#☾ aesthetics. ☽
ddamm · 3 months
Happy Bday Kento Nanami!
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I can't believe I almost forgot today was Nanamin's birthday. So sad we can't celebrate it with him tho 🥲
Anws, perfect excuse to post my Nanami banner I made some time ago to join Gojo's lonely one.
Enjoy 👍🏿 (original up, tumblr filter down)
Also, the images and objects used to create this aren't mine. I took them from Picsart and Pinterest, so all credit to the rightful owners.
See ya.
Take care and God bless!
𓆩 ♱ 𓆪
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pearl-granger · 5 months
~Recipes for your dumb annoying fucks!~ (yes this is poison)
!!Caution use proper safety like gloves and goggles will making these!!
1 } Apple and almond smoothie:
Take a hand full of apple seeds and bitter almonds, and turn them into powder in a grinder.
Add the powder in in a blinder with one cup of water.
Mix two parts of ammonia and two parts of bleach to make chloramine.
Add the chloramine in the blender along side the water.
Add two flowers and five seeds of foxglove.
Add one drop of yellow and red/orange food coloring.
Add two drops of apple flavouring and apple & almond scent if you want too.
Blend it throughly and serve in a smoothie cup decorated with a straw and a mini umbrella! :3
2 } Flower ice-cream:
Simply whip 2 cups of heavy cream, by hand or with an electric mixer, until stiff peaks form.
Slowly drizzle in a chilled can of sweetened condensed milk. Next your gonna make our add in.
Take flowers from lily of the valley, nightshade, bleeding heart, angels trumpet, hemlock, thornapple or and fucking poisonous flower you find and plop it in the bowl.
Remove to an airtight container and freeze.
take it out of the freezer and scoop a generous amount is a glass bowl and decorate it using rose petals cuz we are soo kind<3
(yes half of this recipe was from google but who cares? i don't.)
3 } Granola bar:
Take a half a cup of apple seeds, bitter almonds, mistletoe berries, mandrake berries, belladonna seeds, nightshade berries and add them to a big ass mixing bowl.
In that bowl add 2 egg whites, a cup of peanut butter, and one and only one teaspoon of honey. (it's too precious to be wasted on bitches)
Mix it. with your hands spatula, a mixer. idc. mix it.
Next flaten the mixture that we made that can even scare satan off (but we won't cuz his on our side ladies!!!🗣🗣) on a baking tray or a plate with covered with parcement paper.
throw it (not literally) in the freezer. keep it there for 4 hours.
After those long four hours you prbly sent making out or reading fanfic's, go check on it any take it out.
Now cut in the size you want and give your lovely unwanted visitor a snack next time him comes around unannouced! ;P
4 } Tea:
(my 1940's housewife side awoke while writing this my ancsetors are proud <3)
Take leaves from bleeding heart, thorn apple, nightshade, mistletoe, mandrake, lily of the valley and any other leaf you wanna add.
Dry them. it's the middle of the night i wrote it once it got deleted once i'm not writing it again. ask youtude or google.
Go and buy or make tea bags while the leaves are drying. and stuff the tea bags with the leaves after the leaves have dried.
if you don't wanna use tea bags use a strainer or smth idk.
When the next time the old hag or aunt who continuously tried to push you in to a toxic marriage with their son/daughter asks for tea give them this :D
sleep tight and don't let the patriarchy take away your basic human and murder rights! :)
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lsdambitions · 4 months
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♡ happy sinday from lil ♡
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sonofnyx · 1 month
send me  🍸 for a moodboard of our muses
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movie geeks turned training buddies
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revclver-jesus · 5 months
{{ sometimes i look at the grunge aesthetic tag and fill takaya's queue with cute pictures to remember what im fighting for sdkgjshkgh }}
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devthspoet · 7 months
tag drop.
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malicedarkened · 1 year
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quick doodle warmup of the ink goo boi from a few days ago!
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wickdcreatures · 11 months
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i drew salem based off The Possession Thread tm :))) 👻
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metalcursed · 1 year
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crescentclan · 2 years
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eternalbxtterfly · 2 years
This inspirational idea is originally by the lovable @diamndbrn <3
Doing the rooms for Elise's mansion.A fellow rich bitch.Enjoy!
The bedroom and Terraces: x x
The bathroom: x
The living room: x
The kitchen: x
The home office: x
The garden: x
The bar room: x
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pearl-granger · 5 months
How to make bombs
• ok folks your gonna need five things to make bombs.
pop pop/ snappers idk what others call em heres a picture for reference.
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2. roll caps, don't buy the plastic ones.
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3. string.
4. a cup get a plastic one or a streform one idc.
5. paper i recommend news paper for this.
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➢ soo first your gonna take the pop pop and rip them or snip off their tips and pour the Silver fulminate(the tini-tiny rocks in the pop pops) in the cup and cover the bottom up.
➣ secondly your gonna drop a pop pop in the cup until all of the Silver fulminate pops/blasts and turns black.
➣ After that your gonna put the cup and pop pop aside and take the roll caps and cut out or pluck out (having nails recommended) the red spots your gonna do this twice cuz one is not enough, this is gonna be real time consuming so i recommend doing this with someone and plop them in the box.
➣ after that your gonna fill the box with the roll cap spots up with the bombed Silver fulminate and close the cap
➣ now here come the most important part, wrapping it up. see this step is really important cuz if you don't wrap it the contents will slip out and the boom won't happen.
➣ so to wrap it your first gonna tear the paper into small strips and wrap it and tie it around the box. make sure its not too tight or not to loose or else the boom with go wrong. repeat it atleast 4-5 times.
➣ and after you finish wrapping it up like a prep gorl, throw it or use a sling shot. and then you get the boom.
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these are extermely helpful for blasting someones head or just to play!
have fun!~
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lsdambitions · 5 months
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sonofnyx · 1 month
@guiltymnd asked: hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
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respondendo com um moodboard porque fica mais fácil, a amizade platônica mais boiola do acampamento.
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firstwcman · 4 months
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖘 .
☾ ⛧ ☽ in character.
☾ ⛧ ☽ visage.
☾ ⛧ ☽ headcanon.
☾ ⛧ ☽ voice claim.
☾ ⛧ ☽ musings.
☾ ⛧ ☽ interests.
☾ ⛧ ☽ aesthetics.
☾ ⛧ ☽ style.
☾ ⛧ ☽ verse ; eden.
☾ ⛧ ☽ verse ; from now on; home again.
☾ ⛧ ☽ verse ; upon beaches of red.
☾ ⛧ ☽ verse ; it's always prettiest after the fall.
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wickdcreatures · 9 months
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new muse drop : spencer lockwood. muse info and weird, liminal sims 4 cas screenshots below the cut ❤️
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birthday : November 17th, 1840 (scorpio) age: 183 gender : cisgender male , he/him. occupation : heir to a successful family tea company, investor species : vampire face claim : n/a atm. (so yes that does mean i used a screenshot of his sim to make that icon LMAO)
✨✨ tldr ; he was born Harrison Lockwood, was mugged and turned one night. Instead of rejecting him, his family took him in and took care of him to the best of their abilities. But soon he was the last one of his family, inheriting the whole family business and estate. He hired a frontman for the business that could pass for his dad, changing his name in the 90’s to Spencer to fit in a little more. He throws ragers at his house because he's lonely and he misses his big ass, loud family :((( ✨✨
Born with the name “Harrison Lockwood”, Spencer grew up in the lap of luxury, silver spoon in his mouth, never wanting. The youngest of six, he was often the one overlooked, but not out of any maliciousness — his mother did her best to raise him and his siblings, and where she couldn't, the help certainly tried their best. Spencer never minded too much — he liked the freedom — and despite everything he grew to be a well rounded, if not a bit rebellious young man. 
But that rebellion landed him in trouble. A man of his standing, of his dress — pockets bursting with money — surely he knew he was a target to those unsavory types, right? He was attacked — mauled, even — left a bloody mess, crumpled in a cold, dreary ally, and as he stared up at the cloudy, starless sky, he realized with horror death wasn’t going to greet him tonight. Instead, he was pulled back to life by something far more violent. 
When he returned home the next day, his family took him up into their arms and cried. He was colder now, as if those flagstones that he lay bleeding on the night before sapped all his warmth. Not a wound was to be seen — for he was changed. 
The cravings were hard to handle at first, but money grants a work around for most of everything. Despite the change, his family loved him, they cared for him and kept him safe. The rumors that began to circulate about him did nothing but boost tea sales. 
As the years went on, he watched his family grow old, his siblings having families of their own, but he stayed the same, stuck in time, feeling more like an outlier than ever. Finality isn’t something he has to worry about anymore, but he watched his family slowly come to terms with it, meeting their conclusions by illness or by natural causes. The Lockwood family’s numbers dwindled year by year, until one year, all that was left was him — the massive manor once bustling with life now sits lifeless. He had wished his family would haunt the halls at least, but there was nothing.
As the years progressed, he was desperate to fit in — fashion has always been an interest of his, the culture of people that appear his age — in the 90’s, the name “Harrison” was finally shed, replaced with Spencer. A new man for a new age. 
He hired a spokesperson for the company, one believably aged with just enough resemblance to appear like his father. Large parties are thrown at any occasion, just to bring some life back to those halls once again.
and as promised, weird liminal sims 4 cas screenshots of the madlad!
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haha. this victorian vampire is an eboy that uses tiktok and vapes
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