#⭐️ - member of the ancients
queensharotto · 9 months
Brittle Doughie’s Cookie Run x Reader Masterlist (Part 5: Late 2023)
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A masterlist of @brittle-doughie’s Cookie Run stories organized by month.
Genre Emojis
😞 is for angst, 🎃 is for Halloween, 🎄 is for Christmas, 🍪 is for Cannibalism, 💗 is for Yandere, 💝 is for Valentine’s, 👻 is for Horror, 🎂 is for Birthday, 💚 is for Yandere!White Lily Cookie
The Indents are related to the featured cookies. If there are numerous cookies (Over 10 Cookies Featured), I’ll make a note on that as well. Additionally, I’ll categorize various cookies if they’re associated with a specific hobby, location, food etc.
Also, the ⭐️ will indicate a story featuring one of Brittle’s OCs.
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September 2023 🍂
• “Lord/Lady Harbinger Cookie”
Featuring: The Cookies of Darkness
• “Bully Hunter”
Featuring: Lilac Cookie
• “Harbinger Cookie’s Relationship with Pomegranate Cookie”
Featuring: Pomegranate Cookie
• “All Aboard” 💗
Featuring: Milky Way Cookie
• “Napping in Goblin Cookie’s Bag”
Featuring: Goblin Cookie
• “Yandere Dragons” 💗
Featuring: The 5 Dragons
• “Y/N Cookie Meets Golden Cheese Cookie”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Golden Cheese Cookie’s Greatest Treasure: Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie as a Shagaru Magala”
Featuring: The 5 Dragons and the Cookies of Darkness
• “Golden Cheese Cookie and Ancient Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie and Burnt Cheese Cookie
• “Golden Cheese Cookie Body Pillow”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Golden Cheese Cookie showing off her wealth”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Satellite”
Featuring: Stardust Cookie
• “The Greedy or the Honorable”
Featuring: Pirate Cookie, Sorbet Shark Cookie, Captain Ice Cookie and Peppermint Cookie
• “Halt! The Restriction Mayhem Update!” 💗
Featuring: Kumiho Cookie, Cocoa Cookie, Ninja Cookie, Okchun Cookie, Lilac Cookie, Timekeeper Cookie, Sea Fairy Cookie, Fire Spirit Cookie and Lotus Dragon Cookie
• “Bastet Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Burnt Cheese Cookie and 2 Marzipan Cookies
• “Smoked Cheese Cookie x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Kingdom Host Cookie, Mozzarella Cookie, Smoked Cheese Cookie and High Priest Cheesenbird
October 2023 🎃
• “Shining Glitter Cookie and Black Lemonade Cookie fighting over Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Shining Glitter Cookie and Black Lemonade Cookie
• “Can’t Take What Isn’t Yours”
Featuring: Chili Pepper Cookie and Peppercorn Cookie
• “Paying Golden Cheese Cookie to use her gold in Character Designs”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Last Cookie Standing Challenge: Punch Y/N Cookie in the face”
Featuring: Caramel Arrow Cookie, Madeleine Cookie, Tea Knight Cookie and Rye Cookie
• “Dragon Person Y/N Cookie in the Golden Cheese Kingdom”
Featuring: Pitaya Dragon Cookie
• “Courtship Dance with Smoked Cheese Cookie”
Featuring: Smoked Cheese Cookie
• “Off to Wish Camp!”
Featuring: Cannoli Cookie, S’mores Cookie, and Yoga Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie Cherished by Golden Cheese Cookie”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Halloween Party with Chili Pepper Cookie” 🎃
Featuring: Chili Pepper Cookie
• “Last Cookie Standing Reward: Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Members of Teams Crunchy and Cripsy
• “Spooky Cookie Tales: Prikaza” 🎃
Featuring: Black Garlic Cookie
November 2023 🌾
• “Sitting on the Golden Goddess’ Lap”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Archaeologists of the Golden Cheese Kingdom”
Featuring: Fruit Cheese Cookie and Camembert Cookie
• “Beneath Burnt Cheese Cookie’s Mask”
Featuring: Burnt Cheese Cookie
• “The Corrupted or the Fooled (Abyss Monarch vs. Black Pearl Cookie)”
Featuring: Abyss Monarch Cookie and Black Pearl Cookie
• “Robbing a Bank with Timekeeper Cookie”
Featuring: Timekeeper Cookie
• “Pocky Day with Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Kumiho Cookie, Peach Cookie and Croissant Cookie
• “Rockstar Cookie x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Rockstar Cookie
• “Stollen Cookie x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Stollen Cookie
December 2023 🎄
• “Icicle Yeti Cookie and Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Icicle Yeti Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie in The Holiday Express” 🎄
Featuring: Creme Brulee Cookie and Linzer Cookie
• “Linzer Cookie Writing her own Y/N Cookie x her story”
Featuring: Linzer Cookie
• “Y/N Cookie in the Christmas Academy”
Featuring: Stollen Cookie and Strawberry Cream Cookie
• “Linzer Cookie’s Story: A LOT of cut material”
Featuring: Linzer Cookie
• “A Happy Ending Just for You”
Featuring: Linzer Cookie
• “Kissing Golden Cheese Cookie’s Hand”
Featuring: Golden Cheese Cookie
• “Sugar Swan Cookie x Y/N Cookie”
Featuring: Sugar Swan Cookie
• “All I Want for Cookiemas is Y/N Cookie” 💚
Featuring: White Lily Cookie
• “The Sweet Signals from Space”
Featuring: Astronaut Cookie and Xylitol Nova Cookie
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mycomicbox · 11 days
Random Thoughts on Live A Live
🕑 General:
I'd like to make it known that I'm jumping into this game almost completely blind. All of my prior knowledge of Live A Live comes from this video.
Beautiful presentation, though that's pretty characteristic of the 2D-HD look. More retro games should be remade in this style.
This soundtrack slaps, as to be expected from Yoko Shimomura.
One complaint: why is the file menu so laggy when the rest of the game runs fine?
I'm choosing to play the chapters in chronological order, beginning with Prehistory and ending with Distant Future. I'm also playing with the English dub.
🍖 Prehistory:
Fred Flintstone called. He wants his car back.
I can't say that I've ever played a JRPG with zero dialogue.
I like the item and ability descriptions. Why many word when few work?
...My party members can fart and throw shit at enemies. 7-year-old me would've been rolling on the floor laughing.
Pink gorilla harem to the rescue.
🐼 Imperial China:
Interesting how you play as a kung fu master teaching his techniques to his disciples, rather than the reverse, like in other stories. Fitting that Shifu is at the max level from the start.
This chapter's narrative really feels like an old tale from ancient China, what with a kung fu master single-handedly defeating dozens of men and tigers, entrusting his techniques to his student, and passing away.
I wonder if any student could have been Shifu's surviving disciple in this chapter. For me, it was Hong, but Yun or Lei probably could have been the new master. (UPDATE: I looked this up after the fact, and I was right.)
🍡 Twilight of Edo Japan:
I like Oboromaru's design. He looks fun to cosplay.
Really cool how there are no-kill and no-mercy routes. I tried (and failed) aiming for the no-mercy route, but I'll have to check out this chapter again some time.
Okay, so the Edo period is a little more recent than I initially thought, considering that a few characters have firearms.
Can't trust a single mf in this whole chapter smh
🤠 The Wild West:
I've heard that a few terms in this chapter were changed between the Super Famicom release and this remake. Like, the ointments and jerky used to be alcohol and cigars in the original.
That "your mom" joke got me good.
The part with the townsfolk trapping the town was really cool. Feels very fitting for the setting, and I like how it has a tangible gameplay effect.
I've seen that Sundown and Mad Dog are a semi-popular pairing, and I can definitely see why.
🏋‍♂️ Present Day:
I love Masaru's gimmick of learning techniques from other fighters. He's like a physical variant of Final Fantasy's Blue Mage job.
The saxophone in this chapter's battle theme slaps so hard.
🏙 Near Future:
First time in this game that a character directly addressed me, the player.
Psychic powers are one of the coolest tropes in fiction. The MOTHER series got me hooked on it years ago.
In terms of battle capabilities, poor Akira is probably the weakest of the protagonists, or at least he felt weaker to me.
This chapter feels like I'm playing through a mecha anime. I dig it.
🔧 Distant Future:
Not to get political or anything, but I would die for Cube. I want a plush of them.
something something Among Us joke
When OD-10 commandeers the ship, it even takes over the loading screen tips...
This chapter may have my favorite narrative.
⭐️ [A new chapter has been unlocked.]
⚔️ Middle Ages:
His fight for heroism was in vain.
Betrayed by an ally, framed as a murderer, denounced by his country and his lady...
With nothing to lose, he gives his heart to the Dark.
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⭐️ [A new chapter has been unlocked.]
The Dominion of Hate - Oersted:
From what I've read, choosing Oersted here will lead into a unique (and short) take on the final chapter, adding yet another incentive for replayability. In games with multiple endings, I like to view the bad endings first.
Through pure misanthropy, I'm retconning the outcomes of previous battles to ensure hatred's victory. That is so cool... and so depressing.
There are actually two outcomes to this chapter. The first is by beating all 7 battles, where Odio simply celebrates his success. The other is far more crazy, only achieved by being knocked to critical HP during any of the fights. Odio just... fucking blows up the world in order to recreate it.
The Dominion of Hate - Hero's Route:
I chose to begin this chapter as Oboromaru, mainly because I like the variety of elements in his skillset.
Not gonna lie, this was when the game lost a bit of steam for me. Due to the lack of fast travel or a detailed map, the last few dungeons were a bit of a chore to get through. It's why I put off this chapter for a while.
Even though this is a modern remake, some mechanics in this chapter still carry that air of '90s JRPG crypticness (which could be a positive or negative depending on the gamer). Like, I stumbled into Akira's dungeon on complete accident! And how was I supposed to know about the hidden boss you encounter by fleeing 100 times?
That final boss phase was pretty bittersweet, what with Oersted opening his heart again, freeing himself from Odio. And to think it was a brand new addition, exclusive to this remake.
💭 Final Thoughts:
If I had to describe Live A Live in one word, it'd be... unique! I can't really say I've played any other RPG like it, with each chapter being a mini-adventure with its own unique gimmick. At the same time, it's not just a bunch of demos, as it still manages to come together into a well-written narrative about choosing trust over misanthropy, despite it all. It's almost unbelievable that a game like this released in 1994!
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I'm not exactly dying for a sequel, but I can't help but wonder what a "Live A Live II" would look like. Not a direct story continuation, of course, but I'm thinking something like the Final Fantasy or Shin Megami Tensei series (where each game is standalone, yet also shares common elements). I might draw my ideas some time.
Overall, a fun and interesting hidden gem, and I'm glad that it got a well-deserved remake.
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archie-the-menace · 5 months
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Welcome to my Universe!
I’m Archie (they/them), a nonbinary artist and writer! My current WIPs include “The Antlion Crew,” a sci-fi/fantasy webcomic that’ll be posted on WEBTOON!
I love designing characters, stickers, and doing crafts. I also like to write and come up with ideas for fantasy worlds! I love space and bugs, and enjoy watching cheesy movies and cartoons.
I plan to share my OCs and fandom-related work here, but mostly I’m here to goof off with my friends. Please feel free to ask any questions in my ask box though, as long as it’s appropriate.
My lore and multiverse is open and can be used for writing, OC creation, and tabletop gaming as long as no monetary gain is involved and I receive credit for my world and species. My dream is to build a community around my comic and universe. Feel free to use any of it as inspiration!
The World of Obscoria
Obscoria is the world where my WIP takes place. It was originally developed as a setting for a sci-fi and fantasy tabletop game. Most of the lore is stored on a Discord Server, but I talk about it a bit here as well. If you want access to the lore server, please ask!
Obscoria is a planet in the Alexandrian Galaxy. It is home to humans, elves, teuflin, dragons, and other fantasian people. United under one world government, the people of Obscoria live in unstable peacetime where humans seem to reign supreme. The people of Obscoria have learned to harness magic and discovered space travel. Wizards and Spacefarers travel the galaxy, assisting all in need of their help. Obscoria is also the newest member of the Galactic Exploration Conglomerate, and often sends its people out to explore the cosmos and interact with other alien species. Massive Space Stations like Midway offer a sort of home away from home setting for spacefarers and citizens alike, housing hundreds of thousands of people of all species. The universe is also populated by Daemons, Celestials, and other beings who enjoy toying with mortals. Ancient Eyeless gods created the multiverse long ago, for all to enjoy. Obscoria may have a dirty history, but it seems to have a bright future ahead full of technology and knowledge.
Other Socials
Instagram: @archenemy404
Artfol: madman_archie
WEBTOON: Archenemy404
Redbubble: Archenemy404 (Pride Stickers, Dragons, and more!)
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pearlypairings · 11 months
OKOKOK So I delved deep into my old, ancient files for you to pull out something special for this director's commentary...because why not lol.
it's a deleted scene from Do or Die's epilogue! A little speech from their graduation via Principal Higgins that when I was in the final stages of editing, it felt like too much in that particular moment...
So here's the unedited, deleted memorial speech he gave for Hawkins High:
Now at the football field for the real ceremony, Chrissy tried to keep her focus in the present. She wanted to fully breathe in the final moment of her adolescence that was nearly swept away from her...and Eddie. Their principal cleared his throat for one more announcement before their names would be called.  “Today is a reminder of what our youth can accomplish together with resilience, persistence, and collaboration with their peers and our staff. As upcoming members of our community, every student sitting here has met the requirements needed to graduate while conquering the unexpected obstacles that Hawkins has thrown their way. Despite the horrific events of Spring Break, our senior class came together to work hard academically, support one another, and even fundraise for a class gift to memorialize the students we’ve lost this year.”  Unveiling a bronze plaque behind a sheet on an easel, Principal Higgins gently laid his hand on the etched names listed down the center. “For Jason Carver, Patrick McKinney, Andy Johnson, Fred Benson, and the like. This will be hung in the main lobby for our forever Tigers."
Chrissy breathed deeply through the pain in her chest to stay calm. She’d known this announcement was coming for a long time, as she’d always been a part of the Hawkins’ graduation committee which usually decides the class’s parting gift. It felt good to honor the victims of Vecna somehow, even if the town didn’t fully understand their sacrifice.  “Today, I also recognize not everyone we loved in this community could be in the stands for our graduates. Our natural disaster had taken many people from us too early as well. For all untimely departures, I ask now that we, in solidarity, hold a moment of silence in their memory.”  To her left, an empty chair sat a few spots down the row from her seat. One of the symbolic gestures for the loss in the Hawkins community and their senior class. She squeezed her hands, remembering how misguided Jason’s last actions were. If he only saw the truth, Chrissy hoped he would have seen what path he should have taken. She fixed her bangs to cover her forehead, shaking her head and thoughts of things she couldn’t change away.  She didn’t have to turn around to know her father would be keeping his chin held high for her mother, putting on a brave face for everyone else. Instead, she shut her eyes tightly to remember all the grounding techniques Ms. Kelley taught her as she shifted through grief and resentment. A profound sadness resounded in that long minute of shared silence.  Principal Higgins cleared his throat over the microphone again. “And so, we remember our friends and family that would be gladly celebrating this academic achievement today. Let’s commence with announcing our senior students who will receive their diplomas and our congratulations with special honor.”
I'd probably edit this a bit more and fix a few awkward parts if I'd had the intention of sharing lol, but in the end I wanted the epilogue to focus more on eddie and chrissy's relationship and their bet than anything else !
But hope you enjoyed this director's cut :P (I also had a Nancy Wheeler name called for graduation part, but it was mostly making fun of Ted lmao)
ask me for more director's cuts!
masterlist for ask reference :)
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ao3feed-spirk · 2 years
To Touch a Fleeting Thought
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42915699
by VulcanHandshake
While studying the ruins of an ancient alien civilization, Spock and Kirk encounter a young member of the local fauna in trouble. Unfortunately while trying to help the creature, Spock becomes injured, and due to a heavy snowstorm, the two find themselves stranded planetside. While Kirk is caring for his friend, some new revelations come to light about how they truly feel about one another.
Words: 4211, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Ships aboard Starships ⭐️
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: The Original Series
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Spock (Star Trek), James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy (mentioned)
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk & Spock
Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Hand & Finger Kink, Getting Together, Love Confessions, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Spock (Star Trek), Blood and Injury, Gargoyles, Ancient alien civilizations, Spirktober 2022, Hands, Yearning, Spock Loves James T. Kirk, James T. Kirk Loves Spock, Touch Telepathy, Vulcan Biology, alien animals, Tenderness, Prompt Fill, really late spirktober, Mild Angst
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42915699
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catsbookreviews · 6 months
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Daughter of Fire - Sofia Robleda
Thank you to Netgalley and Amazon Crossing for providing me with an early access copy of this book!
Synopsis: Daughter of Fire follows a half-Guatemalan half-Spanish girl named Catalina. She is being raised by her father, a member of the Spanish ruling class in Guatemala that is erasing the native culture. This, however, does not stop Catalina from following her late mother’s wishes for her to learn and protect her people’s history and language. However when the ancient text of their people is destroyed, she has to work with Juan de Rojas, a Guatemalan lord who lost his power in the inquisition that Catalina does not trust, to rewrite it.
Review: I rather enjoyed this book, I don’t read a lot of historical fiction so it was a bit out of my normal but from where I am standing it was a good book. It had a slow enemies/rivals/I-just-don’t-trust-you to lovers which is trope that I’ll admit I rather enjoy. I will say it is a dense book so it took me some time to get through.
Overall: 4/5 ⭐️
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
Those who forget their history will have no future
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 il 22/06, si festeggia in Cina la Festa delle Barche Drago, una meravigliosa festività tradizionale che cade il 5° Giorno del 5° Mese del Calendario Lunare Cinese 🐲
😍 Le attività sono molteplici, gare sulle Barche Drago, mangiare zongzi, e ricordare gli antichi racconti sulla 端午节 del Poeta 屈原, che visse più di 2.000 anni fa 🐉
🚩 Il Presidente Xi Jinping, in qualità di Segretario Generale del Partito Comunista Cinese, ovvero il Partito del Popolo Cinese, che preserva e rappresenta l'orientamento della Cultura Cinese secondo la 三个代表 ha elogiato il Poeta 屈原, ricordando le sue parole, e incoraggiando gli intellettuali Cinesi nel campo dell'Arte e della Letteratura a creare opere che riflettano le voci del Popolo ❤️
⭐️ Nel 2016, il Compagno Xi Jinping citò l'antico poema popolare 离骚, utilizzando per ricordare ai membri del CPC di «rimanere fedeli allo Spirito della Missione Originaria del Partito Comunista», sottolineando l'importanza di essere «devoti nel Lavoro», «avere fede nella vittoria del Socialismo» e di essere pronti a «sacrificare tutto per ideali rivoluzionari che vanno più in alto del Cielo» 😍
🇨🇳 Dopodiché, il Presidente ha citato «我愿意为心中珍视的理想而死», «Morirei per l'Ideale che mi sta a cuore» di Qu Yuan, per incoraggiare le persone a perseguire l'eccellenza nel proprio campo 😘
🐉 Il Compagno Xi Jinping ha ricordato l'importanza dell'Eredità della Cultura Tradizionale Cinese, e ha dichiarato che il Popolo Cinese deve portare avanti l'eccellente e millenaria Cultura Cinese ed essere orgoglioso della propria Cultura 😍
💕 和谐 Armonia, 敬业 Dedizione e 爱国 Patriottismo sono valori fondanti che instillano un potente senso di coesione e fiducia nel Popolo Cinese, alimentando lo Spirito Cinese, ha ricordato Xi Jinping:
💬 «L'eccellente Cultura Cinese Tradizionae della Cina, creata dalla Nazione Cinese che si è estesa per migliaia di anni, costituisce la Radice e l'Anima della Nazione» 🤩
🇨🇳 Il Presidente ha ricordato come l'Armonia tra il Socialismo e la Cultura Cinese sia «l'ancora di salvezza spirituale della Cina», e ha sottolineato il suo orgoglio nel vedere la crescente popolarità delle feste tradizionali della Cina tra i giovani 🔥
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 on 22/06, the Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated in China, a wonderful traditional holiday that falls on the 5th day of the 5th month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar 🐲
😍 The activities are varied, racing on Dragon Boats, eating zongzi, and remembering the ancient tales on 端午节 of the Poet's 屈原, who lived more than 2,000 years ago 🐉
🚩 President Xi Jinping, as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, or the People's Party of China, which preserves and represents the orientation of Chinese Culture according to 三个代表 praised Poet 屈原, recalling his words, and encouraging Chinese intellectuals in the fields of Arts and Literature to create works that reflect the voices of the People ❤️
⭐️ In 2016, Comrade Xi Jinping quoted the ancient folk poem 离骚, using it to remind CPC members to "remain true to the Communist Party's Original Mission Spirit", stressing the importance of being "devotee in Work", " have faith in the victory of Socialism" and to be ready to "sacrifice everything for revolutionary ideals that go higher than Heaven" 😍
🇨🇳 After that, the President quoted Qu Yuan's «我愿意为心中珍视的理想而死», «I would die for the Ideal I cherish» by Qu Yuan, to encourage people to pursue excellence in their field 😘
🐉 Comrade Xi Jinping reminded of the importance of the Heritage of Traditional Chinese Culture, and said that the Chinese People should carry on the excellent ancient Chinese Culture and be proud of their own Culture 😍
💕 和谐 Harmony, 敬业 Dedication and 爱国 Patriotism are founding values ​​that instill a powerful sense of cohesion and trust in the Chinese people, fueling the Chinese Spirit, Xi Jinping recalled:
💬 «China's excellent Traditional Chinese Culture, created by the Chinese Nation that has extended for thousands of years, constitutes the Root and Soul of the Nation» 🤩
🇨🇳 The President recalled how the Harmony between Socialism and Chinese Culture is "China's spiritual lifeline", and underlined his pride in seeing the growing popularity of China's traditional festivals among young people 🔥
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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elles-books · 1 year
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BOOK REVIEW: Circe by Madeline Miller
RATING: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Despite literally doing an entire module at university on Greek mythology and tragedy, I somehow had entirely missed Circe's existence. I am SO GLAD that this novel exists, because wow. What a badass.
On the surface, this is the story of the nymph/goddess/witch Circe, told over the span of thousands of years of her life. However, it's so much more than that - it's a story about breaking free from toxic family, overcoming shame and your inner demons, accepting and celebrating mortality, letting go of your children, and, ultimately, finding and accepting love.
The representation of female empowerment, and the message of breaking free from a cruel and oppressive family and finding your own power. Circe breaks the cycle of her family's cruelty, abuse, and general snobbery and awfulness. It's very cathartic and satisfying when she slowly realises that her family members, and especially the father she used to idolise, are dicks, and that she doesn't have to limit herself and exist within their offensively low expectations of her. She can find her power and become the witch she's always been destined to become.
The prose - beautifully descriptive, lyrical, and immersive without being too "purple" or pretentious. Multiple lines made me gasp out loud at how beautiful and heart-wrenching they were.
How many different characters from Greek mythology cropped up - Odysseus, Medea, Jason, Ariadne, Penelope, Minos, Hermes… the list goes on. Circe was a great choice to base a novel on for this exact reason: Canonically, she did encounter many of the "big players" of Greek mythology, and she was a background (or foreground) character in so many famous stories.
Circe's journey from meek, naïve, and powerless to strong, wise, and independent. I strive to be as unbothered by bullshit as she was by the end.
Daedalus - a good, kind, wise man in an awful situation. Probably my second favourite character after Circe herself (although Telemachus is also up there).
Literally the only thing that bothered me about this book was the occasional use of the word "trash"??? In Ancient Greece??? In a novel with prose otherwise entirely fitting to the setting??? MADELINE WHY, it just felt so wrong. It pulled me out of the story each time it was used. It's not severe enough to knock anything off the star rating, though.
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years
Hello everyone,today we have a lighter topic on our hands,as always machine translation is at the bottom and the collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 Oggi, 30 ottobre, Xi Jinping - Segretario Generale del Partito Comunista Cinese - ha visitato le Rovine di Yin, un Sito Archeologico della Città di Anyang, nella Provincia dell'Henan, Capitale della Cina Settentrionale nell'Età del Bronzo durante la Dinastia Shang.
⭐️ Il 27 ottobre, Xi Jinping, insieme ai nuovi membri del Comitato Permanente, si era recato a Yan'an, a visitare una base rivoluzionaria, l'ex Residenza di Mao Zedong durante il Periodo della Rivoluzione, e il Sito del 7° Congresso Nazionale del Partito Comunista Cinese, dove venne elaborata la linea della mobilitazione delle forze popolari per sconfiggere gli aggressori giapponesi, liberare la Nazione ed edificare una Nuova Cina.
⛩ Oggi, invece, si è recato in un luogo dell'Antica Cina, che risale ai tempi della Dinastia Shang, che ha governato dal 1766 AC al 1050 AC.
🏺He Yuling, Ricercatore presso l'Istituto di Archeologia dell'Accademia Cinese delle Scienze Sociali, ha accompagnato il Segretario Generale durante la visita, narrando la Storia della Dinastia Shang.
🐉 Xi Jinping ha posto l'attenzione sui meravigliosi bronzi dell'Antica Cina, sui primi caratteri della Lingua Cinese e sullo scambio e fusione della Civiltà e della Cultura del periodo.
🧧 Li Xiaoyang, Direttore dell'Ufficio per le Reliquie Culturali di Anyang, ha dichiarato che Xi Jinping ha sottolineato l'importanza della Protezione e della Ricerca nel luogo, soffermandosi sull'antica nascita dei Caratteri Cinesi, in quanto "Cuore della nostra Civiltà Multi-Etnica e Unificata, tramandata di generazione in generazione fino al giorno d'oggi" 🏮
🐲 Shen Weiwei, Segretario del Ramo del Partito Comunista della Gestione delle Rovine Yin di Anyang, ha dichiarato che la Cina dovrebbe continuare ad ereditare e diffondere la sua Civiltà e Cultura millenaria, rendendola più accessibile per il mondo.
📖 Per prima cosa, il Governo Locale di Anyang si occuperà di facilitare la comprensione degli Antichi Caratteri della Lingua Cinese per i bambini delle scuole che verranno in visita, permettendo loro di conoscere e comprendere al meglio la Civiltà e la Cultura della Cina dell'Età del Bronzo.
💬 "Come archeologo - afferma He Yuling - è un grande onore poter condurre ricerche nelle Rovine di Yin, perché l'Archeologia Cinese ha avuto proprio origine qui, è la culla dell'Archeologia della Cina e sono onorato di poter portare avanti gli sforzi dei miei predecessori" 🧱
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🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 Today, October 30, Xi Jinping - General Secretary of the Communist Party of China - visited the Ruins of Yin, an Archaeological Site in the city of Anyang, in Henan Province, the capital of Northern China in the Bronze Age during the Dynasty. Shang.
⭐️ On October 27, Xi Jinping, along with the new members of the Standing Committee, went to Yan'an, to visit a revolutionary base, the former residence of Mao Zedong during the Revolution Period, and the Site of the 7th Congress. National Communist Party of China, where the line of mobilization of popular forces was drawn up to defeat the Japanese aggressors, liberate the Nation and build a New China.
⛩ Today, however, he went to a place in Ancient China, which dates back to the times of the Shang Dynasty, which ruled from 1766 BC to 1050 BC.
🏺He Yuling, Researcher at the Institute of Archeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, accompanied the Secretary General during the visit, narrating the History of the Shang Dynasty.
🐉 Xi Jinping focused on the marvelous bronzes of Ancient China, on the first characters of the Chinese language and on the exchange and fusion of the Civilization and Culture of the period.
🧧 Li Xiaoyang, Director of the Anyang Cultural Relics Office, said that Xi Jinping stressed the importance of Protection and Research in the place, focusing on the ancient birth of Chinese characters, as "Heart of our Multi Civilization. -Ethnic and Unified, handed down from generation to generation until today "🏮
🐲 Shen Weiwei, Communist Party Branch Secretary of Anyang Yin Ruin Management, stated that China should continue to inherit and spread its millennial civilization and culture, making it more accessible to the world.
📖 First, Anyang Local Government will take care of facilitating the understanding of the Ancient Characters of the Chinese Language for visiting school children, allowing them to better know and understand the Chinese Civilization and Culture of the Age. of the Bronze Age.
💬 "As an archaeologist - says He Yuling - it is a great honor to be able to conduct research in the Ruins of Yin, because Chinese Archeology originated here, it is the cradle of China's archeology and I am honored to be able to carry on the efforts of my predecessors "🧱
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