#💥 | request declined
st4rrth0ughts · 6 months
(not a request)
That Aventurine art is immaculate and I can't help but notice how he has separate sleepwear? I know it's common but in my home/culture you just wore whatever was comfy or just our old worn out ones. So I'm just thinking cuddling with Aventurine while he's wearing sleepwear with fucking gold highlights and all you're wearing is a pink (formerly white) t shirt that you haphazardly cut the sleeves off of with 3XL shorts that you bought 3 for $5. The mental imagery of that is a little funny but so wholesome. Aventurine would offer to buy something more fancy for you at first but you'd always refuse saying "as long as it covers me, it's good."
It only takes a month for him to discard his wardrobe and start wearing yours anyway so you're glad you declined his offer.
Reader: Have you seen my shirt? The one that's red and black stripped? Super stretchy?
Aventurine: *currently wearing it* ....No
(also can i be 💥anon?)
(can i call you boombaya anon) this. This is lovely. I personally wear pyjamas n stuff to go to bed, but this is such a cute idea i just wanna eat it
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silbeni · 3 days
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In which: Rohan does Ryoma's makeup for the club
Pairing: (DIU) Inkspots (Ryoma/Rohan)
Rating: Fluff!
TW: mention of scars
Part 1 of 2. Sequel can be found here
\\\AHHH uh here it is. this was meant to be a smaller chunk of a bigger fic but this ended up getting really long, so I'm making them into two parts. Rohan is really soft in this I know. they're good friends and I make the rules around here 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Also it's pretty long. Enjoy?
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Ryoma initially wasn't sure who to turn to with their romantic emergency. A girl she'd met very recently had invited her to the club on short notice. They'd never gone before, and they wanted to make a big impression. Her usual style wouldn't do, and they weren't too confident in their makeup skill, so they'd need some help. Help like Tomoko, who they'd usually go to for matters like this, but there was no way in heck she would let her go to the club. They could hear her go on her safety spiel just thinking about it.
With Tomoko out of the question, they had few other candidates. Josuke, while fashion aware, had school to attend to the next day- and that boy needed all the help he could get. She wouldn't want to drag him into their mess, anyway- in case Tomoko found out. They found she always went way harder on him than them on the rare occasion that both were in trouble. She had her reasons for her unequal treatment—she knew—but she wanted to avoid that if at all possible. They've gotta look out for their brother, you know?
With now Josuke off the table, there was no one else that she was particularly close with that she thought could help, except for... Rohan! That's right, why hadn't they thought about him before?He’s fashionable, an avid wearer of makeup, and someone capable of keeping things hush-hush. Most people found him rude, and off-putting—and they didn't particularly disagree with either of those things— but they liked who he was underneath of his prickly exterior. Turns out he's actually not a bad guy!
Sure, he has an ego, but that's not all he is. He can be a kind and thoughtful individual, someone that they really enjoyed getting to know. They'd become close over a short period of time, facilitated by their frequent visits. Fortunately, they worked right next door, so it was easy to drop by after their housekeeping duties were finished. Before they knew it, they were making themself comfortable at his mansion and joining him for dinner every other week.
About the plan, Tomoko had already been acquainted with him through Ryoma, so when they asked to stay over at his, she thought nothing of it. It didn't feel good to lie to her, but they couldn't think of any other option. Rohan himself didn't take long to convince. He showed a bit of resistance at the start, but after a moment of mulling it over, he was in.
Still, he made his reservations known about the whole ordeal. He didn't like Ryoma going to the club with someone they hardly knew, so he accepted with the condition that he would accompany them, and basically chaperone. They didn't love the idea. It'd be awkward as heck to have him third-wheeling their date, and they knew Rohan would be miserable too, but if it meant they could go...
So, there they were, 12 o'clock at midnight, getting ready at Rohan's. They had gotten dressed in a newly bought outfit, which showed more skin than they were comfortable with. Observant as ever, Rohan noticed their distress and kindly offered them the many fabulous, expensive jackets in his wardrobe - which they appreciated, but declined, wanting to maintain a false sense of confidence.
He had already begun on their makeup, prepping their face with foundation and concealer. Heavy coverage, as they'd asked. He proceeded with a smokey eye upon their request, and prepared for the next step. "Now, close your eyes and stay very still. I'm going to work on your eyeliner."
"Okay." Following his instructions, they shut their eyes and sat up straight and stiff in their chair like a statue.
Rohan didn't like to be bothered as he worked, and they figured it would apply to this too. He could get scary serious about it, though he was especially lenient with Ryoma. They were the one person he allowed to be in his art room while he worked on his manga. Well, as long as they didn't just stand there and stare at him. It made him antsy, said it made it difficult for him to concentrate. Which was a bummer, because it was fascinating to watch him in his element, but they respected his boundaries.
There was a rustling, the sound of things being moved around, and the opening and shutting of drawers, punctuated by a short silence. "Ah, here it is. Excellent."
"You mentioned you wanted something 'bold', is that right?" The sound of his footsteps gave away the gist of his location, making it not so abrupt when they felt his fingers tilt their face up. There was a little bit of adjusting before he settled on an adequate angle.
They kept their answer to a minimum, careful not to disrupt his workflow. "Mhm."
"Anything in particular you had in mind?" He prepped their face by brushing away a few stubborn hairs that had escaped the hair claw they wore. The sensation was a bit ticklish, but they remained composed. Unlike Ryoma, Rohan wasn't affectionate at all. He allowed them to touch him, but he would never initiate on his own, which is why this set-up felt odd. Not bad, just unusual.
The question he posed them required more elaboration than just a hum, so they spoke up. "Um, not really. I give you full creative freedom to do whatever you want."
Even without seeing him, they knew he was pleased with the answer. They could practically hear him smile, and they found themself softly smiling too. "I'll get started, then."
He held their face firm, only to release it a second later. They kept their eyes closed for a couple moments after that, expecting to feel something more.
After a minute or so, Rohan must've noticed their confused non-reaction. "You may open your eyes."
"...Wha?" Ryoma turned to the vanity mirror beside her to see that, yes, he had already finished. Their eyeliner was thick, sharp and perfectly symmetrical. "How did you-? I didn't even feel that." They moved closer to their reflection to admire it closer. It held up, even up close - impossibly smooth, clean lines. He said nothing about it, relishing in their reaction.
He allowed them to marvel at his handiwork a bit more before calling them back to their seat. "Now, mascara?" He must've anticipated their reaction, because he sat back down, tube in hand before they could respond.
Ryoma, notoriously big mascara fan, bounded back to their seat with a smile. "Yessss!"
"Look up for me." They did just as he said, and tried not to blink while he applied the product to their lower lashes.
Being so still, their cheer had nowhere else to go but to occupy the quarters of their brain. They thought about all sorts of happy things- mostly how excited they were for the date, and how grateful they were for Rohan's friendship. There was a backing track to it, a song that had been stuck in their head for ages played back at full volume.
"That's a lovely tune."
The realization put an immediate stop to their apparent vocalization. They weren’t exactly sure why they'd found it so embarrassing- they'd sang in front of him before. Maybe it was the fact that they weren't aware of *how* they sounded that petrified them. While they were close friends, there were things that they were still self conscious about, especially because of Rohan's critical nature. He hadn't made any negative comments, but they worried that he'd be still judging them in his head.
They must've pulled a funny expression because he chuckled and reassured them. "It's alright, I don't mind it."
They felt as if they had to after he'd given them the go-ahead, so they started up again, painfully conscious this time. But as the song went on, they lost the heat in their cheeks and their joyful spirit returned. They wagered he had been sincere. Rohan is very honest about the things he did and didn't like. Even if he tried to fake it, they'd be able to tell. That was one of the things they liked about him. For a chronic overthinker like Ryoma, Rohan’s directness was a breath of fresh air.
"Now, look down, down." Ryoma did as he said, absentmindedly watching his elbow pop into view every so often as he worked on her upper eyelashes.
After a bit, their focus wandered down to their lap. The tights they wore were a dark, see-through material. Insecurity seeped into their mind as they noticed the marks on their legs. They didn't jump out at you, but they were there. A part of them regretted not wearing solid colour tights like they usually did, while another held firm in wanting to be brave. They reasoned the club would be much darker than Rohan's bathroom, so their date might not even notice. On the other hand, they kinda wished she would. As nervous as it made them, they didn't want their scars to become a surprise. It's not like they could hide them forever. If they were to be rejected because of it, they'd rather it be sooner rather than later, when they've invested time into the relationship.
Rohan's voice cut through their negative thoughts. "Have I heard this before? It sounds familiar."
The mention of the song brought back happy memories, shelving their worries for the time being. They had a little pink iPod they carried pretty much everywhere with quite a few songs on it, but they always found themself looping the same few. It was handed down to her by Tomoko, way back when they were hospitalized. They had very little to do there, and the ipod gave them away to spend those long, dreadful hours. It was a dark time in her life, but she looks back at those moments with fondness. She really was a great nurse.
The little device lay beside them on the nearby counter. ‘Tomoko’ was printed on it, or it used to be. The decal had majorly chipped away, making it almost entirely illegible.
Rohan's firm stare returned them from their brief space out session.
"Oh, yeah- definitely, I listen to it all the time." He had to know. Everyone who knew Ryoma was familiar with it. They'd listen to it during their daily commute, sang it in the shower and as they cleaned up next door. It was one of the songs on the car playlist. They didn't have a license, but they'd play it whenever Rohan would drive her places, when he'd let her.
That clue made the answer immediately clear. "Belanova?"
They grinned. "You know it."
That gained a soft laugh from him. A warm, pleasant feeling bubbled up at the sound. "You're incredibly predictable."
"It's a good band!" They would've loved to continue their banter, but they didn't want to bug Rohan too much while he was working very close to their eyeball. While he had amazingly steady hands, that didn't account for them moving around. It wasn't long before he finished, but by then that line of conversation had died.
He took his hand away and screwed the wand back into its tube. "Alright, that's it for mascara. What else would you want me to do?"
Ryoma thought about it for a second. Red would be a nice pop of colour, and it would work for the edgy, romantic look they were going for. "Can I see your red lipsticks?"
"Certainly. Let's see here..." Rohan went into a cabinet, one of his bigger ones. It seemed to be designated for lip products only, and there were quite a number of them. They were sectioned by colour, so it was easy to find the reds. "Which one do you like most?
There were tons of good choices, but after carefully considering each of them they came up with an answer. They picked out a cherry red with a purplish tinge to it. “This one.”
"I was thinking the same."
"Well, great minds think alike, if I do say so myself." They boasted jokingly, placing their hands on their hips and puffing out their chest in a display of faux pride.
He reacted with a short, sharp exhale that could've been a laugh. He turned away from them, ashamed to be caught off guard by such a corny non-joke, which only added to Ryoma's satisfaction.There was something different about him, though. While they'd made him laugh before, this was all too easy. Maybe something good had happened to him? They didn't analyze it too deeply, It was just nice to see more of this side of him.
With their lipstick picked out, it was time to scope out the lip liners. A similar red would've been an easy pick, but they wanted something different, some contrast. “Red and black?” They held up a black liner.
By then, he had recovered from his brief break in character. "Excellent choice."
He took the items from them, and they returned to their designated spots. Again, he supported their face with one hand, while the other got the job done. They kept their mouth slightly ajar as he first applied the lipstick.
They made sure not to stare at Rohan too much, busying themself by examining things around the room. His house was always decorated nicely, with lots of ornate detail and unique pieces. The stool they were sitting on probably cost more than what they made in a year with their two jobs combined… They sat up a little bit straighter after that.
They felt him stop, but they continued surveying the room with the assumption that he had simply paused. Though, as time ticked by, they grew curious. They looked at him to see that he wasn't doing much at all. He was still leaning forward, engaged but paused mid-action.
Suddenly, their eyes met, and he was shocked back to life. He jolted violently, dropping the lipstick while the cap was off. Fortunately, it didn't seem to be too contaminated, but he didn't seem to care. He wordlessly picked it back up, placed it on the counter and continued with the liner.
Ryoma didn't know what to make of the drastic change in mood. They were obviously concerned about his big reaction, but he didn't seem to want to talk about it. They could only wonder about what he was thinking so hard about. There were a lot of things that they didn't know about him. Between the both of them, he was definitely the guarded one, while Ryoma was more of an open book, though they definitely kept their fair share of secrets. They hoped that, someday, enough trust would be built that he could open up to them.
He was silent during the process. It was done quickly, as if in a hurry. There was a change in his posture, a lack of that grace that he'd shown before. His grip on the pencil was stiff, and he used more pressure than he probably intended. While it wasn't uncomfortable, there was a noticeable difference to his prior performance. As soon as he was done, he quietly stepped back and loitered elsewhere in the room.
Deciding to leave him to his devices, Ryoma slowly rose and approached the mirror. Then, they leaned in closer to it, supporting themself on the vanity it was built into. After a few moments of stunned silence, they gasped audibly. The liner had blended beautifully with the red, while still emphasizing the contours of their lips. With the completed look, they couldn't believe the gorgeous stranger in the mirror was them.
“Well?” Rohan spoke for the first time in minutes. It seemed he just needed a little reprieve to overcome the embarrassment that came with his… whatever had happened, because he was back to his old antics.
They looked at their reflection, then back at him back and forth a couple times.“I look so PRETTY!!!” Without warning, a shrill squeal burst out of them, startling both themself and Rohan due to the unexpected volume. They were deterred for just a moment, giggling sheepishly into their palm.
The next thing they did was pull him into a big, tight hug. Unable to contain their excitement, they began to jump up and down, holding him in their arms. “Aaah! Thank you, thank you! You're a lifesaver!” He held them too, moreso clinging to them as he was lifted into the air.
Ryoma placed the smaller butch down once they noticed he had begun to turn red in the face, concerned that maybe they had shaken him too much.
He appeared a bit frazzled, but he seemed to compose himself after smoothing out his hair and clearing his throat. “...You’re very welcome.”
He was about to say something else, but he sort of froze up when they got up close to him again. They set their hands on his shoulders, and lowered themself until they were more or less eye to eye. “I'll find a way to pay you back somehow, I promise.” They held him like that for a moment before they smiled and withdrew from him.
They recollected some of their things that were scattered about the bathroom in preparation for their eventual departure.
He found his words once their back was turned. “I'll hold you to that, you know.”
They glanced back at him over their shoulder, at his still flushed but smug face. Acknowledged him with a smiling hum and resumed their task.
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hiddenvhs · 1 year
Hello! If you're taking icon requests, could I get some Omega icons? Preferably from the comics, either IDW or Archie is fine.
(My main Sonic blog is @generic-sonic-fan! I'm sort of the resident weirdo who's obsessed with Omega here on tumblr, so I figure it's long overdue that I get an icon to match. )
If this doesn't sound up your alley, feel free to decline. I completely understand.
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omega supremacy
🤖 e-123 omega icons !!
💥 like / reblog if you save or use.
🔋 credit not necessary, but greatly appreciated !!
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thekinschoolhouse · 1 month
Can i ask for a Pico [pico school/fnf/newgrounds] stimboard , w/ apples , mush or crunchy slime(?) or clay slime cracking whatever , and paint stuff idk how to explain much ? colors mainly are green , reddish orange , n' orange !!
feel free to decline if you don't feel like doing this or have to many requests n' stuff!! ps. ur stuff rocks btw !! /pos :]
-from, 🍏💥 anon
I am. So sorry for the wait 😭
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bloghrexach · 6 months
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💥 … Mnmmn!! This should be a ‘sign’, clear message, Sir!! …
By: LaillaB, founder ‘Reclaim the Narrative’, from LinkedIn …
“The White House had to cancel a Ramadan iftar meal after several Muslim Americans declined the invitation in protest of President Joe Biden's support for Israel's bloodthirsty genocide on Gaza.
Edward Ahmed Mitchell, the deputy director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said,
"The American Muslim community said very early on that it would be completely unacceptable for us to break bread with the very same White House that is enabling the Israeli government to starve and slaughter the Palestinian people in Gaza," 💯
Mitchell told Al Jazeera.
Both CNN and NPR had reported on Monday that the White House was preparing a community iftar. #NoThanks #Haram
But hours later, on Tuesday, the White House announced instead that it would be hosting a meal for Muslim government staffers only and holding a separate meeting with a few Muslim American community figures
The cancelled iftar underscores Biden's struggle to stem growing anger in US. Arab and Muslim communities over his ironclad support for Israel.
Critics warn the outrage could translate into peril for Biden at the ballot box during November's presidential election.
White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed that Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris will meet with Muslim "community leaders" on Tuesday.
Asked why the "community leaders" will not attend, Jean-Pierre said that they requested a meeting instead of a meal,
"They thought it would be important to do that. And so, we listened, we heard, and we adjusted the format to be responsive."
Several Muslim American activists said the meeting will be another futile “photo-op", arguing that the Muslim community has made its position known over the past six months.
"No matter how many meetings we have, no matter how many people have gone in, no matter how many conversations are being held, the White House has refused to change," said Mohamad Habehh, the director of development at American Muslims for Palestine.
Habehh stressed that Biden cannot claim to care for the Muslim American community if he does not end his backing of Israel.
"These photo-ops that they're doing — these discussions that they're doing to somehow show they still have the Muslim community's support - are just pathetic attempts to make themselves look good at a time where their true colours have been seen," Habehh told Al Jazeera.
“Today, around the world, we’ve seen so many Muslims that have been targeted by violence. No one, no one should discriminate against or be oppressed, or be repressed, for their religious beliefs,” President Biden,
The paradox of inviting Muslim leaders for Iftar and aiding and abetting genocide, is not lost on anyone, as the leaders stood firm in their decision to not participate in a blatant betrayal of their Islamic principles,
✍🏻 You are cordially invited to Iftar at the White House, please RSVP, Genocide Joe!! … 💥
✍🏻 No Thank You. Astaghfirullah
The Ummah.
#reclaimthenarrative — 🍉🕊 — #Aljazeera
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bonkwtf · 2 months
Hiya! Thought I'd make a pinned post so here we are!
General info: 💥This is a tf2 art account, though I usually just draw whatever random tf2-related things I want to draw! However, I may draw other things so keep that in mind.
💥I do draw shipart. I am actually not much of a multi-shipper (respect to those that are though) but I'll draw whatever ship. It mightttt come out more general though.
💥I do not draw nsfw though I might draw suggestive and very likely light to moderate gore.
💥The #my art tag is for my art ! So look in that tag if you want to find my stuff specifically.
💥 and ofc no hate, harassment, etc etc. Already a lil shy already posting fanart since I don't usually draw fanart! And at the time I'm posting this, I am new to tumblr hahrrhargoj. ______
Rules/etc: 💥Ask box: Feel free to request tf2 related stuff in there! (ship art, random things really, etc.) or ask me questions!! I may not reply to everything in there but I'll try!
💥No reposting my art on tumblr! But if on another site then I'd request credit (though please first ask! It depends) and a link if you can to my account!
💥I might allow people to use my art as a pfp /w credit! though it depends which art, just ask! :3 (if for another person then likely no)
💥Feel free to dm me or ask questions etc, Idm. As long as you're good about it, I'm usually chill. ______ 🥤FAQ:
Q: Do you do art trades/commissions?
A: yeah for both! Check status. Comms are usually 35$+ so keep that in mind if asking for prices, PayPal only. Art trades, just dm me if interested! I might not accept though! Do include the character you'd want drawn as that is something that will help me decide. If I don't reply in a couple days (say, 3?), assume it's a no since I'm bad at declining!
Q: What art program/device/brush?
A: Ibis paint x and on my phone. And as for brush, I just use an edited version of the default brush to color and some other brush to do the sketch/lineart (it was from Pinterest though). Might add/edit more later
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gluttonyedits · 5 months
ack i misspelled 'ask' in the last post hlp , sorry bout that anyway!! [ i was on phone idk how i even messed it up!]
could yah do a sprite edit of b3 pico [fnf b3 remix]? hair was little bit longer in the back , my gloves had little metal spikes on them, and my jeans were kinda ripped? [i also had lil fangs] if you uh don't wanna do the edit thats ok !! the other idea would just be icons or rentry graphics? , [color prefs reds/yellows[golds are also cool,,]/blacks/reddish-oranges ] i hope yah have fun w/ it though , but if you dont wanna do any of these or yah get stressed w/ life stuff feel free to decline :] - 🍏💥anon
question i forgot to add can you put something along the lines of 'no one else use unless ur asker' on the edit if you do the edit i asked cuz its a mem version of me that i edit requested HGFHFG -🍏💥anon
This was fun to do! I hope I got the right sprite. It’s posted!
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coldfreezingsurface · 2 years
Request List 💖
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Hey all! Though I'm not that active on tumblr, kinda fluctuating between school and other apps, I've decided to develop this request list! Just know that I will not be doing NSFW prompts so if you want that: this blog is not for you.
13+ only! If ur under that age.. what are you doing here what.
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The fandoms that I'll write for are:
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Rick and Morty
The Mandela Catalogue
Sanders Sides
Little Demon (FX)
And, if you'd like, my personal ocs!
*Any romantic requests including underaged characters will be immediately declined
*Proship nonsense will also be declined
However, characters I will not write for among these fandoms are:
Roy, Shrignold, Lamp (The Dream lamp), The old transport guy from episode 5, EVERYONE FROM THE FAMILY EPISODE!!
Unity, The President, Jessica, Jessica's friends
Mark, Cesar
I forget his name but his dick got shot
John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Zechariah, Asmodeus, any of the four horsemen, Azazel, Gordon (When it comes down to this series, there's tons of characters so obscure ones aren't being accepted)
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Things I will do are :
Relating characters to songs
Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort
Things I will not do are :
requests including p///philia, n////philia, som//philia, in//st, or other stuff like that
smut, dead dove content
a/b/o stuff
romanticism of abuse or mental illnesses
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My ask box's status is currently : Open!!
By the way, sorry if this looks messy, first time doing one of these lmfao
Tootaloo :D ‼️💥
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spiderfunkz · 4 months
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what i will write : fem/gn reader, fluff, angst, hurt to comfort, headcanons, one-shots, au's. what i will not write : male reader, smut, age gaps, original characters.
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▸ MARVEL ; natasha romanoff, wanda maximoff, kate bishop, valkyrie, carol danvers, maria hill, yelena belova ( strictly platonic ), gwen stacy, peter parker all universe, miles morales, pavitr prabhakar, hobie brown.
▸ STRANGER THINGS ; robin buckley, nancy wheeler, lucas sinclair, mike wheeler, will byers ( strictly platonic ), jonathan byers, steve harrington.
▸ GOLDEN TRIO / MARAUDERS ERA ; harry potter, the weasley twins, remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, regulus black, lily evans, marlene mckinnon, dorcas meadowes, mary macdonald, pandora rosier.
▸ MISCELLANEOUS ; sam carpenter, tara carpenter, mindy meeks-martin, vanessa shelly/afton.
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▸ this blog is for all ages, however please do not cross any boundaries & don't be weird or creepy. i am a minor so please take note when sending a request. just use common sense !
▸ please be patient while requesting. i tend to disappear from time to time and i can also decline some requests— oops! also, english isn't my first language so there might be some grammar mistakes.
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straybabystay23 · 11 months
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| Stray Kids stan | Bias: Felix | Wrecker: the other fucking 7 |
| AO3 username: critical_trap32 |
this is an 18+ blog due to explicit content. View at your own risk. 💥Minors please DNI💥
Not new to writing fanfiction but new to writing Stray Kids fanfiction, so please be kind 🙂
my askbox is always open 💌
requests are temporarily OPEN
I reserve the right to decline a request with or without notice
🩵 enjoy your time on my blog 🩵
0 notes
demonicxrocker · 2 years
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current inbox status: anon + non-anon requests are on. feel free to request stuff, just don't be a fucking cunt ty
current number of request(s) in inbox: 11
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hey hey— the name's mod corey. i use they/them pronouns; they/them is preferred but feel free to use the he/him ones instead if you want ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
main blog is @coreys-riffin . im also mod blaze in the @pr0ject-chaos group editing acc as well
top and bottom graphics are made by me— headers are linked here and here
please stop asking me why i don't like spam-liking or spam-reblogs, i swear to god. /srs
[more info is under the cut :thumbs up grinning emoji lol:]
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🔥 || content
pride icons
reply icons
gif icons
matching icons
care kits/clothing kits (is that what they're called?)
wallpapers (very selective bc it's been a bit)
name sets
pronoun sets (selective xp)
color picked pride flags
transparents (will be posted onto my transparents account and reblogged here)
probably more things im not thinking about atm tbh lol
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🎸 || sources
(favorites are in bold)
canadian cartoons (grojband, looped, yin yang yo, camp lakebottom are the ones that pop up in my head first, but im down for editing almost all of them)
sonic (somewhat selective since im not that heavily into the franchise)
pokemon + pokemon media (ie the starters series by movieunleashers, etc)
any generation of my little pony, littlest pet shop, strawberry shortcake, care bears
any show that aired on qubo in it's lifetime (ie. pecola, sitting ducks, babar, sandra the fairytale detective, sally bollywood, etc etc)
disney animated shows (amphibia, gravity falls, wander over yander, the owl house, etc) (semi-selective)
SOME nickelodeon animated shows/nicktoons (making fiends, danny phantom, fairly oddparents, my life as a teenage robot, etc etc)
rise of the tmnt (friends/mutuals can request other tmnt series)
cookie run (ovenbreak + other games, mainly. will do kingdom but it's VERY fucking selective)
super phantom cat games, spoon pets / neko atsume, postknight 1 + 2, etc (mobile games, basically)
super cat bros / super cat tales games
browser games like heart star, double panda, and etc. their mobile game counterparts are allowed too
harvest moon / hometown story franchise
cartoon network shows (adventure time, regular show, over the garden wall, etc etc) (semi-selective)
lego shows (ninjago, monkie kid, nexo knights, etc etc) (selective)
sanrio (aggrestuko included)
all saints street, little witch academia, and any of the monster collecting animes (digimon, bakugan, yugioh, yokai watch, etc)
panty and stocking
minecraft, minecraft story mode, and mcyt in general (hermitcraft, last life series, empires, etc etc.)
dsmp (unproblematic creators only i stg) (VERY selective)
dude, that's my ghost!
webshows (group 5, dick figures, happy tree friends, bravest warriors, and etc) (semi-selective)
webcomics (ie. sparklecare, ghost eyes, it hurts, serendipity, deathsitter, etc etc) (semi-selective)
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🧨 || unfamiliar sources but will still edit for
pretty much anything, to be honest. just make sure i haven't said outright that i won't do it. ocs also fall into this category most of the time
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💢 || sources i absolutely WILL NOT edit for
object shows
clone high
madness combat
stardew valley
spooky season or anything by sr pelo
any horror game (fnaf, poppy playtime, etc)
boyfriends webtoon
friday night funkin
genshin impact
any irl source (yes, this involves dhmis)
total drama series + 6teen
any animated disney movie
anime in general
pokemon creepypastas, mlp creepypastas, or various other creepypastas. also just creepypastas in general tbch
hazbin hotel / helluva boss
avatar the last airbender / legend of korra
south park
arcane / league of legends
welcome home (also just horror args in general. lol)
warrior cats
hetalia / countryhumans
musicals in general
irl people in general (with the exception of some minecraft youtubers)
harry potter
paw patrol or thomas the tank engine. (yes seriously)
probably forgetting some stuff here but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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⛓️ | blacklist / general things i will not edit for
weirdcore, traumacore, "sanriocore" (*actual* sanriocore is fine, im talking about the kind that's essentially just traumacore but with sanrio characters whatnot)
fetish-y type shit (i am NOT explaining this one.)
laney + corney (grojband character n grojband ship)
lloyd, harumi, or garmadon (ninjago characters)
lloyd x anyone ships
extreme body horror / gore
agere, babycore, angelcore— stuff like that (not against it by any means but it's just not my personal thing tbh)
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little-fairy-forest · 3 years
hello! 💗 i’m back again 😭
i’ll just say ‘the boys’ since i ask for the same three all the time but just incase (bakugou, deku and todo)
would it be okay for you to do one where (y/n) is the boys’ older sister (COMPLETELY platonic) and she’s part of the big three (becomes big four or replaces one idm), they look up to her and stuff. she’s fairly reserved but can be loud and very strong when needed.
i will never stop sending you requests you’re stuck with me bestie 💗 have a great day !!
🍀 hello again!
This asks are really fun to answer keep them coming 💗 This will be entertaining especially with their character dynamics
The Boy's older sister in U.A (platonic y/n)
Bakugou, Midoriya, Todoroki
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You have known Bakugou for many years, you use to babysit a few kids in your neighborhood and Katsuki was one of those kids demons
You mainly minded him to give Mitsuki and Masaru a break from the hell spawn he was if a child, but you managed to calm him down and let him speak his feeling without starting an argument.
Your reserved nature balanced out the rambunctious katsuki bakugou
When you left for U.A a few years before Bakugou he paraded around middle school letting everyone know that he knew you personally. Yes the y/n l/n from class 1-A who was amazing in the first year sports festival
As the years went by and you gained popularity amongst the hero committee before you graduated, securing you the top spot in the big 3 along side the others. Unfortunately after Mirio lost his quirk he gave his spot to you.
When Bakugou joined U.A you offered for him to train with you and your friends, he declined everytime since "don't need your shitty help" even though you knew he needed some reassuring along the way.
You always made sure he had a balanced diet, eating spicey curry everyday isnt the best option, you would leave a small fruit bag in his shoe locker with a note saying "eat your 5 a day ;)"
Katsuki seems to hate that you do things for him like this but...he really likes it. His mom doesn't make him lunches anymore so to have something done for him out if pure generosity ♡
After the U.A first year sports festival, Katsuki seemed on edge with a lot of people outside of class 1-A, since everyone seen him as some animalistic beast being chained up, many people avoided him. Rumours spread like rapid fire among friendship groups in all year groups
"I'd stay away from him seriously, he isnt safe" "go the other way, he will scream and I like my hearing" "poor thing probably hasn't held anyones hand before, why would they?"
You had had enough, you were beyond furious! Seriously?! Why on earth would someone say that about someone who can't control what quirk they have?
You were walking down the corridor when you overheard a few students mocking katsuki yet again, you had enough, you decided to speak up since most students looked up to you and took your word on things
"Are we done here?! Seriously? Katsuki good roast you alive and you have the balls to be taking about him like that?! Can't wait to see the same hypocrites in the future wearing Dynamight merch"
Little did you know a student from general student took a video of the incident of you setting the students straight and it went viral on tiktok
Hundreds of people seen the video of you standing up for Katsuki, even his friend group, When katsuki seen the video....he felt...cared for? Relieved? No, thankful
Katsuki sent you a text thanking you for what you dont
Katsudon 💥: hey idiot...thanks...
Y/n 🪐 : awe~ look at you using your manners ;) I thought you well 🤓
People after that knew that you took Katsuki under your wing, Aizawa knew you could calm Bakugou down if he needed you :)
You known the Midoriya's for years aswell since your family own a little icecream shop that had Izuku's favourite 'The All-Mighty' icecream, he loved getting his friday treat and talking to you about heros since you loved All Might just as much as this little boy
Izuku looked up to you when you would train for U.A exams, he admired how you used your quirk with such ease, he had countless notebooks for you. Seriously Inko offered to make you your first hero costume and you accepted. But once the costume store after battle you asked her to make it into a blanket for you to keep in your dorm room :)
Midoriya gets a lot of slander from Aizawa for being a problem child, so when Midoriya was called down to the teachers lounge again this week for a "meeting" with Aizawa about his reckless actions you so happened to be there as well helping midnight organized files as you gossip about love interests ♡
"Midoriya, if you break one more bone by not being careful with your quirk I'll find someone to make your bones cement so you can't become a hero, seriously Recovery Girl is busy enough with the third year students getting ready for graduation and you keep taking up her valuable time-"
Aizawa was rambling in such a dull but assertive tone to Midoriya, poor boy looked like he had the life taken out of him
You decided that yes, Aizawa sensei can be tough for the right reasons, but you also know about Izuku's quirk situation so you understand why he is having trouble
"Aizawa sensei I can take extra training time for Midoriya to help him so All Might can take time to himself" you suggest
"Thank you for the offer l/n but he needs to learn not to be a problem and an inconvenience to me and my teaching-"
Ok that's enough izuku slander for today shouta ♡
"Is that how you talk about your students sensei? Really? I can only imagine what you say behind Izuku's back since clearly you like to drag your students so deep your eyebags could run for competition"
Yep. Your screwed.
"Y-Y/n!" "I understand your concerns but remember I'm a staff at u.a, you still have to respect me just as much as you respect anyone else" Aizawa says looking at you with boredom
"Why should Midoriya give you respect if you dont give it?" "Ohhhh Eraserhead they got you there yeahhh~" present mic says looking at Aizawa
"Hmm, maybe Midoriya could learn a thing or two from you to stick up for himself against Bakugou, fine take him off my hands I'm going to go sleep before patrol" Aizawa stands up and grabs his sleeping bag and walk out of the room
"Y/n you didn't have to say that to Aizawa sensei, but thank you" Izuku says as you and him walk out of the teachers lounge
"Anytime mini-might, tell your mom I'm stopping by for her katsudon, see you later!" You say as you walk down the corridor
"Maybe I should thank them properly sometime" izuku says taking out his phone to text his mom
Shouto has an older sister, he loved Fuyumi but there isn't much if a friendship more of a "I'm not your parent but I'll sign your permission slip" type relationship
You worked at a local coffee shop to earn some pocket money as you had little time to make other money in u.a, you weren't struggling to balance studies, training and work since you had a very well planned out schedule
Shouto came in one day after middle school to see if there was any soba your cafe offered, unfortunately it didn't but you offered for him to try a pastry
After this little encounter, Shouto came out of his shell to you since you never mentioned his father or his home life just something casual about you or something in the media
Shouto knew you went to U.A so when he got in through recommendations he set out a plan to find you, it was quite easy since you were part of the big 3, so you would talk quietly between training
You were excited to see him perform at the U.A sports festival since you knew how strong Shouto really was.
As you were walking through the corridors to meet with Shouto after his match you over heard him and his father talking about his quirk
You see, you never liked Endeavor. Like at all, you always wanted to give that shitshow a piece of your mind. But you never had the chance
Until now
"Excuse me, do you mind not stressing out the contestant before his next match? I'd like him to relax before the next round" you say walking up to shouto and Endeavor
"And who are you?" Endeavor asks looking at you with annoyance
"Seriously, wow be more observant I intern under hawks. Clearly you can't read the room very well since you can't tell your son wants nothing more then to vanish away from this situation" you say standing up against Endeavor
"Y/n please don't-" Shouto says reaching out to you
"EXCUSE ME?! WHO! DO YOU THINK YOU ARE-" Endeavor starts to yell, not before you simply turned around grabbed Shoutos wrist and calmly walking away.
Don't stress over men ♡
"Y/n you shouldn't of done that he will have a tantrum" Shouto says taking a sip if the water bottle you handed him
"Oh well not my problem that piece of shit can go be angry somewhere else, he is giving me grey hairs, can't have that now" you say smiling at Shouto,
Shouto always admired how you cared for him, much like his mother did. You always had something he needed before he knew, like the water he was drinking at that moment
"Thank you again y/n, we must go shopping soon, I heard a fashion brand you like is having a sale soon" Shouto says waking towards the waiting rooms
"Once its Endeavors credit card I'm all for it, I'll bring you out for soba after this for doing well during the festival so far"
Shouto is happy someone is congratulating him for his success so far, he normally just gets criticised
He Hope's you don't shy away from him in the future once you both become heros, until then you will both eat soba happily ♡
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Sorry this took so long 💗 I had a hard time writing for Izuku so hopefully you like these
Requests are always open! I have lots of free time for the next few weeks to write like crazy so I should have asks posted soon after they are sent ♡
Thank you for reading a little reblog can go along way 💚
-> masterlist
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catholicjinx · 2 years
hi !! have an announcement to make so listen ur pretty ears up
recently ive realized that creating content isnt as fun as it used to be, which is cowabummer. yes i'm using that word.
point is: i will be taking a small break from writing + drawing 💥 im incredibly stressed atm and my mental health is declining so in order to attempt to get better, i'll only be drawing occasionally + interacting with some mutuals daily. this means that: im not taking requests (they've already been deleted from my inbox anyways), answering asks may be delayed and although im online, i'm not going to be as active.
deepest apologies, but an ayato drawing will be out soon to feed yall💕
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projectherostims · 2 years
Loading... Opening file: knuckles!
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Yoyo! I'm Knux/Knuckles but you can also call me Clyde. I use he/zomb prns and I'm a black autistic enby.
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💥 ⌗ Sources!
Sonic The Hedgehog, Animal Jam, Monster High, FNAF, South Park, Minecraft/Smplive, Homestuck, Roblox, SpongeBob + any other media (ask before requesting)
Bold means favorite, italic means selective
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💥 ⌗ DNI
racist, ableist, anti-mogai, transphobic, homophobic, basic dni, proship, or pro fiction, believes "black washing" exists, believes in reverse racism
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💥 ⌗ Extra info
I will probably be the one that posts the most on the blog! Also I will not do certain topics/characters out of them making me comfortable so don't feel bad if I declined your request you can always request again!
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