#ideally you should also go in pretty secure in your sense of self because they will fuck with you
ask-calico-jack · 6 months
drug recs for a first time drug doer? I've drunk alcohol obviously but never done anything harder.
Other than booze which I love, Rhino Horn is definitely my favorite. Helps me get shit done but is also fun. But it's not like that for everybody. Eddie basically only does it when he's in a mood and Mary doesn't fuck with it at all, she's more of a stoner than a tweaker. Weeds fun every once in a while. I don't really like opium because you just sit around and nod off. You feel really happy but you don't do much and I like to be doing shit. Can't have a coconut war on opium, and it's a bit of a waste of medical supplies anyway. I basically only do it if there's nothing else on the boat. Mushrooms are great for an afternoon, kinda like weed in that it's for a special occasion where you want to sit around and giggle at stupid shit. You know if you mix mushrooms with lemon juice it dissolves em a little bit and it doesn't last as long but it hits you way harder.
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zodiactalks · 3 months
The One Trait He is Obsessed With in Her Based on His Zodiac Sign
According to the stars, you need to possess this one particular trait to make him notice you.
When you first start seeing someone, you probably browse their social media accounts right?  Most people do this, especially now that we are in the social media age, snooping on your partner or potential partner is pretty much the norm.
You can take it up a gear by searching for more information using the stars, you can learn a lot about someone by looking into their star sign and investigating what makes them tick, and what attracts them most in a potential partner.
It is important to learn as much as you can about someone before taking the plunge to actually date them. Therefore, if the stars can give you a helping hand, give it a try!
If you are dating or interested in dating a scorpio, you should understand that he is intensely passionate and highly sexual. This pretty much common knowledge however, you might not be so well versed on his likes and dislikes.
Are you interested in finding out the essential trait that he looks for in a woman? Finding out what his Zodiac sign is can really help you to determine whether or not you are the right girl for him. Obviously, you should learn to be objective and open minded but do bear in mind that Zodiac signs can provide you with a lot of information about the type of person you are dating.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aries men usually like women who are extremely confident in themselves. He loves women a woman who is a sucker for adventure and who firmly speaks her mind, he will certainly fall for a woman with such traits.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
They ideal woman for Taurus men can cook up a good meal, loves good food and enjoys beautiful scents and finer things. They are very much interested in aesthetics and they love women who share the same interest.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The most important trait for a Gemini man is intelligence. They love women that they can hold an intellectual conversation with and share opinions and facts. They also love women who share the same sense of humor as them.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Cancer men love trustworthy women. They often find it difficult to express their true feelings but when they trust a woman, they will gladly share what is on their mind. Cancer men need to feel a sense of safety and security with the women they choose.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Leo men are extremely passionate and assertive, they want a woman who has exactly the same traits as him. Bold, confident and self-assured.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgo men are interested in women who are honest and sincere. They want a woman who stands by her values and lives her life with integrity.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Libra men like women who are laid back, cool, calm and collected. They want a woman who is able to go with the flow and relax. If you want to date a Libra man, calm down and take life as it comes. If you enjoy conflict and confrontation, you will find it difficult to get along with a Libra man. They want a harmonious and stress free relationship.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpio men love mysterious women, they thrive on learning and growing with a woman. They don’t want to know everything about a woman from day one, they want to discover and unravel everything about the woman as time goes on.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarius men love a woman who harbours a strong desire to travel. A spontaneous, nomadic woman who enjoys meeting new people and discovering new things and places.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Capricorn men love patient women because they are usually extremely dedicated and goal-oriented. Therefore, they spend copious amounts of time working. This will certainly take its toll on any relationship moreover, any woman that gets into a relationship with a Capricorn man will have to be extremely patient.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarius men love women who are unconventional, they are interested in women who have distinctive style, quirky and interesting to talk to.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces men love women who are not afraid to be display their vulnerability. They prefer women who are honest and forthcoming about their feelings. They like women who are caring and nurturing.
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hiiii can you do a deep dive into hawkeye's attachment styles pretty please :') i don't know much about attachment styles but i love psychology and i'm super normal about that guy (lying) so this is all fascinating 2 me !!!
Hi! I can certainly try!
I'm by no means an expert on attachment theory but I guess I can maybe talk about it since I'm studying it right now and have for a few years. I'm a psych major specializing in psychological development, and a lot of my interests and papers in the last few years have been on attachment theory specifically in adults bc believe it or not, most people think that it's only a thing when you're in infancy and early childhood. False! You actually grow an attachment network as you go from adolescence into adulthood and that's how it stays essentially, but your attachment style is important for the people you choose to be around and how relationship dynamics work (there's more nuance to this but I'm not really sure how to explain it without going super in depth). Anyway... Maybe I should do a general post about attachment theory.
For Hawkeye I think he's definitely in the preoccupied type, but he can also sometimes be a bit dismissing. Let's be real, Hawkeye has abandonment issues. If you think about it, he lost his mom when he was a kid, and it was pretty sudden. She got sick and he didn't really know what was going on, and his dad didn't tell him how bad it was. Then a few days later she was gone. Not only did he very suddenly lose a primary attachment figure, but he likely felt a sense of betrayal from his other primary attachment figure due to his dad not being honest with him. Yes, he was only a kid, but that doesn't stop him from feeling that way. That is still the case to a degree, he mentions it in that one episode... I think it's called Sons and Bowlers? When his dad was going into surgery for something serious and Hawkeye thought it could be cancer but he didn't find out until his dad was already in surgery and he spent forever trying to get through to the hospital. He was rantic and said something about his dad doing it again, likely meaning holding back the severity of an illness from him to protect him.
The loss of a primary caregiver is devestating to a young child even if they don't really understand what happened. The person they've relied on, who they knew was going to keep them safe and take care of them is just no longer there, whether they know why or not doesn't matter. Now, hawkeye I think was a bit older... 10, maybe? So he understood that it wasn't his Mom's intention, but that doesn't stop the pain. It seems very much like he clung to his dad after that, and he seems to have a very secure attachment to him. But I don't think that overall he has a secure attachment style. Definitely not.
The preoccupied attachment style is typically characterized by people who have positive views of others but negative views of the self. This usually means that they want close relationships but don't feel they're deserving of it necessarily or that they can trust others. In a modern sense, they'd be the person who'd text you a thousand times if you didn't respond. They can be clingy and they need reassurance. And while Hawkeye can be arrogant, I don't think he really likes himself that much. I can't think of anything speciifc he says but he definitely seems to think he's not a good person. He probably doesn't think he's ideal for a relationship. And we can see that in his interactions with his ex.
Carly and Hawkeye lived together for over a year, and he was devastated when she left him. Again, abandonment by another primary attachment figure. When she showed up at the 4077th he was hurt and a bit bitter, but when he talked to her he was desperate. He would do anything to keep her by his side, including marriage. And she knew it was desperation. A lot of it was his work that got between them, as she said, because he isn't someone who can put his work second. But another piece of those commitment issues might be that doubt or anxiety around relationships that are more than just sex.
This isn't just in romantic relationships. Think about how he reacted when Trapper left. He was so hurt that Trapper didn't even leave a note and chased after him to try and catch him before he left despite knowing he had little chance of catching him. He and Trapper were always together and he seemed a bit more secure in that friendship... but that went out the window when he left. Now, I don't really know that much about Trapper, esp since he was only in 3/11 seasons. But the effect he had on Hawkeye was immense.
You can see that in the way he interacts with BJ. He's clingy. He needs validation. He's scared of being abandoned again, whether or not he wants to admit it. And in GFA, he gets so irritated when BJ won't say goodbye. Hawkeye knows they won't see each other again, so leaving without a goodbye and a promise of seeing each other again is the same as being abandoned. BJ is important to him.
This validation isn't even just with BJ. It's pretty much with everyone. He cracks jokes and the laughter is validation. Sleeping with one of the nurses is validation. To me at least, he seems to feel inferior when comes to anything that's not surgery. Just as a person. But he also seems to have a defense against that, acting like all he needs are one night stands. Keeping the nurses at an arm's length, never going further emotionally than just sex. Which is why I said he could also fit the dismissing style a little bit, too. It's a defense mechanism so he doesn't get hurt. Dismissing is when someone has a positive view of self and a negative view of others, usually relying on being self-sufficient and independent, not needing close relationships even though they desperately want them. He just thinks people will leave him so he doesn't let people get to close to him. That seems to more be the case with women.
I hope this makes some sense! He has a bit of a mix of styles but I think more preoccupied than anything else. I wanna give poor Hawkeye a hug :(
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wisteria-lodge · 1 year
I decided I wanted to make a post on why all the sortings are top-tier, but I don’t have an active tumblr myself, so I’m using you as a conduit. (Also, originally I was going to make a post about every individual sorting instead of just doing the primaries and secondaries, but I decided that was nuts and did this instead.)
Badger: Y'all care so much, about so many people. It’s incredible how big your hearts are. Even if you’re burned, I know you want to care about everyone in your community, and that alone is extremely admirable. When Birds and Lions get too caught up in theoreticals and ideals, it’s Badgers who remind them that their actions affect people and bring them back down to Earth. When Snakes get stuck in a “my people vs. strangers” mentality, it’s Badgers who remind them that their people were once strangers too, and every person matters. Thank you, Badgers, for being true humanitarians, and for reminding the rest of us what’s really important.
Bird: Is there any pursuit more noble than the pursuit of truth? Not many, I should think. Birds are the people who face the harshest, cruelest truths this world has to offer–and don’t flinch away. Instead, you try to take those truths and use them to build something that will make the world a better place. You’re careful and deliberate and thoughtful with your morality. Lions have a reputation for courage, and deservedly so, but it takes its own sort of courage to hear your instincts screaming to do one thing and to choose instead to do the thing that you logically know is right. So thank you, Birds, for standing up for what’s right even when it’s difficult or painful, and for seeking the truth no matter how unpleasant it may be.
Lion: The world needs Lion primaries like a navigator needs a compass. Some people just know deep down in their bones that something is wrong, and they set out to right it no matter the cost. I guarantee that in every great social movement, there was at least one Lion who kept the fire burning and reminded everyone else why they were fighting even when all hope seemed lost. Your ability to stand up even when the whole word is trying to make you kneel is an incredible gift–as is your total inability to back down from what you know to be right. Thank you, Lions, for fighting the good fight in the face of all odds, and for knocking down the bullies and tyrants who stand in your way.
Snake: Ever gone to an animal rescue and had an animal immediately take a liking to you, even though the handlers say that animal doesn’t like anyone? That’s what it feels like to be a Snake’s person. It’s an amazingly secure, comfortable feeling. It makes you feel so special and loved. Snakes are safe people to be around because you know you’d have to fuck up pretty spectacularly in order for them to drop you. In that sense, no one is quite as trustworthy as a Snake. You guys take such good care of your people–and if asked why, you seem endearingly bewildered. “Of course I helped you; you’re my friend!” Not to mention that you have an excellent sense of self-preservation that extends to your people as well; you remind the rest of us to stop and take care of ourselves rather than sacrificing ourselves endlessly for our ideals or our communities. If everyone was a Snake’s person, the world would be a better, more secure place. So thank you, Snakes, for your steadfast loyalty and the way you look out for the rest of us.
Badger: At the heart of every community is at least one Badger secondary putting in the work. Communities just wouldn’t function without y'all. You’re the foundation holding up the whole thing. You just innately know what people need, and you give it to them, no questions asked. You can be almost TOO selfless, honestly–remember to take a break and care for yourself! You matter too! The community probably couldn’t last forever without you, but it will last long enough for you to rest and recover, I promise. And your consistency is so admirable. I wish I could just show up and keep showing up the way y'all do. Plus, the way you become whatever the people around you need you to be? Wow. It’s awe-inspiring. We all have a lot to learn from Badger secondaries. So thank you, Badgers, for taking care of us all and working your asses off every single day.
Bird: There’s no situation in which you DON’T want a Bird secondary around. Lost your keys? Don’t worry, your Bird friend learned to pick locks for fun a few years back. In a foreign country and don’t know the language? Not to fret, your Bird is amazing with languages–get them a book on the local language and you two will be conversational in no time. Need to negotiate something? It’ll be fine; your Bird has a persona just for this situation, plus a knowledge of exactly what the person you’re negotiating with wants. Bird secondaries are so cool, man. If they don’t happen to have a tool for a given situation, that’s okay–they’ll just use the tools they do have to build something new. Thank you, Birds, for always pulling something out of your back pocket when we’re in a pinch.
Lion: In a world full of people with ulterior motives, your honesty and directness is SO refreshing. With a Lion, what you see is what you get. There’s no secondary more trustworthy than a Lion. You can count on them to do exactly what they say they’ll do, every time, and that’s worth a lot. Plus your tendency to take the most direct possible path makes you very efficient in some ways. You’re the type to kick down doors and slice through knots while others are still deliberating on what to do. And woe betide all who stand in your way! Nobody is as willing to stand up and fight for their people or their ideals as a Lion. So thank you, Lions, for your integrity and determination–and don’t be surprised if you need help one day and look around to find a whole army of people willing to fight for you.
Snake: You guys are so much fun! Seriously, ever hung out with a Snake friend? It’s incredible watching them shapeshift every thirty seconds. You’re the supportive friend, the class clown, and the sneaky schemer all within the span of five minutes. You have this striking ability to see what would best fit the situation, and then just… become that. You’re so clever and observant, and you know just what the people around you need and want at any given moment. Each of your masks is a special gift just for the person you show it to, and should be treasured as such. And the way you solve problems is so creative. You have this tendency to take a tool and use it in a way that was never intended, yet somehow works flawlessly. Plus it’s a real treat when you go into neutral mode–when a Snake drops all their masks, it feels so special, kind of like seeing the birth of a baby panda. It’s an honor to be trusted with something like that. Thank you, Snakes, for becoming whatever the situation demands of you and gifting us all with your lovingly crafted masks.
TL;DR: Every primary rules. Every secondary rules. The SHC community in general also rules. Thank you all for being you.
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libbee · 2 years
Ever noticed that Clementine says "You should be grateful I am interested in you. I don't even know why I am." during Clem and Joel's fight?
Tumblr media
This is because pwBPD do not love the actual person but they love the idea and mental image of a parental figure. BPD is a parental disorder. Case closed. Until Clem will realize that she is projecting a mental image of parental figure on every man she dates, she will not recover from it.
pwBPD rushes into relationship because she wants security. She has no internal judgment whether or not this is a good person she just wants relationship because it feels safe secure to her. She is "easy" because she attaches quickly (within an hour sometimes) but she is "high maintenance" because the relationship is a rollercoaster of emotions. Being in relationship gives her confidence because she reflects the other person and it makes her existence feel real. She is always in a relationship and before ending one relationship she has found the next partner already. She does not love the person for who they are but she loves them for how they make her feel. She wants to feel safe secure confident and gets attached to anyone.
Joel also has low self esteem. He is not a super confident man. This is the case with Patrick too. pwBPD chooses men with low self esteem because it is easy to love bomb and control them. She fears abandonment so much that she would fo anything to not stay single. A man with low self esteem will not leave her and that is what she wants. This is why she makes card, writes letter and overshare everything to create intimacy between her and partner.
This is also the reason Joel says "and then you just took it without waiting for an ansnwer. it was so intimate like we were already lovers." because Clem has no personal boundaries. She wants security so much that she wants to get married on the first date. She acts like they are so intimate already because she has never felt fatherly love and she wants that solid fatherly figure in her life.
Essentially, Clem wants a father who will parent her. When she will go to therapy and heal her inner child, this movie will meet its end. But Clem probably does not go for that. She instead repeats the same idealization cycle again and again instead of taking therapy. This looks cute in movie, right? But in real life it leads to divorce, ruined homes, broken families, ruined lives and this cycle will continue with their children.
While normal people fall in love with someone who shares their values, goals, personality traits, pwBPD falls in love because this person gave her attention. She is sick with love. She is obsessed eith love. She is consumed by love. She wants merger of soul. She will mimic you. She will copy you. She will intuitively find out your needs and become who you want her to be. She will impress you. She will love you like nobody else.
Once you learn to understand yourself, you will realize that you have never actually loved a man but only a parental image that you projected on him. Once your delusion is gone, you will see that life after recovery is mundane, ordinary, plain.
I have been in many romantic situations and none of them were real in the sense that I knew what I was doing. I was simply guided by my emotions and impulses. I would be lalalala love and any X Y Z who would give me attention could become my "boyfriend". I don't know why I did all that. I was desperate insecure validation seeker attention seeker wanted constant reassurance that i am still pretty and cool.
BPD has anxiety as a big issue. I had extreme levels of anxiety that I could not explain. The method to deal with anxiety is simply exposure therapy. When you feel anxious, ride it out. Do not act on it. It will pass. For example, when I was super anxious I would do online chatting for the quick satisfaction that I am still funny, smart, cool. But if I just sit and let it pass, I would realize that the anxiety will calm down sooner or later.
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lazyliars · 3 years
Before I get into it, I want to state that is EXPLICITLY an analysis of the Characters, and is not intended to touch on how the cc’s played them in a meta sense unless specifically stated otherwise.
Also, this is technically a part two to my other post, which took a more in depth look at Techno and Phil’s reactions to Tommy’s death. It’s not necessary when reading this post, but I don’t address their reactions here.
So. The question must be asked.
Are we [the Syndicate] the baddies?
The End.
 Why are the Syndicate the baddies?
They got damn logo is a wither skull.
The End.
That's not how this works.
Yeah, yeah. You’re right.
The Syndicate's goals as an organization are not inherently bad. They seem to have good intentions behind them, and the focus on the freedom of it's individual group members is important to remember when talking about it; It is not a government. There is no hierarchical power system. No one is forced to do anything against their will, or surrender any of their rights or power to remain a member. It is not a government.
I also want to address Techno and Phil backing Ranboo into a corner – I see them getting a lot of flack for this, but I personally do not think it is relevant to the greater discussion, or necessarily representative of any contradictions within the organization. It was clearly played for laughs, and after they back off they clarify to Ranboo that they won't force him. Then later when Phil and Ranboo are alone, Ranboo feels safe enough to express that he felt like he was pressured into it, and Phil assures him he is allowed to leave whenever he wants; He is not being forced to do anything, and he is not being coerced or blackmailed.
None of the Syndicate members have done any wrongs against each other in the context of the Syndicate, OR gone against any of the Syndicate's core principles.
That, said, holy shit are they the baddies.
Listen, there's trying to telegraph a meaning or message to the audience and then there's having your logo be wither skulls on blackstone. That is straight out of the skit I keep referencing, seriously.
Okay, but, they laughed at it! It was played as a joke, just like the Ranboo thing!
The Ranboo thing was improv, the Syndicate's headquarters were planned – the artistic choices that they made reflect on what role they want the build and the organization inhabiting it to play in the future storylines.
Wither Skulls kind of have some CONNOTATIONS. Techno is an English major, I don't think he chose the most threatening imagery possible on accident, and then joked about the way people would interpret it just to stir the pot. This reads as hugely intentional.
And beyond that, the jokes they make during this part aren't “haha yeah, we look bad but we're actually good!” they're “you can tell by looking at these that we're the good guys wink wink, this is good guy stuff right here :)” It is a joke about how they are definitely not the good guys. This isn't even a case of unreliable narrators, this is one step down from flat out saying the meta intent.
But okay, I hear you, I'm talking about things that haven't happened yet. The Syndicate hasn't used any Withers, they could be an aesthetic choice.  Lets look at what they do in practice.
So, they barge into private property, assess Snowchester's right to continue existing based entirely on their own ideals of what Freedom is, and then only once Tubbo assures them that they have no standing leader do they grant the place their approval to, and I gotta stress this part, continue existing.
 In my Quackity meta, I already talked about how Government in the context of a M1necraft RP cannot be compared to IRL Governments on a one-to-one scale. They don't serve the same purposes or have the same type of power. What I didn't talk about was Agency in the context of m1necraft governments.
In an irl government, if you are born into one, you can't really leave without committing a massive overhaul on your life, which can be expensive and difficult, if not impossible for many people. Even in a “benevolent” government, the simple physicality of where you were born can prevent you from leaving it easily.
The same hurdles do not exist in the Dream SMP. People who join M1necraft governments choose to. They want to, either at the beginning when they form one, or later on when they join up. So far, no Government has just Sprung Up and forced the current residents of an area to become dependent on them, except maybe the Eggpire, who's status as a government is... shakey.
And even when people want to leave or separate from the government, they have been historically able to do so without any trouble or any effort from said governments to stop them. Jack Manifold emancipated from Manberg. Fundy and Quackity both left to start new nations. In all cases they were allowed to do so without any attempts on the part of the governments to stop them, either through force, or institutions preventing them from doing so.
The most anyone has lost when leaving a government is their house, which is still usually their property anyway, and is something that is easily rebuilt elsewhere and is inconvenient to move anyway.
The only exceptions to this might be Schlatt exiling Wilbur and Tommy - but even then, they weren’t trying to leave, they were trying to get back in, and of course the original L’manberg revolution, where Dream attempted to force L’manberg back into the Dream SMP, which wasn’t even a government at that point in time.
I don’t consider Phil’s house arrest an example of a government forcing someone to stay a citizen - that was treated less as a matter of a citizen wanting to leave the country and more as a threat to national security. Still pretty fucked up, but it’s a different issue.
What I'm saying is, If Tubbo wants to create a government out in the middle of nowhere, threatening no one, forcing no one to join either through force or desperation, and allowing people to join willingly because they want to, then he should be allowed to do that.
The Irony of the Syndicate, a group of people consisting of some of the richest, strongest people on the server, going around and enforcing 'Freedom' that entails no one person having more power than any other, is absurd. 
It shows an extreme lack of self-awareness and/or self-righteousness, as they seem to think that they deserve to be the ones who decide what constitutes a government.
Snowchester is a small independent nation - they shouldn’t have to live in fear of being obliterated if they don’t walk on eggshells to meet an arbitrary standard decided by people who’s only authority on the matter COMES FROM THEIR PERSONAL POWER. No one elected them! No one chose them! They were not “approved” by the server at large to enact this kind of law.
The Syndicate are not a government, but they are an unsupervised power structure exerting their ideals on a land that did not ask for them. Like, These people have invented an actual Authoritarian-Anarchist faction. How the hell did they manage this?????
Back on topic.
Tubbo shows them the crater left by his nukes. The reaction is oddly positive – the nukes are fine by the morals of the Syndicate, apparently. I'd argue that they come across as more impressed than anything else; they seem to respect Tubbo for having gotten ahold of “real” power.
(There's a few good memes out there about “We can excuse nuclear weaponry, but we draw the line at Government!”)
So. By the Syndicate's standards: A single person or group of acceptably equal persons with weapons of mass-destruction are only worth “keeping an eye on” because they might provoke other people.
Like, I consider Project Dreamcatcher to be one of, if not the most morally ambiguous thing Tubbo has ever done, largely because it was all on his own initiative. He holds some culpability for The Butcher Army and Phil's house arrest, but they weren't his ideas and he was mostly following Quackity at that point.
“Looks like you've reformed a little bit Tubbo, I'm proud.”
And it's fine. Crimes against nature? Fine. A sign of healing in fact!! Tubbo is having a sweeeelll time and he definitely didn't make these nukes specifically in fear of being attacked by these exact people! Tubbo is doing great. Tubbo is doing fine. Tubbo. is. FINE.
I don't think this presentation of the Syndicate was an accident. Looking at the greater lore of SMP right now, after the Egg is done, their list of enemies is slim, and considering that they seem solely invested in taking down governments, that leaves maybe Snowchester, Kinoko Kingdom, and Eret and the greater Dream SMP.
Snowchester has not been shown to be corrupt, evil, or have any intent to go down that route. The most ambiguous thing they've done is, again, is the nukes. Other than that, it's pretty much your average cottagecore snow village.
Kinoko is presented in an even more morally 'good' light, Karl having founded it specifically for his Time-travel library purposes, which are currently being treated by the narrative as a selfless act, if not downright heroic.
Eret is also a fairly 'good' aligned character atm. He's been on that redemption grind since the og betrayal, and doesn't seem keen on backtracking. He's actively tried to leverage his position as king to make things better, and hasn't been quiet about that. He was also 'validated' by Tommy*, a character who has been described both by his allies and enemies as “the hero,” so take that as you will.
What I'm getting at is, all of the current potential enemies for the Syndicate aside from the Egg, are currently being cast as 'good,' and if they were to be attacked, they would undoubtedly have the moral high-ground, unless something drastically changed.
The only potential shakeups I can think of is are a Dream escape and/or a Wilbur revival, both of which could draw the Syndicate's attention and ire, depending on how things go. That said, it's just as likely that either or both of them would join the Syndicate – Dream still has that favor, and Phil and Techno both seemed to think Wilbur would've agreed with their blowing up L'manberg.
Both of those characters are currently **villains – the fact that they're both prime candidates for the Syndicate is a huge indication of the direction it's going to go as the plot moves forward.
((*I know some people are gonna come at me for painting Tommy as the “deciding factor” of what is morally good, so lemme just stop you there. I'm not talking about Tommy somehow having the 'right' to decide who is and isn't good, and definitely not the right to decide who should and shouldn't be king. I'm saying that Tommy, a character who the narrative treats as, if not a good person, then a person who is trying to be good, was in support of Eret, a character who has also been trying to be good.
Eret doesn't gain the moral highground because Tommy said so, he gets it because a character who the narrative treats as trying to do better, acknowledged Eret's earnest attempts at doing the same.
**I'm referring to Wilbur here as a villain because Tommy seemed convinced he would be if he were to be brought back. There is always the possibility that he's wrong.))
So, to summarize this: I read the Syndicate as being intentionally positioned as future antagonists, if not outright villains of a future arc. They are NOT a Government but their goals are contradictory with their means, and it is important to keep in mind that they plan to enforce their own brand of freedom on people who did not grant them either the authority or permission to do so.
So, uh. Can you tell I loved these streams? They were seriously so good. I kept switching between Ranboo and Techno's POV's trying to keep up with everything. I still have to watch Niki's!
All in all, I'm super, super excited for whats coming next, egg stuff, Syndicate stuff, Tommy stuff, all of it.
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sexydreamgirl · 2 years
Hey! I need some advice. I'm manifesting an ideal friends group of 4-5 people.Can you give me some suggestions on what their personalities, likes, dislikes should be like? Because I'm completely clueless when it comes to that. I kind of want a beauty+brains friends group where everyone has very different personalities and interests and people are in awe of them wherever they go.
Hey bff! I finally managed to finish this up. I took long solely because working midway I decided to kill two birds with one stone and set up semi detailed personality examples for another upcoming post which explains why I didn't leave it to be mere suggestions and decided to set up a more in-depth version.
Just so we're clear this is a group that is heavy on beauty and brains as you mentioned and while I emphasized either one among the four they are all still both no matter what. Of course, you can always tweak them more or less to your liking since these are obviously suggestions as we had discussed. ♡
Friend #1:
The epitome of sexy and hedonistic. She always gets what she wants and doesn’t take no for an answer. Very magnetic and independent. She’s a natural born leader and a lone wolf kind of person but is extremely loyal to her friends and prefers to keep her circle small. She’s an ambivert who loves meeting new people for networking purposes and potential business partners. She has an IQ of 148 and adores challenges, risks and puzzles. She has a penchant for all things finance but what she’s most passionate about is foreign languages. She speaks eight at a C2 level, six of them being the official UN languages, actually. She’s an objective critical thinker who‘s able to view anything from different angles before making a decision. She’s innovative and always formulating progressive ideas which also makes her a trendsetter. Whatever she does whether it’s a hobby or putting an outfit together she always owns it in her own unique manner. She’s unlike anyone you’ve ever met before. In fact, you could copy her personality and style down to a T and you still would not be able to capture her essence.
Friend #2
The quietest of the group, keeps to herself and is pretty reserved, doesn’t speak very much but she has a powerful voice that gives you chills when she sings. She loves music and she’s a pro at the violin and piano. She lets out all of her thoughts in song lyrics that she’ll never let anyone read. She’s also an incredible dancer who emits poise and grace with every move. Drawing is another hobby she likes to indulge in and you’ll always see her carrying her sketchbook and a pencil. She’s a maladaptive daydreamer often in her own imaginative world who also has a strong sense of self. She excels at everything she does and because of that she’s not shy to try new things. Whether it’s sculpting, archery, yoga or gardening she knows she’ll do it well on her first attempt. She dresses in pastel and neutral tones and loves hair accessories. Her best feature is her eyes and she's gifted at making others feel secure in her presence. She’s a humanitarian who cares about others and wouldn’t hurt a fly. She’s very composed and you’ll never see her display sadness or anger. Due to her compelling essence and mystery it’s hard to not be interested in getting to know her and be a part of her world.
Friend #3
The most social and outgoing out of everyone. If you’re someone who’s into parties and clubbing you know her name. She’s somehow everywhere at the same time. She’s a little flashy yet classy in the way she dresses and loves jewelry, particularly earrings. She has many different interests as a naturally curious person but she especially loves photography, cooking, and writing. She always has her digital camera on her snapping photos of people and places. She’s a member of many clubs and extracurricular activities which is also how so many people know who she is. Knowing so many people means she knows everything about everyone. Not in a gossipy way, but her friendly presence makes it easy to want to share everything with her. She’s empathetic with a huge heart and is very protective of her loved ones. She’s the type of friend to offer a shoulder to cry on and will move heaven and earth to help you however she can. Her charismatic and extroverted personality makes her charming and very likable.
Friend #4
Bad bitch embodied. She looks incredible from head to toe. She has enviable hair and receives compliments on her appearance everywhere she goes. Her prominent characteristic is her impeccable memory retention which makes her incredibly tactful. She’s a chess prodigy who loves debates and has never lost neither a game nor an argument. She’s so confident in what she does that she absolutely adores competition. As a well-read intellectual, she’s very articulate and chooses her words carefully. She’s persuasive as hell and knows how to use your own words against you and by the time you’re done talking to her, you’ll agree with her point of view and forget why you even thought otherwise to begin with. She also loves shoes. This bitch has the best shoe collection you’ve ever seen and she’s the type to think shoes tell you a lot about a person. She doesn’t believe in off days and you’ll never see her not put together. Even if it's to head out for a quick snack run she always makes sure to look her absolute best. Resilient and ambitious, she will definitely go places.
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esther-dot · 3 years
That interview of Martin subverting exoectations it's what makes me dread John's ending. Because show ending and s8 was about subverting expectations instead of giving the character a satisfactory ending.
PS: sorry if This question reach you two times. I lost My connection and didn't know if the ask was sent.
Is there a new interview in which he talked about that? I remember one in which he was highly critical of creators who changed things because fans guessed it. Has he said something else?
Personally, I really don’t know what to make of Martin’s comments sometimes! He has said that people figured out his ending years ago, but he wouldn’t change it, and I’m pretty incredulous that people called Bran becoming king of Westeros that early. I always assumed those comments had to be about Jon’s identity (which naturally leads to the speculation of him being endgame king) because there’s so much R+L=J foreshadowing early on in the series. Maybe he meant he wasn’t going to up and decide Jon isn’t Rhaegar’s son just to mess with people, but damn, is that referenced a lot knowing he won’t be king.
That’s why I’m a believer in the Jon and Aemon parallels as foreshadowing for how Bran becomes king. Jon’s parentage has to play a role politically (IMO), and it’s very satisfying that a Targ (I mean, the kid is a Stark, but you know) places a Stark on the throne to right an ancient wrong when they were forced into subjugation. It’s also a very good way to end the Targ history of family v family (some of which Jon will have to partake in) because peace will be made by a Targ refusing a crown/throne and instead giving it to a brother, and thereby, ending the Targ claim forever. Like, it’s very tidy how it cross references so many things in the story. I just reblogged the wonderful drifting-snowflakes post about Jon giving up the throne to be with Sansa because it seems this is the only way to justify so much emphasis on Jon’s parentage without him becoming king. It has to be about the solution otherwise it feels like a red herring? It also places all the power in Jon’s hands. He isn’t forced into a role by society, he is given a choice and he chooses not to be king, he chooses to not be a Targ, and then Sansa gives him everything he ever wanted. Which is self serving because what do you know, Jon’s everything she wanted too. ☺️
And, all of that would count as a subversion of expectations, so you don’t necessarily have to be afraid of that. I’ve written some stuff and I can tell “well, this is what should happen next” and then out of sheer perversity, wrote a joke instead of the romantic or dramatic beat. Sometimes that’s fun for a writer and the reader because it’s a surprise! Subverting the expectation of what happens next doesn’t have to be about punishing your audience. D&D just…well, I think they despised the audience by the end. The finale felt very mean spirited!
Anyway, Jon in Winterfell is the ideal. Should the best happen and we get Jon married, living in Winterfell, overseeing the Gift, we will all be very happy. Should the worst happen and Jon goes to the Wall after refusing the crown, I’ll hate it, but I still think we can find solace because either way, I think Jon will have a child with Sansa because of some suspicious quotes that make me 👀👀👀. And, even if he deserves to live the rest of his life in Winterfell, I think Martin can write a choice of self-denial in a meaningful way. If Jon chooses to give up a crown and live in the North, to fix the Watch and oversee the Gift as LC so that he can be near Sansa and his child, even if he can’t be with them in Winterfell (for some inexplicable reason), that’s still something. If Jon sacrificed everything, even his freedom, to secure peace and protect his family, to hold his son in his arms, he’d think it was worth it. And if the he believes that, we will believe it too.
Personally, I’ve accepted the worst, but it doesn’t make sense to me, I don’t see the build up for it, so I’ll always hope for the best. Either way, all is not lost. Whatever happens, Jon will be at peace with his decisions, and he will have some joy, one way or the other. It just sucks that we’re still unsure! 😩
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kanrakixystix · 3 years
Uncommon Time -- Huntech
Back at it again with the spite posting. Can't believe it's been almost a week since I was "canceled." Wild fucking times we live in, my dudes.
Anyway, enjoy this adorable thing.
Prompt: Temple Kisses Rating: G
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30778700
Most days, Hunter likes to think that he has a bit of luck on his side. For one, he hadn’t been immediately discarded when it was discovered that he was a defected clone. That, in his humble opinion, is lucky in itself. To have been “born” with a desirable mutation, no matter how inconvenient it is most times, is also pretty lucky. It means that there is a much slimmer chance that he’ll be recalled for reconditioning or decommissioning unless he really messes up, and those instances are few. He has friends, brothers even, that he can depend on with his life scattered across the galaxy. He might not know all of them, but he knows that deep down, if faced with a choice to turn tail or save his brothers, he will save them every time, even if some of them don’t deserve it. He’s no God, and who lives and who dies, though he may try, is not a decision that he gets to make.
As such luck would have it, he has none of it today. The Chaos Marauder took a pretty big hit that, in Tech’s defense, was unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean that it took any less damage. Crashing it on the nearest planet is also not ideal, though he supposes that of all the ones in the system, this one is the least hostile, despite the strange electric currents that continually run through the air. Hunter is definitely not a fan of those. It makes his senses go haywire.
On top of that, the part that they need to fix it is way too many clicks away in the nearest point of civilization. According to Tech’s intel, the locals were friendly enough, but this is the Outer Rim. No one is quite as friendly as they seem. Thankfully, Echo has a way with words, and if things go wrong with the natives and their negotiations, Wrecker is there to be scary, and Crosshair...well, he’s just scary.
Which leaves Hunter to fix what they can with Tech, and that’s fine. Tech is usually the one to do upkeep and maintenance on the ship, and he’s meticulous about it, so Hunter knows that the Chaos Marauder is in the best hands. Yet, for as detail oriented as he is, there’s a lot to work on, and Hunter really could use an extra pair of hands right about now. This engine block isn’t going to fix itself, and the spare parts are on the ship in the galley. As it is, he’s pretty tied up and covered in grease that he’d rather not drag onto the ship.
Sighing, Hunter wipes a bead of sweat from his brow. He’s only now realized how drenched he is from sweat. His shirt is pretty damp, and his bandana is soaked to the point that it absolutely cannot hold any more fluid. Reaching up, he undoes the knot and uses it to clean his hands before tapping his communicator.
“Hey, Tech? I could use some help out here,” he says conversationally, knowing that Tech is likely running diagnostics on every little thing to ensure that the ship is in tip-top shape while they’re grounded.
After a few beats with no response, Hunter tries again.
“Tech, do you copy?” Still nothing. “Tech?”
After the third failed attempt to get Tech over the comm, Hunter growls and slides himself out from under the ship. He grimaces as the afternoon sun beats down on him, and scoffs when blocking the sun with his hand does nothing to ease how bright it’s shining in the lavender sky.
It doesn’t take him long to find the man in question. No sooner does he enter the ship does he see Tech in the cockpit, but when he opens his mouth to call out to him, he sees why there was no response, and he takes a moment to lean against the frame of the door and watch.
Tech is dressed in his blacks, but his helmet is securely over his head. It’s only because of Hunter’s heightened senses that he’s able to hear the music that’s playing in the headset, and he barely keeps from laughing out loud at Tech’s choice of upbeat techno. His foot is tapping to the beat, and his hips wiggle in the most adorable way as he dances around, looking at the analytics on his datapad.
After waiting an ample amount of time for Tech to see him, Hunter chuckles and paces over to him. Tech’s back is turned to him, and part of Hunter feels bad for what he’s about to do. The other part, however, feels no remorse when he knocks on Tech’s bucket and startles the life out of him.
As Tech scrambles to turn off the music and take off his helmet, Hunter chuckles and grins at him. Now that they’re eye to eye, he can’t miss the bright red tint of embarrassment that’s rising into his cheeks, or the big eyes that are mildly upset that he’s been caught.
“I’ve been trying to call you, but you seemed a little preoccupied,” Hunter tells him straightforwardly.
“S-Sorry,” Tech apologizes sheepishly and drums his hands on his helmet nervously. “I didn’t hear you over the music.”
Hunter shakes his head, grateful to have this moment with him, and he leans down to place a soft, chaste kiss to his temple. He can’t tell if doing so only winds Tech up more, or if it actually does help to calm him down a little. Either way, the blush on his cheeks is cute, and Hunter fights the urge to pinch them.
“How is she?” he asks in reference to his ship.
“Hm, the hit took out a small portion of our electrical and put a bit of damage on our shields, but we should have spare parts around to fix those,” Tech explains, immediately falling back into his usual self. “As for that radiator…”
“I know,” Hunter grumbles. “Been under her trying to clean it up when I noticed the engine block was damaged.”
Tech winces, but Hunter waves it off.
“It’ll be fine. I just need the parts box from the storage under the galley, and well, that’s where you were supposed to come in.” Hunter’s grin widens as Tech continues to get flustered.
“I said I was sorry,” Tech argues lamely.
“And I kissed you,” Hunter tosses back and winks before he steps away.
“What does that mean?” The question follows him, as does Tech, who is now vastly more interested in the notion of a temple kiss than his poppy techno.
“It means…” Hunter pauses and grabs the aforementioned parts box from the storage container, “that I think you’re cute and all is forgiven.”
There is definitely a blush on his cheeks now, and Hunter moves around him to head back down the ramp. “I could still use your help if you have a minute between dance routines.”
He doesn’t miss the way Tech bristles and walks after him again.
“Are you ever going to let me live this down?” He whines with an indignant pout that just makes him look even more precious, and Hunter wonders for a brief moment how he got so damn lucky with Tech.
“Absolutely not.”
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theodora3022 · 4 years
Claim (Yandere Chuuya Nakahara)
Pairing: Yandere! Chuuya Nakahara X Fem reader
Summary: You have the courage to mock Dazai when he flirts with you casually, different from almost every other woman Dazai throws himself on. Seeing his nemesis being stepped on brings Chuuya great joy, which escalates to him taking a special interest in you.
Notes: So...If you read my BNHA fics you should know I have a thing for wind superpowers, so reader is going to have a wind ability in here as well. Be gone if you have problems with that. My first take on BSD, on Chuuya nevertheless... Hopefully this does not flop. I thought about writing Kunikida for this one, but I just could not get Chuuya’s smirk off my mind (Along with Fyodor’s but that is for another day) Also this is self indulgent as hell, so be warned. I’m not satifised with the final result, as some parts feels a bit forced...But there you have it. 
Word count: 2.8k 
Warnings: Drugging, coercion, mention of knife and blood, implied non con  at the end
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You were sitting beside a floor window of a café when Chuuya first saw you, when he was on his way to get some beer. At first, it was not you that drawn his attention, it was that guy on the opposite end of the coffee table.
Osamu Dazai. Also known as the bane of Chuuya Nakahara’s existence and his greatest adversary. Out womanizing again, he never changes. He was about to ignore those shady behaviours and just carry on, until he hears how you are attacking Dazai with your words.
“Dazai, please. I bet you said that to every woman you met.” Slowly stirring your hot beverage, you smirk as you took a little sip. “It is a miracle how you got this far unscathed.” You seem to see right through Dazai, how clever. Now Chuuya have to hear how this can go down. His own drink can wait, this little comedy show is more worthwhile.
“But beautiful! Your eyes shine like the brightest stars, I just cannot let that go unappreciated.” “If you are so found of shining things, I can get you a pack of glitter to stare at. I would actually appreciate it if you stop staring right into my eyes, thank you.” This is a mistake, you thought. You thought Dazai was just being a good Senpai when he invites you to join him for a quick coffee at lunch. And of course being the naïve new recruit, you said yes without hesitation.
A pack of glitter? Oh dear. Out of all those years Chuuya has known Dazai, he had never seen the brunette getting such a good roast. Placing a hand over his mouth to muffle his chuckles, Chuuya is beyond amused. Most women would be too busy swooning over that pretty face, but you did not even flinch and insulted him just like that. You got some sass!  That is the first time the mafia executive had taken a formal notice of you. You are indeed a fair woman, no wonder Dazai would choose to hit on you.
He does vaguely recall recently hearing about the ADA obtaining a new recruit. A young woman with a wind ability. But you are far more interesting then that. “This has been pleasant, but I think it is time to head back to the office.” When Kunikida told you Dazai can be a handful yesterday, you did not expect this is how you would find out. You stopped him from taking out his wallet, shaking your head: “Dazai. I will pay for myself. Besides, you are in enough debt as you are now. See you back at the agency.”
Not even Chuuya can make Dazai appear this defeated, this discouraged. Just who are you exactly? Forget the beer, Chuuya needs to know all about you at once. 
Reading through your file back at the headquarters, your info is enough to make even Chuuya raise his eyebrows a couple of times.
You can command any gas to your will? That is a rare gift, even the Port Mafia had yet to secure that. Too bad you are on the wrong side, Chuuya can just think of so many ways of using your ability to its full potential. The file was put back to the storage, sure. But you had impressed him back at that café and peaked his interests. It would be hard to make him unsee Dazai being humiliated. But you did not linger on his mind much after. 
However, that would not be lasting too long. Chuuya was shocked to hear some of the members has died in dark alleys of yokohoma, apparently from lack of oxygen, but without any traces of choking or even a cut. Mori even called him to the office to discuss about this.
Pictures of you, in causal and business attire lay across the expensive office desk. You were smiling in all of them, although that smile does not look like an amused one to Chuuya now.
“Do you recognize this woman?”
How can Chuuya forget about you? The woman who gave him the best comedy show, who stomped on Dazai’s philanderer ways so mercilessly. “A new recruit of ADA. Her air control abilities must have enabled her to suck the oxygen particles out of human bodies. It also gives her the ability to levitate and an incredible speed, which is such a headache. Even Akutagawa cannot seem to finish her.”
What a little troublemaker you are. Consider Chuuya motivated. He knows you are strong, but not anyone can escape from Akutagawa. Where is the fun without a little challenge?
“I will go. My abilities would allow me to get the job done.” Heck, this once he would get something Dazai cannot have! In this mini game, at least, Chuuya would be the winner. 
“Chuuya, you seem awfully enthusiastic about this. May I ask why that is?” Stroking Elise’s hair, Mori carefully observe the young man’s expressions. “She has the guts to insult Dazai, should be a fun one. I do not plan to kill her, however. That would be such a waste.”
“Yes, that would be most ideal. Her ability would be a valueble asset, here’s some drugs if she is being too difficult.”
Oh but you are so much more then the wielder of a powerful ability to Chuuya.
Work has been a pain in the ass lately, so on your afternoon off, you choose to take a walk along the water in the park. Everything looks so peaceful, children running amok, couples holding hands, the sound of the birds chirping, all sounds so natural and calming. You let out a sigh of relief as you settled on a bench beside a tree and closed your eyes, breathing in the forest scent, still sleep deprived from the nightmares.
Although you only killed those gangsters to defend a civilian, you regret it somewhat afterwards. You expected revenge, but not from someone like Akutagawa? You can only remove the target’s oxygen from their bodies when you are standing still and concentrated, never while fleeing for your life. If it is not for your unparalleled speed, you were sure one of those dark spikes is going to be your ultimate demise. It was too close for your liking. Before you were always able to leave safely with your ability, but this time you barely made it.
Dozing off in a park while the Port Mafia is on your trail? Chuuya would advise against that. 
However, he would say he much prefer this compliant, soft look on your face compare your sarcastic, confident grin towards Dazai. Dark circles under your eyes? Have you been having sleeping problems? Looks like the little hero is not as brave as she lets on.
Now, he needs to be careful. Even though you look as harmless as a little bunny now, Chuuya can still recall the last expressions his deceased subordinates made. Dying from oxygen loss surely does not look pleasant. While the file said you can only use that special method once per week, Chuuya cannot leave any room for errors. 
Ah, it seems you had carelessly dropped your handkerchief on the ground. You did not seem to notice. As if you want him to come near. Who is he to decline a lady’s invitations?
Sensing his approach, you jumped out the bench and distanced yourself from Chuuya. Always on your guard, this should be interesting. Instead of kept closing in the distance, Chuuya bend down and picked up your handkerchief. “Did you drop this?”
See, you were overreacting! He is only trying to tell you that you dropped something. Feeling the guilt of mistaking him for an assassin churns in your stomach, you put up an apologetic smile: “My apologies, sir.  And thank you very much.” Yet you cannot shake off the feeling of you saw him before. Is he a government official? Or perhaps a store clerk? It would be rude if you actually do know him. Yes, you definitely seen his handsome face somewhere. Reaching out to his outstretched hand, you tried to retrieve your handkerchief. But as you take the little square cloth into your hand, his slim but firm fingers snapped around your wrist like handcuffs, seizing you with a smug smirk on his face. “Let go of me, Sir. You wouldn’t want me to use my ability on you.” 
Your gaze turned cold as the winter snow, as if you are willing to punch him in the face then and there. 
A good chance to observe your ability in action. How can Chuuya miss this opportunity? You tried to wiggle out of his grasp while activating your winds, but to your horror, it does not seem to have any effect on Chuuya. Sure, his hat and hair are flowing because of the strong wind, but he has not moved a single inch, still clenching your left wrist in his hand, lips still curling upwards. Turning to your second solution: bringing rocks to hit him until unconsciousness. Why wouldn’t the rocks move? Just who is this man? “Are you with the Port Mafia?”
That took you long enough. Chuuya let out a sinister chuckle, pulls you into his embrace with ease. Locking his right arm around your waist, he whispers beside your ear: “Of course, cutie. And you just walked straight into my trap. Now, it is best if you do not move, I would hate for this knife to leave a scar on your fragile little neck.” Feeling a thin, cold blade pressed against your throat, threatening to cut into your skin, you nervously gulped. Who is he exactly? You should have memorized the faces of the big names of the mafia-
Your ability is impressive. Even Chuuya has to admit that much. If it were not for the reinforced gravity he applied on himself, he would be on the other side of the park by now. Such a shame you are working for that little agency. Crap. You finally remember. Cursing sleep depravation under your breath, you recall where you had seen his face: the files back in the agency. One of the executives, Chuuya Nakahara, with the powers of manipulating gravity. That is why your winds cannot push him away. Just how did you end up with an executive’s knife pressing against your throat? 
Under ideal circumstances, you would order the oxygen particles to stay away from this man, but that ability could only be used once per week. You have not recharged enough, and the fact that you are not in best condition does not help either. 
“Now, you got two options, sweet. First, you can try to get away, and it would not end pretty.” Chuuya laughs he feels you shiver, clearly frightened by the idea of your blood spilling out like a fountain once he slices open your throat. Your resistance has pathetic impacts on him, but you have to at least try. You have been neglecting your physical training because you often rely on that extraordinary speed your ability grants you. However, that also means you are helpless in close up situations such as present. Not so confident now, aren’t you? “Second, pay a visit to our headquarters. The boss would like an audience with you.” You certainly do not want to fall into the hands of the port mafia. However, there are civilians in the park. They did not seem to notice how Chuuya is holding you at knifepoint.  Letting yourself, an ADA agent die here would mean the agency’s reputation is done for. Getting yourself killed in broad daylight, in a public place no less! How incompetent. Looks like the only option is to go with him, for now. “Fine. I will go with you.” “Smart choice. But I would expect no less from an intelligent woman like you.” He carefully removed the knife, and just when you were about to relax and think of a retaliate method, you felt a sharp pain on your left arm. A syringe. Just what did he injected you? Watching you fall onto the ground by your knees, barely able to lift a finger due to the sedation drugs, brings him a strange sense of contentment. Chuuya does not consider himself as a sadist by any means, but after seeing how you treated Dazai, shining with confidence and smugness, only made this submissive version of you so much more satisfactory. “Do not look at me like that, dear (y/n). Just a little insurance that you would not leave without permission. I hope you understand.” You do not, but that does not concern him. Swooping you up effortlessly, Chuuya carries your weak body out of the park, straight to a van that awaits there for a long time.
You never imagined, not even in your wildest dreams, that you would be in the Port Mafia’s headquarters like this. Being carried through corridor after corridor ,by one of their executives like a doll, although not by your own free will. Guards everywhere, almost at every turn point. Maybe you can break one of the windows and fly out? Alas, that would not possible if all you can generate is little breezes due to your present condition. 
“Do not worry, (y/n).” Feeling your body tense up, Chuuya choose to reassure you, or at least try to. “If simple murder was my objective, you would be dead in that park.” 
There are worse things then death. You really did mess up this time. You do not even want to imagine what they could do to you. 
Placing you gently on the carpted floor, like a fragile china artifact, Chuuya bowed to the man behind the desk. “I brought (y/n) here, as you requested.” A cloved finger lifts your chin up, forcing you too look up into his eyes. You did not flinch, instead you stared back with unveil anger burning in your (e/c) eyes. 
“Quite a feisty one. Would you like to join us? Your wind ability completely outclasses my other assassins. That speed and that special method! Truly impressive. You should not waste your talents in that agency. The Port Mafia could offer you more.”
Using the little strength you had left, you got away from the mafia’s boss’s reach and shook your head: “I would rather die a gruesome death then working for you. If you want to kill me, you can do it now.” 
“Then, I suppose we need to change our method of negotiation-” Great, you can already feel those cold torture instruments.
“I can handle it.” To your surprise, Chuuya stopped the man from saying any more. 
The older man looks to his subordinate with curious eyes. “Chuuya? Are you sure? Wouldn’t it be better to leave this to our experts?” 
“Leave it to me, boss. She would be compliant within a week, I can guarantee.” Why would he want to trouble himself with this? Well, he merely wants to claim what Dazai cannot, as simple as that. 
“As you wish, then. As long as you do not break her beyond repair, she is all yours.”
You want to shout, to scream that you are not some object to be hand over, but you just do not have the energy to do so. There is not much you can do beside being a silent observer on the ground. 
Instead of a torture chamber, Chuuya took you to his personal quarters in the Mafia base. Perhaps he wants to do this the tender way? Sway you with high salary or numerous other perks of working in this mafia? 
It is when he thrown you on the bed, straddling over your helpless form, tearing your clothes off mercilessly, you realize how wrong you were.
“You look so good under me, where you belong.” He did not even bother to unbutton your blouse, just ripped the fine fabric off swiftly, grinning at your horrified expressions. “Come on, do not look so scared. This is not like you. Where is your fierce spirts when you insult Dazai?” Has he been stalking you? How could he-
“Ah, no matter. That jerk tried to win you over, but it is me who would get you.You would forget all about him when you are busy screaming my name later. Do you think you can handle my torture methods, dear (y/n)? Gods, you are beautiful. No wonder why Dazai would be head over heels for you.” 
How you bit your lip to supress your tears, trying to cover your chest for some modesty, only made his lust increase drastically. This time, Chuuya can finally be proud of his accomplishment: claiming a prize Dazai can never possibly won.
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dolliedarlin · 4 years
a love like rodger and jessica ⏤denki k.
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s u m m a r y : You and Denki have a love like Rodger and Jessica Rabbit
l e n g t h : 2k
g e n r e : fluff ; praises ; body worship ; supportive kaminari ; best boi kaminari ; precious baby 
w a r n i n g s : mentions of lovemaking
p a i r i n g s : denki k x f.reader
a / n : this is a quick little headcanon I came up with at three am and needed to get out as soon as possible before I lose the will to write it. I hope you all enjoy the read! Feel free to comment and like - tell me what you think, constructive criticism is always welcome.
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❥ You're a self-made millionaire, CEO of a successful skincare and beauty company, investor and supermodel. The level of success you've been able to accumulate over the years is nothing to sneeze at, especially with your young age of 21.
❥ However, you draw more eyes for your beauty and body rather than your accomplishments. It's rather annoying but you've grown used to it.
❥ It isn't a lie that you're as stunning as they come. And with a body that elicits lust and unspeakable fantasies in the men and women around you, it can be said that your beauty has more power than what any of your achievements could ever provide you with.
❥ It's disappointing how you've worked so hard but still seem to achieve so little despite the empire you've built from the ground up.
❥ You've turned many young and handsome, accomplished men down, no longer your naive self. Even with their own triumphs and wealth, you can see their true intentions when looking into their greedy eyes.
❥ They only want you for your body and only regard you with contempt - there was no love, there was no honesty, they never did anything to make you feel comfortable or smile.
❥ That was all you wanted.
❥ But, perhaps, it's too childish to think about such things now.
❥ You had given up all hope and with that loss of hope came a hardened shell that nobody could break. Deep inside your heart, you still wished for a fairy tale romance and a happy life where you could smile freely and be comfortable, which is why your piercing glare, harsh demeanor and cold speech manifested in defense of those desires.
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❥ It was a normal day at work; you had several meetings to attend concerning collaborations with other brands in the morning before you needed to head off to attend a photoshoot for a magazine concerning skincare.
❥ You had just been on your way to said photoshoot, in fact, when a villain attack hastily painted an image of red and blue lights, panic, destruction, and screaming people before you.
❥ Upon realizing that you were in the line of attack, you rushed to exit your car. You have been a victim of your own clumsiness many times in the past despite their rare occurrence, but ill-luck had you tripping over in your attempt to flee, causing a stinging pain to shoot up your right leg.
❥ With your back turned and crumbled to the floor in pain, you became an easy target and didn't register the careless attack directed towards you until you heard a shout of warning.
❥ "Woah! Watch it, lady!"
❥ Behind you was the Stun Gun Hero himself: Chargebolt! You had never interacted with heroes but you greatly admired their work, heroism, and sense of justice. Keeping the peace and putting villains in jail brought on a sense of security that you never took for granted. However, you had never been more grateful for their presence than that moment.
❥ "Hurry and run away!" at his command, you attempted to stand and run off but instead was painfully reminded that during your fall, you had managed to sprain your ankle.
❥ What terrible luck.
❥ "I-I can't-" you almost sob, hating how powerless you were feeling in that moment, "I think I sprained my ankle,"
❥ You heard him mutter a curse before shouting at the other heroes on-site to cover him whereby he then took the chance to rush in carrying you in his arms and run to safety.
❥ "P-please be careful," you plea, worried about his welfare as you wrap your arms around his neck for security.
❥ "Don't worry about it!" he flashes you a toothy grin, "Just hold on tight and I'll get you somewhere safe! You can count on me!" for once in your life, even though you were still in a dangerous setting, you felt comfortable and safe.
❥ In this stranger's arms, you felt protected - it was a wonderful feeling. It made you lean even closer into him, catching a whiff of his husky scent combined with his sweat. What a pleasant aroma.
❥ Maybe you should make a perfume inspired by it and have him model in the commercial?
❥ This wasn't like you, you're embarrassed to admit. Even though you're in danger, you would still do anything to keep him close to you or see him again. You weren't some lovestruck school girl, you needed to get a hold of yourself!
❥ Finally at a safe place, he set you down as he panted heavily, "Damn, I need to get better at cardio," huffing out a breath, he checked you over, "you alright?"
❥ "Other than the ankle, I'm good," you smiled up at him, trying to convey your gratefulness.
❥ "Great! The ambulance will be here soon for any casualties so-..." he pauses. In the heat of the moment, his priority had been your safety and so he hadn't really taken the time to look at you, really look at you, and see how beautiful you were. Now that he had caught his breath, and began to process that he had carried a beauty in his arms, who was now smiling up at him, a dangerous heat crawled up his neck and blew steam out of his ears.
❥ "A-are you okay?!" had he been hit by something while he was carrying you off?
❥ "So beautiful..." he muttered, continuing to stare at you, your face, your body, even straining his ears to better hear your sultry voice.
❥ "What was that?" with a tilt of your head, Kaminari had to turn his gaze away so as not to get even more flustered and possibly die from too much blood rushing to his head. Beautiful and cute - a dangerous combination to have in a woman. He could fall to his knees and submit to you right then and there, shamelessly. It took everything in him to hold back.
❥ "Y-you're just really beautiful, sorry."
❥ For once in your life, someone was being honest with you. Yes, many people have called you beautiful but their reactions were never as raw or red as the hero standing before you. It was amusing and made you want to keep him close.
❥ "Thank you..." you had to say, he was pretty easy on the eyes as well, "you are also very handsome,"
❥ "Why thank you, pretty lady~" he sent you a playful wink which made you giggle, only spurring the male to continue his flirtatious act. It might have been out of habit or maybe it was a defense mechanism since he's never come across someone so beautiful before, either way, he was already dropping another cheesy pick up like before he realized what he was doing, "but, you know, you're very pretty and I'm cute..."
❥ "Hmm?~" you raised a brow, where was he going with this?
❥ "Together, we'd be pretty cute,"
❥ You didn't mean to offend him but you laughed and laughed and laughed, not realizing how his once grinning face had turned downcast and flourished red with embarrassment.
❥ "You have a point there," you giggled, catching the male off guard and almost making him self-combust, "whatever shall I do?~" you ponder aloud, looking at him with a twinkle in your eye.
❥ "Well...it just so happens that I'm writing a phone book," time to shoot his shot, "can I have your number?
❥ "Of course, you can~"
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❥ Meeting Denki was a blessing in your life.
❥ He's a goofball with a heart of gold that was always getting overlooked by women, as he's told you on one of your many dates together.
❥ "It's their loss," you hum as you cuddle up into his side, his arm laying across your shoulders, "because you're mine now~"
❥ Truly, he was your ideal man.
❥ He never took you for granted, he was always honest, he praised you and worshipped you like a goddess and he made you feel loved and comfortable being yourself, which is what mattered above all else.
❥ In return, you were his ideal woman.
❥ You freely loved him for who he was, when people told you you deserved better than him, you shut them down quicker than a lightning strike, you actually liked his cheesy pickup lines and flirted right back. The achievements he's been able to get as a hero, you still praised no matter how small, as if he was the number one hero himself - you would even go so far as to say that he's your number one in everything. And, for a bonus, you were the beauty amoungst all beauties!
❥ All those rejections, all the insecurities he had to go through by being rejected by multiple women was all worth it because now he had you in his life.
❥ "Where have you been all my life, Denki? How did I ever live without you?" you sighed into the crook of his neck, straddling his lap as he hugged your waist and gave you a kiss on the temple.
❥ "Babe, that's my line," he chuckled.
❥ At first, he was always so flustered around you but over time, he's grown a reasonable amount of immunity. That didn't mean he stopped praising you for your achievements or worshipping your body whenever you were in bed together, however. He still did all those things.
❥ If others praise you, he didn't stop them because he knows you deserve all the praise but when he found out that you didn't take their words to heart like you did his and explained why, he made sure to be off patrol that night and kept you with him between the sheets until sunrise. For hours, he worshipped your body like a temple made of gold. Between kisses and gasping breaths, he applauded you for your achievements and assured you of all flaws you saw in yourself.
❥ That night you realised the true meaning of 'making love'.
❥ In hero awarding events, you'd accompany him dressed elegantly, with your hair and makeup done and smelling as intoxicating as you looked.
❥ "DEnKi How DArE YOuUuu!" his close friend, Mineta (you think it was), sobbed at the sight of you and him together on the red carpet as a couple. Even though they were friends, Kaminari instantly stood in front of you so as to shield you away from Mineta's perverted gaze.
❥ "Thank you, Darling~" you cooed, giving your blonde hero a kiss on the back of the neck before nuzzling in between his shoulder blades.
❥ On the outside, Denki allowed himself to grin and pull you into his arms with a cool air about him, seemingly unaffected by your actions but you knew him better than that. It was only because cameras were around and he needed to keep up his image. Inside, he was melting into a puddle of goo and you know it. He, very well, could've brushed you aside to appear better like all the other men you unfortunately dated before but, instead, he makes you feel special and loved.
❥ "I know I'm the luckiest guy in the world but please be more respectful Mineta," his arms tighten around you securely, shielding your curves from prying eyes. Appreciating the gesture, you turn his face to capture him in a kiss. It's a kiss that still makes his knees weak even after months of dating.
❥ "Let's go to our seats, dear," you lead the blonde away by the tie, knowing how your kisses can sometimes leave him releasing small bolts of electricity from his palms and fingertips. It was cute how a simple kiss could turn him as dumb as he was when he overused his quirk would, only in a slightly different way.
❥ Vice versa, whenever you had a big company party or event, Denki always made it so that he could attend the event with you. He wanted to be there to protect you and shut the men down who tried to approach you with ill intentions.
❥ With your human Pikachu around, you came to love going to events. It was a time where you could dress up just for him and eventually get undressed by him the moment you arrived home.
❥ Endless praises, endless love, endless comfort, endless laughter. That was what it felt like to be with Denki.
❥ He was your Rodger and you were his Jessica
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bnha mlist . 
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thecindy · 3 years
Three a.m.
Izuku and Gran Torino have a talk
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 1,322 
This does contain manga spoilers for chapter 306, and it alludes to some of what happens in previous chapters.
Izuku hates three a.m.
Three a.m. meant he was either up too late or awoken too early. He spent most of his life avoiding three a.m. in a desperate attempt to maintain a decent sleep schedule. But at this moment, three a.m. was the ideal time for what he was about to do.
He had been in this hospital long enough to know the shift rotation by heart. He knew when the nurses and doctors did their rounds. He knew when housekeeping would mop the floors. He knew when the kind night shift nurse with golden hair and silver eyes would poke her head into his room to make sure he was sleeping. But most importantly, he knew when the nurses station on the way to the stairwell that exited into the parking garage would be vacant.
Tomorrow he was scheduled to be discharged and escorted back to UA to be with the rest of his class and his mother. His injuries now fully healed, he was expected to return to school and begin his second year as a hero student. But Izuku had decided weeks ago, the moment he woke up after his time with the predecessors, that he wouldn't be going back to UA. It wasn't safe. With the target on his back and with Shigaraki's - All For One's? - use of Ragdoll's search quirk, he would bring nothing but more fighting, more pain, and more death upon his friends, his classmates, his teachers... his family.
So tonight was the night. His last chance to save everyone he cared about from his own fate. He refused to let anyone else get hurt because of his cursed quirk. Truthfully, he had planned and had been ready to go several days ago, but the idea of a few more nights in a soft bed, and a few more hot meals had been far too tempting.
Izuku was alone tonight which made his plan a lot simpler. His mother had gone home to finish packing for the move to UA, and Izuku had insisted All Might - who had spent many a restless night in an uncomfortable hospital chair keeping watch over his successor - go sleep in his own bed with assurances that he would be alright on his own and that he would see him tomorrow. Izuku doesn't remember when he became so good at lying, the thought unsettled him a little bit. It hurt to deceive his mentor like this but he knew it was the only way.
Now or never.
Just after three a.m., like clockwork, he hears the door to his room slide open. He's careful to keep his eyes closed and his breathing even so as not to raise suspicion. Satisfied that he's alright and asleep the nurse slides the door closed again.
Izuku counts to 60 and as quietly as he can he slips out of bed. Under the flimsy hospital pajamas he's already wearing the clothes his mother brought for him to wear upon discharge - a soft t-shirt and pair of basketball shorts. Using a small percentage of One For All he rips off the hospital bracelet just in case it's the kind that could set off alarms, and knowing the security in this place that's pretty likely. After neatly folding his pajamas and leaving a thank you note to the hospital staff he slings his backpack over his shoulder and steps into the empty hall, normally bright lights dimmed for the night.
Left down the hall, one left and then a right and he'll reach the stairwell, which hopefully is kept unlocked from the inside, he hasn’t had a chance to check. He's memorized the floorplan on this level after his many circuits walking around it as part of his physical therapy.
He makes it past the empty nurses station and the left turn when he stops to check the patient name on a door. So Gran Torino hasn't been discharged yet. Izuku feels a lump form in his throat as the guilt washes over him. He knows it’s his fault so many people got hurt, one of them being All Might's teacher - his own teacher.
Noting that the lights are off in the room he slides the door open and quietly steps inside. He unbuckles his backpack and pulls out the letter on top addressed to the man who first helped him reign in the power of One For All. As silently as possible he pads over to the bedside table and gently places the letter next to a vase of wilted flowers.
He is across the room with his hand on the door handle when a voice cuts through the silence. "I ain't gonna read that shit. If you got somethin to say, say it to my face."
Izuku winces and turns to face the small man now sitting up in bed. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were awake. It's late."
"Yeah, well, when you get to be my age and you spend enough time in one of these germ factories you start to realize time is pretty meaningless."
"I see." Izuku swallows around the lump in his throat and grips the straps of his backpack tight. While any outward injury on Gran Torino's body seems to have been healed, he can't help but notice the dark circles below his usually masked eyes. And has he gotten even smaller?
"So what's in the envelope kid?" Gran Torino gestures toward the bedside table. "Ain't trying to poison me are ya? Get rid of me for good?"
"What! No!" Izuku cringes at the unintentional volume of his outburst. Then quieter, "it's just a letter. What normal people put in envelopes."
"When have we ever been normal people, eh?"
He allows himself a small laugh, "You got me there."
"Then why are you sneaking around a hospital in the middle of the night leaving letters for old men?" Gran Torino prodded.
Izuku is silent for a moment as he stares at his shoes. Setting his brow he raises his head to meet the older man's eyes. "I think you know why."
Gran Torino continues to meet his gaze before sighing deeply and dragging a large palm down his face. "This is the part where I'm supposed to talk you out of whatever half-baked, hair-brained, nonsense idea you got in that thick skull of yours."
"I have to go, Gran." Izuku could now feel tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. "I can't let anyone else get hurt because of me."
"I know you think you have to do this, and we both know I'm not exactly in a state where I can stop you, but there are other ways, kid. You don't have to do this alone."
Gran Torino's words hang heavy in the quiet hospital air. "I'm sorry," Izuku says after a beat. "I'm sorry but I do."
"If you decide to come to your senses you know where to find me." Gran Torino sighs again.
Tears are falling now. "Thank you, Gran Torino." the green haired boy manages to choke out. "Thank you for everything. Thank you for showing me how to make this quirk my own."
Wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, afraid Gran Torino really will find a way to talk him out of it, Izuku makes for the door again.
"Hey kid."
Izuku turns back just in time to catch the ball of cloth being tossed at him.
"Who are you?"
In his arms Izuku finds a familiar tattered yellow cowl. He clutches the garment to his chest and tries to convey every emotion he feels, every ounce of conviction he has in his voice, "I'm the hero who is going to save everyone."
With a final bow to his mentor, Izuku steps out into the empty hospital hallway. Unnoticed,
he finds his way to the - thankfully unlocked - stairwell and disappears into the night.
This was very self-indulgent. I saw Izuku with Gran's cape and my brain filled in the rest for me.
Not beta'd, so if you see any mistakes or typos please gently let me know so I can fix them 😅
Also I never know how to tag fics, so also let me know tag suggestions or any tw/cw tags I should add.
Thanks for reading!
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thecottageinthedark · 3 years
Sorting Persona 4
Here again with another Sorting Hat Chats post! This one’s for Persona 4. Full disclaimer; this is based just on the game, not the anime. Also it’s behind a cut cause it is LONG. And has spoilers.
The system I’m using is explained here by @wisteria-lodge.
The Persona 4 MC, whose name is either Souji Seta or Yu Narukami depending on which supplemental materials you go by, is a really REALLY loud Badger secondary. His power is based on making Social Links with NPCs and shifting to become whatever they need-and also on patiently grinding to level up his attributes. And because he lives so much in this secondary-plus the fact that on a meta level he’s kind of a stand-in for the player-his Primary is hard to see.
But where it gets revealed in the end is the decisive moment when the ending you’re going to get is decided. The Investigation Team have discovered that Namatame’s been putting people into the TV, and thus are assuming he’s the murderer-and it’s become horribly personal, because one of the people he did that to was Nanako, and even though she’s been rescued, she’s deathly ill thanks to the TV World’s poison.
And now you-and the MC-have a choice. The IT are baying for Namatame’s blood, ready to kill. One Badger Primary method would be to appeal to the fact that he’s a person, you can’t just kill people….but nobody’s listening. Another would be to dehumanise him and say, he’s a murderer, he needs to die for the sake of everyone-going along with all the fury of the group. A Lion would lash out too-less because everyone’s doing it and more from their own gut feeling, but that would still lead to dead Namatame. A Snake might kill Namatame because he hurt Nanako...or, in the Golden remake, if they’ve done Adachi’s social link, they might cover for him. Either way, they’d be prioritising an inner circle member.
And all of those get you bad endings. Especially the Snake choice to cover for Adachi.
What gets the good ending, the happy ending where the MC is fulfilled and at peace, is to ignore all the emotion that’s running so high, and order everyone to step back and take time to think about whether the theory of Namatame being the killer makes sense. Pounce on the niggling little detail that doesn’t fit, and realise that the assumption everyone is labouring under isn’t true. And then prioritise the actual truth over personal loyalties or emotional reactions.
Bird Primary.
Because of course. This is a detective story. Your party are called both the Investigation Team and the Seekers of Truth. Even the title song hints at it; find the truth (Bird) by getting together with others (Badger).
Yosuke Hanamura’s a young, immature Snake Primary at game start, with the selfishness typical to that. His Shadow throws that back in his face, and he realises he doesn’t like being an asshole whose secret gut reaction to murders happening is ‘well at least I’m not bored anymore now something is happening in this dead-end town’.
So he does two things pretty much at the same time; he widens his inner circle to let in first Souji and then the rest of the IT, and he adds a model on top to let him care about things outside that circle. I think it’s a Lion model-a young Lion, just like his Snake, that edges into Glory Hound, but keeps hold of the idea that you should do certain things because they’re just right.
(It’s not based on the MC, though the MC is undoubtedly his most important person, who he even calls his partner. But then, as I said, the MC’s Bird is very quiet, so it’d be hard for Yosuke to perceive it well enough to mimic it. I think it’s actually based on Chie, who is after all the inner circle member he has known longest!)
And his secondary? Yosuke’s a support guy. He lifts his friends up. His family run Junes, and he leverages that connection to create a base location for the IT and secure a portal into the TV world that’s big enough to be usable. When Teddie comes to the human world, it’s Yosuke who gives him a place to stay. He’s a Badger secondary, and again, this makes perfect sense. The Lover sorting. No wonder so much of the fandom ships him with the MC.
Chie Satonaka is LOUD and BRASH and if you are a jerk she will KICK YOU IN THE FACE. She is so goddamn Lion Secondary, and utterly unapologetic about it.
Her primary, I think, is Lion again. The reason she has gotten possessive of Yukiko (as her Shadow calls her out on) isn’t that she wants Yukiko to be just hers-it’s that she wants to be Yukiko’s knight. Saving the princess is actually a textbook Lion cause. It lets her feel heroic and brave.
But that’s not good for either of them. Damsel in distress is a shitty role, one that doesn’t allow Yukiko to be strong and capable herself, and Chie pushing Yukiko into that role is really straining their relationship. It’s also something that Chie herself knows is wrong-that’s why her Shadow accuses her of it. (“I am a Shadow, the true self...”)
So instead Chie changes gears, because oh look a new Cause just popped up! Find the killer and bring them to justice! And on top of that, there’s always sexist prats to kick.
Yukiko Amagi models Badger Primary, because it’s expected of her. Running an inn is a really Badger kind of job. She also models Badger Secondary, for the same reasons. She feels this is who she’s meant to be; sweet, gentle, socially adept, community-focused and hard-working. The traditional Japanese ideal of womanhood.
But it chafes. The weight of societal expectations feels crushing. She doesn’t want to do stuff just because she’s meant to, because people think she should. She’s an Internal Primary, and needs to follow the voice of her own heart.
And where that heart leads her...is back to the Amagi Inn, except now she’s decided that she’s doing this for herself. She needed to feel that she could actually choose to not inherit the inn, before she could realise that she wanted to run it. She’s a Snake Primary, and the inn is important to her because it’s hers.
Her secondary...actually I get the feeling she’s like Toph Beifong of Avatar, a Snake who likes to spend most of her time in neutral. She is delightfully quirky and weird, and owns that, but she doesn’t charge like a Lion and she’s comfy with wearing masks when the situation calls for it.
Kanji Tatsumi panics at the idea that he might be gay, and caretakes like a boss, and that might look at first sight like a Double Badger who’s scared that he might be one of the people he’s used to dehumanising. His Shadow screams that it wants to be accepted...but what calms it is when Kanji himself accepts it, and says that this resolution is about being true to himself. Kanji’s a Double Lion who burnt his primary because being given shit for the feminine, queer-coded parts of himself made him lose faith in his internal compass, worrying that it was leading him somewhere that he viewed as bad. Internalised homophobia’s a bitch of a thing.
Accepting his Shadow is the start of Kanji healing his primary-letting go of shame for being an oddball and telling the world to go fuck itself if it thinks it can make him conform. He does model Badger Secondary-as I said, he caretakes like a boss-but that’s more a thing he does as a gift to others. When it comes to solving problems, he charges in swinging, ready to beat up anyone from biker gangs to otherworldly monsters.
Rise Kujikawa is a cheerful, shameless Snake Primary, loving and ambitious. She became an idol to make friends, and enjoys the fame it gets her. And when she needs to take a break for the sake of her mental health, she has no compunctions about doing so.
But she needed that break because the idol life was stressing her out-unsurprisingly, it’s a really intense life. And the particular problem she had was to do with the conflicting expectations the public has of celebrities. Perfection is demanded...but so is authenticity.
Rise realised that she was face-shifting as an integral part of her career, and this knowledge sent her into a tailspin. The fans don’t like the real Rise Kujikawa-they like Risette. But who is the real Rise Kujikawa? She doesn’t know! It’s frightening! What if she’s just made of smoke and mirrors? How does she find out what’s underneath?
And the answer she comes to is that there is no real Rise Kujikawa...which is the same as saying that there is no false one. Rise is Risette is Rise, it’s all just her, adapting to the context as she needs to. She’s a Badger Secondary, and the act of performance is the true self.
And for her, that’s a good answer-it brings her peace. But now we need to talk about Teddie.
Because just hearing Rise say ‘there’s no real me’ sends Teddie into a Shadow crisis right there.
He completely fucking loses it. He’s a denizen of the TV world-he’s been immune to it all this time, never manifesting a Shadow, but this is what breaks him. And that just screams Bird Lion. It’s his Buzz Lightyear moment-or rather his first Buzz Lightyear moment, because there are two. This is the first, and he survives it by retreating into his Secondary. It allows him to bring Shadow Teddie under control...but this isn’t sustainable. He’s realised something terrible and can’t avoid that knowledge indefinitely.
And soon enough he admits it to himself (and to the MC). He is a Shadow, that somehow became self-aware. His Truth was never true. He can’t handle it, he has no idea how to even exist, and he outright tells the MC that he intends to commit suicide.
He recovers, though-and he does so because the MC tells him Nanako survived. That’s the first thing that gives him a glimmer of hope, because his Truth already had some Snakey elements in there about chosen people and ambitions. He comes back from the brink, reshapes his system to centre those Snake principles, and returns to the side of his friends.
Lastly, Naoto Shirogane, our other queer-coded character. (I’m using she pronouns for the sake of canon here-but I’m a firm believer in nonbinary Naoto, for the record.) I think she’s a Bird secondary-the only one of those here, jeez. She’s just so analytical. She’s a rapid-fire Bird too, Detective Prince working on a case, squarely in the middle of her comfort zone. But push her out of it-into a normal teenager social situation, say-and watch her squirm!
She has a Bird Primary performance, too. But performance is the operative word here. She’s trying to look adult and smart and collected, in order to be taken seriously by the police officers she works with. And she is smart, mind you, but that’s not the why of her though it is the how. It’s not Naoto who goes ‘wait, let’s think about this, we need more information’ at the crucial point, but the MC, who really is a Bird Primary. Naoto was the one to suggest doing a little vigilante justice vis-a-vis murdering Namatame.
Her real Primary is Lion. Being a detective is a Cause for her, not a Truth, and she is blazingly certain of her own sense of what’s right-so much so that she doesn’t stop and check it against other people’s. And she inspires people! She doesn’t even mean to, and certainly doesn’t know why, but she is just so cool that people flock to her and admire her. ‘The Detective Prince’ is, when you think about it, a really Lion Bird kind of title!
Her Shadow has two issues with her. First, it harps on the gender angle. Hey, self, there’s that thing about your identity that you’ve been refusing to think about! You need to go poke at it! And then it breaks down into a scared child. Self, your performance is eating you alive. You need to do it, yes, the Cause demands it, but you also need to be able to stop sometimes and let yourself have emotions!
In short:
MC/Souji/Yu: Bird primary, Badger secondary
Yosuke: Snake primary, Badger secondary, models Lion primary
Chie: Lion primary, Lion secondary
Yukiko: Snake primary, Snake secondary, with Badger primary and secondary models that start out pretty unhealthy for her. 
Kanji: Lion primary that starts out burnt and begins to unburn after his Shadow fight, Lion secondary. Models Badger secondary.
Rise: Snake primary, Badger secondary
Teddie: Bird primary, Lion secondary. Falls dramatically and recovers by shaping his system to be more Snakelike.
Naoto: Lion primary, Bird secondary, performs Bird primary
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agent-cupcake · 4 years
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Imagine having a child with a guy named Jimmy. Cursed.
OTHERWISE you all pretty much echoed what I was thinking, bless you.
cw pregnancy / forced pregnancy
(As ever, this is all in the context of dark personalities. I hesitate to say yandere, although that’s kind of become synonymous with dark personality AU’s and an obvious argument can be made that a darker take on the characters could lead into a yandere scenario) 
Ferdinand von Aegir
~While I don’t think he’d go out of his way to have a baby, he definitely wouldn’t take any steps to avoid it, either. That is, he wouldn’t really stray into breeding kink territory or anything of that kind but he’s not gonna pull out either. 
~But, yeah, if you were to get pregnant, Ferdinand wouldn’t be displeased by any means. He’d legitimately think it was the best way to “fix” things and out of a misguided attempt to ignore any negative aspects of the relationship and cling to the idealism of a happy marriage. 
~Just a side note, but I def see him with a body worship kink and I can only begin to imagine how that would intensify with his weakness for the softness and so-called beauty of motherhood. Whatever that’s supposed to mean.   
~Honestly, I don’t see him overtly leveraging  as a manipulation tactic. No, he’s good enough that his genuine feelings could do the job for him. Like, it’s not just you anymore. You’re responsible for another life so don’t you think you just trust him and let him take care of you? Oh, sure, he’d humor you (on account of the hormones) and say that he understands why you’re upset, but please just calm down. Everything will be all right, he’ll take care of you. 
~I think that Ferdinand would want a family even without the whole dark personality aspect. The way he’d see it is that children are a natural result of a union and love. He’d absolutely cherish your children if for no other reason than the fact that they’d be half you, although you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t have a horrible weakness for kids.  
~You’d be barely showing and he’d be picking out baby names and getting opinions on how to decorate the nursery and occasionally freaking out due to anticipation and nerves. He’d be really, disastrously, over-the-top protective, too. I just assume white magic would greatly lessen the infant and mother mortality rate but that doesn’t entirely remove the risk of complications so he’d be cloyingly careful about everything you ate, keeping tabs on any possible oddity going on with you. And, you know, I think he would enjoy emotionally taking care of you. Like if you were scared or sad or anything, I think he’d enjoy comforting you in a way that’s definitely not healthy. He’d enjoy being needed, I suppose.
~Yeah, so overall I view any sort of darker personality take on Ferdinand to be him, but with his sweet and noble and protective traits dialed up to an eleven without any sort of self awareness to make him pause and consider that maybe you don’t feel the same so having a child like this, as an intentional act of manipulation to make you stay or not, would be within the realm of possibilities.
Sylvain Jose Gautier (Bastard Man)
~Sylvain is pretty easy to imagine with a dark personality. I mean, assuming you have no pity in your heart and are willing to write him in a way that he never was able to get over his myriad issues, self hatred, severe distrust of people’s true intentions, and familial trauma.
~Assuming all that, and entertaining the idea that he could never find a good balance of repression and escapism, I think Sylvain would create an unhealthy emotional bond to a single person he believed to be exempt from his overall dismal regard for people and do this fun little thing where he’d chaotically flip flop between extreme emotions of distrust, blame, and anger and adoration, need, and a desperation to be seen as he was and still loved. 
~But it’d be a brutal cycle because he’s not the delusional type. Sometimes he could be, both with the good and the bad, but those would be kind of episodic. There’d be bad days where he’d be utterly convinced that you were just like the rest and he’d pick little fights and generally just be pretty pissy. But then sometimes he’d be blinded by love and so caught up in it that even if you told him no, he’d take it with a cheeky wink because of course you loved him and everything was so good. But, mostly, it’d just be a lot of dysfunction and Sylvain trying to lure you into a nice, good relationship with him by being mostly normal and decently charming and even, occasionally, being vulnerable (and tricking you into being vulnerable with him). 
~Anyway, back to the point. With all that context, why not bring a baby into the mix, right?    
~How many times does Sylvain bring up crest babies. Please, someone do a hard count and get back to me because damn son. So, may I just say, if anyone of these three were to have a breeding kink it’d be him. Is that controversial? Just think about it. Every girl ever wants him mystical crest cum, right? So, mentally, the whole thing would have a lot of weight and significance. Also Sylvain just strikes me as the type who’d be self aware enough of his dark and unhealthy needs that staking as intimate of a claim as that would be erotic. Unlike the other two, the act of forcing an irreversible and tangible change in your body and mind would be interesting. Not that he’d tell you any of that, or even dwell on it himself. 
~I’m torn between Sylvain saying it was an accident and him using the argument that since the two of you were in love, it was only natural that you’d start a family together. How could you not want to have his children? Better yet, how was he supposed to know that you wanted to wait. 
~But if you continued to be unreasonable, he’d go on the defensive. Like, what are you going to do? Leave him? For what? To raise his baby on your own? Or, worse, abandon your child? If you thought he’d voiced unfairly negative opinions about women before, the way he’d talk about a mother who abandoned her child and such a good, happy life with a loving husband would be infinitely worse. After all, he wanted to make a change in your relationship and be happy together. He wanted to be a good, loving father. He wanted a family with you. After everything, what kind of person would you be to throw that all away?
~So that’s... a lot. 
~But Sylvain’s the type to be awful in the moment then regret it after the heat dies down. Knowing he’d hurt you would genuinely tear him up inside. All of that adoration and desperation to keep you with him because he’d feel like he needed you to be happy would kick in and he’d break down under the guilt and tell you how much he loved you, how happy it made him to think that the two of you could have a family, that he knew you would be a great mother, that he knew he’d messed up but he would make it up to you, that you really could be a happy family. 
~Just saying, I can see him taking a perverse sort of pleasure in the physical effects of pregnancy. Also, he’d definitely be a lot softer with you. Guilty conscience, anyone?
Dimitri (Dimi) (Jimmy)
~You, dear anon, said it better than I could have myself. I agree SO HARD that Dimitri would be terrified of being a parent, but at the same time I think, if it were to happen, he’d be utterly enamored with the idea. There’s a lot more that I think about how he’d regard fatherhood, but that’s the gist. 
~Funny thing is, darker Dimitri is just like... More needy... unbearably protective... Paranoid... less stable... bad at managing his emotions when it comes to you... But, like, the same general emotions about fatherhood would apply because that’s already pretty complex. Only, this time, with an obvious emphasis on how it would effect you and your relationship. 
~I was going to say that I can’t see Dimitri purposefully impregnating you, but that’s not entirely true. In a fit where he’s feeling especially raw and paranoid, I think he would do it very purposefully and even almost-kinda-sorta relish in the idea. 
~I view his obsessive feelings to be like an itch he can’t quite scratch because he knows better than anybody how easy it would be to lose you and doesn’t know how to manage both his own instability with the unpredictable world because at any moment it could all spiral apart. 
~So, this in mind, he could believe that having a baby would make things different. More than just vows or words or rings or anything, it would be a concrete and absolute tie between the two of you. He would have an unquestionable claim over you that would go beyond the scope of just your relationship, you’d be carrying the royal heir which would give Dimitri even further valid excuses to be suffocatingly overprotective.
~It would be... So messy... On the one hand, I think the concept of fatherhood, of being given another chance, of being needed that much more by both you and the child, would really appeal to him. It could even sand off some of the rougher edges of his darker traits, now that he had this assured security in keeping you with him. Sure, the itch wouldn’t be scratched entirely, but it would be easier to ignore, there would be a solid way to reassure himself that you were his.   
~But Dimitri’s got this awful middle ground of self awareness. Anything that would come off delusion would be a result of his endless attempts at rationalizing his unhealthy feelings and trying to make sense of it all without having to actually confront the issues. But that wouldn’t mean he wouldn’t know, on some level, that what he was doing wasn’t healthy and how bad it was for you. The guilt would be intense, which would be apart of the reason he needed to keep you so close all the time because then he could pretend that you needed him just as badly, that everything was all right because he could take care of you better than anyone else. 
~Dimitri’s self aware guilt would allow a part of himself to understand that he should let you go. He could even, on the bad days, convince himself that maybe, one day, he would allow you to leave him because he loved you, because what he was doing was wrong. As long as you were near him, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself, he would always hurt you. 
~But using pregnancy to force you to stay with him would, perhaps even in an intentional subconscious way, cut off that last-ditch contingency to ease his own guilt and pain of what he was doing by keeping you with him. Now that you were going to be having his child, the royal heir, would mean that you could never leave. He’d know it. You would probably know it, too. 
~After that point, Dimitri would double down with proving his affection, proving that he was capable of taking care of you and his child and that you could be a family and everything would be okay. 
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astrology-india · 4 years
Taurus Compatibility - The Best and Worst Match
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Taurus Compatibility - The Best and Worst Match
If you are lucky enough to have a Taurus in your life, then you already know what I am about to tell you.
Smart, friendly, and down to earth, the Taurus is a likely partner-in-conversation for just about anything from serious life advice to humorous banter.
Those born under the sign of Taurus are known throughout the zodiac as being trustworthy and dependable.
They come through in the clutch. Add in some friendliness and warmth for good seasoning and you got yourself a bull.
Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, it is not unheard of for the Taurus to partake in sensuality, even hedonism.
However, the bull seems to keep it in check, being well-grounded, practical, and focused on achieving their goals.
As a fixed sign, the Taurus is driven and determined.
They also have a reputation for being stubborn and even quick to temper, but let’s be clear here, you did not hear that from me. The Taurus is usually hardworking and committed. From love to career, they seem to know what they want and are fueled by stars to go and get it.
Below is everything you need to know about which zodiac signs are best and least suited for Taurus compatibility based on sun signs alone.
For the most accurate description regarding compatibility, it is important to understand your complete natal chart.
The Best Taurus Compatibility Matches
Taurus Compatibility is the best with their fellow earth signs who all value hard work, goals, and staying at home together.
The Taurus can be a winning combo with two of the sensitive and intelligent water signs as we will see below.
Taurus and Capricorn
The combination of Taurus and Capricorn is the power-couple of the zodiac.
Both hardworking, intelligent, and friendly signs, these two in love could take over the world if they desired to.
If the bull wanted a run for their money concerning stubbornness, Capricorn the goat can deliver.
This is a good thing, though. Both the Taurus and the Capricorn understand that the whole “stubborn” thing is an unfair critique anyway.
They both know that it is their devotion and commitment that people mistake the stubbornness for.
And this devotion? Well, it is for their friends, loved ones, family, careers, and their goals.
In my opinion, things that are well-worth being stubborn for and Capricorn/Taurus compatibility is excellent because these two share the same values.
The Capricorn is a bit more driven than the Taurus, who does not complain about taking it easy and indulging occasionally. The Capricorn digs all of that too.
So, when the more dominant and driven goat tires themselves out in the endless pursuit of achieving their goals, the sensual Taurus will be right there with dinner on the stove, the candles lit, and a good movie on deck.
Taurus and Virgo
The Taurus is sweet, and the Virgo is sensitive, no two sun signs could be more nurturing of each other.
Both signs are practical and hardworking and these two likely share the same priorities: loyalty to their partner, family, career, and staying at home.
Taurus compatibility with Virgo works so well because of some of the contrast of the two signs and the balance that they feed each other.
The Taurus is fixed and grounded. The bull is self-assured and proud. On the other hand, Virgo is a mutable sign who is known for being critical and sometimes goes off the deep end with worry.
In this harmoniously balanced relationship, the bull shows the over-analytical Virgo how to stay grounded and the Virgo keeps the Taurus in check when they go off into over-indulgence.
The Virgo knows how to get things done and will help the Taurus to focus and make their dreams into a reality.
In the bedroom, the Taurus will be much more open, as a sensual and physical sun sign. The Virgo is much more subdued.
This sun sign relationship is built on loyalty, so this is a good yin and yang balance if both parties share that deep connection.
Taurus and Cancer
What happens when two possessive, yet devoted sun signs meet and fall in love? They give each other fully to one another.
This could be seen rather remarkably in the Taurus/Cancer bond.
These two are domesticated, stable, and forward-looking.
They are alike in pretty much every way with only one real big difference: the Taurus is an earth sign, and the Cancer is a water sign.
What this means in broad terms is that while the Taurus lives through analyzing and rationalizing, the Cancer exists mostly through their emotions and intuition.
The Taurus thinks of every possible outcome to a decision while the Cancer goes off of feeling. This is also how the two primarily communicate as well.
If the above leads to any disagreements, it will be the many things that they agree on that will keep this couple together and the Cancer/Taurus compatibility going strong- mainly, staying at home.
The Taurus and Cancer are the two most domesticated signs of the zodiac.
These two signs are extremely loyal and seek security. Both the Taurus and the Cancer are hardworking and goal-oriented.
This perfect alignment of values will leave this couple with little to squabble about, which is a good thing because both signs have hot tempers.
Taurus and Pisces
If the Taurus has been wondering if there is any other sign out there that appreciates sensuality as much as they do, they need not look any further than Pisces- the most sensual of the zodiac.
The tough bull and the sensitive fish, who would have thought?
Just because the Pisces wears their feelings on their sleeve 24/7 and the stoic Taurus does not, really does not mean a thing.
The Taurus is pretty sensitive too and has a rich emotional life, even if they do not fully understand it.
Pisces is the ideal sun sign to help the Taurus get in touch with that side of themselves.
Both signs are intelligent homebodies who like to consume the finer things in life from the arts, cuisine, nature, music, books, and film.
Both the Taurus and Pisces love good conversation and humor.
The Pisces imagination will entertain and intrigue the Taurus to no end and in the bedroom Pisces intuition and Taurus sensuality together are dynamic.
All of this entirely depends on the specific Taurus and Pisces, of course. There is a chance that the two signs can over-indulge if not kept in check.
If both signs have it relatively together and are focused on their goals, then this is a beautiful, magical, almost physic relationship.
Least Taurus Compatible Matches
Some signs do not fare well with the Taurus romantically.
Taurus compatibility works the best with sun signs that share the same values. Some, like the sun signs below, have values that run counter to the Taurus’.
Taurus and Aquarius
Have you ever seen somebody kick over another person’s sandcastle at the beach? Maybe you have not but have seen a Taurus and Aquarius relationship. It is basically the same thing.
To better put this in perspective, imagine that the sandcastle is the Taurus’ need for comfort, stability, and security, and the foot that kicks it is everything about what the Aquarius represents.
The misunderstood Aquarius marches to the beat of their own drummer, and one could say that their objective in this life is to challenge traditions.
This means stability as we know it, something the Taurus looks for throughout their entire lives.
The Aquarius is off-beat and always playing with expansive and abstract ideas and has an alchemic way of bringing them into life.
The practical Taurus does not understand any of this at all and would much prefer to be with a more level-headed and down to earth person.
The Aquarius will have little interest in the Taurus anyway, as they see the bull as too materialistic and rigid.
Nothing about the Taurus will excite the Aquarius and vice-versa.
Taurus compatibility with Aquarius is not good. Both signs are extraordinary in their own right, but for a romantic relationship, they will do far better with a sun sign who shares their same values.
Taurus and Gemini
Taurus compatibility with Gemini is weak because the two signs have little in common.
In every aspect of their lives, The Taurus looks for stability like a heat-seeking missile. This is especially the case with their romantic involvement.
The Gemini is a free sign, not only because they are mutable, but the Gemini is particularly known to be flighty.
Maybe not in an ADD sort of way, but they do have this remarkable ability to jump from one thing to the next, often making decisions and taking actions at the drop of a dime.
The Taurus is much too grounded and cautious to understand the Gemini’s unpredictable ways.
In a sense, the double-sided and mutable Gemini (who is nicknamed “the twins”) may also have difficulty understanding why they do some of what they do as well.
Everything from activities to the conversation will go this way with the pair, leaving the Taurus desperately looking for some sense of routine and normalcy.
This is sure to bring out the stubbornness of the bull and the Gemini will think the Taurus takes everything too seriously.
Taurus and Sagittarius
Just because Taurus is ruled by the planet of love, Venus does not mean that their love is well-suited for everyone.
Taurus compatibility with Sagittarius is not good for many reasons, most pronounced is their difference in values.
The fire sign of Sagittarius is explosive and daring, a complete extrovert and social butterfly.
Meanwhile, the more reserved Taurus tends to lean towards being an introvert.
This should not be a total dealbreaker, however, the ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter, which represents travel and exploration.
Taurus is one of the most domesticated sun signs and Sagittarius natives would likely work for the airlines if they do not already.
The Sagittarius is all about freedom and at the end of the day, the Taurus would much rather just stay at home with their partner.
Taurus compatibility with Sagittarius is highly doubtful as both seem to be here on earth worth completely different missions and both signs are pretty steadfast about making them into a reality.
Taurus and Aries
Remember the sandcastle analogy from earlier? Let’s use that again here.
The sandcastle still represents the Taurus’ values and this time the foot that kicks it represents the Aries.
Unlike the Aquarius in the earlier scenario, who has their reason for kicking the sandcastle, the Aries kicks it just to kick it. Aries, the aggressive young ram, thrives on conflict for conflict’s sake. The Taurus is hardworking and carefully constructs a comfortable, peaceful, and stable life for themselves.
Aries/Taurus compatibility is a big negative. If this relationship even starts, to begin with, it will end pretty quickly in one of three ways:
1) The Taurus ignores the Aries’s constant challenges to fight them, in which case the Aries leaves to go find someone else that will fight them.
2) The Taurus thinks the Aries is a bully, gets too stressed out, and then leaves.
3) The Aries pushes the Taurus just enough to bring out the bull’s famously bad, yet well-checked temper, and a fight that will end all fights ensues.
This locking of horns will likely be so bad that there cannot be any reconciliation ahead.
The Taurus Man
The Taurus man is a stoic in every sense of the word. Well, at least they want you to believe that.
Tough on the outside, the bull is a nature lover as a native of Venus. He is sweet and charming to those who know him.
The Taurus man is sensual and physically expressive, yet appearances would have you thinking that he was more reserved.
This is possibly true with his day-to-day decision making, but when he is in love, he is going to show it selflessly and with tons of affection.
The Taurus man is intelligent and communicative, he chooses his words wisely- he says what he means and means what he says.
He is hardworking and goal-oriented. Chances are this man who is successful and seeks a mate with a similar drive. Finding a partner who shares his values is a priority for him.
The Taurus man is a homebody. A force to be reckoned with at his 9-5, he cannot wait to get home and indulge in some good food, romantic company, and an evening in with his partner.
The Taurus, only matched by the Cancer, is the most domesticated of the sun signs.
The Taurus man is the perfect catch: an ambitious go-getter and a selfless and sensual lover at home.
Taurus Man Relationship Compatibility
The Taurus man works hard for his life of success, comfort, and peace and needs a partner who values the same things as him. He is loyal and devoted and seeks someone who is in it with them for the long haul.
Taurus man relationship compatibility works the greatest with Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces.
Taurus Man Sexual Compatibility
The Taurus man is physically expressive. While sex is physical, it is also much more than that to the Taurus man, who does not just make love in bed- he actually makes love in bed.
The best sexual partners for the Taurus man are Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces.
The Taurus Woman
The Taurus woman is the definition of a powerful woman. She is as strong as a bull, but as a native of Venus, she is as feminine as they come.
She is an artist at heart and drawn to things spiritual. If you told me that you know a Taurus woman from yoga class, I would not be surprised.
She is practical, intelligent, and communicative. While known for expressing her love physically, she needs stimulating conversation, preferably of the smart and humorous kind.
As a fixed sign, she is likely confident. The Taurus woman knows who she is and is looking for a partner who is the same.
The female bull is self-reliant and independent, so having a partner for her is a plus and not a necessity. She would much rather be alone than with someone insensitive, boring, or otherwise fake.
When in a relationship, she is devoted. Known to be a loyal lover, the Taurus woman seeks a partner who shares her values but also someone who does not bore her to death.
She appreciates genuine, interesting, and stable people in her life and to win her heart you will likely need to be patient and show and prove that you are a special catch.
Taurus Woman Relationship Compatibility
Taurus women are confident, independent, and self-reliant. She is tough yet sensual and full of love. When she is with a partner, she is fully invested. Highly devoted, the Taurus woman is looking for something solid and long term. Her compatibility is best with Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces.
Taurus Woman Sexual Compatibility
The Taurus woman is a physically expressive and powerfully sensual lover.
While she might come off as reserved, she lets her guard down in the bedroom, but only when in the company of a trusted companion who she is committed to.
The Taurus woman’s best sexual matches are Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces.
Final Thoughts
The intelligent and friendly earth sign of Taurus craves stability, comfort, and peace. If a sun sign shares these values, their differences will likely balance each other out in beneficial ways.
The Taurus in love is devoted; stubborn, yet selfless. They are trustworthy and dependable and in it for the long run.
Taurus compatibility is good with other domesticated homebodies who like to partake in sensuality at home: winning and dining, good books, and movies, with some stimulating conversation in the mix.
Some sun signs not only have different values than the Taurus, but their values actively go against what the Taurus works so diligently at building up for themselves, their sandcastle.
For this reason, Taurus compatibility is poor with Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, and Aries.
Conversely, Taurus makes an excellent partner for sun signs Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, and Pisces.
All of these signs prefer to stay at home and gravitate towards intellectually stimulating conversations and activities.
Some of these signs are hardworking and goal-oriented, and the others can be as well, depending on other aspects of their natal chart and their overall character.
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emsartwork · 4 years
this might be kind of a long ask I'm sorry! (I really love your work btw) but you know how you did the personality run down for the winx girls as well as their negative traits, I was wondering if you could do that for the specialists? (I really love your versions of them — their personalities are so nonexistent in canon)
Sure! I love giving the boys more personality lol i kind of ended up talking about their mental state as opposed to their flaws but like. ur flaws are reflective of ur mental state so. idk.
 long post sry
SKY: Sky didn’t have a good sense of how the world works before going to Red Fountain (to be fair he was aware of this which is partly why he wanted to go in the first place). His childhood was strict but coddling, he wasn’t allowed to make his own choices but he had everything he could ever need provided for him. So adjusting to real life that first year in school was ROUGH. He had his ass handed to him several times for being a royal prick and couldn’t even really do anything about it because of the identity swap. Fortunately, this did nip the worst of his ego in the bud. He has a tendency to exert his control over others as a way to sooth his own anxiety/bitterness about being controlled himself. He did this especially with Bloom in the beginning of their relationship, but got a talking to from both Stella and Brandon and knocked that shit off (with the help of therapy) This issue came up again after the season 3 disaster with Diaspro and he spends a lot of secret of the lost kingdom and magical adventure working through that before season 4 puts them on earth.
BRANDON: tbh Brandon is one of the most well adjusted characters here. He has a good relationship with his parents and a strong sense of self. It helped that he had the freedom to pursue his own interests in a safe and stable environment and that his parents feel strongly about mental health issues, having first hand experience dealing with trauma in themselves and others. Brandon is the mom friend and sometimes takes on too much responsibility for his friends’ emotional states and becomes preoccupied with fixing their problems for them. In the process of officially becoming Sky’s guard/companion in his late teens he was forced to learn to set boundaries a little better. Brandon is literally always trying to get the other guys to take advantage of the fact that Red Fountain has an on campus counseling office but they’re like “nooooooo my unheathy coping mechanisms are fine” meanwhile after every winx mission Brandon roller blades into the office with an ice coffee like “what is UP I have new trauma”
TIMMY: so Timmy was raised on an asteroid colony, and had a fairly unstable childhood just because of that environment, his mom loves and provides for him as much as humanly possible so his emotional attachments are pretty secure, but he does have issues with permanence. if something is lasting a long time (whether good or bad) he starts to get antsy and suspicious, and sometimes ends up self sabotaging by poking at the thing when he should just leave it alone. He also has some hoarding tendencies due to his childhood. Timmy also hates feeling like a burden, and doesn’t take advantage of some of the opportunities ( at Red Fountain because he feels like he doesn’t deserve them. 
HELIA: helia baby stop repressing your emotions and desires to fit into other people’s definition of success its not good for u. So Helia is a quiet person by nature, but also struggles with dissociating in order to avoid anything unpleasant or difficult. This is mostly seen by pursuing both magic and warrior training for his dads’ sake, even though all he wants to do is paint shit and write poetry. His dads would ultimately be supportive but Helia is terrified of failure lmao, and lacks the confidence to actually express his needs but also can’t pursue what he really wants because WHAT IF IT DOESN’T WORK OUT. he will also use the silent treatment/cold shoulder as a way to hurt people if he’s mad at them.  
NABU: ok like on the surface Nabu is doing pretty well. He’s got his shit together. He knows exactly what to say and how to say it. But the boy is also a mess. He does repair some of his relationship with his parents after he and Aisha officially get together, but is still super angry at them for treating him like an achievement/trophy and then essentially tossing him away when he became inconvenient. Nabu also has a tendency to be secretive and a little manipulative, secretive because it was a way to get back at his parents as a child and manipulative because he was raised to basically be a politician and doesn’t like conflict so he’ll just mess with situations and people until it’s what he wants. These aren’t big problems while he’s doing his own solo thing but Aisha is not down with this and is basically like “take steps to fix it or leave” and joining as an unofficial member of the specialist’s rescue team forces him to do some self evaluation and improvement. 
NEX: Nex is another one with good parental relationships, his issues primarily stem from his competitiveness and impulsiveness. He also holds grudges pretty badly, Thoren is helping him to work through stuff like that internally instead of taking it out on the target. His impulsiveness has gotten him into A LOT of trouble, he basically has no filter which can be fine but also he needs to shut tf  and read the room sometimes. He really wants to do a good job as a paladin but does worry he’s not gonna succeed (mostly because he’s comparing himself to Thoren which really isn’t fair lol). He and Aisha are both impulsive, and try really hard to keep each other in check(as a mutual thing) but sometimes they just end up bouncing off each other until its complete chaos. (ok my version of Nex is basically just a himbo i honestly don’t know how this happened help)  
RIVEN: yikes, ok riven has issues. At his core, Riven is terrified of abandonment, and deals with this by keeping everyone around him at arms(or farther) length so they CAN’T abandon him. This can include, ignoring, insulting, avoiding, and flat out rejecting any offer of friendship or affection. He’s also fairly defensive, and is constantly trying to “prove himself”, which great, push yourself and improve, but also you have an ideal you can never actually live up to which just leaves you feeling shittier than before so stop that. Riven also has... some ptsd? trauma. And has some trigger phrases based on the spells Darcy used to control him. In season 1 Brandon had almost convinced him to go to therapy just for his attitude and to mesh with the team better, but the whole thing with Darcy happened and he shut himself off to any perceived outside threats until around the beginning of season 3 when he started attending sessions with the Red Fountain counselor.  
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