ijustwannahavefunn · 4 months
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I'm going to be busy working on two exhibitions until June, and soon after that will be my graduation ☠️... Well, let's worry about that later.
Although things are kinda going south with half of my groupmates getting sick right before the events (I know, bless them 😵‍💫)... Still, wish me and my group luck with the exhibitions ❤️
If you are interested in our work, we have an account for it 🥺🚂 it's an animation short film.
IG: @odyssey.express
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xingxueyue · 1 year
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Lasting Waves UR Card Wish Tree Event
Date: 4 July 2023 to 15 July 2023
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tokutaiseichan · 3 months
reading Haku's chat in both JP and EN rn and i swear Haku always feels a bit more flirty in the JP text lol.
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EN: Missed my chance to see you in your pjs
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JP: Missed my chance to see how adorable you are in your pjs
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EN: Wouldn't want you getting waylaid by dangerous folk
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JP: Wouldn't want our precious Honor Student getting waylaid by dangerous folk
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EN: So, where am I headed?
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JP: Very well. Now where should I headed for our meeting? My princess 😉 ← is he insane????
tmi but he said it in a very polite form, unlike in EN where he still sounds pretty casual. is he roleplaying a prince/knight/butler now??? 🙄
"My princess" is probably not the best translation for the sentence flow (it's just a direct tl) but i need everyone to know that this isn't the first time Haku has ever called MC a princess. he did that in main story too. i think he's either insane or trying to make me lose my mind (he did a good job for the later)
i haven't reached enough affection for him but i heard in his third chat he asked MC out for a "real date"?????? is he insane????? (how many times have i asked this.....?)
Haku Kusanagi, i need you to stop before we reached the point of no return 😨 (i don't want him to stop ever)
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hiromusicarts-blog · 3 months
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 months
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【Part 2】 Not finished yet, I hope soon. Fighting Chuuu Lan 😂😁 我去承億酒店TAi Urban Resort | Kaohsiung B1一家美味的日本北海道えびそば「一幻拉麵」吃晚餐 + 工作 + 短暫放空/稍事休憩 。。。不知道住在寒帶國家的朋友們是否得過一種叫做:「"熱"感冒」的感冒?🙄~是一種很奇怪的難受… 不舒服,嗜睡,感覺頭重重的、一直打噴嚏、流鼻水、不停地流眼淚並且還覺得很熱🔥 🤧🥴 😆 😅 🥹。總之氣候變遷今年夏天特別熱,現在才七月,而我卻天天盼著秋天、冬天趕快來到。
I went to TAi Urban Resort | Kaohsiung B1, a delicious Japanese Hokkaido "Ichigen Ramen", for dinner + work + took a break . . . I wonder if friends who live in cold countries have ever had a cold called "hot" cold? 🙄~ It’s a very strange feeling… discomfort, drowsiness, heavy head, sneezing, runny nose, tears and feeling very hot🔥 🤧🥴 😆 😅 🥹. In short, climate change has made this summer extremely hot. It is only July, but I am looking forward to autumn and winter coming soon. XD Lan~*
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kyaraben-time · 5 months
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Source: rosekitty_cl on Instagram
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rennebright · 3 months
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miku by 製造日付 [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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arcadebroke · 2 months
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happy 23rd birthday to 自家製フルコース <3
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thistransient · 4 months
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Things seen today
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brownie-pics · 8 months
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'20.1.25 東大寺鐘楼にて
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Capítulo 2: El camino hacia el enigma - Sean bienvenidos, japonistasarqueológicos, al siguiente capítulo de las ruinas Weda en el capítulo anterior estuvimos hablando de donde se localiza el asentamiento, cuáles son los ríos que lo rodean el emplazamiento, de cuando data el mismo y cuando se empezó a cultivarse el arroz. También comentamos que había misterios desde los periodos Yayoi tardío al Kofun, ya que había pocos asentamientos continuos, pero sí que hay del periodo Heian. - La primera prospección fue llevada a cabo en 2013, dichos resultados no arrojaron luz suficiente a los restos para una mayor comprensión del asunto expuesto. Habría que esperar a la segunda para qué arroja nuevas esperanzas, la cual se descubrieron restos de viviendas en foso del siglo IX d.c¿Qué se encontraron? Los restos que salieron fueron los siguientes: Un horno de herrería, con una estufa de cocina, ambos restos arqueológicos fueron tanto como un taller y una residencia. - También se encontró una fosa con una zanja que rodeaba el asentamiento, se ha excavado un producto de cobre con forma de pájaro la fecha y el propósito de su elaboración no está resuelto, todavía esperemos que próximos estudios arrojen luz a los restos y al yacimiento. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de arqueología e historia de Japón. - 第2章:謎への道 - 日本の考古学者の皆さん、ウェダ遺跡の次の章へようこそ. 前の章では、集落がどこにあるのか、その場所を囲む川は何か、稲作が始まったのはいつから、いつ始まったのかについて話しました.弥生時代後期から古墳時代にかけての謎もあり、連続した集落は少ないが、平安時代のものはある。 - 最初の調査は 2013 年に実施されましたが、これらの結果は、露出した物質をよりよく理解するのに十分な光を遺物に当てはめませんでした。新たな希望を与えてくれる第二の発見を待つ必要があり、西暦 9 世紀の堀の住居跡が発見されました。出てきた遺跡は次のとおりです。 鍛冶屋のオーブン、キッチンストーブ、両方の考古学的遺跡はワークショップと住居の両方でした. - 集落を取り囲む溝付きの穴も発見され、鳥の形をした銅製品が発掘されましたが、その精緻化の年代と目的は解決されていません。とサイト。 - あなたがそれを気に入ってくれて、日本の考古学と歴史の将来の出版物でお会いできることを願っています. - Chapter 2: The path to the enigma - Welcome, Japanesearchaeologicalists, to the next chapter on the Weda ruins. In the previous chapter we were talking about where the settlement is located, what are the rivers that surround the site, when it dates back and when rice began to be cultivated. We also commented that there were mysteries from the late Yayoi to the Kofun periods, since there were few continuous settlements, but there are from the Heian period. - The first survey was carried out in 2013, these results did not shed enough light on the remains for a greater understanding of the matter exposed. We would have to wait for the second one to shed new hope, in which remains of moat dwellings from the 9th century AD were discovered. What were they found? The remains that emerged were the following: A blacksmith's oven, with a kitchen stove, both archaeological remains were both a workshop and a residence. - A grave with a ditch that surrounded the settlement was also found, a copper product in the shape of a bird has been excavated, the date and purpose of its production is not resolved, we still hope that future studies will shed light on the remains and the site. - I hope you liked it and see you in future publications on archeology and history of Japan.
ソース写真/source photo:https://naganomaibun.or.jp/research/east/和田遺跡・和田1号塚/
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xingxueyue · 2 years
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Love Kiss Valentine's Day SSR Event
Date: 9 February 2023 to 19 February 2023
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nattto · 3 months
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udonangya · 9 days
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加古川市加古川町北在家の、丸亀製麺 加古川店(1号店)で、神戸牛旨だしうどん990、かしわ天180、〆て1,170円也。
Kobe beef udon noodles and Chicken noodles at the Kakogawa branch of Marukame_seimen, Kitazaike, Kakogawacho, Kakogawa city, Hyogo prefecture.
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【Part 4】 Not finished yet, will done on next week. Fighting Chuuu Lan 😂😁 這次我以宗教壁畫的方式來表述在書套上。
"想確認自己是否能信任對方,最好的方法就是去信任他們。 The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them."
─ Ernest Hemingway 海明威 (1899-1961) Novelist /Nobel Prize Winne
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