#✰Lovely Audience|(Dash Commentary)✰
hanakxtoba · 3 months
{Tags list 1} The silent shadow{OOC} Vagabond of Maeda{Self} Festivals Audience{Dash commentary} Brave Warriors{Promo} Travelling around the world{Self promo} All is fair in love and war{Headcanons} Wishful thinking{Answers}
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wildkitte · 1 year
Aeneas and Creusa
As much as there is discourse on Aeneas’ part in Creusa’s disappearance, it is made clear that Creusa was indeed important to Aeneas (this is what I will personally fight Perkell on, even when I find her other opinions on the topic to be fascinating). Not only is there the mad dash to the burning city (“I’m determined to incur every risk again, and retrace all Troy and once more expose my life to danger”) and the admittance of this being “the cruellest sight” in all of the destruction of the city (her absence), but also some little details like word choices and intertextual references. So let’s talk about my favourite Aeneid couple for a moment.
(Here I use Austin’s commentary as my main source.)
I spoke a little of Aeneas and Creusa’s parallels to Orpheus and Eurydice in my first post – Creusa’s name being ‘Eurydica’ in some versions is the most obvious clue, but Creusa’s loss mirrors the way Orpheus loses Eurydice. The commentary of today’s email had a good interpretation of this parallel: they’re a bit of a reverse Orpheus and Eurydice, Aeneas loses Creusa because he doesn’t look back. But a direct parallel can also be drawn – technically Aeneas does not lose Creusa until he looks behind. There are also textual references to Vergil’s Georgics, like how Orpheus and Creusa both call their spouses “dulcis coniunx” (Aen. 2.777 and Georg. 4.465), and like i.e., Austin’s commentary points out, this is certainly no accident.
I also find the repetition (of Creusa’s name and the iterumque iterumque vocavi I mentioned in the last post) in the passage where Aeneas searches for her interesting. This reminds me of the last passage of Orpheus and Eurydice part in Georgics: Eurydicen toto referebant flumine ripae (‘Eurydice’ echoed the banks all along the river; 4.527), the theme of calling out for the lost wife’s name, all in vain. I don’t really have too much to say about this parallel in particular more than this (I haven’t perused Georgics closely enough to dare a further interpretation/comparison, but if someone else has please let me know your thoughts). Truly this interpretation of them, as repeating the tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice, makes these two all the more dear to me.
But let’s talk about those vocabulary choices now!
Every once in a while, Vergil does this interesting register change from the language of the epic to Roman comedy. This happens a couple times in scenes featuring Creusa. In 2.739, erravitne via seu lassa resedit (did she stray from the path or sit down in exhaustion), Austin directs the focus to lassus, tired. Outside of comedy, it is rarer than fessus (though it has been used by other authors like Horace, Ennius, Lucretius, Cato and Catullus). Another example of uses of Roman comedy’s vocabulary is in Creusa’s line to Aeneas in 2.786: aut Grais servitum matribus ibo (nor will I end up as the slave of Greek matrons). Here Vergil uses a supine, servitum, that is more common in colloquial and early Latin, being especially common with Plautus. Austin’s interpretation is that this register switch, from epic Latin to a more colloquial level, makes Aeneas and Creusa seem more relatable to the audience. The conversation, with its grounded vocabulary, communicates to the Latin-speaking audience a sense of familiarity: this couple is just like us, and they talk like married couples do. The casual language communicates affection.
Creusa’s speech is overall really sweet, with her calls of “sweet husband” and trying to console him in his immense grief and finally the request to protect the love for their child. My favourite line here is lacrimas dilectae pelle Creusae (banish your tears for your beloved Creusa; Verg. Aen. 2.784) and Austin has something to say about the adjective dilectus. This is also a bit of a rare word in the Aeneid, it appears three* times in total: Sychaeus is dilectus (1.344) as he is loved by Dido, and Atys is called dilectus (5.468) in relation to Iulus (poeroque puer dilectus Iulo, boyish love of the boy Iulus…whatever that means in this context), and of course here in Creusa’s speech. Dilectus is used to emphasize an especially warm and deep relationship between the characters.
One could, and will, make the observation that in Aeneas’ telling, Creusa calls herself dilecta, that she is the one who calls Aeneas dulcis coniunx – but here I think it is useful to remember that Aeneas is also the one narrating this. He may be putting words in his wife’s mouth, but he is the one choosing to speak of their marriage in these terms. Her loss is devastating (I bring up vidi crudelius again) and Aeneas never utters her name again in the rest of the epic (though Andromache mentions her, and Ascanius namedrops her in Book IX). I think that Creusa’s loss haunts the relationships he has with women in the future – he can never give himself or his love fully, as it was lost like a light breeze, a winged dream.
(Btw, Sarah Ruden translates ‘lacrimas dilectae pelle Creusae’ as ‘so weep no longer, though you love me’. Devastating. Sobbing inconsolably. Never the same again.)
Tomorrow, I’ll talk about divine Creusa and also why you should be a little unwell about her too.
*later edit: i actually made a mistake here, it does appear more than three times - perhaps i was thinking of those three times as an epithet for a person
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arabian-batboy · 2 years
Wow, I just finished Black Adam and I’m pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it? At times it did try a little too hard to be cool, to the point where it almost felt like their target audience were 12 year old boys, but none the less, it was really enjoyable and probably my favorite or 2nd favorite DCEU movie ever.
(Spoilers below):
I still stand by all the criticism I had about the lack of Arab/MENA actors in this movie, especially considering that Khandaq in this movie was basically a mix between Egypt and Iraq with a little dash of Palestine, but again, surprisingly there wasn’t anything too offensive? The worst thing was them creating a fake swirly script instead of using actual Arabic script and over-using the yellow-filter™ without showing and any greenery (I loved the fake ancient Khandaq Doctor Fate created in their fight with Black Adam, I wished the country actually looked like that through-out the film)
My only REAL problem was how they half-assed the Middle Eastern commentary about Khandaq being occupied by invaders and how its supposed to mirror the real-life state of the Middle East, if you’re gonna do it then go all the way, because Adrianna made some solid points against the JSA and how they failed to protect Khandaq, but that plot-line was immediately dropped and nothing came out of it, seriously, like a “you’re right, we failed you and we apologize” would have been nice at least. Never the less, it was still nice to finally see one movie where an Arabic-coded country gets saved by their own people, the scene that had the citizens of Khandaq going to streets to fight those zombies was my favorite scene of the entire movie (I just wished Black Adam, just like main villain of the movie, was actually played by a MENA actor)
Speaking of the JSA, I’m afraid they were the weakest part of the movie (especially Cyclone and Atom), nothing against them, but I felt like this movie should have either been an JSA movie or a Black Adam movie, not both at the same time.
I personally wouldn’t have minded Adrianna and Amon taking their place in helping Black Adam fight against Sabbac? We could have had a found-family type of story with Black Adam choosing to share his powers with his new family as a way to heal from his trauma. I mean lets not pretend that all of the Tomaz family weren’t the best part of the movie? Now imagine if they got super-powers and were Isis and Osiris? It would have been the icing on the cake.
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
Just dropping by to say I love your blog a lot!!❤️❤️❤️ you are doing the lords work lol someday I try hard to find good questions to send you that I think you'd like to think about--but all I ever come up with is "since it's canon that after the tybw and 10 year time skip and they have tv--who would actually have a tv, and what do think they'd watch, or would they try to make their own weird version of a tv station/show? Would ichigo be able to get it on his home tv, like, he's just wanting one day and then there's yumichika, renji, ikkaku and shuuhei on the lowest budget drama in all 3 worlds"
Just want yall to know I love and appreciate all the work you do!!❤️❤️❤️
Aww, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it! <333 You are one of our OG dash blorbos and it makes me really happy that we continue to blorbo it up together. <3
This seems like an excellent opportunity to bring back
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which is further elaborated in this post. (I’d forgotten everything except the C-SPAN gif, which is a total disservice to House Hunters Interdimensional—I feel so ashamed!)
As far as who has TVs, I think all the division offices have one, because they were part of a military tech rollout. They have yet to really catch on individually, though. In the commercial district, there’s a TV store with a whole wall of them out front, and people tend to simple congregate in the streets to watch whatever’s on, as though it were a live playhouse. The difference is that it’s 24-hour programming, and when it’s not airing Central 46 C-SPAN it’s fueled by camera-happy insomniacs.
I used to live in a city that had a local access channel that a friend of mine swore by, which was a single-camera one-man puppet show performing the entire story of the Bible. Soul Society definitely has one of those, except it performs the full history of Soul Society. It’s actually incredibly well-researched and is the love labor of Some Guy who was granted access to and spent a lifetime absorbing the Kuchiki records. Byakuya has signed off on the show, but owing to its low production value, he did not consent to use of the Kuchiki name anywhere but in the credits roll.
There’s also a shopping channel that is essentially a slideshow of the existing SC catalogue, intercut with footage of straight-faced SC staffers describing the items. This show is incredibly popular, because it reaps the benefits of dual audiences: 1) People who want to buy stuff from the shopping channel, and 2) people who watch it because they think it’s a hilarious, dry-witted mockumentary-style social satire. (It is not.)
Similarly, there’s a fairly ambitious show that compiles "Lights and Sirens" style reporting from the top 13 most popular border checkpoints in Rukongai, filmed by bored shinigami sitting in firetowers. This show typically has the affect of John Trudell as Randy Peone in Smoke Signals’ KREZ Radio. (This would be my favorite show, she said, surprising no one.)
Yumichika, Renji, Ikkaku, and Hisagi DEFINITELY made a no-budget drama that was going for a found footage aesthetic but in actuality has the aesthetic of "Hisagi with a camcorder." Even though it’s supposed to be a hard-hitting crime thriller set in the universe of Detective Byakuya (but not centered on Byakuya), there are often entire sequences of, like, Yumichika doing tai chi on a dramatic outcropping in silhouette, sunset behind him, and the other three offering hushed commentary like nature documentarians.
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bestworstcase · 2 years
Your post about Yang and Tai’s advice just showed up on my dash and 1) I love this show and 2) it really hit me how I didn’t really question Tai in that moment? He’s her dad, the adult to her child, and he was right about what He was talking about in the tournament specifically but not all of Yang. The idea that your parents can hurt you while trying to help you, how their love can take on an unfair or unhelpful shape. Wah. But also it had me thinking. Yang has yet to tackle her emotional side of all of this and still acted in self sacrifice to save Ruby. What’s the best way for her to address this? No one has ever mentioned it before in show so would the girls talking about it be the realizing or is it something she needs to see on her own? Or a combo of both. Yang telling Ruby she wanted her to be safe and maybe Ruby or Blake getting upset bc “what does me being safe have to do with me losing you? Nothing is worth losing you not even me?” I need this volume in my eyes so badly
😭 one of my FAVORITE things about rwby is how it just… lets characters be wrong. a lot of stories you’ll get this thing of—a character lies or voices a misunderstanding and the narrative almost immediately does something to signal that the statement is false, if not having another character jump in to correct them then rushing to a scene that establishes unambiguously what the truth is, or even just flagging liars by making a point of how suspicious they are. right? how many times have you read a story or watched a tv show and known within a matter of pages or minutes at most that a character just lied to you?
but rwby doesn’t do that! the characters make mistakes, jump to erroneous conclusions, hold preconceived notions that distort their perspectives of the present, and even outright LIE and the narrative just lets that happen without commentary—rwby shows an *enormous* degree of respect for its audience, an enormous amount of trust that its viewers care enough about the story to pay attention and really engage with it. and because it’s written with that trust it’s able to just embrace complexity and nuance and characters being wrong and stuff like that. idk i just think it makes the story feel really *welcoming* in a way—like, the narrative isn’t trying to hold our hands and tell us what we should think, it’s inviting us to think for ourselves.
not to get like sappy or anything gkgdjf
but god yeah. yang’s v9 arc!
the nature of void wonderland makes concrete speculation tricky—i’m pretty confident about the basic emotional and thematic trajectories i foresee, but there are so many unknown variables in this wholly new and bizarre setting that when it gets down to the question of WHAT will happen HOW it will occur is kind of just taking shots in the dark. we’ve already got emotion-reactive weather and talking mice who knows what other weird shit could happen.
that said, any time you stick a character whose biggest problem involves emotional repression into a setting where their feelings are literalized into the environment… i mean. lmao. it’s hard to bury your feelings when they’re literally bursting out of you to influence the weather, right? so i anticipate that playing some role in both ruby’s and yang’s arcs—they’re both very bad at articulating their unwanted emotions, ruby because she feels so much pressure to be the perfect leader and yang because deep down she doesn’t believe in her own innate worth, but now they’re in a place that is, literally, going to articulate their unwanted emotions *for* them.
(as a metaphor for how bottling up your feelings just makes them build up until they explode out whether you like it or not, this is of course very fun.)
the OTHER thing—with yang specifically—is that there has, in fact, been a major arc about a character falling into self-sacrificing/self-destructive habits, bleeding herself dry for the sake of protecting the world until her friend confronted her about it, showed her how counterproductive it was to exhaust herself, and begged her to take better care of herself. i am of course talking about blake in volume two—and in THAT arc, YANG was the character who saw this type of behavior for the damaging exercise in futility that it ultimately is and pulled blake out of her self-destructive spiral.
there’s a deep hypocrisy in what yang is doing to herself now, because as we saw in v2 this self-sacrificing bullshit is NOT something yang tolerates or supports when she sees it in people she cares about. she knows it’s harmful. she knows it’s not safe. and when she’s in a state of better mental health, like she was during the beacon arc, she’s even able to recognize that tendency in herself and make the conscious, deliberate choice to restrain it.
blake knows that, because she was on the receiving end of yang giving her exactly the kind of talk yang needs to hear now. so i think blake is gonna be coming at this problem not just from a perspective of having just seen yang fall to her apparent death after bodily shielding ruby from an attack, but also from a perspective of knowing that she just needs to get yang to connect the dots between, well, setting herself on fire for other people in both the literal and figurative sense and the kind of single-minded self-destructive behavior that they talked about in burning the candle. like, if blake can get yang to see that burying her feelings and never asking for support because she’s so focused on supporting her friends is the *same* as putting ruby in a wagon and walking through the woods for miles until she’s too exhausted to scream when the grimm attack because she’s so focused on finding her mom… it doesn’t feel the same to yang, because the former arises from a selfless desire to protect others whereas the latter arose from a self-centered desire to find her mother, but it is the same, because both are just yang sacrificing her own well-being for the sake of a goal she gives greater importance than herself.
i do think that—while obviously RWB are all gonna feel some way about yang sacrificing herself to shield ruby—the arc as a whole probably won’t focus very closely on That Specific sacrificial act, because:
1. if blake or weiss had spotted neo, or if neo had gone for yang and ruby had seen her, there’s not a single doubt in my mind that any of them would have reacted any differently than yang did: rushing forward as fast as they can to save their teammate from getting stabbed in the back. (see also, weiss shoving ruby clear of cinder’s explosion later in the same fight and getting her aura broken in the process.) for yang, that action was part of a larger pattern of self-sacrificial behavior, but in that specific situation, in the heat of the moment, she just did what *any* of them would have done.
2. because of the first point, making that specific action the central focus gives yang something of an out: instead of being a conversation about how yang thinks she ALWAYS needs to be the one supporting them because she doesn’t feel DESERVING of their support in turn, it becomes a conversation about “well what would YOU have done? she was going to stab ruby! it’s not like i wanted her to kill me instead, i just wanted to protect my sister!”—and she’d be right, because taken in isolation yang really didn’t do anything wrong by getting between neo and ruby. it sucks that it happened too fast for yang to deflect the attack itself, sure, but in essence she saw an adversary sneaking up to stab ruby while ruby was focused on cinder and moved to intervene.
and while yang’s underlying mindset likely influenced how she intervened—using her body to shield ruby vs trying to tackle neo, or tackle ruby so the attack would miss them both—the act of intervention itself was the only right thing to do. the deeper problem, the thing that really needs addressing, is that underlying mindset, which expresses itself in yang’s ready willingness to take hits so her teammates don’t have to but also, far more critically, manifests as yang disregarding her own emotional needs for the sake of being the strong one, the shoulder to cry on, the supportive rock everyone else can rely on. so i figure RWB will be more focused on “we are here for you, we WANT to be here for you, please let us be here for you” than on like prosecuting the details of one specific incident.
and meanwhile yang has all this pent-up emotional junk she’s been drowning in since v4 that got exacerbated by her unsatisfying confrontations with raven in v5—resentment, anger, grief for the relationship with the mom she wishes raven could have been, frustration with herself for not being good enough for raven to stay, feeling helpless after a lifetime of wanting this confrontation and then getting the answers she wanted and it changing absolutely nothing, so forth—that has hitherto only bubbled up as flashes of intense anger at acceptable available targets (ozpin in v6, salem in v8) but is prime for a major eruption if she keeps trying to stamp it down. my guess is that we’re going to see yang become a lot more emotionally volatile in v9 as all this *stuff* she’s been keeping dammed up starts to spring leaks.
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cospinol · 2 months
supremely late as usual but yayyy it's finally time for the winter season's isekai (and rpg fantasy and miscellaneous reincarnation plot) log~ i initially expected the average score of the shows in this log to turn out significantly higher than average but instead it's only very slightly higher than usual because the one essential truth in seasonal anime is that everything will always let you down except for kingdom.
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kicking things off is the one that i think is the most Actively and Consistently good , saijaku tamer, which is (certainly not incidentally) the one whose isekai aspect is by far the least relevant to/present the actual show, not just among this season's crop but across the entire genre as i know it : the 'reincarnated person' is not just a completely separate character from the protagonist, it's a disembodied voice in her head that no one else can hear (including the audience!) and whose knowledge/commentary she remarks on less than once an episode. it's the kind of thing that immediately makes you assume it's only there for marketing purposes but it's also not in the title or in any synopsis or trailer, so...? anyways this show made me cry during that trailer and then kept that momentum the whole time; it's absolutely laser-focused one thing, which is extracting as much feelsbait as possible out of various scenarios ivy cautiously allowing herself to be foster-parented by different types of people (and animals) along her journey, which is also fortunately also the thing it's really good at (when the plot occasionally requires it to show you something else, like the worst action sequence you've ever seen in your life, it's deeply apologetic about it). what if kino's journey was moe! this is the platonic ideal of a 7/10
just below it in the 'you should've earned yourself a 7 as well' shame box we have ishura and chiyu mahou, neither of which is actively bad in its own right but ultimately can't cash the checks they started out writing. ishura does a lot of things right for most of the season, and while i know a lot of people bounced off its structure of 'half a cour of isolated character introduction segments, half a cour of these people showing up in the same place to kill each other', i love a stupid death game in almost any form it's offered to me. unfortunately, though, it ended up getting on my nerves by only distantly promising the eventual murder tournament and centring its actual plot around its military politics, only to reveal that absolutely everything that happened this season was just in service of taking a few pieces off the board before we go to the real plot, which will be... the tournament itself...... this is way too meaty an arc to just be a prologue but its ending is so dismissive of it that it makes me wish neither i nor anyone involved had bothered and we were just watching the tournament instead. it's such a shame... still, the actual pvp section of the show is excellent, and my favourite part of this entire anime season was when it aired its Bandit Vs Spider episode as an apéritif for the Bandit Vs Spider episode of kingdom later in the same week lol
it's hard to place the full blame on chiyu mahou for failing to live up to expectations when i know full well that when one of these shows promises that its characters will go off to War With Demons later in the season, it's never going to be the kind of detailed military campaign i want to see. the problem is that this series is very character-focused (..comparatively, for the genre) and all of its major character arcs and theming revolve around individual sense of responsibility towards one's role on the battlefield, so it's incredibly hard not to get your hopes up that that theme will be explored... and then find them dashed as we get further and further into the season having done nothing but increasingly basic training arcs and slice of life antics and more training and multiple episodes of flashback and even more training until momentum is completely at a standstill, and then we spend barely two episodes on what amounts to a single boss battle against one demon, before returning to training and time-killing with little no reflection on what impact the alleged war had on anyone involved. i was especially put off when the captive Strongest Demon Knight was immediately and effortlessly recruited into the main party (and then they make her train with them, of course); it felt blatantly harem-y in a way this show had managed to avoid up until that point and made me lose a lot of my remaining respect for it. the best thing i can say about that character is that it is a hilarious move to shell out for aoi yuuki for your main villain only to then down-pitch and reverb-effect her voice beyond recognition in almost every scene she's in (as if there's any viewer at this point who sees a big suit of armour with a conspicuously weird voice effect and doesn't immediately assume the person inside is a cute girl...? it's not a twist, guys)... anyways i'm grateful for the sequence of teasers for upcoming characters/arcs that this show ends with because it appears to confirm they're going to magic school next, which means i don't have to spend a moment wondering if the story actually gets good eventually
in the lower-achieving class is sasaki to pii-chan, which did manage to pleasantly surprise me just a little bit, though not in the way it was aiming for. the reaction it's obviously trying to get is "wait, it's an isekai and a magical girl show and a psychic secret agent drama??!!!!!!???? all at once?????!!!!!!??" by throwing the simplest tropes imaginable from each of those settings at you, so obviously i won't be entertaining that; the aspect i actually enjoyed was the simplest and most straightforward of them, its Standard Isekai Setting which is decently comfortable and, critically, the one that has lord mueller in it, who is sincerely charming in the role of 'the one kind of character i usually like in these things' and orchestrates a really fun little fake-succession-drama episode. unfortunately, back on the other side of the isekai portal in modern japan, there is very little fun to be had; the writing has and follows exactly one good instinct in immediately swapping out the unbearably irritating hoshino for the significantly more dynamic shizuka as sasaki's main scene partner pretty early in his employment, but even she can't do much to salvage this series's absolutely abysmal production and pacing. please, mr. sasaki, stop narrating events that happened to someone else somewhere else and let a scene happen organically for once, why don't you
mofunade's main raison-d'être is (or at least should be) being extremely comfortable, which it mostly succeeds at, even if it is on the most basic level of cute girl + fluffy animal service; its problem is that it actually also has a ton of action-and-politics plot for some reason (significantly more than saijaku tamer, for example) and none of it is good, to the point where i really couldn't think of a stand-out character or plotline to bump this up to a 5 despite there being tons of them to pick from. also, this is a dumb complaint, but i can't get over the main character doing all of this stuff while being four years old, it's so stupid and immersion-breaking for no reason at all, you guys don't know she's an isekai protagonist stop bringing your baby to the battlefield!!!!
akuyaku reijou lvl 99 scores a little higher than the chaff on sub-genre basis alone - and can you believe it, it's a villainess story that not only has a dedicated romance but a really cute one between a charming pair of characters with some extremely entertaining micro-dramas and one-on-one moments! unfortunately absolutely nothing else in the show is particularly good, and it has nothing to say about its i-know-the-plot-of-this-game causality plot and yet is determined to forefront both it and its baffling oppression metaphor (which it completely backs down on multiple times and then suddenly conclude that entryism works don't worry about it) at the worst possible moments, including a big enough swath of the finale to leave a slightly bitter taste in my mouth - but ultimately the balance is in favour of yumiella's solo antics and romantic endeavours and i won't hold the rest of the show's trappings against it enough to deny it a low pass
at the bottom of this season's scores (with the lowest of our low 4s) is kekkon yubiwa monogatari which is such a default harem that i don't think i even have a paragraph in me about it, nothing is egregiously bad or got on my nerves enough to drop this down to the pit of 3/10s but it also has no real defining characteristics of note at all. the girls are all okay to cute (okay, fine, i do think nephritis kind of owns) the protagonist's a wet noodle with no romantic chemistry with any of them, the plot and set-dressing are trope-default on a level that's impressive even for one of these, there's nothing here to write home about at all. even the uncensored version of this is an archetypal 'semi-background noise while you do something else' watch
andddddd tsukimichi 2 doesn't get a full review since it's incomprehensibly entered a second cour (preliminary diagnosis: builds up a decent head of good-will by spending its first few episodes on non-makoto activities and then blows all of it immediately by spending the rest of the season spinning its wheels at magic school, go figure) but i want to mention it briefly here just because one of its stronger elements in my personal estimation is the Lich Boy Best Friend Main Party Member and it got absolutely smokedddddddd in that respect by... saikyou tank, a show that made it onto this list on the technicality of having a 'kicked out of the hero's party' plot, in probably the weakest iteration i've ever seen, if you're at the point where the hero has personally apologized to our protagonist and admitted that he's sooo much cooler and stronger than him by episode four why even bother? but that absolutely does not matter at all (nor do any of this show's myriad other idiot plot backwaters and protagonist-worship tendencies and basic harem nonsense) because it features one of this season's absolute best boy characters, right there in the main party, and that's the only meal i personally am here for. catch me on the right day and this high-6 score could easily be a 7, marius is so cute, that's all i ask from these shows really
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orionsangel86 · 11 months
Sincere question, your response to the like-scolding post doesn't make sense to me. I already reblog often, so I don't need convincing, but I also don't feel the need to convince others to and don't understand when people do.
If a blog was empty, you weren't going to follow them anyway. They have zero impact on your dash.
I don't understand why following the tags, following blogs that make stuff in the tags, using tumblr's orbit thing or blog suggestions wouldn't be anymore sufficient than asking strangers that may not even care who follows them to make your personal dashboard more interesting.
I was hesitant to answer this, because I try not to get too involved in general tumblr discourse and I already have had a few passive aggressive remarks about my response to that post. I don't wanna open myself up to hate here so please know that this is just my opinion at the end of the day. I am one person and I have been on tumblr a long time and my reasonings for all of this is simply that I love this stupid website and want it to thrive.
Let me start by clarifying that I have nothing against likes! Likes are great! Likes are exactly what it says on the tin - a way to tell someone that you like their post. So I didn't have an issue with the sentiment of the original post that likes are not meaningless and are instead a way to tell people that you like their stuff! That's great!
But your reasoning here is flawed because of how tumblr works. No matter how many likes someones post gets, if no one reblogs it it will dissapear into a void. Tumblrs tagging system is not great. Tumblr's "in your orbit" section is something that most people ignore and do not use. The userbase on tumblr finds posts by following blogs and relying on the blogs they follow to reblog posts. The posts that circulate far and wide on tumblr are posts that are reblogged by users. Posts that have plenty of likes do not help a post gain any extra traction or help spread it to those that may be interested in it. Posts that are just liked and not reblogged do not get circulated and will get forgotten about and never find their audience.
This isn't about lurker types who never reblog anything and therefore won't ever get followers (nothing against lurkers!), its about this strange mentality nowadays which tumblr never used to have which is that people seem to be more particular about the kind of posts they'll reblog. People seem more hesitant to reblog long posts, or writing posts, or anything that doesn't immediately grab their attention. There is an expectation that for a post to be reblogged it has to be of a higher quality that a post that you may reward a simple like.
I think it is heavily tied to cringe culture. There is a mentality that your blog should be heavily curated and therefore you should only reblog the highest of quality which you feel is worthy for your own blog - rather than just reblogging anything that you may like or find fun or interesting. It is very much an instagram mentality and its been creeping into tumblr over several years - and because of it, fandoms are dying, its far more difficult to find fandom content, and it is becoming much harder to engage and build community. People are hesitant to add comments onto reblogs nowadays - when back in the day that was kinda how tumblr worked! You reblogged with commentary and thats how legendary tumblr shitposts were born! That's how Supernatural fandom "always has a gif for that" started! Because back in 2014 people didn't care about what others on tumblr thought about their blogs, because their blogs were all about the fun, about committing to the bit, about engaging with each other and adding commentary and additions, and speculating about your favourite shows on long posts where you could have an entire community of meta writers each adding a bit of their own analysis so you ended up with a huge post that was absolutely mind blowing. That's how artists on tumblr could have thousands and thousands of notes and gain huge popularity and be able to make a living based on their fanart.
I miss it so. fucking. much.
This place is a graveyard sometimes. Even among my current fandom. I will post something and ask that people add commentary. I will state quite plainly for people to please engage and add their thoughts, let me know your opinions! There are no wrong answers! Lets joke, make fun of the characters we love, write dumb little thoughts and headcanons and engage with them via reblogs, add reaction gifs and images with speech bubbles and just soak up the joy that can be found in engaging with fandom in this way - and stop being scared that your reblogs will be judged by some external source, that you will somehow lose followers or make OP hate you if you dare to add a comment to their post (in which case OP can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned because I ADORE comments and additions on MY posts). Just ENGAGE. Because a like, whilst appreciated, is literally the bare minimum, and if all we are doing on this site is the bare minimum, then what is the fucking point anymore? If there is no real engagement and community, if you aren't interesting in actually talking to each other and sharing posts among each other and just interacting with each other, then tumblr will die. I find that so fucking depressing. So yeah, I had a bit of a moan on that post, because I don't think y'all newbies understand how good it used to be here. Quit with the instagram mentality and start actually engaging. Because if y'all actually listened and started doing that, you'll bring this place to life again, and find so much more joy in it.
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fruggin-bitch · 5 months
hi bean my tumblr mutual bean <- are we mutuals or do i just follow you i don't even know. we're mutuals in my heart. parasocially. if not actually mutuals. anyways whatever
you like. percy jackson. i assume. based on your percy jackson posting on my dash. and i have read like. two chapters of the book but i was thinking abt watching the show bc it looks rlly good SO in your opinion as the resident percy jackson poster on my dashboard (very prestigious status to have):
do you think it would make for a better experience if i were to read the book (well all the books but the show is just stuff from the first book i think rn right. i know that much) before watching the show or should i not do that and just watch it. will probably end up reading them eventually regardless but. is it beneficial to enjoying the show do you think. okay thank you bean my tumblr mutual (i think.) bean ^-^
Hi Henry! and yes we are mutuals :)) we don’t interact very often but I’m glad you are asking my expertise:)
Honestly I think that it could be really fun either way!
Watching the show first would be a fun way for you to get to know the characters and story while the show comes out and then later you can compare it to the original material! It’ll let you theorize and try to figure out who the bad guys are before they’re revealed! It can be especially fun if you rewatch the series after reading the books so you can notice all the little references to future characters and, if you read past the original five books, characters from other books in the universe!
If you read the books first you know what happens, so you can appreciate knowing the plot and what happens and the changes that the show makes to fit a more modern audience! The books are from Percy’s pov so you get his internal commentary on everything and a bunch of little moments that won’t be in the show, but add a lot to the meaning of certain moments. There are a lot of little scenes that didn’t make it into the show that can give you extra insight into the characters and who they are, why they do what they do, why they are the way they are, etc.
All in all, I read the books first and absolutely loved them, and I love the show so much! It’s a pretty faithful adaptation and despite the changes, it has done the series so much justice and is so well done!
I can’t tell you which you’ll enjoy more, do whichever you think will work better for you! I hope you enjoy watching and reading!
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constantvariations · 1 year
Finally here after several hours of a dnd session zero, so this whiplash is going to be interesting
Post Ep: not as infuriating as the last episode but still missteps at pretty much every turn. At the very least we can say there’s been character “progression”
God Ruby’s voice is so damn bad I thought it was a literal child calling for a cat. Why does she sound more mature at 15 than 17?
Did we really need a close up of the cat piecing itself back together? We already know it can do wacky things with its ugly gradient body, so why the emphasis here? I doubt it’s foreshadowing for a permanent bisection
“Nothing we’ve tried has gotten us any further.” Ruby. Darling. Babe. You’ve tried walking to the tree. Nothing else. It’s not the cat’s fault you can’t think of something else besides Scooby Doo hijinks with the looping sections
What the hell is Yang now? She hasn’t been fun or quippy since Beacon but now (and that one spot in V8) she’s suddenly Joss Whedon with a dash of Hulk rage? And I can’t recall Weiss ever having these kinds of facial expressions. Judgmental commentary, sure, but this feels like she’s 3 seconds away from saying something into the camera like this is the Office
“Just because [the cat] doesn’t want to go back to the tree doesn’t mean we can’t lure them there.” That’s... a curious choice of words. Why “lure?” You lure someone into a trap or an ambush, not ask someone to be a guide. Why wouldn’t Blake use the obvious direction of “we can make a deal with the cat because they’re curious and want information we have.” You can’t really call someone a hero when their instinct is deception of a potential ally who’s already saved their asses for no real reason
Are they going to be losing the cat the whole damn episode? Is that going to be the running gag? I fucking hope not. Ruby’s voice is absolutely obnoxious this episode
She’s talking to the cat like he’s a literal toddler. And it’s acting like a toddler with an ipad. Someone put me down like Old Yeller please
Which of these idiots thought lampshading was a good idea? Like, congrats! You recognize the flaws in the story you wrote! How are you going to fix them 10 years too late? You can’t wink, wink, nudge your way out of shitty writing that you so desperately defended and clung to despite all the people giving actual constructive criticism
Why are all of them so tired of the questions? Surely, each of them have something they’d be ecstatic to talk about at length? Ruby with the progression of weapon development, Weiss with her plans to improve the SDC, Blake with other stories she’s read or how the White Fang came and fell, Yang with stories about Ruby when she was younger. There’s so many possibilities when you have a genuinely curious audience, yet they went the lazy route of “har, har, no one cares about anything” again
Was that bridge made of legos?
Okay, this is the second time the roles of acres have been mentioned. Exactly what does that mean? Do these roles serve a central purpose? The tree seems to be at the center of Wonderland, so are the acres serving the tree in some way? Is harmony throughout the different factions pivotal in keeping Wonderland in wonder instead of despair? What could this possibly mean for any themes or character arcs? It doesn’t seem like the areas thus far have resonated with any of the team, and they left behind Penny’s halo sword, the only thing that’s been even somewhat emotionally compelling, so I’m struggling to understand why Wonderland is set up like this
Love how literally nobody asks the obvious question of “are you okay?” All we get is Yang’s “Rubes?” (has she ever called Ruby that before? I can’t recall) and Blake’s logical deflection and Weiss whining yet again. You’d think for a season that cut away from the bloated cast to focus on the main characters they would, I don’t know, focus on the main character
This is the least Little has talked the entire season. Please keep the cat around more so this shithead will shut the fuck up. Also, Little deadass pointed to where the cat went and y’all don’t immediately follow? Are you trying to get lost?
Okay. Not gonna lie. The caterpillar’s design is dope as shit. The triple eyes in that gorgeous green. The pointy mouth that moves like a skeleton’s jaw. The two-toned wings. The antennae and little spikes. The collar and vest. That ~voice~ Fucking A+ The only thing I’m side-eyeing is the accessories. Hopefully I’m wrong - I’ll be the first to admit I’m not well versed in Indigenous cultures - but the coloring is very reminiscent of turquoise which was an incredibly significant mineral to Southwestern Native American tribes, most commonly associated with Navajo, and Caterpillar’s jewelry designs reflect this as well. My quick google search for this specific design mostly ends up being “hippie aesthetic” which does take inspiration from Indigenous aesthetics, so I can’t really say for certain which one crwby looked at for the design. Given the Medicine Man trope and the herbal smoking in the OP, I’m not holding out much hope
“Growgurt” sounds so damn gross please never say it again
They are really hammering this “who/what are you” thing directly into your eardrums aint they? I’m not entirely sure how this answer affects a recipe, but go off I guess Also, note how Caterpillar gets just the bit exasperated and Yang’s immediately in a fighting stance. The others are afraid, for some cocksmith of a reason - all homeboy did was grumble, what y’all scared of? Did y’all suddenly develop RSD? - but this bitch at half a foot is ready to throw down
Caterpillar is speaking philosophy 101 and these idiots are acting like he’s speaking ancient greek. I hope he poisons the lot of them
“This is how a king winds up a prince.” Does that imply that the prince was genuinely the king that played Alyx but he’s somehow reverted back to a toddler? That raises way too many questions I have no care to even ponder
This far in and we have no idea who or what Caterpillar was to Alyx. Not even a whispered expo-dump, which would be stupid easy given that most of them are tiny. Yet Blake, upon seeing the smoking, is like “we gotta dip” which so par for the course in every episode thus far. This better not be crwby’s attempt at an anti-drug message or I swear I’m gonna toss a fridge into space
Oh christ on toast the Beacon outfits don’t deserve this slander
“You could just be human or just a cat.” Once again, weird phrasing. Like, yeah, it’s clarified that it’s about trying to bring peace between humans and faunus, but why wouldn’t you phrase it in a way that sticks closer to that sentiment rather than acting like she has the Yamato and can carve out what she doesn’t like? What would it even mean to Blake to “just be a cat?” Would that mean living in Menagerie forever with no worries about humans? Would she turn into an actual cat? She just has fucking cat ears man, this is so overblown
Wow, these “I know who I am” speeches suck ass. They’re so vague and InSpIrAtIoNaL I’m wondering if this is supposed to be a mature cartoon or a reading of those posters they put up in school halls of cats in trees with the quote “hang in there!”
“I’m the granddaughter of a hero” bitch who? Who is this mysterious hero? If someone doesn’t know or watch the Remnant expo-dump series, they don’t know who you’re talking about Weiss! You can’t bring up something in the main story if the context is shoved in a spinoff! Also, “daughter of a villain.” Babe, your father was a clown at best and a business major at worst. Villain is not a title he deserves “I will not be defined by my name because I will be the one to define it.” Uhhhhh exactly where in this redefinition is compensation for the lives stolen by your family company? Have you thought of that, Miss Heiress? When your name has that big of an impact, I don’t think you get to be the sole decider. Also, you have siblings who might want a say in it too
Still pissed that the whole “Missing Summer” arc was shoved onto Ruby, who was what? 2? 3 years old when she left? Ruby talks to her gravestone, sure, but as for memories or stories, she hasn’t had a single one. This entire thing falls flat because there was 0 buildup
“You’re supposed to be helping others find their way, but you’ve lost your own.” WHAT WHAT WHAT THE FUCK. Jesus on a toaster strudel can you not villainize every single person who slightly questions uwu precious Ruby? He literally helped the other 3 cement themselves, why doesn’t that count? Sure, it was against their will and all, but these girls clearly need some goddamn help if they can’t answer a basic question like “what is a huntress?”
There are so many questions about those last 20 seconds that I don’t even know what to do with them. Let’s just sum it up with “what the fuck”
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elvis1970s · 1 year
Over March 29th and 30th, 1977, Elvis played two shows at Rapides Parish Coliseum, Alexandria, Louisiana. This is a partial soundboard recording of the second night’s performance, during which Elvis was sufficiently troubled by malfunctioning sound equipment that he invited sound engineers Felton Jarvis and Bruce Jackson onto the stage to make his point. He also re-interpreted a line of And I Love You So to reflect his feelings on the matter...
"I guess...they understand...how bad the sound has been..."
The Alexandria Town Talk reviewed the first night’s performance, and part of this review was quoted in Peter Guralnick’s bio, Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley as a general (and not entirely fair) wider commentary on Elvis’ level of engagement and showmanship during this period;
“…Tuesday night Presley was on stage less than an hour; he was impossible to understand when (or if) he talked between numbers…he never said one word to the audience or mentioned how nice or not nice it was to be in Alexandria… He came on stage, did a few numbers and then dashed off - no encores, no extra bows, no nothing…”
The review in its entirety was not as devastating as that one paragraph, and seemed to reflect the reporter’s bewilderment over the hysteria of the fans, and the fact that the show itself was, in her own words, ‘great fun’, ‘Capital E’ entertaining, and ‘Capital P’ professional, in spite of its musical shortcomings.
The reviewer noted Elvis’ consideration in giving attention to those seated behind the stage, complimented his rendition of Early Morning Rain, joked that How Great Thou Art should have been renamed 'How Loud Thou Art', and urged Elvis to include more contemporary numbers in the set.
This show provided no warning of the disaster that would befall the tour the following night. In Baton Rouge, as showtime approached, Elvis was semi-conscious and could not be roused. The decision to cancel was made at the last minute, when the arena was already full and seated. A very quick evacuation from the city was arranged, a statement was released explaining Elvis' ill-health, and the Baton Rouge show, along with the other three remaining nights of the tour, were rescheduled.
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tajmahaltourtrips · 12 days
Discover the Taj Mahal: Travel by train from Delhi to the Taj Mahal Tour Trips Company
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Take a Train Tour from Delhi to Experience the Taj Mahal with Taj Mahal Tour Trips Company Millions of tourists visit the Taj Mahal every year—an architectural marvel and a symbol of love. It is a symbol of India's rich history and culture and is situated in Agra. Taj Mahal Tour from Delhi by Train is the ideal option for individuals looking for a convenient and pleasant approach to see this famous monument. It is provided by Taj Mahal Tour Trips Company. This tour guarantees that you will effortlessly, luxuriously, and with a dash of adventure take in the Taj Mahal's splendor.
The Train Taj Mahal Tour from Delhi: Why Choose It? 1. Convenience and Efficiency: Taking the train is one of the best methods to get visit the Taj Mahal from Delhi to Agra. Not only is the train ride quicker than driving, but it also gives you a better look at the beautiful scenery.
2. luxury and Luxury: We provide tickets for first-class trains such as the Shatabdi Express and Gatimaan Express, which are renowned for their outstanding service, luxury, and punctuality. With free food, roomy seating, and contemporary conveniences, enjoy the trip.
3. Guided Experience: Our knowledgeable guides share fascinating stories and perceptive commentary on the Taj Mahal and other important historical landmarks in Agra. Their in-depth understanding and enthusiasm for history enrich your experience, making it more educational and unforgettable.
4. Extensive Itinerary: To ensure you have a thorough understanding of the city's rich history, the tour is meticulously designed to include all of Agra's main sights, such as the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, and Mehtab Bagh.
5. Tailored Service: We are aware that every tourist is different and has particular requirements. We are able to tailor our excursions so that each visitor has a unique and satisfying experience.
Train Itinerary for the Taj Mahal Tour from Delhi Early Departure Your day starts with a pickup from your Delhi hotel early in the morning. Once you get at the train station, our agent will drive you there and help you board the train of your choice to Agra. Whether traveling by Shatabdi Express or Gatimaan Express, both trains are swift and comfortable, and breakfast is served on board.
Reaching Agra Your driver and tour guide will be there to greet you when you arrive in Agra. Their presence will be with you all day long, making the encounter smooth and pleasurable.
See the Taj Mahal. The stunning Taj Mahal is the first destination. The monument will enthrall you as soon as you enter the gates and see it in all of its splendor. After your guide tells you the love tale and intriguing history of this architectural wonder, you will have plenty of opportunity to explore and take pictures.
Agra Fort See the splendid Agra Fort next, which is included as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With its opulent palaces, audience halls, and exquisite gardens, this red sandstone stronghold provides a comprehensive understanding of the Mughal period. Your guide will explain the history of the fort and its importance to Indian heritage.
Lunch Savor traditional Mughlai cuisine at a renowned local restaurant after exploring the area all morning. The meal is exquisite. For the duration of the tour, this is a great chance to unwind and replenish your energy.
Bagh Mehtab See Mehtab Bagh, a charbagh complex across the Yamuna River, after lunch. This garden offers a breathtaking vista of the Taj Mahal, which is made even more lovely by the gentle afternoon light. It's the ideal location for serene reflection and photography.
Buying & Handmade Items in the Area Explore the Agra local marketplaces and stores, which are well-known for their excellent handicrafts, leather items, marble inlay work, and traditional fabrics, if you have time. With this optional activity, you may bring a bit of Agra's artistic legacy home with you.
Go back to Delhi. Take the evening train back to Delhi. Savor a cozy travel experience while dining on board. After your day trip comes to an end, our representative will pick you up from the railway station in Delhi and take you back to your accommodation.
Make Train Reservations for Your Taj Mahal Tour from Delhi With Taj Mahal Tour Trips Company, scheduling a tour is simple and straightforward. For individualized help, get in touch with our helpful customer support team or visit our easy-to-use website to choose your ideal day and train. We give you all the information you need to be well-prepared for your trip.
In conclusion An effective, cozy, and educational method to see one of the most famous sites in the world is the Taj Mahal Tour from Delhi by Train with Taj Mahal Tour Trips Company. This tour guarantees a remarkable journey rich in culture, history, and unmatched beauty with its well designed itinerary, opulent lodgings, and perceptive direction. Set off on a quest to uncover the Taj Mahal's enduring charm by scheduling your tour today.
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culture-12 · 6 months
Don’t Miss These Bollywood Flicks at ITAP
If you're a Bollywood enthusiast looking for a mix of love, suspense, and social commentary, ITAP has got you covered. Here are three must-watch movies that promise to take you on a rollercoaster of emotions without giving away any major spoilers.
1. Ek Dhasu Love Story
Get ready for a nostalgic journey back to high school with "Ek Dhasu Love Story." This Bollywood gem gained global attention thanks to a viral clip featuring the song "Manikya Malaraya Poovi." The film, released on Valentine's Day in 2019, underwent script changes due to its viral fame.
The story unfolds around the lives of high school sweethearts Roshan and Priya, from their first encounter in class 11 to their emotional farewell in class 12. Roshan's attempts to win Priya's heart, with the assistance of his friends, take unexpected turns. An accidental message triggers a rift between Roshan and Priya, adding a dash of drama to this coming-of-age tale. With its unique blend of romance and youthful exuberance, "Ek Dhasu Love Story" is a perfect Bollywood pick for a heartfelt cinematic experience.
2. Gunwali Dulhaniya
"Panic at a wedding" takes a quirky twist in "Gunwali Dulhaniya." Sharmili's family is thrown into chaos when she mysteriously disappears on her wedding day. However, their concern turns into bewilderment as they discover a letter suggesting Sharmili's elopement with her lover.
The film promises a delightful mix of comedy and suspense as the family navigates through the unexpected turn of events. "Gunwali Dulhaniya" unfolds with unexpected twists, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. If you're a fan of light-hearted yet suspenseful Bollywood tales, this one's a must-watch on ITAP.
3. Identity Card
"Identity Card" takes a thought-provoking dive into the lives of ordinary Kashmiris, shedding light on how something as seemingly trivial as an identity card can alter destinies. The story revolves around a journalist on assignment in Kashmir who gets entangled with the special task force.
Through her narrative, the film paints a vivid picture of Kashmir's history, the struggles of the police force and civilians, and the ideological differences shaping the region. "Identity Card" is not just a thriller but also a poignant commentary on the complexities of life in Kashmir. For those seeking a Bollywood film that sparks reflection, this one should be on your ITAP watchlist.
Intrigued? Head over to ITAP, grab some popcorn, and immerse yourself in the magic of "Ek Dhasu Love Story," "Gunwali Dulhaniya," and "Identity Card." These Bollywood flicks promise an unforgettable cinematic journey that transcends genres and delivers entertainment with a touch of heart and intellect.
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Review: CHARLEY’s newest genre-bending folk-pop single ‘Pretty Little Things’ boasts a message of empowerment
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Bringing back the spirit of the 1970s through her unique style and western-rock sound, the talented up-comer CHARLEY is bursting into the music scene with a sound that’s undeniably her own, and ever-so brilliant. With her mantra, “to forget yourself is to free yourself is to find yourself,” standing at the root of her career, it’s clear that CHARLEY is an artist placing just as much focus on personal lyricism as well as a sound you can’t get enough of. With every song she writes and every stage she stands on, CHARLEY aims to inspire her audience to be uniquely themselves, and her newest single ‘Pretty Little Things’ continues to be just as motivational as ever.
As ‘Pretty Little Things’ is led in by a gorgeous orchestral strings arrangement, it’s made clear right from the beginning that CHARLEY is here to boast a sound wholeheartedly her own, fleeting between an array of genres that touch on folk, country, pop, rock and indie whilst never leaning into any specific one. As she dances between sounds so effortlessly, the first verse of ‘Pretty Little Things’ goes to show how creatively her genre-bending works, set off by a groovy electric guitar riff and steady drum beat that capture a wonderful indie-rock edge before dashes of strings and acoustic guitar strums pull it right back into folk and country edges. As her eclectic mix of sound sets the base for a warm, intimate but still catchy journey, CHARLEY tops it off with her strong vocal performance that leans heavily into a rich country tone. A bouncy chorus adds more instrumental twists to love, soaring with more prominent acoustic guitar strums and CHARLEY’s memorable lyrical hooks. Channeling a 60s rock influence within the bridge’s electric guitar, CHARLEY’s bold lyrics and aggressive vocals, there’s not a moment of ‘Pretty Little Things’ that you won’t be hooked on the ebbing and flowing of sound that always has something new to offer you around each turn. It’s clear that CHARLEY’s eye-catching sound will only continue to set her apart, and ‘Pretty Little Things’ is determined to not be forgotten anytime soon.
Clearly frustrated and filled with a cathartic desire to let go,the lyrical message of ‘Pretty Little Things’ sees CHARLEY fusing her heartbreak from beingmanipulated and fed up with a relationship into a musical journey you can’t help but feel empowered by. Smothered by her easy-going sound, it’s easy for the weight of the experience in ‘Pretty Little Things’ to feel bright and positive, instead of reflecting on the lows it pushes past into the better days to come now she’s shed the dead weight holding her down. As memorable lines like the choruses’ ‘pretty little things don’t tell me how you feel inside’ touch upon a relationship that seems to err on being materialistic and reputation-focused, CHARLEY doesn’t hold back on revealing her distaste to being treated as an object to be viewed rather than a person. Continuing that ‘you dream of diamond rings for every girl you see’ , ‘Pretty Little Things’ feels just as much a commentary on a distant partner who places value only in wealth as it is touching upon viewing women just for their appearances, and CHARLEY is completely fed up with it. Encouraging the listener to put themselves first as she did, ‘Pretty Little Things’ spreads both a message of moving on and knowing your worth from CHARLEY as it is a push for her audience to leave a partner who perhaps isn’t treating them the way they deserve too.
Check out ‘Pretty Little Things’ for yourself here to be empowered by CHARLEY’s lyrical journey and become addicted to her one-of-a-kind fusion of sounds!
Written by: Tatiana Whybrow
Photo Credits: Unknown
// This coverage was created via Musosoup, #SustainableCurator.
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laufire · 2 years
Maybe I got off-topic with my comments on the post (hence sending an ask rather than reblogging it again), but my point was less about the denigration of embroidery in general. More that it makes no sense in the historical context for needlework to be the frivolous activity this modiste defaults to when criticizing noblewomen. Because, as I said, it was not seen as frivolous even when the wealthy did it. Sewing, embroidery, knitting, crocheting, whatever- all of that represented Industry, which was valued by pretty much all social classes.
She could have said they sat around eating sweets all day, or writing love-letters all day, or playing with their lapdogs all day. She could have made fun of gossip or staging tableaux or shopping (shopping was a BIG vice people criticized wealthy women for, and might more accurately fall into the category of "logically weird for a dressmaker to complain about, but believable in the heat of the moment").
But even a working-class woman would not, in all probability, have seen wealthy women's needlework as an idle amusement. Not even in a moment of extreme emotion. And the fact that the writers made their Regency dressmaker say that shows how, even though it's a small comment, they don't care about the lived reality of historical women's experiences.
also to be clear, I'm not upset or mad at anyone about this! I just think it's an interesting discussion. You're awesome and I enjoy seeing your content on my dash :)
That’s a fair point re: how they could’ve picked any other hobby removed from her profession, if only to avoid the audience focusing solely on that (not that I think *BRIDGERTON’S WRITERS* of all people thought anything through. I hate the lot of them <3).
But although I admit I lack historical context wrt how society viewed embroidery, I still don’t get what’s so unrealistic about someone dismissing her own “type” of labour when it’s someone else that’s doing it, specially someone she dislikes and even resents for whatever reason, and during mitigating circumstances. If anything I can understand it even more, when I’ve see aspiring writers around here being derisive about the writers on booktok selling stories that are basically two tropes poorly put together, sometimes only thanks to money or family connections. Or models criticism one of those Kardashian influencers when she got into modeling herself and bragged about it (I hate that I'm even vaguely aware of this xD). That kind of resentment can come up in seemingly hypocritical ways and I don’t find it that outlandish. It would’ve been perfectly natural to me if she’d been dismissing some other modiste’s work that she hated, pettiness can be like that lol.
And don’t worry, I’m not mad either! I love seeing your historical commentary on my dash (and your Carmilla or general gothic content whenever it comes up ^-^). If I came accross as annoyed in that post it was because of the moment I realized I felt compelled to say something somewhat positive about Bridgerton. I mean it when I say it represents everything wrong with current tv xDD
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scngbard · 2 years
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lunar-luminary · 3 years
    HE DOES NOT see it.
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