#🇺🇸american citizen🇺🇸
weallfallfromgrace2 · 2 years
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Volunteer Combat EMT Peter Reed 🇺🇸, was killed yesterday volunteering in Bakhmut, Ukraine. He was with Global Outreach Doctors providing humanitarian aid and Prehospital care to Ukrainian civilians during the ongoing war.
Pete was a 🇺🇸 Veteran Marine 🇺🇸 who served in Afghanistan two tours. He was an important skills instructor in the development of Haitian EMS. He served 3 years as a volunteer combat medic in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Turkey, leading tactical medics in the staffing of trauma stabilization points.
Pete was a volunteer combat medic for the Pesh Merga and Iraqi ISOF. He was a front-line volunteer medic throughout the counter ISIS operations in Iraq and led an international team Global Response Mangement that impacted and saved many lives.
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frootyrooties · 1 year
good afternoon tumblr, and to my fellow americans i wish you all a happy Independence Day! in honour of this legendary holiday, i suppose i should mention some my top favourite american musical artists/groups
1. chicago
2. america
3. eagles
4. hall & oates
5. todd rundgren
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chloeworships · 4 months
Could this also mean the Americans (or the West) are coming after the Iranian regime? 👀
All I know is God is super big mad with some Iranian leaders. He won’t stop showing me their destruction.
If Iran happens to develop a nuclear weapon on President Biden’s watch, that would be a failure for his administration.
Expect the unexpected
Could this be what is terrifying some Muslims? 👀
From what it looks like it could also be Americans and their lawmakers are angry with the Iranian regime. This could be the far right but some left leaning people too. These could also be American Patriots who are finally standing up and against this nation of terror 🇮🇷 (not the people but their leaders)
Something MAJOR is going to happen.
If Trump happens to win the next election 🗳️ The LORD may just use him to take down the evil Iranian regime because, one thing about Trump, is he is not afraid to go to war if he feels US interests are being impacted like we are seeing today. But who knows. That’s my educated guess 🤷🏾‍♀️
Disclaimer: God has not yet spoken to me about an election winner in detail…. yet.
Babes I know this is hard to hear but I have to speak the truth of what our Father in Heaven has shown me 🗣️
If this war didn’t begin in Israel 🇮🇱 the world would not have known how deep the involvement of Iran is in sponsoring terror all over the world. Through this war, they are being exposed.
The helicopter crash was a sign. 🪧 🚩
The fires in Rafah was a sign. 🪧 🚩
The bridge collapse was a sign. 🪧🚩
Amongst many others. Understand what the LORD is saying and doing here.
Recall in the initial prophecy about judgement upon Hamas the LORD had me say judgement on “Israel’s enemies” and look where we are today and it is going to continue to occur.
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The LORD wants us to live in peace alongside our neighbours and because others decided to wage war, their destruction is coming.
What is the point of saying “Peace be upon you” if you don’t demonstrate that towards others? Where is the Peace and the Love The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) talked about in the Qur’an???? I’ve read some surah’s and they are beautiful, wholesome and poetic 🥰 and I can see why people gravitate towards Islam. I felt as though I was falling in love with the message being written. I say this truthfully!! I value their modesty and dedication to the LORD but what I am seeing today is HATRED for others. The hypocrisy is bewildering and a far cry from the surah’s I read.
I have another prophecy related to this.
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creepycrawliess · 3 months
hello american citizen. seeing that it is the famed fourth of july people are celebrating the supposed freedoms granted by the declaration of independence. you, however, must find a way to grant yourself freedom. up your ass is a firework set to go off in 60 seconds. to your right is a pair of pliers patterned with the american flag. use these to rip out the firework.live or die. make your choice 🇺🇸🦅🔥 RAAAHHHH
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jangillman · 1 month
That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump.”
I simply reply, “I'm not voting for Trump.”
I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.
I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.
I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.
I'm voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order. I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back in the street.
I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world - to China, Mexico and other foreign countries. I want USA made.
I’m voting for secure borders and legal immigration. I can’t believe we actually flew in 380,000 illegal immigrants into our country.
I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.
I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.
I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.
I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.
I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I'm voting for Freedom of Religion.
I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of indoctrination of our children and pronouns.
I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country.
I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.
What are you voting for?
Trump/Vance2024. 🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸
Copied from another post but it embodies my thoughts as well
. Feel free to copy and paste on your page or anywhere else. This is how we all feel.
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lostinsidelostoutside · 4 months
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Why aren't Americans concerned about Americans hostages or demand they're release ??
Why does Israel care more about American hostages then America does ?
Shame on the United States for not caring about their own citizens.
Israel cares more about them and keeps them in Prayer 🙏🙏🙏🇮🇱🇺🇸💙❤️🙏
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urlocalhovel · 3 months
✨To my American neighbours below me as I sit in a country well on the same path-
America has seen it all, hasn't it? It's been through struggle, so much fucking struggle and what is birthed from that struggle? A prospering, better nation- as someone who's special interest has been North American history since the age of 5, please take my word for it.
You will prevail through this shitstorm. It might be scary, it might take a revolution and it might be a hard road, but just like all the other storms America's land has had upon it's soil- the good of the people, the kindness and the right thing will prevail.
Here in Canada, we were so angry for so long at your population as we blamed you for allowing such a man to end up in a place we so highly respected. But we educated ourselves, realized how your elections work- realized just like with us at home, it's a dawn of a new, turmoiled age where the very idea of democracy is threatened.
A large amount of us wish you safe haven in our land, just like it had been during the mid 1800's- we've stuck by you in all your wars across seas (despite some being a tad questionable) and we will stick by you in this one at home, whether it be a visible one or a quiet, looming internal one. We welcome you here, and will never stop advocating and speaking up for what your country deserves- ❌America has fought too hard for too long just for all that hard work to be thrown out the door.
✨To the ones who are scared, I need you to listen to this very closely and repeat it constantly when you're afraid of where your government's future lies✨
America has been through political storms, the chaining of basic rights and literal people before + the threat of democracy shattering- and what happened at the end of that all? The good of the people prevailed.
The people of colour who called this country home while building and feeding it's growing nation found themselves allowed to be considered a citizen with rights after so many years of turmoil and abuse, the children who worked like dogs in factories found themselves finally being protected by labour laws, the gender who was constantly looked at as inferior became a part of the workforce and gained the ability to vote, the people who loved who they loved stopped being imprisoned and gained a right to be themselves-
and then apart from all the storms at home, there was the storms overseas, which ended up waking America up as to what "war" truly means: The American People Fought Back; Made Their Voices Heard, Made Their Fellow Countrymen's Sins Open Information For All To View
The People That The American Government Disregarded Prevailed.
And you, in this present moment and all moments hereafter, will prevail too.
I know it must be scary to think of the future, about the shattering of democracy before your very eyes, but you've been through it before- so have we up in the North. And each time it did, our countries both prevailed and laws and acts to make sure it never happened again were put into place- you're country is strong, and those laws and acts will find their way through the channels once again to make America the country it had been flowering to become.
Godspeed, Neighbour💞🍁🇺🇸
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ms-boogie-man · 10 months
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… and now, the News
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You have to ask yourself why Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), this week, blocked release of the Epstein flight logs to the public while also moving to stock up our military forces with the tens of thousands of illegal aliens, males of military enlistment age, that have been flooding across our borders for the last several years
Too, a portable boat carrying 40+ of these illegals bum-rushed the beach in Malibu, Ca this week, unhampered (fact), so they are not any longer just coming in thru the Southern and Northern borders [they], the political establishment in the US, are building an army to protect themselves from and deal with American, gun-owning patriots. [they] want to turn an invading force of illegals into citizens/military personnel while making We the People into the invading force… so that the military can be turned against us
Have you been wondering why we are labeled insurrectionists? Have you been wondering why the Gadsden and Betsy Ross flags have been called extremist, bad for democracy, white supremacy and hate speech? Have you been wondering why the LGBTQ+whatever flag flies over our own American flag, and why they are letting Palestinian terrorists tear down our American flags and replace them with their own?
Btw, similar illegal migrants are bum-rushing beachheads all over Western Europe, and have been for years… and as we all know, most of Western Europe has been disarmed
*feeling sick yet?
*with me bringing this sort of news across, does it make any sense yet why Tumblr terminated my first blog, resplend3nt-rap4cious? … the one that had 20K followers —
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*like I asked a second ago, feeling sick yet?
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sefarad-haami · 20 days
Los 9 rehenes latinoamericanos que siguen en manos de Hamas
🇦🇷🇨🇴 Desde el ataque de Hamas en Israel el 7 de octubre de 2023, nueve ciudadanos latinoamericanos permanecen como rehenes en Gaza. De estos, ocho son argentinos: la familia Bibas, que incluye a Shiri Silberman Bibas y sus dos hijos pequeños; los hermanos David y Ariel Cunio; los hermanos Eitan e Iair Horn; y Lior Rudaeff, quien fue asesinado por Hamas y cuyo cuerpo fue llevado a Gaza. El único rehén colombiano es Elkana Bohbot, quien fue secuestrado mientras trabajaba en un festival de música. Las familias de estos rehenes han vivido meses de incertidumbre y angustia, exigiendo la liberación de sus seres queridos mientras las negociaciones internacionales buscan un acuerdo de alto el fuego que permita su regreso. A lo largo de los meses, las protestas en Tel Aviv y otros lugares han reflejado la desesperación de las familias, especialmente de las madres que piden al gobierno israelí y a la comunidad internacional que lleguen a un acuerdo con Hamas. Mientras que algunos rehenes han sido liberados, la situación de los latinoamericanos secuestrados sigue siendo incierta, y la presión para un acuerdo sigue creciendo, con la esperanza de que pronto se pueda traer a estos rehenes de vuelta a sus hogares.
🇺🇸 Since the Hamas attack in Israel on October 7, 2023, nine Latin American citizens remain hostages in Gaza. Of these, eight are Argentinians: the Bibas family, including Shiri Silberman Bibas and her two young children; the Cunio brothers, David and Ariel; the Horn brothers, Eitan and Iair; and Lior Rudaeff, who was killed by Hamas and whose body was taken to Gaza. The only Colombian hostage is Elkana Bohbot, who was abducted while working at a music festival. The families of these hostages have endured months of uncertainty and anguish, demanding the release of their loved ones as international negotiations seek a ceasefire that could facilitate their return. Over the months, protests in Tel Aviv and other locations have reflected the desperation of the families, especially the mothers who are urging the Israeli government and the international community to reach an agreement with Hamas. While some hostages have been released, the situation of the Latin American captives remains uncertain, and pressure for a resolution continues to build, with the hope that these hostages will soon be brought back home.
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Those who were lost, those still fighting, those answering the call, those still mourning, You Are Not Forgotten!!
Today please take time to tell your loved ones, you love them!!
We as 🇺🇸 American's will "Never Forget" September 11th, 2001 nor September 11th, 2012.
We all remember, Where we were?? Who we called?? How shocked & devastated we were!! And the anger that raged!!
We have moved forward as 🇺🇸 American's, but “We Have Not Forgotten” your Sacrifices, and in that you are all Heroes and forever Legend's!!
WTC: 2,606
Civilians: 2195
FDNY: 343
NYPD: 23
NYPA: 37
Private EMT’S & Paramedics: 8
American Airlines 11: 87 Civilians
United Air 175: 60 Civilians
American Airlines 77: 59 Civilians
United Air 93: 40 Civilians
Pentagon-125: Civilians: 70, Military: 55
90 countries lost citizens in the attacks,
United Kingdom: 67
Dominican Republic: 47
India: 41
Greece: 39
South Korea: 28
Canada: 24
Japan: 24
Colombia: 18
Jamaica: 16
Philippines: 16
Mexico: 15
Trinidad and Tobago: 14
Ecuador: 13
Australia: 11
Germany: 11
Italy: 10
Bangladesh: 6
Ireland: 6
Pakistan: 6
Poland: 6
Benghazi, Libya
4 🇺🇸 American's
Tyrone Woods, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Ambassador Christopher Stevens
Never 🇺🇸 Forgotten 🇺🇸9/11
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sw1tchbackli · 3 months
As you are celebrating your Independence Day holiday just remember that there are 8 Americans 🇺🇸 being held hostage in Gaza. You are enjoying your freedom and independence and they are not!
5 American citizens are presumed alive and 3 are confirmed dead but H@m@s is still holding their bodies.
We must all UNITE in calling for their release and for the release of the other 112 hostages. God Bless America. Am Yisroel Chai 🇺🇸❤️🇮🇱.
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firegio · 28 days
AMERICANS 🦅 Yes, I am once again in need of your help (🫵), random American citizen 🇺🇸
I am now conducting research on another exciting grammatical feature known as MULTIPLE MODALS (i.e. "you might could take my survey!") and would absolutely love for you to take this freshly baked survey (no sign-in required and no email collected!) For those who don't know, I'm Giorgia, a MA Linguistics student and this is for my dissertation on (Southern) American Dialects. I improved my surveying skills during the last few days, so the questions and the format are even simpler and more straightforward because I love you, random American citizen, and I hate confusing people!! Also! A huge thank you to everyone who took my last survey, y'all have been amazing! And thanks to everyone who will be taking this new one!
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americatransformed · 4 days
As an American World Citizen, I believe in the power of possibility, ✨ that we as a people can turn the page and finally move on! I believe it’s possible America can live up to its values and create the world our greatest Dreamers have inspired US to believe in, 🌟 where we have more in common for peace than irreconcilable differences for war, and that we can live this Dream rather than be sucked into a fear filled self destruct nightmare WW3 End Game! It’s time for the power of possibility to shape our destiny, not business as usual! That’s why we have an unprecedented opportunity to progress, upending nearly 250 years of mostly white male presidents leading US, long overdue for the first woman commander and chief, showing the world America is about the best side of US, winning the race for our future! #CultureOfPeace #SeeStrangersAsYourNeighbor #ExploreNotWorldWar
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What would happen if yandere America and England fell in love with someone who is their perfect match? Like they're equally as smart and powerful as them, to the point where anything they throw at her she can throw right back at them. And at first she was civil about it and politely asked them to stop and reinstated that she isn't interested, until she eventually reached her limit and warned them that she won't hesitate to fuck them over if they keep testing her. Knowing so well that she can take them on, and she's right to be brave because they actually feel like they're armwrestling themselves in this fight. Making their infatuation and want to control her even stronger.
P.S any AU with this one will do
I tried with this one and tried to have some accuracy in real life but probably missed the mark especially on Englands part but hope you still enjoy!
Going to go with a Human AU on this one because I feel like there is more room for Tit for Tat, or something like that.
Further explanation about this post because I botched it so badly lmao.
🇺🇸 America 🇺🇸
As he dressed himself for the day a permanent smile was plastered to his face. He was ready to claim his prize after several months of meticulous planning was about to unfold. He’s been daydreaming about being able to kiss you on the lips for the longest time, and the longer you play, keeping away from him fried his nerves. He bit down on his thin lips in anticipation. How would you react? Would you escape the strings that he’d try to attach this time, or would he be able to have you caught in his trap finally? He prayed to god that you wouldn’t be smart enough to outdo him this time. He ignored the doubts in his mind and stayed positive. After all he was a powerful government official just like you, but stronger right? Right?
One of his assistants knocked on the door of his room in the white house.
“America, sir, the security detail is here to escort you to the airport, and as requested, your 50 McGriddles with an extra large Coke are ready as well.” He knocks him out of the multitude of thoughts that surrounded you. He hated but loved at the same time that you gave him the difficult challenge of capturing you. Even though you were one of his leading diplomats in consular services in (country you want to work in), he was headed there today to discuss one of the latest incidents that happened under your watch. He was eager to see how you’d manage this latest crisis. This one had to work. Treason was the latest and most diabolical plan he’d set in place. Knowing full well that the United States did not take such offenses lightly. Yes, this was going to be the moment that the spider would have its meal. No way in hell could you escape this time.
In his previous attempts to get you displaced from your position as the Consul General, he tried to have an entire swath of Americans complain about your work ethic and the general maintenance of the Consulate in (country). Everything from the improper issuing of passports, visas, and lack of training for the newer staff. In short, you are failing in your duties on the ground in your country to provide adequate services to the citizens of the United States. Frustratingly within only a span of 24 hours, you were able to find the faults in his plan and figure out that the documents had been falsified, claims were fake, and ensured that all passports and visas were accurate and up to date. He fucking hated that you were a diligent worker and effective problem solver. He had to up the ante.
When you had a meeting with him and the rest of your staff at the consulate, you’d given him a verbal confirmation that you knew it was him trying to mess with you.
“As stated, a few of the affected citizens stated that there were some persuasion and unconfirmed accusations that have strong connections to this being an internal issue. Hopefully, whatever is going on in the homeland will not continue.” You pointedly look at him with your cold (eye color) clash with his calm blues that showed no hints of guilt within them.
Next came the documentation leak of his own citizens. It hurt him to do his citizens this way, but it was worth the sacrifice to be able to have you in his arms. A few eggs had to be broken in order to obtain you. This was much more egregious and as such much harder to evade the webs that were being spun in order to apprehend you.
“My cyber security team has detected vulnerabilities and updated our continuous parameter monitoring. However, we did have issues over the past week with numerous cyber attacks compromising a few of the files that we have within our database.…” You caught onto the flicker of joy that welled within those pools of blue. Your heavenly voice tickled his ears; your failings at keeping people’s private information were going to lead you right into his arms once you were-
“We came close to having a massive leak within our systems. I collaborated with the FBI and CIA to aid me and my staff to update and train all on new procedures, and updating our systems for the maximum protection of the citizens of the United States.” You shuffle your paper loudly as if it were a gavel laying down your latest declaration. “There should be no further interruptions, within my consulate Mr. America.” Finally, addressing him in a highly harsh tone. Most in the room took it as you being annoyed that within a span of a month, you’d begun to have these strange issues that no other consulate in the world that was run by the United States was having. You knew damn well that it was the man at the other end of the table smirking who was testing you for whatever reason. You made it clear that you needed him to stop his foolishness. You had more important matters to attend to.
“You can call me Alfred, babe. Don’t be so stuffy. You’re doing great! I’m proud that you’re doing so great.” The compliment had more condescension than praise.
Yet again, his webs failed to enrapture you and connect ties to you. And it made his blood boil that you knew how to leverage all avenues of his own government to keep you out of his arms reach. Alfred still smirked at this latest evasion pretending that he was only feeling pride that you had outsmarted him. He adored your passion and wit but hated it even more so now. A sudden technological leak would have thrown most citizens. But, not you; you were not like most citizens. You graduated from Princeton with your Ph.D. in Public and International Affairs. You were determined to show your mettle and your intellect, which was proving to be difficult for Alfred to connect even a single silk thread to you.
‘Damn it, Y/N, why couldn’t you be stupid?! Why couldn’t you be easier to catch off guard? I’m into it but jeez woman that brain of you’re is alluring and annoying!!’ He angrily moves his pen back and fourth on the yellow writing pad he was given to take notes during the meeting.
“That concluded the end of this meeting. If you have any further questions or concerns you all have my email and phone number. Dismissed.” Pleased everyone vacates the room to head for dinner. You hoped to just rest your eyes. You’d been up for the last 72 hours putting out the latest fire that Alfred had attempted to set within your consulate, and you couldn’t wait to be in bed. As you made your way to the exit, Alfred sped up behind you and firmly gripped your shoulder.
“Wait Y/N I’d like to get dinner with you. Care to join me this evening?” As if he didn’t just try to undercut you moments ago.
“No, I’m tired. I have to go get some sleep. I’ve been at it for the past couple of days putting out fires.” You turn to him with an accusing gaze in your eyes. “And I have better things to do than put up with the games of a petulant child.”
“Oh Y/N are you accusing me of something?” His heroic smile seemed more villainous than anything else. You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“No, but I would like the games to cease. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to sleep.” You jerk your shoulder away from him forcefully, indicating that you are over the bullshit. A shock of sadness and longing wrenched his heartstrings. Why did his love have to be so cold to him? The sound of your heels clicking further echoed in his ears.
Was he really that repulsive to you? Why couldn’t you see him as your hero that just wanted you to be home and not in (country)? Why couldn’t you see that you belonged to him?
It was time for him to pull out the big finale. He was determined to have you one way or the other.
Alfred pulled out all the stops in his final attempts to make you cave and lose your job as the Consul General.
He called a secret meeting between the head of the CIA, FBI, and your other heads within your consulate that worked directly under you. It was time to put an end to your clever circumventions. He needed you to warm his bed, dammit; he was tired of it being so frigid at night. Anyone that questioned his motives for having you or stood by you and your tenacity was swiftly removed from the meeting and sent to Guantanamo Bay while he had put in place a plan where a double would fill in their shoes.
“But, America Sir, Y/N is the best Consul General that (country names) office has ever had! For the first time in decades, everything is running smoothly! Why ruin that? For some self-serving ego? Don’t you give a damn about your citizens!?” One of your vice consuls shouted out, indignant and the stupidity of the immortal country to have you be tired of treason and extradited to the United States.
“This is ludicrous, Mr.America! Y/N is one of your best! Why the hell are you trying to set her up for treason!” The man in his late 30s practically sprang from his chair in rage.
America’s haunting frown, an ominous glint in his eyes hinted that the two would be in for a horrendous future. Regardless, the two vice consul men didn’t sit back down in their seats. They were going to stand by their leader.
“Well, I the two of you like being waterboarded.” He snapped his fingers and swiftly, the two were removed from the room. “Anyone else?” Three consular agents slapped their IDs on the table and willingly accepted their awful fates with the other two. America raised an eyebrow.
‘Damn. She really does have a great deal of influence. Now really is the best time to get her out of here.’
“Now that, that’s settled onward with the plan.”
You’d received an extremely concerning text from your consul members that America hadn’t yet apprehended. Letting you know that evacuating the country was the best thing for you, and you had to do it NOW before the sun had a chance to rise. You tossed all of your necessary documents and withdrew all your money from (country’s bank); you had to pull a favor from some of the (pick a nation that you’d collab with) diplomats for a favor to hide you and help you obtain a new ID and change your entire persona. You explain that you would be framed and that America was up to some devious bullshit. They gladly lent a hand since you’d aided some of their citizens when they were in a pinch. You didn’t turn back, but you knew you’d always be on the run with America always pining for you.
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
This week had been trying for Arthur. He stirred his spoon continuously in his porcelain tea cup for the past ten minutes. He stared off into the distance. His head was abuzz with thoughts of nothing but you and your many schemes to avoid the strings that he tried to tie to you. After all you were a perfect doll, perfect, clever, and stunningly beautiful. He, to some degree, wished that you were much more dense and docile; perhaps then it wouldn’t be so hard if you weren’t a top grad at Cambridge and adept at managing the political chaos that he orchestrated from the shadows.
This puppet master was determined to attach his string so that he could be in control.
The latest ploy to obtain you involved a public political stunt organized to get the public to have an amount of distrust within you as an ambassador. He called in a few favors from Italy and from some of his MI6 to make a public outcry of you not doing your job in aiding them from being detained.
“Ms. (Last Name), what is going on why have you and your team been so slow to respond to the requests of the 10 detained U.K. citizens who’ve been pleading for your help? Have you no dignity?” A report flings an accusation in your face when you first left your apartment in (country name). Clicks of several different cameras and other people who were clamoring for the scoop to make headlines in various publications across the globe.
“Will you be stepping down soon? There have been a few rumors that a few of the heads would like for you to have an official persona non grata to be in the process!” Another shouted at you to spark your attention and to give you anxiety. However it did the opposite, it made your blood boil but you reamied composed and simply walked away from the mass of reporters that seemed bent on hunting you down. You picked up your pace and hopped into the SUV that one of your fellow counselors was driving. You were thankful that you had a close-knit team within your consulate.
“Soooo, there have been crazy rumors spreading on TikTok…”
“Of fucking course.” You roll your eyes and practically shout out. “That’s how all the craziest shit gets started. Let’s just get ahead of all this and figure out what’s actually going on.”
“Well, I have few theories on some of the higher-ups or one in particular that has been gunning for you mate.”
“Oh god yeah, not him. I absolutely hate him. Kirkland.” Your eye twitches somewhat in having to mention him. The bastard had tried to repremand you publically to embarrass you but you put a stop to it real quick. He’d tried to accuse you of favoring your host country you resided in currently when it came to talks about trade deals. When you pointed out there were obvious flaws in his logic that deals in (country) were precarious due to him being greedy in previous years. That in turn made it much more difficult for you to make reasonable concessions that didn’t spark outrage in the nation you were in and tend to the demands of the United Kingdom. You mind wandered back to one of the first times you had to be combative with the prick.
‘Balancing is all a part of being a diplomat, along with sometimes having to make difficult decisions that not everyone will understand at the present moment. Mr. Kirkland. Besides, I was able to obtain usage of those ports and got a better deal on exports so that the citizens of the U.K. won’t have to pay so much for certain goods. We may have to cut them a better deal on precious metals and petrol but cutting good deals is my job afterall. Not to simply plunder places.’ You shuffle your papers and give him a severe side-eye after he tried to accuse you of not doing what’s best for the U.K. in the long run. ‘After all at least I’m able to maintain positive relationships with others unlike you.’ Not even trying to be subtle about your disdain for him and his continued interference in your responsibilities. It wasn’t the first time during a meeting that he’s tried to undercut you.
You remember the burning heat from his glaring green eyes was intense, it felt as if there were lasers aimed directly at your back. However, you didn’t honour his gaze. You simply marched out with the rest of your consulate staff to continue on.
On the inside, Arthur loved the challenge and it made him want to fawn over you more. The line between love and hate was insanely thin for him. On the one hand, he wanted to come up with several scathing quips to cut you down; on the other, he loved the fact that you were bold enough to talk back to a higher-up like him. It was quite the thrill. He wondered if you’d maintain that type of energy in the bedroom. He didn’t want to push you any further, considering he understood he had angered you enough, and it was quite clear that he had obvious feelings for you. Not all of which were entirely clear.
You being weary and annoyed by him was an understatement. You outright hated him, and it was obvious by the venom laced in your words. He simply had to resort to telling his fairies and other magical friends of his lovesick woes while he schemed other ways to drive you to him.
When you finally arrive at the consulate building, you rush in, dodging some of the other reporters.
“Everyone to the main meeting room now! We’ve got a crisis situation to handle! Security, no reporters are to come into the building until we come up with a proper strategy in place!” You frantically try to gather everyone and grab your work laptop to estimate how viral the situation was on the international stage. You planned on making a public statement within the next hour to get in front of the rumors.
All guards rush to secure all of the entry points while they diligently wait for your next commands.
From the comforts of his balcony as he continued to stir his now cold earl grey tea. England checked the news for how the situation was progressing in (country you’re a diplomat in). His green eyes glowed with anxiety and small sparks of joy. It was easy to persuade the hearts of men with emotional fervor, especially when the crisis actors he hired were good at appealing to a population's pathos.
Your (eye color) almost welled with tears when you saw that the videos had already reached 10 million views and counting worldwide. News sites like attn, The New York Times, BBC, South China Moring Post, and Deutsche Welle have already published pieces about the 10 political prisoners who claimed that you denied helping the U.K. citizens in their desperate time of need.
“Oh fuck me sideways.” You felt sick. This was the first time that the situation had ever gotten away from you this badly. It would take you weeks if not months to get out of this. The worst part is that your phone was ringing and it was from the high commission in the U.K.
“They’re coming for her job oh jolly. Ahahahaha.” Arthur was reading the email that had been sent out. The persona non grata he requested had been granted.
“Y/N are you okay?” All of the other ministers and counselors were looking at you as the color drained from your face.
Before you had a chance to react the doors of the meeting room had been flung open and some of the royal guards were there to retrieve you and extradite you back to back to the United Kingdom to be tried.
“Ambassador (First Name) (Last Name) you must step down and head back with us, the royals have commanded you to do so. If you resist it will only make things far more difficult for you.”
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jordanstark007 · 5 months
I’ve also decided Alex Cabot is dual citizen, she’s now Canadian and American 🇺🇸 🇨🇦
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