#''is that Kinn or Mile??'' the answer is yes
braceletofteeth · 2 years
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happy | pleased
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nattaphum · 2 years
Mileapo and Jeffcode x ESQUIRE HK
‘1 or 2’ game - translation
-Swim trunks or suits?
*all suits*
Jeff: I like suits because I'm afraid of the cold
Dim sum or tart?
*mile chooses dim sum and the others tart*
Teleportation or mind reading?
*all teleportation*
Barcode: for traffic jam.
Mile: you can come to HK in a flash.
Jeff: Your answer is smart.
Mile:Mind reading is also very good, but it’s good to move instantly.
Apo: It's like a jump.
Jeff:It looks like this morning.
Barcode:It's really good to be able to move instantly
Whose bodyguard do you want to be in real life?
*jeff and apo Kinn's, mile and barcode kun's*
Mile :You can watch TV dramas all day.
Barcode: yes
Sexy or cute? Pls make cute or sexy actions. (minute 01:06)
*mile and jeff choose sexy, barcode and apo cute*
*barcode does a cute pose*
*apo does a cute pose*
Barcode: a grasshopper.
*mile and jeff do a sexy pose*
Barcode: Mile, what action did you just do?
Mile:I just bit my finger. I'm so embarrassed. Is it sexy?
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thefreeblog · 2 years
If you are in charge of giving out awards 2022 for the BL world, who will you choose for
Best debut actor
Best BL lead character
Best Side Couple
Best smile
Best BL director
Best scene(romantic)
Best scene(non romantic)
Best kiss
Best trope in any series
Hi anon, hope I am not in charge of anything ha ha. My choices are always wierd lmao
But to answer your question here it is
Best debut actor - Bible from KP
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Best lead character - Win from Between Us, I know it's not over yet, but I am sure he is not gonna disappoint. Best boyfriend ever.
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Best side couple - Vegas Pete from KP and Sky Jao from SCOY (sorry I'll not choose one, not happening)
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Best smile - I love gummy smiles.. so this goes hands down to Kinn (Mile) from KP. He really has a fucking good smile. Bible was a contender too.
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Best BL director - Triage director (s)
I love it when each and every scene and detail has a meaning in the story. Triage was done absolutely brilliantly.
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Best scene (romantic) - Has to be Nozue Sans love confession in Old Fashioned Cupcake. He runs back to Togawa, are you kidding me? Nothing gets more romantic than that.
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Best scene (non romantic) - The scene from Triage when Tol meets Tin outside the autopsy room with Jinta when he is visiting the memories. I just gasped at that parallel scene in the previous loop and the version from his memories . So well done.
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Best kiss - We got so many best kisses in BLs all around. But nothing beats this kiss from Semantic Error. The way Sang Woo just gives up and pulls Jae Young in. Chefs kiss literally.
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Best trope - Has to be the pinky grab (not to be confused with pinky promise) from My school president.
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That's how I'll distribute the awards anon.
And yes, Happy new year to you!
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ndcgalitzine · 2 years
1, 10 and 22
What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made?
answered here ⭐
10. What was the first gif you ever posted?
First gifset that I made properly in photoshop was this one
but the first gifset I ever made was probably this set from 3:10 to Yuma 😂 I think I used some online site to make these, after taking screenshots from VLC... I can't remember 🤣🤣🤣 but I made a few Christian Bale gifsets back then
22. What fandom/movie/show/person etc do you gif the most
Ok so I've made around 170-180 gifsets since last august... 40% is MileApo, 25% is Mile Phakphum, 15% is Apo Nattawin, 10% is KinnPorsche, and the last 10% is other 🤣 (yes I did the math lmao)
Thank you for the ask 🥰✨
Questions for gifmakers
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surrealsunday · 2 years
Hey, it's the Anon-who-started-Kinnporsche again ^^
Ok so I wasn't planning to drop a comment everytime I watched an episode lol but I just finished episode 6 and you were right damn it was so good! I loved seeing them being so goofy with eachother and then also managing to have serious conversations, and that they had to learn to compromise and work together since they were literaly stuck together. One of the thing that stood out the most for me was how well balanced the episode as a whole was, as in it started in a pretty humorous way despite their situation and it gradually became more and more serious, the same way they gradually got more "serious" into their relationship, which finally gave them the courage to actually talk about their relationship and for Kinn to apologize for his big fuck up. The contrast between the two rock paper rock cisors showcase so well imo (i literaly gasped when Porsche changed to scissors in the second one, like damn my boi !). And the symbolism with the handcuffs with Kinn learning to let Porsche go :((((((( I actually had seen this last scene in gifs, but damn I still wasn't prepared to be hit so hard like the actors' performance were so good!!
Also I remembered in episode 4 (I think), I loved the scene where Porsche tells Big off for expecting him to be shocked that Kinn is gay (and I was actually pleasantly surprised they actually adressed homophobia, as I initially thought that this was just the kind of fictional world where everyone is gay and no one cares, not that I wouldn't have liked that either lol). But I also felt so bad for Big bc he looked so devastated :( ? Was it because, as Kim had implied, he is actually in love with Kinn and thought "oh damn Kinn is gonna fall so hard for this guy and now I don't even have anything against him" ?
YESSSSSSSSSS! I'm so excited to read your reaction!
Ep 6 is honestly soooooo good. You're right, it's incredibly well balanced. And because the plot is driven by the progression of Kinn and Porsche's relationship, it's the show at its best.
Seeing them be goofy together! Yes! The best! And seeing Kinn just get to be himself and have fun with Porsche? Honestly so needed (for the viewer and Porsche) and gives you so much better an understanding of the mask Kinn has to put on daily to survive and to fulfill his family obligations.
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Look at them! Happy babies!
I really love the way the show allows them room to talk and get to know one another. They have multiple conversations throughout different episodes where they open up. And ep 6 is one of the best examples with the fireside chat, and then again during Kinn's last apology and their talk about how they felt about having sex (and the way it happened). I think my mouth dropped open when Porsche changed his hand to scissors, and then I audibly gasped when Kinn easily released them from the cuffs lol. God, those were both such good reveals. Such a brilliant way of showing through their actions how deeply they had fallen for one another. And Kinn being able to let Porsche go, to essentially say, 'Your happiness is more important than my own' was one of the most beautiful moments of the series. As of course, was Porsche coming back. And you're sooooo right, Mile and Apo are brilliant in that final scene. I feel like big emotions played out by actors get a lot of attention, but subtly is far more challenging. Both of them play subtle emotions insanely well and it's on full display during that scene.
Omg Big. Um... ok. So I will just say that you won't ever get explicit confirmation or an answer to your question, but general fandom consensus is yes. Yes, it's very easy to conclude (as you'll see in future eps) that Big is in love with Kinn and recognized immediately that there was something between Kinn and Porsche. I will really look forward to hearing your thoughts when it comes to how Big's feelings play out. So I do feel during that confrontation in ep 4 that Big was almost hoping Porsche would be an asshole about Kinn being gay. And when Porsche tells him off, Big has this moment of thinking, 'Fuck' and knowing he stood no chance with Porsche properly in the picture.
Also, you know about the bonus hospital scene that comes right after ep 6 and before ep 7, yes? If not, it's HERE and you must watch it. It's the softest, sweetest shit ever.
And thank you so much for sending me your thoughts - I actually squeed!!!
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mileapokp1677 · 2 years
Three Steps to Win You (CH 19)
Title: Three Steps to Win You
Rating: M
Pairing: Daddy Chan/Tankhun, Kinn/Porsche, Vegas/Pete
Category: M/M, AU Nerd-Jock
Summary: Accidentally, scientist Tankhun Theerapanyakul embarrassed footballer Captain Chan "Daddy" Knight in front of his coach, teammates and fans. He had to fulfill three tasks from the captain before his apology was accepted.
Chapter 19
(Tankhun POV)
Tuesday Morning - Theerapanyakul Residence 
"P', this is really good," Kim said while chewing on the sandwich that Tankhun brought home last night. As soon as he woke up this morning and finished taking a shower, Tankhun immediately heated up the two sandwiches for Kim and Pa's breakfast.
"Yes, it's really good, son. I don't think you've ever bought this before. Is there a new Deli near campus?" asked Pa, who also seemed to be enjoying the sandwich very much.
"No, Pa, the Deli is a bit far from campus, but worth every mile," said Tankhun.
"P', are you sure this is gluten free bread? It doesn't taste like one at all," Kim insisted, his mouth still chewing nonstop. "Ah~ so good."
"I'm sure, unless Chan lied to me," Tankhun replied without a second thought. “We had lunch together at his regular Deli yesterday. He bought this sandwich for you and Pa.” 
"Cap!? Really? Then, I have no doubts.”
"Why, you, little-"
"Cap?" interrupted Pa in a questioning tone.
Ah, Pa ~
One more member of his family he had to lie to. His damn mouth!
"Pa~~! I forgot you don't know about this... P’ is-"
"Kim," Tankhun warned. 
"Sorry, P', not my story to tell. I shut my mouth now."
Pa looked at him with gentle eyes, patiently waiting for Tankhun's explanation, while the scientist started to feel very bad. He actually had no desire to involve Pa at all, but telling him the truth now would make things even more complicated. There was no other choice, he needed to be strong and finish his plan to the end. It was only for three months, and he was determined that Pa would not be affected by this matter at all, but even if he had to, as little as possible.
“I’m dating the BSFC’s Captain, Pa,” confessed Tankhun, as calm as he could. 
“The Captain? Chan Knight?” asked Pa. “Ah, no wonder.” 
“Yes, Pa, Chan Knight,” confirmed Tankhun. “No wonder… about what?”  
He was actually scared to hear Pa’s answer. 
“No wonder you’re watching football matches now,” replied Pa calmly.
“What? I didn’t know that,” blurted Kim before Tankhun managed to give any response to Pa. 
“Yes, Kim, I heard a couple of times, the voice of the football commentary came from his room," Pa elaborated while smiling. Oh, is that a mischievous smile? Pa hadn't looked this excited about anything in a long time, and Tankhun felt his heart split in two. He hated lying to Pa, but seeing Pa like this made him very happy.
“I thought you only watched the derby that one time. Aw~ P’ that is so sweet.”
Tankhun was so~ ready to pull out his claws to silence Kim, but today, Pa was very spirited. If he didn't know better, he'd think Pa and Kim were working together on purpose to gang up on him.
“He’s also a very handsome man, so it’s understandable if you want to see him in action,” stated Pa, his mischievous smile got even deeper. 
Oh God…
Did Pa... just tease him? Tankhun felt like he was back in the old days when Ma was alive. If Ma was still here, both his parents definitely would have ganged up on him to tease him without mercy. Tankhun’s feelings were so mixed at that time, he was unable to speak, like there was something stuck in his throat. 
“He’s very kind too, Pa~ and the coolest… Cap is the best!” added Kim. “You won't find anyone better than Cap, P'!"
Pa's smile was shifting from being mischievous to be contented and relieved. He looked so radiant. 
Okay~ he needed to stop this Chan praise event ASAP, before Pa expecting something that doesn't exist. If only...
Too soon, remember? 
"Oh wow, look at the time," blurted Tankhun with the worst acting ever, but he just couldn't take it anymore. "Kim, we better go now."
"Okay, P'," Kim responded as he grabbed his car keys from the dining table and put them into his jacket pocket. "Drop you at Hattrick as usual?"
"Yes," replied Tankhun. "Pa, we're leaving."
"Tankhun," called Pa as he stood up from his chair and walked over to Tankhun. He then gently held Tankhun's face in both of his hands and said, "All I want for all my sons is for them to find great love in their lives, just as I found great love in your mother."
Oh my God…
"Pa..." replied Tankhun who was so moved by Pa’s words at that time, placing his hands on top of Pa's. "I want it too, Pa, believe me."
Pa just nodded slightly and smiled at him, afterward, he pulled Tankhun's face closer to kiss him on his forehead.
"I wish the best for you and Chan, son. So, when can I meet him?" 
Whoa! Mayday… mayday… 
"We just started dating, Pa," reasoned Tankhun, hoping Pa wouldn't push him. "Still too soon."
"Okay, okay, I'll just wait for your cue then," Pa responded with a chuckle.
Tankhun kissed Pa’s right cheek. “We better go now, Pa.”
“Yes, of course, have a good day, both of you.”
“You too, Pa!” replied Kim. “See ya!”
On the way to the Hattrick, Tankhun checked all the messages and notifications on his social media that he didn't have time to check last night, while Kim, who was driving, sang along to a catchy pop song on the radio. To be honest, Tankhun always thought that Kim has a good singing voice, but football is his life, otherwise Tankhun will ask Kim to enter a music academy.
"The boys are so adorable, all of them," said Tankhun with a laugh.
"Who are you talking about, P'?" Kim asked.
"The BSFC boys," replied Tankhun. "They followed me on Instagram. Wait, let me follow them all back."
"They followed me back too, P’! Can you believe it? Me!” cried Kim. 
"It must feel like a dream to you," asked Tankhun. 
"You have no idea, P’! I think until this very moment I still haven't woken up from the dream," replied Kim who stunned. "Since last night, I keep pinching myself, it's madness, P'!"
“Aaw~ I’m so happy for you, Kim,” said Tankhun, ruffling Kim’s hair. 
“Oy, P’, leave my hair alone!” yelled Kim as he stopped the car in front of the cafe and immediately fixed his hair. 
“Thanks, sweetie, have a good day!” 
“P, wait!” yelled Kim once again. “How about I just wait for you here? So, you don't have to deal with the paparazzi?”
“No need, Kim. I don’t want you late for class,” rejected Tankhun. “I’m going to be fine, besides I don’t know how long the queue is today.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Okay, then, if you say so,” said Kim. “Please, give me a call if you need me.” 
“I will, see you~” said Tankhun, waving to his youngest brother, who is such a sweetheart most of the time. 
The queue was quite long today, Tankhun was relieved he didn't ask Kim to wait for him. He would definitely be late for his first class, if he had to wait this long. While waiting for his turn, Tankhun decided to check the messages and DMs on his cellphone which seemed endless.
Doctor T, congratulations! But more importantly, please let me compliment your fashion sense~ those Ferragamo combat boots are to die for!!! Super love! ❤️
[Tankhun T]
Aaaw~ Thank you, Tay! ❤️
Doctor T~, OMG!!! This is Arm, and Pol is here with me atm. We need to ask you something. Will you give us permission to write a ff about you and Cap? Your love story is GOLD!
First, Tankhun laughed at Arm and Pol silliness, but then thinking about them truly writing a story about him and Chan made him shudder. No way in hell! 
[Tankhun T]
How about never? And don't you ever think, that you two can create a side account to write a ff about me undetected. Believe me, I will hunt you down and will ask Chan to make your life a living hell. OH, how about VP? Any progress? You need to update me about them! 
Doctor T, I just wanted to say, no matter how bizarre your first meeting with Cap was, I'm glad he found you. Thank you for returning his smile.
Wow , that was intense. Big’s DM made Tankhun so fucking curious though, what exactly that infuriating ex from hell had done to Chan!? He needed to ask Porsche about it. 
[Tankhun T]
Thank you, Big.
“Next customer!” 
Ah, finally it was his turn. 
“Oh, Doctor T, it’s you,” greeted the barista. “I’m Macau, Vegas’s brother. Uhm, P' has already explained the consequences of my action to you. I owe you a big apology. So, I'm so sorry, Doctor T."
The boy, who seemed to be about the same age as Kim, looked very apologetic, so Tankhun wasn't going to prolong the matter any longer. After all, it happened quite a long time ago.
"Macau, right?"
The boy nodded. "Yes, Doctor T."
"Let's just forget about it, okay? It's forgiven."
"Thank you," Macau replied, his face looking very relieved. "Large hot Americano, right? Or you want a jumbo size, Doctor T?"
"Large is enough for today, Macau, thank you."
After paying for the coffee and tipping Macau, as usual Tankhun stood at the end of the counter waiting for his Americano to be brewed. While waiting, he decided to read the last DM on his phone, it was from Pete. It was a long one and seemed more intense than Big's.  
Doctor T, I don't know if the others have tried to contact you or not, but if they did, I wouldn't be surprised. I just hope you don't feel like we're being too presumptuous or crossing the line by sending you a DM like this. But our team is like a family, and like a real family, we protect each other. 
Oh my God, was he about to get "the talk" through DMs by the co-captain of BSFC? These boys truly were adorable, they entertained him so much. Still, Tankhun prepared himself to get “the talk.” He definitely would share this with Chan, they’re going to have a good laugh over it. 
But, just as Tankhun set out to read the rest of Pete's DM, Macau called out his name, his coffee was ready.
"Your Americano, Doctor T, " said Macau sweetly while handing the hot coffee to Tankhun. "Have a good day."
"Thank you, Macau. Have a good day, too."
First thing first, Tankhun took his first sip of coffee for today before he continued reading Pete's DM.  
… We all care so much for Cap, and we're so grateful that we can see him laughing like this again. We've been waiting for this moment for a long time. So, thank you very much, Doctor T! We owe you big time! We don't know how we can repay this, but if you need our help, please say so without hesitation. 
Apparently it was not the “if you hurt our Cap, we will hurt you back” talk that he expected, but somehow this was way worse and not amusing at all. In fact, Pete's DM had made Tankhun feel very bad about himself, almost as bad as he felt when he heard Pa's words earlier this morning, or when he made Porsche sad that night at the Moonlight. But, he truly never expected that so many people would be so delighted or this keen because of whatever it is that’s been going on between him and Chan. Not only that, some of them even felt very grateful to him, since they all believed he was the reason that making Chan smile and laugh again.
But all of this was fake! Their relationship was fake... and who could guarantee that Chan's smiles and laughs are genuine? He said it himself, with his own mouth, that it was too soon for him to start a new relationship. So, who really knows? Despite what those BSFC boys said.
What have I got myself into?
Tankhun should have accepted Macau’s offer earlier and gotten the jumbo size coffee. But, honestly, he didn’t think it would make things any better, because for the first time since he discovered the Hattrick, he did not find the slightest pleasure in his coffee.
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Or I like it when you're happy.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hello~~ I always enjoy reading your posts🌈🌈 Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge and thoughts on BL! It's the first time for me to send an ask, so I'm a bit nervous and it might be a little bit clumsy but please bear with me >< So on to the question: I know you are not very fond and enthusiastic about KinnPorsche but I don't know who else I could ask and tbh I'm afraid of the KinnPorsche fandom hunting me down for asking this question… This may be an unpopular opinion but am I the only one who felt incredibly uncomfortable watching the sex scene in Ep. 4 between Kinn and Porsche and in Ep. 7 the 'in the bathroom of the bar' sex scene? KinnPorsche are known for their intense chemistry and quite graphic sex scenes and many fans absolutely celebrate their sex scenes. I don't have any problems with sex scenes being steamy, high heat, and graphic (rather I love it, I personally really loved the VegasPete sex scene and I enjoy the high heat Taiwan delivers) or being non-con to a degree (I had no problem in watching the blowjob scene in TharnType), which makes me wonder what made me so uncomfortable in these particular scenes. What are your thoughts on these scenes? Did it make you uncomfortable? Excuse me for the long ask and please don't feel pressured to answer it. I'm sorry for any grammatical mistakes and my bad English (it's not my first language) I hope you have a good day~~ Thanks in advance 💕
Hi hi! Don't be nervous. You're not gonna sing, right?
I know you are not very fond and enthusiastic about KinnPorsche but I don't know who else I could ask and tbh I'm afraid of the KinnPorsche fandom hunting me down for asking this question.
Ah yes, part of the reason I don't talk about KP that often.
This may be an unpopular opinion but am I the only one who felt incredibly uncomfortable watching the sex scene in Ep. 4 between Kinn and Porsche and in Ep. 7 the 'in the bathroom of the bar' sex scene?
If you're talking about the kissing after throwing up, the non consent issue with Porsche being three sheets to the wind and.... so forth... you're talking dub-con.
I'm not a fan (although I think it has it's place if properly codified into kink, like with VegasPete) but it is pretty ubiquitous in BL. It's not KP's fault, so to speak. I wrote a whole thing about it here. 
KinnPorsche are known for their intense chemistry and quite graphic sex scenes and many fans absolutely celebrate their sex scenes. I don't have any problems with sex scenes being steamy, high heat, and graphic (rather I love it, I personally really loved the VegasPete sex scene and I enjoy the high heat Taiwan delivers) or being non-con to a degree (I had no problem in watching the blowjob scene in TharnType), which makes me wonder what made me so uncomfortable in these particular scenes. 
Hum perhaps the consent thing? Perhaps the actors gave off the wrong vibe for you. Mile and Apo strike me as very bro-y, for lack of a better word. I mean they were game and went for it but I didn’t get a ton of chemistry from them. Maybe that what effected you? 
What are your thoughts on these scenes? Did it make you uncomfortable?
They didn’t make me uncomfortable (except the kissing after vomit thing, and the dub con) but I also fast forwarded through most of their sex stuff after that first one. They just didn’t work for me as a couple. I was mostly in the “shrug, I’ve seen better” mode.  
Sorry I can’t help figure out more. 
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Hey Darling, Kinnporsche anon here!! hope you are doing better!! Glad to hear you're slowly but surely getting better!!
It's already Kinnporsche day when I write you this (OK, it's midnight but still). I cannot wait omg!! Like we are we going now, the big fight is approaching sooner than later, so how are we getting there 👀👀
Yeah for season two 🥰 Apparently, it's Apo himself who say, in a livestream for the bread ad, that season is already in the work (let's be real, they will be stupid if they don't do more season. The show is too popular not to. We need more of Mafia Gay man). He also says that BOC have another projet for Him and Mile (like yes, I need every fanfiction trope with them) (I'm not 100% sure about these info, bc I don't speak Thai. So I trust other people!). But like, it will so cool of Mile and Apo work together some more, I really love their chemistry, they are insanely good together. (I hope BOC still hire the rest of the cast, they are too good to not do other serie (looking at you Bible and Build)).
Like you say, I think Kimchay are not getting a happy ending this season. I don't see they will resolve the conflit, and try ré-built their relationship in two episode, when we have other stuff that is taking place? It's going to be sad bc I want Chay happy 😭 I hope him and Kim can talk though, like about uni or the mafia stuff. They could start from zero, as friend (where Kim apologized and explain why he has to go back to uni). And, Friend to Lover is always a good trope, just saying. I need more Kim and Chay at uni, doing little study session while sneaking little eyes contact. (I dont' understand how Kim can go to uni, while being a superstar, a detective, the son of the big mafia and saving his boyfriend at the same time. I can't even manage going to my course while breaking down 😭)
Kinn and Porsche are too in love to have drama. I will not survive if in the episode we have angst stuff. Like they communicate, and stuff. The way Kinn act when Porsche discover he was with the man in the beginning show us that he mature, and is ready to fight for their relationship. I don't think it will have miscommunication. Maybe Khorn plan is going to backfire Kinn? That the only way I see angst happening between them? But at the same time, Kinn is too in love to let Porsche go easily (I can't blame in). The wait is kiliing me ugh
Vegaspete is my reason to live really. They are higher than my expectations!!! Their scene togerher, in the safe house, is just too good on a lot of level. I do think Vegas open to Pete before his hedgehog passed away, the scene with the book show us that. He only put in his mask back bc he didn't want to be confront with the reality (of him needing love). The hedgehog scene just show us Vegas that Pete was here to stay, that he will not run away (maybe for a reason that they both don't understand), Pete is not going to abandon him, he is not being nice just for being nice. He want to know more about Vegas, want to be here for him. He start to get freaky with Pete after the hedgehog scene bc it simply show Vegas that Pete is here to stay. Bc let's be honest, he could have make a move before that, but Vegas though there were still a chance of Pete leaving, like everyone before.
I feel like the uncle stuff is going to bring so much angst (but he will be the one to bring us answer so I can tolerate it).
I cannot wait really!!! I know the team of Kinnporsche will not disappointed in term of where they are going!!!
Did you have any news from your exam btw?? 🤗
Please tell me when you watched the new episode so I can send you my thoughts!! I don't want to take the risk to spoil you!!
Take care and rest well darling!! I will see you. Soon 🥰
Hi darling!! today I’m feeling better so finally I’m seeing the light haha only have a horrible cough now but it’s okay!! 
I need to watch the last episode again because I can’t remember all the details to comment everything!! so many feelings!!! <3 I’m happy that it’s confirmed season two is in the making!! I’m so excited about it the only problem is going to be waiting period haha also can’t wait to know more about the world tour and the dates!! I don’t have any hope but a girl can dream! the only sad thing that had happened is the Build drama, I believe that people can change and improve so I’ll support him!! hope he will return soon!! 
About my exams, I passed two of them only waiting for the last one! thanks for asking!! hope you are doing good!!!  💓 I’m trying to organize my tumblr theme but can’t decide in a new one that I like!! also I’ll try to do more gifsets so if you want any specific one let me know!! 
Hope you are having a lovely day!! See you!!  😘 😘
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anotherblblog · 2 years
KinnPorsche Episode 11 Liveblog blurbs
okie okie
I’m committed to live reacting this ep partially because I stumbled upon some amazing KP meta this week and am on an all time KP high
and ofc now that I’m even more excited than usual for KP my internet (or the iqiyi app) doesn’t wanna cooperate 
anywhooooooooo let’s start the ep
starting off with VegasPete for all the patient fans out there both Vegas and his dad dress so ostentatiously  peacocking much? Vegas is on the bad list lol, what did you expect dude
omg please Kinn, just think, a little harder, come on baby and nope... he seems to be buying it, or maybe this is another one of Kinn’s plans
but the KP snuggle scene is cute
ok, this is kinda hawt... >:3 this phone call neck kissing mindscrew I now see the appeal of Vegas >:3
Kinn is trying to hard to this past this plot enforced stupidity 
oh I see we’re firmly on the comedy side of the KP scales this episode also didn’t Big and Ken like just die lmao y’all don’t care at all 
lmao “there’s no rule”  where is this rulebook or code of conduct 
so it’s like VegasPete for serious/scary and KP for comedy ah Kimlock Holmes is back on the case with the full board of clues and plots and mysteries  now honestly, I’m very interested to see how KimChay resolves
oh there’s the Chay half now Chay makes some good points in his plea but lol at Porsche wanting to be with them both
oh no, looks like the silliness has invaded the VegasPete parts of the episode
I guess after the Tawan mini arc concluded they wanted levity before it probably gets serious again...
oh it’s the other queer couple also here for silliness ok, yes this episode is like 10x more silly and saccharine that normal  BUT  I am absolutely all about Kinn and Porsche getting to openly declare their feelings for each other with their family and friends GAY RIGHTS!
also like Vegas is totally going to kill his dad right? like are we all sensing that coming or is it just me... “fudge” lol
ok Tankhun and Porchay I am really enjoying together  even without the Kim plot bomb that’s probably going to drop later oh shit, it’s happening right now lmao pleae don’t let this be the only Tankhun and Porchay scene but lmaoooo at the only Kim and Kinn thing is a photo 
lmao nurse torturer Vegas is here  also he’s still handcuffed hahahahaha “you must suffer until I am satisfied” ........ >:3 your honor, I like it now they’re trading tragic backstories  yeah, I think Kan is going to die for real but Pete might be the one who does it
dawww hahahahaha it’s kinda sad but funny, this KimChay breakup scene but not as funny as Kim’s fringe 
and the mood whiplash continues with his helicopter KP date hahahahahahahahaha
tonally this episode is all over the place
Vegas in casual ware is so odd VegasPete - torture but comedy
omgggggggg KinnPorsche - horny but wholesome fucking mile high bj hahahaha
Kimlock giving this dude a shakedown and getting an answer to something that was a never a question to me lmao of course Korn is behind it 
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praguues · 2 years
Hi!! it's your annoying kinnporsche anon again. I am finally up to date, life has been kicking my butt so I haven't had time to watch. Anyway, how have you been enjoying the last few episodes? Is it true that there are only 2 more episodes until season 1 has finished? I am hoping it is renewed for season 2!! I heard the kinnporsche cast are going on tour?? are you planning to see them??
What do you think of Pete and Vegas's dynamic?? Hope you have been well, take care!! We'll speak again soon, you can't get rid of me so soon. I'm like Vegas I just keep coming back lol
Kp anon, never say you're annoying again, I get so excited when I see a message from you!! It is true, there are only 14 episodes in total, so we have 2 more to go before the wait for s2 starts. I'm speaking s2 into existence, I refuse to accept otherwise.
There is a kp world tour apparently yes! But I think they haven't officially announced which countries they'll be visiting yet? So it all depends on that, if I'll be able to go or not. However, I think if I see Mile or Apo in real like I WILL pass out, so I have to think about this carefully LOL
I'm very intrigued by Pete and Vegas, what they have is so different from what Kinn and Porsche have. I'm really curious to see how its going to go from here- Will Vegas let Pete go? And if he does does Pete return to the main family now? Does he want to? Does he want to stay with Vegas and the minor family? And the main question- will Kinn/Porsche/anyone-at-all-from-the-main-family come to their senses and realise just how long Pete's been missing for???! Like, I know Kinn thinks Pete's with his grandma, but, what was the time limit on that leave, how long has it Been really. So many questions anon, so many, and so little time left to have them answered. Fingers crossed the last 2 eps are at LEAST an hour long each hahahaha
Also- I don't want to get rid of you!! Come talk to me more kp anon! ❤️ 
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