#植生 (Vegetation)
saint-vhs · 1 year
t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 - 植生 (Vegetation)    
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aworldforastage · 10 months
2023 Q2 Reading Recap: Personal Favorites
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(Art for audio adaptations of Blazing Armour (audiobook), Top Flower Vase of the Mainland Entertainment Industry, and Spoil)
I finished 14 titles between April and June, which is a surprise because I had a really hard time finishing novels these last few months. This post will cover six personal favorites:
Blazing Armor / 火焰戎装 by 水千丞
Nei Yu Di Yi Hua Ping (Top Flower Vase of the Mainland Entertainment Industry) / 内娱第一花瓶 by 三三娘
Placid Chang’an / 太平长安 by 盐盐Yany
The Retirement Life of a Runaway Desperado / 亡命之徒的退休生涯 by FOX
Wilderness Vegetation / 荒野植被 by 麦香鸡呢
Zuo Jian (Spoil) / 作践 by 十步方寒
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火焰戎装/Blazing Armor by 水千丞
“我都发誓,要带每个人,平安回去。” "I always swore I would bring everyone home, safely home."
Most novels in SQC's 188 series focus on the relationship arc, but Blazing Armor is driven by a tightly-paced and well-researched plot around the protagonist's career as a firefighter. As he races to put out fires and investigate cases of potential arson, he gets to know a rich, smart, and 188cm tall police officer with the face of a movie star and the personality of a craggy rock. They develop a close bond through their work, and decide to reopen a decade-old case that haunts both of them.
My favorite parts of this novel are the details put into Ren Yi's work as a firefighter. We see him handling dozens of sites and accidents big and small, and the inner five-year-old in me is fascinated by the information on different types of firetrucks! The mystery/procedural aspects of the story is also very engaging, though personally I find its resolution a bit underwhelming. As a member of a 188 Club, Gong Yingxian is less of a scum gong and more of a jerk who doesn't think of other people's feelings. Rather than toying with Ren Yi's romantic feelings for him, Gong Yingxian betrays his trust on other important issues (like criminal investigations), and YMMV if that is better or worse.
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内娱第一花瓶/Top Flower Vase of the Mainland Entertainment Industry by 三三娘
"我已经做好了为你画一辈子分镜的准备," I am prepared to storyboard for you for the rest of my life.
Ke Yu has a reputation as a "flower vase" who looks pretty and can't act, but he absolutely shines through the lens of Shang Lu, a genius aspiring director. At just under 1 million characters long, this novel takes us through LuYu's first meeting, the gradual development of their relationship, a heart-wrenching breakup, and a deliciously bittersweet reconciliation arc in which they must face the regret and pain sowed by their own actions. Alongside the movie-making, we also get treated to dark secrets, painful backstories, and the rivalries and schemes among the artistic and business elites.
This novel stands out for treating performance and film-making as serious professions that require careful study and hard work. The highlight in this story is the LuYu relationship, but it's through the rich details about their movie-making that convince us Ke Yu and Shang Lu's share a truly special bond built on respect for each other's art and talent. In a few places, the novel made me a bit uncomfortable with its idolization of the wealthy elite, depictions of foreigners and the Chinese diaspora, and female characters repeatedly getting the short end of the stick in the narrative, though this may simply have been me becoming more critical as I revisit the story for rereads.
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太平长安/Placid Chang'an by 盐盐Yany
“你既然选择了大理寺,查找真相、还原真相就是你的事,而我身为摄政亲王,稳定朝局,制衡天下是我的事。你做你该做的,剩下的我来处理。” "Since you have chosen to join the Court of Judicial Review, investigating and uncovering the truth is now your duty; I am the Prince Regent, so stabilizing the court and governing the nation is my duty. Do your duty, and I will handle the rest."
Su Cen is the newly-minted Zhuangyuan in the most recent Imperial Exams, but his political career is complicated by the factional rivalry in government. He starts as a lowly administrator with the Court of Judicial Review, and soon shines as a talented investigator with with a sharp intuition and fierce determination. He repeatedly crosses path with the Prince Regent, eventually falling into the Prince's faction at court and his bed at night. As Su Cen continues his work and tries to figure out what kind of public servants he wants to become, he notices something or other always seem to lead back to this secret society and a decade-old cold case....
I really like this novel for its cases and mysteries, as well as for clever handling of several tropes that I generally dislike. The Prince Regent is more powerful and older than his love interest (~ 40 y.o. vs early 20s). This novel does not shy away from how this difference in power, knowledge, and experience generally do not work in Su Cen's favor, even though he also benefits from being doted on, taken care of, and taught by the older and wiser Prince. The ending feels a bit rushed and cartoon-ish compared to the rest of the story. Some of the supporting characters feel a bit flat, but the main relationship and plot mysteries in this novel are very enjoyable.
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亡命之徒的退休生涯/The Retirement Life of a Runaway Desperado by FOX^^
"你当父亲当得的确可怕,我不敢相信世界上有人不会热牛奶。" "Your efforts at fatherhood are indeed terrifying. I can not believe there exists people who do not know how to make warm milk."
Detective Lynn and Dr. Arthur are both widower single fathers who settle in a small American town to cope with the loss of their wives. Their daughters become fast friends, which forces them to become co-parents of sorts despite their dislike and distrust of each other. Soon it becomes very hard for Lynn to explain that he and Arthur are not together, even though Arthur is now looking after his child, making his food, picking out his outfits and aftershave.... However, there is a hidden danger in this small town, and Arthur is keeping some important secrets just like Lynn suspects.
This is a short novel at only 12 chapters. The prose is in the style of a translated novel, which can be a bit weird to read. Arthur and Lynn have their secrets and reservations about each other, but that's nothing next to the town's gossip engine or the convenience of keeping their kids in one place. The general atmosphere of the story is dominated by the slow pace of small town life and the frivolity of neighborly gossip, and I enjoy it the most for the domesticity of two jaded men raising their girls together in such a place.
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荒野植被/Wilderness Vegetation by 麦香鸡呢
如果可以,谁不想体体面面的,体面地爱人,体面地被爱。 If it's possible, who wouldn't want dignity? To love with dignity, and be loved with dignity.
Xu Yan is still desperately holding onto his lopsided relationship with Shen Zhi at the start of the novel, but changes his mind and leaves by Chapter 5. Shen Zhi communicates so little that it takes him another ten chapters to realize he has been dumped for real. Although he never cheats on Xu Yan or thinks of him like a second-rate backup, Shen Zhi's behavior throughout their relationship is essentially emotional abuse. Despite his sad backstory and genuine feelings for Xu Yan, none of it justifies the harm caused by his behavior, and it's a long and hard road to win Xu Yan back.
It's strange to say it's a "healthy crematorium", but it's one of the few that does not try to justify, retcon, or minimize any bad behaviors. Xu Yan surrounds himself with a support system who reminds him that he deserves a truly nourishing relationship. Shen Zhi, despite his feelings, is actually quite respectful of Xu Yan's rejections and boundaries, and eventually lets Xu Yan go when he realizes how horribly wrong things have gone. Shen Zhi has the maturity to take responsibility for the mental and emotional work to become a better partner. When Xu Yan and Shen Zhi get back together, I believe they can build a good dynamic this time with their growth and maturity.
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作践/Spoil by 十步方寒
我把我的心,系在了鸟的覆羽上,让鸟随着梦,把我带向自由的远方。 I tied my heart, onto the feathered wings of a bird, and let the bird follow its dreams, and carry me toward freedom in a faraway land.
Facing the exorbitant medical cost to treat his father's chronic liver failure, Xu Qingzhou agrees to sell "himself" to local entrepreneur Lu Cheng. He is a respectable teacher, husband, and father by day, and a sex slave during his off-hours. Lu Cheng's actions are less about pleasure and more about taking revenge for past actions of Xu Qingzhou's father. Between fear, guilt, and habits, Xu Qingzhou's actions and attitude toward Lu Cheng softens. But as Lu Cheng's controlling tendencies escalate, the delicate balance of Xu Qingzhou's double life begins to fall apart ...
This story is dark and brutally realistic. Innocent people are ruined by the cruelties of reality, while some can live their entire life without facing the consequences of their actions. The narrative touches on a host of social issues like homophobia, wealth inequity, a flawed healthcare system, as well as highlighting the harms caused by some traditional values like blind deference to figures of authority and the stigma attached to sex and sexuality. A true happy ending is impossible in this story, because some mistakes and wounds just cannot be fixed, but the characters do come to terms with the past, and starts on a path forward.
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sugarsui · 27 days
 ネイマニスに触発されて読み始めたので、海や植物に関する議論に興味があり、そこに関して言えば、海という語は直接的には出てこないものの、男根主義的な剛体に対置される女性的なものを目指す流体に通じるし、『性的差異のエチカ』ではヘーゲルにおいて下位に置かれていた植物への着目や、これまでの哲学において忘却されていた空気の話は、Through Vegetal Beingまで続く話であった。最後の空気の忘却はその名で、著作が出ているらしく気になる。『ひとつではない女の性』では、『検視鏡』に寄せられた問いへのリプライが行われていたが、こちらも気になるが、日本語訳は残念ながらない。
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Would you get off with “Karami”? (prose)
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I lived in the mountains 30 years ago. It was a fruitful period in my life. Every day, I went to the forest plantation, about 300 meters above sea level from where I lived at the time, to take care of the ``cedar child.'' Most of the cedars had already been planted, but some of the cedars were dying, and cutting down the weeds that grow in the summer was also an important role.
Then, when I came down from the mountain with an empty backpack or basket, I was asked by the people on the mountain, ``Are you going home with Karami (empty backpack)''? What this means is that, while it is natural to take fertilizer and cedar seeds with you into the mountains, you should also take something with you when you come down, such as harvested vegetables or firewood.
I see, I thought. You can do two jobs with just one effort. The more I became acquainted with life in the mountains, the more I felt ``I see.''
The way people in the mountains think about money is also interesting, and I worked as a civil engineering worker when a dam was being built to prevent the cliffs of private houses from collapsing. However, the housewife of this house, an old woman, also participated in the construction work and was paid a wage. No woman living in the city would do something like this.
The ``hot goat milk'' I received from an old woman during construction was delicious!  And then, for some ridiculous reason, I climbed down the mountain. ...with "Karami". Afterward, when I visited the mountain again, I visited her house, and she said, ``Oh, Rei-chan!'' And welcomed me with the goat's milk.
Then, a few years ago, when I called my “girlfriend's house”, I was told that she had already passed away. This village has now surpassed the level of a ``marginal village'' and will probably no longer exist. But this place is burned into my heart.
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mamedorilabo · 11 months
Glad to have visitors
彼はカナダ人で、現在は日本に住み、藍染めや織りをしています。また、蚕の飼育や生糸の紡績も行っています。 お二人とも、とても素敵な方です!
A visitor(the woman who to see my work,so I am glad) to our recent antique market came again with a friend and weaving teacher.
In the middle of the photo is Bryan Whitehead.
He is a Canadian who now lives in Japan and works as an indigo dyer and weaver. He also raises silkworms and spins raw silk. Both of them are very nice!
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彼はカナダ人で、現在は日本に住み、藍染めや織りをしています。また、蚕の飼育や生糸の紡績も行っています。 お二人とも、とても素敵な方です!
ブライアンさんを「日本文化の担い手」「日本人より日本人らしい」「日本語が上手」とは言いたくありません。 布を作ること、自分の服を作ること、糸を紡ぐこと、植物から色を取ることは、国境や人種とは関係がないからです。 ブライアンさんのインタビューを読むと、私が考えていたことと同じことを言っていました。 宮大工になろうと思っていたこと、さらには、広告のデザインをしたり、絵を描いたりしていたこと!(私は現役のグラフィックデザイナー、イラストレーターです。)
話は戻りますが、お二人は我が家の納屋を隅々まで見て、いろいろと買ってくださいました。 自分が使いきれない糸や道具が、形にしてくれる人のところへ行くのは、本当に嬉しいことです!
私はとにかく何かを作るのが好きで、古布で服を作ったり紙でステイショナリーを作ったりしています。 畑では野菜やハーブを作っています。廃油で石鹸を作ったり、ハーブでお香を作ったり。私の作品にまつわるもので作っていないのは、紙と布だけ���も笑。 今作っているものを極める事で、今回の人生は精一杯。 誰かが作ってくれた素敵な布や紙を、精一杯活かせるように精進します!
I don't want to say that Bryan is a "bearer of Japanese culture" or "more Japanese than the Japanese" or "speaks good Japanese.  Because making cloth, making your own clothes, spinning yarns, and getting colors from plants have nothing to do with national borders or race. When I read the interview with Bryan, he said the same thing I had been thinking. It is the same thing that I was thinking of becoming a palace carpenter, and even the same thing that I was thinking of doing, designing advertisements and drawing pictures! (I'm an active graphic designer and illustrator)
Bryan’s interview
Bryan’s studio blog
Back to the story, the two of them looked at every inch of our barn and bought many things. I am so glad that these threads and tools that I can't use in my life are now going to people who can give them shape!
Two people told me. They told me, "Why don't you weave too?
I really like to make something,I make clothes from old fabrics and stationery from paper. In the field, I grow vegetables and herbs, make soap with waste oil and incense with herbs.Maybe the only things related to my work that I haven't made are paper and fabric:) By mastering what I am making now, I am doing the best I can with my life this time. I will devote myself to making the most of the wonderful cloth and paper that someone has made for me!
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genkidesuka2022 · 1 year
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市販ではカルディ、成城石井、イトーヨーカドー、北野エースなどで販売 しています。
通販でもAmazon や楽天市場などで購入することができます。
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一つ目は オールインワンスパイスカレー//シビ辛薬膳カレー辛
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tasselshongkong · 1 year
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[ KREIS 🇩🇪 ] Cordovan watch straps Genuine Horween Shell Cordovan with sweat resistant vegetable tanned leather lining. Fits 20mm lug width cases waist watches. Handmade in Germany. • Kreis 除了NATO 馬臀皮手錶帶,而家也為大家提供傳統款式錶帶。一樣採用頂級 Horween 馬臀皮於德��人手製作。分別有純色和雲石色皮革給你搭配心愛腕錶,每一件的紋路和色澤都是獨一無二,內層植鞣樹糕皮無有害化學成分,能抵禦日常汗水可安心接觸皮膚。20mm 闊度對應大多款勞力士,奧米加,GS等。 • #kreis #madeingermany #handmade #cordovan #horweenshellcordovan #leathergoods #watchstrap #rolex #omega #grandseiko #KREIShongkong #德國製造 #馬臀皮 #手錶帶 #馬迷錶帶 #tassels生活配件 #Horween皮 #養馬玩意 #另類馬迷 #tasselshongkong (at LANDMARK置地廣塲) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnHAK6CrYwv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cavane · 1 year
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The Noel Collection ❄︎❄︎❄︎ forme Liscio leather hand wallet / fo-22009 (fip-21 ) made in Japan 『 forme Liscio leather hand wallet 』 formeより革財布のご紹介です。 機能性が重視された小ぶりで持ち運びも便利な財布です。 革は歴史あるイタリアのトスカーナ地方で作られているLiscio「バダラッシィ・カルロ社」最高級のタンニンなめし革。 使用する度に馴染んでいき革は艶を増し色も濃くなっていきます。 クラシカル、モード、カジュアルな装いに小物スタイリングが楽しめ長くご愛用いただけます。 贈り物・ギフト・ご自身用におすすめです。※ボックス付き 詳細は下記よりオンラインストアをご利用下さいませ。 https://cavane.shop ・ ・ ・ forme NO : fo-22009 (fip-21 ) ITEM : Liscio leather hand wallet TYPE : men・women SIZE : W13 cm x D2.5cm x H9cm COLOR : Liscio Black 素材 : リスシオ(Italian Vegetable Tanned Leather / Liscio) 100% forme フォルメ designer_Akihiro Kojima 留め具のホックには真鍮製フラットリベットボタンを採用。小銭用のジップ収納、お札、カード入れとシンプルなデザインは各仕切りがあり、しっかりとした収納が出来ます。クラシカル、モード、カジュアルな装いに小物スタイリングが楽しめ長くご愛用いただけます。シリアルナンバー入り専用ボックス付きとなります。 革について Liscio(リスシオ)Italy Carlo Badalassi社 バダラッシィ・カルロ社 Liscio(リスシオ)はイタリア語で「滑らか」という意。 使用していく内に味わい深いレザーに増していきます。乾拭きをしていて表面にかさつきが出てくる場合は、皮革用のクリームなどで油分を補ってください。 フォルメは独自の木型開発、設計革本来の質感が良くわかる 植物染料による染めやベジタブルタンニングによる 革を用いた繊細な物作り。 ヨーロッパにおいて靴の大量生産(メーカー化)が行われる 前の当時では当たり前としてあった技術 (木型、製法、染色)を用いた靴作り。 道具として生活に根ざしたモノとしての靴。 一足一足の箱にシリアルナンバー記載。 アフターケアも万全で、ブランドとショップにて 修理を受付させて頂きますので、 より長く愛着を持って履くことの出来る一足です。 ※ 採寸は個体差がありますので、若干の誤差が生じます ご了承ください。 ※ 実際の商品と仕様、加工、サイズが若干異なる場合があります。 ※ 返品・交換はご了承くださいませ。 ※ 再入荷はございません。 ※ デイリーケアは天然繊維の布や天然繊維のブラシで乾拭きをしてあげるだけで、ツヤを引き出すことができます。 こちらよりお問い合わせください。 TEL: 06-6449-8588 or MAIL: [email protected] ・ ・ ・ #forme #formeshoes #artisan #handmade #fashiongoods #leatherwallet #Christmas #vintage #Carlo Bdalassi社 #liscio #shortwallet #Noel #gift #cavane #フォルメ  #牛革 #ベジタブルタンニンレザー #革財布 #京町堀 #革小物 #ノエル #クリスマス #贈り物 #22aw (Cavane) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl4sRa9PB6F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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trivia-jp · 4 months
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十勝岳(とかちだけ) 北海道の名所
十勝岳(とかちだけ)は、北海道の中央部に位置する山岳地帯で、大雪山系の一部をなしています。以下に、十勝岳の特徴と魅力を紹介します。 1. 自然豊かな山岳地帯 大雪山系の一部であり、美しい自然が広がります。豊かな植生や高山植物、草原、温泉などが見所です。 2. 登山スポット 多くの登山コースが整備されており、登山家やハイカーにとって人気のスポットです。 3. 絶景のパノラマ 山頂からは周囲の山々や大自然の景観が一望でき、特に天候の良い日には遠くまで見渡せます。 4. 四季折々の景色 春は新緑、夏は高山植物が咲き誇り、秋は紅葉、冬は雪景色と、四季それぞれの美しい景色が楽しめます。 5. 温泉地 登山後にゆっくりできる温泉地もあり、疲れを癒すことができます。 6. 動植物の宝庫 多様な植物や野生動物が生息しており、自然観察や写真撮影のスポットとしても人気です。
Tokachidake (Tokachidake) Famous places in Hokkaido
Tokachidake is a mountainous region located in central Hokkaido, and is part of the Daisetsuzan Mountain Range. Below, we will introduce the characteristics and charms of Mt. Tokachi. 1. Mountain area rich in nature It is part of the Daisetsuzan mountain range and is surrounded by beautiful nature. Highlights include rich vegetation, alpine plants, grasslands, and hot springs. 2. Climbing spot It is a popular spot for mountaineers and hikers, with many mountain climbing courses. 3. Spectacular panorama From the top of the mountain, you can get a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and nature, and on clear days you can see far into the distance. 4. Seasonal scenery You can enjoy beautiful scenery in each season: fresh greenery in spring, alpine plants in full bloom in summer, autumn leaves in autumn, and snowy scenery in winter. 5. Hot spring area There are also hot springs where you can relax after climbing, so you can soothe your fatigue. 6. Treasure trove of flora and fauna It is home to a variety of plants and wild animals, and is a popular spot for nature observation and photography.
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eri-utf · 6 months
全学体験ゼミ「人の手で作り管理する森林」が実施されました。Fieldwork "Forests Created and Managed by Human Hands," was held.
全学体験ゼミ「人の手で作り管理する森林」について、生態水文学研究所での現地実習が9月11・12日に犬山研究林と赤津研究林で行われました。 Fieldwork "Forests Created and Managed by Human Hands," field training at the Ecohydrology Research Institute was held on September 11 and 12 at the Inuyama Research Forest and Akazu Research Forest.
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1日目は犬山研究林にて、100年前に作られたグリーンインフラを体験しました。 はげ山から再生した森を見学し、土砂の変化を手に取って観察しました。 On the first day, at the Inuyama Research Forest, they experienced green infrastructure built 100 years ago. They toured the forest regenerated from bare mountain and observed first hand the changes in the sediment.
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現在の森の構成樹種やサイズ(胸高直径)、樹高などを測り、植生断面図を作成しました。 They measured the current forest composition, size (diameter at breast height), and height of trees, and created a vegetation cross-sectional map.
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またスマートフォンアプリを使って森林の景観印象評価も行いました。 They used a smartphone app to assess forest landscape impressions.
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2日目は赤津研究林にて、100年前の森林の利用のしかたを体験しました。 小長曽陶器窯跡を見学し、森林の伐採・搬出を体験しました。 On the second day, at Akazu Research Forest, they experienced how forests were used 100 years ago. They visited the ruins of the Konagaso pottery kiln site and experienced the logging and removal of the forest.
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薪を使って採暖・調理も体験しました。 They also experienced heating and cooking with firewood.
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食後は薪割りを体験しました。みなさん夢中で薪割りをし、伐採したコナラをすべて薪にすることができました。 みなさんお疲れさまでした。
After lunch, they experienced chopping firewood. Everyone was enthusiastic about chopping wood, and they were able to make firewood from all the jolcham oak we cut down. Thank you everyone for your hard work.
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alangskadang · 8 months
【 Alang Skadang - Traps 】 Yannick Dauby 2022
Please note : some of the images and sounds might be disturbing as they relate to hunting wild animals.
“ On the second day of our arrival at Datong, our host Lmio asked me if I would come with him to check his traps. I was curious to discover his territory and happy to spend some time with him in the forest and didn't know that he was such skillful hunter. I didn't plan to make a documentation, but always carry with me a small handheld sound recorder and a point-and-shoot film camera. There I was, catching sounds with the left hand and images with the right hand, sometimes carrying the hunter gun under my arm, with my headphone cable being constantly dragged by the dense vegetation. Later, we could make an interview with Lmio and Simat, his wife, about this topic. Through editing, I rebuilt the irregular flow of time that I experienced in the forest. The resulting short film is in no way an apologia or a statement. It is the result of my observation process, a subjective description of the hunting practice, there, at this moment. ” Y.D.
" 抵達大同的第二天,我們下榻處的主人Lmio問我要不要和他一起去水源地附近巡陷阱。我對於去認識他的獵場以及一起花點時間進入山林很感興趣,但我並不知道他是個這麼有經驗的獵人。 原本沒打算要做完整紀錄,但我仍帶了一台小小的手持錄音機和一台底片傻瓜相機在身上。結果,我人在那,用左手捕捉聲音,右手抓取影像,有時腋下夾著一把獵槍,我的耳機線則不斷被茂密的植被拖扯。 稍晚,我們就這個話題訪問了Lmio和他的妻子Simat。 透過剪輯,我重建了在森林中經歷的不規則時間流動。據此構成的短片,並非為了頌揚或聲明,而是個人觀���過程的結果:關於狩獵實踐的一種主觀描述,此時此刻,在此地。 " - 澎葉生
This work is part of an on-going project in the indigenous village of Datong / Skadang, located in Taroko National Park, in Taiwan.
Exhibition in November-December 2022 in Taipei, at TheCube Gallery. thecubespace.com/en/project/2022-tree-tree-tree-person_en/
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aworldforastage · 4 months
A Totally Subjective List of Favorite Danmei Novels I Read in 2023
Joyful Reunion :: 相见欢 by 非天夜翔
Governor's Illness :: 督主有病 by 杨溯
The Return of Cambrian Period :: 寒武再临
The Plays of Lips and Teeth :: 唇齿之戏 by 张佩奇
Blazing Armor :: 火焰戎装 by 水千丞
After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine :: 残疾战神嫁我为妾后 by 刘狗花
Wilderness Vegetation :: 荒野植被 by 麦香鸡呢
In Name Only :: 有名 by 木更木更
Placid Chang’an :: 太平长安 by 盐盐 Yany
Eternities Still Unsaid Till You Love Me :: 欲言难止 by 麦香鸡呢
Joyful Reunion :: 相见欢 by 非天夜翔
“相见欢,原本是我们的曲子。” "'Joyful Reunion' originally belonged to my people."
[action, political intrigue, coming of age] -- At its heart, Joyful Reunion is a young man's coming-of-age, as he grows up in a war-torn world and decides on the type of man and leader he wants to become. This novel isn't easy to read with it pacing and length, but its reputation as an iconic historical political danmei is well-deserved. There are no "good people" and "bad people", just humans trying to survive in a harsh world and live their own truths. The main romantic arc is fairly light, while the most controversial (i.e. beloved) "second male lead" in all of danmei is lurking in the background. But I love that Duan Ling finds someone who supports him through his worst days, and they give each other strength and hope to stay true to their best selves.
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Governor's Illness :: 督主有病 by 杨溯
“去吧,”沈玦道,“你生,我去找你。你死,我去陪你。” “Go,” Shen Jue says, “If you live, I’ll come find you. If you die, I’ll go with you.”
[wuxia, secrets and conspiracies, revenge plot] -- The powerful Governor of the Eastern Depot has a massive bounty on the head of an infamous assassin. Who knew it's because they are childhood friends who want to find each other? Despite a tiny bit of palace intrigue, this is mostly a wuxia story, focusing on the complicated bonds between masters and disciples, and far too many blood debts and sect secrets. The first part of the novel is brutal. I love plot-heavy stories but I intentionally ignore parts of this one during re-reads because it is just so heartbreaking (unrelated to the romance arc). But Xiahou Lian never stops seeing the best in Shen Jue and Shen Jue never stops wanting the best for Xiahou Lian. And that strong bond gives them -- and readers like me -- some hope and comfort as secrets and enemies from the ghosts of Xiahou Lian's past continue to launch them into one action-packed challenge after another. (My review here)
The Return of Cambrian Period :: 寒武再临 by 水千丞
这就是末世,个人的悲伤在全世界的悲伤面前,渺小无比。 This is the apocalypse, and the grief of an individual is utterly insignificant compared to all the grief in the world right now.
[apocalypse, action/adventure, superpowers/mutations] -- I don't know how to summarize 1.7 million words briefly so here's a much lengthier review. It's an action-adventure with super-powered humans and mutant "monsters of the week". It's a mystery and heroic epic trying to solve and conquer the cause of the apocalypse. It's a social commentary sketching out what humanity keeps and saves and becomes when modern society crumbles. It's a love story -- many love stories, romantic and familial and platonic and more-- that reminds you what gives humans the courage, purpose, and determination to stand up in face of overwhelming adversity is love for and from the people we keep in our hearts.
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The Plays of Lips and Teeth :: 唇齿之戏 by 张佩奇
周辰瑜回到舞台中央,说:“这出《乌龙院》,我和贺辰烽常说,不过这还是我头一回演阎惜娇。” 说着,他转过身,对身旁的晏朝说:“人家第一次都给你了,你要对我负责。” 晏朝:“……” Zhou Chenyu returns to the center stage, and says, "I have performed 'Wu Long Yuan' many times with He Chenfeng, but this is my first time playing Yan Xijiao." He turns to Yan Zhao, who is standing beside him, "I'm giving you my first time, you need to take responsibility." Yan Zhao: "..."
[ celebrities, comedy, traditional arts] -- This is a novel for when you want stories about celebrities, with all the fun of "CP fans" and Weibo drama, but also a break from actors and idols. A TV host and a Xiangsheng actor meet in a reality show that teaches them about each other's careers. While they are expected to provide some fan service to boost ratings, they also develop genuine respect and fondness for each other. With a comedian as a main character, this novel kept me laughing with xiangsheng performances and the main couple's funny antics. There is a bit of angst when the main characters struggle with their careers and their relationships with their respective families, but luckily, they find each other and a path forward together.
Blazing Armor :: 火焰戎装 by 水千丞
可那个"孩子",他又天真又残忍。 But that "child", he is so innocent and cruel.
[mystery/procedural, romance, firefighters] -- A departure from the norm in the 188 Boys Club, this novel is a plot-heavy slow-burn romance, following the work of fire captain Ren Yi and police officer Gong Yingxian. I got really drawn into the "cases" (fires) that Ren Yi deals with, and learned so much about fire trucks, rescue protocols, and fire risks of various materials. Gong Yingxian is a traumatized genius orphan with a large inheritance, weird hobbies, and no social skills. He repeatedly hurts Ren Yi's feelings and betrays his trust, for reasons ranging from uninformed callousness to intentional manipulation, but technically none of that is about their romantic relationship. I don't want to downplay the seriousness of his actions, but there is something precious about the guy who confesses his feelings with the bones of his dead pet lizard, and gets frustrated because Ren Yi can't decipher the romantic symbolism of the lizard's heart-shaped tail bone.
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After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine :: 残疾战神嫁我为妾后 by 刘狗花
“瞧好了,他,靖王,我是他的妾,他是我夫君。” "Look carefully! Him, the Prince Jin, I am his secondary concubine, he is my lord husband."
[transmigration, romance, political intrigue] -- History professor Jiang Suizhou fails a student paper for using unofficial records, and ends up transmigrating into the wild events chronicled in the paper. Like any decent protagonist of a transmigration novel, Suizhou saves himself from a gruesome fate, falls in love with the coolest person in their universe, and change the world for the better. Despite the setting, the political plot is kept light and simple. A great treat for when you want sugar-pie feel-good comfort read with a tiny bit of plot.
Wilderness Vegetation :: 荒野植被 by 麦香鸡呢
如果可以,谁不想体体面面的,体面地爱人,体面地被爱。 If given the option, who wouldn't want dignity? To love with dignity, and be loved with dignity.
[scum gong crematorium, reconciliation, mental illness] -- My favorite HE crematorium novel! Xu Yan dumps emotionally abusive boyfriend Shen Zhi whom he has loved and tolerated for years, and starts a new life and career with supportive friends and family. This is finally a sane universe where no one retcons or minimizes or excuses Shen Zhi's actions, even if there were genuine misunderstandings and he genuinely loved Xu Yan. During the crematorium phase, Shen Zhi respects Xu Yan's boundaries and refusals (though he does repeatedly return to ask again). It takes time, but he works hard to grow as a person, to think and behave differently, and eventually lets Xu Yan go out of love and respect. When Xu Yan initiates the reconciliation, it feels like they have a chance this time because they have both changed and grown in meaningful ways.
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In Name Only :: 有名 by 木更木更
“当他落在了我这儿,我这儿就是春天。” "When he lands where I am, where I am becomes spring time. "
[actors/celebrities, fake relationship, mature characters] -- Two award-winning actors fake a relationship to quash a scandalous rumor. They gradually get to know the real person behind the other's accomplished career and polished public persona, and fall in love. The tone of the story veers is mostly sweet and funny, with a splash of angst that they conquer with their own strength and each other's support. It's so comforting and relaxing to read about the love story of "mature men" in their early 30s who know how to communicate productively, take care of the people they like, and really accept and empathize with each other's imperfections. (I wrote about the novel here.)
Placid Chang’an :: 太平长安 by 盐盐 Yany
“你既然选择了大理寺,查找真相、还原真相就是你的事,而我身为摄政亲王,稳定朝局,制衡天下是我的事。你做你该做的,剩下的我来处理。” “Since you have chosen to join the Court of Judicial Review, investigating and uncovering the truth is now your duty; I am the Prince Regent, so stabilizing the court and governing the nation is my duty. Do your duty, and I will handle the rest.”
[mystery/procedural, court politics] -- The newest Zhuangyuan Su Cen has a sharp mind and keen eye for solving mysterious. As a high-profile rookie official, he is soon swept into the factional rivalries at court -- and the Prince Regent's bed at night. The plot is mainly driven by a series of cases Su Cen investigates for his work and at the behest of people around him, and many mysteries point back to a few old cold cases and a secret organization. The grand finale feels a bit underwhelming compared to the set up, and the side characters are somewhat flat, but the individual cases and the main couple are engaging. The relationship arc is a sweet but measured exploration into the charms and woes of a relationship with large gaps in power and age (40-ish vs early 20s). They are both capable but not overpowered, leaving the story with believable suspense throughout.
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Eternities Still Unsaid Till You Love Me :: 欲言难止 by 麦香鸡呢
其实他知道不应该用‘等’来形容。许则像只风筝,没有人握着线,风筝在高空被吹得飘摇不定,但还是竭尽全力地留在原地,不是等谁来牵那根线,只是希望能再看某个人一眼。 Actually, he knows it shouldn't be called "waiting." Xu Ze is like a kite with no one holding the string. The kite wobbles as it flies high in the sky, but it still tries so hard to stay in place, not waiting for anyone to pick up that string, but just hoping to see that certain someone on more time.
[ABO, Alpha/Alpha, (temporarily) unrequited pining, amnesia] -- Scholarship kid Xu Ze has harbored a secret crush on Golden Boy and fellow Alpha Lu Heyang for years. They eventually begin a secret relationship in high school, but it ends after Lu Heyang gets amnesia, and they don't meet again until years later. The pining in this story is absolutely suffocating. Xu Ze has always prepared for his feelings to remain unrequited, and Lu Heyang is far from forthcoming and reassuring about his own feelings and commitment during their high school relationship. After adult Lu Heyang risks everything to recover his memory of their relationship, it's devastating to see Xu Ze break down in Lu Heyang's arms, finally coming to terms with how desparately he has wanted and waited for this reunion, and finally getting his Lu Heyang back. (I wrote more about this novel here)
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essay110us · 11 months
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How God Is Seen Through the Golden Section The First Academy
Author’s  Note
This paper was prepared in fulfillment of the senior thesis graduation requirement under  the guidance of Mr. Neil Harrison, Mrs. Susie Taylor, and Dr. Scott Tornges.
The golden section is an interesting natural phenomenon that is observed in many plants. Human beings have also used golden section frequently in architecture. However, not many people have wondered about the relationship between golden section and Christianity. This paper aims to find out the connections between the golden section and God. Using biblical references and examples of golden section in architecture, plants and the human body, this paper tries to prove that golden section is the creation of God, and God can be seen through the golden section in plants, the human body, and architecture. It suggests that human beings should remain humble and live in harmony with nature. Humans should also appreciate the love of god by reflecting on themselves. God is the creator of everything and the architecture of humans is only imitation of God.
Zhiyi Zhou
4th Period English  / 5th Period Apologetics
30th Jan 2020
How God Is Seen Through the Golden Section?
The golden section is also known as the golden ratio, its value is roughly 0.618. The golden section is common in people’s lives and objects designed by the golden ratio are often appealing to the viewer. More than 2,500 years ago, Pythagoras, a famous mathematician in ancient Greece, was the first person recorded to discover the golden section. During the Renaissance, the famous Italian painter, artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci named this proportional relationship as the "golden section" and it is still in use today (Dolly, 2009). Teenagers in China believe that The Golden Section was created by an unknown mathematician in ancient times. However, there is no book that proves The Golden Section was invented by human. People all over the world considers that The Golden Section as a nature phenomenon. Nevertheless, it is impossible to have so many coincidences. The golden section is a familiar mathematical relationship, but its meaning is not so simple. If it was discovered and not invented by human beings, then who invented it in the first place? I believe that God is the creator of everything and controls them to make world a more beautiful place. God can be seen through the golden section in plants, the human body, and architecture.
First, God can be seen through golden section in plants. Plant is the source of life for many creatures on earth and an important link of nature. In Genesis 1:12, the land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. According to the description in Genesis, although God created mankind in his own image, mankind belongs to the same world as other creatures in the Garden of Eden. Here the first human ancestors Adam and Eve lived in harmony with the trees and flowers, birds and animals in the garden. They used to be naked and not self-conscious at all, living in harmony with nature. As the creation of God, plants are naturally the design of God. Therefore, the observation of plants will help people appreciate the intentions of God when he first created the plants.
The growth of plants observes the rule of the golden section. The leaves and petals of many plants are arranged from 0.618: 1 in ascending order. They are all designed to maximally receive the sun’s rays, keep ample space for breathing, and are more conducive to receiving moisture from rain. In this way, the plants can grow better. For example, when leaves grow in a new branch, if people look down from the top of the branch, they can see that the leaves are arranged in a pair of spirals, and the distance of the leaves on the spiral line just fits the golden section (Meisner, 2018). Coincidentally, sunflower seeds are also arranged according to a specific logarithmic spiral arc, and their distance on the spiral line also obeys the golden section law (Meisner, 2018). As early as medieval Europe, Fibonacci found that the sequence of plant leaves, petals, and pinecone petals are all close to an approximate value of 0.618. Therefore, the composition of the natural world, the birth of all plants on earth, are inextricably linked to the golden section.
The presence of the golden section in nature is perhaps the way for God to tell people the interconnectedness of living things and the divine laws of creation behind everything. God gives lives for everything on Earth. They are in a particular order which is very complex. According to Geisler: "Any slight deviation in any one of a number of environmental factors would preclude us from even existing. The extent of the universes fine-tuning makes the Anthropic Principle perhaps the most powerful argument for the existence of God" (Geisler, & Turek, 2004). Such “coincidence” make us humans feel humbled in front of the creation and design of God. With the decline natural environment caused by human beings, we should be reminded that we are only part of this world, not the master of this world. Therefore, it is important for us human beings to live harmoniously with nature instead of destroying nature arrogantly.
Second, God can be seen through Golden Section in the human body. According to Genesis 1:27, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him male and female he created them”. Genesis allows us to see that not only the heavens and the earth are created by God, but humans are also created by God. In addition, humans are created in the image and style given by God. Genesis allows us to see that God created man in his own image and style when he created them. Why is this important? The answer is that if there is a similarity between man and God, then we should look at our own images and find characters of God. Man has God’s image means that human can have the features of holiness, goodness, justice, fairness, love, and faithfulness that God has given us. This is shows that although human and nature are both created by God, humans have more complicated nature granted by God.
The evidence of the golden section is found in many places in the human body. The heart is the engine of life, and the center of the heart is at the golden section of the chest. The navel is the point of the golden section of the entire human body. The position of the navel is equivalent to roughly 61.8% of the height. For the whole body, the navel is the dividing point between distance from the top of the head to the plantar, and for the part, the throat is the point which divide the distance between the head and the navel (Ili?, Stefanovi?, & Sadikovi?, 2018). In addition, the weight percentage of water in the human body is also 61.8% (Meisner, 2018). If the above-mentioned proportion of the human body meets the golden section law, it will appear coordinated and symmetrical. One of the main reasons why Venus with a broken arm has a timeless charm is that the proportion of the body structure fully complies with the golden section law.
The golden section in the human body shows the love and mercy of God for humans. God not only creates the bodies for human, but also makes it complicated. Jesus died for human, and human lived for his glory. God created man to live holy and comfortable lives. When the earth was created, it was perfect and there were no signs of sin or decay. It is only human who disobey the law of God, that brings them sin and suffering. But in the sufferings of sin, God’s love is revealed. Although the nature of the human world is sinful, God still showing mercy by bringing salvation to the people, and having his own son sacrifice for people’s salvation. Therefore, the golden section in the human body are also reminders of the goodness of people. When humans learn to reflect upon themselves and observe the goodness, they will also discover the love of God and find salvation from the sinful life.
Architecture is the third way to see God through golden section. According to Genesis 11:4, it says that "Then they said, ’Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.’” Apparently, the complexity human beings is not only for self-reflection. God created man in his own image, so the relationship between man and God is more than ordinary nature. Humans have more complicated tasks than just living in harmony with nature. Instead, humans assume the mission of the intermediary between God and nature. Because of the ability to learn and to change the world, people can perceive the existence of God by creating things on their own. In this process of creating or changing, humans will begin to understand the divinity of God through the things they create.
The golden section is in countless famous architecture of the world. The Parthenon in ancient Greece has a plane structure with a rectangle of 1: 1.618. The center is the hall and the main hall, surrounded by pillars. Its marble columns are 0.618 of the height of the entire temple (Meisner, 2018). The temple is magnificent and harmonious because its height, width, and column spacing all conform to gold section. The Taj Mahal in India, a masterpiece of Islamic architecture, is one of the seven major architectural wonders in the world. It consists of a palace, a bell tower, a minaret, and a pond. The entire cemetery is rectangular, it is known as the perfect building for its golden ratio (Meisner, 2018). The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, is designed for French bridge engineer Eiffel. It is made of a staggered structure, 300 meters high, and made of more than 1,500 giant beams. It is also built according to the principle of golden section (Meisner, 2018). The examples show that the golden section is not something invented by humans. Instead, it is something natural for different cultures in the world.
On the surface, the reason why golden section is seen in so many architectures is because such designs are beautiful to look at. However, describing them as beautiful seems not enough to get the essence. When we look at all the cases together, we discover something more than beautiful: “although God is invisible, he delights in the material world and uses it to reveal himself and to reach out to us” (Diedrichs, 2019). The grand architectures are merely the clumsy attempt of human beings to replicate the sunflower seeds patterns, the creation of God. According to Pseudo-Dionysius, “the Super-Essential Beautiful is called “beauty” because of that quality which It imparts to all things severally according to their nature” (Areopagita, 1920). The eternal beauty people find in the golden section is not only because of the intentions of the architects, but also because God let the architects build the structure by connect with him, and at the same time to make them eternal beauty. Similarly, when the viewers are looking at the architecture, they are able to perceive the eternal beauty because they are channeling God at the same time to truly appreciate the golden section.
The golden section is a familiar mathematical relationship to many people, but its meaning is not so simple. The golden section has a very broad meaning in nature and society. Its presence in plants reveal the interconnectedness of all things and the need for humans to remain humble. Its presence in the human body reminds us the love of God for the humans. Its presence in architecture shows the attempt of human beings to follow the guidance of God and make the world more beautiful. Although there are several religions all over the world, Christianity is the only way to follow and glorify God’s honor. Father created everything on the Earth. From plants in the natural environment, to human beings, to the architecture of human beings, no matter what things are in the world, His control is always shown through the golden section. Science was made to discover Him and let the living conditions become better. So, God can be seen through golden section by plant, the human body, and architecture.
Areopagita, D. (1920). The Mystical Theology. The complete works. Retrieved from: http://www.hoye.de/theo/denistxt.pdf.
Diedrichs, D. R. (2019). Mathematics Reveals Patterns That Reflect the Orderly Character of God. Perspectives on Science & Christian Faith, 71(2).
Dolly. (2009, September 28). 1.618 Phi, The Golden Ratio, God Creator of Heaven and Earth  [Video File]. Retrieved from:  https://youtu.be/0hvD5kLqjuw.
Geisler, N. L., & Turek, F. (2004). I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (Foreword by David Limbaugh). Crossway.
Ili?, I., Stefanovi?, M., & Sadikovi?, D. (2018). Mathematical determination in nature: The golden ratio. Acta Medica Medianae, 57(3), 124-129.
Meisner, G. B. (2018). The Golden Ratio: The Divine Beauty of Mathematics. New York, NY: Race Point Publishing.
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falseandrealultravival · 10 months
Exterminate Bidenwort (verse)
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This grass is sensitive.
It spreads by attaching anchor-shaped seeds to clothes.
Monopolize vegetation for several seasons.
I'm in a park near me
Larvae growing here and there――
I took them out one by one.
It's still small, so it's easy to pull out.
It took me three days to eradicate it.
Lao Tzu says,
"Pick the buds of disaster while they are small."
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molilizhi · 11 months
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#ナス を 畑に定植しました。
#野菜 #農業 #仙台市 #宮城野区 #宮城野区岡田 #Vegetables #Japan #日本 #やさい
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riehayasaka · 1 year
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毎日飲んでいるハーブのレシピに、浄化のハーブ〈セージ〉が入ってるっ🤍🌿❣️ 🌱消毒作用 🌱抗炎症作用 🌱喉の痛み 🌱口や歯茎の炎症 🌱閉経期の発汗を抑える 🌱消化器系の不調緩和 🌱神経機能の改善 🌱神経細胞の保護 🌱学習と記憶を速める助ける 🌱アルツハイマー病の症状を緩和する可能性がある ヨーロッパの漢方薬界においても、セージだけでこれだけの研究がなされ示されている📚🔍🧙🏻‍♀️🧝🏼‍♀️🧚🏻🧑🏽‍🌾🧑🏼‍⚕️🧑🏼‍🍳✨✨ 魔除けのハーブとしてお部屋で焚く使い方も、中世からされていますね✨ 花言葉は、 🔸不老不死 🔸長寿 🔸健康 🔸悲しみを和らげる 🔸知恵 というのも、セージの役割らしい花言葉🌿 お友達もお友達の旦那様もわんちゃんもお友達のお友達も、家族や大切な人たちみんなで健康のありがたさと今を愛の中で生きる喜び、氣持ちが明るくなることでまた更に愛を育めること、その奇跡のような軌跡を共有いただきました🧡🙏🏼📿🪔💫 一緒に愛のハーブを体感できて嬉しいですっ😍💖🌈 Jay Shree Radhe♡ #medicalherb #homeremedies #herbs #homeremedy #detox #ホームレメディ #予防医学 #ハーブ #メディカルハーブ #植物療法 #プラントベース #plantbased #体質改善 #デトックス #ダイエット #diet #vegetables #vegetarian #ベジタリアン #レメディー #ホメオパシー #homeopathy #セージ #浄化 #sage #ハーブ仲間 #ハーブのある暮らし #ハーブのある生活 #愛の実践 #愛のハーブ (Chichibu, Saitama) https://www.instagram.com/p/Clga_Bcr0By/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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