#❂ Ichigo - My Nakama - The Black Sun ❂
Continued from here @blacksun4ever
Rukia let a pout show on her face as she withdrew her hands from his eyes. "It's really not fair. Your reiatsu signature is so close to mine, normal kido spells that hide reiatsu don't work with you."
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She noticed Ichigo had set down his pencil and peeked to see what he was working on. His notebook was open on the desk after all. "Are you still finishing school work? I can patrol on my own tonight if you are."
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[AUTUMN RP STARTERS] 🍁 Jump on the fallen leaves together and have fun!
Autumn RP Starters | Accepting
Her violet eyes shimmered with excitement as Ichigo walked beside her, matching her pace. Rukia's eye caught sight of a pile of colorful leaves, images of human tradition of jumping into them flooded her mind. She slowed her pace, stopping in front of it and grabbing Ichigo's arm with a soft grip.
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"Ichigo..." Rukia tugged at his sleeve, her features painted into a wide smile. She motioned to the leaves, looking up at him with a slightly pleading look. "What do you say?"
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@cc-ichigo-kurosaki: “Happy Birthday, Rukia. I’ve been busy but I haven’t forgotten about your birthday, here,” Ichigo said as he gave her a large chocolate bunny wrapped to look like Chappy.
Rukia Birthday Ask - Unprompted | Always Accepting @cc-ichigo-kurosaki
Violet eyes glanced over her manga, feet dangling off Ichigo's bed. She had sensed Ichigo's presence as he returned home, part of her wondering if he would remember - not that Rukia would have said anything. Despite her nonchalant exterior, it was hard for her to hide the smile that played at her lips as she took the chocolate bunny and set aside the manga.
"So you remembered, eh baka?"
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A wider smirk crossed her lips as she carefully opened the packaging, taking a moment to admire the cuteness of the bunny before breaking a piece of it off. Wordlessly, she handed it to Ichigo before breaking off another piece for herself.
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After chewing contemplatively, Rukia spoke again - unaware of the smudge of chocolate on the corner of her mouth.
"You know, I hadn't realized this before but a chocolate rabbit really is a combination of our two favorite things."
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Can i still ask for otp asks? If so, then # 5, 11, 14, 17, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28. (I'd go for more but maybe next time)
OTP Asks | Closed (I made an exception for this one because I felt like it... lol)
(~Under readmore for length. Tagging @cosmic-canons @cc-ichigo-kurosaki for reference~))
5. What activities do they enjoy together?
~Honestly, there aren’t many activities Ichigo and Rukia don’t enjoy doing together. They just fit together so seamlessly but also don’t need to be together for everything. Like they aren’t codependent in that way.  Remember when Ichigo was training with the vizards and Rukia was content to not disturb him? All she needed to know was that he was safe. That’s it. She trusts Ichigo to do whatever it is he needs to do and that he will tell her when he is ready. She trusts him. Ichigo is perfectly fine spending time alone while Rukia is doing whatever she needs to do and vice versa. But in general, they just enjoy each other’s company, regardless of what they are doing. It can be anything from training together all the way to just reading/drawing while in the same room as the other - looking over every so often and exchanging a smirk or teasing face.~
11. What causes them to fight?
~Okay, this is important because it DOES happen - and it’s usually the result of miscommunication. But neither of them is one to hold a grudge for very long without talking about it. I’ll give an example:
  In the Hueco Mundo arc when Ichigo left without trusting that Rukia would come back. I know they didn’t “fight” per se in the sense that they yelled back and forth or whatever - but that’s not how Ichigo and Rukia seriously fight. When they are actually fighting (and that’s when one has wounded or hurt the other), it’s silent. Rukia didn’t yell at him, not until after she slapped him to jolt him to his senses. Then she explains that he hurt her by not knowing she would never have abandoned Orihime in Hueco Mundo.  
Rukia and Ichigo don’t fight about silly things like leaving a toilet seat up or not capping the toothpaste. They’ll yell and argue about it but they aren’t fighting, not really. But when they close off to the other, when they try and shoulder the pain on their own and don’t trust the other to have their back - that’s when they fight and it’s an eerie sad silence until resolved.~
14. What would be a dealbreaker?
~An abuse of power. That’s the deal breaker. If either one were to abuse their power and take advantage of those weaker than they are, but especially each other. I think if Ichigo were to turn on Rukia and like break her trust, it would really break her. She's had such a hard time relearning to trust and depend on others again and Ichigo was at the very center of that healing.  ~
17. What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
~Ichigo: the warm glow of a sunset just before it falls below the horizon; the sweet smell of cinnamon, cloves and honey that brings to mind a crisp autumn day curled up indoors with a warm fireplace; a feeling of safety, stability, like it's okay to let your guard down and be yourself around him because he'll protect you no matter what.
Rukia: The soft reflection of the full moon on freshly fallen snow;  the light hint of lavender and iris on a warm summer breeze; the feeling of clarity, of compassion, of someone staring into your very core and seeing into your very heart and accepting it in whatever condition it may be.~
19. If they could each write a single line in their marriage vows, what would they be?
~ Ichigo: "From the moment I looked into those violet eyes, I knew we were connected for life times."
Rukia: "It was you, Ichigo, that broke through the ice I had formed around my heart, melting it with every action you did until I had no choice but to trust you. You made me want to live again in my darkest time."  ~
25. What moves do they know work on the other?
~Rukia does this cute little pout and bats her eyes in a way that makes Ichigo roll his own and give in to her whims (usually Chappy related).
Ichigo acts like he *doesn't* want to do it until Rukia pushes him to do it knowing full well it's what he wanted the whole time. ~
26. What are their favorite parts about physical affection/sex?
~Ichigo's: He just loves the physical connection of touch. It doesn't matter to him  if it's sexual in natue or just affectionate. He just really enjoys having a physical connection with Rukia. He sits close enough that his arm is draped over her shoulders or his knee just touching her leg. If they are cuddling, he puts his arms around her and buries his face in her neck. Sexually, I imagine he loves to run his fingers up and down her body, just feeling her alive underneath his touch and enjoying the little shivers he'd cause.
Rukia's: She also likes to have a physical connection though her version is a bit rougher. She does allow those soft moments and the touches to happen. But she also loves to be a little more forward. Biting, scratching and *edging* Ichigo are all things she loves to do. She'll let him get close with his cuddles and then start biting that sensitive spot on his neck she knows too well. She'll mark him  (consensually of course) and drive him wild before letting him release. ~
27. Do they have any kinks/fetishes that they share?
~Well I actually think they both switch and are able to be "tops" or "bottoms" interchangeably depending on the mood of their partner. As far as fetishes, I'm not really sure yet. I think Ichigo does think Rukia looks *very good* in a sexy rabbit costume. Rukia isn't a virgin but she's not super experienced either. Ichigo is … probably a virgin but not because he *couldn’t* get it but he just isn't interested. I think Ichigo is the type to really only do that with those he is in a serious relationship with.
I think they would honestly both enjoy exploring this with each other. ~
28. Write a ~300 fantasy one of them has about the other.
~okay my brain isn't working for this one right now but I promise to do one in the future… so raincheck on this one? But I will give you two ideas I had, one NSFW and one SFW: 
~Ichigo fantasized about Rukia meeting his mom. 
~Rukia fantasized about Ichigo making out with her at Kuchiki function and just throwing smirks at the nobles judging them all while dodging Byakuya’s glare.
should I turn those into drabbles?? ahhh idkkk~
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△ doe srukia feel any regret or guilt for involving ichigo in the shinigami world and its wars?
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
"... 8.."
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Answer that question.
"The simple answer to this is yes, there is much guilt. Ichigo knows this. It comes up every so often during an argument where he just sighs, stares off into the distance and tells me I'm blaming myself too much and he wouldn't change our first meeting for anything. Despite that, I can't help but feel guilt surrounding that day - Aizen involvement or not. "
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"If I had been more adept at finding that hollow in the first place; if I had been stronger, faster, smarter; if I hadn't even been in Karakura in the first place or delayed my journey. I suppose I could go on and on with this which is pointless but the guilt remains."
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😶 + run
First Person Writing Meme | Accepting ((Under read more for length))
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"Run away, Rukia! Get out of here!"
 The echo of those words in her head drowned out all sound even the pounding ache in her skull. It wasn't just one voice but several all joined in, weaving  together to yell in unison.  Her heartbeat was fast, beating violently within her chest.
 "Run away!"
 How many times have I run? How many times has someone told me to run for my own good? And now - it's all I do. Run. Is that all I am?
Struggling to regain her senses, Rukia tried to open her eyes only to have the world spin in front of her. She groaned, closing her eyes against the dizziness that threatened to take over. The hollow had disappeared but it would be back. She had to get up. It was her duty. A girl was screaming. There was shouting and running.
 The thud of loud footsteps was all I could hear as I ran, lungs burning as tightened my grip on the storage jar. He was gaining on me. Any second now, he was going to be able to reach me with that horrible metal rod in his hands. I have to run faster. Faster. Don't think. Just run. The hide out was just on the outskirts of town, past the river. But I can't go straight there and lead him toward the others. No one knew where I was going. Shit. This is going to hurt. He's right behind me now. I can feel the wind from his last swipe with that rod. Damn it…
 Muscles tightened in preparation for the blow that was about to come across but nothing happened. Instead I heard a choked gasp before the clunking sound of metal hitting dirt. When I turned around, someone was on the old man, their arm hooked around his throat. The red hair peeking out from behind was enough for me to recognize who it was -
 "RENJI! But how-"
 "Shuddap! Don't worry about that!" 
Void of tattoos, his youthful face was clear in her memory. Those burgundy eyes practically begging her to do as he said. Had he been following me since I snuck away from the hideout, knowing I wasn't going to listen to him? Renji had warned me that the rock candy was too closely guarded and not worth the risk… but the way the child had looked at me with such sad eyes; I had to try!
 "Run away, Rukia! Get out of here!" Renji's voice is cracking with edge of puberty, his muscles just starting to fill out. "Get away now!"
 I don't want to run. I want to stay and help - to fight! I want to make sure Renji doesn't get hurt because of me. I was careless. And yet…. And yet… I'm running. With one last desperate look, my body was already turning - already running away.
 Rukia groaned, shaking her head. These memories flowing unbidden through her head were a distraction. She needed to focus. There were lives at stake right now! Focus! Don't run…
 Renji's eyes look sad. He's laughing and smiling but he can't hide his eyes, those warm burgundy orbs that I can read in an instant, communicating with a glance. He's laughing but his eyes are sad.
 "Renji… I don't know what to do…"
 His eyes look down at me, soft and kind for a moment before hardening with an almost imperceptible twist. "Ya accept, of course! Oh Rukia this is amazing! Yer gonna be part of a family, just like ya always wanted!"
 He's smiling but it doesn't reach his eyes. His words shock me. Weren't we family? I know we've been distant lately but I never thought Renji would server our bond so easily. Doesn't he know what this means? That we will be separated for the rest of our lives? My body feels cold. Is this fear? Am I finally losing the last member of my original family? Run.
He knows. He must know. That's why his eyes are so sad. When I finally make eye contact with him again, I can see it written clearly  in his gaze. 'Run Rukia! Get out of here! Before ya lose yer chance for a real family.'
 My fingers tighten around his hand, moving it from my shoulder for the last time. I can feel the prickling of tears in the corner of my eyes. He's letting me go. Telling me to run away from him. It's not what I want. Not at all. But - just like before - I run.
 "Thank you, Renji…"
 Rukia's fingers found her zanpakuto once more, using it to pull herself to a standing position. Now was not the time to dwell on Renji.  It had been over 40 years. She needed to be present in the moment and fulfill her duty - to protect the innocent.  She had to fight against these instincts to run. To run in fear. It can't happen again. Not again.
 "Run! Rukia! Hurry, run!"
 Ukitake's voice cut through the air like a knife. I was frozen, staring into the clearing where Kaien stood still. It was dark with only the moon to illuminate the tree filled area. I must have made a mistake. My eyes must not have seen clearly. There was no way a hollow could have defeated him, not my lieutenant, not Kaien Shiba!
 His reiatsu! It faded almost completely for a moment. My heart nearly stopped. Then it grew again. But something's wrong. It feels heavy… dark… not like Kaien's reiatsu at all!
 "Yes, girl?!" His voice was distorted, not even an echo of his formal self. "Why do you keep calling my name? Are you in love with me? Perhaps I should kill you first!"
 The face that turned back toward her was NOT Kaien! It was a monster! His tongue serpent like and those cerulean blue eyes I had come to love so much were replaced by empty holes. This cannot be! It can't be! Not Kaien!
"RUKIA!"  I blinked and suddenly my captain's sword was drawn, holding Kaien - no… the hollow- at bay. "Run Rukia! Get out of here!" He called to me, urgency in his voice.  "Hurry!"
 Again, I ran. Before I could even think, I was running with fear coursing through my veins. Running through the branches, paying no attention as the foliage cut my face and hands, tears stinging as I continued to run. My legs burned but I paid no attention. Nothing compared to the intense pain in my heart. I felt as if I was going to explode with it - all the pain and fear swirling inside me. How could this happen? How could Kaien have been taken! Why am I always running away?
 I couldn't tell when I turned around. I don't even remember actually deciding to head back. I could feel my captain's reiatsu billowing around, pain and sadness in his energy. Before I knew it, I could see them. Captain Ukitake breathing hard as he moved, dodging and parrying with his blade. But I could tell that there was no killing intent behind his swings. He didn't want to hurt Kaien; Kaien who was now possessed by a hollow… with those haunting eyes.
 I saw my captain fall to his knees, another coughing fit taking him over. I knew the hollow was coming for me. I knew I should run. I could hear my captain's voice echoing in my head again. "Run Rukia! Get away!"  But I couldn't move. I was frozen, with only my blade held up in a half hearted attempt to defend myself. Fear. Frozen. Unable to move.
 NO! Rukia shook her head, grunting and taking a step forward. Not that memory. Never again…  Focus. She turned to see the hollow, preparing for it's next strike. It wasn't a particularly powerful hollow but it wasn't weak either. No, the problem with this hollow was the obsessive way it focused in on one human's reiatsu. Hollows don't normally attack in such a focused way. This one was different. But so was this human…
 Orange hair was luminescent in the moonlight as he stood in front of the hollow, protecting his wounded younger sister. Why wasn't he running? Didn't his instincts tell him to run? Did he not feel the fear in his veins as he offered himself to the hollow? Idiot! He was going to get himself killed!
 Run. Run Rukia!
 She did run. But this was different. The resolve in this boy, the way he stood his ground against impossible odds - it melted the icy fear in her veins, breathing life back into her body. It was as if she had stepped out of the cold shadows and into the warm sunlight for the first time.  Run.
 Rukia ran as fast as her body could move. Her mind was clear for once, the ghost of the past no longer haunting her. This is what her heart desired; not to run away but to run forward. As she moved between the hollow and the human boy, she felt like her true self for the first time in ages. No matter what, from this moment forward, Rukia would protect this human with her life. There was a resolve inside of her that even the pain of the hollow's teeth piercing through her flesh could not deter. Just who was this human?
 "Give me that blade, soul reaper." Even his voice was steady, as he faced her with nothing but resolve to protect in those honey brown eyes.  
 "My name is Rukia. Rukia Kuchiki."
 Was he really smiling as he held her zanpakuto against his abdomen? This human -
"I'm Ichigo Kurosaki."
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@cc-ichigo-kurosaki: “ it’s my job to take care of you. ” // platonic / familial sentence starters.
Platonic / Familial Sentence Starters | Closed @cc-ichigo-kurosaki
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His job to take care of me... so in other words, his duty. 
Rukia turned her head slightly to the side, eyes glancing away and downward, masking the flash of hurt that passed through them. Did he not trust in her ability anymore? Did he consider her so weak that she needed looking after? Like a helpless pet? 
Perhaps Rukia needed to remind him of her own stubbornness. After all, Rukia did have her pride. She set her jaw, letting ice flow into her reiatsu.
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"I see. You may consider your duty complete. "
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@cc-ichigo-kurosaki: 💖
Send a  💖 Meme | Accepting
(~So I got two of these for IchiRuki so I’m combining them into one answer!~)
@cc-ichigo-kurosaki and @hesesols
Send a 💖 and I’ll tell you what a relationship would be like with my character:
How likely they are to enter a relationship with them:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Would they…
Make the first move?
Yes | No
Say “I love you” first?
Yes | No
Cheat on them?
Yes | No
Be the jealous type?
Yes | No
Plan the dates?
Yes | No
Initiate the first kiss?
Yes | No
Remember anniversaries?
Yes | No
Their Relationship Is:
friends to lovers | rivals to lovers | enemies to lovers | still just enemies | mutual pining | star crossed lovers | old married couple | perpetual honeymoon phase | stable and boring | stable but not boring | secret lovers | best friends hiding their feelings | and they were roommates | friends with benefits | coworkers avoiding HR | one-sided affection | weird sexual tension | it’s complicated | toxic relationship | a secret affair | an actual dumpster fire | other
PUBLIC Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
PRIVATE Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
Do they stay together?
yes, this is endgame | yes but someone is gonna die tragically (because I’m a sucker for angst) | something is keeping them apart (angst again) | they part ways as friends | they part ways as enemies | they’re on-again-off-again | they have a super messy breakup | it was just a fling | other
What terrible pet names would they give each other?
Rukia to Ichigo: Baka, Strawberry, Idiot, Ichi, Fool, Substitute
Ichigo to Rukia: Shorty, Snowflake, Idiot, Soul Reaper, Ru, Bunny
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