#❝ — some say she's from mars ! ❞┊closed starter
scftlightz · 1 year
ੈ♡˳┊closed starter for @esoerotica / plot
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to dodging bullets. the moment on the dance floor rattled the state of her mind. did she kill their marriage? or was it because he always avoided it? six years of a void marriage that started by being a cover. she wasn't supposed to share drinks and a night with him, use him as an alibi and escape colombia after killing her mark. famke was deep into the small fantasy she created on emotions. with her hiding the fact she's a trained killer and spy, it was starting to weigh on her shoulders. which could have played a part in their now dull marriage. that was until as of recent when she missed a target due to an unknown man. the unknown man being her own husband threw her completely off. for once she was conflicted.
all business. cold hard math. she almost couldn't get through the conversation over the phone. racing him back home for possibly their last interaction but she didn't want it to be. but she felt cornered and had the sense to defend herself. he did shoot at her first, anyways. now she was sitting at an angle on their stairs, angling the barrel of her firearm anticipating on hearing for he's located. she was praying that he would leave, but she knew him. he's stubborn. that's what she loved about him. it didn't take her long to register a creak in the floor that caused a shot to be fired from her weapon. clocking it to prepare for another one, " still alive, baby? " the suburban housewife sweetly asked.
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critterbitter · 10 months
I'm wheezing over Ingo and Litwick's dynamic jgjbjjxjsjwkfiisiq and TYNAMO FITTING INTO EMMET'S SCARF IS SOOO CUTE!! Love how you draw the little sbubby bois, their conductor themed outfits are soo freaking cute!!!
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I have so many thoughts when it comes to them it’s insane. Glad you like the characterizations!
Here’s a quick one shot under the cut, as a treat for making it this far.
Emmet finds Tynamo three months before Ingo meets Litwick. Ingo has some thoughts.
Ingo and Emmet are part of a pair.
If Emmet is the fuck around and find out, then Ingo’s been relegated amused damage control. This has always been the case, right up until Emmet found tynamo. Then suddenly, it’s “wow emmet, you’re so responsible!” “Golly gee Emmet, what do you mean you don’t want to go exploring the cave systems after dark?” “Gee whizz, what do you mean curfew for your eel puppy?” “Why in Reshiram do you get to have a whole pokemon three months before we agreed to get starters, and i don’t?”
Ingo doesn’t say the last part. He’s a bitter world-weary twelve year old languishing about the unfairness of the pokestray distribution system, but he also loves his brother. Emmet found an injured tynamo in chargestone cave and decided to help— tynamo decided to stay. It’s every child’s film plot. Ingo being a grouchy gengar makes him objectively a terrible friend.
Oh dragons, is Ingo a bad brother?
Speak of the cold, and he shall enter. Ingo swings his whole body around to better brace for the flying tackle.
“I am emmet! You are sulking.”
Ingo clicks his mouth closed and tries not to sulk harder. He fails.
“You are not being verrrry convincing, brother dearest.”
“I do not have any idea what you are going on about,” Ingo’s traitorous mouth blurts. “Be convinced I love you and am not planning dastardly plots.”
Do not think about getting a ground typed starter. Do not think about getting a ground typed starter.
Emmet shoots him a judgemental look from under the brim of his hat. Ingo glowers back, and slowly starts leaning forward, smooshing Emmet under his weight.
“Ttttell me why you look like a crushed joltik.”
“Keep this up and you are going to be the crushed joltik.”
Anyways, Emmet is becoming more bold by the day and even actively discussing electric types with the new girl in elementary prep, Elesa. Ingo thinks she’s cool, but she flinched when he blurted a once again too loud greeting so he’s… letting that cool off. They definitely don’t have anything to talk about beyond pokemon, and Emmet and her already have pokemon. Ingo feels a bit left out.
Caught in the ennui of not having a blitzle or tynamo, Ingo slips as Emmet rolls out from under him. The two go down in an ungraceful tangle of limbs.
“Tell. Me. What’s. Wrong.” Emmet gently slaps Ingo’s face like a ripe oran berry. “You want to tell me sooo badly. Ooh.”
“Emmet- aurgh. Gerroff’”
“I don’t speak denial.”
Ingo gives up. His entire body deflates. Emmet, not expecting the sudden loss of spinal infrastructure, slides sideways and knees Ingo’s lungs.
Ingo wheezes. “I’m sulking because you were crushing my spine.”
“Tell me the truth.”
Uh oh. Ingo studies Emmet’s face. It’s the same one he looks into the mirror with, but marred with concern and self consciousness. Ingo made Emmet worry. He’s not just a bad twin. He’s the worst.
“You are Emmet.”
“I am Emmet.”
“You have Tynamo.”
“Tynamo’s charging at home.”
Smart ass! Emmet knows what Ingo means. And by Emmet’s smug grin, Emmet knows too.
Ingo struggles to explain that Emmet has Tynamo, and Elesa, and… that’s only two other individuals. He is truly the worst twin in all the land. Emmet gets two new friends and Ingo’s being an infant about it.
One day, Ingo will have his own pokemon partner and team— but right now, Ingo only gets to have Emmet.
Ingo feels this is an unfair trade equivalent, but he does not want to say it in a way that sounds rude, so he stalls.
Emmet has no such prefunctures. He squints at Ingo, who avoids eye contact and squirms. “You are… jealous?” He tilts his head in visible confusion. “What?”
Ingo covers his face with his hands, defeated.
“You arrrre jealous!” Emmet cries, bewildered. “Why??”
Ingo lets out an unintelligible wheeze. Emmet remembers he still has a knee on Ingo’s chest, and hastily sits back.
“I don’t want to be jealous,” Ingo finally bursts. “I am very happy for you Emmet! You and Tynamo are a winning combination!” His voice cracks embarrassingly. Emmet doesn’t flinch at the volume, even muffled under Ingo’s palms. “I don’t want to be a bad brother being jealous.”
“You aren’t a bad brother, Ingo.”
“I am. I am angry that you found your starter and I haven’t. I’m sad I interrupted your schedule with my inane demands. I have made you feel like you did something wrong. I apologize.”
Peeking between Ingo’s fingers, Emmet’s face falls. Ingo wants to be struck by a giga impact rather than face this. He would rather be a dusty imprint. Where is Uncle Drayden’s Haxorous when you need her?
“Ingo, Ingo listen to me.” Emmet’s hands dart forward to settle Ingo’s shoulders. The pressure is grounding. Real. This is where Emmet tells Ingo he’s being stupid.
He hears Emmet exhale.
“I’m sorry.”
Wait, that doesn’t sound right. “Pardon?”
“I wanted to train Tynamo as my conductor, and I left our two-car train unmaintained.”
Emmet looks uncomfortable and sad. It makes Ingo uncomfortable and sad. “Yesterday night. When you wanted to go to the caves. For our weekly charting. I said I’d rather help Tynamo.”
Oh. Yeah, Ingo remembers that. It had stung. “You are not obligated to say yes,” he protests. “In fact, you should say no more. You always say yes.”
“What did I just say.”
“No. You’re my brother. I left you out.”
Ingo slowly puts down his hands. His face still feels warm, but he feels less scared. Now he just feels embarrassed. He can’t help but let out a meek plea slip. “Don’t go where I can’t follow, Emmet. Please.”
“I would never! We are going on our pokemon journey together, yep yep. You, me, tynamo, and whoever your starter will be!”
The two sit there on the side of the dirt road. Emmet’s declaration sounds like a dangerous promise. Ingo realizes at that moment he would do anything for his brother, who’s his best friend and confidant and world, starter or no starter. He opens his mouth to tell Emmet that.
“Wwwwwait. You are trying to go back to the caves. Ingo! Are you trying to find a starter by yourself!?”
Never mind. Emmet’s gone for his soft underbelly, and Ingo’s in pain. “Emphasis on trying,” he mutters instead. The joltik are not interested in him. The local tynamo swarm fled. A curious drilbur had sniffed him once, turned up its nose, and then trundled into the wall.
Nothing had felt right for Ingo— too scared, too judgemental, or too uninterested. He’s starting to accept that maybe none of the pokemon in this town area match his truth or ideals.
Emmet was quiet for a long time. He had his thinking face on, so Ingo did not interrupt. He took the time instead to look up at the sky, watching the giant puff of clouds drift by. A plume of swabloo lazily inches their way across the horizon.
A shadow falls over Ingo. Emmet dusts himself off, and helps drag his twin to his feet. The two sway, clasping hands.
“We’ll ask Uncle Drayden,” Emmet decides, and Ingo is enthralled by the sheer truth of that statement. “He’ll let us use the subway! And you can look elsewhere, for a starter who is ideal for you. Wwwwith me and Tynamo, instead of by yourself.”
“Truly?” Uncle Drayden is a scary man.
Emmet nods. It’s easy to talk to Emmet— he just says words that Ingo would spend hours ruminating on. “I am verrrry persuasive.”
“You mean staring at him from the corner until he cracks?”
“Brother, you know me so well!”
Ingo cant help but laugh. He still feels guilty and bad for feeling envious, but a world with emmet by his side is significantly less hostile. Emmet’s hand is warm in his.“Thank you!” He cheers, startling himself with his volume. “Bravo,” he tried in a quieter tone.
“Bravo!!” Emmet replies, pointedly louder. Ingo squawks as Emmet pulls him off balance. “You are my brother! We’re going to find you a starter!”
Ingo tugs back just as fiercely. “Bravo!! We are going to harass Uncle Drayden into letting us board the train!”
Emmet leans with his whole body, dragging Ingo into the fulcrum of his centrifuge. “BRAVO! YOU ARE GOING TO HELP ME WITH TYNAMO’S TRAINING!”
Ingo digs his heels in, and then stumbles. “BRAVO, I, what?”
Emmet looked distinctly patrat-esque. “We’re in this together, Ingo. No backing out now.”
Ingo thought about it long and hard. He gets to see his brother get electrocuted. But he will, also, most likely, get electrocuted.
(Tynamo is Emmet’s starter. But maybe, it can also be Ingo’s friend.)
But brother say brother do, and Ingo’s probably obligated to run damage control if Emmet decides to, say, shove a fork into an outlet for Tynamo to snack on.
(Emmet fucks around. Ingo finds out. Even two steps apart with new people between, this is the way of their world.)
“Alright,” he crumbles. When they step this time, they step in sync. “We do this. Together.” (Enjoy this? Here's the link to the rest of my rat crimes.)
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ivory-lamps · 3 months
A02: Night Office
Characters: Daniel & Yodaka Location: Hama Summary: The protagonist visits the bar Daniel frequents. They enter and find a cheerful bartender and the bar owner deep asleep… Proofreader: Shay
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ📍 Location: Ten Nights’ Dreams Bar
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Momiji / Kaede: Hm…?
(There’s… a flower on the ground?)
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(Did it fall from someone’s bouquet? It’s beautiful… and it’s still fresh. I wonder what sort of flower it is.)
Daniel: Heey, Manager. What’re you doin’ in the middle of the road?
Momiji / Kaede: Sorry, I found something on the ground.
Daniel: Oh… a flower, eh? Didn’t think there’d be people dropping delicate stuff like this.
So, what’re you gonna do with that?
Momiji / Kaede: It’ll wilt if I leave it on the ground, so for now, I’d like to give it some water, though.
Daniel: That’s perfect, then.
Momiji / Kaede: What do you mean?
Daniel: Come on, let’s go in.
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Daniel: Hey, hey.
Momiji / Kaede: (“Ten Nights’ Dream”... This bar has really nice vibes. It’s quiet and calming.)
(I get the feeling that they’ve taken a lot of care in picking out the furnishings. I wonder if they chose them all based on the era? Oh.)
(There are flowers arranged in the vases…)
Chou un: Welcome. Two customers have entered.
Employee: Oh, sorry. We haven’t opened yet~
Hm? Oh, it’s you, Hiroshi.
Daniel: Yo.
Momiji / Kaede: (Hmm… Daniel-san mentioned he’s on good terms with the owner here, but I guess it’s because he’s a regular?)
(And is this friendly and good-looking man the owner?)
Daniel: I was told I could come earlier next time, so here I am – I came before you opened.
Employee: Huh? That’s not what that means. I’m here being a bartender so I can meet some sexy gals. So, tell me, who’s gonna be happy seeing some middle-aged man with big pecs?
Daniel: That’s my line. You always move me somewhere else when female customers walk through the door. I wouldn’t mind shouting your nasty fetishes at the top of my lungs, you know?
Daniel & Employee: Hmph.
Employee: Anyway, here’s your starter – a tequila boom boom!
Daniel: You’re givin’ me a shot right from the get-go?
Employee: It’s all yours! I could even give you the whole bottle if you want to drink straight from that!
Momiji / Kaede: (They look like they’re pretty close…)
Chief, we’re still clocked in!
Daniel: Huh~? There’s a law that says you can drink during overtime, right?
Momiji / Kaede: That law doesn’t exist.
Employee: Aha! Hey, who’s this?
Momiji / Kaede: I’m Hamasaki. Pay me no mind.
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🍁 Male protagonist (Kaede) route 🍁
Daniel: Pay me no mind? Man, you’re the one person I shouldn’t have brought to a bar.
Employee: This guy’s no fun~... I can’t believe you brought a guy over~...
Kaede: Is being a guy a bad thing?
Employee: It’s fine… customers are still customers, no matter the gender. I was just thinking how I don’t want any more scruffy and dirty things.
Kaede: (Is that the image I give off…?)
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🍂 Female protagonist (Momiji) route 🍂
Employee: Hey, we’ve met each other on Mars before, haven’t we?
Momiji: Excuse me?
Employee: Nah, it’s fine. It’s all in the past. Let’s have a proper encounter on Earth this time.
Daniel: I don’t mind if you flirt, but don’t forget she works under me.
Employee: …Tsk. Your chaperone here is a bit big on the muscle side.
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Employee: Hey, we’ve met each other on Mars before, haven’t we?
Momiji / Kaede: Excuse me?
Employee: Nah, it’s fine. It’s all in the past. Let’s have a proper encounter on Earth this time.
Daniel: I don’t mind if you flirt, but don’t forget they work under me.
Employee: …Tsk. Your chaperone here is a bit big on the muscle side.
Daniel: Oh, I forgot to mention but this guy’s–
Yun Yun: I’m Yun Yun. Nice to meetcha.
Daniel: Yun…? Okay? You’re going with that? Not that I mind.
Momiji / Kaede: Y–Yun Yun…-san. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Yun Yun: The pleasure’s all mine~
Daniel: By the way, where’s the owner?
Momiji / Kaede: Oh. You’re not the owner?
Yun Yun: Oh, no. Don’t lump me in with Yodaka-san. The owner’s the one lying over there.
Bar owner?: …… ……
Momiji / Kaede: (I didn’t even notice there was someone sleeping on the sofa…)
Daniel: Time to get to work, Manager. Mission No.1: “Wake ‘em up”.
Momiji / Kaede: Huh? What? You’d be the better option since you’re already acquainted with him, right?
Daniel: I’m gonna enjoy this glass as I wait. See ya.
Momiji / Kaede: ……
(Well, it’s just waking him up, so it should be fine.)
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Bar owner: ……
Momiji / Kaede: (He’s sound asleep… I wonder if he’ll wake if I just shake his shoulder a bit.)
Um, please excuse me.
Bar owner: …… ……
Momiji / Kaede: (He’s saying something… in his sleep?)
(I can’t really hear it. I’ll get a bit closer…)
Bar owner: …More…
Open your mouth… Don’t let it… spill…
Momiji / Kaede: !?
P–Please wake up, Mr. Bar Owner! I have a feeling it’s a bad idea to say any more…!
Bar owner: Do it… better…
…Oh, I didn’t realise… you’ve gotten… so used… to it…
Momiji / Kaede: Whaa!
Yun Yun: Oh, they’re back.
Momiji / Kaede: Sorry, I didn’t manage to wake him up since he looked like he was having a really nice dream.
Daniel: What sorta dream was it for you to go red as a tomato?
Momiji / Kaede: I’m not red. It’s because of the lighting.
Yun Yun: Hiroshi~ Don’t bully your junior so much~
Momiji / Kaede: I completely agree.
Yun Yun: Ahaha! …So, what about Flower Laundry?
Daniel: We’ve got some business with the worker there. DIdn’t get to meet ‘em, though.
Yun Yun: Flower Laundry… that’s the florist slash laundromat that handles both of those lines of work, right? They must have a lotta deliveries to do, so if you don’t get your timing right, you probably won’t ever get to meet him.
Momiji / Kaede: (I guess that’s true… Actually, just earlier…)
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ📍 Location: Flower Laundry – flashback
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Sonia: Welcome.
Momiji / Kaede: (Wow, what a cute pet robot. It’s not rare for a shop to have a pet robot to help out and look after the shop while the owner’s gone.)
(But I wish our company could get one, too… Oh, but Shumai might get jealous.)
Is Nagi Hachinoya in?
Sonia: Nagi-san is currently out on a delivery. He said he would do the deliveries for both the flowers and laundry side of things.
Also, Nagi-san is a bit of a trouble magnet, so I’ve been told not to disclose when he’ll be back. My apologies.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ📍 Location: Ten Nights’ Dreams Bar
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Bar owner: Why did you go to his store?
Momiji / Kaede: Huh!? Ah!? Whaa…!
Bar owner: Oh, I took you by surprise.
Momiji / Kaede: I–It’s because you suddenly whispered in my ear…!
Daniel: You better watch out – he’s the walking “Libido Switch man”. Pretty famous ‘round these parts.
Momiji / Kaede: L–Libi…?
Bar owner: Well, I haven’t heard that in a while.
Momiji / Kaede: That doesn’t add up seeing as you were mumbling about that stuff in your sleep…
Bar owner: In my sleep? I had a dream where my friend and I were eating a popsicle… It was orange and pineapple flavoured.
Momiji / Kaede: (Anyone would get the wrong idea with the words he said…!)
Yun Yun: Mornin’.
Bar owner: Mm, good morning. Chou un.
Chou un: Present.
Bar owner: Play some music that will be perfect for tonight.
Chou un: …Certainly. I shall play the playlist that’s based on “old memories”.
Momiji / Kaede: (The pet robot has a function to play music, huh… There’s a faint light emitting from the lantern – how pretty.)
Bar owner: What’s this?
Momiji / Kaede: Hm?
Bar owner: Would you like to place it in this vase? It looks like it wants some water.
Momiji / Kaede: Oh, you’re talking about this flower…?
Bar owner: That’s right. It must feel so lonely all by itself. It’s drooping a little.
Momiji / Kaede: Thank you. I was thinking of getting some water for it but I forgot I was still gripping it in my hand.
Excuse me, then. I’ll place the flower inside.
Bar owner: ……
Momiji / Kaede: Um…
Bar owner: …………
Momiji / Kaede: (H–He’s just staring at me. I wonder why.)
Bar owner: Have we met before?
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🍁 Male protagonist (Kaede) route 🍁
Kaede: No, I’m pretty sure this is our first meeting…!
Bar owner: Really?
Kaede: Probably… uhh… your face is kind of close.
Bar owner: That’s because it is.
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🍂 Female protagonist (Momiji) route 🍂
Momiji: (His face is so close…!)
No, I’m pretty sure this is our first meeting…!
Bar owner: Really? Those eyes… I remember them.
Yun Yun: Hey, I already used that line.
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Bar owner: Oh, well.
By the way, have you ordered yet?
Yun Yun: They haven’t.
Daniel: Oh, sorry. I completely forgot.
Manager, I’ll treat ya so pick somethin’ to drink. Yodaka’s cocktails are great.
Momiji / Kaede: You hardly ever treat anyone. I’m really interested but we’re still working, and that means no alcohol.
Bar owner: How about a mocktail, then?
Momiji / Kaede: A mocktail?
Bar owner: It’s a non-alcoholic cocktail. Just wait a moment.
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wynterlanding · 1 year
closed starter continuation -|- american money arc 2 @xwildheart
Sometimes it’s darker in his head than he realizes. Darker than the worst time in his life, which originally had been consumed in the foreboding manipulations of famed actress Emeline Entwistle. Family always claimed to be in some relation to the infamous Peg, taking her final swan dive top of the H of the Hollywood sign. Gross fabrication in his view as was Em’s entire existence. Fabrication. Delusional. Abusive. A cesspool of dirt beneath an oil magnate giving darling daughter her fast breaks BUT oh that’s hardly his darkest.
Sitting half slumped over in a chair, wrists sore from bindings, bruises marring in a cattle brand to his entrapment, Landon’s feeling oh so dark. Swallowed hole in a barrel of insanity in the shape of another blonde; he slowly lifted his head, eyes heavy but able to peer at her. Coming closer with that sick grin on her lips it’s nightmare fuel. Forget all his terrifying visions on film. She IS terror. Wrapped up in a faux soft spoken girl, she is the metaphor for rich shiny red apple. Surface value says its tasty, sweet but inside its core is rotten.
“I want you to know,” Marigold insisted, dragging fingers back through his hair. Gripping to yank his head back, she hovered, lips curved in a smile. “That I’m going to keep you… forever. AND EVER.” Forever and hell can be better. Hell is better. Hell is empty because all those unfathomable devils are here inside this demented diva. She keeps touching him. Grabbing onto his face, stroking along his beard, pulling her unwanted fingers through his hair; Landon struggles to move away. Unable to make his body do what it needs he’s frozen. Not even his voice works. Begging her to fucking stop touching him! Somehow she does hear it even when his lips are sealed closed. Oh and she hates that because she can see right through him.
“Do you see her?” Marigold taunts, pulling hands off to slam them down onto the table beside a dish. “Do you see her here, Landon? DO YOU SEE HER? I cut off her pretty little head just for you. On a silver platter!” She pulled the dome off the dish, giggling as she unveiled her best table spread. Alice all dead!
“St-STOP!” Landon’s voice strangles out, gaining volume in a sweaty rouse. His forehead glistens under a glow of the outside lights crossing into his bedroom. No windows open to allow any sort of breeze so it’s all stifling. Suffocating in his home, closed away battered and disabled. Leg is throbbing in his movement sitting up in a jolt. His breathing hastens in his horrifying disorientation. One might think he’s having a heart attack the way he’s currently clutching at his chest. Beating so hard against his ribs, dreams are dangerous in his state. They keep coming. Every one seems to be worse than the last but here he is. Awake and here with –
“Alice?” he murmured, shifting to an empty side in his bed. His hand dropped from his pounding heart onto the space. Sheets crumpled where she once had been. Where she’s now gone and suddenly the director’s nightmare brain confuses it for reality. “Alice?!”
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violet-lamerton · 1 year
STARTER: Adelita & Violet LOCATION: Adelita’s Bar STATUS: CLOSED
Adelita had asked Violet in a rather official capacity if she wanted to join the coven. A letter had arrived at her little cottage in the woods, and Violet had read it with shaking hands before placing it into the fire, trying to forget the invitation at all. 
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The thought of joining another coven after what had happened with the one she had grown up in. Even the word coven made her think of Liliana, of that terrible night when she had been taken from Violet for the final time. Of course, knew none of this. There wasn’t one soul in all of Opulence who knew the full story - Mars knew what had happened to Liliana but knew nothing of the coven itself. The way Violet had had to abandon everyone she had ever known and loved in order to keep them safe.
But, Adelita was persistent, another letter arriving just weeks after the first. Violet felt bad - the high priestess wasn’t trying to upset Violet, she simply wanted to reach out the witch. Violet felt she owed her some answers. So she decided to venture out and head to Adelita’s bar, despite every fibre of her being screaming at her to stay home. She looked out of place in the bar - bare-feet, a thin linen dress and a stack of homemade necklaces - she looked eccentric to say the least, her furrowed brow and dark eyes scanning the bar for any sign of the priestess. 
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babydxhl · 9 months
@mute-call | starter call.
"Is this on some company credit card?"
She barely spares him a glance over her shoulder, exhaling a thin stream of cigarette smoke up towards the sky. The rooftop terrace was all but empty; the rest of the patrons had clustered back inside, shying away from the hazy coral skyline, the encroach of clouds marring one half of the horizon. A tiny string of garden lights had only just flicked on.
"You want to make some money, you should be back in there," she says after a beat. One hand cups the other elbow. The cigarette dangles between her index and middle fingers, the glowing tip just a little too close to the knuckle. Mary turns on her heel, squints at him, at the coming and goings of the bar. "Lion's den. For someone like you."
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sharransepulchre · 18 days
❛ the less you know, the better. ❜
. ☽◯☾ . starters from here
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❝ i ' m not some sensitive priestess in need of sheltering , you know . ❞ The Sharran is quick to say, warming her hands by the campfire. Most everyone else had gone to sleep by this hour, but rest seemed to elude her. Every attempt was met with discomfort - memories attempting to reach out desperately to her, even as she stomped them into the crevices of her mind. She has no right to see them, to attempt their recollection - she sacrificed them to Shar, as a loyal follower would do. So there she had been lying in her bedroll, unable to catch even a wink, when she had heard rustling outside. Nosy as she was, she rolled out of her tent and slinked into the darkness; only to find one of her companions - Karlach - lamenting by the campfire. It was unusual to see, and caught her interest far quicker than anything else.
The conversation has not yet gone far, but she was adamant. Her careful eyes survey the other woman, watching her gaze, her expression - before they shift down to the glow of her chest. It's a soft golden hue, flaring up and almost beating like a real heart would. Still too hot to touch, she was sure, but the close proximity did well to drive away that seemingly permanent chill in her bones. She draws in a breath, her ever observant gaze sliding back up to absorb her features once more as she regarded the barbarian.
❝ if , that is , a matter of assumption that i can ' t handle whatever it is that ' s on your mind . i mean , ❞ She pauses for the briefest moment, pulling her gaze down to her right hand. Pointedly, to the black mar scarring the back of it, and she brings her left hand forward to join the right. Her slender fingers absentmindedly brush against the wound that never heals. ❝ you know what i am now . not that it was some grand revelation , apparently, as assumptions formed quickly when my mannerisms and secrecy fell under scrutiny . ❞ Her lips purse for a moment - thinking about the literal symbol of Shar she wore on her circlet. It wasn't too discreet.
❝ though , if you prefer to keep it to yourself ; i won ' t pry . you did the same for me , and . . . it ' s more than most do . i would like to show you the same respect . ❞
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smuglemon · 5 months
mars journal 2
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it's been a few ingame weeks since my last post about mars.
welcome to the town CUBE!!! he was one of my starters in my new horizons town so i'm pleased to have him back in some reality! he's been incredibly chill so far, as i expect from the best personality type ^_^ i'm such a sucker for the more unique and colorful villagers, so he's extremely close to going on my Keep Forever list... but hey we'll see!
i've been more diligent with checking on villagers houses to make sure there's no surprise moveouts like kabuki. i took a few days for a break and when i came back pudge was hours from moving, and i literally felt like crying and throwing up i'm so glad i convinced him. maple, however, also asked to move. i had this plan to keep her until it felt right, but...
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yeah i admit it. the guilt hit me like a truck. i let her go...
in surprising news, teddy gave me his PHOTO! TEDDY. yeah i'm as confused about it as you are. i genuinely remembered it to be a herculean task to get a villager photo in these games, and this guy just walks up to me a week in and gives me one for literally no reason. im sorry man pudge is my real best friend
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now it's time for... the drama that comes with every acww town :[ very unsurprisingly, it all revolves around ELVIS. maelle's on the good duck list this week because she hasnt done anything especially mean. but elvis oh elvis....
every time i come up to him hes got some shit to say. now i think it's funny when villagers are mean but he took it a step further. pudge asked him the sweetest silliest question comparing some foods!!!!! and elvis proceeds to go. "IDIOTS YOURE BOTH IDIOTS YOURE GOING TO RUIN THIS TOWN YOU GOTTA LET PUDGE HAVE IT SODA." Like. Can someone Take this guy out. he also wanted to send a letter to maelle saying she sounds lame so. standup guy. get out of my town
anyways... i know i write about this game like its mental torture but it's really my favorite ac game dialogue wise. seriously, almost none of this post was exaggeration!! it just gave me this hehehe i wonder what my final town will shape up to be like..
0 notes
saiilorstars · 2 years
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In the Scheme of the Multiverse
Characters: Maribel (OFC), Tom, Andrew & Tobey!Spidermans, MJ, Ned, Strange
Summary: Three Peter Parkers are united to help cure their enemies to save one world. Maribel Jenavid, a Multiverse expert, aids them in their quest despite growing weaker as the multiverse cracks. In the process, she learns about her other doppelgangers, more specifically Peter 3's best friend "Mar" who inexplicably cut ties with him. Maribel then reveals the secret her doppelganger kept that could change Peter's entire perspective.
taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​​ @arrthurpendragon​​​​​​ @anotherunreadblog​​​​​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​​​​ ​​ @stareyedplanet​​​​​​​ @foxesandmagic​​​​ ​​​​
Maribel’s Masterlist​​
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!
Continues in Part 2
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A/N: In which I screw the itty details of the plot to fit my story :)
Part 1
Stuck in a different world was something Peter never thought he would have to deal with. Although, the mere idea that the multiverse was real was beyond exhilarating — it was perhaps the first time in a long time that he felt that kind of emotion. All he could do for the moment was stick to the shadows until he found someone who could help him.
And then he stepped out of the shadows and suddenly there were mobs of people, some angry — some trying to help him out? — trying to grab him on the street. Peter had no idea what to do except to literally swing out of there…and then someone grabbed his arm…and someone else grabbed his other arm. The crowd was going to swallow him in the middle of the street.
"HEY!" He managed to hear in the midst of all the chaos.
The mob of people froze in their tracks when a blinding light zapped on the side. All they saw were the remnants of some kind of white portal closing in on itself. At the same time, another portal opened up right behind them. Peter jumped with the foreign touch of hands on his shoulders.
"You're coming with me!" He heard before the light consumed his vision.
Next thing he knew, he was in an alleyway, stumbling away from the pair of hands.
"It's alright, I'm a friend," the voice, now clearly a woman, told him as he came to a stop.
He breathed hard, in and out, and stared at the woman through his mask. She herself wore one — a deep blue and white super suit — as well. Her long black hair cascaded over her chest and even behind the mask, he could see bright blue eyes curiously watching him back.
She raised her hands in front of her. "Friend," she repeated.
"Did you — was that light —" Peter spun around trying to catch sight of the white light he saw a minute ago. "Where'd it go!? Who the — was that you!?" He finally faced the woman again.
The woman nodded slowly. "I get it, multiverse conundrum is confusing and scary for those who are dragged into it. You happened to land in the one universe where Spiderman is basically a fugitive of the law."
"Not as crazy as you think," Peter had to say, "I'm more stuck on the fact that there's a multiverse and…" He paused for a second and gazed at the woman again, "You know about it. You know I'm not from here?"
"Mhm," the woman nodded.
"Well, for starters, I actually know Spiderman from this world. And you —" she pointed at him, "—are a couple inches too tall. Plus, your suit's all wrong."
"Hey!" Peter's hands flung to his chest as he checked out his suit.
"And crossing the multiverse is sort of what I do," the woman finished off with a bang.
Peter dropped his arms on his sides, mouth gaping open behind his mask. "What? You cross worlds?"
The woman nodded. "Aha, my neat little trick if you'd like to give it a name. I felt the disturbance as soon as the others started coming in."
"Others." The woman looked up at the dark night sky. "Sorry it took me so long to find you. I've been trying to track you guys but I think Peter's pretty much gathered them all. There's too many for me to individually single out."
"You still sort of saved me," Peter had to give the woman her credit. "With your…multiverse powers…?"
The woman chuckled lightly. "Take it in, I know it's hard. You deserve 5 minutes of processing."
But of course those 5 minutes were interrupted when an orange portal swirled opened into existence. Peter straightened up immediately, ready for the fight that time. The woman, however, turned around calmly.
"Oh, that makes sense," she remarked.
Peter did a double take at her, finally noticing that she was not frightened nor alarmed by the portal. "What does?"
"The Sorcerers are getting involved now," she mumbled and started moving towards the portals, "This is their mess."
"Peter! Peter!" Someone called from the other end of the portal.
The woman came to a stop, once again tilting her head.
"Peter, c'mon!"
"Are they calling…me?" Peter pointed at himself, suddenly placing all of his trust on the woman in front of him.
"Yes…and no…" the woman said slowly.
The woman let out a breathy laugh. "How did these idiots get a hold of that!?"
Peter felt the entire atmosphere change all of a sudden. The woman continued to walk forwards, more casual now and gestured to him to follow her.
"Maribel! Thank God!" MJ ran up to the woman as soon as she crossed through the portal and threw her arms around the woman for a hug. "Thank God you found him!"
"Again — yes and no…" 'Maribel' said slowly and prompted MJ to let her go.
Ned was still holding the portal open when Peter crossed through. Like everyone else, Ned knew that was not his best friend.
"Maribel…" MJ stepped back to stand with Ned, her eyes locked on the Spiderman-suited man who was not Spiderman.
Peter, meanwhile, was preoccupied with the little that he heard. "Maribel?"
"And there goes secret identities," Maribel said with a light sigh. She pulled her mask off from her face and revealed herself.
Out of shock, Peter did the same thing and yanked his mask off. His eyes were wide to the brim. "Maribel?" This had to be dumb luck.
Maribel raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm getting the sense that you know me."
Peter nodded slowly.
"Well we don't know him! Who is he!?" MJ exclaimed, her brow furrowing at Peter. "Who are you!?"
"I'm Peter Parker," the young man introduced himself, although his gaze seemed permanently stuck on Maribel.
"No, you're not," MJ shook her head fervently.
"Oh, yes he is," Maribel said, coming by the girl's side and resting a hand on her shoulder. "Because just like everyone else, Peter — our Peter — has doppelgangers."
"I thought doppelganger were supposed to be look the same…" Ned remarked.
"Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't," Maribel shrugged, "There are versions of ourselves in every world — sometimes even in the opposite sex. It's a whole complicated mess you don't need to worry about. What I need to know is what the hell have you been up to?" She turned on the two teenagers with a motherly disapproving stare. "Aren't you idiots weeks from graduation?"
"W-well, yeah, but…things happened…" Ned said, bringing his hands in front of himself. "Bad things…"
"Peter had Dr. Strange try doing a spell that would make everyone forget that he was spiderman but it sort of went wrong and it started pulling people from other worlds who knew Peter Parker instead," MJ said in one long, rushed ramble.
Maribel brought her hand to her forehead and rubbed it. "You are idiots. And I'm sorry —" she suddenly exclaimed, "—but Strange went for this idea!? Where the hell is he right now!? Why isn't he fixing it!?"
MJ exchanged looks with Ned, both clearing agreeing not to answer.
Maribel raised an eyebrow at the pair. "What?" She demanded, her voice hard.
"It's just…" MJ fiddled her fingers together, "Peter sort of left him…in another location…possibly Siberia? I don't know."
Maribel gaped. "What!?"
"But it's okay because now you're here!" MJ once again threw her arms around Maribel. "And you can cross worlds and use your powers to help fix this! Please fix this!"
"Wait a minute!" Peter finally called, waving his hands above his head. He claimed everyone's attention. "What the hell are you talking about!? Maribel — please just answer me."
"And where'd you find this guy?" Ned asked Maribel and jerked a thumb at Peter.
Maribel sighed as she detached herself from MJ's grip. "I found him on the streets escaping the mob of people who now hate Spiderman. I'm getting senses everywhere right now. My radar's going haywire." She turned towards Peter, offering the confused man a soft smile. "You know me, right?"
Peter nodded silently. It was exceptionally fascinating Maribel looked exactly the same as the version that he knew. The suit and the powers were quite literally out of this world but everything else about her was the same. It was comforting…in the midst of all the chaos.
"My name's Maribel Jenavid," she walked up to Peter and held a hand out, "And I promise you that in this world, we can be friends too. You can trust me."
"But can we trust him?" MJ said defensively.
"Yes," Peter said, offended at the insinuation. "I am Peter Parker!"
"He is," Maribel said calmly, "Just not from here and given the recent events that happened — yes, I've seen the news —" MJ and Ned shut down very quickly, "—I don't think we have time to argue about this. Trust me, I'm the multiverse expert."
"How?" Peter found himself asking. He kept looking at Maribel from head to toe, trying to make sense of it all.
Maribel shrugged. "Always been like that. Born with it."
Peter raised an eyebrow at her. "Born with it?" Maribel nodded and just as he was about to ask more things, Maribel turned to the teens.
"We need to find Peter now," she told them, "In his state, he can do some damage."
MJ and Ned agreed and started explaining to Maribel that had been their plan all along and that they had instead brought a different Peter to them. Maribel understood the mechanics of sorcery was not at all on Ned's resume but motivated him to try again. He was, after all, Peter's best friend. So, he did try again.
And he somehow brought in another Peter Parker, this one slightly older than the Peter with Maribel.
"Oh dear Lord," Maribel slapped a hand over her forehead.
MJ looked ready to murder Ned. "DUDE!"
"I'm trying!" Ned said helplessly.
"MJ?" The third Peter gazed at Maribel profusely, seeming fascinated.
"MJ?" The Peter that had come with Maribel stared in confusion.
Maribel flipped her head between the two Peters, bemused herself. "Maribel Jenavid," she told the confused Peter, "Maribel — M — Jenavid — J. MJ," she smiled, "Michelle Jones over here," she gestured towards MJ, "saw that little tidbit. She sees things that others don't. We're the two MJs."
MJ raised her hand in the peace gesture.
Maribel then looked over at the third Peter. "But how did you know that?"
Third Peter's eyebrows raised as his lips curved into a wide, knowing smile. "You're MJ," he said simply like that would answer the question completely.
Maribel deadpanned the man, figuring that was all she was going to get out of him for the moment. "Anyways," she said sharply, eyes flickering to the group, "We still need to find the other Peter. Can we please do that now?"
Everyone agreed and started discussing what places this earth's Peter would go to. With two more Peters on the clock, they were able to deduce a spot that could potentially lead to the last Peter.
Maribel paved the way with a portal, once again exhibiting her powers. They found Peter on the rooftop of his high school, mourning (in the worst way possible) his aunt's death. They were only barely able to convince their Peter not to send every multiverse guest back to their own world.
They headed downstairs where they picked up on the previous plans to finish curing the other guests. Maribel had no idea about the plans and yet wasn't surprised the teens had come up with it in the first place. Their hearts were always in the right places, no matter how messy the circumstances got.
Maribel was all set to help with whatever she could, though she confessed she had no real knowledge about scientific cures. She instead set out to help the younger ones and with that left the school lab for a few minutes. She returned with a first aid kit for the youngest Peter and with MJ's help, she patched him up as best as she could.
"You'll be okay but you need to stop moving so much," Maribel chuckled as Peter winced each time they touched his skin. Granted he was overly hurt this time but there was a limit and he was crossing it.
"Thanks, Mar," Peter mumbled.
Maribel gently hooked her finger under his chin and tilted his head up. "That's nurse Mar to you, mister." She happened to look up and noticed the other Peters looking at them. She bared a small smile at them and motioned MJ to take over. She figured they needed to talk anyway.
Maribel walked a little a while away when she felt her stomach flip. The echoes of it spread throughout her body, making it harder to reach the windows in the room. She gazed up at the sky and wondered where the cracks were coming from this time, and who was coming out of them. She wrapped an arm around her stomach, focusing on her breathing until she could feel normal again.
Maribel glanced over her shoulder. The Peter she'd found was approaching her cautiously.
"I-I mean Maribel…yeah…" He said with a hitched breath, "Yeah…" He stuck his hands inside the white lab coat he'd taken from the cabinet. It was way better than parading around in his suit. "Are you okay? You seem a little…off…?"
Maribel nodded and unwrapped her arm from her waist. "I'm, um, well…I'm connected to the multiverse and its stability. Right now, it's cracking in places so when it cracks…I feel them. And there's multiple cracks right now."
Peter's eyebrows shot up. "Oh my God — it's hurting you!?" Should she be the one getting patched up!?
Maribel let out a quiet chuckle. "I'm okay, just…just like a light cold, you know?"
"But the logic is, the more trouble the multiverse is in, the more trouble you're in," Peter said, "And it's like you said, there's multiple cracks right now."
Maribel still dismissed the matter with a wave of her hand. "Why not instead tell me how you know me, hm? I'm always curious to know what my doppelgangers are like. Are we friends?"
Peter lowered his head instantly. "Um…sort of…"
"Sort of?"
"Well, it's complicated…" Peter sighed, "Mar — Maribel — and I…we used to be friends…"
Maribel paused and turned to face Peter. Suddenly she wasn't very eager about her other self. "What do you mean? Are we not — we're not friends?"
Peter sighed and shook his head. "No."
"But…but why?" Maribel glanced over at her Peter, unable to believe there was a version of her who decided not to be friends with him anymore.
Peter gave a long shrug of his shoulders, still looking pretty hurt over the fact. His lips pursed together while he thought about the question he never really found an answer to. "Dunno," he ultimately said, "I mean, we were close friends. We had a group — me, her, our friend Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn and we were all good." Peter stopped for a second to gauge Maribel's reaction at the new names. She was all blank. Peter should have figured and because he hadn't, he looked between Maribel and his counterpart with his friends. "Okay, how do you know them?" He asked helplessly. "No offense but you're older than them? What, you tutor them?"
Maribel smiled sadly. "It's a long story. We-we fought on the same side…then aliens happened and-and time travel and…suddenly, the people Peter looked up to died. The remaining adults either died or they're just somewhere else and I have no idea what Dr. Strange is doing right now so…so I guess I just sort of saw myself as the only remaining adult in their lives," Maribel gazed at her young friends, her smile fading away, "They're still so young and…" she shrugged, "I couldn't turn my head away. Plus, I'm sort of a teacher so this is like an extension of my job."
Peter nodded. He respected Maribel about ten times more now. It seemed like the kind of thing she would do.
"What about you?" Maribel surprised him with the sudden question. "What-what happened between us? Did we get into a fight?"
Peter had to shrug again, and sadly. "No, no, there was…there was never any argument, no fighting. One day she just…stopped hanging out with us. First it was excuses that she couldn't meet with us or suddenly she had last minute changes. Then, she just stopped answering our calls and our texts. At school she would sit far away from us, go in the opposite direction." Peter had missed Maribel's strange gaze the more he thought about those moments. The pain in his heart still felt pretty raw. "In retrospect I could have done more but then I became, you know, Spiderman and I had new things to handle and deal with. I-I lost my uncle, and-and then we lost Gwen. Harry and I couldn't cope and Mar, she just — she just slipped through the cracks." Peter's eyes watered up real fast, the emotions taking him over in record time that it concerned Maribel for a second. "I should have paid more attention to her but I — there was so much going on and…now it's too late. Me being Spiderman is what killed one of my friends. I think Mar is just better being away from me."
Maribel could only wonder what that must have been like, going through one loss after that other. For this Peter, it was obvious that the hurt was still like it had just happened yesterday.
"I don't believe that," she said calmly, her lips spreading into a soft smile, "Because you seem like the type who would do anything to protect their friends. I don't know what the other me is like but I want to believe that we have something in common."
Maribel nodded. "It's that we would do anything to protect the people we care about too. Do you know where my family is right now?"
"Um, no…"
"They're far away from me because I would rather they think that I ran away than have them know what I do." Maribel raised her hands, allowing her energy to swirl around her fingers. "And do you know when I left them and my friends?"
Peter felt a dread start up in his stomach. "When?" He swallowed hard.
Maribel knew that he knew what was coming. Her smile curved down sadly. "When I was in high school. Senior year."
Peter actually felt the air leave his lungs. He stared long and hard at Maribel as if begging her to say that it wasn't true, that he hadn't missed that too. But Maribel — his Maribel — had stopped talking to him so suddenly. Whenever he managed to find a moment with her, she was so nervous — almost terrified — and she never touched him. Her hands were always behind her back, in her pockets, or her arms were crossed super tightly. Had he really been that engulfed with his own issues that he had missed the fact one of his best friends had developed powers?
Maribel could only watch so much of Peter falling deep into thoughts, no doubt of self guilt. "You couldn't have known," she said simply, "I am an exceptional liar. Duped everyone."
"Not me," said Peter, his voice short of breaking, "She wasn't supposed to dupe me."
"Don't take it personal," Maribel said, "If she was like me, then her powers must have been explosive. They were disastrous, Peter. She just wanted to keep you safe."
Peter would argue the hell out of that if he hadn't done the same thing. Spiderman was the reason Gwen died and even before that, he had thought it was just a safer idea to keep Maribel away. She got to live her life without interruptions, unlike Gwen and Harry who constantly had to stop what they were doing to help him deal with Spiderman stuff.
Maribel didn't know what else to say at this point. Her doppelganger had done exactly what she did on this earth and, like her, there were probably no regrets.
"Are you okay?" She asked quietly, knowing her question beyond stupid. It just gave her the excuse to keep talking to him.
Peter gave her a weak nod. "Yeah…" He mumbled. He walked away from her without so much of a glance in her direction. Somehow, it still sort of hurt Maribel. Her doppelganger made the call and she was paying for it.
~ 0 ~
A half hour had passed since the group got started on the series of cures. Maribel had left the lab a while ago, muttering something about a water cup. And as much distance as she had put between them, it didn't do anything for the Peter she had spoken with.
He couldn't get it out of his head that Mar had lied to him — had lied to everyone. She had cut off ties with everyone around her, and no doubt with her own family. If Peter remembered correctly, last time he heard, as soon as they graduated high school she had moved out of her parents' home and gotten a casual job somewhere in the city. He was guilty of never even trying to talk to her after graduation; Gwen and Harry did once but neither had been successful. Maribel turned both away.
All of those thoughts slowed his work down significantly. Each time Peter caught himself, he reprimanded himself and vowed to pick up his pace…only to repeat the cycle again.
"You okay?"
Peter realized he'd been staring way too much at the beakers in front of him then looked up to see the eldest of the doppelgangers smiling gently at him.
"Sorry," Peter shifted in his stool, straightening his body up to continue working.
Older Peter rested a hand on his shoulder. "What exactly did MJ tell you? Changed your whole atmosphere…"
"MJ?" Peter's head turned to the teenage MJ still sitting beside her boyfriend at the table ahead of them.
"No, the other one. Maribel," older Peter corrected himself, his smile turning into a chuckle, "Sorry, I'm not used to calling her that."
Peter's face scrunched and he finally turned his body to face the other Peter. "Wait a minute, how do you know her?"
Older Peter's smile was wide like a child facing a shelf of candy. "We go way back," he replied, "MJ — Maribel — and I were friends in high school."
A sourness took over Peter's face as he remembered what Maribel told him. "She didn't cut you out of her life then?"
Older Peter raised an eyebrow at his younger doppelganger. "What?"
Peter looked away. "Mar used to be one of my best friends too…and then one day she wasn't. Now I find out that she has these super powers and that she felt the need to distance herself from me and from the rest of our friends." With the silence that had fallen between them, Peter glanced at his doppelganger to see the latter not as shocked as one would have thought. It took very little for Peter to realize the doppelganger wasn't surprised because he already knew. "Did she—"
"I didn't let her," older Peter said quietly, "And that's not to say that you did something wrong. MJ was just different."
"How?" Peter asked warily.
"Looking at this doppelganger—" older Peter made a gesture to the open doorway," —this MJ has far stronger powers than my MJ. Her powers weren't as developed — they aren't. Most she can do is teleport. Things were different, easier, but it still took some work. Now we're finally somewhere good." The way he smiled led Peter to wonder just how "good" that place was.
In the end, Peter shook his head and turned back to his work on the table. "Doesn't matter. Haven't seen her in a long time now."
"I wouldn't give up," older Peter said, "Because if she's still alive, then she's still in your reach. Fair game."
"Fair game," Peter mumbled to himself with a light chuckle. He supposed that was right in some way.
"Maribel!" Ned exclaimed when the woman appeared under the doorway.
"What?" she sipped from a scratched up blue water cup. Even some of the stickers covering the entire thing were old and missing parts.
"You seriously went looking for that thing?" The youngest Peter looked at her strangely.
"Shut up," Maribel pointed at him then took another sip, "Mr. Lopez confiscated it from me for one stupid inappropriate sticker."
"So?" Youngest Peter shrugged. "He confiscates things from everyone here."
Maribel's face was entirely flat. "I'm a volunteer," she reminded sharply. "I'm—oh!" Her legs buckled and only barely managed to sustain herself against the door hinges.
"Maribel!" The group of teenagers dashed over to her, leaving the other Peters to stare bewilderedly
"I'm fine, I'm fine," Maribel assured them but she hadn't even felt when MJ took her water cup right out of her hand. "It's the multiverse — it's getting worse…"
Peter and Ned helped her walk to the closest stool and sat her down. MJ put the water cup on the table behind them.
"What's she talking about?" Oldest Peter asked, coming around the tables towards the group.
"Maribel's connected to the multiverse," youngest Peter explained, gaze fixated on the woman who was regulating her own breathing. "Each time there's a crack, she feels it." The guilt inside him was getting bigger and bigger. He wished he could take back everything that was happening. Everyone else was paying for his mistakes.
"I will be fine," Maribel insisted, reaching over for her water cup, "I'm just a little tired. How are the cures coming along?"
"We're almost done," youngest Peter said, "And then we're going to fix everything, okay?" He rested a hand on Maribel's shoulder. "You're going to be okay, Maribel, I swear."
Maribel nodded, smiling gently at him. "I know that, silly."
"And after this, we're all going to buy you big bouquets of sunflowers," youngest Peter rallied his friends to agree with him, which they did with the same comedic fervent nods.
Maribel laughed. Sunflowers were her favorite flowers. "Yeah, alright. Let's get back to work now."
There was nothing else to do except for that. Time was still running, after all.
~ 0 ~
"They're going to crucify you for using that place as the point of your fight," Maribel told the youngest Peter when he told the group where they would lure the misfits. "The Statue of Liberty is still being renovated."
Peter knew she had a point but he couldn't stop to think of another place just to avoid some more bad press. "It has to be there."
Maribel shook her head and walked to the table where her water cup stood, slightly wobbly on her feet.
"Hey Peter, here's your web cartridges," Ned stopped beside Peter with the cartridges.
"Oh, thanks, man," Peter said, taking the cartridges excitedly.
The oldest Peter looked at the cartridge curiously. "What's that for?"
"Uh, it's my web fluid. It's for my web shooters…" the youngest Peter answered slowly, growing confused, "Why?"
Instead of verbally answering, the oldest Peter fired a web out of his wrist. The shock of it racing past Maribel scared her into dropping her water cup.
"HEY!" She cried.
"Sorry MJ…" The oldest Peter made a face, quickly bringing his hands behind his back.
"That came out of you!?" Ned's mouth dropped open, as well as everyone else's.
"Yeah. You can't do that, huh?"
"No," went both Peter's collectively.
"Peter!" Maribel exclaimed, earning all three doppelgangers' 'what?' in return. She groaned. "I'm not doing this. Peter 1!" She pointed at the youngest Peter then moved her finger towards the eldest doppelganger. "Peter 2!" Her finger then moved to the last Peter. "And Peter 3! There! Got it?"
"Wait, why is he Peter 1?" asked the eldest doppelganger.
"Because he's the Peter of this world. You're the oldest, so you're 2 and then that just leaves number 3 for you," Maribel said, smiling awkwardly at Peter 3.
Out of everything that was wrong with the world, Peter 3 thought this was by far the lowest on his problem scale. "Fine, whatever," he shrugged.
Maribel silently sighed to herself. He had yet to direct a word to her since their conversation. She thought this would be a source of an argument. "Anyways, I was just going to ask for a refill on my water." She brought the group's attention to the water on the floor in front of her, her water cup on the side.
"Sorry…" Peter 2 felt the need to say again.
Maribel afforded him a small smile. "I'll survive."
"Anyway," Peter 1 said sharply, "we're getting sidetracked. Look, this is where we're gonna do this, okay? It's isolated, so no one should get hurt. We draw them there with the box, it's the one thing they all want. All we have to do is figure out how we're gonna get there."
"I can literally teleport," Maribel said with a hand raised in the air.
"Nu-uh," Peter 1 shook his head.
"You're connected to the multiverse and you're feeling every crack in it. You're getting weaker," Peter 1 said, side glancing at MJ and Ned. They nodded, encouraging him to keep going. "You're not going to use your powers. I don't want you getting hurt."
"What?" Maribel frowned.
"He's right," MJ said, "You should stay out of it with us."
Maribel rolled her eyes. "Then how else do you propose we get there?"
"Oh, we can portal there!" Ned said suddenly, having thought about it at that moment.
"No! You barely know how to use that!"
"Wait, what?" Peter 1 looked between Maribel and Ned.
"I'm magic now," Ned said excitedly.
"No, he's not," Maribel said at the same time MJ agreed with Ned.
"Yeah, no, no. He's right. He can!"
"Yeah, we saw him," Peter 2 nodded.
"Yeah. He is," Peter 3 also chimed in.
Maribel groaned. "That's not magic — that was dumb luck! And you two—" she pointed at Peter 1 and Ned, "—better hope Dr. Strange doesn't portal you to frikin Antarctica!"
Peter 1 understood nothing except that his best friend suddenly had magic powers.
"I can do it," Ned insisted, turning to Leter 1, "And I promise you...I won't turn into a supervillain and try to kill you."
Peter 3 reached over to pat Ned on the back, nodding in approval.
Peter 1 was so utterly lost. "O-kay...thank... you? Um...alright. Here goes nothing. What's that thing you always say?" He glanced at MJ. "If you expect disappointment…"
"No, no, no…" MJ shook her head, "We gotta kick some ass."
"Cure. Cure some ass," Peter 2 corrected.
Ned grinned. "Cure that ass!"
"This is insane!" Maribel huffed as the decision to keep her out of the fight was finalized.
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mickylikesstuff · 3 years
Status Online: Chapter 4: Blood Sky
The Last bell rang throughout the floor and clouds are pushed by the strong wind at dusk.
Gamers in Sword Art Online are all gathered in the plaza in the <<Town of Beginnings>>. Confusion and panic fill the hearts of the gamers within the area as they cannot exit the Plaza. Akuma no Midori just finished taking down a hidden starter’s quest that was the << Herald of the Wolves>>, much of his surprise he was unexpectedly teleported to the <<Town Plaza>>. At first, He was expecting an intervention for taking down a hidden quest early, but why is the whole gaming population of SAO here? Akuma Damian somehow unconsciously holds his weapon under the black cloak he acquired
Red Valkyrie on the other hand has a sense of uncomfortable nostalgia. Max’s Akuma was like this. Yet she did not sense magic or a strong malice intent, Hawkmoth received his punishment that ended the terror of Paris 3 years ago. Valkyrie snaps out of her thoughts and begins to look for Pico and Lavender. Her head clear and breathe steadied, Ladybug Valkyrie begins to look for the siblings among the thick crowd, clutching the sword at hand.
Suddenly their world turns blood red. The once orange sky filled with red hexagons that have the stamped {WARNING} sigils in them. These shapes surrounded the plaza like a dome and then merge into a singularity, but what terrifies the gamers most is the gigantic looming thing that is above all of them. From the Red sigils came a red creature that somehow got into the dome and transformed into a singularity. From the blood slimy creature turned into a grim reaper. The titanic humanoid figure that is robed in red, and face unseen hovered the thousands of people
A booming deep voice sounded the place.
< Attention, Players. Welcome to my world. >
Red Valkyrie turned pale as she had an idea of what is happening. She can’t move in fear and shock, she can only be frozen stiff of what the looming figure says next.
< My name is Kayaba Akihiko. >
< As this moment, I am the only person who can control this world. >
Akuma gazes up to the creator of this world, Damian did not meet Kayaba Akihiko before. Yet his greeting seems something off…
Gamers are whispering to each other as the man Kayaba sends his greetings.
< I’m sure you’ve already noticed that the log out button is missing from your main menu screen >
< I assure you, It is not a defect >
“~We’re trapped here, no it can’t be…~” Akuma quickly turned to the woman who spoke French. That voice… she … wait her words hit him as he remembered Dick’s warning earlier. He watches the tears fell from the other gamer beside him as her face froze in fear. But if what she concludes is true then… This is bad.
Anxiety attack, she is having an attack. What kind of trauma can this event trigger her? ‘I have to calm her down before she does something stupid’
< I repeat. There is no bug >
< This is the feature of Sword Art Online >
“~Please no. Not again~” Akuma can’t stop himself from holding the weaponed arm of the gamer beside him in a steady firm grip. “Miss, you need to calm down and wake up. Please”. He goes to block her sight of Kayaba and starts rubbing her arms, hoping that will snap her out of it.
< You cannot log out of SAO yourselves >
“Miss… Red Valkyrie Wake up!”
Marinette untangled herself from her headspace and looked at the man in front of her. It is his green cool eyes that made her realize a hooded man is holding her steady. Mar Red Valkyrie lets go of the sword she is holding and collapses to the man. Her legs bucked down like they lost their strength and she tried to calm down by taking steady breaths.
< And no one on the outside can shut down your nerve gear >
< Should this be attempted, the transmitter inside the nerve gear will act as a powerful microwave, >
< Destroying the brain, ending your life >
“HAHA, dude you know April fools is over right”
“What a terrible prank”
“Fix the bug already!”
The people are in denial trying to counter that that is a prank and waving off Kayaba’s words. Some try to leave the plaza, but its exits are blocked. Klein tried to deny such a claim, but Kirito only confirmed that the existence of the Internal Battery of the Nerve gear can fry them to their death.
< Unfortunately, several players’ friends and families have already ignored this warning  >
< And attempted to remove the Nerve Gear. >
< As a result, a whole 213 players are forever gone >
< From Aincrad and the Real World >
News reports floated around the plaza for everyone to see:
<[Beaking News: Killer game]>
<[Where is Kayaba Akihiko]>
<[Game to Death Battles!]>
<[2 Players killed by Death game]>
<[200/10,000 Death and Rising from Sword art Online]>
“Tch. Bastard!” The Green-eyed man holding Red Valkyrie exclaimed as he seems to sink in into the situation. Eyes filled with condemnation and his body is shaking in rage, He holds Valkyrie tight. When she looked at Kayaba, news reports that are published about the deaths because of the nerve gear. 'Father, please be safe...'
“Calm Down” She tried to help him. She looked at his ID. ‘Ironic, an Akuma is trying to help me this time’ “Midori no Akuma-san, CALM DOWN.” She commanded him. That in turn made Dami Akuma looked at her, and closed his eyes to compose himself.
< As you can see, News organizations from across the world are picking up on this, and are reporting the death totals >
< Thus, It’s safe to assume that the danger of your nerve gear being removed is quite small >
< I do hope you’ll relax and attempt to finish the game. >
When Akuma calmed down, He let go of Valkyrie. Steps away from her a little once he is sure that she is all right. He was ashamed that in turn, he needed her back then. The woman then slowly grabs his hand and interwinds their fingers. She looks at him straight in the eye, no longer held with fear but a gaze of a warrior replaced with experience as she analyzes the reports floating around the plaza. He wishes that he was surprised at her actions but he must have been tired to take his hand back. All he can do is to follow her gaze.
< Its important that you remember this clearly >
< There is no longer a method to revive someone within the game. >
< If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be lost forever. And spontaneously, >
< The Nerve Gear will destroy your brain. >
“It’s a Death game now” “A bastardized survival of the fittest” Akuma and Valkyrie spoke together. They knew as hero/vigilante that their line of work is by far a death sentence, but in these elements, they cannot control anything. Damian has no contact with his family and team. Marinette took off her miraculous. With their chances that Cass and Kagami can call their families and friend to help them out.
“Even pro gamers die in the games. The chances of everyone’s survival are slim to none” Valkyrie said the situation is now heavier. “This is our life now? Are we just dolls for this monster!?” Akuma now wants this man to suffer after what he pulled.
< There is only one means of escape. >
The whole plaza fell silent and listens to Kayaba’s words. ‘Complete what now?!’
< You are now presently on the lowest floor of Aincrad, Floor 1 >
< If you make your way through each dungeon and defeat its floor boss, you can advance to the next level. >
< Beat the final Boss on the 100th floor, and you will have cleared the last hurdle. >
“Clear a hundred Floors? That’s impossible. The Beta-testers never made it anywhere close to that!” a Red head man spoke among the crowd. Akuma now notices Kirito behind them. He pushes to the crowd, approaching the other Beta-tester. When He reaches to his student, “Kirirto!” Akuma called. Kirito in turn in relief to hear her mentor’s voice.
“Sen- eh…Akuma-san” Kirito and the Red-head now see two gamers approaching them. Did Akuma-san bring a friend? The woman seems to be confused. “Are you alright?” Kirito asked.
“No” Akuma answers. Yup this is sensei.
Red Valkyrie is drag by the man among the crowd to what it seems like his friends. “Will you please, Let my arm go” She spoke up. Akuma blinked at the woman then he noticed his hand holding hers and deliberately lets her go. “Where are the others?” Akuma questioned Kirito. “I haven’t seen them from the start” Kirito answered is in a grim expression.
< Finally, I’ve added a present to your item storage, from me. Please see for yourselves. >
All the Gamers are now opening their [Inbox storage] and what they saw is a... "A mirror?” Kirito questioned. Voicing the thoughts of all the players. Akuma is skeptical, he handles the mirror and looks that the woman. She is just as curious as he is.
Then suddenly the redhead glowed blue and shines in a blinding light.
Akuma instinctively grabs Valkyrie and Kirito and uses his cloak to protect the three of them, despite their protest. But it turns out that all of them are glowing and somehow changing? All of them closed their eyes until the light is gone.
“What’s happening!”
“Your Glowing, I’m GLOWING!”
All the gamers glowed until the light died out. Revealing people in different avatars or more likely their real appearances.
“Are you alright, Kirito?” Klien approached the Big man that took Kirito and that lovely lady. Under the man-Midori no Akuma’s cloak is Kirito and Red Valkyrie well… based on their IDs who are both adjusting their eyes. They looked at Klein but is not really Klein. His previously long red hair is now short and he has a goatee.
“Y-Yeah…Who are you?” Kirito is sure that he heard Klein’s voice but who is this? And why is his voice turned higher? Didn’t he change the settings?
“And who are you?” the not Klein asked too. Kirito then looks at the Mirror. His face… His IRL Face, not the custom avatar is showing. He became smaller and lanky, his hair is shorter and his eyes are wider than the olive-shaped eyes he had.
“And you guys are?” Kirito looked where Klein is looking at. “That’s Akuma’s ID…” Kirito now sees the changes. Well, subtle changes. Akuma-san is exotic, to say the least… Now lean muscled, and big about 6ft. His green eyes became more vibrant, is it even possible to have sharper eyes? His skin is dark and his hair chopped short. He does not have his scar on his face anymore.
His Friend, on the other hand, has changed a lot, Klein has to gaze at her ID twice “Red Valkyrie-san?” as he checked on her. She lost her pink hair and now she has long black hair that flows to her back. She looks Eurasian, Big blue eyes, slender yet muscled too, she lost a couple of inches.
The two adults looked at their mirrors, they are now at their changed avatars. The gamers are now scared and confused about what happened. Surprise and resignation wash her as Valkyrie takes a deep breath. Akuma doesn’t really care about his appearance. But under his clothes, he is worried about another thing. ‘Can they scan my scar?’
“Which means…”
“You’re Kirito?”  "You’re Klein?”
Both the boys now realize what happened. “But, How?” Yet Klein is now really confused.
“That scan… The NerveGear covers your entire head with a high-density signal device, So it can see what you look like.” Kirito started to explain. “But our body shape…”
Klein continues “When we first used the NerveGear, we have to calibrate it, right? You have to touch your whole body all over."
“O-oh right, that must be where it got the data.”
“But... But… Why? What the hell’s the point of all this?” Klein tries to concentrate and come up with an answer but with all the changes and revelations, he wants to keep up.
“I’m sure he’ll tell us.” Kirito points the grim
Akuma and Valkyrie gaze at Kayaba in such hatred. ‘I won’t back down to a Hawkmoth wanna be!’ ‘I’ll get you for this!’
< Right now, you’re probably wondering why I’ve done this. >
< “Why would Kayaba Akihiko, developer of Sword Art Online go such lengths?” >
< My goal has already been achieved.>
< I created Sword Art Online for one reason...To create a world and play with it.>
“Kayaba” Kirito grounded himself. In his anger, he gripped his fist tight.
< And Now, it is complete. >
< This is ends the tutorial for the official Sword Art Online launch >
< I wish you all the best of luck. >
And at the end of the message, Kayaba disappeared in red smoke through the gaps of the sigils above. After that, the sigils disappeared. The dusk shines on the plaza once more.
Time stands still to the frozen crowd. Their mind is racing in thoughts of their family, friends, love-ones, their priorities, and their jobs. All players are equal on this floor that starts at 250HP, If they have carelessly done stupid and make the wrong decisions they will… DIE!
This isn’t a game anymore...
This is real, this is reality…
A simple strike will kill me.
A poison will end me.
When I Die Here, I Die for real!
After they realize what they have done... Panic and chaos ensued
They started wailing, cursing, begging they have done it all.
And nothing changes.
“I HAVE A FAMILY! Let me go!”
“I have a meeting after this!’
“NO NO NO NO NO !!!!”
In the crowd, Akuma, Valkyrie, Klein, and Kirito acted fast. When the barrier is broken down, The beta-testers took their partners and ran towards the exit. Away from the mob and panicking people.
“Come with us, Now!” Akuma places his hand on Valkyrie’s shoulder and gestures to follow him. There is something about the Red Valkyrie that made him pay attention to her. At least let him try little to guide her.
“Alright.” Valkyrie follows him as the four of them sprinted out the Plaza. She might be in trouble taking a stranger’s hand. Yet it felt right and somehow made her safe and sweeps her off beyond the disorder.
Running out of the marketplace and she cannot help herself to leap from stall to stall, use railings and streetlights to launch herself, and uses the roofs to gain more ground. Jumping, rolling, sliding, grappling and other actions help her think. When she concentrates on her actions her thoughts follow that makes no room to be distracted by fear and distress. Parkour, is somehow an effective therapy that made Marinette Dupain-Cheng less a target from Hawkmoth’s influence.
‘That was interesting. So, Kayaba did successfully make a VR world into reality. After he created the Cardinal System, he used the beta-testers to report for configurations, glitches, and repairs in the system. Does the if the system…’ She thought as leaped to another roof. ‘The system must also be self-updating, thus the progress of each gamers’ account is not easily erased’. ‘If survival is what we need then we have to be stronger, Wait ... we?’. Red Valkyrie pauses on a street where the man- Akuma also stopped in front of her.
In this quiet intersection, she is alone with a man, ' a handsome man... Bad Marinette! SNAP OUT OF IT '  She's not sure if she can blush in the game but she would be completely flustered at the closeness of this giant that is looking down on her.
Akuma is looking at her with indifferent eyes, yet his voice dripped in curiosity. “That was an interesting run. ~ Mademoiselle  ~” The man said. His brow was raised as he fully looked at her once again.
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scftlightz · 1 year
ੈ♡˳┊closed starter for @hclysins
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" so . . . " indigo started, " i was making a small project earlier and you came to mind. " he explained. reaching from behind the counter to pull out a medium glass display of a replica pond using clay to mold koi fish and lily pads. " i used clear resin for the water. it's peaceful . . . like someone i know. "
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(This has been far overdue. So is the Calamity stories but that’s a different story.)
(Anyway, with Sora’s reveal, I finally got the kick to post this. So Enjoy!)
“You know,” Lulu started to speak.
“Hmm?” Lu remarked as she took another bite of her chocolate bar.
“You never did tell us how you were allowed to meet us,” Lulu remarked.
“Oh, I forgot?” Lu questioned.
“You did,” Lutarna commented.
Sitting on the side of the ramps of Blackberry Skate Park, the twins were hanging out with the Lulu from the Smash Brothers universe. Having grabbed some snacks, the girls were eating before getting back into some turf wars practice.
“It’s a bit of a long story,” Lu replied through her chewing.
“We have time,” Lutarna replied after finish a bite of her ice cream, “And don’t talk with your mouth full.”
“Geeze, sounds and acts like my Tarts,” Lu chuckled after clearing her mouth.
Deciding to stretch, Lu started to pull off one of the finger-less gloves she was wearing with her teeth. Once off, Lu held her hand up as a triangle mark was imprinted on the back of her hand; three triangles in whole with the bottom left filled in with gold coloring.
“Well, for starters, this is part of the reason,” Lu stated.
Leaning in, the twins were shocked.
“IS THAT-” Lulu began.
“THE TRIFORCE OF WISDOM???” Lutarna finished.
“Yep. Got this back quite a while ago. Not sure how but it was helpful,” Lu chuckled.
“So what happen?” Lulu asked as she leaned back and propped herself with her arms.
“Well, it happened a while ago. When doing some training rounds,” Lu started to explain.
Early morning training was taking place on final destination as two teams were battling. Lulu and Min Min against Link and Bowser. As Bowser spouted flames, Min Min grabbed Lulu from a distance and tossed her into the air before jumping out of the way. In the air, Lulu tossed an ink bomb out before squid jumping and landing behind Link. As the bomb went off, Link got covered in some ink, blocking his view of where Lulu went, before be smacked from behind by Lulu’s roller. As for Bowser, Min Min was keeping him busy with her stretching arms and distance attacks.
Just as things were heating up, the ground below started to shake. The vibrations so strong, the stage it self started to shake as Lulu lost footing and was about to go over the edge. In quick timing, Link grabbed onto and pulled Lulu back up as the group was wondering what was going on.
GUYS! THE SKY!” Bowser called out.
All looking up, clear blue sky started to become twilight as the sun started to shine brighter and brighter.
“What is this?” Min Min questioned, confused by the changing skies.
“Tsshhhh, I recognize this!!” Bowser growled.
“It can’t be,” Lulu questioned as fear grew on her face.
Just then, a ringing sound from Lulu’s jacket went off. Pulling her phone out hastily, it was a call from Meta Knight. Putting it on speaker, Meta Knight spoke.
“LULU! ARE YOU STILL WITH LINK AND CO?” Meta Knight questioned as his voice was harsh.
“Yes! What’s going on?” Lulu questioned as panic crept into her voice.
Looking over, the Halberd was indeed coming into view. Grabbing their things, the group waited till the right moment before jumping off of Final Destination and landing on the Halberd where Zelda and Peach were waiting.
“Mario and the others are already at the world’s edge,” Peach explained.
“We’re not sure what is going on but somehow Galeem has survived. Whether Darkon has or not, there is not time to waste,” Zelda stated.
“Let’s go then,” Link replied.
Others nodding, the group rushed inside as the Halberd picked up speed and headed towards their destination.
Upon arrival, the battle had already presumed as smash members were fighting off master hands as Galeem hovered in the distance.
“Tsssh, guess nemesis brains couldn’t take the hint the first time,” Lulu huffed.
“Well, there is more of us now, so let’s give that ball of light a good ass kicking, shall we?” Bowser laughed.
“Ready to help as best as I can,” Min Min agreed.
As the Halberd came close, the group jumped off as Lulu pulled out a bomb and tossed it towards a master hand. The ink explosion causing damage to the hand, Lulu squid jumped on top of it to do a down kick before jumping off of it as the hand dissipated. Blowing flames, Bowser was taking multiple hands out at once as Link was shooting them down with Min Min’s help.
Joining up with the rest of the group, the smash members were taking hands down one by one but soon it became inevitable that Galeem could easy make more. One by one, the smash members were getting tired. Joining up with the rest of the turf crew with Banjo and Kazooie’s help, Lulu and the other were barely keeping the hands at bay when more kept coming. Trying to do jumps, one laser hit Lulu and almost tossed her to the ground. Though speeding through the attacks, Sonic caught her in time before getting pelted by and smack down from a hand.
“Thanks Sonic,” Lulu replied once they got to a safer spot.
“This is getting nuts. They just keep coming,” Sonic remarked.
“We just got to keep trying,” Lulu reassured with a fist pump and a determined look.
Nodding, the two did a hand slap before rushing back into battle. Yet the odds were against the group. More and more, the smash members were getting hurt and tired but Galeem still stood strong.
Then things went quiet. As the hands pulled back, the smash members were confused. Then the familiar sound started up.
The sound of Galeem’s ultimate attack.
None of them were in proper shape to try and dodge the attack; if it was even possible in the first place.
“All over again!” Lulu thought as she recounted how she came to the smash universe the first time.
As light started to build up around Galeem, the members were fearing the worse.
Then suddenly it stopped.
Galeem froze still.
“The shell?” Lulu questioned.
“It...it just stopped,” Kazooie remarked in shocked.
All confused, the members watched as the very light from Galeem drained to black as it’s body started to come apart in two. As the wings and the Master Hands started to dissipate, a figure loomed behind the decomposing corpse of Galeem.
“Who is that?” Sonic questioned.
Confused, Lulu caught glimpse of Cloud moving past them and towards the figure before stopping; possibly trying to get better view of the person.
Squinting, Lulu could barely make focus of the figure but faintly caught glimpse of a very long sword in hand. That’s when Lulu realized who they were dealing with.
“It can’t be,” Lulu stated in fear.
“Sephiroth,” they heard Cloud say.
All stood in silence as the newcomer revealed himself.
“Sephiroth?!? From Cloud’s universe?!?” Daisy spoke in fear.
“How?” Isabella cried out.
“How doesn’t matter at the moment,” Lulu remarked as she heard Isabella from a distance, “Right now, we got a much worse fight on our hands.”
Watching above as Sephiroth descended some, a sinister smile turned into a smirk at the sight of Cloud and co.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment,” Sephiroth spoke as he extended an arm upwards, “Now I shall give Smash despair.”
Once a twilight sky, now bleed into a sinister gray as clouds thickened. Taking aim towards Cloud, Sephiroth dived down towards him before taking a swing at him with Masamune. Reacting quick enough, Link rushed in and took the hit with his shield. Bouncing back, the fight began with swords clashing as Link and Cloud fought against Sephiroth. Taking this opportunity, many of the members took to others to heal wounds and rest as others jumped into to help take down this new foe.
Having recovered her ink and tending to some wounds of hers and others, Lulu was about to jump into the match when Alex stopped her. Placing a diamond sword in her hand, Alex looked up at Lulu.
“Steve’s badly hurt.  I can’t leave his side right now but you know how to use this right?” Alex asked.
Nodding with an assured look, Lulu placed her gun in it’s holster as she took the diamond sword from Alex. Watching Alex waved as Lulu rushed into the battle.
As blades struck, Sephiroth bounced back both Link and Cloud as the rolling sound of an ink bomb was heard. As the bomb exploded, covering Sephiroth some, Lulu came from behind and did a long sweep with the diamond sword. Blocking the attack with Masamune, Sephiroth and Lulu stood clashing blades.
“So, the little light makes her appearance finally. It will feel good to finally strike you down before you get in my way again,” Sephiroth spoke as he pushed back on Lulu.
Jumping back, Lulu was confused by Sephiroth’s words as she dodged a forward thrust from him before taking a swing at him.
Thus the two began a dance of clashing blades as Peach and Mario got Link and Cloud out of there for the time being. Being a double welder, Lulu was easily passing the diamond sword from one hand to another to block and strike at Sephiroth. As easily as Lulu could toss them though, Sephiroth could dodge them. Back and forth the two went but slowly Lulu could see the diamond was cracking. Dodging a slice of the Masamune, Lulu back flipped and tossed a bomb at Sephiroth’s face. Using a reflect, Sephiroth went for Lulu. Using the last of the diamond sword’s strength, Lulu was sent back flying as the sword broke. Hitting the ground and rolling, Lulu landed hard on her back but was slowly able to get back up.
“Something...isn’t right here,” Lulu thought, “Almost as if a darker presence looms around us. It’s as if something is preventing him from falling.”
Breathing hard, Lulu was trying to hold things together as Sephiroth lunged forward towards her. Though before he could reach her, a blast form Samus’s gun hit the ground before him as Mario took a punch towards him. Dodging backwards, Mario and Samus stood in Sephiroth’s way from getting to Lulu.
“Lulu, we got this. Take heed,” Samus spoke.
Taking the hint, Lulu nodded as she rushed to take cover and find others.
Running, Lulu was trying to put pieces together of what was going on as she spotted Zelda and Palutania. Rushing to her, they got Lulu some distance away before tending to her wounds.
“It’s as if his body won’t tire,” Lulu spoke.
“Something tells me Darkon is behind this,” Zelda spoke, “As if another being is waiting in the shadows, it’s presence I sense.”
“I’ve been sensing it too,” Palutania replied, “Waiting for the right time to strike.”
“But why? How could they have survived?” Lulu questioned.
Before the girls could give reason, a voice spoke up.
“What does it matter. You will all die at my hands.”
Looking up, a new foe stood upon the rocks above them.
“WHO ARE YOU?” Palutania demanded.
Recognizing him immediately, Lulu took a fighting stance.
“That’s Kayuza Mishima,” Lulu growled.
“You know him?” Zelda questioned.
“Where I’m from, he’s from a game called Tekken. He was born with demon blood and a main antagonist of the series,” Lulu replied.
Jumping down from the rocks, Kayuza went straight for Lulu. Sliding in the way, Zelda used Din’s fire as Kayuza dodged.
“LULU! HE’S AFTER YOU!!! RUN!!!” Zelda shouted.
Taking hint, Lulu dashed and ran for her life as she tried to seek others. Though easily outdoing them, Kayuza took to the skies in his demon form as he chased after Lulu. Tripping on a rock, Lulu hit the ground hard as Kayuza landed near her.
“You can’t get away from me that easy little light,” Kayuza spoke.
Getting back on her feet, Lulu took a fighting stance.
“Going to fight now are we?” Kayuza spoke before thrusting forward at Lulu.
Dodging, Lulu threw a hard leg kick which knocked Kayuza to the ground.
“I may be tired, but I’m not out yet! I may be stuck in this inkling form, but I can still fight like an octoling!” Lulu huffed.
Getting back up and wiping some blood away, Kayuza smirked before going at Lulu again with punches. Dodging and weaving out the way from down thrust and attacks, Lulu was dishing her own attacks. Hand to hand combat, the two fought but slowly Lulu was getting tired. Stuck in the inkling form was her biggest disadvantage and with one hard trust to the stomach, Lulu was on the ground.
Trying to get up, Lulu was slammed back down onto the ground by a foot into her back.
“Hehehe, this is the end for you little light. Tell your maker she shouldn’t have disowned us like she did. Now she can see the effects of her mistakes,” Kayuza spoke.
Switching back to his demon form, Kayuza was about to attack Lulu as she tried to get back up when-
A ball of blue light, it smacked Kayuza away as Ryu, Ken, and Kirby on Dragoon came rushing up. Grabbing Lulu up, Ken placed Lulu on Dragoon with Kirby.
“Get her out of her!” Ken ordered.
Nodding, Kirby made sure Lulu was properly on Dragoon before flying upwards and away from the fight as fast as the little pop star fighter could. Far from the world’s edge and into the world of light, Kirby flew Dragoon as Lulu held on with what strength she had left.
Finally landing were the two first met, Kirby jumped off Dragoon as he rushed over to where some waddle dees and MetaKnight were waiting. With them were some bottles of ink and tomatoes for Lulu. Rushing over, the group went to work tending to Lulu.
“Thanks guys. Thanks Kirby. Always got my back, huh?” Lulu spoke softly as she ate a tomato before sinking down into the ink to rest; laying on her back.
“Poyo,” Kirby replied before patting her inkling head.
“Rest Lulu. What ever those two want with you, you need your strength. Right now we have you far enough away to give you time. The others should be able to hold them off,” Meta Knight spoke.
Nodding, Lulu closed her eyes as the sounds of the quite environment took over.
Resting there for a while, Lulu hadn’t realized she had fallen asleep till a voice spoke up.
“Seems Darkon won’t give up, huh? Has finally killed his brother and now has turned his aim at us. Because he wouldn’t do what I asked of him long ago. Even using new fighters for his work. I’m sorry you’ve gotten involved like this. He can’t reach me anymore so has turned his revenge towards you. I figured the first time bringing you here would be enough to deal with them but stubborn fools they were. I now have to ask you again to finish these things for me. But not alone. If things get tough though, you have the strength, will, and power to call for others. I believe in you princess. Use your light to guide others hearts towards you,” the voice spoke.
It took Lulu a moment to recognize the voice.
Her voice.
Opening her eyes, Lulu sat up from the ink puddle to see Marge rushing towards the small group. Squatting down, Marge hugged Lulu; seeing her friend was alright. Wrapping her arms around her after the initial shock, Lulu hugged back.
“Hey, I’m fine. But there is more going on then just two new fighters. I have… a feeling Darkon is controlling them. When asleep… this voice spoke…. My voice spoke,” Lulu explained.
Confused, Marge thought on it some.
“Perhaps the creator. Talking to you in a familiar tone,” Marge suggested.
“I think so,” Lulu questioned, “She talked about Darkon and Galeem. It seemed like they had a bigger role in our world at one time but they went against it. But were strong enough to survive the first attack we did to them. But now all that is left is Darkon.”
“What do we do?” Marge asked, fear in her voice.
Getting up, Lulu brushed off the leftover ink on her hero gear before looking towards where the fights were.
“We win this!” Lulu replied before holding a hand out to Marge.
Realizing her words and confidence, Marge took Lulu’s hand with a nod.
Packing up and getting back on Dragoon, Kirby led the way with Meta Knight following as the Waddle Dee’s waved goodbye.
Back at the world’s edge, things were looking grim. As the fighters pressed on, Sephiroth and Kayuza held firm. One by one, the fighters were falling to their knees with only a few still standing.  Fighting Sephiroth, Cloud was holding his ground as Ryu was doing his best against Kayuza’s demon attacks. Flying over, the two turf crew members watched.
“They need help now,” Lulu remarked.
“Lulu,” Marge spoke as she held out a capsule, “It’s not much, but it might have something handy.”
Taking the capsule, Lulu nodded as she popped the cap. Popping out, a staff fell into Lulu hands, the girls nodded before watching as Kirby flew them closer. Once in range, Lulu and Marge jumped off as Lulu did a down stab at Sephiroth.
Not reacting quick enough, Lulu was able to slice his arm as the fight turned into a two verses one. Helping Cloud get back on his feet from the last attack, Marge threw a bomb to cover her and Ryu’s tracks as they got Cloud out of there.
Taking lunges at her, Lulu dodged, weaved, and maneuvered through Sephiroth and Kayuza’s attacks as she dished her own out. Remembering what her grandfather taught her, Lulu was twirling the staff around for styled attacks and protection as the two fighters came at her. Staying determined, Lulu was keeping up as Sephiroth was starting to look annoyed.
“Tssh, not going down without a fight, huh? Seems you are more determined this round. Fine. I’ll just use my resources to better use,” Sephiroth spoke.
Looking at Kayuza behind Lulu, Sephiroth lunged forward with Masamune as Lulu dodged; stabbing Kayuza through the chest.
“You are no use to me anymore. One body is all I need,” Sephiroth spoke before blasting Kayuza away with a fire ball attack.
Shocked and confused as Kayuza’s body rolled and laid lifeless yards away, dark energy started to glow around Sephiroth as he rose into the air. Above, the sky started to crack and turn red, pieces fell as Darkon showed himself before Lulu once more.
“Now, let’s finish this,” Sephiorth spoke as he flew down towards Lulu. 
Dodging, Lulu swung the staff towards Sephiorth’s head but quickly grabbing it, Sephiorth was able to yank it out of Lulu’s hands before kicking her in her stomach. Falling backwards on the ground, Lulu rolled before Sephiorth could stab her with Masamune. Getting up, Lulu started to throw punches but Sephiroth with new found speed, dodged them before grabbing her by a tentacle, lifting her up and tossing her to the ground. Before even reacting, Sephiroth threw a fire ball with made Lulu roll. Casting a shadow flare, Sephiroth lunged forward at her. Dodging, Lulu did an aerial kick but Sephiroth was too fast for her; causing his shield as the flare went off. Taking heavy damage, Lulu was leaning forward, trying to calm her spinning head as blood dripped to the ground. Lulu barely noticed Sephiroth’s forward thrust. Dodging, a tentacle was cut off as Lulu lost balance and fell to the ground.
“Seems what strength you had is slowly fleeting now little light, isn’t it,” Sephiroth chuckled.
Slowly getting back on her feet, Sephiroth’s hits had taken too much out of her; as if they had drained her of all her strength. Thought that didn’t mean she was giving up. Lunging forward, Lulu took a swing at Sephiorth as he easily dodged before grabbing her other tentacle, tossed to her the ground, and stabbed Masamune through the tentacle. Crying out in pain, Lulu tried to pull the sword out, but Sephiorth slammed his foot on Lulu’s chest to know the air out of her. Couching up blood, Lulu tried to breath as Sephiorth started to walk around her.
In the sky, Darkon’s tendrils started to stretch out as Sephiorth stopped behind her.
“This was fun little light but I need you gone,” Sephiroth spoke.
In a loud roar, the tendrils came towards Lulu. Barely catching her breath as she struggled to even speak, her mind was screaming.
As if a calling, the triforce on her hand started to glow, shocking Sephiorth. As light grew stronger, in a flash, time stopped; just before the tendrils touched Lulu. Then things faded to black.
Pitch black.
Not a sound.
Except Lulu’s breathing.
Finally realizing all the pain was gone, Lulu moved her arm to feel for things. Instead of just feel inkling tentacles, Lulu found that she felt her octoling ones as well. Deciding to sit up, things around her were impossible to see. Getting up on her feet, Lulu didn’t know where she was.
“Am I dead?” Lulu spoke to herself.
Feeling her chest, Lulu could feel a pulse but wasn’t truly sure. Looking outwards, Lulu was confused.
That was until her hand started to glow again. Looking at it, Lulu saw the triforce glow in golden light.
“Hello?” a voice rang out through the darkness.
“Hello?” another spoke.
Shocked, Lulu spoke up.
“Hello? Is someone there?” Lulu asked.
“Hi, who are you?” one voice asked.
“My name is Lulu. And you?” Lulu replied.
“My name is Pyra. I heard someone call out for help. Was that you?” Pyra replied.
“My name is Mythra. Are you okay?” Mythra replied.
“Yeah, that was me. Though I’m not sure if I need it now. I think I’m okay. But my friends. They may need help!”
“What troubles you?” Pyra asked.
“A monster name Darkon has come back to reek havoc on my friends and I. They may need help! Please, will you help them?” Lulu begged.
Out of the darkness, a green light and a burning flame appeared in front of Lulu.
“We heard your call Lulu. We will help you,” Pyra and Mythra replied.
Appearing before her, two woman, one red headed with a red dress and one blonde with a white one, held hands out to Lulu. Smiling Lulu held her hands and grab each of their hands. In a golden light, the two disappeared.
Back in darkness, Lulu was confused.
“Hey, can I help?” Another voice spoke; coming from behind Lulu.
Turning around, light from under Lulu’s feet shinned as a stain glass image appeared.  In the glass was an image of Lulu holding the triforce of wisdom as smash members had pictures around her. In front of her, a young boy stood holding a key shaped sword. His brown hair was spiky as he wore a red and black outfit with poofy pants and big black yellow shoes. Surprised, the boy walked up to Lulu.
“I heard someone cry for help,” the boy remarked before looking at Lulu, “Wow, you look like someone from Atlantica. What’s your name?”
“Lulu. What’s yours?” Lulu asked.
“I’m Sora,” Sora replied with a smile.
“Sora? I like your name! Will you please help me? A great monster is attacking my friends. I wasn’t strong enough on my own to stop it,” Lulu explained.
“A monster? Is it some type of heartless?” Sora questioned.
“Heartless? I’m not sure what that is but it does lack heart and it wants to hurt my friends,” Lulu replied.
“Well, that’s good enough for me. I’ll gladly help,” Sora replied.
Holding a hand out, Sora smiled a big smile. Smiling back, Lulu grabbed his hand as he too disappeared into golden light.
Still left in the dark, Lulu was confused. But something told her things were going to be alright now.
“I have help. That’s a start. But how to deal with Darkon. He himself is so far away. And Sephiroth is just a vessel he is using. If I had a way to hit him at long distance,” Lulu spoke to herself.
“Will a charger do?” A voice spoke up.
Spinning around, Lulu called out, “You again!”
“You did good. You found help. But they can’t fight this alone! And you can’t deal with Darkon without some help. Here, hold your hands out,” the voice spoke.
Holding her hands up, Lulu saw a long light formed as a golden charger fell into her hands.
“It’s infused with the power of the light arrows. Should help. Good luck Princess,” the voice spoke again.
Nodding, Lulu held the charger close.
“Thank you. This time, I’ll do it. I’m not giving up!” Lulu replied.
As the triforce glowed again, Lulu clenched her fist, before holding it up and shouting, “LET’S GO HELP MY FRIENDS!!!”
Time starting again, the light shown bright as Sephiroth jump back as figure rushed at him. Blocking with his sword, a giant fire blade came down to clash with the Masamune.
“WHO ARE YOU?” Sephiroth shouted.
“Here to help out Lulu!” Pyra replied before switching to Mythra in a greenish light and taking fast swings at Sephiroth.
Coming to, a hand was held out for Lulu as Lulu realized it was Sora. Grabbing his hand, Sora helped Lulu up as Lulu held the charger; healed up and tentacle in tack again.
“You look different,” Sora commented as Lulu was back in her inkling form.
“So does your clothes,” Lulu remarked.
Looking himself over, Sora’s clothes had changed to a red outfit with a white jacket and big yellow shoes. Chuckling, Sora gave Lulu a smile.
Hearing Darkon roar, the two looked up at him.
“So that’s the monster?” Sora asked.
“That’s Darkon. His eye is his weak spot. We need to get close to it so I can shoot at it with this charger,” Lulu explained.
Noticing Mythra dealing with Sephiroth, Lulu realized the opportunity.
“While he’s distracted, we need to go,” Lulu pointed out.
Nodding, Sora grabbed Lulu’s hand as he pulled her forward into a run.
Running past Pyra and Sephiroth, the two were heading for the edge as tendrils were raring for an attack.
“Believe in fairies?” Sora asked.
“Met a few. Nice beings,” Lulu replied.
“Then believe you can fly!” Sora replied.
As the tendrils came down, Sora and Lulu jumped off the cliff’s edge as the tendrils crashed into the ground. In an upward swoop, the two flew off towards Darkon. Tendrils coming at them, Sora used magic to freeze them and burn them as Lulu took shots with the charger. Closer and closer the two got as Darkon tried to push them back. Dodging, weaving, and attacking, the pair were getting closer to Darkon’s eye. Though as a final attempt, Darkon shot multiple tendrils at them. In quick thinking, Sora pushed Lulu forward as Sora took the hit; knocking him out of the sky.
Now in range, Lulu held the charger out as she charged the ink. Not enough time to react, Darkon watched as light formed at the chargers end as Lulu pulled the trigger.
With a large bang, light swirling around a long ink shot speed towards Darkon and hit him straight on. Split in half, the light shown bright as the Darkon and the tendrils started to dissipate.
Back on land, about to take a swing at Pyra, it was if the wind was knocked out of Sephiroth as he fell to the ground; shocking Pyra as she looked up to see Darkon falling apart.
“LULU DID IT!” Pyra cried out.
Hearing footsteps, Pyra turned around to see Cloud and Mario, bandaged up, as they were shock to see the sight.
Then a bright light flashed as the red sky turned back to clear blue.
Still floating in the sky as the golden charger faded out of her hands, Lulu took a moment to process things before realizing something. Hastily flying down, Lulu looked for Sora.
“LULU!” Sora called out, floating in the water below.
“SORA!” Lulu cried out.
Seems Sora was okay as she flew down and grabbed a hand to pull him back up and flying again. Pulling each other into a hug, the two flew around for a bit.
“WE DID IT!!” the pair shouted in excitement before heading back to the main land.
Waving, Pyra was waiting for them.
“HEY!!!” she called out.
“PYRA!” Lulu called out before landing.
Rushing up, Pyra hugged Lulu and Sora as the three laughed and giggled.
“LULU” Mario called out.
Looking around Pyra, Lulu called out, “MARIO!” before letting go and rushing to Mario.
Arms open, Mario hugged Lulu and patted her back.
“Wahoo! You did it!!” Mario spoke as he patted her back.
“Sora?” Cloud questioned as he spotted him.
“Woah! Cloud! Is that you?” Sora questioned in shock as he let go of Pyra and rushed over to Cloud.
“How did you get here?” Cloud questioned.
Rubbing the back of his head, Sora replied, “Uh...I guess through Lulu. I was on Destiny Islands when I heard a voice cry out for help and then the next thing I knew I met Lulu.”
Crossing his arms, Cloud gave a smirk and a huff.
Walking up, Pyra remarked, “I also heard Lulu’s cry for help. Are you all alright?”
“Now we are it seems. Darkon is gone and things have seem to gone back to normal. That is..” Cloud replied before tailing off.
Looking over, Sephiroth was still on the ground. All noticing, Cloud began to walk over when sounds of pain could be heard. Starting to rise up, Sephiroth rolled to a sitting position as he got his bearings.
“Where… am I?” he spoke.
“Smash world,” Cloud spoke.
Looking over, Sephiroth didn’t seem surprised to see Cloud.
“It seems we have been transported to this world,” Sephiroth spoke, “But I do not know how.”
“What do you last remember?” Cloud asked.
“Leaving the last world with you,” Sephiroth replied as he got up on his feet.
“So I was right. Darkon was controlling him and Kayuza,” Lulu remarked.
“Do you think he’ll cause trouble now?” Sora asked.
“He would be stupid if he tried,” Cloud remarked.
Looking around, Sephiroth noticed the others taking fighting stances; faces he had never seen before.
“You have a lot of explaining to do,” Sephiroth stated to Cloud.
“Long story,” Cloud replied.
“So what happen to Kayuza?” Lulu asked.
“Same boat as Sephiroth. Taken control by Darkon and mind controlled to be a puppet. Once Darkon’s control was free, he woke up confused and lost to where he was,” Lu replied.
“So what happen then?” Lutarna asked.
“Well, given their presence, it seemed they too were new smashers and thus we welcomed them in. Knowing how many were around, like the other villian characters, they agreed to behave and join the smash fights. Explaining everything to them on how the worlds worked, we showed Pyra, Mythra, and Sora how to get home and to come back and visit,” Lu explained.
“Man, talk about a crazy adventure. You have all the fun!” Lulu huffed.
“How did Sidon take to everything?” Lutarna asked.
“He insisted Link rest in the domain and my butt to stay out of fights for a while,” Lu chuckled.
“Fair enough,” Lutarna chuckled.
“Still, did the creator every give you answers on things?” Lulu asked.
“No sadly. No letter this time. I wish I knew why but perhaps it’s just left up to the wind I guess,” Lu replied.
Jumping up and stretching, Lulu hopped down the ramp before looking at the other girls.
“Well, I don’t know about you, but that story has me worked up now. Let’s get some more practice shall we?” Lulu chuckled.
Nodding, the two cleaned up the food mess they made before jumping down the ramp before rushing off to start a match.
Watching in the distance up in a tree, a being smiled as she watched the three play.
“I probably should have wrote a proper thank you but making that charger took a bit out of me. Oh well, things are good now. Might as well let it be. Still, to think my lower gods would betray me like that when all I asked was to just balance the smash world with what fighters were allowed in. Instead they grew power hungry and thought they could over throw my rule. Oh well, Maybe next time I’ll get better help,” the being spoke.
Smiling again, the being faded into nothing as the trio played their game; peace brought back again to the worlds.
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nagavoice · 3 years
starshine spectre
phantasmagoria starter for @arcstral !
         Ban-Ban had taught her this long ago; manaketes were cursed with the charge of isolation. She could play with humans as she wished, even befriend them if she so wanted, but there was no stopping the inevitable end of their decades-long life. Loss would follow her like a shadow, and she would simply have to bear the pain.
        She knows of this, and yet she here she is: seated beneath the shadows of a witch’s booth, whose claims to speak to the dead had tempted her. The table is tucked behind the monastery alleyways as a babe would find itself tucked in a cot, obscured from the rest of the festivities. She would normally find herself avoiding such dodgy spots like this— she’s faced enough trickery and exploitation to last many lifetimes, thank you very much— but she isn’t powered by logic nor rationality today. No, today she thinks using her heart rather her head.
        Her head may have had the sense to stop her, but her heart? Her heart is a desperate little creature, squeezed by loss and burdened by tragedy; foolishly, it knows nothing of restraint.
        The witch recognizes as much; in fact, Tiki thinks her woes tickle the sorceress something delightful. Her voice is airy as she speaks, and when she rests her chin on interlocked fingers, she tilts her head, as though regarding some cute little puppy and not a grieving adult.
        “The grief in your eyes festers like an open wound, but I assure you that my services—” the word is spoken with a curl dancing across her lip, as though it were some secret to be kept between them “—can help mend the injury. Now tell me; who is it that you wish to speak to?”
        Tiki breathes deeply, her fingernails digging deep into her thigh. She knows better than to put faith in charlatanism as blatant as the one being offered to her, but she knows, too, of the pain that has haunted her these past few centuries. Even if this whole thing were some charade, doesn’t she deserve a bit of closure?
        “...Mar-Mar.” she speaks, almost weeps the name with all the agony of the passing millennia, “Please, let me speak to my Mar-Mar again.”
        The witch’s mouth twists into a knowing smirk, as though ravishing in the dragonkin’s delicate, quivering state. 
        “Close your eyes, dear. Start reflecting on what you wish to say while I try and establish a link.” she purrs.
        Tiki does as she’s told, eyelids fusing tightly together, and in the darkness of it all she finds herself feeling... small. As though she had suddenly regressed into that young girl from so long ago, cold and lonely, waiting for warmth to pass her by.
                                                    mar-mar... this time, i’ll be sure to thank you properly... 
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fictionimitateslife · 4 years
I had an idea for a possible young avengers’ storyline in the MCU. So I decided to post it here. I know nobody asked for it, and most likely nobody will read it. But I wanted to post it somewhere, so who cares?
This is an idea based on what we already know is gonna happen in the MCU as well as some speculations.
Now these are just a bunch of ideas that I think would be interesting to see happen in the MCU for the YA. I have no idea if anything like this is gonna happen. At all.
First, I would like to point out that I am a huge YA fan. They were my first superhero comic ever. So, I would love for the MCU to adapt them as close to the source as possible. But I know that is not happening. So, let´s move on to the “plot”.
So, for starters, let´s answer the biggest YA question right now. Iron Lad. I think we aren´t getting Nate Richards as Iron Lad. Rather, I believe we are getting Harley Keener as Iron Lad. Now I could be wrong, and all this would be useless, but I don´t think Marvel would do such a complicated time travel storyline like Nate´s. Add to that Harley´s appearance on Tony´s funeral, and I think he will most likely will become Iron Lad.
The other option would be for Ironheart to take his place. And nobody really wants that to happen. It would be dumb and insulting. So, between no Ironheart, and Harley as Iron Lad, (knowing he has no personality yet, and therefore can be given Nate´s personality), the only option to take is the second one.
With that in mind, here is how I would turn Herley into Iron lad:
1) Give him Nate´s personality, trading his obsession with time travel, for science.
2) Make him responsible for the first big YA villain. Which one? Ultron. More specifically, his return with a new body.
How Harley would make that? Well let´s return to infinity war for that. We know Shuri downloaded most of Vision during the movie. I think it would be interesting if Tony salvaged what she did download of him, and rebuild Vision, as an AI, without his emotions. At this point, I think it would be interesting if Harley was on an internship on Stark industries. Like the one Peter said he had, except a real internship. We know Tony pushed himself away from most of the world between IW and Endgame. But what if Harley was the exception? Tony set up his internship so that Harley could have a good future, and kept watch over him. That would explain his presence in the funeral. Even if he was far from Tony, they kept a connection through science.
Now, let´s move to Endgame. If Tony rebuild Vision, why was he using FRIDAY? Simple, he wasn´t done yet. Maybe he had just finished it and didn´t have time to start it. Or maybe he didn´t even finish rebuilding Vision, Harley did it.
Now, where is Vision then? I think it would be interesting to contrast Harley to Peter Parker here. While Peter is Tony´s legacy on superheroics, I think Marvel should make Harley Tony´s legacy in science. And that is why I think Tony could have given Vision to Harley. And contrasting Peter to Harley, gave the latter access to Stark Industries scientific/information resources, while Peter got more access to resources that could be used for superheroics. Now, I know MCU Peter is a scientist too, but differently from comic´s Peter, that is not his big thing. Harley, on the other hand, is much more of a scientist/builder.
If I could touch one both of their storylines, then I would move Harley´s into a hero´s jorney, while I would slowly make Peter more of a scientist/builder. But that is just me.
Anyway, like this, Harley would have both access to Vision, and access to Stark Industries resources, which he could use to build Ultron´s new body. How that happens? After Tony´s death Ultron pretended to be a human, and talking to Harley online, influenced him into helping Ultron create an even better body than Ultron ever could. Then influenced him into creating a prototype, just to prove they could do it. And that was enough for Ultron. He took over the prototype, and flew away from Harley´s lab, went into hiding, and slowly upgraded his prototype body, according to Harley´s project.
Harley, ashamed, hide this and decided to take care of Ultron himself. Now it´s important that I think both Harley and Tony didn´t want the boy to become a superhero. Which means maybe Harley promised Tony he wouldn´t do it. However, he has to break his promise, and for that, creates a new suit of armor, based on Tony´s own armor, and his new Ultron project.
With access to an Iron man type of armor, and an objective, Harley realizes that he can´t defeat Ultron alone. So he uses a hidden file on Vision (left behind with express orders to only be used in extreme emergencies), the avengers fail-safe program. A program made to find youngsters with ties to the avengers who could become new avengers in the future.
Harley finds 3 close candidates: Eli, Billy and Tommy.
Now, moving on to these 3, Tommy and Billy would appear in doctor strange 2, but still end up dying, and being resurrected. Billy is close and Harley recruits him. Tommy is in Juvie, and therefore Harley can´t reach him. How Vision found them? Once Hex!Vision connected to White!Vision, he also connected to AI!Vision. At that point AI!Vision was able to keep tabs on the boys. He learned they had superpowers, as well as the signature energy for those powers. So, once AI!Vision found said energy signatures, he put them on the program.
Eli shows up in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, where I would use the Truth storyline. Now, I think Tony (or maybe only JARVIS) could end up finding out the truth about Isaiah, and decided to keep an eye on the Bradley family, even if just to protect them. I would end Eli´s storyline in TFATWS with him getting shot to save Bucky, and getting the blood transfusion from his grandparent. Which would put him in in the program again, since AI!Vision would predict him getting super soldier powers.
Iron Lad, Asgardian and Patriot form the first version of the young avengers. They start training, but not superheroing yet, while Harley looks for Ultron. The other boys don´t know he helped Ultron rebuild his body. Just that he found out Ultron was still alive somehow. Their first adventure happens in secret invasion.
Moving to Captain Marvel 2, we already know the enemy is gonna be the religious skrull. I would also use the movie to introduce Teddy. Basically the movie starts with us fiding out, in a flashback, that Mar-vell had a son, Genis-Vell. He fell in love and had a son with the princess of the skrull. Except he had to abandon them, in order to hide their existence from the kree. When her child was still a baby, the princess´s ship was attacked, and she was killed. She was able to give her son, Dorrek VIII, to her handmaiden, so he could be hidden. The handmaiden went to earth, and sought refuge with Talos´ people, not telling anyone the boy´s real identity. She raises him as a human boy.
At some point in Captain Marvel 2, we find out about a prophecy that tells Dorrek VIII will turn the Skrull into an Empire, and that said Empire will start on earth. Therefore, the new wants to capture earth to ensure that will happen. We are introduced to “alien” magic, which Monica confirms is like earth´s magic. The queen is defeated and then religious skrull decide to go after their prophecised emperor.
They find Teddy on earth, when he starts using his powers for Greg. He fights with Greg tho, and ends up in a bad place. The skrulls appear before him in the middle of a school day, and try to get him to join them, except he refuses. Billy is present for that, and calls for Harley and Eli, so they can help Teddy, thinking it´s a kidnapping. They “rescue” Teddy.
The religious skrulls end up revealing their presence on earth, alongside their violent intentions, and start a takeover of the planet. Secret Invasion starts. The boys help Teddy escape the skrulls, even releasing Tommy out of juvie, in order to have more firepower. Billy and Teddy start a romance. Teddy, at some point, takes the form of his favorite avenger, the Hulk, and discovers his super strength. Secret Invasion ends, and Fury helps hide the boys´ identity, including Teddy´s. He helps close the juvie that made experiments on Tommy. He also promises to keep watch over them.
They become the young avengers.
Hawkeye ends with Kate mentioning her sister´s wedding.
Ant-man 3 ends up with Cassie having a suit build for her, so she can travel through the quantum realm. She is forbidden from using the suit after it, and from becoming a superhero. She steals the suit anyway.
Young Avengers movie starts with Jessica Jones being hired to investigate the boys, who have started superheroing for real after the end of secret invasion.
The boy´s try to stop and attack on Kate´s sister wedding. The attackers have special weapons that incapacitate them. Kate saves the boys.
Close to the place where the wedding happened, Cassie, who was looking for the boys to join them, meets Kate, who also wants to join the team. They also find Jessica, who tries to convince them to give up being superheroes, given her experience. She realizes she can´t convince the girls, and decides to help them find the boys, thinking they will be safer in a bigger number. Jess, being Jess, finds them easily. The boys answer they are busy, since they realized the wedding was a trap. Harley says it was probably a trap from Ultron, who figured out what Harley was doing.
They decide to go after Ultron, since he is probably doing something big at that moment, hence, the trap.
Now, this is where things get fun, since I would mix up the children´s crusade storyline, with the “kang” storyline.
My idea would be for Ultron to have learned about magic, since he was connected to AI!Vision, who learned the truth behind Wanda. Ultron realized he couldn´t do shit alone, so he joins up with whoever is the villain from doctor strange 2. Now, for this, I would use Mephisto as the villain.
Now, I think Wanda won´t go bad, after the multiverse storyline. She will end up in a horrible place, but will remain a superhero. At the start of young avengers, she ends up in NYC.
Ultron and Mephisto set up a trap for her, and joining technology and magic, are able to take control of her. Or at least try to. The boys find them and start trying to free Wanda, who is passed out. The girls show up and join in saving Wanda. However, they still lose, since they had set up traps for the boys in case they appeared.
They disappear. Not before Harley is able to hack into Ultron and find out their plan. They wanted to use Wanda to cast a spell that would kill all humanity (for Ultron) and would give their souls to Mephisto. They came up with the spell together, and kept it inside Ultron´s memory. Harley stole the spell and erased it from Ultron’s memory.
The young avengers go to their hideout, where Harley explains what he found out. He decides to use the spell as bait, in order to save Wanda.
The villains, in control of Wanda, find the young avengers. They start losing, because of Tommy´s speed. Mephisto uses his power´s along with Wanda´s and they resurrect Pietro, another speedster, to fight against Tommy. The young avengers flee.
They decide to find out more about Wanda, and end up in westview, after Harley probs AI!Vision. They find out about what happened in there, at which point AI!Vision finishes explaining the truth about the twins. (This point could be used to have Ralph tell he is actually Simon Williams, and have him turn into Wonder Man in some way, I actually have a whole idea about how this could happen). Ultron and Mephisto find them. The YA runs away.
Cassie leads them to the pym laboratory. They explain what is happening, and Scott berates Cassie. They end up being found again.
At some point, Billy undoes Wanda´s magic control over Pietro, and he joins the kids.
Ultron and Mephisto realize they need to take the kids seriously, and get more violent.
The YA tele-transport again, but are intercepted by Doctor Strange, who noticed the insane amount of magic being used. They explain the situation to him.
Mephisto and Ultron remember they are heroes, and decide to attack New York to make them come out of hiding. Now, I hate the “save New York, save the world” trope. But seeing as most of the YA are from New York, this is one of the few situations where it would fit well. Mephisto releases a horde of demons on New York.
A final battle starts. Ultron steals the spell back from Harley. Wanda starts casting the spell. Agatha says she believes Tommy and Pietro´s powers have some sort of magical nature. They can bend time, and because of it, they can cancel out magic. Therefore, after the spell is activated, they circle Wanda and keep the effect of her spell inside.
The avengers from the D+ shows appear to help.
They divide into 3 teams. One to defeat Ultron. One to Defeat Mephisto. And one to stop Wanda.
They realize Wanda´s spell can´t be stopped, since only the caster can stop their spell. However, Billy can undo Wanda´s spell (when he released Pietro from her control), maybe because his powers come from hers.
He doesn´t know how to do it tho. Strange tells him to release his magic, and the other spellcasters will mold it to undo Wanda´s spell. Billy does so, but ends up losing control. We have the iconic YA vol. 2 scene, where Teddy helps Billy control his magic (in a perfect world, they would end up kissing in this scene).
The spellcasters use his power to undo Wanda´s magic. That also undoes the control over her. They all converse on Ultron and Mephisto.
Hawkeye realizes Mephisto has messenger demons. Teddy turns into one and takes him down by surprise.
Ultron builds a shield around himself, and tells the heroes he still has a second plan. He has control over the nuclear nukes on the world, and he will activate them. Eli tells him they have a Cassie. She appears inside the shield and stomps on Ultron, winning the day.
Of course, I also have many other ideas for specific character storylines. But I am tired of writing, and might add them on another day.
IDEK why I wrote this actually. I guess I just wanted to share it somewhere.
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liamscxtt · 3 years
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william ‘liam’ scott is the newest evergreen eagle! they’re twenty-two years old from albuquerque, new mexico joining us at evergreen to study forensics and psychology. have you heard r.i.p 2 my youth by the neighbourhood? it reminds me of them because they’re so resilient and adaptable, but also super jaded at times. i hope we catch them around campus soon!
although not explained in absolute depth, please note the following triggers: gun violence, school shooting, death, injury, ptsd & mentions of mental health, drug & alcohol abuse, and homelessness.
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statistics !
full name: william alexander scott
preferred name: liam
birthday: january 5th, 2000 (22 years old)
sign: capricorn
height: 5’10”
hometown: albuquerque, new mexico
sexual orientation: heterosexual
major: forensics and psychology, with a concentration in psychoanalysis and behavioral health
occupation: bartender at mars bar, trainer’s assistant at soulstice gym
positive traits: resilient, adaptable, candid, eloquent, cordial, affable
negative traits: jaded, deceitful, brazen, fickle, resentful
backstory ! 
being the first born, beating his sister by just a matter of two minutes, liam was born to two twenty-three year old lovers — melissa and christopher scott. melissa is a registered nurse who works in the emergency department at unm hospital, and christopher is just a simple mechanic that owns his own little shop in the city. them, liam, and his twin sister, grace, lived a practical life. the typical family living the “american dream” — decent sized house, with decent income coming in. they were comfortable, his parents providing everything that was needed, and then some — but also teaching their children the value of a dollar, and the importance of hard work. they were the picture perfect family, with their problems of course. and they were close, very close. you couldn’t tear liam and grace apart as children, they were each other’s best friends. this continued on even to their teen years in high school, obviously steering away from each other a bit due to their social circles. grace was very much into anything academic wise; captain of the debate team, a member of both the math and history club, and had perfect grades. she was the definition of brains and beauty, and had quite the social life. meanwhile, he was very much into anything that involved sports and girls; captain of both the lacrosse and baseball team (lacrosse being his first and true love), popular with girls, party goer, and just barely getting by school (C’s were his thing). safe to say, their parents really did have the best of both worlds; grace being the good girl that only got into trouble sneakily, and him just being down right stupid and getting into trouble like it was his job. either way, liam and grace were surprisingly always close, even though they barely talked during the school hours.
despite liam’s lack of stellar grades like his sister, he was a star on the field. him, his sister, and their parents were banking on scholarships to the best of schools for the both of them. grace for her stellar academics, and liam for his athletic talents (particularly for lacrosse). he was a shoo-in for D1. he had signed and was set to be a starter on the lacrosse team at north carolina state university, which leads the ranking for lacrosse in the U.S.
this all changed their senior year, january 20th, 2017, just a few days after the twin’s 18th birthday — when his classmates were trapped in their school gym after a pep rally, and the police were noted of an active shooting happening at the local high school. 39 dead, 25 injured. liam was struck in the back after successfully breaking out a few students from the gym, his sister included (he was too busy causing havoc and chaos to celebrate the coming of a new semester). his sister was struck as she attempted to escape the school. liam survived and was among the injured, his sister succumbed to her injuries right before his eyes. and just like that, that was the ending to their families perfect story.
liam blamed himself for his sisters death from the moment it happened, and has never been the same since.
liam was severely injured as a result to getting shot. the bullet shattered part of his spine, and as a result he suffered from unilateral paralysis and weakness on his left side. this ruined any and all chances of him attending NCSU, let alone play lacrosse. he just barely finished high school as a result, and was in intensive physical therapy for two years. between the medical bills and the cost of his sisters funeral, his parents now had the additional burden of huge debt. this only lead the couple further apart, and their constant arguing and emotional instability really ended them. the two got divorced in 2019 and went their separate ways.
it took two years of extreme hard work in pt and not being able to work, along with him taking two gap years between high school and college for him to finally get better. he slowly, yet surely, began gaining his strength back in his right side. he’s not able to play intense sports like lacrosse yet, but he’s able to walk, run, lift weights, and basically function normally. he does get flareups of pain and weakness at times, which can be exacerbated by stress, exhaustion, or when he’s just overworked himself. he’s good about knowing his body and its limits, but during these exacerbations one may see him using crutches to help him walk and get around.
in fall of 2019, as he regained his strength, he decided to officially move out of his moms house. he felt terrible about how much his parents had to sacrifice; liam knew his injuries were part of the reason why tension began to build up in the house, and this didn’t sit well with him at all. so, he convinced his parents to go half on a 2011 chevy equinox that he found in excellent condition on the street — their last gift to him, and the last thing he ever asked from them. with the essential items he needed, his equinox, no job or place to stay, and just $50 to his name — liam moved out of home and to phoenix, arizona. he told his parents that he had found a good paying job; and while this wasn’t a lie, he was able to find a job upon his move, he was homeless. with living out of his car and maintaining three jobs, he was able to afford some classes at a local community college in phoenix. he jumped around from his car, with the occasional of crashing on a friends couch. he has his associates in early childhood education.
his ultimate end goal is to become a criminal behavioral analyst, and work in the behavior analysis unit for the fbi. after finding this out, a professor of his had many connections, and suggest that he applied to evergreen university — as they have one of the best criminal justice programs in the country. with the help of this professor, liam was able to file an application for financial aid, and surprisingly got accepted to both the university and to receive some financial help. however, it wasn’t enough to cover everything. so, once again, liam with his equinox went to san diego, california. with the help of his professors connection to evergreen, liam was able to land a job as a bartender and at the local gym as a trainer’s assistant.
illicit drug and alcohol use !
liam blamed himself for his sisters death from the moment it happened, and has never been the same since. what was once a funny, prankster, kid quickly turned into a jaded, deceitful, resentful, and secretive human. his faith in humanity is very minimal, and his outlook on things is anything but positive. he self medicates often with the use of alcohol, weed, and occasionally cocaine. this helps to numb his mind from constantly feeling the sadness and burden of his sisters and friends death, his parents divorce, and his homelessness. this helps him sleep at night, and without it he can be up for days due to the troubling thoughts.
mental health ! 
as anyone can assume, liam’s mental health went down the drain after the tragic events that took place. he suffers from severe ptsd, and undiagnosed anxiety and depression. his ptsd is shown through the following: having to sit in the back or on the side of every classroom (he can’t have his back faced against people, this is also the case for doing anything such as going to the movies or going out to eat), hating the sounds of fireworks, and more (will develop this as i go along).
personality ! 
liam keeps his cards close to his chest. he doesn’t talk about his hometown as he knows people can easily associate him with the tragic 2017 event at his high school. he doesn’t talk about his injury. more importantly, he doesn’t talk about his living situation. if he doesn’t talk about it and avoids it, he doesn’t have to feel bad about lying, right?
despite the doom and gloom that is his life — he’s very personable. he can easily have a conversation with anyone which often helps him with tips. and he still likes to party, so you can catch him at some house party on his days off, especially if it’s the weekend.
he’s a friendly guy, but he doesn’t consider just anyone a friend. friends are people he holds near and dear to his heart, people that he’s loyal to. he was always brought up on the concept that friends are family that weren’t blessed of sharing the same blood as you, but the universe just couldn’t keep them away. so, he has a lot of associates — people he can party with, have a good time with, work with, etc, but that’s it. superficial relationships, if you must put a label on it.
to summarize, despite his trauma he’s: outgoing, personable, polite, charming, and the mystery part of him has the potential of making him quite alluring. all in all, good kid with a kind heart — just a lot of inner demons he’s trying to work out on his own.
his interests are: music, sports, reading, writing, art, and hiking. he especially took up hiking when he gained his strength back, knowing he couldn’t take it for granted, and eager to get out and just walk without people staring.
living situation !
liam’s paychecks go to the following things: essentials, food, maintaining his car, car insurance, and his phone bill. whatever spare cash he has he spends on alcohol and drugs. because of this, liam still lives in his car — but nobody knows this. he has plenty of blankets and pillows, and a mattress topper to help provide him cushion. luckily, his suv is big enough where if he put his back seats down he can lay comfortably. with his job at the gym providing him a free membership, he often takes early shifts or late night shifts so that he’s either the first or last person there — this giving him the chance to shower, clean up, and exercise, which is how he’s able to maintain his image and looks well kept. he has snacks like chips, protein bars, and protein shakes that help him get through the days where he can’t find or afford a decent meal. he relies heavily on food pantries, and volunteers at the soup kitchen every sunday as this promises a meal. since he can’t really buy groceries due to his living situation, his fast food places of choice are the following: moes (you can make a bowl somewhat healthy) and panera bread (for salads and sandwiches). he camps out in the parking lot of his jobs (depending on his schedule the next day), or the parking garages of the university.
he’s lucky enough that his family will fly him out to see them during things like holidays and such. during these times, he’ll probably leave his car at his friends house to decrease the risk of it being stolen and/or broken into. or better yet, he probably drives his car to new mexico once a year, but is awfully careful as this car is really all that he has.
all these years, his parents have believed that he lives in a small studio apartment and that he’s fine. he hates lying to them about this, but he also can’t allow them to continue to be dragged down by him and his personal burdens.
nobody knows about his living situation! during the day his car looks like a normal car with a messy trunk for this very reason.
life at evergreen !
liam “moved” to california about a month ago, so he’s been working at the bar and gym since then. however, he’s just getting himself acquainted to campus. since summer classes are typically more expensive, he’s only taking one right now: and that’s the stupid introduction course that every university student must take when they first start a program. he will go up to full time in late august, when the typical semester begins. but as of right now, he’s still getting himself acquainted with campus, so he wouldn’t really know anyone that’s not a coworker.
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aaron-despair · 4 years
Only you (Maria Hill x Reader)
A/N: I don’t own any of the characters on this fic, they belong to Marvel.
Request: 122 and 123 from prompt list three with Maria Hill. (Preferably reader says the prompt starter)
Warnings: none.
Quick shout out to @natasha-danvers​, thanks for helping me out with this one :)
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Promps: 122. “I fell in love with you, not them.”/123. “You are the only one I want to wake up next to.”
“So, any plans for tonight?” Natasha asked while we wandered around the hallways at HQ, having finished the task Fury gave us. 
“Nope, have something on your mind Romanoff?” (Y/N) answered, opening the door for us as we walked out of the building. 
“Maybe watch a movie together? You know, just the three of us instead of the ruckus at the compound.”
“Fine by me. We could use a night for ourselves.” I said, and we stopped by Nat’s car.
“Yeah, sounds good. What do you think, my place?” (Y/N) suggested and we both agreed. “Great, let’s get going then. Maria, want a ride?” They offered, and I found myself nodding, walking up to the (h/c) haired agent who had already reached their motorcycle. “Here.” (Y/N) said, passing me a helmet while putting theirs.
“Did you have this planned already?” I joked, taking it and putting it on.
“Maybe.” (Y/N) winked, making me blush. I hopped onto the back seat, holding on to (Y/N)’s leather jacket. “Come on, I don’t bite you know? Hold on tighter.”
I linked my hands around their waist, tightening my hold. Soon after we were riding off to (Y/N)’s apartment, followed by Natasha on her black Corvette. We arrived 15 minutes later, and soon we found ourselves on (Y/N)’s couch, with a bowl of popcorn between us three and a comedy playing on the TV. Though our attention was mostly in other place.
“Come on, (Y/N/N), your turn. Truth or dare?” Natasha said, leaning back on the couch.
“Truth. I’ve already had too many dares tonight.” 
“Then tell us, any special girl in your life?” Nat asked, and I couldn’t help but wait for (Y/N)’s reply with bated breath. “Because I might know a girl that would like to have a nice dinner with you.”
“I’m sure she’s really nice Nat, but I’ll have to decline. I have my eyes on someone already.” (Y/N) confessed, and I felt a pang in my chest. 
(Y/N) and I met when we were recruited together, and we became good friends fairly quick. As time passed I got to know the sweet and caring personality of my friend and started developing feelings for them. And by the time Natasha joined us and we became the 'feared trio', I was completely smitten with the (h/c) haired agent.
“Maria? You listening?” I heard (Y/N) ask, making me gaze into those beautiful (e/c) orbs that were looking at me concerned.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I said that you two could stay the night if you wanted. Nat already said yes. What about you?”
I thought about it for a moment, recalling the answer to their truth question. Could it be that (Y/N) liked Nat? 
“Actually, I have something I wanted to finish tonight, so I’ll have to pass. Sorry...” I lied, the pressure in my chest tightening as I kept thinking about that possibility.
“It’s okay. I can give you another ride if-”
“No, it’s okay. I live close by, so I’ll be fine. Night, you two.”
“Goodnight.” “Night.”
“Nice party, right (L/N)? Seems like Tony surpassed himself with this one.” Nat said, sitting beside me on one of the bar stools.
“Yeah, nice one. Nat, have you seen Maria? It’s like she’s been avoiding me all week.” I asked her, and she pondered for a bit.
“Sorry, I didn’t see her. Maybe she’s late.” She tried to soothe me. I smiled at her attempt, and stood up.
“I think I’ll go get some fresh air. See you later, Nat.”
I crossed the sea of people, determined to reach the balcony. When I stepped out of the room I felt like I could breathe again. I decided to stay there for a while, just ordering my thoughts. Have I done something wrong to Maria? I needed to talk to her, but it seemed like she had vanished.
I walked into the room again, and there she was. Maria was near the entrance, leaning against the wall. It didn’t take me long to be by her side, taking her arm gently but making sure that she would follow me. I stopped once on the hallway of the compound, far from all the noise of the party, letting go of her.
“We need to talk. You’ve been avoiding me all week. Did I do something that bothered you?” I blurted out, almost begging her to talk to me. It pained me not seeing her this few days.
“You didn’t do anything.” Maria sighed, trying to go back to the party, but I stopped her again.
“Don’t shut me out, I know something’s wrong.”
“It’s nothing, really. Shouldn’t you be with Natasha?” She replied, a little harsher than intended.
“What? What does she have to do in this?” Then I realized. “Maria... do you like me?” My voice was barely above a whisper, and I noticed the way she swallowed hard.
“Mar, I fell in love with you, not her.” I finally admitted, watching as her blue eyes focused on mine, searching for a lie. When she couldn’t find one, she launched at me, arms wrapping around my neck. Her soft lips pressed firmly against my own, letting me know the frustration of waiting all this time. It started of sweet and loving, but it quickly turned into full pasion.
“Come on, Stark wouldn't mind if we left the party. I’m sorry for avoiding you, let me make it up to you.”
“Of course, lead the way.”
We ended up at my place, chatting throughout all the night and making out, and later falling asleep in each other’s embrace.
The next morning I woke up first, just watching Maria sleep in my arms. Some minutes later, she began to stir awake, and soon after her eyes opened slowly.
“Good morning, sugar.” I said, kissing her forehead.
“Good morning.” She sighed contentedly, snuggling into my neck. “So this wasn’t a dream...” I heard her mutter.
“Of course not.” I whispered against her temple, making Maria look up at me. I could still see a bit of insecurity in her breathtaking blue orbs. “You are the only one I want to wake up next to.” I reassured her, bringing a smile to her face. “Now what does my beautiful girlfriend think about making breakfast together?”
“Charmer.” Maria teased, getting off of bed and bringing me up with her, and we laughed before starting our day.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added):
@imnotasuperhero​  @natasha-danvers​ @marvels-writings​
(forgot completely about it last night, sorry)
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