#🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 love it when hermits are fans of each other
falseren · 4 months
1:16:10 [Youtube 1:12:07]
Ren: Anyways, the first time I met False was before I was on Hermitcraft— and, uh, I was not a friend of False, I was a fanboy of False. [chuckles] And she went to a convention in London? I think it was like, I don’t think it was a Minecraft convention, it was games con? Or something like this? Um, and she was there, there was a whole bunch of fans, she was signing autographs for a bunch of fans, and I was just too nervous to go and say hello, so I just stood in the line and got an autograph, but I didn’t say hello or anything. She doesn’t remember this of course, you hate to see it. [chuckles] As if she would remember one of the thousands of people that would go and say hello to her at a convention. You would think she would remember this handsome face though, y'know. [F5s to show himself completely invisible] Outrageous.
Anyways, second time I met her, we randomly met up in London because we were both there on a weekend, on a Sunday or something. And we went and had some food together and we’re just hanging out. I think we just spoke about food for the whole time. [chuckles] And I’m pretty sure whenever I clock into a False Symmetry stream, we’re talking about food. That’s why Falsie’s streams are the best. If you’ve never been in a False Symmetry stream, I highly recommend, it is a good time. You end up leaving the stream very hungry though. [laughs]
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justsomerandomfanfic · 3 months
If you don't mind, could I please get a Lotr matchup 🥺 I saw that your requests are open and got really excited. I'd like a male ship please! I'm a 21 year old autistic girl who uses a lot of names and aliases. I also have ADHD and am chronically ill with things like asthma, joint pain and both (mild) kyphosis and scoliosis, but I still keep surprisingly active despite it. I'm known for having pretty legendary pain tolerance too, haha. Though because I'm still disabled, I tend to be a bit of a homebody and am very attached to my home.
Personality-wise, I'm simultaneously extremely level-headed and stubborn as a bull; I make my choices wisely, but I'm also quite fierce when I feel the need to be, and I don't give up easily. I've been called wise before and I tend to give good advice, though I can also be a bit of a hermit sometimes when I don't feel like talking. I'm a weird mix between very scholarly and very active, I love working out and getting strong but I'm also addicted to learning new things and reading. I tend to collect books on witchcraft, herbalism (both for healing and poisons) and cooking. Speaking of which, I love cooking, baking, sewing, gardening, caring for horses and I work as a librarian at the moment.
My personality tends to throw people off a little, mainly because I'm very sweet and friendly but also a little off-putting. Both because I come from a family with a morbid sense of humor, and because I do genuinely enjoy messing with people a little. I'm a solid true to chaotic neutral. The kind of person who would joke about poisoning people but given that I know so much about plants you might actually get worried that I would, despite me being very friendly to you just five minutes ago. I'm just that kind of person, I guess, I like to keep people on their toes. That being said, my friendly side is no facade, and there's little I love more than helping people, I actively go out of my way to do it. I especially like feeding people and making new recipes for others to try. I'd say my major flaws are that I'm stubborn, I don't forgive easily, and I can be a little sassy and passive aggressive when I get tired or upset.
As for my appearance, I am very very short and very skinny, though I'm moreso lean since I enjoy working out. I actually have decently large biceps but it's contrasted with a Disney princess-esque waist which I find kinda funny. I have very long wavy reddish-brown hair (I describe it as “strawberry brunette”), and I wear glasses. I like to take relationships very very slowly and develop a solid friendship before considering dating someone, so I really don't want someone who takes things too fast. I'm also not a fan of overly flirty people, even if they're completely loyal to me I just get turned off by over the top displays of affection.
Alright I think that's about it! Sorry if this is too long! (Btw I think I might have requested a matchup from you before but I love your writing so much that I want to get one again, I really hope that's okay ;-;) Have a good day!
Hello! Welcome back! No worries, you can request as many matchups as you want! <333 I hope you like the matchup this time too :)
Lord Of The Rings;
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✨ You met Faramir with Gandalf and Pippin, unfortunately, Denethor doesn't really like the three of you, that's Denethor for you; but it wasn't long until you got to meet Faramir - the younger brother of Boromir, and for some reason, you both felt a connection between the two of you
✨ During your stay, you and Faramir got to know each other more, taking walks when possible and talking about your interests and even bonding over shared interests - when you told him about your collection of books on witchcraft and herbalism at home, he was impressed; you told him that one of the reasons you joined the Fellowship was because you were a good healer (other than that, you loved adventure, and could do and few spells here and there)
✨ After Faramir got shot by that arrow though, you stayed by his side the entire time, and only then - realizing how close you were to losing him - did you come to realize that you had grown incredibly fond of the young man of great quality; whilst he was in his little healing coma though, you would sit and read to him
✨ Once he had finally awakened, he was surprised to have found you by his bedside - his heart went (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ - and soon, you both found yourself courting; you would often bring him little baked goods, and Faramir would sometimes gift you books on new, interesting topics when he finds them
✨ You and Faramir are very similar to each other - being passionate, caring, and intelligent - you both are very much never gonna give each other up, or let each other down, or run around, or desert each other
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cube-cumb3r · 2 years
i think it would be super neat if with smps or the like, each time you enter a new server you don’t have a cutie mark and have to earn a new one.
for one, it allows for more server specific designs while allowing it to be the same character more or less (like a hermitcraft grian with a parrot cutiemark, an evo grian with the watcher mark, and a 3rd life grian with a sand or tnt cutiemark or the like. all the same guy, just on different servers, based on his experiences there) (also I rlly like the idea of evo grian not getting his p much until the END end of the smp where he becomes a watcher, and him having that aggravation of not having a mark for SO long esp when it’s one of his first series and he’s not Used To This)
and for two I just think it would be kinda fun and interesting. maybe some hermits are quick to immediately get a new cutiemark each season and they treat it as just another part of the “beginning of minecraft”. others can go half a season without finding their mark. some people tend to get the same mark over and over while others’ marks change wildly season to season, server to server.
also if you RLLY wanna stick to pony canon it means every time it happens everyone has an excuse to throw a “cuteceañera” to celebrate and that’s just some fun early season hang outs/parties for the early eggs and later reasons for ppl to step out of their projects and hang out together later in the season
this is SO SLAY totally agree. i feel like 3rd life scar got his cutiemark after his first death but idk what it would be... maybe a creeper or maybe thats too on the nose.. s8 impulses cutie mark is def an amethyst or candy. i wonder what s7 mayor scars would be.. he played like so many "characters" that season. maybe his cutiemark is just jellie LOL
also idk if youre the same anon as before or a different one but all i love all you mlp fans in my inbox and thankyou for humoring me 🥺
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