#❤️ > 💋
tufallaridere · 6 months
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sparkle-fiend · 4 months
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team-avia · 9 days
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This darling is fiesty and fierce. Be careful not to play with fire or you'll get burned! But... withstand the heat and you might spark the flame of romance
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fanta30 · 7 months
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angelamcforlard · 8 months
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beautyallaroundus25 · 8 months
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olmoonlight · 11 months
♡ A kiss is like medicine... A kissed person lives longer... And looks better... Tip of the day: Kiss you're loved ones. 💋🍓💋♥💕
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scarlettriot · 1 year
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Our Girl • Kirishima X f!Reader X Bakugou
Smut • 18+ Only • Minors & Ageless Blogs DNI
this piece is written as an X Reader but it was written with @meggsngrits in mind. If that bothers you, you don’t have to read it. It’s for Meg, anyway ♡
Meg, I know it’s been a rough few days for ya so, I hope some time with your guys helps ♡
i definitely didn’t proof this at all so I’m sorry about that…
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The moment Katsuki opened the door to your house he knew something wasn’t right. None of the lights had been turned on, your bag was on the floor rather than hanging on the hook like usual, and you, his adorable little wife, we’re nowhere in sight.
After taking off his boots, he took the time to hang up your bag in its rightful place and then started his search for you.
It wasn’t too hard to find you though, he didn’t exactly like seeing you laying face down on your bed with work clothes still on. Hell, you hadn’t even taken your shoes off!
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For now though, he started by sliding off your shoes and setting them at the foot of the bed. “Baby girl,” his voice was low but softer than usual, “when’s the last time you ate?”
You didn’t even answer him. Just shrugged your shoulders. But, when you turned towards him, he could see the wet streaks that ran down the balls of your adorable cheeks. Nah. He couldn’t handle having you crying.
You didn’t even answer him. Just shrugged your shoulders. But, when you turned towards him, he could see the wet streaks that ran down the balls of your adorable cheeks. Nah. He couldn’t handle having you crying.
“Silly woman, c’mere.” He’s suddenly so damn thankful he showered before he left the agency so he’s able to sit on the bed fully and pull you into his arms. “Ya get ten minutes of cuddles and then I’m gonna go get you some water.”
Because if you didn’t know when the last time you ate was that also meant you hadn’t been properly hydrated either.
He pulls his phone free and texts your other husband to bring home your favorite take out.
Shitty Hair: Bad day, huh? I’ll grab some mochi too. She want anything else?
“Ei wants t’know if you want him to grab anything on the way home?”
It took you a minute but you shook your head. “No… just want ya both home.”
He relayed the information and then set his phone to rest on the nightstand.
Your arms wound around his torso and your face went back to being buried in his chest. “You’re cute, but your vice grip isn’t gonna stop from gettin’ you water.”
“Does it have to be water?” He barely heard your muffled sass.
“Yea it does, you little brat. Now, you can stay in bed while I get it for ya or you can hold on and I’ll take ya with me.” Your locked hands behind his back told him your choice.
With ease, he swung his legs over the side of the bed while you clung onto him like a little koala. His hands gripped your thick thighs and wrapped them around his narrow waist to make walking effortless.
Normally he would’ve set you on the counter but this time he moved about with you still attached. Grabbing a big water bottle and filling it to the brim. “But Kats! It’s so much!” The corner of his mouth twitched upward and so did his blonde brows. “Oh, fuck off!”
He chuckled and handed the bottle over. “When you’re finished with it, you can drink whatever ya want for the rest of the night.”
There was no point in arguing with him. He wouldn’t budge. So you sighed, “fine,” and took your first swig.
From there he took you back to the bedroom and got you changed into something more comfortable: one of Eiji’s hoodies and a pair of his sweats.
Of course, what should’ve taken less than five minutes ended up closer to thirty… you took your bra off and he couldn’t help himself! He just had to worship you for a while.
Pin your back against the closet wall and pepper kisses across your skin. Over your chest, swirling his tongue around your nipples before migrating down to your soft tummy.
The affection stopped just at the hem of your panties. “Think I’ll wait until Ei gets home, wouldn’t wanna have too much fun without him.”
You looked ready to kill but he kissed you then, hard enough to take your breath away and keep you pleasantly distracted. Stealing kiss after kiss until your lips were puffy and lungs depleted of oxygen.
“Please, Katsuki,” Gods, you sounded so pretty when you said his name like that. Already trying to guide his hand to your core.
You did have such a hard day… “Alright,” his head dipped to your neck, “my needy little woman—”
He pushed your panties to the side and felt how much you actually did need him. Groaning and pathetically rocking his hips against you as his fingers slid inside.
It didn’t take long at all to have you panting for him, whimpering broken versions of his name each time he hit your sweet spot.
“Such a good girl.”
He nips and sucks at your neck, thumb circling your clit again and again. Precise movement that he knows you love.
“Well, that’s one way to cheer her up,” both of you looked to the doorway to find Eijirou looking on, completely pleased with what he’s come home to. “Don’t stop on my account.”
“Wasn’t plannin’ on it.” He hadn’t quit moving those long fingers of his the whole time either. “Think you should join me though.” He turned his ruby gaze back to you. “You want that, right baby girl? Want Ei t’make you cum too?”
He was already walking over as you nodded your head. His smile was as soft and sweet as ever dropping a light kiss on your lips like he does every day when he comes home with his little, “missed you,” and then does the same to Katsuki.
“Gimme some room, would ya?” It’s an awkward little shuffle as Katsuki makes room for Eijirou to sink to his knees between you both. Wasting no time lapping at the mess Katsuki’s made between your legs as his hands tug at his husbands sweats, pulling them down his thighs to give him a little relief too.
Between Katsuki’s fingers and Eijirou’s tongue, you certainly forget about the day you had, you forget about the whole damn week, even your name for a few seconds there.
Eijirou held one of your thighs in his large hand, kneading your soft skin, even taking a few breaks from your cunt to leave a few bite marks over the ones that had faded from just a few days ago.
His wrist flicked, using his other hand to get Katsuki closer to a release too all while muttering praises that sent the sweetest vibrations to your clit.
G— guys, oh fuck, ‘m gonna—“ you whined rather than finished the sentence.
“Gonna cum for us, cutie? That’s our girl,” Eijirou teased since Katsuki was getting close too. “G’head then. We gotcha, love.”
Your nails dig into Katsuki’s arm and pull at Eijirou’s hair as your high crashes over you. Eijirou takes a final lick at your core and leans forward to take Katsuki’s cock in his mouth. Letting the man finish there rather than in his fist.
The two of you pant above him while he smiles, using his thumb to swipe a bit of cum that spilled over.
“Welcome home, Red.” You barely get the sentence out, leaning your head on Katsuki’s shoulder.
He chuckles and kisses your thigh again. “It’s good t’be home. Feelin’ better?”
“Much better now.”
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You all sat lounging around the living room with the containers of food Eijirou had brought home covering the coffee and end tables.
The guys listened to you rant about the assholes trying to tell you how to do your job. Thinking they know everything better than you do. More than once they each offered to give these retired gasbags a piece of their mind but you waved them off each time. Just thankful for them listening to you.
The two of them always do though. You could talk to them about anything and they’d give you their undivided attention. And they knew they could come to you for the same.
Whatever the three of you needed, you were always there for each other.
A shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, someone to sit around and eat junk food with… or even bending you over and screwing you until every other thought faded away. Which just so happened to be what the two of them intended on doing for you tonight just as soon as you finished your dinner ♡
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kyuala · 2 months
bom dia divas acordei com tesao de 1000 anittas do nada e não paro de pensar no querido do pipe 💭
pipe namoradinho que só consegue dormir quando vc tá nos braços dele, dorme todo largado no sono mais profundo já visto na humanidade (com direito a boca aberta e tudo) com vc bem deitadinha sobre o peito dele
mas como toda boa pessoa que é acometida pelo diabo chamado ✨ período fértil ✨ vc nem consegue dormir do lado dele, pensando em como ele tava metendo em vc tão gostosinho apenas algumas horas atrás, refletindo e se segurando pra não acordá-lo - 1) pq sabe que ele deve estar exausto após uma semana bem cansativa seguida da noite agitada de vcs e 2) pq e se ele pensar que vc é insaciável demais? sabe, coisas bestas de lobinha
até que vc se pega acariciando o rosto dele com a mão, fazendo movimentos vagos com o quadril, apenas quando o sente despertar, te perguntando num fio de voz doce e preocupada, "que foi, amorzinho?"
após desculpas por tê-lo acordado e sussurros de esquenta não, vida, vc decide revelar, tímida, passando as mãos pelos ossos da clavícula dele: "te quero"
felipe ri soprado e logo retorna, "também te quiero, amorzinho. mucho," enquanto segura sua mão e beija seus dedos, cheinho de sono
apesar da timidez, vc rebate logo: "não. eu preciso de vc"
a partir daí ele, que de bobo só tem a carinha, já entende tudo né... mas vc acha que ele iria te dar essa satisfação sem antes te atazanar um pouquinho? jamais
"precisa de mim, é?" sorri bem sacaninha mesmo, a mão descendo de onde segurava a sua pra contornar sua coxa, trazendo mais pra perto do corpo dele. "precisa de mim pra quê?"
aí seria uma enrolaçãozinha bem gostosa, um jogo de ah, vc sabe... contestado por não sei não, me mostra. tudo bem regado ao ar de provocação que constantemente ele prova que só ele tem, pra te deixar maluca: é sussurro soprado ao pé do ouvido, é selinho estalado e molhado na bochecha, é ponta de dedo que segue até estar perigosamente perto do calor escondido entre as suas coxas... ele é um expert, acabou de acordar e já liga automaticamente no modo certo pra te enlouquecer, te deixar bem ruborizada enquanto admite finalmente: "preciso que vc me deixe bem relaxada..."
"ah, é? e como eu faço isso?" e pode ter certeza que ele tá adorando que ódio
e, após mais insistidas do namorado, vc finaliza, bem manhosa: "me faz gozar pra vc. do jeito que só vc sabe"
e aí irmãs vc já conquistou o garoto pq ele te ataca. é uma bagunça de beijo bem molhadinho na boca, os dedos dele alternando entre brincar com seu clitóris e arrancar seus shorts de pijama, tudo isso com aquele sorrisinho de cafajeste que não sai do rosto dele 🤬‼️
te pega pela cintura, fala "vira pra mim" e te ajuda a se ajeitar na posição certinha pra ele te comer 🎀 começa já colocando dois dedinhos, bem impaciente, pra testar se vc já tá pronta mas qual é a surpresa né? óbvio que vc já tá babando de tanto pensar e esperar por ele até quando ele nem imagina
e te come assim, de ladinho, grudado em vc, o corpo começando a suar, as mãozonas te agarrando em todos os lugares que consegue, primeiro bem devagarinho, depois ele não se aguenta e já se entrega às estocadas mais fortes, menos espaçadas, mais desesperadas. e ainda tem a audácia de falar, quase sem ar e colado no seu ouvido, que "pô, amorzinho, queria te molhar todinha, mais ainda" e vc já sabe do que ele tá falando, viu? pois é algo que ele descobriu com vc e faz sem pensar duas vezes ao sinal do seu "me molha bem aqui, então", apontando pra sua boca; ele agarra suas bochechas com uma mão só, forçando seus lábios a se separarem para que ele consiga depositar um único fio de saliva, deixando bem guardadinho em vc quando fecha sua boca, te ordenando a engolir. e vc faz, obediente como só o desespero te faz ser
ele só sossega depois que te faz gozar - em meio a espasmos e gemidos estrangulados e cercada pelos braços fortes, as mãos do rapaz já especialistas em te fazer vir pra ele - e te acalma com uma série de shhhh abafados pelo seu cabelo, ao mesmo tempo que te aperta mais forte e te segue ao gozar, saindo no último minuto para evitar te bagunçar ainda mais a essa hora da madrugada. vc até reclamaria da sensação de vazio, da chateação boba pela porra desperdiçada, se não fosse a sensação tão satisfatória, melada e quente cobrindo sua bucetinha e te calando
e ele, apesar de todo o cansaço, logo levanta e se adianta para limpar a vc e a si mesmo, não resistindo aos seus pedidos para deixar o banho decente apenas para a manhã, apenas para se entrelaçarem novamente e cair no sono - não sem antes te provocar mais uma vez sobre vc ser uma cadelinha desesperada por ele que não consegue nem dormir sem ele te dar pau até vc sossegar 💭✨
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williamstgold · 26 days
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briefsweetsqueen · 2 months
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team-avia · 2 months
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"You've got it all, huh? Must be nice on that side of the mirror- right?"
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fanta30 · 5 months
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angelamcforlard · 9 months
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disgr-aced · 8 months
q!slimecicle becoming full code but instead of it being angsty he just messages all the online players like a tumblr bot
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beautyallaroundus25 · 6 months
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