sakura-cotton · 1 year
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こんにちは〜さくらコットンです♪今日は、お昼は事務所で仕事をしてちょっと外に出たくなって気持ちを切り替える為に海にきてしごとをしています。船を眺めながら、とても癒されてここにいてやる内容は創造的な仕事がすすむ感じがします♪ いま私たちが取り組んでいることは、使ってくださる方がもっと使いやすくなるにはどんな風にしていったらいいかな、というところです。使って下さる方のインタビューをまたSTARTしました♪ご協力いただける方はぜひご連絡下さい 最近、私のまわりでは妊活のおはなしをまたよく聞くようになりました。私たちがヒエトリパットを開発して販売をSTARTして、想定しいてなかった声に、赤ちゃんが出来たというのを今まで何度もお聞きして、私たちも調べてみました。なぜ、赤ちゃんが出来るか?については、簡単で「子宮温度が上がったから」ということだと思っています。逆になぜ赤ちゃんができないのか?という理由が冷えていたからという方は、ヒエトリパットが有効だったのだろうと思います。冷えてるという方は、もう一つした方がいいことがあります。ヒエトリパット+オーガニック紙ナプキンです♪このヒエトリパットの開発の背景には、私自身の重い生理痛(子宮内膜症)があったのですが、布ナプキンを使った時に、はじめて生理の痛みを感じなかったことがみんなに伝えなくてはならない!と思ったポイントでした。このあと、調べていくと、子宮が弱くなってる時に冷やすことが痛みの原因になっていたので、冷えなかっただけではなく、布で作ったナプキンの保温力が効いたのだと思っています。ここで、布ナプキンを販売していないのですが、まずは、冷やさないということを考えてポリマーなしのオーガニック紙ナプキンをヒエトリパットと共に使って頂くのがおすすめです。知らないことが多くて、困るなーとおもうこともありますが、いま知れて、みなさんに伝えられて、わたしも元気なので、本当にヒエトリパットできて、よかったと私自身も感じています。相談ご希望の方は、お気軽にメッセージでやりとりしていますので、ご連絡下さい。自分を思いっきり大切にしましょう♪ 株式会社さくらコットン         代表 菊川あずさ ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ さくらコットンstoreからのお知らせです♪年始のプレゼントが数量に達し、ことしもたくさんの方にお返しが出来たこと嬉しく思います。また、15000円以上のお買い物の方はヒエトリパット(IMABARI)のプレゼントは数量また確保しましたので、1月いっぱい続けます♪いつもさくらコットンの商品をお使い頂き、ギフトとして選んでいただき、使い続けて下さることに感謝です。今月もまだ冷えますので、体温めていきましょう♪ #さくらコットン #ヒエトリパット #生理痛対策 #子宮内膜炎 #ガールズヘルスケア #尿もれ対策 #オーガニック紙ナプキン #子宮 #身体CARE #こころケア#今治タオル #愛媛 #今治 #札幌発送  #オーガニック紙ナプキン併用 #菊川あずさ  (株式会社 さくらコットン ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnZEcUZvfNM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lyrasky · 11 months
glaive【the car】和訳 身体より心の関係 FWB
glaive【the car】和訳 身体より心の関係 FWB Lyraのブログへ #glaive #thecar #AshGutierrez #CypressGrove #DARKSOULSIII #morethanlife #mgk #icaresomuchthatidontcareatall
随分前に Machine Gun Kellyとコラボをして大ヒットしたGlaiveのシングル【More Than Life】を和訳&解説しましたが、今回はソロ・アーティストとしてGlaiveを紹介します。何故なら新曲を2023年6月30日にリリースしたから! これがすっごくいい感じに青春してる。 Manic Street Preachers を彷彿させる疾走感溢れたメロディが耳に残り、つい歌ってしまう。きっとPop Punk好きならば気に入ると思ったので、今日は皆さんにシェアしますね。 歌詞はちょいエッチだけど、かなりせつないラブソング。 いまどきの恋愛事情をチラ見してる気分になるかも? Continue reading Untitled
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 9 days
Hello Asaka! :D
I can't read Japanese but I know you can, I was wondering if you could translate Nagito's Student File? I've seen a few translations of it, and from those I know It's confirmation he was Lying ABOUT Lying in his free time events. Which makes me happy since me and many have already gathered that from context clues, but to have confirmation about something so theorized about is really helpful. But I was wondering if you could translate it since I've only seen rough translations, I trust your judgment since you're very skilled at both languages!
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If it's too much of a hassle to translate I apologize and you can ignore my ask! 😅Thanks for everything!💕
Hi Zen! 😃 Ohh, this is interesting. I never really read what is written here. Alright! To make it easy to see which part is a translation of which part, I will write the translation for each sentence:
The 77th students were chosen through a rigorous lottery process, a super high school level good luck.
数多の偶発的な事件に巻き込まれては、 その果てに才能の恩恵とも言える幸運な出来事を体験している。
He has been involved in numerous accidental incidents, and at the end of them, he has experienced lucky events that could be called as the benefits of his talent.
One of the most notable incidents was a hijacking that took place when he was a junior high school student.
---------- 彼と彼の家族が乗り込んだ飛行機がハイジャック犯により襲撃を受けた。
The plane he and his family were boarding was attacked by hijackers*.
(* I translated it in the plural form, but since the Japanese language tends not to specify whether the subject is plural or not, it is not possible to tell from the original text whether there was one or more people who hijacked the plane.)
---------- その飛行機に拳大の隕石が墜落し、彼の両親とハイジャック犯は死亡。
A fist-sized meteorite crashed into the plane, killing his parents and the hijackers.
With his family gone*, he was left with an enormous inheritance and freedom.
(* It is not clear from the original text how far "身寄りがない" extends. It can be translated as having "no relatives", but even if some relatives are still alive, if they do not take care of him, the situation is included in "身寄りがない", because this word means something like there is no place to rely on. So I am not sure to what extent Nagito's relatives are still alive, translated that as his family, which is definitely deceased, is gone.)
この事件を彼がどのように認識しているか定かではないが、 しかし彼が抽選に選ばれたのは、ある種の必然であると考える事ができるだろう。
How he perceives this incident is not certain, but his selection for the lottery could be seen as a kind of inevitability.
Maybe it's something like this! I hope this translation is helpful to you! :D
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yetiwang2000 · 3 months
Vrelnir's QA about Eden & Bailey ——Vrelnir 的问答 伊甸和贝利专题
1.Sorry to interrupt! You mentioned that Eden and Bailey had a popular mutual friend at school. What else characteristics does he/she have?
They were very gentle, even when very stressed.
2.Has Bailey and Eden’s mysterious friend from school appear in game so far? (2023.1.18) if he/shedon’t make an appearance now, will they make an appearance later?
贝利和伊甸学生时代的神秘共同朋友截止目前已经作为命名 NPC 登场了吗?(2023.1.18)如果目前他们没有登场,那以后会登场吗?  
Nope. They might make an appearance later however.
3.How would Bailey(as a student) describe his/her relationship with Eden?
Bailey considered Eden one of their best friends.
4.How would adult Bailey describe his/her relationship with Eden?
They’d consider Eden the closest thing they have to a friend.
5.Eden had very few relationships.  You said Bailey saw Eden regularly, up until now Eden and Bailey still gave Christmas presents to each other.  Do you tend to think they cherish each other?
Perhaps, but they wouldn’t admit it.
Does Bailey have more feelings for Eden than friendship?
7.Is Bailey’s crush a named npc now(2024.1.18)?
贝利的暗恋对象是目前存在的命名NPC 吗?(2024.1.18)?
8.Will Bailey find it difficult to show his feelings to his crush?
Aye, but at the same time they might not be able to stop themselves.
9. Is Bailey’s crush still alive?
I shan’t say.
Is Bailey still seeing his/her crush?
I shan’t say!
1.Will Bailey take care of female Eden when she’s having period pain? If so, what will they do for her?
Bailey would not take care of Eden while Eden was experiencing period pain, unless Eden asked, which they won‘t.
2.If Eden is in a life-threatening situation and needs artificial respiration, with only Bailey around, would Bailey do it for Eden?
3.If PC runs naked past Eden and Bailey, too fast to catch, will they sit and curse together? And get drinks, like the old days?
如果 PC 在裸奔正好经过伊甸和贝利,跑得特别快根本抓不住,他们会坐在地上一起骂人吗?然后像过去一样,一起喝点东西?
They might laugh together for the first time in years.
4.Did Bailey's crush ever fall in love with someone?
5.In all years Bailey and Eden known each other, who had more control over the relationship?
6.If PC give Bailey enough money and ask them to pole dance, will they agree?
如果 PC 给贝利足够多的钱,然后要求贝利跳钢管舞,贝利会同意吗?
7.If PC give Bailey million pounds and asked them to offer sexual services, will they agree?
如果 PC 给贝利几千万英镑,然后要求贝利性服务,贝利会同意吗?
Probably, but they’d hold out if they thought they could squeeze more from the PC.
8.Would Bailey Kiss or hug Eden under any situation? Like cheeks and hands? In the past, present, or future, have they ever had or will they have physical contact?
They’ve had physical contact in the past, but displays of physical affection between them are unlikely in the future.
10.What if there’s one parallel universe out there somewhere (I mean if there were one, not canon just fantasy...)Bailey and Eden had sex, who’d love to be the top?
They‘d wrestle for who gets to be top, and Eden would win.
1.If Bailey sees a stack of hentai doujinshis about themselves on PC’s table, how would they react?
如果贝利看到 PC 桌子上摞着许多关于贝利们的十八禁同人志,他们会有什么反应?­
They’d ignore them.
2.  If Bailey finds orphan reading NSFW fan fiction about themselves, what would they do?
They wouldn’t read the fan fiction enough to find out, but if they somehow did, they’d be irritated. They might not want to draw attention to it though.
3.If PC sets up a booth selling NSFW doujinshis about Bailey outside the orphanage, how would Bailey react?(There will be manga, animations, music, and cosplay! All about Bailey getting fucked or fucking others)
如果 PC 在孤儿院门口摆了一个摊位售卖贝利的色情同人志,贝利会有什么反应?(会有漫画,动画,音乐和cosplay!全部是关于贝利被操或者操别人)
Bailey would put a stop to it.
4. If PC, covered in mud from sewer, broke into Bailey’s house, started bathing in their bathtub, but as PC was about to enter the tub, Bailey returned home. PC looked at them with innocent eyes, looking straight into their eyes, how would Bailey react?
如果浑身是下水道泥巴的 PC 闯进贝利的家中,在他们的浴缸里泡澡,而正当PC准备进入水中的时候,贝利回家了。PC用无辜的眼睛看着他们,直直地看着他们的双眼,他们会有什么反应?
Bailey would throw them out naked.
5.If PC breaks into Bailey’s house while he’s/she’s away, steals their underwear, and hangs it on orphanage’s notice board, how would Bailey react?
如果 PC 趁贝利不在家的时候撬开门锁,把他们的内衣偷出来,挂在孤儿院的告示板上,贝利会有什么反应?
Bailey would hang the PC on the town’s notice board.
6.If Bailey and PC became friends when they were kids, what would they play together?
假如小时候的贝利和 PC 成为朋友,他们会一起玩什么?
That depends on the PC!
7.Is Bailey’s crush more sexually attractive to Bailey or more romantically attractive?
More romantically attractive.
8.Has Bailey ever experienced any form of abuse in the past? (Including emotional and physical abuse)
Bailey has experienced abuse.
9. Bailey still has anal virginity. Considering their active sex life, why haven‘t they ever tried anal intercourse?
It doesn‘t interest them.
10.We know that Bailey hasn’t seemed to express their feelings to their crush. If there’s a chance for Bailey to see their crush again, would they share this special feelings?
They would want to.
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nyeigneous · 1 year
Garth Igneous 加什·伊格尼斯
Age:45 年龄:四十五岁
Birth: 20/05/1893 生日:一八九三年五月二十日
Height:188cm 身高:一百八十八厘米
Build:Emaciation 体型:消瘦
Sexuality:Homosexuality 性取向:同性恋
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He has short blond hair, light blue eyes, and an aggressive pointed nose.
There is a huge scar on the right forehead. A tattoo on the inside of his left forearm but is damaged by a scar. Both forearms were covered with scars made by knife. In addition, there are countless scars on his body, some of which are left by knife, some of which are left by wolves.
Garth is a neurotic, selfish, arrogant, and cunning man. His good family background and rich knowledge make him have the arrogance to master everything, so once the development of things is not expected, he will lose his temper like a child.
His mind is not complicated, but it is this straightforward way of thinking that makes it easier for him to do impulsive and reckless things.
He often overreacts to others.
Because of bipolar disorder, almost all his shortcomings are magnified, making him a completely uncontrollable madman.
Weapons and skills:
Shotgun, hunting knife, poison bait; Good at tracking, anti-reconnaissance, setting traps, and piss his partner off.
Important people: Andre Berekov Precious things: Longines hunter's watch (Andre gave it to him)
Fear: aurora; riding
吸烟很多;Smoking a lot;
情绪激动时会过度呼吸;Excessive breathing when excited;
酒量很差;Poor drinking capacity;
画画很好;Good at painting;
写日记;Keeping a diary;
喜欢用口哨吹肖邦的降E大调夜曲九号第二首;He likes to whistle Chopin nocturnes op.9. no2;
小时候被父母逼迫学过钢琴,虽然很痛恨钢琴,但是弹得不错;When he was a child, he was forced by my parents to learn the piano. Although he hates the piano, he plays it well
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北方口音Northern accent
加什的父母是是来自伯明翰的地质学家和生物学家,他们是典型的守旧并且固执的知识分子。 受到父母的影响,加什有着丰富的博物学知识,以及英格兰北方口音。 
Garth's parents are geologists and biologists from Birmingham, UK, they are typically old-fashioned and stubborn intellectuals. Influenced by his parents, Garth has rich natural knowledge and a northern English accent.
During the gold rush around 1900, Mr. Igneous and his wife come to Alaska with their 18-year-old son Hull, 16-year-old daughter Liz and 10-year-old Garth for research. Along with them is Jason Stamford, 26, a tutor for the children. The young Garth is in need of his parents, but the couple's work is very busy, they entrust Jason with the task of taking care of Garth and teaching him to read and write.
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温柔的人 A mild person
Jason is a talented young man with a major in paleontology. He was once a student of Garth's father. Because of polio, his left leg muscles atrophy and he can only walk with a walking stick. Various complications lead to his weakness and emaciation. But this does not kill his tenderness and love of life. These beautiful virtues also deeply influenced Garth.
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As a sickly child, Garth does not like the outdoors, so he spends a lot of time with Jason in addition to attending classes. The two talk like father and son, read books and learn the piano, and their bond grows.
When Garth turns 18, he boldly confesses his hot, confused admiration to Jason. Jason also likes the studious and enthusiastic boy, but the work ethic makes him turn him down. Jason, who is also gay, does not criticize Garth's unusual sexuality, but encourages him to be himself and not go against his will.
But Garth's parents see all this, and they fire Jason. Garth has a big fight with his parents.
Jason returns home to Manchester in poor health, but keeps up a close correspondence with Garth, offering gentle advice on the young man's troubles and doubts. Jensen died three years later, when Garth is 22.
逃婚 To escape a marriage
In 1919, when Garth is 25 years old, he has a very heated argument with his parents about his professional planning. His parents have arranged work and marriage for him in detail and ask him to marry the daughter of a local investor in order to obtain academic financial support. Garth impulsively tells them his sexual orientation and desire for freedom. His parents are very angry, abuse Jason for instilling bad illusion into his son. In a rage, Garth packs up and leaves home.
Half of year ago, Garth's parents meet Anderson Hastings (27) from the south of the US. This handsome and wealthy young man is looking for the assistance of experts in geology and biology for his career. He is gorgeous in clothes and spokes appropriately and is soon recognized by the Ignoneus family. The two young people meet and become intimate.
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Garth runs away from home and goes to Anderson. Anderson soon takes Garth on a cruise ship to the Soviet Union for a business trip.
Anderson never hides his sexual orientation and introduces Garth as his boyfriend which makes Garth feel safe. But what Garth doesn't expect is that Anderson just takes him as a property could show off.
In addition, Anderson is a control freak playboy. He believes that love is only a trade. He provides his boyfriends with luxurious living conditions, and the only thing the boys need to do is following his arrangement. He thinks that Garth's idea of finding a spiritual partner is very boring and meaningless.
白月光Bright moonlight
In that time, the phenomenon of money-laundering through academic research projects becoming popular among the rich. Most of the people Anderson takes Garth to see are such dandies. The days on the cruise ship are extravagant and chaotic. Garth feels helpless and disgusted at the atmosphere. Andrei Berekov (23) appears during this time.
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Andrei is the quietest member of the group of Soviet scholars. While everyone drinks and socialize, he would sit in a quiet corner and write alone. Garth finds out that Andre, like himself, is also the one who has false expectations for this so-called academic trip. Moreover, Garth is shocked by his knowledge of botany (although Andre's accent makes it difficult for them to communicate).
Contrary to Anderson, the gentle Andre can always see the flash in Garth's soul. He respects every inspiration and idea of Garth and can turn every chat into a friendly and meaningful academic discussion. This is the kind of relationship state that Garth has been pursuing.
At the same time, the relationship between Garth and Anderson is disintegrating. Anderson arranges cocktail party bender to introduce Garth to celebrities in the academic circle. He buys ways for Garth to publish his unfinished paper and plans everything for him without authorization. The only thing Garth needs to do is being a good boy to flatter Anderson. All this violates Garth's principles. They row again and again and break up.
Then Andre and Garth fall in love. He introduces Garth to his family and live together in his hometown in Belarus for some time. Later, the two decide to go to the University of Edinburgh for master's degree in plant taxonomy.
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A year and a half later, they graduate. Andre proposes to Garth at the graduation ceremony. After secretly exchanging rings, the two men embark on a trip to the Arctic Circle.
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极光中的骑行 Riding under the aurora
In 1923, the two men come to Yukon, Canada, and have a dispute with another group of fur hunters and they are maliciously retaliated. Andre is beaten to death. After being cut off his genitals, his body is hung in a tree and displayed with an "I'm a sodomite" sign around his neck. Garth is imprisoned and forced to watch his lover's body being eaten by crows in the aurora of the polar night. A few days later, with his last breath, he escapes, rides all the way south, and is finally saved.
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育空疯狗The mad dog of Yukon
This nightmare experience is a great blow to him, and the cruel torture leaves a huge ugly scar on his right scalp and countless scars on his body. He suffers from serious bipolar disorder, self-mutilation, and suicidal tendencies. He used to be a very gentle and humorous man, but now he has become an infamous one and gets the nickname of Yukon mad dog.
It is rumored that Garth finds the hunting team that hurt him years ago and retaliated against them with extremely cruel methods, but, the police let him stay in prison for only a short time because of his mental problems.
 It's just a rumor. No one knows what Garth does to them. People just never see those people again in the Yukon.
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危险游戏 Dangerous game
Although Garth's mental problems are very serious and his behavior is very uncontrollable, it is indisputable that he is the most outstanding wolf hunting expert in this area. In 1932, he is invited to join a hunting team. They plan to go south to hunt large prey for fur.
In early winter, Garth meets Hart, a forest ranger. Hart's merciless attack drives the team out of the forest, while the gloomy and fierce ranger attracts Garth's attention. He thinks it is all good to kill him or be killed by him.
Garth soon finds that although the ranger's attack is fierce and threatening, he doesn't seem to really want to kill them. Garth leaves the team, returns to the cabin alone, and begins to test Hart's patience by taking the initiative to attack. Hart responds to his attack almost immediately.
As Garth thought, Hart does not intend to kill him - each shot wipes his cheek and flies over, only a few centimeters away.
Garth almost immediately indulges in this dangerous game.
Hart's reaction satisfies him - his counterattack would not only really pose a threat to himself, but also could excite Garth. Although Garth himself knows that this morbid emotion originates from the psychological shadow leaves in his heart when he faces death, which makes him afraid, manic, want to cry, want to laugh, it is the only time that he could feel alive.
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怪人组合Freak couple
However, this absurd and dangerous duel does not end with the death of one party. On a snowy day, Hart forces Garth to a dead end, but he doesn't pull the trigger, just askes him why he does it. Garth cries and laughs, says he wants to die.
Hart turns and leaves.
Garth couldn't figure out why Hart has so many chances to kill him but doesn't do it. Hatred and fear have been burning in his heart for too long, burning the grassland of his inner world to black. However, from that day on, he could feel that a beam of light comes in through the black smoke, and something is slowly sprouting again.
The process of rebuilding trust is very long.
They do not have any detailed communication and exchange and do not mention the inexplicable gun battle. The two freaks just share a bonfire, say a few words, and then naturally act together.
Garth knows that nature also has many strange partners, such as raven and jackal, Greater Honeyguide and honey badger. Some partners can even act together all their lives. Even if one party dies, the other will not find a new one. Maybe they are such animals, too.
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annierosaart · 1 year
Exusiai, Sankta Empathy and why she's unique
With @ouroborosorder's encouragement, I've decided to make a full post about this topic, because it's been destroying my brain for the past month.
Mainly, after reading Guide Ahead, Enforcer's files and seeing all of Exusiai's appearances, I've noticed a lot of implications about her character that are killing me inside.
Those being that she's cut off from the Empathy, like Mostima (and Enforcer! More on that in a bit), and always has been, and that cascaded into an extreme amount of isolation and trauma for her.
I'll explain this bit by bit, because it is. A lot. So, read more!
The Empathy, falling and being cut off from it.
As we know from Mostima, when Sankta fall, they lose not just their patron gun, but also their emotional connection to other Sankta. This is common knowledge of course. But what's less common is the fact that you don't need to fall to lose that connection.
Falling causes it, but we have another canonical, explicit example of it happening without that, and a heavily implied one.
The canonical explicit one being one of the protagonists of the Guide Ahead event:
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Enforcer, aka Ezell himself! We find this out through his Post-E2 dialogue:
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While this can be interpreted a few ways... The CN text is much less ambiguous;
Roughly translating to:
"Sankta can sense each other's moods, and this is a common fact among us that does not need to be specially emphasized. But sadly, at some point, I suddenly found myself losing that sense of communion/kinship among my people. It wasn't any form of injury/ailment, I just …… started thinking."
What this is implying is pretty clear. Falling is not the only way to lose that connection, being different enough, independent enough, also cuts you off from it. Which leads me to my next point that ties this all together:
How this relates to Exusiai
It's no secret by now that Exusiai was treated like shit by Laterano. But something that stood out to me about her treatment was that, after Guide Ahead, we learned most Sankta are quite like her. So why is she unique? Why was she treated differently for her actions?
From the get go, her file reveals that she's different from most Sankta:
"She is different from most Laterano in that she is an unabashed optimist." - File 1
"Exusiai is my polar opposite. She seems to get along fine with anyone, but lets very few people close to her." — Texas
Weirdly specific things to mention, which get even stranger when you read her module.
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It feels weird for her to be grilled so hard on something like this, especially when we know that her incidents were all legitimate accidents (as per Texas's record). Why? Because, if she's a Sankta, it should be easy, or at least, easier, for the counselors to believe what she's saying if she's telling the truth.
Instead, they accuse her of lying, hiding something, of being a Sarkaz (racism alert)... Despite the fact that it's difficult for Sankta to hide things like that from others. Because of their connection with each other. So why do they treat her like this?
They even prove her point by hurting themselves with her gift, she never means to hurt anyone, so why do they treat her so harshly?
Because she's never had this connection.
From the accounts we get of her childhood, we know she's been:
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Ditched multiple times by her sister and Mostima, despite the fact that Lemuen cares immensely for Exusiai, so, the fact this is a repeat occurrence feels out of character for her. Why would she hurt Exusiai so blatantly?
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Has canonical PTSD from the Kazdel incident, enough that she gets upset just thinking about it, and again, no one who could have felt that did anything to comfort her. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so obsessed with getting closure on it.
(Just like a certain phoenix....)
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We know the Sankta literally celebrated her leaving, despite the fact Sankta destroy shit daily, just for funsies. She was chased down by the Notarial Hall because???
All of these feel so odd, contradictory, if she was connected to the other Sankta. That's a big if. Because the truth is, it all makes sense if we go with the big possibility that she just... Never had it to begin with.
It explains why she's treated harshly, unfairly. Why she doesn't let people get close, why she's seemingly "gullible", because she was surrounded by people who were "in on it", while she never was.
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It's especially emphasized by her record medal, that draws attention to how she makes her own choices, despite seemingly being a "standard Sankta".
This recontextualizes her entire character, because frankly? Her happy-go-lucky attitude is a big fucking mask. We just need to look at two of her lines to see this. Her idle line, and her promotion 2 line.
Her promotion 2 line would only happen in the context of her being trusted, and trusting the Doctor in return, with their life and her own life, respectively.
"Leader… No, savior, I pledge to this gun in my hand to protect you until the very end of this world."
Which comes off as out of nowhere for such an unserious girl, doesn't it? And then, you have her idle line, which only happens when the Doctor is assumed to be asleep... And thus not listening to her.
"…Lord, is this someone we gotta save too?"
We see this mask slip away every time Mostima is involved, when people get hurt, she suddenly turns dead serious, quiet. Reserved. Not at all like the Exusiai we assume her to be.
Closer to a... Lemuel.
Hell, she even canonically drinks the most out of all the PL members. Do with that what you will.
Further proof is her kindness. She's canonically the kindest, most generous member of PL. And we see that a lot, she tries to keep Bison up to date on what's going on, she worries for her friends being hurt, she dives head first into danger for them. Despite the fact none of them are Sankta.
When it's canon that Sankta are just... Cold. Distant towards other races, because of their Empathy with each other. It's only natural. Yet, she manages to be kind all the same. Understanding all the same.
And this all truly comes together when you realize Sankta can just... Lose that connection.
To summarize:
The implications of Exusiai's character, of Lemuel's character is that she's one of the few non-fallen Sankta who also lack a connection to other Sankta, and that... That has colored how she acts around people. How she deals with the Kazdel incident. How she copes.
Exusiai's entire personality is a coping mechanism.
One that falls away when she lets her guard down. One that's deeply unhealthy-- She's broke all the time, she's constantly mentioned getting drunk, she doesn't let anyone in, she doesn't talk about her issues.
She ends up paralleling a lot of Fiammetta's character in a way that I adore. She needs a hug. She needs closure. Someone who gets it. And Fiammetta would.
As a bonus:
Fiammetta is weirdly protective of Exusiai.
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(From Mostima's Record)
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Fiammetta's medal text weirdly parallels Exusiai's...
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Fiammetta says these after seeing Mostima blatantly toy with Exusiai's feelings all night...
Food for thought.
Sorry if this is disjointed, I just. Have a lot to say about her.
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Legendary tree deities (20)
Leshy – ‘Forest guardian’, the lord of the forests
The Leshy is a tutelary deity of the forests in pagan Slavic mythology. He is the spirit who rules the forest and the hunt, and the master of the forest animals.
Leshy had well developed polymorphic skills. Mostly, he was appearing as an anthropoid creature, old  man with a beard, sometimes a one eyed cyclops. He could change his sizes due to the height of the forest. Moreover, he could take the form of animals such as wolf, bear, eagle-owl, or even transform into wind. Leshy’s helpers were  various small demons, ghosts and forest imps, such as auk (the ghost of echo), puszczewik, Mochowiks, (guardians of mosses) Lugowoj and Polewoj. There were also caring creatures, for example grybicz (mushrooms), jagodynicz (blueberries), pczelicz (bees), whose names clearly show what kinds of forest “inhabitants” they were taking care of.
Towards people, his behaviour was changing, from neutral to hostile. It depended mostly on how people treated the forest and its creatures. Leshy was especially unfriendly to hunters and lumberjacks, who were clearly violating his inhabited lands. Depending on his attitude, he could either misguide people, or help them to find a way out from the forest, play pranks by, such as scattering forest undergrowth from the basket, or protect them from wild animals attacks. Formerly, the place, where Leshy’s presence, or signs of his activity, were observed, was considered as a sanctuary. It was forbidden to come in to that part of the forest, but more importantly, to cause damage such as cutting down trees, hunt, or collect fruits of the undergrowth like nature reserves.
If you are walking through a deep, overgrown forest and feel someone looking at you or following you, it could be a Lshey. If you turn around to look at him, you cannot see him as he’s much quicker than you.
He may try to misorientates travellers entering the forest and lure them deeper into the forest, but if they wear their shoes backwards and their clothes backwards and forwards, the Laceys will be confused and their magic will be easily broken.
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伝説の樹木の神々 (20)
レーシー 〜「森の番人」、森の主
真っ白な頭髪と長い髭を持ち、足まで届く頭髪と髭で体が隠れている。 森の中では樹木と同じように大きくなり、森の外では木の葉に隠れられるほど小さくなるともいわれる。
レーシーはよく発達した多形能力を持っていた。最も一般的なのは、人間型生物、髭を生やした老人、時には一つ目のサイクロプス、不自然なほど白い顔の人間として現れることである。また、森の高さによって大きさを変えることができる。さらに、狼や熊、鷲のような動物の姿になったり、風に変身したりすることもある。レーシーの助っ人は、アウク (木霊)、プシュチェヴィク、モホヴィク、ルゴウォジュ(苔の守護者)、ポレウォジュなど、さまざまな小悪魔や幽霊、森の妖怪たちである。また、グリビッチ (キノコ)、ヤゴディニッチ (ブルーベリー)、プツェリッチ (ミツバチ)など、世話好きな生き物もいた。その名前は、彼がどんな森の「住人」の世話をしていたかを明確に示している。
深く生い茂った森の中を歩いているとき、誰かの視線を感じたり後をつけられている感じがすれば、それがレーシーである可能性がある。 姿を見ようとして振り向いても彼の方が素早いので姿を見ることはできない。
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siren-the-siren · 3 months
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⚠️Please be careful when viewing the third photo!⚠️
This picture may cause discomfort such as dizziness and nausea. People with mental illness or physical weakness should be careful when viewing it.
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 362 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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Page 1
1 俺が失敗すれば おれがしっぱいすれば ore ga shippai sureba "If I fail"
2 棺の中にいる皆 このなかにいるみんな ko no naka ni iru minnda "everyone in this coffin"
3 殺されてお終いだ ころされておしまいだ korosarete oshimai da "will be killed and it'll be over."
tagline 1 放て必殺‼︎ はなてひっさつ‼︎ hanate hissatsu!! Fling and kill with certainty!!
4 胸張りいや環 むねはりいやたまき mune hariiya Tamaki "Stick out your chest, Tamaki!" (Note: This is an idiom where Fat Gum is telling Tamaki to stand with pride.)
5 さすがっス先輩‼︎ さすがっスせんぱい‼︎ sasugaSSU senpai!! "Way to go, upperclassman!!" (Note: Literally this means "just as we expected of you.")
6 俺知ってるんだぜ おれしってるんだぜ ore shitterunda ze "But I know"
7 おまえが本当はすげェ才能持ってること おまえがほんとうはすげェさいのうもってること omae ga hontou wa sugeE sainou motteru koto "that the truth is, you have amazing talent."
8 眩い光の言葉 まばゆいひかりのことば mabayui hikari no kotoba "The words of a dazzling light"
9 他者が与えてくれた宝もの たしゃがあたえてくれたたからもの "Treasures given to me by others"
tagline 2 No.362 Light Fades to Rain  堀越耕平 ナンバー362 ライト フェイズ トゥ レイン  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 362 RAITO FEIZU TU REIN   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 362 Light Fades to Rain   Kouhei Horikoshi
10 俺はこれまで受け止めきれなかった おれはこれまでうけとめきれなかった ore wa kore made uke tome kirenakatta "I never could receive them until now."
11 宝の重さに潰されてしまうから たからのおもさにつぶされてしまうから takara no omosa ni tsubusarete shimau kara "Because I would have been crushed by the weight of those treasures."
12 自分を卑下してる内は楽だったから じぶんをひげしてるうちはらくだったから jibun wo higeshiteru uchi wa raku datta kara "Because that was easy for me, who humiliates myself."
13 皆 みんな minna "Everyone"
14 ありがとう arigatou "thanks"
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Page 2
1 小ざかしい! こざかしい! kozakashii! “Insolent!”
2 混成大夥 こんせいたいか konsei taika Vast Hybrid
3 波動砲︎‼︎ プラズマキャノン‼︎ PURAZUMA KYANON!! Plasma canon!!
4 俺を強くしてくれる おれをつよくしてくれる ore wo tsuyoku shite kureru Please give me strength
5 吹つ飛べ‼︎ ふつとべ‼︎ futsutobe!! "Blow him away!!”
Page 3
1-2 いい加減に理解…しろ! いいかげんにりかい…しろ! ii kagen ni rikai...shiro! “Just understand it...already!” (Note: This is an idiom so the translation is not word-for-word exact.)
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Page 4
1 なんで nande “Why”
2 考えてみろ…! かんがえてみろ…! kangaete miro...! “Try to think...!”
3 全盛期のオールマイトが ぜんせいきのオールマイトが zenseiki no OORU MAITO ga “Would All Might in his prime”
4 死ぬかあ? しぬかあ? shinu kaa? “die”
5 こんなもので……! konna mono de......! “from something like this......!”
Page 5
1 少しは すこしは sukoshi wa “Just a little,”
2 考えてみろ!!! かんがえてみろ!!! kangaete miro!!! “try to think [about it]!!!”
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Page 6
1 ば… Ba... “Ba-...”
2 他の皆頼むわ ほかのみんなたのむわ hoka no minna tanomu wa “Take care of everyone else.”
3 勝たなきゃなぁ……出久… かたなきゃなぁ……いずく… katanakya naa......Izuku... “I have to win, huh......Izuku...”
4 ダメだ行くな‼︎ ダメだいくな‼︎ DAME da ikuna!! “No, don’t go!!”
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Page 7
1 右 みぎ migi “Right[side]”
2 見て みて mite “He saw”
3 避けた⁉︎ よけた⁉︎ yoketa!? “and dodged it!?”
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Page 8
1 "個性" "こせい" “kosei” Quirk:
2 爆破 ばくは bakuha Explosion
3 掌の汗腺からニトロのような汗を出し爆発させる てのひらのかんせんからニトロのようなあせをだしばくはつさせる tenohira no kansen kara NITORO no you na ase wo dashi bakuhatsu saseru The sweat glands on his palms secrete a nitro-like sweat he can then detonate.
4 彼の編み出した"クラスター"には本人も知らない副作用があった かれのあみだした"クラスター"にはほんにんもしらないふくさようがあった kare no amidashita “KURASUTAA” ni wa honnin mo shiranai fukusayou ga atta The Cluster he devised had a side effect even he doesn’t know about.
5 汗を溜め玉として放出するこの技は掌の腺に多大な負担を強いる あせをためたまとしてほうしゅつするこのわざはてのひらのせんにただいなふたんをしいる ase wo tame tama to shite houshutsu suru no waza wa tenohira no sen ni tadai na futan wo shiiru This technique, which discharges his sweat as a ball, puts a huge strain on his palm glands.
6 勝ちを見据え腺に"玉"を溜め続けた結果 かちをみすえせんに"たま"をためつづけたけっか kachi wo misue sen ni “tama” wo tame tsudzuketa kekka As a result of his glands continuously accumulating balls of sweat in anticipation of victory,
7 "玉"は「別の出口」を求め体中から漏れ出す "たま"は「べつのでぐち」をもとめからだじゅうからもれだす “tama” wa 「bestu no deguchi」 wo motome karadajuu kara moredasu the ball seeks out another exit and leaks out from his whole body.
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Page 9
1 全身からの爆破が ぜんしんからのばくはが zenshin kara no bakuha ga Explosions from my whole body
2 更なるスピードを齎していた さらなるスピードをもたらしていた saranaru SUPIIDO wo motarashite ita were bringing out even more speed.
3 体中が痛え からだじゅうがいてえ karadajuu ga itee I hurt all over my body
4 痛みん中でバトんのも癖ぇ見つけてバトんのも いたみんなかでバトんのもくせぇみつけてバトんのも itamin naka de BATOn no mo kusee mitsukete BATOn no mo Whether it was fighting while in pain or finding little habits and fighting (Note: “Finding little habits” refers to Izuku’s tendency to look for patterns, like with Katsuki’s “right...finger...feint” a few chapters ago.)
5 全部てめーが通った道だっけな ぜんぶてめーがとおったみちだっけな zenbu temee ga tootta michi dakke na that’s all the way you did things, huh. (Note: Literally, he says “all of that is the path you took.”)
6 なァ出久 なァいずく naA Izuku Hey, Izuku
7 俺まだ おれまだ ore mada Can I still
8 おまえに追いつけるかな おまえにおいつけるかな omae ni oitsukeru ka na catch up to you?
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Page 10
1 何故苛立つのだ なぜいらだつのだ naze iradatsu no da Why am I getting irritated?
2 OFAを持たぬ一般人に ワン・フォー・オールをもたぬモブに WAN FOO OORU wo motanu MOBU ni By this extra who doesn’t have OFA?
3 何故僕は今焦っている⁉︎ なぜぼくはいまあせっている⁉︎ naze boku wa ima asette iru!? Why am I so anxious!?
4 ぶっ壊れろ‼︎ ぶっこわれろ‼︎ bukkowarero!! “Break the hell apart!!” (Note: This is flair I’m adding to a word that otherwise just means “break.”)
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Page 11
1 あぁ… aa... “Ah...”
2 そーだ soo da “That’s right.”
3 いや… iya... “Nah...”
4 まァ… maA... “well...”
5 出会い方があんなでよ… であいかたがあんなでよ… deai kata ga anna de yo... “with the way we met...”
6 色々クソみてーな頃だったし いろいろクソみてーなごろだったし iroiro KUSO mitee na goro datta shi “there was a bunch of shit happening then, and”
7 なんとなく言う機会なくなってったんだけど…… なんとなくいうきかいなくなってったんだけど…… nantonaku iu kikai nakunattettanda kedo...... “somehow I didn’t have the chance to say it, but......”
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Page 12
1 俺 おれ ore “I”
2 サイン欲しかったんだよなぁ サインほしかったんだよなぁ SAIN hoshikattanda yo naa “wanted your autograph.”
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Page 14
1 有志の気象情報によりますと 先程まで快晴だった関東・中部・関西地方ですが ゆうしのきしょうじょうほうによりますと さきほどまでかいせいだったかんとう・ちゅうぶ・かんさいちほうですが yuushi no kishou jouhou ni yorimasu to  sakihodo made kaisei datta Kantou・Chuubu・Kansai chihou desu ga “According to the weather information from volunteers, until a while ago, the Kantou, Chuubu, and Kansai regions were fine, but”
2 急激な温度上昇が起こり気象に乱れが生じているとのことです きゅうげきなおんどじょうしょうがおこりきしょうにみだれがしょうじているとのことです kyuugeki na ondo joushou ga okori kishou ni midare ga shoujite iru to no koto desu “apparently there has been a sudden rise in temperature and a weather disturbance is occurring.”
3 雨でも降るのかしら あめでもふるのかしら ame demo furu no kashira “I wonder if it will rain.”
4 先の戦いを擦っているだけじゃない… さきのたたかいをなぞっているだけじゃない… saki no tatakai wo nazotte iru dake ja nai... “Weren’t you just wearing yourself down in that last fight...”
5 何故勝てると思った? なぜかてるとおもった? naze kateru to omotta? “so why do you think you can win?”
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Page 15
1 僕たちは準備した ぼくたちはじゅんびした boku-tachi wa junbi shita “We prepared.”
2 魔王の身体は完成した ラスボスのからだはかんせいした RASUBOSU (kanji: maou) no karada wa kansei shita “The body of the last boss (read as: demon king) was completed.”
3 理解したか?この先は りかいしたか?このさきは rikai shita ka? kono saki wa “Do you understand? From here on,”
4 "敵"の物語だ "ぼくら"のものがたりだ “bokura” (read as: VIRAN/teki) no monogatari da “is the story of us (read as: villains/enemies).”
5 あの子雨嫌いなんだよねぇ… あのこあめきらいなんだよねぇ… ano ko ame kirai nanda yo nee... “That kid hates rain...”
6 心臓がーーーーー しんぞうがーーーーー shinzou ga---- “His heart----”
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Page 16-17
tagline 道半ばでーー… みちなかばでーー… michinakaba de---... Midway through---...
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astranauticus · 5 months
"Yeh Yung-chih (葉永鋕) [...] attended Gaoshu Junior High School in Pingtung County, Taiwan, and was often bullied by his classmates due to his gender non-conformity. In April 2000, Yeh Yung-chih was found lying in a pool of blood with serious injuries and died after being taken to the hospital. The incident led to extensive discussions about gender equality education in Taiwan."
Translation under cut:
玫瑰少年 - 蔡依林
Womxnly - Jolin Tsai
谁把谁的灵魂 装进谁的身体
Who put which souls into which bodies
谁把谁的身体 变成囹圄囚禁自己
Who turned their bodies into prisons for the self
乱世总是最 不缺耳语
Troubled times are never short of whisperings
哪种美丽会 换来妒忌
What kind of beauty is rewarded with jealousy?
你并没有罪 有罪的是这世界
You did nothing wrong, the wrongs are with this world
生而为人无罪 你不需要抱歉
Nobody is born with sin, you have nothing to apologise for
One day I will be you, baby boy and you gon'be me
喧哗如果不停 让我陪你安静
If the noise won't stop, let me accompany you in silence
I wish I could hug you, till you're really really being free
What rose is not accompanied by thorns?
最好的 报复是 美丽
Your best revenge is beauty
最美的 盛开是 反击
Your greatest blooms are your retaliation
别让谁去 改变了你
Don't let anyone change who you are
你是你 或是妳 都行
You can be man or woman, it doesn't matter
会有人 全心的 爱你
There will be people who will truly love you
试着想像 you switched to his body
Try to imagine, you switched to his body
Sexuality 当心什么会伤你
Sexuality, be careful of what will hurt you
多少次的重伤 多少次的冷语
How many severe wounds, how many cold words
Drowning 谁会拉你
Who will pull you up when you're drowning?
Dreaming 谁会陪你
Who will be with you when you're dreaming?
Same shit happens every day
你离开后 世界可改变
Has the world changed after you are gone?
多少无知罪愆 事过不境迁
How many ignorant faults are forgotten as the world moves on?
永志不忘纪念 往事不如烟
Never forget Yung-chih, don't let the past fade away
生而为人无罪 你不需要抱歉
Nobody is born with sin, you have nothing to apologise for
One day I will be you, baby boy and you gon'be me
喧哗如果不停 让我陪你安静
If the noise won't stop, let me accompany you in silence
I wish I could hug you, till you're really really being free
What rose is not accompanied by thorns?
最好的 报复是 美丽
Your best revenge is beauty
最美的 盛开是 反击
Your greatest blooms are your retaliation
别让谁去 改变了你
Don't let anyone change who you are
你是你 或是妳 都行
You can be man or woman, it doesn't matter
会有人 全心的 爱你
There will be people who will truly love you
玫瑰少年 在我心里
The rose youth lives on in my heart
绽放著 鲜艳的 传奇
Blooming into a beautiful legends
我们都 从来没 忘记
That we have never forgotten
你的控诉 没有声音
Your accusations are silent
却倾诉 更多的 真理
Yet they convey greater truths
却唤醒 无数的 真心
Yet they have awoken countless hearts
What rose is not accompanied by thorns?
最好的 报复是 美丽
Your best revenge is beauty
最美的 盛开是 反击
Your greatest blooms are your retaliation
别让谁去 改变了你
Don't let anyone change who you are
你是你 或是妳 都行
You can be man or woman, it doesn't matter
会有人 全心的 爱你
There will be people who will truly love you
玫瑰少年 在我心里
The rose youth lives on in my heart
玫瑰少年 在我心里
The rose youth lives on in my heart
#womxnly#jolin tsai#mayday#ugly beauty#cpop#cpop translation#chinese langblr#mandarin langblr#translations i made#first time im doing a somewhat bilingual song i hope the formatting makes sense#i was gonna put the spotify links to the jolin tsai and mayday versions of this song but then i found this performance and#idk i was just kinda caught off guard by how. unapologetically queer the background visuals are to be honest#if youre wondering the text in the back at the very end says born as a human without fear#its (i think?) a play on the lyric 生而为人无罪/nobody is born with sin (/born as a human without sin)#anyway inside me there are two wolves and one is desperately holding the other back by the scruff lest i go on another massive rant#about the ways people (presumably cishets) try to make this song like some. generic empowering anti bullying song idk#speaking as an east/southeast asian closeted trans guy like#do you have any idea how much power 'till you're really really being free' has for me#do you have any idea how much power this song has for me in general tbh#like no wonder the straights keep trying to steal this song it hits *so hard*#the entire 'dont you fucking DARE forget' tone of the second verse. like kinda darkly funny in context but god that shits powerful#side note yes i am aware of how clunky the you can be man or woman line sounds#ITS CUZ ENGLISH DOESNT HAVE GENDERED SECOND PERSON PRONOUNS#i mean in fairness nobody actually uses 妳 (female you) on the day to day but here it works SO WELL and im MAD that i couldnt make it work#Youtube
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sakura-cotton · 1 year
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こんにちは〜さくらコットンです♪愛媛の生活も2週間経ちまして、天気もよくゆっくり暮らせています。むかし、旅の添乗員をしていた頃、北海道の方は生きてる間に四国一度行きたいねーとよく聞くことばでした。でもいまは飛行機がたくさん出ているので、行き来もかなりスムーズになって移動すること大切だな、と感じます。現在わたしは、しばらく札幌を拠点に暮らしていることで、今までいた場所と生まれた場所の良さをいつもより強く感じています。生きていると大変な時期や、苦しい時間もありますが、その場からはなれてみることで気づく良さみたいなことがある気がしています。家族関係や友だち関係もそうかもしれません。生きてるいると、温めると同じく大切なことは、自分に優しくすること、自分が大切にしたい人くらい自分に心や時間を使うこと、ちょっと嫌だなってことをやめてみること。もっともっと自分を大切にしていい感じがします。わたしもいまそれを練習しています。みんなが幸せに暮らせるといいなーと、そして私も幸せに暮らします。素敵な1日になりますように。 SAKURACOTTON 菊川あずさ #さくらコットン  #ヒエトリパット #生理痛対策 #子宮内膜炎 #ガールズヘルスケア #尿もれ対策 #オーガニック紙ナプキン #子宮 #身体CARE #こころケア #今治タオル #今治タオルグッズ #愛媛 #今治 #札幌発送  #カラフル #ハンドメイド #オーガニック紙ナプキン併用 #菊川あずさ #旅 #旅行 #旅をしよう #trip #travel #japan #しまなみ海道 #旅グッズ #旅をしよう #sea #shimanami #bussinesstrip (株式会社 さくらコットン ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnD1609vu7v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seherstudies · 4 months
I finally was able to finish the series about the Obon Society on Satori reader and make the vocab list!
The Obon Society is a non-profit organisation that returns 寄せ書きの日の丸 (よせがきのひのまる), a flag on which family members of a soldier about to go off to war would write personal words of encouragement and well-wishes, to bereaved famlies.
Vocab down below.
太平洋戦争 Pacific War (1941-1945);
The name for World War II in Japanese is 第二次世界大戦, dai-niji sekai taisen, and that name is common and well-known. However, when speaking about World War II from the Japanese perspective, it's more common to use the term above, since the Pacific theatre is where Japan participated.
終わりを迎える(おわりをむかえる)to come to an end 経つ(たつ) to pass 出来事(できごと)incident; affair; happening; event 現実味(げんじつみ)(sense of) reality 遺族(いぞく)bereaved family いまだに not yet 在住 resident; living; dwelling
非営利団体(ひえいりだんたい)nonprofit organisation 遺品(いひん)articles of the deceased; article left by the deceased; things that belonged to the deceased 当時 at that time; in those days 戦士(せんし)death in action; KIA 紙切れ(かみきれ)scrap of paper 小包(こづつみ)parcel, package 年月(としつき)months and years 一体(いったい)…the heck (e.g. what he heck?), …in the world (e.g. why in the world?); …on earth (e.g. who on earth?)
照明 signature 国旗(こっき)national flag 書き込む to fill in, to fill out a form 出征(しゅっせい)going to war, departure for the front 親戚 relative 肌身離さず (hadamihanagizu) carrying close to one's person at all times; next to the skin 軍隊(ぐんたい)armed forces 先導(せんどう)guidance, leadership 攻撃(こうげき)attack, strike, offensive 敵軍(てきぐん)enemy army 手柄(てがら)achievement; feat; meritorious deed; distinguished service 称賛(しょうさん)praise; admiration; commendation; approbation (this representation places focus on verbal commendation) 術(すべ)way, method
戦没者(せんぼつしゃ)persons who have fallen in battle 計り知れない(はかりしれない)unfathomable, inestimable, immeasurable 持ち主(もちぬし)owner; proprietor; possessor (e.g. of talent, beauty, etc.) 捜索(そうさく)search (esp. for someone or something missing); investigation
退役(たいえき)retiring from military service 退役軍人(たいえきぐんじん)ex-serviceman 一切(いっさい)all; everything; the whole; lock, stock, and barrel; absolutely not (with negative); without exception; entirely not 最期(さいご)one's last moment; one's time of death
Note that the characters used for this word are 最期 and not 最後. Go is a fairly rare reading for this character, which much more often contributes ki. Though it sounds identical and certainly overlaps in meaning with the 最後 that simply means "end," 最期 specifically means the end of one's life.
どうすべき lit. how he should do; what should he do すべき abbr. for するべき 終止符(しゅうしふ)full stop; period
来日(らいにち)arrival in Japan; coming to Japan; visit to Japan 左手(ひだりて)left hand; ; also used as a slightly more polite equivalent for "left" or "left side" 保管(ほかん)charge; custody; safekeeping; deposit; storage 声をつ詰まらせる(こえをつまされる)to choke up (e.g., have difficulty speaking because of emotion) 安らか(やすらか)peaceful; tranquil; calm; restful 誇りに思う(ほこりにおもう)to be proud of
遺体(いたい)dead body; corpse; remains 迫撃砲(はくげきほう)mortar 畳む(たたむ)to fold (clothes) ためらう(to hesitate) うずめる to cover; to bury (e.g. one's face in hands) 旗に���度も顔をうずめながら、なみだ涙を流しました。 後悔(こうかい)regret
扱う(あつかう)to deal with (a person); to treat; to handle; to take care of; to entertain 故郷(こきょう)home town, birthplace; native place; one's old home 抱える(かかえる)to have (esp. problems, debts, etc.) 解放(かいほう)release; unleashing; liberation; emancipation; setting free 目にする to see; to witness; to observe; to catch sight of; to get a glimpse of; to encounter 単純(たんじゅん) simplicity; simple; uncomplicated わだかまり ill feelings (Visualize wadakamari as a ball of of dissatisfaction, distrust, doubt, or bad feelings in your heart that lingers. It's a lump you can feel in your chest.)
ryk-つつある to be doing; to be in the process of doing 軍事(ぐんじ)military affairs 取引(とりひき)transactions; dealings; business 働きかけ(はたらきかけ)pressure; encouragement; urging; promoting 大手(おおて)major company; big company 旧~ ex-; former; old 旧日本軍(にほんぐん)lit. the Japanese military
In most contexts, it refers not to any modern armed forces, but specifically to the Imperial Japanese Navy and Imperial Japanese Army, up through World War II. Similarly, a soldier in such forces was, at the time, simply 日本兵, nihon-hei, "a Japanese soldier." Japan's mordern armed forces are referred to as 自衛隊(じえいたい)
Tldr:If you see 旧日本~ in any military context, you should think of 1945 and earlier.
とはいえ though; although; be that as it may; nonetheless 売買(ばいばい)trade; buying and selling; trafficking (e.g. of humans, arms, drugs); dealing 一人でも多くの人(ひとりでもおおくのひと)lit. even if it's (just) one more person."; If you are working hard to do something for the benefit of "even just one more person," it means you are trying to do it for as many people as possible.
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presumenothing · 16 days
from zhou shen's second album 《反深代词》 | listen on spotify
lyrics by: 尹约 / yin yue
眼泪忍住 回望忍住 我已提前谢幕 tears – no more / look back no more / i've already skipped to the end 心爱记住 遗憾也记住 loves and regrets / remember them both 独自反复 回到最初 alone, again / back to the very start 人生巨幅拼图 the vast jigsaw of life 太多次迷路 太多次失误 too many wrong turns / too many mistakes I'm ready now I'm ready now I'm ready now 重启进度 progress: restart
睁眼看见年轻父母 eyes, opening; see my parents, so young 竟把我到来当作礼物 making a gift of my arrival 从此我会忍住不哭 from now i'll dam back these tears 哪怕再无助 别让他们辛苦 helpless – yes, but not / if i can help away this pain Ready now ready now I'm ready now
上轮人生 伤与被伤 孤独已刻骨 last lifetime's / those hurt and hurts / loneliness already bone-deep 这轮要 小心翼翼弥补 this time, i'll / mend in careful hand 遥远守护 继续追逐 或是体面结束 protect from afar / chasing, still / or bring to proper end 我终于 不再一无是处 at long last, i / am not for no good 与你重逢啊 仍是初相见 我已很满足 reunion, with you – oh / this very first, again / already my heart's fill I'm ready now I'm ready now I'm ready now 悄悄付出 quietly, i give
重来几次才能清楚 how many times before i learn 每段岔路与每个事故 every turn of road, spin of tale 每条没有尽头旅途 every journey without an end 用满身尘土 换渺小幸福 trading this cloak of dust / for a mote of happiness
I'm ready now…
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Gentei Tokuten Drama CD ”Diabolik ★ Aesthetics ~The Soul, Body and Blood Kept Beautiful with Sadism”
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Original title: ディアボリック★エステティック~心も身体も血液もドSに美しく~
Source: Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Gentei Tokuten Drama CD
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Takahiro Sakurai, Suzuki Tatsuhisa, Morikubo Shoutaro
Translator’s note: You know, part of me wanted to believe that this weird trivia about Ayato rubbing takoyaki sauce on Yui/the MC was nothing but a fever dream...Unfortunately it is not because it’s in this CD. I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to have these boys run a beauty salon, but it’s a disaster waiting to happen lol. Even though there’s plenty of funny moments, I needed 200% brain power to translate this one because there’s no visuals so they have to explain the massage techniques with words and well...Let’s say that my knowledge on different muscles in Japanese is very limited. Especially Ruki’s explanations left me going ??? and scrambling to open my online dictionary.
Yuma: Haah~ Honestly…That Reiji guy is such a slave driver. Can’t believe he’s expectin’ me to put out the signboard first thing in the mornin’. …Heave-hoh.
Yuma: There, that’ll do. ーー Anyway, what’s the point in advertisin’ with a billboard when the damn beauty salon is already fully booked as is? Haah…
Reiji: …What are you mumbling about?
Yuma: …Ackー!? Reiji!? N-Nothin’, really!
Reiji: Oh my, really? I am fairly certain I heard something about a ‘slave driver’ earlier, no? 
Yuma: Guess ya must be hearin’ things? …Oh. Seems like the customers are already coming in.
You arrive at the beauty salon.
Yuma: Welcome! We’re pleased to have ya here at ‘Diabolik Aesthetics’! 
You seem confused by his attitude and mannerisms. 
Yuma: Aah? I’ve got the wrong place? Hell no! I can tell ya were ‘bout to enter!
Reiji: Aah…Ahem. Yuma. I shall not allow such crude language to be used towards a customer. 
Yuma: Woah…Anyway…It’s already past your reservation time, so hurry up get into the store…No, I mean…If you’d be so kind to… (1)
Reiji: Haah…Good grief…He is a lost cause… 
Reiji turns towards you.
Reiji: Well then, my dear customers. Please allow me to escort you instead. You see, this gentleman over here was hired only very recently, so he is still learning. Please forgive me. This way, please…
Reiji escorts you.
Ruki: I’m delighted to see you here, Livestock. 
Reiji: Ruki! You as well!? How dare you address our customers as ‘Livestock’!? 
Ruki: It’s part of our store’s aesthetic. Bear with it. In exchange…We guarantee only the finest quality. You will be made beautiful from head to toe, I can assure you that. ーー You made a reservation for the special course. This treatment is quite lenghty, so we do not have any time to waste. Please hurry your way over to the dressing rooms and change into the right attire. 
Ruki: Oi, Shin. 
Shin: What?
Ruki: Please escort the customer to the dressing rooms. It appears to be their first time here, so explain to them how things work over here. 
Shin: God…Why do I have to do this stuff? …I mean, sure. Oi, you. Don’t stand there spacing out but follow me. This way.
Shin escorts you.
Shin: You can put all of your personal belongings in one of these lockers. Ah, you’re responsible for taking care of any valuable items. We are not liable for potential loss or damages so don’t forget to lock it, okay? 
Once you’ve taken off all your clothes, you can put on this gown over here, okay? I mean, you’re gonna have to take this one eventually too, so if you’d rather not wear anything, that’s fine by me too.
You seem shocked about having to take off your clothes.
Shin: Isn’t that obvious? What? Would you rather…have me strip you down?
*Rustle rustle*
Shin: I wouldn’t mind giving you a massage here either if that’s what you want. I could always lock this room…Hehehe…As long as we don’t exceed the original time of your appointment…I won’t charge you any extra either. So, what will you do?
You shake your head.
Shin: Eh? You’re passing up on my offer? What a waste! I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about us Founders and our ‘godly’ fingers, haven’t you? So, what do you say? You and me, right here, right noーー
Kanato enters the room.
Kanato: Shin. What are you doing?
Shin: …Woah. Che. Seems like someone’s here to get in the way.
Kanato: I was wondering what could be taking her so long to get changed, but I guess you were holding her up.
Shin: Not really. She’s just slow as hell, you see? All I did was give her the usual explanation. …Well then, leaving the rest up to you.
Shin leaves the room.
Kanato: Che…He ran. 
Kanato approaches you.
Kanato: Anyway, what are you doing? We are pressed for time here so please get changed already. Come on. 
You nod.
Kanato: Haah…I don’t care for you response. Come on, chop chop. 
You ask him to leave the room. 
Kanato: Haah…? You want me to leave? Who do you think you’re talking to?
You defend yourself. 
Kanato: I don’t want to hear any protest! Uu…You…Sniff…think…hic…of me as a nuisance, don’t you? Uu…Hic… ーー You shall not get away with treating me in such a way. I shall…punish you personally. 
You try to get away but Kanato corners you.
Kanato: Where do you think you’re going? You can’t get away. …Not from me!
Kanato: Fufu…Fufufu…But I still haven’t done anything, have I? So please don’t be so frightened. I was going to make you feel amazing, you see? 
You ask him to let go.
Kanato: You really think I’m going to let you go now? After all, you are just so…
Reiji enters the room.
Reiji: …! K-Kanato…!? 
Kanato: What do you need, Reiji? I happen to be quite busy at the moment so please do not get in my way.
Reiji: T-That’s easy for you to say, but I have no other choice! Come on! Get away from her!
Reiji: She is a customer of ours, remember?
Kanato: …!? What are you doing!? Let me go! I wasーー
Reiji: Yes, yes, I know. But your time to shine will come later. Now hurry up and leave.
Kanato leaves the room.
Reiji: You should finally get changed as well. Understood? 
You nod.
Reiji: Haah, good grief…Our staff is quite the handful. While they may be skilled at what they do, they’ve all got very eccentric personalities. It is highly troubling. At this rate, if our business does not run well, we will not reap any benefits. This is the concept I came up with myself: we guarantee a pleasurable experience for our customers and in return…we get something amazing out of it as well..’ It is truly a ground-breaking system…
Ayato: Zz…Zz…Nn…I’m completely stuffed…Idiot…Who puts soy sauce on Takoyaki…Nn…
*Knock knock*
Ayato: …Nn…
*Knock knock*
Ayato: …Hm? Haah…? What do you want?
Ayato gets up and opens the door.
Ayato: Who the fuck are you? 
You explain.
Ayato: Ah…? A customer? …Wait! It’s already that late!? God, I overslept!
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: There we go!
Ayato: Couldn’t you have told me sooner? Come on in already, god!
You step inside.
Ayato: For now, just lie down.
You hesitate. 
Ayato: Hurry up!
You seem skeptical. 
Ayato: Haah…? A medical interview? That’s Kanato’s job! He should have come to you to ask a bunch of questions, no?
You frown.
Ayato: If what happened earlier was part of the interview? Beats me! Oh well, all women worry ‘bout pretty much the same thing, don’t they? No point in asking. …Besides, I only need to take one look at you to figure out what weighs on your mind. Hehe…
Ayato: It’s this, isn’t it? …Your non-existent chest. 
You protest.
Ayato: What? I’m spot on? That sorta stuff happens to be my area of expertise tho! Come on, we don’t have much time. Hurry up and lie face down on this table. 
You get on the table with your gown still on.
Ayato: Haah…? How am I supposed to do anything when you’re wearin’ this damn gown?
He attempts to take it on as you protest.
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Why would you try to hide your body when there’s nothin’ to see anyway? Your front is just as flat as the back. 
You get upset.
Ayato: I’m only statin’ the truth. …There. 
Ayato: Okay. I’ll start with a massage, so relax, ‘kay? 
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Yours Truly will get rid of all the stress and pressure built up in your body. Hehehe…
Ayato: I’ll start with your calves. 
You flinch.
Ayato: Woah there…What are you twitchin’ for? …Could it be you’re gettin’ a kick out of this? 
Ayato: See? You did it again? How fascinatin’...You must be sensitive, huh? But we’ve only just started, you see? My hands will travel across every nook and cranny of your body, makin’ you feel amazin’...
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: See? Just like this…
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: How’s that? You can feel your body gradually heatin’ up, can’t you? I’m gonna move all the way down to your ankles…
Ayato: Whoops. Before that, I gotta take this bad boy, don’t I? 
Ayato: A lovely scent, don’t you think? 
You frown.
Ayato: Exactly. It’s a body oil which smells just like takoyaki sauce. What’s better in the world than sucking the blood of a woman who smells like this? 
Your eyes widen in surprise. 
Ayato: …Oh no, I’m just talkin’ to myself. 
Ayato spreads the oil on his palms. 
Ayato: First I divide the oil amongst my own hands and then I’ll massage your legs with it.
You giggle.
Ayato: It tickles…? Don’t you want to say that it feels good? 
He continues massaging you. 
Ayato: Come on…Go ahead and feel my hands…Can you tell? …Why are you tremblin’...? Hehehe…You’re way too sensitive. If you’re reactin’ this strongly just from your legs, then I’m starting to fear what’ll happen once I move on to other parts of your body. 
You wince. 
Ayato: Ah…? You’ve gotten me kind of excited. Come on…I’ll do the back of your legs next and last but not least will be your thighs.
Ruki enters the room. 
Ruki: Oi, Ayato. How are things goーー …Ugh. What’s this smell? 
Ayato: What do you mean? It’s the smell of takoyaki sauce!
Ruki: I can’t say I understand your choice. 
Ayato: Like I give a damn!
Ruki: Oh well. …Anyway, we’re running behind, so I’m going to start with my procedure as well. 
Ayato: Be my guest. …Knowin’ her, I bet she’d love to get doubled teamed on.
You grow flustered. 
Ruki: Livestock…Ah, you are curious about my nickname choices? This is how I address all of our customers. I will not take any complaints. 
You frown.
Ruki: I will now commence the upper body massage. By focusing on your back, it will not only boost your metabolism, but also help relieve the pressure in your muscles. Allow me to remove the towel. 
Ruki: Hah…? Why do you seem so surprised? …That caught you off guard? In that case…Should I warn you first every time before touching you? 
You nod. 
Ruki: Oh well. …In that case, I will now touch your right shoulder. 
Ruki: How’s that? Now there’s no more surprise, right?
Ayato: Che…Look at Mr. Nice Guy over there. 
Ruki: If she moves around too much, it will hinder the procedure. That’s all. …Well then, I’ll massage out the knot. This will help your muscles which might have dilated from the increased blood flow return to their original shape. 
Ruki: Keep still. Did you not hear me earlier? Just leave everything up to my hands. 
Ruki: Relax. Your whole body. If you tense up, I cannot apply pressure correctly. Down to your very core…
*Rustle rustle*
Ruki: Oh? You’re still having trouble relaxing? I suppose you leave me no other choice. 
Ruki: I will have to use force then. 
Ruki: Ugh…Well then, I’ll move on to your back now. I will align my fingertips with your spine and press down. 
Ruki: This should help get rid of the pressure in your muscles. 
*Knock knock*
Ayato: Haah…? Who’s that? ーー Come in.
Reiji opens the door. 
Reiji: It appears that things are taking longer than expected. There are other people waiting in the back, so I suggest all four of us work at once. …Is that okay with you, Yuma?
Yuma: Hell yeah! I finally get to do somethin’! 
Reiji: What’s the matter? Do you not like the idea of having all four of us treat you at once?
Yuma: Shouldn’t ya be happy instead? 
Reiji: Exactly. If you simply behave and let us do our thing, then you will surely feel as if you have ascended to Heaven. Or perhaps…It might be the pits of Hell instead? Fufufu… ーー Well then, Yuma.
Yuma: Roger! 
Yuma walks up to you. 
Yuma: Sow. Imma massage yer head. Ya know, this thing called a ‘scalp massage’. 
Reiji: I shall be in charge of your hands and arms. By focusing on the pressure points in your palms all the way up to your shoulder, I can even get rid of the cellulite on your upper arms. 
*Rustle rustle*
Ruki: Oi, don’t move. The massage is not over yet. I’ll move on to your pelvis next. 
Reiji: Well then, I shall start with your right hand. 
Reiji: Ah…You are too tense. Please try to relax a little more. 
Reiji: Or does it simply feel too good? 
Yuma: I’ll start by a general rub-down of yer head to improve the blood flow. 
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Hehe…How’s that, Chichinashi? You’re getting the full treatment here!
Reiji: It truly is a shame we cannot see the expression on her face. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Hey there. Did we not tell you to keep still? If not, you will receive a severe punishment. Just like this…
Reiji: Fufufu…Did I not warn you? I pressed a pressure point on the palm of your hand just now. If you experienced pain, then it means that there is a problem with the organ connected to it. (2) Fufufu…Listen carefully. If you do not wish to be in even more pain, I suggest you keep still. I want to make you feel good. With my very own hands and fingers. After all, a happy body harbors a happy soul. 
Reiji: Our store’s selling point focuses on delivering the ultimate pleasure to our customers. …Well, what actually matters happens only after that though.  
Yuma: Come on, yer head’s startin’ to feel good too, right? I’m the one workin’ my magic after all. In that case…I don’t mind if ya make some noise. No need to hold back…
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: I bet ya can’t get enough of the way my fingers massage yer head, before runnin’ across yer nape and pressin’ down?
Yuma: I can tell, don’t worry. Yer body’s heatin’ up…Hehe…What do ya say? Want me to keep goin’?
You pass up on his offer.
Yuma: You’re good? I see. In other words, you want more, huh?
You protest.
Yuma: Hehe…Ya can no longer run. Not until you’ve surrendered both your body and soul to our fingertips. Just give in already. No point in fightin’ back forever…Just fully submit to it. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Fufu…Your breathing has become quite ragged. I suppose we are almost there? 
Ayato: Seems like it. I can feel heat radiatin’ all the way down to her toes.
Ruki: Finally? Good grief, she was a stubborn one. 
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Oi, oi…Try a lil’ harder. I’ve only just gotten started, ya see? 
You protest.
Yuma: You’ve reached yer limit? But the real fun has yet to start.
Ruki: I cannot let you go yet. I’m not done with the treatment of your pelvis. 
Reiji: I am nowhere near finished either. 
Ayato: Well, I’ve done a pretty good job so far.
Yuma: Oh…You’ve got goosebumps. ー Oi, Ruki, lower the pressure a bit.
Reiji: Ayato, so shall we. 
Ayato: Gotcha.
Ruki: If you are wondering why, we do not want you to indulge in the pleasure too much after all. 
Reiji: Fufu…First we build up the pleasure, then right before the climax, we hold back. By repeating this process, you will eventually get a taste of true ecstasy. 
*Knock knock*
Reiji: …Oh? What is it?
Shin and Kanato enter the room. 
Shin: How are things looking over here? 
Kanato: We finished the treatment of the customer in the other room, so we’ve come to check up on things.
Reiji: I see. In that case, please join us in massaging the lady over here. 
You flinch.
Ayato: Whatcha twitchin’ for, Chichinashi? Aah?
You beg for them to stop.
Ruki: You’ve had enough? You are our customer. No need to be modest.
Shin: Right. You didn’t get to have a taste of my skills earlier, did you? This is where the real fun begins. 
Kanato: Exactly.
Shin: Okay. Ready when you are. 
Kanato: I’m good to go as well.
Reiji: Well then, dear customer. You get the unique experience of being massaged by six people all at once. Please enjoy it to the fullest. Fufufu…
Shin: Haha…Are you shuddering from anticipation? I can tell you’re already gasping for air and I haven’t even done anything yet. 
Ruki: Let us get back to business. 
Shin: You can no longer get away…from my fingers.
Kanato: You do know what will happen if you dare feel good from someone else’s touch, right?
*Rustle rustle*
Shin: Oi…Don’t move. I haven’t even touched you yet, you know?
Kanato: Come on…Focus on me. 
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Chichinashi. You’ve worked up a sweat. Hahaha…
Ruki: Her metabolic rate must have improved. 
Shin: …Don’t tell me that was enough to satisfy you?
Kanato: Go ahead, let everything go.
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: The Heaven you have been waiting for is just around the corner. ーー No, the gates to Hell will open instead.
Yuma: Hehe…Just lose yerself in the pleasure. Come on. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Oh dear, oh dear, seems like she lost consciousness…
Ayato: Aah? What a weakling. I know she got the special treatment but still? 
Ruki: Well, I suppose it cannot be helped, considering our skill.
Shin: What a shame. I haven’t even gotten a chance to show off my techniques. 
Kanato: Says the guy who tried to get her all for himself before any of us had the chance.
Reiji: The same can be said about you.
Yuma: Oh well, I guess we’re done here. Ahー I’m beat. 
Ruki: Yuma. Shall I give you a massage? 
Yuma: Ah? Fuck off. I’m good. 
You wake up. 
Kanato: …Hm? Have you woken up? You slept for quite some time, you see? It’s already evening. Come on, get off the bed. Our store will be closing soon. 
Reiji enters the room. 
Reiji: Oh? Seems like she finally woke up. How do you feel? Well, after undergoing our treatment, I cannot imagine you could be feeling bad. 
You grow flustered.
Reiji: Your cheeks are flushed. Fufufu…In other words, it felt nice, did it not? 
You thank them. 
Reiji: No need to thank us. We are no charity organization after all. That being said, Ruki, please fetch her ticket. 
Ruki: Ah, yes. Here it is. 
Ruki: Livestock, we accept payment by credit card as well, so feel free to use that option if you’d like. 
You seem shocked. 
Shin: Hm? What’s wrong? You look shocked. …? The price is too high? …You’re kidding, right?
Yuma: I mean, ya made a reservation knowin’ damn well we aren’t cheap, didn’t ya? All the prices are on the website after all. 
You explain.
Yuma: Ah…? Ya never booked a session? Why the fuck are ya sayin’ that now!? 
You insist that he dragged you inside. 
Yuma: Ah!? It’s my fault!? 
Reiji: Now that I think about it, Yuma, I do recall you dragging her inside the shop rather forcibly. 
Ruki: That being said, she could have still refused. After receiving the entire treatment, it only seems fair that she pays. 
Yuma: E-Exactly…! What Ruki said!
Ayato: What’s wrong, Chichinashi? Don’t tell me you don’t have that kind of money? 
Reiji: Good grief…Well, I do admit that the special course is somewhat on the pricey side. What shall we do? 
Ayato: In that case…She’ll have no other choice but to pay in ‘that’ way, right?
Kanato: Fufu…You’re talking about ‘that’, right? I honestly prefer that over actual money. She’s been giving off a lovely scent this whole time after all. 
Kanato moves closer to you. 
Kanato: I can no longer hold back. 
Shin: I mean, if that works for you guys, I’m on board as well. …Of course, I’ll get the first taste, okay?
You ask for an explanation. 
Ruki: …Isn’t it obvious what we’re talking about? Livestock. We want…your blood.
Your eyes widen in horror. 
Reiji: Well, if you cannot pay us the money, it is simply the only other option left. 
Yuma: Hehehe…Brace yerself, Sow!
You ask if that was their goal all along. 
Reiji: Oh dear? You realized only now? Exactly, we only have one objectiveーー not the money, but the customer’s blood. 
Ruki: We make their blood more tasty by providing pleasure, then indulge. A very efficient system, no? 
Reiji: Well, I am the one who came up with the idea. Fufufu…
You try to escape. 
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: Fufufu…Please don’t thrash about. You got to feel good, so it only makes sense for us to get something in return now, right? 
Ayato: Chichinashi. Behave!
Yuma: Oi, Ayato! Why are ya tryin’ to get first dips here!? 
Ayato: Aah!?
Yuma: I’m up first!
Shin: Don’t be ridiculous. I obviously get to go first. 
Ruki: Wait. Seniority (3) is the deciding factor here. I go first.
Kanato: Hold up! That’s unreasonable! I’m first!
Reiji: May I remind you all that I am the owner of this store! You should allーー 
Ayato: Look, take it down a notch, okay? 
Reiji: Excuse me? I could say the same to you. 
Ruki: I cannot say that it is very admirable to try and abuse one’s authority to get personal gains. 
Yuma: Keh…! Stupid rich folks think they can have it all!
Shin: Well, if you want to use that argument, I have the most authority of us all, being a Founder. …Right? 
You suddenly push them aside. 
You make a run for it.
Ayato: …!? Chichinashi, you bitch! Get back here!
They start chasing after you. 
Kanato: Wait…! I won’t let you get away from me!
Yuma: Fuck, that sneaky Sow…! Hold it!
Shin: Ah…? God, this happened because you guys just had to get into a ridiculous argument!
Ruki: Good grief…I wonder why it always turns out like this? I cannot comprehend. 
Reiji: You have the nerve to say that!? 
Ruki: What do you mean? 
Reiji: Haah…Why does this happen time after time? Well, I suppose I was wrong to assume that things could work out with this group of individuals. 
Ruki: Think of it this way, they might successfully drag her back here. 
Reiji: Well, my expectations aren’t very high, but I suppose we shall eagerly await their return. Haah…I wonder when we’ll actually get a taste of some delicious blood? Right now, all the trouble does not weigh up to the benefits. 
However, it would be a waste to let this fateful meeting go to waste…
Translation notes
(1) Yuma is struggling to use correct keigo or formal speech here. Since English lacks similar structures, I had to adjust some things for my translation.
(2) A lot of Chinese medicine (which is also highly celebrated in Japan) focused on internal organs and its relationship to pressure points. 
(3) Ruki refers to the ‘nenko system’ which is common at most Japanese firms and companies. The longer somebody has worked at one workplace, the higher their salary and the more benefits they get.
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nyeigneous · 1 year
Hart Siebert 哈特·塞伯特
Age: 42 年龄:四十二岁
Birth: 21/07/1896 生日:一八九六年七月二十一日
Height: 182cm 身高:一百八十二厘米
Build: Brawny 体型:健壮
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Hart has bright olive-green eyes, a high nose, brown messy curly hair, thick beard. Most of the time he looks serious and sullen.
His hands are very large, rough and powerful, covered with a cocoon.
Hart doesn't care much about dressing. He usually wears a rough fur coat, leather shin guards, and a red scarf to cover the huge scar on his neck,
Hart is a serious and silent man, with a great sense of responsibility.
Many people think he is a simple and clumsy honest man when they look at him working without any words. In fact, Hart is very careful. He just rarely talks about his ideas, because they are usually very complex and negative.
He is not good at dealing with people and is often confused by social etiquette because he lives alone for a long time and separates from society, so most think he is a freak who only knows how to deal with animals.
Hart has no regular education and had difficulty reading and writing. But he knows clearly what is good and right because he has experienced bad and dark things.
Generally speaking, Hart is not a person easy to get along with, people just need some time to understand his kind nature.
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Weapons and skills:
Short Magazine Lee-Enfield, hatchet
Hart is good at using guns and cold weapons, which makes him an efficient and professional hunter. His strong build even allows him to deal with large and dangerous animals on his own. 李恩菲尔德步枪,短斧。
Important people:  late wife Tantoo Schweig Precious things:  Lee-Enfield (Tantoo gave it to him)
Fear: He always dreams that his wife stands in the endless herd of reindeer. No matter how he shouts, she does not respond, following the deer with blood antlers to the distance.
重要的人:他已故的妻子Tantoo Schweig
In his spare time, he plays harmonica and makes wood carvings;
Can play a little banjo; 他空闲的时候会吹口琴,做木雕,会一点班卓琴;
Excessive drinking; 有酗酒问题;
When he is in a bad mood, he says nothing; 心情不好的时候会一言不发;
His eyelashes are long. 睫毛很长。
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黄石的童年 The childhood in Yellow Stone
Hart's ancestors are Russian immigrants who came to northern Canada to do fur business in the early 19th century.
Hart is born into a family of a ranger in Yellowstone, he has an unfortunate childhood because of his tyrannical father.
In 1908, Hart is 12 years old, his father beats his mother up again when he is drunk. Hart takes his father's shotgun and shoots him in the throat. His panicked mother tries to treat his wound but to no avail.
After burying his father, his mother takes Hart to town to find his real father, a dashing sheriff. But instead of accepting them, the man violently drove them away. Hart could not bear to see her mother humble look, decides to rely on his ability to take care of them two.
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威廉姆斯先生Mr. Williams
Hart and his mother hide together for many years before settling down in a secluded village in Alaska. At that time, his mother’s mental and physical health is very bad because of the long-term domestic violence, and the abandonment of man.
Young Hart is forced into the role of breadwinner. For meat, Hart decides to learn to hunt and goes to the town's arms shop owner, Mr. Williams (62 years old), who is a part-time hunter too, to learn firearms skills. The industrious and talented boy soon carries the interest of the strange old man.
Mr. Williams fought in the Civil War, and shrapnel from a shell took his an eye and an arm, but it did not affect his skill as a shooter. He is a military man, unsmiling, brave and responsible, but also thoughtful, which deeply influences Hart.
At that time, Williams recognizes Hart as his apprentice and assistant because he has no wife and no children. These two people cooperate well, becomes a local famous hunter combination.
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冰封的河Frozen River
When Hart is 17, a hunting party from the Yukon invites Williams and Hart to join them. Hart turns down the offer because his mother's health deteriorates rapidly. In the following spring, she still committed suicide.
Mother's suicide is a relief for both of them.
Hart lives under great psychological pressure for a long time because of his mother's hysteria. When he is seven years old, he is almost strangled in a dream by her.
But Hart's sense of responsibility makes him do his best to take care of his mother's daily life, and sympathize with and comfort her mood. However, that day when he sees his mother walking towards the frozen river from a distance, he hesitates and doesn't save her. This choice makes Hart blame himself for many years.
He doubts whether he is an evil and violent man like his father. For a long time, Hart is unwilling to communicate with others and refuses to any further relationships.
After his mother died, Hart sells all his possessions and follows Mr. Williams on his journey to Canada. The young Hart's excellent shooting and gun maintenance skills are quickly earning him a place on the team. Five years into the trip, Mr. Williams died, and Hart is left to face the world alone.
哈特27岁那年,认识了他生命中最重要的人,他的妻子Tantoo Schweig 坦图·施维克。她是白人和北美土著的混血,职业是狩猎向导和训犬师。Tantoo的热情和勇敢令哈特吃惊,因为在此之前,他只接触过像母亲那样卑微而痛苦的女性。
When Hart is 27, he meets the most important person in his life, his wife Tantoo Schweig. She is a mixed blood of white and Indian, her occupation is hunting guide and dog trainer. Tantoo's enthusiasm and courage surprise Hart because he has only meet humble and painful women like his mother before.
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Hart, who doesn't understand interpersonal communication at all, is always clumsy in front of Tantoo. However, Tantoo sees Hart's kind nature through Hart's rough and silent appearance, she understands his past and accepts his pursuit. After traveling together for a year, the two decide to get married. They return to Tantoo's hometown in Alaska and begin to run a reindeer ranch.
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熊和驯鹿Bear and reindeer
The third year after marriage, pregnant Tantoo dies in an accident. The reindeer herd is disturbed by the bear and begins to run wildly. Tantoo falls off the cliff when trying to control the deer herd. Hart is attacked by the bear. The bear leaves huge wounds on Hart's neck that almost kill him.
Hart almost collapsed when his wife died. He leaves Alaska and begins to work as a ranger.
Drinking and living alone makes him the father he hates most - like a monster hiding in the forest, fighting off all intruders without mercy and killing bears in revenge. However, it doesn't make him feel better.
禁止狩猎No Hunting
1932年,哈特(36岁)遇到了加什(39岁)。这名阴险狡诈而疯癫的英国人是狩猎小队的一员,额头上有一条非常显眼的伤疤,嘴里永远都叼着一根烟 。当时,这只小队正试图捕捉哈特的管辖区域内的头狼。
In 1932, Hart (36) meets Garth (39). This insidious, cunning and crazy Englishman is a member of a hunting team. He has a very prominent scar on his forehead and always has a cigarette in his mouth. At that time, the team is hunting gray wolves in Hart's jurisdiction.
The first time they meet is a fierce battle.
Hart wounds two members of their team and drives them out of the forest. But Garth comes back alone and attacks him with his shotgun.
Since then, almost every few days, Garth challenges Hart and tests the bottom line of his patience. Although Hart is good at shooting and fighting, Garth seems to be better at sneak attacks and anti reconnaissance, which makes Hart almost impossible to predict Garth's actions.
But to be honest, the battle that Garth starts saves Hart. In order to fight better, he has to quit drinking, take in enough nutrition to support high-intensity activities, and keep focused and vigilant for a long time, which also makes his mind clearer and his mood more stable.
On the contrary, the crazy and reckless self-destruction-style attack that has been adopted by Garth is quickly consuming his energy.
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没有结局的结局No ending
The absurd duel lasts almost half a year. On a snowy day, Hart finally forces Garth to a dead end, points a gun at him, and asks him why he does it. Garth simply replies that he wants to die.
This makes Hart thinks of his mother. That day when he is a little boy, she pinches his neck, cries and laughs, and says she wants to die.
Hart puts away his gun and turns away.
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The dangerous game ends quietly. When winter comes, the heavy snow buries everything that has happened.
Garth stops the attack and provocation as if he has been pressed a switch on his body. He just appears by Hart's campfire from time to time, but he doesn't carry a gun. Hart has an illusion that he feels like a primitive man, and Garth is the first domesticated wolf in human history. 哈特对这个有着 “育空疯狗”外号的男人有所耳闻。他以他那不可理喻的反社会性格和独一无二的博物学知识在猎人的社交圈里非常有名,只要有他出现的地方,就必定伴随着口角和争斗;无论是谁,跟他合作必定要承担极大的心理压力和风险。
Hart has heard of this man with the nickname "Yukon mad dog". With his unreasonable antisocial character and unique natural history knowledge, he is very famous in the hunter's social circle. As long as there is a place where he appears, it must be accompanied by quarrels and fights; Whoever cooperates with him must bear great psychological pressure and risk.
But Hart is not interested in these rumors. With his experience of taking care of his mother, he knows that Garth must have experienced something very serious to become like this. But he is not interested in knowing.
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dcextra · 8 months
ShinRan Archive: Conan Edogawa
Transcribed w/ machine translation
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毛利家に預けられた、新一の遠い親戚・・・? A distant relative of Shinichi who was left in the care of the Mori family...? 
江戸川コナン CV:高山みなみ Conan Edogawa  CV: Minami Takayama
An elementary school student who looks a lot like Shinichi when he was young. His true identity is Shinichi Kudo, who was forced to drink APTX4869 by a man dressed in black and transformed into a child. He stays at the Mori Detective Agency and sees various faces of Ran, the person he loves... Although he hides his true identity, his emotions as Shinichi sometimes come out.
When the antidote wears off, he returns to Ran in his Conan form. She delivers a "message" to him, telling him to wait for her as she will definitely return. (Episode 193)
Use the voice changer to talk to Ran using Shinichi's voice. Knowing the risk of revealing her true identity, she gave Ran her phone number. I want to hear her voice and feel safe... (400 episodes)
Ran reveals how painful it is to wait for Shinichi, and his frustration in his childish form only grows stronger... (episode 308)
Conan pretends to be on the phone with "Shinichi-nii-chan." He reveals his own reasoning in the form of a "message" from Shinichi and solves a murder case that occurred at a family restaurant. (651 episodes)
Secret Report 小さな体の大きな悩み・・・
A big problem for a small body...
Shinichi struggles in his Conan form to return to Ran, but... There are many dilemmas of not being able to reveal your true identity and frustration due to your small size!
(Pictures clockwise) (海外旅行に一苦労・・・) 江戸川コナンにはパスポートがない!灰原の助けでなんとか渡航。(616話)
(体力が落ちた・・・) 小さな体では、犯人を見つけても捕まえられず大パンチに!(2話)
(手紙が来ても・・・) 生存がバレてはマズいため、返事も出せない。(劇場版1)
(邪魔者にされる・・・) 事件解決のヒントを見つけても、話を取り合ってもらえない。(3話)
(好きな女の子を待たせてる・・・) 「コナン君が新一なら・・・よかったのにね・・・」と、涙を流す蘭に何も言えず・・・。(308話)
(家の管理が大変・・・) 事件資料が見たいと言う蘭達が家に押し掛けていた!家の中を見られては困ると、焦って帰宅。(690話)
(It's hard to travel abroad...) Conan Edogawa doesn't have a passport! With Haibara's help, they manage to cross. (616 episodes)
(My physical strength has decreased...) With its small body, even if it finds the culprit, it can't catch it and throws a big punch! (Episode 2)
(Even if a letter arrives...) I can't even reply because it would be bad if my survival was found out. (Movie version 1)
(Become a nuisance...) Even if I found a hint to solve the case, no one would talk to me about it. (Episode 3)
(I'm keeping the girl I like waiting...) ``It would have been nice if Conan-kun was Shinichi...'' Ran said, unable to say anything as she shed tears. (episode 308)
(Managing the house is difficult...) Ran and the others came to the house saying they wanted to see the case materials! I was worried that someone could see inside my house, so I rushed home. (690 episodes)
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Secret Report 子供姿になったのをいいことに!? コナンを弟のように可愛がってくれる蘭。そんな彼女の優しさにつけ込んで調子に乗りすぎた!?正体がバレたら絶対にヤバい!!
It's a good thing he's now a child! ?  Ran loves Conan like a younger brother. He took advantage of her kindness and got too carried away with her! ? If my true identity is revealed, it will definitely be dangerous! !
(Pictures right to left) (一緒にお風呂!) 二人で一緒に温泉に入って、背中を流しっこしたことも!!お、思い出すだけで鼻血が・・・。(27話、絵は400話)
(一緒に寝る!) 包帯男を怖がる蘭と同じベッドで眠る。安心しきった寝顔が真横に・・・!(34話)
(秘密を聞く!) コナンとして出会った初日に、新一への密かな想いを聞いてしまった・・・!(2話)
(Take a bath together!)  We even took a hot spring together and washed our backs! ! Oh, my nose bleeds just thinking about it... (27 episodes, 400 pictures)
(sleep together!) He sleeps in the same bed as Ran, who is afraid of the bandaged man. A peaceful sleeping face is right next to me...! (Episode 34)
(Listen to the secret!) On the first day we met as Conan, I heard about Shinichi's secret feelings for him...! (Episode 2)
Special Report 幼なじみに正体発覚寸前!?名探偵にもスキあり! 幼なじみの勘はあなどれない。何度もコナンの正体がバレそうになり、その度にパンチを切り抜けてきた。蘭とコナンの攻防戦を見よ!
My childhood friend is on the verge of discovering my true identity! ? I also like great detectives! I can't underestimate my childhood friend's intuition. Conan's true identity was about to be revealed many times, and each time he was able to pull through the punches. Watch the battle between Ran and Conan!
(Pictures clockwise) メガネを外したコナンは、小さい頃の新一にそっくり・・・!!(96話) (顔が似すぎ!?)回避 コナンは遠い親戚だと有希子が証言。苦しい言い逃れだったが、押し切った。(96話)
When Conan takes off his glasses, he looks just like Shinichi when he was little...! ! (Episode 96)
(The faces are too similar!?) Avoidance
Yukiko testifies that Conan is a distant relative. It was a painful escape for her, but she pushed through. (Episode 96)
(携帯置き忘れ・・・)回避 新一に送ったメールが、コナンに届いた!?博士に同じ型の電話を借りてごまかした。(左から398話、400話)
(I left my phone behind...) Avoidance
The email sent to Shinichi has arrived at Conan! ? I cheated by borrowing the same model phone from the doctor. (From the left, episodes 398 and 400)
(ついつい口調が・・・) 推理に夢中になると、思わず素の口調が出てしまうことも。(691話)
(His tone...)
When you get absorbed in mystery, you may find yourself letting out your honest tone. (691 episodes)
(心当たりありすぎ・・・) コナンイコール新一を確信した蘭は、コナンの血液型を断言。(189話) 回避 その場にいたコナンは灰原の変装!(191話) 解毒剤の試作品で元の姿に戻った。(191話)
(Too much in mind...) 
Convinced that Conan is equal to Shinichi, Ran affirms Conan's blood type. (Episode 189)
Conan was there, disguised as Haibara! (Episode 191)
He returned to his original form with a prototype antidote. (Episode 191)
(誕生日が同じ・・・) コナンの誕生日が、新一と同じ5月4日だと聞いて・・・!(劇場版3) 回避 新一に変装した怪盗キッドが現れ、疑いを晴らしてくれた。(劇場版3)
(We have the same birthday...)
I heard that Conan's birthday is May 4th, the same as Shinichi's...! (Movie version 3)
Kaito Kid, disguised as Shinichi, appears and clears his suspicions. (Movie version 3)
頭が良すぎ!? 回避 子供らしからぬ賢さに疑惑を持った蘭が、何度もカマをかけて来た・・・!阿笠博士に頼み、変声機を使って新一の声で電話をかけてもらった。(7話)
Too smart! ? Avoidance Ran, who was suspicious of his childish intelligence, tried to attack him over and over again...! She asked Dr. Agasa to use her voice changer to call her in Shinichi's voice. (Episode 7)
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