calochortus · 26 days
summer festival
summer festival by peaceful-jp-scenery Via Flickr: Gion Festival Star Mine 田舎の村の夏祭り〜 祇園祭のスターマイン This is the fireworks in my local village. 1 year. It seems to be long and feels very short. Fireworks of Gion went up this year, again. とても忙しかったこの1年。 長いようでとても短く感じます。 地元では今年も祇園の花火が上がりました。 [composite of 2 shots, 比較明合成] Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka city, Japan
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jamta-love · 4 months
昨日の夜は少しだけ仕事をして、その後池袋のいつものところへ♪ 美味しいものが食べられるからいつも最高の気分。 右はとりわさ、左は牛すき丼、とりわさは美味しいのはもちろんのこと懐かしさもあってエモいし、牛すき丼は美味しすぎた! さらに美味しいもの♪ マンドゥ、これもまためっちゃ美味しくて、手作りのタレがこれに合いすぎた、美味しすぎた! 昨夜はDa-iCE?のスターマインという曲をサビしか知らない状態から二人でカラオケDAMのAI採点で90点以上を狙うという突発的なチャレンジが発生して、2〜3時間かかったけどなんとか90点以上出せた、二人で90点以上出せたのは正直すごいことだと感じるし、スッキリ達成感があってめっちゃ楽しかった! また突発的に課題曲が発生するかもしれないから常にワクワクですね。笑 そんな感じ♪ JAMた!(じゃむた!)@ドラム好き → @jamta_love
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mmapop · 2 years
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gilles1974 · 2 years
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. あつぎ鮎まつり大花火大会 協賛席で楽しんできました . 3年ぶりの開催、さらに夏から延期しての秋開催は本当に大変だったと思います。関係者の皆さんに大感謝。 . 花火、協賛のスターマインはソニー厚木、日産、アンリツ、レンブラント、SELのがよかったかな、とはオレオレ感想😅 地元企業がもっと頑張って、もっともっと盛大にぶち上げていきたいですね。 . ちなみに花火の写真は‥いちおうミラーレスで撮ったものの、三脚もなくなんかイマイチなんでアップは無し😅 . #花火 #🎆 #花火大会 #鮎 #鮎まつり #あゆまつり #あつぎ鮎まつり大花火大会 #スターマイン #唐揚げ #露店 #出店 #相模川 #相模川河川敷 #相模川三川合流地点河川敷 #夕景 #夕焼け #大山 #丹沢 #山 #⛰️ #厚木 #厚木市 #神奈川 #niceatsugi #厚木らぼ #カメラ #写真 #写真好きな人と繋がりたい (相模川三川合流地点河川敷) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckk9U22P6dH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sharp7datwikk · 2 years
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そういえば、『諏訪湖遊覧船』はもう1隻『スターマイン号』があります。 解放感に満ちていて、絶対にテンションが揚がりそう。次回は乗れるといいな♪ #諏訪市 #諏訪湖 #遊覧船 #スターマイン号 #suwalake #mythrobbing #myeos_m100 #mononofu #mononofu_daily (諏訪湖遊覧船・諏訪湖観光汽船) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmOrtyGvptv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wutlaikalikes · 9 months
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hololive production COUNTDOWN LIVE 2023▷2024 -HOLOSTARS side-【#ホロスターズカウントダウン2023】
just fangirling under the cut:
The stream started at 10pm for me but 11pm in Japan. There was a lot of waiting then surprise, Armis! They were there to introduce themselves and basically notify everyone that the concert is pre-recorded and that there is a possibility that a Holostars talent is streaming. At the time, Aruran was having a watch-a-long together with Shien. Rio and Roberu also showed up. Axel was also having a watch-a-long while making food. I later found out that Hakos Baelz and Kureiji Ollie also had a watch-a-long.
⚙️🟣 怪獣の花唄 (Kaiju no Hanauta) by Vaundy
Gawd, I love this song. I don’t care for the choreography but I guess it's better than just standing there. Anyway, the choreography is very male idol-like, I don't mind it at all.
🌺🍕🦔💨 LADY by 米津玄師 (Kenshi Yonezu)
Everybody is thinking that it'll be a silly performance from them because of their performance of Perfect Human from Temma’s anniversary stream. It would be interesting but this idol-like cutesy dance is just 🥰. Also their vocals are amazing! Aran you have improved a lot!!
🐃🦝🃏 インザバックルーム (In the Back Room) by syudou
Seriously another Stars that improved a lot is Oga. I was banging my table so hard when they did that slight body roll and I happened to be staring at Oga. Sorry table… Also Oga is like my oshi, why wouldn’t I gawk at his presence? lol
🎭🦔💨🍷 オトナブルー (Otona Blue) by 新しい学校のリーダーズ (Atarashii Gakko!)
I’ve discovered Atarashii Gakko! just recently, so I’m kinda excited what Suntempo will do with the song. And I gotta say this is one of my favorite performances. Astel is right for them to perform this song, it just fits their psychopathic tendencies. But seriously, these 3 clowns are so good at singing,
🎨☔⚙️🕯️ 星座になれたら (If I could be a constellation) by 結束バンド (kessoku band)
I will be honest, I kinda tuned out during the collab songs. But this ain’t bad though. Their voices blended well.
🎲🧟‍♀️🍷🖌️ ビートDEトーヒ (Beat De Tohi) by ハマいく (Hamaiku)
This song is perfect for these hyper red talents. Ollie is so cute in this! I really like Roberu’s singing voice so it’s kinda a surprise for him to rap a bit.
🌺🎸🦝 フライデー・ナイト (Friday night) なとり (natori)
This is a nice unit. I’m surprised by this unit. Miyabi is usually bubblegum pop, Fuma is usually cool kpop-ishi and Izuru has that husky voice. I’m just very appreciative of this, they sound so cool.
🍕🐃🖌️ 第ゼロ感 (Dai Zero Kan) by 10-FEET
This performance was just fire!! They are also moving a lot, but it's not a concern for these guys' endurance since Aran goes to the gym frequently, Oga always rides his bike at night, and Gamma does stream Ringfit Adventure. The only missing member of this unit is Temma, another exorcist enthusiast . But gosh they sound so good together, high energy performance of sorts. Oga is so cool!!
I just noticed, Aran is mainly in the middle cause his clothes are white, green on the left and red on the other. Oga, on Aran’s left, is mainly black and green and Gamma, on Aran’s right, having black and red. It’s kinda nice.
🟣🃏🕯️ スターマイン (Star Mine) by Da-iCE
Grrrrrrrrrrrr. The growls coming from these three!! That ‘brah!’ coming from Rio is so adorable compared to how that other two does it lol
🎸🎭 アイドル - YOASOBI
They have to put these two last. Well justified since they are such good singers and overall performers. I feel this song is so overplayed now but gawd I can’t deny how much I love these two and how they performed this song.
BRING BACK STAR COLLECTION!! I love how they managed to squeeze in Holostars EN in their current form. And of course Miyabi and Machina interaction. I hope they release this part with English translation.
🌟 We are the HOLOSTARS!!
This song never fail to entertain me and now there's a new version?! The surprise of Uproar!! joining them brought me happiness!
H-O-L-O-S-T-A-R-S Uproar!!
🌟 Connecting by halyosy
The transition to this song was kinda lacking. This part I was hoping that EN would be on the screen at least. It’s kinda sad that it didn’t happen. Also seriously what the heck was that note Rio?!
moar thoughts
This is shorter compared to the Hololive side. I mean I don’t care, I just heard Ollie mention it. I had fun watching this. While I’m writing this I’m currently watching it for the third time.
In terms of collab songs with Hololive, I think last year’s Cinema still holds number 1 for me. Suisei and AsuIzu just nailed that performance! 2nd place is Sora, Azki and Rikka’s WASURENA.
I was wishing so hard that at least Axel would be in this. Again, I don’t care if he’ll be a cardboard cutout. Seriously, I don’t care for new outfits for the boys but 3D will be greatly appreciated so they can join Holostars JP for the Countdown Live 2024.
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via-likes-noodles · 26 days
Da-iCE / 「スターマイン」Lyric Video
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arc-archernar · 2 months
yoiyoi kokon by reol AND star mine by. who again uh. da-ice or smth. bc vibes
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vocaloid-tunes · 1 year
Starmine | Nem feat. GUMI
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yorithesims · 1 year
Music Meme
🎶✨ When you get this, you have to write down 5 songs you actually  listen to and post them. Then send this (ask or tag) to 10 cool ppl✨🎶 @nocturnalazure​  Thank you so much for the tag♡♡♡
Da-iCE - スターマイン ☆セックスを3回戦まで求めちゃう欲張りガールのハナシかと思いきや、打ち上げ花火やで♡みたいなw “こんな風に歌えたらきっと気持ちいいだろうな”ってベタで初心に返っちゃうような発声がすごく耳に心地良いTHE FIRST TAKEバージョンで。
藤井 風 - 死ぬのがいいわ ☆誰かが言ってた。ジュリーのようなセクシーさがあるって。 チラ��と見ただけの紅白歌合戦の演技で恋に落ちた気がします。
秦 基博 / Raspberry Lover ☆湿度高めの片思い男と悪女(またはファム・ファタル)の匂いを纏っている歌が好きなのですが、これは近年の中でも俺にクリティカルヒットしました♡痺れる♡
RADWIMPS - グランドエスケープ ☆2023年は未だに「君の名は」「天気の子」の世界から抜け出せずにいますw宇宙を舞台に手をつないで抱き合ってどこまでも落ちていくライカとドミニッチをいつかやりたーーいw
the engy - 息ができない ☆バンド名“ジ・エンギー”と読みます。覚えて帰ってなw もうどれを聴いても好きぃイイイしか言えない昨今の俺の推しバン。彼らにしては珍しい全日本語歌詞。なんとなく作ってみたら会議で通ってしまったからリリースに至ったという。
音楽タグにいつも軽率にノッてしまうやでw そして珍しく10人へタグ。もうここに来ることはないのかもしれない人を含んで。いつまでもあな��達を愛しています。
I Tag♡@aithsims4 @es439lotus @gnome-ts3 @fushigimerumo @purplepxls @shiroimejiro666 @simsmidgen @sugarysparkle23 @waaneco @yuruyurux
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mikuninosakai · 1 year
教祖祭PL花火芸術2017年~12年 ラストのスターマイン集(2016年は無し)Guru Festival PL fireworks art
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fuusansworld · 11 months
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一発じゃ足りない " スターマイン " です
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nahkajima · 2 years
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Top 10 tracks of the 2022: july to december. (that no one asked for)
claquepot  - silence feat. 田邊駿一 (BLUE ENCOUNT) | INI - Password | claquepot - okashi | INI - STRIDE | Da-iCE - スターマイン | JO1 - SuperCali | JO1 - Rose | JO1 - Phobia | claquepot - blue print feat. Novel Core | JO1 - 16(Sixteen)
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第93回信州千曲市千曲川納涼煙火大会 8月7日、戸倉上山田の千曲川河畔で第93回信州千曲市千曲川納涼煙火大会が開催された。今年は有料観覧席の範囲を拡大し、主会場は例年以上の見物客で溢れかえった。  同煙火大会は山に囲まれた地形のため花火の大音響が特色。夜空に広がるスターマインの大輪の花や、次々と打ち上げられる十号玉の速射に大きな歓声が湧いた。最新のヒットナンバーに乗って打ち上げられるミュージック花火はカラフルな光と音楽のページェントで、祭りの夜を色鮮やかに演出した。クライマックスは「ナイアガラの滝」で万葉橋を光のシャワーで包んだ。  前日まで雨が降るなど天気予報でも天気が心配されたが、夜風が心地良い最高のコンディションのなか、見物客は日中の猛暑を忘れ、真夏のひと時を過ごしていた。 およそ10000発の花火が信州の夏の夜空を彩った 大勢の人で埋め尽くされた花火会場の河畔
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wutlaikalikes · 25 days
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【#緋崎ガンマ生誕祭2024】🎉誕生日3DLIVE🎉ゲストと一緒に暴れるぞ!!!【#緋崎ガンマ / #ホロスターズ / #vtuber】 (part 1)
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV8G1lLS4Vo date: February 9, 2024
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Gamma chillin thinking of playing FPS
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Yagoo found out that there are other who doesn't know he's an idol.
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証言者1人目 (Witness 1)
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ふらんしすこ氏 (Francisco-san) - crazy racoon
ガンマさんとの出会いは? (How did you meet Gamma?) - CRカップの「さらちン家」というチーム (CR Cup team "Sarachin-ya")
ガンマさんのイメージは? (What is your image of Gamma?) - 明るく 元気 ムードメーカー (cheerful, energetic, mood maker)
ガンマさんがアイドルと知っていましたか? (Did you know Gamma was an idol?) - ガンマさんてアイドルだったんすか? (Was Gamma-san an idol?) お笑い大好き面白オジサン (He's a funny old man who loves comedy)
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紫宮るな氏 (Shinomiya Runa-san‬) - ぶいすぽっ! (VSPO!)
ガンマさんとの出会いは? (How did you meet Gamma?) - V最協決定戦で知り合いました (We met at the V Ultimate Collab Tournament.)
ガンマさんのイメージは? (What is your image of Gamma?) - ケツの青いジジイです (He's an old guy with a green ass.) 声ガデカくて うるさい (The voice is loud and noisy) 共感性羞恥を感じます (I feel empathic shame)
ガンマさんがアイドルと知っていましたか? (Did you know Gamma was an idol?) - ガンちゃんがアイドル!? (Ganchan is an idol!?) そんなんできるんですか? (Is that even possible?) 物覚えの悪いオジサン (an old man with poor memory) 全くアイド人のイメージはないですね (I don't have an image of an idol at all.) 人違いじゃないですか? (Aren't you mistaken?)
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Gamma is sent to the stage where he needs to fill the idol meter or else he won't have seen as a Holostars.
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First set of guests arrives; Astel Leda, Kageyama Shien, Yukoku Roberu and Kanade Izuru!
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They learned that they can't leave until the idol meter is filled.
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first song: スターマイン (Star Mine) by Da-iCE
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they are idols! lol
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The idol meter filled up 2 levels. They started discussing that Shien, Astel, Izuru and Roberu are equivalent to 0.5 points while Gamma are zero points.
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In attempt to raise the idol meter, the sempais asked Gamma to do an idol pose but it was lame. And so Astel, Shien, Roberu and Izuru walked out of the scene and repeated their introduction.
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appearing from the floor, cardboard Minase of NeoPorte!
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in attempt to raise the idol meter, Minase suggested to do a cool line. It worked but it was bad and 1 level is taken away.
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second song: KICK BACK by Kenshi Yonezu
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idol meter is now at level 4
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Gamma complimenting the staff for how cool the stage looks.
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Gamma asked his assistants / chat for poses. the kabedon pose raise the idol meter by one level but was taken away because the other poses were bad.
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UPROAR!! enters like Valo characters
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they also found out that cannot level until the idol meter is filled. tried to ran away but couldn't so they proceeded to do the idol pose!
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they also tried doing poses but them doing it individually didn't work. suddenly Gamma suggested to do a group pose like the one they did in a stream and it worked. plus 1 level!
i reached the 30 photos limit lol part 2 here || extra photos here
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vsynthbday · 2 months
happy anniversary to "Star Mine" (スターマイン) by Nem! this song came out 15 years ago today.
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art by UpRightLeftDownChuChuChu  | youtube upload | august 3rd, 2024.
[Image description: A screenshot from the official music video for "Star Mine". It depicts an unnamed character wearing headphones, having their eyes closed and facing the camera on the side. They have short light blue hair and are wearing a white button-up shirt with a pink bow. The background is a night sky filled with colorful fireworks. End image description.]
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