#❊Open Meme - Mission in Progress❊
stemgirlchic · 7 months
secret spy mission for when you're not okay
broken into "really really not okay" "really not okay" and "not okay"
really really not okay: mission stay safe
make sure you're in a safe place
hug your pillow, get under your blankets, anything that can be a little bit of comfort
if you're watching/reading/otherwise consuming something that's triggering you, put it away. or at least put it down for a moment. even if it's your work, even if it's an important news story that deserves your attention, it's okay. there will be other times to interact with it
if you're having bad impulses - rip a piece of paper, hit something soft, hell even throw something (preferably not something expensive but anything is better than hurting yourself or someone else)
deep breaths. i know it's cliche but it helps
ground yourself: 3 things you see, 2 things you hear, 1 think you feel.
really not okay: mission stabilize (pick 1-2 of these mission objectives)
watch funny videos online (i like SNL and clips from the office)
read a chapter of that book you set aside
if you can, get some fresh air, whether that's a short walk or just opening a window
if you're up for it, exercise can help, even just some stretching
work out your feelings creatively: draw, write angsty teenage poetry, sing a ballad in the shower, anything. we are creative creatures.
listen to some music - my friends all like listening to sad music when they're upset, but i find happy music helps. whatever works for you.
text/call/chat with someone you care about, even if it's unrelated to how you're feeling rn. just a meme or an emoji even, remind yourself you are loved.
not okay: mission small steps
get yourself some water
get a snack - it doesn't have to be complicated. a piece of fruit, some cheese and crackers, some chips, popcorn, pretzels, leftovers from last night. don't feel bad. this is productive. you are being productive. this is what you need rn.
turn on some chill music
make a list of the things you have to do - "must do today or there will be severe consequences", "should probably do today", "don't have to do today"
put aside the "don't have to do today". it's okay. there will be other days, better days. dramatically rip off that part of your to-do list, crumble it up, and throw it in the nearest trash can basketball star style.
start with your must dos. work for 15 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. if you can't do 15 minutes straight, do whatever time amount you can do. slow progress is still progress. i'm so proud of you.
take a nice, rewarding break after your must dos. you deserve it. then - reassess. are you up for your "should dos"? if so, repeat the last bullet point with them. if not, that's okay. there will be other days.
you did it. i'm so proud of you. one day you will look back on today and think "wow, i was so strong for getting through that. i can't believe i got through that" and you will be right. because you are so strong. ily <3 you are the best spy ever.
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shuririweek · 8 months
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****Please note:
“SHURIBBLE”: A DRABBLE (TRAD. 100 WORDS) based on Shuriri. In this context, a written work between 100-500 words MAX. (Name credit to @mybonafidefeelings)
CANON COMPLIANT: One major aspect must be compliant to the MCU/COMIC canon - Aside from Shuriri as a pairing.
SONG FIC: A fanfiction that is based on a song(s). This can be/include the MESSAGE, LYRIC OR VIBE. Must include the SONG TITLE(S) in tags and author's note/description.
ALTERNATE UNIVERSE: Your choice but at least one major aspect must differ from the MCU/COMIC canon - Aside from Shuriri as a pairing.
Prompts are 100% optional. For an extra challenge, pick some to pair with the theme of the day. Prompts can be combined, reused, or avoided. If you choose to use any prompts, PLEASE NOTE THEM IN THE AUTHORS NOTE/DESCRIPTION *AND* TAGS. Please note that ALL NSFW/18+ content MUST be tagged as such to be reblogged/added to AO3 collection.
TO BE REBLOGGED: MENTION @SHURIRIWEEK *AND* TAG THE WORK WITH #SHURIRIWEEK2024. If you don't @ the page, your work will not be reblogged. However, people will still see your work under the tag.
ADD TO AO3 SHURIRI WEEK 2024 COLLECTION: The sub-collection for ShuririWeek2024 is open to all REGISTERED Ao3 accounts (per Ao3 regulations). However, I will remove any work that is NOT TAGGED CORRECTLY/WITHIN EVENT RULES. (Link to collection!)
ACCEPTED WORKS: Fanfiction, Fan Art, Mood Boards, Fan Mixes (playlists etc.), Memes, Meta, Fan Edits, Gif Sets, etc. WORKS IN PROGRESS/TEASERS/SNEAK PEAKS WILL ALSO BE ACCEPTED.
NOT ACCEPTED: Any works that have already been posted on Tumblr/Ao3 prior to JANUARY 28 2024 will NOT be reblogged/added to Ao3 collection for ShuririWeek2024. This even is looking for NEW works.
FANFICTIONS/TEXT POSTS: - Fanfictions can be any length, EXCEPT FOR ON DAY 3. - If you're posting anything longer than 150 words, you MUST use the "Keep Reading" feature.
DEADLINE: Content tagged under/mentioning #SHURIRIWEEK2024 and @shuririweek will be reblogged for up to 7 days AFTER FEBRUARY 3rd (ending Feb. 10 2024). After that, I ask that you wait for the next event to tag work with ShuririWeek. (There will be more events soon!)
SHURIRI MUST BE THE MAIN FOCUS: While other characters/OC's are more than welcome, the main characters/main pairing must be Shuri/Riri. This pairing can be romantic, platonic, sexual, enemies etc.
GIVE CREDIT: You MUST tag/link/give credit to any work/content/aspects that are not your original work. If you do not/if you do not have consent to use it, you will be blocked from the page and banned from submitting to Shuriri Week events in the future.
THEMES/PROMPTS: All work should be within the THEME of the day from the Theme calendar (Check FAQ for more info). Prompts, however, are 100% optional. Please note what theme/prompts your using in your description/authors note *and* tags.
NO BASHING/BE KIND: If you don't like a submission, don't engage with it. If you don't like a theme/prompt, don't use it. If you don't want to see Shuriri content, unfollow/mute/block the tag/the account. Keep it simple. If you *DO* like something, leave a like/comment/reblog/kudos! Everyone's work deserves to be celebrated.
NO SPAM: Please do not spam the tag/mentions with reposts of your work. This is not fair to other people participating and you will be asked to stop/your work will not be reblogged by the page.
PLEASE BE PATIENT: As of now, there is only ONE admin (@blacksapphhicmaddonna) for this event. Your submission WILL be reblogged by the page ASAP! Until then, others will still be able to see it in the tag!
Still have questions?
Check out the FAQ (Link)
DM the admin @blacksapphhicmaddonna
That's all!
I'm so excited for ShuririWeek 2024 and can't wait to see all the amazing works everyone creates!
For the next event, everyone will be voting for themes and prompts! Stay tuned and enjoy!
Thanks so much for participating! Much love x,
@blacksapphhicmaddonna / @shuririweek
@fandomweeks love your page, pls share when you get a chance💜💜💜💜
edit: sorry about the typo for "breeding kink". it's been changed in the original post text but reblogs may not show it. I haven't changed the graphic yet.
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sleepyfitz · 2 years
König x Y/n drabble(?)
Literally had a random König brainrot at 2am yesterday where König always keeps eye contact with y/n, an instant telepathy when they communicate. I need to get this out of my chest cs i love him sm <3
I'm not really a god-tier writer esp writing hcs so please bear with me T 3 T)/
Warning: None.
Your relationship with König involves alot of communicating with each other through talking and eye language.
It can be just talking about each other's pet peeve, favourite meal and past times. As time progresses, you and könig opened up about each other's pasts.
So both of you had developed a deep bond with each other that sometimes you and könig could instantly link from looking at each other.
König may be selectively mute when he's uncomfortable or around soldiers he barely recognize. You can sense his restless gaze on you, and you would immediately knew he's uncomfortable. Other times you and könig would looked at each other in unison, knowing that both of you had agree to the same thought. Like that one spiderman meme pointing at the same spiderman--
He will look at you and go 'I don't wanna goooo T^T' when both of you were forced to go to a post-successful mission party this one night.
It was mostly because of the younger recruites celebrating prolly their first successful mission in a while. Price was up for a free wiskey and his cigars, Ghost and Soap long gone since their arrival back to the base, and Gaz's just chilling. On the other hand, You were dragged along with König, despite declining the offer, exuding more exhaustion than both of you had already feel. They knew both of you are introverts, but like they say the more the merrier.
So you and König entered the pub nearest to the base, mostly famous for soldiers to hang out. Both of you sat on the stool nearest to the exit.
Two butter beers later (yes butter beer exists in this pub cs i said so-) König nudges you with a suggestive eye. In an instant you knew what he was trying to say;
Are you thinking what I'm thinking, my little maus?' small patches of butter beer foam latching around his pretty little grin. You grinned back, eyes glittering with excitement knowing what comes next. 'Let's get out of here, mein liebchen'.
You look left and right making sure no one's looking around before leading König out of the pub. Giggling and stumbling on flat grounds like the good chaotic couple you are as both of you walked back to könig's room, where you both spend the night showering and cuddling the night away with each other's warmth to a deep slumber.
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zydrateacademy · 1 year
Current Activities in Warframe #6
Apparently my last Warframe post was in... 2014?! Fucking hell. And I was bragging about hitting for a few thousand damage. My couple of first impressions posts were complaining about not understanding systems. Which to be fair, I am still constantly asking questions to my clan or having four tabs of the Warframe wiki open. Still, it's very amusing how far I've come. It's actually still a meme about how nobody really ever understands what's going on in Warframe at all. I still have to google how to make a lich and sister, despite having done so several times. I just posted my List O' Frames and I see why Ember Prime, despite not having played her in years, is still locking down my second place. She was effectively my main frame for a while years ago, and my first prime frame (Bolter being my first prime weapon, which still has my third most used weapon locked down). Ember Prime dominates a lot of my early, 9-years-ago posts. (also fuck me I've been on this platform for like 12 years or some shit).
It was a cute blast to the past.
This game is pretty rough in the sense that there's no real catchup mechanics. My brother and a friend from discord, both at separate times, have trouble progressing certain things because people don't play the Cambion Drift open zone anymore. Probably because in the game's attempt to curtail the viral meta, they made the infested there resistant to it (instead you need to mod for corrosive). The result is nobody ever fucking goes there anymore, but you still need to farm up a Necramech to continue down the path to better shit (like the sisters of Parvos).
Generally I've been trying to work my way up to hunting certain mods but it's been difficult. A few arcanes are locked behind reputations, like the one on the Zariman. It's an active enough zone on its own right but hunting those crests are a pain in the ass to get.
Other mods are behind Kahl's missions which I frankly don't like doing that much but really need to put on my big person pants and just get through some. It's a wierd thing in my brain, because playing as Kahl is clunky and doesn't feel like I'm working towards anything in the main game; But I am! There's gear in there!
I've been playing quite a bit more of Mesa. I did a 25 wave fissure with her to crack open some Baro food and to level up a couple of guns and since I rebuilt her a little bit, her 4 carried the entire game. I did 72% of the group's damage and ended with over 1700 kills, the next in line being 300 or so. She did some work, but that was still a lower level mission. I'm not sure how she performs on Steel Path but I'd like to try that some day as well. Throw her in a couple of those dailies, see how her 4 does. Apparently she's an S tier frame and it's probably because her defensive ability is pretty good, making her effectively immune to ranged damage. Which is indeed, most enemies.
But I've largely just been building her towards a "fun" build. I discovered the Lex is basically just a fucking glock which amuses me to no end. So I got Aklex ("ak" just being a prefix for akimbo weapons) so my Mesa is essentially running a John Wick build at some point.
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Funny enough this screenshot was taken with the Lex Prime, which I don't like the look of as much. So I've been forma-ing the base Aklex for shits and giggles. I'm modding it for reload speed and fire rate with anything else an afterthought. Not a secondary I'll likely bother taking in SERIOUS missions but basically anything that isn't Steel Path, Arbitrations, or anything else high end like that is fair game.
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By: Joel Kotkin
Published: Jun 21, 2023
In an age of darkness, glimpses of light are rare — but all the brighter for it. As the censorious progressivism embraced by Joe Biden and much of his Democratic party grows into an increasingly pervasive quasi-religion, ordinary people are finding ways to push back. Like democratic Leftists in the Cold War, old-style liberals are becoming a key force in challenging today’s new orthodoxies.
And this rising tide of liberal apostasy, coupled with a growing pushback from grassroots businesses and consumers, represents a far more profound challenge to the established order than the one routinely mounted by conservatives. In the Renaissance, the impetus for change did not come from Jews, Muslims, devil-worshippers or pagans, but devout Christians such as Erasmus, Luther and Calvin.
In our era, the most powerful critics of progressive theology once again tilt to the Left: Andrew Sullivan, Matt Taibbi, Ruy Teixeira, to name but three. Their apostasy rises to uphold the basic principles once central to liberalism — equality of opportunity, free speech, and open inquiry. This battle is also reminiscent of the struggle waged by the Renaissance critics of the all-powerful Catholic Church. Today, it’s not bishops or popes who seek control, but the oligarchs and their media platforms which, with the sometimes exception of Twitter, favour a censorship regime that brands dissidents largely as purveyors of “misinformation”.
Like earlier apostates, religious or scientific, ours face an uphill struggle. They must contend with forces within the C-suite and, particularly, academia, where even the sciences are now constrained by ideological edicts. This is where the money flows, often to a host of non-profits, some secretly funded, that spread the gospels of censorship, police reduction, indoctrination in schools and an apocalyptic environmental agenda. One problem the apostates face is therefore an obvious one: despite often impressive media resumes, their research rarely makes it into the mainstream, their voices being carried no further than Twitter, Substack and the more broad-minded corners of the media.
This pushback comes at a propitious time, extending beyond a few dissident intellectuals to the grassroots and business moguls such as Elon Musk, Ken Griffin and Bernie Marcus. The latter, in particular, understand that the new progressive orthodoxy undermines the entire system by embracing anti-capitalist memes and reducing the role of merit in a system built around it. And so a critical front has been the rebellion against ESG (environmental, social, governance) standards. Many US states have moved to take their pension funds out of firms that embrace this ideology; some investment houses, notably Vanguard and upstart Thrive Asset Management, are eschewing corporate policies that stress climate change and other issues over fiduciary obligation to investors.. The fact that returns to ESG firms have been poor, when compared with those tied to fossil fuels and basic industries, could presage a further awakening among financial and business leaders that the balance sheet, rather than ideological back-slapping, constitutes the primary mission of business.
More important still, apostasy is also rising among the general population. The pressure for reparations, for example, is opposed by upwards of two-thirds of Americans. All major ethnic groups, notes Pew, reject race quotas, including African-Americans; overall, almost three in four oppose this, as do a majority of both Democrats and Republicans.
In the race debate, the role of black apostates is particularly critical. As John McWhorter has long argued, preferential policies encourage “therapeutic alienation” among black people and other minorities — leading some to adopt a mentality of “anger and scapegoating”, instead of doing “the work needed for success”. In the bizarre world of modern progressivism, any opposition to this agenda is “racist”, even if it comes from people who support equal rights and access to opportunity. Critics of race-based discrimination such as McWhorter and Glenn Loury are far from Klansmen incarnate.
Similarly, assaults on European culture have proven unlikely to win over the masses in these countries, the bulk of whom still express some pride in their heritage. The notion that Western societies are eternally oppressive and racist seems a bit of a stretch given that millions of Africans, Middle Easterners, and south Asians continue to flock to these countries, largely to experience higher levels of economic and cultural freedom. The progressive assault on heritage also is likely to stir up far-Right sentiment, as we can see in France, Denmark, and, perhaps most dangerously, Germany.
The ever-more edgy cultural agenda of the Left, particularly its obsession with transgenderism, provides additional fuel for apostasy. People generally believe in the existence of two genders, and are hostile to efforts to impose either sexual or explicitly political curricula on young people. The idea of parental rights, for example — making sure parents are informed if their child decides to transition — has broad support, including nearly four-fifths of Californians, reflecting what appear to be national trends. In defiance of the transgender advocacy from the White House down, the opposition to sporting categories based on gender, rather than sex, has actually grown over the last two years, with even more Democrats now opposed to the practice than in favour.
Critically — and, no doubt, shocking for some — many opposing the progressive agenda are themselves minorities. In Britain and Europe, for example, Muslims tend to be more religious and socially conservative than whites, and Indians, particularly Hindus, have been drifting Right-wards for a generation. In America, surveys show that foreign-born Americans are also more culturally conservative than the native-born.
Perhaps the most economically significant apostasy relates to climate-change policy. Despite growing moves to censor contrary opinions, here the liberal apostates are not classic deniers or oil company executives, but respected scientists such as former Obama advisor Steve Koonin, and climate scientists Roger Pielke and Judith Curry. Even some environmentalists — including Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore — openly denounce “Net Zero” and “de-growth” policies as both impractical and deeply flawed. They recognise that these policies are already leading to the immiseration of poorer people, particularly in California and Germany. They are not calling for an end to climate change mitigation, but for policies that are more realistic and less economically damaging for the working and middle classes.
And then there are grassroots protests at European governments’ attempts to impose emission reductions on farmers and ban chemical fertilisers — regulatory moves at a time when food prices are rising throughout the West. Efforts to reduce agricultural output, now being suggested in the United States and Canada, also could have dire consequences for billions in the developing world. It’s hardly surprising, then, that there is growing scepticism about climate policies globally; in surveys, it barely registers as a priority for people either in Africa or the US where, according to Gallup, climate is stated as a primary concern for barely 2% of the population.
Other troubles, notably the loss of industry amid soaring energy costs, are already creating a popular backlash, which has been a boon for the far-Right in Germany and Italy, among others. Some centrist regimes have taken fright, with France’s Emmanuel Macron stepping back from climate extremism. Less than a year ago, Germany signed an EU target to ban the sale of cars with internal combustion engines by 2035, but quickly backtracked.
Overall, for all the talk of ideological polarisation, public opinion may well be tilting more towards the apostates than those of the progressive zealots. Despite the media profile of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her fellow “Squad” members, the majority of Democrat members consider themselves moderate or conservative, while barely one in four sees themselves as “very liberal”.
Of course, even with public support, supporters of traditional liberal values face a number of challenges when it comes to enacting meaningful political change. But there is some good news. Many companies are now rethinking their marketing strategies in the face of negative consumer reaction. There are even glimmers of hope for liberal apostasy in some big cities, as demonstrated by the election of New York’s pro-police Eric Adams and San Francisco’s recall of progressive school board members.
As was the case during the Reformation, the apostate’s course is still not an easy one. But their critique remains critical to undermining the current progressive theology — a far more effective weapon than the reactionary antics of DeSantis, which are focused primarily on Right-leaning GOP voters. In contrast, the apostates speak the same language and share many of the values that once constituted progressive ideals. They are, in other words, both the key to restoring rationality — and to keeping liberalism alive for future generations.
I'm a-Woke for the exact same reasons I'm a-theist.
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gourmet-trash · 1 year
WIP meme "A Serial Killer Walks Into A Bar (part 2)"
ooh thank you for asky inky! this wip is from the sandman, and it's the sequel/continuation to a serial killer walks into a bar that i have been chipping slowly away at over the last few months! i suspect one of these days i'm going to do what i did the first time around and sit down, start writing, and look up and be done. but until then progress is happening but slowly!
who knows how much of this will stay, but i've included an opening snippet below the cut for, y'know, corinthian being a serial killer.
He keeps his distance this time. For a while, at least. 
Headlines of a copycat killer surfacing in London are not exactly the low profile Corinthian should be keeping, but he is who he is. No amount of warm calloused handshakes and easy as pie smiles are going to change that. The proof is under his fingernails, stained pink against his palms. Change is for creatures who were born, not built, after all. 
So he does what he does best, reminds himself of the things he’s good at rather than the things that leave him unsteady and pathetic. He shoves the sentiment and weakness out of himself, drives it between ribs and into muscles that aren’t his own as if he could really plant it in someone else’s heart and leave it to rot in their cooling corpses. 
And Corinthian almost thinks it works. 
It feels good to be back. To have work for his hands and a mission filling his mind again. Good to be busy and distracted and indulgent once more. It feels good. Until it doesn’t. 
Maybe it’s the flop of his hair. Or maybe it’s the hideous little sweater. Hell! Maybe it’s the shape and color of his eyes, big and brown and wet. There’s no clean precision in the way he kills the guy. No finesse. He tears more than he stabs, pummels the pathetic look off his face, and carves open his palms to find nothing of value or interest at all. 
One glassy brown eye stares empty and blank up at the ceiling when he’s done, the other deflated and hidden under fractured bone and meat, and he doesn’t even want to eat it. He knows he won’t like the taste. 
It’s not reported as a Corinthian killing, which makes sense as much as it doesn’t. It was, of course. But in a way it wasn’t. 
Hard as he tried, he couldn’t shake whatever it was fucking Gadling had left on him, couldn’t bury it in blood or crush it under bones and bodies. But he had, apparently, managed to leave the luster in its place. The work becomes dull so fast he almost leaves one alive, halfway through carving. He doesn’t, of course, he isn’t that stupid. But that he considered it at all is more concerning than anything else.
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songofmadness · 1 year
Work in Progress Meme
Rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
oh gods there’s so many. I write when the ~*//Inspiration\\*~ hits and are otherwise incapable of stringing a sentence together so. things get half written and then left for literal years. also i often do not bother coming up with a proper title until it is Finished...
So. Unrelated to NWN2 there is:
Magic/Experiment/Medical Horror?
There was a quiet place, outside her own head and not quite into his. Somewhere between them, where his rage and her despair didn’t reach. When things got too bad in the group home, she would move away from her aching body and sink into that quiet place.
More Magic/Experimentation/Medical Horror
It had been a long trip through the Dark. The longest yet, by my reckoning. But up ahead I could see the shadows curling spitefully around a sliver of light, pawing gingerly at it as a cat does to a wounded snake, and I knew my journey was nearly over. I staggered forward, energized by the hope that my interminable journey was finally, finally nearing its end.
I Have No Idea Where I Was Going With This...?
In which our Heroine is, sequentially, pursued, confused, outright lost, unconscious and arrived. Thresholds are crossed, bargains are struck and bets made. Also, there are puppies.
An Ode to Sensible Footwear
[The car packed it in on the outskirts of some little town deep in the hinterlands. I supposed that was fair. I’d never expected it to last as long as it had -- I’d bought it off another drifter for half a bottle of gooseberry wine, a battered copy of Practical Charms I’d had memorized by age six and twenty minutes work darning her holey socks in entirely the wrong color wool.]
[I patted the steering wheel with something approaching affection before unbuckling my seat belt. “Nice job,” I complimented it. 
In reply, the engine made an even more unnerving noise than usual and a cloud of dark smoke erupted from beneath the hood. That did not look promising. “Urk,” I said. “Good talk, car. I’ll be seeing you.” And then I grabbed my pack from the backseat and bailed before the car could self-immolate and take me with it to whatever afterlife demon-cars customarily went to. ]
Tuulvuk in Winter was the Bleakest Shithole in the Known World
I sat at the window of Tuulvuk’s (snort) finest coffee shop, glaring at the rain and defiantly sipped my tea. The surly owner of the shop had stared at me in open incredulity when I had placed my order but that was his problem. Tuulvuk may run on a currency of caffeine and distilled misery but I had no taste for that bitter sludge and refused to develop one.
Dino-Rider Steampunk
This does not deserve an excerpt but it does include a Utahraptor wearing a Victorian ladies riding hat.
Environmental Enchantment
Heir to witch clan loses his shit, declares a general Fuck This to his family’s policy of ruthless non-involvement in human conflicts, gets disinherited, cons a scientist into marrying him and stalks off to unfuck the world.
The Trial: Duskwood
There is a special kind of self hatred reserved for those who drink not wisely, but too well the night before setting out on a fact-finding mission with a large group - none of whom seem able to help venting their considerable spleens when faced with even a minor annoyance.
How did I do this? Darion asks himself, slumped against the comforting solidity of a towering duskwood. How or better yet - why? The only member of their party that did not have a polar opposite of some kind, whom they were entirely willing to snipe at incessantly was… Grobnar. His only refuge from this shitstorm was Grobnar.
I don’t actually know many people so... @ardently-queer
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nimata-beroya · 2 years
Praising for the WIP Meme
Oh, good choice! Praising Crosshair is a little (with the potential to become massive) kinky fic where Cross gets pegged by reader. I was horny the other day and the idea didn't want to leave me alone, so I had to write it. It's not finished yet, but at some point, it'll be 😆
The snippet is SFW, so I won't hide it. The fic start a bit angsty but quickly gets hot. You'll have to wait until I post it to see the juicy part 😉
Heaving an exasperated sigh, you roll in bed until you’re lying on your back, and stare at the ceiling. Sleep eludes you while you're tossing around in bed, leaving you no other option than admitting defeat against insomnia. The cause of your restlessness is obvious: Crosshair is away, on a mission, with his siblings. It’s been a week since they went away, but it seems much longer than that.
The bed feels enormous and cold without Crosshair in it, even when usually you take just a fraction of its expanse sleeping together, clinging to each other. You miss the firmness of his body; the heat emanating from it; the smell of his skin: a mix of Crosshair’s natural scent and the distinct odor of solvent he uses to clean his guns. But what you yearn for the most is the way he looks at you, how he shows his love for you, and the little things he does to make you feel cherished. You long the way he opens himself to you, leaving no walls to guard his tender heart. He trusts you to protect it for him.
It wasn’t easy to get to this point. Not even after Crosshair admitted he had fallen in love with you.
You understand why. During the Clone Wars, Crosshair went through the unthinkable. Trusting others, even in his family, once he returned to them after defecting from the Empire, isn’t easy for him. Which makes you treasure his faith in you all the more. You know it for the rare and extraordinary gift it is.
Ask me about WIP Progress Tag Game
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maygaiaguideyou · 5 months
▌│█║▌║▌║ 𝕍𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕤 𝕝𝕠𝕘 ║▌║▌║█│
◦•●◉✿ ᴏᴘᴇɴ ᴡ��ɴɢs ✿◉●•◦
Starter call.
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Open starters and memes.
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Mako Child is my default verse.
The story follows Lunar and those who accompany her through light, trife, misery, and ever flow of change. She may look all bark and bite externally, it's what she doesn't say.
What she hides. Who the gray feather belongs to and why she sneaks deeper into the bowels of Shinra's magnificent monster of a facility.
Could you find the answers? Would you end up dead?
░▒▓█ 𝔇𝔶𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔥𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔟𝔦𝔯𝔡 █▓▒░
She's believed to be dead after on mission gone rouge. Her body couldn't be found. Mako infused blood caught everyone's attention that day.
Overtime there's words of a woman who uses a wheelchair to get around. No one knows how or when she appears. She's known for being mute and has tamed a monster who's blind and deaf.
As long as she's not being a pain no one has an issue with her
-·=»‡«=·- 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔟𝔦𝔯𝔡 -·=»‡«=·-
He comes to her as he made a promise to protect her the moment they worked together. He watched through the feathers he leaves. If she's lost he'll find her to embrace again. It's only natural for a lovestruck pigeon to court.
▌│█║▌║▌║ 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 ║▌║▌║█│▌
Logs containing Alma's progression in her projects.
Alternative universes
—(••÷[ ꁅꋫ꒐ꋫ'ꇘ ꋫꁹꁅꑾ꒒ ]÷••)—
The lifestream's weapons had a person(s) who cared for them in secret. They held respect and care, tenderness and fearsome abilities to fight till their end. One day another victory yet, it came at a tragic cost of their life. Gaia's weapons cried out only to find out they'd past. Swayed by the wind the weapons took them as their own.
They where reborn a new by Gaia's will. To wake as apart of the world and apart of the lifestream. To feel Gaia's warmth to all her precious children.
Connected as one.
ஜ۩۞۩ஜ fαвℓє∂ нєяσѕ ஜ۩۞۩ஜ
An au based on The Fable games by Microsoft. From The Lost Chapters to Fable 3.
░▒▓█►─═ ᴵᴺᶠᴼ��ᴹᴬᵀᴵᴼᴺ ═─◄█▓▒░
Just posts about information.
Think of items, characters, or events.
↫↫↫↫↫ 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 ↬↬↬↬↬
Promo reblogs.
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rukia-kuchiki-divided · 3 months
how does your muse get local news and updates on current events? are they up to date with all the latest goings-on or do they prefer to avoid it altogether?
(In Soul Society and Living World)
In Depth Headcanon Questions | Accepting 
~Rukia usually gets updates when in the World of the Living with her soul phone. It updates automatically with hollow alerts and orders from the soul society.
She *may* have had Urahara modify it so that it also allows her to watch cute rabbit videos and play mobile games. Oh and of course, there is the countless stream of memes she sends to Ichigo asking for their meaning and then to Renji describing their meaning to him. Whether the true meaning of those memes gets lost in translation.... is another story lol
When in the Soul Society, they use those hell butterflies which are beautiful but not nearly as much fun as her soul phone. Which will have service in the Soul Society thanks to Urahara!~
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gertlushgaming · 10 months
Goat Simulator 3 Review (PlayStation 5)
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 For this Goat Simulator 3 Review, Pilgor's baaack! Gather your herd and venture forth into Goat Simulator 3; an all-new (at least on Steam), totally realistic, sandbox farmyard experience. Invite up to three friends in local or online co-op, create carnage as a team, or compete in mini-games and then not be friends anymore.
Goat Simulator 3 Review Pros:
- Decent graphics. - 3.88GB download size. - Platinum trophy. - Graphics settings - field of view slider, motion blur quality, and motion blur amount. - Accessibility settings - camera smoothing, camera shakes, and flip controller sticks. - Subtitles - on/off and background on/off. - Online and offline mode. - Controller settings - Invert axis and sensitivity sliders, and remap controls. - Crazy goat Mayhem gameplay. - In-game cutscenes that can be skipped. - A lot of humor throughout. - Tutorial pop-ups as you play. - Open world play how you want. - The map fills in as you progress and shows question marks for locations, they fill in when discovered. - Goat towers need synchronizing and then act as fast travel points. - A lot of Easter eggs and nods to other game franchises and mechanics. - Instincts and quests are lists of activities and missions that are tracked and give rewards. - Seven mini-games to find and unlock for use in multiplayer. - The game is going for a more in-depth meatier experience than before. - Collectibles - ramps and trinkets can be found and ticked off in the list. - Unlock and equip customisation options for your sheep - head, body, back, feet, fur, horns, and goat types. - Now you can grind on wires/railings, and wall climb. - The now traditional method of headbutting and using your tongue to grab and throw items is back. - Ragdoll at any time with a button press. - The goat tower can be entered and upgraded as you find more towers. - Puzzle elements to some of the events. - You just go around and do events as and when you find them or get them marked on the map for later. - When finishing an event the world can change it up or add natural disasters. the game is a pure meme generator. - Very accessible. - Clothing can add new features like flying. - Unlock and play as different animals. Goat Simulator 3 Review Cons: - Any online interactions or features require a PS Plus subscription. - No colorblind support. - Being aimless in terms of how you go about events you can grow bored of the gimmick. - At times the game lets your character fall through platforms and walls. - The movement is such that any narrow gaps are a nightmare. - Had puzzles reset themselves for no reason. - Annoying pop-ups. - Some of the gear you put on can put annoying music or noises on it. - Trying to be precise in anything is nigh on impossible. Related Post: Superola Champion Edition Review (Steam) Goat Simulator 3: Official website. Developer: Coffee Stain Studios Publisher: Coffee Stain Studios Store Links - PlayStation Read the full article
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metamoonshots · 11 months
[ad_1] Shiba Memu presale is nearing its conclusion, with 13 days left. The worth of Shiba Memu has elevated constantly every day on presale. The worth of Shiba Memu could possibly be unlocked from post-listing liquidity in Q3 2023. With thousands and thousands raised in presale, buyers maintain excessive hopes for a brand new token sensation, Shiba Memu. The meme token has loved a stellar presale, with day by day value will increase the icing on the cake. Now, FOMO could possibly be gripping buyers, as elevated shopping for takes the presale to virtually $4 million raised. The presale is on a 13-day countdown to shut, after which the token might rise massively on the itemizing. About Shiba Memu presale Shiba Memu (SHMU) opened its presale in July, initially set to be an 8-week course of. Nonetheless, excessive demand and investor requests prompted the staff to increase the presale by one other 60 days. The prolonged presale concludes on October thirty first, paving the way in which for the subsequent step, itemizing. Since launching the presale, Shiba Memu has generated worth for its early backers. From an preliminary value of $0.011125, the token is now valued at $0.034750. The beneficial properties have been made potential by the mission tokenomics. The tokenomics enable the Shiba Memu value to extend routinely day by day at 6 PM GMT. The worth is anticipated to rise additional throughout the 13-day window to the tip of the presale.  As soon as the presale ends, Shiba Memu can be listed on main centralised exchanges. The staff has earmarked the final quarter of 2023 because the time for itemizing. Debuting on the best exchanges is anticipated to unlock utility and facilitate the value discovery for Shiba Memu. Why has Shiba Memu attracted such a excessive demand? The speculative worth of Shiba Memu is big, contemplating the quantities raised in presale. This is among the vital components of meme cryptocurrencies, as their worth is pushed primarily by hype. Nonetheless, Shiba Memu’s means to persuade buyers of its market potential has received many speaking. Boosting cutting-edge AI know-how, Shiba Memu aspires to be a frontrunner within the meme sector. The mission makes use of AI to self-promote on social boards and dominate on-line chatter. Shiba Memu can write its personal social copy and advertising and marketing supplies utilizing AI. It then self-publishes the content material throughout social media platforms to achieve traction. The AI and advertising and marketing prowess make Shiba Memu an ingenious and extremely sustainable mission. It doesn’t rely upon short-term social media hypes to dominate. With this functionality, Shiba Memu has been hailed as some of the progressive meme initiatives. Traders additionally earn yields from staking, which lets them commit some tokens to the mission’s progress. Shiba Memu additionally faucets into the facility of a devoted group to realize success. The mission staff has allotted 85% of its 1,000,000 tokens in provide for the presale. As soon as the mission is launched, Shiba Memu will have interaction its group via an AI dashboard. Customers can channel their market insights into conversations via the dashboard. They will question the AI and get up-to-date solutions on advertising and marketing methods and promoting developments. Is Shiba Memu value shopping for within the presale? Meme cryptocurrencies all the time generate FOMO because of the means to return massively after itemizing. Reflecting on among the top meme coins like PEPE, beneficial properties have exceeded 10,000%. Others, like meme chief Dogecoin, have hit a market cap that justifiably places them on the highest ten record.  Shiba Memu carries the identical potential owing to the early demand and investor enthusiasm. Traders might see a possible 10x achieve or increased if the token replicates the returns of its meme friends. Shiba Memu is simply on a presale, and post-listing beneficial properties could possibly be a bit of distant.
The presale has 13 extra days to run, with beneficial properties made every day. Investing within the presale is advantageous in maximising natural income. Presale backers can even carry a greater probability of driving an uptrend as soon as the token is listed.  Share this textClassesTags [ad_2]
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criticalbennifer · 1 year
A Duo Once More, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon Come Up for ‘Air’
By:  Jake Coyle
April 4, 2023
NEW YORK (AP) — While Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were writing “The Last Duel,” their first screenplay together since their 1997 breakthrough, “Good Will Hunting,” they noticed that something in their winding and usually separate careers had been missing.
“I remember my wife said to me one day: ‘I haven’t heard you laugh like that in 15 years,’” says Damon. “We came out of that experience going: Why aren’t we doing this more often? And getting into your 50s you just go: If we don’t make it a priority, it’s just not going to happen.”
Now, more than 25 years after they set out to make it in Hollywood — so entwined that they once shared a bank account — Affleck and Damon are once again a team. Affleck directs and Damon stars in “Air,” the new film about Nike’s courting of Michael Jordan that opens in theaters Wednesday.
That film, Amazon Studios’ first theatrical release in nearly four years, is only part of their new collaboration. It’s the first release from their new production company, Artists Equity. Affleck is the chief executive, Damon is head of content. Part of its mission is to give prominent crew and cast members a piece of profits.
To Affleck, “Air” — in which the then-upstart Nike pursues a sneaker deal with Jordan while his mother (played by Viola Davis) advocates for his worth — represents what they hope to do with their new company.
“We believe there are a lot of really meaningful artists on the crew who are underappreciated and undervalued and make a huge difference in the quality of the experience in a film,” Affleck said in an interview alongside Damon. “We want to sort of take the approach taken towards Michael Jordan, which is to recognize the artists and say: You’re the ones who deserve to be compensated for this. You’re generating the art, the beauty, the majesty.”
And with “Air,” they may have already generated a hit. The film, which co-stars Jason Bateman, Chris Tucker, Chris Messina and Julius Tennon, has drawn rave reviews since its premiere at SXSW. Amazon was so pleased with it that the streamer decided to give it a nationwide release in theaters.
All of which accounts for some of the reasons why Affleck — despite the “Sad Ben Affleck” memes and viral videos of him looking morose at the Grammys — is genuinely happy. There have certainly been ups and downs; Affleck has previously been candid about past battles with alcoholism. But Affleck now finds himself, as he says, “famously unhappy” despite feeling the opposite.
Those memes? Affleck blames them on out-of-context moments and the result of always having a dozen cameras pointed at him.
“The photograph in isolation looks like: Look at this unhappy fellow,” Affleck says. “But actually, I’m pretty happy. I have a good life. I’m very lucky. Despite the memes. Maybe my resting face leaves something to be desired.”
“You have resting b---- face,” chimes Damon, laughing.
But after a tumultuous run as Batman and another turbulent run in the tabloids, Affleck is back to making the kinds of movies that won him best picture a decade ago, with “Argo.”
The Los Angeles-based Artists Equity is a kind of bookend to the duo’s fabled beginning. They launched it to help set the course for their next chapter (Damon is 52, Affleck 50) and make spending time together more of a requisite. It also allows Affleck to be regularly with his kids from his previous marriage to Jennifer Garner. Last year, he wed Jennifer Lopez.
One person they’ve convinced in their new endeavor is Viola Davis. Though Jordan’s mother was originally a very small role, the NBA legend stressed her importance to the story when meeting with Affleck. Jordan said Davis was the only actor for the part.
Davis recognized what Affleck and Damon were trying to foster. She has her own progressive production company, Juvee Productions, that she runs with her husband, Tennon. (It was behind last year’s “The Woman King.”) Davis calls working on “Air” one of the best experiences of her career.
“What they’re doing is bringing filmmaking back to the artists, which is where it should be,” says Davis. “There are so many obstacles in your path as an artist and the biggest obstacle in your path is the business itself. It sometimes looms in front of you.”
“What they’re doing is what our fantasy is as actors, especially once we’ve reached a certain level,” adds Davis. “We want autonomy and agency.”
Upcoming films for Artists Equity include “The Instigators,” a heist film starring Damon and Casey Affleck, and “Unstoppable,” with Lopez and Jharrel Jerome. Though Lopez’s range has been on display in recent films like “Hustlers,” Hollywood has often seemed unsure of how to utilize her talent.
“I agree with that observation,” says Affleck. “By having a set of expectations thrust upon her, it was inherently limiting. You saw with ‘Hustlers’ she was really able to show what she can do.”
In “Unstoppable,” Affleck says, she plays a part not unlike Davis’ in “Air,” as the mother of a college wrestling champion born with one leg.
“I think she’s in her prime,” says Affleck. “She’s doing extraordinary work in large measure because she’s taking that step to take responsibility for what she’s doing rather than say, ‘This is what I’m being offered.’”
The notion of personal branding is at the center of “Air.” Nike at the time was a distant third to Converse and Adidas, but its executives hit on a concept that would presage much of what’s since followed in marketing: The shoe wouldn’t just worn by Jordan but epitomize him. Now, Affleck notes, people take for granted that they’re brands.
“I’ve always found that idea confusing and kind of anathema. People are very complicated and contrary and nuanced, and brands are simple,” says Affleck. “So the idea that a person can be a brand is a hard thing for me to reconcile. I’ve never been good at it or had interest in it. Obviously, Michael’s brand — excellence, greatness, majesty — if you’re going to have a brand, that’s one to have.”
But the Damon-Affleck brand — if that is a thing — is doing alright. There have been plenty of hiccups along the way for both stars. But the notion of them as a creative duo and two of Hollywood’s fastest friends has endured. Who hasn’t dreamed of making it in the movies with their best pal? There’s affection for them because they have affection for one another.
“Air” did present one new twist in their persisting partnership, though: For the first time, Affleck was directing Damon. It recently dawned on Affleck that the whole tenor of the project was due partly to Damon’s support of him as the director.
“It was a very gracious and kind gesture that’s characteristic of how Matt’s treated me, and this friendship, his whole life,” says Affleck. “It’s like why you have good friends. When things like this happen, you almost don’t even notice that they’ve made the right choice and been gracious. It’s a testament to why we are still friends. I know it’s not me.”
Damon, not missing a beat, smiles. “I only undermined you behind your back.”
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Shadow's Masterlist and Link List
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Howdy all! I'm Shadow, but Shad/Shads works too! My main project is Adventures of an Idiot (And the Idiot Is Me): a self insert series following myself as I get yeeted into a slight AU of the Clone Wars universe roughly five months after the Battle of Kamino and end up entangled with the og Bad Batch. Chaos, memes, salt, and selfawareness all around!
Pronouns: They/Them/Yee/Haw/Grim/lin
Other Places To Find Me: Ao3|Wattpad|Instagram|Pinterest|Discord
Tag Legend: 🔞- Not suitable for minors 🥵-Explicit NSFW scenes ✨-Take place outside a GFFA 💀-Bad Batch Only (no other SW characters) ✍️- In Progress 📕- Complete 🥺- Wholesome/Fluffy 🤪- Shenanigans 💥- Clone Wars Era 🩹- Extensive canon divergence 🥰- Romance
Do I take sketch/drabble requests? I judge requests on a case by case basis depending on my interest/workload, but they are (tentatively) open! Sketch requests should be directed here! I'm more likely to accept a request if it pertains to my series!
Can you read a summary of my stories? Yes you can, on the Adventures!AU Database wiki! It's a WIP, so be patient, but any information covered in my stories will be there in time! There's also some art over there!
Want to support my creativity? Consider supporting me on Patreon! Get early access to content, individual chapter PDFs, and personalized goodies such as art or even writing for higher tiers!
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Below are my main stories and the "canon" storyline for my Clone Wars fix-it AU! Completed stories have the online Wattpad version and, if available, an updated PDF version that has additional editing/content! For PDFs, any chapter with potentially triggering content will have an asterisk by the chapter title.
Off to a Great Start 💥💀🤪📕
Chapters: 25- Online|PDF
Characters: Clone Force 99, Self Insert, OCs
Synopsis: While sitting in my room, vibin', I'm suddenly launched into the Clone Wars universe and find myself on a world in the Outer Rim. Salt ensues, but I soon realize I have bigger problems; the Bad Batch is after me to help them on a mission. Why, you may ask? Good question. Let's find out together.
Wordcount: 72k
Rating: Teen(15+)-Language, mature humor, brief mentions of past attempted assault
Over the River and Through the Woods🔞💥💀📕
Chapters: 66- Online|Part 1 PDF(revised)/Part 2PDF
Characters: Clone Force 99, Self Insert, OCs
Synopsis: Well, now I know what the Bad Batch needs my help with: Accessing the coordinates to a planet that could very well be one from my original stories. To obtain that information, I need to lead them over the river and through the woods to the Vault, a magical cave that houses the coordinates. It’s just a simple hike there and back. What could possibly go wrong?
Wordcount: 250k+
Rating: Adult (18+)-Language, mature content, abandonment trauma, brief mentions of past attempted assault, nightmares, brief periods of intense gore, brief horror elements, canon-typical violence, brief hint to self harm.
To the Far Reaches🔞🥵💥💀✨✍️
Chapters: Pro|1|2|3|4|5
Characters: Clone Force 99, Self Insert, OCs
Synopsis: With the coordinates in hand, or rather in my mind, the Bad Batch and I set off to my planet Kelusia to retrieve the deadly Kelusyte crystal. After convincing the local Rageryans our intentions are good and scouring the region for the materials to safely acquire the crystal, we embark on a journey into the planet's core. And, as usual, it goes about as well as expected.
Wordcount: Ongoing
Rating: Adult (18+)- Language, explicit mature content, PTSD
Commander, Meet the Cat💥📕
Chapters: 9- Online|PDF
Characters: Clone Force 99, Self Insert, Commander Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Synopsis: Almost a month after joining the Bad Batch, it's finally time for me to meet Commander Cody. However, trouble soon emerges as we realize that while we don't exactly see eye to eye where the war is concerned.
Wordcount: 18k+
Rating: Teen (15+)-Language, authority trauma
Fallen Not Forgotten💥🩹✍️
Chapters: Pro|1|2|3|4|5
Characters: Clone Force 99, Self Insert, Commander Cody, Captain Rex, Domino Squad, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Synopsis: Plagued by nightmares of what awaits the ARC twins, I rescue Echo from Lola Sayu, sparing him the fate planned by the Techno Union. The Batch and I bring him back to Naboo for medical attention, but bad news soon strikes; a recording of me on Lola Sayu got out. Also, apparently, there's a portal on Naboo now too. Which leads to a particular moon base, before it was destroyed. How interesting.
Wordcount: Ongoing
Rating: Teen (15+)- Language, canon-typical violence, occasional mature humor
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These stories are short, often two chapters or less, and may or may not be "canon" to the Adventures!AU storyline. Additionally, some older may be written with she/her so ignore that lol. Due to the short length, a synopsis is not given here.
With You From Dusk 'Til Dawn- 💥💀🥺📕
Frightful Flight- 💥💀🤪✍️
Bad Day Blues- 💥💀🥺📕
Back and Forth-🔞💥💀📕
Dreamland Express-💥💀🥺📕
Wash Away the Nightmare-💥💀🥺📕
Sickfic Crosshair-💥💀🥺📕
Hot Springs- 💥💀🥺📕
HunterxReader: Rainy Day Date Night-💥💀🥰📕
HunterxReader: Fireside Snuggles-💥💀🥰📕
Snuggles, Not Struggles (Bad BatchxReader)-💥💀🥰✍️
Prey in the Sights (Crosshair&HunterxReader)-🔞🥵💥💀✍️
Scaredy Cat: Bad Batch Flash Fic- 💥💀🤪✍️
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tsuki-here · 3 years
So I had a bunch of ideas for a possible Transformers Prime fanfic where Starscream, Soundwave, and Knockout switch sides because I just want them to be on the good side and maybe actually happy, but unfortunately I have way too many fics already and haven't touched them in forever, so here's just a bunch of bullet points of some of the ideas I had instead, in no particular order
-He's the only Decepticon that has no issue befriending the kids, likely since he respects all lifeforms ever since he developed close bonds with his minicons, which most Cybertronians discredit just because of their size.
- He bonds with Miko through music, Raf through computers and programming, and he just likes that Jack is quiet, easy company. He plays video games with all three of them on weekends
-Miko abuses Soundwave's massive databanks any time she has a research project or essay for school and convinces him to write her papers for her. Her teachers all know she didn't write them, considering he goes way overboard on the details, flowery language, and never makes anything less than 20 pages, but they also can never catch her on plagiarism, so she never gets in trouble and always gets 100% on the assignment
-He never fully forgives Wheeljack for planting a grenade in Lazerbeak
-He and Ratchet both insist on helping the kids with their science projects, though it's become more about trying to outdo each other than actually helping the kids. This always ends in something far too extravagant and teetering on the edge of deadly
-He doesn't break his vow of silence to Megatron for several months after joining, and even once he does, he still communicates through recordings and images on his visor more often than not. It's a mix of old habits, and he also just finds it more comfortable and familiar
-Miko introduces him to the social media side of the internet which he had always glossed over as unimportant before. Now he uses memes, terrible grammar, and text emojis as part of daily life. None of the other bots understand what hes trying to say half the time. Miko couldn't stop laughing off and on for about an hour the first time he displayed "uwu" on his visor. Jack nearly choked when Soundwave said in his deep voice, completely dead serious, "look at all them chickens". Jack didn't have the heart to tell him the were seagulls. Ratchet always catches him watching cat videos on the base's main computer. Miko is very proud to be the cause of these changes
-Soundwave and Ratchet end up arguing over use of the base's main computer fairly regularly. Of course, Ratchet feels it's still his responsibility and is still a bit wary of the ex-Decepticons for a while, and Soundwave is a busybody who constantly wants to be doing something. It's become an unofficial race to see who can open a ground bridge first whenever one's called for. Both are smug and rub it in the other's face when they do it first
-He doesn't trust Optimus for a long time and is upfront about the fact that he doesn't. No one's really sure when this fact changes, since he was always polite and courteous to him anyways, but Optimus eventually won over his loyalty
-Though he rarely interacts with any of the others himself, he's still forms bonds in his own way through Soundwave's interactions with them
-He's very fond of Raf, and even detaches from Soundwave to spend time with him every so often
-He holds a grudge against Wheeljack much like Soundwave does
-The Autobots still regularly forget to refer to him as his own being, often calling him an "it" or "a drone". Though he doesn't mind much, Soundwave gets overprotective on his behalf, as well as Raf after they become friends, and even Knockout stands up for him from time to time
-He takes a little bit to warm up to the kids, but once he does, he often watches TV with them or takes them out to drive-in theaters
-Miko once spilled a slushie on his interior at a movie and he didn't speak to her for a week
-He and Ratchet rarely get along. He thinks ratchet's too bossy, and Ratchet says Knockout's too difficult
-He goes out racing with Bumblebee and Smokescreen at least once a month
-He never really learns to get along with Bulkhead
-He likes Optimus's take on leadership more than Megatron's; the Decepticon leader was always too strict and rude
-Knockout eventually finds he can confide in Arcee about the loss of Breakdown, which he still was internally struggling to cope with, and she slowly opens up to him about her own grief over Cliffjumper's death. No one else knows they're basically counseling each other
-He takes by far the longest to adjust to the Autobots, but he starts to make more steady progress once it finally starts to set in that it isn't any sort of trap
-He never really befriends the kids, but he does learn to not treat them as inferior beings after enough warnings and corrections from the Autobots [namely Optimus and Bulkhead]
-At first he tries to suck up to Optimus much like he would to Megatron, partially out of hoping to gain his trust so that he could always turn on him if it became necessary and partially out of fear of being punished for not being respectful and submissive enough. Optimus remains patient and friendly, hoping to ease him out of his instincts of always being in survival mode
-Optimus constantly has to remind him that calling him "lord" is entirely unnecessary, and expresses concern any time Starscream flinches or jumps around him. Starscream starts to feel internally guilty about the obstacles Optimus goes through for his sake, not that he'd ever admit to it. This guilt fades as he becomes more at ease and breaks out of the old habits Megatron had instilled in him
-Though no one would have expected it, Arcee is actually one of the first Autobots to really start giving Starscream a chance at friendship, after Optimus and Bumblebee. It started off simply because Knockout claimed Starscream was technically his best friend within the Decepticons, and she wanted to try to be nicer for Knockout's sake. She hadn't expected that Starscream would actually be nice in return, and made for a witty, albeit sarcastic, friend. Starscream, Knockout, and Arcee often end up on missions together from that point on, as they actually work very well in a group
I'm sure I could keep adding to this forever if I kept thinking for long enough, but yeah- Maybe one day I'll write a Transformers fic, but life is far too busy at the moment, haha. I hope at least someone found this interesting, or inspiring for a story themselves! Maybe I'll make a part two or other similar posts in the future
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dameronology · 3 years
tea and whiskey {jack daniels x reader} - 6
summary: despite his best efforts, it appears as though you're completely slipping through jack's fingers. it appears as though he has no choice but to put everything out on the table in a last ditch attempt to keep you by his side. {series masterlist}
warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, mentions of death
this one's a bit of a rollercoaster, but i promise it's fun <3
- jazz xx
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You'd told Jack that things between you were fine.
They didn't feel as much.
You had meant it when you'd said it - it was just that the more you thought about it and the more you pondered on your concerns, the more worried you became. Did you even know Jack Daniels at all? His mysteriousness had been attractive at first but the closer you got to him, the more you found yourself wanting to hold him at an arm's length until you had your answers. When the situation between you had been a co-workers-with-benefits affair, it hadn't mattered so much. But now, you'd agreed it was something more intense, something more meaningful. Was it unfair to think that you deserved to know a little more? To get a more substance than just it's fine, trust me?
Whilst you hadn't wanted it to get in the ways of things, you couldn't help it. It hadn't changed anything the first few days after your conversation about where you stood, or about his seeming vendetta against Ginger, but the more you thought about it, the more it got to you. It had been almost 2 weeks since then, and you'd spent most of the second one lying to him. Telling him you had to call Eggsy, or your mum, or that you had to work late to get some paperwork done for Merlin.
Tonight had been no different - it was a Friday, the last six of which you had spent at Jack's. You'd given him some ridiculous waffle about timezones and reporting to the Kingsman. He had seemed to believe it; if he didn't, he'd chosen not to comment on it.
You were sat in your shared office, heels kicked to one side and feet propped up on the table. There was a glass of wine in one hand and your phone in the other (you were exchanging memes with Eggsy), and an episode of the The Crown playing on your computer. It was a nice way of getting your mind off of the situation with Jack, and the fact that you had a mountain of Calahan-related paperwork.
"So, this is the important meeting that you ditched me for?"
You froze at the sound of Jack's voice. He was leant against the doorway, arms folded over his chest and a look on his face that didn't seem too far off of pissed. Your first instinct was to lie, but the urge quickly faded. What was the point? He'd already caught you in one. Might as well just rip it off like a band-aid.
"I lied."
"That's clear as fucking day." Jack shot back. "Am I boring you all of a sudden?"
"Jack." You sighed. "I just needed some space to think."
"I thought we were good?" His brown eyes fell to the floor. "What's with all the lying? I admire your brutal honesty."
"I was only brutally honest with people I didn't mind hurting." You paused your laptop, pulling your feet down from the desk. "I care about you and I don't want to hurt you-"
"- I have pretty thick skin." He cut you off. "Be honest - you have my blessing."
"I thought I was okay with how intense things were getting," you began. "But the more, I think about it, the more I'm not sure."
Jack's face fell. "That's why you've suddenly been distant these past two weeks, huh?"
"Yeah." You nodded.
"What brought this on?"
You were silent.
"I know." Jack sighed. "It's the thing with Ginger, isn't it?"
"Not just that." You said. "You asked me to trust you and I agreed to, but I'm not sure I do."
"What have I ever done to make you not trust me?"
"Nothing, but that's my problem." You replied. "This is all on me."
"It sure as hell is." He sniffed. "If you want space, I'll give you space. Just don't count on me to be here when you get back."
The tension in Champ's office the following morning was almost fucking suffocating.
The poor man had no idea what had gone down between the two of you. Heck, even you were struggling to understand it. You'd got yourself into situations before with your tendency to overthink, but this one might have taken the cake. Relationships - or whatever the hell you and Jack had going on - had never been your area of expertise, and you had no idea how to navigate your situation. It had seemed like a good idea to act on your doubt and be honest with him, but now you were just worried that you'd ruined it.
"You two are making excellent progress with your mission to get Calahan." Champ said.
"Thank you, sir." Jack nodded.
"We need to discuss the matter of when you catch him."
"I appreciate your faith in us, but if we catch him, rather than when we catch him might be a little more realistic." You replied.
"I'm not certain of many things, but I am absolutely sure that you and Jack have this in the bag." Champ shot back. "And when you do, I'm afraid there is only room for one name on the arrest forms."
You sat up in your seat. "What do you mean?"
"I know that you two have made a completely join effort in this matter." He began. "But as far as Interpol, and every international agency has seen it, only one person's name can be on the paperwork."
"But we can both take credit, right?" You urged. "Surely, they can recognise us both for our work."
"I'm afraid not, Percy." Champ sighed. "The paperwork can only be processed under one name-"
"- why?" Jack cut him off. "I mean, why, sir?"
"Traditionally, only one agent would go into the field, to keep the casualties as low as possible." He explained. "Things have changed in practice but on paper, things still stand."
"So what are we meant to do?" You asked.
"You'll have to decide between yourselves who gets that recognition." He replied.
"Right." You murmured and stood up. "Thank you, sir."
Champ gave you a nod. "And you, agent. I'm sorry it has to be this way."
Me too, you thought.
You stalked out of Champ's office, Jack hot on your heels. If things had been a little tense before, they were going to be strangling now. The cowboy was already hurt by your revelation from the night before, and now, that was only going to get worst, because there was no way in hell that you were about to give the reins over to him. You'd make it clear from day one that your job came first, so that shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone.
Heels clicking loudly against the floor, you sped up slightly in an attempt to lose him. It had been foolish, though, because before you could sprint into the ladies' room, Jack grabbed you by the arm and pulled you to the side.
"Lying to me and running away from me?" He asked. "You're breaking my fucking heart, baby."
You swatted his hand away and puffed out your chest. "I'm taking credit for Calahan."
Jack thinned his eyes at you. "We should talk about this."
"There's nothing to talk about." You said. "I chased his ass all the across the Atlanic and I've been working on this project longer than you. Personal feelings aside, it makes sense."
"It sounds like you're saying you've done most the work."
"That is what I'm saying."
"I've done most the physical work." He shot back. "The chasing, the jumping over walls, the field work."
"None of which you could have done without me."
"Is this because of what I said last night? Are you mad?" He asked.
"No, I'm mad because you know how much this means to me!" You shoved him. "A win like this is all I've ever wanted. You know that!"
"It means a lot to me too!"
"I am putting my name on those papers." You snapped. "I've spent my whole life living in the fucking shadows at Kingsman and I'm tired of it. This is my win."
"With an attitude like that, I don't blame the damn redcoats for wanting to keep you in the shadows."
Your mouth fell open. If that had come from anyone else, you could have dealt with it. But Jack? The man who had always encouraged and loved your fire? The man you'd opened up to about how suffocated you felt at Kingsman? It was though he'd thrown your trust right back in your face.
"Wait, I didn't mean that-"
"- fuck you, Jack."
Drinking was, essentially, the thing that had gotten you into this whole situation in the first place. It was this very bar, in fact.
It was beyond you why you'd gone to Jack's favourite cowboy bar to simmer; probably because it was the closest thing you could get to actually being in his presence right now. Which was quite funny, because if you were in his presence, you no doubt would have decked him right there and then. His stupid fucking words were playing on a loop in your head, and it felt like a punch to your gut every time they circled back around your pre-fontal cortex.
You could have called Eggsy and vented to him, but that would involve recounting the whole story to him. He'd want to whoop Jack's ass for going near you in the first place, and eject him into outer space entirely for his petty jab. God, you missed your best friend.
Despite your anger, you hadn't even drank that much. Maybe a beer, or three - way below the amount you needed to even get tipsy. Drunken rage barely did you favours at the best of times, and right now was definitely the worst of times. It was just that sitting in a bar was a much better alternative to wallowing in your pity, alone in your larger-than-life apartment.
You sighed and took another sip of your drink, glancing over at your phone. There were three texts from Jack; a please call me, a I'll explain everything and a I fucked up, I know. You couldn't help but snort - what reason did he even have for talking to you that way?
With a twenty tossed on the bar and an empty glass, you shrugged your jacket on and began the walk back to your apartment. The air was cold and everyone was rushing around you to get back to their own respective homes. You had never wanted more in your life to go back to yours - your home in London. The one filled with pictures of you and your family, with memories of dumb sleepovers with Eggsy and late nights with your favourite films.
"So you're stalking me now?"
You could't muster up any other words when you saw Jack waiting by your door. Apparently his ignored texts and calls hadn't been a big enough sign.
"I didn't know where you were." Jack murmured.
"I was out." You shoved your way past him. "You can go now."
"We need to talk."
"Not right now." You groaned. "I'm tired, no thanks to you."
"I don't like when things are like this." He continued, following you inside as you unlocked the door. "I can't stand the idea of you being mad at me."
"So why do you do shit that makes me mad?" You shot back.
Jack sighed, leaning against your kitchen earlier. "I shouldn't have said what I did earlier. I was hurt-"
"- you were hurt?!" You snorted in disbelief.
"It fucking killed me when you said that you didn't trust me, sugar." He admitted. "I get why. I've been holding a lot of stuff back from you and I...I don't think it'll excuse my behaviour, but it might at least give you a reason."
"Okay." You murmured.
"I've barely told anyone this, but I trust you." He reached out and took your hands in his. "It's a lot."
"Jack, you don't have to-"
"- I used to be married." He cut you off. You froze at his words. "Her name was Georgia, and we'd been in love since high-school."
"I..." you trailed off. "Used to be?"
"She was killed in a shoot-out during a robbery." Jack's voice wavered slightly. "She was pregnant at the time. I lost two people that day."
"Shit." You murmured. "I'm sorry, Jack."
"It's fine." He replied. "Not your fault, sweetheart."
"Who else knows?"
"Ginger." He said. "She was a friend of mine, long before we were at Statesman. Georgia's best friend, too."
"You're trying to protect her, aren't you?" You glanced up, eyes meeting. "By keeping her out the field?"
"It's a shitty excuse." He half-heartedly shrugged. "She's all I have left of Georgia. The only person who really shares my pain."
Jack was right -- it hadn't been an excuse, but it was an explanation. You couldn't even begin to get your head around the kind of pain he must have felt then, or even the kind he felt now. You'd had weeks worth of deep conversations and late-night talks but he had never, ever even remotely mentioned Georgia, or his unborn child. You couldn't blame him for that. Not in the slightest.
You were struggling to find the words, really. A thousand new layers had just been added to a man you were already struggling to understand.
"That must be a real weight on your shoulders."
"It is." Jack nodded. "But it lifts slightly when I'm with you."
"Really?" You asked quietly.
"Completely." He countered. "That's all I've wanted my entire life -- to feel again, and I do with you."
"That's deep." You tried to crack a joke, to lighten the mood.
"Even if this ends when you go back to London, I'm still grateful." He continued. "You gave me that, so I should give you what you've always wanted."
"A real-life Batmobile?"
Jack snorted, despite the emotional atmosphere. "Your name will have to go on those papers. It should never have even been a question."
"Jack, I-"
"- that's all there is to say." He shook his head. "There'll be other arrests and missions, but I'll never find someone like you."
Without anything to say, you placed your hands on either side of his face and pulled him into a kiss. That in itself said everything you needed to- thank you, I'm sorry, maybe you don't suck that much, etc. The entire conversation marked a definitive shift in your relationship, and even though it was one that neither of you could quite work out, that didn't matter. You'd thrown yourself back into the deep end, even though you'd been so hell-bent on breaking to the surface just hours earlier.
There was no doubt that it would only complicated the whole let's not fall in love promise you'd made -- but that was something to worry about later, right?
taglist: @b0nnyzz @xremember-me-notx @somenerdyuser @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol @javisjeanjacket @phoenixhalliwell @no-droids-on-sunday​ @paintballkid711​ @waatermelon-sugaar​ @hepburnwritess​ @haileyybird​ @xjaywritesx​ @jabbajambler​ @the-mandalorian-clone-lover​ @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky​ @welcometothepedroverse​ @wickedmuse​
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