#☆ like casting a spell!  ( ooc )
ch0sene · 7 months
god this is unearthing some shit in my brain. remember when i homebrewed an entirely new strain of the runechild subclass to better fit my headcanons? remember when i wrote out a comprehensive timeline of this fucker's hundreds of years of life? REMEMBER WHEN I WROTE LORE FOR AN ENTIRE REGION AND VULGARLANG'D A LANGUAGE FOR IT?
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ask-calico-jack · 9 months
drug recs for a first time drug doer? I've drunk alcohol obviously but never done anything harder.
Other than booze which I love, Rhino Horn is definitely my favorite. Helps me get shit done but is also fun. But it's not like that for everybody. Eddie basically only does it when he's in a mood and Mary doesn't fuck with it at all, she's more of a stoner than a tweaker. Weeds fun every once in a while. I don't really like opium because you just sit around and nod off. You feel really happy but you don't do much and I like to be doing shit. Can't have a coconut war on opium, and it's a bit of a waste of medical supplies anyway. I basically only do it if there's nothing else on the boat. Mushrooms are great for an afternoon, kinda like weed in that it's for a special occasion where you want to sit around and giggle at stupid shit. You know if you mix mushrooms with lemon juice it dissolves em a little bit and it doesn't last as long but it hits you way harder.
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athalantan · 4 months
This is also me saying y'all should give your non-caster characters a lil Weave sensitivity as a treat
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deathbind · 6 months
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Here's a selection of spells from The Complete Sha'ir's Handbook that I think are just fucking cool
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soothfog · 11 months
utterly surreal to be teaching a class of kindergartners and stumble upon a secret phrase another teacher taught them. you say something like "eyes on me" and they all, in monotone unison, chant back "eyes on you" and go silent like a platoon of toddler sleeper soldiers.
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marinehero · 1 year
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Thinking thoughts ab this messed up family again and thinking again about Garp wanting for Ace and Luffy to become strong - strongest - marines as form of protection because to him that's their best shot at staying alive.
While Dragon on the other hand was significantly different, I do think he was unexpected, because frankly Garp was and is not fit to be a parent ( having had no parental figure growing up ) nor do I think he would've really wanted a child. But he still loved his son and tried his best with what support he had from his peers and friends. He still wanted Dragon to be a marine, of course, but without the same kind of pressuring need as there'd been with Ace or Luffy, he'd be far more inclined towards letting things progress at a more natural pace.
He was still strict, more knowledged on being a soldier than father, but more lienient and more present in Dragon's early life. Present enough to complain and rant about restrictions and his anger towards the government and celestial dragons to or where his son could hear.
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labwebs · 2 years
🕸given @torncast and @gwenbiote’s thread it got me thinking and unless may made peter take a nap after they got back to happy’s.................. mcu peter did not sleep at all between when he went off to fight electro and the final battle at the statue of liberty. oof.
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ghiilanas · 2 days
faron, crying after coming back from the crossroads w a missing arm
sb: it’s okay we’ll get you something for the pain
faron: it’s not that, i can’t do cool staff tricks with one hand
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fellsilver · 21 days
I really should work out some ideas on how the Spellplague affected Lael and also her fake identity (or identities) while living in Candlekeep. Except the latter was definitely coordinated with Luse so they didn't have to pretend to be strangers. The only thing I'm certain of is she wasn't using spellguises until after Mys.tra's reincarnation. Too risky. Unless? She already had a spellguise picked out, and one of the consequences of Mys.tra's death is she was stuck in it unable to alter it or revert back? Idk, man.
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hoshiina · 3 months
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endawn · 4 months
in terms of dnd vampire lore, pax isn’t bound to the place of his death. meaning, he is able to go wherever and doesn’t have to return by daylight. the drawback? there’s no fail safe when someone manages to knock his health down. he won’t turn into mist and teleport to a coffin to regenerate. he doesn’t have a coffin. he doesn’t have a grave. he was never buried. so, depending on the means the death blow was given or with what, he’s likely to burst into flames on the spot and turn into a pile of ash. otherwise, he’ll stay in a state of suspended animation until someone puts him back together or gives him their blood to facilitate regeneration.
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deathbind · 6 months
I wonder what the explanation is for the Spellplague in Zakhara . . . Obviously it still affected them. Use of the Weave is extremely rare on Zakhara. The majority draw directly from the elemental + energy planes and always have. However, the Weave exists just about everywhere, even when it isn't being used. Furthermore, all of the elemental + energy planes collapsed into the Elemental Chaos as a consequence of the Spellplague. Loss of the Weave wasn't an issue for them and the Spellplague itself was likely less terrible on that continent, but the reordering of the cosmos would've brought its own set of problems.
Which brings us back to their explanation for it. The death of Mystra means nothing to them. She is unknown to them. Perhaps an aspect of Her is worshiped as some obscure deity in a remote corner, but again the Weave is almost inconsequential to them and almost no one uses arcane magic. If they do, they're probably from elsewhere. I'd have to say there isn't a consensus then? As in, everywhere you go, people have a different theory.
I'm trynna think on what the Soshist explanation would be, but I gotta chew on it a bit more. It's definitely taken negatively at first. I think with the collapse of the Planes of Death + Life, the priesthood [Anactaci + other half I need to name] can't perform their rites as usual. Then of course the Cities of Eternity go out of whack, and Neheb is sacrificed to seal them. End result is people are convinced it's the end of fucking days. To the point that they believed the after life was closed and no souls could move on. They were all being weighed and measured by the One Above.
But when the situation evens out and the Cities of Eternity are unsealed . . . do they spin it as a positive or negative outcome . . . I have to think more deeply on what the consequences are for casters drawing on the Elemental Chaos, I think, before I can answer that. I can see there being an argument that it's harder to cast by drawing on the elemental + energy planes because none of them exist in pure form anymore. They're all blended together now. Conversely, I could see an argument that these casters can more easily draw from multiple planes and/or some of worse of effects of drawing from these planes are mitigated because they've all been condensed into one soup.
Idk, I'll chew on it.
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spkysxy · 4 months
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Meanwhile in the other department, Rhok'zan will be more than happy to cuddle you while either you knock her up or she turns you into a creampuff--
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verflcht · 6 months
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[  .  .  .  ]  #𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐂𝐇𝐓  ⸻  𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐏𝐒𝐄'𝐒 𝐒𝐎𝐍 , 𝖟𝖊𝖊𝖛 𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖊 𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖑𝖊.
❝ . . . heed  this  warning,  young  witches  fair,  shun  the  path  that  leads  to  despair.  for  once  you  tread  in  his  twisted  embrace,  you'll  find  naught  but  sorrow  and  disgrace. ❞
  ⠀ ⠀ ⠀   ⠀   ❝⠀  𝕴 𝖍𝖆𝖉 𝖇𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚, 𝖘𝖚𝖓𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙.⠀  ❞
  (  .  .  .  )  born  as  the  promising  heir  and  only  son  of  the  solar  coven,  zeev  was  known  to  be  loyal,  diligent  and destined  to  carry  the  torch  of  their  ancient  traditions  into  the  future.  however,  faced  by  great  danger  of  those  who  did  not  welcome  their  kind  and  driven  by  desperation  and  a  desire  to  protect  his  family,  zeev  delved  into  the  forbidden  depths  of  dark  magic.  despite  having  succeeded  in  saving  them,  he  was  cast  out  from  the  fold,  branded  a  pariah  among  his  own  kind.  the  sting  of  rejection  cut  deep.  forced to  hide in   the  shadows, he  weaves webs  of  deceit  and  manipulation. 
⠀      ⠀           ❝ 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖉.      ❝  𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙.      ❝  𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘.
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  ⠀    ⠀   ⠀  ( owner of 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 & 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐒 )
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 : isaiah  ⛧ hayley ☾ enid  ☼ mike ⛧  camille ☾ nausicaä  ☼ vika  ☾ jessie  ☼ kamania  ⛧ bonnie
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𝖎*; ( indie & original witch based on neo-pagan beliefs and modern witchcraft aesthetic, selective & mutuals only, activity varies, 21+ p&mdni )
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fatedmystic · 8 months
Me liking the idea of Fate gesticulating wildly to cast spells vs me also loving the idea of Fate being an eerily still figure who can do so much with so little movement
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cavegirlpoems · 21 days
A story from back when I played D&D. It might have been 3.5 or pathfinder or fantasycraft or one of that ilk. Might even have been 4e. It was like a decade ago.
So. Standard D&D. A party of bold adventurers of diverse origins and skillsets gets together to explore a perilous dungeon and stop a cartoonish baddy. The usual.
I end up building a fairly typical character for me. A goblin Rogue/Assassin. A stealth/melee build designed to get the drop on an enemy, do a bunch of rapid damage, and then fuck off.
She was lawful evil, and firmly in the team-fortress-two-sniper school of "You know who has a lot of feelings? Men what bludgeon their wives to death with a golf trophy. Professionals have standards." school of being a mercenary. I think I even did an aussie accent.
Anyway her schtick was that she'd noticed 'Adventurers' got to do as much violence as they wanted without social consequences, and she loved violence! So she was gonna do a stint as an adventurer, so once she was done she could go home with a big sack of gold to spend on booze and cake and hot girls. But right now she was on the job, so she was an extremely professional team player with a strict code of conduct. Always be honest with the team, follow the plan, don't mess things up for the team, split the loot evenly. Standards.
Verna was a horrible efficient little murder gremlin who was also proudly guild-certified. * * *
Now, another PC was a chaotic neutral gnome bard who was leaning hard on the 'gnomes are amusingly racist to goblins and kobolds and think this is funny and endearing' thing. He teased Verna a bunch about being green and ugly, which she studiously ignored because - remember - she had Professional Standards.
Anyway, there was a human NPC we met that she didn't like, saying he was a bit stupid and very annoying. Our gnome bard decided it would be very funny to use one of his enchantment spells to make Verna suddenly horny for him and watch what happened.
Verna sees the gnome who keeps fucking with her walk up, wave his hands and babble some arcane nonsense, and now she has weird funny feelings she can't explain. She does some thinking and concludes that she'll pay the human for a snog later, because right now this guy's just obviously cast a spell to mess with her mind, which was Not Okay. Of course, she had Professional Standards, so...
She walks up to our gnome friend and basically informs him: "Hi! I know you just did some magical brainwashing on me, and I am not going to tolerate this! However, because we're in a team together, and I don't want this to become a problem, I am going to very generously allow you to settle the matter with me. We will have a bout of single combat to first blood, and then whoever wins I will consider the matter settled and my honour satisfied, and you won't do that again, and we won't mention it. This is a very kind offer of mine, because I have Standards; where I come from the normal response would be to say nothing and strangle you in your sleep tonight."
And our gnome, who is a spellcaster not a combatant, looks at this and decides he doesn't want to get shown up by her, and basically tells her that if she doesn't like getting messed with she can go back to the goblin village, and laughs at her.
So. Shrug. Quickdraw as a free action. I get a surprise round. You're flat footed, so it's easy to hit and I get sneak attack damage. 3/4 of his health is gone. Initiative. He says he wants to say sorry. I respond that he can say that when it gets to his initiative count, but right now it's my action and he's still flat-footed and here's my big pile of d6s for sneak attack and oh dear I think that's him on -10 hp, so he's not going to get the chance.
* * *
Anyway this kicked off a massive shitstorm ooc about how I just kicked off PvP and murdered a PC for no reason and the game fell apart because the gnome's player genuinely didn't seem to understand that 'mind control' is a hostile action. This was in the bad old days before safety tools and I was playing in a fairly neckbeardy group, so 'a man makes a woman horny against her will to humiliate her and laughs about it' was apparently not a deal-breaker while 'the woman stabs him for it' was.
I still think I wasn't the bad guy in this scenario.
There is no point to this story I just wanted to share it.
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