tmntforeverinmyheart ยท 1 year
okay so tell me more ab your mississippi boys and their backstory
Will do :3
Leo 12 he/him: Leo feels he doesnโ€™t belong as part of the team. His brothers all have something thatโ€™s special about them. But all anyone sees when looking at him is that heโ€™s the youngest. He feels adrift amongst the people he cares about. And that feeling hasnโ€™t changed since.
He distanced himself from everyone as he got older. Pushing himself deeper into their fathers training, Perfecting his techniques. He wanted to be stronger and faster than his brothers. His father was impressed with his fast progress, but extremely worried about his sons mental state. When splinter tried to talk to him, Leo pushed him away.
When Leo was younger, he and Mikey would follow Raph everywhere. They wanted to be like their big brother. Leo loved trouble and making mischief with Raph. There are many pictures of Leo up on Raphs walls. Now that his little brother has grown up. Raph has less pictures.
Mostly Leo is kind and caring. Heโ€™s hard working and pushes himself often to his limits. Heโ€™s distant from his family and wishes to prove himself to them. Self conscious about his small height and being the youngest. He loves plants and cares for a bonsai tree (a gift from April) once they form a team and meet the shredder. Leo feels like a liability, shredder has placed a target on his back. Sometimes he feels that his presence is not needed, but what he doesnโ€™t know is that if he wasnโ€™t there anymore, everything would fall apart.
Mikey 14 he/they: Mikey is the optimist. He is in tune to the emotions of everyone around him and tries his best to keep spirits up and smiles wide.
He has ADHD, which makes it hard for him to focus, which causes struggles during training. He always ranked last when it came to stealth, because of being unable to sit still and due to his large size he would knock objects over. Heโ€™s an extremely emotional person and when those emotions are very strong it makes it hard to control them. Anger especially is hard for him.
Heโ€™s strong. He can lift all his brothers up at the same time. But his strength has its down sides when it comes to his temper and anxiety.
Mostly Mikey is bright and cheerful, heโ€™s emotional and sympathetic. Heโ€™s fiercely protective of the people he cares about. Heโ€™s sensitive to loud sounds (yelling, screaming etc) and hates confrontation. He wants to be everyoneโ€™s friend but if you make an enemy out of him. You will regret it. Heโ€™s strong and smart, and he can be serious when needed.
Raph 15 he/they/she : Raph is the fire. The fire that wonโ€™t stop burning. Heโ€™s constantly itching to cause trouble, or fight someone. Heโ€™s not one for the rules. And is indifferent to his older brother Donnie being leader of their team, preferring to ignore his orders. Heโ€™d much rather cause trouble with his little brothers. His little brothers who look up to him, who follow him and who learn from him. As Donnie loves burning into his brain that he is a role model for them.
Raph is more of a โ€œyou only live onceโ€ guy. He wants to take risks, have fun and enjoy life. He will make crazy contests for himself and rope his brothers into them. He wants to make memories with his brothers, because he wants them to have fun as well. Thereโ€™s no point in doing something fun if other people arenโ€™t with him doing it to.
If they were able to get a job, they would be a professional photographer. Once April bought an old used phone for them, all Raph would do was take pictures. They have these pictures plastered all over their room. Their brothers smiling faces and bright eyes. These pictures cheer them up when sad or angry. The pictures also provide another use, hiding the holes and dents they've made in the walls.
Raph has very low self esteem. He feels self conscious when people mention his height, his weight (he would be considered chubby when standing next to his brothers) he feels self hatred towards himself a lot. Especially on a bad day. A lot of the times, during bad days heโ€™ll make an enemy out of his wall. Punching it till the wall is dented and his knuckles are bloody.
Mostly Raph is friendly. Heโ€™s fond of photography and will take pictures of pretty much everything. Heโ€™s fearless and fierce towards villains. Very protective of the people he cares about. caring and sweet when he wants to be. He has bad and good days. Bad days he just needs to be alone. Heโ€™d never want to be having a bad day and take it out on his family. The last thing he wants to do is hurt them.
Donnie 16 he/him: Donnie is the leader. Heโ€™s extremely intelligent and strategic. Always knowing what to do in every situation (at least thatโ€™s how it seems to his brothers) heโ€™s smart, like really smart. He loves books on all sorts of subjects, and studying for hours on end on his small computer that April bought him.
Donnie is a hopeless romantic, and while heโ€™s intelligent, when it comes to romance or social situations, he feels like a complete failure. Heโ€™s become infatuated with Aprilโ€™s nephew Casey Jones. The boy escaped an abusive home and found a friend in Donnie, only for Donnie to start feeling more towards him. But Donnie is scared that Casey will not return his affections and their friendship will be in jeopardy. So heโ€™s keeping his crush to himself, unfortunately everyone is aware of it including Casey. Just another thing he failed at.
Donnie enjoys tinkering, taking apart tech and putting it back together in new ways. He sees potential in every object to be something different and exciting. Before he was leader, he invented things constantly. Things to help him and his family in their daily lives. No one really appreciated his inventions, so he stopped.
Sometimes he feels that heโ€™s not living up to his full potential, that his family only sees him for his brains and nothing else. He knows he can be more, do more if he was just given a chance. He wants to do good for the world, experience normality. But he canโ€™t, he knows that. Human beings wonโ€™t accept him, and even now him and his brothers putting their lives on the line, trying to save a world of people unbeknownst to their very existence. Never getting credit or love for being heroes. It hurts. He doesnโ€™t know if his brothers feel the same way, but he knows that if theyโ€™re was a chance where he didnโ€™t have to be a hero and could live normally. He would take it.
Back story:
Hamato Yoshi grew up in Japan with his father, and his brother oroku saki. Yoshi spent years teasing saki, for being thinner and weaker than him. What Yoshi didnโ€™t know was that the Hamato clan may have raised saki, but no one cared for him, not even Yoshiโ€™s father. They were physically and mentally abusive towards saki. The two grew up learning the martial arts. Yoshi always pulled ahead and enjoyed showing off to his younger brother. His father showered him with praise. Saki was left in the dust.
As they grew older saki improved more and more, eventually reaching yoshis level and beyond. During a sparring session a young girl watched the two of them. And after they both went over to meet her. Her name was tang shen. The boys both fell in love with her, and eventually saki started to date her. This infuriated Yoshi.
Saki and Yang when weโ€™re together for a year, and over the course of that year. The other Hamato clans abuse grew harsher. To the point where they kil!ed the cat he owned, and tortured him by burning his face. Saki begged his master to do something, anything to stop this. And his master only responded โ€œyou must be stronger than them sakiโ€ and waved him away.
Devastated and angry. He took this anger out on shen. Shen scared of saki, sought out his brother. Yoshi finding out that saki had hurt her, was furious. He fought his brother, almost killing him and saki disappeared the very next day. Yoshi and Shen started dating. They live happily for 10 years, before conceiving their first child.
While shen was pregnant saki returned, heโ€™d been training with a master high up in the mountains. He wore the emblem of the foot. Saki kil!ed his old master, burned his childhood home down and then tracked down shen.
Yoshi only heard a scream in the distance and saw a light burning brighter. He ran to his home. Finding it burning, his wife de@d, and a note from saki saying heโ€™d kil!ed her.
Saki disappeared once again.
And in a fragile state joined forces with an alien race, them promising to revive the foot clan for him. They dumped a strange substance called mutagen in the water supply. Which mutated animals and humans into horrifying monsters.
Saki was now known as the shredder, leader of the foot clan. And Mr oroku famed scientist to the rest of the world. He perfected the mutagen, using it on himself. Combining traits and characteristics of animals to himself, creating an indestructible beast. His mind was lost, and only one goal remained. To wipe out the Hamato clan forever.
Yoshi emigrated to the USA. He was depressed. And stayed in the apartment he owned. He barely ate or drank for several months, until the cheerful young woman across the hall broke into his apartment, and helped him to move on with his life. Her name was April Oโ€™Neil, they became friends. Yoshi wanted to explore this new country. And so he did. He traveled all across it. During his travels he found the turtles.
Leo was discovered almost getting stepped on and Yoshi saved him. The young turtle then started to follow Yoshi around. Until Yoshi decided to keep him. They traveled more together eventually finding Raph.
Leo discovered Raph choking on a piece of plastic stuck around his neck. Yoshi gently removed it. The plastic left a cut around the turtles neck. Yoshi tended to him the next few days, and he became attached. The turtle didnโ€™t want to leave either, no matter how much Yoshi tried putting him back in the water.
While Yoshi was walking across a street, he heard a noise. He looked down and saw something in the sewers. He pushed open the grate, and up on his arm climbed two more baby turtles, covered in grime and poo water.
The turtles were strange. They were quite big and made human like sounds. They copied his movements and acted almost like human babies. He arrived back at his apartment, and by that time the turtles had gotten bigger. It was strange. He was going to turn them into a pet shop, until one spoke. He fainted and thatโ€™s how April found him.
After coming to terms with the fact that these werenโ€™t regular turtles. He and april raised them together.
A year later, Yoshi was walking home from getting groceries. He passed an alley, and saw someone was getting robbed. He ran in to save them only to be splashed with a glowing blue substance. He dropped the groceries, and screamed as it burned his eyes. He fell on the floor, rats scurrying over his hands, one ended up biting him. He threw it off and rushed out of the alley, the groceries forgotten. People on the street pointed and stared at him. He arrived home and slammed the door, his sight was murky and dark. He cried that night, april holding him in her arms as he transformed from man to rat.
It was 1 year before people started to get suspicious of the strange noises coming from their apartment. 2 years before him and the turtles fled to the sewers, worried for the turtles safety, knowing the world wouldnโ€™t except them. 3 years before his sight was completely gone, and ironically, he saw the turtles as his sons. Now that they were sentient beings. Acting like human toddlers. 4 years before he started training them in ninjitsu, after hearing about a scientist by the name of Mr oroku rising to fame.
12 years before they first went up to the surface, and the story truly begins :)
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Iโ€™m curious - people always seem surprised that multiple siblings are queer, as if itโ€™s amazing the gay lightning struck twice so close together.
But human variation is down to our genes and external factors. Siblings are logically more likely to both/all be queer than not.
So a wee poll if you donโ€™t mind!
Anyone can take part, there should be an option for anyone but please let me know in notes if I missed anyone.
For reference: queer is anyone who wouldnโ€™t describe themselves as heterosexual or cis-gendered or allo-sexual. Anyone we would include in the queer group. And if youโ€™re not including people by their own identification, we can have words afterโ€ฆ
If you only have one sibling use the relevant all option.
If you have an issue with the word queer I truly donโ€™t want to hear about it - thatโ€™s your choice, this is mine.
Reblog if you fancy! If you donโ€™t then no worries, but if you can it would be nice to get a lot of replies!
And hey everyone, happy Pride!
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2aceofspades ยท 2 months
A lil tribute...
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Sappy times today waaah :')
I still remember the first time I watched the movie...I can't believe that was 2 years ago. I had to make a lil something to commemorate ๐Ÿ’™โœจ
Here's a lil something from the past just cuz hehe~
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Not quite from a year ago but it's fiiine...
If my memory serves me correctly, the first Rise stuffs I ever did was redrawing screenshots of Leo from the movie. How fitting~
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sherrymagic ยท 3 months
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AouBoom at #LOVEPRIDEPARADE ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ
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gunsatthaphan ยท 3 months
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happy marriage equality to my favorite brides and grooms ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป
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ohgaylor ยท 4 months
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Happy Pride Month to you too! ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ
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justicemod ยท 7 days
remeber if you are a undertale fan to say
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strawbunnydoesart ยท 7 months
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๐ŸŒ€๐Ÿ–๏ธWelcome Home!๐Ÿ ๐ŸŽ
I love drawings these sillies very much!! These are a bit old?? I think I drew these sometime last year, but they're still nice I think
They are super fun to draw!! And honestly pretty easy to draw in different artstyles too, the designs of the characters are all so well done!! Might draw them some more (my welcome home fixation will probably return with a burning vengeance thanks to the new update) so stay turned for more doodles and sketchies!
ALSO apologies for all the watermarks! I really hate having to put them on there, but it helps protect my work.. in a perfect world I wouldnโ€™t have to but itโ€™s for the best <3
here is also a bonus Barnaby that I never finished because I am lazy โฌ‡๏ธŽโฌ‡๏ธŽโฌ‡๏ธŽ
(fun fact, I used to not care about him too much,, but now he is one of my favorites... I'm a sucker for cheesy jokes! I'm sure Howdy would agree hehe)
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jjoneechan ยท 4 months
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โœจ๐ŸŒˆHappy Pride everyone! ๐ŸŒˆโœจ
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I couldnt decide whether to make it a clear day or a night sky (like Mario kart rainbow road haha)
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lordystrange ยท 1 year
Noah and his mom celebrating pride ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒˆ
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pigdemonart ยท 4 months
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Reposts THE meme because it is THE month
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mouchiiiiie ยท 10 months
Since I donโ€™t really find a lot of cross-stitch patterns of Nick and Charlie and I REALLY wanted to make something Heartstopper relatedโ€ฆ I decided to learn how to create a pattern just to make this! They are not perfect but Iโ€™m still really happy with the results!!
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davidbyrne ยท 1 year
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"I sense the world might be more dreamlike, metaphorical, and poetic than we currently believe[...]. I wouldn't be surprised if poetry--poetry in the broadest sense, in the sense of a world filled with metaphor, rhyme, and recurring patterns, shapes, and designs--is how the world works. The world isn't logical, it's a song."
Happy Birthday David Byrne (May 14, 1952)
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g12xxx ยท 2 days
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๐Ÿฅณ ๐Ÿฅณ ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿพ
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episims ยท 4 months
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I was contemplating if this pic is pride enough but lol my queer sims from my queer hood are damn sure enough so
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We have gay soap opera 12 months a year ๐ŸŒˆโœจ
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knowthatiloveyou ยท 4 months
Happy Pride โค๏ธ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’œ
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