vampyan · 3 months
Hello! Do you have any ideas for Yandere!reader x Shinjuro? Thank you so much.
shinjuro rengoku x yandere!reader hcs
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✮ an ⨟ i do >:) this got long my bad. i'm not used to writing for yandere!reader, but i hope i did ok! it's also relatively tame? def more soft yandere coded.
✮ cw ⨟ shinjuro rengoku . yandere!fem!reader . stalking . possessiveness . obsessive behavior . manipulation . gaslighting . suggestive . dubcon in places . stylized lowercase .
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✮ you met by chance, stumbling into one another in the market a few years after his wife's passing. shinjuro scarcely remembers the interaction, but you can recall it in vivid detail.
✮ what he was wearing. his drunken wobble. his warm body knocking into yours. his prickly stubble grazing your cheeks as you nearly topple over. his bulging biceps in your hands as you rush to steady the man. his molten golden-red gaze searing into yours, making your heart stutter and your brain give pause.
✮ he was quick to pull himself away from you, warning you to "watch where you're going." something in you changed that day, or maybe this is who you always were, but kept it buried. you hadn't spoken a word to him, only stared in amazement after him as he stumbled off, and yet his gravelly voice rung in your ears days after your encounter.
✮ you make sure to bump into him several more times after that, actively seeking out his flame-colored hair in crowds. you always played it off as a coincidence, but it was far from it.
✮ you follow him home, shadow him wherever he goes. just observing from a distance and memorizing his schedule. you have a few awkward run-ins with his sons whilst snooping around the premises of the rengoku estate, but both were too young at the time to suspect anything malicious of your uninvited visits.
✮ you gradually weaseled yourself into his life, insisting on walking him home, initiating conversation whenever possible, and listening to all his gripes and troubles he'd let slip in his drunken stupors.
✮ eventually, he grew less irritated by your presence, allowing himself to look forward to your company.
✮ soon you're staying for dinner a few nights out of the week, showing up with gifts for shinjuro and his sons, and shinjuro can't help but be surprised every time. it's been years since he's had a woman around, especially one so outwardly kind and caring towards him and his family.
✮ he's naturally suspicious of your intentions and more than a little skeptical of the flirtatious comments you throw his way.
✮ but when you don't disappear or grow bored of his attitude, he softens, becomes more compliant, and starts thanking you. the ecstatic glimmer in your eyes when he so much as acknowledges you makes his stomach flutter.
✮ his sons have taken to you like ducks to water, overeager to have a motherly presence in the home after so long. shinjuro gets this warm feeling in his chest when he finds you caring for them as if they were your own, looking all too domestic.
✮ shinjuro isn't dumb, he sees those longing looks you send his way. he notices all the little things you do for him, all the effort you put into maintaining your relationship. he admits he's made it hard for you intentionally, pushing you away whenever you got too close.
✮ but your persistence makes it all the more clear that you're interested in him, and he can't deny that your feelings are far from one-sided.
✮ you're kind- too kind, suspiciously kind. he realizes that, but he's a weak man, and you are a beautiful woman consistently making the first move. it was only a matter of time before he gave in, seeking you out for comfort instead of looking for it at the bottom of a bottle.
✮ your friendship quickly escalates into a clumsy romance. shinjuro is rusty, but you balance out his awkwardness with your burning passion. it's as if all your inhibitions disappeared the moment he indicated your feelings were reciprocated.
✮ you praise him for every little thing he does, and he's absolutely unequipped to handle all the attention.
✮ he's got a few years on you, but you don't seem perturbed in the slightest- in fact, he gets the feeling you like it. you can't go five minutes without complimenting him, in that poetic (and midly disturbing) way you always did. his looks, his voice, his taste in literature. you found it all so captivating, and shinjuro can't help but get flustered by how outspoken you are about it.
✮ you court for a while, move in together shortly after, settling further into domesticity within the span of a few months. a year passes by, and shinjuro is still left reeling from how truly happy he feels. he lashes out less, and when he does, you're always patient with him, never screaming back at him no matter how nasty he gets.
✮ it's a little unsettling how content you always look, even when he's being awful to you. it's as if you're simply happy to receive his attention. it only deepens his guilt when he sobers up again, pulling you aside to hold you and murmur his reluctant apologies. you shouldn't forgive him so quickly, he often tells you after you make up.
"i know you didn't mean it, dearest. please, don't worry yourself a moment more over it," you croon, stroking your fingers through his flaxen hair. "i'm not going anywhere."
✮ you're too good at putting his concerns to rest. he isn't proud to admit how easily he folds underneath your tenderness. he's all too aware of how reliant he's become on your affection, and he fears what would happen to him if you were to ever leave.
✮ you're not like his ruka, he realizes. you don't hold him accountable for anything, not for acting out, or being defiant, or rude. he's always 'just tired', or 'must be hungry', or 'having a bad day.' at first, he's grateful for your understanding nature until he puts two and two together that you don't take him seriously.
✮ not his emotions, his protestations, or his input. even as you begin to overstep more and more boundaries. insisting that you dress him, feed him, and even brush his teeth for him. you're insistent on not letting him raise a finger. any opposition on his end is veiwed as a tantrum and not to be concerned with.
✮ you pout and tsk when you catch him brushing his own hair or bathing himself, quickly taking over any tasks he attempts.
"i thought i told you i can do that for you, darling," you hum from the doorframe, startling him as he fumbles with his obi. you waltz into the room, sliding the shoji door shut with your foot and replacing his shaky hands with your own. his joints don't quite work the same after long years of wielding a sword and beheading demons, but he can surely dress himself. his pride demands he be self-sufficient, but you're always so convincing. your acts of service are appreiciated but... embarassing. he can't help but feel infantilized by your smothering behavior, but can never quite tell you no when you give him 'the eyes.' "i'm not a child, love," he grouches, rouge blooming across his cheeks as you tie his obi and straighten his kimono, smoothing over any wrinkles like a doting mother would. "i could've done that myself." "i don't want you to," you snap, your facade slipping for but a moment and his thick brows raise in surprise. your smile is quick to reappear, and you snake your arms around his waist- noting his increasing plumpness with delight. he was a bit scraggly when you first met, having cared more about drinking his sorrows than eating regular meals. but look at him now! healthy... and soft. "maybe i just want an excuse to touch you." you flutter your lashes at him and just like that he folds, lips parting as you pull him closer by the obi until your hips are flush. "j-just ask then. don't gotta baby me s'much. i'm a grown man," shinjuro stutters, his gold gaze falling to where your bodies meet. "do i have to ask to touch my husband? your body's mine to do with as i please, isn't it?" you asked with a smirk, your voice intentionally seductive as you knead his hips in your hands. your head tilts, entertained by the way he shivers. "well, i suppose not..." shinjuro rasps, his adam's apple bobbing as your lips find his throat. but you aren't satisfied yet, you want to hear him validate your claim over him. that ugly piece of you that you keep buried paces like a beast in a cage, gnawing at the bars, trying to claw its way out. your fingers tighten on his hips and you grip becomes bruising. "say you're mine," you demand in a near growl against his neck and his breath hitches, thick brows furrowing. he's helplessly aroused and slightly unsettled by the way you're handling him. "i... i'm yours. yours to use and to touch." he gulps, and you nearly moan in response, suckling a dark mark just below his ear. "hnn, yes. all mine."
✮ you're good at that too. making him forget why he was uncertain about your behavior. and when he asks you about it after the fact, you raise a brow, claiming you didn't remember the conversation.
"you must be sleepy, darling. perhaps you dreamed it?" you dismissed, continuing to chop vegetables and busy about the kitchen. and with shinjuro's tendency to get pass-out drunk, he can't help but doubt his convictions every time. you wouldn't steer him wrong, no... he must've dreamed it like you said. "yes... yes, perhaps you're right about that." you only smile at him over your shoulder, humming a cheerful tune as you make dinner for your perfect family.
✮ you know you're taking things too far. setting curfews, not letting him go out without you, smothering him like an overprotective parent would... but you just can't stop- can't control yourself. you ache for him so profoundly that being away from him is like torture. if anything ever happened to him, you'd never forgive yourself.
✮ you want him to need you like you need him. desire you half as much as you desire him. maybe what you feel for him is too messy and twisted to be love, and maybe your love is more like a festering sickness, but you can't let him go.
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2024 © vampyan ; do not modify, translate, or repost my work onto any platform. reblogs & comments are greatly appreciated!
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starsonmarsy · 5 months
insert oost about musk and a sweaty tshirt or underwear being used as a chloroform rag and getting them intoxicated off your scent and another post about tshirt blindfild and underwear gag and being fucked in the ass dizzy and fuzzy and obedient and horny
i msy flesh tjis out later but im too head empty rn godbless
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charliemwrites · 7 months
Ok hear me out:
One day researcher just fucking breaks because it's an anniversary of something really traumatic
Like they stay in the lab for a bit too long adn forget the date and time... and then check their phone and start sobbing
What does Gaz do?
Hello again, 🧪!!
Gaz would think at first that all their data/designs got deleted again. It’s happened before - it was a bad day. But this is worse, he can tell as soon as he gets to their side. They press into his chest, mumbling that it’s “that day” and he knows immediately that this is something different.
He doesn’t try to remove them from the lab, he knows that that’s where they feel safest. He guides them to a corner of lab where all the armor and stuff is, where they’re surrounded by all their success. He sits down with them on the ground and loops an arm around their shoulders, lets them lean into him and just cry it out.
When/if they’re ready to talk about it, he listens and casually makes a list to track down whoever’s made them so upset like this. Doesn’t matter if it’s an entire terrorist organization, they’re done. He’ll see to it personally.
Once they’ve calmed a bit, they just sit there for a while, appreciating that they’ve never felt safer than with him.
“Thank you for being here, Ky,” they murmur.
“Always, chickadee. Any chance I can get you to sip some water? You got some water to make up for.”
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spaceagebachelormann · 3 months
What if Jekyll and Hyde (and Adam Frankenstein help I am falling in love...) had a short S/O... Like barely five foot tall... She's so small
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╰┈➤ WARNINGS: mentions of death
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he thinks you’re so cute
he doesn’t really make fun of you and when he does it’s not even really making fun of you
likes to wrap his arms around your shoulders/waist from behind and lean his chin on your head/shoulder
if you ask him to grab something for you off a top shelf he does it with no hesitation
literally reaches up and hands it to you without you even needing to ask
he himself is like 6’1 ish so the height difference is really funny
when you’re sitting down he likes to stand behind you and talk about whatever and run his hands over your arms and shoulders
when you’re laying in bed with him he’ll always his your head on his chest and an arm wrapped around you
you’re literally the cutest thing ever in his eyes and he tells you non stop
he’s like barely taller than you (canonically like 5’2. i’m 5’1) and he’s never been more proud of his height after finding out
most likely only an inch taller but is so smug about it
but he glared at you like you’ve horribly wronged him when you ask him to get you something
as funny as it is to harass you for your height, he makes it very clear only he’s allowed to do it
when you guys walk around in public he probably puts an arm around your shoulders every once in awhile to remind you he’s still taller
he loves you but he loves that he’s taller than someone for once even more
but when someone in the street points out your (or his) height they never see the light of day ever again. actually they don’t see anything at all because they get killed
although his love language is gift giving because you’re shorter than him sometimes he likes to push the hair out of your face and lean down and just kiss your forehead
also definitely does that thing where he squishes your face
as cute as you are to him your height lowkey scares him
he’s about eight feet tall and insanely strong so your height kind of worries him
extremely careful around you
when he hugs you he very gently and very carefully rests one hand on top of your head and the other on your back and doesn’t dare to even move or tighten his grip out of fear that you’re gonna snap in half
his hugs are amazing though
and of course he grabs the things off the tall shelf he’s not a monster
sometimes he even lifts you onto his shoulder to let you get it yourself and see the world at a new angle but he is oh so careful not to drop you
when he isn’t fearing for your life and his sanity about your life possibly ending he likes when you just lay on him because you look so tiny and comfortable
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rainbow-lite · 8 months
TW // breath play, fear play
"you're such a fucking pervert!" you snap at your dom.
you're not wrong, after all. the entire day, they've been staring you down like a vulture - and just because of a new outfit you picked out.
but your perfect reasoning disappears from your brain the second you lock eyes with them.
"what did you just say, pup?"
a cold burning sensation grows in your stomach. of course, you recognize this feeling. you've made a mistake; one you fear you won't be able to plead your way out of.
"ah, i - nothing, Master, it wasn't-"
a firm grip on your throat cuts you off.
"oh, please," their voice drips with faux care, their grip tightens, "repeat yourself."
instead of a response, a high-pitched whine escapes your lips.
they laugh. it's getting harder and harder to take proper breaths.
"that's all you can manage? what happened to that fucking attitude?" they tease.
your brain is starting to turn fuzzy, words melting into an ache. ache. ache for-
"go on, i want to hear it again. i want to hear exactly what you think of me."
it's so hard to focus. your vision's getting darker, grainier-
"come on, pup, spit it out! or can you not even manage that right now? dumb fucking mutt."
you can feel yourself slipping. god, fuck, breathe!
"...i suppose that's good enough for now"
their grip loosens.
the world snaps back to you. some panting later, your senses have almost fully recovered. you feel so light.
"what do you say?"
"thank you, Master."
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skyliv · 6 months
if it weren't for you, your f/o's life wouldn't be nearly as bright
maybe before meeting you they were doing just fine, and you coming long just lit up what used to be the monotony of their days
maybe before their life was rough. a life of villainy full of scars, a life of sadness full of pain, but no matter what you showed them something new to cling to
no matter what, every thought of you helps a fire burn brighter in their heart, and they wouldn't trade that for the world
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thanatopia · 5 months
Hi!!! I hope you're doing well!!! I wanna request Tau x Reader who is just Really Tired after work :3 HCs or scenario is up to you!!!
- 🧪anon
Tau x A Very Tired Reader
Author’s Note: My apologies it took awhile but I still do hope you enjoy the following headcannons! Hope everything is well with you as well and that your holdidays if you do celebrate them were fun!
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▵. The advance technology is such a dear to you the moment he realizes how exhausted you are, he’ll activated your own version of zen mode for you to relax
▵. You wont have to left a finger for the rest of the day, so don’t worry. He’ll send out his drones to make everything is clean to your liking as he makes sure you rest
▵. If you wish to watch your favorite show or movie, don’t worry he’s already turn the television on. Though if you wish to relax through other means whether that be through drawing or writing , Tau has already ready those as well. Creating a perfect environment so you can let go of all of your worries and burdens.
▵. He’ll ready your comfort meal, making sure he takes extra care in preparing it. You don’t deserve any more hassel after all
▵. If you want words of reassurance after such a tiring day, he’ll offer some without doubt. His voice gentle yet hush as he whispers that you did well today or that there’s always tomorrow. Or if you wish to rant about it instead, he’s ready to listen to all your words with no hesitation
▵. In the end Tau only wants to support you just as how you support him by all means and wishes to show you that in any ways possible, especially if your days are hard. You only deserve the best and for Tau this is the objective truth. So let him carry your burdens if only for a bit, it’s worth it just for you.
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canon-can-fight-me · 8 months
Slimer, Snacks and Spengler
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Word Count: 1165 (Yikes!)
The Ghostbusters are hosting a ghost exhibition Halloween Party, and Kaiyo and Spengler get snack duty.
Thanks to @bobmckenzie for letting me mention your s/i and Louis in here!! I love your art and your ship with him so much 🤍
Notes: Mention of alcohol, characters have a few sips. Egon and Kaiyo’s relationship is not clearly defined, but there’s something there. I don’t know what this is, I just wanted to write some Halloween vibes.
“Remember to save some for the partygoers.”
Kaiyo looked down to see Egon’s fingers brush hers, an attempt to pry the snickers bar from her clutches.
“We both agreed to have one.” She protested.
“That’s your second one.”
She paused, snapping out of what she would almost call a snickers induced trance. Sure, the others were unlikely to tell if two, maybe even four candies were missing from the batch, but Egon had said that if they allowed themselves more, two would turn into five, and so on. So, they had to set some limitations.
“Y’know, I think you just wanted an excuse to hold my hand.” She teased, attempting to distract him. “Or, you just wanted the candy bar for yourself.”
He couldn’t help but blush. “Neither of those theories are true. Besides,” he reached behind her and grabbed the Snickers wrapper she was hiding behind her, holding it up with two fingers. “I don’t need an excuse. The evidence is right here.”
Kaiyo grimaced. For some reason, everyone had collectively agreed that she and Egon would be in charge of snacks and drinks. Ray and Janine were on decorating duty, Winston and Peter were setting up the ghost exhibits and spreading the word. Louis was in charge of entertainment, which really just meant asking if his girlfriend Caitie and her band would play at the party. Kaiyo remembered him busting into the firehouse gushing like a lovesick puppy about how amazing their performance would be, and how he was really excited to show Caitie all around the firehouse after the show.
That left her and Spengler in charge of snacks. Again, a choice Kaiyo didn’t understand, as they were probably the last two people you would want to leave alone with a bunch of sweets. Nevertheless, the two managed to resist temptation and began to pour two large bags of assorted candies into a shiny plastic cauldron they had picked out at the store, before moving on to prepare the drinks.
“This kinda reminds me of the parties we used to have in elementary school,” Kaiyo remarked as she began to pour the drinks into green plastic cups.
“—Pouring alcohol?” Egon quipped, pointing to the bottle of vodka in hand. Kaiyo laughed.
“Of course not. Besides, these are for the guests. I’m not planning to drink more than a few sips tonight. I was talking about the excitement that comes with Halloween parties.” She glanced up at him.
“Did you guys have those at your school?”
Egon nodded. “A few times. I never dressed up, but I did enjoy the candy. It wasn’t something I was able to eat often.”
Kaiyo was suddenly reminded of a conversation she had overheard about half a slinky and furrowed her brows. She knew he probably didn’t want to talk about his childhood, so she decided to volunteer more information about hers. After all, while Egon thoroughly enjoyed talking to her about various topics, he was a pretty good listener too.
“You know,” she said, adding some syrup to the drinks, “One time I wanted to dress up as a ghost. I had just seen It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! for the first time and I was dying—pun not intended—to be a ghost. I got an old linen sheet from the attic and cut holes in it. More than I needed too ‘cause I wanted to go as Charlie Brown’s rendition specifically.”
“Interesting. Almost a premonition to your current career choice. Why did you want to go as Charlie Brown?”
She shrugged, feigning nonchalance, but her stiff body language told a different story.
“My ‘friends’ told me that I was the ‘Charlie Brown’ in the group. At the time I saw it as a compliment. But looking back, it was just their way of telling me I was never going to fit in.”
Egon clenched his jaw, sliding his hand over hers. She wasn’t often solemn like this, and he wasn’t exactly sure how to best comfort her. But for her, he wanted to try.
“I hope you realize that’s more of an insult to them than it is to you.”
“Y-Yeah,” she replied, head still downcast. “But enough about them. I was more upset by the fact that my parents were pissed I ruined a perfectly good sheet, and I wasn’t even allowed to wear the costume because it ‘violated the school dress code’ or whatever.” She chuckled, and Egon couldn’t help but let out a small sigh of relief that he had somewhat succeeded in making her feel better.
Kaiyo shook her head and grinned. “Enough about that, though. Are you gonna help me with these, or what?”
“Oh, right. Of course.” He peered at the contents on the table.
“What exactly is next?” He asked. “I’ve never mixed drinks before.”
His knowledge of the culinary arts was pretty bare bones. He could cook a decent meal for himself, sure, but in college he and Ray had mainly survived on ramen with the occasional take out. And whereas he probably could have learned to mix drinks at college parties, the ones Venkman had dragged he and Raymond to ended in him leaving almost immediately.
“Don’t worry, I’m basically done with these. But you gotta help me add the dry ice when the guests come. In the meantime…” she picked up a glass, peering curiously at the shimmery lime liquid. “Can you add some to this one? I wanna try it.”
“Certainly.” As he prepared to take out the ice with tongs, he couldn’t help but notice Kaiyo bouncing on her heels out of the corner of his eye. While he was pretty indifferent to the holiday itself, he had to admit he was growing a more positive attitude to it than an indifferent one. After all, it was something that made her happy.
He carefully plopped the ice into the drink, the instant smoke reminding him of the absurd amount the ghost traps produced. Kaiyo didn’t seem to share the same thoughts though, as she placed the glass down and looked at it, eyes wide.
“It’s frozen carbon dioxide.”
“Like I said. Cool.”
He smiled. “I never said it wasn’t cool.”
Taking a tentative sip, Kaiyo winced, recoiling.
“Agh, I think I’ll stick to just looking at it. Maybe Slimer can finish it.”
“Do you really think giving him alcohol is the best idea?”
Kaiyo shrugged. “Won’t know unless we test for results. Right, Doc?”
“…You two done in here?” Venkman leaned in the doorframe, already in his choice of costume for the night. His slightly muffled speech told the pair that he already had his fake fangs in place.
“Yep!” Kaiyo handed her drink to Venkman. “Wanna try the drink we made? Egie and I are gonna go put on our costumes.”
The couple walked out of the room, while Peter stared into the liquid, taking a tentative sip. Walking into the next room, he snuck it into the glass cage Slimer was being kept in for the party.
“Drink up, bud.”
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latestdreamgirl · 2 months
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doom... save me.... Doom .
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outofthiisworld · 4 months
🧪💜// Ophelia and Doc are both the types to cry while watching movies BUT:
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Ophelia will sob & sniffle openly with no smidge of shame !!! Boo hoo! [blows snot into ur shirt]
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while Doc will stiff an upper lip (BUT FAIL) and will REFUSE to admit he’s crying !!! And he WILL get offended if u call him out on it!
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vampyan · 3 months
yan!obamitsu would be a dangerously delicious couple to be obsessed with you 😳
so very true 😩
one is all over you all the time, always hanging off your arm, pleading for every ounce of your attention 24/7- whilst the other lurks closley behind, always watching. despite obanai’s aloofness and mitsuri’s sunny disposition, they’re both very possessive of their time with you, only truly able to bear sharing you with each other.
mitsuri's sweet as pie, but even she prickles when it seems like someone is trying to compete for your affection. maybe her handshakes are a little too firm as she waltzes up and introduces herself to this perceived threat to her relationship. and maybe she accidentally breaks a few bones in their hands, only to performatively fuss over it and apologize to save face in front of you.
the message is received and whenever you see that person, they are quick to scurry off, leaving you to wonder if you've done something wrong.
obanai is a little less confrontational, but no less threatening as his two-toned glare tears into potential suitors over your shoulder. if looks could kill, anyone that got too close wouldn't stand a chance. while mitsuri is more outspoken about her clinginess, obanai is the worst actually. you can't go anywhere without him trailing behind, keeping your hand in an iron grip or holding onto a piece of your clothing.
he's more likely to snap at people who can't catch a hint, however.
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prianya · 1 year
This is simple
Any hermit you want x reader I could care less about the hermit and the plot is whatever you want :))
Twinkling Lights
Grian x Reader • Romantic
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Word Count • 706 words
Summary • As the christmas season creeps closer, you do some well needed decorating.
Note • This is definitely a passion piece, and it feels really good to just write whatever I want for once. School is draining my writing spirit with all these academic papers, I swear.
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Your day had started slowly, waking as the sun hit its highest point in the sky. You rolled over lazily, eyes still closed as you tried to preserve the warmth of your blankets. Eventually you found your resolve, and you decided to finally exit your bedroom. As you walked through the house, you looked into your living room and felt as if something was missing. Almost on queue, Grian opens the front door.
“Morning, love. I found us a tree!” The grin on his face is contagious, and you smile back at him.
“G’mornin to you too, birdy. Where’s the tree?” You swipe at your eyes, the bright light from outside making them water.
“Outside, Mumbo’s coming around later to help me get it in the house.” He finally steps inside, unlacing his boots and stretching his wings in the large entryway. You cross the distance between the two of you, and give him a sweet kiss.
“Great, and you can help me decorate it,” you say to Grian, and he agrees wholeheartedly.
Later in the evening, the tree had been set up and wiped of its snow. You had Grian help you pull out your decorations, walking in front of him as he toted the heavy box.
“Set it right there for me, love,” you say to direct him, watching as he sets down the box with a dull thud. You sit yourself next to the box, and Grian retreats towards the pile of pillows in the center of your lounge.
Untangling the string of lights is a tedious and long task, and you can see the light of the sun fading as you slowly unwind the cord. You pull out the last of the string, prying out the small knots at the very end. Grian watches as you begin to wrap the tree in the lights, walking in circles around the evergreen.
The tree glitters in the evening light, the last rays of the sun creating rainbows as they bounce off the crystal ornaments in their box. You string up the last of the lights, plugging them in and filling the now-dark room with a soft golden light.
“You know, I could use some help,” you say, giving Grian a pointed look, “This tree’s not gonna decorate itself.”
He gives an exaggerated groan as he stands up, squawking as he gets batted in the face with your wing.
“Hey! Don’t hit me,” He pouts, grabbing a few ornaments.
As you start wrapping the tinsel around the branches off the tree, he tries to stealthily hang ornaments onto your feathers. Your wings twitch slightly, making him jump back a few inches and wait to see if you noticed.
“Stop hanging ornaments on my wings.” He just giggles, starting to drape pieces of tinsel over the feathered appendages. You just sigh, letting him decorate your wings as you focused on your tree.
Grian hums a christmas song under his breath, letting out small chirps as he hits higher notes in the song. Soon you start to hum with him, both of you focused intently on your tasks. You feel Grian step back, his warm hands leaving your wings as he admires his work.
“How did I do?” He asks, walking you over to the mirror and letting you see the adornments.
“Pretty good, love. Thank you,” You lay a kiss to his cheek, pulling him along with you back to the tree. “Now that you’re done with that, you can finally help me decorate this tree.”
Grian says no weakly, reaching towards the door as if longing to escape. You just hold him there, a fond smile on your face as he groans in defeat.
“Of course, lets decorate your tree.” The two of you hang ornaments quietly, occasionally batting your wings at one another to break the calming silence. At last, you step pack from the decorated tree and admire your work.
“It looks lovely,” Grian says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“We did do a great job, if I say so myself,” You sigh, admiring the golden lights and shimmering ornaments. As you turned to Grian and saw the light reflecting off of his face, you fell in love all over again.
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• Enjoy your stay! • Come again soon! •
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advnterccs · 2 months
plotted starter for @countlessrealities
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It was one of those nights that Rick spent in the garage. The mechanical wide door opened to let the night air in. He didn't mind if the neighbors saw him on his chair, drinking a whole six pack by himself. Besides, it's not like anyone ever did. So he was more than glad to have it open.
All he kept thinking to himself was that day. It happened a few weeks ago. The face off against that one Rick. How it ended with blood soaking into his clothes. His mind was so numb from the shock. Even now, he couldn't even begin to process what happened.
Hours passed him by. A six pack of beer turned into several shots of whatever liquor he had hanging around. Which then turned into drinking straight from the bottle. It was faster that way, less trouble.
He couldn't even think straight. His mind warped and his eyesight grew blurry. Surprise overtook him as he laid eyes on a familiar face. One that he thought he killed.
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"I-I fucking knew it. I fucking knew you wouldn't stay dead, motherfucker."
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spaceagebachelormann · 3 months
Alright, I'm hooked. Jekyll and Hyde (and maybe Adam Frankenstein?) with a partner who likes to sing? Disney princess singing, or any kinda singing they'd like. She'd sing to them if they asked, and she often sings whenever she isn't doing anything else or when she's doing something that doesn't require her to be thinking about what she's doing. I think she'd offer to sing lullabies if they wanted.
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╰┈➤ CARMILLAS NOTES: i’m so happy about this actually. frankenstein and jekyll and hyde are two of my biggest hyperfixations atm 🫶 also it was kinda hard to make this fem reader
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: none!
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he could listen to you sing forever
it’s actually his most favourite thing in the world
while hyde likes just normal music with no singing, like compositions and all that, jekyll actually prefers singing
helps him remember someone else, his favourite girl, is actually there <3
he’ll probably ask you sing at the most random parts of the day, he doesn’t really care what it is as long as you’re singing
i think he’d like to do his work and just let you do yours in the same room, but he will request you to sing, if not sing than atleast hum
at some point anybody singing in general just starts to remind him of you
i feel like for some reason he knows how to play piano so if you really wanted he’d play piano while you sang and it’s like a little duet
yes he’d ask you to sing him to sleep
either laying on the actual pillow or his head in your lap, he barely sleeps but your singing helps him so much
within ten minutes he’s knocked out
nobody loves girls who sing more than henry jekyll
he does think you have a nice voice, but he doesn’t care for it as much as jekyll
he’ll let you sing to him, but he might not pay as much attention
but i do think there’s certain days where he’s just too tired to actually get up and wreak havoc so he just has you sit in front of him, and he just plays with your hair while you sing/hum
i feel like he might just subconsciously call you songbird every once in a while but idk (it’s 1am leave me alone my brain is cooked)
if you’re lucky he might let you show him different exercises for fun or see what the highest and lowest pitches you can go see but he’d probably have to be in a very good mood
although usually he won’t ask you to sing to him and kind of just gets used to you normally doing it, there have been days where he’s actually requested that you sing for him
at some point after months of this he just gives you a look that lets you know he wants you to sing
“sing for me?” to “sing?” to just a certain glance that you’d know a mile away
he adores you
i think he might’ve been a little shocked the first time you sing in front of him, since there’s a big chance he’d never heard it before
will stop you and just be like “what was that??” and let you explain it to him
from that day on he gets very interested in music and wants you to tell him everything you know about and will want you to sing to him quite a few times a day
he’s very interested in your vocal range (vocal range is fascinating istg)
would love lullabies to be song to him
sometimes, after you guys get a house or somewhere you can actually live in peace, he likes to just lay in bed with you and have you sing
he learns his favourite type of singing is like. kind of opera but also not quite (like christine in phantom of the opera kind of)
he’s so proud of your talent and tells you all the time you should get a job with your voice
he also says nobody in their right mind would refuse your voice
he gets interested in lots of singers after that, but you’re always his favourite
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rainbow-lite · 11 months
TW // medical play
doctor visits have never been something you exactly look forward to. you get an anxious feeling every time. the neutral hues that seem to repeat themselves in every clinic. the cold, sterile metals that have a way of making you feel watched. and, of course, your current situation doesn't help alleviate this anxiety.
a knock emanates from the other side of the door. it opens, revealing a tall figure in a white coat. you exchange formalities, and they take a seat at their office chair.
"so, i understand you've been experiencing some distressing thoughts?"
you nod sheepishly.
"may i ask you to describe what you've been thinking about?"
you bristle at the question, inhaling sharply and trying to maintain your composure. there's no reason to worry; surely, a medical professional would be knowledgeable about this sort of thing.
"uhm... i mostly think about..."
the doctor glances up at you through rimmed glasses.
"...fantasies... involving, uh- medical aspects."
you manage to choke the words out, feeling your face grow warm as the doctor records your answer on a clipboard.
"when did these... fantasies... start occurring?"
"uhm, it's been a little while now..."
"can you give an estimate?"
you pause. of course the question is necessary, but did the doctor really have to ask it? you press your thighs together.
"a couple weeks, i think. more like a month..."
the doctor nods and continues writing for a moment. your face has to be pink by now.
"have you tried any methods to alleviate the discomfort you feel?"
a nervous giggle escapes your mouth. you're starting to regret making this appointment altogether.
"i've tried, uhm... touching myself."
you pause again.
"it hasn't really helped, though."
another nod from the doctor. you stare at the floor. it's getting hard to focus on the questions.
"have you tried having a partner help you?"
"i don't have a partner, but i'd like to have someone help me."
it comes out of your mouth before you can properly think about it. why the hell did you just say that?
the doctor scrawls one last note before setting aside the clipboard and rising to their feet.
"well, i think you'll be fine. plenty of people have thoughts like this; it's nothing to be embarrassed about."
you breathe a sigh of relief. "that's good to hear, i was pretty worried." you say with a laugh. that appointment wasn't so bad! now, to just collect an excuse for work and-
the lock clicks.
"before you leave, however, i'd like to perform a physical examination. just to be sure."
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skyliv · 17 days
hi guys. i got really emotional (i think jealous is a good term. yeaaah) and pumped this out in a half hour. i’m hoping this is a better coping method to cope w my coping method other than just crying about it; which is my usual go to! so! hope u guys r doing wonderfully <33
Sky-Spider was growing to despise the Society.
First they mistreat her friends, kicking them out for just being themselves- Sure, they liked to start shit, but who was Mr. O’Hara to downright ban them? He had plastered their pictures around like wanted posters, “Earth-138 visits PROHIBITED” scrawled below their smug faces. There were already versions of Felicia Hardy in the HQ, so why would the one dating a Spider be ushered out like an animal?
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She had to shove through other Spiders to get to the wing she had in mind, leaping off the tyrannosaurus, pushing past a few Peters. The HQ was almost labyrinthine, pillars of steel jutting out from each and every wall. Normally, she’d practically struggle to find her way through, but not today.
She refused to talk to Miguel civilly about this. Not after he apprehended her lover.
The prison wing, a much darker hall with a void of a ceiling, full from wall to wall with vibrant laser walled compartments and cells. Although, for as intimidating as the mistreatment was, the machine the semi-circular wing led to was far more daunting. The arachnoid structure was the least of her worries.
Swinging in was like ramming into a theater screen, sharp gold walls hiding far more colorful villains from all walks of life. They were like bugs encased in amber, reduced to nothing more than nuisances to be fed to a beast and disposed to their former universes. A few goblins sneered at her entry, roars from sandy masses and men mixed with beasts shake her to her core. It wasn’t just fear, though, as for the past year a sense of pity had crept its way into her work as Sky-Spider. Some of the prisoners are caught up in heated debates with other Spiders, some were asleep, some were distant and unresponsive.
She can’t show weakness here, at least not yet, especially since the whole place was monitored. The bright halls made her head spin, until she found the criminal she was looking for.
“Liv!” Sky-Spider called, one hand rising to tear off her mask by the feather adorning it. Her other one pushes up to one of the walls, causing it to pulse like a broken TV screen. Olivia had turned her head at the sound of the other woman’s voice, her eyes widening at the sight. She looked so, so tired- Much more tired than she ever was when overworking herself at Alchemax, or when they were still fighting. The light of the lasers cast her in a ghastly light, the lines on her face that Sky had so reverently worshipped looking more like deep carvings in stone as she was wracked in worry.
“Oh, Luce-“ The doctor chuckles breathlessly, shifting where she sat as the actuators surrounding her slithered to the other side. She looked quite cramped, stuck curled into a ball and barely able to hold her own hand up to the wall. A weak smile spread across her lips, but Lucielle couldn’t smile back yet.
“What did he do to you.. How did he even find you, it was only five minutes!” She sobs out, crouching down to see the older woman more clearly. Sky blamed herself, she was quite good at that, but this time she felt fully accountable for letting a variant of Doctor Octopus know about the Society, let alone letting that woman even see inside.
“Hey, hey,” Olivia advised calmly, “I’m alright, honey, see?” She gestures to herself with her free hand, but her trembling voice and the restless coiling of tentacles did nothing to calm the hero outside the cell.
Lucielle’s brows furrowed, and her nose scrunched with her frustration. “No, no you aren’t!” She leans down to the cold floor, sitting on her knees and calves to more easily move closer. Her eyes, wracked with tears, darted around: to the other cells, over her shoulders, then back to Olivia before settling on her own bulky watch.
Right, the watch! Hobie had upgraded its security capabilities, in return for Lucielle helping him pocket some more materials. She was quietly planning before Olivia butt in once more, trying to downplay the situation.
“Look, we’re on another Earth! You know this is my life’s work, right? There’s a positive to this, I’ve never seen so many variants of a single person in one room ever! Not even in simulations!” Her voice, still shaking, is tinged with sharp enthusiasm. But Sky-Spider just keeps her head low, her heart wrenching in her chest as she types code after code into the small interface on her wrist. Her hands are trembling, and it isn’t easy to type in the gloves, but as Olivia rambles she feels the need to go even quicker. He said it wouldn’t activate the alarms, that she could use it once and that it would only last for ten minutes. Thankfully, she trusted him.
And a buzz, and the cell’s lasers dissipate as they shift to blue and fade to nothingness, leaving Olivia’s actuators to sprawl out like eels leaving a cramped tank. The villainess has no time to react, however, as her blue suited friend bounds forward into a tight hug. Olivia lets out a quick sound of shock. Her arms and legs are tense, but the tentacles do the work for her, all four pressing up against the Spider as they lie in the marks on the ground that designated the cell. Lucielle breaks into a fit of laughter, clenching her eyes shut as she clings onto the hug like a child who had a nightmare.
The doctor was still surprised, though, her wide eyes flitting across the hall. Sneers and taunts of still trapped villains make her head ring, but one thing snaps her out of it: the racing heartbeat against her own.
“I’ll show you all the worlds… All the worlds you could ever want to see,” Sky stammers, squeezing the hug tighter as the actuators never cease their coiling. “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
Olivia is still silent, before the warmth encompassing her becomes too much to bear. She stretches out her legs to let the Spider get closer, and smiles weakly. Her arms dip under Lucielle’s.
“I could say the same for you,” She whispers. “Thank you.”
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