#🐿️ writes stray kids
3hrtn ¡ 10 months
18+ minors pls dni
⚠️warnings⚠️:unsafe link, smut, degrading, seungmin calls reader pup and slut
Ok but why can I imagine seungmin doing this
Smut under the cut
'Isn't this what you wanted pup?' Seungmin says as he wraps the tape around your thigh securing vibrator. 'You just love being treated like a little slut don't you,' He yells as he switches on the vibrator. You moan out as you feel the vibrations on your cunt. You thought that seungmin would be next to you teasing you but instead he grabbed a chair and book and sat down in front of you, peeking over his book every now and then. After a few minutes you started to feel a knot in your stomach signalling that you had to cum. "B-baby I-I need to cum!' All he did was smile and continue reading. 'Please love I'm gonna cum!!' Seungmin puts his book down and crosses his legs 'If you cum I'm going to make you start over'. Well you ended up cumming and this continues for literal hours until you were so fucked out that you fr couldn't take it anymore.🤭🤭
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fairyniceyeah ¡ 14 days
🧭🐰 Day 12: “You’re not fine, you’re throwing up"
Summary: Han wakes up to a commotion at night. 
CW: emeto, cursing
Sickie: Lee Know/Minho
Caretaker(s): HAN/Jisung
Han woke up to the sound of loud voices talking over each other and light spilling into the dark dorm room he shared with Jeongin. He groaned, resisting the urge to place his pillow over his head to block out everything.
He could have sworn it was only an hour since he and Changbin had come back home from the studio. He wished he had slammed their broken bedroom door shut when he had gone to bed - it was the only way it shut now - and Han regretted being nice and considerate towards the other members’ sleep. The door must have opened all the way again, allowing light and sound in.
“‘m awake, ‘m awake”, Jeongin muttered, sounding anything but, “wait, I don’t even have school anymore. Shut up!”
Han giggled a bit and opened his burning eyes. While the maknae’s tiredness was cute, a glance at his phone revealed that it was indeed only shortly before 4am. Unless they had all collectively forgotten a schedule in yesterday’s meeting about today’s schedule, they needn’t be awake for at least another three hours yet. 
“Your prince in shining armor will make them shut up”, Han declared and pushed himself up to give the disturbing members a piece of his mind. 
“Wait, I wanna yell at them too”, Jeongin slurred and pushed himself up, stumbling into Han and leaning on him on their way out the door. 
They both groaned at the bright hallway light, Jeongin even covering his eyes for a moment. To their utmost surprise the other members (except for the two eldest hyungs and Hyunjin) were gathered in the hallway in front of the bathroom. Felix and Seungmin were both wide-eyed and talking quickly to each other, while Changbin was knocking on the bathroom door, yelling something that Han’s tired brain didn’t catch.
“Shut the fuck up”, Jeongin said at the same time that Han realised that something must be up and asked: “What’s going on?”
His question was answered by a disgusting sound echoing from the bathroom, sounding like somebody (or something) was turning himself inside out, followed by the sound of liquid hitting liquid. As Felix stepped aside to turn to them, Han saw the puddle. Chunky, yellow puke was covering the hallway floor and a bit of the wall, reeking all the way to the two members now that they noticed it.
“Hyung is sick”, Seungmin said, raising his eyebrows, “obviously.”
Before Han could even wonder if he meant Minho or Hyunjin, assuming that Chan was still at the company, Changbin called: “Minho-yah, I know you don’t want an audience but can you at least let one of us in? Or do you want me to call Channie-hyung?”
He didn’t receive an answer except for a loud, hacking cough. Changbin sighed.
“What happened?”, Han asked worriedly, gesturing at Felix to take Jeongin, who was falling asleep against Han’s back. With the maknae so tired and Felix a rather squeamish person, it would probably be best for them to comfort each other. Looking relieved, Felix hugged Jeongin against his chest, supporting him as he dozed. 
Seungmin explained: “I dunno, woke up to him slamming the doors and found, uh … this.” He gestured awkwardly to the puke on the floor. “Changbinnie-hyung and Lix-hyung woke up too, I guess. Hyunjinnie-hyung is still asleep, the bastard.”
“Let’s be glad at least somebody is getting any sleep.” Changbin sighed and turned to Han, pointing at the closed door with his thumb. “Now, you try.”
Han nodded. He likely had the best chance of getting through to Minho if he was feeling vulnerable. If he was embarrassed and in fight-or-flight-mode … they would cross that bridge when they came to it.
The rapper stepped towards the door, hesitating a bit. He knew that Minho would not like the audience at all and he would not open the door if he knew that there were other members outside. 
“Lixie, I.N.-ah, why don’t you go sleep in Lixie’s room?”, Han suggested, though making sure his tone left no room for arguments, “Binnie-hyung, can you call Channie-hyung? Even if Minho-yah doesn’t want his help, he will come back in an instant and we might have a double win if he falls asleep. Seungminnie, go see if we have some medicine and set up my room with a bucket and stuff. You’re on cleaning duty.”
Seungmin crossed his arms. “Why me?”
“Listen to your hyung, baby”, Han teased, ignoring the fact that the eight days didn’t really mean much. Changbin laughed and pulled the pouting maknae with him. Felix and Jeongin had already gone back to the bedroom.
Han knocked on the bathroom door, glad that the sound of vomiting had died down.
“Hyung? It’s just me. Can you let me in?”
“Leave me alone, Han Jisung”, Minho groaned. “I’m fine.”
While Han was happy that Minho was at least acknowledging and not just straight up ignoring him, he couldn’t help the exasperated sigh leaving his lips. He was very worried about his hyung, so much was true, but he was also frustrated by his stubbornness. Of course he couldn’t blame Minho for being sick (what kind of friend would?), but it was also the middle of the night and the earlier they could get back to bed the better.
“You’re not fine, you’re throwing up, hyung”, Han stated the obvious. “I know you don’t feel well and everything, but can you please let me in? It’s just me and I’m really really worried.”
Silence followed and Han was about to speak up again, not above begging, when the lock clicked. Han opened the door and slipped inside, locking it again after himself. He knew it would bring Minho a bit of comfort.
Speaking off, the dancer had laid on his back on the cold tiles, looking nearly as white as the floor. He was shivering badly, his whole body moving with the force of his chills, and there were specks of vomit on his chin and sleep shirt. 
Han didn’t even freeze despite his worry at how sick the older looked, just knelt down by Minho’s side. Glassy red eyes looked up at him and suddenly Han had his lap full of sick human. Apparently now that Han was with him, Minho couldn’t care anymore about his image, just how badly he was feeling. Or maybe he didn’t have the strength to pretend anymore. Minho was clutching Han’s waist and his face ended up buried in Han’s stomach. Ignoring that the puke was likely on his clothes now too, the rapper rubbed his hyung’s back gently and pulled him closer, feeling the shivers wreck his body.
“Tell me how you feel”, Han encouraged.
“Awful. My stomach is cramping so badly”, Minho mumbled, voice nearly swallowed by Han’s shirt, “I’m so cold and so hot at the same time. Everything hurts from the shivering and I still feel like I’m gonna be sick any second.”
“Oh, hyungie”, Han cooed, knowing that he only got away with this tone of voice because Minho was feeling vulnerable and sick, “try to tell me if you need to puke again. If you can't, it's okay too.”
Han didn’t particularly fancy getting puked on but he knew that Minho was so sick that it was a possibility that he might not be able to prevent it. Exhibit A: the hallway. Besides, Han himself had not the best track record of making it to the toilet or even the bathroom.
Minho nodded and sucked in a deep breath, curling more into himself and clutching Han’s shirt tighter. When Han lifted his shirt and placed his hand against Minho’s bare stomach he could even feel the awful cramping that was wreaking havoc inside. No wonder Minho was so emotional. 
They stayed like that for a few minutes, just existing together and Han comforting Minho, when the latter tensed. With his hand on Minho’s abdomen, Han could feel how hard he suddenly swallowed. He managed to sit Minho up before the older could even finish his panicked whisper of “Hannie, I’m gonna throw up”.
Minho barely had his head over the toilet bowl when his body jerked forward with a retch and vomit sprayed from his lips, hitting the inside mostly but a few specks landed on the back of the seat. Han placed one comforting hand on back of the quivering dancer and used his other hand to hold back sweaty black hair. Minho whined lowly in his throat before throwing up again and again. All Han could do was rub his back and whisper sweet reassurances. 
It was a long five minutes until Minho was done and by then he was so exhausted he just slumped into himself, nearly hitting his head on the toilet before Han managed to catch him and pull him into his arms.
“It’s okay”, he whispered, “you’re okay. I got you.”
Reaching up, Han grabbed a few wipes of toilet paper and wiped Minho’s mouth. Before he could throw them into the toilet and flush, Minho stopped him with a hand on his wrist and took one of the pieces from Han. For a moment confused, Han watched as Minho blew his nose. He couldn’t be disgusted when he saw the puke that must have come up through his nose and got stuck there on the white paper. Instead he just felt bad for his violently sick hyung.
Minho barely had the strength to throw the paper into the toilet and so Han was left with placing them inside and flushing, while Minho was still shivering in his arms. Han could see the deep exhaustion in his eyes when he propped Minho against his shoulder. 
“I just want to sleep”, the dancer whispered, eyes shining from exhaustion. “But I don’t know if I can go back to bed. I still feel so sick and I’m disgusting.”
“I sent Seungminnie to set up my and I.N.-ah’s room for us with a bucket and old towels and stuff. If you want me to, I could carry you there and we can go back to sleep?”, Han suggested, placing his hand on Minho’s upset stomach again. He had noticed how much it had relaxed the older earlier and he wanted to do anything he could do to help. “Besides, you’re not disgusting. You’re just sick, you can’t help it.”
“No, I mean, I’m soaked in sweat and there is puke on me and I don’t think I could sleep like this. I just wanna be fine.” Minho sniffed and sneezed. “And I think I still have puke in my nose.”
He gagged again but luckily nothing came up. Han handed him more tissues, hoping for Minho that he could get it out. He pressed a kiss against the older’s shoulder as he forcefully blew his nose.
“Better?” He received a nod and Han took the paper from Minho to throw it into the clean bowl.
“Can I … can I take a shower?”, Minho whispered, “I wanna get clean and maybe the heat will help my stomach cramps.”
He looked so pitiful that Han couldn’t imagine saying no, especially since Minho didn’t feel warm and so a hot shower wouldn’t bring a fever up.
It soon became clear that Minho couldn’t stand on his own, too shaky and stomach in too much pain to balance. Instead Han had Minho sit on the shower floor while he cleaned the older up. He took extra care to wash Minho’s hair, knowing the older loved the feeling of somebody playing with his hair, and was cautious to not let any suds run into his eyes. Minho seemed content enough, eyes closed and letting the warm water soothe his aching stomach.
“Come on, let’s get you dry and into bed, hm?”, Han said after a few minutes. He really wanted Minho to get some sleep before he was inevitably up sick again. He didn’t know if it was a stomach flu or food poisoning or something else but with the way Minho had been puking it was clear he would suffer for longer.
He soon had Minho wrapped in a fluffy towel and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I will be back with clothes soon, okay?”
Han was glad that the puddle of vomit in the hallway was cleaned up by the time he stepped out. He had intended to just hurry to Minho’s room and get him some fresh pajamas but he was intercepted by Changbin and Chan, who seemed to have arrived just then, still in his jacket and shoes.
“How is he?”, the leader asked immediately, a worried frown on his face, “should I go check on him?”
“No need, I think. I think he needs a bit of space, no offense, hyung”, Han said, “I’m gonna get him some fresh clothes and then we’ll go to bed. I got him.”
“He isn’t well…”
“He isn’t but crowning him won’t help”, Han added, “he doesn’t need an audience watching him when he throws up again. No offense, again.”
Chan sighed. “None taken. I guess you’re right.”
“We sent Seungminnie to bed and when I checked on them Lixie and I.N.-ah were cuddling in Lixie’s bed, asleep. I am amazed and impressed that Hyunjinnie didn’t wake up at all”, Changbin added, “come on, hyung, let’s go to sleep ourselves. Hannie got Minho-yah.”
Changbin pulled Chan with him to the bedrooms, high fiving Han on the way to the confusion of their leader. “Mission success.”
Han grinned, happy that Chan was home and would get some sleep, even if the reason for him being home wasn’t ideal. He tiptoed into the room Minho shared with Seungmin and Hyunjin and quickly fetched a new set of clothes, both members deeply asleep.
Ten minutes later he had gotten Minho dressed in fresh pajamas and tucked into Han’s bed. Seungmin had indeed placed down towels and the designated puke-bucket and had even found the electric heating pillow they originally had for pulled and tense muscles but would serve the purpose of helping a cramping stomach as well. 
“Lay down with me?”, Minho mumbled sleepily.
“Wouldn’t dream of leaving you now”, Han agreed and settled behind the dancer, wrapping him in his arms and situating the heat pillow against Minho’s abused abdomen. “The bucket is right below you if you need to puke again. If you feel like drinking, there is a glass of water on the night table. Wake me if you need anything.”
“Thanks, Hannie”, Minho breathed and soon snores filled the room.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Sicktember 2024
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jaethecreator ¡ 5 months
Aahh I was wondering if you could maybe write binnies reaction to Jisung buying him the skirts he had been eyeing for awhile, playfully ushering binnie off to try them on. ! <3
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH okay first request here we go, be prepared !! i hope you like it <3
Stray Skirts by @jaethecreator wc: 3.1k
Tags: BinSung, Cross-dressing, Skirts, Thigh Highs, Top Han Jisung, Bottom Seo Changbin, Fluff, Smut, College Student Han Jisung, Producer Seo Changbin, Slight Confidence Issues, Praise, Body Worship, BJ, Jisung is horny and Changbin suffers (in a good way).
If you looked at Seo Changbin from the outside, you’d have multiple thoughts. One: he can look quite intimidating. Many colleagues found the producer quite hard to approach. However, those close to him knew him as a mood-maker and the victim of many giggle-fits. Two: he was big. Large arms hugged by the cuffs of his shirt sleeves, and an even larger chest actively trying to escape said shirt. Three: his wardrobe was darker than most. The clothes Changbin tended to wear ranged from mostly ebony to cool black. No one but his boyfriend knew the plethora of colors hidden in his closet...
If you looked at Han Jisung from the outside, your thoughts would vary. One: he looked like a bit of a nerd. Large glasses with a sheepish smile were his go-to. Two: he’s quiet. The only time he wasn’t quiet was with close friends or his boyfriend. When he was comfortable, however, Jisung could be just as loud as any extrovert. Three: people assume he can’t be the top when standing beside his boyfriend. Behind closed doors though, the number of times he’d left Changbin pleased as punch with cum leaking from his hole was countless.
Initial thoughts aside, no one could guess from looking at the two in public that Changbin liked to cross-dress. Specifically, he loved to wear skirts. Feeling so free and pretty appealed to him more than he’d like to admit. When he’d first confessed it to Jisung, he was shy. The apples of his cheeks and the shells of his ears were pink, even as Jisung carded his fingers through Changbin’s curly hair and assured him nothing was wrong with what he loved. After learning the fact, he enthusiastically bought his boyfriend a skirt with hearts in his eyes the next day. Changbin found it hard to truly ask for things, always eager to please and satisfy—but there was nothing more that Jisung wanted to do than treat his boyfriend with whatever he wanted.
But Jisung didn’t just stop at one skirt.
Much to his wallet’s display (queue crickets chirping and cobwebs inside), Changbin was gifted skirts every two weeks. He still hadn’t built up the confidence to go shopping for them in person yet, so Jisung took to learning his sizing himself and surprising him every few weeks. Thankfully, an "accidental" discovery made his purchasing easier this week.
Changbin had left after having dinner with Jisung in their apartment to make his way to the studio he worked at, where he'd presumably be working on music till late at night. Unfortunately for Changbin, he had left behind his work laptop. Feeling stressed (even though it wasn’t him who left the computer), Jisung noticed and immediately grabbed the charging cord to unplug it. However, the unplugging of the laptop had woken the screen, and Jisung’s curiosity got the best of him.
The tab that had caught his interest was a site called Stray Skirts.
Jisung glanced side to side as if somehow Changbin was watching him (he wasn’t, obviously). He tilted his head as his eyes scanned the clothing website's page. After they settled on the wish-list icon at the top right, Jisung licked his lips determinedly and clicked once more. A screen filled with beautiful skirts opened, each selectively hearted by his adoring boyfriend. A soft coo left his lips, knowing Changbin would have looked drop-dead gorgeous in every single one. Truly, Jisung had never seen something not look perfect on Changbin—like it wasn’t made for him to wear.
Quickly choosing, Jisung added the top 3 skirts from Changbin’s wish list to the shopping cart. The first was a black faux leather miniskirt. The second skirt was a gorgeous mesh black floral print, much longer than the first one he’d seen. Lastly, the third and final skirt was Jisung’s favorite— a cream lace miniskirt that would pair beautifully with any piece in his boyfriend’s closet. He could already feel his heart fluttering just imagining Changbin opening his gifts and looking so pretty in his skirts, soft thighs spreading underneath them as he sat down. The way the leather of the first skirt would hug the front of his tummy and the curves of his ass, highlighting two of Jisung’s favorite parts of Changbin’s body. Warmth rose to his cheeks, while also sinking elsewhere.
"Get it together, Jisung..." He mumbled to himself.
Trying to calm his excitement, Jisung shook his head like a snow globe and began to put in his card information to make the purchase. He knew using the same account already logged in could risk Changbin finding out about the surprise, but Jisung couldn’t ignore that his boyfriend had reward points available to be used at checkout. Being a college student was tough, so if he could save money while pampering his boyfriend—Jisung was all up for it. After purchasing, he set up the tracking to be sent to his phone and email instead of Changbin’s.
Once he finished paying and knew he’d left no way for his boyfriend to discover the surprise, Jisung triumphantly puffed his chest and placed his hands on his hips—feeling proud of himself. However, this didn’t last long. The second he’d exhaled he felt his posture deflating, as he realized now he’d need to see his boyfriend in person and would have to keep the surprise a secret. Part of him started to feel a little guilty for taking so long to bring his boyfriend’s laptop, but surely he could forgive him in the name of love and romance.
Speaking of his boyfriend, it seemed he’d realized he’d left his work laptop at home by the vibration in his pocket. Changbin was calling Jisung’s phone asking him to bring it probably, so he put the computer away in its bag. Once he answered the phone, Jisung was greeted by Changbin’s sweet voice.
“Yeobo… I think I left my laptop on the coffee table. Can you bring it, please?”
“Jagi, please. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
“Not mine! My boyfriend would run 100 miles if I asked!”
“I would! You’d have to carry me back though, I don’t think my legs could take all that cardio..”
“Mine neither, but that’s beside the point! Be careful on your way, Jisungie—I love you!”
“Love you too hyung!”
If you saw Jisung’s face, you could tell his smile was warm and genuine. His eyes and lips shared the same expression, swelling with happiness and love after talking with Changbin on the phone. He couldn’t wait to see his boyfriend, even if he’d only been gone for an extremely short time. Was it possible to be just as excited about the gift as Changbin would be once he received it?
————————3 days later————————
The day the skirts arrived was perfect. Jisung’s classes were canceled because of an incident on campus, and Changbin had decided to work on some song lyrics at home. This meant the couple could be lazy together, basking in each other’s warmth and presence. There was nothing more that Changbin wanted to do than spend the day snuggled against his boyfriend.
Changbin had left Jisung’s koala grab to shower, returning from their bathroom with only a towel wrapped low around his waist. Wet messy curls rested perfectly on his head, looking more delicious than he did going in. Jisung couldn’t help but ogle at his boyfriend’s body, causing the other to smirk and flex his arms. However, Changbin's arms weren’t the first parts Jisung's eyes had landed on.
The swell of his chest came first. Jisung's eyes darted from the top of Changbin's hair to the pair of tits that stared straight at him. He knew the socially acceptable term for them was pecs, but the way the soft flesh often filled the cups of Jisung's hands said otherwise. As he watched Changbin, he couldn’t help but wet his lips. It was easy for Jisung to imagine his teeth taking each nipple into his mouth, giving both buds equal pleasure as he elicited the prettiest of whimpers from his beautiful boyfriend.
God, Jisung was puddy..
After his eyes had their way with Changbin’s plush chest, Jisung's eyes trailed down to the pudge at his waist. Jisung had lovingly marked the skin there plenty of times before and Changbin never tired from the attention. He found the softness of the other’s torso delectable, always trailing his lips and fingers over what he could. Jisung would take the flesh of Changbin’s tummy between his teeth, nipping with his nose pressed into his skin, hands resting on both sides of his waist. He'd hold his beautiful Binnie there, indulging in the little belly that had formed from never saying no to what indulged him.
He’d have continued surveying the sight before him, but at some point, he'd realized Changbin was trying to get his attention by calling his name.
“Han Jisung!”
“Yah, are you even listening to me?! Hello?!”
Jisung was startled as he blinked, realizing he’d zoned out into his own Changbin fantasies when said fantasy was standing there. His eyes immediately looked up, watching as the other stepped closer towards him. Jisung’s hands moved to rest on Changbin’s hips. He held him there, giving him all his attention—his breath waiting on whatever word Changbin would say next.
The older had wanted Jisung to pay attention, but his eyes looked up at him like he was the stars in the sky. He couldn’t help but blush, feeling shyer by the minute.
“Wah.. what’s this atmosphere now? Do you feel bad for not answering?”
Changbin teased him with his words, then used one of his stubbier hands to push a curl behind the shell of Jisung’s ear. Afterward, he used the same hand to begin petting the back of Jisung’s head—an amused smile on his face.
“I was just thinking, Binnie. What’s up?”
“Did you not hear our Alexa? She said a package arrived. I was asking you if you ordered anything?”
“Ahhhh, did Alexa say that? She must be running low on battery.”
“Jisungie. She plugs into the wall.”
“..Right. Well, you should know by now what it is hyung! Did you think I’d forget your skirts?”
Feeling more bashful than before, Changbin looked down while smiling like a fool. Even though he loved the spoiling and pampering from his boyfriend, he’d never say it out loud—but Jisung could read him like a book.
“Yeobo.. you know you don’t have to buy me new ones every few weeks. I never wear them out in public anyways.”
Changbin spoke with a pout on his face. He felt guilty getting so many pretty skirts and never having the confidence to wear them out of the house. He wanted people to see them—he wanted people to see how much Jisung loved him.
A gentle hand meeting his cheek brought the older out of his thoughts. Jisung’s thumb rubbed the soft skin as he felt heat rising under it. When Changbin was blushing prettily like this for him, he couldn’t hide the satisfied smile that’d spread across his face.
“Doesn’t matter. I think you look perfect in every single one. And you feel happy in your skirts, right Binnie?”
Softly sighing, Changbin pressed his cheek further into Jisung’s hand, causing the apple of his cheek to squish against his palm. Jisung giggled at this, which in turn caused Changbin to as well. The sound alone reminded Jisung of wedding bells, but that was a thought for later.
“I’ll take that as a yes. While you finish drying, I’ll go and get the skirts! When I get back, you should give me a little fashion show~”
——————A few minutes later——————
Jisung returned to the bedroom holding the box of skirts as Changbin turned his attention to it. The other had simply changed into his briefs, prepared to get himself in a skirt soon. With a pleased smile, he broke the distance between them and began undoing the ribbon that tied the package together.
A soft gasp left Jisung’s boyfriend, which surprised him. Normally he was much louder than—
Jisung’s hands had clamped over his ears, eyes screwed shut as he laughed. While Changbin let out happy noises and giggles, the younger was internally gushing at how overjoyed his boyfriend was. Jisung was sure they’d receive a noise complaint, but it was the furthest thing from his mind. When he saw Changbin excitingly putting on the mesh skirt, it felt like an invisible weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Nothing felt better than making the other so happy.
Anything and everything he’d been stressing out over the past two weeks disappeared from his mind simply because of how happy his boyfriend looked. He’d remember them all tomorrow, but now—he felt free. Free to indulge in his lover’s happiness.
“Do you like them, jagi? I’ve been keeping it a secret!”
“Aish, how could you keep this from me?! They’re beautiful, just like the day I saw them online!”
“You know, I couldn’t have done it without you. We make a good team!”
“..What do you mean, Sung-ah?”
“Remember when you forgot your laptop hyung? I saw the site from there!”
“..Yah. So you spied on my laptop?”
“In the name of love! And romance! Romance isn’t dead! I kept it alive all by myself for the past 3 days, I swear!”
“You’re too funny sometimes... I’m just kidding, yeobo—that doesn’t bother me!”
“Oh thank god.. I thought I was in trouble.”
“Even if you were, how could I be mad when I look this good in the skirt you bought me?”
Jisung’s gaze lowered from Changbin’s face to the skirt he’d put on first, watching his boyfriend playfully wiggling his hips. Was it normal to find someone so cute and sexy all at once? The younger felt his lips parting to speak, but nothing came out as Changbin quickly motioned for Jisung to leave the room, claiming he had to grab something as a surprise for him.
“A surprise for me? Hyung, are you trying to one-up me?!”
“Don’t say something like that! I’m just returning the favor, that’s all. I’ve had them for a while anyways...”
Jisung tilted his head, curious about what his boyfriend could be referring to. However, Changbin gave him a look that meant “If you don’t leave now, I’ll make you leave” which was hot in theory, but he also didn’t feel like getting pushed out of their shared bedroom—so he exited on his own accord. When he returned, Jisung felt his jaw go slack.
Changbin was sitting on the bed wearing the cream skirt Jisung had bought him over his black briefs and a pair of white thigh-highs. Jisung’s mouth went dry as he took the view in, still not used to how cute his boyfriend looked wearing the clothing. Changbin’s legs were already gorgeous and thick, but the soft material of the thigh-highs stretching over his tanned skin and hugging his plush thighs was enough to send Jisung into cardiac arrest.
“You look like a dream.”
“Wanted to put the skirt on for you, Sungie. Wanted to look pretty when you came back.”
Changbin all but batted his eyelashes, even as Jisung walked closer to the bed. Using both hands, Jisung gently separated his boyfriend’s legs to give himself more access. One by one he placed kiss after kiss along the flesh of Changbin’s inner thighs, his hands smoothing up and down the outer sides. He could feel a subtle squirm here and there, which only filled Jisung with the confidence he needed.
Jisung carefully filled the space between them, one of his hands holding the back of Changbin’s head as he pressed their lips together, hovering over him. Once the older’s hands met his waist, Jisung deepened the kiss, free hand splayed against Changbin’s back. The hand that took solace in his curls began to tug, causing his boyfriend to whine softly as their lips parted. He knew it was time for him to make his baby feel good.
“So fucking gorgeous...”
He mumbled against Changbin’s plump lips, taking the bottom one between his teeth. Jisung gently laid the other against the bed, his hands moving to squeeze at his chest. Mewling and whining underneath him, Binnie was looking gorgeous—large muscles all for show. It was so sexy knowing that Changbin could overpower him at any second, but that he chose to submit so beautifully underneath Jisung every time.
Jisung gently licked a stripe between Changbin’s pecs, hands continuing their ministrations until he took a nipple into his mouth. A soft gasp left his boyfriend, Changbin’s lips performing a perfect “o” shape as his eyelashes fluttered. The younger couldn’t help the wetness of his lips as he pulled away, looking like a man possessed.
“Fuck.. feels like these tits were made for my mouth, hyung. Are they mine..? They’re mine, yeah?”
He pressed a kiss to the nipple he’d finished sucking on, then moved to Changbin’s other pec. Underneath him, his boyfriend could barely answer the question asked to him with a strained “Mhm..” The pleased noises escaping Changbin were a sign that it was time for Jisung to go further.
If Changbin hadn’t been able to answer fully before, Jisung pulling off his skirt and briefs and then taking him into his mouth had left him speechless. The lips around his cock sent a shiver down his spine, his toes curling in response as well. Jisung had Changbin throbbing between his legs, his strong hands gripping the bed sheets beside him. Moans escaped the older left and right, feeling debauched and at Jisung’s disposal.
“M’gonna cum, Sung-ah... Binnie’s gonna cum.”
Jisung hummed around his shaft as Changbin whined, feeling like he’d see stars soon because of how good the other made him feel. The fact that Jisung was still fully clothed in front of him somehow made it even sexier in the older’s eyes. He screwed them shut after the realization, doll lips so pretty and pink as they formed moan after moan. Jisung continued to swirl his tongue, sucking Changbin through until his orgasm.
With a huff, Changbin’s hips jolted several times before cumming into Jisung’s mouth. The younger was plenty prepared to take every drop while his boyfriend writhed on the bed sheets. While swallowing, Jisung gulped down Changbin’s load and pulled back, a groan leaving his lips.
“Hyung.. you look fucking delicious. Need to be in you... need my jagi filled with my cock.”
His voice was croaky, making Jisung sound so desperate for him that it took Changbin’s breath away. Quickly, the younger began pulling his clothes off and wriggling out of his underwear, revealing how hard and dripping with precum he was. Changbin gasps at the sight, eyes trained on his boyfriend as Jisung reaches into the nightstand for lube and begins coating his fingers. When his attention turned back to Changbin, a smirk was plastered across his face.
“You like being filled up.. right Binnie?”
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skzoologist ¡ 10 months
I got another idea for a fic :]]
So one of the members (you choose who) are struggling. It could be they aren't feeling so good about themselves, or they are struggling with a dance move or anything that's just making them feel down they obvi try to hide that cuz they don't want the others to worry but Bae notices the small change in their behavior and comforts them :]]
(hope you don't mind me coming here randomly with fic ideas😅)
word count: ~1.7-1.8k
warnings: negative thinking, self-deprecative thoughts
genre: hurt/comfort
a/n: Hey-ho 🐿️ anon, hope you don't mind that I wrote this request of yours now, and not the other two you sent in earlier than this. I just think we all need a hug, so I wrote this one instead. Love your ideas, as always, and I hope you enjoy reading this!
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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Bae woke up with a strange feeling in his chest. It gnawed away at his flesh and ribs, desperate to get out and do something. Albeit what, he did not know.
But it was concerning.
It had nothing to do with himself, Bae was sure about it. He felt well-rested -as rested as you could get with their schedules-, his body was in a fine condition. Even his unruly hair was in an acceptable condition in the morning, something that was rare. It just confused him.
If it wasn’t about his own condition, then what was his body warning him about, endlessly ringing that alarm bell in his head?
With furrowed eyebrows, he got ready for the day, fully clothed in some loose clothing, the one he always wore to dance practice. He wanted to go over some older choreos, lest his body forget them, something that would be unacceptable. 
No one else was up when Bae sneaked out of his room, an unsurprising fact. 
Much like his dear leader, he was a workaholic, leaving himself with the bare minimum of sleep in exchange for more work. Which was why he was usually the first one to check on Chan if he wasn’t in his bed -or god forbid, the couch in the dorm’s living room-, finding the man in his studio with dark circles and a hunched back, fatigue clinging to him desperately. It would lead to the younger patiently waiting there in silence, just until his hyung’s eyes finally closed. Even with Chan’s well-built form, Bae didn’t have a lot of problems moving him over to the couch, leaving only after a blanket was draped over the exhausted man.
But that day Chan was in his bed, thankfully, allowing Bae to go straight to their usual practice room, where he could let the music take over and move his body to its own whims, only for the others to find him still dancing, hours later. Sweat dripped from him in translucent rivers, long locks of hair sticking uncomfortably to heated skin. His chest heaved up and down, the lack of air only registering in his mind then.
Danceracha didn’t hesitate to start berating him, talking his ear off about resting more while his water bottle was pushed into his hands roughly. He let them talk without saying anything, hungrily drinking the clear liquid from the bottle in his grasp.
Bae’d already done this dance of theirs hundreds of times, the others always finding him working and practising with little to no rest in that same room, nearly every morning. He’d learned that letting them scold him was the best route to take, the one where their worries for him took on the smallest possible form.
“Hyung, you really gotta rest more, that’s also part of a healthy lifestyle!” - Felix angrily told him, nose slightly scrunched up in frustration. “Felix, you know that he doesn’t listen, just let it go.” - Minho replied in Bae’s stead, who just stood there silently. “But then what should we do?!” “Take away his access to the room.” “Minho hyung, I could kiss you.” “Please don’t.”
The two chased after each other, Felix offended at the disgusted face Minho made at his comment. There was a playfulness in all of it, slightly easing that gnawing sensation in Bae’s chest.
Yet, the moment he looked over at the only other silent person in the room, it strengthened, making his brows slightly furrow and lips dip down.
Hyunjin looked different. Not in his appearance, no, there was nothing wrong or off about that. Those long, dark strands were pulled back in that oh so familiar hairstyle, his usual clothes loose on his skin. No, it was the way his lips were in a small, permanent downwards arch, eyes duller than usual, as if the moon was blocking out the sun’s radiant shine.
It didn’t sit well with Bae.
In a blink it was gone, a smile in its place as Hyunjin waved at the taller member, playfully looking at him with a questioning hum. It felt as if it was all a hallucination, the unavoidable consequences of his own relentless dancing. The more he looked, the more he convinced himself of that.
Hyunjin seemed fine.
Soon the four of them started dancing, working on their new choreography. It went much like it usually did, everyone throwing in their ideas for certain parts and beats in the music, the others voicing their opinion about it. Minho called the final shots, being the one with the most knowledge in the area. None of them had any problems with it, it only felt natural.
Once they had it mostly done, it was time to rehearse a different choreography for their future tour, making small adjustments here and there. Their dynamic was impeccable, everyone stayed in their own bubble and performed the moves perfectly.
And yet, yet Bae couldn’t help but frequently glance at Hyunjin through the floor-to-ceiling mirror that stood unshakeable in front of them. It took him several repeats of the song, but he caught more and more small things that were off in the way Hyunjin moved and behaved. A small tremble of an arm, a misplaced foot by only a few inches, that same downturned smile appearing for the split of a second.
Nobody else seemed to have noticed, based on their lack of reaction, only Bae.
The moment Minho announced that they were done and the two youngest collapsed onto the floor, Bae didn’t hesitate to throw a look at the older’s way. At his slight head tilt and concerned eyes, Bae subtly pointed at Hyunjin and the door, making sure the other two weren’t looking. Understanding flashed through those dark eyes, a slight nod letting the otter know about it.
“Huh? Bae hyung and Jinnie hyung, aren’t you two coming?” - Felix asked, confused as he was gently being ushered out by Minho. “No, we’ll go later. See you, Lixie, Lino hyung.” - Bae answered in a lighthearted tone, hoping it would ease the younger’s concerns and maybe even erase them.
The aussie only mumbled an ‘Oh, okay’ and animatedly waved, leaving the room with only one of his hyungs. It left just the two artists there, alone, one still laying on the ground, the other sitting down next to him quietly.
It was silent.
Bae didn’t need to say anything, he knew Hyunjin realised he’d failed to hide something from him. So, he patiently waited there, until the boy would open up to him at his own pace. Only a phone was in Bae’s hands, the chat with Hyunjin’s manager open.
It didn’t matter what Hyunjin had scheduled for the rest of the day, Bae would take on the consequences for cancelling and rescheduling them. Knowing this fully well, the manager didn’t argue at all and just did as he was asked. Not wanting to keep him out of the loop, Bae sent a quick text to Chan as well, knowing how the man could get when it came to his members and their wellbeing.
“Hyung, am I not good enough?” - Hyunjin’s voice was quiet, heartbreakingly so.
Bae instantly locked and pocketed his phone, his attention solely on his younger member and the way his voice trembled. Gently, the older took the hand that laid closer to him and grasped it, caressing the skin with his thumb. Not a sound escaped him, knowing fully well that it wasn’t the end of what Hyunjin wanted to say.
“It’s just, am I worthless? Is my dancing not good or precise enough? Is my voice too nasally and bad? Am I ugly? Is all my work really not enough? All I keep seeing online are people saying how I’m not dancing as well as I used to, how I should’ve gotten less lines and let someone else, like Seungminnie, sing more, and just how I used to look better like this and that, or how others look better than me. Should I even be here, in this group? Do I even deserve it at this point?”
By the end, Hyunjin’s voice completely broke, just like the dam that held his tears back. The crystal droplets endlessly fell from his eyes, running over the expanse of pale skin and carving a way for themselves down to the floor. Quiet sounds escaped his throat and through his fingers, a hand placed there, although useless in muffling any voice. The other hand that was held moved away from its place, its new assignment to hide those sorrowful depths and block out anyone from witnessing them, from letting the heartbroken boy acknowledge the fact that someone was seeing his broken and curled up form.
As gently as he could, Bae scooted over and took the trembling boy in his hold, letting him weep into his clothes and skin. A hand was carding through those dark locks soothingly in an unheard rhythm, the other holding onto as many pieces as it could, mending them together. A low hum left his throat, one that made Hyunjin move into the crook of his neck, hiding from the world and his gaze.
“You’re more than enough, Jinnie. You are beautiful and handsome, pulling off looks others couldn’t even dare to think about. Your voice is soft, taking anyone who listens to it into a cosy headspace, as if they were bundled up in front of the fireplace amidst the harsh weather of winter. The dance style you have is unique, your moves captivating and flowing together perfectly. You’re talented and hardworking, someone who undeniably earned their place in this band and industry. Besides, we all love you too much to ever let you go, you’re stuck with us for a lifetime.” - Bae’s voice was low and quiet, as if the winds themselves learned how to whisper for Hyunjin’s sake.
The sobbing decreased with every sentence that left the older’s lips, only quiet sniffing left behind in their wake. A few trembles remained, but the boy was relaxed in the other’s arms, comfortably laying there, sheltered from the grim world.
“I love you. I’ll tell you again and again, no matter how many times I need to.” - the words felt immovable, firmly settling onto Hyunjin’s form, along with the small kiss that Bae left on the crown of his head.
They sat there for a while, none of them knowing, nor caring how much time had passed. Both were content in their position, lazily drinking in the other’s presence as only soft humming could be heard in the peaceful silence.
Everything would be fine.
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yuna542 ¡ 1 year
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If you want to be part of my permanent or a specific Taglist write a comment and I'll add you!
English is my second language so don't come at me, with grammar and shit <3 I'm trying my best!(Google translation appreciation)
- have fun around my blog and much love <3
Requests open: Feel free to dm me requests about your dirty (or sweet) little fantasies and if I like it, I'm gonna include it into a story or make it an own oneshot.
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⚡️Stray Kids⚡️
Pairing: OT8 x Reader Series
Status: Work in progress
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Comfort
Warnings: 18+, under 18 DNI!, Fem!reader, explicit smut, swearing, mention of sex and alcohol, unprotected sex (just don't!), Angst, Jealousy, Poly Relationship
Taglist: Closed (love y'all!)
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
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Drabble Challenge ✏️
1❤️‍🩹🐺 II🚌🐿️
Steamy (Felix x this Reader)
🌊Outer Banks🌊
Sand & Pearl (Coming Soon)
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Status: Work in progress
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader/Oc
Genre: Fluff, Enemies to Lovers, Smut, Angst, Drama, Action
Warnings: ✍️
Taglist: Open
Summary: The Kook princess is back after a year and reignites the war between Pogues and Kooks on Kildare. But she quickly realizes that after this year, nothing is the same as before. Deception, secrets from the past, and dangerous conspiracies sweep across Kildare, leaving her no choice but to work with the Pogues and her personal nemesis to find the truth and maybe even $8 million. A dangerous treasure hunt begins that changes her world upside down.
© Sky-yuna — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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certified-ni-ki-lover ¡ 1 year
Stray Kids Imagine: Things They Love About You
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Word Count: 353
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .
When you play with his hair
He barely gets any sleep so when you play with his hair it makes him feel relaxed & puts him to sleep in seconds.
Loves how comfortable & relaxed you can make him feel after such a tiring & stressful day.
Lee Know🐱
When his cats love you
Lee Know loves his cats & he loves you.
So, having his cats love you too would make him feel so happy.
& It would bring him such joy seeing you playing with his cats
His wallpaper is you & his cats cuddling while sleeping. He came home to that after hours of practice & it brightened up his mood instantly.
He would love it if you give him honest feedback about the lyrics & raps, he writes.
Would enjoy spending time with you in his studio.
You’re his inspiration for the majority of the stuff he writes.
Loves seeing you blush whenever he reads them to you.
Your fashion sense.
He loves fashion & loves taking you shopping & picking out clothes for you.
Would love it as well when you pick out clothes for him.
He loves your unique sense of fashion & how you can rock any style.
Your humor
He loves how you can just make him laugh for hours.
He can be his silly self around you without having to fear you judging him.
& he loves that
When you dance with him
He would love teaching you their new choreo & would help you when you messed up
His favorite way to spend time with you is just blasting songs & just dancing around.
Signing with you
He loves hearing your voice even if you don’t like it.
He especially loves it when you sing his parts in their songs.
Would teach you his favorite songs & would also have a rap battle with him for fun.
Would love to go to the arcade with you.
You two would have fun competing with each other.
Would try to win you many plushies from the claw machines.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆. . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .
Hope you like it💚
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vampwritesstuff ¡ 8 months
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Welcome to my Masterlist for Stray kids! I hope you enjoy reading what I write for them, reblogs and comments are always appreciated and my requests are open! Please consider checking out my multifandom masterlist as well!
When requesting: Give me a member(s) that you would like to see, also please give me a storyline/plot to go along with, please specify if you are wanting a oneshot or headcannons. I only write fem or gender neutral readers as that is what I am comfortable with.
Please note that I can decline requests and they can take up to a week or so to be finished if accepted, it really depends on my motivation and schedule!
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Bang Chan 🐺
Lee Minho 🐰
Seo Changbin 🐰🐷
Hwang Hyunjin 🥟
Han Jisung 🐿️
Lee Felix 🐣
Kim Seungmin 🐶
Yang Jeongin 🦊
Ot8 🎧
Meet you at the Finish Line
SKZ as your little brother (hyung line)
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minnieforlife245 ¡ 9 days
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???: happy birthday! how do you feel about celebrating your birthday this 2024?
🐿️: i am so happy. i am so happy and grateful to be congratulated by many people.
???: if you make a song with the theme of your birthday someday how do you want to write the lyrics of the first verse?
🐿️: a child who will change the world was born. How about it? isn’t it like me and fun? i really like it.
???: is there anything new you want to try to celebrate your 25th birthday?
🐿️: i want to stop the challenge for a moment and recharge a little more while resting in this state. also, if there is something you want to challenge someday, I will challenge it right away.
???: if you send yourself a happy birthday card, what do you want to write?
🐿️: happy birthday, fighting, and cheer up, wouldn't it be something like this? i never used a birthday card. i just want to tell you to eat a lot like crazy today, play well, and sleep well.
???: i have received a happy birthday from many people so far, but is there the most memorable congratulatory message or method?
🐿️: when i passed by the street, i saw videos and photos of stay’s message to celebrate my birthday in front of the company, in places like the company, in front of the subway, and even in foreign countries, and every time I thought it was very amazing, grateful, and amazing. i am happy that stay makes me a very special person.
???: slowly, i am getting older quickly. is there a time when you realize that i've really become an adult?
🐿️: i haven't felt it clearly yet, but after watching the old video with the members, when i look back at the current appearance, i think, “ah… but you've grown up a little, you've become mature”
???: what would you to do if you could spend your birthday with all the stray kids members
🐿️: i want to go on a trip!! whether it's the sea or the mountain, i want to go somewhere together, travel, take a lot of pictures and play!
???: 240914 han please tell stay what you want to say
🐿️: i was loved and happy this year as well. in the future, i will try to show you a good music, good energy, and a good side that is weak compared to many things that stays gave me! i love you
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hearts444innie ¡ 6 months
'•.¸♡my Introduction ♡¸.•
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◈ hello! My name is innie it’s my nickname 🫶🏽
◈ I’m Hispanic 🇲🇽
◈Kpop lover I stand a lot of groups to which is a long list of them 😅
◈ my favorite boy group is stray kids and my favorite girl group is twice 🎀✨
◈I’ll mostly write for stray kids 👍
◈I don’t do sexual/smut on this blog ❌
◈I will only write fluff/tickling ✅
❗️I’m a minor so keep your negative intentions to yourself.❗️
Previously youknowleeknow246
Stray kids ☆
Give it back! - lee: Han Ler: hyunjin 🥟🐿️
Stop overworking yourself - lee: Chan Ler: Felix ☀️🐺
Sleepless? - lee: felix ler:Chan ☀️🐺
Stop ignoring me!- lee Minho Ler:Chan 🐰🐺
Tickle socks- lee Felix Ler Minho ☀️🐰
~giggly puppy~ - lee: Seungmin Ler: Chan 🐶🐺
Just ask! - lee: I.N Ler: Chan 🦊🐺
Ticklish? -lee: Minho, Han Ler:minho, Han 🐰🐿️
~Kisses~ (tiny fic) - lee:changbin ler: Minho 🐰🐰
Not that old! - lee Seungmin Ler: Chan 🐶🐺
Lee Felix head-cannons- ☀️🐥
Han jisung head-cannons- 🐿️
Lee know head-cannons-🐰
Jeongin head-cannons-🦊🍞
Changbin head-cannons-🐷🐇
Hyunjin head-cannons- 🥟
Chan head-cannons- 🐺
Seungmin head-cannons- 🐶🐾
Language! - lee changbin Ler: bang Chan 🐇🐷🐺
Kisses- lee: Minho Ler: Chan 🐰🐺
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second-useless-user ¡ 1 year
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A painful Loss | angst then fluff | It hurts losing someone, especially when you just saw them yesterday
Skzoo Family | Just a cute little story where my Stray Kids insert gets their own Skzoo character after the members notice his reaction to theirs being onstage at the FanMeet.
Harsh Reality | SKZ x Male, Video style | A fan treats Chan’s little brother harshly
Everything will be Alright | Vampire Poly!Straykids x Human Male | Male is turned, Hostage situation, Blood, Chan and Changbin being pissed, Barely mentioned Abuse of Minho, Angst but Fluff at the end
Forgotten | Stray Kids x Male Character | After seeing his father he thought everything would be fine...
✨ Bang Chan 🐺 방찬
You Need a Break | Bang Chan x Male | Chan tried to hide it, but he’s tired.
✨Lee Know 🐰 리노
⋆˙⟡𖦹Nothing Yet𖦹⟡˙⋆
✨Seo Changbin 🐷 서창빈
⋆˙⟡𖦹Nothing Yet𖦹⟡˙⋆
✨Hwang Hyunjin 🥟 황현진
Twins | Hyunjin x Sister!Character | Some fluff with the Hwang Siblings
✨Han Jisung 🐿️ 한지성
⋆˙⟡𖦹Nothing Yet𖦹⟡˙⋆
✨Lee Felix 🐥 이필릭스
⋆˙⟡𖦹Nothing Yet𖦹⟡˙⋆
✨Kim Seungmin 🐶 김승민
⋆˙⟡𖦹Nothing Yet𖦹⟡˙⋆
✨I.N 🦊 아이엔
⋆˙⟡𖦹Nothing Yet𖦹⟡˙⋆
🫧🫧Short Works🫧🫧
Spa Day | Stray Kids
Cupcake | Stray Kids Jeongin
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18+ works below
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Winter Vacation | Hyunjin x Dom!male (KiHyun)
Poly!SKZ, Teasing, Video chat, handjob
Doms: KiHyun, Chan, Changbin, Minho
Subs: Hyunjin, Felix, Seungmin, Han, Jeongin
Quick Thought
Bang Chan Quick thought
First time using you/your writing style
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quokkabite ¡ 7 months
tysm for the tag @hyuuukais (i loved reading your answers!!)
🧭 who is your favorite kpop group?
…. stray kids 😔 i seriously wanted to still be able to say sf9 because they’re like my ult group but like lake said… the skz brain rot is strong. (listen even as im writing this im like no sf9 is still my favorite skz is just a current hyperfixation… that’s lasted a year,,, so take that as you will)
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🐺 which member sparked your interest?
bang chan. i saw clips of his flirting on channies room. (for example “that would make me your…” and “yeah my nose is big…” clips) so i wanted to know if he was being for real and just a really cute goofy guy or if he was being fake. (answer: he’s a really cute goofy guy) + im gonna say kinda felix too because after i watched one stray kids short i kept getting recommended them and of course felix’s god menu line was involved so it also made me curious to see if it was real or not 🤣
🖤 who was your first bias?
bang christopher chan. i found out he was a cute goofy guy and that’s all i needed to know.
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🐿️ who is your current bias?
take a look at my blog and tell me who my bias is. 😭
it’s han. jisung.
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🎶 what makes them your current bias?
(literally wrote a whole paragraph that tumblr mobile deleted) he’s amazing in all ways, ever. he’s a genius and funny and he’s just really impressive to me. i love the way his mind works and his visuals definitely don’t hurt matters.
edit: i was able to screenshot while the new draft was saving!! so this:
i fell for his music first. i think he's a genius with his lyrics and the way he thinks and expresses himself. i love his personality (im drawn to loud introverts). and his thought process bro. the way he makes word associations/connections with the things he sees... he is just really impressive to me. and i think he’s a hard worker. he knows his limits but he still does everything he can to make a situation work for him. like even in his last live how he was talking about switching his routine up because he had been getting overloaded with dopamine and he was starting to feel numb to it. the stuff that he said just made so much sense and i really relate to that. and i respect that he realized the problem and actually takes steps to correct it and care for himself. it's cheesy but it's really inspiring to me when i deal with anxiety and stuff. anyways. i think he is really cool 👍🏼
🐽 who is your bias wrecker?
changbin. i want to say all of them because i love everyone in this group so freaking much… but,,, i cannot get away from changbin (he’s holding me hostage, help im scared)
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❤️‍🔥 which member(s) are you currently obsessing over that aren’t your bias/bias wrecker?
again, all of them. but mostly seungmin and lee know rn
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🤟🏼 when did you first discover the group?
october 7th, 2022. i watched the case 143 music video 14 minutes after it had been released out of pure curiosity and pretty colors in the thumbnail. i didnt know anything about them or the fact that it was kpop when i clicked on the video. i had just gotten into kpop a few months ago and still solely listened to sf9 at that point.
🕷️ have you been to one of their concerts?
yes. i cannot believe this, but yes. i met my best friend in atlanta for the maniac encore tour march 2023. at the time i was biasing hyunjin so i have a million and four photos of him and felix (my friends bias). it’s probably one of my favorite memories
✈️ what are some of your favorite songs by them?
okay this isn’t fair. can i answer “their entire discography?”
some favorites are: alien, waiting for us, the tortoise and the hare, lonely st, volcano.
tagging: @yangxteez @puppysmileseungmin @straystaysworld
one of my videos from the atl concert (loud,, also that’s not me screaming jsyk lmaooo)
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3hrtn ¡ 3 months
i know this might be bad but toxic lee know...
(not proofread, literally just thrown together)
pairing : lee know x fem! reader
uhh warnings : toxic, manipulating, angst, kinda fluff, yeah yeah
the way he holds your cheek so gently as you cry. it just gives you butterflies every time.
"I wont do it again princess, i promise"
that's the fifth time minho promised that, but you dont care. as long as hes here with you, you'll be alright. minho wipes your mascara mixed tears as you continue to cry.
minho ghosted you again. this was the longest time he's done it for, you felt horrible. he randomly showed up at your door with some flowers. "honey..." he pretended to sound sad. he watches closely as you quietly cry in front of him. the truth is, he loves seeing you like this. the way you get so desperate for him and his touch. he knows the effect he has on you, how you cant even function without him.
"my poor baby," and just then he got you back, he knows how much you love when he babies you. "i missed you so much" he slowly walks up to hug you. the way you look up at him with those beautiful eyes. he really missed this.
"m-minho!! how co-" you get cut off with a soft kiss on your lips. you pull back and he makes eye contact with you. "hush pretty, im here now. I'm gonna take care of you" he walks to your couch and sits you on his lap. "im so sorry," he says in a fake sad voice as he wipes your tears "i needed to take a break!" you nod your head as he continues to wipe your tears. you dont wanna seem like a bad person so you dont say anything about it.
minho states in your eyes for a few seconds.
"i love you."
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fairyniceyeah ¡ 3 months
🧭🐰🐿️Day 28: "Say something!"
Numb/Cold Shoulder/Gag
Day 27: "Who did this to you?" - Alternate
Part One: Day 26: "Don't lie to me!"
Summary: Han explains to Minho why he was so hurt and finds out why Minho was so angry earlier.
CW: emeto, mention of arguments
Whumpee: HAN/Jisung
Sickie: Lee Know/Minho
Caretaker: HAN/Jisung + Bang Chan
That day was tense to say the least. 
Han hated it whenever everything Stray Kids stood for - unconditional love, self-less kindness and devoted friendship - turned into petty arguments and hate for stupid reasons. 99% of their in-group fights were just that: misunderstandings and pettiness caused by exhaustion and lack of sleep. They were all bound to snap at some point, it just happened.
They would make up and everything was fine.
But today was awful. There was apprehension in the air - the kind of feeling that arose in herbivores when carnivores were close. Like they were waiting for the big drop.
Next to the apprehension though, what was even worse in Han’s opinion, was the coldness they showed each other. He was glad for the support by the members, of course he was, but seeing Changbin, Seungmin, Jeongin and even Hyunjin, who hadn’t even seen the argument, give Minho the cold shoulder and Minho returning the ignorance was strange.
If Han wasn’t so angry at Minho he would have tried to break it off, the whole situation making him anxious. But he was Han Jisung, known for fighting even if he hated that Stays knew that about him and hating that he couldn’t stop his own anger and pettiness. So he also ignored Minho unless a camera was on them. Still, he doubted any of the behind the scenes recordings were airable.
Only Felix - with Chan as moral support and possible damage control - had tried to approach Minho in the break between the early variety show filming and their individual practices but he was brushed off. Felix had nearly cried again, Chan helplessly offering support.
Over the day Han went numb, just going through the motions. Today was just plain awful and he wanted to just wake up tomorrow with everything being just fine. Minho happy as always and the group not angry and torn apart by a huge fall out for a stupid reason.
Han was sitting outside, in a small alcove between two adjoining JYPE buildings, hidden from view by anybody who didn’t know about the small space, when Minho approached him. He was walking slowly, as if approaching a wounded and spooked animal.
“What do you want?”, Han asked tiredly. He didn’t want to fight again. He didn’t think he had the strength for that.
Minho chewed on his lip for a moment, looking very pale. Guilty. “I came to apologize”, he said finally, after swallowing heavily. “Lixie told me.”
Han nodded but decided to stay quiet. What was there to say? Minho had been awful to him. A simple apology wouldn’t fix this - Minho had been so angry. So … so full of rage. It had been so scary. He didn’t ever want to be scared of his hyung again. He was supposed to be able to trust him. How had a simple fight come to this?
“Say something”, Minho begged when Han didn’t speak up. He looked so lost, so desperate.
Han sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“I … I don’t think I can fully accept an apology yet though it’s appreciated”, he said quietly. 
Minho stood stiff for a moment. Then he nodded. “Still, I am sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“You shouldn’t have”, Han agreed, nodding. He sighed again and stood to face his best friend. He was so, so tired and so, so hurt. “You didn’t even let me explain.”
“I didn’t”, Minho conceded. There wasn’t anything he could say to defend himself.
“You blamed everything on me without even thinking twice about it.”
“You made me feel awful. Numb. I thought you would think better of me. I know it’s not just a hoodie to you, I know how special it is for you. You know I know. Why did you assume I wouldn’t admit to a mistake? Do you think I am a coward?”
“No, please, Sung-ah”, Minho pleaded. His eyes were wide, shining with tears and he looked so uncomfortable and ashamed of himself that Han nearly regretted what he had just said. But Minho needed to hear that. “I don’t think you are a coward. I … I was so … I am so sorry.”
His voice got quiet as he spoke.
“Why did you yell at me?”, Han asked, sniffing away tears and wiping his sleeve across his face.
Minho opened his mouth to seemingly say something but instead, to both of their surprises, he gagged and then jerked forward, violently throwing up on the floor in front of Han’s feet.
“Shit”, Han mumbled as he jumped back. For a moment he could only stare at his hyung who was clutching his knee with one hand and had the other wrapped around his stomach, retching over and over again. Then Han jumped into action, stepping aside to stand beside Minho, holding him up and rubbing his back.
Han, while definitely not a fan of puking, ignored the disgusting puddle of yellow-brownish sick that was growing with every second, to whisper encouragement into Minho’s ear. The older dancer was whimpering and, was he…?
Minho was crying.
It broke Han’s heart.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry”, Minho mumbled between heaves. 
“It’s okay, baby, don’t worry”, Han comforted, taking his hand off Minho’s back for a short moment to brush back his hair behind his ears, out of danger. Well, Minho’s hair wasn’t long enough to be in danger, but it still felt like the right thing to do.
At last Minho was able to stop vomiting and just let Han lead him over to a bench, where he slumped down in exhaustion. He looked pitiful like that, so young and sick. There was a speck of puke in the corner of his mouth and without even thinking about it Han wiped it away.
“Do you feel better?”, Han asked. He was so worried for his hyung. He wondered if this was a physical manifestation of the emotional guilt or if Minho was really sick.
“Not really”, Minho mumbled, sounding so small and embarrassed, “my stomach still really hurts. I don’t feel good.”
“Is that why you were so angry this morning?”, Han asked gently, not judging. He moved a hand up to feel Minho’s forehead. The skin was hot to the touch. Definitely a fever. 
Minho nodded, closing his eyes in exhaustion. Han sighed and wrapped an arm around Minho’s shoulder, pulling him close so that Minho could rest against his shoulder. He moved his hand up to play with the soft hair, the way Minho liked it. He truly was like a cat.
“Yeah.” Minho sighed. “I woke up feeling so awful. My stomach was - is - hurting so bad and I was so queasy and not feeling good and …” He stopped to take a deep breath. “When I found the pullover in the laundry, destroyed, I got so overwhelmed. I wasn’t feeling good and the one thing I had been looking forward to was unavailable. I’m sorry. It’s not a reason for me to react that way, to get so angry.”
Han hummed in agreement. “It wasn’t nice. But I understand. You weren’t feeling well and robbed of a comfort item. I’m not going to blame you for being sick. The emotional reaction is easily explained by the fever you are sporting.”
“Oh. I didn’t even realize”, Minho whispered. His body - as if trying to prove a point - shuddered at that. It was cold outside, Han realized, far too cold for his hyung with a sick stomach and apparently with fever chills.
“Let me call Channie-hyung”, Han said, “he’ll make sure we can go home. Then you can rest. I’ll try to get that hoodie clean, hm?”
“Thank you, Sungie”, Minho whispered.
The dancer looked so miserable, so queasy and ill. He barely moved, only laying down on Han’s lap when the younger encouraged him to do so, until a worried Chan arrived, coming to check on his oldest dongsaeng. 
“Hey, Lino”, the leader said and knelt down in front of the bench they were on. “Han-ah said you’re not feeling good.”
Minho nodded and then, hesitantly, reached out to grab his hyung’s hand and place it against his forehead. Chan’s cold hands seemed to feel good against the fevered skin.
“I already called a company car to take you home. Rest, kiddo”, Chan explained.
“Are the others angry at me?”, Minho asked, sounding uneasy and afraid. “I know I deserved their silent treatment but …”
“I told them that you are sick”, Chan soothed, “they are very worried for you and feel bad that they were angry with you. In fact, I had to stop five dongsaengs from following me here to apologize.”
“Oh”, Minho mumbled. 
“It’s okay, hyung”, Han whispered, “we got you. I’m never letting go.”
Day 29: "I'm so cold."
Masterlist link: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's June of Doom 2024
Notes: That remark about herbivores and carnivores - I never really believed you could feel tension and fear in the air. But in Africa I watched a group of rhinos at a waterhole when hyenas approached. You could tell carnivores were there before you could see them. Really cool experience and happy to report that it is not just a fictional trope!
And yes, I quoted Case 143 in the last sentence....
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skzoologist ¡ 10 months
Ok so I have another idea,
So bae is having a bad day and struggling with something, feeling insecure making him feel really stressed and down and he considers harming himself to cope with it thankfully one of the members notice him (Feeling in a minho or chan mood rn so if you could write it as them that would be amazing) and check up on him right before he was about to and stops, him comforting bae
P.S You don't have to write it if you aren't comfortable writing something like this. Ngl I dunno what came over me with this, maybe I am self projecting?
word count: ~2.1k
warnings: self-harm, self-deprecating thoughts
genre: heavy angst, hurt/comfort
a/n: I know I got another ask from a different follower a day ago, but this is just activating my own spidey senses, so this enjoys priority. Also I'm alright writing this, because it touches on a part of Bae's lore that I haven't revealed yet, so don't worry about that. But 🐿️ anon, my sweetie, if you ever really have these thoughts, talk to someone. Anyone. A friend, family, heck, even me or another online person! This isn't a long-term solution, but it can help tremendously. This goes for everyone too: if talking to me or requesting something like this helps, never hesitate to do so! Life is hard and we sometimes need some time and help to recuperate and get back to our feet. There's no shame in it.
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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As soon as Bae opened his eyes, he felt the air heavily pressing onto his skin, as if a weight was fused onto the upper layer. His limbs felt sluggish, as if his own blood and bones were cast out of pure steel and misery. The light that successfully seeped through the thick curtains felt too bright, earning a low hiss from the male.
Mornings after a migraine were always hard to bear.
The one he’d had the previous day was particularly harsh, rendering him useless as he’d been just carried away by his bandmates to the dorms in urgency. All schedules’s been cancelled for him immediately, Chan telling him how it was alright, how he should only ever focus on his own health.
It made his stomach churn.
Everyone was working themselves to the point of exhaustion every single day, yet here he was, laying in bed once again, causing inconvenience for everyone. He hated it with every fibre of his being, the feeling seeping deep inside and nestling there. 
Yet, Bae put a lock onto the gate this monstrous being hid behind, forcing his limbs to move, the motion cumbersome and difficult. What would have only taken him a few minutes now took ten or twenty, an obscuring fog settling over most of his mind. Nothing felt right, yet he powered through it, refusing to leave out another day of work. 
Not even Chan could stop him.
After his morning routine was done and his horribly pale skin was hidden behind makeup, he went out of his room at his own, slow pace, knowing fully well no one else was at the dorms anymore. They were all already at the company, busy with their solo schedules and practices. He himself had to be at a photoshoot in an hour, or at least according to his original, filled out schedule. His hyungs adamantly gave him not only yesterday off, but two other days as well, not leaving him any room for argument.
Little did they know he’d told his own manager to reschedule those two days amidst head-splitting pain and blurry vision. It was an arduous task, but he’d managed.
Once he was down in the lobby and ready to go, his driver was surprised, safe to say, the expression obvious as it sat out onto his face. But he’d been working with Bae for long years now, thus that was the only indication about the idol’s unexpected appearance. No words were exchanged, the two acknowledged the other with a respectful nod and off they were to their destination.
The drive wasn’t long, leaving Bae no time to sink into his thoughts as he watched the scenery fly by through the window. Even the weather was feeling down, the skies grey and melancholic. It felt as if in the next minute the clouds would start weeping, openly pouring their heart out in a silent farewell.
Once the car was parked, he slightly nodded at the driver who was looking back at him, opening the door and stepping out onto still dry pavement. His legs automatically took him into the company, something he was grateful for with his hazy mind. The only thoughts that were coherently formed in there were about his bandmates and how he wished he wouldn’t run into them accidentally. He really didn’t have the energy to hear what they had to say and berate him over not resting.
It seemed like his prayers were heard, nobody noticing him as he was silently walking through the halls, as if he was a ghost tied to them for eternity. The moment the staff saw him enter the room they bowed and greeted him, something he reciprocated silently with a bow of his own. 
He was soon whisked away to a chair, his makeup and hair professionally done. Even if the workers noticed the bags under his eyes or his unnaturally pale complexion, none of them acknowledged it, opting to instead silently work away with precise movements. 
The different array of powder snugly stuck to his skin, just enough to make him feel like the idol he was supposed to be, not a smidge more. The colours were vibrant, the exact opposite of what he felt like under the mask he’d put up, something that fit his idol self only. His bleached, white hair was gently clipped up, a few chosen strands taken out and purposefully left hanging down, framing his face elegantly. A glint caught his eye, the dangly earring in his left ear catching light and shining brightly.
The man who looked back at him in the mirror felt like someone else.
Tearing his gaze away, he let the stylists choose his outfit and got into position, everyone’s eyes on that stranger who he was supposed to be. With a cold gaze he did his job, perfectly executing everything that was expected of him. Even after the sixth outfit change, the final one, and endless photos taken over the course of hours, his expression remained unchanged, focus solely on the camera that was pointed directly at him.
The way back home felt like a blur to him. Stripped of the branded clothes and sheltering makeup on his face, he felt vulnerable, something those dark, swirling thoughts started taking advantage of. He tried to think of anything else, of food or even a favourite TV show.
None of it worked.
They all circled back to how he shouldn’t be skipping the group’s dance practice, how miserable he looked and how he felt nauseous, even though he hadn’t eaten anything all day. Horrendous scenarios played through his head, worsening with every passing second, each ending with him being forced to leave the group.
He really should cook something. If not for himself, then his bandmates, who no doubt would be hungry by the time they got back to the dorms.
But what if… What if they wouldn’t want to eat it? Why would they? After all, he was someone undeserving of their love, to be in the group, useless with a malfunctioning body. He wouldn’t be surprised if one of them finally would have had enough of his constant migraines and the hassle that always came with it, the constant darkness and hushed voices as he was carried away, unmoving.
He also didn’t have an amazingly unique voice like Felix, or dance moves like Minho. Hell, he didn’t even know how to produce music, like 3RACHA.
He was useless.
The knife in his hand glinted, surrounded by half-chopped vegetables. A thought ran through his head, one that would solve all his problems, permanently ending them.
Pale skin drew him in, dark veins peeking through. It felt inviting, as if it somehow grew a mouth itself and called the knife’s name, inescapably alluring.
His eyes were drawn from the freshly drawn blood, only a few droplets escaping and coating the surface of the blade in a bittersweet vermillion colour. Chan just stood there, frozen, hand stopped midair, no doubt in the process of taking off his bag. Their eyes met, dull ones with pure panic, darting between the knife and Bae’s eyes, as if no matter how hard their owner tried, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
The thud of the bag was loud in the heavy silence, unsure footsteps soon following it.
Bae just watched as the older walked towards him, steps wobbly and out of their usual, steady rhythm. Shaking hands reached towards his own ones, gently prying them apart and away from the stained, sharp object.
An even shakier breath left Chan’s lips as he just stood there, still holding the other’s hands in his gentle hold, blood now painting his skin in small rivers. Their eyes couldn’t meet this time, no, the leader’s own gaze focused on their conjoined hands, expression hidden from the younger.
Not a sound could be heard as Bae was led towards the bathroom, Chan’s hands quietly working away on taking care of the fresh wound. Bae similarly didn’t say anything, not even hiss left his lips when the alcohol touched open skin, or when it was finally sealed off, left to heal in peace.
The two remained there for a while, one standing, the other sitting, until the silence was broken by quiet sniffles, the older’s lip wobbling and eyes shining with unshed tears.
“What were you thinking?” - his voice was a broken little thing, as if he himself got hurt by the knife instead of Bae.
The younger stayed silent, numb and unwilling to burden anyone with his worthless thoughts. He didn’t deserve being cared for like this, something the voices whispered to him relentlessly.
“Bae, why did you do it? Do you hate being with us this much?”
His head snapped up from where he was observing the tiles underneath his feet, wide eyes staring into Chan’s tear-filled ones. Those obsidian orbs were filled with sorrow, the usually bright nebulas now hidden in darkness. The sight alone broke something in Bae, as if he was pulled up onto the surface of an alaskan lake from its deep, imprisoning depths.
A sound left the younger’s lips, something that vaguely resembled a word, yet no one could tell. It was quiet, broken, much like the male himself. More soon followed its wake, finally donning the form of a word and adamantly denying Chan’s question with their sole existence. His head shook as tears finally fell down upon shaking hands, ones that were raised in a sad attempt of hiding away. Chan didn’t hesitate to hug the unravelling boy in front of him, his standing form easily engulfing Bae’s small, sitting one.
“Then why?” - the question was careful, as if a single wrong word could shatter Bae into irreparable pieces.
“I don’t feel worthy to be here.” - that was the simple answer he got.
The grip on the younger tightened impossibly, Chan’s form rigid and unbreathing. It prompted Bae to snake his hands further up, clinging onto the fabric there desperately, hold more secure on his hyung. His head was buried in Chan’s stomach, afraid to be seen like this.
“My moonlight, look at me.” - it was a gentle request, one that was accompanied by tender hands, holding onto tear-stained cheeks and leading them out of their hiding.
Thumbs softly swiped the droplets away from underneath dark, confused eyes.
“You’re one of the hardest working people I’ve ever met, and I’ve been in this demanding industry for longer than anyone should have. There’s a passionate fire burning inside you, one that you never let lose its intensity. Not only do you practise and work relentlessly, you also have amazing talent in everything you do. Your singing is wonderfully soft, perfectly harmonising with anyone you sing with. You know every single one of our dances to the point where if I were to start a song from any point, you would know what dance move goes with it. And you always look amazing, no matter what you wear or do. On top of all that, you never fail to help us or listen to our problems. Never once have you turned us away in all these years.”
Chan’s eyes held a soft light, a gentle smile dancing on his lips. It stole the breath out of Bae’s lungs, his eyes stinging as a fresh wave of tears started forming.
“You can ask any of us, we would only sing your praises. Because they’re true, baby. You might get migraines often, but then what? That doesn’t make you any less of us. You work hard enough already, a little rest won’t take away from that.”
He stopped for a moment, as if a fond memory appeared in front of his eyes.
“Did you know? I love the little snacks you sneak into my bag that I take to the studio with me. I also love the little notes you always give me with it and the silly little drawings on them. I’ve never thrown one out ever since you started giving them to me.”
The look on Chan’s face was entirely too fond, something that Bae couldn’t possibly look at for too long, lest his chest burst into loved pieces. No, hiding into the fabric of his hyung felt better, unwilling to think about the way the man’s lips curved up, dimples peeking through, or the way his eyes were just slightly crinkled, holding the warmth of a star itself even through those crystal droplets.
“You’re loved, Bae. Never forget that.”
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strwbrryblues ¡ 3 years
12 Gifts of Christmas
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What better way to celebrate the season than giving, as well as recievig gifts! 😳 As the Christmas season nears, I've decided to make a small prompt list for Stray Kids! (Of course, with encouragement from @dreamescapeswriting 🥺💗)
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1. Written song [Lix! 🐥]
2. Oil painting [Hyunnie! 🥟]
3. Necklace [Sungie! 🐿️]
4. Poem [Innie! 🦊]
5. Baked goodies (made with love 😉) [Binnie! 🐷🐰]
6. Concert tickets [Seungmo! 🐶]
7. Stolen kisses! 😳💋 [Minnie! 🐰]
8. A dance [Seungmo! 🐶]
9. Candid photos from dates (a compilation!) [Binnie! 🐷🐰]
10. Handmade matching bracelets [Lix! 🐥]
11. A fancy dinner [Minnie! 🐰]
12. Proposal 😳 [Channie! 🐺]
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• Choose any of the gifts below with the corresponding member of your choice!
• You can send me the prompt request through dm, or anon ask! You can also help me by providing a scenario if you want! 😳💗
• For the prompts that you provide, I do accept suggestive contents HOWEVER, I do not write full on smut. I can write smut, but it will either be implied/referenced or non-explicit.
• The prompts will be posted 11 days before Christmas, the 12th being the day of Christmas. So pots will likely start by Dec. 14.
• Requests/Asks for the prompts stated will only be until Nov. 14, as I have a very tight schedule due to university, thus I need to work on the requests as soon as possible.
• All unfilled prompts by Nov. 14 will automatically be filled accordingly by me.
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• All written work will be purely fictional, and I do not mean to portray that these events happened in real life (especially if there are suggestive contents).
• If there are suggestive contents, and you are below 18, I will have to suggest you to not interact with the post in any way, as I do not tolerate minors on my page/works.
• All the written works I will publish here will be under copyright law and I will not tolerate re-publish on any other sites, unless I state or do so. If you see anyone publish my works, please let me know as soon as possible.
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3hrtn ¡ 8 months
y'all I'm about to do a whole account makeover cuz new year, new me.
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