#🌺 — flufftember 2022
rivashi · 2 years
flufftember 2022
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DAY TWO ; compatibility
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pairings: my faves x gn!reader
genre(s): tooth rotting FLUFF, romance, college!au, timeskip!au | headcanons
cw: self-indulgence
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˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Aone Takanobu
You two are able to share a comfortable silence. A silent language is made between you both: a glance, a nod, a shift from foot to foot— the need to converse is replaced with the urge to just be, anywhere and everywhere. From sitting beside each other to eating food together. Just basking in one another’s presence and returning back to the simpler days of innocence and longingness.
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Kuroo Tetsurou
You two have a balance between playfulness and seriousness. The importance of distinguishing the atmosphere of the two— is unmeasurable, at best. You both could feel, really feel the presence in a situation instantaneously like a sponge, absorbing water. Sometimes the two of you shut people out of your own worlds, feeling like you are alone— truly alone in this uphill battle. But you aren’t, because you have each other and that’s more than enough.
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Kozume Kenma
Deception and strategy are the ways you two bonded— always one step or ten steps ahead of others. It is tiring and meticulous but the results always give a sense of gratification, in some form or shape. To you both, it gives you a motivation— a purpose. A feeling of thrill and the taste of victory— it’s when you guys become alive again.
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Akaashi Keiji
You two are the definition of comfort— anything from the smell of coffee in the morning, the experience of warmth from the fireplace, the atmosphere of a grand library. You both don’t need expensive items nor luxurious lifestyles. The two of you appreciate and are grateful for what you already have and that is more important.
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Matsukawa Issei
The air of mischievousness, cheekiness, and mystery— is all you two want and got from each other. Late night visits, breakfast at midnight, and ungodly hours of work are common— mundane, even. That waking up in one another’s arms is a blessing itself – it makes you love what little time you have and give to spend it together.
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Miya Atsumu
Perfectly imperfect – that is you two strive to be. You both mesh well together like a symphony, a melody— always complementing one another. Like how the Sun casts a shadow, like how the Moon shines a light. Where he lacks, you excel and vice versa. Absolutely imbalanced yet also faulty balance.
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Miya Osamu
Food is definitely the love language between you two— he cooks five-star meals while you blend and bake the starbucks-worthy drinks and treats. Oftentimes, test-tasting each other’s creations and giving honest criticism yet still appreciating the mistakes and the fun of experimenting on risks.
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rivashi · 2 years
flufftember 2022
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DAY THREE ; confession
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pairings: my faves x gn!reader
genre(s): FLUFF, romance, confession | headcanons
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˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Diluc Ragnvindr
“I do hope my invitation wasn’t too sudden?”
“About that…” He hesitates. “I wanted to tell you something for some time now. May I?”
“I… I have caught feelings for you. Although I do not want to admit it, he has a point. So, will you allow me the honors of becoming yours?”
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Razor
“Friend. Razor thanks you… being here.” He says as you take in the beautiful scenery behind him.
“You smell nice, sweet. Always been.”
“Here.” He offers you a wolfhook. “You… I… Together?”
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Bennett
“Oh hey!” He beams. “I didn’t think you’d come! Knowing my bad luck, I’m probably the last person who willingly gets others involved.”
“Anyway, let’s not talk about that! I called you here because! Because… I… I really like you! I’m sorry but,”
“I would really like to be yours! If you’ll have me?”
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Albedo
“Ah, you came.” He faces you with a warm smile. “If I may be so bold to say…”
“I never really understood what draws people to me, yet you… are an exception.” He holds your hands.
“For you, I am willing to have human connections. Will you let me experience it with you?”
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Xiao
“Why are you here again?” He grumbles before letting out a sigh. “Suit yourself.”
“Hey.” Xiao looks out the balcony. “Does what you said still hold? You said you want me to share my burdens with you.”
“Is that so.” He hums. “Then, are you prepared for it? Because, you are choosing a life with me. Speak now, or leave me be.”
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Chongyun
“Great work back there. You always help me with my exorcism and make extra popsicles for me so I appreciate it.” He smiles at you.
Chongyun looks up at the sky. “Listen, I know this may be out of line for me to ask but… if you’re willing and interested, would you continue to work with me?”
He turns back to you. “Not just partners. More than that… I would like to purge all evil with you, if that’s okay?”
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Baizhu
“My my. Welcome back, little customer. How have you been? It’s been a while since I’ve managed Bubu Pharmacy.” He perks up.
“Gui? He’s out, taking a break for the day and Qiqi’s out gathering herbs so I’m keeping an eye on the store.” Baizhu explains. “But enough about them, what can I get you?”
“Oh well, this is unexpected.” He chuckles. “If that’s all you came here for, then… I suppose you don’t mind keeping me company now, do you?”
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Kaedahara Kazuha
“Oh hey. I see you’ve figured it out?” He asks.
“I knew if anyone could decode and cipher my letters, it would be you.” Kazuha breaths as if in relief. “Hm? Oh yes. That’s right. What I wrote in those letters were and are still true.”
“So, what do you say? Will you travel around Teyvat with me?”
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Arataki Itto
“Heyyy. Yo, my man, my dude, my partner! I’ve been looking all over for you!” He runs up to you.
“Well, the one and oni Arataki Itto of Arataki Gang has something to confess to you!” Itto says proudly while bringing a fist to his chest.
“Now, listen well because I will only say this once!” He clears his throat. “I, Arataki Itto, have fallen madly in love with you! And I – at least I do hope so – know that you want to be with me too! Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Takuya (Blue Oni)
“Tsk. I told you to not come here again.” He sighs. “Why are you humans so insistently stubborn? Ugh, never mind. What is it this time?”
“What? Let me see that.” Takuya snatched the letter from your hands. “Damn that red goof, always so pushy.”
“Well, since you’re here anyway. Might as well, spit it out. I like you, ok? There, I said it. I’m not expecting an answer right away— I know, it’s sudden but let me know when you do, alright?”
˗ˏ♡*ೃ˚:; Dainsleif
“Oh. It seems we’ve crossed paths again.” He muses with a slight chuckle. “This has become a regular occurrence with how often we meet like this.”
“I never believe in gods but I don’t think this is a mere coincidence either.” Dainsleif informs you. “I feel as though – without me noticing – that the seeds of the past have plans for us, it seems.”
“If that is the case, I will make an exception for you and would like you to occupy me on my travels. As I will be at your side during yours.” He meets your eyes. “Remember, it is your choice. I am only presenting your opinions. So, choose wisely.”
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rivashi · 2 years
flufftember 2022
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DAY ONE ; falling in love
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pairings: various x gn!reader
genre(s): tooth rotting FLUFF, romance | headcanons
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Falling in love with them was and is still easy. It is just as natural as breathing— like you’ve known it from the start and had forgotten the how but never the why. It is like the flowing of water, the rays of the Sun, the gusts of winds— always there, no matter how subjective it is to change. No matter how great the boundaries are, no matter how long the distance is— it’s still there, lingering around like an unshakable presence.
Falling in love with them is like trying something new— there’s always learning curves. It needs a little extra effort and perseverance to adjust and warm up. Occasionally, all it takes is figuring out and getting familiar with. Slowly and steadily improving on what you already learnt and knew. There are days of frustration, experimentation, and relaxation until you fall into a routine state of wonders and knowing full well that it is worth all the trouble.
Falling in love with them is like the oceans’ waves, the river’s currents— completely dependent on the elements of its surroundings. Ever so changing and shifting from tranquil to tumultuous. Sometimes, it is serene and still – like staying up late at night while laying in bed, staring at nothing but pitch darkness— it is when you are truly alone with your thoughts. Or sometimes, it is deafening and uproarious – like the busy streets of a Monday morning, where everything’s fast-paced and overwhelming— it is when you appreciate the little things in life.
Falling in love with them is like the weather. It is spontaneous and unpredictable— like life itself. Always tangeble, uncontrollable, and yet… can show signs of patterns, cycles— even the most dangerous rains can bring beauty and nurtisment. A two side of the same coin, keeping balance and order between the two.
Falling in love with them is like the seasons. It is eventual and familiar yet always morphing. Despite this, it is still the same as it always had been – just adapting and settling. Just like the trees that shed its leaves during autumn and winter or like the animals that come out of hibernation during spring.
— your faves <3
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rivashi · 2 years
flufftember 2022
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DAY FOUR ; first date
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synopsis: their reactions to you asking them on a date
pairings: various x gn!reader
genre(s): fluff, crack, romance, friends to more, mutual pinning, pre-established relationship | headcanons
cw: self-indulgence, biased bc it’s my opinion
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They wouldn’t think that you asked them on a romantic date until during the date and their face would turn red in realization that you can’t help but laugh and tease them. You would also make sure to remind them of that incident to purposely embarrass them.
— Hinata, KAGEYAMA, Tsukishima, TANAKA, Lev, Koganegawa, Inuoka, YAMAMOTO, Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, Kyoutani, Kunimi, ATSUMU, OSAMU, Suna, your faves <3
They would rub the back of their neck and say they were going to ask you first and apologise, saying they would make it up to you. Until then, they’d pay up for the expense today. It’s their treat so enjoy it to the fullest.
— SUGAWARA, DAICHI, IWAIZUMI, Matsukawa, AKAASHI, KITA, Aran, your faves <3
They’re dead. They passed out from happiness because they were too worried that you didn’t like them.
They will shout: LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOO with a victory pose in public. Congrats you’re now dating the biggest himbo.
— HINATA, BOKUTO, ATSUMU, your faves <3
They have the biggest and smuggest smirk in existence as if saying “knew you couldn’t resist me” but on the inside, they’re literally melting and freaking out at how adorable you are.
— TERUSHIMA, KUROO, Futakuchi, Daishou, OIKAWA, Matsukawa, ATSUMU, your faves <3
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rivashi · 2 years
flufftember 2022 masterlist
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this masterlist contains all of my flufftember fics. some fics may contain: self indulgence and/or crack.
flufftember is an event where i'll be posting fluff-specific fics scheduled for september!
#🌺 — flufftember 2022 is the universal tag for flufftember.
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day 1 — falling in love
day 2 — compatibility
day 3 — confession
day 4 — first date
day 5 — petnames (sept. 20)
day 6 — flustered (sept. 25)
day 7 — needy (sept. 28)
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