#「 psa 」
loving-n0t-heyting · 19 hours
I have been contacted by multiple "gaza fundraisers" which throw up all the classic red flags and bad auras of Scams
As noble as the impulse to help families fleeing from gaza is, please be careful in checking the reality of fundraiser claims. This includes treating most "vetting" as what it is: tumblr randos whom you do not know saying "Oh this is totally legit, trust me bro"
If you want to donate to those impacted by the genocide with minimal risk of being scammed, consider donating to major aid organisations like unrwa
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atticrissfinch · 3 days
Just a general PSA for people new to fandom, or are just not aware of this. But if someone posts a fic, and you immediately read that fic and your first reaction is “more??? we can have more???? more pls????”
Maybe……don’t? Maybe don’t say that? That author is likely pretty proud of the work they put into this fic. It may have taken them days, months, even years to finish this fic. This chapter. Whatever. That author put a lot of sweat into that fic most likely. A little piece of their heart, maybe some tears, are sewn into those words they strung together. And they finally are ready to post. And then someone reads that work —that took x amount of time to complete — in ten minutes, and immediately says “more please!!!” “That’s all??? Please do a sequel!!” “Next chapter when???”
Like imagine how exhausting that shit is to receive. PLEASE be more aware of what you are commenting. And, most important of all, read the fucking room. Entitlement isn’t cute. It’s exhausting. We’re posting free content in our free time. Please check yourselves. Leave a comment on how much you loved it instead. About what you loved about it. Punctuate with “I’m looking forward to anything else you might post in the future!” Something that puts no pressure on them.
Stop demanding more words of your writers. We’re all fucking tired. And it makes this whole thing not fucking fun when it feels like what we provide is never, will never, be enough.
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becomingvecna · 8 hours
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
a depressed person isn’t lazy, they’re depressed
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pinkyhaert · 3 hours
With artfight around the corner, here's a reminder:
Don't feel pressured to make a ton of attacks or revenges or whatever. Nobody can pressure you into drawing what you don't wanna.
If you can't draw everything you want too THATS OKAY!! ITS JUST FOR FUN!! If you want too, you can still draw characters and stuff after the fight as Gift art! Most people still would love to see/receive anything of their beans!
If you feel yourself getting stressed or burnt out: TAKE A BREAK!!! Again: It's for fun and should not cause your strife! We'll all still be here all month. Draw what you wanna draw! And draw only the amount you want too!!
Take your time buddy, remember to pace yourself. There's no rush.
Every. Single. Thing. You. Make. Is. Excellent! We are so happy and honored you picked Our little gremlins to doodle and don't let anyone tell you that your art is "Not good enough." Or "Low quality", Etc. That's super rude and totally a lie. Every art of every kind is a gift because you spent time on it to draw/Make it.
We love you artists! please take care of yourselves this Artfight!!!
~ Pinky 💖
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kyra45 · 23 hours
As of 6/24/2024, here is a list of all scam accounts ranging from the scammers who are impersonating Palestine users to scammers using other methods of scamming. Please warn anyone sharing the scam posts.
weepingtyrantmaker (scam post was deleted but that was stealing text from a child’s fundraiser and acting like it was their son)
beatriceegiveer (not vetted or verified as legitimate)
mallycahblog (scam post deleted but reused on another blog)
chieffurygiver (not verified as legitimate)
tacofriends (PH PayPal, despite using images showing USD. Pic is stolen off Facebook.)
rasher-9 (not vetted)(PayPal name is Rebecca Mwita)
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room-surprise · 2 days
PSA: Mickbell and Kuro do NOT run a noodle shop in the post-canon. They run a general store.
So, there's a popular misconception that in the post-canon, Mickbell and Kuro, two minor characters from Kabru's party, open a noodle shop. My friend Fumi drew my attention to this last night, as I'd just sort of forgotten about it.
This is not actually true. What their bios in the updated World Guide say is that they run a general store together, with no mention of noodles whatsoever. I checked this using machine translation, and got a Japanese speaker to confirm that it was correct.
With that in mind, I'm also pretty sure Mithrun's updated World Guide bio also doesn't mention anything about him being an ambassador or making noodles or running a shop. I'll make another post about that once I've confirmed it to my satisfaction.
Images and translation info behind the cut.
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The last sentence of Mickbell's bio says: 現在はクロとともに、な んでも屋を営んでいる。
This translates to: He currently runs a general store together with Kuro.
The last sentence of Kuro's bio says: 現在もミックベルにこき使われつつ、いっしょにな んでも屋を営む。
This translates to: He is still exploited by Mickbell, and the two run a general store together.
Both of these sentences use the characters なんでも屋, which means anything/variety/general store.
A general store is a rural or small-town store (sometimes called a general merchandise store, general dealer, village shop, or country store) that carries a general line of merchandise. It carries a broad selection of merchandise, sometimes in a small space, where people from the town and surrounding rural areas come to purchase all their general goods.
It differs from a convenience store or corner shop in that it will be the main shop for the community rather than a convenient supplement.
In English, this implies that their shop isn't in the heart of the city, though being rural may not be the most important defining factor that makes a "general store" in contemporary Japanese speech, where very few places are truly remote and rural.
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pianokantzart · 3 days
This is a Mario blog I WILL NOT get into internet fights about hygiene disinformation
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skynapple · 3 days
PSA LND fandom!! scammer!! be warned!
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sgiandubh · 1 day
Holiday, today in Romania (Orthodox Pentecost), meant a three-day extended weekend.
But it also meant two days of on and off and finally kaputt power outages in my old, quiet and temporarily empty neighborhood, because of the extreme heatwave (around 40 C/104 F, at its peak) and hot sirocco, carrying Saharan dust up to Bucharest and probably even beyond. With golden jackals being now a familiar sight in the Southeastern countryside, the above are the result of clear climate change - something many still deny. Their problem, not mine.
So that's why I've been clumsily on and off, for a couple of days, but quite a hefty load of things to unpack.
Until then, those were the intended Sunday sounds for yesterday. For obvious reasons:
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blackbloodteeth · 17 hours
PSA: Please do not reblog from known stolen art reposter.
I'd like to make a small info post since this has become a known issue that user @ggnnkan is reposting art that isn't created by them en masse without crediting the artists.
This is an issue because, 1. It is extremely difficult to tell that the art isn't theirs as they are essentially claiming it as their own, and 2. when asked to give credit they refused to, and when asked to take down unsourced artwork they only responded with saying they are "just distributing content." This is extremely disrespectful to the original artists, and takes away from being able to find and view those artists' works.
I'm tagging the Soul Eater fandom at large as that is a majority of the related artworks that is being taken from, however other fandoms and even original works are being affected as well. Please spread awareness if you can, and please always remember to credit artists when sharing their works, it means a lot.
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kingmystrie · 20 hours
I just saw a youtube PSA so im gonna put a reminder here:
reminder that if u see someone acting in a predatory manner and have their information abt where they are n stuff report them to their local authorities, do not engage with predatory people in any way whatsoever you're not a hero and you can't do anything over the internet.
additionally, do not give any identifying information about yourself online. Be careful about what links you click on, some links will try to look like reputable sites but have slight edits to them. You can get your information stolen without downloading anything.
if someone acts in a way that makes you uncomfortable do whatever you can to leave the situation whether online or out. You don't need a good justification to dip out if you have a bad feeling even if its "small"
your parents and other family members dont have authority over your body they are not exempt from this
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wackytyp · 2 days
luckieangelali/fatuma ali is a documented scammer profiting off of the genocide. they are not diabetic and they are not palestinian. search the other names they go by on here: leila rajab, remmy cheptau, tasneem r'm, leila mohammed rajab, tasneem remmy rajaab, valentine rajaab, wafula valentine, salima abdallah, tasneem abdalah, Tasneem Majuma, Marystella Majuma, Magandalina Auma, taheera abdallah, Dorine nanjala, dorine rajaab, Jastus Kimanzi, daisy akinyi, daisy rahaab, taheera mohammed, Mutsui Martin Mohamed, merrine sussy rahah, merrine atieno, merrine rahah, Sussy Wamela, merrine fatuma ali
here’s the source of one of the images they’re using as proof of their condition https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Sample-chart-for-recording-blood-sugar-values-the-chart-title-is-inappropriate-and_fig1_338131147
would you mind deleting their scam from your blog, or clearly labeling it as a scam so it doesn't spread to others? in the future, please remember to search the username/paypal account name/text used by the people asking for money in your inbox
please familiarize yourself with the posts of some current scammers while they are still under these usernames: atomicsmart, smwitais, agneskebwariii, vero0g, beatriceegiveer, luckilyprincesblog, rasher-9, palewolfkittyhaks, luckieangelali, chieffurygiver, weepingtyrantmaker, burningvoidbird, tacofriends
i really recommend looking at their pinned posts in order to better recognize scams, not just using this list as a blocklist, because once they are terminated they each will immediately remake their scams under a new username
Hello anon THANK YOU for warning me!! As well providing me with resources to help differentiate the legitimate fundraisers from the scam ones. I've deleted the previous post already.
@/el-shab-hussein 's blog has a very helpful master post of urgent fundraisers that helps you differentiate them from the scams ones!!
I recommend following @/mangocheesecakes as they keep track of the current scam blogs to not fall for these.
Please check out the blogs anon listed to familiarize yourself with the scam texts and report them!
Also don't forget your daily clicks.
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harlequinoccult · 3 days
Im so embarrassed i didnt know it was AI...
its okay, not everyone has the eye for, or are knowledgeable on how to tell the difference, so lets break it down a bit.
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first things first, look for things in the image that do not make sense
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such as this. What the hell is this supposed to be? because i couldn't fucking tell you.
secondly, notice how all other text except the one one you're supposed to pay attention to is completely illegible.
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These barely even look like actual letters. even simple graffiti like this would still be legible
And the biggest offender to me is-
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the main text/ paint job. if this were real, the paint would be faded and chipped to hell and back, and if it were and art piece a la trevor henderson, the drips on the lettering would be more consistent and not as muddled.
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heywriters · 2 months
btw the majority of your life will be lived as a adult. yeah i don't make the rules. go have fun in your 40s or 70s or whatever. no one expects you to accomplish everything at 17 or 27. you've got time and in the meantime get some life experience, it will pay off
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everlastingrandom · 4 months
U.S. people, if you bought cinnamon from Dollar Tree, Dollar General, or other discount stores, throw it out. It's got lead
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kyra45 · 5 hours
Some more ways to identify a scam blog:
1. Check the pinned post date. Most scam accounts are only a day old but this isn’t always a sign as legitimate blogs sometimes are new too.
2. Check the link in the pinned post. Is it a PayPal or a GoFundMe? If it’s a PayPal link, take caution. If it’s a GoFundMe link, don’t call it a scam instantly.
3. Search the username and see if anyone’s said anything.
4. Search the ask to see if it pulls up other blogs that used it.
5. If the link is PayPal, search the text post in preferred search engine and see if it pulls up a GoFundMe that likely is being copied by a tumblr account impersonating the person. The tumblr blog isn’t affiliated with this GoFundMe because if they were they’d link to it instead of PayPal.
6. Verified accounts usually tell you who vetted them in the post or in reblogs. Someone can lie about this, but usually searching should bring up confirmation of legitimacy. Also, verification takes time. Be patient. If a PayPal linking account claims to be verified but won’t tell you who anywhere in the post or messages, that’s reason to be suspicious that they’re just making it up.
7. Not every blog is a scam blog asking for help. You can search around and see what is already posted by other users. Don’t assume every GoFundMe link is a scammer unless someone has posted clear enough evidence showing proven proof that the GoFundMe is a scam. If you can’t find anything saying scam, that doesn’t mean you can say it is by default and go around telling people a legitimate fundraiser is a scam because you couldn’t be bothered to look around. Don’t do that.
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