#⬅️not yet
tanukifucker91 · 9 months
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Omg hattifnattarna I'm such a big fan 😭🥹🥹
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anewdaywilldawn · 2 months
And uhm… yeah, I’ve translated it 👉👈
Here’s Part 1 (Hiiragi Mix)
Rb if you can, I want this one too to reach as many Given fan as possible 🙏
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akkivee · 7 months
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vidapon · 1 year
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what have i become? what could i have been?
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waywardstation · 2 days
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Part two to my interactive reblog game is out!
➡️Check it out here if you haven’t yet,⬅️ and help decide what happens next!
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ratato0ey · 2 months
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So umm...head canon: Al and Duncan find zombie zeeke in first class and train him to sabotage Cody sierra and Heather(they train him with first class candy food since he hasn't eaten normal stuff in ages and maybe the prospect of splitting their prize....? which they may or may not actually do. Haven't decided yet.)
Reading order:➡️➡️⬇️
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zepskies · 7 months
Take Me Home - Part 1
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Pairing: Beau Arlen x F. Reader 
Summary: You are another lost soul at Sunny Day Excursions. You’re aiming to settle in Helena, Montana, where Beau Arlen is the new sheriff in town. But you’ve both got a past you’re running from. 
AN: Welcome to my first ever Big Sky series! I’ve been wanting to get to this for a while now. I’m so glad I finally get to start sharing this with you! I truly hope you enjoy the ride. (Note: This is set towards the beginning of season 3.)
Song Inspo: “Fly Away” by John Denver. And remember, you can listen to the full Take Me Home Playlist ⬅️ here.
Word Count: 4,400
Tags/Warnings: A bit of angst, a bit of setup, “Glamper Girl,” and a side helping of cops enjoying baked goods…
❤️ Series Masterlist
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Part 1: All of Her Days
“This really feels like cheating,” you mused.
Yet again, you surveyed the sheer size and luxury of this tent you were supposed to be “camping” in.
Between the giant king-sized bed with crème and burgundy comforters, a two-seater dining table, a dresser (with a vanity), and even a small bookshelf, it looked like the Taj Mahal of glamping.
“Can’t you just enjoy it?” your best friend replied, poking a teasing finger into your side. She smirked when you flinched and gave her some playful side-eye. “My parents are the ones footing the bill, anyway.”
“Of which, I intend to pay them back for my half,” you said. Mary just rolled her eyes and waved you off. Her parents’ money was something she’d never had a problem spending.
“Come on, they’re getting ready to go on the hike without us,” she said, tossing her little purse over her shoulder. You were a bit more practical with your backpack, filled with a bottle of water, a couple snacks, bug spray, and your sketch pad.
Mary bumped your shoulder with hers as you two walked out of the tent, and you gave her a smile. You were glad she insisted on this little week-long excursion. It gave you exactly five more days to enjoy the fresh air of no responsibilities, before you returned to reality.
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“So where are you guys from?” you asked a couple of walking companions on the early-morning hike.
The woods of Helena, Montana were vast and deep, and you found them a bit intimidating. You were a city girl, through and through, but you were learning to appreciate the mountains and the steep trails flanked by dense trees. You were also grateful that you weren’t alone. 
Emily seemed to be a nice girl around sixteen, while her stepfather Avery was a lightly graying man in his 40s. You pegged his accent as English, the “casual posh” kind. On a scale from Dame Maggie Smith to Dick Van Dyke's attempt at cockney, you’d put Avery on a Benedict Cumberbatch level.
“Well, I met her mother in Houston,” Avery replied, nodding at the girl beside you. “She and Emily joined me here in Helena after we were married this past spring.”
Emily confirmed with a nod. “Yep, starting school here in a few months.”
At that, you could smile. “Me too, actually.”
Emily gave you a confused look while she fiddled with an app on her phone.
“What? You’re still in school?” she asked.
“No,” you laughed. “I’m—”
“She’s a college professor,” Mary tacked on. “AKA: a giant nerd.”
Emily tried not to smile at your expense. You just shook your head at your friend.
“Thanks,” you said wryly, despite your amusement. “We can’t all be personal trainers. One can only take so much Spandex.”
Mary rolled her eyes and prepared to fire back a retort, but your attention shifted back to Emily, who seemed to be debating whether to press a red button on her phone. You thought it looked like a voice recording app.
You followed her line of vision and saw Paige and Luke up ahead—a young “happy couple” here at Sunny Day Excursions. They were whisper-yelling at each other, sniping something about Luke’s birthday. Apparently, he had a problem with getting another year older.
Don’t we all, you thought, with no small amount of sarcasm. The guy had been a sour apple since the start of this trip, and to be honest, he was starting to get on your damn nerves.
“This is like, prime time stuff for my podcast,” Emily whispered.
You looked over at her. “Oh yeah? What’s your podcast about?”
“Relationships, lies, that sort of thing,” she replied.
You almost grimaced. Good luck finding willing subjects for that one.
Mary snickered on your other side. She leaned close to your ear so only you would hear.
“God, Paige’s voice is so effing annoying. Like a chipmunk on helium,” she said. “I feel sorry for him.”
You shot her a dry look. “He’s the one asking for it, if you ask me. But they’ve been going at it the whole time. Makes me feel sorry for both of them.”
You shook your head and kept walking on the trail. Mary sobered as she stared back at you. She was reminded of why you two were really here, and what you’d been through this past year…
What you all had been through.
You and Mary fell behind Avery and Emily on the trail, giving Mary the opportunity to touch your arm and stop you in the middle of the trail.
“Do you really plan to stay here?” she asked. “In dusty-ass Montana? With the snakes and the bears and the old hicks?”
“Well, I got the key to my apartment before we got here,” you said. And she knew that. “My aunt is letting me crash with her until the rest of my things ship over in a couple of weeks, and I start a new job in the fall. So yeah, I’m staying.”
Mary’s lips pursed. She gave you a long look, but you held your ground. You even popped your Airpods in for good measure. You were done with this conversation.
She huffed and kept walking.
You watched your friend go in annoyance. You knew she would try to talk you out of your decision at some point on this trip, but you hadn’t expected it to be so soon.
Heaving a sigh, you looked up at the clear sky above you, filtered through the tall trees. You took a moment to collect yourself in this great big no man’s land, where you could finally let yourself slow down for a minute, and breathe.
You raised the volume in your Airpods when a particular song came through.
“All of her days have gone soft and cloudy. All of her dreams have gone dry,” crooned the soft melody. You nodded to the rhythm of the mellow notes, but all the while, you tried to blink through the sting of tears.
“All of her nights have gone sad and shady. She's getting ready to fly…”
You rubbed your left hand, where you still had the tan line of the ring you used to wear.
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“It’s really okay, sweetie,” Mary tried to console you, rubbing her hand between your shoulders.
After the hike, you all had returned to camp and sat down to brunch. It was an amazing spread, with waffles and muffins and Danishes, eggs done three different ways, toast with jam, assorted sandwiches, coffee and orange juice (and sparkling wine for the adults).
But even with a huge plate of appetizing food in front of you, you were sulking a bit. You had your face covered by your hands as you rested your elbows on the table.
“One of my only goals on this trip was to ride a damn horse, and I couldn’t even do that,” you said.
Sunny Barnes and her husband Buck were the heads and hosts of this whole trip. And after the hike, their son, Cormack, had tried to help you onto the nice chestnut mare the handler had brought out of the stable for you. But your entire body had locked up in fear at the prospect of being vaulted onto the horse.
In fairness, she was huge. And you were both afraid of heights, and animals that could buck you off its back and trample you.
You hadn’t been able to speak. You just shook your head vigorously every time Cormack asked you if you were okay.
So he’d graciously patted your back and gave the mare to Emily instead.
“I’ve never been able to ride a horse either,” Avery offered in commiseration. You lowered your hands and gave him a wan smile.
Emily was carving an apple with an impressive (and somewhat scary) looking pocketknife. She shrugged.
“It’s not so hard,” she said. But, perhaps realizing how she sounded, she looked up and gave you an apologetic look. “Sorry. I mean, I’m sure you’ll get it! It’s hard in the beginning, but once you get used to it, it’s like riding a bike.”
Right. A bike with hooves, you thought, ripping a piece of bread from your egg and cheese sandwich.
Mary bumped your shoulder with a teasing smile. “You just got showed up by a high schooler. Again.”
You pursed your lips in amusement. You tossed the piece of bread. It hit her dead between the eyes. You giggled at the way she jumped with a start.
“Real mature,” she shot back.
“Yeah,” you replied, taking a giant bite of your sandwich for good measure. “I learned from you.”
Even Emily snickered, making Mary roll her eyes in amusement.
Shortly after, Avery and his stepdaughter were finished with brunch and got up to get back to their tents.
You glanced over and noticed that Emily had left her knife on the table, now closed in its sheath.
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Sheriff Beau Arlen may have still been relatively new in town, but he considered himself a consummate professional.
He’d agreed to accompany Cassie, the local private investigator (and his friend), up to this mountain pass to look for a missing backpacker. Questioning Buck and Sunny Barnes and their crew was just good old-fashioned, thorough police work.
But if it also gave Beau a chance to check on his daughter up here “glamping” with her half-baked stepfather, then he couldn’t pass up on that opportunity, now could he?
After talking to Buck and Sunny, who hadn’t seen hide or hair of the backpacker, Beau let Cassie take care of questioning Cormack Barnes while Beau found his daughter outside her tent. After giving her a big hug and inspecting her “tent” (Really? he thought. Looks more like a hotel room than a tent.), he asked her how her trip was going so far.
“Good, Dad. But you really didn’t have to come all the way out here just to check up on me,” Emily said. She was amused, but no longer surprised to see him.
“No, no, no. I didn’t, okay?” Beau refuted. Though at the look on her face, he knew he wasn’t fooling her. She was a sharp kid. “All right, maybe not the only reason. We had to talk to Sunny about a missing backpacker. It’s something Cassie’s investigating.”
Emily’s amusement faded into surprise, and then concern.
“Wait, what?” she said.
“Oh, I’m sure it’s nothing. Just, you know…parents probably didn’t get the memo that ‘off-the-grid’ was part of the deal,” he said, giving her a meaningful raise of his brows. Maybe his daughter didn’t have to screen so many of his calls while she was on this trip.
“Overprotective parents, huh?” Emily dryly remarked.
“The worst,” Beau agreed, shaking his head.
But he smiled. Just seeing her made his whole week better…and it alleviated some of the hurt in his heart. Not getting to be with her on a trip like this stung. And knowing Avery was the one who got to be there for her grated on him.
Beau was already missing too much of his daughter’s life, and he still wasn’t too sure on how to deal with that.
Speak of the devil, he thought. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Avery approaching. Beau forced himself to look as close to pleasant as he could get around his ex-wife’s husband.
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While Mary went back to the tent to freshen up, you grabbed Emily’s pocketknife and went to look for her so you could return it. It had a wood-carved hilt and had her initials, E. A., engraved on the side. The knife looked special, not the kind of thing you wanted to lose.
You found her outside her tent with her stepfather, and a man you didn’t know. He had broad shoulders and short brown hair that swept above his brow. When he turned to look at you, the first thing you noticed was the cut of his bearded chin, and then the green of his eyes.
You didn’t realize it, but your insides stilled, just for a moment. Then you remembered to smile.
Avery looked a bit tense, as did the newcomer. You sensed you were interrupting a tete-a-tete. 
“Uh, hi. I’m sorry,” you said, and extended the sheathed knife toward Emily. “Just wanted to get this back to you. You left it at the table.”
“Oh! Thanks,” Emily said gratefully.
“Well, hi there,” said the new guy. He was tall, you noted, wearing a beige jacket over a buttoned-down shirt, some jeans, and boots. It was a casual look, but all worked very well for him…in a rugged cowboy sense.
“This is my dad,” Emily supplied.
“Sheriff Beau Arlen, ma’am,” he said, giving you a more friendly smile that you matched in kind when you shook his hand. You also gave him your name to go along with it.
“You here for a little belated vacation, Sheriff?” you added.
“No. Matter of fact, I’m here on police business,” he replied. That concerned you, but he was quick to wave a dismissive hand. “Everything’s okay here. Just checking on a missing backpacker. But it looks like we’ll have to continue our search for him elsewhere.”
You hummed at that in concern. “Well, I hope you find him.”
“I do too,” he agreed with a nod.
Then, Emily took the slight pause in the conversation as her chance to escape.
“Okay, Dad, well, we’re gonna go hike down to the lake,” she said, gesturing at Avery. “But as you can see, I’m fine. We’re fine.”
Beau’s smile became a bit tight, but he nodded in understanding. He gave her a big hug, and you could see he was reluctant to let her go. Avery stood behind them. He held tension in his shoulders. You felt a bit awkward yourself, being in the midst of what was clearly an uneasy family dynamic.
Beau released his daughter. After she took off with Avery following close behind, Beau turned to you next. You tried not to blush at the sight of his handsome face.
“Sorry, again,” you said, raising a placating hand. “I didn’t mean to intrude.”
His lips twitched upward, and he shook his head. “You’re fine. Though you don’t look like a local. You from outta town?”
I could say the same thing about you, cowboy, you thought. There was a slight southern drawl in his voice that sounded like Alabama. Maybe Texas?
“You got me,” you nodded. “I’m from Chicago originally, but…I’ve actually just moved here to Helena.”
“Ahh, a city girl,” he remarked. “Small world. I just got here a few months ago myself. Houston, Texas.”
Your smile brightened. Right on the money.
“Yeah, I figured,” you couldn’t help teasing him a little. His grin kicked up in the corner.
“How’re the mountains and fresh air treating you then?” he asked. “Better than that blanket a’ smog in Chicago.”
“We do not have smog…or, well, not that much,” you laughed, “but yes, I’m actually really liking it here so far. I mean, I just got here about a week ago. I’m still learning. Though Emily actually tried to help me ride a horse today.”
“Yeah?” His brows raised. “How’d that go?”
You had to laugh. A kind of self-deprecating laugh that had you half-covering your face to stem off your blush.
“Not well,” you admitted.
Beau ducked his head with a smile. He met your eyes in amusement, but not without kindness.
“Well, here’s a tip for ya,” he said. He planted his feet, held his hands up into lightly clenched fists. “The trick is in the legs. Grip tight, but not too tight. He’ll think you’re rarin’ to go.”
You blinked a bit wider. Was that just honest advice…or was he sort of flirting with you?
It made you blush in earnest.
“Ah. Good to know,” you said with a laugh. He treated you with a tip of his imaginary hat.
“Hey,” someone called out.
Both of your heads turned to a tall black woman with long curly hair. She gave you a polite smile before she nodded up at Beau.
“You ready to go?” she asked.
“Ah, yep,” Beau nodded. He gave you an apologetic look. “Sorry, gotta get back to the station.”
“Oh, of course,” you said. But you held up a finger. “Wait, just a sec.”
You hastened back over to the table of confections from brunch and offered them a chocolate chip muffin each for the road. Cassie politely declined, but Beau gladly took his.
“Although, are you trying to stereotype me or somethin’?” he teased.
Your brows furrowed in confusion, but after a moment, it hit you. You’d just given a cop a baked good.  
“At least it wasn’t a donut,” you quipped, despite your embarrassment. Beau still looked bemused, but he let you off the hook.
“That’s okay. I’ve never been known to turn down free food,” he assured.
“He really doesn’t,” Cassie confirmed. You noticed how she was waiting, arms crossed.
“Well, there you go! Sorry for keeping you,” you said.
“Not at all, darlin’,” said Beau. His smile had a charming gleam. “Nice to meet you.”
You quirked a smile back. “Wow, you are from Texas.”
You didn’t think you’d ever been called darlin’ in your life.
Beau’s good humor shifted into slight embarrassment himself.
“Sorry. I’ve been told to stop doing that,” he said. When he chuckled, you did along with him. You weren’t offended by it, just surprised by the old-fashioned endearment.
“It’s okay,” you said. “Nice to meet you too, Sheriff.”
You raised a hand in goodbye, and Beau returned it, watching you go. Meanwhile, Cassie watched him with a small smirk. He stepped down from the short platform in front of Emily’s tent to meet her.
“Were you just checking out Glamper Girl? In front of your daughter, no less,” Cassie remarked.
Beau shot her a look of denial. “I did no such thing. I’m a professional. And a gentleman, mind you.”
Cassie rose a brow at him. It stirred up a bit of his defensiveness. 
“But, I’ll have you know that Em had already moved on when I had a friendly conversation with the glamper,” he said.
Cassie rolled her eyes. Right.
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That afternoon, you decided to bring your sketchpad and your modest collection of paints to the lake. You sat on the bank and tried to paint, while Mary joined the others in swimming.
“That looks nice,” Emily’s voice startled you from behind.
You twisted to look at her, and she gave you an apologetic look. She was dressed to go for a swim in a one-piece bathing suit and some shorts. She seemed more of a conservative dresser than typical high school girls her age. Maybe that had something to do with a policeman being her father, or maybe that was just her personality.
“Sorry,” she said, raising her hands.
“It’s okay.” You waved it off and gestured for her to sit beside you if she wanted. She did so, admiring your work over your shoulder. You felt a little embarrassed by it, but you didn’t mind her watching you try to paint ripples of light on the water.
“Are you an artist?” she asked.
You shot her a smile. “You’re very sweet, but no. I just started this year.”
You’d just Googled some therapeutic techniques instead of, you know, going to therapy. You just knew that if you did, your aunt would probably tell your parents, who would never let you hear the end of it. Specifically, why it was a waste of time. Your father especially would have something to say.
But one of the sources you found suggested trying out some creative outlets to calm the mind and think productively, but not create more stress for yourself. You’d tried a few different things, but landed on painting. It was working for you so far, even if you didn’t think you were that good.
“How do you like Montana so far?” you asked your companion. “Your dad told me you guys just moved here too, a few months ago.”
“Yeah, when my mom got remarried, my dad moved to stay close to me,” Emily explained.
Your brows raised. Your painting hand paused with the brush near the page.
“Well, that’s a good father,” you said. You smiled at the thought of Beau Arlen. The way he hugged his daughter before, like she was his entire world, and the fact that he’d moved entire states just to stay with her, told you a great deal about the town’s new sheriff.
Emily nodded, but her lips were pressed. “He’s a bit overprotective.”
“Well, he is a cop,” You said, smiling. “I assume that’s just part of the package.”
“I get that,” she said. “It’s just…a bit much sometimes.”
You gave her a sympathetic look. “I understand. My dad can be like that too. He’s got his soft moments, but he can be a real tough nut too… He’s a retired fireman.”
“Wow, that’s cool,” Emily said. She looked impressed. “Did you ever want to be a firefighter?”
You chuckled. “No, and he never wanted me to. It just wasn’t my beat, anyway.”
In the many years before your father had risen in the ranks to firehouse chief, your mother had often worried about him when he was on shift. Being a firefighter in inner-city Chicago had brought some hard and dangerous calls.
But you had always been more bookish, and both your parents were grateful for that.
You sighed. Your paintbrush made a stroke of deep green on the page, creating darker shades in the bottom of the lake.
“I did end up dating one though. Almost married him too,” you muttered, before you could stop yourself. You forgot you were talking to an insatiably curious girl.
“Really? What happened?” she asked. You looked over at her, and she was staring at you with her full attention. You remembered then that her podcast was supposed to be about relationships, but you had no desire to be a subject.
“It didn’t work out,” you said at last, and with difficulty.
“Why?” Emily asked.
Your internal struggle kept you quiet. It gave time for Emily to really see the withdrawn, almost pained look on your face, the slight hunch of your shoulders. She deflated guiltily.
“Uh, sorry,” she said.
You offered a small smile. “It’s okay, honey.”
“I’ll uh, just let you get back to painting,” she said. You waved her goodbye after she got up and left, giving you one last look before she joined her stepfather in the lake.
You let out a deep breath. The teen was tenacious, and naturally curious. That in itself wasn’t such a bad thing. But as you watched her splash at Avery, laughing that weightless laugh that kids got to have, you realized how much you missed being that young and free in your heart.
Again, out of habit, you set down your brush and rubbed at your empty left ring finger.
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Mary finally joined you back in your shared tent after a long night of socializing by the fire. You had kept to the tent, reading Much Ado About Nothing for one of your classes that would start in the fall. It wasn’t your first time reading the Shakespeare play, by any means, but you did want to brush up on it.
“You know, you’re actually supposed to be vacationing on this vacation,” Mary pointed out. She started changing into her pajamas for bed. You were already cozy in one of your old college hoodies and some shorts, not to mention snuggled under the warm blankets.
“I am,” you said defensively. “I hiked, I painted, I ate no less than one burger, a basket of fries, and three smores, and now I’m reading.”
“Yeah, for school,” she pointed out. “I may not be as smart as you, but I know homework when I see it.”
You shot her a smile. “You’re plenty smart, M.”
She snorted and slipped into bed beside you. It felt like the sleepovers you two used to have in college, years ago, when she’d come to crash in your dorm, or you in hers. She’d been a philosophy major (despite not giving two shits about Socrates), forced to attend college by her parents. You were an English major, working three part-time jobs just to get you through until graduation.
“Hey,” she said, laying a hand on your shoulder. You turned to her in question. She seemed more serious than usual.
“I’m worried about you,” she said. “And I’m not the only one.”
You sighed. Lowering your book, you leaned back against your pillows and stared up at the tent’s fairy lights.
“I know,” you replied. “But you don’t need to be.”
“Yeah you keep saying that, but you know the real reason I’m here, right?” Mary asked. Her insistent hand on your arm made you meet her eyes.
“You don’t have to do this," she said. "You don’t have to move out here and leave everything behind. You should just come home with me. Your parents, our friends—everyone wants to be there for you, like we have all year.”
Your lips pursed, and you shook your head.
“I’m not going to change my mind. So if that’s really why you’re here, and not to just spend some time with me, as my friend, then you should just go home,” you said. “I’ll leave here and go to my aunt’s house. I’m sure your parents can negotiate some kind of refund.”
Mary got angry and huffy, just like you thought she would. You weren’t playing around though. This was your life, and your decision.
If your friends and your family couldn’t be happy for you, or at least understanding, then they could at least respect you. You just weren’t sure when they’d get the hint that this was real.
You were moving to Montana, permanently.
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On the drive back into town from the camping site, Beau ate his chocolate chip muffin and tried his best to listen to Cassie—to her theories on where the backpacker might’ve gone, and how best to tell the parents to keep her on this investigation.
A good part of him was still thinking about his daughter, wishing he could be there with her right now. 
And maybe, his mind occasionally wandered…thinking about the pretty shade of your eyes when you smiled at him.
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AN: And there we have it, Part 1 of a new series! If you liked it, please let me know! 🥰
And a special Happy Birthday to @jackles010378! 💖 I was going to say we're both Aries (mine is next month) but forgot Pisces comes first lol. ♓
Next Time:
The trees were tall and dark now. The moon was filtering through them like the sun had during other day hikes, but it was much more ominous at night.
“Shit,” you muttered. You gripped your flashlight in worry as panic started to well up in your chest.
Now you were lost.
You jumped with a start when the hoot of a bird passed by overhead.
Shiiiit. This was very bad.
You kept moving forward on what you thought was the trail. That was all you could do, keep moving forward. You made a few turns around some trees, occasionally calling out for Sunny, or Mary, or anyone to hear you.
▶️ Keep Reading: Part 2
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Series Masterlist
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lovechrissturniolo · 2 months
POV |18+|
You're teasing Chris
while you're with friends
image | short
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You're wearing your shortest black skirt
and whisper "there's no slip under it" in his ear
while nobody is paying attention.
Chris looks at you with wide eyes and swallows.
"You're fucking kidding me, right?"
You smirk and shake you're head.
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You suck on a popsicle and make sure
he sees your lips & tongue sensually moving.
Chris stares at you with open mouth
before he realizes, your friends might see him
and he quickly turns in another direction.
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You give him meaningful looks, bite your lip
run your fingertips over his upper arm,
and down his neck.
Chris gets visibly nervous, tries to avoid
the physical contact to not get hard
in front of everyone.
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You text him how horny you've been
the whole day and that you can't wait
to go home and rip his clothes off.
He replies: "Stop doing that! Tell me later!"
and makes a strict face at you
after you read his messages.
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You bend down in front of him
to pick something up
so that he can catch a quick glimpse
under your skirt.
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You touch him secretly under the table,
play with the zipper of his jeans.
Chris can't focus on the ongoing conversation
anymore and restlessly chews on a toothpick.
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You press your butt in his crotch
while standing in front of him,
slightly circling your hips.
His breathing starts to get heavier and
he lets out a barey audible moan.
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You incidentially squirm on his lap while you
talk to the others and rub his growing bulge
with your bare ass cheeks.
He tries to hold your hips and groans in your ear
"Don't fucking do that! I'm so for real!"
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You stroke his lap under a blanket
on the couch while watching a movie
with you're friends sitting right beside you.
Chris tries to stop your hand from moving,
takes a deep breath and attempts to
change his mind in another direction.
But you're not done yet.
You want to drive him insane,
want him begging you to finally go home...
⬅️ more
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pygmalimoon · 10 months
Skeleton of the Petals [Part Il]
-From Douxie/Claire comic collection Is he in your plan?
"In our sweet side." (Clairxie Hanahaki AU)
((Non-canon attention, thinking twice before reading. Based on alternate-universe/new timeline, scripts written by me so all views are mine. Beyond that pls enjoy~
Part I goes here ① ⬅️ if missed the previous part.
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coverart done by damaotizi
artist: haleizixi & moon
⚠️Attention: Any use other than reading is prohibited, commercial/printing is not allowed.🚫❌
((I was supposed to write something here, but I am tired and out of my mind today. I have a lot to say, but I have yet to decide what to write; maybe another day, I will update something here. By the way, this story will be presented as part of the fanbook.
Thanks for reading and hope you hava a good time!
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tanukifucker91 · 9 months
There was a guy on the runway while the plane was getting misted just going in circles for like 15 minutes in one of those mystery vehicles. Tag a bloke who does fuck all
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the-shy-wolf · 11 months
⛓️ 𝕬𝖈𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙 𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 ⛓️
[ Semi-Hiatus ]
❗️ Please keep in mind that I am autistic, dyslexic, and have severe anxiety. Please be patient with me if it takes me a while to respond
❗️ I am also bipolar and sometimes need breaks or time to myself. So please do not be offended if you see that I am active and don't immediately respond to dms or comments
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[Co-written and story-boarded by my partner Wolfshotty]
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[Co-written by Wolfshotty]
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* I have an art discord server for adults/18+ only. If interested, shoot me a DM and request an invite.
I'm more likely to send invites to people I've interacted with before and/or am mutuals with. We don't have nsfw channels yet, but want to add them in the future. This is not a fandom space, I'm looking for people who want to share their interests or their original content.
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akkivee · 9 months
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not bad for someone who only really tries to keep up with like three divisions’ lore i don’t think lol
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anatanasblog · 10 months
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Part 1.2: How to calculate your Matrix of Destiny
In Part 1.1 we went through the main 5 numbers aka the ones that are calculated from the day, month and year you were born plus the money line, the love line and the karmic lessons.
📌 These are only the NUMBERS, that means that we aren’t explaining the meaning of anything yet.
The example we’ve been using is this one: May 27, 2003
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In Part 1.2 we are first going to calculate the family line (female generation & male generation) and the other remaining numbers that are in COLOR.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family line aka male generation line and female generation line.
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For the number 14: (9) + (5) = 14
For the number 10: (5) + (5) = 10
For the number 6: (5) + (19) = 24} 2+4= 6
For the number 10: (19) + (9) = 28} 2+8= 10
Note: Remember the “If >22” rule
Alright, no let’s move on to the top 🔝
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Now we want to figure out where the numbers 21, 16 & 9 came from, for that we are going to use as a reference point the number 5 and 11 and go from there
• 5+11= (16)
• 16+11= 27} 2+7= (9)
• 16+5= (21)
Now that we have the top, let’s move on the left side ⬅️
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We repeat what we just did but now we use the numbers 11 and 9 as reference and go from there
• 11+9= (20)
• 20+11= 31} 3+1= (4)
• 9+20= 29} 2+9= (11)
Finally the last numbers!! yay
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⚠️ The reason I left these numbers for last is because they are wrong :/ I’ll show you now what I mean.
Number 14: we want to figure out where the number 5 and 18 came from right? Well we do what we have been doing: (11) + (14)= 25} 7 yet in the image it says 5…. WRONG it’s 7
🌀 then you have to sum up 7+14= 21. [In the image it says 18 keep that in mind for the rest]
Number 10: (11) + (10)= 21 yet it says 6…. WRONG it’s 21
🌀 then you have to sum up 10+21= 31} 4
Number 6: (11) + (6)= 17 yet it says 16…. close but WRONG its 17
🌀 then you have to sum up 6+17= 23} 5
Number 10: (11) + (10)= 21 yet it says 6…. you know how it goes…. WRONG it’s 21
🌀 then you have to sum up 21+10= 31} 4
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waywardstation · 7 months
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My two stickers I made for @cecilioque ‘s awesome sticker collab!!
I was honored I got to make something for this collab alongside so many talented contributors!! Thank you so much for having me, and for putting this project together for all of us to get to participate in! It turned out fantastically and I’m amazed by everyone’s work!!
CHECK OUT THE COLLABORATION BELOW!! (And check out the reusable sticker books as well if you haven’t gotten one for all your stickers yet!!)
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hazsofties · 3 months
Angel Dust, Lute, Charlie, Husk, and Vaggie Cuddle Headcanons
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Minors & pro/shippers DNI!
⬅️ First set of headcanons
Angel Dust
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Big spoon - Little spoon - Eager - Shy
Angel acts confident when it comes to cuddles, teasing and flirting with you, yet the physical contact makes Angel nervous at first. He doesn't want to give you the wrong idea of what he wants in those moments.
However, you soon make Angel feel safe and respected, and he begins relaxing during snuggles rather than masking. He's his most natural self when cuddling you.
Angel uses his multiple arms to cuddle you from all angles and to carry you at times, if he is able.
Fat Nuggets often gets involved with the cuddles too, unless you are allergic or afraid of animals.
Angel constantly checks in with you during cuddles, ensuring you're comfortable and feel held or warm enough. He speaks softly and lovingly to you.
He adores stroking your hair or fur, and loves having his fluff stroked in return. In general he is a fan of both giving and receiving.
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Big spoon - Little spoon - Eager - Shy
Lute isn't very cuddly at all, and it takes a while for her to become comfortable showing physical affection.
That being said, if you are ever injured or extremely upset, Lute will put this aside to offer you comfort.
When cuddling, Lute encases, or attempts to encase you, with her entire body to ensure you feel safe and supported. She sometimes uses her wings like shields around you.
When you are distressed, Lute acts confident during snuggles and assures you she has everything under control. If giving cuddles in other contexts, or if asked for them, Lute is shy but will oblige.
She gives very intense squeezes and holds onto you like her life depends on it.
Lute is most likely to cuddle you when or if you two share a bed, as she wants to protect you as you slumber.
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Big spoon - Little spoon - Eager - Shy
Charlie adores giving you cuddles and offers them at every opportunity, even when cuddling may not always be the most convenient.
When standing, Charlie will cling to you like a koala or give you long hugs to serve as a cuddle.
When sitting, Charlie is happy to play the role of either the big spoon or little spoon depending on what feels right in the moment or makes you the most comfortable.
Charlie loves telling you how adorable and wonderful you are whenever you cuddle.
Her enthusiasm can cause her to be a little intense, but she doesn't mind toning it down if you're the more sensitive type.
She's a chatterbox that wants to talk with you about anything and everything. During cuddles, she especially loves sharing secrets and feelings.
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Big spoon - Little spoon - Eager - Shy
Though Husk loves cuddles, it is very difficult to make him admit this and he will lie if asked. He will admit to liking cuddles with you a little if you seem upset by him denying this fact.
Yet, if you ask for cuddles, Husk will "reluctantly" oblige for your sake. And probably without making eye contact.
It takes Husk a while, but when he really trusts you, he begins not only holding you with his arms but his wings as well. He offers to take you for a flight sometime, if you'd ever be interested.
Despite trying to hide it, Husk purrs like a motorboat during cuddles, especially if you give him pets or ear scratches throughout. He feels extremely fluffy and soft.
Husk prefers cuddling in private, but will make an exception if you seem very upset or like you've had a rough day.
He can be very flirtatious during cuddles, once he gains more confidence around you. He adores flustering you for a change.
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Big spoon - Little spoon - Eager - Shy
Vaggie enjoys cuddles and will gladly offer them, especially if you seem upset or afraid.
Yet, Vaggie becomes very shy when you get mushy during cuddling, and tends to silently enjoy the moment more often than not.
She is quick to offer comforting words if you appear upset or panicked, and she promises not to leave you alone until you feel better. In these instances, she will cuddle you for as long as you need.
Before bringing cuddling into your relationship, Vaggie was very direct and asked you a few questions to ensure she knew what you were comfortable with and what you weren't.
Vaggie will cuddle and carry you if she is able and if you appear sick or unwell.
Though she tends to avoid feelings talk, during cuddles she ensures you feel loved and know how much she appreciates you.
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izgnanik-a · 3 months
Suffer Does The Wolf (Crawling To Thee) iv
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Summary: Simon knew the exact moment when he knew he had to have you for himself. It was only a matter of time before his military skills allowed himself into your home, into your life. And once he stuck — he wasn’t going to let you back out of his webs.
Tags: non-con, stalker!Ghost, fem reader, mature content
previous part ⬅️ next part ➡️
Simon was so impatient to go out with you, he didn't even go home. He waited outside of the restaurant until his phone gave a chirp with your messages that you were heading out of work then.
Of course he knew. He'd done nothing for the past few hours but watch you through the front window pace back and forth behind the counter, only vanishing for your break, and returning right back.
He was vibrating with energy when he pulled his phone to reply. " ok. outside. " He looked down at himself in the reflection of the car in front of him. He had nothing to fix.
He was wearing his hoodie and a jacket over it, jeans, and his cloth mask instead of his balaclava.
He had kept his balaclavas tucked away since coming back from duty, strictly kept to his half masks instead. Though the straps around his ears were a constant reminder that he was concealing his face from you, it didn't appear to bother you.
He could be ugly for all you knew. And you still wanted to go out and have a drink with him.
All his thoughts went away when he saw you waving your coworkers goodbye and heading for the door. His heart trembling in his chest as you caught his eyes and immediately smiled at him.
You approached with a sigh. "You been waiting on me this whole time?" You asked.
Simon hesitated to speak.
You nudged him, "I'm only joking. That'd be stupid." You laughed.
He tried his best to keep his nervousness under control. He was a lieutenant for fuck's sake. And you managed to make the grown man tremble.
"Did you eat yet?" You asked.
"Good, because I wouldn't want you to miss out on the food at this place. It's right around the corner. You don't mind the walk, do you?" You asked.
Simon shook his head.
"Let's go then." You tipped your head in it's direction, and began moving side by side down the road.
Simon kept to your side, closest to the road, scanning the street as if there would be a threat that could take you out.
"You don't talk much, do you?"
"Does that bother you?"
"Not really. Just makes me wonder what goes on in your head sometimes." You smiled up at him.
He stared ahead. "Plenty."
"Do indulge."
Here you were, this sunshine-y thing, and all he could think of doing was smothering you up against the nearest wall until all you could make out were desperate sobs of pleasure. He tried to divert his attention to something less vicious.
"How was your day at work?" He asked.
You blew a heavy breath between your lips. "Where do I even start? We started off the day with one register working. Not only did that make it difficult to take orders between drive thru and the counter, it slowed us down a lot."
"Does it happen often?"
"Only recently. But they plan on sending someone tomorrow morning to fix it. Or hopefully fix it."
Simon hummed.
"Also, thank you for saying something to the customer earlier."
"He was being a prick."
"I wish I could say those things to them without worrying about losing my job." You scoffed. "It happens a lot more than you think."
That comment made his blood boil. How could anyone be so ignorant and vile to you? You were sweet and beautiful and so soft. He wanted to find that prissy bastard and ring his neck now, even if he was just one customer among the many bad ones. It'd be a start.
"What do you do for work?" You asked him.
He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Private contractor."
"Really? What kind of work does a private contractor do?" You teased.
"Private things."
You hummed. "I see. I guess I won't pry then."
Simon gazed down at you and your sultry glance, and he was fighting his inner demons hard to keep from wrapping an arm around you and just taking you home.
"This is the place right here." You gestured to the flashing lights in the window reading ' open ' and ' bar '.
Simon was quick to grab the door and open it for you before you could touch it.
You tipped your head. "Why thank you." You smirked as you stepped in and he followed closely.
He lingered close. Your coat under your arm brushed against his belly, and he could smell the faint hints of coffee beans lingering in your uniform. It was masked with the smell of sweets; chocolates, coconut, and caramel. He wanted to press his nose into the back of your neck.
"Let's get a seat at the bar." You looked over your shoulder at him, and he nodded dumbly.
He followed willingly, sat down in a bar stool that was too small for him to be comfortable on. But his arm brushed up against yours, and every time you'd look at him, the contact only became warmer.
"I highly recommend the beers they have on draft."
"You come to this place often?" He asked.
"I used to. But I don't really have time anymore to enjoy things outside of work, you know?"
He gazed into the side of your face longingly. He did know how hard it was to separate himself from his work, finding it harder to be Simon Riley and Ghost separately. He felt like he was always the blood thirsty animal, just without a battlefield.
"I'm rambling."
"I don't care."
"But it's boring."
"I don't think so."
You stared at him, and he watched your eyes flicker down at his half mask. "Do you always wear that? I'm sure that's a question you get often."
"To the mask or the question?"
You hummed, smiling at the menu before speaking again. "I guess having a drink is out of the question then."
And he felt compelled to rip off the mask for you. Take off his hoodie. Just lay absolutely beneath your feet, whatever you wanted him to do.
"Does it have to do with your private contracting job?" You questioned.
"Why do you want to see my face so badly?"
You shrugged. "Just curious."
He scoffed.
"I like the mask." You said, looking to the bartender as they approached. "Makes you look scary, so no weirdos can approach me."
"It doesn't scare you?"
You met his eyes with a smirk. "You'd have to do a whole lot more than wear a mask to scare me, Simon."
You ate and drank more than he had expected you to. You were comfortable enough to keep the contact between your arms touching his. You were too comfortable.
He paid the tab and you were walking, practically stumbling, out of the restaurant door with Simon in tow.
"I feel amazing." You hummed, looking over towards Simon. The motion made you sway.
He grabbed your arm before you could tumble backwards. "You're drunk."
"No, you're drunk." You laughed, leaning into his side with a hand on his sternum. "You're so handsome and nice."
"You haven't even seen my face."
"I don't have to. It's in your eyes." You gazed up at him. "They're so pretty."
Simon's heart thumped under your palm. He was burning up. Too overwhelmed with your body on his, too horny to think anything but to pick you up right now. It wasn't right, but it's all he could think to do.
"You should call a cab to head home." He insisted, using his only grasp of sanity to get you home safe. If he brought you home, he'd be tempted to walk you the whole way in and never leave.
"I want to stay with you a little longer." Your hand on his sternum slid down to his belly, wrapping around his side, and around his back. Your entire body pressed to his. "You're so nice to me."
And to top it off, you pressed your cheek onto his collar and shut your eyes.
Simon shut his eyes tightly, throwing his head up to the night sky in agony. You were a gift in disguise, laid up perfectly in his arms. He brought his shaking hand to the back of your neck, gently stroking your hair down until he cupped the back of your head. His fingers tangled in the softness of your hair, and he could feel you sink further into him.
He pressed his cheek into the side of your face, as gently as he could — he inhaled through the fabric of his mask just to take in the smell of your hair.
And god did it make him hard.
“I’m gonna fall asleep.” You hummed into his chest before lifting your head, breaking the spell he was under. “I need to go home.” You pouted.
He removed his hand from your hair and let go of your arm. “Are you going to make it home alright?”
You smiled, soft warmth radiating from you again. “Worried someone will come and snatch me up?”
Yes, actually. He was. He’d kill someone with his bare hands if they thought they could take what was his.
You reached out to grasp his forearm before brushing your lips to his clothed cheek. You kissed the fabric softly before returning to the soles of your feet again. “I really enjoyed tonight. I like you.”
Simon tracked your movement with his eyes as you stepped back. “I can take you home. If you want me to.” He stepped close to you again, until his chest touched yours.
You pressed your palm to his belly, keeping a sliver of space between your bodies. “Nice try.” You patted his belly before stepping back. “I’ll text you when I get home.”
Simon watched you step away from him. He grit his teeth as he watched you go, and stuffed his hands in his jean pockets. He did his best to squeeze his cock in his pants, but nothing would deflate him. Not until he could wrap his hand around himself, thinking of how delicious and delicate you were tonight.
How you wrapped your arm around his waist, pressing your face into his chest, and sunk into his touch. He wanted to feel your hair between his fingers again, feel your warmth and solid form against his body, under him, over him.
He followed you in shadow until a car came to pick you up and bring you home. But he’d be sure to make it habit to take you wherever you wanted from then on.
Do not copy my works and post elsewhere.
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