iamkenlee-blog · 2 days
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"블랙 스타 38"
흑인 대중음악인 서른여덟 명에 관해 쓴 책. 여러 사람을 한데 모은 부분도 있어서 총 21장으로 돼 있다.
저자 약력에 이집트에서 태어나 아프리카, 중동, 유럽에서 생활했다고 하니 최소 한국어, 영어, 아랍어 기본이겠다. 또한 '재즈 피플'이란 잡지에서 기자로 근무 중이라고 나와 있던데 한 다리만 건너면 알 수도 있는 인맥일 듯.
그나저나 요즘에도 재즈 잡지가 나온단 게 신기. 그럼 혹시 '엠엠재즈'도? 란 생각에 구글 검색하니 이거도 여전히 발간 중이네. 대단하다.
다시 본론으로 돌아와 개인적으론 앞부분에 소개한 다음의 일곱 사람에 관심이 가서 읽은 것. W. C. 핸디, 로버트 존슨, 머디 워터스, 레이 찰스, 샘 쿡, 오티스 레딩, 제임스 브라운.
특히 로버트 존슨에 관해선 '27세 클럽(=27세에 사망한 음악가)' 썰에서 최초로 거론된 인물이란 거 외 아는 바가 없었기 때문에 재밌게 읽음.
중반부엔 도나 섬머, 마이클 잭슨, 휘트니 휴스턴 중 유명인 얘기가 나온다. 도나 섬머는 남편 성이 Sommer였는데 인쇄 착오로 Summer로 돼버린 걸 그대로 사용했다고. 휘트니 휴스턴을 마약 중독에 빠진게 남편 바비 브라운 탓이란 소문이 있었지만 사실은 그전에 이미 중독 상태였다는 등 잡지식 얻음.
후반부에는 동부, 서부, 중부, 남부 힙합 얘기가 나온다. 이 장르는 내 취약 분야라 음악을 듣고서 어느 동네 힙합인지조차 구별 못 해 별 관심이 가진 않는 편이나, 투팍과 노토리어스 비아이지 사망 관련 얘기는 궁금했던 부분이라 자세히 읽음.
끝으로 '네오 쏘울'과 '피비알&비'는 아예 모르는 장르. 네오쏘울 음악가로 디안젤로, 맥스웰 ,에리카 바두, 로린 힐, 피비알&비 음악가로 프랭크 오션, 위켄드, 미겔 등 이름이나마 메모했다가 천천히 들어보려고.
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I honestly don't know where all the Biginnings from Tumblr disappeared
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niknet · 3 years
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211129 Gunmin Instastory
TRANS: Junghoonie hyung's letter.
Ng... I think I'm going to throw up
A rough translation of the letter is below the cut.
Hello guys?All of a sudden, you want this to happen?I'm 32.9 years old, but I have something I want to tell you.
Actually, you thought that if I went to Gindae, B.I.G would be gone? Because we didn't get good grades... But, contrary to our expectations, B.I.G remained, and although the composition of the members changed, we shared our dreams together. In the process, I know that each of us has a lot of thoughts and that different emotions intersect. Tired, exhausted, and burdened with anxiety about the future. The current situation is sad... and bitter...
I feel bad when I see you guys. There are so many complex emotions in your facial expressions.
There was something I really wanted to tell you when I was young. It is that we've been together for nearly 10 years. We spent the most flowery days of our lives together, didn't we? There were a lot of ups and downs, but there were also a lot of fun things. At my age, I have been to many places in life that are difficult to visit. A lot of people have been interested and people have been recieving it.
I hate to even think that I am really lucky that you are the people who gave me so much strength.
Looking at you guys these days, I see a lot of dark sides. I want you guys to be truly happy. I think it would be good to change in a more positive way and enjoy the present.
Life is a flower garden if you walk backwards, and this moment must also be a flower road. And you look like flowers. I'm far behind and I have a lot to learn from. Awesome! Let's try our best so that we can spend the rest of our dreams happily. If so, wouldn't it be possible for a miracle to come to us too?
When I look back on the past days, the happy and happy moments seem to be the most memorable. We'll have fun too. Yoohoo~
Finally, if we want this moment in our lives to be the most humble flashback. I'll stop talking now. Oh. To our fans biginning, we are also very grateful and love you <3
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rreellaaxx-time · 3 years
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소야(SOYA)-비아이지(B.I.G) 희도
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ladymaysworld · 4 years
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B.i.g ~ Heedo, new Youtube channel ♥
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kpopulr · 4 years
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koreantunes · 5 years
비아이지 (B.I.G) - ILLUSION
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tricianicdao · 4 years
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2017.09.02 / B.I.G (비아이지) in Manila
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k-parallels · 5 years
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pink haaawt, pink haaawt
 비아이지 [B.I.G] 1.2.3    
브로맨스 [VROMANCE] SHE                                                                         
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7mp3 · 5 years
telephone // benji
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081098 · 6 years
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niknet · 3 years
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yu-me-mii · 2 years
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yoo_heedo96 : I need you to stay, need you to stay 🍂
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ladymaysworld · 5 years
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Gunmin ~ B.i.g - Idol Radio 191226
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kpopulr · 5 years
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luminasherlock · 3 years
Youngheun appears in B.I.G Documentary
🎥YOUTUBE🎥 BLACKSWAN's Angel Leader Youngheun appears in boy group B.I.G's Comeback Documentary (around 6:25)
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