#✨hermes✨ (And jay)
unsightlythinker · 4 months
Hermes: “Well, you know, Jay, I have been running for a long time. My entire life, which is about four million of your lifetimes. And, I don’t know if it helps or not, but it doesn’t stop. And there’s nothing bad about that, ‘cause there’s energy in it. And sometimes it’s nice to slow down and look out and…enjoy the view but, there’s nothing like the wind in your hair. So, if you’re gonna go fast, ✨at least have fun with it ✨”
*friendly but also slightly unhinged laugh (like always)*
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corallove · 4 months
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anniflamma · 4 months
SO! Thoughts on the Circe Saga??
Oh boy, where to start! >︿<
First of all, I freaking loved it! Circe's voice! HERMES! And the second part of There Are Other Ways! AAAAH! One thing that I absolutely loved about this saga is that all songs smoothly transition to the next scene, especially from "Done For" to "There Are Other Ways". Those two songs are meant to be one! It's amazing!
Hermes' song… What am I even supposed to say? I love it! I think my favorite part is when he reaches that high note on "manifest a ✨being✨ of your creation". It's like butter in my brain. And when he gets so giddy and says "and I call this root, holy moly" 😩
Done For. I DIDN'T KNOW THAT ODYSSEUS WOULD SUMMON A FREAKING CYCLOPS! What am I even supposed to do now huh?!! I have already animated the whole fight scene between Odysseus and Circe's monster. 😆 But either way, I loved that you could hear the anger in Circe's voice. That she obviously doesn't trust Odysseus and that he doesn't really have 100% good intentions toward her. And the delivery of "I’m not sure I follow". Ody has his stern tone, he knows exactly what Circe meant but doesn't really want to accept yet what situation he has stumbled upon.
I actually thought the song was just a tad bit too short, but because it transitions so smoothly to the next song, I didn't mind it so much.
And then we have There Are Other Ways....
That is the song that I was most excited about! I had so many theories on how Jay would depict the relationship of Odysseus and Circe, and I did mostly believe that those two wouldn't "do it". In the snippet for example, Circe was about to stab Ody. Like, if she did stab him, why the heck would she wanna still sleep with him afterwards???? And if Ody discovered the knife and prevented the stabbing, then the rest of the song would just be super awkward.... So when he refused her and started to sing about Penelope…. 😭
Then I really liked how the conflict ends with Odysseus being humble but also honest. He begs for mercy and explains his situation. Urg I imagine that his eyes are teary, realizing that he has been gone for 12 years. And that is what all it took! Circe isn't a smexy evil witch, she is a person who just has her guards up.
And the end with that song! When Circe turns Odysseus' men back.... It's epic and I really wanna do an animatic of it 😣
In conclusion.
Did I like The Circe Saga?
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epicthemusicalstuff · 4 months
HERMES! (And jay) (again)
I know I’ve said this time and time again, but Troy is Hermes-
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elianzis · 4 months
Your ✨Hermes✨ (and jay) comics are so cute, I myself have a lot of characters, and one of them specifically acts a lot like hermes (especially epic hermes), so reading your comics helps a lot with my own characterizations for my characters if that makes sense, in short you inspire me SO MUCH and your characterizations are spot on :D
(also the way you draw Troy oh my-This is a compliment he looks so gorgeous in your style-)
I really like to draw all this little Hermes and Jay stuff, i adore this little episodes😭
Of course, I'm not the only one who comes up with comics, people from the fandom help me with this, which is very cool :3
I'm glad that comics help you 😭✨♥️
I just trying to catch Troy's amazing vibe, when i drawing him :3
Thanks, and i just have a little sketch, just an illustration for little fanfic from Troy's discord channel✨
Talya gives him a manicure✨
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slothydaydreamer · 4 months
Circe Saga is out… 👀✨
And Jay gave some fun fact commentary in the Watch Party stream on YouTube. I compiled the most interesting bits (mostly for myself, but I didn’t see anyone else posting them here). I’ll sort them by song. (The screenshots have Alt text that transcribe Jay’s comments)
[Jay Commentary Part 1 out of two]
1) Puppeteer
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🔸 Armando’s least favourite lines to record ⬆️
I’m not sure if Jay refers to the entirety of Armando’s parts in this song, or a specific one. He posted it just a bit after Circe started singing in the stream, around the time Eurylochus says “Only I stayed outside but the rest went in.” Could refer to what came before, to what came after, or to everything as a whole. Either way, it’s interesting to know. xD
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🔸 The soldiers ⬆️
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🔸 Changes in Circe’s songs ⬆️
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🔸 Hermes is eavesdropping (pt. 1) ⬆️
These two comments were posted together around the time when Eurylochus and Odysseus were arguing, and Odysseus insisted on saving the crew.
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🔸 Hermes is eavesdropping (pt. 2) ⬆️
(When Circe comes back for the chorus)
2) Wouldn’t You Like
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🔹 The high art of giggling ⬆️
Thanks to all the promotional clips for the Circe saga involving Hermes, I can vividly picture this. :’D
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🔹 Hermes the MVP ⬆️
Does he mostly do it for shits and giggles? Probably. Is Odysseus still thankful? Absolutely. Hermes is a true bro.
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🔹 The inspiration for Hermes’ style of songs ⬆️
Let’s all say thanks to Jorge’s dad for that. xD
Aaaaaaaand that’s it for the first two songs. Thanks to tumblr’s 10 picture limit I have to make a part 2, that you find….HERE.
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the-lazyyy-artist · 3 months
While I was taking a bath today, listening to the Epic: The Musical soundtracks, I realized...
that whoever... Voiced Poseidon in the Ocean Saga is ✨ chef's kiss ✨ (I know he has a name, but I never bothered to look it up until I realized that I am in love??? With a voice??)
Jay, my man, you have done such a great job at choosing the right voices for each and every character. Hermes? Amazing! Circe? Damn glorious! Don't get me started with Athena. No matter how hard I try to match the conviction in her voice in Warrior of The Mind, I still sound weak lol!
But Poseidon? Oh lord. He has such a sexy voice for this angry ocean god who is avenging is blind cyclops son. I mean? The raspiness of his voice stops me everytime. It's the kind of voice that I want for my male version. Like if Dennis (male me) had this voice, I bet he won't stop singing.
I am in love with Poseidon('s voice).
Favorite part in the song Ruthlessness? It's when he sang:
You reveal your name, the you let him live
Unlike you I've got no mercy left to give
'Cause ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves
Up to the end of the song. His voice is wonderful music! I wanna hear more of him!
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rrainydaydreams · 4 months
you know how gods normally want mortals to do something for them before they return the favour? Yeah, well this was Hermes request.
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iridescent-ruins · 22 days
i finally made a proper blog for helpol so
✨intro post✨
hi. my name is astra or jay, i'm a very eclectic hellenic pagan, at the beginning of the journey of exploring my faith. i'm an adult, from eastern europe, a curious and inquisitive soul, a wanderer addicted to missing his home, a shit-starter, an artist, a molotov cocktail of love and rage, and someone who believes we should be a bit more sincere on the internet.
i grew up christian but it was always more cultural than spiritual. afterwards, i dabbled in witchcraft and paganism, mostly the "generic" white sage and crystals kind, and after promptly deciding it's Not For Me and hitting a few years long dry spell, here we are.
i mostly worship Hermes at this point. i sometimes do stuff for other gods but i don't feel like i have a solid relationship to anybody else right now, though i would really love to once i have enough energy and resources to maintain it.
i'm not yet sure what will be here, part archive of helpful/cool stuff, part my own blog most likely. if you wanna talk my dms are always open, community is literally what i'm here for. i follow and like from my main @bigscarycat, i would rather not interact with wiccans or people doing deity work without the worship part. just personal preference, nothing against these guys.
thanks for reading all that and hope something good happens to you today ☀️
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keefessketchbook · 4 months
sorry this is kinda long guys and that it took me forever to make
-the "polites gear up, you and i'll go ahead" strings at the beginning 😭. I loved polites sm
-Eurylochus trying to talk to Odysseus is just so sad and I love how it shows how he is losing not faith or trust but losing something in odysseus that they are going to make it home
-Odysseus is like actually tired and thinks that he truly is never going to make it home to his family
-eurylochus' little rap moment(?)>>>>>>
-Odysseus' "damn" and "what" are the spring in my step
-Circe's voice!!!!!!!!! omg guys i love her sm!
-Circe casting her spell (the think of your past bit) is so pretty and i love how she lures them into a false sense of comfort and looks like she's trying to help them
-also love the "no i don't play i puppeteer" part
-"this is the price/we paid to live/the world is not/meant to forgive" 😍
-I LOVE how immediately Odysseus is like we gotta save them and Eurylochus is like we've sacrificed enough, don't you want to get home? and Odysseus is like i would love to but if it were you i would save you and i hope you would too. (also when Eurylochus is like "lets just run", i'm reading some feelings Eury has for someone 👀👀)
-also Odysseus saying "i can hardly sleep now" shows how in tune and how much he truly feels
Wouldn't you like
-I love how the three gods we have met, two have come to odysseus invisible before introducing themselves (or Odysseus guessing)
-The chorus is so 70s and i love that, it totally fits his vibe
-The teaser bit that we've had is still beautiful
-The piano! the background vocals!
-holy moly i can't-
-"Wouldn't you like to use more than words?" I love how the gods seem to be following his journey and hermes knows odysseus defeats most of his foes but his wit and he knows circe wont fall for simple words
-Odysseus saying thank you and Hermes is like I just want free entertainment :)
Done For
-more strings <<<333
-Odysseus knows damn well she has his man but he still is trying with his words, cutie
-Love how Circe just wants to protect her nymphs
-Circe's high notes 😍
-I think my favorite part of this song is the part when Odysseus is talking how Circe can't spell him and then their banter
-"then i must be a god like you cause i got this root from the ground with my bare hands" 💀 bro is fully lying
-"Hermes gave it to you, didn't he? well yes but regardless" LMAOOO
-Their little duet ♥
There are other ways
-The opener for this song is wonderful
-Odysseus lamenting about his mistakes is beautiful just *mwah*
-Their voices blend so well together!!!
-I live for Jay using the "Just a man" motif/melody for Odysseus and it calls back to one of his darkest moments
-Also apparently Jay messed up with the 12 long years part meaning to say 10 but i think that i shows how Odysseus is kinda losing it
-I love how he rhymes Circe with mercy and calls him and his crew puppets
-i love how circe gave in and decided to help them. ngl im just imagining odysseus give circe big puppy eyes
-"problem is this prophet is dead" the low note!!
-loved how circe is still trying to help him
-it made me so happy how circe changed her chorus to be nicer(?)/more helpful
Honestly in the underworld saga, i want to hear the "open arms" motif and if we do, you can find me on the floor bawling my eyes out
Stay weird, lovies <3
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years
:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: Astria, Welcomes You!
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Hello && Welcome to the barrier between our worlds~
Humans, Supernaturals && Creatures alike are all welcome but please watch your step, things are dangerous when magic && a new world is involved.
This is our safe place so please be respectful to all creatures, we mean no harm.
Please enjoy the many things our world can offer you!
Some things just might not be how they seem…
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⋆。°✩ greeks: dionysus | hermes | hades | aphrodite | apollo | artemis | eros | ares | hecate | aristaeus
⋆。°✩ romans: cupid
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unsightlythinker · 4 months
Hermes: “Higher, Jay, ✨higher✨”
Jay: “Hermes, can we stop? My arms are tired.”
Hermes: “Would you like me to ✨tear them off✨”
Jay: “…No!”
Hermes: “Well then, stop crying, ✨you daffodil✨, and push!”
*slightly unhinged giggle*
Hermes: “I ✨love✨ the park!”
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ivycrownedpanther · 1 year
💘✨🧿 Hello & Welcome 🧿✨💘
Some info about me:
My name is Jay
22 years old
Gay trans man (he/him)
Hellenic polytheist/pagan
Eclectic witchcraft
I’ve been dabbling in witchcraft for several years and I’ve been a hellenic polytheist for 3 years :)
I’m not new to paganism/witchcraft but I definitely still have a lot to learn and I make mistakes sometimes lol
I follow all the theoi but mainly worship Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Hermes, Hypnos, Thanatos, and Zeus, and I am also a Dionysus devotee <3 <3 <3
My main acct is @bluchlcdny
My #💘 tag is for reminders to myself that the gods love me and are always here for me and that my practice is valid even if it looks different than other people’s, etc.
I’m not gonna make original posts often (cuz I’m not very good at it and I like to keep most of my worship private), I’m here to reblog stuff and chill mostly tbh
DNI under cut ⬇️
DNI if:
You’re racist/homophobic/transphobic/misogynistic/ableist/anti-semitic/etc. (basically go fuck urself if ur bigoted)
You’re a MAP/pedophile
You’re anti-curse, this is a curse friendly space
You’re anti-godspouse/godpartner, this is a godspouse/godpartner friendly space
You think there’s only one “correct way” to practice paganism or witchcraft
You’re new age
You’re anti-paganism or anti-theist (why r u here?? Stop being a hater and go outside)
You’re a minor
More things will probably be added as I think of them lol
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eepyjay · 1 year
Hii jay!! ✨
Hi hi hiiii, Doly! Sorry it took me so long to get back to ya!
🛩️- if traveling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
That’s so hard!!! There’s so many places I wanna travel and see! The first thing that came to mind though was Norway to see the Northern Lights!!
📱-favorite app on your phone?
Herm, I’m not really sure! I think I’d have to say this app just because it is the one I think I spend the most time on out of all the ones on my phone as it is my main “social media” I use. I’ll also say music apps cause I always have music going!
🌦️-what’s your favorite weather?
It’s a mix! I love when the sun is out, it’s cloudy so the sun isn’t too hot, there’s a good breeze going and it’s spring. I think almost nothing beats that kind of weather. I also do love a nice bit of rain, a rainy day is very nice! The worst kinda weather though is hot and humid. God awful, makes me feel like I’m crawling in my skin!
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unsightlythinker · 4 months
Jay: “That’s LITERALLY my song-!”
Hermes: “Jay, I am not happy that you ✨lied to me✨”
Jay: That’s my song-“
Hermes and Jay: “It’s not…” “That’s-“
Hermes and Jay: “It’s my song.”
Hermes: “Jinx. Got it. You owe me…✨a soda✨ Go.”
Hermes: “Wouldn’t you like A SODA Jay???”
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