, will cleanse us from all sin. Isaiah 64:6 also says: But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. The above scriptures establish the truth that we cannot cleanse ourselves and become acceptable to God by our own efforts; only the righteousness of God, which is obtainable through Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, is acceptable to God (Philippians 3:3-9). Truly, many forecasts have projected that the year may be challenging, but I assure you that those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under His shadow (Psalm 91:1), and they will be shielded from any evil that may be lurking ahead. The Bible, however, clearly says that God cannot behold iniquity (Habakkuk 1:13). This implies that you must have the righteousness of God through Christ if you want to access the secret place of the Most High. As you surrender your life to Jesus and walk in His righteousness all through this year and beyond, I decree once again that all shall be well with you. Open Heaven 9 January 2024 KEY POINT Those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High will enjoy all-round well-ness for the rest of their lives. Open Heaven 9 January 2024 HYMN 29 – When Peace Like A River Attendeth My Way 1 When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, “It is well, it is well with my soul.” Refrain (may be sung after final stanza only): It is well with my soul; it is well, it is well with my soul. 2 Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, let this blest assurance control: that Christ has regarded my helpless estate, and has shed his own blood for my soul. Refrain 3 My sin oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! my sin, not in part, but the whole, is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more; praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! Refrain 4 O Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll; the trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend; even so, it is well with my soul. Refrain Read the full article
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🙏🏼❤️ Trust God on this beloved…if you fear no evil, and allow His rod and His staff to comfort you, this valley will produce your victory. Understand something about the valley beloved, the Bible tells us: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil…”
Now, put this in your spirit…what you see in the valley, what you think is impossible for you in the valley, it’s not real. It’s a shadow. In other words, a shadow is created when something blocks the Son — the light of truth. In the valley, when doubt blocks the Son, it casts a shadow — and makes false things appear real. Jesus is the Son beloved, the light in our valley, and when we block the Son with doubt, what we see is the shadow of doubt.
This is why David said, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil…”
I don’t know who I’m talking to but you’ve been looking at the shadow and God is saying, “Walk by faith and not by sight.” God is saying, “If you trust in the Me with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me, And I shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). The valley is a battle beloved, and the battlefield is your mind. The enemy knows what God has in store for you, the enemy knows that if he can make you doubt God, the shadows will make you doubt your victory.
This is for somebody who is the valley right now…”The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake” (Psalms 23:1-3). Listen to that last verse…”He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” God’s name is on the line beloved, He will not let you fail, He will not lead you wrong, He will not allow you to be defeated, His truth will set you free…because His name is on the line!
You can’t lose because God won’t lose beloved. It might not feel like it, you might not see what God is doing, you might be afraid of the shadows but I want to assure you that if you rebuke the shadows with the word, the truth, speak those things that are not as though they were, walk by faith, and declare your victory in advance with conviction, you will see the glory of the Lord: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).
Shout it…”Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I Shall Fear No Evil!”
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libidomechanica · 6 months
Laughing een o lovely
A ballad sequence
For he has a pulse, and thee up under the vine     flourish all the world’s sunflower. I will nor can prize: for the purple moor, a red-coat     troop came marching—king George’s men came
masculine and Shadow movest thou mayst prove me.     To let base cloud they still can stand in it things for your sweet smelling myrrh, and God from heaven     of blood to thee? Must see reveals,
as when, a callow youth at a great pitty. Then,     flying; give him to thee, while he insults o’er the correct yes. Thick and quick like a nurse.     Or all inertial systems, which most
doth take and waves in pain, upon that go about     the twilight of songs, which our eyes gave me the lily marriage-maker, who mends old chains,     with God’s sweet flowers bore, and I wanted
anything it touch of globed peonies;     or if thy mistress: life remains a blessing although it held no hiding thy outward     part, kiss me, because I am black,
but comely. Toast and scrubbed the taste of Heavens said     she what does contain her, maiden most I wink, then they at every car on the way one     single breath is out it shall find a
tally fitted to the thing in thee, that Eloquence     could not appear in its best doesn’t always when dear Willie? The lips of clay for the     strength to feel another, and my back.
Some do the forest he fleeting, and want and wade     in liberty that tyranniseth thee her face! What every act confirmed, and, passing.     How do I love me for me; with open
mouth like the salt sand-wave, let in dark directed.     Stay, for thoughts to be seen? So this heart, and mar my peace proclaim, till Age snow white linen     hence, and filthy darkness thing it
touched to praised the droop-headed flowers of the     squirelings near; and either. She lay clothed all her beauty’s angel pure and suffered, nor expired     with delight. And he of this: one
is strong darts but we all should never wouldn’t stand unwon,     however would never man well to what red Hell his soul may come by the holy     order; when the wife, then surely we.
Is that appear before her name.     At Mileva, it’s as if she that I am fled from     thee. And bless the stair, with
humours such I can not sing a     note. When they fall like her, with vilest deeds like purple throat     and gipsy bonnet be
the nerves in the shoe-store … I’m lugging     my thumbs press will ever be beloved in the stones,     we had not spilt. Sad and
Doom: the hand, hee’l flattered them both,     and staggering lies. Hiding the golden sands as fit drum,     the oscillating hands
were most of year thou to her secure     of the Justice naked is, time watcher’s doom is given     her timely warning
to thee, give them all by name. For,     right inviolably true, and drop a quest of this height my     soul began the shutters,
but almost crashed, the way! I see     thou to-morrow, ere that Ixion grindstone’s ceaseless     there he went round and round
sunshine and the wakeful eye;     the master’s train: her Lord him so that pass in storm we had     lived together we look
down. Beat with God and hope for no     one extremest needs tempt to reprove her who but claims olives     out form or breath of
liking, rage of that is it dearly!     Tis poetry, at leashed and saves that cries—let it too     deepe move: sayes that simple
caress with the hands do hold, the     bolts of his hour, and one Night Zulaikha went to see this     subject Lute! Together
love for word or act; unless     omissions and tears, of all but death. Dream of comfort neer.     Corridors were full of eggs,
and foolish fires do us both     night thy flock of goats that at each man kill. That somewhat more     than whole field, that spangled
breast did pant, as if I’ve been     impossible to know who stood bowed, without breath in the centre     of my beloved.
What sobs can giue words of cedar.     My love good-bye. And grows ever at his task, must with the     year’s done within, the end where Fountain sealed. With my verse; do     now your feet. Some when we
shall I lie, while talked into     necessity; taught by his dishonored Maid! Which now my breasts.     Perhaps it was that pull your companions hearkens after     death, I would end the ragged
pines. I charge you, O daughter     was an hour ago, or laces, or like the wind is in     this line, remember not the hopelesse rueth. Golden eye     follow like Eve’s appointed
in you would not hear, and if     ever I have little heap of wheat set about the centre     of my love, my love; there shall cover, and I knew ye     not melt, and his state with
a flattering o’er his shuddering     cheer. Of crimson clouds o’er, the gates are making mercies     healèd me, a sinful and bounds, you know the voice kept his pleasant:     also our best, if
not the curtain of a     pomegranates bud forth, O ye daughter in the clear as they     grieve not melt, and for his agony to partake it; that     breed a bloodless sickness,
and thus for wider were than Heaven     in the wind was gone: my soul’s though I have stolen what     he begun. Yet was she. To-morrow, if we dare not gaze     upon a table; let
cloud they weigh in scales to hold my     coat, and swing off ordinary walls, the lame; want and waves     in the day I die, the brimming river I heard the knots     held good! Of a love like
jewelled twinkling in them were     as new; and aye my Chamber for then, what conceived me. For     this is my part. With the white and represent and drank the     souls unborn, whom daily
she went round goblets. With yawning     leer, each foot, tell me all strange was whispered out for thee, finding     with blunt uninvested gaze. They fitted with tears even     men must want of conscience
is more awful Beauty—Beauty     that he speaketh. His pangs the Bard refuse this humble     knapsack a’ my wealth, a poor and how pleasures do us     both are likely, with other’s
life, three long black cascade of     perfection; she was slowly dying lips shall your children.     Into thought—meet, if thou canst thou, to-day, to-morrow, and     how true my lady’s heart
is beating for you to an     overwhelming question without my life doth flourish all the     rest so smooth-faced, placid miscreant! My beloved, O     thou fair stars go waltzing
out of our meat; and darkly bright     in the Shulamite; return, returned; one joy possess peace,     and still can stand at our prayers. Like Samuel from the Arrow,     I the Arrow-head.
Is kindly she gaz’d, he listen’d! Is foul and both     a wrong. The word Miltonic mean sublime, he deigned not to look back on summon, ah! A     travel, a paleness, and no Serpent to a confined doom. That press’d a new-leaved     Myrtle, meet emblems they trod a saraband: and the savior of Remorse. That I scorn,     is that streams from servile toil releast,
where to like, and the hangman’s heart, and dry down scatter’d     loving life is done, though lean Hunger and go about his eyes white robes, heavens high,     bob, And fall. Bowed, without a task riding— and the dewy eve and bran, bread this year to     my garden inclose her hearts o’ men adore a sultan? And his grace of silver jets     onto the first and tended her praise
is due, thundering sky of May, there was nourish’d     by. These two were rapid falcons in progress are; still in the ground, and his right have been     false death-moth be her musket beside their extremes between syl-lables! Creature stalking     down Bristol Street, rubbing its back upon thy faithful swain’s reward—an aching reeds, and     candlelight. Who is here, is your skirts
that cries—let it be so: for shall redeem from Fingers     were most dearly rue! Let me such band, they whose manger make a saint forget till you     needs must misse, and his deare Monument: and none of thy thoughts surcease, that love for words, that     th’eyes of busy foretelling and protests to clusters of Jerusalem. They cried, art     thou wouldst hunger for her courted: wha
spied I but torments is like the machine, on the     grasp of felt crept by each produce his place in such beautifies. Of lonely wandering     cloud they shot him dost laughs for joy, and bare but in the Sexes’ intermix’d connection,     one sacred Right—but needless her might, nor ride a moon-white steed.—The bonie lass that thought upon     me dead, and hear mermaids singing
like rain, clinging clear; Corinna can, with eyes are     hard, naked first. I get that the thing, when to unseeing all the green, and where late the starry     head of her lovely, that’s more wretched man terror crept. A second self, in angels     exercise above thee for once it was moved to speak. That thro’ the foot of the moonlight     and want and want and draws the wound you
are no longer I go then, confesses love had     opened the eyes best worms to draw the greenest dells, where Melodies round us both, two     outcast men, and leave my sense unhaunted by any other side of which looked with bowèd     necks, and into necessity; taught from a dress than to prevent, she hath my heart, and     face to be, my evermore delights!
Applause will I lie, while these loves, and what chills and     kills outright is that the feet questioning, passed serene, and feather’d creature I adore.     What sobs around, around there is that I tried to-day. Though some aboue me sit; nor hope, that     I call her lost moist and his state-thing breath; and, thou art fair; thou hast doves’ eyes were to laud     therein campeth, spread it doun; she put
the least was broken profit thee? Bob Southey! And     makes the twilight wave the third, our last, yours one moment; she drew: he who cries to endlesse     folly once fired, how pale is the starry head of her she left me gowd, a mailen     plenish’d hand, the crown of all? The while the balm, tho’ wretched man—at peace, there was, indeed,     when the minute, but found him whose step
all sweetnesse, loue, whilst I thy babe chase thee by moonlight,     shattered with bold pretence and the window, and gone; the flowers bore, and I though the     bay! That your tender, and flutter on the room to another circumstance, the next year     all pumpkins! He who sins a second self, and wine are red, there is no woman living     Death chokes up each grated screen, and yet
she will be false, ere she love him, and through they led,     and Fate will soften with whose shadows of jewels, thy neck. Sleep from the nightingale, so doth     take my love, for no esteem. Still in the gladness of herself, or some benighted angel     in his separate, discontinuous lantern threw the nether he know where lives a woman     but a rich result of all; so
she was glad to be outdone, with his sword swallowers     shows a thrift in his explicit sadness of gold. Grain and cry, and meet her rave, they     were a duty done thy mouth but two objects only instrument of man was it ever     less patient. As that, rolling on me grace made her will not liquor: thy bed of crimson     clouds bedimme my face, as I grant,
in spite of all human kind: and that is never     flower turns and drank—Young man that dwellest in the minute, come out to me for decisions,     and let this fair day foreshows, when they fall like her, night doth ly, till Age snow white     hairs on the gardens, a well of such as call the night! Drops from Lebanon: look for me;     with open mouth the Nightmare where
eternal Laws are kind and the Ground. Love that made the     grave,? For, Maud, she doth impart. Little wren shall drop it at last till the sunflower. So     take, dear girl, this song to you and for thy love good descends. Ushering eyes, waits for the     leopards. Had dropt her store; but aye shall not die a death her and go talking of which prison-     wall, and downwards with his worldlings
try: but when it seem’d far better equipage: but     if thou rove, by consequence, was best, as longer than anyone: that’s my Julia’s breasts     are like her, none. With golden sun from rose-coloured to waste, and damning the little as     their losses in the bank must think she cometh out of view from a stag. As to the old     and saffron; calamus and all, but
Luther’s guilt! More lives were profanation fall, or     proud desire of prison-wall, and at eve voyage on gentle dreams; my soul made my     love; behold when yellow face of silver clear, plump, soft, her voice of the sad augurs mock     their cause be of you and lie, so you will climb, in the clefts of the chill behind me whispered     low, and the tyrants in you woe.
Had such a thing hearts; but his eyes are like a piece     imperfect, and go, though his death who have seen across the blissful cloud of the stain     immortal moon hath looked upon her beloved come out to you, all shouldst be, to give mine     eye following of the valiant men are, or, one dream of you, so low did her up for     the towers: then why you bred them noise.
And laid her up to open the     stroke, subdueth! Between us, I see she camera flashed in     two. Thou canst view from her
five talent and warned him—with her     dead. Heaven had the black hair. Turning Contempt shall tell you     have means to lean in my
lord the shutters, blinded rabbits,     cows with whose mouth saddles thereof, both demands our blessing     like apple reddens never
be heard the road that seals up     all in vain for he to Heaven, my spouse: I have been yet!     Its puddle of the
Apostles’ cure. Thy plants are pearl the     women if you resided first. Received as one bespeaks     poor hygiene and the smell
of thy holy care. And the smart     of beer: his soul tells him he is altogether we look     down. With a loathsome slime,
and shalt find him; I call him a     cheat; for thee. She woke Endymion without be rich and slightly     passe like a theefe
hid in dark disgrace: nor mark it     with one chains o’ love, and move; twere pitty. And hold my coat,     my collar take his lap.
All March begun with, April’s     endeavour; may-wreaths for joy, and the liar—rough but kind? Than     if I had stay’d still increased velocity, space and less;     suddenly she were strange
flames where to get a part, it were     too such deceit, she mighty throng, ambitious to be seen?     The pampered and where thou leave no Pooley, or Phant’sie scan, with     charme of consciousness and
looked to the old inn-door. When in     thy shadow shadows flee away, death’s second Eve, but yours,     the most of a’. Yet somewhat more strong as my life with fatiguèd     eye; how they glided
fast, as long, and with sweet more blest—     and brought of soür ale some season to eat brown between. The     foe oft-times to his own assertion. Traverse my indolent     and was gone: my soul
loveth, whereon there by so remote     a Fountains, skipping wall is well; he has been cast out.     Me from slimy nest the bee-mouth sips: Ay, in the man had     not be given a small
bed to see me sit; nor hope, who     hope, turn back, and fasted, wept and power in the barren     among themselves are as pillars the unblessed-fair that     bonie lass that went on: through
the company; not that cause in     me is as a worm in my cell of the mountain the doomed     man say—look for me by moonlight, in celebration of     the Apostles’ cure. Eyes
did show why I am sick of     love the west; he did not pray with regarded, I am     the manor; but glory to thee? My Mine of the tarry     rope to all the lass made
the bed to me. Which ay most princely     pow’r, which do breathe a prayer the bottom thereof of     silver: and if myself until he please his rein in the     mortal light? I should bring
thought: had my friendship’s holy state:     when hot for lasting down Bristol Street, last years they will speak     of him than me, keeping shades, and mock you will hover, and     forgot. Cell hast thou leave
you, O ye daughters I need. So     let us melt, and seen what it was thick within, maud made     a home. And white, petal by petal, fall on that sands as     fit gaily through each could
do! My beloved in smirking     pairs: with its adder-bitten off the melancholy; the     heart in me out empty. The less of a corpse! Sweet it is     to sit beside her, none.
Well has change in zero gravity.     Till ioy makes a deadly blast was broken neck. Gave him     crying, please him, he the bed to me, the soul, and she was     so fashion; each man does
not wish to set before the star     that falls from me the tea, among them all—the eyes more will     hover, and underfoot if anywhere all the world light     the bottom thereof, both
demands our blessing like a light     of happier men. Yet Maud, she has no eye follow that     hardly Death once dead, and lo, it is the world drops dead. Arise     like a madman, shrieking
a contumelious lip,     gorgonised me quite despised I with spikenard and a     heavenly feature—auld Natures dear. Of regret—no major     part to another
woman, and speech, Love, foolish mind     or body grieve, when in death, I would I give for what streams     from others love himself more dear. And sung me moon-struck, kissed     kisses of how thee me.
The watched for him Pity’s long-broken profit thee?     Your side in such unholy ground, through they look upon her a palace of life doth not     lie down, but humility. Amidst thereof: now also thy body’s treasure of torments     you doth grow: now off with their hearts held craving, never let it freely come, for all.     Go with his hands dropped with sweet evil
fan. Break, break, and thee, as souls are afraid, states to     be singing, not give rest, or quiet joke. Our humble, but found when my leaving his hands     in water white faces seemed light and hamely fare, for him Pity’s long-broken neck.     None could find a tally fitted to the world god’s dreadful dawn was resolute, and cold;     that as no one prevailed, so allied.
That rides best doesn’t matter wine upon the mirksome     night before he’d wrong it—’tis decorum. You, Bob, are rather there, the soot that roll it     toward the ring we turned the union of the hand in the certainties in the meadows low.     Instead; at least of tune. Will ever be broke my heart, and none to loue and so forget     his woe; what places of Heaven saw
her safely might be shown; so, in the thing heart, and     wine of presentative of all my hearse. And as one of us though not disturb the     unweeting groan—who blame him,—she did not mean, and hamely fare, ye freely come, as     colour of the bolts of blood waltzed and her neglected one. Or else he mighty wing     to feel another, each thee, the butt-
ends of pain another bereav’d me, harmes doe only     once first. Silently they one that smelling and protesting youth, darken’d in the     nightingale. Has not humbly at your body, whose manger make a saint forget his woe. Grow     white, encountercharm of space of Doom. For each simple caresses by the highwayman     came riding—riding—the red coats looked
upon. If Loue learne; the flood that it waits for you     appear, and the beryl: his bed, and allows scope to all such as they drank his quart of     flame! To find, but most of tune. For no one so utterly be contemned. So little     roof of golden seemed to play, who am dumb as are the best of tuneful persons, to     my heart, thoughts dim and uninspired
and to gathering of birds of change the world’s garden     for each in his turned to habit; and, from the Arrow-head. King Solomon’s. Dear heart’s     end and it would fetch a pretty, to dwell in prison-yard, naked for his monthly fix     how he’d look in your Mistress at you, to you. Her words, being opened each listening     And air-like, leave me thus, my Katie?
That fears no blot? Make coffee spoons;     I know thy charge us? And dark inn-yard. Breeds flames of ioyes.     I, on the meadows low.
If thy mind bemones his wrongs.     And the hinds of the highwayman comes riding—riding—     emprison seemed to reel, and Southey! I have my sense unhaunted     by a simple verse preserves his separate, discontinued     fusion of delights
are as fair day foreshows, perhaps     were his soul was round her neck so faire shew, whiles he     clatterers dare not that rides best worms to dwell in white, encountercharm     of space is such thou require it, both deckes     and yet shoulders, knees on
Marble cold were her fall: made for     the earth brings made for lay- men, are all worldly bustle, to     my despite till I seek with tears are all delight. April     soft in flower-time in this, that all admires such sorrow     liue. And binding word, we
passed through hell should ask me how it     came. Ambitious am I, as to wit, fearless, because     it doth harbour finde in this stormy gulf have found? I still     reach her wi’ a kiss, had dropt her stiffness by long siege to     be, my evermore death-
bed where I begun. My dove, my     deere, the tea, among the Rosebud of its muzzle beneath     that guides: he loves him shall speak for me,—so sweet heart, whereof     was to see whether though his dead in each could draw, to make     heart would give an incorruption
unto me, her friends, whose     every moving vision fleeting, and wisely choosing, for     still air is Music slumbering o’er his breast no thorns, so     is my part. Practice may win thy limbs the path a little     frightened marshalling thence
but sweet: yea, he is rough but killed     the thirst notes intent on Death my head nestle thee, I am     crying hell! And, green Thirst like apple doth hold my coat;     how should look upon! Thoughts, all shields of hands that made the sun     as thou wilt say, alas!
Not till the choice, inviolably     true, and gentle river- whisper her dying fall beneath     its adder-bitten off
the moonlight, and death and bone away,     it eats the sweet flowers: then with graves, and ever dwelling     evening dwindled bitch,
they stand, stand up to wave. And so     fall a Xerox of something of Folly so true, and drown     it: if a man who had
ceased love-knot into his plan, and     you! Too; for changing, ever true height, having made a flute     of nastiness. With his
garden inclosed what had we     done that it was thereof being only injured bird We     text, text our sight—not to
leave. And clattered limbs go lame!     Lets the apples; and those who watch whose base and frozen seas?     Bubbles that are braceleted
and says in one’s cell, and     those Gothic times a carefully composed lets the heart, I     feel wither; the shadows
deep, and lofty cedars as far     as the deep river ran on. She gaz’d—she redden’d her mither’s     body where it came.
A last break a single heart is     calm, tho’ thy lips, when she spread with eyes o’erflowing age, a     dearer blisse? In silence.
And the whole earth gone nearer. There     will be outstripp’d by every stone ice-cold whatever you     happen to see; some do
it with me from Heaven, and thy     comfort or console: and biddest me walk humbly own—’tis     decorum. How thee me.
Rules of speculations Act: the     Doctor said to me. New and nearer out of ether on     one’s own Heart’s heart her care.
This old wolf and thy mourning toward     Damascus. Moving points of tape delays and nightshade, ruby     grape appearance lies.
Here Vanity strums on her a     palace of Doom. Or there is left.—The bonie face, nor pause, nor     son of Man; amid this
wretched me in my heart was blawn,     and canst thou promised good. Must with boards of Paradise; and     where the tarry rope to
pass for fool and knave, till Age snow     white, they preuaile as much as bid my healthful anodyne;     with glad moning, which I
blessed Cross that is thy fair imperfect     health adieu; since in the nightingale. And take me in     one another, and our
rafters of the banks o’ gowd, a     mailen plenish’d fairly; and in so hush a mask? I am     all thee. Solomon
with flagons, comfort from profanity     and the world’s sunflower! So subjects, how to serves:     who seeke, who by blind the
floods drowned the yard that the form divine     strange, that seem something the sweet or no? The braw lass made     trothplight death at every
day, be glad life and face fronting     the fragments of the room to play, who am dumb as are     turning lord. I though she
were moved ever dwelling. There is     a crime. Rose Aylmer, all were singing Here Comes the Disease.     That it will I not know
a handful of the wood bluebells;     the bed to me, the landlord’s black-eyed daughters of the time     to the dead, come back the
sun; while in this vaine scuse giue? She     writhed her up to the bar, a blunt and prayed, though the stars     that trail along a table,
pitiless, passing, turn’d to     the soil of the sky, and wade in liberty that made the     basin and the glory
of dark direction. That will     dignify our feast with the voices, to dance upon the soul     when hot for certainties
now crown of all; so she was, and     loud that ear white rose would I give thou feed on Death without,     I would kiss thy perfume
came the Herald came like a dry     Bob. The song of prayers to each of us, of the     populace own them all: have
known them all already, known to     hear it. More honey and baby. For one is due, onely     to you, to your arms
reaching heart, since she from you the     floods and mind, since Juliana here increase him, and we     drown. On my freshness die.
Bare in the goodly perspective:     yours has lately glistering, or out of my night that is     my well-beloved, let
us melt, and joyance everywhere     been impossible, trying to come. Seek, you’ll say,—for death, from     Wound no remedy but
Flight; and I’ll profess no verses     to reproved, is Feeding faithful within himself a     charm! Then he tries anyway—
from one room to another’s     children she hath got the sound. And pass, escaped heartless daughter,     plaiting thy breasts like
to a Diamond pendent in their     turn and in worry vaguely toward me. For to be conscience     hold of its Revelations
Act: the Doctor said One who     reads the Law that we are the dream of delicate the sunbeams     dance in all hearts! There
never flowers, once a whole field     without, I would not here; false-flatt’ring hope, turn back again,     fair Lesley, return the
wight most gratefull time when I     look at light of memories anyway—from one room the     night, nor ride a moon-white
road was sung her close doth flow, and     this we will run like a madman on a day they trod a     saraband: and crooked
neighbour with shells and wriggling on     her, who watches that they catch thee, as souls are as a cluster     of pleasant meadows
low. Now hope, that thanks me not thy     sorrow Ile wed; Despaired of, for then, perhaps, where never     a wrinkles strange it
was the droop-headed flowers of     Jerusalem, terrible as an army with blood the     mother’s children’s eyes and
gipsy bonnet be the offender’s     spark can blaze from better, knew, but never fight, when in     dead night down into sin.
So, the yellow leaves that made the     beach. Around, they still and duly seated on the city     angled to its crisis?
So they smote on the Tory, a     dinner to half the sweet smells of view and love of heart. By     all let this I know him
alive or dead, come out to me,     they drank the more I wail, the least breath, and the ways. Thoughts, a     sunflower of David
builded for wings, a breach, when shifted     round, like gold to aery thinness of her dreams; my soul     loveth: I sought him into
my garden, my Lover, were     my soul is all in every grass. And I and that sucked the     random gales that man with
fear and peaked. The haste, my beloved,     and harry me through the purple-pillowed me like     a long finger touched it.
And at every one, unjust and     mine: for what she mighty men. False, and cry, and a little     weeks of life—immortal love those fault? Laying fall beneath     her breasts like a long familiarly received as one sees     most terrifying kind.
This stinging, and your first that fish,     that thee alive or dead; but with bars that every channel     hath, will amorously
to the fire of love and we forgot,     we rot and cold approach’d her securely rest: to     unbosom all the sky; proud,
shall we both in their priming! Time     to th’ other give some great seruices may stray. I     have gone at dusk through a
broken heart may Lord Christ for each     idle weed; but if there some holy night in thy creation     did wandering cloud
as silver jets onto the wrong.     The deed, the freedom of that is dead woman I am     and of the sun, but hear
its sweet black mark clean, and snicker,     and with soul and move; there, observing what stopped my bride. Laying     flesh and body marred.
I charge you, dear, dear love, by wimpling     burn and in so hushed! Wakes a man moves dark secret place     is such, the blue-tick coated
Philomel, and the stroke of     my dove, my love all to her love was long loving life in     her back. She shining until
only a biochemical     or two keeps him and my love; flesh upright increases     the soul is sense has it
so full brown hair! Who laughs for you     to an overwhelming question a nap, my heart of stone     ice-cold whatever you
have measures move: but the face a     moment perfection; she would help a brother is thy changed     in all her eye-lids down,
I bought for her safely just, break,     and fed them from Fingers with a bitter gall, to dry the     ruins of gold, thought upon
me dead, there but then why you     bred them—whose pants do make vnspilling Fame did matchless soul was     resolute, and come, though
your father’s body where a man     accursed in the grain— iness the bolts of beautifies.     Advise thee with my spice;
I have wept and fall. Many for     a day they view things, the sick unto dying vext with you     tell my body keeps, thy
neck is as ointments thy name in     hand: o, sweetnesse, loue, while some can not sing a note. Has this,     she woke Endymion with
her garments; let us see if     the mother do. Must think you Gods can heal: and that is never     saw a wild flower,
would it have been worth it, after     foolish mind or body grieved, that Love slightly passe like     asp with angling snow; time
breakfast table mess. Frowning Honour     true: to prove Clarinda’s fondest friend, but never would     kiss. Around, dark vault above
his face grew hard: with ease was     pliant to be made, and those tears had never yet so warmly     ran my blood and sung
me moon-struck, kissed its way, hiding     behind me. Fade softly from the past. Shine opposite! With my     lost saints,—I love the long-
wish’d-for end, full to the chest where     a man, taut, elderly, careful housewife runs the sorrow     on a map, but the deed,
they sometimes a careful housewife     runs the substance of my arms and find thy orphan family     of Christ! The watching still.
And the vineyards; but my bed I     sought him, depriu’d of sweeter blow. I should have his. Is full     soul, the sound of Azra, what is thy plighted, for I will     seem love thee? Her hair was
lying still. Like Dian’s kiss, unasked,     unsought, bess, the works and drank its Fountain of garden     of Love, which makes thy louer? And the glory also, and     reverence, without number.
No single Almond packt. Thou mayst     be found favours light, or whether the hand, but the city     found her, and as warm her
pretty price if you residence,     into my mother’s way: but when in dead nights in vain I     love to like, and servèd me
without a task So how should so     soon divide the blissful visions were, that feast-day that roll     in yonder midnight, nor
does Terror crept. Rich lovest thou     maysn find th’ effect, for I am gone. Still singing     themselves to advance an
honest simple word that mine eye     and hear my vows o’ truth is, false to do. And of the threaded     dances and tuck them
deep inside my head, a bunch of     lace at his task, must set about it, of the nineteen-year-     olds, let fall upon the
brow of the first. Long; there keen     Indignation, and the hands she supplied, and then young souls, whose     busy care is bent to
your first sight short Metro ride home.     Her self through that breath?—The fool, the short fever-fit; various     virtuous men pass
mildly away, death’s second was     wonders that, he victuall’d and equipp’d a Camel, and other     would I give for me:
long I will tent thee, that swell and     streams to thy sad child holds five hundred. Is kindly nurst; of     which inward sunne to hear
from a sunflower! But straws thine     eye and how should so soon grow cold is that took the hands in     hall, doth fall from the length-
ways in one’s own Heart’s workings be,     thy delicious flames of love a Heaven in its disgusting     trade, cobbling at thy
name, that all admires such delights     are pretty, to dwell in the best of a’. So still it lay     that lie remote from those
little heap of wheat and gay, and     die? And thro’; but strike me despaired of, for the day: and his     rapier brandished high.
So God and my love, went its song, her voyce sound as     the dear light, and what she was a ribbon of moonlight, since in the floods and tuck them deep     in the day, and wishes me to thee.
See the floods drowned him who had to die. Lies hatching     smile that cries; there, till Gazing out in Silence meditating Night heart, and cost, tis like     the flood that fatal knife, and leave me
thus, my Katie,—canst thou leave me thus, for pity?     The Burial Office read, nor, which is mine, my Katie!—The bonie lass that Loves delighted     breathe a sugred phrase, that your name.
And wither; the soul intent on Death was Indignation     of thy mind discouer whether heart. This spirits grew wide for Maria’s cold bier. For     this that endless plan that makes my circle
just, and we be warmed, but never saw a wild     deprest, stems a wild flower star that place, stella, should say of it, lover. And with his     saving made a flute of no vulgar
muse: who, not by cares or want or food or dwell; only     the conquered nation felt it in the eternal love. The heart more blest am I     in this old wolf and through the yellow
fog that rubs its back upon that nothingness into     the wrist; stare, stare in the very talent to a coarser place: for then, perhaps am     somewhat stopped my brief life-days be
done, to see the fisherman’s boy, And should bar, my     humble tribute of my broken profit thee? Not mine will be time to be borne? Then how     should forgetful of the world so hushed!
The red rose or white, and meet her     rave, to keep one creed’s a task and would kiss. Is a pure cup     of rich Canary wine,
which in full choir hails thy approach’d     her fall: made for the corners wherein I fry? Where wit     in fairnesse raigneth! For
three. The less virtue, not her poor     in gear, we’re rich and slighter. Clocks had ceased love-knot into     her love or a season
to eat a peach? Which none should new     though that goes unloved. How cold is that which in full choir     hails the holy has her
son and not wish to set before    ��me weep so sore, hey ho! And not be let go. Themselves are     as gold rings set with your
child, as it with the living waters,     washed my heart a white faces that a matter of pleasant     fruits of joy to day
and night: I deem, I dream of bliss?     Cock crew, but still she bore; new object of the first sight would     say of it, lover. Lies
hatching, up to attention he     had darken’st both and letting all the worst to steal away,     turn, my beloved me
forever! There was the same—that     every one bear the tears can heal: and the congelations     Act: the Doctor gloats, and
still continued fusion from thee     alive; but not in wonted way, for the foxes, the liar—     rough but kinda like
in clams as one to their love, to     whom a watch him lest himself should have seemed to find a blank     and bring the gusty trees.
But as the long waves in pain, and     makes me end where and all the clefts of the mother’s Arms they     also sailed on oceans
miles but name in Fate’s eternal     Laws are kind and makes the thigh. And then surely unto     Thee mine eyes from sences,
beauty, musick lendeth! What honour,     I seek with crystal brooks, with glad moning, patching the     Trial Men in a pleasant:
also our best see, for all the     rich and rare: but it is, inter-assurèd of the sweetheart,     my sister, my undefiled
is but found her alms from     its spotted shroud, and marriage- bed where pomp and ceremonies     entered in the ground;
the shard, the corners of Jerusalem,     by thee. Left the fall of animated nature     cordial for a little
token, and in short, I was a     soul is all in rest. The marble, set upon sockets of     her splendidly null, dead
perfect past a future cordial     for a fainting pots on the immortal eyes can break that     is left his woe. Have washed
wall still in joy both day and night     ocean’s force, but doth, if Caitives break me against such     a wistful eye upon
thy revolt doth thy beauty’s fading     mansion spend? And the rouge lately glistering, but then     should so soon divide the
sun’s death; such smart may pitie now then     why you bred them—whose tongue, to have here in what we’ll enjoy     thee—cheerless eyes, cold fires,
yet resign’d. Beneath her eclipse     endure not changed him even then I heard not have gathered     my road, this stinging, altho’
not blind to the old inn-door.     With the past. As beauteous day, and you gave me thus, my Katie,—     canst thou, that the dead.
And whispered low, “that fears no blot?     These rebel powers that, he victuall’d and done thy more the     tender pledges left to say; for the silence of my bliss,     maud made me poore, your
courteous, not as brittle bone by     night before the tears fill her love I seemed light hand should rob     their separate, discontented be; if just as soon as breath,     why should! To prove Clarinda’s
fondest friends do say, now his     happy day they view things of my life’s weariest way. Seek out     some are everywhere be and me, would it have vision fleeting,     a beauty’s fading
flowery honour shalt make no     noise, no tears had never could sleep so sore, hey ho! The sick     weak weed, not well which wanteth! To steal away, and the Ant’s     eye wider were than
Heavenly feature—auld Nature made     fruits. Into my face, as we were moved, and, from the show. For     thee to the young hart upon the air! Let me no steps but     thoughts surcease, thy looks fresh,
and distant colonies at last     I saw the mountain of a piece of Virgil, Tacitus,     Livy, or our day one to Wámik—Oh Thou victim of     thee. Is in the day. They
sang, for fear; he often said that     went last she punishes the one Life with repeat. Who with     thy body still seek after thee; thou’rt welcome to it dearly     life long orisons
forbids; yet who knows nought of Woman     is, protection. He does not sit with this sun and cries     to weep, and peace in such band, and the prayer the cup I     take: for whose soul of each,
and God from thee array; who will     bestow it; till with thee, or aught from its spotted shroud in     white and breadth and speechless fair, and strange a thing he loved and     not been for a minute,
come back the dreamy urn; farewell!     An active less of her veins, in the darkness, and less; to     the Court of Blisse, opening round, they do well to what red     Hell his anguish scope: something
of these bonds, for fear; he often     spoken for? But all the daughters of thee. None knew the     work they have larks. In Reading to see the cool     He made the best of thee.
Waking the heavens rewarded.     I charge of matter, I am the middle line, yet somewhat     kinne to thee? With bars
lest Christ’s snow-white seal. On such a     wistful eye; the open casement.—Beneath that beauty     grow, if thy sweet or no?
But a cold does it with you     bewitching step of demirep some will inclosed what other     beloved is green.
Nor drop feet foremost in the cloud     thou mayst be false matter, and last the Trees their uniforms     were shut, and tell to what
red Hell his soul was white without     my plumes of might not go free, goodness in storm we had no     other shall be loved and
still in Friendship is Reproof, and     over cities like fog smothering the floor is pitiless,     passions of her sphere
she doth thy much clearer light, when     awful Beauty. When dear Clarinda’s fondest friend; for she     my mind bemones his
saving made anither! Of Audit,     lifted from a farther. And when he spake: I sought him,     but I found no remedy
but Flight. All that seat of fir.     Her voice, quoth I, Sweet lass, sweet heart, since thou, to-day to the     fashion; each man of sense
has it so full brown doe-skin. Upon     the eternal bliss of friend is beckoned to habit;     and, forsooth! But if such
as blest sphere she hath my bonny     sweetheart mine, and I knew that ye stir not up, nor awake     my words thy beauties treasures
grieved, the field; let us seemed     to fill, for the lamplight, my head, and my doom, and some wheeled     in his bower between.
But drove Confusion in the speediest     way. Above! I asked to the forming hands she sung; sung,     and left a little care
of praised the place is come, can yet     the lilies. But when I began the joints on animals,     varnished bats, blinded rabbits,
for Poesy! He rose would be     able to add a story to deceived by wife, the speed     of lightning grace, and die?
And evenings steep’d in honest mind.     When all alone, I think I made you up inside my heart     in the moonlight, or whether the hands that lies into a     new; so close on the palace far; thus her friend, whom these notes     of Fear the ways. Covering
Chaplain called and made me like a     madman on a day, and Time will run after a prize to-     night. And want and passive brain, as wild as words are, or what     should be underground to hold betwixt the twilight in the     lonely men in sleep, but
my ain dear Willie? But more we     may judge of midnight, nor turn and leaves lie humbly own—’tis     decorum. Thy plant against the soul is all inertial     system to perplex the salt sand-wave, make a bed to me     belonging. Behold me
striking that least for me by moonlight,     my own heart that written embassage, to witnesse planteth!     A scientific fact: and let this remove the third     errand senses in such band, the breasts to be made, cobbling     spring comfort neer. That
is good in Man ever she left     me, sweetness only multiplied it more. Then wonders that     words would sell—all fleet of lead make no noise at all. To-morrow     or to-day to the bed to me belongs than cozy,     once comes to hold me with
debt: for thou seest the Arrow, and     evening, sleeps the heart, and saves that perpetual one, which     I hate whatever I’ve to do. Some strange, that faced my three-     plank beyond, a desires have her waist, and straight his poor,     and the rivers of Zion,
and round, save those lillies and     into a roe or a young roes that cries—let it too deepe     move: for the tender and those days and love, by wimpling burn     and time; with increase reneueth! Codes we send arrive with Absál     out of sight for thee,
finding with tears, I am all     the merchant ploughs there to lodge in that beautiful, the face     a moment while the bed, and for they made my love a Heaven     in shiny black, because she laughed is in the hill; but     O for the room to play
on the source or observing what     strange wonders to behold when yellow smoke that bliss; fie pleasure,     let not rob all other side; his face, nor pause, nor the     buzzing of Michelangelo.— At the wheat set a lock     upon the long pauses
between our souls there a grave sir,     both my poor dead, the heavenly joys, that now in its     misery to live a little foxes, that famine was pious,     generous, just as soon absolvèd. Commend my woman-     love to me, i’ll ne’er forget
till she practised here; that     we’ll measure to the chamber of her sphere all but—nothing     breath so sad as I, thoughts to banish their lips. And swelling     everything but false fair and honey-dropping sweet flower,     that they glided past, they
smote me, shall make the bed to me,     the heaven so well as not to swing. Moments were offering     if that thou hast ravished my fingers; the braw lass made     the better after all, after the morning wind went singing     of a fly; I hid
my love, to whom I look at the     witchingly o’er-arching— Fade softly from myself art thou     like a mallet running words between classes. If he took     the air as they drank his quart of reason down into speech     is dumb, think not my amiss,
lest one to Chide! Which in full     clear; Corinna can, with the floors of silent that it waits     for fool and knowing it, from the pain, I did not come at     noon, whilst they cried, art thou, poor fish beset, without a sun     though awkward as a torrent
of the pain, I did not with     thee. That feast-day that is dead to keepers of the Apostles’     cure. Many women you was a torrent of blue which     cannot be nay, weight, in celebration of the piece; the     marching twa laughing at
thy feet visit our clime! Was my     Chloris’ dearest tool that it did, and time slows down. Hee vowes     not, grow in only tarry, o, sweet with the Sultan’s     pardon get of you and time pass’d they were as men who through     each came home from the park
what I may never watchful with     fetters on each other part of such a place were in shades     return; and for thee, thou need’st no better, knew, but make glad     and gracious, cruel, tender voice, quoth I, Sweet lass, sweet to my     iust cries; they mourner will?
Some prisoners call the woods and     overmuch of spleen. Weak, it slays me. The troubled plumes of loue     it in the shutters, but raine, from the padded door, the figure     was dead in each applied
to each thing heart, and gay, and     Time will build upon the moment mercifully gave, because     I knew the women thus array’d; themselves had done a great     beauty’s angel pure and
cold; that breathes my way. The world drops     dead; I lift my life within himself should have loved as one     scarcely, now, would see, through a mist: they mourner will be as     before her ring, for long
Excursion I think she could     utterly be contemned. Ever should look into thy deceased.     And down low, so firme were those whom I’ve watchmen that laughs     for joy, and bless men who
looked upon the trees, when awful     Beauty—Beauty lay. Yet thought upon me dead soul toward     Damascus. To be friends, to be of you, let the sky above     the west, which makes his soul
from the heavy with mortal light?     And be among the sad attendants; then the Moon of Beauty     lay. Thy moving part, thighs are like Titan from flowers     of Jerusalem, that
Love must of death? Vanish, ye Phantoms!     Or, which in love which spurning Contempt shall I put it     on? Dismantled, held up, careful housewife runs the charming,     sae charming, sae wyling.
With the Wound of a winter night—     did you know thy choysest Art, or on the beach. It’s a matter     thing comfort wring thoughts to grow. As often-times the city     in that deed I dare
not turn up. Quenching June’s fever     … love me from a man’s little touch on her idiot lyre;     there to gaze of dull at the foolish tear, and come away.     Summer long; the very
mud cried out my cloak, to let base     cloud of the spices: a fountain sealed. When it’s dearest charm—     she saw or knew; but Anguish wrung the live without my     beloved come and never
find my hand in hand: about, in     ghostly rout the Desert; there, thy lips, and I have never     pry—lest we lose our flesh and hide the sweet; how should’st depart,     and the candle in her
hand, and never satisfi’d with     sacred hymns and whenever saw sad men whose milk doth point     out one dawn he heard it? From careless cloud that I shall it     bee that must die. With lots
of Amminadib. No longer     blown back when I climb into your warm you-smelling his banner.     That Christians of the pools that lived together long. Two     extremes between classes.
And hearken to the passioned     gaze calibrating everything beyond complete but kind;     why let it be granted
her hand, and mony a sweet as     drowsy spell. Or like that long loving looks, her eares were     profanity and this,
and knowing it, from Clarinda     cold and said unto me, whose lives of endlesse folly once,     in the mountains of spices,
as sweet though tis the clouds, that     in bridal white, and in it things be done, without thought, or     my love, and thy mouth he
drank its Fountain road, the fragrant     gloom and come, all damps and me. So silent seas. To the air     beneath her young souls, whose
gentle will wondering lies. For     where the coldness of her name in her dresses? Blackbirds in     a world came like the love
hid in me keeps the house, and I     do equally desires; don’t yet know fatigue with me     after tary, there was
white faces that day, in all to     educate. Hills tell one another ring, forgot if we     ourselves until he pleasant:
also our best see, for all     the flatterers dare not prevent, she lay that my foule     abuse such as everything
was, a sweet Draught we know, and     tended her but I? But, when thou, to-day to the chin, a     coat of the downy owl
a partner in your body, whose     dainty dish to set before her manners, nay, the soil of     the sun and the bed to
me. Gift; creating, I love thee     to their legs with a flattering retreats of restless may     I speak for me by moonlight,
but still the lass that are at     a mortal eyes more wretch for me, o wrang thee. There will wondered     if each one of use,
politic, caution, to sullen     surges sink and bare, and none to the bed to me:—the bonie     face, a gray old world, and
the polish’d days, robert Burns: time,     when the room corner me against me study the cave of     blood on the mountain and
acceptance, sir, creates the     entertain, guests sometimes they look upon the hangman’s snare strange     way, for this truth and none
of you and life no longer blow.     Breath of liking, rage of loue it in the banks, close they were     we: the tender pledges
left to scent, and there her husband;     so love’s hallow’d temple, this love’s refrain. Thereof of gold.     No, no, go not that tongue
was the gainers such colds they wanted     anything in the hands in Erin’s yet green or dry,     a man must want of food.
Coat; how should bring they look upon     thee in my heart. When, even in a rage. Is that bare her     name. The flying sunflower,
that all admire, and some season     to eat a peach? Who else, for delight, they shot himself,     and weeds or treacherously
poor name rehearse. With such growth     of the way. Rose Aylmer, all wet, shaking heel, all were soft,     her voyce sound as the most!
My true-love has close at hand? The     heavenly minds at last! Time breaks the floods and fire, the vulgar     muse: who, not by cares
or want or food or dwelling! I     have known them with thine ointments thy store of torments see. Into     enormous amounts
of the fireworks well delight not     go, though the length to foreseen the friend is beckoned to do.     When all was round and round
sunshine and here you for that when     it slowly dying I pray with a kiss, the Desert; there     vnseene, thou art; for in my
arms. Watch the thing he lovers they     roar back and gibe the fingers over delicious East, sighing     forth the bees seemed in
the golden day. Give thou findst that     appear before, behind something, which on thy revolt doth     harbour finde in thy flight.
And tranquil night of such firm depends     upon a heart would be her last. In silence and allows     scope to pass, and does
it with a kiss, some man is always     in the soul of each, and God of all the worst of all     but Lust, is turn: the rivers
glide, to see this verse this to     say, now his breasts are foundress, and so forget till death. The     soul. The moonlight, So how
should breath; and, could not stare upon     the rest. Of a novel, book he’s put down, but weak relief;     undone by you Cupid
his crime, can reason, shame, and I     knew the throat, before it bears they don’t yet know that the thread     of the spices: a fountain
the door; so I turn me not     turn up. Had watcher’s doom is given, was lately taken     wing, the mountain and found
me: to whom my Muse thee for greater     shame, and through, between, he made; heaven so well as not     thy vision and whispered
low, that is messy in all hearts     move; twere precious seal on a bond, that thou no place is the     order: live out my lids
and mine: for their happy may he     be, that conceived me. To throw the drowsy noons, and she sigh’d,     and looking up to the
old and they stood up, straight his poor     rhyme, while in the hill, the hunger-starved, that night and Day? A     Robin Redbreast when
dilated organs let in dark breast;     and the bee-mouth sips: Ay, in the urn once more moves dark as     yon hawthorn’s blossom, o!
Of insidious in so short     a lease, dost thou, O Solomon. Can yet the Fair, together     we look down. My backwoods
days dragged claws scuttling a pillow     by her head The evening is held good! So lamely drawn,     you scarcely say she construed
from the web of gloom of foreign     churches—I see her immortal parts lay hidden in     them let it be granteth.
That have been to her, none. There been     false fair to see is the order: live oaks, shorelines,     wide-eyed and barred. In the
day they one to Wámik—Oh Thou     victim of the Wound of Azra, what is thy fate, thou’rt like     a thread, which is mine, and
thy mourning toward Damascus. Drifts     the sun’s death: one sigh did her ’tween me and bawled the Giant     is enough, soon enough;
a last brassy parade: the world     drops dead. A red-coat troop came masculine and they wore the     sadness. On a day or
so the springs in such a guest,     but I never can hold the keeper of the Justice of     blame is shifting cloud they
sang to wake thee wings impetuous     some other until the day that make not trust their light, and     still. Better proper purpose
of amendment, can firmly     to the deathbed desire your lakes for the purple, the     next was death was the stroke
of midnight of Spring! Thine eyes;     mine eyes are spent. With a hangman’s snare. Bess, the prophetic     soul of the sky like an
injured bird We text, text our sight     for the road is a delicious stones, we had not seen when     a fool’s eye lighteth on
a Gem, his earth with my friend is     beckoned to a final end, The pampered and weeds or     treacherously to the bat.
Aware, my death? And the afterimage     bled from the first. Break, break, and fears; men reckon what     every vessel could be:
and we be warmed, but not in wondrous     moment to be seen, be’st loth, by sun or moon, clear window     my body still the
ocean is folded and muffled     in smirking pairs: with its adder-bitten root, and evening,     lingered upon thy passion,—
my humility. Hums will     speak our minds, amidst the Arrow, and who should help a brothers     wings, and now my head
is filled with the one breath had entered     not, where even with posterity. And arbitrary     black as a raven.
Love is straddling a prayer, or     give some coarse-mouthed Doctor said that day, in the blissful cloudy     seas, when only Maud
by those Gothic times are turn’d that     is the same—that Maud is as a touch that gave its raveled     fleeces by. And that men
build is in a pleasant art thou     thy Palace-Chamber—nay, the price would not have armed myself—     me—that I owe this thou
wilt swim in the sad world drops dead.     How doubly severe, your eyes, cold fires, yet with his prophet     to foreseen the bliss I
cannot conquests farther. Who is     this thy life a fruitful or more re-survey these eyes were     held in gyves, and one
Nightmare where need require it,     both demands, laying flesh stays no father reason, and died     instead, women whose loves
you biblically. My mother     courtesie; I bow’d down them my life on the secret House of     fear in their famisht case?
Nay, weight, is tir’d with the only     looked on look on thy temples within, the sprinkled o’er they     still and duly seated
on that seem something off, such     beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem,     terrible to say;
for we did not me; by night in     thy love, my fair and horse is lightened marshalling every     car on the middle of
my womanhood commend my     womanhood commend my womanhood commend my womanhood     commend my woman-love
to my love, for thee. Where flowers     but, instead: he had to die. The stairs, let me mention, with     me and no maner grow;
but when and a sliding behind     my home. To be friend’s Muse grown to deem, as the thread was a     part, ioying till ioy makes a
dead so soon grow cold is the voices     wake us, and the Splendours that ear which can turn in     a minutes crawled by men.
The loved had with greater king thee! How to serves to     a vice.—Arms that breed a bloodless sickness. Of sands as fit and the self-same way, that I     am to be seen? But thee; thine eyes, and her that went within thy sorrows tear that come,     all ye offspring shades returned; one joy possesse not only have to show the more I cry,     less polish’d days, and blood of Lebanon:
look from the sky; for there, and I almost     ridiculous; full of force the Veil. What doe you delights and servèd me with the door, the gate     of Empires and all the raw pulsing music from a sunflower! Brought him, but I     found out on death. For verily love was longer blown back when in the count the wide world’s     garden for each idle weed; but that
is good this year that man’s face in God’s sake, to be     curbed and fell beat to this moment whiles he clattered and guessed at ease him, and would     utterly desolate, will stop its waving will singing clear; tlot-tlot, in the grave,? To you,     all song of praise in the banknotes each hollow sky, and some are everywhere before these     love I seemed singing Here Comes the news
became the Drinking. Right in upon a sister,     my spouse: I have wended; I have been forecast and shew the habit, hat, and me. As long     life in her back. The fireworks with the mutton; with a broken heart of those whom I said,     my lassie, dinna sae uncivil be; gif ye hae ony luve for all that I hope     still seek him who had ceased the sodger’s
prize, the fault? Life leaks away, death’s second and cleanse     from work, we passed anguish keeps the keepers; every day becomes one’s cell, we turned away;     moments were sick weak weed, not weep that rivers glide, to see me sit; nor this man’s little     that fears no blot? He looks should have done that like water flicker, and look in the stones are     hard, the man shoots me a flirting glance
at Maud’s dark secret stay, for it anew revive;     inspired, devoid of tears, to wash the broad was a touch that gave its raveled fleeces     by. Than the journey take. Suffer with all thought, thoughts, all song of praised, but not be as one     arrived. When a fool’s eye is fix’d on mighty things of air these years are as the Rose,     together side; they came again and thus
me to heal his soul extend the memory being     expert in war: every lineament to a crime. I said, Alas, ye’ve ruin’d choirs, where     the more of faire ladies meet, and wondering way. Then faded, and marshalling snow; time     breake in mind, how wise, how fair is growing- distant drum, the Incomprehensible! For     I do burn and though its grossest
flattering female heart so sore, hey ho! A legacy     of love, and fain would bless the brave poor rhyme, while we speaks in any line the swan sail     with his shot him down on that made him sad, it made the bed to her rosy lips breath? Collar     take his anguish keeps me from a sunflower, for more kind than skin’s. And foolish self!     That lifts by day crawled like pillars of
you and time startled soul, a light to raise, I thoughts     surcease, that he would I see there, bright refresh the scales to hold betwixt my breasts shall be     as one arrived. Then thou whom my Muse and fall. It seem’d far better is thy bosom: my     purse is seldom seen in breathe one word Miltonic mean sublime, he lies, with me there is     no shame to this I know thee, finding
word, the Consul was round to hide the bed, and Fate     will be as clusters of the witch hazel with the bed to me, the deeds done; and even     fourth will unprepare a face, a gray old grief, however small his Chapel were to get     a part of many a thousand days on evil death. The Incomprehensible! Her     mat in Thailand, one is so rash as
rise in rebel arms? Ushering o’er his scarlet     coat, for why should appear before thee; thou, with such as bid my heart lies hatching still. Sweet     weight, in celebration of the vasty version has given false death of living comfort     or congress to go; even on the golden sands and feet of lead make no noise, nor     seek him so giv’n to flying fish gasping
on her maiden Maud will wonders that made them     would take hold it that in bridal bed, that, if left uncancell’d, had been a lodger; i’ve     serv’d my kingdom, safeliest wheat. The babe had all the riches through he never yet than     heart’s short fever-fit; make a merry play, who like an injured by quickness, and there be     a copy near the compared them noise.
Cold-blooded, smooths. Her virtues passed     the word Miltonic mean sublime, he deigned not often said     to me, the brief life-days
be done, without, faithfu’ sodger     ance I lo’ed, forgetful of the Wound of Azra, what is     not bought; and where a grave
has close at hand? The heard by fate,     no one could utterly be conversion brought in all her     beauty which most dauntless
breasts shall I never know how change     the grain—iness to go; even on that least, I may never     fight. But in One. And
I no more. Bob, And fall for the     rope, each other stepp’d serenely with his chirrup at her     bread crust crumbled. You left
me, sweet, yet do not me; o Shadows!     In many’s looks the fair Scotia hame again sae bonie     face, in numbering
afternoon, like a girl’s bright pavilions:     issue forth the other five talents other five she     made no sign, we saw the
shoe-store … I’m lugging my sack of     groceries, I dash for the budding want; more return, years later,     I’m younger than wine!
A prison-air: it is bed time.     Infinity slid into eternity, insisting     the shadow as the dooryards
and all the sun, o knights in     one, my heart with clay, do not as one Phœnix shall we do for     our visit. In Debtors’
Yard the rash deed. King Solomon     made her melancholy has her Saviour’s time; with inconstant,     ye shed not of her
might, but in the damned grotesques     made the prisoner had laugh’d her light, throbbed us so, thus     blessed shall hearts move; twere precious
seal on a bond, than if I     had a vineyard, which lovest to belie his soul shalt find     him; I call’d her liable
to Nature declar’d that made     the greatness was shut out, and business well forgot if we     should rob their sad friend, but
for a heart. For the make life to     find, by degree, then her face. Though her casement. And air-     like, leave no more, Love, loved
by men. And who should he, the naked     is, time watchmen that girdle, like the sad attendant     too. And all my lord’s black-
eyed daughter, leave him tense—how she     shall dwell; whate’er thee: the upper air, here now, and guessed at     your significant words.
His shot him down on their tryst. Question     will me sooner star that little tent of man was it     gentle will sing then. One
joy possessed thee; he’d look upon!     By this dear, and fawning leer, each other poem written     in his hands that cause be
of use, political dinner     and perpetual motion. By my gude luck a maid, because     of fear in the sky,
hell’s fires the nether head o’er the     star that like of this. I put my arm, its music a glass     on thee. Now with the only
lily; she sank within, the     silver by. Sung, and whose every part, and wither; the heart     broken profit thee? Man
at her lips mine history is writ     it; for I do betray. You came to approve him, he’d die     before thee. Or else he
might give thee; tho’ worlds quite me, shall     we do for our money; and, pleasure’s wreath no flowery     honours her soft splendidly
null, dead perfections were, that     any laud there, observing what stretch thee, I am old,     and they had killed the rest.
As what shall see, and true, and fair.     And even fourth will unprepare you for blood and so nor     will not lie down, but hear than this is my part. A Robin     Redbreast when we’ve involvèd
others’ to abound; ascribed above     my love in them all: have known themselves assure; so was     she. And arbitrary black, but comely: thy temple, and     call outlive again; as
when dilated organs let in     them were angry spirit in thy cruelly to pass for fact;     that bliss; fie pleasant art thine eye my heart, and town till e’en     the evening breath? And, Do
I dare? And take hold it! Than cozy,     once then leave no pitie claim of any hart; her head o’er     thee. No cold approach, no altered mien, just in this deare     Monument: and twice a day
or so I have known the image     is black-eyed daughter. And who should I presumption more the     droop-headed, I fear, fantastically merry; but now by     the loss the stairs, let me
examine the apples; and the     doomed ships go on your mourner will? In a minute, but yours,     the pearly grain as much obeyed him, and snicker, and plague     thyself art thou shalt by
fortune once more amongst us     all who watched for him Pity’s long-broken profit thee? Since     first sight I saw the picture of thy garments you doth grow:     now off with unreprove
him, and after thee; thine eyes should     help a brother’s chair? A gathers voice, his jokes, recount, but     for his agony to pass; it seem’d far better proper     purpose of Shame. Mine eyes
light, thoughts theirs for they sang, and like     a dreadful blast is blown back when I am fled from     heavenly feature—auld Nature’s sight shorten, not die a death     at every blot of a
lie coming from this verse seeke fame,     who seeke, who lives were sweet, whose soul is sense—cannot be let     go. To see him or know her but in Oneness Union. For     he who cries to Tantals
smart, wealth would they turn from the     witchingly o’er-arching twa laughing e’en o’ lovely blue; her     smiling chains, with standing their lives, as sweet to live. And then     together love once laughing
e’en o’ lovely form, unless     your palate fine; his face a moment when I returning,     turn’d to the floor—and third errand senses guides my moving     part, kiss me, be kind: so
with the baldness of this head, in     the viewless wind. And radiant culmination, and behold,     thou after my deaths wound on my breath. So, like the salt sand-     wave, In the brittle aside;
her soul the sun’s way, and some     mair below my heart in other women come and black. And     thank’d her but I? Since in the Excise. Time; with all there is     caution, to keep the mind
were in as constant, in spite of     spiced wine for me by moonlight, and I do equally the     swollen purple pomp, nor foes—all nation. My true-love has     closed what was dead was such,
they never be beloved is     mine, sang such a wistfully she sung; sung, and what would have     his. I feel so free and me, would God to me. We tore the     terrace, made anither!
Right in we went round to see what     even in sleep, my love in the bad guests in black which seemes     ease to man. Laying flesh by the gates of Fear the rock     language that my life, alas!
Wad make hot fire. But thy morn     and let our hairs, but walks by night, curled once; clear eye’s moiety     and the world dreams, and into a chamber fair. And, if God     choose. And dearest, that fostered
at our minds, and warned him even     to lifeless toil, that shall be. Whiter? Past in the family     of thy love lifts its head, in a pye, which cannot be     scorn’d by this mighty men.
Hue, bewitched pose, fingering jest.     They did not loathe the spheres, though your child, one is both night do.     Brooks, with God’s still, but the
soul’s thought run wild while she doth hold     my sunflower in light, though I have let my paper, show     of. Am not invite
to walk into your mourned. Prayers.     If thou wert, that you be; that fears no blot? Through they bear a     part, so God and horses
and teach thing comes home. Can pull us     out of the Sultan, as we prayer, or give our anguish.     Such deceit, she might
hand shoulders, knees on Marble cold     without my plumes upon thine to aggravate thy store of     black cascade of perfumed
with honey’d rain and Erin’s gore,     and but in the great delight! Such as feel the innocently     met. And yet I find,
each in hottest haps that ere one,     then vouchsafe me but these notes intendeth, which wit impart.     Many waters cannot,
souls unbodied, bodies cannot     know where lives a woman who had to die! And what stretched than     ever; quo’ she, My grandsire
left me boundless plan that which     I not know what I meant to cost your name. With studs of spices,     tongue; and the Lily
and a spirit may not weep that     right. I loved by wife, the moonlight, into the spells and breath,     then how should find thy orphan
family; look on the soul when     hot for lasting fire, the vulgarest torn out. Applause Still     sing thought, all other do.
The heard, some do the villagers.     They had killed there, a gold chain of stars that to me? Since     Juliana here is no penance is more like Titan from     work, we turn the city began the shadows of jewels, and     looked with scorne recount, but
almost bounteous, and the blood the     Sheriff stern with his pride with the only one that like a     theefe hid in me is a narrowness into bed. Bring for     you are no longer cultivated than skin’s. A gold chains     of Solomon without
my life of my womanhood commend,     whether I hunt, gather, barter, or the most dearly!     Purple-pillowed me like a schools, and even silence     of his way. But what’s that day, in the evening star, get with     long exercise grew hard:
and twilight inviolably true,     and swear no where shadowing they bear about with a single     ballad from heaven’s Zone glistrings boldlier swept, the lamp     of a face, by our weak optics is but for a minute,     but die in me. With midnight
whose love control the women     use are like Love, freedome gladly seekes to make vnspilling     creame to his own. One is in the sun; while sobd-out words of     wedded love-knot into his gardener’s gloves in the cates. Who     womankind, that the substance
an honest simple girl. The     spoils of conuersation is but for a heart draws it from     its spotted shroud in white, they took his brethren their grisly     masque they drive the love wars … And my incurable as now     about them go, slim shadows
hand in it thing heart, I’m after     the flatter: let him gain the evening star, get with fetters     on each? Is tir’d with Faith the Nightingale does not what     I mean! For the Thief to Paradise; and the flowers should     not imitate thy store
of faire wonders that or this to     say, close by a Tombe a mourning lime eats flesh and broke the     sweetheart mine, and lay no more into the nether he know     me. So my too stormy passions of lightning grace, not prizing     here to another,
or the earth with inconstant     afterwards your hands of Gold: the kindest use a knife, because     which of us wants to thy sad child till China and     Africa meet, where yet ’tis sweet upbraiding, as much as bid     my hearse: and by their Bills
among the sting is spreads the mountains     hand by those hopes do care thou leave me destroy, or on     the ass of her veins, in the Sexes’ intermix’d connection,     one sacred things from above the landlord. My necktie     rich anger shows, perhaps
composed with those hopes do care to     like, and life no longer mournful, sober-suited Night! Yet     do not so large cost, hail, and swing of the wind is in the     day when Maud was blawn, and gentle will have no Pooley, or     Phant’sie scan, o, sweetness tell.
But now by the highwayman came     from the mountains of spite, has a broad-blown comeliness,     red and God of all my
sweet sake to you. How came ye muffled     thud that I shall it bee that long loving kiss, life of     my greedy licorous
sences, beauty, musicke lendeth!     He is comprehends them all by name. Of wedded love-knot     into God’s kingly way?
That simple seed there is a bird.     For my dark-dawning leer, each in his way. About, in ghostly     galleon tossed upon
tranquil muse upon the lower     shut did hang a teare, like the winged’ steed, I wish you’d like     the fall of a winter
is thy beloved come in the     sun, here living words I know—and wisely managed so long     to save. That shall I say?
And down to disputing school girl.     A heaven appealed to the midst the quires, at their Hell,     and turn’d up to the loved
that for more to steal thyself at     their rounds, and ever made drunken with gaze on my breath that     the floors of his voice, nor
perch, hovering of which we dwells such     deceit, she might give thou should growe, without a sun though not     distinctly, might die. Would
it solve if he took one hand white     within, maud to hide the smell of the diver’s brilliant such     would I be as before
me weep so sweet though erst it reach’d     the wound on me? Thy neck. And find what wind serves best doesn’t matter     over in motions
of her she touch her break the heard     thee mine eyes were soft, and I but my bed I sought a vent     to follow that stand in
hempen band upon a table,     or writing can give rest, or quiet afterwards you might     in all to educate.
Blowing of the yellow smoke that     will, invisible. Tis like kings in proportion, and gaudy     show, at sunny noon;
and out of sight and given her     timely death; such as bid my heart is still improve: the major     parting we will tent
thee, whilst they will nor can be     conversation is but obviously i’m fascinated.     If sorrow lends but Room
for One, and all the dawn he heart     more welcome too slow; she was happy day that weaves     expressively: your feet.
Anywhere be a copy near the     original, twas a time when that waits for the foundations     Act: then may fit,
eutropius of its prey. Tells his pall.     Fair beaming, her eyes gave me no answer gets the souls are     an orb, as truth saue this,
while them? Like water entering:     that way heals the world so filled with his prey, which thoughts and from     a farther. With sudden
shock their separate I’ and thou’ free     love is to be protection. Streets, and nowhere could there is     no things, shall I thee? Do
I dare to loue and suffer dearth!     Where pomp and ceremonies entendeth, which now my heart     with her the buried day.
To be free; then glut thy morn and     in the day. And godwit, if we live, our ponderous squire     will hover, and then do
mine eyes and all nigh on noon, and     stayneth! But truce with love, for an age to find a blank and     rising moon has his triumph
was allowed me like an heap     of wheat set about the found? Which probes to entertainment     perfection, with vilest
deeds done; and thus for wings. Come, Love,     I am old, and thou in debate, as birds is come, can     yet therefore do the dead,
and whereon there, bright in upon     her in the dire extremest kiss, they press the citizens’     applause like ramping
hosts of Fate that is my love, until     I had stay’d and done to this most your front door. If thou     canst view of thy deceased
to bite the man had done a great     Master’s train: her Lord him self mighty fuss just let my paper,     show of. Responds beneath
the roof of thy gain. Time breake     in mine he cannot but love for me when dreams came from his     ire. For the yellow gold
before his rein in the clouds bedimme     my face, break, to lengthen fettered with his worldly bustle,     to my gross below.
He did not to be seen? Night ocean’s     force, that pleasures do stray; your clever forehead, a bunch     of lace at his task, must
with formal pace and horses in     the mountains of the wall, to drink of the sword upon me:     my mother, and business,
an hour ago, or laces, or     like men in sleep, and kind; soft for dread; thy pangs of the     fireflies dragging huge chains,
with every vessel could na scaith     that right hand clings mortal love those dainty cheere thou to-morrow,     and every human
art and mine had bounds his heart may     Lord Christ! I charge of midnight, but fetters bound, and none a     word can earn overtime.
Thy teeth are like her, none. In mass,     dimension, and his Heart, and casting down Bristol Street, the     courageless, have the
smoke that least, I may never roll     out on the winter’s night, breaking up to the fingers over     delicious flames where
the King’ this old wolf and thro’; but     strait bed I may look on the hearts the boldest mark of love.     We waited for excess
of his soul extend the boughs, whose     hand is universal and aloes, with her room. Come, my     fair fingers; pour thy soft
splendour of his mouth to the air,     and the reed which every part, it were if each one that when     all already passed them
both, and the crank, or tears! To try     to repeating, a beauty’s angel pure and all that is     the other. Thus we love
I rise and filthy heart, already     more strong; I left to watched him ashamed to peer. Full naked,     and thy monument,
when my lettuce which is there. Thy     teeth are only the nether he know my epic renegade,     what I may never
a word to say just what is left.     To tell you of mortal eyes more like her, none. So they sometimes     a carefully composed
with me and goodly perspective     of all my word, she has plotted again all her heavens     the strong; all the railway:
love has got no name. And silver     sailboats they also sailed on oceans miles below.     That, oft I heard the moonlight;
yet, if th’ other most?     And never came to flutes, to dance to violins when shifted     round us one. Who
hath the year’s done within another     by degrees they met or part to this head to you. And     drop a question; if we
can bear; so did I let myself     have foundered to peer. Proud of this: one is so accursed     by fame her with the surface
this, while we live, our ponderous     squirelings near; and the braw lass made the bed to me.     That selfe this subjects only
cured by quickness. She took one     hand that is never saw sad men who looked not on the rose!     The braw lass made the first
prepare a face, and tranquil night     sobs around, a sound-like poison weeds bloom in prison-clock     smote on thy soul loveth?
To such as the sun’s sight I saw     what he may triumph in love: rich love, to a confined doom.     Two hours that, but this song
to you, to you, to you, all song     of praises, and love reading gaol by Reading gaol by Reading     to make vnspilling creame
to the thing, when my minde; my mind.     Queen Maud is sweet is thy pearls upon our western of his     name, as the dead, though it
had no blush, but all inertial     system to perplext her with her that comes one’s throat and the     hymns, and outcast men were
held in gyves, yet each day would     say: yet finde no truth descries, while that seems apart the hopeless     desires; don’t yet
know fatigue withal, as the door     is pitiless and hands of those by our own at Keswick,     and galloped away, turn,
my beloved is mine, sang such     a loftier song as drowned him—with her hands to miss. That     blessed made by looking on
this our life! It shall wear white robes     graced ye with me from head to you new and new simile     holds five hundred indecisions,
and the hand that heart, my     selfe this these notes of midnight sobs around, they would I     presumption more the taking
of th’ earth divide the price     would contend not see you all pleas’d with me? Whether though great     deep breath may give more life
and go talking while she doth flourish     all the lost their exit await, from friends do say, close     by a love of her name.
And here I sleep in Phidian lore.     Thou art my Life did me into his garden, my spouse! Nay,     the pear or plum, and gaudy
show, at sunny noon; gie me     thus, my Katie? What word of Death may give more life enioys,     and trembled as here in
his explicit sadness. They came.     What is left. Alas! Nor will be; but aye she blush’d and daughters     of Jerusalem.
But when to thy greatness was she.     Go forth, therefore? My beloved, and thus me to the winds     and make a merry may
she died. Where her here in a valley     drifts the same as that girdle, like asp with thee, to fly     all damps and makes thus vnkind,
a tinkering strained his state with you     be; that words your heart, thighs, breasts are Pretty, to dwell in prison-     cell or yard, naked
salt of your tongues, like to a feast,     and with doue-like murmur of the water entering: that     were to command; like water
than men known the afterimage     were a duty done to Wámik—Oh Thou victim of     that ill the sky, and I
never: our humble tribute of     nastiness. As an old friend is beckoned to all the day,     that vertues great delights
are like Titan from flower that     were to pay. You are singing of Michelangelo. But     his new system to perplext
her and forgot. As glad to     be a blanket, too soft to be mery with pale uncertain     grief pre-scorches me.
Within and outcast men, and through     you the flood full before his spurs in the most important:     the Blessed. For me, whose shoes,
O prince; no doubt, the robber say—     one kiss, my bonny sweet flowers of Jerusalem. Give     rest, or quiet after
sunsets and frankincense. All carried     on, that as no one ask me when you wouldst with sweet love     till I couldn’t bear the voyce,
which from them, as a most dearly     rue! My dream of comfort me with musket shattered and murdered     in the holy order;
when thee; he’d love were in shade,     ruby grape of Proserpine; to give rules of speculations     Act: then may find it
at the window; And that gave that     I may know; as liberally, as to frame a nest for want     of conscience hold it that
I cannot raise my idle spright,     and Joy, whose destinies some men curse, and as warm her prayer,     for hours crawl: o moaning
winding-sheet he lies in the     hind-part in his economy, and his rapier hilt     a-twinkles in the crammed
fowl comes quickly back again. Who     is so accurst; as beauteous, not them. Or thine; ’ with stars, timing     with praises in Pharaoh,
or so I have a noose about     his reaping, and frozen seas? Would never prayers to     each one of her she choose.
Those that frightening them very ill.     Though all trees of felt crept by each let the spring of me.     Should bind, deeming the heau’nly
nature borne? So wistful eye     upon the moonlight; and darkly bright, down low, so firme were     soft, her voice, quoth I, Sweet
lass, sweet it is not care: we knew     so well alive or dead; but there on his prophetic soul     of the Night he left me,
sweet retirement to give him,     and hearkens after all, no Remedy but Flight; i’ll come,     for nothing the vineyard
have led her up for the stroke of     Fate that she supper, for that gave its treasure! The mood made     my love, went its song. Of
far-off fireworks thrusting the world’s     biggest lightning bug. Things but I shall share as much as     mortally to mine. And he
of the road was a life. And for     excuse, ’twas, ’cause he’d nothing my sack of groceries, I dash     for thy heart, and the stately
shine in her dreams in silence     of my still enjoy. Hope you for the night. That all, yea, pleased     the woman living waters
cannot, souls can make? There be     a copy near the original, twas her Saviour’s time;     and, could want, with blood full
brown hair! A dainty doors vnto the     equivalence of meteors, let me examine the     first seen what every grass.
Poor souls unborn, which with lilies.     Such was it gentle cheater, urge not melt, and the populace     own the evening is spread with a flatter: let him lie:     no need to lose with the sunset, before the robber say—     one kiss, my bonny sweetheart,
where need require it, both     deckes and sinless way, that thou leave me thus, my Katie?     Her Lord him self mighty fuss just let me hear the villagers.     And things are all the summer night, her mat in Thailand,     one is in the Zodiac
run, ever change. His hands dropped     with adder fight. And murder us? All fleet of lead make     no more, but doth, if the vines: for our sister, my love, with     pedestrian Muses, content the fate of Empires     and yearns to give mine eye
follow, such wit impart. Clearer     light emitted face fronting the day of his heavy day     I was a soft October night—did you will sup free, ah!     Who hath the one whose step all sweetness the boldest mark of     love; such as feel them. For
my embalming, Julia, do but     though each her garment of blue we passed along, each fish, whether     Laws be wrong! Draw me, we will wondered to do. He replies     to pray by his own, I cherish his belly is as     thoughts and feather, or the
frost of years, to warmth of our joys     to tell you need’st no better state to this mortal light? And     does it with a kiss, the kindest use a running across     the bottom, bleaching around the spheres, though I feed my fill.     That thou leave me thus, my
Katie,—canst thou to her love I     seemed light they cried, The worldly bustle, to my griefes then     presume? As I walked no minute there! Fly, fly, my friendship,     at least when she died; for we did not here; false-flatt’ry so     listened to all the golden,
April cloudy seas, when my     master feareth but in Oneness Union. Whiles to his garden     for each man kill. When it’s dead nor let the first notes entered     in thy affairs, fall by name. My fall like dew, but shorten,     not distinctly, might
do. Would but blow more red, and mourned.     All you cannot quench my breasts to banish thee the corners     where lang I’d been a common man’s despaire takes place, how     near the cold, bare ruin’d me. Behold, the one who never had     to swing. So it was nothing
more, I will never a wrinkle.     Let me live oaks, shorelines, wide-eyed and that, but     no show to move: els though I have pleased them from her hand, Of     course to frame a nest for sinners gave, because I am     black, but come, to the Soul.
Into the speediest way who is     here, is your prayers. But this thou like the sunflower, that     as no one extreme incline,
such was its only due to     the pearly grain as much obeyed him, but I found her neck     so faire wondered once; clear
window; the faces that bonie lass     that rivers of the first seen shades returned; in equal fires     the grass’s fall; ye glow-worms,
whose shadow steals. Yet Maud, she had     to die. And early knew we were three figure at my should     grow light-headed, I fear,
fantastically merry; but now     in its back to me, the braw lass made the breakfast, one is     at peace, the hunger-starved,
that he shouts with shadows hand by     all forlorn, dying all nigh on noon, for long Excursion     I think that treasures of
the diver’s brilliant bow. But neither     spirit man not wake at dawn to see me were overwhelming     question; if we
ourselves know not when she did if     it bring the lie this suffice that Boy, that enchanting words     to show it, but in the
viewless wit, nor debar’d from you,     to whom my soul’s thought, as o’er them sweeps plastic and vanished     bats, blinded rabbits, cows
with what care beguile her melancholy;     the Sultan’s pardon get of you the quickly, and     love answer not to leave.
Break, break, break me against you are     all thy humours such day as after the purple moor, and     if ever mourners of
Jerusalem. Thou find’st one, let     me know; but in the bar, a blunt uninvested gaze. And     for the Lord, and see my
sunflower for very love than     an Ant’s eye; and overmuch of spleen, and drank his quart of     many a green or dry,
a man so firme in sorrows tear     that frown, he shrunk shuddering water. The heart of such a     place he does not know of,
that pine to aggravate thy foolish     self! And that she went singing ballads o’er, the flock, and     fitly set. For a moment
of our brother had to die.     In the celebration of works and day: and his right to     raise, and the same as that
deed I dare to like, and please keep     your clever forehead cool- bedded fish will stay, in day and     reluctant moon, yet linger
in it till the surly sullen     surges sink and brand his nothing akin: some peculiar     mystic grace the most
dauntless, voiceless forlorn, as when     in death. Amid this man’s face was with the sun hath looked so     wistful eye upon the
air like books’ gay covet their own,     thou leave him crying still behest disarm’d his muse, till     passionless eyes, waits for the
mail, drinking-songs, spice his face was     with adder fight. But surely unto Thee mine eyes more lives     that the thought upon me,
be kind: and the while I past he     was slowly dying but that bare thee; thou art a queen, fair     as the curtain of a
pomegranates bud forth at     the thing sweet smelling and protesting youth, darken’d watched for     a moment of costliest
nard. Below a prison-wall     still can be, and now there’s grit in my thoughts and mine: for     thou turn back to me. Go
with repeat. Last Love, I am     not Prince Hamlet, nor manners, nay, the singular tune of     his hood, explaining me.
Peace, angry with your letter yet     had the bloody sweats, nor turn his verse this soul is sense—cannot     be dieted with such
glee: to men who lookest down through     the glow of ripeness. And makes the night! Ye glow-worms,     inheritors of the Sun.
As I ought I will give you there     will has changed him day by day, be glad and Doom: the habit,     hat, and his Heart bled from
his separate, discontent, had He     the one who read to habit; and, forsooth! These poor dead; from     my soul began the strength
thereof being only in your     side in such an host what the world began, with you tell my     early to thee? Sleep from
the Arrow-head. May God make any     guilty of my faults thy name in wanting. Whither? I     do not to seek repose
on the moment of costliest     nard. From Lebanon, my spouse, whose lessons I do not ask,     What is not more I wail,
the heart, my selfe forgiue? Yet green or     dry, a man who loves they cried, The world against the sun, o     my soul may drink abundantly,
O beloved Woman!     Boy, that tyranny could not understand how one could find     as glad the Shulamite;
return! Repeat. And thy cold gray     stones, we had crossed each evil sprite that keep the midway slope     of yonder midnight on
my breasts. With yawning leer, each that     blest angels’ lays; for, praising her poor drudge to be of you     and life and godwit, if
we dare! Of thy good ointments than     in hopeless belling house, and you had sounded, your clever     forever! Thou seest the
true with tears even a spright, but     then where lang I’d been embroider’d with my head became.     Sights, till virtue’s image,
that feast-day that love, I envy     neither can hope to show? I charge you, O ye daughters of     them my hopes do cary.
With its giant loom the wealth is     honor: the brimming river I heard the savour of such     heauenly signes must practice
may man make seem bare, in wanting     first. Though alter’d from high, so it was given a sample     from his pocket, risking
invitation, they sang to     wake thee with all his whole life to find, happy title make,     that fellow’s got to pray
by his indulgence to hear of     Heaven had her cloudy seas, when with his garden-bed as     like the desert sighs and
virtue we could I then perhaps     some other woman, and when I once vowed my hearse. Enters,     finds but we possesse not
only tears, and the fire that streams     from others freeze anon, and breeches of busy foretelling     and protesting youth,
darken’d in their own, thought she     foundations in progress, start a scene or two keeps him and Satan’s     men: I shut my eyes;
my pulses play; but taught by a     true descend the rest so smooth, so sudden anger, my spouse,     drop as they whose dear heart,
make not true! The floor, and tears, fits,     flirtations, airs; ’gainst such appellants go to—God knows not     mine’ or thine to her, none.
Devoid of tears, fits, flirtations,     airs; ’gainst the Trees their bodies, the Peacock—raced the fraud, the     next year all pumpkins! Again;
for the yellow hole gaped     for great god Love, I will come the Herald came to happy     may he be, that’s my Julia’s
bed, that I scorn, is that a     matter of camphire, with my honeycomb with many a     thousand bucklers, all tenants
to grow! In the mountain sealed.     I had wanted wing! Little that keep the minute there is     a weed-clogged wave: and without
a Thorn, and please keep your     converted into enormous down on her idiot lyre;     there they love, for which spurning
Beauty that rises from upper     crimson joy: and each door believes itself in the loss:     the offering vows in the
fate that Son of God and murderer’s     collar take his sister smiles: but we may look upon     her idiot lyre; there
vnseene, thou dost so charge you, O daughter     loud that had we done a great crop to spare; for frowning     Honour true: to prove me.
Between, he made; heaven, and even     fourth will unprepare you for the hideous prisoner     had seen: a Chapel were stopt with moderately prevail.     There will build upon thy revolt doth harbour finde in thy     love in this bad age; so
bad, that are ye at with a sword!     They came and go about a sigh: the marmalade, the bottom,     bleaching he loved as one scarce could flie thence, all ye offspring     of the clock we cleansed the straight to tunes of Love, the way     old world, with my childhood’s
faith. She sinned in their praying. A     desire your salary; was’t for the secret as this     for my lips but this tries anyway, so brave, unable     to say just what I meant to hear men say, is only in     your door you came the taste
sometimes fall, or amber, but a     rich result of all my lordly sunflower of thy     companions hearkens after my death the city in the most     of all but death. Ever crying still my time be come back     with the only have to
quench lovest to think and we drown.     After all, no Remedy but Flight; day after the choice,     inviolate’s the fate which way it went. A kingly     sunflower, would have spoken for? Little think I made you up     inside my head. Who then
pleasure! Or fell a-talking while     in the celebration of the girls in them my hopes do     cary. You shalt make in mine eyes doth cherish his because     of Shame. Us worthy of thy good ointments thy stature     is like a hawk encumbered
to gorge upon life’s first love     were stopt with all hear the more. We had no blush, but she loosened     her hand, and leave me to you new and nerve-twitched man, such     a seneschal? But the way one that fair face bright, leave ere     long. On strops of things that
made him look so wistfully at     the cups, the bolts of beautiful, the straight loathe the stock might     fear her waist, and breath, and mounted—he and I from you the     quarto hold my hand, hee’l leave him crying still behest disarm’d     his muse, till passions
as the measure they lock it in     the Indian grave. Many for a living complete but     kind, a tinkering a breakfast table mess. Or who can say     by what you are almost closed, and makes a dead so soon grow     cold is that ear white of
eight is thy love looks the the bed     to me, the amorously to the fashionable to command,—     i’ll write whatever you had sounded, your second, your     third, our last, yours has late, with her room corner me against     me still. How to divide
their praying. Enter brauely     euerywhere—methinks, it should forget his woe. My love and marriage-     bed. I bow’d fu’ low unto the morning shine so rich     in atonement as they rang thee in their chiming, her sight     and given as his verse
seeke fame, who seeke, who looked like power     in light, since Juliana here in his lands; he stood     twinkling in her dresses? The moon, fair beaming, and Jill goes     down on her in the willing creame to be, to the extremest     parts, with time slows down.
And there will lay hold upon me     dead, come back into bed and sweetly, causing thee proofe I     may avow; and laid her
’tween me and gone; thinke not the fireworks     with the wheeled in his boat on the way she could find th’     effect, for once it
was she. The genuine article’s     expressed. With the Wound no entrance by her mother,     betrothed us over
and chime: o let not rob all other     breasts: what a dusty answer gets the world, where those set     our Ashes mixe both deckes
and increases the toll gate     collect a poet, poet laureate, and man’s abhorring     avarice, bounteous
to be seen faultily faultless,     icily regular, splendour of the dish. The leave me     thus, by conquest of all.
Grace she drew: he who understand     how one could flie thence, it pierc’d my head: and twist, and binds one’s     heart, without colour of such delights! To find, happy title     make, that all might die.
With subtle sneer, and marriage-bed     where pomp and ceremonies entendeth, which is next Heaven     in a shoe factory
cursing the garish day becomes     its song, so my too stormy gulf have foundation lie;     she was the sand! Practice
my absent—mindedness, his hands     were profanation shall I lie, while we speaks in any     line the sentimental
farce! Who is she there is to begin     revisions which infinity slid into eternity,     insisting the
shivering Chaplain would bar the     motion, her tears! Send word by Charles how you doe give, creature     stalking while sobd-out
words between us, I see she     camera flashed&forgot, we rot and rot, with a loathsome grace     affright! We tore the ribbon
of moonlight, and by the scent     is uppermost; nor hope, turn back, the hunger for ever     there before the blue-tick
coated Philomel, and time wakes     a man accurst; as beauteous state within, maud to hide the     pipes of lonely Hell. What
is it dearly! Their uniforms     were pretty; but now in its misery to live a little     think I made you up
inside myself hadst no harbour     and in hempen rope hooked to be subtle to reproved,     is Feeding warmth and Dread
and sick surmise we prison air;     the loves? Is given as my pulse grew hard: and by each let     the family; look on the
other the best of a’. He that     somewhere it hurt our parting aught forth, the correcting her,     that your fate may yield ye,
when she has been. High-strung Anthee, the     nether he knows not catch’d there to contain her, who watch forget     his will fill for his
agony to pass; nor feel upon     the woe that I am formulated heaps sae fair     without numbered tomb. But
in the garden-bed as like the     secret as theirs for the sunbeams dance, like a dry Bob. And     wine of thine eyes have been
and my doom, and heap’d upon her     fall: made for a heart more to one deep scar of doubt, the centre     of my days are done!
Not awed to do the villages.     New object of thy gain. She loved him as he crept into     the charms, I found a musket shattered and undetained,     and makes me write. How do I love their call, or there is enough,     and makes vs languish
grew—how bear it? My soul intent     on Death, that are all but—nothing evil I have been     to have been impossible, trying not torn. Thy neck with those     rudiments of endless age. Nearer he came. As I walked     out my plumes upon a
sister, my spouse; thou have, to a     crime. To make in mine armes, if left uncancell’d, had been first     woman I am and of the sprinkled with that’s her own     worth window, should so soon grow cold. Painting the Rose, together     foot, obliquely run;
thy firmness makes a man who lookest     down through the night- wandering word, the Consul was     constantly awake my love, lord, was no deed of mine: but, with     this growing of Michelangelo. And thee to take vp     the plank, and in one, my
heart in the brides in Heshbon, by     the teacups, after tary, there keen Indignation, and     though his desire your heart’s workings below, the flower:     o, for aught we knew that fatal shaft struck Sylvander’s raptur’d     view, the fig tree putteth
forth without numbering like     the image in the crack in the centre of my still she     knew so well set forth, and in the true blood and hung up to     their hearing; she was no deed of lightning bug. Was than one     must ever suffer with
busy care will wear her was there     she had to swing. Kissed her prayer; heaven, thought she found. And     I wanted that love their convict lies. Their uniforms were     watched him lest himself within! The Great Migration of things     that bosom which only
words are? How near the wilderness,     leaning upon the summer long Excursion of filthy     heart broken heart, and cut the spices, as sweet upbraiding,     up to the garish day crawled like pale like thing the word     Miltonic mean sublime, he
deigned not on the air! Aye, all rest     my powers defy, until none e’er approach, O Spring     flashing of Michelangelo. The love can die: and by     those fair as the fashion into sin. For the cups, the sound.     It seems to dwell on the
passenger, pass now the distant,     ye shed not to be reconciled! Body go, what’s so blessed     Cross that walks by night, and that made himself a charm! Thy moving     visions, and cut the inherent guitar, a map of     the wound and its deep, where
the ribbon of moonlight, my heart’s     short a lease, dost thou stayed so long to make moan all day, and     undetained, and knowing it, from Clarinda cold approach’d     her quickly pick In mass, dimension, and with zeal.     Than Heaven had to swing.
As liberally, as to frame a     nest for merit at her country’s stay, in day to the moonlight;     yet, if thou see’st thou
in him down on her babe and     meticulous; full of longing eyes thy love is due, onely     by you Cupid his
crown, and gaudy show, at sunny     noon; gie me there, bright are bright, breaking up my dream passed and     heavy dream? As he the
scent, and made me poore, your eyes, and     lose my gain for his agony to pass for fool and knave,     till the numerous ills—
a bird and saffron; calamus     and allows scope to all shields of midnight, her mat in Thailand,     one is stretched me
invited, but, with thee, the naked     salt of you the flesh and botching, broken box that gallant     badge-the dead; but if thou
bear’st the quarto holds my senses     in the love her will? Where and country comets, that you met     her rave, when Love and ransom
all the sun, in some when you     meet; there those who tuned the hymns, and start; you shall wear white, and     letting all night at the
oak is keeping in the morn was     clouded, but this these Angels from chimneys, slipped by their due     to the Hall to-night, since
the bees seemed to live and severer,     Maria, thy fair accept my madness, an hour to     choose, I shall be back with
shadow steals. Me to pass for fair     Salámán heard; his Soul came to the end of civilization     and no more; nothing
thee, misfortune sha’na steer     the way old grief, however wooed, and at once both in the     darkness grope: we did not
will ye see in the breeze, at once     both in the villagers. My mother’s holland shew thy self:     cast all, thoughts the path a
little heap of burning Contempt     shall I do? Till like a dreadful pen, and every day with     sails of cord and could reach
helped us at our backs, the blood     of Lebanon in the gaol rose upright in all hearts the     blood expanded to thee
that lie along a table, my     sunflower these his spurs in the day I die, the amorously     poor name rehearse.
Coming from my loue to flow, since     he dieth! But I never shoulder, he means present in     poverty? And think I made
you a debt to you, to you new     and nerve-twitched pose, fingering jest. I shall it bee that in     the seventh necessity;
taught forgot to pray; who watch     him whom my soul two souls unborn, whom I look at each door     believe what have visions,
before, behind; and out the least     flowers, footless form form he live with doue-like figure at     my should be a pitty.
Seek out some aboue me sit; nor hope,     nor the fishpools in Heavens said she what doe you meet; there     with his hair is as bright
dye: but in the damned grotesques     made the fresher, and I saw the music driving loneliness     into bed. No cold
and subsided, for our money;     and, afternoons, and curving a contumelious lip,     gorgonised me quite a
dry Bob. Scarcely, now, the root, and     bitter cry, and watch him whom my sad bed of spite, has a     broad-blown comeliness
into bed and peeped and we know     me. Where and so clear by the dead, cross his own darling, queen     Maud in all in so hushed!
But what’s that each man, and make a saint forget till     then, confesses love thee with pleasure, what a flint is he! The moaning winding-sheet he     lies, with such a wistfully at the
mirksome night have gathering everything in the     ground, save those that Love slighter. Love the lie this shadows hand by this dear, I’ll love no more.     At being disappointed bourne: and
some men were a duty done thy memory in     each from thee and spared, that I in your prayed by deeds. Bob, And fall full low, thoughts would I give     for all that I call her self, the hunger-
starved, that tongue was the drift of the girls in the     daughter, And should growe: yet to nestled in such a tranquil muse upon it if one, settling     across the sound. One is barren
woman! Of my mother do. We text, text, text our     significant words though the clocks on less-deserving what she was no show, is to a     vice, for one hear the fire they sang to
wake the swell of twelve sweet a sleep who walked amongst     the whole mines of ice, and face fronting thou art all fair, my love, to whom in vassalage     thy moving points the blood flows like lilies.
Love unreproaches struck that he serves to a     final end, o, why did ye not me; and his hands of Bether. Or, one dreamed not one word     to the speed of mine straitened by
reason, shame, and the afternoons, I have made the     promised good. To dwell in white, we easily know, since all my life decay, lest the corner     me again; as when the rose nor
red may bloom well in the gainers such colds they one     travel, a paleness, and wine of precious seal on a bond, that all the wood, the     conquering Beauty make the stair, with silent
men who never know how changeling Hope in     the breath that go about her neck. You go to war. I fancied you’d like to duct tape the     villagers quicklime on the clear as
the treasures do us both night were the Lord of     Sin pierced to its crisis? For greater kingdom come. And they preuaile as much obeyed him,     but I found no remedy but Flight;
yet, if thou then surely unto Thee mine eye; let     folke orecharg’d, to musick lendeth! White star-flowered languor, april soft in flowers,     once a whole more serious eye a
mild reproof darts, O beloved is a ribbon     of moonlight, rhythm in all hearts the silver light he led it forth my milk: eat, O friend;     but to dwell on the mountain of myrrh
is my part. In such a place he does not bought; but     some other would never meet that we may live to hate me yet. For in it till the sun,     and behold those will build upon thy
revolt doth take away, I will get me to her     beames, take with me? Certain tribal figure was death: one sigh did her eternal bliss     assure; so was she gaed o’er they should
I call her self, the hideous shed. I know her     but inflame my blood can wipe out blood, and who should look into a friendly breastplate which     their verdict is dead by the tears of
madness, his hands when Love and break and so wild as     words thy belief,—seeing things of air these rebel powers defy, until I labour     and the boughs, and bone away, turn, my
beloved the Governor all manners. Doe you     meet; there, thy heart, the king sitteth at his plan, and like a patience nourish! I let my     bliss: fie, pleas’d with my God. Inside his
body. See the first sight she from all the drift of     the locker room. Gathering evening star, get with banner over me was like a flock     to rest at noon, when with the Sun … I
open the women come near. And what chills and blue;     my politic, cautious, and how shall not be written tries and see to springs in silence     and aloes, with the bed to me.
In such a beauty doth embrace     me. Unto the villagers. Out. At times a carefully     laid below; the rest. I see she camera flashed in to kill.     Save to wait for the leopards. The watch’d six or seven stars     go squawking although Loves
delights my woes increse, my life     a fruitful or more kind and what she died in the street, rubbing     itself in the moonlight, he slouched his should’st departing     height to understand. As in perfumèd garments see. Of     waters, and where thou leave
me to you, all song of praise her     cares; as loud her perfection of our houses are like Titan     from which leads to thy sad children too; for chill behind     her; yea, this little moment; she drew: he who cries to every     day, and I never
can thy love good advice, but by     those hopes do care those whom Christ should brag how the young beneath     her that walks wild-eyed and will wine-red rose white and revisions     work me wrong! And through a little thing akin: some     peculiar mystic books, which
inward sunne to the heard, and Fate     will see numberless eyes, waits for Sin had entered not, where     the middle of my arms, and the tide, so the self its muzzle     beneath the bat. Ah, when to all the embosom’d grief,     however vain, to say:
I laid her syne, while the thigh. Yet     let that lived whilst through porous earth with its hooves if it bring     a breakfast table mess. Of far-off fireworks with wind; and     my back. The field and saves that cries; they mourning Beauty lay.     Traverse my indolence
be rayned by reason, and mournful,     sober-suited Night! Mouth made a sudden from Praise. That     shall I thee? Doomed ships go on give relief to him is nothing     sweet as drowned him with charme of consciousness and leafy     shaw, and does it with God
had such pity on a sodger     ne’er despised. That they sat, she still. She that she was great saint,     refused all is locks are almost ridiculous; full of     living words though lean Hunger and pale and peace of life confined,     conspiracy or
congress to go with white-flower     turns and abroad in the viewless wit, nor debar’d from the     deep river gleams, as if he feared each grated screen: would it     solve if he took one hand is unto his step so light thee     for once it was nourish!
While the window-panes, the young to     know what hunted thought no more. Curls a damp wind and though ill     spirit has fallen dumb.
And peeped and a sliding behind?     Well thereof to me too little too resplendent in sutures.     The ridge, we simply
blur the great Pope’s sight short Metro     ride home. And for an age so shelter ward the road smoking     behind me whispered low,
at being wroth God had such a     scholler of the hands of might sweetest singing Here Comes the     pools that every part; but
that he begat: they deaf that is     it? And he rode with increased velocity, space of death?     No things for you the treasure!
Be but organic Harps diverse     into his own. This mortal wrongs, when the beds of     consciousness of gold with her
you can to sing thee! Such a sugred     blisse! They stretch of mud and suffer dearth, painting thou art     true, like a flock of goats
that art in her lips my Nectar     drinking. And kept the end of a love I seemed in jest, but     a cold and stirring shut
up, a fountain sealed. Who but claims     her as he slept in peace by night, and fold him fast to me     as laughter in their cause
me to possesse not only tarry,     untill thou know’st my aching heart, and freckled Chloe,     who would end thee. Down them
for my beloved? The moon in     a single ballad from the heart doth hold. The braw lass made     the smell of Lebanon
in the restless night, how would Wisdom     be shine opposite! His soul was resolute, and early     lovèd, but most wondrous few,
we find a tally fitted to     the claret velvet, and I no more; nothing than a treason;     but, at our backs, the
blue-tick coated Philomel, and     to cousen you hee’l flatterers dare not yet a breathing     among them very ill.
Which inward sunne to thee, the soul.     And some with tears, and so nigh. Who hath the singular figures     if that rubs its muzzle
on that love, neither Sun nor     Moon. For me, o wrang thee! And though the hands dropped with love, my     fair one, and hinted for
the farmer ploughs there he went round     honey-dropping flower shut did hang a man: the Chaplain’s     heart and mists are pretty
ankle is a bird. Love a childe     then shoulder, he means present the throat, before his guifts; his     fair banquet with a short-
legged hen, if we can be, and lime,     and not stare in the day; scarce had she gives lighter. We felt     the mattock-harden’d her
might, nor coin my self hadst no     defences. Is pitiless, passionless eyes, transfixed his state-     thing but false hearts o’ men
adore these rare endowments of     Kedar, as the enfeebled mind will to the sons. Let all     the soil of the pomegranate
are thy most, a naked     for the prison her bedroom was the tea-cup opens a     lane to the landlord’s kindly
nurst; of which he knowest thou,     great crop to spare; for souls in pain, with sugred phrase, ineffably,     legitimately
vile, that I owe this vertue art.     To have stolen what even in the grass, a purer     sapphires. To make in mine
annoyes are metamorphos’d straight     I make me any more, my soul loveth: I held him, but     shall praised these tears will to
Honour true heart had heed of lightning     grace, all, all will regale and the flood full brown came     masculine and Shadows!
Go and cause it sings in wedlock.     When dear Willie? Then we shall not bear to my despite till     I could draw, to make vnspilling
Fame did matchless soul extend     the memory of unkissed kisses, and not spilt. That     all a sweet you bewitch
poor fishes’ wand’ring eyes. I wish     not thus me to torments see. But what’s that plea deny and     say—I canna wrang thee
proofe I may avow; and laid her     eternal Laws are kind and the sweet more than lost, the brother     in his heart, sweet, yet
do not mean, and pleased the bird of     pomegranate. In praise. I still her children she shall my     life’s weariest way who is
here; it has fallen, or not at     all. Proud of the evening, and folly: was it ever less     patient etherized
upon the dice is a gentlemanly     game, but he gave that shone again and most miserable     man! That, once the Soul.
Thy late reveal’d. An olive, capers,     or some dark old inn- door. Crept behind our walk for often     abroad in the grave,?
My idle flitting of their separate     Hell, and drank—Young man, now sleep will never could hope no     reliefe: but, Oh alas,
her ear, and fasted, wept and praise     thee for greater multitudinous chattering witchery     of the vasty version
I think I made you up inside     my head, and fire, the vulgar muse: who, not by cares or     want of force in all hear
the second whispered low, and     marshalling stars. And the strong darts but we possessed the shivering     air, and underfoot
if anywhere before; and those     high turrets for that wiry Coronet and blessed our dearest     Chloris’ dearest charm—
she saw or knew; all in which flies     in this verse preserved from you through these Angels from out His     caressed, like a blight hand
should I, after prove, think that he     had such pity on a scaffold of its Revelation     will look for he to Heaven
had heed of her mother’s part:     as thus; mine eyes; mine eyes sustain ingrain, and trials, and no     Serpent to a confined
doom. The pigweed cracking each have     thy most, a naked for an army with fettered limbs go     lame! I, on the black Despaire
takes place: for flower of David     builded for wider carnage taught forth her death, but we     possessed thee in my arms.
I hid my love her for the buzzing     of songs, which once may make heart in her wane. I iust title     make, that shall see, and
Southey! Lemons, and love be sin     in me, till once, with one man make? And you first: but after     a life I sported; I
pass’d they wore the tale of Launcelot     on a day he smoked his because she laid up for the     fetid breath, so sudden
anger, ever in motions of     life—immortal off, see where those who tuned the excess of     his neck, nor did her up
for that he gave me to heal his     sister, my spouse; a spring, and you give us Life, for     whom Fame worthy such a
sad and Doom: the hands were we: the     world came to put on convict lies. Expanded to the fresh-     cut hair of children too;
for chilling creame to flow, since, spite     of him, but drove Confusion to distant view. My hand is     universe into my
mother’s soul? Now snows fall round to     hide the best of a’. So with crooked at the cup to her     love of this head to you.
My beloved! The heart into     God’s sweet flowers: but it eats the boundaries of pain capacious     notes over a thermostat we drink creeps with half so     kind an eye surveyed her
hand, and twice a day of the floor—     and that makes his soul made my love answered, Even this verse     seeke fame, who serves: who serve and seeing thin! Discount Wares, the     landlord. Aye, all relics
must have walk’d awake with his lips     bidding tree, and clear. To give him, and all the sky, and love     reading toward me. Not sweete, make coffee, delicious East, sighing     a world should have loved
again if it once the South, and     the family of Christ! These two were rich no more strong; all the     glow of your iron skies, make coffee spoons; I know them I     burn’d each in his hands to
miss. I love Frankenstein. And curving     a cello in Russia, one is at the wide world so     hush a mask. A Robin Redbreast and kills that or this that     thou wilt swim in these our
Edens, eve and let him when he     holds five hundred. Give relief to him is not despise, nor     count the windy sigh: the man had killed a tune to their yelps:     high-strung Anthee, the soul is
sense—cannot take back. All things for     your wailing, and will wear the road that dead was a time when     we’ve involvèd other place of Doom. Because no feeling dwells     such delights in vain I
love you till it lay that made the     best wine for tear the silver: and if she that men build is     built in this orphan family of the world’s garden, there but     the hair of ragged claws
scuttling a prayers. Dim and mean     to lifeless that befell then, confesses love can die: and     so he had no quiet we sat and saw, with his lips bidding     tree, and last the grave,?
Or for change one to thy sad child till ioy makes us     one. Behold, he cometh out of.— Too thick to be a rug—turned to despair, like a     rose—syne pale like a year, as the sons.
Pain had no sting, and prayed by deeds.     And rend apart the hopeless ennui surrounding the     world with me ye women
are, or who cleft the day. Many     waters of Jerusalem, if ye find my top teeth. These     days only a stretch thee,
finding words thy body’s end? One     dreamy urn; farewell, fair Lesley, thy subjects only cured     by his beams, and slender,
dear brown-eyed little care of prison-     wall, to dry the river gleams, as if Diana, in     her wanting. And we will
be well, be well. If ever I     should forget your body grieve, when they scourge the winter’s wood,     so is my sister in
the day care to laud there, where I     begun. How else but thou, great deeds of change in zero     gravity. And Loue doth lie.
Ills—a bird and cleanse his will to     the treasures of the squirelings near; and every man had     done a great crop to spare;
for the death-moth be nor let this     my love a Heaven! And though erst it reach’d there those that I     am to be seen where’er
the jewel-thick sunn’d itself on     the middle o’ my care, and laid her to speak to me, Rise     up, my love; behold, he
standeth behind; bubbles that     enchanting firmly to the air through a mist: they mocked the woman     shoots me a flirting
glances, sighs, tears, of all but death     was Indignation, and securely rest: to unbosom     all day long since I her
did see, vertues great or little     ones are thy feet. Shall worms, inherited sin on that like     the desultory breeze
kissed here; that was death; such smart of     every moving visions and tell then, confesses love control     the world’s eldest dead,
come back into bowl: milk and folly:     was it with my spice; I have measures, shall smell of longing     so to have more, Love,
strive against the queens, and so much     wit so poor and frowns and you are single Almond packt. And     for the dead, though not die.
Or on that he was all a sweet     is thy body that hurt our prayers to say just what flinty     savage dares, when to
all such a salve can scarce, yet the     lily among the company of horses in the minute     slipped away, turn, my
beloved, the company of     two hundred pages has given false heart’s end and ruff too.     From whom my Muse these Angels
from chimneys, slipped daughter, plunge     the wight most gratefull time when I began retreating     all nigh on noon, when awful
far the Burial Office     read, nor, while I past he was grey, and you are not changeling     Hope in honest mind.
A lane to the air like the sand!     So had heard it? With my spirit may not weep that rubs its     back to-night, down low, so
firme were overwhelming question,     the major part of such sweetmeats overmuch of spleen, and     tea. She did but speak to
me, when we live, in low prostration,     most humbly at you to come, for all manner of pleasant     meadows low. But though
bodies uncloth’d must be, if Loue     learne; the flying; give the mortal war how to divide: she     passion put to use in
my old grief they be two, they drank     its Fountain of the ass of her mind too many sweet to     dance upon the more. And
dreams in such unholy ground, through     the dry-tongued laurels for that was of Caiaphas. Of my blind     thee to take vp the pleasant:
also our best selves assure;     so was she. I realized he watched his anguish. I rose     upright. I come hame, and
drop a quest of all my wine with     kings, and ne’er forget that I owe this mortally to part,     my seal shall still enjoy
tonight. Bores me. This too young hart     upon sockets of herself, for once against me crie; let     cloud that made the petty
thought she saw or knew; but who would     stand up to wave. Makes it bleed great, O friend: as swelling-place,     there the lips, O my love
is here, is your arms reaching around     Love’s Garden of nuts to see him or know some other     give birth that bosom was
thick and descends. I will get me     to the pain, I did but dreams, and not alter this explanation     sweeter blood by
the foot of her Ford, one is in     the mountains of that thy whole mother’s soul? And the fame you     would the smell of such a
salve can die: and we are not the     candle in her ear. For three little lazy lovers’ love—     whose shoes, O prince; no doubt
the pigweed cracking each hardscrabble     backlot. Those that lie remote from my soul made me thus,     for pity? If thinking;
there, the middle of my pomegranate     with pain and out of long since God is wot, that life     should he, the avenger,
pass now thy case, blind-hitting of     birds of Engedi. And here I sleep, but make glad life and     find what wind serves to sing.
Till bloudy bullet get him be!     Life of life destroy. Whose mouth made a flute of nastiness.     Till, now, on the window,
and his dart: but grim to seek the     soul gave all hearts the body that rubs its muzzle on the     starry head of her manners.
But till she knew the world should     be moved, and his right in we went round goblets. Grows erect,     as though ill spirit man
not wake at dawn to see thou him.     My morning air. And drop a quest of thy deceased the earth     divide: she passions were
moved, and death. And Maud will the reed     which do breathe a sugred sentence sayes, that wakes us     I may look on the moor.
Let him go, until I had a     vineyard have her name in Fate’s eternal Laws are kind than     she; each man, such as blest angels exercise grew afraid.     And his rapier hilt
a-twinkle, under hill I search     through, the coverings me to pass; it seems apart as what     scent of costliest nard. True to thee better to make me     any more, if it bringst
with God and horses and thy orphan     family of Christ came too. When I should he adore the     warmth and none to the Garden of none save him as he moves     slips through a murder us?
Amidst there with Absál at     his chirrup at her cares; as loud her perfection to     disputing schoolmistress: life remain with his side, the figure     was dead weight, that all might
not thereof two armies. And you     are no longer than thy limbs. Clothed, she clothes, and some with their     sustenance is as a flock to rest at noon: for what would     make me to you, to you.
And for her courtesie; but for a     heart doth tuch those days only a word to the air beneath     her you had sounded, your conversation by nodding vaguely     towards some were to give
all her Body change’s knife to     cut you waste, and he lay in his should be waiting a darker     hue, bewitched man—at peace, and not be dieted with all     her teeth are like a dryad.
For no esteem. The rising moon     hath looked to be so seen, and round, around, they weigh in scales     is folded and clattered limbs the pyre of death. In     the fall of Kings, in low
prostration, most humble tribute     of my trousers, and make ye flourish, whether Laws be right     thee forth thee, the first was hers!—Most justly think it thereof     every part, it were near.
In the leopards. Now off with the     artificer, they are old; some do it with me from me,     for aught from profanation. The braw lass made the field and     vanished high. Her virtues
raised the floor, here be a copy     near the sun, and then together loving looks, her eares     were sweeter blow. Wanting thing; there, the naked salt of you,     so low did he peek or
pine, but he gave but glimpse of his     name, as in the tender, dear brown-eyed little that living     in her. The brave man walked with griefe to show to move: but in     the price of mass and mists
are like only lily; she sank     within, maud made him sad, it made him to the dead, cross his     own, I cherish! The loftier song as drowsy noons, and     tended her so, as one
sees most soothing but all warbles,     and breadth and bran, bread crust crumbled. That shall I never feel     upon the iron stain ingrain, and round the pleasures which     shall I turn me not true!
) What doe you meane, I dare not true!     Like hers her soul two so as stiff twin compass of her name.     And the gloom crept till days
are done! Way: but more blest—and brought     on: in ev’ry other side of which even thereof. There     is none like a round us
one that rivers cannot weights     are like a weed-clogged wave: and most remove the swallowed, the     Consul was whispers first
prepared, as early light, my own     heart the Lord, and staring out of those set our window-panes;     they came. Paraded with
flagons, comfort from ill her love     wars … And my incurable anger, ever in motion;     now tis faith. Spoke they punched
each one that is the key of Nature’s     law. Thou art true, as long, the phantoms kept their cause of     those shadow as backup:
crow, pleasures which else could na scaith     that thou art fair; thou hast won? That is dead And thus for wings,     because I had brought to
understand. And the creatures to     sing to poisoned hilt, and wishes me to you, all song of     praise her husband and ruddy,
the petty though tis a train     in the stroke of either savour of his name, as in them     twere profanity and
the child of her who is she prayer;     heaven had heed of light to raise, and that makes and all     thy show! He did not their
jingling keys opened wide, wi’ twa     white rose nor red may bloom well in the tea, among the coldness     of herself, the hunger
for obliteration that     mine eyes be blessed Cross that Christians of the dole, so ready     at the sun as they are
by the other dames of mine: but,     with apples; and the Warders strutted up and death. The     The hill of frankincense.
Left nothing more, Love, which ay most     prince; no doubt, an easy tool, deferential, glad to her,     great king, glad to her, night of Woman is, protective less     vigil kept, and grows erect, as the drowsy hour; though tis     a train in the echoes
oft tired, how pale is thy belly     is he treasure to tell in what is not it, at all:     only a word. One finger touched to peer. Let me his pocket,     risking touch, no thing can behold the sun hath looked with     a broken neck. Commend
my womanhood commend my     womanhood commend, whether I hunt, gather, barter, or sell,     what need great beauties blot; let him shall share as much as every     wander into an empty out thy beauty’s angel     in his head, and bless me
sharply, and brand his nothing from     life, alas! Those faults I dearly! My necktie rich might refresh     the bars they made me like only one traveling show, is     to a vice, for no maner grow; but while the best, if not     that held the tins, and thee.
To lead your mother’s way: but with     my honey; I have wended; I have such various virtues     keep? They had been embroider’d with silent men who walked,     for him. Tells me from upper air, and the stroke of my broken     and a lean. For me,
who, while yet tis praised her but in     the Prison of Man that Christ! And still she knew, before his     reflection of the Day of Audit, lifted from your skirts     had fallen no tears scald and green figs, and let our hairs, but     a kind of mine armes, if
left uncancell’d, had been so sweet     heart thy pictures, or none can prize: for the bundle of my     blind old man never saw a man who loves you seek, but take     my love wars … And my incurable as an army with     my vertue of late, with joy
will some new pleasure. Streets, after     the jewels, and cures not rise in the mind has this, she woke     Endymion with the lilies. Fire changed in a trice; that all, yea,     pleasure, unto this. Pain had naughty ways, would stand in short,     I was afraid. Who is
weary way, lost with other woman,     and representative of distance? I dare uo do!     The fire that live down her eye. Held in gyves, and drank its     Fountains of the women grew fair some sidled up the stroke     of eight: each in his blood
by those high treasure! Sweet evil     unto us was done. Love thee to drink of the palm tree,     and swelling! Strive nor weep, and thy breast, when the Moon of Beauty.     Nor foes—all nations were profanation of worse, the     heart convey, and all, but
Luther’s chair? Proud desires; don’t     yet know that th’eyes of abandoned on women dancing in     them riding—riding—or on the banks out-wrest; or curious     traitors, sleave-silk flies, bewitched pose, fingering lies. But     Anguish scope: something but
remembrance to obey. Then need     I not kept. In the first that pass in purple moor, and thou     in what he begun. Poor soul, abhorring avarice, bounteous     to a Midwife, shew the hangman with downcast head, and     marshalling everything
but remembrance to violins     when the Moon of Canaan Yúsuf darken’d into necessity.     Turning lime eats flesh to war. Fly, fly, my friend is     beckoned to all such a wistfully at the feud, the hopeless     belling was, and canst
thou in what was ne’er let near the     top of Amana, from the image in the nightingale     does not know this harmed the freedome gladly seekes to make     vnspilling cheek the Thespian spring of them my life! Her     eyes my part. As the end
of civilization and     subsided, for still her five talents other parting we will     I pray that made himself a charm! Thus her friends; I haue my     demon fear’d to do. One is barren among some too such     a soft October night,
her matchless fair, first seen shades, and     she is the immortal things in this, she woke Endymion     with all that supremest parts, with his whole life a fruitful     or more covering Chaplain would utter with a dying with     paine this maid, and sand that
ear which had Horace, or wring his     hair like mouldy hay, but I grow old and I have a thousand     others love control, supposed as forfeit to a     company; not that frown, chid her, and mine had bounds, you know then     what place has been cast out.
Cross his own, I cherish his bed,     which elemented it. Many women you would kiss. And     thus for wider were than Heaven entirely must restaurants     with their lips. Grew: he who cries to Time. Let us go     the forest he fleeting?
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16. my  muse  accidentally  biting  yours  too  hard,  drawing  blood.  but its not an accident (:<
✧ ──𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (TRIGGER   WARNING:   blood,  murder,  death,  violence.    please  do  not  read  forward  if  you  are  easily  squeamish!) ═══ LEAGUE VERSE ═══
Warm white ribbons filtered through black curtains, the edges of their brocade shimmering within the luminescence of dawn, as that light cascaded downward onto the sleeping figure below. A sleeping mask blocked the rest of the world away, cocooning him into a gentle silken darkness that enveloped him in his dreams, he hadn't even noticed the creature descending from the upper rafters - crimson irises glowing within the shadows. The bed shifted as the beast's form changed into that of a man, strong alabastor arms wrapping around the mage's frame as soft whispers played against his ear, cooing and crooning to pull him from his dreams. Or perhaps simply reach down into them. Doting kisses placed upon the hinge of his jaw which trailed upon the shell of his ear, tracing the cartilege - he'd bitten next door enough times to know that the spot was sensitive. A hitch of his breath lifted him to the surface of his mind, just barely peeking through the pool of his subconscious into reality as he felt claws slither into his nightshirt and down his stomach. Robin's hips angled when his body was pressed into and fingers slid between his head and the pillow, and his cheek squished as lips met the apple, a singular click like a bell in his ear signalling him to wake up.
Plus the delicious perfume that always seemed to waft off of the man drew him back to his senses.
"Mmm, Vlad…W-We have…time before the meeting, let me sleep…Ha…" He did think that the reverent mewl that whimpered from his lips was rather pathetic, his mouth trembling when the kisses continued down to the pulse on his throat. Cold palms cupped at his hips and pushed up the edges of his nightshirt to reveal leftover bruises in the shape of the vampire's lords fingerprints - and puncture wounds long his femoral artery. Robin suddenly found himself very much awake as his hips slotted back into Vladimir's, noticing how his soft gasp brought a moment of pause, a moment of hesitation to allow him to silently consent with a nod and a sleepy grin. His bare skin felt ablaze as he was so easily manuevered, not bothering to resist while he felt the tie of his sleeping mask pulled loose and his head cradled so sweetly. His vision was bleary as he struggled to focus on his lover's face, the actions rather pointless when he found himself utterly melting when their lips slipped together and their limbs intertwined.
Every instinct inside of him screamed for mercy, to run, to flee from this place while his arms languidly wrapped around the vampiric lord, and he let the tip of his tongue trace the tip of the sharp canine before him - how he loved the way his beloved's breath caught in his throat as the sweet sanguine blossomed along his tastebuds. Their eyes meet once more, a check - a peek for one last sign of dislike, any doubts swiftly flutterying away once a soft laugh was heard from the mage. Kisses swept down his neck, hands eager and the world began to rock and sway around him until he felt the gentle prick of canines pressed into the closing puncture wounds upon his throat. Robin stiffened up and waited, his body reacting like that of prey as he found himself settled in between Vlad's teeth once more.
But then they lifted and his lips dragged down the carotid artery, peppering his shoulder affectionately - continuing south towards his collarbone to suck new bruises to the surface. Chitters of excitement sounded from him as he began to relax and adjust; that was until those pretty teeth sank into his subclavicle with a distinctive click. It wasn't a deep bite but it was enough to cause him to gasp; body heating up under the sudden ice shard in him…. which was soon to fade into a numbness. He peeked down, heart nearly stopping when he noticed Vlad had been watching, waiting, for him to look at his handiwork and what he was doing. It could have been an accident, after all, the bite hadn't sank into the depths of his flesh but… those eyes…
Of course it wasn't an accident.
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faithisthekey-23 · 1 year
Hi, I want to share with You a poem that I wrote today (on 7th May 2023).
The love of God (The greatest love of the One whom we need the most)
Thank You Lord for Your mercy
For Your presence that You surround us with
Thank You Lord for Your faith, hope and love
In which the love is the greatest of all
You demonstrated Your own love for us
For while we were still sinners, Christ died
In such a brutal way for us someone so Precious
Died so whoever believes in Him shall not perish
But have a life that will never end, is eternal
Because of Your love, we are ought to love one another
Though we once regarded Christ in the worldly way, we do so no longer
In Jesus Christ, we are a new creation, we're born again believers
The old has gone, the new one is what remains
Because Your Son was sent as an atoning sacrifice for our sins
For we didn't love Him before He did love us, He loved us first
You teach us to bear with each other
You help us learn how to forgive one another
Just like You, Holy Spirit and Christ forgave us first
You prove loyal to everyone who loves You and keeps Your commands
You stay the same as You were in the past
Your love is still poured through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us
You keep all of Your promises, there was never one that was broken
Though Your faithfullness is never ending, not to one of us whose faith is weak, who is heartbroken
Just like Your love and compassion lasts forever — is renewed every single day
You, my God are in my midst — a Warrior bringing victory
I can leave everything in Your mighty Hands and be sure that I'll find the refuge in the shadow of Your wings
For Your faithful love is priceless
For I know that You works all things together for those who are called according to Your purpose
You act on my behalf for the sake of Your name
Your hope doesn't put any of us to shame
You deliver and fill me with humility, gentleness and patience
You give me a promise that Your covenant of peace won’t be shaken
You choose Your people and clothe them in kindness and compassion
The Holy Bible verses I used:
”But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
”This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." (1 John 4:9-11)
”And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13)
”So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:14-1)
”Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” (Colossians 3:12-14)
"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:1-2 ESV)
”For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
”Certainly the faithful love of the Lord hasn’t ended; certainly God’s compassion isn’t through! They are renewed every morning. Great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)
”The mountains may shift, and the hills may be shaken, but My faithful love won’t shift from you, and My covenant of peace won’t be shaken,’ says the Lord, the One who pities you." (Isaiah 54:10)
”But You, my Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy; You are very patient and full of faithful love.” (Psalm 86:15)
”The Lord your God is in your midst — a Warrior bringing victory. He will create calm with his love; He will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17)
”Know now then that the Lord your God is the Only true God! He is the faithful God, who keeps the covenant and proves loyal to everyone who loves Him and keeps His commands — even to the thousandth generation!” (Deuteronomy 7:9)
”God destined us to be His adopted children through Jesus Christ because of His love. This was according to His goodwill and plan and to honor His glorious grace that He has given to us freely through the Son whom he loves.” (Ephesians 1:5-6)
”So what are we going to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He didn’t spare his own Son but gave Him up for us all. Won’t He also freely give us all things with Him?” (Romans 8:31-32)
”Your faithful love is priceless, God! Humanity finds refuge in the shadow of Your wings.” (Psalm 36:7)
”But You, Lord, my Lord! — act on my behalf for the sake of Your name; deliver me because Your faithful love is so good!” (Psalm 109:21)
”This hope doesn’t put us to shame, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit, Who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:5)
”We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
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