gffffhjjjjjjj345 · 2 months
010 ⏜ 7532 ⏜ 0270 ⏝ 인디오게임 ⏝ 바이브게임 ⏝ 타워-랩터 ⏝ 최고의배팅률 ⏝ 동접자률 ⏝ 바둑이/맞고/홀덤 깨똑깨톡 pc 5866 ⏝ 바이브게임주소 vibegm ⏝ 추천인원숭이 ⏝
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010 ⏜ 7532 ⏜ 0270 ⏝ 인디오게임 ⏝ 바이브게임 ⏝ 타워-랩터 ⏝ 최고의배팅률 ⏝ 동접자률 ⏝ 바둑이/맞고/홀덤 깨똑깨톡 pc 5866 ⏝ 바이브게임주소 vibegm ⏝ 추천인원숭이 ⏝
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【인디오게임】-골드-파워샷게임 총판 9.5% 요율 드립니다.010 7532 ⓞ②⑦ⓞ 바이브게임【vibegm.com】 【추천-호랑이】
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【인디오게임】-골드-파워샷게임 총판 9.5% 요율 드립니다.010 7532 ⓞ②⑦ⓞ 바이브게임【vibegm.com】 【추천-호랑이】
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joy3927 · 7 months
#앙리루소 #루소 #원숭이가있는열대숲 #원숭이 #열대숲 #HenriRousseau #Rousseau #monkey #monkeys #Forest #그림 #painting
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fgfgfgfg45454 · 3 days
≽Pc Game8o8I≽원숭이≽인디오게임PP≽인디오바둑이≽인디오슬롯≽ ⟢OIO⟢6 6 6 5⟢8 O 8 I #게임주소 #추천게임 #펀치 #타워#골드 #실버 #바이브게임ㅡ원숭이
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≽Pc Game8o8I≽원숭이≽인디오게임PP≽인디오바둑이≽인디오슬롯≽ ⟢OIO⟢6 6 6 5⟢8 O 8 I #게임주소 #추천게임 #펀치 #타워#골드 #실버 #바이브게임ㅡ원숭이
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십이지신 - 원숭이 Zodiac - Monkey
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u-dol2vv · 2 years
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호치민 야시장 원숭이님과 🐵 베트남 추억돋네요 다시가고싶은 나라👍 #신서유기 #베트남 #호치민 #여행 #제천대성 #여의봉 #손오공 #원숭이 #야시장 #하뚜❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CmYoGOUv-0t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fdsfsdfssdf · 3 months
인디오게임% ↗⓿❶⓿↗❼❹❽❼↗❺❽❻❻↗바이브+랩터게임+성인+파워샷게임+총판 OIO 7487 ⑤866
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인디오게임% ↗⓿❶⓿↗❼❹❽❼↗❺❽❻❻↗바이브+랩터게임+성인+파워샷게임+총판 OIO 7487 ⑤866
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erfasdfdfasdfasfd · 2 months
인디오game 무설치 웹게임 vip가입센터 010⁐5861⁐4155⁐ 챔피언게임주소 펀치게임주소 팬텀솔져게임주소 호두게임주소 땅콩게임주소 피스톨게임주소 파워샷게임
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인디오game 무설치 웹게임 vip가입센터 010⁐5861⁐4155⁐ 챔피언게임주소 펀치게임주소 팬텀솔져게임주소 호두게임주소 땅콩게임주소 피스톨게임주소 파워샷게임
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swegaxts · 2 years
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원숭이 d 루피 [ 🍮 ] Luffy - moodboard ⏲️ ׄ <𝟹
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sayitalianolearns · 1 year
Multilingual post about (some random) animals!
Animals - (gli) Animali - (les) Animaux - (los) Animales - 동물들
dog - (il) cane - (le) chien - (el) perro - 개 cat - (il) gatto - (le) chat - (el) gato - 고양이 goldfish - (il) pesce rosso - (le) poisson rouge - (el) pez dorado, (el) pez de colores - 금붕어 turtle - (la) tartaruga (d'acqua) - (la) tortue - (la) tortuga - (바다)거북 tortoise - (la) tartaruga (di terra) - (la) tortue (terrestre) - (la) tortuga (de tierra) - 거북 bird - (l')uccello - (l')oiseaux - (el) pájaro - 새 pig - (il) maiale - (le) cochon - (el) cerdo - 돼지 donkey - (l')asino - (l')âne - (el) burro - 당나귀
cow - (la) mucca, (la) vacca - (la) vache - (la) vaca - 소 horse - (il) cavallo - (le) cheval - (el) caballo - 말 sheep - (la) pecora - (la) brebis - (la) oveja - 양 rooster - (il) gallo - (le) coq - (el) gallo - 수탉/닭 hen - (la) gallina - (la) poule - (la) gallina - 수탉 swan - (il) cigno - (le) cygne - (el) cisne - 백조 duck - (l')anatra, (la) papera - (le) canard - (el) pato - 오리 goose - (l')oca - (l')oie - (el) ganso - 똥침 fox - (la) volpe - (le) renard - (el) zorro - 여우 goat - (la) capra - (la) chèvre - (la) cabra - 염소
mouse - (il) topo - (la) souris - (el) ratón - 생쥐 rabbit - (il) coniglio - (le) lapin - (el) conejo - 토끼 hamster - (il) criceto - (l')hamster - (el) hámster - 햄스터 squirrel - (lo) scoiattolo - (l')écureuil - (la) ardilla - 다람쥐 snake - (il) serpente - (le) serpent - (la) serpiente - 뱀 fish - (il) pesce - (le) poisson - (el) pez - 물고기 bear - (l')orso - (l')ours - (el) oso - 곰 crocodile - (il) coccodrillo - (le) crocodile - (el) cocodrilo - 크로코다일
giraffe - (la) giraffa - (la) girafe - (la) jirafa - 기린 elephant - (l')elefante - (l')éléphant - (el) elefante - 코끼리 lion - (il) leone - (le) lion - (el) león - 사자 zebra - (la) zebra - (le) zèbre - (la) cebra - 얼룩말 monkey - (la) scimmia - (le) singe - (el) mono - 원숭이 dolphin - (il) delfino - (le) dauphin - (el) delfín - 돌고래 whale - (la) balena - (la) baleine - (la) ballena - 고래 shark - (lo) squalo - (le) requin - (el) tiburón - 상어
(bros, you really didn't have another word for hamster?) for Korean nouns I didn't know I used Papago
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kep1er-net · 3 months
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idolradiokorea: [#아이돌라디오4 앨범 240612] 📸EP#33. 31가지 아이스크림🍦보다 짜릿한 ‘슈팅스타’ 가장 귀여운🐿️ #김다연 원숭이🐵 #히카루
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dfdfasf333333 · 11 days
ㅡIN D O게임을 소개합니다ㅡVibegm.net에서 온라인 홀덤 게임 즐기기 - Vibegm.net "원숭이" ㅡ인디오게임콜센터ㅡOIO ㅡ 6665 ㅡ 8O81
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ㅡIN D O게임을 소개합니다ㅡVibegm.net에서 온라인 홀덤 게임 즐기기 - Vibegm.net "원숭이" ㅡ인디오게임콜센터ㅡOIO ㅡ 6665 ㅡ 8O81
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65hgh · 12 days
인디오홀덤은 인디오게임의 인기 종목입니다. 『인디오홀덤 』 ☞ ◈골드 ◈실버 매장문의 ( ◈ 원숭이 ) ▷▷ⓞ①ⓞ-⑦⑤③②-ⓞ②⑦ⓞ
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itslostfocus · 2 years
vocab list: 동물
개: dog
애완견: pet dog, companion dog
강아지: puppy
고양이: cat
곰: bear
부담하다: to bear (responsibility, job, duty)
참다: to bear, endure, tolerate, be patient with
맺다: to bear, pay off
날개: wing (animal, plane or machine that makes wind)
진영: team, camp (wing)
건물: building, structure (wing)
부서: wing, department, division
지느러미: wing, fin (organ that fish or underwater creatures use to swim)
늑대: wolf
게걸스럽게 먹다: eat like a wolf/pig
위선자: hypocrite
닭: chicken
치킨: chicken (food)
닭고기: chicken meat
병아리: chick (baby bird)
영계: baby chicken
돌고래: dolphin
동물: animal
짐승: animal, beast
야수: wild animal
돼지: pig
말: horse
경마: horse racing
경주마: race horse
물고기: fish (when fishing)
어류:fish (species)
생선: fish (when eating)
낚시하다: to fish
고기잡이하다: to catch a fish
잡다: to catch, capture, arrest; to hold something in one's hand, grip
받다: to accept, get, take, receive (formal)
걸리다: to catch, get caught
체포하다: to arrest, catch (criminal, suspect)
적발하다: to uncover, catch (someone that has been hidden)
새: bird
조류: a species of bird
숨기다: to hide
감추다: to hide, disguise; to conceal
은닉하다: to hide (someone's belongings or a criminal)
암탉: hen
소: cow, bull, ox (all species)
젖소: milk cow (black and white one)
암소: cow (all species but ONLY females)
양: sheep
염소: goat
오다: to come (from a place to here)
되다: to become (something)
나오다: to come out, get out
가다: to go, come (from a place to another)
일어나다: to wake up
오리: duck
덕: duck (konglish pronuntiation)
요강: traditional korean toilet; if it's on a lecture material or diplomas like 강의 요강 it means 'syllabus'
회피하다: to hide and don't meet up (responsibilities or when meeting up or presenting somewhere)
올빼미: owl (lechuza in spanish to set the difference)
부엉이: owl (búho in spanish to set the difference)
야행성의: nocturnal
원숭이: monkey
호랑이: tiger
source: 영단어는 관리다 app
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sluttyminghao · 2 years
핑크 원숭이 방귀
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im actually sobbing with laughter why did u send me this
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lucygold95 · 1 year
Musical 'The Phantom of the Opera - Seoul' Digital Souvenir Present Event! Find the QR code at the theater and take a picture. POTO Digital Souvenir will come into your Phone!
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Don't miss the chance to have a scene from the musical 'The Phantom of the Opera'!
[Hint] Charlotte Theater 1st and 4th floors' Big Poster & Kiosk (You can also check digital souvenir QR on some tickets)
* Digital souvenir is available on a first-come, first-served basis, and only one per person. You may not be able to receive it when it is sold out.
* Digital souvenir can be received from the time the ticket is received until 23:59 on the same day. 7/21(Friday) ~ 11/17(Friday)
#원숭이 오르골 = Monkey Orgel/Music box
P.S. Maybe this video is what the announcement says 👀
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