#'but his friends aren't accepting🥺' so why is he friends with them??
queercodedmoss · 2 years
i keep seeing those "your cishet golden retriever gamer boyfriend does not respect your identity as an afab trans person, they only see you as afab" tiktoks and all the comments are like "not me tho, y'all stay safe!" YES YOU. go look at how your boyfriend talks about you to his friends. it's all "girlfriend" and "she". he does not use your pronouns when you aren't there. he sees your identity as a quirk, something that can be overlooked for your other qualities.
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
(Here's the ask that originally was 6 parts)
Jason, Dick and Damian find out that their father is in a serious relationship with someone who is much younger.
Dick is worried about that someone, how hard being with Bruce is and how much they're going to be judged, but Damian and Jason 100% sure that that person is using B.
So Jason, the only family member unknown to the general public, decides to investigate it. He is going to make them come clear and then put them in their place.
He finds Tim in his workplace (WE, hospital, DI or else), in the park or coffeshop.
Somehow Jason starts talking about his relationship with his father. And... He is not being judged?.. Tim is very understanding. And Jason finds himself smiling, joking and just having fun.
They exchange numbers. Jason thinks that Tim probably thinks of him as a friend, but Jason himself seeks in Tim acceptance, unconditional support and love. Someone who is just proud of him. Everything a parent should be.
Damian thinks that Todd is an idiot at first, but then he finds himself agreeing with him. Tim says that it must be hard, when your parents aren't together anymore. And they are so different. Damian probably feels like he is between the devil and the deep sea. And he is in a foreign country where everything is so strange...
Jason and Dick are loud. Dick and B think in absolutes. They usually don't explain why thinks the way they are. Tim does, he is quiet and safe, sees the world in greys. Damian can talk to him about being raised in the LoA without being shutdown, being told that it's wrong. Because there were good things in the LoA. Things that he misses.
Dick comes to Tim, thinking that he is going to save him, gently explain that he doesn't have a future with B. Instead he gets a hug and a parent's gentleness. Dick isn't too much for Tim. He isn't too active and loud. He can just be. He can make stupid jokes, stand on his hands, cry about a breakup. And Tim won't judge. He doesn't need him to be a certain way. He will hold Dick, just spend time with him. Dick can always come to Tim. Whenever, wherever. Tim will always have time for him.
It all gets even better when they find out that Tim knows about what they're doing.
They have a schedule because each of them wants to have Tim all to themselves.
Bruce is finally in a serious stable relationship and he can't even spend time with his soon-to-be fiance because his children say that he should have been there when they came up with a schedule.
Just Tim being a perfect stepparent.
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 tim being the affectionate, understanding, encouraging parent they always wanted. so even if they didn't initially approve and/or were suspicious of him that gets forgetten in the face of possibly having an emotionally mature parent who will pat their heads, hug, and comfort them!🥺🥺
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
Things I LOVED in NATLA Episode 7 - The North
Lt Jee actually being worried for Zuko!!!!
And Iroh tenderly bandaging Zuko's head 🥺
Zuko desperate to make sure his father doesn’t truly think he's turned against him!!!!!
A FANTASTIC set-up for his eventual ACUTAL turn against his father
Zuko genuinely thanking Lt. Jee 😢
And aaggghhhh!!! Zhao being a tricky slimey mf
This is a slick way to get Zuko being blown up without the pirates - though they're fun characters, I think this set-up enhanced the themes they were exploring in the season more
So cute that Aang excitedly tells his friends he made a connection with Zuko - Sokka is unimpressed while Katara has hope that people can turn out to be good.
Agna Qel'a!!!!
It looks GORGEOUS! And love that it has a name now!!
Apparently it was given a name in one of the books, but they never did name it in the show, so I'm glad they did it here
I don't even care that they know it's the Avatar right off bat and they're ready to welcome them in - it was cool as shit flying over the city on Appa
Maybe they had scouts out that saw Appa flying and brought news to the city, same as the scouts who saw the Fire Nation fleet - I'll accept that
Them treating Aang like a weapon rather than a person 😡
It's something that comes up a lot in the series and I'm glad they aren't shying away from it
Lol Katara's sibling jibing at Sokka staring at Yue 🤣
I love these little sibling moments - they're just so cute
And Sokka now hard-core staring at the ground instead of at Yue because Katara said he looked like a weirdo doing that 😅
Zhao's overacting at how pissed he is 🤣
Then his 'omg I can yes and this. I can SO yes and this!' as Iroh tells him what he 'think's happened
Oooohhh Iroh's understated insults at Zhao's qualifications
And Zhao's comeback about no record of failure unlike Iroh😐 bitch, that still doesn't make you qualified!
More Azulaaa!!!!
I really love this added storyline to see exactly why Azula is the way she is
It's great to see that her place as next-in-line isn't a shoe-in here - she's desperate to show her father that 'she's the one' and will do anything to get there
Sokka's heart eyes 😍
Stewed sea prunes 😭😭😭
"It tastes like home" 😢
I like this intro to Pakku - like with Sokka, they're not doing a comical level of sexism, they're making it more realistic
Also, using it for the most important things: dessert
Sokka's absolutely abysmal (bet very endearing) interaction attempts with Yue 😅
Her little fake gasps as he keeps saying the wrong thing, but smiling because she knows what he means, she's just teasing him 🥺 incredibly adorable
Love that they have a conversation that actually has substance!
Don't hate me, but in the cartoon, they never had a substantive conversation ONCE. It was just Sokka flirting, Yue giggling, then Yue freaking out and running away - rinse and repeat like, 5 times in the course of 3 episodes.
Omg Hahn isn't a dick!!!
I like the more mature tone they've taken in the live action - they can have jokes, but for serious topics like…idk, a battle against the Northern Water Tribe being genocided, they make the characters take it seriously
GOOOOODDDD the adults expecting Aang to be a master strategist and offensive weapon!!
This actually makes sense that they'd believe he could do it - Aang is the culmination of all the past Avatars, so they'd assume he has all their knowledge and power.
The poor kid just got out of his iceberg, though!!!
"Airbending is primarily a defensive discipline"
You tell them, Aang!!
"But you're not JUST an airbender" :( don't bring logic and reality into this, Arnook
"I did it with the help of my friends 😊"  sweet baby Aang
And here's Pakku, telling Aang what a lot of watchers were frustrated about this season: uuhh maybe you should have been focused on your training
While that's a legit comment, I think the live-action showed why Aang didn't pretty well
Love love LOVE that we're introduced to healing with respect rather than the distain it was shown in the animated series
Healing is a wonderful and beautiful skill and I'm glad we got to see Katara interested in it (and it being used) rather than Katara sadly moping into the igloo filled with children learning healing
Sometimes, when people try to make things less sexist, they end up making it more-so. I think that happened with the animated series where healing was actually put up in conflict with combat - where combat was clearly shown as the 'better' skill and healing was 'stupid and bad, we don’t want to do that'. The live-action showed that healing is an important and powerful skill, the only issue comes when you aren't ALLOWED to do anything else. Healing itself isn't the issue, the fact the women are kept from combat IS the issue.
Nice Hahn and Sokka fishing for info about Yue
Avatar Kuruk RESPECT!!!!
LOVE Yue getting more character here!
She can pop into the spirit world! It makes so much sense with her having part of the moon spirit inside her!
The live action fleshed her out soooo well!
Poor Sokka not understanding AT ALL why someone would want to go to the Spirit World for fun 😂
"Don't do that. Don't make it less than what it is"
Such an important message for EVERYONE. You don’t have to have the most tragic of backstories for your trauma to be important. This isn't the oppression olympics - we aren't doing the whole 'well someone else has it worse so you can't complain' bullshit.
Everyone has hurt in their lives and everyone deserves to have their hurt taken seriously and healed. It isn't 'strength' to pretend it's nothing - it's strength to face it and accept that it was important, not something to shove under the rug
Yue reminding Sokka about what makes him special - his care for his friends! He's not a selfish guy - just because he wasn't the best leader or warrior when he was 13 doesn't mean he has nothing to offer the world
"Hahn is everything a girl could want. But he is not the boy of my dreams" 😭😭😭
"Being the Avatar means being the one who bears the burden: alone."
The thing is: like in the animated version, this advice MAKES SENSE! But it's how you USE the advice that makes the difference
No, you can't put all the weight of responsibility on your friends, but neither can you do it without any help - or without caring for others. It's very much advice coming from pain: all the Avatars got hurt because they DIDN'T abandon their friends and so they're giving a skewed version of the advice onto Aang to try to spare him the pain they went through.
It's Aang's job to find the balance
Sokka's fish carving that Yue thinks is a bear 😭😭😭
I wanna see it, props department!!!!
Yeess!! Katara's first confrontation with Pakku!
I like how she still tries to lead with diplomacy, making her case, and Pakku has 'reasonable' excuses not to let her fight
Instead of him being cartoonishly sexist, he's much more realistic giving 'logical' reasons for Katara not to be in combat, but she stands up anyways because she knows it's wrong.
I can see how some might find Aang not wanting Katara to fight to be jarring, but this is in line with the animated series
When they're going into particularly dangerous missions, Aang does have a tendency to try to do it himself and tell Katara to sit this one out - he does it in The Winter Solstice: Part 2.
He's just been told a past life's love was killed because he didn't keep her out of his fight, he has no idea how he's going to win this battle, and he's realizing that he does see Katara as someone incredibly important to him. It's in line with who Aang is to try to keep her safe and away from the battle
Zhao coming up with nicknames for himself 😑
Iroh straight up calling Fire Nation 'info' propaganda!!
While some people could see this as 'treason', when you're in positions of power in high-control groups, you KNOW it's propaganda - you HELP CREATE the lies and when people are going to do something stupid (like attack the North without a solid plan), you let them know that they're being stupid if they're going to make battle plans based on the lies you've helped spread.
Zhao and his dumb bitch destiny 🙄 he's such a great villain - he's one who's bought into his own lies
"The plan is to prove my father wasn't wrong to trust me with this mission. The plan is to go in and capture the Avatar once and for all. The PLAN is to reclaim what is rightfully MINE!! 😤" - "So, no plan? 😐" - "I'm working on it uncle 🥺"
This exchange = gold. Pure gold.
"It's almost as if he's working for someone else - someone much smarter"
WOOOOWWW Iroh, throw that shade a little more, why don't ya 🤣
Though I LOVE that they're giving Azula her brainy due - she's smart and she's the one not to be underestimated.
Love how she stood up to her father, but because she was able to 'prove' her strength, he respected it rather than punished it
"Set me loose" AAAAHHHHHHH
Love how matter of fact Katara is "I'm going to challenge Pakku to fight" - just like that. She's decided, so it's going to happen.
Sokka admitting Katara was right 😭😭😭😭😭
"Who's talking sense? What I'm trying to say is: go kick his ass" FUCK YEAH THAT'S RIGHT!!!!
Aang trying to go forward and help Katara, but Sokka holds him back
Love the sibling solidarity!!
The fight is almost beat for beat the one from the animated series!!!
I love that the live action knew exactly which sequences to put in almost 1-1 from the animated - this fight being one of them
"Is that all you got?!?!" FUCK YEAH!!
"They'll just say I lost" "Did you?"
The fact that it wasn't just Pakku's opinion that would change everything - Katara's actions inspired everyone else, even if Pakku didn't want to change his decision.
Change isn't made by changing one man's mind - it's about standing up to them and inspiring others (like in the Imprisoned storyline) to stand up too
Even inspiring Aang to realize that the conclusion the other Avatars came to from their pain was wrong - that Katara was right and that EVERYONE gets to choose whether to fight or not for themselves
Avatars aren't the only ones who worry about protecting people - it's a human, family thing, not just a mystical force of balance thing
Only Aang can write his own story - not anyone else.
This is a great through-line for the whole series where everyone has expectations put on them and they have to decide themselves who they want to be
Don't eat the sooty snow, Momo!!!!!
"Ok, time to fight"
I like that we end on the fire nation ships arriving: next episode is going to be THE BATTLE
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
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merrivia · 1 year
I’ve finally read Pet and am kicking myself I didn’t read it sooner!
I’ve measured out the short stories like I’m nibbling on chocolate, Charlie Bucket style, and I was leaving this till last partly because of that, and partly because I didn’t feel that interested in Ancel (sorry Ancel, I take it back).
It’s fascinating reading about events that occur in Captive Prince but not from Damen’s POV. The idea that everyone has complexities under the surface, and that things aren't always as they seem, is only understood by Damen negatively in the first half of Captive Prince I think. Veretians are untrustworthy and slippery and Machiavellian. And that's not, not true! The Veretian court IS a pit of vipers. But people are also still human, and it's that extra step of understanding the humanity underneath even these acidic, performative snakes which is interesting. Ancel is sharp and smart (and really needs to be taught how to read forthwith). Berenger is morally admirable, and isn't actually sleeping with him. Vannes cares about Berenger in her own small way. Laurent emits a great deal of power and is "instantly commanding" to others (but not to Damen, which must have really infuriated him).
Here’s some more snippets of my thoughts in general:
Waxing is canon! So interesting. Why does no grown man ever shave in the books also? Why isn't attending, also shaving? I think we'll just have to accept that as Pacat's choice. Maybe the only blade she wanted between them was the ghost of swords from a long ago fight/swords in the present?
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Isagoras the writer/poet- any connection to Isagoras the historical figure who was embroiled in a power play in terms of Athenian politics and democracy? Who Aristotle called ‘friend of tyrants’? Obviously he’s not meant to be that figure but is it a sort of irony and foreshadowing for the political choices Berenger has to make?
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And Akielon writing/poetry is popular among men with status? Interesting. You wonder if Laurent approved a poem waxing lyrical about Ios, or really anything that suggested the Akielons aren't barbarians.
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I feel as if Damen would know this poem, and read it to Laurent as part of courting him 🥺
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Interesting to see a first impression of Laurent from the viewpoint of someone not instantly obsessed with him- severe and harsh, but no mention of his beauty till later.
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I mean this nicely but Damen really has no idea how naturally arrogant and superior he comes across as in this situation, does he? I mean, it’s completely understandable if you think of Akielon society, and how he’s been raised and treated; in fact it would be implausible any other way based on his character traits too. He’s just so bad at pretending to be a slave even as his life is at risk if they find out he’s a prince 😂 oh Damen /pets his curls/. And oh, a *lion* you say....
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Just really bad at acting servile, it's so funny. Love him.
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Speaking of Lamen, it is a little unsettling how quickly Damen starts to fall for Laurent in Captive Prince and how Laurent truly does hate him, yet…is clearly on some molecular level, attracted to him, I think? It’s just a really heartbreaking and stressful dynamic. His "complete attention" on him...let's face it, if Damen had looked like Govart, Laurent wouldn't be fixated in the same way (I mean this nicely).
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Oh my baby Laurent. You know this isn’t right. Are you reenacting a past trauma? Making him suffer what you suffered? Even if you aren’t, your flaw is letting your hatred and anger blind you to your morals. (Lucky a man is going to fall in love with you who is pretty much always on your side even when you don’t always deserve it…). Damen will help you be more honourable /pats blond head/
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"Locked” is an apt word isn’t it, considering all that ties them together (and not to mention the gold cuffs and collar…) and oof, Laurent's sexual domination in this scene is quite apparent.
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I mean, we all know this is sex by proxy and so does Ancel, who just met Laurent and Damen!
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And lastly, I am team Berenger. He's a Good Man and would probably get on pretty well with Torveld and Nikandros, the other dark haired, loyal and responsible men in the trilogy.
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Nice to see someone see commoners as people all year round (not simply when their villages are being massacred and their humanity is thrown into stark relief by it)!
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
hi. /homosexually 🥺❤️ i couldnt pick one so just do your favourite !! ♡♡ also lowkey half of these are angst fuel LMFAO?
for Leon.
"feelings change, but mine about you wont" / "i am so exhausted, but i'd sleep so much better with your arms around me"
for Jae
"I'm always going to support you. without even a second thought, I'll be there when you need me. I want what's best for you." / "let's sleep together under the stars."
for You <3
"hey, guess what? i love you" ♡♡♡♡
Soft spot prompts | No longer accepting !!
Omgggg Puppy hiiiii >:3 <- with homosexual rizz <3 I did them all because you are my favourite + I love being Silly teehee
Under a "read more" because it got long!!
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"Just like old times, yeah?"
It was probably illegal to camp out in the woods near the lake you used to frequent as kids, but Leon was adamant on holding onto your childhood tradition ever since he returned from overseas. The Davis family always enjoyed camping with you — even as kids — but the fact that Leon had you all to himself this time made the moment even better.
This time, his dad wasn't around to ask if you wanted to go fishing. This time, his mum wasn't popping in every 10 minutes to see if you wanted any snacks. It was just you and Leon; with your limbs tangled together inside of a swag that felt far too big for just two people.
A beat passes as you both stare at each other, before the soft pitter patter of rain bounces off the the tent roof and breaks the silence. And just like how the sky opened up, Leon finds himself wanting to speak what's on his mind as well.
"My feelings for you never changed either. Even when I was back in Australia, all I ever thought about was you." He shuffles closer, "But we're reunited again, aren't we? This time, I'm not going anywhere. I belong by your side."
Your matching bracelets intertwine once Leon reaches out for your hand — much like your feelings for each other.
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"Haha! That one kinda looks like Teo and his pointy nose!"
It was certainly uncomfortable laying in the back of Jae's beat-up truck, but his company made it all worth it. He'd thrown in a couple of pillows and a wooly blanket over the both of you earlier, but it was only now that you started to feel the biting sting of Colrand Bay's Autumn breeze.
But the stars were pretty and the cityscape view made it all better.
"Y'know, we are sooo going to get kidnapped later..." Jae cracks a joke from beside you, "But I'll have you to support me, right? I'll offer our kidnapper my left kidney and you'll offer to pay ransom?"
Support. That's all he's ever wanted from his friends. Someone who'd be there to love and accept him for all that he was — flaws and all. Jae didn't know if he truly felt like himself yet, but he was grateful to have you by his side for every step of the way. And he was determined to do the same for you.
"Thank you, Nate. I mean it."
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"Omgggg wait, really? That's sooooo crazy!!"
Deciding that your words were truthful, Saint puts the unused bone saw away and unchains your arms from the table. You finally get a moment to stretch out your tired limbs, as she casually skips her way to the mod cell door to unlock it and let the light in.
The rest of the mods are waiting for you upstairs, obviously used to seeing this kind of behaviour already.
"It only took like, two days for the Stockholm syndrome to kick in! That cute doctor said it'd take at least five..." You can hear her ponder from the staircase, "But aaaa it doesn't matter!! I love you too!! ^^ Wanna go to the beach to celebrate? Maybe Jae and Leon will be there!!"
Firstly, how the fuck did they say "^^" out loud... And secondly, why is Emile in her basement as well.......
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icanseethefuture333 · 9 months
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Why are people so mad about the reading I did for Mark's ideal type?:
Oh lord 🙄 so it seems people had expectations for the reading and thought it was going to be what they thought it would to be (or even wanted) vs thinking from Mark's perspective. They are in denial of the fact that Mark could be sexually attracted to such women and are babying him??? They don't want to acknowledge the fact Mark could actually have an active dating life. The way they view him is like a child, they can't fathom the thought of Mark having sex or being with an "alluring" type of woman. It's as if they want him to be with the type of girl they think he should be dating (what are they his mother? The entitlement! I just have to laugh 🤭). Some people could even be disappointed that they don't fit his ideal type 💀. They're just choosing to fight with me *sarcastic baby voice* because they think they know their precious Markie so well 🥺! Sigh 🤧😪 Instead of going by the saying "take what resonates and leave what doesn't" they're lashing out due to having poor self esteem.
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Is it multiple people or just one person that keeps sending me anons to my inbox?:
Ew 😂! It's literally just only two of the same people who can't get over it. Embarrassing. I have a feeling these two might know each other or are possibly mutuals. If not, they both share in common that Mark is their bias and they are upset and shocked to hear about his love life. They wish it could be them. How boring 😴🥱 One thinks they are tough shit but is actually scary as hell because they can only talk shit on anon 😂. The other one seems to be in their feelings. Upset about the reading perhaps? Or what I said as a response? Can't please everyone I guess 🤷🏽‍♀️
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What does Mark's future spouse have to say?:
Channeled song is Twinnem by Coi Leray.
"That's my twinnem, go, best friend
We killin' 'em (Yeah)
No new friends
Get rid of them"
At the end of the day Mark's future spouse is here to stay and they do not give a fuck about how people feel about it. "OH MY GOD🤬! I am never leaving! I am never leaving, I'm in this shit forever! 😃🤞"
They are someone who is very beautiful, confident, and wealthy on their own. They could possibly be popular or famous themselves. The style and beauty of the girls in the cards is a loooot similar to what was stated in the ideal type reading 😂... but let me not trigger the masses again 😮‍💨.
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Channeled message for the collective:
"Don't meet your heroes if you aren't going to accept what you see. Once people show you who they are, believe them." Phew and ain't that the truth! Let em know spirit guides 🙌🏽🙏🏽! People want to idolize and be infatuated with a projected image of a mask people in the media have to put on every single day. They would have to face the truth that they don't actually know the celebrities they love and adore, so that scares them. The reason it's so scary to them is because they'd have to be honest with themselves about what behavior they exhibited in defense of their precious idols. You guys are putting absolute strangers onto a pedestal. Everything that glitters ain't gold. These celebrities are humans just like you. Do better.
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Should I piss people off even more by giving the baddies what they want for fs/ideal type readings 😝?:
The cards have spoken... It's a yes bitches 🥳🎉! Can't argue with the universe about what's my calling 😌😘☺️. By providing such readings to my followers I am making a larger scale of people happy and I am allowing them to have fun! Some of the viewers are enjoying the possibility of it maybe being them (and there ain't nothing wrong with being a little bit delulu, as long as its in a healthy manner 😌🥰 keep it cute, don't be acting crazy and obsessive now lol). I could be even awakening some of my followers higher consciousness or helping them with the ability to manifest their desire. Overall, there is a sense of community happening for myself and my followers 💖, we will be able to celebrate about it soon!
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fatuismooches · 9 months
Hello hi !! Hope u've been doing okay !
Recently been craving platonic harbinger content so I've been eating up every single bit of it I see and now it reminded me of a thought I had a while back
I'm a sucker for found family and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of Pierro being like a fatherly figure to harbinger!reader like 🛐🛐🛐
Pierro's been on Teyvat for so long since being cursed with immortality and likely lost his family during the fall of K’hanriah so I can imagine he probably feels lonely. Everytime he's out anywhere he can't help but stare a bit longingly at others as they spend time with their families, especially fathers doting on their children
So imagine reader who's a new addition to the harbingers and temporarily works alongside Pierro as they get a feel for how to manage their division and their missions and such
Pierro steadily starts to find that he enjoys reader's company the longer they spend together QODHQOHFIW Like I can imagine them seldom being apart, both inside and outside Zapolyarny Palace. Both of them working in the same space even though reader has their own because they like being around him more
Pierro who sees bits of his younger self in reader. Pierro who starts answering their questions more in depth and listens to them as they talk. He's giving them advice when they need it, also allows them to drag him out of his office every now and then to take breaks with them because there's no way that reader hasn't picked up on his habit of working himself to the bone by now. It's also during this time that he likes to hear them speak about their life and shares stories of his youth and his days in K’hanriah in exchange. These little moments are just so special to him because it's been so long since he's ever been so vulnerable and open with anyone, and even longer since he's felt he has someone he could allow himself to be this close with without fear of losing them
Their bond now runs so deep that the other harbingers are picking up on it. Whenever in meetings there's a high chance Pierro would turn to reader for a moment to ask them to share the information they had given him prior about the topic in hand, having a short conversation about it before returning back to his original point. The first time the others witness this the meeting room goes dead silent and everyone's staring at them like "?????"
The other harbingers refuse to let him live this down and will TEASE him for it. Doesn't matter that he's their superior. He's safe from no one's remarks. Even the TSARITSA herself started to join in
(EXTRA: U know how ducklings follow their mother around? That but with Pierro and reader. It's so cute and so funny to imagine at the same time QLDHOQHDOWHZ)
- :D anon (I'm so not normal about this send help)
WE ARE INDULGING IN DAD PIERRO TODAY 🔥 I LOVE LOVE THIS <33 The ducklingsss 😭❤️ Pierro is just walking like 😐 and you're behind him like 🥺 found family SO TRUE. But omg Pierro losing his family/friends in Khaenri'ah is actually so heartbreaking :( When his lore drops we are def going to see he lost someone super close to him </3
You're a quite young Harbinger with much to learn, but you sure didn't expect the First Harbinger himself to be showing you the ropes! It was an honor! Of course you wanted to learn much from him, hopefully he wouldn't mind if you stuck around a bit, right? Well, you're right but... Pierro is a very confused man now. He has no clue why a youngster like you would want to hang out with someone like him, but you're not a distraction, and your work is getting done so... there's no reason to get mad. Eventually, he comes to accept and get accustomed to your presence. And soon enough, he finds himself feeling lonely if you aren't here with him.
I imagine Pierro didn't think that he could fit a fatherly/dad role, because of everything he's done, so he tries not to get too close once he realizes how much he likes you, but he just starts unconsciously slipping into dad mode sometimes without even realizing it. Like how he tells you it's extra cold today so he makes you wear your huge coat, gloves, hat, scarf... dad, I'm a grown adult. You know how to dress!
Dad Pierro who is now used to multitasking by doing his paperwork and simultaneously listening to you and responding. Dad Pierro who begins to take everything you say with the utmost seriousness and give advice back and can't detect your sarcasm. Dad Pierro who somehow becomes acquainted with the Fatui gossip because you sometimes go on long rants about it. Dad Pierro who eventually slips into his Khaenri'ahn days when he teaches you something new or tells you stories :( He wishes he could show you his homeland because he knows you'd love it.
Dad Pierro ain't slick 😭 EVERYBODY knows he favors you, he values your opinion very much. I imagine you both helped each other understand a lot of things 🥺
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
I'll take the bait. How is rei's hospitalization not supposed to be something that helped her? The reason she was put there was crazy sure (the one that needed some hospitalization was always endvr) but its not like her kids forgot about her in the end. Also I believe the long time she was there was just for narrative purposes because hrks wanted her to be away.
Sorry I was gonna get around to posting it, I was tired yesterday lol.
I understand it's shown that she got better there. But I don't think enough people understand that 10 years being locked up in an institution is very fucking abnormal.
There is NO type of psychotic break or mental health break down that should lock you up for a fucking decade, unless it resulted in something serious like someone's death. And there is a reason that there is a shift from hiding people away to shifting them back into their community as soon as possible in several countries (not just the US), OR keeping them out of the hospital in the first place with research based protocols. Rei shouldn't have been separated from Shouto for 10 years. That is insane. That literally will make any parent more ill. Every mental health model you read up on will have an emphasis on a support system which usually consists of friends and family.
Endeavor put Rei in a hospital to get her out of his way, not because he gave a shit about her wellbeing.
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Idk if Caleb put a twist on this or not, but it doesn't matter because the obvious tone here is "Oh, I got rid of her, she was getting in my way." Not positive. Then:
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This is not a happy picture. I mean hopeful yes, but Shouto saying "I'll save her" while she's sitting in this small ass room, alone, staring out a window? I mean this is not...good. TEN YEARS???? I just cannot fucking fathom anyone justifying keeping someone (especially with Rei's circumstances) there that damn long. Holy shit.
And I mean, this isn't even a cultural debate. This is straight up not good for a person's wellbeing, to be separated from the real world, including your damn children only to have to wait for your older kids to decide to come visit you--and only when the hospital will allow it-- for ten years. But if we're gonna talk cultural, look up Japan's average psych bed ratio in comparison to other countries. Their reputation is not great lol. And I've seen plenty of commentary saying Rei's character kinda represents Japan's poor mental health care. It's just commentary so it's not fact or anything, but it's interesting I'm not the only one who thinks this about Rei, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the intention.
BUT, anyway honestly the reason I said that is because I see a lot of "I hope the villains get what Rei got 🥺". And I hate it. Because...she was locked up. Away from her family, no freedom.
Like if the manga is going to go for a "I'll save them no matter what" ending, then why end it by putting them in a place where Shouto felt like he needed to save his mom from?
Also...I mean please. This is shonen, it's a fantasy. We don't have to stick to realistic irl answers to shit. Jail is just stupid, but the hospital ending is even dumber imo. Especially if we're talking ten years like Rei--who was put away by her husband for the purpose of keeping her away from his children.
I mean, let's say we stick as close to realistic as possible without going the jail route--hospitals aren't therapeutic, that's not a healing setting. Mental health care is a community action and the idea is to get people back home with their support systems as quickly as possible. AND! If that's the case then damn, at least show ALL of the UA kids getting their damn counseling sessions too since they've been in two wars? And seen dead bodies of their loved ones? I mean, go all the way with it. But! I have 0% expectations of that happening. So...it's STILL dumb.
Just, I'd rather Horikoshi just go balls to the wall with the fantastical power of love and friendship and acceptance ending. Personally I have no desire to see Tomura or Touya or Toga or anybody end their story in a freaking hospital bed. Just, why. Give them hugs, hold their hands, and send them on their merry, unrealistically sappy way.
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daleelahwrites · 6 months
Hey Daleelah, wondering if you got Any ideas on what Timeskip Bertholdt would have been like if he made it back to Marley with Reiner and the warrior pals following RTS?
I’m thinking His hair is shaggy and overgrown, heavy eyebags, he’s even taller, but like Reiner poor baby has lost weight 🥺
Definitely thinking he would be Vice Chief Hoover. I also think that he’s basically unfazed by anything. Dead inside and is a blunt, straight-forward person
Also what do you think might be Sasha’s reaction to seeing Bertholdt like this in the timeskip? Bertholdt burdened by his warrior duties
Hey anon!! Thanks for the ask! 🥰
I'm glad you sent your own headcanon because I haven't think about it yet. I really liked how you imagine Bertholdt, so many years of loss, Reiner's time is close to end, his own time is running out... I can see poor boy couldn't have a single night of good sleep in years. Eat? If wasn't for Pieck, he would pass the week with an apple and a glass of water. But he's good with the kids, after all he knows people out there aren't good with them :'(
((I know that headcanon of him being a smoker is popular (whyyy) but I'm not really a fan 😭))
I can see him being all stoic and blunt as you said. The last time we seen him, Bertholdt's already accepted that the world is like that, there's none they can do. So he's probably just working for Marley as he waits for his time to pass his titan for the next warrior. Like Reiner, he's also worried about the kids, but he don't have no one to look at anymore, as we already know after the time skip, Bertholdt's father died. And I'm interpret this situation as if Annie is still in the crystal, so he's already don't have a lot of friends.
I think that if Bertholdt have come back with Reiner, Porco maybe would have this grudge on him too, like "what was the greatest colossal titan doing he couldn't help Marcel?". And so as Reiner he would just accept that he's another good-for-nothing person and waits his dead could at least bring something good for the people he couldn't help.
And then, Liberio. Eren and all. Chaos. Suddenly his life is up down, he was so sure he would never see anything about people from Paradis again, and now is seeing all that people on black flying around, shoot soldiers, some shoot civilians (hey Floch), a real attack. He recognized the wings of freedom, but he hadn't to see it to known who they are. He was there once, but he isn't one of them. And, for some reason, he also don't feel like he's one of the warriors. He was there just waiting his time to come, and now everything is falling, everything is burning. After those years, finally something inside him is burning too.
He sees Sasha and he notices she have seen him too. So many years...
Here, do you remember in canon while trying to defeat Reiner in his titan form, Sasha was hit in the head and passed out? She was the only soldier that didn't seen when Armin eat Bertholdt, she didn't seen his death. In this AU he didn't die but as same she didn't see him running away with Reiner. So what would she feels when see him after a long time with no goodbye?
Also, I'm sure if Sasha was alive she would join the Alliance without hesitation, probably the first to join and YELLS "WHY ARE YOU WAITING WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING!!!" because no way she would seat down and watching the world burn. Arthur already said, he sent his daughter out of the forest, she wouldn't going to come back. And I'm sure Bertholdt would finally react after years of silent remorse and pain, and being as vocal as her that they need to stop Eren.
Wow, this one was long lol sorry for the long text. Thank you for sending this ask and sharing with us your ideas, it was really fun to think about it!! Let us know if you have something else in mind! Hope you have a good day~ 🩷
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ayameyumesaki · 2 years
Tokyo Babylon - CLAMP Premium Collection - Commentary Part 11
Previous Part First Part Next Part
Finally! We come to my favorite chapter ever in Tokyo Babylon, Save Chapter 😭 Another chapter that speaks about Subaru's personality, and a touching chapter with matters I think most of us could relate. I hope this chapter will help whoever shared, or know, the same problem will be able to relate and take Subaru's action into heart....but it will be talked in the next part lol
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Talking about the chapter cover first, when I saw his clothing here, I was like "wasn't this Eagle (MKR)'s outfit?????". I think it's not exactly Eagle, but one of his staffs, but ANYWAY, in this chapter, we are going deeper towards the main plot and one of major chapters in this series.
So, we started our story from a certain school, where this school will go to Shizuoka for their school outing and stay for one night. They will create groups for room assignment etc., and the girls were excited for it---except one girl.
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The teacher said it's been decided, and the teacher called Hashimoto. She hasn't been assigned to any group, so the teacher asked the other team to accept her, and they went "noo" "I don't want tooo". She stayed quiet and the teacher called her.
The teacher then told her, it's okay to be calm, but she should be assertive as well. If she didn't make an effort, then she won't be able to make friends. She probably couldn't do it during the breaks or lunch break, but anyway, if she didn't put an effort, she won't be able to enter her friends' circle. She is already a second year as well.
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Then he told her, if you don't make friends during your school times, then when you entered the society, it will be boring. Well, this is an all-girls school and all of them are just children, so they aren't bad. If Hashimoto makes an effort, then you can make a friend as well. I think Hashimoto also has a responsibility for why you are always alone.
Okay, so up to this point, we are introduced with a high-school girl named Hashimoto and she was outcasted by the students in her class. The teachers told her to give her best on making friends, but she hasn't shown speaking to anyone so far. But it's pretty clear, to me, that her friends were the one who doesn't want to accept her, and she doesn't want to do anything with them as well.
This panel should be enough to tell the reason.
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Save me, she said.
You see. So, after she was done with the teachers, her classmates stopped her when she wanted to come home and they kinda kicked her for nothing, even when she didn't say anything. They threatened Hashimoto if she spoke about them what they do to her to the teacher they won't forgive her, and when Hashimoto showed a slight hatred to them, they began to kick her down and used her body like a mat. They left her alone under the rain, and that's the panel above.
Hashimoto is a bullying victim. That's the main theme for this chapter. Actually, this will be talked further in the next chapter, but let's keep the theme of this chapter first for now.
In the next page, we got this panel and the whole conversation is just so cute 🥺
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Subaru, seemingly to be in rush, came out from his room so cutely it hurts my heart and Hokuto-nee-chan is already prepared everything for him. She however told him that "it's strange that Subaru is sleeping until after noon" and Subaru, in panic as he prepared his bag while buttoning his shirt, replied with "yesterday I have work until late night, so I just slept this morning".
Then Hokuto asked him when he slept and he said "around 10 AM" and Hokuto goes "THEN YOU ONLY SLEPT FOR TWO HOURS!?" 😭😭 did he really sleep for two hours and still functioning properly, like boy, if I got only two hours of sleep I will pass out the moment I wake up huhu I wonder how he can stay alive if he slept for two hours a day?
But no! He didn't sleep just two hours!
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He told Hokuto that he slept longer than two hours and said he slept for two hours and ten minutes. The vertical panel's Hokuto is me. 10 minutes oversleep isn't adding anything for me as well 😥
Then Hokuto told Subaru that lately, Subaru is so focused on his jobs and Subaru said "yes, because..." and Hokuto continued with "this is his job, after all".
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Hokuto then asked, "Because you are someone who wore seriousness like clothes and walked around with it, even when it's a holiday because of our school's founding anniversary, you still go to school for supplementary lesson, right?" while tying Subaru's tie (in her way) and Subaru replied with "Yes. If I didn't do it, then I don't have enough attendance numbers."
Hokuto also said that "Japan's compulsory education only applied until middle school, and Subaru is already a first-year of high school, so you want to go to university?" and Subaru said "yes".
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Hokuto said "so you don't want to give up your old dream, huh?" and Subaru cutely replied with "ye--yes" while blushing 😭 CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE Hokuto-nee-chan even sighed and said, "Sumeragi Clan who has been protecting Japan from spiritual side since far past. You, the thirteenth head of Sumeragi Family who has been standing as the top of onmyoji whose number has been reduced like protected species, his childhood dream is to be a zookeeper... I can't even make a gag for that" with Subaru still blushing at how embarassing that dream 😭😭😭 this whole scene
But Hokuto also asked what will he do with his current job. Subaru said he will keep doing it, but if he can find someone who is far stronger in ability than him, then he will ask him to takeover. He doesn't want to give up his dream no matter how long it will take.
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Boy... You really shattered my heart into pieces by allowing me rereading this painful scene, especially when I remember what happen to you later. What is heart anyway? Has been losing it since I started CLAMPism in my life.
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Hokuto confirmed again that if Subaru wants to go to veterinarian major and HE CUTELY SMILED. I give up 😭✋ he goes extra cute whenever he talks about his dream.
Then Hokuto said, "Subaru, since before, is a honest and good child, but you are also a blockhead" and she smiled happily for him too. Supportive sis Hokuto 😭 If only you didn't (beeped). She also said she will support him so he should do his best.
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She even created a newest version of a shoujo manga, from Onmyoji x Serial Killer to Zookeeper x Veterinarian romance story. I would choose the second one. But Subaru commented that their obaa-chama (I still can't at Subaru called Obaa-chama with Obaa-chan... Like it's so out of character... Like it's so not Subaru who is ALL POLITE TO ANYONE except Hokuto so him actually calling Obaa-chama with Obaa-chan feels so wrong... anyway,) said that not all people with Sakurazuka surname is related to Sakurazukamori.
Yeah. Not if they aren't onmyojis. But that Sakurazuka you know understood high-level techniques you used, boy. Red flag as usual 🚩🚩
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Subaru said that "such a kind Seishiro-san wouldn't be a serial killer" and Hokuto said, "yes, he looks kind, but... It's still questionable if he is truly kind."
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Hokuto said she can only do basic techniques, right? Of course, she is so down-to-Earth that she won't reveal her actual abilities.
Just as Subaru is about to question what Hokuto means, the phone rang and Hokuto helped Subaru prepare his clothes. Subaru told Hokuto to call the school that he couldn't come to supplementary class because of job. And I don't know, Subaru smiled, but it seemed like he was sad of the fact that he couldn't go to school as well...
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Hokuto-nee-chan to the save! She immediately hugged her brother and told him, that she will be with him, so whatever happen, don't ever give up his dream.
That's a nice advice over there and indeed, Subaru took that advice to his heart------but for a certain different dream. What dream is it? Read X.
No No NO but seriously I was like... Subaru is a geniune 16 years old who had a normal dream of being a zookeeper because he likes animals 🥺 and everything that happened in his life; being born with an ability to interact with spirit, onmyoji, and even the head of Sumeragi family; it suddenly feels so cruel... He has a heavy burden in his shoulders, and the only person he actually allowed to see his young, teenager side is only his sister, Hokuto... (and to some extend, Sei-chan)...
It's sad...
Okay, move aside your sadness because that's not the end of the wheel of foreshadowing in this chapter.
Subaru went to the meeting place, which name I can't read because the Kanjis are too small but I will make an effort to read it one day, and he looked here and there until he heard a bell. He looked at where the bell is and touched someone's shoulder accidentally. He apologized for it and someone familiar talked to him in Kyoto dialect...
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Not on story side, but Obaa-chama's clothings? That full-bucked kimono that probably weigh more than 10 kilograms? So gorgeous and beautiful 😭
Subaru asked why she didn't tell him that she is coming to Tokyo and he will come for her, but she told him that, when she visited the Imperial Household Agency in Tokyo, the head of Intelligence and Research Cabinet told her that he has a request to Subaru, so she passed it along to him. She also said she has something she needs to tell Subaru.
They first talked about the job. Obaa-chama asked if Subaru is aware of the rise of cult religion groups and Subaru said yes. The Ministry of Education had a request for Intelligence and Research Cabinet to look at one of those groups. Subaru wondered why the Ministry of Education requested a research towards it. Obaa-chama said while it's not strange for Intelligence Cabinet to conduct an investigation towards cult religions, particularly, this one religion group's members are middle and high schoolers. Since the members are students, Intelligence Cabinet had limitation on how much they can investigate the internal. They want to ask Subaru, who is a high-schooler, to help them with the investigation.
Before continuing, I want to note something first. When you search about Japan, you will probably come across an article that say Japan's religion is Shinto or Buddhist, but in fact, Japan is not a religion country. Of course, there are Buddhist practices in the temples or Masses conducted in churches, but there has been no official religion in Japan, and so, most Japanese doesn't have religion, or musukkyo. People don't recognize themselves with a religion there, and I bet when Subaru was asked what religion he adopted, he would be confused, except those who actually realized that religion is be a part of their life and baptised out of their own will.
Then, cult religions appearing in Japan is not uncommon. Rather than religion, I would like you all to think it as a cult. They gathered and did practices just like a religion, but it's their teachings which is questionable. Because of this, Japan's government would keep an eye at newly appeared cults and if they started to create a problem, the government wouldn't just stay still and watch. So, please keep in mind about this!
Back to the topic,
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Obaa-chama asked if there is nothing change, and he said he and Hokuto are living just fine.
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Obaa-chama revealed that during their monthly fortune reading, she read Subaru's fortune. Then Subaru asked what's the result, and Obaa-chama said...
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Subaru-san will be abducted by 'sakura'.
I want to put a meme for this fortune reading but the panel? The high-detailed page picturing Subaru being in the middle of cherry blossoms, seeming to be getting lost in it? Pretty beautiful. Need appreciation.
The line?
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Those who didn't know TB ending: HMMMM first it's Hokuto, now it's Obaa-chama???? Is Subaru going to be taken away by Seishiro?
Those who know TB ending: Grandma I love you but it fucking hurts 😭
(Honestly at this point if you don't think Seishiro is sus, please reread volume 1 to 3 and tell me why you don't think he is a walking danger?)
Oh, fun fact. That hard-looking Kanji used in that line, 攫う (sarau), has several meanings, which is: to carry off, to run away with, to kidnap, to abduct, to monopolize, to make one's own. Since it is written in passive verb, if we took Seishiro as the subject of the sentence, then we can get the meaning "Seishiro is going to monopolize/to make Subaru as his own."
Pretty interesting.
Subaru was confused. Sakura? Obaa-chama asked Subaru again to never take off his gloves and she said, "that time, if I don't let you waiting for me alone, if I didn't let you alone..."
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Subaru-san can't be abducted by sakura. Please, don't ever let sakura take away your heart.
Obaa-chama, he is this close 👌 of having his heart being taken away by a certain sakura, so don't worry. He will not be okay. *cries in the corner*
Scene shifted, and we returned to Hashimoto. Now, they were having PE class and the teacher told Hashimoto to join the game or she won't get a score for this class. The girls purposely attacked her with ball and one even broke his nose.
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The teacher helped her to wake up, but he said "if there is an injured student during PE, they will finish him during the meeting". Hashimoto, who heard it, was shocked in silence. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU SENSEI!? Damn I have so much question to the people in this school.
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Hashimoto cried in the park alone as she asked someone to save her, and a certain fishy woman appeared in front of her. The woman offered her handkerchief, but instead, she wiped her tears. She told Hashimoto that she can tell her anything, but Hashimoto didn't say anything, so she guessed that she is bullied. She said she understands the heart of people who is suffering. It's the power that God gave to her. Hmmm... Okay...? Fishy enough.
Hashimoto then when to the cult religion which Obaa-chama actually mentioned, MS Research Institution, and this fishy woman told her that they want to save her. Hashimoto asked how she is going to save her. This woman then told her to tell her worries.
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She then told Hashimoto that she is her ally and she wants to save her. And right outside the window, there is nandarou???
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Oh, yes. Vibing in front of a high building? Of course he will look cool like this. And how he comes down again? Using his 😎 vibe probably---I mean he upgraded his skill by standing above a cross in the future, but at this point, he probably also had a fetish for high buildings as well.
We will talk about 😎 later but the next day!
Hashimoto was still bullied at school and she came to the institution again, saying that she is praying like what Kumiko-sensei told her, but nothing changed. The teacher told her that her praying wasn't enough yet, and she should rush for the result, that the day when her prayers will be fulfiled will come. The teacher then introduced Hashimoto to our Subaru, who said that he entered the institution by himself because he wants to learn about it.
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Then, Hashimoto looked at Subaru like that and Subaru was panicking 😭😭😭😭 He is not used being stared by a girl other than Hokuto. (or his gaying is showing lol)
Anyway, Subaru started observing things in the classroom and HIS WRISTWATCH HAS A LID??????? Damn boy, talk about rich, or is it the fashion style at that time 😭? Either way, he noticed that it's Friday, but it's still school time (Subaru never attends classes anyway so he is an exception), and whoever he saw is middle school or high school students. He then recalled the information about the research institute.
The institute was built in 1989 with 10,000 members currently. The average age of its members is 16,7 years old. The main institution is in Shinjuku. The institute's purpose wasn't to spread religion teachings, but to purify one's own soul, so there are a lot of differences with other cult religions. There are 20 mentors which is called "teachers", and they guide the students in form of "classroom" just like a cram school. There is no leader, but their greatest teacher is Nagi Kumiko.
As Subaru thought about it, that Kumiko-sensei entered the room and everyone stood up.
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And look at how flustered Subaru was!!! Cute cute cute cute cute. He also commented that it really felt like a classroom. Kumiko-sensei introduced herself, and Subaru thought that since his job is to do an investigation, how should he do it?
Hokuto came to Seishiro's place and said she comes to make Seishiro a dinner. Seishiro asked what about Subaru and Hokuto said he has a job and she doesn't know when he will come home. Seishiro asked if it's okay for Subaru, because if Hokuto doesn't watch him, he won't eat---someone who will lose himself in his reading. Hokuto said that she already prepared a white stew for Subaru, and she thought that eating alone is boring, so she will prepare Seishiro's meal.
Seishiro asked Hokuto what work he is doing now and when Hokuto told him, his face.
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HIS SHOCKED FACE AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is honestly the highlight of this chapter, and it's his actual mask that's been falling off.
Why did he show that face though? Hmmm... Interesting 🤔🤔
So, that's it for this chapter!
There aren't many things regarding the main problem of this chapter itself, but we got a major touch regarding the main plot of TB. Hokuto actually hinted at Subaru that is it true that Seishiro is kind? and Obaa-chama told Subaru that he is going to be taken away by cherry blossoms, right after what Subaru went through in previous chapter, is pretty interesting.
Let's thing about it. While Subaru established Seishiro as kind in previous chapters as well, right in one chapter before this, we saw him actually doubted who Seishiro is actually. But when Hokuto told him that he is probably different from what Subaru thought, his instinct goes to try to question what Hokuto means. He also elaborately erased the possibility of Seishiro being sakurazukamori when in previous chapter, the reason he doubted Seishiro's kindness is also because he is possibly involved with sakurazukamori due to his knowledge in onmyojutsu and previous events in which he was involved. He was unconsciously realized that Seishiro is somehow alarming, but he decided to subside it, and I think he would never question Seishiro's credibility as sakurazukamori, even with strange stuffs that happened around him, from this chapter onwards.
Also, it's interesting that Obaa-chama already predicted what will happen in near future, that Subaru will be taken away by cherry blossoms, and like I said, he is this 👌 of being taken away by that sakura. But why did she do a fortune reading on Subaru?
Because Subaru ever asked her about Sakurazuka, in the past.
Only several months has passed since volume 2 which happened in November, and since Subaru and Hokuto wore thicker clothes in chapter 4, I guessed that volume 3 happened around December, and chapter is around January or February, thus not many times passed since their last meeting. Obaa-chama also wore thicker kimono here, so I guess this should be around the end of February or beginning of March. Only three or four months passed, so it made sense for her to wonder why her grandson would ask about a Sakurazuka.
Well, there are many confusing things about the timeline, which I will explain later after we get into volume 5.
So, what's your opinion about this new foundings??? Like I said, this is one of my favorite chapters in TB and so much things to talk here! Let's continue in the next part, where things turn pretty interesting 👀
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eevvvaa · 1 year
You know what’s coming 😁 Gimme the director’s cut for A Supernatural Journey! Don’t spare any details. I wanna know everything. EVERYTHING! 🖤
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Ahahah well get ready for a long-ass answer my friend ! 😁
(Some spoilers if you didn't read A Supernatural Journey)
It all started in 2020, national lockdown and bored as hell. Good times... Anyway, my best friend, Emilie, got the amazing idea to do something creative during that time and that's when I started to actually write fanfictions. At first it was some ‘x reader’ stuff but soon the want to write something about "us" and the two idiots called Sam and Dean appeared ! And in the beginning, the story was supposed to end at the end of the Banshee case : the girls take the road and it leaves an open ending on whether they'd meet them again or not. But after writing this case, I decided to just continue their journey, how they would meet again, how they would interact with them and everyhting 
This fic is the most personal I'll ever write because the girls are freely inspired by myself and my best friend 😶‍🌫️ Some aspects of our personalities are clearly emphasized of course, and most of the situations didn't happen but they "could." And she's the one who reads the chapters before anyone else, she's kind of my beta reader and the situations that appeared and will appear in this story is thanks to her and our actual conversations. When rewatching the show together, we add our little comments on how it would be if we were at the bunker with them, we point at the things that the boys did wrong or the way Sam's feelings and traumas aren't talked about for example or how much I want to cuddle Dean when he's hurting 🥺
That's what this story is about, how us, the actual Eva and Emilie, would act in the supernatural world, how we would comfort them, live with them, annoy them or help them 🙂
The challenge with this series is also to write Emily’s POV, it's a difficult thing to be accurate on what is going on in another person's mind, no matter how close you are to this person. But I think that it also creates a nice contrast between the characters. And I think that maybe it's one of the reasons why some people enjoy this story. The characters are different even if they all have some similarities from time to time and it's one thing that I really love about it too (apart from the fact that it's my own little fantaisie with my fictional boyfriend and my best friend ahah 🙈😂), I love how they are all different and how every relationship has their own dynamic
The love story between Dean and Eva and the one between Sam and Emily is highly different, for example. Eva has never been scared to show her interest in the older brother which is good for Mister Flirty Winchester. But she also deeply loves (just like Dean) which allows her to give him comfort and affectionated touches that he’ll have a hard time accepting (I mean, we know him.) Sam and Emily, on the other hand, are more reserved and fight back their mutual attraction which leads to some awkardness and shyness at the beginning but also creates passionate kisses to relieve some tension, making the beat around the bush situation hard to stop. Both ‘couples’ will obviously have their own difficulties to face (Dean not understanding Eva’s unconditional and genuine love for him or Sam trying to gain Emily’s trust while being scared of her fate himself due to his ‘history’ with women) but I also feel like (and it will be self-centered, I’m sorry, I hate that 🙈) the girls are good matches for them. Emily pushes Sam out of his politeness and self-control by not giving so easily and even though it iritates him, it also makes him want to crack her case even more, to break those walls and protect her himself. On the opposite, Eva’s softness and gentleness give Dean comforts and calm, showing him that not everything has to be fights and harshness, it also allows him to embrace his softer side with her just like Sam will be less in self-control with Emily !
I can’t wait to write what the girls will positively bring to the boys 😅😁
I feel like the girls can bring them joy, happiness, some normality in Sam and Dean’s lives. We don’t see much of the ‘routine’ they have at the bunker or just their social lives and I wanna write about that too, because they aren’t just hunters and I love the episodes where we see them as brothers, you know 😊 I wanna focus on the characters and their relationship with each other (I wanna write more about Cas too, love this little angel 😇) but I wanna keep the story accurate too so I can’t ignore the four of them going on cases and face monsters. It's also a huge challenge to portray the characters the right way, I'm often scared that Sam or Dean aren't accurate because one thing I try to do with this series is to be as "real" as possible. No matter if it's the geographical distances or the way the characters would react, I try to do it right because I want the readers to feel like it could happen, like it could be real
I also know most of what I wanna say in this story, how I want the characters to interact between each other, the development of each one of them, the main events, the problems they’ll have to face and the solutions they will find. I also know where this journey ends. Not everything is clear in my mind and it will be a looooong journey for sure (so I understand if not many people read this story) but I know where I’m going and how. I know what I wanna talk about, I know what I wanna make them go through, I know the lightness I wanna give without forgetting about the dark moments of the Supernatural world. Now the big and difficult thing is to do it right  😅🤞
This story is so personal, people have a glimpse of how I think, feel, am and that’s also one of the reason why I didn’t create other characters. I wanted it to be me, not just a reader point of view and I get that it’s not the favorite fanfictions but I hope that the readers feel the honesty in the characters feelings and reactions because, well, it’s me 😅😬
A Supernatural Journey is my favorite fic that I’ll ever write, I allow myself to be real, honest, to write about anything I want without worrying about people identifying or not, I write about my own fantaisies and my best friend and I love that but it’s also the story that makes me the most nervous. Because I want people to like it just as much as I do and get the visibility that I hope it would have. I offer something really personal with this fic and I think that’s why it makes me the most nervous. If people don’t like the reader, it’s just a reader. But it people don’t like Eva or Emily, it’s obvious that if affects me a bit more 😅😊
Told you it was gonna be long ! 🙈 And I’m sorry because I ended more with a dissertation on how I feel about this story than the story itself ! It’s a bad director’s cut 😂 I hope it wasn’t too long and boring, and if you have a more precise question about the story that I didn’t answer to, feel free to send me an ask ! As you can see, I’m happy to talk about this story 😂
Thank you a lot for asking about this fic ! 🥰
Eva 🖤
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goldenworldsabound · 1 year
Thanks @heatobrienswife! Let's do Golden Genshin
25 OC Questions
❄️ What makes your OC sad, so sad that they can’t help but cry all day? How do they cheer themself up? Does their sadness upset any of their loved ones too?
hm 🥺I think seeing Kaeya and Diluc completely fail to reconcile upsets them, though...I think they keep that under wraps. It's just such a bitter reminder that things aren't the same as they were - and they may never be again. So those mean little quips the two make at each other...especially because they know how much it hurts Kaeya...those can lead to tears later, though in the moment they'll overcompensate.
Kaeya is distraught by the fact that this makes them so upset. He never wanted to be a source of pain for them, which is why he originally tried to distance himself from them before realizing he couldn't do that. But at the same time...he rarely cries about the situation anymore, and seeing them do so...while it hurts, it's also cathartic to get through it together.
I think this SI also suffers from my specific trauma and remembering that is so upsetting. It will knock them out for the day. All of their partners are of course concerned when this happens. There will be a lot of hugs, and soothing touches, and taking care of Golden.
❤️ What would your OC’s ideal lover be like? Appearnce, personality, voice? Would their family approve or would it be civil war?
Golden doesn't believe in a concept like this! They have three lovers who are all very different people, after all.
Regarding their family, I hadn't thought of this much even though they do lowkey have parents that have come up in fic. Their upbringing is pretty important to how they think. The key value is that their family really emphasized the freedom that comes with Mondstadt. Freedom to go learn whatever you want, freedom to do whatever you want and to make it work. So I think their family would be perfectly happy to accept their three partners.
Of course, they were very happy with Kaeya, since their parents know him super well since Kaeya and Golden grew up together. He's a lovely young man and they were hoping for it tbh fkdjsahfkjdsa and then Dehya. They're more surprised but Dehya also in many ways embodies freedom - she goes where she chooses, and takes the jobs she wants, and is successful. She meets the family values quite well. Alhaitham is also approved - though with a bit less enthusiasm at first, since he is part of an organization (the Akademiya) that has strict rules and policies and that Golden themself lambasted for it's lack of freedom. Of course the truth of the matter is that Alhaitham has situated himself to have the most freedom he can within the Akademiya with his position of scribe so! He'll grow on them.
🌼 Write a short drabble from your OCs POV meeting their LI (or if they don’t have a love interest, their best friend. If you don’t want to do a drabble, describe their first meeting instead!)
Their first meeting with Kaeya was as little kiddos!!! One day, along with Diluc and Jean, Kaeya came to play. He was so scared and shy - but Golden and the others helped him come out of his shell and have fun with them. It's a fond memory that they hold onto tightly - Kaeya has long since stopped being so openly vulnerable and the innocence of that moment of connection means a lot to them..
With Dehya, their first meeting was when Golden hired Dehya to lead them safely to Sumeru City on their first visit to Sumeru. They got along well enough and Golden was very happy, leading them to hire Dehya many more times until Dehya simply started refusing payment because they were friends now (and then lovers later uwu)
With Alhaitham, Dehya introduced Golden to him at some point after the Sumeru Archon Quest. Golden found him irritating immediately and promptly got an argument with him, especially upon finding out he was a scholar in the Akademiya (and they perceived his Scribe role to be pretty high up there). Alhaitham enjoyed their intellectual sparring - Golden was practically dragged away by Dehya FHEFKJEHKJE
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wandapinkay · 4 months
HIIIII it's friendly anon back again!! ヾ(ゝω・)ノ
the pleasure is all mine, i assure you! :D i was a bit apprehensive to drop in your inbox at first - since i'm not well-versed in self-shipping culture and ask culture on this site is tragically dead - but i got a cool new parasocial friendship out of it and i discovered a new and exciting way to consume media and enjoy characters, so i'm glad that i did!! \^o^/ it took me a long time to realize it, but i truly think self-shipping was the last piece of the puzzle that i was missing in my previous hyperfixations. so what if that man is fictional, what do you mean he can't be mine??
in other news, i've already gotten four of my friends to watch steins;gate and i also recently convinced my sister and her husband to give it a try! i have rewatched the entire show three times alone this month, i am fully insane 🙏
WAITTTT THOSE CATBOY EDITS ARE SO CUTE ACTUALLY 🥺🥺i'm so impressed with how authentic they look, how did you capture the steins;gate style so well?? the second one on particular looks so real, suddenly i'm convinced daru was a catboy the whole time and i just never noticed lol
MAD respect for that 200-unit daru pic collection btw, i've been deep-diving in the darkest corners of the internet for fanart of okabe and i have found some amazing comics featuring daru that made me think of you ( ¯ ³¯)♡! on that note, i've also seen some very sweet drawings of daru with baby suzuha which, out of curiosity, made me wonder what your thoughts on them are together as father and daughter! i adore them honestly, but i'm curious to know if you feel differently about them since you self-ship with daru! i've seen a couple selfshippers in another fandom i frequent who have drawn fankids with their f/o's before and that got me wondering since suzuha is a unique case :)
ASDFJAKSFKSF YES THAT WAS THE NAME OF THE VN idk why i called it that, i think someone else called it that in a reddit post-
nevertheless, my point stands. i cannot even begin to express my disappointment that we didn't get to see daru OR okabe in a maid outfit. heck, we didn't even get to see daru in his penguin suit (though the fact that he was really popular in it made me cackle)! i mean it when i say that if the devs hadn't been cowards and gave us frilly daru and okabe, i would not have looked even twice at the girls. the men yearn for the frills!!! \o/
wahhhh you really are so nice, i appreciate you a bunch :) :) and wow, i thought for sure you'd been part of the community for longer than a year, you seem so comfortable here! was it easy for you to get settled in the community? you've been so nice, but i'm a bit scared to dip my toes in the self-shipping tag if you have any advice👉👈 (thank you again for being so kind and accommodating!! ^^;)
your message has been delivered and summarily ignored except for the kiss which he accepted with dignity :3
to sign off, i am blowing both you and daru a pair of friendly kisses! i wish you both a very good night AND OH MAN I ALMOST FORGOT IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY IN TWO DAYS??? in that case, i wish you both a good night AND a wonderful valentine's day if you have any plans!!
thank you again for reading!! i will most assuredly be back if i am still welcome! (ᴗ͈ ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
OMG HI ONCE AGAIN!! SO SORRY IF I TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER YOUR ASK, I WAS BUSYY 😭 Still so happy for the fact you're enjoying your new hobbie, I think everyone should try selfshipping at least once in their lives.. and woAHH amazing steins;gate propaganda you've done there! Wish I could do that to most of my friends but some have already seen it ages ago and some aren't just interested so I just kinda gave up HFH ALSO HOOOLY and I thought finishing the series in like,, 2 months was mental but you got me there I'm honest /lh I SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW HOW I DID IT?? I just kinda went with it by using a small brush with no pressure and blurring out everything a little bit so it matched the og pic's quality I suppose?? I'm happy you think they seem legit, I did my job well then ; u ; <3 OMG THAT'S SO SWEET OF YOU THOUGHH 🥺🥺 now you got me curious on which ones you're referring to waa.. ALSO UMM.. ABOUT SUZUHA- I had a few concepts for how my relationship with Daru would work in-universe.. so I made a couple of them: one is the "good" ending I guess, while another is just "angst™"
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.. yeah, can you tell I felt awful while coming up with the second one? GDGSFGFSD IT'S FINE THOUGH, I'M OK NOW But this is besides the point; I actually really love Suzuha's character and I prefer her over the other girls.. and my favorite dynamic is hers with Daru and Yuki (ironically).. seeing Daru being a dad melts my heart because sometimes I wish I had a father figure as sweet as he is aaa I prefer to see myself with Daru than project myself onto Yuki though, because I'd treat him differently than he does sometimes if I gotta be honest Still, hope you like the silly ideas- WAIT,, UH?? DARU HAS A PENGUIN SUIT?? I NEED TO SEE IT SO BADD 😭😭 Also fr, why can't they just satisfy the boy's fans for once,, I feel like they're leaving us out on purpose at this point- /j
Btw, for the selfship community part, I didn't really do much! I just started to post my artwork in the tag and started following and interacting with some peeps, although rarely because I'm still akward about it, but the people in it are so nice!! In my opinion, it's worth a shot!
Also thank you so much!! I hope you had a great Valentine's day with Okabe as well, sending you kisses as well! I posted a fanart that is kinda vday themed but nothing selfshippy unfortunately, but me and Daru would have probably chilled at home, exchanging eachother chocolates and stuff like that! Idk, I'm not a very "outside" person but if we had in plan to go somewhere like the May Queen to get something together, I wouldn't have minded either!
Of course you're welcome to come back, it's always a pleasure! Since I don't get asks often, it brightens up my day to see something in my inbox once in a while, so thank you still for feeling comfy enough to come back! Have a great day/night! 💕💕
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mlmxreader · 9 months
Eeee! Hello, hello! Hope you'redoing well, my friend! OMG THE COLLECTION OF BABIES!!!! 😫🥹😭 They're so adorable, I absolutely cannot for my heart can only take so much of the cuteness!
Alright, these are for the "Want to know me better, send a number" asks, if you're still taking them:
5: Book/series I reread?
138: Do I believe in second chances?
150: What is the best decision I have made in life so far?
107: Guilty pleasure?
212: Was I named after anyone?
216: Favourite fictional character?
215: What is the weirdest talent I have?
193: What motivates me?
191: What makes me the happiest?
192: What is “home” to me?
78: Early bird or night owl?
98: 3 things I love?
99: 3 things I hate?
65: What fictional universe would I like to be a part of?
62: Am I vegetarian/vegan/pescatarian?
60: Pet peeve?
59: Afraid of heights?
41: Do I have any strange phobias?
39: Am I superstitious?
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they're in?
20: Favourite video games?
19: Song that I always start my shuffle with/wake-up song/always-on-a-loop song?
17: Pirates or ninjas?
6: Aliens or ghosts?
Take care and until next time, keep safe! (Will get to the Delaney fic, eventually, hoping I'll be able to get to it this coming weekend or the weekend after but I am so freaking excited to read about our babe James!!)
hi!!!!!!!!!! I am doing well, thank you - I've got work every day this week in the AM, with the exception of Thursday and Friday bc I'm doing double shifts but I've got Saturday and Sunday off, so that's good!
SIX babies!!! Hanzo is the only literal baby, he's only a couple of weeks old and he's 1.2cm so he's a TEENY baby 😭 teeny tiny baby scorpling 🥺
alright!!! let's go!!!
5: American Psycho, All Quiet on the Western Front and The Great Gatsby I tend to read more than once a year, so I'll go w them lmfao
138: it depends. if someone didn't mean any actual harm and they're willing to change and they're doing so ACTIVELY, then yes. but if it's bc of some form of bigotry (racism, transphobia, misogyny, homophobia, classism, ableism, sanism, islamophobia, antisemitism, etc)? no. get fucked.
150: getting tattoos and exotic animals lmao I love my reptilian and arachnid children and I love my tattoos
107: classic Monster!! I personally love Assault the best, but I can never say no to classic!
212: Llywelyn comes from the name Llywelyn ab Iorwerth, aka Llywelyn Fawr (Llewelyn the Great), a Welsh king; it's a chance to show off my culture and my heritage and my history that - for the most part - has been erased by the English.
216: definitely Aragorn. cannot lie. it's Aragorn
215: I have an odd talent for being able to calm down snakes, including wild ones, and getting them to chill out - which I discovered during college whilst working w a 10ft python who was really defensive, but it also happened at work bc we had a load of grass snakes and a few adders in the cat pens
193: spite
191: heavy metal!! you stick on some Sabaton and I'm happy as a pig in shit
192: home is safety. it's the wag of a dog's tail. it's acceptance unconditionally and it's unconditional support. home can be a friend, it can be a family member, it can be an animal.
78: some weird mix like a chronically tired raven
98: heavy metal, tattoos, reptiles
99: Englishmen, the English crown, Tories
62: yes!! I'm vegetarian and have been for... a long while lmfao
60: people who walk their reactive dogs off lead.
59: nope
41: nope, no phobias
39: yes and no; there's some superstitious beliefs that I hold that come from my culture, but I wouldn't say I 100% think they're real
25: Damian Lewis, Tom Hardy, Angela Bassett, Laverne Cox
20: rdr2!!
19: my alarm has been The Last Stand by Sabaton for 2 years now, so I always start my day w that
17: ninjas
until next time!!! (there's no rush!! I'm working on the next chapter as it is, so there's plenty of time lmfao)
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unknown-lab · 2 years
𝐏𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
Pairing : Yūta, Toge, Megumi x fem!reader (separate)
A/N : I think I messed up Megumi's part. I'm sooooo sorry about it 🙇🏻‍♀️ Have fun reading!
Genre : Fluff
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𝐎𝐤𝐤𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐘ū𝐭𝐚
𝐈𝐠𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬
Since he's away all the time for missions and training, you both had a promise, which is to pick up calls or text back as soon as possible.
"Senpai. I dare you to stop accepting calls and stop texting back Okkotsu senpai for a whole month." Nobara stood up and point at you with her index finger. Of course, you didn't miss the grin on her face. She knew Yuta is away for a month because he had to go for some expedition.
You and the first-year students were playing truth or dare out of boredom. You've escaped from hell a few rounds ago, and now it's finally their turn to torture you.
You had no idea why'd you chose dare. Maybe it's because the previous dares they gave each other were fun in your perspective. Unfortunately, the one you received wasn't exactly what you had expected.
Right after Nobara sat down, your phone rang. You smiled before trying to pick up, but Yuuji stopped you by snatching your phone away. "Senpai, you still remember what Nobara said just now, right?"
"What if he has something important to tell me?"
"Someone will pick up for you. As for texts, you'll have to leave him on read" Nobara said with a smirk.
"I'm gonna find you if this relationship goes downhill." You couldn't blame them though. They're just curious what will happen to you and Yuta because they aren't in a relationship themselves.
"Hello, Fushiguro speaking." Yuuji threw the phone to Megumi since it won't stop ringing. And he's still not ready to take responsibility for this.
"Fushiguro? Why do you have y/n's phone?"
"Y/N is busy right now."
"Pass the phone to her." Megumi heard some irritation from Yuta's voice, so he quickly stretched his arm to you. This is when Nobara snatched the phone over and turned on the speaker.
"I'm sorry Okkotsu senpai. But y/n is really busy, she can't use her phone now. Maybe you can send her a message?"
"Fine. Tell her to call me once she's done." He immediately hung up after speaking.
"Please don't expect me to help the three of you if he goes for your head." You rubbed your temple, looking at them.
Everything was going well, for them, at least. You were in despair after not hearing Yuta's voice for 1 week. A dare is a dare, and Nobara said she'll buy everything you want when you both go shopping together. Only if you followed the dare :))
"Y/N went for a mission"
"Y/n is busy"
"Y/n is training"
"Y/n said she isn't in the mood to talk"
Yuta had enough of these. He's really worried about you. He doesn't know why you weren't picking up the phone and leaving him on read for the past 1 week. Well, never mind. He'll have to ask you in person. He just has to quickly finish what should be done.
You never expect to see your boyfriend return earlier than he had said. You quickly rushed to embrace him while he moved his lips to meet yours.
"Babe, why was it always someone else who picked up the phone?" He asked after your kiss break.
"It was a dare. Which I can't answer your calls and text you back."
"Who dared you to do that?" He took out his katana and asked with a smile.
"First-year students" You managed to speak in between your laugh.
"It's alright, to be fair, I'll go for those who picked up the call before."
He then disappeared into thin air. The next second you can hear screams and people running around the school.
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𝐃𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞
Toge always craves your attention
He loves it when you pinch his chubby cheeks (His cheeks are just too cute 🥺💞)
You do that every time he comes home from training and missions
And he's proud that you only do that to him, not anyone else.
He would flex to his friends the next day when he meets them.
"Y/N, don't you think you're giving Toge too much of your attention?" Gojo asked.
"Of course, I had to. He's my cutie after all."
"He's too full of himself recently. Don't you guys think so?" Maki blurted out.
"Kinda, and it's getting really annoying because we don't get the same treatment too." Panda complained.
"What? So you want me to kiss you guys too?" You winked before laughing.
"Eww, no. Just do whatever will make him angry." Maki said with a disgusted face.
"Yesss! I want to see my students fighting each other for love!" Gojo activated infinity before the things you guys threw hit him.
Toge wasn't with you because Gojo sent him and Yuta out for a mission.
He's speedrunning everything just to return home to see you. And receive his daily cheek pinch.
Finally, he managed to exorcise the curse and return home safely.
"Welcome back sweetie" You greet him with the biggest smile you can form while cooking dinner for the both of you.
He's confused. You'd usually sprint to him once he comes home and pinch his cheeks before kissing him.
'Maybe because she's making dinner.' He thought.
He walked into the kitchen before snaking his arms to your waist and hugging you from behind.
"Baby, go get a shower first." Instead of looking at him, you continue cooking.
"Shake" He placed a kiss on your cheek before walking towards the bathroom.
The next day when you wake up, you still see Toge sleeping lazily beside you.
"Cutie, we're gonna be late for school." You shook him to wake him up.
"Konbu" He points at his cheeks and leans towards you.
Before he could get a response from you, you had already dashed to the bathroom to clean up.
'What's wrong with her? Is there something bothering her?' He asked himself.
The whole journey was awkward cuz no one wanted to speak.
"Maki!!!!" You jumped and hugged her. Before leaving her alone, you pulled her cheeks using as much force as you could AHAHAHAHAHAH
"Good morning~" You winked before heading towards Panda's direction. Leaving an irritated Maki and confused Toge alone.
"Good morning Pandaaaaaa" You rushed to hug Panda who is currently scrolling on his smartphone.
"Morning y/n, what's gotten you so excited about? You only hug me when you're happy." Panda hugged you back and said.
"Shhh, don't tell anyone about this." You pulled Panda's ear down and whispered to him. Of course, the fact that Toge's been eavesdropping the entire time hasn't gone unnoticed.
I swear you couldn't be scared of his angry face. The face he's making rn is clearly an annoyed expression, but you think he's super cute like this.
You skipped your way towards Yuta this time.
"Yuta~" You jumped and hugged him from behind. You almost fell because you couldn't balance right away, but he caught you instantly out of intuition.
"Morning y/n, do you need anything from me?" He tried to turn his head to look at you, but you know he isn't an owl, so he could only see half of your face.
He even tried to put you down, but you kept clinging to him for some unknown reason.
"Well, kinda. Remember you said you'll buy-"
Your sentence came to a halt when someone suddenly pulled you away from Yuta.
"Takana." "Mentaiko."
"Nononono don't kill him, please. It was all my fau-"
Once again, you were silenced by Toge. He dragged you to the nearest empty classroom available.
He placed you on a table and went to close the doors.
After that he came back, standing in front of you. Arms crossed, looking at you with a stern face.
"Babe, Yuta has nothing to do with this. So please don't do anything bad to him."
"Fine, what do you want me to do so you'll leave him alone?"
He came closer to you and unzipped his collar, exposing his marked cheeks.
"Tsunamayo" He pointed at his cheeks and said.
You pinched his cheeks with as much force as you could which made him pull away from your grasp.
"Tsuna! Tsuna!" Tears started forming at the corner of his eyes.
"I'M SORRY!! I didn't know that could hurt you!" You panicky stood up and cupped his cheeks to check.
"I'll go get some ice pack, wait for me here." You hurriedly removed your hands from him and rushed to the door.
"Okaka" He gripped your wrist to stop you.
"You sure you are-" You turned your head around, and he placed his lips onto yours without hesitation.
"This little cutie loves cutting me off, don't you?"
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𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
Sure, you and Megumi are dating. But you both agreed under one condition.
"This has to be a secret between us." That is what he requested.
"What? Why?"
"I'm still not ready to let everyone know." That is his reason.
Well, you were so excited to present your boyfriend to everyone, but things just had to go downhill for you.
That means you both don't have the opportunity to do lovey-dovey stuff in front of your friends. That sucks
Let's not talk about being intimate publicly.
He doesn't do anything to you even when you both are alone. 🤷🏻‍♀️
By doing anything, I mean holding hands, cuddling, etc
To be honest, you were EXTREMELY not satisfied
You don't even know does he love you or not.
So you decided to do something about this. >:)
"I'm going to meet Yuji later." You were watching anime on his TV in his dorm, sitting on the left side of the couch, and Megumi sitting on the right side.
"For?" He looked at you and asked.
"For fun." You stood up and walked towards the door.
"Alright, have fun." He continued watching the anime without bidding you goodbyes.
"See you later~" You opened the door and walk out.
Yuuji was waiting for you in the cafeteria with Nobara beside him.
You didn't expect Nobara to be here, she's usually not here because she had some skincare to do.
"Hii y/n! Do you want chocolate milk?" Yuuji waved at you with a mug of chocolate milk on the other hand.
"No thanks, I'll get a coffee later." You pulled out the chair and sit opposite of them.
"Y/N, you said you have something to tell us?" Nobara asked after sipping her green tea.
"Yep, we'll have dinner together. What do you want to eat? My treat."
"Steak!" Yuuji said with an excited tone.
"Tch, fine today we'll go with steak. Tomorrow I want sushi." Nobara folded her arms and said.
"It's settled then, go get ready. We'll meet each other in front of the school."
You returned to your dorm to get a nice shower. You heard the main door open while you were showering.
'It must be Megumi.'
You quickly finished your business and went to greet him.
"Hey." Surprisingly, he greeted you first this time.
"Fushiguro, you got something to do here?" He rarely visited you because there isn't any need to do so, since you're always the one going to his dorm.
"I'm here to return the book you lent me last time."
"Ohh ya, just put it in the bookshelf there." You pointed towards the bookshelf standing beside your TV.
"By the way, it's almost dinner time. Wanna go eat with Yuuji and Nobara?" You stated after you heard your stomach grumbling.
"Sure, where do you want to eat? I'll reserve a place for us." He took out his mobile phone and started browsing.
"I remembered Yuuji said he wanted to eat steak." You stood beside him to take a peek at his phone.
"How about Nobara?" He looked at you and asked.
"Yuuji requested first, so I guess we'll go with Nobara's suggestion tomorrow." You replied.
"Alright." He then made a reservation for a 4-person table.
You both meet up with Yuuji and Nobara in front of the school and started walking to the restaurant.
"Oooo you look cool today, Yuuji." You look at him with an impressed face. You're currently walking side by side with Yuuji and Megumi walking with Nobara behind.
"I know right, you picked this outfit for me!"
"Seems like you still remember. Well, do you still remember you owe me something?" You flicked his forehead and he covered it subconsciously with his hands.
"Okay okay, I'll pay you back later. You don't have to do it so roughly." He pouted.
"No, I don't need cash. Treat me something good." You said with a smirk, and he knows you're planning something bad, again.
"Fushiguro, don't you think they're getting quite close lately?" Nobara asked without looking at him, just continued walking.
But she didn't get an answer from him, so she nudged him with her elbow.
"What took away all your attention? I was talking to you just now."
"Nothing much. What did you ask?"
"I said they're getting quite close lately."
"Yea, so?"
"Do you think they have feelings for each other?"
"I don't know, stop asking me this kind of question." He accidentally raised his voice at Nobara with a frown on his face.
"Fushiguro? Are you alright?" You turned around and asked.
"I'm alright, sorry." You continued talking to Yuuji and walked away.
Poor Megumi tried to eavesdrop but couldn't because you were too far away.
He was silent the whole time. Nobara just gave up talking to him. She said he's not worth her time :)
You were so carried away by Yuuji's sweet-talk and didn't notice Megumi's abnormal silence. (He's usually silent but NOT this silent lol)
All of you went back together after eating all those delicacies.
You got a shower, put on your pajamas and went to Megumi's door.
That's your daily routine. You usually hang out with Megumi in his dorm before going back to sleep.
"What are you doing here?" He opened the door after hearing someone knocking.
"What?" You looked at him, confused.
"Shouldn't you be with Yuuji?"
"Oh, so you want me to be in Yuuji's room? Now?" You asked, trying your best to hold back your laughter. You stepped back a few steps, ready to go away.
"Wait." He held your wrist to stop you.
"Just come in, I have something to discuss with you" He released your wrist and walked back into his dorm.
"Mhmm, what do you want to talk about?" You sat down on the couch followed by Megumi.
"We... We are still together, right?" He's facing down the whole time because he's embarrassed lol
"Yes we are, why do you ask?"
"Well, I thought that you're bored with me, and you'd prefer someone who is more social than me."
"Ehhh? Of course no! I will only be with you for the rest of my life." You patted his head and gave him a smile to comfort him.
Out of nowhere, he brought you up and put you on his lap. Then he leans to your ear and whispered.
"I love you too"
© Unknown Lab on Tumblr. Do not repost or claim any works as yours.
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idvlover · 3 years
Can I request poly relationship hcs for Norton, Naib and a female s/o? 🥺
Nortnaib is one of my favorite ships no lie
Poly! Norton x Naib x F! Reader headcanons:
Naib and Norton are a very quiet couple. They keep their business to themselves so it's most likely that some people don't know they're together and other's had figured it out on their own because they can figure out body language or behavior in a match. But even then it's difficult to tell
Naib and Norton had known s/o for quite some time. I don't see them being the type to be love at first sight and it takes time for them to develop feelings for her
But boy oh boy do they bicker about who should be the one to ask out s/o
"Norton, you do it you're smoother with words."
"Naib, this shit isn't easy."
"But you're better at it."
"No. We are going to walk up to s/o together and ask her out together."
".... Fine.. You're right..."
They didn't immediately. They slowly worked their way up to that confidence by spending a lot more time with s/o than usual
S/o is a bit confused, but she is happy to spend time with her (scary) friends
I'd imagine she is aware of their relationship, which is what confused her as to why they always bring her along on dates. And no she wasn't treated like a 3rd wheel thankfully, but normally they only have dates that is just the two of them
They asked her out together in their dorm. Naib is red in the face and desperately trying to use his hood to hide himself
Norton is nervous as all hell, but kept a cool smile
S/o stood their in shock at first trying to not drop whatever object she had in her arms
They're both relieved when she accepts. She had to refrain from hugging them since they have boundaries with touching, but Norton just yanked her into a a quick hug anyway and kisses her cheek
S/o doesn't mind the quiet relationship. Some people do pick up that she is in a relationship with the two men seeing that they have become much more protective of her than usual
Which makes anyone who aren't fond of s/o for whatever reason to watch themselves around her because they don't want to deal with 6'05" Prospector and a retired mercenary who has killed for large sum of money. A duo like that is something you just shouldn't mess around with
Norton and Naib argue about who's cooking dinner. Norton wants to cook, but so does Naib. Then Naib screams for s/o who's probably in the shower or something
"I want to cook"
"No, I do"
But Naib does enjoy Norton's cooking in the end
When they're sleeping, s/o probably sleeps in the middle facing Naib while Norton spoons her
If s/o has long or long enough hair. Naib likes to braid it and stuff. S/o has gone to matches and everyone is asking her: "who did your hair!? You look gorgeous!!" And they're all shocked to hear that Naib braided her hair
Naib felt very proud of himself while Norton is staring at her all heart eye's
Norton has carried both s/o and Naib out of the match. S/o was slung over his shoulder because she got downed. Naib is being carried like a duffle bag because he wanted to save a survivor while detention is running and Norton is like: "lol absolutely not"
Norton and that survivor ended up having a huge ass argument afterwards about it. Which ended up with Naib and s/o getting between them because it looked like a while damn fight was about to break out
Naib appreciates that Norton is protective of him, but he can't go doing that
S/o, she's very confused because she was KO'd when that happened
"Wait, so what happened?"
"I was going to save at full health with detention active. But Norton grabbed me."
"He WHAT!?!?"
But Naib would do the same exact thing and he has except it was just with s/o. Norton was already running for the gate. As long as his two lovers are heading for the gate as well of course
But s/o did also try to save someone only to get yanked away. He saved the survivor, but then grabbed s/o and started sprinting
"That's my JOB"
If s/o is rescuer: "IT'S MY JOB TOO YOU MORON!"
If not: "Just trying to help, dear."
Norton does sometimes want to be alone because of his mood swings or a nasty memory decided to intrude on his thoughts. Same goes for Naib
Sometimes one spends the day alone, sometimes both of them do
S/o let's them both know when this happens that she is there for them if they need to talk. When both of them are trying to get past something at the same time leaving s/o on her own for the day they feel bad
But s/o is very understanding about it. Some people just need a bit of time alone and she knows they'll come to her if it gets too much. Naib and Norton are very thankful for someone like her to be understanding and they try to do the same for her if she has struggles of her own
The next day, they keep her in bed and cuddle her and giving her kisses as an apology from the day before. There was no getting up, she had to trick them into letting her up
Then it becomes a fun game of chase in their dorm
The chase didn't last long because Norton pulled out a magnet. Cheater.
That and how far can anyone run from a retired mercenary? Like? I'm pretty sure the man can and will win the Olympics
What's also funny about this relationship is how much Naib and Norton bicker. Not to the point it's toxic of course, but s/o could be reading a book, listening to music and they're just in the background bickering
But when s/o notices she gives them a look and they sort themselves out quickly
If they ever get out of the manor, Naib deadass already has plans with Norton of an idea of where they want love. S/o was quickly included into that plan
"Okay, so we live somewhere nice and quiet. No neighbors, our own farmland/cottage. Just the three of us."
"But where?"
"I'll figure that out when we leave the manor"
"Naib wants a domestic life is all. Same goes for me."
"But WHERE? I want that too, but where? In a different country? In any of the rural areas of the country we're currently in?"
"I'll figure it out."
He's down for anywhere if it means being FAR away from having any neighbors. Norton doesn't mind neighbors until they're a problem. He will legit fight them and Naib will be watching with popcorn
The three are always found first at the dinner table in the main dining room because Naib does not want to wait in a line
Norton doesn't really care, but will show up early. Gives him a chance to snag a survivors favorite side dish because they led the hunter to s/o in a match and attempted to sandbag her at the same time
The look on the survivors face when Norton took the whole damn thing and only shared it with the people he likes
Naib finds it funny and so does s/o
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