iso-photo · 15 days
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yuki-kawatsu · 11 months
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"キズつかないで… そいつらはニセモノだ"
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next-virgin-mary · 2 months
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Forest ⠀ Nymph⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ♪ ♪ 🩹
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kiriseart · 2 months
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kamidukki · 4 months
[AKNK] Berrien’s Daily Life Memories [BOX vol. 1]
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Long time no translate, so my skill gets a bit rusty.
The beginning of a day
(Yawns) My eyelids are still heavy… On such mornings, let’s have a cup of simple, plain tea, shall we?
(Inhales) How relaxing… There is something special about drinking tea while watching the sun rise.
Well then, now that I’ve felt refreshed, I have to go get ready to greet the Master.
Today, a new day has begun, hasn’t it? ♪
I want you to get well
Lono-kun, how have you been feeling physically?
[Lono: Oh, Berrien-san… Sorry that I’ve caught a cold.]
It’s fine, please just lie down.
[Lono: S-sorry…]
Do you have an appetite, Lono-kun? The truth is I cut up some oranges for you.
[Lono: Thank you so much. I’ll eat them. …Huh, their shape is…]
Correct. They’re rabbits. Don’t they look cute? I thought it’d make you happy.
[Lono: Happy you said… Ha ha, I’m not a child you know]
(Chuckles) But aren’t you laughing, Lono-kun?
[Lono: Of course, I am. Did you peel them for me, Berrien-san?]
I did♪ Thanks to that I was able to see your smile.
Looks like my efforts paid off♪
For other’s sake
Hmm~ I wonder what I should do for my day off today…
I was thinking about helping others, but…
“Get a proper rest on your day off at the very least!” was they told me instead.
(Chuckles) It seems like I’ve caused everyone concern.
But when I see someone in a trouble, there’s no I way I can just walk away.
[Ammon: Argh~! Cleaning this up is gonna be rough…]
Oh? Just now, I heard Ammon-kun’s voice…
He sounded in need of help. I shall go see him and lend my aid.
(Chuckles) As I thought, working for other’s sake suits my personality better♪
Bedtime routine
(Yawns) Now, let’s get some sleep… I’ve prepared tomorrow’s attire. Put the doll charm here, add the cologne on it… Done.
(Inhales) This scent gives my mind a sense of security, after all.
Tonight too, may I sleep in peace without having a nightmare...
Well then… Good night.
Overcoming fear of bugs
(Sighs) Even I know how pathetic it is... If my fear of bugs remains as is, the Master may think of me as an unreliable butler one day.
I have to get over this fear by any means… And for that reason…
First, I’ll start by familiarising myself with the bug encyclopaedia...
Ugh…! Gh… (heavy breathing)
Uh… it’s more realistic-looking than I thought…
I will stop here for today. Any more than this will probably hinder my works.
Ugh… I pray the bug pictures I saw just now won’t appear in my dream tonight…
On weapon handling
Haa~ today’s training is tough too…
That being said, compared to everyone else, I’ve become more accustomed to handling a weapon.
The first time I held this spear in my hand... Rather than swinging it, I felt like I was the one being swung by it.
…Now, I can handle it well, as though it’s a part of my body.
This must be the result of my daily training.
With this spear, I shall be able to protect the Master when necessity arises.
(Chuckles) Let’s keep on training for a bit more today, shall we?
Beloved Teacup
Ah… How did it come to this… For my beloved teacup to end up broken…
It’s been my favourite for a long time, what a shame…
Now that I think about it, this teacup holds a lot of memories... From the day I finally bought it, having been so taken with it at first sight in the shop... It is also with this teacup that I've tried out several new blends...
We spent teatime together each day...
Today, the time to say farewell has finally come. What a shame…
Goodbye, my teacup of memories…
Thank you for everything…
I can’t bear to throw everything away after all. At the very least, I shall keep the pieces.
Peaceful time
Ha~ the weather is great today.
Since it’s time for break, I might as well stroll in the garden.
Fu fu. It looks like Ammon-kun is working hard to take care of the flowers like usual.
On the other side is… Haures-kun, who is giving Lono-kun and the others a training.
Oh? Over there is… Oh my. Lamli-kun seems to be chased off by Nac-kun again.
(Chuckles) It's just the usual, peaceful, scenes of our daily life.
However… Until the angels come, it is a brief moment of peace.
Considering our battles, I value these moments even more.
May this time of peace continue for as long as possible...
Berrien’s Sigil
D-do you want to see the sigil on my body…?
[I want to see it]
…Understood. It’s a little embarrassing, but if that’s what the Master wishes…
Then, I beg your pardon, for I have to take off my tops…
Err, well…
If the Master would like to touch it, I also do not mind…?
A smile for you
Berrien Cliane is… a very kind-hearted butler.
Whenever I feel tired, he’d serve me a tea, all while giving me the soft smile of his.
[Berrien: Master, you seem tired. Be it unease or restlessness, I know it’s all difficult in more than one way. Even so... whenever that happens, please think of it this way. ‘Do I remember my grievances from a year ago? Or even ten?’ That’s right… most worries will be forgotten as the time goes. That’s why, Master, please show me your smile. Whenever you do, it brings me a sense of joy.]
[Thank you, Berrien.]
…While saying so, Berrien smiles at me like he always does.
When I'm with Berrien... a smile just naturally comes to me.
Berrien is… a gentle butler, who’s always there for me.
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qwoomby · 6 months
Wine Valentine - Ammon story pt.1 & pt.2
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The day after The Valentine's party ended successfully.
While I was resting in my room I remembered the time I spent with Ammon...
A few days ago a party was held at Grosvenor's house...
I was visiting a party venue that Ammon and the others were preparing.
Ammon: So..! Will the wall decorations look like this?
You: Things are going well, aren't they?
Ammon: That's right. We have also decided on which food and wine will be served.
Ammon: The preparations are almost finished. I'll have some spare time.
You: Right.
Ammon: Ah, also. As we've come to Grosvenor's mansion...
Ammon: Aruji-sama. Should we take a walk in the garden?
You: Eh..?
Ammon: I took a glimpse at it as I was preparing for the party. It was a lovely garden.
Ammon: There aren't many chances to visit Grosvenor's garden. I'll make sure to escort aruji-sama properly♪
Ammon: So, aruji-sama... Will you spend some time with me?
You: That seems a bit intimate...
Ammon: Isn't that good..? There's no one here now.
Hanamaru: ... We are literally here?
Ammon: Oh? If it isn't Hanamaru-san.
Hanamaru: Don't "oh" me. We've been here from the very beginning.
Ammon: Hehe. My bad~
Ammon: There's only lord in my eyes...
Bastien: Hm... That's not good, Ammon-san.
Bastien: As aruji-sama's butler... You should always be aware of your surroundings.
Ammon: Are you serious, Bastien..
Yuhan: Fufu... I also don't think that it's good to keep things all to yourself, Ammon-san.
Lato: Me too... I also want to walk alone with aruji-sama.
Ammon: Hehe. Well, I guess I can't just monopolize aruji-sama~
Ammon: The Valentine's Day is almost there... I feel like spending some romantic time with aruji-sama.
You: "Romantic time" you say...
Ammon: Huh? After all, that's what the Valentine's day is about?
Hanamaru: Oh my... Don't just say that, Ammon. We're all holding back here.
Hanamaru: Isn't this right, everyone? We all want to be romantic with aruji-sama?
Yuhan: Now, what is it? I'm a well-mannered butler.
Hanamaru: Liar. For those who say that, it's better...
Yuhan: ...Better..? What is it?
Hanamaru: Nothing.
You: (I wonder what it was...)
Yuhan: Right. By the way, Ammon-san...
Yuhan: As the food and drinks were decided... How about to choose flowers to decorate the room?
Ammon: Right, flowers...
Ammon: In the eastern land... There's a custom to arrange flowers, right?
Lato: Arranging... flowers?
Ammon: Right. It's a bit different in Central land.
Ammon: Combined with a beautiful vase... A well-thought-out beauty.
Yuhan: Yeah. I think it's suitable for Central land.
Yuhan: Aside from ikebana, I think that "Chabana"(?) would also be good.
You: -Chabana...?
-( There are even tea flowers....)
Bastien: Chabana... That's the first time I heard about it.
Ammon: In short, tea flowers are the flowers that are displayed in the tea room.
Ammon: Rather than ikebana, it puts more emphasis on being natural. Seasonality of flowers is also the key.
Ammon: For example, fresh windflowers picked up in nature.
Hanamaru: Heh, as expected from Ammon. You know everything about flowers.
Ammon: Hehe. Well, not that I've done it myself. I just have this knowledge.
Ammon: But, I see. Chabana...
Ammon: In Grosvenor's garden flowers are grown in flower beds. Besides, there are windflowers...
Ammon: It might be interesting to try.
Ammon: That's why I need everyone to quickly pick up some flowers!
You: Eh, now?
Bastien: Looking for flowers..? I'm not sure which I should choose....
Ammon: That's okay. Even if the flower seems simple, that's its charm.
Bastien: I see. Then, Ammon-san will...?
Ammon: I'll arrange the vase.
Ammon: I'll prepare the vase that perfectly matches the atmosphere of Eastern land.
Ammon: I'll bring the catalog... I'd like to hear aruji-sama's opinion.
You: Mine?
Ammon: Of course. You're the guest at the party, after all.
Ammon: I don't think it'll be too difficult. Don't worry too much♪
You: Understood.
Bastien: I see.. I'll leave it to Ammon-san then.
Yuhan: Then, aruji-sama. Please, excuse me for a moment.
You: Mm, good luck.
The butlers bowed. They left me alone with Ammon as they left to pick up the windflowers.
Ammon: They're gone....
You: Let's choose the vase together.
Ammon: Oh-ho? What did you say, aruji-sama?
Ammon: What vase? I've already put one in another room next to ours. (This dude---)
You: Eh...?
Ammon: Hehe. Which flowers would decorate the venue have been decided in advance.
Ammon: We have arranged the perfect tableware... The only thing to do was to decorate it with flowers.
Ammon: Everyone decided to collect flowers by themselves.. I just went along with that♪
You: But, what for..?
Ammon: Hehe. That would be...
Ammon: I will spend some private time with aruji-sama♪
Ammon: Speaking of The Valentine's day... You need to spend time with your loved ones.
Ammon: And speaking of my loved ones, it's aruji-sama, of course.
Ammon: We have delicious wine here...
Ammon: With important to me person... Drinking wine, while being surrounded by beautiful flowers...
Ammon: Well, the flowers are still to be here. While aruji-sama is here, that's already enough.
Ammon: Hehe. What about aruji-sama?
Ammon: With your loved one... You don't want to loose romantic time, do you..?
You: Teasing me like that again...
Ammon: Teasing..? I'm being honest, aruji-sama.
Ammon: The words of feeling the importance of aruji-sama... There's not even a single lie.
Ammon: Thinking how to spend more alone time with aruji-sama... As a result, I alienated other butlers.
Ammon: Hey... What are the true intentions of aruji-sama..?
Ammon: For someone like me... Is it okay to tell my true feelings..?
You: A-Ammon..
I was fully aware that it was the part of his strategy, but... When I look in those serious eyes... I can't help but speak my true feelings.
Lato: Kufufu... That's it, Ammon-kun.
You: !?
Ammon: Oh? Isn't that Lato-san?
Ammon: And everyone else... Have you already finished picking the flowers up?
Hanamaru: No. Actually, we were interrupted by the guard.
Yuhan: He said that the flowers were needed to decorate the party venue...
Yuhan: "You can't pick these flowers! Go to a flower shop!" is what he said...
Yuhan: Jeez.. That's a real problem for those, who can't understand simple beauty.
Bastien: Since we had no other choice, we decided to come back.
Hanamaru: Hehe. Looks like we made the right decision.
Hanamaru: Had it been a bit later, Ammon would pick the most beautiful flower.
Ammon: No wa~y, Hanamaru-san. Don't say such bad things about me.
Ammon: I just wanted to enjoy the atmosphere of The Valentine's day. Surely, aruji-sama would understand that it's just for fun♪
Hanamaru: However, why is aruji-sama's face so red?
Lato: It's good that there are vases in other room.
You: U-Uhm...
Ammon: Alright, everyone! There's a little time left to prepare for the party.
Ammon: Let's all work hard to collect the most beautiful flowers♪
Hanamaru: Ah. Changing the topic.
Yuhan: Fufu. But Ammon-san is right.
Yuhan: Since we have time... Let's all work hard to make the best pre-party.
Bastien: Yeah.. That's right.
So I watched as Ammon and the others decorated the venue... I wonder whether Ammon was serious or not earlier...
"So that's how it is" I thought as I flipped through the wine catalog. Ammon was very hospitable at the pre-party... Now, it's my turn to repay him. I bought him wine from Rosetown... And for Ammon... I prepared his favorite cheese. Being happy with him... I wanted to express it in a gift.
Knock knock.
You: Come in.
Ammon: As I said, I came alone, aruji-sama~
Ammon: I heard that you wanted to do something...
Ammon: Hehe. Maybe it has to do something with The Valentine's day~?
You: I want to give this to you.
Ammon: Eh? This is...
Ammon: Wine..? And, could it be..
Ammon: Really... Could it be a Valentine's gift?
You: - That's right.
- Thank you, Ammon.
Ammon: Hehe. Thank you, aruji-sama.
Ammon: This is... Rosetown's wine, right?
You: Apparently it goes well with cheese.
Ammon: Really? You've adapted it to my taste!
You: If you'd like, you can drink now.
When I said that, Ammon sat at the table I had prepared in advance. He took the empty glass and some cheese.
Ammon: Hehe... I had never thought that I would spend The Valentine's day with aruji-sama...
Ammon: Of course, I'll drink some! Because everything is delicious when I'm with aruji-sama.
Ammon: So, excuse me...
As Ammon pour some wine into the glass, he fully enjoys the scent. As he takes one sip... He takes some time to enjoy the taste.
Ammon: ... It's delicious, aruji-sama.
Ammon: The moment you open the bottle, there's a faint fragrance...
Ammon: It felt like flowers had bloomed in my mouth.
Ammon: Aruji-sama's feelings... They feel like flowers with no thorns.
Ammon: Hehe. I can't believe you gave me such a wonderful present...
Ammon: Really... Aruji-sama likes me♪
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As usual, Ammon says something that is hard for me to respond to... But today I was a little braver than usual.
You: I really do.
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Ammon: Eh...
You: I want you to continue being by my side.
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Ammon: Erm... Aruji-sama...
Ammon: That's... Could it be....
Ammon: The revenge for pre-party time?
You: Did your heart flutter...?
Ammon: Hehe. It pretty much did♪
Ammon: I've never expected it from aruji-sama...
Ammon: But... If you allow me to give you a piece of advice...
Ammon: Don't you think the main part was revealed a little bit too early?~
Ammon: If only you could make me more nervous... It'd be more interesting~
You: I'm nothing like Ammon...
Ammon: Hehe. Well, I'm a pro in this sphere.
Ammon: ( Although, if I was more nervous... I doubt that I'd be able to restrain myself...)
You: What's wrong?
Ammon: N-No... Nothing!
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Ammon: Spending The Valentine's day with aruji-sama is the best... I had to clench my teeth.
Ammon: Well then. We have wine and cheese...
Ammon: Just a little bit longer... Is it okay if I spend some more time being happy? Aruji-sama...
You: Of course.
Although I said something like that to make Ammon's heart flutter, I had to gather all my courage up.... I had to back up... I was more nervous, than I thought I'd be. And now... I wonder if Ammon always harbors feelings like that. While I was thinking about it... I spent some time with Ammon on The Valentine's day.
a/n: I really hope you don't mind my adapted translation because holy shit the translation of translator is something. also, please don't mind any grammatical errors, it's literally like midnight and I suck at grammar. hope y'all enjoyed seeing blushing ammon. (because i really did)
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neko-no-oto · 6 months
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The old people look forward to the blooming cherry blossoms, and the cat look forward to his breakfast.
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shodoshima-camera · 30 days
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caccophony · 7 months
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Happy Birthday, Berrien! 🎉
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hanasamadao · 15 days
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Berrien Cliane's Birthday 05/03
(Used reff pose.)
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iso-photo · 2 months
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
Is Sebastian a Narcissist?
Recently, I came across a series of old posts translating some things from Yana’s now lost blog, in which she did an exercise to draw 30 different facial expressions for Sebastian.
The “shy” one particularly caught my eye because the translation describes Sebastian as “ultra narcissistic” and therefore he can’t really be shy.
[begin screenshot]
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Now Yana does indeed use the word “narcissist” here (“narushisuto”), but keep in mind that loan words often have slightly different meanings/connotations in Japanese than they do in their original source language.
I do not have a loan word dictionary handy unfortunately, but I did do some investigating in one of my fave online Japanese-language dictionaries (it basically lets you see definitions from various sources at once).
The top definition describes a narcissist as someone who is so in love with themselves they’re “drunk” off of it.
The definition does not use the exact term, but there is a phrase in Japanese that essentially has this meaning. It’s a kind of phrase called “yojijukugo,” and these are always made up of four kanji.
In this case, they are 自己陶酔, which literally means “oneself, self, pottery, drunk,” or less literally, self-intoxication. In other words, extreme vanity.
Additionally, the words weblio includes as synonyms mean things like “pretentious,” “conceited,” acting “full of oneself.” It has a negative connotation and is probably intended as the opposite of the Japanese cultural ideal of the group before the individual.
Put this together with how Yana explains that it’s difficult/impossible to flatter him because he’s such a “narcissist,” and I think we have to assume that Yana isn’t meaning it the way we might here in the West when we use that word. Instead, I think what she means is that Sebastian is self absorbed and overly-vain, which makes sense based on what we’ve seen of him in the manga.
Now, ofc we can use narcissist in a similar way in English, as dictionary.com says:
[begin screen shot]
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[end sceeen shot]
But, often it has more of an association with the second one, and I think we definitely need to steer clear of that connotation when we look at Yana’s intent. (As far as I could see, that word is not used for the disorder in Japanese, but as I am not an expert on medical Japanese I could definitely be wrong, there.)
Nevertheless, I think we can all agree that Sebastian is vain and self absorbed, though I do think he’s changed significantly over the four years he’s been working with Ciel, and it will be interesting to see if he overcomes this “flaw” before the manga ends.
(I personally don’t feel you can apply a disorder to a nonhuman like Sebastian, but that is not really the point of this post and I would prefer not to get into discourse. I am not trying to say people with NPD are demonic or anything like that. Simply analyzing what Yana said and what that might mean.)
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arcadebroke · 1 year
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sugar-glaze-donut · 2 months
Once again - Berrien x Aruji-sama (you!)
☆Gender is not specified ☆Slight spoilers from chapter 4 of aknk ☆Angst then Comfort :3 ☆My headcanon of how Aruji-sama comes to the aknk world (at the end) ☆Time skips for every section. (section 1 - 30 years ago, section 2 - A few minutes ago, section 3 - N O W)
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Faint light trickles from the curtains as a choir of birds chirp outside.
The monochrome man’s eyes flutter open, his eyes squinting at the light as he yawns.
Rubbing his eyes and forcing himself to wake up, he stumbles towards the curtains and opens them.
Morning has come. And like always, another day has begun.
The monochrome man wakes up his two co-workers and prepares for the day.
Comb his hair, fix his tie, and tidy up his side of the room.
He is now ready to start his day.
He greets everyone he meets in the halls, some already competing their duties, some half asleep, and a few… quite literally sleepwalking.
Everything seems to be in order.
Yes… “Order”. The constant loops they all live in.
Repeated routines, same pairs of clothes, tedious chores… this is the constant loop they go through every day.
Living a somewhat immortal life may sound exciting, but it is a tiring and torturous experience.
The time era you lived in… the memories of the past… the people you once knew, all pass away in a blink of an eye. But that’s only how story authors describe it.
They’re not completely wrong, though. Time does move fast.
But his first XXX years of solitary went by too slowly. As if life was mocking him for his existence.
Although it happened centuries ago… it still shakes his soul.
Even if his memory is quite damaged, the mere thought of having to experience that again gives him a feeling of…
What do you call this feeling?
Sorrow? Hopelessness? Despair?
Whatever it is. He hates it. He never wants to experience it again.
No matter how many times he wants to scream, he cannot. No matter how many times he wants to run away, he cannot. No matter how many times he wants to DIE… he doesn’t want to.
Not now. He must stay strong for all of them.
and for his father and brother…
Another few decades have passed.
Faint light trickles from the curtains as a choir of birds chirps outside.
The monochrome man walks through the halls and enters a room, with a pair of teacups and a teapot in each of his hands.
He sets down the fragile objects down on a nearby table, and opens the curtains.
Sunlight beams into the room and on his pale skin.
Today is yet another beautiful day.
The man returns to his usual standing spot and fixes his tie. He fiddled with his gloves and he patiently waited.
Who is he waiting for you may ask?
It’s Y O U of course!
Come on, don’t keep him waiting!
Put on the ring! Come and say hi to him!
A twirl of light appears in front of the monochrome man. He gasps in delight.
You’re finally here!
Small golden butterflies fly out of the light and form into a person.
Your vision slowly returns as you turn your head towards the man.
His pink eyes, filled with adoration are focused onto you.
A soft giggle escapes your mouth. “I’m back, Berrien”
The man, now identified as Berrien, responds to you with a huge smile adorning his gorgeous face.
“Welcome back, Aruji-sama”
He would gladly go through all of those years of solitary again if it meant that he could see you again
Thank you for breaking this cycle, Y O U .
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[—🎀—🍩—🎀—] 🍩Glaze's Notes: *comes back from a burnout cutely* hii :3 this shot idea just came into my mind just when I was trying to sleep. I decided to make this into my comeback post for my burnout -3-
Last edited - July 26th 2024 {Please let me know if there are any typos in this post, and I will fix them right away!}
✦ Want to read more of my works? Come and take a look at my Masterlist! Have a nice day, toodles! ✦
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moji2 · 8 months
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kamidukki · 1 month
[AKNK] Lucas and Hanamaru Conversation TL
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This post contains (a little of) part 7 and part 8 of the event 'Butler's wine festival'.
Hanamaru: Phew… After having dinner, the Master returned to their room. Once I’ve finished with the bath, I guess I’ll get some rest tonight.
Still, to think that the inn has an open-air bath. The wine business is certainly a lucrative one.
Lucas: Fu fu… Excuse me for having one before you, Hanamaru-kun.
Hanamaru: Uh-oh, my bad. You’re here too, Lucas-sensei.
Enjoying a glass of wine while soaking in the bathtub… That’s pretty neat.
Lucas: Fufu. Would you like to join me, Hanamaru-kun?
Hanamaru: Yeah, I’ll gladly accept that offer.
Just give me a minute. I’ll wash up and clean my body first.
-A little while later-
Hanamaru: Phew… What a bliss. It feels nice to drink while being soaked. The inside of my body warms up too.
Lucas: It is. We must be careful to not overdrink, though.
Drinking alcohol while having our body soaked in the bath increases the risk of dehydration or anaemia after all.
Hanamaru: Hehe, if that happens, I’ll just have a doctor look after me.
But, getting drunk in the bath and being taken care of while naked… any good adult would want to avoid that.
Lucas: That’s right ♪
Since we’re both good adults, let’s do be careful.
Hanamaru: Hm? By the way, Lucas-sensei… You’ve got a tattoo on your flank. When did you get it?
Lucas: This? Who knows, I wonder now… It was a long time ago, so I’ve forgotten ♪
Hanamaru: I see… So, it was a pretty distant past.
If that’s the case… I guess my tattoo won’t fade by itself too.
Lucas: Hm? Do you wish for the tattoo on your back to fade, Hanamaru-kun?
It’s such a magnificent dragon tattoo though…
Hanamaru: Sure it looks awesome, but it will only scare some people.
Lucas: I see… Well, that may be true. Like, to a little child or a lady, or maybe… some people with a bounty on their head?
Hanamaru: …
Hee~ as expected of Lucas-sensei. You already know the significance of this tattoo.
Lucas: Well, that’s the wisdom of age for you.
As a negotiator of the mansion, I get to hear rumours of other lands pretty often too.
In the back regions of the Eastern Land, there exists a village called ‘Ise’. All the residents of this village make their living as ‘bounty hunters’. Those people all have dragons tattooed on their backs.
No matter how high profile a bounty head is, once targeted by an Ise inhabitant, their life is as good as dead.
The mere sight of that dragon tattoo is enough to make anyone tremble in fear, I suppose.
Hanamaru: Hee~ so it has turned into such rumour.
To think that the name of a remote countryside village reached all the way to the Central Land… I feel both proud and ashamed.
Anyway, there is not a single trace of that place left to see now.
They raked in too much money, thus earned the resentment of the bounty heads all over… In the end, everything was burned down in revenge.
Well, that might have been a fitting end for a village whose livelihood came from the blood of others.
Lucas: Hanamaru-kun…
-Chapter 8: The Accumulation of Time-
Hanamaru: Still… You knew of my past, then, Lucas-sensei.
To think that someone with my background was welcomed into the midst of yours... The Devil Butlers are truly generous, no?
Lucas: Ah, about that…
As a matter of fact, five years ago, when I healed you after you were wounded fighting the angels, I saw the tattoo on your back... and I was against the idea of inviting you to join us.
Hanamaru: Hee…? Is that so.
Was it because you were worried about bringing in a murderer after all?
Lucas: No. The Devil Butlers, myself included, all have their own pasts.
As long as I find someone trustworthy, I don't call their past into question.
Hanamaru: So… I guess it means I wasn’t trustworthy back then.
Lucas: ….
Hanamaru: No need to look so worried, Lucas-sensei.
Since this is a great opportunity, let's just talk openly.
Lucas: …You’re right. Well then, I’ll take you up on that.
As you said, I had no idea what kind of person you were at first. All I knew was that you had the power to fight an angel with your bare hands, and that you have a dragon tattoo on the back.
I had no definitive proof of your past, but... if you turned out to be who I thought you were... then why would a survivor from a destroyed village in the Eastern Land raise children in a church?
There were so many things that were beyond my comprehension. I thought I should put the invitation on hold.
No matter how powerful someone is, if we let in someone we don't know well enough, we're only putting ourselves at risk.
Hanamaru: You said it.
At any rate, even I find it strange. A good-for-nothing like me was, for whatever reason, taking care of the children.
Lucas: Well... later on, when I saw how the children were doing, I started to reconsider.
Both you and the children cared for each other as if you were real family members. If you can form such a strong bond with children who are not your blood relatives... then I’m sure we’ll get along well... I thought.
Hanamaru: I see… Looks like I owed those kids yet another debt I wasn’t aware of.
Really, those guys keep saving me. It's thanks to them that I didn't lose hope in life.
Lucas: …I’m sorry. Have I reopened an old wound?
Hanamaru: No worries, I told you. The thought is on my mind constantly anyway, so I’m used to it.
Or rather… If you knew about my past, you should have told me sooner. Desperately trying to hide a secret that has been out in the open for a long time makes me look a bit lame, don't you think?
Lucas: Not really. I'm probably the only one who knows what your dragon tattoo means.
Hanamaru: Hm? For real?
Lucas: Yes. Besides, since I don't have any solid evidence, there's no way I can tell anyone.
Or maybe, like me, there are someone who is aware but chooses to keep quiet. Everyone knows enough about your personality. Even if they did know, nobody would care now ♪
Hanamaru: Good grief. I don't think it's the kind of light-hearted past that can be brushed off with such a broad smile though.
It seems that the Devil Butlers are generous people after all.
That said, the rest of the world won’t be as accepting. This tattoo might reveal who I really am... and thus cause trouble for the Master, everyone in the manor... and the kids.
When I think about it, this tattoo... I'd like to get rid of it if I could.
What do you think, Lucas-sensei? Can it be treated by surgery?
Lucas: Hmm~ to be honest, I wouldn't recommend it. The surface area is too large, not to mention the post-operative scar.
Rather than resorting to surgery, it would be better to wait for it to fade away over time.
Hanamaru: Waiting for it to fade, huh... But Lucas-sensei, your tattoo hasn't faded after all this time, has it?
Lucas: Yes. That’s why what you should expect to fade is people’s memories.
In another hundred years, no one will be aware of your past ♪
Hanamaru: A hundred years, huh… What a very devil butler-like advice.
But well, I suppose you’re telling me to take it easy. Even if it looks a serious problem at present, it may become trivial matter in a hundred year.
Lucas: That’s right, that’s right ♪ Truly, a little, trivial matter.
Take this 100-year-old wine for an example. If I didn't tell you, you wouldn't really know the difference.
Hanamaru: Hee~ so this is a 100-year-old wine…
Wait, what!? Are you being serious, Lucas-sensei!?
Without knowing that, I gulped it down…
Lucas: Fu fu. Sorry, sorry ♪ I was just joking.
I lied about it being a hundred year old. If anything, its flavour will only deteriorate if you mature it that long.
Hanamaru: So it was a joke… Don’t scare me off like that.
But it’s indeed delicious and easy to drink. What kind of wine is it?
Lucas: It’s a 36-year-old from Tobilis.
Hanamaru: That’s as old as I am!
Should it really be drunk in light-hearted atmosphere!?
Lucas: No worries, no worries ♪
Something like 36 years will pass in the blink of an eye ♪
Hanamaru: How scary~
You’ve matured too much as person, Lucas-sensei.
Lucas: Fufu. I’m sure you too, are the type who mature as you get older.
Well then, let’s pay respect to the year you’ve accumulated so far, Hanamaru-kun. With this 36-year-old wine, shall we have another toast?
Hanamaru: Yeah. This time, I’ll be sure to savour it properly.
Since it's sad to see 36 years pass down your throat in an instant...
Lucas: Fufu… Well then, cheers ♪
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