judasisgayriot · 9 months
Merry Christmas sorry I became a fall out boy blog the latter part of this year 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
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strawberrycartt · 9 months
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Let it snow ❄️
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yamileth2561 · 9 months
🎄¡¡Merry Christmas!!🎄
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Thank you very much for supporting me so much here, thank you very much, I bring you some drawings thinking of you, it cost me more than 1 month. Thank you very much, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, I really love you!!🎄🎄
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Do you want to carry baby Thomas? Just draw your oc to carry him (not mandatory)❤️
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libramooon · 2 years
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THE MONKEES 2x15 "The Christmas Show"
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notsolonelyygirl · 2 years
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Merry Christmas ya filthy animals 💚
🎄my links🎄
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the-wales-5 · 9 months
"Scene of the crime" ;)
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21st November 2023.
William and Catherine were getting ready to leave for a meeting with the President & First Lady of the Republic of Korea.
The prince of Wales approached his wife and said “You look stunning today, especially in this red coat”, then he proceeded to kiss her on the lips.
"Thank you" Catherine said and smiled a little bit "But please stop with these comments now, we're getting late" she added.
William shook head and hugged her from behind. But Catherine was annoyed. She tried not to show it and sighed, but William could feel that she was frustrated so he asked: "What's going on?"
"I already told you that we're getting late" Catherine replied and rolled her eyes a little.
"No, we're not really late. There's still half an hour left for us to leave",William said and again wanted to kiss her but she rejected it once more and sighed as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.
"We'll get late. Are you ready now?",William asked after a few minutes
"Oh, all of a sudden you are worried about us getting late" she shouted, then scoffed and left the room.
“I just wanted to kiss you but you're acting like a teenager” William said when they were in the car a few minutes later.
“Just one kiss would turn to something more within seconds and I don't like that when we're about to attend an engagement, you know?” Catherine scoffed
“Recently you are annoyed about everything I see” William rolled his eyes
“What do you mean?” Catherine asked louder
“Absolutely nothing” he said and ignored her.
10 minutes later, Catherine left the car and her pictures made the whole royal side of social media blow. Fans were amazed by one of the pictures and by her outfit too.
But the Princess was far from being happy. She quickly curtsied to the king and then stood next to her husband during the horse guard parade.
He quickly understood his mistake and tried to make her smile by talking to her. Kate hardly tried to ignore it and was not paying attention to William nor his words. Yet, she almost smiled at one point.
He leaned close to her and whispered
“You're smiling, Mrs Wales”.
At last, she turned her head to him and smiled once again. Now it was more visible, but after a second, she looked in front of herself again.
Soon, they were at Buckingham Palace to see the exhibition. It was supposed to begin in the next ten minutes. All of a sudden, Catherine's husband took her hand into his and pulled her toward a quiet and dark corner of the room.
“Forgive me” he said then.
"I already did. By the way, what are you doing? I need to fix my hair now because I don't want to wear this hat inside. And the exhibition starts soon. We can talk later, William" she said.
He looked into her eyes and slowly took off her hat, letting her gorgeous brown hair scattered across her back.
Catherine giggled a little "What are you doing?"
"You said you wanted to take this hat off, right? I helped you” William said.
Kate pretended to be annoyed but he pulled her even closer "It's an official apology.. I am really sorry for annoying you earlier. Please, say we're okay now" he whispered.
Catherine was looking into his eyes for a few seconds. Then she whispered "Yes, I think we are okay now”
William smiled and gently pressed his lips on hers "And let me just repeat, you're stunning today. You always are!" he whispered.
Catherine caressed his cheek "Thank you.. I am sorry for shouting at you" she said.
“Don't be sorry, my wife” William whispered and fixed her hair a little.
One of Buckingham Palace aides cleared his throat “Sir, Ma'am. The exhibition starts soon”.
William put his hand on her back and asked “Ready?”. She nodded and put her hand on his lower back.
During the exhibition, they were caught on camera putting hands on one another's back, at one moment they even wanted to hold hands but then remembered they were on duties and quickly took apart and giggled.
“Thank god, we're going back home soon” William murmured
“What is on your mind, Mr Wales?” Catherine smirked but he didn't reply, decided to tease her and 'ignore' her just like she did at the parade earlier.
On the way home in the car, they were caressing one another's hand. Words were unnecessary between them.
As soon as they reached the house, they did not wait even for a second before closing the door. When she noticed that William wanted to say something, Catherine teased him “Don't talk now. You wanted to kiss me, remember?”
William looked at her and smirked a little before passionately pressing his lips on hers and taking off her red coat at the same time.
Catherine was smiling between those kisses.
"How much time we've got until you have to start preparing?" William asked her in a whisper
"A little bit more than 2 hours I think but you know that our children can come here” Catherine said. William locked the door and replied “It's not possible anymore, babe”.
He kissed her under her ear and Kate trembled as she said “It is insane”
“What is insane?” He asked and continued to kiss her
“I'm already not okay after your kisses” she said and tightly closed her eyes.
William chuckled, then lifted her up in his arms and laid her down on the bed.
Catherine smiled at him a little and said “You're wearing too many clothes”
“And you are allowed to take them off” William smirked
His wife took his suit and tie off and then said “Your shirt.. Can I take it off too?”
“Of course, my wife”
“Tear it?” She smirked as she remembered their honeymoon phase in 2011
“You can do everything you want to me now, Catherine Elizabeth. I'm yours” William whispered and kissed her on the lips again.
She smiled lovingly but her facial expression changed to a smirk as she tore his white shirt. Seconds later she pretended to be innocent as she said “I am sorry. I'll have to buy you a new one for Christmas”.
“I don't mind that” William smirked before kissing her on her neck. Catherine gasped and tried to control her breath but it was becoming heavier with each one of the kisses he placed on her skin.
“You are.. insane now” she managed to say and trembled for the thousandth time.
“It is your fault, Mrs Wales. I have been waiting for this moment since I saw you in this” he said and then slowly took off the red dress she was wearing under her coat early in the day “You looked so beautiful and I couldn't resist but wanted to kiss you”.
Catherine was smiling as she tried to focus on listening to his words. She blushed when she heard him say “I barely controlled myself from kissing you earlier at the parade today after noticing your sweet little smile”
“I would reject you. I was angry” Catherine said and winked, then she was finally able to press her lips on his. William cupped her face in his hands and whispered as he looked into her green eyes:
“Don't get angry at me anymore. I can't function properly when you are annoyed toward me, you know?”.
Catherine nodded and kissed him again, this time on his neck too. William deepened another of his lip kisses and then proceeded to kiss both of her flushed cheeks, down her chin, throat and neck again. Within time those kisses turned into little bites.
Catherine's eyes widened and she whispered his name breathlessly.
“Hsshh..” William shushed her with a soft kiss on her forehead and looked into her eyes for a second. He kept kissing her, leaving marks all over her neck and rest of her body. She could not say anything and did not want to.
Both of them were completely lost in one another at that moment and the rest of the two hours they had were spent on making love and telling sweet nothings to each other.
“We should get up now and start to prepare for the banquet” Catherine whispered as she caressed her husband’s back.
“I'd rather stay here and continue what we were doing, you know?” He smirked
“We have a reception to attend, my silly William” she said and laughed a little “We can continue that later tonight”.
Then, she wore one of his shirts and sat down in front of the mirror. Next thing he heard was her sigh full of annoyance and her words:
“Look what you've done to my neck, Mr Wales”
“And who's done this to my neck and chest, Mrs Wales?” William pointed at himself and smirked again.
Catherine closed her eyes and tried not to laugh. “I hope I can cover these marks you left on me with make-up” she said and pretended to feel angry.
William kissed her on the forehead and then went to take a quick shower. Catherine looked at the ceiling and sighed happily. “This is unbelievable that we're still in a honeymoon phase sometimes” she whispered and tried not to blush
“Would you like to join?” William asked from the bathroom
“NOO!” Catherine said and laughed “Hurry up, I have to take a shower too!” .
Within the next 20 minutes, Catherine finished her shower time as well and sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror “My hair's a mess right now”.
“May I help you to fix it somehow?” William asked and caressed her shoulder “You know, I help you with your hair often”
“Yes, but only at home”
“Not only there, remember the time before our wedding reception?”
“It was a simple blow dry”
“Come on, it doesn't mean I can't do anything more” he said and took her comb and hair dryer in his hand “Let us try it”.
Catherine smiled a little and again looked at love bites on her neck.
“I wonder how much make-up will I have to put here” she wondered
“It's not my fault” William said innocently and chuckled a little “I am afraid you won't be able to hide it completely” he teased her
“Don't say that!” Catherine sighed “What if they see it?” She blushed then
“You should not be worried about that” William replied
“You don't know what you are saying because your marks will not be seen in pictures” she blushed again.
William chuckled softly and kissed her on the forehead “I am sure you will cover them perfectly. Don't worry. Are you planning to do an updo tonight?I was thinking about an half up and half down just like you did for our wedding”
"It's a perfect idea. And I think it will fit the tiara I want to wear tonight" Catherine said and looked at her husband
"Your wedding one?" William laughed
"No, my wedding one is too significant to wear again" Catherine smiled
"Cambridge Lover's Knot again?” William asked and rolled his eyes a little “Or else the Lotus, right?” He said
"No, something new for me this time" Catherine smiled a little "The Strathmore tiara”
"The Strathmore?” William was quite shocked “Pa gave you the Strathmore? Is it repaired now? It hasn't seen light for like 100 years!”
"Yes but it's beautiful and I can't wait to wear it" Catherine said
"You will look drop dead gorgeous with it" William said and smiled “Let's try make your hair perfect for it”
"Okay" Catherine smiled and tried not to blush again. She was relaxed now and completely forgot about that pointless fight with William.
The Prince of Wales was not skilled at hairdressing but he did the draft very well and Catherine was impressed.
"Do you like it?" He asked after seeing a little smile on her face
"Yes, it reminds me of my wedding hair a little bit. Thank you" she said.
"You're welcome, but I think Natalie will have to fix it a bit and then you'll be perfect to go" William said and kissed her on hand “I'll wait downstairs” he added. Catherine smiled at his way and called Natalie to help her.
They were in the car a few minutes later on the way to Buckingham Palace. William was looking at his wife almost all the time, feeling mesmerised by her beauty. Catherine knew about looks he was sending her and squeezed his hand a few times throughout the way. Before they arrived in front of the palace, the princess checked herself in the mirror and said quietly “Oh no.. Why didn't I notice it earlier? It is too late now to fix it”
“What?” William asked as he looked at her
Catherine did not reply but pointed at her neck and sighed.
“It is not that dark or visible if one would not look too closely” William said
“I should have noticed it before” Kate closed her eyes, feeling embarrassed and angry too.
“They will not notice it, Catherine”
“How can you be so sure?” she sighed “It is rather easy to see it, especially with the cameras nowadays, you know?” she scoffed
“Stop worrying, please. Everything will be okay”
Catherine rolled her eyes a little and then sighed "Well.. I hope you are right because now I can't fix it anymore”
"I am right. Let's get inside now" William whispered and gently kissed her on cheek before leaving the car.
They were photographed at the door and those photos went viral on social media. Eagle-eyed followers noticed a bite mark on Catherine's neck.
William's wife was smiling, but in the back of her mind, she still had these thoughts full of annoyance at herself. However, she started to feel more relaxed when Princess Anne approached her.
"Someone's left a mark of his crime!" Anne teased Catherine at some point of their conversation. Kate didn't know what to say, she just blushed a little and then looked away.
Anne chuckled and looked at William who mouthed from afar: "Is everything alright?”.
"Yes" Catherine mouthed too and then chuckled. She looked at Anne and said "You should tease him, not me”
"He's tensed enough already" Anne said and laughed a little,"I didn't want to embarrass him even more”
"But you had to embarrass me, yes?" Catherine rolled her eyes a little but then laughed too.
"You are my favourite, you know that” Anne said and winked.
They continued their talk, and Catherine finally could feel relaxed.
When the banquet ended and they were in the car, William asked his wife about her conversation with his aunt.
"Among other things, we talked about a love bite, thanks to you" Catherine replied and rolled her eyes a little.
William sighed and said "I thought nobody would notice"
"Your aunt has an eagle eye, unfortunately," Catherine replied
"I'm sorry, Kate..” William whispered.
Catherine looked at him and smiled a little."Why are you being sorry? It's not anything serious, Wills” she said quietly.
"But she embarrassed you" William said
"She is my family and one of the best people for us at the moment, and she made me laugh anyway, so I don't see a problem" Catherine said quietly and smiled.
“So, you are okay?”
Catherine nodded and caressed his cheek,"I haven't been happier like today for a long time" she whispered and placed her head on his shoulder as hugging his arm "Kiss my forehead now” she whispered again.
William smiled at her lovingly, then gently kissed her on the forehead and told her that he loved her. The night outside the car window was a beautiful one, but for Catherine's husband, she was the most important at that particular moment.
The end ♡
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the-writing-mobster · 9 months
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| Merry Christmas @iceartzz !! I'm your secret Santa! | @secretsantafrans | Glimmer Tale Frans! | 🩷🎄🩵 |
I had a lot of fun with this one! Gamer Frans? Discord kitten? (I'm so sorry) I took a few creative liberties with your Sans (I made him a scrungly gamer guy... He cleans up nice, dw ;) but I really hope you like him and enjoyed this little comic!!
Merry Christmas !!! 🎄🩵💕
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mrsoharaa · 9 months
What happens when you and Miguel are left in the rented cabin alone for the weekend for a little holiday getaway for the holidays, and everybody is stuck in the small town; in the midst of shopping, sight seeing, exploring the cute towns shops and festivities for the upcoming holiday— during a horrendous snowstorm? Things get chilly, electricity goes out and tension starts to imminently transcend between the two of you.
You actually sit down by the lit fire place (of course he’s reluctant at first, but he eventually caves and joins you), hot cocoa in hands, engaged in an actual civil conversation with one another, up until…the eye contact between you both seems to linger a little too long, space between each other becoming more enclosed and things start to get more— warmer. 👀✨
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strawhatboy · 2 years
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☆ You're the one who decides who you are ☆
merry christmas 💓 to @missmakaalbarns from your @animangasecretsanta ​ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡ 🎄
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changecfheart · 9 months
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A festive selfie. 🎅🏼🎄🍫
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ninadove · 9 months
I know there’s been pain this year (But it’s time to let it go) ❤️🎄
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“What? Nooo! Adrien doesn’t hate Christmas.”
“Are you absolutely certain? What was he like last year?”
“Well, he —”
Marinette furrowed her brow, scanning her own memories. Of course she was absolutely certain. At least, she thought she was.
Okay — she could not ignore that Adrien had run away from home that night, wandering the snow-covered streets to escape the freezing cold of his own home. Nor could she brush away the disintegrated Morris column, cataclysmed for the crime of bearing his own face.
Oh, and the shaky videos circulating on YouTube. That musical number was… Concerning, to say the least. Still, it was no smoking gun.
“Oh my god,” she squeaked, plopping down against the counter. “Adrien hates Christmas.”
A Secret Santa gift for @paracosmicat, and a hug to everyone going through a rough Christmas. ❤️🎄
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musette22 · 9 months
Hi hello lovelies, long time no see (sorryyy 🙈) Just a little update: so because getting ill before my trip apparently wasnt enough, I got really ill after my trip as well, and I've just been pretty out of it for a little bit. But it looks like my meds are starting to kick in, so hopefully I'll be all better soon! But in the meantime, I'm taking it easy and limiting screentime, though I might go on the occasional tag-less reblog spree because I need my boys to help me feel better 🥺 I should be back to normal very soon, can't wait to be back as usual bc I miss you all ❤️❤️
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beartitled · 9 months
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Merry Christmas 🎄✨❤️
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xserpx · 9 months
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I made a friend!
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dustofthedailylife · 10 months
I just saw this and thought it's cute! 🥺❤️
You can leave me Christmas wishes/messages for the holiday on my little Christmas tree. It's free and if I set it up correctly you don't need an account to leave one either.
(it says something along the lines of "donate" somewhere at the top while filling it out but ignore that - I can assure you leaving a message is completely free. Just fill it out and click through.)
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aheathen-conceivably · 9 months
Hello! Merry Christmas and good luck in the new year! I have a question, I don’t know if it’s been asked already, but I’m interested to know which of your characters is closest to you in spirit? What traits do you have in common with him? And vice versa. Which character is the most difficult for you to write, which you do not always understand: his actions, words and motivation, because you are a real writer and are probably good at the psychology of heroes (I really apologize for the distorted sentences, because I am a foreign subscriber and use a translator)
Absolutely no need to apologize, Nonny! Everything looks great and thank you so much for taking the time to send these thoughtful questions 💕
Y’all already know the rambler in me is getting all excited, so prepare y’all selves! Though I must say, it’s quite hard to pinpoint an answer, mostly because there’s at least a small bit of myself in each of the characters and who’s easiest to write is not always who is the most like me? So naturally, let’s go below the cut, and I’ll split this into sections to make it easier for us to read 😘
1. My spirit characters:
Honesty time. I think that it’s easier for me to put my “negative” qualities into characters and thus also easier to recognize them in hindsight. This is probably because it’s simply often easier to see what needs to be improved in yourself than vice versa, but also probably because I’m a dramatic broad who likes giving her characters flaws.
So although I could probably find a bit of myself in most characters, I would say those who are most like me are Rosella, Zelda, and Violette. Just down to sims traits, Rosella and my simself actually both have the self-absorbed trait (oops). I think this manifests in different ways, but at its core I’m just as likely to follow my wants and cut ties as she is. I also have a ~rather strong~ proclivity for the aesthetic and vain, enjoying beautiful things for their own sake often to the point of distraction. However, I like to think that this is tertiary to me, and my pursuit of them is not as detrimental as it was for her.
Which brings us to, of course, Zelda. Zelda shares this love of the beautiful with her sister, although for her it can extend into the ephemeral and artistic rather than simply the mundane. I would say I share that tendency toward internal existentialism with her, as well as the proclivity to separate from my immediate surroundings rather than live in the present moment. I, like her, can thus often seem “out of it” but in reality we’re just interpreting our surroundings through a distorted, if not tinted lens. However, I’m by no means as artistically talented or reserved as Zelda, which brings us to….
Our little heiress, Violette. Now I’ll try not to get too deep into spoilers here, but Little Lottie and I definitely share some core tendencies. I, like her, despise being told what to do, and will usually become more stubborn or do the opposite simply because of what someone said (whether it’s well intentioned or not). I can also be gregarious, dramatic, and loud when I want to be, and enjoy being the center of attention. However, I think the Zelda in me tempers that so that I need to retreat back into my cave after a while, while Violette thrives on it. I was also raised an only child, so a lot of Lottie’s experience with loneliness and not knowing how to relate to other children is coming from my own childhood.
2. The easiest to write:
So oddly, I don’t think there’s a clear connection between the characters who are most like me and those I find easiest to write. Rather I think that comes from the historical situation that is currently inspiring me, which character fits into that inspiration the best, and how clear of a grasp I have on that character’s personality. This often comes in the form of scenes just appearing in my head, and as I write it’s like the sentences already exist? So there’s this natural understanding between the character and me, where I don’t really have to sort through thought rubble or force their perspective quite as much?
This answer is highly dependent on what part of the story we are currently in. As in, there have been times I have found a character easy to write, and then it will suddenly switch. Zelda is absolutely one of those characters, as her perspective came very naturally to me in parts of the 1910s and then again after motherhood. Now, I find it easier to write the characters surrounding her, and I’m sure it will switch again at some point in the future.
Currently? I find Josephine easiest to write (although she is not very similar to me at all, and her deep fear of commitment is something that I don’t share in the slightest), with Antoine coming in as a close second. Violette’s perspective in the 1940s has also kind of begun presenting itself to me, although at various points I would say that Adelia, Virginia, and Florence have all also been the easiest characters to write for, and those who’s voices have inspired me to come up with new scenes and plotlines.
3. Who even is she?
Now for the characters who are least like me? That one has gotta probably gotta go to Florence, Virginia, and Antoine. As much as I may want to be like Florence, I’m gunna be honest with y’all and say that is not the case. Starting with the fact that I strongly dislike the great outdoors. Farming? Nah. Camping? Absolutely not. Living of the land? What a pleasant dream. What can I say, I am absolutely a Rosella; I enjoy being fancy and comfortable, and Florence in some ways is the antithesis of this. She also embodies selfless generosity and a sort of steady love, which are not things that I would say I really relate to (I once again point you to answer 1 😅).
Now Virginia is a strange one. I was actually very concerned with writing her, because I share none of the righteousness or quickness to action that define her. Likewise, I don’t think that I am able to remain as steady and surefire in tragedy and trauma as she does. So when I first conceived her character I thought I would have great difficulty writing her, but as I mentioned above, despite the fact that she is probably the least similar to me of all the Darlingtons, I found her easy and almost natural to write once we began her storyline.
Which brings us to my baby boy. Sigh. I say this next because Antoine has easily been one of the most natural characters for me to write. I think this is because I had such a clear vision of him from the start that has really been able to grow through the story. So he’s remained who he is through it all, and why I still find him so easy to write.
Despite this, there is very little to none of me in his character, despite the fact that I maybe sorta have a thing for the broken artist stereotype (hello, hubs, I know you’re out there 😙). So there may be some ways in which I wrote my partner into his character’s talent and approach to the world around him, but he is heavily inspired by these ideas of “old fashioned masculinity”, of self-imposed stoicism and protection and fatherhood. These are feelings that I have to imagine rather than pull from experience, but somehow the more I write him the more real they become to me as well.
4. The ~struggle~
Hands down the hardest characters for me to write have been Oliver and Isaiah. I think that Oliver really suffered from the fact that he was my first gen heir, so I was at a place in the story and my writing process where I wasn’t as sure in what I was doing or as good at honing into what I wanted to do. Then by the time this became more clear to me, I had really begun to lean into writing Florence’s character and then his children. So he kind of became less of a focus, and the less I focused on him the harder it was for me to define his voice, which then became a cycle.
I think if I could go back, I would lean more into the connection that I see between him and the romantic poets, really kind of exploring that juxtaposition between idealized nature and reality. I also think his position as a pseudo-wealthy aristocratic and failed businessman had a lot of potential, but alas, you live and you learn.
Now onto the Forgotten Child. Y’all (and I) call him that for a reason, and I think next to his sisters it’s no secret that Isaiah received much less focus (I even have a post about him realizing this 😂). Part of this is just that he’s the youngest, so I really didn’t get much time to explore his adult life or even his teenage years. It’s also because trying to juggle six perspectives all at once means that some are going to suffer more than others.
Now that being said, I am happy with his storylines. However, they often felt more like I was exploring plots I had come up with rather than really viewing things through his perspective. I think this is the biggest challenge to me when having trouble writing a character: it’s that their voice is just for whatever reason not really clear in my mind. Even in the subsequent decades, our English Darlington updates are mostly going to come from Summer, because I still have never really gotten my finger on exactly who Isaiah is. For that reason, my poor forgotten baby boy is probably the most difficult character for me to write.
ALSO if you made it this far please know that turning your delightful questions into a multi-paragraph rant about myself is a very self absorbed and very Rosella/Violette thing to do so in the end…I think you have all the answer you need right there 🤣
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