#♕  — Prompt — ♕
ifyougochasingrabbits · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass: White Rabbit
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Quick Facts
Height: 4'8" | 142cm
Age: She'll say 27, which isn't too far off.
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
She's very curious and would enjoy learning about you.
As a bubbly bundle of gleeful giggles, she's here to have fun, filled with smiles and laughter.
Dancing is one of the many things she thinks is fun. While she prefers a casual jig with another/others while someone(s) plays a tune, she'll get up close and personal if you'd like to waltz instead.
Speaking of getting close, she likes touch— being touched, touching others. She'll slip an arm around your waist and/or move yours around her shoulders(have you seen how short she is?). Hope your lap isn't spoken for, cause she'll be taking that seat. And cuddles. She really likes getting tangled up in cuddles.
Don't worry if you're not "experienced", she is and isn't afraid to take the lead. Or help you learn to take it yourself. If you are, she'd love to see how much.
She's resilient. If she gets knocked down, she'll get back up laughing and if her plans burn, she'll roast some marshmallows.
She's very curious and will learn about you.
And as she peels back every layer she can find, she'll hold it up in your face asking what— oh what is this?
While not usually malicious(also related to the above), she is manipulative. If there is something she wants from you, whether it's as simple as a drink or deeper like knowledge, she'll most likely get it. If she's unable to, that doesn't mean she'll end up empty-handed.
She commonly hangs around less-than-savory folks— those who sell drugs, have violent tendencies, and/or would so kindly lighten your pockets. If you're that type, maybe you'd find this a pro instead.
She may or may not have some targets on her back at any given time. Most people would be concerned about that. Not her. She thinks it's pretty damn entertaining.
She's a whore technically a courtesan. Not in a derogatory way, but literally. While she wouldn't think it's a con, some folks do. Don't expect her to drop the job, she's not going to. She loves it too much!
She's also an informant and drug dealer. The latter is reserved for a select few.
Donned atop her head, she wears plush rabbit ears like a crown held in place by a ton of hidden hairpins. She rarely takes them off, even when she's working: the ears stay on.
She's chaotic neutral, neither being solely good nor bad.
Dramatically theatric, she'll lay the back of her hand over her forehead, make wide, sweeping motions, and try and impersonate other's voices as entertainment.
She has an abundance of connections she can hook you up with. From mercenaries to a tailor, a painter, and tinkerers of magitek to name a few. If you're in need of someone she doesn't know personally, she most likely knows someone who does.
While it's widely known that rolanberries are a favorite fruit, her most favorite are white peaches in both taste and smell. She likes wearing white peach perfume due to it.
She's been stabbed once.
Open her closet and you'll see she only owns one, maybe two pairs of pants, possibly more if we're counting PJs.
Romantically: Don't expect it, in fact, turn around, sit down, and contemplate your life choices which brought you to even think about her romantically. Are you okay? On a more serious note— surprising I know— she's greyromantic. She really doesn't think much about romance below surface level. Nor has she experienced romantic feelings for now, so she's been told. She'd rather not. It sounds like a load of chocobo-shite spritzed with rose perfume. If the topic does get brought up you'll find her rolling her eyes if she doesn't make some snide remark first. Then she'll roll her eyes. Any unlucky soul who happens to win her affection(how?) would be smothered in so much love. Little gifts left in places to be found, shaking hands with your skeletons, and a tenderness her clients think they're getting, but it's not the same kind as you'd get. Just not those three words.
Sexually: Outside of her job this adventurous gremlin has a handful of friends with benefits and a long list of one-night stands that grows every month. Men, women, anyone, and everyone in between. Solo, duo, three or more. It doesn't matter! If she thinks you're pretty, she might see if you'd like to go somewhere a little more private. Show her a fun time and she'll come back for more. Which is a lot of words to say she is bisexually, non-monogamous. She leans dominant and will top you if you'd like, she has the toys for it. Don't worry if you tower over her, she'll make it work. She can dom as a bottom too. Once you earn her trust or if she thinks you'll be really fun, she enjoys submitting. As a treat mostly for her. Persuading her into submission would be even better. Or you can wrestle for it. Of course, she'll lose, being as small as she is. Something something, it's not the destination, but the "journey".
Tagged by: @mythandral & @luck-and-larceny did an open tag so, yoink! Tagging: @odt-ff, @starryseasiren, @vizakethla & anyone who wants to, you're it.
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc)
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verreprincesse · 1 month
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@diivineray dreamed: [ undress ]  // Leona !
Her hands trembled a little as she looked at the tranquil waters. He had suggested a swim but the deepest water she had ever been in was a hip tub. This... this was daunting, but she didn't want him to think she was scared on top of useless. She was still embarrassed about their conversation the first night they slept in the same bed.
"Undress?" Her head snapped up to him. "You want me to undress you?" Heat flashed over her face up to her ears. She clenched her fists and berated herself. They were married, this was allowed. It didn't change the fact it terrified her. Back home a woman wore layer after layer and only showed her shoulders in a ballgown or to her husband - in the bedroom. They were out in the open here.
She took a breath and forced herself to lift her hands. "I can do that." She was mostly saying it to herself. She can do this. "You know," she murmured as her fingers began with his shirt. "You are quite a beautiful man." Her gaze was fixed on her hands, nervous to see his expression. "That was something I thought the very first time I met you."
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fanfaire · 8 months
   ——— ARIA OF ABLUTION ! ———
      ❝ FAREWELL, happy dreams of the past       the rosiness in my cheeks has already gone pale       the joys, the sorrows soon will end,       the tomb confines all mortals!       do not cry or place flowers at my grave,       do not place a cross with my name to cover these bones!       ah, the misguided desire to smile;       god pardon and accept me.
lights, camera, curtain! furina has arrived at the liyue harbor lantern festival.
please read below for more information on the details of her being here; i've taken some creative liberty to work her into the occasion as more than just her attending a festival out of curiosity, to provide more potential avenues for interaction!
ENTRER EN SCENE : furina de fontaine.
— it wouldn't be furina if we didn't start with the look. due to her reason for being here, she had a custom tailor, working together with liyuean fashion consultants, put together an attire in which she'll be seen in all public capacities at lantern rite. it's a marriage between liyuean and fontainean designs, and, as furina has heard that it is considered the year of the dragon, has many dragon patterns and motifs inked and embroidered throughout. she also has her hair done up ( its in its long pneuma look ) in a french bun with a few curled loose locks in front, and a gold hairpiece also in the shape of a dragon
— speaking of the reason she's here: furina is preparing for a new production that's made its way through fontaine's social buzz. it's a well-known liyuean opera that's reached international popularity due to a recent manhwa adaptation that took bookstores across teyvat by storm, titled grove of wild boars. fontaine is putting together their own stage adaptation, and furina is serving as a consultant to the director, who, while talented, is still young and inexperienced with the industry. she's here with most of the production crew mostly on research, and the timing just happened to line up with lantern rite. so why not enjoy both!
— though furina will also be busy with production research, she enjoys social and lively atmospheres, and will rarely say no to being approached or introduced to a new experience. she'll most likely be found: around the opera houses and venues; around the nearby areas both urban and wilderness with the production crew; any stand selling sweets; ( occasionally ) squirreled away somewhere quiet and remote to have a moment to decompress
inbox : open for interactions! dont gotta ask just yeet em in i want to emphasize i'm going to be doing all event interactions as minis with a 250 wc challenge to keep things manageable for myself below are also some specific plot ideas i'm tossing out if you'd like to do something more unique and plotted! please leave a comment with the symbol if you're interested in grabbing a specific plot and i'll get back to you ( it also helps if you leave ur discord if ur comfortable. if not, i'll tumblr dm you )
🍨 after sampling xinyue kiosk's dessert stand, she has to experience the full dining experience at the restaurant herself, especially after learning about its gourmet, luxury service and ambiance! but for a once-archon, for whom attending lavish banquets was once bread and butter, furina finds herself . . . unable to justify the cost of it now, even without chevalmarin's scolding. but she looks so forlorn out there, eyeing the menu. won't you take pity on her?
🐦‍ plenty in the team had told léandre it wouldn't be a good idea to bring his umbrella finches on the trip, but the director-slash-bird-enthusiast simply couldn't bear the thought of leaving his beloved pets behind. and in an unexpected accident, the completely-expected happened — startled by the wild popping of liyue's firecrackers, the birds escaped their cage! all five of them. and you, for one reason or another, have been pulled into helping retrieve them.
💎 while on a walk on some quieter rural roads outside the city, the jade pendant furina had bought earlier in the day suddenly shatters around her wrist. isn't it supposed to be indestructible? —what furina doesn't realize is that jade is meant to ward away evil. only, the evil now fast approaching was far too strong for one measly jade piece to handle.
🕯️ the adepti are such a core part of liyue's cultural shaping and belief system that furina felt the need to visit one of the shrines and pay her respects. only, she can't help but feel that something doesn't sit right about a fake ex-archon offering prayers to a divine being. you catch her in such a rare state of conflict and hesitation, otherwise alone. ( a ruminative, melancholy angled prompt )
🎭 the production crew has secured vip seating for a showing of auspicious dragon and phoenix, performed by the celebrated yun-han opera troupe at heyu tea house: a hard to come by opportunity particularly during lantern rite season when just viewing the traditional masterpiece is said to bring good fortune. only one snag: they need just one more member in their party to qualify for large group price discounts, which they could sorely use given their allotted funds. who'd pass up the chance, right? come attend an opera with furina!
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zcrayas · 2 months
I also feel like I always ask this but let me know if it was okay for me to illustrate our muses / stuff from rps sometime :D
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mvriigold · 4 months
" what the hell happened ? that looks like it hurts. " + SPRAIN :  for one muse to carry the other after spraining their ankle. | ( hmmm. danny for chrissy, mayhaps after a fall or misstep during a cheer routine or something? :3c )
She wonders if she should be thanking God that Danny showed up. Surely, she owes some gratitude to someone up there - getting a visit from either him or Maria feels like a blessing, every single time. A weight lifted right off her shoulders, even if just for a short moment. It means all the more, in the wake of her latest colossal fuckup. “I messed up.” Wincing, Chrissy continues her hobbled attempt at a walk - so reluctant to put weight on her injured ankle, that the pristine white tip of her trainer barely touched the ground. One hand rested on Danny’s arm for support, clutching the arm of his shirt, she limps, slowly, towards the side of the bleachers – all too aware that the nurse’s office is painfully far away. “I really messed up,” she continues, those baby blue eyes focused intensely on the ground. Scrutinising, as if she’s looking for flaws in the dirt under her feet. The words leaving her are more of a mutter than actual talking; Chrissy letting out every bad thought that she’d held back in front of her team. In the moment, she’d forced herself back into a smile, the perfect picture of carrying on through despite the failure pinned to her back. Now, all of it just… comes out. “I just – I can’t believe I missed it.” Her eyes stay locked before her, worries grating against the happy facade she’d been wearing before. Chrissy has no idea how much Danny even knows about cheerleading, but with him being a friend of Maria, he has to know something. Enough, at least, for her to feel comfortable opening up. “It was such an important step, and I threw the whole team off. Everyone knows. What kind of a captain am I?”
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arcstral · 2 years
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
( what do people assume about them? are they right? )
That he is the 'Hero-King.' Strong, leaderlike, and composed of all the righteous shapes that make up a royal messiah. Marth himself knows the reality. He was a powerless fugitive prince with just five knights to his name. He vowed over the stern of a boat that he would return to his conquered motherland and see it freed. Later that dream elevated to freedom for the entire continent, to the slaying of the Shadow Dragon, then to legend.
Marth in that time never once felt kingly or heroic or unconquerable. Lucina in Awakening coins him as a warrior-king who ruled with an iron fist, breaking evildoers with the swings of his sword made straight and true by his noble purpose. It's a far-cry from the man that he is, but less extravagant interpretations have glorified him the same. And what those people assume of him isn't totally wrong.
Heroes are elevated in proportion to how desperately the people needed them and Prince Marth of Altea entered the four-year ongoing War of Shadows alike a ray of light. With every step of his campaign staving back the shadows of traitors, patricides, regicides, banditry, arson, murder, and manakete conquest after the Archanean hegemony failed to provide salvation. His claim to glory was timing, it was consistency, and it was even the progenitor legend of the 'chosen one' wielding a blade of light and a shield of five orbs reflected in his image.
He proves to be the dragon-slaying savior not once but twice. He becomes king not merely over Altea, but the whole of Archanea, leading it to prosperity after two consecutive failed rulers. With or without his agreement on the matter, that is how a name like 'Hero-King' is born. Like a sheet of metal is beaten into shape by a hammer, how a figure over the course of multiple good deeds becomes so strengthened in memory, entangled with the image of hope that he's immortalized in Ylissean religion and history two thousand years later. How 'Hero-King' comes to stand on synonymous footing with Marth until there is scarce need for the original name.
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iilahalzili · 2 years
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     unsettling cackling in the distance. . .
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arkclipse · 4 months
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i just realized i can keep track of what memes are what and just save all these things in my drafts....
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avanturis · 2 years
Tag dump
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belacedia · 2 years
tag drop
*.゜♕ ┆ ❛ out of character.
*.゜♕ ┆ ❛ in character.
*.゜♕ ┆ ❛ memes ﹠ prompts.
*.゜♕ ┆ ❛ dash game.
*.゜♕ ┆ ❛ signal boost.
*.゜♛ ┆ ❛ act i :❪ ﹠ present day. ❫
*.゜♛ ┆ ❛ act ii :❪ ﹠ ten years later. ❫
*.゜♔ ┆ ❛ study i :❪ ﹠ headcanon. ❫
*.゜♔ ┆ ❛ study ii :❪ ﹠ visage. ❫
*.゜♔ ┆ ❛ study iii :❪ ﹠ musing. ❫
*.゜♔ ┆ ❛ study iv :❪ ﹠ aesthetic. ❫
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ifyougochasingrabbits · 2 months
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The Blood || Where does your power like?
Oh it courses through you. Your power is never outside of your periphery. It is always there, rushing and freezing and boiling. Your strength is in how well you know yourself, and your abilities. You are acutely aware of your energy, and what bleeds you.
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Tagging: @odt-ff, @antaresffxiv, @umbralsound-xiv, @sayuriaoki, @meandering-mind, @locke-rinannis, @shroudkeeper, @tiergan-vashir, @blueberryaesthetics
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mercifulmemories · 2 years
Miserable. Dark. Damp. He wasn’t particularly pleased about it. Anzo was definitely more of a sun loving kind of guy, even if living in New York was not the sunniest place in the world, he still did like how lively and busy it was. It meant that people generally didn’t notice when a warlock didn’t age because he wasn’t the most public person. This morning was one of those mornings that he didn’t enjoy being a New Yorker. He would have preferred being in Florida on days like this. He was sitting at his dining table, looking out the window, forlorn. He didn’t even want to go outside because it was so dark, even though he was certain that the sun should have come up by now. 
But it wasn’t, and he sighed, sipping from his tea mug. 
He would have to find something else that he could do today, since his original plan of the open air market would be out, because he definitely wasn't ruining his jacket in the rain. That did leave a few options, he supposed…. Now he just had to think of them.
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mvriigold · 4 months
❛ you want me to shut him up for you? ❜ + " the fucker deserved it. " | ( fbsdhjkf also danny for chrissy, pls let him punch ur weakass bf- )
“No.” Chrissy’s as quiet as usual when it comes to this. Eyes avoidant, arms tucked around herself in replacement of her letterman sweater. There’s a giveaway tremble to her voice that could be mistaken for anxiety, and probably would be by most people that know her. But more than anything, she’s just upset. Upset, and tired. It felt like fate that the game would turn into a disaster. Jason had gotten his mind set on the opposing team making a foul play, building anger evident as he’d practically picked a fight with the referee. Chrissy had watched the telltale veins pulse in his neck, had blown a kiss his way to try to ease his temper back down. It hadn’t worked. Especially when her school’s team had ultimately lost. And only by three points, too. She hadn’t wanted to go to the post-game party, after that. Jason’s frustration had stunk as bad as if he’d drowned himself in alcohol, and Chrissy hadn’t wanted to go anywhere with him in that state. She hadn’t even wanted to go to the party to begin with - not even if they won. She’d always planned on excusing herself away. But God, had the stare he’d given her when she’d done so made her squirm. Made her want to shrink and hide, as phantom bugs skittered over her skin. He’d stared, said “Chris,” in that flat, disbelieving tone, and she’d avoided his eyes as she stood her ground. It’d been easy to hear the cogs turning in his head. Easy to picture his eyes shifting upwards, and finding Maria where she stood in the crowd. Jason had never been a huge fan of her befriending one of the “enemy.” Chrissy was sure that the word on her letting him down would reach her mother by the morning. It always did. “Can we just… go somewhere?” Still hugging herself, she finds herself reluctant to look up at Danny just yet. Talking to him right now won’t do her any favours; she can feel Jason’s eyes digging into her from where he stands near the gymnasium doors, before they cut away. She can already hear the way he’ll remark on this when they’re back at school. “I just… don’t really want to stay here, right now.”
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ellaa-writes · 9 months
konig and the reader are roommates; best friends with a slight attraction to each other. reader decides to go out clubbing with some girlfriends, showing off her tight dress to konig before leaving— which ultimately arouses him hardly ;))
konig let’s his dick get the best of him and goes through the readers pantie drawer (#pantiekink) and goes back to his room, jerking himself off to the reader’s panties.. and boom reader comes back early and catches him.
(show your post about writers block, though you could execute this idea perfectly)
So sorry this took so long to write. This ask was sent back in November. I got a little carried away while writing this. Love this prompt so much! Thank you for sending it in and hope you enjoy :) (not proofread) PART 2
After a long week of writing essays, listening while your professors drone on and on and spending every waking second studying or working your part time job. Simply to say you were beat and exhausted. Wanting nothing more than to stay in, catch up on some z's and possible a few episodes of your new favourite show.
But atlas you received a last minute text from your BFF.
I'm picking you up at 8, better look cute.
Throwing yourself back on your bed, letting out a loud huff. Knowing damn well you won't be able to say no to her. A soft knock against the frame of the door brought your attention back to reality.
He was tall, brooding and all to yummy, as your friends say. Your roommate König stood in the doorway, taking up all the space. His head reaching right to the top of the frame.
"Hey, didn't here you come in." you said sitting up. You kicked your shoes off and began typing back your response.
"Got plans?" he inquired. Leaning into the frame, crossing his over his chest. Making every muscle tighten and bulge just how you like it.
"Hmm, Kate's dragging me to some bar most likely." you replied to him. "I better get ready now, knowing her she'll show up early." it wasn't a surprise that your friend group loved to show up at your place. They all loved to sit around and ogle your roommate.
After answering an ad in the university student paper, you found yourself being shown around a decently sized 2 bedroom apartment only a block away from campus. It was too good to be true and too good to pass up. The landlord explaining that the first room was already rented out. You didn't mind sharing with a male, he seemed more than tidy. And you needed away from the awful university dorm rooms.
First meeting König, that was one for the books. After hauling your belongings up the 3 flights of stairs. Of course the elevator would break the day your were moving in. Struggling to get the key in the door, only to be greeted by a 6'7 and 270 lbs man standing bare cheated in the kitchen. You damn nearly fell over. Needing a moment to catch your breath.
Kate went on and on for weeks about him. Telling you if you didn't make a move she will. You had to remind her she had a long term boyfriend and you were seeing someone at the time, which soon fizzled out.
"I don't understand why you never say no to her." he tried to rationalize. You pushed passed him on your way to the shared bathroom.
"It's better today yes than listen to her complain." you told him back. Shutting the door before he could say anymore.
You took a quick shower, making sure to shave every nook and cranny. Layering yourself in body butter and making sure to spritz extra perfume. You choose to leave your hair straight, and simple makeup.
Tapping your foot against the aged wood floor, having a hard time decided between a short tight black dress or to go more casual in shorts and a cute top.
"Go with the dress." König voice reached you from your door. Startling you out of your thought, causing you to drop the dress onto the floor. König walked right in, bending down to the floor and retrieving the skimpy black dress. Still on his knees he held it up for you to grab, his head was so close to your core which was now pulsing with desire. You cheeks were flushed as you snatched it out of his grasp.
"Thanks.." you said hesitantly, turning away from him. He left you in silence, closing the door on his way out. You pulled out matching pair of lace lingerie, the ones you buried deep in your dresser. A gift from Kate, you've never worn them so todays that day you do.
You took a deep breath before stepping out into the shared common area, König's attention was on the football (American soccer) game. The click of your heels drawing his attention away. You stood their, twirling your fingers around. Shrinking under his lustful gaze. König cleared his throat, adjusting himself in his pants.
"How do I look?" you asked bashfully, the heat of your blush rising up from chest and across your face. "You look...." he was lost for words, the way the dress hugged every curve. "You look beautiful." he stood from his seat, the fabric over his crotch pulling tight against his throbbing cock. He knew he shouldn't be having these thoughts about you.
But he couldn't help himself. From the moment he set eyes on you, he was entranced.
"Give me a little spin." he commanded. Taking two long strides, taking your hand into his and giving you a little twirl. The giggle that came out of your mouth went straight to his cock.
The apartment buzzer rang through the space, pulling yourself away you rushed to the com system. "I'll be right down." you yelled through it. Hearing a mixture of garble coming from the other end.
"I'll probably be home late, if not I might crash at Kate's. I'll try not to wake you." the words rushed out of you as you ran around grabbing the last minute items before shuffling out the door.
König didn't get a goodbye in, or a have fun. The pit of jealously boiling up in his stomach stopped him. He watched from the livingroom as you bundled into Kate's car, watching the tail lights disappear down the street. He turned his attention back to his football game. But he couldn't focus, the ache of his cock kept plaguing his thoughts.
Usually he reserved himself to either his or the shower. But he couldn't help himself, pulling out his throbbing cock. It was already hard as a rock, the tip angry and leaking just a bit. The first few strokes had him holding his breath. He needed more, abandoning his spot on the couch, dick exposed to the air. He found himself in your room. It was smaller than his, everything was messily thrown around. He made his way right to your panties drawer, digging in the back to find the black lace panties you hid.
He came back empty handed, the thought of you wearing them under the dress had his cock leaking down the front of his pants, making a mess. He settled on a satin pair, purple in color with a small rose in the front.
Seating himself back on the couch, panties wrapped tight around his member. Stroking himself with you panties, using his knuckles to muffle out his wonton moans. He was too focused on the duty at hand. He didn't hear the door unlocking and the soft click of your heals.
You walked down the hall towards the shared living area, seeing König still on the couch. Pulling the straps of your heels off you let the loudly clank to the floor. You were a little iratated but also thankful that the night didn't go as planned.
König's head shot around, eyes wide in horror to seeing you standing behind him. If you didn't know better, it was like you caught him in the middle of something. The closer you got, you understood why.
Konig had your favourite pair of panties in his fist. His leaking tip poking out the top, as fast as it happened he through a pillow over his lap to block your view.
Stumbling backwards you rushed out some apologies. Babbling on about giving him some space.
König didn't want space at all, he wanted you. His hungry eyes watching has the hem of your dress rose up your thighs, just about exposing you ass. He stood quickly, following you into your room.
"I'm so sorry." you kept repeating. The heat of the embrassment flushed on your face. König stood there, cock out as he tried to get you to look at him.
"OMG!" you screamed, quickly averting your eyes. "Doll look at me." he tried to get you to face him but you couldn't. "Can you please put it away at least." he found your question amusing. "Why? Does it scare you?" he asked back. You scoffed at him, but deep down it did just a little.
Yes you've seen a handful of cocks before but none of them compared to König's.
"No." you said quietly.
"Why don't you touch it a bit, it won't bite." he took a small step towards you. Your stained panties still in his hand.
LMFAO ok he got a little pervy at the end. I kinda want to make a part two now.
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
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₊˚.✦:・now, the✧乀✿color ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶☆˚˖੭ cloud in•.꒰the sky is✧ৎ⋆𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓅𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓁, yeah♡.⊱red co̶l̶o̶r̶ of ❛ ━ :❘❘↴the, 𝑺𝑼𝑵 is˘.+✦like, your cheek!¡❞♕‵̤ oh, tell ME.:✧°I'm the only°⊹ONE, babe; I+f a n c y ⋆̥˚̣̣̣͙❞you❀⊰。 it's d͟a͟n͟g͟e͟r͟o͟u͟s͟ it▾₊˚pricks, you are.✩⊹like a roselt's okay, ₊˚.:I'm not˘.+ 𝒂𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅 at all¸*.❀
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.ᔘ✦song of the day: hero by Monster X.
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✿.。Welcome to my blog! My name is Larissa, but feel free to call me Lari or Lady L, which is how you know me. I'm Brazilian 🇧🇷 and I was born on October 15th. English is not my first language. My pronouns are she/her and I am bisexual 💖💜💙. I am Libra ♎️ and INTP.
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☽·͙➘:❀ ko-fi // ao3 // character.ai.❜✾·͙➘
⤷❀.Here I've gathered all my series, masterlists and some additional things to make them easier to find. Enjoy my blog, dear reader.
⤷♡.+ disclaimer: some of my works may have nsfw content in addition to the yandere genre. if you are sensitive to these topics, I recommend not reading.
✐˚₊·❝ Requests are CLOSED. Commissions, asks and concepts are OPEN.
© aphroditelovesu, 2022-2024. all rights reserved. do not translate or repost my work without my permission. you are free to use my edits, but I only ask that you credit me.
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tortillamastersblog · 5 months
♕ No Matter What - Part 5 | Lena Luthor ♕
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Pairing: Lena Luthor x reader
Warnings: none, just some tooth rotting fluff
Summary: Something has shifted in your relationship with Lena and as time goes on, you realize that you might think of her as more than just your boss.
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It’s Saturday night and instead of watching a movie on my couch like I used to, I’m trailing behind Lena while she mingles with the people of her charity event.
This morning when I woke up she was already in the kitchen, making breakfast. It was oddly domestic, but I can’t say I minded.
We ate in silence, stealing glances at each other before our peace was disrupted by a fuming Sam.
She stormed into the apartment and yelled at me for not calling her, saying she’d been worried sick all night. Then, before I could apologize she rushed over to hug me.
Lena watched with mild amusement and, as gentle as possible, filled Sam in on what happened. That didn’t help at all though and in the end it opened a whole new can of worms with Sam scolding me for losing control and being reckless.
It got so bad that Lena had to step in at some point because I couldn’t get a word in. Sam apologized, and I did too for not calling her before we all settled down and finished eating.
After that I thanked Lena for letting me stay and rushed home to shower and change before returning to her apartment so I could accompany her to work.
Other than this morning, she hasn’t brought up last night and I’m extremely grateful. I know she would never judge me for what happened, just like Sam, but I’m not ready to share that part of me. For now, at least.
“Y/N?” A gentle touch on my forearm brings me back to reality. I look down to find Lena looking up at me with curiosity. “Everything alright?”
Her touch makes my stomach flip and I gulp, trying to mask my nervousness by saying, “Just peachy.”
Lena smiles and squeezes my arm teasingly. “Come on, be honest. You can admit you’re bored.
Bored? I’m anything but that. All night I’ve been able to watch her in her black off-shoulder dress without having to worry about looking like a creep.
I almost scoff, but realizing that that might come off as rude I say, “I promise you, Ms. Luthor, I’m not bored. This event is amazing and your speech earlier was very inspiring.”
Lena’s smile turns bashful and she ducks her head shyly. “Well, if you say so… Thank you.”
I bow playfully. “You’re welcome.”
Just then, Sam and a man whom I recognize from one of the board meetings approach us.
The man whisks Lena onto the dance floor and I turn to keep an eye on her. Sam joins my side and watches the people waltzing around before nudging me.
“Soooo, what was that?” she asks, her voice taking on a sing-song quality.
I tear my eyes away from Lena for a moment to shoot Sam a questioning look.
She raises her eyebrow expectantly and cocks her head in the direction of the dance floor. “You and Lena,” she prompts.
My ears start tingling and I square my shoulders nervously. “What about us?”
“She was touching your arm,” Sam says with a smirk. “And you didn’t pull away.”
“I—“ I snap my mouth shut because Sam’s got me cornered. She knows I hate people touching me and the fact that I let Lena do it speaks volumes. “Well, she’s my boss and I can’t just shove her off me, now can I?” I defend but I know it’s a weak excuse.
“No, not really,” Sam muses and I know she’s not buying it. When she adds, “You’d make a cute couple,” my jaw drops and I dig my elbow into her side.
“Oh my God, shut up!” I hiss through gritted teeth, looking around nervously to check if someone is listening to our conversation. Luckily no one seems to be interested though, so I quickly turn back to her. “You can’t just say something like that.”
Laughing, she takes a swig of her champagne. “Oh, relax. We’re all adults here and I know for a fact that Lena’s been single for quite some time now and the way she was looking at you—“
My eyes widen in horror and I slap a hand over Sam’s mouth. She licks my palm in retaliation and I pull back with a grimace. “Ew!”
“Oh shut up.” She chuckles and punches my shoulder. Then, her expression turns a little more serious and she says, “I mean it, Y/N. Just think about it…”
I don’t know what to say to that, so I turn my attention back to the dance floor with a sigh.
Almost all the guests are gone and I stand back patiently as Lena bids the rest of them goodbye. Sam left a while ago to relieve Alex from her babysitting duties.
Kara who was here for CatCo earlier left as well after exchanging some pleasantries and getting a few pictures of the event.
Once the last guest exits the venue, Lena returns to my side. “We can go home in just a second, I just have to get my stuff.”
I nod and let her lead the way. The venue is a beautiful French Chateau with lavish gardens and I almost got lost looking for the bathroom earlier.
Lena left her stuff in one of the vintage studies, so when we get there she gathers everything, ready to leave.
However, before we get to the door she stops and looks at me with a twinkle in her eyes. “I just remembered you didn’t dance with anyone tonight. Why is that?”
I raise my eyebrows in surprise and smile. “It’s not exactly in my job description, Ms. Luthor.“
Lena counters playfully. “Or you just don’t know how to do it and wanted to avoid making a fool of yourself.”
I scoff and cross my arms, letting my eyes show my amusement. “I can dance just fine, thank you very much.”
Lena drops her things on the plush sofa and holds out her hand with a challenging raise of her eyebrow. “Prove it.”
I huff and can’t help the way my stomach flips at the prospect of dancing with her. I eye her for a moment, debating my next move.
Just think about it…
Sam’s voice rings in my ears and I decide now is the perfect opportunity to test my ever growing feelings for the young CEO.
I take Lena’s hand and lead her onto the balcony to escape the musty air of the study. She’s surprised by the change in location, but doesn’t comment on it as we both admire the view of the garden for a moment.
The big fountain in the middle of the lawn is lit up in the dark, making the water sparkle as it rains down in tiny droplets.
There are also some lit lanterns along the gravel paths, but otherwise everything is dark. It’s as though the person who designed this place didn’t want to distract from the starry night sky above us.
Out here, away from the city, there’s no light pollution that prevents you from seeing each constellation clearly, and the sight is so mesmerizing, that I momentarily forget why I stepped outside in the first place.
That is until Lena clears her throat softly, effectively snapping me out of my haze. “Sorry.“
She smiles and tilts her head adorably, her eyes not leaving my face. I instantly get nervous under her gaze and try to mask it by stepping closer and saying, “May I have this dance, M’lady?”
I preform an exaggerated bow which makes her giggle. She accepts the invitation with a grin and I raise her hand to place a theatrical kiss to her knuckles.
Before I can get into position though, her hands travel up my arms and slide beneath the fabric of my jacket. She pushes it off my shoulders and I understand what she wants, so I take it off, albeit a little confused.
I’m about to ask why that was necessary when her fingers make quick work of the buckle on my leather shoulder holster that holds my service weapon.
“Now you’re officially off duty,” she says, draping my jacket and holster over the balcony’s stone railing before returning into my space.
She pulls me infinitely closer and guides my one hand around her waist, taking my other into her own. Her perfume clouds my senses and the warmth of her body so close to mine is making me swoon on the inside.
“I’m never really off duty,” I manage to get out without stuttering. “If you ever need me, I’ll be there.”
It could just be the low light, but I’m almost certain Lena’s pupils dilate ever so slightly. It’s a sight that makes me want to rush forward and kiss her, but in the end I don’t do it.
She’s still your boss! I remind myself and that wipes the idea from my mind entirely. Kissing her out of nowhere would be a sure way to get myself fired. That being said, should there ever be something between us she has to be the one to initiate it.
Lena doesn’t say anything. Her green eyes just bore into mine, so I smile shyly and ask, “Ready?”
She nods almost imperceptibly and I start moving, guiding her around the spacious balcony in a slow waltz. It’s been a long time since I danced like this, but it’s all coming back to me like riding a bike.
There’s no music playing, but it doesn’t matter. We’re in our own world, only focusing on each other while our bodies move effortlessly together.
“Well, it’s seems like you weren’t lying after all,” Lena whispers, her breath hitting my face.
“Huh?” I slow us down so we’re only swaying in place.
Lena’s lip twitches and the hand she has on my shoulder moves toward the back of my neck. “You can dance.”
I briefly close my eyes at the touch and tighten my grip on her waist. “I told you.”
“Mhmm,” Lena hums and we continue to sway in silence. A chilly autumn breeze dances around us and because it borders on cold, she draws closer.
Unlike earlier though, it doesn’t make me nervous. It’s calming and I feel my shoulders relax as Lena’s head settles on my shoulder.
I’ve never danced like this with anyone and for the first time in my life I regret not having had a serious relationship before. I’ve had a couple flings here and there, yes, but, like I said, it was never serious. But even those stopped happening when Noah died.
Now that I’m actually this close to someone, I realize how touch starved I’ve been. And no, Sam’s hugs and cuddles don’t count. I’m talking about romantic affection.
Another breeze whips past us and this time not even our proximity is enough to keep Lena from shivering. “It’s getting cold,” I say reluctantly. “And late…”
Lena sighs against my shoulder. “You’re right. Let’s go home.”
We stop swaying and separate slowly. The cold that replaces Lena’s warmth instantly makes me yearn for her again. But it is getting late and we both have to get up early tomorrow morning.
“Thank you for the dance,” Lena says, her hands lingering on my forearms.
I bow again, this time less playfully though. “My pleasure,” I say and seeing the goosebumps on Lena’s arms and chest, I take my jacket and drape it around her shoulders.
She smiles bashfully and mumbles another thank you which makes me feel very accomplished.
I grab my holster without bothering to put it back on and lead us inside where I grab Lena’s things. She protest weakly, saying she can carry it herself, but then a yawn overcomes her and we both chuckle.
We head outside and I help her into the passenger seat of the car the valet has already parked right by the entrance.
I tip him generously and bid him a good night before getting in the driver’s seat. Usually I’m not the one driving, but because it’s Alfred’s night off, I offered to do it.
The drive back into the city is peaceful and quiet. Lena’s leaned against the door the whole way with her eyes closed and my jacket pulled tightly around her shoulders.
She doesn’t even stir when I pull into her building’s underground parking garage.
“Ms. Luthor?” I whisper, touching her shoulder. “Ms. Luthor, we’re here.”
“Ms. Luthor.”
Again. Nothing.
Damn, she’s out cold.
I sigh and get out of the car, making my way around the hood to slowly open the passenger door. I make sure Lena doesn’t fall by quickly replacing the door with my body and bending over her lap to unbuckle her seat belt.
“Alright… Upsy-daisy. One, two, three.” I scoop her into my arms as gracefully as I can and make sure her head is resting comfortably on my chest.
Then I kick the car door shut and make my way to the elevator that takes us straight up to the apartment.
I get the door open with some difficulty and take off my shoes all while Lena continues to sleep away in my arms.
It’s an endearing sight and it just makes me realize even more how deep my feelings for her actually run.
I pad through the dark apartment and into her bedroom where I carefully place her on the bed. She stirs for a moment, but doesn’t wake up, so I take off her heels before adjusting her so I can pull the comforter over her.
“Good night,” I whisper and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Then, without thinking I bend down and press a kiss to the crown of her head.
Oh, if only you knew what you do to me, Lena Luthor, I think as I back out of the room with a tired smile.
Some much needed fluff after that last part :)
@nuianced-tck-enby Enjoy!
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