#'1080p' my ass <3
chanrizard · 2 years
so. no hd version then
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b0tster · 1 year
Hello Lilith I require sage wisdom only a true Bloodborne expert can answer. I recently bought Bloodborne and have been mildly gnawing at it in small amounts of time and I'm kinda turned off by how crusty it looks :(
Now! Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the art style of the game massively. And I enjoy it's setting and so far the combat. However, the games running on a PS4 pro in 4k(ish) on a big ass TV when the game (I think) is only supportive of 1080p displays. And hence the textures and aliasing looks really jagged and unpleasant. Is this just a weird small sacrifice I should bear. I've noticed my copy of dark souls 3 also kinda looks like this. Could this just be a quirk of all From soft games? Or is it an issue with the display I'm using.
Thank u for Ur time ^^
hunny ur aware that ur venting to the ps1 girl about ur game only outputting a measly 2,073,600 pixels a frame right.
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4me2knowandyou2wonder · 11 months
Teeth Headcanons for Modern Warfare characters
As the winner of our first pole, we will be starting with everyone's not so, maybe sometimes favorite baby man...
Yep. Graves was the braces kid. He just was.
At 13 his American ass was told by the dentist to go to the orthodontist. His mother dragged him there despite his protests and he was put in big metal brackets. (He had some normal crowding and a healthy underbite) Graves was awful at wearing his rubber bands, just awful and had braces for 3 years. Almost all his teen pictures have that metal smile on display.
Graves also was the type to not know what color brackets look good and constantly switched them around so half his photos not only have a metal smile but also have a candy-colored metal smile - Blue, green, yellow, and red all clashing on his teeth. (You know he did red white and blue at least twice)
His wisdom teeth were removed at 18 because his mouth is too small for them. His mother made a video of him on the anesthetic drugs as he says all sorts of things. He definitely cried a few times. Graves swears the video has never seen the light of day - he’s wrong and his shadows can prove it. Mercenaries can always find a way.
After getting his braces off, Graves never truly wore his retainer. He lost it within the first year he was prescribed it and never let his family replace it.
Today, It shows in his teeth. Their crookedness and original setup has all but fully returned. Graves has genetically yellow teeth (fig 1) and they're going to be that color even though he brushes them 13/14 times he’s supposed to. (this success is mainly because his shadows will comment if his breath stinks.) lastly, Graves does not floss and refuses to with the conviction of a man with toxic masculinity. 
NOT LASTLY I just rewatched some graves scenes on confirm his underbite and not only is it *really there* its there because he is shoving his jaw up and out like he’s chewing tobacco (fig 2 & 3). Which made me realize… this bitch probably chews tobacco! So put dozens of cavities, worn away enamel, and early tooth loss on your Graves bingo cards!  Figures under the cut
Please excuse the quality I took this with my phone camera off my computer screen while binging the cod games. It was snapped in moments of excitement over teeth and not meticulously clipped from the videos for posting purposes o7
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(Fig 1)
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(Fig 2) these next two were screen shots from a not 1080p video and you can tell. But they do their job. Also, hi ghost!
You can’t tell me this man hasn’t chewed tobacco before … look at the way he hold his face !
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(Fig 3)
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alicentgwayne · 4 months
How do you get your gifts to be such a good quality? Whenever I try to make my own they always turn up low quality and pixelated 😭
Wow thank you so much, it means a lot <3 and no worries, I've been there too so I know that in the beginning it can be frustrating.
Here are some tips, hopefully they make sense :)
I think the best advice I can give you is to use at least 1080p video files for making gifs (I use only 1080p). There are gifmakers who gif in 4k for even better quality but my weak laptop would burn down if i did this lol. The file size is also important, my hotd episodes range from 4GB - 8GB.
It also depends on the scene alone you want to gif. Dark scenes are a pain in the ass. The more adjusting layers you add, the more grainy your gif becomes/the quality lowers (for hotd/got gifs especially). Scenes in broad daylight are so much easier to work with. You can see the difference in these two sets I made for Helaena and Alicent. In Helaena's case I experimented more with brightness and removing that awful yellow filter and it resulted in grainy quality. Meanwhile, Alicent's scenes are way smoother. I mostly played with selective color layer and reduced blue filter.
Use smart sharpen for sharpening your gif before any editing. If it helps here are my settings. Firstly, set amount to 500% and radius to 0.4px. Then, amount to 10% and radius to 10px.
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I'm not going into details regarding adjustment layers, you have to try and decide what best works for you. For me, I always go Curves > Levels > Exposure > Brightness/Contrast > Color Balance > sometimes Gradient map > Selective color > Vibrance.
The last thing I do before saving the final gif is to set it to Noise and quality to Bicubic Smoother (hightlighted in red)
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Well, I think that's all. I know that for the beginner gifmaker it can be a lot but trust me with practice you'll get your gifs in the quality you desire. Happy gifmaking!!
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schismusic · 9 months
Æon Flux and the end of all things
I don't remember the first time I heard of Æon Flux but I sure as hell remember the first time I watched it, and it wasn't too long ago which would technically not warrant the level of obsession I have for that shit, but here we are anyway.
I was knocked the fuck out on painkillers, two of my wisdom teeth freshly removed, not even remotely worried about the exam that I had coming up in like two days from then. So I was barely moving away from my swivel chair and sleeping on a whole ass armored pillow to prevent from tossing and turning and shit felt so surreal to me. It was like the eating chair from the last Cronenberg movie. So I delved into Æon Flux essentially blind and bingewatched the shit out of it. Twice. Ended up downloading the whole thing from some sketchy ass 1080p remastered torrent, rewatched it again, and spread it around personally in a more cauterized Google Drive folder (so if you guys got a nasty ass virtual STD from it, my bad I guess), not even a month after watching the series. Shit was fucked, in short, and every rewatch just fueled this obsession even further.
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(image taken from Episode 1, Season 1)
One thing about me: when I obsess over stuff I want to draw something at the very least inspired by it. Happens to me a lot with Autechre, who are actually one of maybe three bands I would not hesitate to call my favourite based on an absolutely objective principle which is absolutely not up for discussion and which might be the object of a future post at this point. But the point is fucking Æon Flux is essentially impossible to replicate because Peter Chung's character designs are so recognizable that you start seeing them in literally every other movie that came out in the late '90s/early 2000s - and for reference, Æon Flux was brought to an end in 1995. Consequently, all attempts at drawing Æon Flux-inspired stuff end up either feeling very derivative or looking like fucking trash. Artistry is a weird thing because sometimes it inspires other people, other times it just inspires man-slaughtering rage.
Somewhat many of my friends are or have at one point tried to be accomplished visual artists. Some have made it to professional/teaching level, some others have an art school diploma or degree - and I'll be using this space to shout out @coto-letta aka V., who has recently rejoined Tumblr after years of absence. We met on here, when her handle was much different, and I mistook her for an ex of mine (whom, surprisingly, we are still on relatively good - if quiet - terms with) so I slid into her DMs as you do, and she was like "yeah actually I have no clue who the fuck you are I just think your blog is neat and dropped a follow" which was quite a fundamental moment in understanding that while my life was written like a dodgy soap-opera, that didn't mean I was the centre of the entire world. Anyway, the reason I'm shouting her out is because sometimes something deeper and older than you remember has a way of finding you again when you least expect it and that's what happened when in January 2023 (after V. had left Tumblr for at that point about two years and we had exchanged Instagram accounts) I somehow ended up on her Insta and found out she had been tagged in a picture taken somewhere that looked suspiciously like my university's conference hall and I could not fucking believe she was in my city. I slid into her DMs again, as you do, and found out that no, that wasn't my uni's aula magna, but yes, she was in fact relocating in my city for her master's. So we met up after maybe seven years of on-and-off Internet friendship. It's a neat story, sure, but how the fuck do we tie it into Æon Flux?
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(image taken from Episode 3, Season 2: Leisure)
Not trying to be overly dramatic here, but Æon Flux to me is just about a condensation of everything that "art" can mean. Not just visual flare or style, not just deep meaning or interesting ways of putting across one or more questions and never a definitive answer to any of them (more often than not, it's sets of possible answers - usually two, neither of which ends up covering the whole array of possibilities, both of which actually leave a lot to be desired in a number of different ways), not just this insane fucking music that toys with everything you expect from animation courtesy of Drew Neumann who may just rank as one of the best soundtrack artists ever in virtue of this single work. It's the whole package. You would think it'd work taken in pieces, and it does, no objection to that: but it works even better as a whole package. If the moral questioning (and the philosophical musings of season 3, which is unjustly underrated because "it's too normal" by hipster wannabe critic dilettantes who like to think that they could do better than that. Everybody else on the other hand is generally able to stop pull their head out their own ass and recognize, at the very least, the excellent craftsmanship and talent that went into the ten long episodes) wasn't accompanied by the weird fetishistic sex it'd be somewhat less impactful, almost like a cauterized Tenshi no tamago made into a series for mainstream late-night TV audiences. The twist was that MTV's executives, at the time, "didn't understand [the double entendres], they didn't even notice them. So, we were okay", in producer Japhet Asher's own words in the short documentary Investigation: The History of Æon Flux. The network was, in fact, trying to break into the mainstream - they simply couldn't keep their creatives at bay. No wonder they turned to Jersey Shore as they went along.
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(image taken from Episode 5, Season 3: The Demiurge)
Even just the main characters' purported edginess, clearly something "of its time", is never played entirely straight. Both leads are way too complex, and very clearly presented as such, to be just summed up by "Æon Flux is an anarchist/Trevor Goodchild is a dictator". Both of which are true, by the way, they're just one part of a full picture. Even within the context of its necessary linearity - this is still an animated short and as such moves only in one direction, even though a number of episodes (specifically Mirror and Chronophasia) deliberately fuck with the viewer's perception of times on varying degrees of diegesis and extradiegesis - the series could be perceived as, indeed, a sandbox: consequently, the viewer could set sail and explore it. This is further encouraged by the series's active weirdness to whoever would want to try and make sense of the world's story. There is no history, there is just the story at hand: an eternal present which you can't understand ("un eterno presente che capire non sai": Ferretti knew his shit, regardless of how it went after CCCP) and which Æon and Trevor are not interested in even trying to contextualize. Not a surprise then that they'd be into each other: their closeness in body and heart doesn't exist at the mind's level, and the whole thing falls apart miserably every time it looks like they could be finally let their weapons down. But as Æon completely understands, and as Trevor seems to actively try to ignore, the fight is already the whole point: star-cross'd as they may be, the entire act of playfully hunting each other for sport both in the bedroom and on the battlefield is what Trevor Goodchild and Æon Flux thrive on. Trevor wants stability but an Æon who doesn't fight back is simply not Æon; Æon does not want the stability, but she definitely likes Trevor to an extent and finds more in common with him that she would probably be willing to admit (I would like to thank Tumblr user @brw on thons very good analysis of the episode A Last Time for Everything, which heavily inspired this section of the post!). In short: if Trevor seems to embody Pier Paolo Pasolini's idea that "there is nothing more anarchistic than power" ("non c'è nulla di più anarchico del potere") then Æon flips the statement on its head: "there is nothing more powerful than anarchism". That is, of course, until we once again confront my signature ad-hoc elephant in the room that this statement just summoned.
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(Image taken from Episode 1, Season 1)
No spoilers intended, but if you so much as google the name of the series you will easily find out that Æon Flux dies a whole lot throughout the series*. Season 1 and all the shorts from season 2 end with her dying ungrateful deaths and a couple of the long episodes leave much to be desired in the way of positive closure, with Ether Drift Theory representing a peak in bleakness for season 3. Most of the shorts where Æon dies imply that either absolutely nothing changes in the world around when she's lost or that Trevor Goodchild literally just succeeds in all of his goals (see Season 1's finale), and one could make a case that even if she did carry her missions through there would be absolutely nothing to show for it: somebody goes up the chain of power, everything is restored, there is one more tyrant to murder. Not to be that one guy who quotes Nietzsche about everything, but the eternal recurrence of the same is the first thing that comes to mind when watching Æon Flux, especially exemplified and even literalized by the episode War, possibly the best of the short ones: it's the same fucking story four times over a five-minute run time and nothing ever gets better for anyone. The body count in the episode is unquantifiably large - every one of the fallen a potential new Æon Flux or Trevor Goodchild. But this, in a way, implies that Æon keeps being reborn, and one could argue that the act of capturing a fly with her venus-fly-trap eye could simply be her coming back to life, as it were; stopping the most evident sign of decay, turning her eyes outward yet again, to face the eternal return of the same again and again and again…
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(Image taken from Episode 8, Season 3: Ether Drift Theory)
You can find Æon Flux for free on the Internet Archive.
*as I was discussing the final draft of this post with my friend @oldshittydog we had a pretty interesting discussion which I thought should be added here for an even clearer, fuller picture:
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tls123 · 10 months
Sorry if I bother you, but I really love your gif sets! Do you know some tutorials or, app, or anything, to learn how to make good gif? I am learning and I feel very stupid because all my gifs are shit. (if my ask is inappropriate or anything, please ignore me)
you're not bothering and none of this is inappropriate, you're more than welcome in my inbox! as for your questions, let's see what i can do.
1) tutorials — i've been doing this for long enough that i don't really have much to recommend here, the only tutorials i use nowadays are all about specific things and not how to make gifs as a whole. that being said i've linked this one before, i personally do some things differently but it's a very good tutorial, well-received by gifmakers who are just starting and well written, from what i've skimmed through.
another good post to look through is this one, not a gifmaking tutorial per se but it goes into sizes, sharpening, and how to get neat & clear gifs. two of the main points are A) while you can get away with making gifs out of a 720p quality video, 1080p is what is usually recommended. you could use 4k as well, but a 1080p video is usually easier to find, will take less space in your storage, and will give you really good results already. no need for overkill <3 as for B) size matters here on tumblr dot com, mostly width. the op of the post linked in this paragraph has included a nice graphic for the size limits for gifs, you can refer to it as you make your gifs so that whatever you make won't turn out pixelated once you upload it to tumblr.
if you're curious, i've been asked about my sharpening settings here and i spoke before on tumblr sizing here
2) software — you mentioned app, if by app you mean mobile stuff then i'm sorry, i can't help you! i've never made gifs through mobile and i wouldn't even know which direction to point towards for you to find more information. as for computers, if you mean programs then these are what i use to make my gifs: potplayer (for taking screencaps) and photoshop cc 2020 (for making the actual gifs, this is the post i used but here's one with more links)
now i'd like to mention something my grandma always used to say: no one is born learned. you're not stupid just because it's taking you a while to do something, learning is a process and everyone has their own pace. i've been making gifs for a decade now and i know there are things i could do better! i'm also still learning, i make plenty of "shit" gifs before stumbling my way to something i am okay with posting, and sometimes i'm really proud of what i've made and other times i think it's just "good enough". i understand feeling disheartened but please do not feel stupid about any of this!
no use in putting yourself down, now hold my hand and let's add the finishing touches on this long ass reply <3
3) tips — we've mentioned video quality, sharpening, and sizing. what else, what else. personally i would start simple (and i did, way back when, and still do!! most of my gifs are quite simple). so: cropping/resizing + coloring + sharpening. it'll help get the basics down and then you'll have a good foundation for everything else you might want to learn. i mentioned in another ask, almost two years ago now lmao, that i used to download other people's free psds (that is, pre-made settings and layers to color your gifs) and instead of using them i would open them up and pick them apart to see how people were coloring things, which layers they used, in which order, stuff like that.
remember: there is no right or wrong to do this! you could ask ten different people how they make their gifs, and their preferences for any specific part of the process, and you'd get ten different answers. if you find a tutorial and don't vibe with it, throw that aside and look for another. pick and choose, find what works for you and what doesn't! and that means do not be afraid to experiment and try things out.
also, don't like photoshop? no problem! i started with gimp, now personally i wouldn't recommend it over ps but it's a good program, it taught me a lot, and there's really nothing to hate about it. it might have less functions than ps though, and already a decade ago there weren't that many tutorials/resources for it.
don't like photoshop AND don't want to download a program? try photopea, i haven't used it but it works directly from your browser and it should do everything photoshop does!
let me know if there's anything else i can help with <3
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melis-writes · 3 months
Would you mind teaching me how to create gifs? ♥️ Like what program do you use, how to adjust their sharpness or things like that because your gifts are both beautiful and high-quality! I am still an amateur when it comes to editing. 😭
Hellloooo, sweet anon! Of course I can give a mini tutorial on that for you! :3 PHEW, honestly I haven't made GIFs in a fucking hot minute (since early May!). I put that on the back burner to focus on crunching away that writer's block. 🥲🙄 BUT... Making GIFs is like second nature to me because I've been at it for 2 years now, so allow me to tell you all I know! ❤️
I use Adobe Photoshop 2023! My GIFs are started, edited, cooked and finished all up in there. I know there's plenty of cheaper/free alternatives, but I've literally only ever used Photoshop so I have zero experience with those alternatives. 🥲
Remember, a huge part of how smooth and high quality your GIFs are gonna be is 95% where your GIF source is coming from. Stay away from 720p quality files! You want your GIF screencaps to be pulled from the most HD, crisp source material. At least 1080p unless you absolutely can't get your hands on anything else.
Once you pop open Photoshop, you want to follow...
Click "File"
Click "Scripts"
Click "Load files into stack..."
Now select all of your GIF screencaps. I would recommend a maximum of 85 screencaps otherwise your GIF will be longer/beefier and Tumblr for some reason hates GIFs over 10mb.
Wait for it to load! If your computer is older/slower, this might be a pain in the ass and will be 2x a pain in the ass if you have a high screencap amount.
CROPPING YOUR GIF: Select W x H x Resolution on the top bar.
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It's honestly best to crop out as close to the edges as possible for the sharpest gifs. A general rule of thumb I like to follow for cropping/GIF sizing is:
One gif: 540 px x 400 px.
2 gifs side by side: 268 px each.
3 gifs side by side: 177 px, 178 px, 177 px.
Hit enter twice to crop!
Once your GIF screencaps are loaded in, click on "Create Video Timeline" on the "Timeline" option. If you can’t see the Timeline > Window > Timeline.
Click on the stack of 3 small lines on the far right of your Timeline and click "Convert to Video Timeline".
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8. Click on those 3 lines again and click on "Make Frames From Layers".
9. Click on those 3 lines again and click "Select All Frames".
10. Click on the 3 lines again and click "Reverse Frames" otherwise your GIF will play backwards!!
11. Then you'll notice all your frames like this showing 0 seconds.
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Now you get to decide how fast or slow you want your GIF to play, but we're not using whole numbers like 1 2 3 4. Those will make your GIFS incredibly choppy and slow. Instead, we use numbers like 0.01. I would recommend sticking to 0.05 or 0.06. The higher the number, the slower it is. 0.06 feels just right to me, but 0.05 is more like watching the clip live from the movie. I also use 0.07 and 0.08 when I try to GIF a screencap that's very short so unfortunately you have to slow it down otherwise your GIF zoom replays and if you're making a GIF set it'll look horrible next to the other ones going at normal speed LMAO. 0.08 is a good, sensual slow motion type of GIF. Definitely play around with the speeds until you feel comfortable with how your GIF plays out. Not all GIFs are made with equal speed!
For my example, I'm choosing 0.06.
12. Next, go to the far right where your screencaps are all layered and select every single one of them from top to bottom. Then, right click on any random layer until this menu pops up. Click "Convert to Smart Object".
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13. On your Timeline, you'll get your smushed chunky little GIF looking like this.
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Now with my extensive experience in navigating Tumblr's hellish rules for GIF size and keeping my GIFS clean, smooth and not too long or not too short, I can easily eyeball this every time but I can see why a beginner with Photoshop GIFs might struggle. You see how big that purple block, AKA your GIF, is? It basically needs to be half of that. The bigger that block, the longer/beefier the GIF.
Slowly drag your mouse over that purple block from start to finish to watch your GIF essentially manually play out in front of you. Then you can decide what parts to trim out using the scissors option.
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You can then click anywhere on the Timeline to unselect those now 2 chunks of purple. Then you can select just the one piece you want to delete and either hit the backspace key on your keyboard (Like I do) or right click it and click delete.
14. Next, make sure you drag that little blue arrow thing that lets you comb through the GIF all the way back to the beginning. We're going to edit the actual GIF now and we want to edit the whole thing from start to finish, not have effects randomly playing right before the GIF ends or in the middle of it.
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15. Time to sharpen up that GIF as the first part of our editing and make it pretty!!
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Click on lower left convert button to Convert from Frame Animation to Video Timeline.
Select > All Layers.
CTRL + click on any Layer > Select Convert to Smart Object.
16. Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen.
A little menu will pop up and you can select/input these defaults I use for my crispy GIFs:
Preset: CUSTOM.
Amount: 500%.
Radius: 0.4 PX.
Once more...
Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen again only this time for the second Smart Sharpening, make the attributes:
Amount: 10%.
Radius: 10 PX.
17. Colouring the GIFs!
If you don’t have Adjustments tab > Window > Adjustments.
Adjustments > Exposure.
Another little menu will pop up, and you can use my defaults:
Preset: CUSTOM.
Exposure: 0.99
Offset: 0.0000
Gamma Correction: 1.00
Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast.
Brightness: *anything you want* Drag your mouse around to play with how you want this to look, there are no set numbers however you might want to note down the amount of brightness you put or took away if you want all of your GIFs to match this one!
Contrast: *anything you want*
18. Colouring GIFs when skintones or scenes are too orange/red:
Adjustments > Selective Color.
Colors: REDS.
Cyan: +6.
Magenta, Yellow, Black: 0.
The reds result in the orange color to begin with, but remember each color has its own counterpart. To decrease red tones, increase the cyans!
Example: Making a blue dress more vibrantly blue à Adjustments > Selective Color.
19. Adding text.
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Remember, text layers should be on top of the rest of your layers, even if you have several pieces of text on the GIF. It doesn't matter in which order you stack text layers on top, they just have to be up there.
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Click Text Tool on the lefthand bar and then click wherever you want to add the text.
To change text settings on a panel > Window > Character.
18-20 pt font is suitable for 540 px gifs! It's to use Calibri font in italics for text talking or Myriad Pro. Those are GIF text classics.
Right click on Text Layer > Blending Options > Stroke > + Stroke.
Size: 1 px.
Position: OUTSIDE.
Blend Mode: NORMAL.
Then hit OK.
Right click on Text Layer > Blending Options > Drop Shadow > Drop Shadow +.
Once again, right click on Text Layer > Blending Options > Stroke > + Stroke.
Blend Mode: NORMAL.
Angle: 30 > Use Global Light.
Distance: 1 px.
Spread: 17%.
Size: 3 px.
Noise: 0.
Layer Knocks Out Drop Shadow > OK.
To center and move the text, just press Y on your keyboard to use the move tool.
20. Finishing up the GIF!
File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy). Check bottom left corner of save screen for GIF size.
Do not go over 10MB EXACTLY! Otherwise Tumblr won't let you post it. You'll have to go back and shorten your GIF as a result, even if that means just splitting the clip off at the very end or very beginning.
Happy GIF making!! :3 ❤️❤️❤️
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mashmaiden · 2 years
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I posted 2,400 times in 2022
330 posts created (14%)
2,070 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 803 of my posts in 2022
#lol - 30 posts
#save for later - 25 posts
#*snort* - 24 posts
#love it! - 19 posts
#writing help - 18 posts
#lmao - 18 posts
#=d - 18 posts
#another bad guess by mashmaiden - 11 posts
#awwww - 11 posts
#😂😂😂 - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#would still prefer to see a young version of any of the team members instead (that we've not yet seen - so no callen or creepy cgi hetty)
My Top Posts in 2022:
“All the Little Things” Press Release
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Peter Cambor Returns as Operational Psychologist Nate Getz
“All the Little Things” – When a newborn child is found abandoned on a Navy ship, Kensi and Deeks search for the mother on board before she dies of complications. Also, Nate (Peter Cambor) meets with Admiral Kilbride and learns about the CIA project from the ‘70s and ‘80s involving children, on the CBS Original series NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, March 13 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on-demand on Paramount+*.
Peter Cambor (Operational Psychologist Nate Getz)
Bar Paly (Anastasia “Anna” Kolcheck)
Jeff Kober (Harris Keane)
Oleysa Rulin (Zasha Gagarin)
Jolene Kay (NCIS Special Agent Afloat Denise Morgan)
Nikki Crawford (Navy Captain Emily Carnes)
Carolyn Grundman (Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Sofia Addison)
Preston Jones (Gary Drummond)
Ty Chen (Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Hill)
Jason Woods (Navy Seaman Harold Forest)
Matt Pascua (Navy Seaman Brandon Elger)
Duncan Campbell (NCIS Special Agent Castor)
WRITTEN BY: R. Scott Gemmill
DIRECTED BY: Terrence O’Hara
34 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Set pictures!!!! Finally! Thank god for Medalion!
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See the full post
36 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
So my best friends and I always make fun cake creations for each other's birthdays, and this year I made a request for the cake theme: NCIS: LA and/or Densi cake! (this friend is the one who got me into the show in the first place! And she's the one I made the croquembouche for last year.)
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And boy, did she deliver! Densi adorned the outside, and "Sunshine and Gunpowder" filled the inside of this delicious, vanilla cake with lemon buttercream!
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See the full post
43 notes - Posted February 13, 2022
I'll do these better with much nicer frames once I get the 1080p version, but as a hold over until then...
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47 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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"Kick-ass Kensi" at it again! (with an equipment assist from hubby!)
60 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fatpiner · 2 years
Rdr2 brothers and sisters one and all
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Videos of penile-anal intercourse ‎ (3 C) Videos of penile-vaginal intercourse ‎ (1 C, 5 F) Categories: Human sexual intercourse. Betting he can succeed where other conventional spies have failed. Vin Diesel stars as former extreme sports athlete Xander "XXX" Cage, notorious for his death-defying public stunts. Well, in the middle of night I found her in the pool with her boyfriend making out. "Once when my parents went away for the weekend, my older sister had to baby-sit. Is it normal for straight guys to enjoy anal sex? - Planned Parenthood.
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34, 73, 75!!!
Thank you for playing the ask game!
34. how do you name characters and places?
vibes! literally just whatever sound/feels right, my favorite is probably Alfredo's Pasta Palace because that sounds like a place you might get food poisoning from some sketchy ass pasta
73. how do you visualize scenes? do you see it like a movie in your head, or do the words just flow?
I picture scenes in my head but I'm about a 3 on the aphantasia scale so it's more like snatches and impressions of moments rather than seeing the whole thing in 1080p
75. do you know how your story ends before you start writing?
not always before I start writing but I have to figure it out before I get too far into it or else idk what I'm doing or how to leave little nuggets of foreshadowing, which is something I love to do
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sillybigbird · 5 months
Internet companies in mexico sucks ass, man. I was watching Modern Family at 6:12 pm, just waiting for my online class at 6:30. When the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD just fuckin disconected from the server, and it was only the company we hire. That is supposed to be the best one in mexico but still doesnt allow me to stream stardew valley at 1080p on twitch because its too much for them. The worst part? Is that I couldnt comnect to my 3 hour class. The internet came back like at 11:30 pm. (Yes i played solitary all that time, listening to mecano and metalica) And god knows i would completly lose my shit if it wasnt for my download music and the fact that Indesign doesnt need internet to work.
My Dad tried to call the company to complain, but they closed the telefonic lines and put a robot message that said "Estamos teniendo interrupción de su servicio en su zona" that just pissed him more. And i told him: why complain. Whinging about not having wifi its not gonna help anybody.
And then, my laptop decided to froze when i was rewatching the recording of my class.
I literally have gotten YEARS of penalty by riot in valorant because the wifi doesnt want to cooperate. (Thank god my laptop doesnt afford Valorant anymore).
To make you an idea, 200gb its one of the highest plans of internet you can get, for a super elevated price and the service quality does depend in the zone where you live. EVEN IN BIG CITIES
Im done man, i want good wifi for once in my life
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Hurry up! No time to chat Cause I got a deadline to find my way back. Basically, follow the sound of the music. Dubstep - Zelda - Lost woods remix by LegatusRj.
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There are multiple pathways and going the wrong way transports you straight back to the entrance. Create a free account to unlock the full magic and wonder of Newgrounds Zelda - Lost woods remix 2017 Share Download this song. Tip: Even thought the whole song is about 12 seconds long, and I think 8 beats long, the secret is reversing the main chords. The Lost Woods is called such for a reason. Zombies in the Hyrule field without a shield Now to deal my hookshot! Din’s fire looking hot!įairies what I should’ve got Man, these hearts are not enough Make it rain with stormy songs Owl is talking way too long The tune of the remix comes from a game called Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and it's a really great game. Ganondorf ain’t got this swag Light arrows go in his ass Watch me pass On my ride Got my Epona tonight Look at all my clothes, you say I’m flossing Red, Blue, Green to slay the bosses Dubstep Zelda lost woods Remix by legatusrj. Always straight to the point - no blind walkthrough.
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Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. We will defeat all bosses and collect all heart pieces, poe souls, golden bugs, hidden skills, also the new stamps and other stuff. Stream The Legend Of Zelda - Ocarina Of Time Lost Woods Song Remix by DiegoGabrielMR on desktop and mobile.
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Song of time? That’s my jam Make it rain Rupees cause I can The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD (Wii U) 100 percent Walkthrough with 1080p 60fps & No Commentary Gameplay. Complete with vinyl static, this mix is essentially bass, drums, and a warm electric piano, though some pads and most notably a great trumpet that's panned hard right (doubled lower hard left) are thrown is as well, and there's some tres tasty hip-hop FX in effect to. Got my sword and ocarina To fend off hordes of awful demons If you gonna think you can get through me Then you can get on my deku seedsĪnd deku stick, I beat you with Ya’ll are fake, I see you in my Lens of truth Then I grew Into a man With the song of time Listen to Zelda - Ocarina of Time - Lost Woods Theme.mid, a free MIDI file on BitMidi. Zelda 3 Lost Woods ReMix with South Central style, hence an appropriate name. mp3, minecraft legend of zelda sound pack 1. Hero of Time is unprecedented in many ways, setting out to arrange and record with a full 64-piece orchestra the most poignant moments from the game. Any questions on using these files contact the. Ephixa - Lost Woods (Dubstep Remix) If you played Legend Of Zelda as a kid and you like Dubstep, then this should be a blast of nostalgia and sick beats in your speakers. 6 hours ago &0183 &32 FREE Bonus Lost Woods Dubstep Rap Remix by NoneLikeJoshua email protected File Name Legend of Zelda, The - Phantom Hourglass (USA) (En,Fr,Es). Got my sword and ocarina To fend off hordes of awful demons If you gonna think you can get through me Then you can get on my deku seeds. Running through the woods And without a map Listen to the sounds I found a trap. Zelda - Lost Woods (Ephixa Dubstep Remix) None Like Joshua. Read the loops section of the help area and our terms and conditions for more information on how you can use the loops. Zelda - Lost Woods (Ephixa Dubstep Remix) exibições 1.997. If you use any of these legend of zelda loops please leave your comments. Below is a full listing of Midi songs for Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64.Running through the woods And without a map Listen to the sounds I found a trap The free legend of zelda loops, samples and sounds listed here have been kindly uploaded by other users.
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