lilian-writes-sins · 4 months
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“𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝 𝐴𝐵𝐶𝑠.”
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❥︎ pairing: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug x gn!Reader
❥︎ p.o.v: 2ⁿᵈ person
❥︎ summary: A small glimpse of what Marinette may look like and act in a relationship with someone.
❥︎ tags: fluff; that’s it; some anxiety from Marinette
❥︎ word count: 2,196
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❥︎ 𝐀. attraction: What are they looking for in a partner? What’s their ideal person?
Marinettes’ ideal partner would be someone who’s very supportive of her. She’s a messy ball of anxiety, so she needs someone who can calm her down when she gets in her own head. She also wouldn’t particularly like someone who’s mean or rude all the time.
Considering her history with Chloé and Lila, she’s less likely to consider someone who bullies others as a good partner. She likes someone who’s sweet, caring, and is respectful of those around them.
❥︎ 𝐁. bonding: What activities do they enjoy doing with their partner?
Honestly, she likes when both of you are doing your own thing in the same space (parallel play). Marinette finds comfort in knowing you’re just there.
She also likes it when you model/try on some of her designs. She won’t mention it — intentionally — but you’re her muse. You inspire her so much, and she just wants to share her passion with you.
Another thing: video games. We’ve seen how good she is at them, so be prepared to lose unceremoniously over and over again, because she’s not gonna go easy on you.
Lastly, if you were given a Miraculous, she would enjoy transforming and running along the city rooftops with you.
❥︎ 𝐂. cuddles: How do they feel about it? Do they initiate or wait for their partner to do so? Favourite cuddling position?
She loves them! Marinette might be nervous about it at first, worried she might do something to make you uncomfortable, but a little reassurance is all she needs.
Once you’re both comfortable, she’s so giddy to be so close to you. She still feels a little nervous about initiating, so most of the time she waits for you to do it. Though, after patrol, she’s usually too tired to care.
Marinette likes to put her head on your chest; hearing your heartbeat helps take her mind off of her racing thoughts.
❥︎ 𝐃. dates: What kind of romantic evening do they plan? What is their ideal type of date?
Between school, designing clothing and her superhero duties, Marinette’s a very busy girl. Sometimes she feels like life is trying to pull her apart in all directions. But she always tries to make time for you and your dates. Yes, she might be chronically late to them, and until you learn of the actual reason why, it might seem like she doesn’t care, but at this point, it’s part of her charm.
She loves going to the park with you, just sitting on a bench and talking, snacking on a few pastries her parents made. When you find out she’s Ladybug, she loves to swing both of you to the top of the Eiffel Tower and stargaze. She loves to just be in the same space with you; her life is just so hectic that taking a breather with her lover is just what she needs at the end of the day.
❥︎ 𝐄. emotional: How open are they with their partner? Does their partner see a different side of them that others do not?
She’s pretty open, considering her situation. Obviously, she’s not going to confess to being Ladybug right away; those things take time. She tries to keep you at a distance, not wanting you to worry about her.
But, when you’re past all of that, Marinette’s very open about her worries, even if she doesn’t specifically say what the cause is. When you find out about her secret identity, that barrier gets broken, and she feels like she can show you a different side of herself completely and be more open with you.
❥︎ 𝐅. family: What are their their thoughts on marriage/kids? Would they want to get married? Have kids?
She’s still a teen with her whole life ahead of her, so marriage and children are not happening anytime soon. However, she does like to daydream about it (re: Louis, Emma and Hugo). She wants to spend her whole life with you, preferably married with kids, but she wouldn’t force you to do anything.
One of her favorite things to daydream about is making your guys’ wedding outfits. Whether you’re both wearing dresses, or you’re wearing a suit or a mix of both. Marinette really wants to design matching wedding attire for both of you. She already has multiple ideas and sketches, but probably won’t share them with you, worried you’ll find her weird.
❥︎ 𝐆. grand: What do they think of grand gestures? Do they go all out or prefer something lowkey and chill?
Marinette likes big gestures of love in moderation. She mostly prefers to keep it private and is not one to like being in the center of everyones’ attention.
Though, if you really want to spoil her and show her/the relationship off, go ahead — just know that she’s going to be as red as a tomato all throughout. She gets really flustered at these types of things, but literally anything you do for/around her flusters her to no end.
❥︎ 𝐇. harsh: What are they like during fights? Do they get into arguments often or are they rare?
She doesn’t like arguing in general, especially with you. Marinette is really nervous that you might fall out of love with her with every spat.
Of course, sometimes you will have your disagreements, mostly about her hiding things from you or her health and safety — especially after she reveals her identity to you.
❥︎ 𝐈. injury: What do they do when their partner is injured?
As a civilian, she is panicking, running around, and doing anything she can to help ease the pain or comfort you. She’s really frantic and uncoordinated, resulting in her also getting hurt while trying to help you. But it’s okay; at least you have matching bandages!
When she’s Ladybug, though, it’s a bit of a different story. She’s probably fighting some Akuma and doesn’t have the time to fret over you as she usually would. If she hasn’t revealed herself to you yet, she has to act like she would with any other civilian.
Ladybug is obviously worried and takes you to as safer place, away from the destruction. She still makes sure you’re okay and asks if you can get home on your own. After Ladybug cleanses the Akuma, she swings straight to your home, concerned out of her mind and feeling a bit guilty that she couldn’t do anything more to help. Just say it’s okay and that you understand her situation — she’ll feel a lot better.
❥︎ 𝐉. jealous: Do they get jealous often? What are they like when jealous?
Oh yeah, she gets jealous alright (re: the Volpina episode). It’s not that she doesn’t want you to have friends or anything, but if someone’s heavily flirting with you, it’s on sight.
Marinette gets very passive-aggressive with the person she’s jealous of, but she would never redirect that to you. I mean, it’s not your fault so many people are into you!
❥︎ 𝐊. kisses: Do they like kissing? What is their favourite spot to kiss/be kissed? Do they initiate or wait for their partner to start?
Yes! Marinette loves kissing you! She gets so giddy and excited every time. She loves placing a kiss on your cheek — she finds it sweet and does it every time she sees you: at school, when you come over, during her evening patrols with Chat Noir, ect.
On the other hand, she loves being kissed on the forehead — it’s a comforting gesture to her and makes her feel so loved. Same as with cuddling: in the beginning, she would wait for you to initiate, no matter how much she wanted to kiss you.
Now she’s the one doing it more often than not. Though, no matter how much time passes, you kissing her will always make her cheeks redden and her breath stutter.
❥︎ 𝐋. love: Who says ‘I love you’ first? What was their reaction to it being reciprocated?
She’s known she has loved you for a very long time, but she doesn’t have the courage to say anything for the longest time. She wants to tell you so bad, but you’ll probably beat her to the punch. If that’s not the case, she’ll probably burst out all the words she’s wanted to say to you in one big ramble. When she stopped to catch her breath, she looked so scared and ashamed of herself. She practiced confessing to you so many times, and she just fumbled it. She snapped to look at you when you put your hand on her shoulder, smiling reassuringly at her and telling her you loved her back. She couldn’t hold herself back from tackling you to the ground in her excitement.
❥︎ 𝐌. meaningful: What’s a meaningful memory they have with their partner?
It was probably the time when you defended her and talked back to Lila, before you two got together. When the entire class sided with Lila even when she didn’t have any proof, even Alya, her best friend. So, seeing her crush stand up for her?
That’s never leaving her head now.
❥︎ 𝐍. nicknames: Do they like nicknames? What do they call their partner? Do they enjoy having their partner calling them nicknames or by their actual name?
Oh, she loves nicknames! She loves calling you nicknames; she loves being called by nicknames — it makes her feel special.
A few nicknames she calls you: ‘Honey,’ ‘Love,’ ‘Sunshine’ and ‘Dearest’.
Nicknames she likes to be called: ‘Sweetheart,’ ‘My Love,’ ‘Snugglebug’ and ‘Lovebug’.
❥︎ 𝐎. oddball: What quirks or habits do they have? Do they pick up any from their partner?
She talks to herself a lot — she’s actually talking to Tikki, but you don’t know that yet. It looks as if she’s talking to her bag, something about how ‘no one can know’.
It’s a little weird, but you don’t really mention it, finding it part of her charm.
❥︎ 𝐏. patience: How patient are they with their partner? Are they short to blow a fuse?
Marinette’s very patient, especially with her partner. She knows what she’s like, so she might feel like she has no room to speak up on certain things (ex: being late). Those things happen, so she’s understanding in that aspect. Of course, sometimes she gets frustrated and lets it out on you, but she’s quick to apologize.
❥︎ 𝐐. query: How good is their memory? Do they remember everything their partner tells them or only the ‘important’ things?
Oh boy, she’s got one hell of a memory. She’s got your schedule, favorite/least favorite things, and all the special dates in her mind. She remembers your rarely used middle names, when your 3rd cousin’s twice-removed birthday is — you didn’t even know you had one?
❥︎ 𝐑. romantic: How romantic are they? How do they show their love?
Very romantic, she’s got her parents as an excellent example oh how a relationship should be. Super sweet, quite literally, Marinette likes giving you pastries her parents made or ones she spent weeks making.
Like I mentioned in 𝐁, she wants to share her passion for design with you, so expect a lot of handmade items to be gifted to you.
She also likes doing the cheesy romance stuff (ex: giving you comically large bouquets of flowers, ect.)
❥︎ 𝐒. security: How protective are they? Are they overbearing or trust their partner to take care of themselves?
She’s overbearing in the sense that, as Ladybug, she patrols the area around your home or apartment more often. When in battle with an Akuma, Marinette always tries to steer clear of the area as well.
In general, she just looks out for you more than she would other civilians. She tries not to make it obvious so as not to bring any attention to her relationship with you, but Chat Noir has his theories.
If she has given you a Miraculous, it’s because she trusts that you can take care of yourself and others in battle.
❥︎ 𝐓. trying: How much effort do they put into the relationship, dates, anniversaries, holidays, ect.?
She’s got it all planned out… for the next 5+ years. Yeah, Marinette’s very commited to these types of things, so she’s got it all figured out. She knows what gifts she’ll get you, where she’ll take you — everything.
❥︎ 𝐔. understanding: Are they understanding of their partner? Do they comfort them when needed?
Like I mentioned in 𝐏, Marinette is very understanding of her partners situation. Does it annoy/bother her sometimes when you have to leave suddenly? Yes, but she also does that so she’d be a hypocrite if she picked a fight about it.
She helps you with your own worries like school or your home life — anything you disclose with her.
❥︎ 𝐕. vanity: How concerned are they with their looks?
She likes taking care of herself, but she’s not overly obsessed with her overall looks. She’s content with how she is and isn’t looking to get anything changed any time soon.
She does like playing around with her clothing and hair, though.
❥︎ 𝐖. wild ride: A fluffy moment with them.
** aged up, Marinette’s in collage/university and you both are living together **
It was late at night, and Marinette was poring over her — rather lackluster — class notes and trying to make sense of the questions on the paper. She’d been at it for hours now, ever since she and Chat Noir defeated the Akuma of the day — Mr. Pigeon. His antics made her miss half of the school day, again. Marinettes’ eyes were starting to feel heavy, but she couldn’t rest now, not when she had a history test tomorrow; she just needed a little more time.
Suddenly, [Y/N] appeared from behind her, a freshly brewed cup of tea in hand.
      “Here you go, My Love,” they said, smiling gently. Marinette looked up at them, startled, wondering how her lover managed to sneak up on her.
[Y/N] set down the cup and planted a quick kiss on Marinettes’ forehead, before wishing her goodnight. The girl felt warmth spread through her body, and not from the tea. She sighed wistfully and went back to work, a tranquil smile decorating her lips.
❥︎ 𝐗. x-ray: How well can they read their partners’ body language?
I think she’s the type to ‘over-read’ someones’ body language. She takes in the slightest things and overcomplicates them (ex., You yawned during one of her rambles, and she thought you were bored by her speaking so much, even if you were actually just tired from pulling an all-nighter for a test).
❥︎ 𝐘. yearning: How do they deal with being separated from their partner? Do they feel like something’s missing?
She can make do without you around, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t miss you like crazy. If you’ve been gone for weeks or even months on end, and you don’t even message her? Oh god, she’s gonna mope around and be in a bad mood.
The only thing that would cheer her up is getting a call from you. Or better yet, seeing you walk into her parents’ bakery/ walk through the school entrance.
❥︎ 𝐙. zzz: What is it like to share a bed with them? What sleeping habits do they have?
Marinette is very cuddly when tired, wanting to snuggle under the covers with you after a long day. Whispers of adoration and love for each other are the only sounds heard in the comfort of her bed. With the moon as the only source of light.
As for sleeping habits, she’s the complete opposite; she spreads out starfish-style, kicks, rolls around and steals the covers — the whole shebang. Be prepared for war, is all I’m saying.
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❥︎ author's note: Yo! Here’s a little something to munch on so I don’t feel bad for leaving “New Bug in Town” abandoned for so long. This was really fun, so I might do other characters (maybe from other fandoms 👀) in the future!
❥︎ posted: 2024 | 02 | 12
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slippingkim · 10 months
What are your thoughts on sub!Sunoo with a giant crush on idol!Reader? Him doing things like always watching your sexiest fancams, etc.
❥nsfw | mdni
cw ~ smut-ish, some fluff, mentions of jerking off
my sub!sunoo x idol!reader headcannons !! ♡
⪨ When attending your fan-sighs he’d be the one to buy you expensive gifts like jewelry, perfume, or just nice items, sunglasses, makeup.
⪨ ^ he’d smile so big at his phone when he sees you wearing the bracelet or sunglasses he got you in the selcas you post almost like he was your secret boyfriend (he’s a bit delulu)
⪨ He’d very guiltily touch himself to really sexy pictures/videos of you, blushing at the idea of you being there with him. Him imagining you doing the touching would make him go insane.
⪨ When attending fan-calls he’d tell you all about his past couple months but without a doubt he’d ask you all about yours to, listening very very carefully.
⪨ He’d probably write short drabbles about you in his free time, getting so hard when he’s done writing. (Me ☠️)
⪨ Abt fan calls again, he’d miraculously win almost every raffle and get to see you he’d be a regular and you’d soon remember his name asking about his pets and events happening in his life this would make him so so happy
⪨ When world tour would start you best believe he’ll be at every stop screaming your name in the complete silence making you notice him and wave with a bright smile
⪨ He’d eventually become more comfortable when jerking off to you, openly moaning your name and spreading his legs wide a thought of you sucking him off. Maybe even buying a fleshlight and pretending it was you. (Beyond delulu 😪)
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aphroditelovesu · 2 months
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*:・゚✧.for you, 𝐼 ★•¸— ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ pretend like ❝.╭.+I w͟a͟s͟ h𝑎ppy°⊹when I was⋆◟̆๑𝓼𝓪𝓭; for you❝.:*。I could p͟r͟e͟t͟e͟n͟d͟˘.+*✦like I ɯαs▾₊˚𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 wh𝑒𝑛 I。*☆𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩; ℐ wish・゚。❥love was ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ❀⊰。as love ̶i̶t̶s͟e͟l͟f͟╮ⵓ❞¸I ɯısh all あ.♡my 𝔀𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 could ❞.ᔘ❀be 𝖍𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖓; I୭.° grew a 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟+*.♡:th𝑎t can't be ↬,。˚𝘽𝙇𝙊𝙊𝙈𝙀𝘿 in a↷.dream•that c͟a͟n͟'͟t͟ come ★*̣̥⁄⁄𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓮৴☽❰❪+
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↳¸•.↑✿cited song: fake love by BTS.
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➷°.[✩] BTS ╭⟡;💜
➷°.[✩] BLACKPINK╭⟡;🖤
➷°.[✩] ITZY ╭⟡;🧡
➷°.[✩] Stray Kids ╭⟡;💙
く く く EXO: Yandere Baekhyun (Romantic), Yandere Suho (Romantic). く く く TWICE: Imagine as Classmates.
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➷°.[✩] Greek Mythology ╭⟡;⚡
➷°.[✩] Egyptian Mythology ╭⟡;𓂀
➷°.[✩] Historical Characters ╭⟡;📜
く く く The Lost Queen | Yandere!Alexander the Great ❝You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn't understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren't safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won't let you go so easily.❞ The Lost Queen Series Masterlist
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➷°.[✩] The Vampire Diaries // The Originals╭⟡;🧛
➷°.[✩] House of the Dragon╭⟡;🐉
➷°.[✩] Game of Thrones╭⟡;❄️
➷°.[✩] The Sandman╭⟡;⌛
➷°.[✩] Outlander╭⟡;🗿
➷°.[✩] Wednesday╭⟡;🎻
➷°.[✩] Brooklyn Nine-Nine╭⟡;👮‍♂️
➷°.[✩] Bridgerton╭⟡;🐝
➷°.[✩] Shadow and Bone╭⟡;☠️
➷°.[✩] Outer Banks╭⟡;💰
➷°.[✩] K-Dramas╭⟡;❤️
➷°.[✩] Reign╭⟡;👑
➷°.[✩] The Tudors╭⟡;🗡️
➷°.[✩] Hannibal╭⟡;🍽
く く く The Bloody Viscount | Yandere!Anthony Bridgerton ❝You had fallen in love with Viscount Bridgerton and he had fallen in love with you. The marriage seemed perfect, but then why did Anthony Bridgerton always come home late and bloodstained?❞ Prologue; Chapter 1; Chapter 2;
く く く The Shadow of the Golden Dragon | Yandere!ASOIAF/GOT/HOTD ❝You have always been an avid reader and your greatest passion was delving into the pages of "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R. Martin. You knew every character, every twist and every detail of the Seven Kingdoms as if they were part of your own life. But what you never imagined is that an unexpected encounter with a mysterious antique book seller would change your life forever.❞ The Shadow of the Golden Dragon Masterlist
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➷°.[✩] Percy Jackson╭⟡;🌊
➷°.[✩] Harry Potter╭⟡;🔮
➷°.[✩] A Court of Thorns and Roses╭⟡;🌹
➷°.[✩] A Song of Ice and Fire╭⟡🔥
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➷°.[✩] Attack on Titan╭⟡⚔️
➷°.[✩] Naruto╭⟡🍥
➷°.[✩] One Piece╭⟡👒
➷°.[✩] Death Note╭⟡📓
➷°.[✩] Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir╭⟡🐞
➷°.[✩] How To Train Your Dragon╭⟡🐲
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➷°.[✩] Marvel╭⟡۞
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➷°.[✩] Love Letters╭⟡💕
➷°.[✩] Love Letters II╭⟡💕
➷°.[✩] Kinktober 2023╭⟡🎃
く く く A Black Rose | Yandere!Ian Daerier ❝A cruel and narcissistic reaper falls in love with the woman he was supposed to take the life of.❞ Oneshot;
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chiharuhashibira · 4 months
I just found your blog and im also getting back into kny! I just read the Tomika with the tsugoku whos the opposite of him!
I was wondering if I could request one like that but for Mitsuri with a young fem Tsugoku thats Aromantic and instead is like- driven by platonic love and has a tone of friend and sometimes even is able to befriend demons?
𝓞𝓯 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓼𝓮 𝔀𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓷~
So, I'll make something for Mitsuri's fem Tsugoku and the reaction of Hashira's with knowing she can befriend demons.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐬 + 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐓𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Content Warnings: None-Completely SFW 🌸
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(Image is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner)
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🌸𝐆𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐢 𝐇𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚🌸
❥ Gyomei was surprised to know that Mitsuri finally got her own tsugoku. You are very young, friendly, and lively, and he can sense something unique in your aura. Like Mitsuri, you are a ray of sunshine that lights up the room each time you arrive. You always spend time talking to Gyomei whenever you see him, as you are really intrigued by how strong he is. With that, the man had a soft spot for you, as you reminded him of the children that he took under his sleeve a long time ago.
❥ When Gyomei knew that you were able to befriend demons, he was astounded. He couldn't even believe it at first. But then Mitsuri saw it with her own eyes. As much as he wanted to tell you that what you're doing is dangerous, he can't do that. He isn't the person who would make you feel bad just because of his beliefs. So then, he just always makes sure to remind Mitsuri to always look out for you in battles, as sometimes you really tend to be too soft.
"You're really a unique person, Y/N. I believe you'll be a great Love Hashira, someday because of that pure heart of yours."
🌸𝐌𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐨🌸
❥ The boy is just your age, so he really caught your attention when you first met him. You wanted to be friends with him. But it seems like Muichiro doesn't want to, as he is very forgetful. He tends to be nonchalant towards you as well. But that doesn't stop you from making friends. You noticed that Muichiro loves training, so whenever you are free, you make sure to join him.
❥ You have mentioned to him that you can befriend demons, but it seems like he doesn't care at all. He just told you not to do that because it is stupid. Muichiro's straightforwardness meant he didn't care if his words hurt you or not. But still, him constantly reminding you not to befriend demons, even if he is forgetful, made you quite happy. Perhaps the boy just cares.
"I don't know if I have told you this, but what you're doing is stupid. You can't be friends with demons. Demons are meant to be killed. You might just end up dying if you continue this. So, what are we doing again?"
🌸𝐌𝐢𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐢🌸
❥ Mitsuri loves you so much, as her best friend and as her younger sister. She is incredibly enamoured with your performance as her tsugoku, and she cannot help but guzzle excessively regarding your excellence in Love Breathing. Mitsuri is very happy with how positive you are. She loves the fact that you are very friendly to everyone, as, like she said, you are really worthy of being Love Hashira someday. She never ceases to give you praise, as she really adores you so much.
❥ When she had the chance to witness the seemingly miraculous thing that you can do, she almost fainted. Yes, she was sure she wasn't just getting insane. You can really befriend demons. And those demons turn their backs on other demons and fight for you. She was so proud that she just embraced you in the middle of the fight. But then and there, when you see that your demon friend has died, you can't help but cry.
❥ Whenever this happens, Mitsuri will make sure to comfort you. She can be very clingy, but she just loves you so much.
"Y/N-chan. Everything will be okay. Let's just be thankful to your friends for helping us in the battles. Let's make their sacrifices memorable by perhaps making them a memorial. Don't worry, I understand how you feel! Just tell me what I can do to make you feel better. Okay?"
🌸𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮🌸
❥ Kyojuro was so proud of his former tsugoku when she introduced you to him. The Flame Hashira is definitely proud of you too, as he watched you train with Mitsuri. You're very friendly towards Kyojuro; thus, he acts as your big brother. He always takes you out to eat with him, and yes! You love food as much as he and Mitsuri love it. You're so close with the Flame Hashira that you seem to have a second family because of him and Mitsuri.
❥ Kyojuro knew that you could befriend demons from Mitsuri. He was very shocked, but then worried. But then, Kyojuro believes in you, so he just constantly reminds you to take care. Little did you know that, like Gyomei, the Flame Hashira always makes sure that you are being looked after by Mitsuri. He just cares about you so much.
"I'm so proud of you, Y/N-chan! You've really become a great demon slayer so fast! Just always take care, okay? I believe in you!"
🌸𝐆𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐤𝐚🌸
❥ Like Muichiro, Giyu Tomioka acts so nonchalant around you. The Water Hashira is so distant that he tries his best to avoid you because of your friendliness. But, of course, no one can stop you. When you manage to get ahold of the man, you always try to make a conversation, telling him that he is very enigmatic. That will fluster the man, so yes, in just a blink of an eye, he will disappear again.
❥ Giyu knew that you could befriend demons, and so that piqued his interest. That's because of Nezuko. Since that time, you have noticed that Giyu will try his best to talk to you and ask you about how you can do that. He seems so amazed, but of course he won't show it to you. Like an older brother, though, he will remind you to use your sword if you really need it. Yes, Giyu had a soft spot for you as well because of your kindness.
"Glad to know that your friendliness can help you in battles. You should take care, though. Use your sword whenever you need to."
🌸𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐮 𝐊𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐨🌸
❥ You amazed Shinobu. She liked your company. It's just that your aura reminds her of her older sister, Kanae, even if you are years younger than her. Because of your niceness, the hidden anger in Shinobu's heart seems to slowly melt. She treats you like her sister, like Mitsuri. Sometimes, she even teaches you about medicines, which eventually becomes your bond.
❥ When Shinobu learned about your ability to befriend demons, she wanted to learn more. She's very curious about this, so she tends to ask a lot. The insect Hashira even accompanied you on your mission one time just to witness it. She couldn't hide the surprise on her face when you did it. But, of course, when she saw you sad, she acted as kind as Mitsuri and just embraced you. She is not just good with her words, so she tends to sound awkward when comforting you. But yes, she really cares.
"Shush, Y/N-chan. Everything will be okay. Those demons are surely thankful to see such a kind soul before they... Don't be sad, okay?"
🌸𝐓𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐔𝐳𝐮𝐢🌸
❥ Tengen finds it flashy to know that you are Mitsuri's tsugoku. He's amazed at how you do the Love Breathing. Sometimes, he will be present at your trainings at the Rengoku estate. You are very nice to Tengen and his wives. Of course, Suma is obsessed with you. So then, the Sound Hashira finds your positivity so nice.
❥ When Tengen knew that you could befriend demons, he was astounded. As much as he wanted to disagree with what you're doing, Kyojuro would always tell him to stop and be nice to you. And so, Tengen didn't meddle with your business, but as your friend, he still teaches you some techniques you can use to fight. He's not the one who'll constantly remind you of things, but the man makes sure he shows he cares by being your pseudo-trainer if needed.
"Uhh, that's flashy, Y/N-chan. Um, you want to learn more about how you can improve your stance? You're already flamboyant with your ability and stuff, but we got to have plan B in case, kid!"
🌸𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚🌸
❥ Sanemi's not very nice to you, and you can sense that he doesn't like you around. But then, you try your best to talk to him. But he still sees you as a pesky kid. But in reality, your niceness reminds him of Genya; that's why he avoids you so much.
❥ The moment that the man really spoke to you was when he learned about your ability to befriend demons. He looked annoyed and unamazed, but he still approached you to tell you that.
"Dimwit, I don't know, but in case you don't know, demons are enemies. Stop befriending them and shit. Don't be an idiot like Kanroji." You start tearing up. "I mean... uh fuck. Just be safe out there. Bye."
🌸𝐎𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐢 𝐈𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨🌸
❥ Obanai would never act mean to you, even if he isn't comfortable with your presence. Mitsuri means a lot to him, and so he tried his best to be quite nice and approachable to you. Sometimes, Sanemi would end up cursing him, but he'd just shoot him a glare to shoo him away. He's quite aware that Sanemi scares you after that encounter with him. But sometimes, he unconsciously acts like a big brother to you, caring like he cares for Mitsuri. He won't just admit it anyway.
❥ The Snake Hashira doesn't agree with the fact that you are befriending demons. But then he tries his best to understand it, as he doesn't want you and Mitsuri to feel bad. Obanai would sometimes remind you that you should not trust too much. He also reminds you not to make Mitsuri cry, so you shouldn't die.
"Don't trust too much. Not all friends are really friends. You should still be cautious about what you are doing, Y/N. Don't make Mitsuri cry, so don't die, kid."
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𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉!
I hope you enjoyed this @ame-delights!
I tried my best to make her aromantic and I hope it worked huhu! Just feel free to comment in case!
Feel free to request, reblog, or comment!
Ja ne~
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renoed · 7 months
when you're sick
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❥ — INCLUDES kaeya, zhongli, arataki itto, thoma, baizhu
# A/N I've been tragically ill so here is some pure self-indulgent fluff ♡
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☆ cracks jokes at your expense
☆ "you just needed a reason to see me", "if you wanted to be babied you should've just asked", "do you need me to kiss you better?"
☆ is actually very thoughtful and looks after you
☆ "why are you getting up? what do you need?"
☆ makes you hot drinks, food, gets you blankets, he even offers to carry you if you want to get out of bed
☆ you can say you'll make him ill as much as you want but he wont listen
☆ kisses you even more than usual
☆ you tell him he'll get sick (and he's so annoying when he's sick) but he ignores your warnings
☆ his voice is mocking when he says "awww my poorly baby" but you can tell he's sincere in his actions
☆ it's your turn to make fun of him when he gets ill a few days after you've recovered
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☆ doesn't want to get ill but comes to see you nonetheless
☆ goes shopping to get medicine
☆ isn't quite sure which one is the best so he arrives with a bag full of various tablets, cough syrups, sore throat sweets, etc. etc.
☆ in his other hand is a bag with a newly bought blanket
☆ "let me wash this for you, it'll make you feel worse to sit in your germs"
☆ practically cleans the entire house
☆ encourages you to rest all day, will sit with you until you fall asleep
☆ when you wake up he'll make you a hot drink and there'll be food on the stove ready for you
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☆ he's the one that made you ill
☆ he's always the one that makes you ill
☆ "it's not that bad I promise! I really want to see you"
☆ and you see him every. single. time. because you will never learn your lesson
☆ apologises so much when he gets to yours and sees you in bed shivering
☆ immediately wraps you up in his arms and just talks to you (or at you, if you aren't feeling up for talking) until you fall asleep
☆ if you aren't tired then he's asking whether you need anything
☆ and if you don't need anything then he's got you in his arms and is smothering you with kisses
☆ he'll get ill again, but he doesn't mind because he knows you'll look after him
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☆ immediately comes to you with ingredients to make food, medicine, things to clean your house, etc.
☆ everything you could possibly need, Thoma will have ready for you
☆ he looks after you even when you aren't sick, so you really receive princess treatment when you're sick
☆ "no don't get up, I'll do it"
☆ you'll fall asleep and by the time you wake up he's cleaned the living room, kitchen and bathroom, made you soup, bought you some groceries because you were running out and put your favourite snacks on your bedside table
☆ you try and get him to stop because it makes you feel bad
☆ but it's just how he shows his love for you
☆ our acts of service KING
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☆ takes something like a small cold wayyy too seriously
☆ will be consistently taking your temperature, making you tea, giving you medicine
☆ tries to make his medicines less bitter for you
☆ "do you treat all your patients this well?"
☆ "only you"
☆ will tell you off for always working so hard and never resting, but stays silent if you tell him that's a hypocritical statement
☆ "get better quickly so I can kiss you"
☆ "maybe you have a healing kiss, we should try it out"
☆ it's your fault if you make him ill, but he'll be fine toughing out a teensy little cold (there's that hypocrisy again)
☆ he miraculously never seems to get your illnesses, which definitely encourages him to continue
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reblogs are hugely appreciated ♡ [masterlist]
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princessmaybank · 4 months
(I'm constantly updating this Welcome Guide! So please make sure you come back and check every once in a while!)
About Me
Name~ Jade (You can call me princess or Jade, whatever works for you)
Age~ 21
Pronouns~ She/Her
I have a JJ roleplay account: @jj-maybank-69 come say hi ;)
My Kinks/Interests
•Hands Kink (Rings 🥵)
•Being Called Princess
•Daddy Kink
•Switch (I like both Dom & Sub)
•Love TorD Situations
•Enemies To Lovers
•Best Friends To Lovers
•Being Praised
•Brothers Best Friend
•Best Friends Brother
Who I Write For
As of right now I only write for JJ Maybank but I would like to eventually move onto other people.
Fandoms I Am In/What I Watch/Listen To:
OBX, MCU, S&C, The Boys (YouTube), Smosh, Fear Street, Bailey Sarian, Rick and Morty, Bob's Burgers, Miraculous, etc.
There is so much more, but this is the stuff I'm involved with most (in no particular order).
Taken Anons:
🎆 🐰
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kaixserzz · 1 year
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Loyal Knight 2
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ੈ♡˳ Il Dottore x Gn!Reader *ೃ༄
ੈ♡˳ 8.0k words ┊ Fluff + Angst/comfort *ೃ༄
ੈ♡˳ Masterlist | Part 1 *ೃ༄
author's note ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
HI GUYS PART 2!! i accidentally posted part 1 when i haven't finished this LMAOO but it's been like a week since i started this fic SO i just wrote it in one goso :3 no beta this time so i can make my beta reader cry like a bitch, realized that reader is kinda like, maybe yandere? idk they're both obsessed with each other anyways LMAO,, also pls dottore rqs <3... WHY DID IS THIS LONGER THAN I EXPCTED NOOOOOO FUCK!!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ cw: canon typical violence, basic dottore warnings, injuries, blood, mentions of lots of scars, experiments, and death, dottore and reader r both crazy, obsessiveness/possessiveness from both parties, dottore hits reader ONCE dw it's just to snap reader out of their shit, uhh relationship fights? LMAO idk cant have a relationship w/o errors amirite, cyro vision reader, dark humor cuz... dottore, also kinda suggestive at the end?? nothing happened, just... biting cuz its dottore LMAOO
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iv. guilt
Zandik paid little heed to the Archons, celestial beings overseeing Teyvat, and the so-called 'blessings' they bestowed. His interest lay solely in their power, particularly the enigmatic artifact known as the 'Gnosis'. Apart from that, little else piqued his curiosity.
But Zandik held a particular disdain for your Vision above all others. The sight of your Vision alone was enough to sour Zandik's mood, and he preferred if you refrained from using it altogether.
It served as a constant reminder of the day he had made a grave mistake. It wasn't intentional, he hadn't meant for you to get hurt that bad. He hadn't expected it. It wasn't part of his calculations. It was his fault.
Your Vision, which you proudly wielded with joy, became a source of suffocating resentment and guilt for that day. Not that he'll admit that to you.
The sight of blood never bothered Zandik. Not one bit. Acquiring blood samples, blood dripping down his skin from his injuries, and the knowledge of blood pumping throughout his body. Yet when you lay in his arms that day, blood uncontrollably poured from the gash on your side, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dizziness wash over him.
During a routine exploration in one of the ruins you discovered, a dormant Ruin Guard unexpectedly activated and set its sights on Zandik. Despite your years of experience in combat, a ruin guard was still tiered above your capabilities.
But deep down, Zandik couldn't shake off the suspicion that the gods had shown favoritism towards you. In a miraculous turn of events, he was suddenly propelled away from the Ruin Guard's line of sight, shielded by a frigid burst of ice. The Archons had bestowed upon you the power of the Cryo Vision, recognizing your unwavering determination to protect Zandik.
With Zandik's swift actions and your valiant efforts to distract the Ruin Guard, it was eventually deactivated. However, you didn't emerge from the encounter unscathed. The new ability granted to you by your Vision proved to be uncontrollable, you had no idea how to utilize it just yet. The Ruin Guard easily overpowered you, tossing you aside as if you were nothing more than a lifeless ragdoll.
And the moment Zandik ran towards your body, barely breathing with blood soaking your clothes, he knew that he hated your Vision more than anything.
Your body was deathly cold, and Zandik couldn't tell if it was due to your Vision, or if you were already dead.
Amidst the days you spent in slumber, Zandik dedicated himself to your care. His once meticulously organized scrolls and project documentation were discarded and replaced by books on human biology, medicine, and recovery. His focus shifted to gathering various herbs and medical supplies to aid in your healing process.
Your wound was above his medical knowledge, but Zandik adamantly refused to hand you over to those who could provide immediate help. He understood the consequences you both would face if your activities were discovered. Nonetheless, he took it upon himself to do everything he could to aid in your recovery and ensure your well-being.
Zandik couldn't comprehend his own reaction to your injury. He believed it should be trivial for someone as resilient as you. If you were awake, you would scoff at the wound and dismiss it with laughter. But his emotions betrayed him, tightening his chest and filling his mind with doubts. Could he truly heal you? Would you recover completely? When did he start doubting his own abilities? After all, he was a genius, capable of restoring you to your previous state of health. Yet, the uncertainty persisted, tormenting his thoughts and weighing heavily on his heart.
His usual composed demeanor shattered in the presence of your injured form. The sight of you so vulnerable and still, coupled with the weight of his own uncertainty, caused his hands to tremble uncontrollably. Each time he whispered your name, his voice carried a mixture of fear and longing, hoping for any sign of response from you. Countless sleepless nights were spent tirelessly monitoring your vital signs, studying medical techniques, and seeking ways to aid in your recovery. The touch of his fingertips against your skin evoked a cascade of emotions within him, causing his bottom lip to quiver and his eyes to burn with unshed tears. The intensity of his feelings threatened to choke his breath, leaving him grappling with a vulnerability he had never anticipated.
In those moments when Zandik tended to your wounds, his heart clenched with a mixture of concern and fear. The touch of your cold skin sent a shiver down his spine, stirring an unsettling realization within him. Despite his intellect and knowledge, he couldn't help but question if you were still among the living. The fear that you might slip away from him haunted his thoughts, yet he couldn't bring himself to voice this deep-seated worry. Instead, he masked it with a determined focus on finding ways to restore warmth and vitality to your body, desperate to dispel the icy touch that threatened to consume you.
The surge of unfamiliar emotions within Zandik puzzled him. He had never experienced such feelings before, and it unsettled him. This vulnerability, this concern for another's well-being, was entirely new territory for him. It was a revelation that challenged his perception of himself. Zandik realized that he was capable of caring deeply for someone— you, despite his initial reluctance to acknowledge it.
Perhaps the cold has comforted you into a peaceful slumber, but it only reminded him how awful it was to feel your body so cold in comparison to his warmth.
Your voice brought Zandik back to reality, and his gaze was drawn to your shirtless figure. It had been a month since the incident and a few weeks since you woke up. Standing before a mirror, you examined the new scar that adorned your body. The intensity of his stare was palpable, fixated not only on the scar but also on the Vision hanging from your waist, below the prominent mark.
"If it grosses you out that much, just tell me. No need to stare at it," You jest with faux annoyance in your tone, yet it was only met with silence from him. It was odd for Zandik to act so out of character ever since you've woken up.
The dorm was in disarray, with unwashed dishes, scattered books, and trash strewn about. You reluctantly remarked that you weren't looking forward to cleaning all of it, but to your surprise, Zandik took it upon himself to clean the mess. You expressed your gratitude and told him he didn't have to do it, considering how he had been taking care of you've since you woken up.
But he just told you to lay back on your bed and rest. To not even think about going outside your shared dorm, or lay a single finger on your sword. You were going to rest, and his words were final. Well, you weren't going to argue with that (his cooking was pretty bad though, it almost sent you back into a comatose).
Seeing how unsettled he was when you first opened your eyes, constantly checking on you and ensuring your wound was clean, you knew he was genuinely concerned. It touched your heart to see his care, and you couldn't bear to see him so down.
You took in a deep, confident breath, walked towards him, and smacked his head with your hand. Zandik let out an outraged cry, his glare that you missed so much was immediately on your smiling face. "Now now, don't be so down! I'm okay now!" Taking your sword out of its scabbard, you did a few swings and didn't feel any sort of pain at all. "You brought me back in perfect condition all thanks to your hard work and medicinal expertise! Sure, I may have gotten a scar, and I'm pretty sure you hate my Vision too,"
You blew a gust of cold wind onto his face, covering it with a thin sheet of snow. Zandik was quick to wipe it off, about to yell at you, but was cut off when you let out a lively laugh; one that he missed hearing once more in all those days you were asleep, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Instead of thinking about what happened in the ruins, just think of me! When you get cold, or see ice and snow, just think of me, and how I'll use my vision to protect you!"
Zandik silently wished you obtained the Pyro Vision instead. Then at least, it would've had warmth. The warmth that you had lacked during the days you were asleep, and the warmth that radiated from you whenever you smiled at him.
But you were content with your Cyro Vision, and so he should be too.
With a huff, he pushed your hand off his shoulder. Zandik's voice dripped with cold disdain as he uttered, "Don't be foolish. My actions were solely driven by self-interest. You're nothing more than a valuable asset to me, and I ensured your survival for my own benefit." However, a fleeting glimpse of genuine concern flashed in his eyes, betraying the facade of indifference he desperately clung to.
Your grin only widened, laughing wholeheartedly as you watched him escape, too embarrassed to stay in the same vicinity as you. "There's my Zandik." And you release a breath of relief.
The icy tendrils of his past failure and guilt were momentarily overtaken by memories of you. The sound of your laughter as you pelted him with a massive snowball, your smile when you playfully blow cool air onto his way when he complains it was too hot, and the deadly sheets of ice you conjured to aid in battle.
Somehow, the tingles he felt from your frosted fingertips were better than any warmth fire could bring.
v. realization
But the bitter chill also served as a constant reminder of the emptiness that consumed him when you weren't by his side.
A year had passed since the last he saw you.
Il Dottore remained in the dark about your whereabouts and current status. In the past, whenever you embarked on a mission, you would often find excuses to report back to him, just to have the opportunity to hear his voice, even from miles away. But now, the silence was deafening, and the absence of your updates gnawed at his heart.
You couldn't have died; Dottore was well aware of your immense strength. You were capable of battling on equal footing with Teyvat's mightiest individual, Il Capitano. Moreover, Dottore had made several modifications to your body, ensuring that death would be the least of your concerns. The notion of an enemy overpowering or eliminating you was simply inconceivable. Therefore, the only logical conclusion Dottore could come up with was that you willingly chose to depart from his side.
Il Dottore was well aware that you had left him. Your absence was palpable in the emptiness of your room, void of your presence, devoid of your clothing and your sword. It resembled the stark emptiness you met when you first arrived and were assigned your chamber within the Fatui. The tracker that you've willing injected into your skin was left on your desk, covered in dried blood.
Yes. You decided to leave him. The person who has promised to stay by his side no matter what, even if it meant venturing into the darkest recesses of the Abyss. The one who professed love for him, and whose gentle caresses would convey nothing but adoration in their eyes. You had promised nothing but loyalty, and he believed, trusted you because he knew it was genuine. You had always been truthful and obedient, never desiring to cause him any displeasure.
So why, pray tell, did you have the audacity to leave him after spending an entire century with him? Was it all in vain? Why did you choose to squander such a substantial amount of his time? Did every word that spilled out of your impudent mouth held no true meaning?
You were the one who sought him out. You willingly became an integral part of his life, unwaveringly remaining by his side and causing him both joy and turmoil. You've forcefully intertwined your life with his, so it should be his choice to leave, not yours! That's unfair of you to him.
You, claiming to be his loyal knight until your final moments, turned out to be nothing more than a falsehood. It is only now that Dottore realizes the absurdity of such a belief. You deceived him with your lies. Every promise you made was built upon a foundation of deceit. Why did you choose to betray him? Just why?
Why why why why why!?
It was unbearably cool in his personal office. The biting cold seemed to pierce through his skin, despite his body being engineered to no longer perceive temperature sensations. And yet when he walks toward his laboratory, watching the earliest versions of his segments doing their work without you in sight— he could feel his skin crawl and burn as if he was frostbitten. The sight of endless snow outside only added to the chilling atmosphere, intensifying his feelings since your departure.
"Instead of thinking about what happened in the ruins, just think of me! When you get cold, or see ice and snow, just think of me, and how I'll use my vision to protect you!"
The cold indeed reminded him of you, and in the depths of his despair, Dottore yearned for nothing than to watch his surroundings ablaze just to escape the icy pain that clawed his heart.
Dottore longs for the ability to erase your memory from his mind, desiring to rid himself of the emotions that you have stirred within him. These emotions, which he finds to be a hinderance, have tied his stomach into knots and inflicted a pain in his heart that only your absence could evoke.
Yet, deep down, Dottore couldn't shake the feeling that you wouldn't be able to stay away from him for long. Just like him, you had spent a significant portion of your lives together. You 'loved' him, after all. He was the center of your world.
Therefore, it didn't come as a surprise to Dottore when he found you standing in his chambers once again, your presence both familiar and fazing. You stood there with an air of patience, positioned by the edge of his untouched bed, as if you had been waiting for him all along.
Dottore observed you silently, noting the somber expression that etched your face, your lips pressed into a thin line. Your eyes, once vibrant with a spark, now seemed dull and devoid of their usual radiance. You kept your stare fixed on the ground, avoiding direct eye contact with him, a clear sign of guilt. A quick glance was enough for him to discern the toll your year-long disappearance had taken on you. Your hair appeared disheveled, evidence of neglect, and the presence of bags under your eyes spoke of sleepless nights. Moreover, he observed that you appeared noticeably thinner, as if the weight of your absence had physically worn you down.
As Dottore's gaze lingered upon you, he noticed a subtle tremble in the hand that rested atop the hilt of your sword. It was a nervous gesture, as if you were apprehensive about confronting him, despite having returned to the Fatui for his sake. Cold sweat trickled down your nose, evidence of the tension that filled the air. He observed as you anxiously chewed on your bottom lip, a sign of inner turmoil and unease.
Dottore scowled at your unexpected intrusion, his features contorting with displeasure. Crossing his arms, he assumed a facade of nonchalance, choosing to channel his simmering anger rather than acknowledge the concern he secretly harbored. "Well, well, look who decided to grace me with their presence again," Dottore sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. With an air of authority, he strode purposefully towards you, his steps brimming with an unspoken power. "It seems you've reappeared, after vanishing without so much as a word."
His words seemed to cause you to crumble further, evident by the way you gritted your teeth in discomfort. It took multiple attempts before you could finally open your mouth to speak, your voice strained. "Dottore, I... I didn't mean to cause you any pain. I had my reasons for leaving," you managed to say, your grip tightening on the hilt of your sword.
He recognized it as a telltale sign of your extreme unease, a habit you developed when confronted with uncomfortable situations. The realization he still remembers small habits of yours only fueled his anger, and he shot you a withering glare in response.
Dottore scoffed dismissively, rolling his eyes in a display of derision. "How bold of you to assume that your disappearance caused any pain. You were merely an inconsequential cog in the machinery of the Fatui, and your little stunt only added more irrelevant work to my already burdened table," He retorted, his tone laced with sarcasm.
The sting of his words caused you to wince, feeling the weight of his disdain. "I'm sure you had your reasons," He continued, with a roll of his eyes. "Reasons to be such an inconvenience."
"I thought... I thought it was for the best..." You whisper to yourself, but Dottore heard it loud and clear. A momentary pause ensued as he processed the ridiculousness of your admission.
Dottore's voice grew colder as he responded, his words laced with anger and hurt. "Best for whom, may I ask? Certainly not for me," He retorted sharply. "You think you can just waltz back into my life after all this time and expect everything to be as it was? Well, I assure you, it won't be."
Finally, you summoned the strength to straighten yourself, meeting Dottore's gaze with determination in your eyes. Your hands clenched into fists, revealing the intensity of your emotions. Softly, with the deepest sincerity resonating in your voice, you spoke from the depths of your heart. "No, I don't expect things to be as they were. But I... I miss you, Dottore. I miss being by your side, even if it means facing your anger."
Though, it invoked the opposite reaction you had hoped for.
Even if Dottore had begun to wear a mask, his glare pierces through the material, sending shivers down your spine. Sensing the growing intensity of his anger, you instinctively took a step back. His anger now seemed more potent than anything you had witnessed from him in the past years, intensifying the tension in the room.
"How. Dare. You." With each word, a sharp blade pierced your heart. "How dare you say that after leaving without a word? After spouting promise after promise that you'll always stay by my side?"
You swallowed down the heavy guilt as you looked away from him once more. It was getting harder not to cry in front of him.
"How dare you lie to me?" The words you once spoke, filled with promises and loyalty, were now exposed as empty falsities. The realization of being deceived gnawed at his core, deepening the resentment within him. "Making me believe your worthless vows and wasting my time? I knew you were up to no good from the moment you decided to become my 'friend'," A sarcastic laugh escaped his lips, dripping with scorn. "You liar."
As Dottore turned away from you, ready to leave, panic surged within you. Desperate to salvage the situation, you reached out towards him, "W-wait, Dottore, please! I can explain!"
"What is there to explain?" His voice carried a bitter edge, gaze hardening as he looked back at you. "Clearly, there is nothing more to clarify with your obvious betrayal." His mind had already made up its verdict, leaving little room for further explanation or justification in his eyes.
"Please, Zandik—"
"Zandik is dead!"
In a sudden burst of anger and frustration, Dottore slammed his fist against the wall, catching you off guard and silencing you instantly. The force behind his action was both startling and alarming, as Dottore had never directed such aggression towards you before. His usual demeanor consisted of light annoyance or a gentle scolding whenever you were about to make a stupid decision.
But this display was different—it spoke volumes about the depth of his hurt and anger. It was clear that he was more wounded than he was willing to admit, and the ache in your own heart mirrored his pain.
"Zandik is no more," He faced you again, this time, with his chin up. A condescending gaze set upon your anxious form, as if you were nothing but one of the mere hundreds of the Fatui soldiers that serve under his name. "There is only Il Dottore, the 2nd of the Fatui Harbingers. You are to speak with me with nothing but respect." He spat. "Do you understand?"
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Throughout your life, you had served Dottore faithfully, dedicating yourself to his cause. While he had spoken to you with a similar tone in the past, this instance felt markedly different. The force of his words seemed to carry the weight of his power, suffocating and overwhelming.
It was as if the pedestal on which you had placed him had crumbled, revealing a darker side that left you shaken to your core. A side that Dottore would've never shown you if hadn't acted rashly. At that moment, you couldn't help but empathize with the countless soldiers who had felt the brunt of his authority.
"My command over you is absolute," Dottore declared with unwavering finality, his scowl revealing the sharp edges of his teeth. "You are to leave and never return. Now." His words hung in the air like an unbreakable decree, leaving no room for negotiation or reconsideration. The power he held over you was palpable, an undeniable reminder of the hierarchy that governed your relationship.
You stood there, dumbfounded, managing with the shock of his words. It took a moment for the reality of the situation to sink in, leaving you suspended in a state of disbelief. The weight of his decision bore down on you, leaving you breathless and overwhelmed.
His hand reached for the handle of his door, "I am giving you a chance. Do not put it to waste. Leave, before the Tsaritsa herself bestow you her punishment for your betrayal."
A sudden loud thump from behind Dottore made him pause, his attention shifting to the source of the sound. He could hear your shaky breaths and faint sniffles, struggling to form the words that clung at the back of your throat.
Dottore's instinct urged him to turn away, to escape the burden of your words and the sight of your wretched state. Every fiber of his being resisted the pull to stay and listen, to confront the emotions that threatened to entangle him further. Yet, there was a flicker of hesitation within him, a battle raging in his mind between the desire to leave and the nagging curiosity that lingered. A fleeting moment of uncertainty held him in place, suspended between the need to continue with his work and the possibility of facing the depths of your anguish.
It could be more of your lies, Dottore argued to himself. He refused to be a fool once more toward you. And yet...
"I'm so sorry Dottore... I.... I-I just felt so alone..." You started, attempting to quell your tears and wiping them off with your hands. "Ever since we joined the Fatui, you've barely had the time for yourself... Sure, we're now to the point that we don't have to eat, or sleep but... It was always work— since when did we last spend time together?"
The notion of necessity echoed in his mind, provoking questions that had long been suppressed. How could this sudden discontentment emerge after a century of unwavering dedication? You had been instrumental in carrying out his missions, assisting in his projects, and even co-creating the segments alongside him. When did it all begin to matter? Dottore hardened his gaze onto the door before him, refusing to face you.
"If you were lonely, you could've spoken to the segments instead. You know how busy I am."
You let out a small, weak, humorless laugh. "Yeah, well, they're not complete, remember?"
Dottore frowned at that, "What do you mean?"
"You removed their memories of me because... Well, you said that I was distracting..." You reminded him, a sad smile on your face. "I took it as a compliment back then. Even if I tried to talk to them... They'll just ignore me and look at me as if I'm a stranger... Funny because you do the same thing..."
Ah, yes. He did do that. Right, it was the main reason why the segments were so efficient with their work. It made him realize how much you were a hindrance to his progress. A distraction that causes him to feel unwanted emotions and urges, indulging in senseless activities like you once had when you were both younger...
It annoyed him how it seemed his make his heart clench at those memories.
"I'm not suited to be your knight anymore, not when I have little use for you now." That made him turn his head to look at you, only to see you on your knees, trembling and holding back yourself from sobbing, to continue speaking before he stops listening. "I... The Fatui can give you everything you need now... You have soldiers working for you, even the segments! Sure, you send me into missions and tell me I'm still useful but..."
Your words hung into the air, your bottom lip quivered as you forced yourself to continue. "I couldn't even protect you from that." Your eyes glanced to the mask he wore, and he immediately knew what you were talking about.
His hand went underneath his mask, the feeling of the deep, jagged scars that has healed over time through his gloves disgusts him. The scar on his face was something he deeply abhorred, but he never blamed you for it.
"I promised to protect you, and yet... I let that happen..." Your voice quivered with a mix of despair and frustration, tears staining the cold tile floor beneath you.
The mention of his scar, a symbol of his vulnerability and pain, struck a chord within both of you. Your teeth clenched, and your gaze remained fixed on the floor, burning with a mixture of self-loathing and anguish. The raw honesty in your words reverberated through the room, casting shadows of doubt upon the promises that had once bound you together.
The mask he wore, the facade that shielded his true emotions, served as a constant reminder of your perceived shortcomings and the unfulfilled expectations you had placed upon yourself.
"What kind of knight am I? I know how much you hate that scar— and I hate the fact that I could've prevented it!" You cried, "I hate seeing your mask, because it just reminds me that I'm a failure that couldn't uphold their promises!"
...Just like the deep-rooted resentment Dottore harbored towards your Vision, you found yourself consumed by an equal loathing for his mask. It was a peculiar parallel, where two individuals were constantly reminded of their own failures in the presence of one another.
As the silence stretched on, punctuated only by your inconsolable sobs, Dottore's demeanor remained unreadable. His lips pressed into a thin line, his expression an enigmatic mask. The absence of any immediate reaction from him fueled your misery, increasing the uncertainty of his true feelings.
At that moment, you yearned for a glimmer of understanding, a sign that he cared or acknowledged your pain. But the void of his response deepened the ache within you, amplifying the sense of loneliness and despair.
"I love you, I really do! There's nothing in this world that could ever stop me from loving you." You professed loudly, hoping to reach him, "From our childhood, to the Akademiya and joining here at the Fatui, my heart has undoubtedly belonged to you! You think I did all of that for nothing?"
"And when you accepted my feelings, I was so happy!" You hung your head low, trying to talk through hiccups and sobs. You couldn't stop your tears even if you wanted to. "But I know that Zandik loved me more than Il Dottore ever has." The pain in your voice as you utter your words made Dottore's poise for a moment, "I don't even know if Il Dottore loves me..."
Your words struck him harder than he liked. It was an absurd statement. His past self? Loving you more than him? It doesn't make sense.
But as he watched you sob, he couldn't help but wonder if his feelings for you were genuine or merely a facade he had constructed to maintain control over you.
Did he truly love you, or was it just an illusion he had allowed himself to indulge to keep you in check? You were the one to confessed to him, and love is such a foreign concept to Dottore. The thought haunted him, unraveling the carefully constructed walls around his heart and exposing a raw and uncertain truth.
"The day Zandik died was I guess the day your love for me died." You managed a weak laugh. A laugh to shake away your pain, yet so sad and dull. Your laugh shouldn't sound like that. He hated it.
Was he the reason for it as well?
"I tried to move on because I knew you can... But I just couldn't..." You whispered, wrapping your arms tightly around yourself for comfort. Your voice trembled with emotion as you continued, "I can't stand being away from you, I can't bear not being able to hear your voice, to see you, to be with you." You look up at him with tearful eyes, broken and full of regret.
"Please... give me one more chance," You pleaded, your voice filled with desperation. The tears streamed down your face, but determination shone through your eyes. "I won't complain anymore, I won't ask for anything... I'll accept you give me. I'll be your loyal and dedicated assistant, always by your side!"
In the midst of your cries, Dottore has stumbled upon a realization.
The cold, snow, and ice became incessant reminders of you, and it annoyed him to no end. As the days turned into months during your disappearance, his agitation grew, fueled by a mix of anger and longing that he couldn't quite suppress. He continued to send search parties after you, under the pretense of seeking revenge for your betrayal, but deep down, he knew there was more to it. Beneath the facade of vengeance, a part of him yearned for your return, unable to ignore the void you had left behind.
After all those times, did he simply miss you?
Even after you left, his hand would unconsciously reach out, longing for your presence beside him. Dottore found himself expecting to see you around every corner, only to be greeted by the stark emptiness of his laboratory, which he had never truly noticed until your absence. The flavors and aromas of the dishes you used to cook for him lingered in the air, teasing his senses with memories.
The familiar tunes you hummed while working echoed in his mind, and the pleasant chatter that once served as background noise now felt like a void in his ears.
Your absence had woven itself into the fabric of his daily life, leaving behind a profound emptiness that he struggled to fill.
He could vividly recall the echoes of those emotions from his time at the Akademiya when you were obligated to attend classes. Dottore— Zandik would insist that you not waste your time with mundane lectures when you could be assisting him in his groundbreaking projects.
He would nag you, trying to convince you to prioritize his work over your studies, much to your amusement. The memory of your laughter at his feeble excuses and playful banter warmed his heart, reminding him of the deep bond you shared.
Dottore's gaze remained fixed on your trembling figure, your hands tightly balled into fists. You couldn't bring yourself to meet his eyes. The fear of facing how he truly feels held you back.
Another realization was drawn to him.
He had always admired your resilience, your ability to endure even the harshest of circumstances without shedding a tear. It both intrigued and frustrated him, for he had never quite understood the source of your inner strength. As children, he had witnessed you gritting your teeth and smiling through injuries, embracing the pain as a catalyst for your determination. It was a quality that set you apart, that made you formidable.
Was this pain different then? There was no physical damage on your body, and yet you were here. You were one of the strongest people he has ever known, but you were on your knees, breaking down in tears and pathetically begging for his forgiveness.
His chest felt unbearable tight, seeing you so weak, so vulnerable. The image clashed with the image he had of you in his mind—strong, resilient, and always composed. Seeing you in such a state shattered his perception of your unwavering strength. Between the two of you, you were more emotional than him. But for you to grovel to his feet? It was something he'd never thought he'd ever see.
Oh, how easy for him to just kick you. To toss you on the ground as if you were nothing, and he knew you'd take it rather than fighting back and hurt him.
How come you'd never lay a hand on him? To make him feel the pain he knew a sinner like him deserves? When he has hurt you more than he could have ever known? You were suffering in silence since you only wanted to please him, to never bother him, and yet he was only ignorant to the signs, even if they're growing more and more obvious.
Your patience seemed endless when it came to him, doing everything you could do for him; exploring the most dangerous locations of Teyvat, piling bodies after bodies for his sake, and following every single command he gives you. Only for a mere hum of acknowledgement, a small smile, or nothing at all from him.
Has he shown any sort of gratitude toward you? You loved him so unconditionally, and you get little to none in return. Dottore couldn't even offer you the bare minimum.
You've always been like that, doing everything he says just to please him, to be of service, to be by his side. A massive flaw that he was well aware of ever since you were young.
Dottore wasn't even sure if the two of you were in a romantic relationship. It seemed so one-sided now that he looked back into his memories, even more so ever since the both of you joined the Fatui...
Forgiveness shouldn't be earned by a mere apology. You'd have to work for it, suffer the consequences of your misdemeanor, and he will grant you another chance. That's how it should be, how Dottore wanted it to be.
And yet, when you rose your head to look at him, nothing but remorse and resignation in your face... He couldn't bring himself to— not when he should be the one apologizing to you.
"You... you don't have to love me back..." You say quietly, snapping Dottore's attention back to you. "I-I promise... It was selfish of me to just walk out— punish me, I don't care! Just take me back, please—"
A resounding smack reverberated through the room, cutting you off. You recoil from the slap that landed on your cheek, you squeezed your eyes shut as your skin throbbed from the pain. You bit your tongue to silence yourself.
Dottore slowly got down to his knees right in front of you. As much as he didn't want to hurt you, he needed you to get your shit back together. This wasn't you. Or at least, this was a side of you that he has never seen, nor meant for his eyes. It didn't feel right to see you trembling before him, to be so afraid.
"You should have never came back." He heard you take in a sharp inhale, yet your eyes remained shut, too uncertain, too scared to look at him in the eye. "It would've been better for you to leave me." Your brow furrowed at his words.
He knew that you loved him for who he was. You probably knew him more than he knew himself, but could he say the same for you? Even if the answer was no, if Dottore should stay the same, not changing himself after this occurrence, he knows that you'd still love him.
Slipping off the gloves that he has always worn, and the mask that he had recently adorned, his hands reached for your face. Hesitantly, he cupped your cheeks into his hands. Your eyes snapped open as you jerked back from his touch. You seemed more shocked that he attempted to fondly hold you rather than hit you.
It stirred unexplainable emotions in his chest... Emotions that he'd rather not experience more, and a bitter taste settling on his tongue. He tried again, unsure if he was doing it correctly. Your discomfort didn't help either.
Dottore has never been honest on how he truly felt. He didn't even know what he felt half the time, mostly because he had only felt them with you. These emotions, these feelings, joy, anger, sadness, loneliness, and perhaps love; if it wasn't for you, he would've never known how it feels to be... more than the freak that people has entitled him to be. More than a heretic or a mad scientist. You had always treated him as if he was a person worth of your love and affections.
He should've been more honest.
"You... are worth more..." Your eyes widened at the words he spoke, "Worth more than I could ever admit... All your efforts, warmth... They have gone unnoticed... Ignored..."
"Zan- Dottore..." He could feel you shaking against his bare hands, the texture of your skin, the curve of your cheeks, he could feel them now. His hands tingled in a way he has never felt before, pulling you closer to him.
He wishes that you called him Zandik instead.
"You are nothing in comparison to all the achievements that I have accomplished. You are annoying, loud, and always stirring up trouble in my laboratory... And yet, during your disappearance..."
He shouldn't have turned a blind eye in everything you have done for him.
There were a lot of things he wanted to say, things he knew you needed to desperately hear, but they got stuck in his throat. Dottore has never been honest, it was easier to ignore it than confront things that were unknown. How ironic, given that he was a scientist that always pursued the unknown.
Nonetheless, you understood. You always did. He needn't speak for you to get him.
Dottore could've claimed that he reached to this point all on his own, with his unparalleled genius and dedication. But undoubtedly, you were there throughout his whole life, from his brightest days and past all his hardships. You've supported him more than anyone else.
And he made another mistake; letting you believe that you're nothing to him. That he doesn't love you, and that you were merely just a tool. No, that's not true. Not when his heart, his cold, dead heart, could only beat for you, and that without you, he was incomplete as you are. Lost, and lonely.
"I realized that fact too late..." Dottore closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against yours. You couldn't help but let out a sob, your heart pounding against your chest at the sudden honesty he was pouring onto you. Oh how long you've yearned for this moment, it made you tremble.
It was quiet, below a whisper that Dottore wasn't sure if you heard it... But for you, it was loud and clear, his words repeating again and again inside your head.
vi. devotion
"What took you so long?"
As you step foot into his office, barely making it past the threshold, he already hit you a question with the most accusing tone ever. However, you respond with a genuine, warm smile, immediately feeling a sense of familiarity despite his prickly demeanor. Playfully, you quip, "Six months away on a mission, and this is the welcome I receive, babe?"
Dottore responded with a scoff and a roll of his eyes, a scowl forming on his lips, one that you've grown so in love with. His gaze fixated on your disheveled appearance, taking in the swollen state of your lips, the trickle of blood staining your chin, and the messy opening of your collar, revealing a mosaic of red and purple marks adorning your collarbones and neck. His scowl only deepened upon witnessing the spectacle, and even behind his mask, you could sense the piercing daggers of his glare aimed directly at you.
"I received news of your arrival hours ago, and yet you decided to take your sweet time before gracing my office with your presence?" He ceased his writing and put his pen down on his desk. Oooo, he's serious.
"Awww, miss me so much, you keep up to date on everything I do?" You cooed at him teasingly at him and decided to push his papers to the side and sit on his desk, directly in front of him. He chose to ignore your remark.
"What were you doing?" He asked, more inquisitive this time, leaning towards you. You responded with a playful gesture, pursing your lips in a thoughtful manner, feigning deep contemplation over the endeavors you had undoubtedly embarked upon your return.
Just by this, he already seemed unimpressed.
"Oh, you know, I passed by some cuties to your office, so I decided to have some fun!" You smirked when he crossed his arms, his scowl deepened when you pointed at the red marks all over you. It was as if a bunch of sharks had decided to latch onto your skin and bite you.
"So you cheated on me." He bluntly stated. "Again."
You gave him an incredulous look as you let out an overexaggerated gasp. "Oh my darling! I would never think of cheating with you!" You dramatically cried out, "You'd cut me up to pieces and put my parts in individual jars up for display!"
A faint twitch appeared at the corners of Dottore's lips and you swiftly abandoned your playful facade. "Hey," You pouted, your voice tinged with a hint of warning, "Don't get any ideas. I don't like that look on your face."
Dottore's scowl suddenly transformed into a wide grin, revealing the sharp teeth that you've always adored. "Well, my dear, if you were preserved in a jar, at least I would have the assurance that you'd remain there, looking exquisitely beautiful for me, without any possibility of you straying." He playfully remarked, his words laced with a hint of possessiveness that you couldn't help but find endearing.
You bark out a laugh, shaking your head. “That’s morbid, love.” He tutted at that and let out a small ‘hmph!’ in disappointment. He’s so cute. “Besides, I’m not cheating!”
“They are segments.” Dottore deadpanned, his scowl returning to his face, but you could tell it was in a much playful manner. 
You raise a brow at that, “Uh, segments of you. Designed after you. They think like you. They are literally you, but just a specific age, ‘cuz you’re crazy like that.” 
"But they could never compare to the real deal," Dottore persisted, his voice carrying a hint of seriousness. "The true original. The one who created all of them," He declared, pointing confidently at himself, and you almost imploded trying to hold back your laughter.
“I’m sorry, babe, I couldn’t help myself.” You cooed, sliding off his desk and decided to make yourself comfortable on his lap instead, “They’re irresistible.” Dottore looked extremely disappointed at you, his arms snaking around your waist and pulling you closer to him. He held nothing but disdain at the sight of the marks on your neck. 
“Yes, so much, so you let them bite you all over.” 
“They missed me. They only bite because it’s a trait of yours.”
“You have no evidence of this so-called trait of mine.”
“Babe, you for real?” Before you could say another word, Dottore seized you by the collar and pressed his lips against yours with an insatiable hunger. The force of the kiss left you breathless, a testament to the months he had spent yearning for your presence, and you decide to kiss his segments before him? The one you’ve known the longest? He tilted his head to deepen the kiss, and before you got yourself lost against his lips, he bit your bottom lip. Hard.
“Ah, fuck!” You cursed out loud, furrowing your brow at the big bruise on your lips. It tasted raw, the fragile skin easily broken with his sharp teeth. More blood dribbled down your chin as you stared at him, your turn to look so unimpressed. “No evidence, my ass! Stop biting so hard, I’m going to die of blood loss.” 
Dottore looked so proud of himself, smirking at you. “I have no idea what you are talking about, my dearest.”
You could only scoff when he licked his lips, definitely enjoying the taste of your blood. “Maybe if you were more honest, then I’d stop making out the segments behind your back.” That seemed to pique his interest, his expression reflecting an internal struggle as he debated whether to succumb to your obvious attempt at manipulation.
"I'm sorry, dear, I love you."
"See," You grin at yourself. "It's not so hard now, is it?"
Years had passed since that one intense confrontation, yet Dottore still struggled to openly express his deepest emotions, but you had come to accept it as a part of who he was. It didn't pose a significant problem for you, as you understood his unique way of conveying love. In his own enigmatic manner, he had discovered alternative ways to demonstrate the depth of his affection. He had shed his inhibitions and now allowed his love to flow freely, unencumbered by the barriers he had once erected.
Dottore hummed, "You know, my dear, I still think you'd make a splendid addition to my collection, preserved in a jar for all eternity." His playful tone hinted at his twisted sense of endearment, a dark humor that was uniquely his.
"I take it back." You glared at him, shivering at the thought. "You're mad."
A mischievous smile danced on Dottore's lips as he teased, brushing his gloved fingers gently against your cheek. "Ah, but my dear, it's precisely that madness that captivates you, isn't it?"
With a huff, you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face in the comfort of his shoulders. "Lucky for you, that's true," you admitted, your voice filled with a mix of exasperation and affection. "Missed you,"
He held you tight in his embrace, reciprocating the warmth of your hug. Picking up his pen once again, he returned to his work, the presence of you on his lap bringing a sense of completeness. It felt like home. "And I've missed you too, my knight," He whispered, his words blending seamlessly with the scratching of the pen against the paper, as you both settled into the comforting rhythm of each other's presence.
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛❛ If you like this a lot, consider reblogging! I'll appreciate it very very much! Don't repost and/or translate my work anywhere. ❜❜ ┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
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botanicalsword · 1 year
“you read me well” synastry • Astro Indicators
❥ Positive aspect for potential : conjunction, trine, sextile
Sun / Moon
Sun / Neptune
Sun / Pluto
Moon / Moon
Moon / Neptune
Venus / Jupiter
Venus / Uranus
Asc / Sun
Photo credit @le.sinex
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❥ Sun / Moon
Each finds what they need in the other
The Sun appreciates the Moon's sensitivity. The Moon understands and supports the Sun's ideas, which encourages the Sun.
The Moon expresses feelings and emotions freely and openly, giving the Sun the validation and feedback needed to grow and develop. When they are together, there is a sense of peace, comfort and joy. The Sun enjoys the Moon's companionship and emotional nurturing, which provides a sense of belonging, safety and grounding like a true home.
❥ Sun / Neptune
A well-aspected spiritual attraction and karmic connections
The Sun feels that Neptune brings passionate, refined, and even high-quality spiritual life. You may have common interests in art, religion, or theology.
The relationship between Neptune and the Sun leads to more confidence in Neptune and actively encourages creativity in the Sun's party.
❥ Sun / Pluto
You may share a common dedication to spiritual inquiry, metaphysics, politics or science.
The Sun and the Pluto party can join forces to create revolutionary ideas that reshape society, fueled by their shared energy, motivation, passions, and visions.
Your relationship motivates you to challenge limitations through transformations in pursuit of a higher purpose.
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❥ Moon / Moon
There are no walls or masks between you
This open communication nourishes trust and intimacy in the relationship, creating a safe space for both vulnerability and growth. With your hearts and minds so closely aligned, you form a united spiritual and emotional bond that transcends mere words.
Your authentic sharing of your innermost thoughts and feelings make you feel safe being fully yourself in the other's presence.
❥ Moon / Neptune
You share interests in art, poetry, religion, or meditation. If this relationship continues to develop, there may be a feeling of sacred union between you. The mystical union between you enhances both of them while also forging a complementary whole greater than the sum of its parts. There is a miraculous synergy in your combined creativity, compassion, and spiritual vision.
❥ Venus / Jupiter
There’s is a sense of compatibility and "like-mindedness" between you. You see eye-to-eye on many important issues and principles, giving your relationship a firm foundation of shared values and outlook.
❥ Venus / Uranus
This initial spark has the potential to grow into a deep and abiding love built on mutual respect, trust and understanding. It will require openness, honesty and patience as the euphoria of the honeymoon phase wears off and reality sets in.
❥ Asc / Sun
There is a sense that you are allies and partners, standing together as a united front against life's challenges.
You make each other's lives richer, happier and more fulfilling. Your partnership enhances both your individual growth and your shared goals. You encourage each other's development while pursuing common dreams and visions for the future.
To determine if the connection will work, consider the full chart.
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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lilian-writes-sins · 29 days
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“𝑈𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒.”
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❥︎ pairing: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir x gn!Ladybug miraculous user!Reader
❥︎ p.o.v: 3ʳᵈ person
❥︎ ch. 3 summary: As [Y/N] struggles to adjust to their new role as Red Beetle, tensions with Chat Noir reach a breaking point. With each Akuma attack, their partner's constant comparisons to Ladybug wear on their's patience, ending in a heated confrontation that leaves both heroes reeling. Seeking solace in the city's shadows, the teen finds unexpected guidance.
❥︎ tags: swearing; fighting; bad descriptions of fights; communication is not in the room; chat does not like reader; brief exploration of adrien/chat’s grief over losing ladybug; reader is not doing okay; punching walls and the consequences of it; BURGER 🇺🇸🦅🦅 !!! (im european); fight club reference??
❥︎ word count: 4,004
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       chapter 2 | series masterlist | chapter 4
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The sun dipped below the horizon, casting Paris in a twilight hue as [Y/N] stood atop a rooftop, their careful eyes scanning out the city. Below, the busy streets swelled with life, but above, the air hung heavy with tension and dread. Transformed into their red and black suit, the teen’s heart felt heavy with the burden of the responsibilities that were thrust upon them. A soft sigh escaped [Y/N]’s lips as they adjusted the straps of their goggles, their thoughts drifting to the rough experiences they’d faced as Paris’ new hero. Each fight with the Akumas had left their marks, but none of them compared to the claws Chat Noir sunk into their heart.
Chat Noir: a person who they were supposed to trust, but is the complete opposite — a relentless stream of petty critique and comparison to someone long gone. [Y/N] understands that the void left by Ladybug has been a constant, burning reminder with them around that Chat Noir is still hurt and may feel that accepting them will fully confirm that she won’t ever return. But the teen refused to be compared to the memory of a ghost, to be judged for every wrong thing they did, to be set up to fail every step of the way because the standards were set far too high. But it wasn’t just him; it was everyone — even if they didn’t say the quiet part out loud: Red Beetle was not Ladybug; Red Beetle could never hope to be Ladybug, and all of them knew that…
Before their thoughts consumed them whole, piercing screams from below snapped them out of their trance. [Y/N] quickly pulled their yo-yo out, swinging it, before they secured the string to a building ahead. They jumped down, quickly zipping across the heads of people running in the opposite direction — a bright beacon pointing to where the danger was. A dark figure could be seen causing havoc in the distance. Flying onto the scene, the shadowy creature seemed to cast a veil of dust and debris over the barren city streets. Without hesitation, Red Beetle leapt into action, punching and swinging wildly, their thoughts on a completely different plane of reality, not noticing that their hits fazed through the wispy shadows.
Of course, the shadows retaliated, knocking the masked hero aside, before continuing on with their rampage through the city. Red Beetle hit the ground hard, and the impact sent shockwaves of pain through their body. As they lay there, barely able to catch their breath, another relentless force was beating at their mind and soul. ‘Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!’ frustration was bubbling up faster than they could react. Their vision was going blurry. There wasn’t any fucking time for this, they had to get back up and get rid of this villain. Red forced themselves back on their feet, masking their inner conflict with a false-front confidence. With a wavered sigh, the hero launched themselves back into the fray, only to find themselves inexplicably stuck — something was stopping them to chase after the villain in the distance. Turning around, they tense up at the source of their restriction. The teen’s gaze met the slitted, lime green eyes of the cat of the hour. The look on his face was a mix of frustration and judgement, his mere presence a harsh reminder of their apparent ‘failure’.
       —“What was that? What the hell was that?”
Such a good question: what was that? A pathetic attempt at saving the day is what that was — one that could’ve done more harm than good, one that could’ve hurt more civilians. Oh, this day is not going well…
       —“Are you even listening to me?” focusing on anything right now was hard, especially when everything is so blurry and an insistent ringing noise that wouldn’t go away plagued their ears.
       —“Hey! Snap out of it! We need to focus on this Akuma, but if you’re going to be so useless then at least get out of the way!” the sudden weight on their shoulders snapped the teen back to reality, Chat Noir was glaring at them, before he pulled away and ran in the direction the Akuma fled to.
Shaking their head, Red Beetle tried to focus on what was important right now. They pulled out their yo-yo, quickly swinging and jumping right in front of the mass of shadow. But, the same thoughts came back up, the teen’s movements erratic and unfocused. Chat Noir notices this and his frustration grows more.
       —“Damnit, you’re not even hitting it!”
       —“Shut up!”
This is the first time they spoke this day, finally letting something out after hours of bottling up. Just as they said that, something, surprisingly tangible and hard, making them stagger back as their thoughts finally cleared enough to think of something that could help. Red Beetle ran behind a brick building, trying to think of something that might help in this situation.
       —“Lucky Charm!”
What the Lucky Charm gives is a gamble every time — whether it's an item that will only be thrown in the air to fix the damages, or one that gives you the answer straight away. This time, thankfully, it was the latter: a small pocket mirror that, when positioned just right, is great at reflecting light and getting rid of shadows.
Red Beetle helps the barely conscious man stand up, one of his arms hanging around their strong shoulders. The young man could barely stand on his feet, so the teen had to drag him to one of the emergency vehicles that had arrived once it was safe. Red Beetle’s goggles rested around their neck, their inhuman eyes filled with worry. Each step was a struggle as they tried to keep the man's weight balanced, the strain evident in their tense muscles beneath their red armor. Upon reaching the paramedics, Red Beetle gently lowered the man onto a stretcher, their breath heavy from the effort. They lingered for a moment, watching as the medical team took over, a sense of concern etched into their expression.
       —“Is he going to be okay?” they asked one of the paramedics, their voice tinged with worry. The paramedic only responded with a reassuring nod before closing the back door. As the vehicle drove away, the teen hero let out a deep sigh of relief. It was finally over, and they could retreat to what they had dubbed their ‘thinking tree’ — not an actual tree, but a secluded spot atop a building with a clear view of most of the city. As they made their way there, the adrenaline in their body slowly faded away, leaving them exhausted.
[Y/N]’s moment of content shattered when a loud ‘ahem’ was let out behind them. This time, the sigh they let out was an exasperated one; they really didn’t want to get into a spat right now. The teen turns around, coming face-to-face with, and actually looking at, Chat Noir. He didn’t let them say anything.
       —“You mind telling me what that was back there? You were a mess, more than you usually are.” Chat Noir scoffed, clearly frustrated. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest, his fingers tapping impatiently against his bicep. He was clearly running out of patience — both because they only had 4 more minutes before they both de-transformed and because he wanted an answer. His eyes bore into Red Beetle, who could almost taste his irritation in the back of their throat. Time was ticking away, and the tension between them was growing thicker with each passing moment of silence.
       —“What do you mean, ‘what was that’? I handled it in the end!” The teen retorted, frustration bubbling up like bile inside them, “but it’s hard when your so-called partner doesn’t even believe in you!”
       —“Believing in you isn’t the problem! The problem is that your best was a disaster! Ladybug would have never been so reckless!” Chat Noir shouted.
       —“Oh, Ladybug, Ladybug, Ladybug, well I’m not HER, okay? I’m getting sick of you comparing me to her!” Red shot back, their anger flaring.
       —“Well, maybe if you acted more like her — maybe if she didn’t leave me, we wouldn’t be in this mess!” he shouted, the words he said blindly catching up with him only seconds later. Cold regret washed over the feline hero, but also relief that he finally got out all that was bothering him — even if it was at the cost of another person.
There weren’t any words in any language to explain what went through [Y/N]’s mind at that moment. It was everything and nothing at the same time. They stood there for what felt like ages — but was a mere 5 seconds — Chat Noir’s icy words echoing and setting deep into their mind. With a bitter thought, Red Beetle could finally confirm that they were just not enough, that they will never be enough.
       —“Do you really think I wanted any of this?” the teen asked, they felt their hands trembling with an emotion they couldn’t quite figure out — it was sublte but the hurt in their voice was clear as glass, “I didn’t ask for this shit. I didn’t ask to replace her, so don’t look at me like I’m the one behind all of this.”
Red Beetle turned around, ready to leave. Chat’s faux cat ears seemed to droop down closer to his head as he finally registered what they said. His eyes followed their reteating figure, a mix of regret and frustration clouding his face. He tried opening his mouth to speak, but the words caught in his throat, for he had no idea what to even say. His hand hovered in the air, trying to reach out for reconciliation, but he put his hand down — held back by pride.
He watched the spotted hero grabbed her — no their — yo-yo, swinging it to a nearby building, and zipping away in regret. Chat looked down, clenching his clawed fists to not let his emotions take over. He knew that he was unfair — downright an asshole sometimes — but the pain of his Lady’s absence and the months he had spent in these battles alone had clouded his judgement… Maybe he should apologize…
       BEEP BEEP
…next time, then.
Adrien lays in the dark of his room, on his uncomfortably stiff bed, staring blankly at the stark white ceiling of his, ridiculously large, bedroom. The teen boy’s thoughts ran louder than he’d like, bouncing against the walls and back into his head like an echo. The argument with Red Beetle wore him down more than he’d like to admit, replaying in his head like a broken record. He couldn’t shake the guilt he felt, but his feelings about Ladybug’s sudden departure hit him hard in the heart every time he set his eyes on the almost-familiar-but-not-at-all-familiar red suit.
Plagg floated over to Adrien, his cat-eyes casting a faint green glow in the dark of the room. The black cat Kwami laid on the teen’s chest, trying to figure out what to say to help him. Emotional talks weren’t his strong suit — that was more of Tikki’s thing.
       —“Hey, kid… you okay there?”
The sixteen-year-old took a while to respond, blinking a few times before he nodded sluggishly in response, not wanting to get into it. But Plagg was persistent when he wanted to be, something he shared with Tikki, so, until his holder got everything out, he wouldn’t stop pestering him. Adrien sighed in silent surrender, rubbing his face as he sat uprights. Sleep wouldn’t come easy tonight, so he might as well talk through it.
       —“I… I messed up, Plagg. I messed up hard… and I don’t know what to do…”
       —“Well, the first thing you could do is apologize to them,” the Kwami stated almost immediately, not out of malicious intent, but a sort of reflex he had to make snarky, unserious remarks. This was clearly not the time for that. It was clear from the tired glare Adrien that sent his companion’s way — a silent message of ‘not right now’.
       —“Look, kid, your feelings are natural; you and Ladybug were close, so, of course, her leaving would hurt you. It’s okay to feel hurt.” Plagg floated over to sit on the teen boy’s shoulder. “But your feelings don’t give you a free pass to hurt others, and it’s not the answer or sollution to this.”
Adrien nodded, his gaze drifting towards the view his ceiling-to-floor windows gave as he contemplated Plagg’s, surprisingly wise, words.
       —“I know you’re right, I just… I don’t know how to let go of her.”
       —“You don’t have to let go of the past, Adrien. But you can’t let it take over your life — you’ve seen how your father took to your mother’s death — you have the power to make it better, starting with how you treat Red.”
Adrien’s lips twiched into a small smile, feeling the weight in his chest lifting even just a bit.
       —“Thanks, Plagg. I needed to hear that.”
       —“Anytime, kid.” Plagg grinned mischievously, then floated over to his designated pillow on Adrien’s bed, “Now, let’s sleep! I am exhausted!”
The teen boy chuckled quietly, feeling a soft warmth wash over him.
       —“Yeah, you’re right. Goodnight, Plagg.”
With that, Adrien laid back down, getting under the covers. His eyes fluttering closed as his mind may finally rest in piece, if only for the night.
[Y/N] paced back and forth in their room, fists clenched at their sides, as their frustration only grew with each step they took. The argument with Chat Noir raced in their head, replaying every word he said over and over again, like a broken record. They didn’t even turn to face Tikki, who was sitting on the teen’s bed watching over them with a worried expression, before they started speaking.
       —“I mean, I didn’t ask for any of this, Tikk!” [Y/N] exclaimed suddenly, their voice trembling with boiling anger.
       —“And, instead of having a partner to help, I get Mr. Cinema-Sins-for-heroes! UGH, and the constant comparissons to his ‘precious Lady’ make me sick!” they mimicked the feline hero mockingly, putting their hands together under their chin, pretending to be the lovestruck fool they saw in some of the Ladyblog’s recordings.
       —“Like, of course ‘Ladybug would have never been so reckless!’, she and I are not the same FUCKING PERSON! UGH!”
Tikki flew over from her spot on the bed, her little wings fluttering so fast you could barely see them. Her eyes held so much concern for her young holder.
       —“[Y/N], I know it’s been difficult for you — assimilating into Parisian culture and becoming a hero less than a month after getting here. But you have to remember that this is difficult for Chat Noir too; he must be going through a lot to be reacting this harshly to these changes…”
Okay, so, rational, calm [Y/N] would’ve accepted this, but right now? Right now rational and calm [Y/N] was thrown out the window. The teen’s anger flared even hotter. Their fists were shaking from the energy stored in them as they turned around quickly. They didn’t even think before pulling one of their hands back and punching the wall closest to them. [Y/N]’s reaction was delayed, but when they felt the immediate pain shooting through their hand, they realized what just happened. The teen didn’t turn to face Tikki, afraid to see her little expression, afraid to see her disappointment, maybe even fear, at what they’d just done. They grabbed their hurt hand, lowering their head, as their mind started to overthink again. But one thought was raised louder than the rest:
       ‘I really am my father’s child, aren’t I...? Maybe she was right, after all…’
Tikki came closer to [Y/N], trying to assess the damage done to her holder’s hand, here alien-like eyes wide like saucers. But, as if able to read the teen’s thoughts, her worries switched when they saw the spaced out look in their eyes. Like they were in another place entirely.
       —“[Y/N]? Are you alright?” Tikki asked lowly, as if speaking any higher would spook them like a baby deer, touching their cheek with one of her small limbs. That seemed to do the trick, as minutes later the Kwami could see her holder come back from whatever mental cage they were in, even if just for a while.
       —“Great, just great,” [Y/N] finally muttered, staring intently at the swollen and sore areas of their knuckles.
[Y/N] backed up, sitting on the edge of their bed, non-damaged hand hiding their face as their anger dissolved into a heavy sadness.
       —“It just feels like no matter what I do, it’s never going to be enough. I can’t be Ladybug, and I won’t even try being her. But it seems like Chat Noir just can’t look past it, look past her. I know that she was this beacon of light and hope, and that I can’t live up to her legacy…”
Tikki gently landed on [Y/N]’s shoulder, offering a small, comforting smile.
       —“You don’t have to be Ladybug. You shouldn’t be Ladybug. My previous holder also felt like she was not enough, but I’ll tell you what I used to tell her: you just have to be you; if you have good intentions and your heart is in the right place, then it doesn’t matter what other people think of you, as long as you’re helping people — even if they think your ways are ‘unconventional’. Every holder of ours was new to this at some point, but they always find themselves. And I know you will too.” The Kwami suddenly sprung up, buzzing in front of the teen’s tired face, and reached one red limb outward. “How about we go take a walk around the city? Maybe it’ll help clear your mind, if only for tonight. What do you say?”
The teen looked up at Tikki through the gaps between their fingers, considering the suggestion. With Alizée working late again, they had nothing but time to brood and stomp around, but that wasn’t going to help anyone.
       —“Yeah, a walk might be good,” they agreed, standing up and taking a deep breath.
       —“Let’s get out of here.”
Tikki nodded enthusiastically, waiting for her human friend to get ready before flying into their bag with her designated snacks. The two headed down the few flights of stairs and headed out into the Parisian night, the air cooler than it was in the hot summer day. The city noises provided a much-needed distraction for the teen to get away from their troubled thoughts.
Tikki and [Y/N] wandered through the dimly lit streets of Paris, the cool evening air helping to clear the teen’s troubled mind. As they walked, a charming 24-hour bar called “Le Piège à Miel” on the other side of the street caught their sharp eye. The warm light from inside spilling out onto the street and the inviting aroma of food made [Y/N]’s stomach rumble, a reminder that they hadn’t eaten since that Akuma attack earlier in the day. The teen looked around wearily before looking down into their bag.
       —“Let’s grab something to eat.”
They made their way inside — the warm, cozy atmosphere offered a stark contrast to the chilly night outside. [Y/N] found a corner booth and sat down. Looking over what the menu offered, they decided to order a burger and fries, getting a chocolate chip cookie for Tikki. The waitress gave a slightly curious look but, thankfully, didn’t comment. As they waited for their food, [Y/N] fell silent, lost in thought, replaying the argument with Chat Noir over and over again.
The booth table shook suddenly, immediately snapping [Y/N] out of their introspection, as someone sat down roughly across from them. [Y/N] looked up, startled, only to see an older woman, perhaps in her early-to-mid 50s, staring back at them with sharp, inquisitive, silver eyes.
       —“Mind if I join you?” the woman asked, not really bothering to wait for a response. “I’m Katerina, the owner of this little, quaint establishment.”
       —“Uhh, sure. I’m [Y/N],” the teen replied cautiously, slightly taken aback by her directness.
They reached their uninjured hand across the table to shake. Katerina reached her own, barely wrinkly, hand, covered in gold bands and some colorful jewels, out for the teen to grab. The two shook hands for a bit before retracting them back to their place. The older woman studied them for a few moments before her gaze fell and lingered on [Y/N]’s swollen and bloody knuckles.
       —“Rough day?” she asked, raising a thin eyebrow.
[Y/N] hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded a bit reluctantly. They swallowed the chewed-up fries in their mouth before speaking. If there was anything that their father successfully beat into them, it was manners.
       —“You could say that.”
Katerina leaned back in her seat, her expression curious, with a slight familiarity dancing within her eyes.
       —“You get into fights often, then?”
       —“More often than I’d like,” [Y/N] nodded again, not really looking at the woman sitting in front of them.
Katerina studied them for another moment, as if searching for something, but not willing to share it. It made [Y/N] slightly uncomfortable; being under this woman’s gaze felt a lot like being on trial waiting to hear your sentence. Once she found what she was looking for, Katerina stood up, motioning for the teen to follow her.
       —“Come with me. There’s something I want to show you.”
[Y/N] immediately tensed up and felt Tikki in their bag do the same, the little rustling of her eating the cookie she got stopping too, the teen’s mind racing with possible escape routes in case things went south. Katerina seemed to notice their apprehension and gave them a reassuring smile.
       —“Don’t you worry, Little Tiger. You’ll be safe here.”
Their curiosity piqued, [Y/N] followed the older woman behind the counter to a door they had noticed a few burly men enter through earlier. Katerina opened it, revealing a dimly lit basement. As the pair descended the flight of stairs, the air grew cooler, and the sounds of glasses clinking and waitresses taking notes faded away. At the bottom of the stairs, Katerina opened another door, and [Y/N]’s eyes widened in awe. The doorway was like a portal to another world, revealing a large, grimy basement that was illuminated by harsh fluorescent lights. In the center of the room, a large, beat-up, well-used boxing ring stood proud, surrounded by various other training equipment. In one corner, there was a makeshift med bay, its frequent use evidenced by its worn-out appearance. Tall, muscular men and women moved around the space, their faces bloody and sweaty, engaged in intense conversations and sparring matches.
[Y/N] released a breath they hadn’t realized they were holding, feeling a strange mixture of fear and wonder. Katerina glanced at the mesmerized teen, a hint of nostalgia dancing in her silver irises.
       —“This is where people of all backgrounds come to let off steam. Sometimes, it’s the best way to deal with what’s eating at you.”
[Y/N] nodded slowly, taking it all in. The raw, gritty atmosphere of this new world felt oddly comforting, like they finally found a place to be themselved; without judgement or punishment.
       —“I… I’ve never seen anything like this before.”
       —“I see a lot of my younger self in you, [Y/N]. I thought you might find this place interesting.” Katerina smiled, her smile lines becoming even more visible.
       —“Thank you, Katerina. I think… I think I needed this.” The teen finally turned to face the older woman.
       —“No problem, Little Tiger. Whenever you need to blow off some steam, you know where to find us.” Katerina patted [Y/N] on the shoulder.
The sixteen-year-old nodded, mustering up a wobbly smile on their lips. As they watched the fighters in the ring and around the room practicing with punching bags and boxing pears, they felt a spark of hope flicker in their chest.
Maybe, just maybe, they could find their own way to be a hero.
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       chapter 2 | series masterlist | chapter 4
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❥︎ author's note: Chapter 3 is finally here!!! I’m really proud of this chapter, so I hope you guys enjoyed it too! A few things before I go: 1) I’m thinking of explanding into other fandoms (mostly other ‘kids’ movies/shows, but also things like Gotham, MK1 (also lately this fucking Dutchman has stolen my heart and attention so I might write some about Joost Klein, but idk)) so lmk if you're interested in stuff like Descendants, Steven Universe ect. 2) should I open up requests? I know I post like once in a blue moon lol but having ideas to bounce off of would be nice 3) this story is now on AO3! 4) I know Tumblr isn’t a follower/like based platform but recently I noticed that this blog hit 150 followers, so THANK YOUU! ❤️
❥︎ posted: 2024 | 05 | 26
❥︎ series taglist: @leafanonsforest @ok-boke @they2luv1naia @mytaiyakeylover @bitterspoons @crystalrainforest @goddesslilithmoriarty @itz-stus @memospacexx @enjisthings @obsessedftshit @wendds (if you wanna get added, lmk!)
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loveywon · 11 months
♡𓂃 ON DUTY ! — fifteen: miraculous ladybug
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☼ it's officially summer season, where those in that are in school feel a breathe of fresh air from being buried with exams and work. for y/n, summer is nothing special. summer does not give her a breathe of fresh air because the oh, so annoying, pathetic, gratating jake sim prevents y/n from ever getting a break.
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fifteen — miraculous ladybug
previous ❥ next ❥ masterlist
a/n guys i dont even know where this is going anymore tbh Lolz
taglist is open! send an ask to be added
@boydepartment @loveliii @emikisses @yunicide @luvistqrzzz @str0l0gy @ghostiiess @lalalalawon @captivq @kpopstanmeg @pointlessapple @sanasour @luvmura @sserafimez @enhastolemyheart @mariji @lluvjjun @koibiz @beomgyusonlywife @hangecanweholdhands @jlheon @mrowwww @viagumi @jwonsite @neocockthotology @heart4hees @yumilovesloona @jaylans-stuff @fakeuwus @teddywonss @beachxxgirl @mrchweeee @kurinnie @solstramaii @dianzed @yenqa @i-hwa @tocupid
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ningsols · 2 months
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"and who are you wearing?" your mom
❥   𓏸𓈒   ∿ style description
my closet in this dr is entirely based on the idea that i am ms. tomoe tsurugi's worst nightmare. where she makes her daughter clean and respectable, i am loud and free. i love to show peaks of skin, whether that be through ripped jeans or sleeveless and/or cropped tops. my style can be categorized as grunge, but i'm not limited to one style - let's not forget i have infinite money to change up my style whenever i please
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adiluv · 10 months
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🌨️୧・꒰word count꒱ 718.
📨୧・꒰warnings꒱ none!
🍶୧・꒰adi moment꒱ based on this imagine! didn't have that much more to say for kurt and luchino i'm afraid, so maybe i'll make a full post for them another time? but yk i just had to add emily as my very first main, loml, and the character i almost s-badged ♡♡♡ hope you enjoy! ໒꒰ྀི•̯́ ᴗ •̯̀꒱ྀི১
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꒰💉꒱・Although one of the more sensible survivors, it does take Emily some time to realize that she even has a crush on you to begin with. After the... 'incident' at her clinic, it's safe to say that her circumstances weren't exactly steady enough for her to go around developing feelings—the overwhelming guilt and fear she'd been burdened with taking priority over such simple joys. While entrapment within the manor did allow her to regain some twisted sense of stability over her life, it still remained the last place she'd expected to find love... So she's very much shocked to find her face warming up after you'd thanked her for healing you mid-match.
꒰💉꒱・At first, she'll initially justify her reaction using the excuse of adrenaline—a justified reaction, considering her life is in constant danger during matches—though her reasoning doesn't exactly hold up when it continues to happen outside of matches. Usually, she hardly even thinks whenever she examines and dresses the various wounds that survivors ꒰and hunters, on rarer occasions꒱ enter the infirmary with, nor is a big deal if she has to tend to somebody that's gotten the unlucky cold or flu. Since that's the case, and she knows that it’s  the case... Why is it that her hands seem to be slightly shakier any time she's tending to you?
꒰💉꒱・While her occupation does do wonders at giving her reasons to talk to you, being the only reliable doctor within the manor certainly does come with its fair share of disadvantages. If she's not due to participate in a match, then there's somebody stumbling over to her in need of assistance. If the ever growing queue of patients has finally been cleared, she finds herself called back into the waiting room for yet another of the Baron's twisted games. And in the miraculous cases where neither of those situations are true, she's simply far too exhausted to even entertain the thought of seeking you out.
꒰💉꒱・Unlike both Kurt and Luchino, I don't think that Emily would be totally inexperienced with dating—having had a lover or two before being forced to take up her new identity. She hardly has much of an advantage at this point, though, considering just how long its been since she's experienced any sort of romance. She's especially bad with flirting, no longer anywhere near as energetic as her younger self. 
꒰💉꒱・Any hints of her feelings are incredibly subtle and easy to miss, leaving you in for quite the shock once her true intentions are revealed. What comes across to you as a friendly reminder to use the ointment she'd prescribed to you? Well, it was really just an excuse to talk to you. Her attentiveness to your well-being, along with the various supplements and vitamins that she recommends to keep you in tip-top shape? It's far more than she'd bother doing for most other survivors, by a long shot.
꒰💉꒱・She struggles a lot with her sense of guilt while crushing on you. Despite being aware of the many misdeeds of Oletus' other inhabitants, a part of her simply can't help but feel that she just doesn't deserve to have you reciprocate her feelings. As such, there are instances where she'd subconsciously sabotage herself, pushing you away in the hopes of destroying any chances of you liking her back. At the same time, however, the idea of making you uncomfortable in her presence is one she strongly dislikes—leading to a bizarre balancing act as she both pushes you away and pulls you towards her.
꒰💉꒱・For reasons mentioned in the previous headcanon, I don't see Emily as the type of person that would go out of her way to confess, though she would come clean about her growing affections for you if you decided to ask her about it. After all, it'd really only be counterintuitive for her to go and deny them if you've already started to suspect her—and she'll respect whatever decision you come to. Sure, receiving treatment might become a bit awkward if you decide to reject her, but the both of you ꒰seemingly꒱ have all the time in the world to move past it. She's not the type to hold such a thing against you, and she'd be absolutely honored if you decide to give her a chance.
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i have a taglist, which you can sign up for here!
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presleyhearted · 1 year
Little Black Dress | one-shot
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・❥・Pairing: 70s!e x reader
・❥・Genre: a pinch of angst, fluff, mature themes, 70s!Elvis, shy reader, insecure reader, jealous Elvis.
・❥・Ratings & Warnings: 18+ NSFW. MDNI.
・❥・WC: 5803 words
・❥・Summary: After being a devoted Elvis Presley fan for more than a decade, you and your best friend manage to miraculously score tickets for his Las Vegas show. You wear a classic little black dress, as your best friend decides it's the perfect opportunity to wear it for the first time. Unbeknownst to you, what you believed to be a 'plain' outfit choice seemed to have caught the eye of the King of Rock 'n Roll himself.
・❥ A/N: Hi my beautiful followers! I apologise for not posting for a while, life happens and well, you'll soon find out that I am quite the perfectionist when it comes to writing. This is unlike any other I have written before, my first attempt in writing NSFW content. Please be gentle with me, aha. Anyways, I hope you all like it! 💋
“I think it’s too short,” You said, attempting to pull the dress down lower. 
“Girl, you look hot, don’t overthink it.” Your best friend, Annie, confidently replied in contrast to your self-doubt about your attire. 
Exactly a week ago, you managed to score some tickets to see Elvis Presley at the Las Vegas Hilton hotel. Even if the infamous singer has been playing numerous back-to-back shows at the infamous venue, the tickets remained challenging as ever to get a hold of. It seemed that even after the decade-long absence from the stage, his name never failed to lose its popularity and relevance. As a result, crowds upon crowds of people were lined up just outside the ballroom excitedly waiting to be let in. And for once, you and your best friend were one of them. 
You became an Elvis fan since you were a freshly-turned teenager, his charm and unique way of performing immediately captured your curosity.  Despite, of course, against your parents’ wishes. Like all the other parents in the country, they were determined in calling Elvis Presley “a rebellious boy” and how his scandalous movements are wrecking the minds of the youth. You laughed at that and simply ignored the “warning.” You were still fairly young back then, only really discovering him after he finished his military service. And so, ever since the start of teenagehood - you became a fan. 
Because here you are, all these years later and still an avid fan of him. Through the persuasive ways of your best friend, she has managed to convince you to finally wear the little black dress at the very back of your closet. You purchased it a while ago, with no specific intention on wearing it anywhere, as you didn’t perceive yourself as a wildly confident dresser. But as your best friend said, it seemed to be the perfect outfit to wear for your first Elvis Presley concenrt. 
And so, here you were. A tight little black dress that reached just a little above your mid thigh, paired with black boots and your hair in a half-updo. You thought it was basic and simple enough, but fitting enough for the event. But now, as you stood in the lobby - you began having second thoughts that the dress might be too short for the occasion. 
“Annie, does my underwear show through this?” You said, turning around, “I don’t want to be flashing anyone.” You worriedly say, knowing that the material of the dress is quite thin. 
Annie laughed, “You are absolutely fine, Y/N. “
You sighed in relief, “Ok, just double checking. “
“Besides, if you were to flash anyone, it’d be Elvis so-”
You gasped and hit her arm, “Annie! Oh my god, No!”
You shake your head horrified, face fully red in embarrassment at just the thought of such an incident. 
Annie simply smirked, “Why? It wouldn’t be so bad.”
You smile shyly, “Let’s just go before they close the doors.” You switch the subject immediately, keen to draw away from Annie teasing you. 
Excited chatter filled the ballroom, with not one single empty seat. You and your best friend were luckily seated only a few rows from the very front of the stage, but of course, found yourself rising from your seats and being as close to the front as possible. As close as possible to him. 
The moment you saw him appear on stage, it was surreal. He was one of the most photographed celebrities, but those photographs did not do him justice. It was true what others have said, how Elvis Presley’s looks were almost to the level of a greek god. A sharp jawline, beautiful tanned skin, high cheekbones, plump lips, and the most striking blue eyes that seem to pierce right through whoever he’s looking at. His black hair was messy, but fit him perfectly, falling over his eyes a little - with that boyish smile gleaming at everyone. It was such a stark contrast from the all clean-cut Ken doll throughout his Hollywood years. Even more so, his jumpsuit hugged his lean and tall figure, with the few buttons undone to reveal his chest. 
You were entranced. You spent your days endlessly playing his records in your bedroom at your parents house, and now more recently in your own apartment. But hearing him sing, right at this moment, in front of you - his talent never wavered. It astounds and shocks you at the same time, the familiarity of it and the newness of seeing him perform right in front of your eyes. He seemed to be more confident in his performing persona, knows how to command a stage and gone was the shy smile of his when he first started out. All throughout the concert, he would every now and again drop jokes and would constantly check if the audience is enjoying the show. 
It is almost the end now, and sweat trickles down his face and it doesn’t surprise you. The way that Elvis performs, it’s not a case of simply singing. No. It’s the vocals, along with his dances and karate movements mixed along that capture the eager-eyed audience. His immense energy surprises you, and you aren’t ashamed to admit that you are one of the girls in the audience screaming constantly in excitement. 
But then came the moment you’ve heard through hushed whispers, and that is how Elvis would kiss his fans at his concerts. You thought it was simply a rumour that spread like wildfire, as celebrity rumours do - but now you can definitely confirm it to be true. And that is because you are now on the receiving end of such a public display of affection. You barely registered the very brief encounter, but it happened. Elvis cupped your cheeks with his hands, and planted a brief soft kiss to your lips. He pulled away, but made sure to fixate his gaze on you with that smirk of his quirk in the corner of his lips. He was quick to be pulled into another kiss by another female audience member, but you were frozen. You touched your lips with your fingertips, the sensation still lingering as waves of bliss course through you. 
Of course, you were not naive to the fact that you are merely one of the many women that he would kiss that night. Afterall, the evidence was right in front of you - how Elvis walked away from the stage and made his way around, interacting with as many fans as possibe. This went on for a good while, before he returned to the stage and resumed performing a few more songs. 
After the final song, Elvis bids goodbye to the audience and gratefully thanks them before the curtains draw the show to a close. Your cheeks seem to be hurting, probably from all the smiling you’ve been doing so naturally. But you are back to reality now, the concert you’ve waited for what seems like your whole life - is now over. It felt like it was over in a blink of an eye, and you never fully understood that phrase when people say it - but you do now. Hours worth of performances were done in a single second it felt. 
But despite the shrinking feeling of dismay within you, the euphoric sensation coupled with pure adrenaline coursed fiercely through your veins. You linked arms with Annie, who herself shared the same expression - absolutely elated and sad it’s over. Everyone slowly dispersed the venue, excited chatters of memorable moments from the show filled the conversations. 
“I can’t believe that just happened,” Your best friend says, as she sighs while you are in the line of people exiting the venue. 
You shake your head, “Neither can I.”
“Well, now we can cross off two things from our bucket list.” Annie muses, as she smirks. 
“Finally going to an Elvis concert?” You ask, unsure of what the second one could be. 
“That and also kissing him.” Annie says, pure delight in her voice. 
You bite your bottom lip, unable to control a smile. 
“Gosh, did you see how that lady leaped over the tables just to get to him?” Annie asks, lowering her voice a little, “She’s my idol.”
You chuckle, “She definitely was determined.” 
“I’m surprised that his clothes didn’t rip to shreds, like back in the 50s?” Annie says, as you quickly recall the news articles of ‘rebellious Elvis’ performing and would often end with his clothes, quite literally - destroyed. There was a photograph of him walking backstage with no shirt on, and his pants that might as well be shorts. 
You shake your head, “Gosh, yeah. That was - people are strong, I’m telling you.” You chuckle. 
Annie nods and says, “I don’t know about you, but I am starving. Where do you want to go?”
You both were in the lobby of the hotel now, much of the crowd of people have exited the hotel and are most likely finding transportation to go home. 
Before you could even respond to the question, you hear a rush of footsteps that seem to be getting near you. 
“Excuse me!”
You both turn around and see a man who seems a little out of breath, “Hi, ladies. “ He offers a kind smile, and you instantly recognise him as part of Elvis Presley’s entourage. One of the men in his ‘Memphis Mafia.’ 
“I know you.” Annie furrows her eyebrows, seemingly taking longer to recognize the man. 
“Hi, I’m Jerry. I work for Elvis, and well he has invited you both  to his suite for dinner.” He says, as if it’s the most casual thing to say in the world. 
You freeze and exchange a look of shock with your best friend. 
“I-I’m sorry?” You stutter, not fully believing the words. 
“Us? He’s inviting us? To meet him?” Annie questions, tone in equal disbelief as you. 
Jerry nods, seemingly unfazed by your reactions. 
“Yes, that’s right.” He nods in certainty. 
You look at Annie again. 
“We’d love to!” Annie responds grinning excitedly, interrupting your thoughts from running into overthinking. 
As Jerry leads the way, Annie whispers to you, “Don’t overthink it, Y/N. This is once in a lifetime.”
On the way there, Jerry makes small talk with both of you. Just the usual case of introducing yourselves, how long you’ve been a fan and all that. All the while, trying to calm the fast thumping of your heart at the reality that not only will you be face to face with Elvis - but you’ll be talking to him. And also thinking about the wild thought that he has asked to meet you. 
There was not even one single point during the concert in which you’d thought he’d be fixated on you like that. 
You have been in his suite for an hour now, and overwhelmed is an understatement. The suite was filled with many other people; beautiful girls that could easily pass as models (perhaps they are), actors and actresses, and of course the Memphis Mafia. It still felt like an intimate affair though, with only around fifteen people in the room. You were sitting on the velvet couch, as you took gradual sips of your drink. Evidently, you were subtly people watching. Annie seemed to be caught up in a conversation with Jerry, as they both lingered near the pool table. Her laugh seemed endless, and you know from the look in her eyes and the gestures that she was definitely flirting with Jerry. 
You’ve met Elvis earlier, it was very briefly since he wanted to say hello to everyone. But in that split-second interaction, you cannot help but blush and stammer your name out as you introduce yourself. You were thankful that he was wrapped up in a conversation with someone else, as it decreased the chances of you absolutely making a fool of yourself in front of your celebrity crush. Right now, he seems to be in conversation with a comedian and his laugh echoes. You cannot help but smile at the sound. 
Annie seems to be nowhere in sight, but so does Jerry and you can only make assumptions of what that may mean. You sighed and stood up, refilling your glass of wine as you leaned against the corner of the wall - people watching. You don’t go unnoticed though, as a member of the Memphis Mafia approaches you - Red West. 
Your eyes refocus on the new face in front of you, he flashes a grin at you as he leaned the side of his body on the wall. 
You clear your throat, “Hi.”
“I’m Red.” He says, sticking his hand out. 
You shake it and kindly smile, “Nice to meet you, Red. I’m Y/N.” 
He repeats your name, an amused grin on his lips. 
“So, Y/N. . . avoiding humans then?” He jokes, as you are removed from all the conversations going on. Here you were, standing alone.
You chuckle, “Not exactly. I was part of the human chatter earlier.” 
Red nods with his arms crossed, “And now you’ve realised that humans are a pain in the ass.” 
You laugh, “I was going to say I just like people watching, but that too.” 
Red’s eyes flicker to your lips and you hardly notice it, completely oblivious that he is physically attracted to you. You yourself have never been experienced in the art of flirting nor romance, therefore you just deemed it to be a normal conversation. 
“Sounds like stalker territory, but okay.” Red says, dramatically putting his hands up.
You rolled your eyes but laughed, “You’ve never heard of that term before?”
He shakes his head, “Nope.” 
“It just means someone who is an observer of life. You know, how Shakespeare says that thing about how movies are ideas from what humans are like in real life. People get ideas from people, by people watching.” You explain. 
Red steps a little closer to you, and this you notice. But you don’t react because the conversation has been harmless so far. 
“Like Romeo and Juliet then, that’s Shakespeare right?” Red says.
That’s not exactly what you were saying, and you are pretty sure he just ignored the rest of what you were trying to say. But you are also aware of how some men just don’t use whatever brain cell they have. So, you are not surprised at his question. 
You smiled tightly, “Yeah.”
“You are very smart, you know. Very pretty just like Juliet.” Red says, a glint in his eye as he smirks. 
You laugh unsure of what to say, “Thanks, I guess.”
And still, you are oblivious as ever with his flirtatious tone. 
Unbeknownst to you, a pair of azure eyes gaze intently at you from across the room. Elvis has been socialising with everyone for an hour or so now, but in the corner of his eye he is still paying attention to you. Ever since his eyes met your face at the show earlier, he couldn’t help but immediately want to see you again. He has seen and been with many beautiful women in his life, the advantages of being who he is - the way women just flock to him without him even lifting a finger. But your beauty was not overdone, and your whole look was minimal. It was obvious that you were not dressed to impress, as they may say. You dressed as one would to attend a concert, but not with the intention of ever drawing his attention. Well, you did. But you had no idea. 
Of course, Elvis would invite a bunch of people to his suite for dinner after his shows. Aside from celebrity figures, Elvis would also invite people from the audience. Most of the fans invited immediately said yes, as you and Annie did as well. The hopeful women that clearly wanted and competed for Elvis’ undivided attention surrounded him, but his head snapped to you. You who was leaning so close to Red West, as you laughed in your fixated conversation with him. You both looked so in your own bubble, apart from everyone else. Apart from him. The women around him keep on talking, but Elvis is no longer listening. 
Elvis has thrown warnings to the MM before about his fans, if any of them were to try anything with any of the fans - he wouldn’t take it lightly. Of course, some fans that he would invite to his suite - Elvis had no intention of being intimate with. And so, Elvis wouldn't bat an eye if any of the MM were to flirt with them. 
But he clearly expressed his interest in you to the MM, and so rage fuelled his body at the sight of Red going against his words. Even worse, it looked like you were enjoying Red’s company with your cute laugh and  endless smile. 
Elvis has had enough. He excuses himself from the women around him and stands up, much to their dismay. But they quickly talk amongst themselves. Elvis strides over to you and Red, he takes his sunglasses off and folds it confidently - holding it in his hands. 
“Red.” One word and Red freezes. He turns around and there is Elvis with his jaw tightened and a tight smile on his lips. 
“Heard you both laughing all the way there, wondered what the joke is.” Elvis says, though the intensity in his eyes mentally burning holds into Red’s head. 
You, of course, were frozen that Elvis decided to show up all of the sudden. Still not used to his effortless charm and handsome smile of his. 
“Um, i-it was n-nothing. “ You stutter, mentally hitting yourself at the sudden timidity of your voice. 
Elvis eyes are on you but he quickly looks back at Red, who seemed to have gotten more nervous than ever. He is scratching the back of his neck and is no longer leaning against the wall, but straightening his posture. 
“Honey, I doubt it. What do ya say, Red?” He says. 
Red immediately gets the hint and realises that he has fucked up. Here he was blatantly flirting with you, right in Elvis’ line of sight. 
“I’m saying. . .  I uh, Charlie needs my help on something. I better go.” He says, quickly excusing himself and briefly looking back at you. You frown, confused as his sudden change of mood. 
Elvis sighs and pats him on the back, “Good idea, man.”
“Bye, it was nice to meet you!” You call out and he shoots you a small smile before vanishing somewhere else. 
“You enjoying yourself, honey?” Elvis asks, the southern drawl so apparent in his tone. He casually takes the spot that Red was standing in, but Elvis is closer and he is leaning against the wall. 
You attempt to make eye contact with him, but his gaze is intense. Even more so without his sunglasses on. 
“Yeah, it’s nice. Thanks for , um, inviting me.” You say, twirling the empty glass of wine in your hands nervously. 
“Can I be honest with you, Y/N?” He asks.
“You remember my name.” You say before you can stop yourself. 
Elvis chuckles amusedly, “Why wouldn’t I? Miss Little Black Dress.”  He says, shamelessly trailing his gaze from your long legs up to the gaze in your eyes. 
You feel your cheeks heat up, “Not the most creative choice, I know.” You smile at him, trying to make yourself relax and appear more confident. 
Elvis shakes his head at your comment, “You look good, honey. Don’t count yourself out.” 
Although he has probably complimented many women, his words still make you naturally blush. You can’t help but look away and nervously say, “Thanks.”
The one chance that Elvis Presley is having a conversation to you and to you alone, and you are looking away? You mentally hit yourself and try to push out the shyness that seems to have taken over you since the start of this conversation. With Red, it was easy conversation, you weren’t rethinking each word that left your mouth. But he wasn’t Elvis. He wasn’t the celebrity crush that you’ve endlessly devoted yourself over for the past eleven years. Elvis found you adorably amusing, clearly hyper aware of the effect he has on you. 
You muster some courage of confidence and attempt to meet his eyes again, as you clear your throat. 
“Sorry, you were saying?” You ask. 
“Uh. . you said about being honest with me about something?” You explain, redirecting the topic of conversation. 
He snaps his fingers and chuckles, “Ah! Right. I, well, would you like to get out of here?” He asks, his hand lightly brushing your hand but not quite intertwining your fingers. 
You freeze, not being able to maintain the shock with your eyes. Although you were practically oblivious when a guy was flirting with you, the naivety did not extend to words such as the ones that Elvis just let go. You knew what he was implying, and you were quite certain that he was hinting to sleeping with you. But this is when you drew the line. Sure, it was nice to talk to your idol, but crossing over to that territory? You don’t think you are sure of yourself. Besides, you haven’t even crossed territory like that with any guy. 
He interrupts you, as if reading your mind. 
“I won’t hurt you, Y/N. I promise. I just figured it’s easier to get to know each other without all this noise.” He explains, voice soft. 
Your best friend’s voice echoes in your mind at that very moment. 
‘Live a little, Y/N. When an opportunity presents itself, just jump. As long as it’s not harmful. Besides, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.’ 
You hesitate, unable to form words. 
Before you could even register what is happening, you find yourself smiling at Elvis and agreeing to his offer, “Okay.”
It has been a while now since Elvis whisked you away from all the ‘noise’ as he described it. You were sure that your heart was beating loud enough for anyone to hear, as he placed his arm lightly around your waist. You were now in his room, and it was as luxurious as you’d expect it to be - the interior exactly what you imagined his taste would be. You were unsure at first on what to do, as you stood there. But luckily, Elvis was careful and noticed your nervous energy - he offered you to take a seat at the very edge of his bed. 
“How old are you, darlin?” He questions, as he faces you fully. 
“Twenty-four.” You say, and your mind immediately runs wild at what he must think of you now. 
Here you were, at the adult age of twenty-four and yet your life experiences seemed to not suit that description of such an age. You struggled to even hold a conversation with Elvis without stuttering or looking overly timid. In this stage of a woman's life, aren’t they supposed to be confident in their desires and advances? Romantic and sexual experiences should be vast by now, right? That’s what you believed, and yet - here you were. An anomaly within that belief. Your shy nature upon initial conversation with him, made Elvis conclude that you were a precious jewel out of the many. But your naivety to such things made you embarrassed, as someone with overflowing sex appeal had his undivided attention on you. 
Oh shit. He’ll probably ask something and that’s that. He’ll find out how embarrassingly inexperienced I am, and I’ll have to make a run from it. That is humiliating. 
You thought to yourself. Although you cannot be one-hundred percent sure that the conversation would lead to that, you know in yourself there is a pretty solid chance that it will. After all, the environment you are in just screams it. Here you were, literally sitting on his bed, the door is closed and it ‘s just the two of you. Besides, you’ve heard the rumours - about his sexual appetite. Afterall, he was this rock ‘n roll singer who practically had women fawning all over him. Logically speaking, he had to do something with that adrenaline after walking off stage - right?
You were getting ahead of yourself again, your thoughts running rampant and Elvis clearly noticed this. He delicately placed his finger underneath your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He asks, concern swimming in his blue eyes. 
You shake your head, “N-Nothing. I, um. . .”
“I meant what I said,  I won’t do anything you don’t want to do.” He says, placing his hand over yours as he squeezes it reassuringly. 
You sighed and nodded, trying to calm your nerves down. 
“Do you read?” Elvis asks suddenly. 
“I used to a lot, but not anymore.” You reply, managing to form a normal sentence without stuttering. You tilt your head in confusion as Elvis gets up, but shortly returns back to his spot next to you with a book in his hands.
“Why did you stop?” He asked, his genuine curiosity took you aback a little. 
You shrugged, “Life became busy and I don’t know, I eventually lost interest I guess.” 
You look at the title of the book that he’s holding, “The Impersonal Life by Joseph Benner.” 
Upon reading the title of the unknown book, Elvis delves into revealing that he is an avid reader and brings a suitcase full of books whenever he’s on the road. Surprise would be an understatement, you admitted to him that you never expected him to be a reader. As the conversation grows, you find yourself relaxing and all the nervous energy vanishes from you. You thought that when Elvis said that he wanted to get to know you, it was simply just a phrase. But he truly did evidently show that he was interested in what you had to say, you felt flattered. You would answer his questions, but then he would ask another one based on the answer you just gave him. And you knew that he was listening to you, as he stared intently and would nod encouragingly at you to continue. 
Initially stepping into the room, there was no clock in sight. You wished that you had your watch on, it would’ve helped to know what time it was. It felt like you’ve been talking to each other for a while now, you presume it has been hours. And yet, Elvis was true to his word - he hasn’t done anything that you didn’t like. 
You were in the middle of explaining to him the meaning behind your name, but you stopped mid-sentence.
“I’m sorry, I’m just rambling. Am I boring you?” You smile at him apologetically. 
Elvis grins amusedly at you and shook his head, “The opposite, honey.” 
He nods at your black boots, “Interesting choice.”
You chuckled, “Yeah, well, wearing heels makes my feet hurt. I mean, I have worn heels before because on some occasions, you just have to. But my black boots are my go-to, and coincidentally enough-”
You are looking down at your black boots, but stop yourself from continuing your sentence because you feel his focus has shifted. In the corner of your eye, you feel the heat of his gaze and this makes you naturally turn your head to face him. The pair of blue eyes flickered between your eyes, and your lips. Elvis sighed and it was obvious that he desperately wanted to lean in. All the while when you were talking, his mind kept directing him to stare at those lips of yours. So perfectly pink and inviting. But he held himself back, and didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. 
It was only this, in this moment did you realise how close together your bodies were. Your thighs were pressed up against each other and literally no space between you. It was silent for a while. You found yourself studying his face, and you still cannot believe how perfect he looks. It was so unlike the beauty of any other human being, you thought. You found yourself tracing his features with your finger, lastly touching his plump lips. Your motions were slow, and agonsing it seemed as Elvis' breathing increased. All the while you maintained your eye contact with him in good control. His eyes held pure fascination with your actions, a stark contrast from your shy nature. Your touch was delicate and careful, but he can tell that there is something more wanting to break out from you. 
It was in this very moment that you felt a hot sensation within you. You have hardly done anything, and Elvis is already feeling that familiar ache. His eyes intensified, as his tongue wetted his lips. 
Annie’s words echo through your brain again.
“I want to kiss you,” You finally admit, voice delicate but strong. You have never been this forward with a guy before, and so the words that leave your mouth surprise you.
“You don’t have to ask.”  He says, his tone of voice low.
You circle your arms around his neck, and finally - your lips meet his. The melding of your lips together, causes Elvis to let out a groan. The sound sparks the sensation in your lower body. The kiss was sweet and slow at first, but you felt yourself wanting more. An unfamiliar determination takes over you, as your hands thread through his hair - pulling it tightly. Elvis welcomes the pain, and tightly secures an arm around your waist - his touch searingingly  hot through your little black dress. The kiss is far from slow, as you both grow in need. His other hand grips your cheek as he deepens the kiss, recapturing your lips again, as he bites into your bottom lip. You let out a gasp, and swipe your tongue on his lips. The sweet sound of your gasps spurs something darker within Elvis, he needs more. But he can’t be selfish, and so he pulls back from the blissful touches.
Elvis is breathing hard, and you do too. Both trying to catch your breaths, as you try to comprehend what you just did. But a smile pulls on your lips, as does his. 
“Y/N, if we continue. . . I-I don’t think I can stop.” He warns, and your heart beats at how careful and honest he is. Staying true to his word. 
You lean forward once again and whisper, as you look him right in the eye, “Then don’t.” 
You gulp at the words you just let go, unaware where you found this confidence from. But you keep it going, not knowing when you’ll shrink back into your timid nature. 
Elvis’ movements are fast, as your lips meet together for the second time. This time, the kiss is not gentle anymore. It is filled with hunger and pure desire, a kiss that feels like the dichotomy of scorching desert sun and the icy glaciers that are surrounded by the Southern Ocean. A kiss that both felt like a crashing wave of relief, and an invisible rope tightly binding you and Elvis together. Your hands travelled through his back, his neck and his hair. Elvis’ hand trailed up your thigh and you felt your heart beating faster, as he slid the ends of your dress higher and higher. His other supported the back of your neck, as you naturally arched your back - displaying your neck invitingly to him. 
Elvis left a trail of strong kisses to your neck, “You have such soft skin, honey.” He hums, and you feel his teeth tug lightly at the skin of your neck. You moan at the feeling, knowing that you’ll have to find a way later on to hide the inevitable hickies that’ll be marked on your skin. You feel Elvis smirk at the sound, and this only encourages him to add more to the ones already forming prominently on your skin. 
“Elvis, I-I” You gasped. 
He pulls away, you frown confused at abruptly stopping his actions. Elvis finds this cute and chuckles at your expression, “Let’s take these off.” He removes both of your boots, and winks at you. 
He pulls you back into a kiss, and naturally brings you to his lap with your legs on either side of him, straddling his lap. Elvis groans at the contact of your thin underwear on his crotch, in this new position. His hand on the back of your neck finds its way to grip the butterfly clip that holds your hair together, he removes it letting your hair fall down and rest on your shoulders. 
Elvis looks at you in awe, “Beautiful.” 
Your cheeks heat up, only adding to the warmth that fiercely courses through your body. 
“Don’t get me wrong, I love the little black dress.” He says, and you feel breathless. 
“Oh do you now, Mr. Presley?” You muse, tilting your head at him as you bite your lip. 
Elvis places both of his hands on the ends of your dress and attempts to remove it smoothly, but grows frustrated at the strength of the material and you suddenly hear a sharp sound of tearing. Elvis pays it no mind and lets it fall to the floor. 
You laugh and shake your head at his frustration. Elvis laughs along with you and leaves kisses at the side of your face, as  you glance at the torn material on his velvet carpet. 
“But it’s time to say goodbye to it.” Elvis smirks. 
He flips you both over, so your back is on the soft sheets of the bed as he presses his body against you. Both of your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. You help him rid of his clothing, admiring in awe at his bare chest. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll buy you a new one.” He assures you, implying to the ripped up dress. 
“I have a better idea,” You say, tone sultry. 
Elvis smirks, his fingers circling your breasts, as his thumbs graze your perked nipples in repeated motions. You moan at the action, arching your back. At the sight of your eyes rolling to the back of your head, Elvis wishes to have the sight before him captured into his mind forever.
“Hmm? And what would that be?” His deep voice, sending you into limitless bliss.
You reach your hand out and grip the necklace dangling from his neck, using it as a way to pull his face towards you, as you clash your lips together and you feel him smirk through the kiss. He detaches himself from your lips, and descends down to kiss your jaw, your skin and now your chest. He is quick enveloping the hardened buds, wetting them with his tongue, as he repeats the action to your other breast. Your mind is in a frenzy, feeling your toes curl at the pure euphoria as you moan. 
Thank goodness for the Little Black Dress, you thought. 
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kpophubb · 2 years
❥𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝗂𝗌 𝖬𝗒 𝖥𝖺𝗏𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝗟𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗯𝘆 //ραяк ѕυηցнσση
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🄶🄴🄽🅁🄴: 𝖿𝗅𝗎𝖿𝖿, 𝖽𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝖼𝗂𝗍𝗒 ᰔ // masterlist ♥︎
“𝘐𝘧 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺, 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘆𝗼𝘂 ♡”
✼••┈┈┈┈••✼♡✼••┈┈┈┈••✼ ♡✼••┈┈┈┈••✼
As you laid there in bed, dressed in your new dress and gawking at the clock hand, you wondered if he would remember what today was. Today marked the 6 months of you and your boyfriend dating and even though you guys never indulged in anything flashy, part of your fluttering heart couldn’t help but dress up in secret and invite him over tonight. It was the day half a year ago when you knew you found the love of your life you want to spend the rest of your life with, the man who inevitably slipped under your skin, invaded your blood and conquered your heart ever since. The man, your beloved man, park sunghoon.
However, tonight specifically, time was miraculously on your side and you are snapped back to your blissful reality when you hear the doorbell ring, alarming you of your cherished presence. He was finally here, and now you could finally be reunited and bask in his endless affection.
“Hi beautiful.” Sunghoon’s low and sweet voice murmurs and greets you, but before you can react, your eyes travel towards the tall man standing infront of you, dripping in a beauty that was rained down by heaven itself.
Dark hair revealing his forehead, his lean and sturdy figure wrapped in a long, black coat with the material of his jeans sinking in to every nook and cranny of his tall legs. His face was as beautiful as ever, sparkling soft eyes that were now crinkling at the sides upon seeing you and his small dimple appearing on his cheek, revealing his cute little fangs that were adding definition to his heart warming smile.
The moment your eyes lock with his, his contagious smile makes its way on your face and you blink mildly and gasp, taking in the image of his ethereal beauty. His arms fling open in an instant, his shy stance but inviting gaze gesturing you to rush right in.
“I missed you hoon.” You fumble against his chest, wrapping your arms around his torso, basking in his savoury fragrance and feeling his warmth seep inside you. Your height difference was prominent, and If anything, it made your hugs even more comfortable because whenever sunghoon’s arms were draped around your waist, you sunk in a comfort that felt as warm as being kissed by sun rays on a chilly winter morning. He made you feel secure and safe, and his heart beat would entertain you with a harmony that only his love for you could bring. It was crazy how you were inside your house the whole time, but one embrace of his, one touch, one sight, and you eventually felt like you were home.
Tiptoeing on your feet, you lean your weight against him and close your eyes, letting the significant and intimate moment consume you. You hear his giggle much above you, which causes you to smile, and the realisation kicks in- how much you really love him and were lucky to have him. He was indeed nothing short of your everything.
In the next instant, you feel your feet being lifted above, as you realize sunghoon carrying you. Familiar with this romantic gesture, you wrap your legs around his waist and look down to match his face level, and cup your palms around the soft skin of his cheek. He gives you a shy nod, cozying up in your touch and giving you his lovesick gaze again that sets your heart on fire, everytime.
“Allow me to show you how much I missed you, my baby.” Sunghoon whispers the sentence smugly against your lips, brushing both yours delicately, before finally parting his to engulf you in his sugary taste. His kiss was possessive, claiming each part of your body as his. His kiss was desperate, making every inch of you how quiver with his longing for you. His kiss was passionate and intimate, drowning you in his infinite pool of feelings and dizzying you every second from how intense his intoxicating love was.
Slowly carrying you towards your bedside wall, he detaches his mouth away from you for an instant, to caress your cheeks with his hot finger and pecking both of them lightly. You take this chance to brush your nose with his when he faces you again, and confess proudly:
“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours.”
“And in all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” Sunghoon adds, being slightly flustered at his bold remark that was so unlike his usual shy self and nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck so you don’t notice his red ears. Laughing, you brush your fingers through his silky hair and close the gap between eachother again the moment he lifts his face towards you again. Your lips deserved to let him know how special he and he alone can make you feel.
After an hour or two, of having dinner, laughing at eachother’s jokes, complimenting eachother shyly and dancing awkwardly but adorably to songs, the clock had struck 11:49 pm and your tired body soon began to retreat from every activity. You had a long day at college, and an even long day preparing yourself for your untold 6 month anniversary that was still unnoticed by your man. Yawning, you crawl onto the bed beside sunghoon, who spreads his arm above your pillow so you can rest your head on him. The moment you do, he pulls you into his chest lovingly, and uses another one of his hands to pull the blanket over you both swiftly. You rest your head on his sturdy chest and wrap yourself around him tightly like a koala and feel your body loosening up because of his gentle strokes on your hair. His touch was feathery and relaxing, and you were even more relaxed when you felt the wetness of his lips linger on your forehead.
“By the way. You looked so pretty today my girl.” He confesses and pecks your forehead dotingly one more time.
You melt at his loving gesture and replay his compliment over and over again in your head, but your tired body manages to whisper only a thank you before your eyelids fall shut and you travel to your magical dreamland. You had to fight your senses to stay awake around sunghoon all the time. Cause he was the only person who made your reality better than your dreams.
Your breaths become shallower and softer with each passing second and sunghoon keeps patting your hair throughout the whole time, reassuring even your sleepy state that he was here for you. He falls in love with the way you sleep- slowly, and then all at once.
When his eyes dart to the time clock infront of him and he reads it as a minute less than 12o’clock, he withdraws his hand away from you to search for something inside his jacket pocket.
And He finds it immediately. A ring.
The ring that he bought for you for your anniversary but was too flustered to give you. He holds out your hand delicately, making sure not to interrupt your sleep, and puts the ring inside your ring finger ever so lovingly.
“Happy anniversary my love. I know this is a small gift for all the times you’ve been there for me, but I promise to hold this hand of yours for as long as we live. I might not be good at expressing my feelings, but I love you with all my heart and hope you know that.”
Even though he could swear you were sleeping, your half asleep state thanks god for making you able to hear this one thing that you needed to hear the most. You tighten your grip around him now, surprising him but saying nothing. Not like you could say anything to describe the inexplicable and overwhelming feelings you bore in your heart for him, so you just give in to the sound of his heart beat beneath your ears. The sound of his heartbeat- your favourite lullaby.
“Our love, oh so sweet and tender. You and me and promises of forever. They shine in my heart,
The way the sun shines on this earth.”
———————————————тнє єηԃ
🄰/🄽: requested by lovely @miyoung07 ! Do not forget to leave your feedbacks and reblog if you like my writings! ^.^ <3 every interaction is highly appreciated! :)
𝘠'𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘥 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 here!
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findrppartners · 1 year
★ . ꜝꜞ ᳝ ࣪ ( CUPID ) 🦋 — 19 | she / he | nb
Looking for an 18+ long term rp partner! I’m a sucker for all genres. I heavily prefer oc plots over fandom, but I’m willing to engage in fandom rp if I’m interested enough. Mainly looking to do some fun OC stuff. I am open to practically anything as long as we’re both engaged with our characters and build the story together. Im very clear with boundaries, it will be the first topic discussed once you reach out to assess what we’re comfortable with. As for gender, I write any and I prefer a writing partner that is also flexible with that, though it is not a requirement. As a queer person I also like queer topics in stories. I am ok with most ship dynamics and poly relationships. Not exclusively looking for romance. Fun platonic, enemy relations or familial dynamics are encouraged by me! I like to draw so i’ll most likely shitpost a lot and make doodles of our ocs as well as mood boards, playlists and such. Let me know your faceclaim preference before we rp! (I use both realistic and avatars I make on the sims, or draw)
✎ ( notes ) ·˚ ༘ : 18 - 21 preferred ( 25 age limit ) , 3rd person , I only rp on discord, NSFW friendly but not focused, semi lit to full novella writer, no one liners or single paragraphs please !
❥ original plot idea : person a & b meet at c’s funeral. they were both close to c , but in different ways. a falls in love with b , only to later be framed by b for c’s murder (a possible plot ive been meaning to write with someone if anyone is interested ! )
❥ fandoms ! i was a teenage exocolonist , arcane , soul eater , steven universe , cyberpunk , persona 5, life is strange , mcu , genshin impact, monster high , stranger things , inside job , dc , nevermore , csm , death note, the powerpuff girls (very long hyperfixation, this one is STRONG) , miraculous ladybug , the lunar chronicles , hunger games , the selection , caraval , etc ! just ask i have a lot i don’t remember rn , i also read a lot of webtoons
❥ genres ( in depth ) ! apocalypse , slice of life, angeology, espionage, dark academia , fantasy , horror , magic , mythological , romance , royalty , sci-fi , superheroes , supernatural , time period , mystery , crime , thriller , drama , gothic , celebrity drama (reality show esque ? ), vampires !! , etc. fr i will do almost anything if we vibe
If you are interested, feel free to add me on discord or reach out through interacting with this post. my tag is devilmantearz. ☆#1955
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roleplayfinder · 1 year
★ . ꜝꜞ ᳝ ࣪ ( CUPID ) 🦋 — 19 | she / he | nb
Looking for an 18+ long term rp partner! I’m a sucker for all genres but i’ll be elaborating in a minute. I heavily prefer oc plots over fandom, but I’m willing to engage in fandom rp if I’m interested. Mainly looking to do some fun OC stuff. I enjoy fantasy, angeology , mystery, apocalypse, crime, royalty, dystopian, futuristic, romance, slice of life, slow burn, enemies to lovers, espionage, etc. I am open to practically anything as long as we’re both engaged with our characters and build the story together. Im very open with boundaries, it will be the first topic discussed once you reach out to assess what we’re comfortable with. As for gender, I write any and I prefer a writing partner that is also flexible with that, though it is not a requirement. I am also ok with most ship dynamics and poly relationships. Not exclusively looking for romance, fun platonic or familial dynamics are totally fine by me! I like to draw so i’ll most likely shitpost a lot and make doodles of our ocs as well as mood boards, playlists and such.
✎ ( notes ) ·˚ ༘ : 18 - 21 only , 3rd person , I only rp on discord, NSFW friendly but not focused, semi lit to full novella writer, no one liners or single paragraphs please !
❥ original plot idea : person a & b meet at c’s funeral. they were both close to c , but in different ways. a falls in love with b , only to later be framed by b for c’s murder (a possible plot ive been meaning to write with someone if anyone is interested ! )
❥ fandoms ! i was a teenage exocolonist , arcane , cyberpunk , persona 5, life is strange , mcu , genshin , monster high , stranger things , inside job , dc , nevermore , death note , csm , miraculous ladybug , the lunar chronicles , hunger games , the selection , caraval , etc ! just ask i have a lot i don’t remember rn , i also read a lot of webtoons
❥ genres ( in depth ) ! apocalypse , dark academia , fantasy , horror , magic , mythological , romance , royalty , sci-fi , superheroes , supernatural , time period , mystery , spies , crime , thriller , drama , gothic , vampires !! , etc. fr i will do almost anything if we vibe
If you are interested, feel free to add me on discord or reach out through interacting with this post. my tag is devilmantearz. ☆#1955
devilmantearz. ☆#1955
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